#Glamorizing obesity
bawuoooooom · 4 months
so annoying when proship mfs are like "im not a pro shipper but I ship [INSERT PEDOPHILIA OR INCEST]" like WAIT A MINUTE, HOLD ON.
another thing is when they're like
"well if u don't like it just scroll away.. like why are u taking time out of your day to make a negative post about this!"
you're over here trying to tell me that im being this and that because for some reason I just can't get behind a pedophilic, toxic abusive incest rapey relationship and then use the excuse "its just fiction" and yada yada yada
like why are YOU. a person who is glamorizing rape and incest because its ""fiction""
trying to tell ME
"just scroll away"
and completely just throwing morals out the window because.... fiction??
like lets be FUCKING HONEST. if you saw a 46 year old sweaty obese man getting his twig rigid over child porn and saying "its just fiction" you would have your fucking pitchforks out and demanding his head on a STICK
if you're TRYING to compete in the morality olympics here GO HOME. YOURE LOSING. YOU ALREADY LOST.
and when it comes to shipping toxic, abusive, rapey relationships y'all just completely disregard your beliefs but when someone calls you out for it, suddenly, we need to have morals, we need to have ethics, we need to be rEspEcTfUl!!!
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grimnmm · 1 month
People who are f@t are still people. I'm tired of seeing people dehumanizing morbidly obese people on the basis of their weight. Like no they are people who need help. They are eating themselves to death. They need help.
They are just like us except they didn't get the disorder that gets glamorized.
Our problems probably could have landed us with the same disorder they got but we just got the prettier one.
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dynamickhrissy · 19 days
Hi typology Tumblr 😮‍💨
It has gotten to the very sad point to where I genuinely can not type myself in any typology system so I wrote a little paragraph about me I apologize as it is all over the place but I did the best I could 🫠 if anyone is willing to help type me I’ll be more than appreciative- unfortunately I can’t offer much in return, maybe a follow and like spam? But thank you for reading this fair anyway and feel free to use anything I said in this intro to type me as well
Me: Okay so when I first meet someone- I’m very shy but polite. I give compliments if I’m trying to make friends with the person I’m talking to. Normally I like to be approached first
With acquaintances I’m myself but I dial down just a tad bit. My personality also adjust to the people I’m around with acquaintances.
With close friends I can be kinda loud but I’m very friendly.
Across all three scenarios I’m very sarcastic but I remain polite depending on how close we are.
When I’m by myself I enjoy listening to music while scrolling on Pinterest or TikTok. I do have an eye for aesthetics. I occasionally write poetry. I also can daydream when I’m alone. When I’m with others I am very practical and grounded and in the moment. When I’m with myself in in my mind. I am EXTREMELY passionate and it can sometimes come off as rudeness. I am also very sensitive and don’t take well to criticism of any kind Real life scenarios I have been in relating to me being passionate to my values- I value respecting teachers not only because they want the best for the class but because it helps the class flow better and acting out is honestly annoying so when push comes to shove I will say something like “Respectfully, shut the fuck up” but I just want the class to flow slowly
Also- I highly value respecting boundaries and my ex friend did cross one of my boundaries before so I did cuss her out on her birthday and then ghosted her but like it’s not rlly even my fault fr
Also I can get to work and be extremely serious when need be but I often procrastinate. I also really like material things. I have a fear of fatal accidents and things like getting kidnapped but I’m not a skeptical person. I also have a very playful personality with my friends. I’m also learning a foreign language and enjoy it. I also get emotional sometimes. I could see a video of a new singer living paycheck to paycheck and their video only has one like and it breaks my heart. I could see an overweight dog and my heart breaks because obesity in dogs is fatal and that poor baby wasn’t even trying to get fat. In response I get enraged with the owner/ who’s responsible. Sometimes I get mad at the person who’s also the victim because you know that artistic careers barely make anything but you chose it anyway now I’m sad for you but you brought the life upon yourself Stress- under stress I get extremely nervous however I try my best to rise to the occasion
