#Give Aeon A Miraculous
keepofkandrakar · 1 year
am i the only one who lowkey ships zoe x jess? like now that we know they were besties in ny and they are both queer af (no confirmation needed) you can’t tell me they weren’t the adrinette of nyc — pining, in denial, def awkward but somehow can perform basic friendship functions — while aeon’s just third wheeling and facepalming at their tomfoolery like “pls get together”
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intromortal · 6 months
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sacrifice (eat me up)
vampire prince!p.sh x f!reader wc: 946
cw: smut, blood, sacrifices, main character death, some gore, hoonie is vampire royalty and huh... cannibalism?
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"My love", Sunghoon whispers against your temple as he keeps thrusting inside you with your knees spread open on his and his chest to your back, seated right on the altar you're supposed to get bitten and feasted on the following day. That same altar used to worship your malevolent deities was being repurposed as it now was you Sunghoon was worshipping. "Do not worry that pretty little head of yours, I will take care of this".
His brothers had warned him that falling in love so deeply with a mortal was a grave mistake. But he couldn't help how his heart swelled and his head felt lighter every time he saw you outside his royal palace, on his strolls down to the town. He knew in the end nothing good could come out of this, but he also didn't expect you to be chosen among the humans the princes had to sacrifice every year to the gods of the undead, to keep them from unleashing their wrath on the already weak and thinning population they were tasked to protect all those centuries ago.
It's not like he could do anything to change your fate, the gods chose the subjects themselves and any harm brought to them would cause a catastrophe of unseen magnitude.
Once selected the thirteen unlucky humans would be taken to the palace, held away from everyone else, with enough commodities to pretend they were somewhat free but also with no freedom at all, until the day of the ritual where the princes had to inject them with their powerful venom and leave them on the altar they had built as an offering for the deities to descend and feast on. Other than the intoxicating feeling of savouring flesh infused with powerful vampire royalty blood probably induced, Sunghoon truly could not understand what this ritual accomplished anyway.
He kept thinking about how the deities were toying with them all, princes and population alike, as he let his hand travel down your body to your cunt, starting to toy with your bundle of nerves, eliciting sweet sounds of pleasure and desperation from you.
He thought about how you must be so scared, even with the brave face you put up in front of everyone, even when you sweetly asked him to make you his one more time before the ritual after he snuck you out of the chambers you were being kept in. You were probably thinking about all the rumours that spread like wildfire among the peasants: how there had to be reasons to leaving such a bloody mess after every session the gods required, entire chunks of flesh still hanging from the corpses, sometimes leaving one martyr miraculously but barely alive, entire limbs and organs missing, indicating that they were alive while being eaten.
He thought they probably drew more pleasure from inflicting this psychological pain on the princes and the landsmen than anything. Not that Sunghoon was particularly affected by this: his brothers cared a lot more, sweet Jay and Sunoo in particular, the most devoted to their mission among all of them.
He keeps thinking and thinking and thinking as he fucks you towards your orgasm, small tears trailing down his cheeks at the devastating feeling of having to give you up.
"Hoonie", you sob out as you come around him, leaning your head against his shoulder as tears and other broken sobs start to spill out of you. Sunghoon suspects he might be crazy as he feels his heart hurt, even though he knows it stopped beating aeons ago. It's then that he makes up his mind.
He lowers his head, starting to trail kisses down your neck as you sigh fondly, head still cloudy from your high. "My dearest, I will love you until the end of times with my entire being, but think it's time to go", he whispers against your skin before revealing his sharp canines and biting down without waiting for your response, your sweet taste invading his senses. You uselessly struggle against him, so he sneaks his arms around your body, securing them against your middle and pinning you closer to his chest as he keeps feeding off of you. His mouth is so full of your blood, and he doesn't think he could stop even if he wanted to, so he keeps gurgling down whatever your body manages to give him.
You're barely conscious as he starts ripping away the flesh from the junction of your neck and shoulders, savouring and relishing in your flavour as he questions how he could have ever lived without this bliss all his life. He spins you around as he keeps gnawing at any inch of skin he can manage before your body goes cold. His mind is far gone at that point, intoxicated by you at the point of no return, and even if he knows he just sentenced an entire population to eradication he can't bring himself to care. Why would he want anyone to live after losing you? He thinks if you don't get to live then no one else should. His lovely angel. So he laughs. He laughs so hard and so loud and maniacally as he holds whatever's left of you close, bloody chunks of flesh all over his clothes and his eyes blown out with lust still as his brothers barge in the room, horrified looks dawning on their faces when they take in the gruesome scene in front of their eyes.
Sunghoon feels his throat flood with bile as his crazed laughs turn into painful sobs, his whole being shaking as he slowly sobers up. "Don't worry my love, I will be seeing you soon", he whispers against your mutilated corpse. "We all will".
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a/n: idk y'all i was feeling a little quirky
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everybodyshusband · 1 month
per aspera ad inferi ; chapter five
[aka: the university ghouls fic]
aeon, aeon/rain (kind of)
explicit | other | 3.7k words (15.6k in total) | alternate universe (university), masturbation, fantasies, pining, aeon is so down bad
this chapter would not have happened without @divine-misfortune giving me an entire fucking outline to follow so thank you thank you thank you void sdfjnksdf also: @ghoultrifle and @arkeusruin tags, come get your uni ghouls !!!
snippet and ao3 link under the cut !!
