#Giga and Jack
satureja13 · 2 years
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Giga already started with the research for the school project and - as always when he’s at the computer - forgot the time. It’s almost noon and Jack is still sleeping! Giga wanted to scold him, but he couldn’t. Jack is the annoying little brother to him he never had asked for... (Giga is the oldest and Jack the youngest of them.)
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Giga: “Get up, ‘problem child’, you can’t afford to disappoint Ms Coombes ^^’“
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From the Beginning   ~  Underwater Love   ~  Latest
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scalproie · 6 months
I'd always had the personal belief that when Jun confronted Kaz she impressed him so hard that he stopped the animal experiments solely by her request (and kept his word to the point where he never ever resumed them, not even at gcorp!!) so T8 having him be BUCKWILD over her strength is so validating and now those comics are just hilarious because all the ex-trial animals casually milling around is literally the best and funniest potential outcome (idgaf if the comics specifically aren't canon, the *idea* is now real to me!!)
I'm adopting that belief and I even have smth from the t6 kazuya campaign to back it up somewhat
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(The way he worded this. If it was "supposed" to be shut down, it means the order to do so came from him, and not like, smth heihachi did when he took back the zaibatsu or something. So him stopping the animal experiments at jun's request after she made quite the impression on him and probably never doing those again even at gcorp, a BIOTECH firm and GENETICS RESEARCH lab, is actually pretty solid 👀)
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shiroboom · 1 year
I want a tekken spin off based on G-Corp shenanigans--
Like if Nina got a spin off, so why not?
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gingeremu · 2 years
If we don’t get giga bowser I will riot
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haneys · 1 year
everyone disregard my previous post about not being able to drink on my new meds because honestly idgaf were all gonna get a glass in uncles honor
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anarchic-miscellany · 6 months
Reading "One Piece" for the first time: Part 7 This is more like it, maybe I'm just getting old, but I like that there is more character interplay, interactions and bouncing off of each other, true conflict, not quite merely a rubber idiot roudhouse kicking a nuke into the King of Ferrets or whatever the fuck the author has this week. The Idiot, The Himbo, Meme in Progress and now The Giga Chad and the Brothers Chucklefuck are in a tiny boat looking for the Cartographer with a Brain Cell, who jacked their ship and buggered off whilst they were recruiting the Giga Chad and battling a man made of guns. Now they've arrived at basically Hawaii, which appears to be Nami's village. It's pretty enough, and being ruled over by a hench fishman and his fish man army who are extorting the place, oh and his nose gives Usopp's a run for its money. Knowing this series they'll probably actually do that... Anyway, she's betrayed them all only not really only she has only nobody in the crew seems to believe her. It's endearing, yes, that they all believe that this girl they've known for about 8 minutes would never betray them, but also: guys. Come on. Giga Chad I get: he's horny. But the rest of you? Arlong is the villain here, and I dig him, he's one of the better ones so far. I am surprised at the restraint, again, in having fish people appear but it does raise questions about genetics and the like: do they reproduce with eggs? Is it asexual? Are there fish women somewhere? Oh God.
DO NOT SHOW ME BUSTY FISH WOMEN! THIS SERIES IS HORNY ENOUGH! PLEASE GOD NO! So, they see the palace run by King Scalestorm, and Zoro's first thought is: "I mean, we can take them." Naturally the brothers chucklefuck (Johnny and, the other one) tie him to the mast. Alright, that's a funny joke, series, touche. I appreciate the sense of humour this manga has, but when it swings for the fences emotionally thus far it does seem out of place. Is the cham in the series that it goes to 11 when there are emotions involved? That is the vibe I'm getting.