Fear- painful / undesirable death, experiencing any traumatic event, poor quality of life
Desire- to be happy , be everyone’s favorite
1) I’m focused on defending myself more than I’m focusing on defending others but I’ll say something if I see something 🤷‍♀️
2) I value my autonomy but I will not hesitate to get other options. Following their advice tho might be a little diff
Authority- I to be in those positions. Loathe rude, stuck up, money centered , greedy, selfish authoritarians
Morals- very important. Would die on a hill for my morals. I keep an open mind to everything but my values and morals and truly do believe that they are correct
Success- in the sense of e3s I think fame, riches , etc but for me success is not living paycheck to paycheck, good social group, good career
Anger- I tend to be ready to express it but u funny way to get myself in trouble so I hold back sometimes. BIG BIG BIG EMPHASIS ON SOMETIMES
Opinions on certain things - Philosophy- very overrated. It’s glamorized thought process
Politics - the vast majority of politicians running shouldn’t be
Practicality- good to have
Intellectual- also good to have
Physically- keep yourself in shape ig 🤷‍♀️
Home and school life - Home- very tense, poverty stricken, argumentative, very chaotic
School- more relaxed, pressure on self , feeling not wanted by peers and feeling like I’m annoying
Songs I relate to - groan by daisy and the scouts, ride by Lana Del Rey, watercolor eyes by Lana Del Rey
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makesmallernow · 10 months
Been struggling a little less with the anxiety as days keep going but I can still barely eat. Dropped to 186.6 today. Haven’t weighed for over a week. My BMI is literally 30.0.
For the first time since I can remember, in the next few days I’m going to wake up and I’m not going to be obese anymore. The beginning of this year I was almost 300lbs, BMI over 46, struggled to move, hell I could hardly even put on my socks. I was medically categorized as SUPER MORBIDLY OBESE. And now before the end of this year I will descend beneath “Obese” or “Class I” and I will simply be overweight. I know it’s not as glitzy or glamorous as “Underweight” or “Severely underweight” or even “normal/average/healthy” but it’s a whole person gone from my body.
I am going out of 2023 less than 2/3 the man I was going into it and I couldn’t be happier about it.
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ravvys · 1 year
anyway. glamorize laziness, glorify obesity, enable disability, encourage madness! all that good stuff that makes life worth living
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im not against glorifying obesity but i think we can do better as a society. we should be Glamorizing obesity
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antasma · 2 years
i think it's insane that some of you believe that fat children dont deserve to love themselves and dont deserve to see themselves in dolls on the shelves or portrayed respectfully in media because you think fat people daring to exist is "glamorizing obesity"
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battleangel · 1 year
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Amerikkka, the beautiful, the land of the free & the home of the...
👁Highest obesity rates
👁Highest gun mortality
👁Highest opioid use, addiction & fatalities
👁Most overprescribed nation on earth
👁One of the highest prescription rates for antidepressants & benzodiazepines
👁One of the highest rates of domestic violence
👁One of the richest countries yet highest incidence of poverty among "advanced democracies" - millions are houseless, food insecure, without medical insurance & lack of a living wage
👁Work hundreds of more hours vs employees in other "developed" countries
👁Excessive environmental abuse (biggest carbon emitter - 3 times worse than China, 2nd in air pollution only to China, water pollution, landfills, food waste, deforestation, natural resource depletion, industrial destruction, destruction of ecosystems, species conservation, deforestation, nuclear accidents, overpopulation, etc.)