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Aeon returns from the scavenger hunt exhausted. Simply pushing the door to his dorm open and lifting his aching leg to step over the threshold feels like a monumental task. He bypasses everything, leaving his shoes and backpack on as he faceplants onto his bed, huffing out a sigh of relief as he gives his feet and back some respite.
From somewhere in the room—presumably his desk or his bed—Dewdrop chuckles at him. “You tired?”
Aeon groans, the sound muffled by his bedspread.
Dewdrop snorts. “I’ll take that as a yes, then.”
“My entire body hurts,” Aeon complains, wondering faintly if Dewdrop can even hear anything he’s saying through the fluff of his pillow.
“Ah, the wonders of the first year scavenger hunt,” Dewdrop reminisces. “I don’t miss that shit at all.”
Aeon grabs his other pillow and throws it in the direction of Dewdrop’s voice, so far beyond tired and sore that he doesn’t care if it’s impolite. “Stop taunting me, I’m dying.”
“Aw, kid, it’s alright,” Dewdrop soothes, and Aeon startles when he feels his roommate’s hand rest gently on his shoulder. The pillow he threw at him gets placed next to his head and Aeon rolls over to see Dewdrop staring down at him with an expression full of pity, but that doesn’t stop Aeon from noticing the small smile quirking at the corner of Dewdrop’s lips as he fully takes in Aeon’s predicament.
“I’m one year younger than you, asshat,” he groans, sitting up to sling the backpack off of his shoulders and drop it on the ground. “I’m not a kid.”
Dewdrop suppresses a laugh, which Aeon quickly discovers is a preemptive one in preparation for a truly terrible joke that his roommate is about to impart onto him. “Feisty little baby child,” he patronises, patting Aeon on the head and pouting as he makes eye contact. Aeon glowers at him, but any malice behind the expression is tainted by his own suppressed laugh.
Is this what Rain meant when they said Dewdrop was capable of being a menace? Whether they were referring to this side of his roommate or not, Aeon can’t deny that he likes it. He knows the two of them have really only just met, but he wouldn’t have guessed that Dewdrop’s sense of humour would be like this at all. He’s fun.
They both bite back another round of chuckles as both their stomachs rumble, but Aeon’s laughter quickly fades out as he remembers that he has to move to get up and go to dinner.
Dewdrop, miraculously seeming to know exactly what Aeon is thinking, pipes up with an offer. “Do you want me to go down and bring you up some dinner?”
Aeon sighs, immediately tempted. He’s silent for a moment, weighing the benefit of not having to move versus the cost of putting the responsibility of his dinner on Dewdrop. He groans and stretches as he stands. “No, I s’pose I should head down. Thank you though.” He smiles appreciatively at his roommate and heads towards the door, opening it for him. “We can head down together though, if you want?”
[read the rest on ao3 !!]
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pens-ml-polls · 2 months
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freyjawriter24 · 1 year
AO3 is down, so I'll have to post this there later and backdate it, but...
Today's 10th July, which means there's only 18 days left until Season 2 of Good Omens!
To commemorate this momentus point in the @gomenseveryday countdown, please enjoy the little fic below the cut...
August 2008: 11 years until Armageddon
Aziraphale was trying desperately not to think about it too much. He was failing, of course. But really, how could he be expected to just forget? This was, quite literally, the end of the world. And even if it was still eleven years away, well, that really wasn't long at all, if you thought about it. Which, despite his best efforts, Aziraphale certainly was.
He'd tried putting on some music to distract himself, but that had failed dismally, too. What a Wonderful World, Louis sang, and the angel couldn't help but picture it as a mourning song, covering everything Aziraphale would be heartbroken to lose when the war destroyed it all.
He'd quickly changed the record, but for some reason the next, usually upbeat track suddenly sounded sinister.
Everyday it's a-gettin' closer,
Goin' faster than a roller coaster...
Oh dear. Eleven years really wasn't much at all, was it? He wished Crowley were here. Why had he only agreed to meet with him the following morning? That was hours away. And in the meantime, he had to sit with memories of destruction and the echo of Buddy's words circling around in his head.
Everyday it's a-gettin' closer...
August 2009: 10 years until the Apocalypse
A decade left, now. Only a decade. Crowley had slept through more than one of those by accident, and now it was all the time they had remaining until either the Earth was annihilated or they, impossibly, miraculously, succeeded. Ten years.
You wouldn't think it, looking at him. Warlock Dowling, the Antichrist. It didn't feel real, watching the rise and fall of his chest as he slept. He was still so small. One year old, and so much potential held within him. He looked like any other human child.
Still, ten years. Just a drop in the ocean in Crowley's lifetime, but for a human – a human child in particular – that was aeons. They had time. Time to guide him, time to encourage him, time to carefully balance the good and bad impulses in him so that Hell would fail and Heaven would be denied their war. They could do this. They still had time.
August 2010: 9 years until the End of the World
"It's admirable, really," Michael mused, only half sincere.
"Naïve, is what it is," Gabriel grumbled. "And now we're getting yearly check-ins, as if anything at all is going to change."
Michael nodded sympathetically, and shuffled some paperwork on her desk. She wouldn't have minded Aziraphale's visits really – it often made for an entertaining change of pace, watching him attempt to make his busywork sound important – except that they always seemed to leave Gabriel in a bad mood.
"Well, at least you've got less than a decade left of that to go."
"Yes!" Gabriel said, brightening. "Only nine years left, and then war. What a delightful thought."
Michael smiled. "Glorious indeed."
August 2011: 8 years until the End Times
"I don't get it," Beelzebub muttered.
"He always did like going above and beyond," Dagon reasoned.