Meme in Progress Usopp continues to endear himself as my joint favourite guy, by simply strolling into the village and figuring everything out: apparently the houses were all just flipped over and cast aside like they'e kids with fucking Tonka Toys throwing a tantrum. Correctly, he deduces: "Nah mate, I ain't going NEAR that." See Usopp, you and me can hang. Like, you're a person, with identifiable normal feelings, you're a justifiably ordinary guy in this universe of mavericks and people who punch God in the face on their way to buy bread and splitting the Earth open with a wave of their hand. He meets a grouchy seeming lady, and a boy she's yelling at for trying to get himself killed in the path of revenge against Arlong, and he's an endearing little scamp by standing up for the kid. Good Guy Usopp. I like you, you're one of the few characters here I'd actually just hang out with like a normal person. Arlong has corrupt cops (sorry, cops) under his payroll and basically does what he pleases. A good villain here, he's what a pirate is: and I like the whole eugenicist bully angle. What's the bet that that never comes back as the author gets bored and moves onto, oh I don't know, fucking cockroach tanks piloted by cyborgs or something. Nami is attempting to get a shed load of money to buy her village out from under his thrall. Conflict! Nice! It's a cool thing where Zoro just attempts to kill himself to test if Nami is actually evil enough to let him die, and true to form she dives in to save him, though more likely was the fact that she was attempting to stop him from murdering the water. The insanity is kept relatively tame here, which is my kind of jam: I HATE people who recommend stuf with "oh it's mental, you'll love it!" Like, no, I need contrast to the insanity, it needs to build, it needs to balance, it needs to let release tension and steam. It needs plotting and pacing and character and growth. It's why I'm never playing that fucking piece of shit "Exalted", stop recommending it to me, Tobin and Sam, fuck! Anyway. The Idiot is, thankfully, out of the way for most of this, chilling on his boat and napping, but unfortunately he has Giga Chad with him, so we have less Giga Chad this chapter. But that is fine, as we get more of the nonsense of the crew and a villain I actually like. My friend who got me into this, however, also raises a good point: if there are fish men, what is sea food? Are they eating the young of the fish people? Because I am team Arlong if that is the case. It's nice to have this character development, and some stuff for Cartographer with a Brain Cell to do, even if none of them buy her "betrayal" for an instant - but that fake stabbing of Meme in Progress was pretty cool, good job guys! And it ties into this desperation and world building in the village - people left at the mercy of criminal gangs because cops won't help, as 1. They are cops. 2. There are dudes who can tear apart the skies with a yodel, or whatever fucking bullshit super power the author has pulled out of his ass this week Good job, world and character and stuff. So anyway. The Himbo takes out a palace of dudes all by himself, and the Giga Chad kicks the ocean so hard that his boat fucking flies. THERE we go. I was starting to think you'd lost your touch, old boy. So now Johnny and the other one have legged it, and the Idiot is napping rather than fighting. I for one appreciate it, it has been a tad dull with him doing stuff. Also I think Sanji wants to fuck a mermaid, and Nami. And Nami AS a mermaid. Follow your dreams, bro. They are going to square off with fish mafia man, and try to save this village. So knowing these guys that means they will befriend the fish man and destroy the place.
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I figured to wait until the release day of Tekken 8 to start the The King of Iron Fist Tournament! Or the Tekken Tournament. I'll let you guys decide on the name but for now I will just say Tekken Preliminaries!
So who is fighting it out and who is currently in the 64 bracket? I did the same seeding I did for Mortal Kombat, where I based it off of playable appearances. The 8 mainline games and the Tekken Tag Tournament games, any other spinoff is not included.
Tekken Characters In the Bracket
10 playable appearances (all ten games!)
Nina Williams
Paul Phoenix
9 playable appearances
Heihachi Mishima
Kazuya Mishima
Lee Chaolan
Marshall Law
8 playable appearances
King II
Kuma II
Anna Williams
Lei Wulong
Bryan Fury
Eddy Gordo
Jin Kazama
Ling Xiaoyu
7 playable appearances
Julia Chang
6 playable appearances
Wang Jinrei
Steve Fox
5 playable appearances
Baek Doo San
Bruce Invin
Craig Marduk
Emilie De Rochefort
Sergei Dragunov
Asuka Kazama
Devil Jin
4 playable appearances
Armor King II
Kunimitsu I
Michelle Chang
Prototype Jack
Jun Kazama
Christie Monteiro
Alisa Bosconovitch
Lars Alexandersson
Leo Kliesen
3 playable appearances
Armor King I
Ancient Ogre
Forest Law
Tiger Jackson
True Ogre
Roger Jr.