👁National obsession with status, consumerism, materialism, overconsumption, fast fashion & addiction to shopping
👁One of the top economies but has a record high of $17.1 trillion in individual debt (student loans, mortgage, auto & credit card)
👁One of the highest costs of living in the world (housing, healthcare, and education)
👁60% of food consumed in US contains additives, preservatives & artificial sweeteners, considerably higher than the rest of the world
👁Tens of thousands of toxic chemicals & synthetics in household, cleaning, body care, makeup products with very little testing, regulations or studies on health and environmental effects
👁Hypersexualized, "pornified" culture that glamorizes sexual objectification, sexual violence & dehumanization while also being sexually repressed, uneducated, unable to establish, determine or decide on boundaries or verbalize when they have been violated, toxic masculinity, rape culture, inability to verbalize desires, inability to discuss sexuality openly and honestly, unhealthy, forced & contrived repression that leads to fetishization, dehumanization, objectification, sex addiction, etc
👁70% of teens & young adults are addicted to social media
👁Over 90% of time in America is spent indoors -- complete & total disconnect with nature
👁Only 7% of Americans practice mindful meditation -- total mind/body disconnect
👁Americans are obessed with "exercise", "the gym", "being fit", "bikini bodies" & "fad diets" yet only 20% work out regularly and the US has the highest obesity rates in the world
👁Dystopian obsession with beauty with the worlds highest plastic surgery rates
👁One of the 10 worst countries for racial equity
👁One of the most paternalistic & patriarchal countries on earth
👁Religious fundamentalism & paternalism is embedded in all aspects of society & culture & wielded as a tool of control
👁Concepts and societal ideals of femininity, motherhood, paternalism, fundamentalism, conservatism, religious dogma, chastity, modesty, purity, the cult of woman as a sacrificial lamb and the mother as a dehumanized symbol of selflessness and sublimation are all used to control and deny women's bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom while poverty is feminized and more women than men in the US live in poverty, work minimum and low wage jobs, are overrepresented in service jobs, make less per dollar than men for the same work and have no access to paid maternity leave or universal childcare yet they are the ones in many states forced to have children they dont want, many as single mothers, with little or no social safety net with no exception depending on the state for rape, abusive partner, coercive partner, mental & physical health of the woman, the woman's childfree or antinatalist beliefs, the woman's employment status, whether she has health care, whether she has a phobia of pregnancy and/or childbirth, whether she would be traumatized being forced to give birth if she doesn't want to be a mother, when it is her livelihood, career, finances, living situation, body, mental and physical health, physical appearance, sexual health affected moving forward if she does give birth yet the choice in many states is taken away from her yet only the woman has to live with the consequences, never the lawmakers taking her choice away
👁Prison industrial, military industrial, psychiatric industrial, pharamaceutical industrial, medical industrial & educational industrial complexes
👁Obsession with graphically violent media (movies, TV shows, videogames) & combat sports (NFL, UFC, etc.) yet boobs, penises & vulvas cant be shown on TV and dropping the F word can get you fined by the FTC
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oasisr · 1 year
The 2000s was degenerate, but not to this level. It wasn't as blatant.
And, I'd rather still have thinspo than mass censorship and the glamorization of obesity.
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yappathonwinner · 1 year
I will LOUDLY and PROUDLY make fun of people who use fatspo. Just saw this one post where a girl was making a joke about how she loved her boyfriend so much and thought he deserved the world so she became a globe. Is obesity funny? No obvs not. Is she glamorizing it? No. Is she making a joke? Yes. Should we leave her the fuck alone? Absolutely.
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coulsonlives · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: there is no bloody fatphobia in The Whale and people need to chill the fuck out.
For starters, good luck finding a decent-sized pool of 600 lb actors of that gender, appearance, acting abilities, who fits the part on an intrinsic 'vibes' level, etc to choose from. How many 600 lb actors do you think are out there, and available? And more importantly, people gotta realize how hard it is to do anything when you have that much weight! And filmmaking is stressful. Add the rigors of filmmaking and being on set constantly, and you have a recipe for disaster. Literally a liability. The production might not even get approved because there's such a big chance of something going wrong.
The film didn't even make fun of fat people or stigmatize it. Charlie was fat because he was sad, not the other way around. But being fat also made him miserable in some ways. That's just what happens with a lot of morbidly obese people. It's not fun to be that fat. The movie takes the subject matter seriously and it doesn't glamorize it.
So like, people gotta stop. They're just losing their shit as soon as they hear the words 'fat suit' and ascribing a negative judgment to that, then trying to find things that are wrong, like, gasp, someone having a bad time because they're morbidly obese, even though the logic behind their anger doesn't check out and it wouldn't even be SAFE for the actor if they did find one. But sure, hire someone with genuine morbid obesity of that extent.