"Yeah, but yearly check-ins? It's just pointless. We know the child is going to be evil, he's the Antichrist, for Satan's sake. We don't need constant updates just to state the obvious. Certainly not every year."
Dagon shrugged. "I think he just likes showing off. Fair enough, really. He's been doing some outstanding work up there. It's only demonic that he come and gloat." The Lord of the Files rifled through a damp-looking cabinet, and pulled out a mouldy-looking folder. "Have you seen what he did with the global economy the other year? I'm thinking of sending him another commendation for that."
Beelzebub hadn't, but didn't want to let on in case Dagon launched into an explanation. "Why doesn't he come and give us presentations on that, then, rather than some snivelling child?"
Dagon raised an eyebrow. "Because you'd hate that too, and understand it even less. He's not stupid. Don't you remember the M25?"
Beelzebub groaned. "Okay, yeah, fair enough." There was silence for a moment, broken only by the steady drip of yet another broken pipe. Then: "Do you trust him, though?"
Dagon snorted. "No. Of course not."
"Good. Just checking."
"Like I said, he's doing it for his own benefit, not ours. Self-obsessed little prick, prancing his pet project in front of us every year. But at least it's only for another handful."
"Mmm. Suppose so."
Beelzebub looked gloomily into a corner, lost in thought.
Dagon sighed and slammed the filing cabinet shut. "Want to go torture someone for a bit?"
"Fuck yes. I thought you'd never ask."
August 2012: 7 years until the Destruction of Earth.
Everyone was so happy this year. London was buzzing with the energy of it all, the weather seemed determined to echo the mood, and Warlock was picking up on the collective indulgence in the simple joy of living.
You wouldn't think there was only seven years left of all this.
They took him to the Olympic Stadium, and the O2, and the Velodrome, even though he was probably still too young to understand all the rules and nuances of the sports they were watching. He loved clapping and cheering, though, and would do so regardless of who won, calling out with pride when Kenya got gold, when France did, when China did.
Thaddeus was getting more and more red in the face with each passing win for another country, but Nanny Ashtoreth's sharp gaze stopped him from doing anything about it. She'd had the forethought to warn him in advance that there would be no stifling of Warlock's joy this summer, as he was far too young to be trying to understand the nuances of the geopolitical landscape his father occupied.
Harriet sat fairly quietly the whole time, trying not to look bored, and clapping politely whenever either the USA or UK did well.
When it came to his birthday towards the end of the month, Warlock's parents got him a bike. A simple gesture, but one surprisingly aware of their son's interests.
Nanny carefully fitted a pair of stabilisers to it, and Brother Francis gifted Warlock a set of knee pads and elbow pads, alongside a helmet printed with an illustration of grass and ladybirds.
Warlock learned quickly, and took great joy in shouting out garbled imitations of Olympic commentary as he cycled around the garden.
"And Warlock Dowling cwruches his enemies under his heel, shooting stwaight into first place and winning five hundred gold medals for Team GB. And, uh, America."
Nanny watched with pride, and ignored the flutter of nerves that whispered that she might be doing a better job at influencing the child than her counterpart, and all that would mean.
August 2013: 6 years until the start of the Second Angelic War
Brother Francis tried not to think too hard about it all while he neatened up the flowerbeds for the garden party that afternoon. Warlock was turning five, and miraculously the weather had speckled the garden with enough rain overnight to keep everything looking green and vibrant without threatening any ruination to the outdoor celebration that was to come.
Five years old. Six years left.
He tried not to think about flaming swords and burning wings. Tried not to consider what might become of this garden in a few short years if they failed. Tried not to imagine what would happen to the Antichrist himself if he accepted all his inborn power.
"Brovver Francis!" came a high-pitched call, and the gardener turned to see Warlock – still tiny, really, barely more than a toddler – running across the grass towards him, Nanny following protectively just behind.
"Hello young Master Warlock. And happiest of birthdays to you! How old are you now?"
"Four," Warlock said, a little uncertainly.
"Ah, you were four, weren't you my little Prince of Darkness," Nanny said, crouching down. "But today is your birthday, and that means you get to add one year to your age! So how old are you now?"
"Five!" Warlock said brightly.
"Yes, you clever little cherub!" Brother Francis beamed.
Cherub? Nanny mouthed over Warlock's head.
Francis raised his eyebrows and shrugged slightly. Ashtoreth rolled her eyes.
"Almost halfway to conquering the world, aren't you, my little charcoal dove?"
The gardener gave Nanny a look then, too, but she just smiled, a touch wickedly.
"Come on then, Warlock, let's let Brother Francis finish his work so everything's ready for your party."
"Okay Nanny! Bye Brovver Francis!"
"Goodbye, Warlock!"
Only six years left.
August 2014: 5 years until the End of Humanity
Warlock was turning six this year. He was very excited.
Six was bigger than five, and four, and three, and two, and one. It was much bigger than zero. Not quite as big as seven, true, but six was a very good number. It did lots of clever things with factors and division, which Warlock liked, and it had a special sort of meaning when three of them were next to each other, which Nanny liked. And three was half of six, too, so even better. Warlock liked maths a lot.
Six was also over halfway to eleven, which Nanny said was going to be important. That was when he'd come into his powers and rule the world. Mummy said it was when he'd go to big school, too, so maybe that was what Nanny meant. But either way, he was over halfway there now. Six was a very good number.