Miguel Caballero Rojo
Robert "Bob" Richards
Tekken Characters in the Preliminaries
2 playable appearances
King I
Kuma I
Devil Kazuya
Dr. Bosconovitch
Miharu Hirano
Jinpachi Mishima
Claudio Serafino
Leroy Smith
1 playable appearance
Slim Bob
Master Raven
Josie Rizal
Katarina Alves
Kazumi Mishima
Lucky Chloe
Kunimitsu II
Lidia Sobieska
Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo
Victor Chevalier
Eliza (gonna appear in Last Chance as I forgot)
Just like last time, four groups to decide who will get the open spots. However there is a odd number so we might do a Last Chance Preliminary poll once again. The top 3 of each group will move on to the bracket. Number 4 will go to Last Chance. The rest are banished to catering forever.
The preliminaries themselves will be out soon hopefully in the next hour or so are out now. Thank you for the support and here's to another fighting game tournament.
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Also been dead for a month so tagging for visibility, however you are not obligated to. If you do, then thank you very much.
@cinderpoll @victimsofyaoipoll @elementspecificcharatourney @tournament-announcer @favoritesegacharacterbracket @clash-of-the-wizards @characterswithcolorsnamesfight @silly-name-tourney @bestadaptationtournament @best-female-villain-tournament
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arinsanity · 1 year
reposting an image i used in a reblog :)
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context: a few people said my (OLD) g0lly fanart looked like she was jacked, therefore giga g0lly was born.
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satureja13 · 2 years
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Oh no...did he finally decide to eat Ji Ho? They didn’t feed him since he left the Diner, right?
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He’s leaving! Is he now about to eat one of the neighbours because he can’t eat Ji Ho since the bond is so strong between them? And ofc he can’t eat Jack as he is currently a wolf. So is Luci really eating human flesh? Ö.ö
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Giga: “BARFOLOMEEEEEW!!!” *kicks Jack*
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Let’s hope the car is not gone! But it’s cute that Luci/Vlad made the bed before he left to eat a neighbour <3
From the Beginning    ~     Underwater Love    ~  Latest
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515limit · 1 year
jack x miranda
NOTE: this is just my opinion :) giga word doc incoming
Jack and Miranda is honestly my favorite non Shepard ship, I've always been a big fan of both of them and seeing them grow through the series is honestly one of the more interesting aspects of the game, not just for them but most of the characters on general. Jack goes from just a generally hateful person to genuinely caring individual no matter how hard she tries to act otherwise. Miranda obviously goes from being a blind follower of Cerberus for the purpose of recognition to finding her own path and purpose in life. I love seeing them interact after the fact in the Citadel dlc, where you can tell they try to keep that sense of normalcy as best they can so it's not awkward through their empty insults and banter, but i genuinely think they were happy to see they one another was alive. But still i kinda wanna break down their whole dynamic because they deserve it, and i'm bored, nothing else. I think they're an underrated ship with more evidence?? than people think. I don't like to say evidence necessarily because nuance is a thing, and i think their relationship in general was supposed to be something you read between the lines not entirely blatant.
So to start as soon as we start Jack's recruitment mission we hear about how mean and hatful she is, and get shown that as we play through it looking for her. She's clearly extremally powerful and portrayed as being kinda unhinged, not just in her actions but she tells us herself how bad of a person she is overall. However, as you spend time with her you see that's just not true, at least to the extent that she claims or is initially portrayed. She's scared, she's tortured. As a child and now as an adult in her head. She can't mentally escape Pagia, and it makes her lash out. She can't trust people, or maybe she doesn't even want to. She doesn't want to let people in. Jack is clearly a very emotional person, all of her noteworthy scenes in ME2 come from emotional outbursts. She's hurting and you can tell the most in her poetry that she writes and can read in the SB dlc. All of that is to say, Jack and Miranda don't hate each other. They hate themselves. I'll get to Miranda in a minute, but Jack and Miranda have no real reason to beef with each other initially, neither has ever done anything directly to the other, except they're famous fight after Jack's loyalty mission. The thing is Jack has a thing for just saying mean shit, she speaks before she thinks, just like when you're talking to her and trying to get to know her as a person. Jack calls Shep "Cerberus lapdog and a military stooge" even though she has no real way of knowing that. Depending on how you play Shepard that could even be the exact opposite, BUT she feels threatened. Shepard cares. At least enough to talk to her and get to know her, so she gets defensive and says the meanest things she can think of just to get a rise of of Shepard. She's not mean because she's actually a hateful person, but more as a defense mechanism to keep people away.