Maybe when they die of heart failure two weeks into shooting, people will eat their words.
And yes, morbid obesity is dangerous. You literally can't be 600 lbs and be functionally healthy! The pressure all that extra weight puts on your organs alone is dangerous, your skeleton doesn't change to accommodate anything, your body is constantly under stress. If anyone denies this, it's super, super obvious they're in denial of just how big of a problem morbid obesity is. That part isn't an opinion, it's physics, it's science, it's reality. There are autopsy videos of morbidly obese people who donated their bodies for science. They show all the effects and explain them for educations sake. Go watch a few. Or go read some studies.
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ballet-belle306 · 2 years
~Please Prioritize Your Health~
Trigger Warning: weight loss and mention of ED
I just wanted to post because I know a lot of girls in the communities I'm involved in want the 'waif' body, and some accounts tend to glamorize the sickly thin look. I want to reiterate, some people have naturally very thin bodies, and there is nothing wrong with that. They deserve no more shame that those of us who are plus sized. But I've seen many pages that promote pro-ana things, and that's really concerning to me. You just look up weight loss on here, and it's all pro-ana rhetoric, and that's really not okay, especially on a site with young minds.
I just want to say, as an adult and someone who is on a major weight loss journey, I really want to emphasize how important it is to take care of yourself. You can get down to a healthy weight while still enjoying the food that you like, and you can feel good, too. I've lost quite bit of weight, and it's already made my body feel a lot more comfortable. No matter where you're starting, whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100, there's healthy ways to do it. Please don't starve yourself, or give into that self-destructive drive in your brain. I know from experience that there's something alluring about giving into those dark sides in your mind, and I'm here to tell you that it's never worth it. Your health and happiness is worth so much more than you think you deserve. You're worthy of the self love that drives healthy habits and meets needs.
I can really only go off my own experience, so take some of this advice with a grain of salt.
Some pointers to losing weight healthfully;
Get a calorie counting app. I use Lose It, which I find to be really good. Make sure you find the verified items when logging. Some people input incorrect calorie information, and log calories as being more or less. Find an app where you can scan the items. Follow the guide it gives you; it's okay to be a little bit under or a little bit over. It's just a good way to figure out where you're at and what you need.
Find a good community for support. Whether it's friends, family, or an online community. Don't fall for pro-ana communities. There's a lot of them, and it's important to find communities that support healthy weight loss and healthy habits. These communities will tell you to regularly go below 900 calories, which is not healthy. 900 calorie diets are typically for extreme cases, typically people who are super morbidly obese (typically 300+ pounds) and are in emergency cases where they absolutely need to drop weight quickly. The least you should do is regularly around 1,100 calories, unless you're fasting. I may make another post on fasting by itself because while it's a healthy way to lose weight, there are dangerous ways people go about it.
On a similar note, do not fall for healthy at every size communities. These communities spread mass amounts of misinformation, and will shame you for trying to prioritize your health and lose weight in any way. You can be overweight and still be beautiful and just as amazing as anyone else, but this community is very dangerous, and is just as toxic as pro-ana communities.
Remember that mental health and bodily health coincide. If you have 50+ pounds to lose, there's a chance you have an unhealthy relationship with food. Working on your relationship with food is incredibly important in order to lose weight.
Forgive yourself if you fall off. Remember that if you slip up, you're not starting all over again. You're starting from experience. It's completely normal to slip up, and you should expect it to happen. Don't be too hard on yourself. This is a self love journey, and forgiveness and acceptance is part of self love.
Practice self-compassion instead of self-criticism. Self criticism, if you're anything like me, might look like, "I have to do this because I'm a screwed up and I ruin everything". Self-compassion is more like, "I know I messed up, but I'm going to do better and make it right because I love myself and deserve better". Fixing your inner-monologue is incredibly important.