August 2015: 4 years until the Events of Revelations Come to Pass
Warlock had been looking forward to his birthday, as usual, until he'd learnt from his father that seven-year-olds don't have nannies, they have tutors, and that meant Ashtoreth would be leaving him soon. The child was heartbroken, and even Nanny couldn't console him for several days.
He seemed to cheer up a bit, though, when he met the first of his two new tutors – Mr Harrison, it appeared to Thaddeus and Harriet, was exactly the sort of no-nonsense teacher that little Warlock needed to get over his childish attachment to his Nanny. Warlock looked up at his new tutor in awe, and chose not to suggest otherwise to his parents.
The changeover day was to be his birthday, when neither Nanny nor tutors would be required, and it thus marked a turning point in young Warlock's life. But he knew he would be safe. Growing up wasn't all that scary when you had trusted people there to protect you. And, as it turned out, Mr Cortese looked rather familiar too. Maybe the future was going to be okay after all.
August 2016: 3 years until the End of Days
"Maths! Why did it have to be maths?"
"I don't know. I can't imagine where he gets it from."
"Makes no sense at all."
Warlock was thriving in his lessons, but that was the one thing Mr Harrison really couldn't get over. Maths.
"I mean, if it had been anything else..."
"Well, perhaps it's our fault. We really should have learnt enough by now to keep up with him on it."
"Yes, but..." Mr Harrison spluttered for a moment, unable to articulate his thoughts. "It's maths."
"Point taken."
The only maths Mr Harrison was capable of doing at the moment was subtraction. Specifically, counting down from eleven. And he was getting shockingly close to zero now...
August 2017: 2 years until the Day of Reckoning
Mr Cortese was getting rather into this teaching lark. He hadn't done much of it for centuries, but the knack hadn't left him, and he was rather enjoying things. Pity about the maths, but he was less distraught about that than his counterpart.
He just had to remember that this wasn't forever. It was a temporary measure, designed to prevent the end of the human race and all life on earth.
He didn't like reminding himself of that. But needs must. He shouldn't lose sight of the goal.
Not that Buddy was letting him forget any time soon.
August 2018: 1 year until Judgement Day
The tutors both got Warlock's birthday off, and so Crowley and Aziraphale were holed up in the bookshop, celebrating dismally the one-year-left anniversary.
"It will be fine, won't it?"
"We've done all we can."
"Not quite yet. Still a year left."
"Yes. A year."
They sat in silence for a long while. Well, the outside world was silent – Aziraphale could still hear the echoes of an earworm he'd had for the last decade, insistent and unrelenting. He began to tap his foot absentmindedly.
"What's that you've got there, angel?" Crowley asked after a few moments.
"What's in your head? You're tapping."
"Oh. Yes." He sighed. "Buddy Holly."
"...Buddy Holly?"
The angel sighed again, then got up and put the offending record on. The upbeat music filled the bookshop, and the demon winced.
"Ah. Buddy Holly."
Everyday it's a-gettin' closer...
August 2019: Adam Young's 11th Birthday
Adam opened his eyes. Yes. Today was the day. Eleven years old. He he grinned up at the ceiling, then scrambled out of bed, still grinning, and headed downstairs.
Today was going to be a brilliant day.
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
Can you make a drabble of Kiikaa (if you want to)
[Kiikaa's bio, Thunderbird of Electricity]
Kiikaa watched her holder with pure fascination.
Aeon was unaware of her observer, sitting down at her desk to work on her homework. The girl only glanced at the paper once, before sitting up and staring off. Kiikaa could sense the energy flowing through her, much like it did with born humans, yet much more potent within Aeon. Kiikaa knew what she was doing, drawing on her recorded memories of her classes to answer the questions she had been given. Her arm smoothly slid forward, beginning to write on the paper without looking down. Each letter was beautifully printed out, flowing with perfect smoothness. Within a just a few minutes she had successfully answered the questions, no doubt writing down the answers word for word from what she had been taught.
Then once she was finished she pulled out a second copy of the same assignment, now leaning forward to look down at the papers as she laid them next to each other as she carefully read over what she had written, pencil carefully placed on the blank sheet before she began writing once more.
Kiikaa zipped down from the shelf she had been resting on, landing on Aeon's shoulder-- which resulted in no response from her holder, something she was used too. The Thunderbird ruffled her feathers, watching the new answers Aeon was writing, her pinpoint precision not being used to create the perfect writing she had used on the first paper, but rather she was now carefully making sure that there was a waver in her handwriting, sometimes letting the writing slope slightly, or keeping the spacing from being perfectly even. The wording was now much more casual, or even missing sections of the information she had originally put down.
With a frown Kiikaa flapped her wings, stirring up the air, sending the first paper sliding across the desk. Instantly Aeon paused, systematically looking around the room. At the closed window, the silent heater vent, and at the shut door-- none of which could have made the breeze.
"Where are you, Kiikaa?" Aeon asked, and the kwami hopped down from her shoulder, landing on the desk, tugging the pencil out of her hand. Aeon's gaze immediately focused right on where she was now sitting, though Kiikaa knew that all she saw was a floating pencil. Aeon smiled, pulling out a cell phone, placing it in front of the pencil. Kiikaa let the pencil fall, turning her focus to the device, going to open a blank message.
[Why did you undersell your abilities?] Kiikaa typed out, while Aeon leaned forward to read it.
"Many of my skills combined would outmatch what an average human would be able to preform," Aeon replied. "I do it to both protect the knowledge of what I am, and to make it so the teachers do not believe I am cheating."
[How is it cheating if it is something you can naturally do?]
"It is not natural," Aeon replied. "All I am able to do is rendered by the current android body Mother made for me."