I'll come back to this! I wanna talk about Miranda now. Miranda desperately needs approval, it radiates off her. From the second we meet and are actually able to talk to her she's noticeably jealous of Shepard even if she denies it, you can tell she isn't happy about how much trust and importance has already been placed on Shepard over her (a loyal and dedicated Cerberus agent). and this isn't the only time either, later when you talk to her she says she doesn't get it. Why Shepard is great and she isn't. For renegade Shep she even brings up their lack of family and education, lamenting over how much better they are than her. She's has extreme self worth issues, something she can't get past to the point of bringing up how Shep is great even though they were poor and lived on the streets and whatever. She says those things and continues to talk about her dad and how she was supposed to be. Miranda doesn't see how that might upset Shepard because it's technically true, it's not meant as an insult, but just a statement. She just sees it as i was "born" better so i should have been. She's extremally tone deaf all of ME2. Just like how the illusive man, didn't know about the Cerberus facility Jack was at. That being said, i do think at that moment it was definitely something she said to upset her, because she's just being petty, but the point is her and Jack don't get along initially because they're extremally similar and they both know it.
When Jack comes abord, the first person she talks to is Miranda, she mentions that she'll go out of her way to read all of Miranda's files. For what though? They know nothing about each other, all she knows is Miranda works for Cerberus, but so does the whole damn ship. She doesn't mention anything to Jacob or anyone else ever, just Miranda directly and the general Cerberus umbrella. (or at least i don't remember if she does so if that's not true just ignore that bit i'm going off memory) Anyway when it comes to Miranda, I don't think she even hates Jack at all, just her being so disruptive, she doesn't think she belongs there. Jack was in prison and in her mind that's probably where she thought she belonged, and she wasn't gonna change her mind about it either. In her mind Cerberus didn't know about Pragia so why is it there fault. Miranda is kinda dumb to think that way but she's blindly loyal to them and taking any chance she can to defend them because it's the only place she's found that she belongs. They're both angry but honestly it's just not at each other. They're both so stuck in their heads with their beliefs because they're insecure and cling to the only things they can to cope. In ME2 they're both still the insecure scared kids they were growing up and they found each other, and i think it scared them both. Being so different, but so similar at the same time. Jack thinks Miranda is so preppy and above everyone else, but maybe she reads her files and realizes it's the opposite. That she craves recognition, that she genuinely works hard for everything she has. That Miranda understands maybe more than anyone what she went through. Neither were enough, neither could live up to the impossible expectations given to them, and both decided to break away from that to find their own way, and are still haunted by their pasts as of ME2.
By the time ME3 comes around both have grown. Like a lot. You see the real Jack, she's still abrasive, maybe more out of habit than anything but she's a caring and honestly warm person now. She's responsible and loving towards the kids she looks after and they all look up to her, she's finally found somewhere she belongs. She seems genuinely happy even with the reaper war going on, she seems like the happiest person we talk to the whole came, she's laughingly and looking forward to the future, instead of the day someone will betray her. She has such a genuinely good 180 from who she was after realizing there were good people, there are people that care, that WANT her to be around. They don't just use her and throw her off to the side afterwards.
As for Miranda she's calmed down and loosed up a lot, she sees that her own self worth is more important than anyone else's recognition and is able to find her own path for one, she decides to do good after realizing what Cerberus truly is and is actively working the whole game to deter Cerberus and turn people away from sanctuary later on.
They are both completely different people, and that's why in the citadel dlc, they're just sharing drinks and genuinely enjoying each others company. I don't think Shepard mentions them getting together for no reason, i think they were meant to find each other from the beginning. This is more speculative than anything, and i'm not taking into account Shepard romances with either, so if you disagree and think they're just friends that's okay! This is just how i interoperated them. I think they do like each other and maybe to some extent have for a while, and just refused to acknowledge it to themselves or each other. They're polar opposites at first glance, Jack is covered in tattoos, reclusive, aggressive, and rude. Whereas Miranda is "perfect", no marks or blemishes and well put together, extraverted, generally tries to act like she's polite, and wants to take leadership roles. But on the inside they're the same, both just want to find their places in the galaxy, both want desperately to belong somewhere. Jack found her place, maybe Miranda will find her place too, and maybe it's by Jack's side. Helping the biotic kids and working with the alliance. Maybe she can finally do what she thought she was doing in Cerberus and help humanity the most by rebuilding and proving her knowledge to other people.