I hope this helps! Remember, you're taking care of yourself because you're worth it. You can be beautiful at any size, you can follow these trends at any size. Lose weight for you if you want to, but do it healthfully. <;3
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bucksangel · 2 years
Ew wtf? Being obese is unhealthy there’s no glamour in it
ew wtf? body shaming is unhealthy and there’s no glamor in it
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monstermaster13 · 2 months
Today’s mega rant is about those fat fetishist artists out there, not any specific artists because I don’t want them to make like a million posts about how I supposedly am out for them. I cannot stand fat fetish art in general but the type that really grosses me out is the type that combines fat art with rule34 and sexifies non-morphic animal characters. I am sorry but making Mufasa a plus sized bipedal lion with a dad-bod isn’t attractive, making him fuck Scar isn’t attractive, making any normally skinny character fat is not a problem in itself but if all you do is make them slobbish or make them gay for you, then you are doing nothing but making me sick. 'Oh, a fat DILFY character is married/has a wife, time to make them horny for male privates and to make them gay', oh no you don't, don't you go around ruining characters who are straight by making them gay and horny or I will ruin your favorite characters by doing 'public domain' horror parody versions of them.
I am sorry but can I not see any more fan-art of Ben from Zenless Zone Zero? I do not think this bear is attractive, I don’t like him as a character, I have not played the game nor do I plan to, it’s just that everytime a game like this comes out there is always this one random furry male character that fanboys croon over but I don’t, remember when Puro was popular? I do and I hated it. What makes Ben different from other bear characters, oh he stands on two legs and is somewhat anthro? Big deal, most bears actually can stand on two legs. His design is basically just an anthro rip off of Papa Bear from Puss in Boots: Last Wish.
If I have to keep blocking/muting every fat fetish account on Twitter then I do not think these people belong on here. Like my good friend Menslady125 had brought up, why use Twitter to post this shit when actual rule34 sites still exist? Also to those people who are ‘gainers’, you do know that for everything you scoff down, you are just this closer to dying, right? Obesity is something that should not be glamorizing. It’s like trying to say smoking is cool and you should do it because characters in movies do it, or saying that drugs won’t kill you.
Look, all you lonely gainer accounts out there, why are you advertising your shit on Twitter where erotic content has to be labeled as ‘sensitive’ or else, don’t you know that nobody wants to see a desperate overweight man naked stuffing himself with cheese logs? Why use Twitter to post this when you have Onlyfans, Tinder or Pornhub, look i’m sure there are plenty of gay forums out there that would be more than happy to let you post on there but can you please not post your content on Twitter. Families go on there you know, also what is the point of an afterdark version of your account if you are already a horny pervert who has questionable tastes? I mean what’s the difference between that and your normal content, ooh what’s that…someone posted lewd art of a character you simp over but you don’t feel comfortable with reposting it on your normal account?
Dude, just save the image, download it, or ask if you could use it on those Paphael furry sites. I am sure Furaffinity and others like it would totally let you do it if you ask permission. No offense, but you don’t need an ‘afterdark’ twitter account for that, you need to go on Furaffinity or a rule34.
I myself am not homophobic despite what countless allegations against me say, i’m bisexual but even I am not attracted to overweight men trying to be sexy. As a heavyset character myself, these types of people make me feel bad about my body, gainers make me feel bad about myself.
Nathan told me he used to be into weight gain stories but not in a sexual way, just because he thought they were cute and sometimes well written, he did admit that at one time he used to have a fat fetish, but he grew out of it and did not think that ‘hurr hurr fat people are sexy/aspirational’ or act like overweight men are the ideal body type or aspirational, he just had a passing interest in it and did not ask to become overweight in real life himself.
I mean yeah I like vampires but you don’t see me wanting to drink blood IRL, because you know ironically the very blood that keeps us alive is also hazardous. Yes, auto-vampirism is a thing. I would not want to go killing the nearest man who lives next door to my apartment and drink his blood, oh no…because you know, he might have germs or might have diseases and I do not want to risk dying.
Please do not consider becoming a ‘gainer’ if you like weight gain content, it is hazardous to your health and could result in your life being drastically shortened. It is okay to like fat art but can I not get any fat art in my social media feeds, please? That is all I ask for.