"Unnatural my wing," Kiikaa muttered, even if her holder could hear her. [Human mothers can make born-human bodies too and that's not considered cheating.]
Aeon smiled in amusement. "I was created, my body is not naturally born."
Kiikaa was typing furiously. [My Miraculous was created to give me a physical form. All kwamis were, yet no title of "unnatural" or "robot" has been given to us. Why is it that way for you?]
Aeon leaned back as she read this, saying nothing for a moment. She reached out with a hand, uncertainly moving it near the phone, searching. As it came across Kiikaa she pushed against her holder's palm, hoping that she could register the pressure and know where she was. Aeon's palm came to rest of top of Kiikaa's head, and she could feel the Electricity pulsing through her.
Human's physical forms were made from the materials of the earth. Their minds operated in electrical pulses. They felt, they thought, they lived-- all just like Aeon. It was the same, and yet her holder insisted there was a divide, one she could not understand.
Finally Aeon let out a sigh-- breathing out air that wasn't naturally needed for her to survive. Yes that was different than other humans... but kwamis didn't need to breathe either, and never had she had a holder doubt she was a living being because of that. Sure humans were surprised went they first met her, but they always adjusted-- so why could it not be the same for this holder of hers?
"This is a human world, Kiikaa," Aeon finally said, reaching up to touch the Miraculous clipped to her hair. "And if I want to live it in, I must adapt to their way of life, not the other way around. Some of my skills... is beyond what many would accept. But that is okay, I am happy like this, you don't need to worry."
A frown tugged at Kiikaa's beak, because those words weren't unfamiliar. She looked up at Aeon, because she understood that feeling, needing to adapt to a human world. To limit one's potential in order to live among another species. Kiikaa pushed the phone away, floating up to press up again Aeon. She made sure to brush her wings against her hair to let the android know where she was.
As far as Kiikaa was concerned, Aeon was human. She looked human, she acted human, she was raised as one. The circumstances of her birth was different, it gave her potential others might not reach, but that provided no reason for this division they found themselves in.
Human all the same, yet Kiikaa found she understood this holder like no other.
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teawinx · 4 months
What would have been the plot of the new York special if the United heroes didn't exist and no one had power except if they had a miraculous how would it go?
Good question!
The basic bare bones plot was Adrien going to New York for a big fashion event. He stays in the hotel ran by Jess and Aeon's mothers, where he meets them
The story would then be about Adrien becoming friends with them, tied in with a mystery about people going missing near the sewers
A fun romp that gives Adrien some time to shine alone, along with two new friends
There is a Guardian in NY, and she gives the new girls their own Miraculous to help Chat Noir save the day
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grislyintentions · 5 months
||I feel like I know the answer to this but has there ever been a case where Yaoshi absolutely hates/despises anything/anyone enough to want them to suffer?
Also, does Yaoshi have favorites- favor them enough to give them their blessings and endless love? kek or are they accepting of everything/everyone?
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Meme || Accepting || @shining-gem34
Yaoshi is in fact for the streets/j uNLESS
Let's put it this way: In comparison to the vastness of the universe and the miraculous feats of Aeons, how insignificant, limited and tiny we must seem. Given that perspective, why would anyone matter enough to any Aeon to warrant hate?
A god can neither love nor hate you in ways that humans can comprehend. And that is why so many people yearn in some way to be that exception. To be special and chosen. Yaoshi does not experience or comprehend love the way people can but they comprehend that humanity desires to be wanted.
And they are VERY good at feeding into that.
Yaoshi mirrors what people most want to see/feel. The more someone "loves" them, the more they seem to "love" them back. The more someone "hates" them, the more they express sorrow and sympathy to feed them the emotional desire to feel powerful/in control/they matter/loved regardless.
That is why any attachment to Yaoshi is a trauma bond (codependent relationship between the abuser and the abused). And why I liken Yaoshi to themes of parasitism.
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baenyth · 2 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episodes 4-25 and 4-26: The Risk and Strikeback Two-Parter
Alright, we are finally back. Also is this really a two-parter? Why haven't I heard anyone talk about Risk, anyways?
Oh, and one more thing: I've been calling these reviews but really they're just my live reactions as I watch the series. But 'Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews' rolls off the tongue far better than 'Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Live Reactions.'
Wait, was Luka always in the title sequence?
I mean, it'd be good for Chat Noir to know as a failsafe.
Wait, does Rena Furtive know?
So fun fact, that "Adrien No" scene from a future episode blew up on Twitter and I saw it get reposted to two of the Discords I'm in. In one of them they called Gabriel Agreste G-Man and that fucked me up. Just call him Poopmoth or Hawkmoth or something.
Weird ahh looking teeth
Wait, is Froggy's dad Tom Kenny or am I just hearing things?
No wait, that's the same VA as Poopmoth.
Holy crap! AOE attack! There's potential for that Wild West akuma idea I had!
Bro sees his father so little that even breakfast with him is a rare commodity
Has this kid been up all night? I guess he has been taking risks...
Damn Adrien's sick of everyone's shit now
Wait, is Gabriel affected by Risk as well?
And it's the three girls I think genuinely adore and believe Lila.
Lila you bitch. Just let Marinette announce her love to Adrien. You're going to get aeons of time to spend with her anyways.
Oh right. Chloe's teaming up with Lila.
Both sides have a point, but really? Alya, you helped Marinette steal Adrien's phone just to delete an embarrassing message.
Is it just me or does this episode feel weirdly hard to watch?