They're both genuinely caring and loving people at heart, their war crimes aside. (sadge) I think Miranda ending up with Jack honestly makes sense considering everything, it'd even help with her wanting kids and all since she can't have any naturally. Her and Jack could happily teach the biotic kids together after all is said and done.
That's all for now, thank you for coming to my tedtalk and reading my rant if you got this far :)
I may add more later if i think of anything!
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moongothic · 6 months
I know you're not really passionate about OPLA, but. I there two actor who "rumored" Will cast as Crocodile around internet. And i wanna know your opinion about them. They are Oscar Isaac and Joe Manganiello, what do you think from your personal taste?
For the record I'm not really into IRL celebrities/actors, and don't know jack shit or who's who or what they've been in. Like had Oscar Isaac not being in Fucking Star Wars (an extremely mainstream giga franchise even a dumbass like me would be vaguely familiar with) I wouldn't even know who he is. Like Manganiello. Who the fuck is he? No fucking clue. That sure is A Guy I guess. Point is. I don't know anything about celebrities or actors, I understand rocket science better than this
And... I do feel like I just struggle trying to picture actual people in the roles of cartoon characters, like I have some kind of a disconnect there, putting the two together in my mind.
So like. I don't know. Like I'm sure either could deliver on the role just fine probably, and they could. Probably. Look the part. I guess? I think?? IDK makeup artists are straight up magicians. Like looking at some photos of the two actors, I may be more inclined to go with Oscar Isaac because I have a vaguely easier time picturing him as Crocodile (based on photos where he has black hair that's kinda slicked back), but like. That could also be just the bias of me being vaguely familiar with the actor where as I have no idea who the other guy is at all???? So??? I dunno man I don't know what to think I'm sowwy 😭
Honestly the coolest thing OPLA could do would be to cast a trans man as Crocodile but I may be delulu wishing for that (And I'm not saying that for Crocodad Propaganda or my evil Queer Agenda either, it's just that trans actors can struggle getting roles in general and so giving such an important, starring role to a queer person would be poggers as hell. Like generally speaking. And like, Crocodile doesn't have to be trans for a trans actor to be assigned for his role. But if Netflix feels like they "need" some kind of an "excuse" to cast a trans man as a character who is ~supposedly~ cis, Croc being trans being a highly popular, widespread and well-known theory on its own would be enough of an excuse for Netflix to just go for it imo)
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Alright,time to explain.
This tournament will have forty characters,first round will have 20,second will also have 20.
Third round is also twenty,fourth is 10,then we will have two polls and the losers of that pole will have a pole,the winner will go against the remaining character and well will have a three way poll.
Please suggest characters to add.
First we will go into characters and then I will clear some things up.
Current character count:41(please correct me if I counted wrong’s)
Proffessor turo/sada(real)
Professor turo/sada(AI)
Ash Ketchum
Subway boss Ingo
Oswald(fazbear frights)
Pit Bonnie
Screwdriver(fnaf security breach)
Giga Monty
Miraculous ladybug:
Rabbit noir/adrien
Sonic the hedgehog:
Silver the hedgehog(sonic 06)
Blaze the cat
The legend of Zelda:
Link(ocarina of time and oracle of ages)
Nayru(oracle of ages)
Ralph(oracle of ages)
Back to the future:
Marty McFly
The terminator
Kyle reese
Ace attorney;
Sorin sprocket
Ellen wyatt
Ghost trick:
Doctor who:
The doctor
Kim possible:
Kim possible
John Egbert
The magic treehouse:
Professor Layton:
Claire foley
Any and all propaganda is permitted and encouraged.
An example of propaganda is saying something along the lines of:”vote for x character for x reason!” Or “don’t vote for x character for x reason!”
For characters with loose canon personalities(I.e. akari/Rei,frisk,link) it’s alright to use non canon interpretations(I.e. linked universe or other fanfiction) to justify why you voted for someone.