"Oh Nathalie, I threw up at school because of dad's shitty-ass pancakes." "Get out my damn room!" "You've always been a whiny little bitch."
But it seems like Felix is actually starting to help Adrien now. Good!
The safe crackerr
Good. Now that you have Poopmoth's Miraculi, take them to the cops as evidence that Gabriel Agreste is Poopmoth.
Oh right. Nathalie has her walker things.
Knights don't typically convince dragons in these kinds of stories. At most they stand around idly and evade all the dragon's attacks until the dragon gets tired and gives in.
I'm tired of the word "Risk" at this point. This is too on-the-nose for themes. At least Simpleman was fun.
Oh god Kagami's character is getting poisoned already
Oh god Risk is just Simpleman but worse the IQ poisoning is real
Wait, Lila isn't disguising herself around her other mother? Or did she fake her death around the first mother?
Oh. They were fakes. Back to the "Yoink Gabriel Agreste" plan.
This has been hell so far to watch. Stop saying the word of the day without everyone screaming after it. On to part 2.
Well, Alya knows now. And Luka.
That fucking LEITMOTIF!!!
Wait, this is just reused from last episode!
Shouldn't Ladybug realize that kid has green skin?
And didn't anyone realize the frog marks on the backs of their necks?
Reused footage
Oh. Is Strikeback a Pokemon?
Nino's got a loose tongue. Noted.
Oh. The sky's red now.
Well, the shitshow's over, now for Felix to ruin everything.
The traitor. Is he really sorry?
Oh god she's genuinely freaking out
And right in her time of need. Thank you, Chat Noir. Everyone say "Thank you, Chat Noir" in the reblogs/replies as well.
Alright, the ending was actually fine since I knew what was happening. Cathartic too. But otherwise these episodes were like Peewee's Playhouse without any good qualities. Up next is season 5. Play us off, Peewee's Playhouse ending with Peewee Pictures closing logo.
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splazartj · 9 months
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I know some think it can be but I do actually find it interesting.
Aeon Hill aka Uncanny Valley, as a thunderbird holder from Native Miraculous Box.
Her power would be give will to the inanimated objects.
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eikonbound · 9 months
I've been tossing the idea of writing Barnabas around in my head for a while and I came to realize that I am interested in writing him, but his story arc in the game makes me soooo miffed. I wanted him to have more autonomy in the game. I wish that, even if he did have faith in a higher power of some sort, he hadn't totally acquiesced to it. I really wanted Barnabas to be the Big Baddie in the story and be motivated by the fact that he truly does believe he's ultimately doing right by the world.
I'm going to put this under a read more bc my thoughts got lengthy.
I'm going to add him to my muse list but stick to a specific verse where:
He was still born in the outer continents and, along with his mother, was a follower of the Circle of Malius.
They still relocated to Ash as the blight spread and joined other followers of the Circle of Malius who were already there.
But unlike other Dominants who awaken with their Eikon, Odin is more like Anima from FFX, where Seymour's mother sacrificed herself (against Seymour's wishes actually) so she could become an aeon.
In Barnabas' situation, Odin is an Eikon who the Circle of Malius believes can only be awakened by offering a sacrifice from the potential Dominant -- the stronger the connection, the more likely it is that Odin will choose that person as his Dominant. But according to their legend it doesn't always work; Odin may not see them as worthy or strong enough. And in those cases, there have been followers who sacrificed multiple loved ones (most of the time willingly, sometimes not) in the hopes of becoming a Dominant only to be refused each time. It's been many, many years since Odin has deemed someone a worthy Dominant, to the point where some people wonder if it ever truly happened at all or if it's just the stuff of legends.
I think maybe Barnabas' mother sensed something very strong and resilient in her son that made her think he had a good chance of being chosen by Odin. It was probably something she put off for as long as she could for the sake of raising her son. But once the conflict between the religious factions grew too dangerous, she wanted him to have a fighting chance. She would rather die in service of her religion and her son, even if it wasn't a guarantee, rather than the way she died in canon.
Similar to his canon story (according to Ultimania lore, since I like drawing from some of it!) he was 18 when she died. Unlike Seymour who was staunchly against his mother sacrificing herself to become an aeon, I think by the time Barnabas was 12 or 13 he understood the teachings well enough, and his mother well enough, to see that she would do anything to keep him alive. And I'm sure that he himself also felt the potential to offer something greater for his religion and peers.
So when his mother realizes their time has run out, he sacrifices her as an offering to Odin, who miraculously does grant his wish and chooses Barnabas to be his Dominant. Unlike Anima, his mother does not become Odin herself -- the Eikon is his own essence. His mother served as proof that he would give up even his most beloved relationship to act in service of the Eikon.
He still creates Sleipnir at this time. I'm not 100% sure what I want to do as far as how that pact was created between them but I like the idea of Sleipnir still being his closest advisor & confidant, and extremely important to Barnabas/Waloed as a whole.
And since the followers of the religion have been waiting for someone to be chosen as Odin's Dominant, they very eagerly follow his lead as Barnabas begins the process of taking over territories in Ash.
He already has a p big ego and superiority complex in canon (he is a King after all) and I could see him having been chosen by Odin in this verse being a reason why he wouldn't bend a knee to a god. I think he'd be more likely to try and become one himself.
I definitely have blank spots to fill in, such as why Barnabas stopped aging at a certain point, what Sleipnir's presence as Odin's steed means personally to Barnabas, and what his overall plans are for how he envisions himself granting the world salvation. I'm sure Ultima will have something to do with all of this but I really don't want to write Barnabas as a conduit for Ultima, simply doing his bidding and being manipulated by him. I'm also not sure how I want to integrate the Mythos aspect to it (though I think it could be v fun to plot out!) so that's a WIP for sure.
I normally don't write my muses in a way where I would only write them in a specific verse; I love being able to plop them in various ones and see how it goes. But the canon version of Barnie's story is so meh to me so I'm putting this out there in case anyone is interested! And I'd love to do more world building for individual plots with partners where the verse I've created for Barnabas can work with their HCs for their muse.
I figure he'll be a separate category muse on my page (request? guest? idk I'll figure it out) with an asterisk that makes it clear I'm only writing him with major changes to his background. I'll add all of this to a verse page for him soon and fill in those blanks as time goes on :3 Thank u for reading about my new terrible equestrian muse.
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
So, for the Off To series, I know you haven't started writing anything for them, but the concept is so interesting (especially with your new version of the miraculous and miracle box)! One of the main things I weirdly like about it is the character selections in both ideas. I really like how the scrapped concept characters get a chance to shine in Off to London (also, I could totally see Sebastian being mentor for the group, since he's older and probably has had his miraculous longer). While the characters from the specials and characters from potential scrapped show by Zagtoons get to shine in Off to Milan (I'm also curious to see if Jessica, Aeon, and Fei will appear).
It is very interesting a concept, especially the thought of removing Marinette from the events of ML cause she's central to the story, and it's essentially allowing her to be apart of something entirely new.
And yeah, the biggest appeal to me is exploring these concept characters, what was cut or what will be, with the latter the initial plan was doing my take before canon came. But we'll see if that happens.
Atm, there are no plans for Off to New York or Off to Shanghai, especially since I'm not interested in watching either Special and what I did see I don't really like or intrigues me, not in set up or even characters.
I will say, NY is more likely, with Zoe confirmed being from NY, giving me a decent size cast to work with. Shanghai is... harder. For the Off to series, I want an actual friend group and character dynamics to work off, the very thing this show skips over as it's romance obsessed and friendship ultimately doesn't matter.
Off to London has all the Quantic Kids + the waiter who's a struggling and tired college student. Nice cast to work off of.
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Off to Milan has this friend group.
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Also a good size cast. Which doesn't include the antagonists/villains.
New York at least can give me a trio of characters to work off Marinette. That's something, though I'd have to do tweaks, especially to Aeon. Idk about you guys but I didn't like learning she's a robot. I'm also unsure I'd even want Knightowl and Majestia existing as actual heroes, may rather them as comic heroes.
Shanghai though really just has Fei. I know there are like... some boys, but they didn't seem all that important and there is no spark to do something with them.
As for if Aeon, Jess, or Fei will appear, eeeeeh.... I currently don't have plans for them. What I see just doesn't intrigue me enough to include them. And atm, I just don't have any ideas for them.
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wilygryphon · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug Rewrite– New York Special: United HeroeZ
This take on the New York Special takes place between the Season 3 finale and the Season 4 opener, much like canon, and because things diverged from canon significantly in Miracle Queen and because this is my show, things are pretty different in this take.
Gabriel does not go to New York to acquire the Eagle Miraculous.  He stays in his own lane and doesn’t threaten nuclear war.  He actually spends the week working on repairing the Peacock Miraculous.
Marinette and Adrien are dating, so no shenanigans by Alya and Nino to get them together, though the friends do muse about how far they have come.  They are also dating Kagami, who is not in their class, so they are somewhat sad that she is unable to join them.
Marinette and Adrien are still processing their mutual identity reveal, such as when Marinette fishes for an excuse to separate from Adrien to transform only for Adrien to remind her that they don’t need to hide their identities from each other anymore.
Techno-Pirate is the main antagonist of the special, acting entirely on his own.  After being defeated on the plane, he breaks out of custody by himself and uses stored weapons to break into the museum and steal the Eagle Miraculous.  He does everything that he did in the canon special, but on his own and without being Akumatized.
Chloé is having trouble enjoying the trip, as she had always wanted to go to New York with her mother, yet now she’s there on her own and she is estranged from Audrey.  Sabrina and her new friend Delmar try to cheer her up, culminating in them trashing a Style Queen store window.
Zoé makes a background cameo hanging out with Jess and Aeon at the rooftop party.  When she spots Chloé, she wants to go meet her, but she gives up when Chloé goes off to sulk.
Aeon does not delete her memory of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities.  The duo wonders, since AI robots are unaffected by their glamours, if Markov knows who they are under their masks.
In the celebration at the end, Marinette and Adrien bring Kagami into a video call so she can join in.  Juleka does the same with Luka as well as Nathaniel with Marc.
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rubykgrant · 2 years
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I have finally finished all the Miraculous Aeon pictures I had planned! I know there are more Miraculous, but these were the ones I really wanted to work with. The re-design of regular Hero Aeon was inspired by notes from @nrgrandromantic (a better version of her as an android, and a variation where she is human), and the Black Cat Miraculous design was inspired by concept art from @askr.
Why give Aeon so many Miraculous options, you ask? Well, the show gave us an absolutely cute design of her as a civilian, and then... turned her into a naked white-washed robot as a hero. My response to that is, give her ALL OF THE CLOTHES, and whether she is still an android or a human, she deserves to be cute! It is also just really interesting from a plot perspective for her and Jess to both have Miraculous as the next generation of heroes in America, stepping out of the shadows of their parents, and being part of a growing team (there is also the added layers of an android being capable of not only seeing the Kwami, but also being a Miraculous Holder; it wouldn’t be because of advanced intelligence, but the capacity for imagination, as well as her own sense of compassion and courage... but the show doesn’t care about getting that deep, so never mind I guess).