It’s alright to offer rewards for voting as propaganda(I.e. cat photos)
The only requirement is that the character has messed with the timeline in some way,shape,or form to undo something.(and then be alive after it)(characters that are already dead defy this rule)
Clairvoyant characters don’t count.
(Also my main is @chaterbox1237 )
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satoshi-mochida · 8 months
Some games on the PSN New Year Sale. Ends February 1st.
13 Sentinels
Actraiser: Renaissance
AI: The Somnuim Files
ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos
Anima: Gate of Memories
Arcade Spirits
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
A Space for the Unbound
Assault Suit Lynos
Bayonetta and Vanquish
Buried Stars
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Coffee Talk
Coffee Talk 2
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Cris Tales
Cross Code
Cult of the Lamb
Cyber Citizen Shockman
Cyberdimension Neptunia
Danganronpa 1-2 Reload
Danganronpa V3
Death end reQuest
Death end reQuest 2
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Digimon Survive
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
DJ Max Respect
Double Dragon Gaiden
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Dragon Ball Xenoverse/Xenoverse 2 Bundle
Dusk Diver
Earth Defense Force 5
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire
Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition
Final Fantasy XV: Comrades
Freedom Planet
Ghost n Goblins Resurection
Ghost Trick
Giga Wrecker Alt.
Ginga Force
Goat Simulator
Goat Simulator 3
God Eater Resurection
God Eater 3
Gravity Rush Remastered
Grim Fandango Remastered
Gungrave G.O.R.E.
Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Horizon: Zero Dawn
I Am Setsuna
In Nightmare
Jak and Daxter
Jak II
Jak 3
Jak x: Combat Racing
Kaze and the Wild Masks
Kerbal Space Program
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Labyrinth of Zangetsu
Laika: Aged Through Blood
Legend of Mana
Light Fairytale Episode 1
Light Fairytale Episode 2
Like a Dragon: Ishin
Little Nightmares
Little Nightmares 2
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of TIme
Lock's Quest
Lost in Random
Lost Judgment
Made in Abyss; Binary Star Falling Into Darkness
Maglam Lord
Mary Skelter Finale
Metal Gear Solid 5
Metal Max Zeno Reborn
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Monster Hunter Rise
Mr. Driller DrillLand
My Aunt is a Witch
My Hero: One's Justice
Several Naruto games
Neverending Nightmares
Ni no Kuni 2
Omega Quintet
Several One Piece games
Our World is Ended.
Persona 4 Ultimax
Persona 5 Royal
Potion Permit
Praey for the Gods
Pumpkin Jack
Raging Loop
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- The Prophecy of the Throne
Several Resident Evil games
River City: Rival Showdown
Romancing SaGa 2
Romancing SaGa 3
Root Film
Root Letter
SaGa Fronter Remastered
SaGa Scarlet Grace
Sakura Wars(PS4)
Samurai Shodown
Scribblenauts Mega Pack
Secret of Mana
Sega Gensis Classics
Skul: The Hero Slayer
Slender: The Arrival
Song of Memories
Sonic Frontiers
Sonic Superstars
Steins; Gate
Steins; Gate 0
Steins; Gate: My Darling's Embrace
Super Bobmerman R
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD
Super Night Riders
Sword of the Vagrant
Taiko no Tetsujin: Drum Session
Tales of Zestiria
Tembo the Badass Elephant
The Evil Within
Several King of Fighters games
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 2
Various Daylife
When the Past was Around
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Yakuza 5 Remastered
Zanki Zero
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kawaiisimp · 2 years
I'm super bored in class rn so here are the contact names of the twst boys from my MC's (Baby's) phone. Some of them will have more than one.
Riddle- Wittle Tyrant
Trey- Little Debbie; Daddy (was set on a dare and forgot about until he saw it, preceded to freak out and switch it back)
Cater- Cay-Cay 😝😝😝😝 (He put that in himself and keeps changing back everytime it gets changed)
Ace- ❤Actual dumb ass❤
Deuce- 💙Actual dumb ass💙
Leona- Kitty; RAWR XD 😸 (cycles through these to annoy him)
Ruggie- THEIF; Kitty's lacky; Cutie! 🍊
Jack- WOOF! WOOF!; Tuff Puppy
Azul- Octobitch; Octoloser; Octodork (cried over all of these names, but refused to pick a new for himself. Finally allowed Baby to put a heart next to the last one to show she wasn't being mean...she was for the first one); Octodork 💙
Jade- Eek!; SHROOMY 🍄
Floyd- Eek! Part two the electric Boogaloo; Teef and Squeeze! ❤️‍🩹
Jamil- Busy! 🐝; Get ✨therapy✨; curry friend! (They had some trouble after his over blot, but then he made her curry!)