After the Hero re-designs, the Miraculous I chose were; Black Cat, Ladybug, Eagle, Bee, Butterfly, Peacock, Dragon, Tiger, Turtle, Horse. Yes, the Turtle is a little homage to TMNT. Cowabunga! I also did designs for Rabbit, Fox, and Snake, with additional alternate color variations. There is a White Rabbit, and one inspired by a black otter rex rabbit. The regular Fox Miraculous with warm colors, and one inspired by a fennec fox. A regular Snake Miraculous, and one inspired by a diamondback rattlesnake.  I have this almost kinda-sorta chibi style I use because it helps me create simple shapes when I design characters, and making it in MS Paint with a mouse, it is easier to work with pixels (so I can fill-in colors without trying to shade everything evenly). Thanks so much to my friends! Y’all started me thinking about all this, and I finished it because of you too~
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walpu · 5 months
Aeonhood lore…
Caerus is the Aeon of Chance!
Arman is no more.
Everything can happen for a reason. But sometimes, that reason is simply because of chance.
Wrong time, wrong place. A terribly unlucky explosion in the university building sent Arman into a window and out of the building.
He was pronounced dead, died just mere seconds before the medic team arrived.
Chance widely affects outcomes. People who follow the path of Chance believe that everything can happen so long as the circumstances are right.
There is no definite way to describe them as a whole. Some are optimistic, some pessimistic. It all depends on how they think chance affects the outcomes they want.
Followers of the Aeon are called Opportunists. Those who opposes the Aeon are called the Logic Driven.
They often butt heads, Opputunists arguing that chances widely affect anything, good or bad, while the Logic Driven are those who think that everything happens because of natural causes.
Those who have died, and miraculously came back after the Aeon’s birth, all said that THEY gave them a choice. To be back to where they last left of, or to see what the other side holds.
deep down, Arman wants to make sure no one else suffers from such unlucky chances ever again. that’s why he gives them a chance to live again.
People describe THEM to have a gentle smile. It feels warm. They say THEY have pale grey hair and soft aqua eyes that comfort them even if they decide to pass on to the other side.
~findings of the statuehead scholar you picked up by accident. at the back of the notes, you find a sentence.
I miss you so much.
is there any chance you’ll ever remember me?
I hope wherever the other side takes me, you’ll be there.
Ripping my hair out
Ratio's note??? Hello???
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I will not expand upon this idea but I need to get it out of my brain and write it down somewhere so here you go
Plagg and Tikki start sensing Weird Eldritch Shit (for handwavey plot reasons) and are like “this isn’t Miraculous magic, we can’t deal with this directly” but they are aware that other types of magic exist within the universe and so they tell this to their holders. So Ladybug either calls an in-person hero meeting or contacts each person individually, idk which yet, and asks if perhaps they’ve experienced anything... weird or unnatural other than akumas. So basically this goes into like testing for ablilities and investigation into people claiming to weird visions of giant tentacled beasts and for a little bit they’re worried that Hawkmoth pushed his power too far and did Something, but it’s affecting both sides during their battles, and they learn there are reports in several locations all over the world, not just France, so it turns into this looming concern.
Finally Ladybug hears from Markov (via Max) of an unnamed contact he and Aeon have been communicating with who claims to have a relative who specializes in this kind of stuff and who has offered their help. Jessica/Eagle confirms she and Uncanny have met this relative, who happens to live in New York state, in person, and that she’s been able to help clear this issue in the affected U.S. areas. Ladybug agrees to have her sent over and tells them to pass along a message: “Be ready to meet at Francois-Dupont.”
Unfortunately, Marinette is incredibly sick that day with a stomach bug, and because of one reason or another doesn’t tell Chat Noir that their exorcist contact will be meeting them nearer the school that day. (It’s not intentional, and she has kept him in the loop about the general might-have-someone-who-can-help-us situation.)
Anyway cue Adrien running into class just in time for role call (he was made late by Plagg last-minute filling him in on Ladybug’s situation). After Mme Bustier calls his attendance, Adrien notices the seating is slightly different. He half turns to look at the back row on the other side of the classroom and sees a new girl with short pale hair and piercing eyes in... the strangest shade of purple? He doesn’t sense any danger, but now that he’s checking there’s a weird veiled aura of power around her. Mme Bustier calls Rose for attendance and the new girl answers as well. Bustier asks, “Rose L?” The girl gives a small wry smile and says, “no disrespect meant, dear teacher, but that doesn’t bring to light what must be revealed.” Bustier just kind of looks at her weirdly and then squints at her attendance sheet. Adrien is wondering if this is some weird sort of lower-key akuma and is trying to subtley plan escape routes and possible battle contigencies. Bustier just gives up and calls, “Rose Lavillant?” a quiet “Here.” She turns to the new girl and says, “and how did you end up in my class, young miss?"
The new girl says, “Pleasure to make the acquaintance of your class, Mme Caline.” (Bustier startles. Did she not give the girl her name, Adrien wonders?) “My name is Rose Lalonde, and I’m cousins with a friend of Markov’s, but I have a few other... friends, visiting in France.” And she turns her gaze straight to Adrien’s in a look that sends icy shivers down his spine as she says with a sweet, knowing smile, “I’ve heard so much about all of you.”
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