Kalim- PRECIOUS BOIII <3; 💛Sunshine💛
Vil- Drama queen; ✨️PRETTIEST BOI✨️
Rook- stalker; Chess piece🖕🥰🖕
Idia- Blue! 🔥; Discord mod 🤢🤮; WEEB 🥰
Malleus- Hornton; Horny 😈 (never learned about this name); Dragon RAWR!!! (He did not like this name and thought Baby was now scared of him so he sulked about it until Lilia told her about why he was sad and avoiding her.); Lizard boi! 💚💚💚🥰 (was much more pleased with this one!)
Lilia- wittle fae; DILF (Lilia nearly cried laughing when he read this, Baby nearly fainted); 🦇Draculara🦇
Silver- Sleepy 😴; Sleepy knight! 😴 🥰
Sebek- WHY ARE YOU YELLING?; Malleus simp; human w/ green hair (absolutely hated this name and threw a fit for Baby to change it; when she refused he took her phone. Lilia managed to take it back from him and changed it to something worse. More yelling insued.); Knight! Green addition💚
Crewel- Mr. Crewel; Prof. Puppy!; Dad! 😁 (Jokingly assigned a family member to each of the teachers, did it front of them and everyone thought it was kinda funny until Baby made Crowley whine, was switched back to Prof. Puppy!)
Trien- Mr. Trien; Cat Dad!; Peepaw (was surprisingly happy about this, it was changed back to cat dad after Crowley's out burst.)
Vargus- Coach Vargus; Manly™; Giga-Chad Uncle (dropped the uncle part, still is Giga-Chad)
Sam- Mr. S; Voo-Doo Dude; Cool uncle (fuck you Crowley, if you weren't a baby he could still be cool uncle, he's Voo-Doo Dude now)
Crowley- IM A BIRD CAW CAW; ✨useless✨; Drunk bbq Uncle (this is what he threw a bitch fit over, it then came out what his name was before and he got even more pouty, the others were trying not to laugh, it got changed to bird man, baby later replaced the man with brain, it's still like that)
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ricecakerybakery · 8 months
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✮⋆˙🎧ᝰ.ᐟ NAME: Mina! :3
✮⋆˙🎧ᝰ.ᐟ AGE: Nuh uh (minor)
✮⋆˙🎧ᝰ.ᐟ GENDER/SEXUALITY: agender/bi aroace
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⋆。𖦹°‧★: I usually draw my ocs/characters from fandoms
⋆。𖦹°‧★ HOBBIES: I also write (sometimes) ! ^^, I like reading, and gaming ⋆。𖦹°‧★ FANDOMS: Project Sekai, Persona 5, Genshin Impact, Creepypasta, VOCALOID, Madoka Magica, Soul Eater, Regretevator, Phighting, Honkai Star Rail, Gravity Falls, South Park, Eddsworld, BATIM, Cuphead, MLP, etc.
⋆。𖦹°‧★ FAV CHARACTERS: my pookie smchookie sookie ocs, eyeless Jack, Teto Kasane, Crona, Stein, Death the Kid, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Arataki Itto, Chongyun, Layla, Futaba Sakura, Homura, Kanade Yoisaki, Ena Shinonome
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𖤐ᝰ.ᐟ𖦹₊⊹ FAVORITE MUSIC ARTISTS: Mitski, Pinkshift, Destroy Boys, Ghost, weezer (☠️) , Arctic Monkeys, Chase Atlantic, More More Jump, NightCord at 25:00, GIGA, Ado, etc
𖤐ᝰ.ᐟ𖦹₊⊹ EXTRAS: I go by any pronouns! Preferably She/They, I am AUDHD ^^, I like cats and I collect pens, a lot of pens.
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