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influencermagazineuk · 5 months
Why Entrepreneurs Neglect Their Health and How to Avoid Burnout
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Why Entrepreneurs Neglect Their Health and How to Avoid Burnout Entrepreneurship is often romanticized as a path to limitless success and boundless freedom. However, the reality for many entrepreneurs is far less glamorous. The relentless pursuit of building a business can lead to a dangerous neglect of health, leaving them susceptible to burnout and chronic health issues down the line. Understanding the reasons behind this neglect and implementing preventative measures is crucial for the long-term well-being of any aspiring mogul. Several factors contribute to the tendency of entrepreneurs to prioritize their ventures over their health. The initial stages of a startup often require long hours, an intense focus on achieving goals, and a constant pressure to perform. This relentless "hustle culture" can leave little room for self-care activities like exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep. Entrepreneurs might view these activities as unproductive indulgences, sacrificing them for the perceived greater good of their business. Many young entrepreneurs fall prey to the illusion of invincibility. Fueled by youthful energy and boundless ambition, they might believe they are immune to the consequences of neglecting their health. The long-term effects of sleep deprivation, a poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle often creep up slowly, making it easy to dismiss early warning signs like fatigue or minor aches and pains. Entrepreneurs often operate in a highly competitive environment. Taking time off for doctor's appointments or prioritizing exercise can feel like falling behind. The fear of losing momentum or missing out on crucial opportunities can lead to a reluctance to disconnect or prioritize personal well-being. This can create a vicious cycle, where neglecting health ultimately leads to decreased productivity and hinders the very success they're striving for. Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. The pressure to succeed, coupled with long hours spent working independently, can make it difficult for entrepreneurs to seek help or admit vulnerability. This "lone wolf" mentality can prevent them from reaching out for resources related to stress management, healthy habits, or even mental health support when needed. The consequences of neglecting health can be severe for entrepreneurs. Burnout, a state of emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced effectiveness, is a major risk. Chronic sleep deprivation weakens the immune system and increases the risk of developing various health problems. Unhealthy eating habits can lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. In the long run, a neglected health can cripple an entrepreneur's ability to lead and grow their business. So, how can aspiring moguls avoid the pitfalls of neglecting their health? The key lies in striking a healthy balance: - Schedule Self-Care: Treat healthy habits like exercise, sleep, and nutritious meals as non-negotiable aspects of your routine. Schedule them into your calendar and prioritize them just as you would any business meeting. - Embrace Delegation and Support: Don't be afraid to delegate tasks and build a strong support network. This allows you to focus on your core strengths and prevents burnout. - Seek Help When Needed: There's no shame in seeking professional help for stress management, mental health concerns, or developing healthy routines. - Redefine Success: Success is not just about financial gain. Define your vision of success to include physical, mental, and emotional well-being. A healthy entrepreneur is a more effective and sustainable entrepreneur. Remember, a healthy body and mind are the foundation of any successful business venture. Read the full article
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antasma · 2 years
people need to keep drawing draculaura fat it's got the fatphobes crying "youre glamorizing obesity!!!!!!!!!!!!!" because someone drawed their precious blorbo in a way they don't like :( they have been brainwashed to value physical appearance more than having actual morals so appearance determines who they treat as human beings and who are shunned for merely existing fatly. these people are not willing to examine why they feel this way because they know they will not like what they figure out about themselves, nobody who has been brainwashed wants to believe theyre brainwashed because that requires accepting that they are wrong, so they will never unlearn this self hatred or their hatred toward other humans no matter who it is. so it disgusts them to see characters depicted with a body theyre too brainwashed to accept as human. they dont want to be forced to accept humans they think are unattractive, they want to hide under the veneer of "think of the children and the delicate skinny people around you!! youre glamorizing being fat which is ugly and bad for your health!!!" (btw get with the program as study after study has proved that being fat does not mean you are not healthy and studies that have concluded otherwise were conducted by diet and beauty companies) (also note how they never bully other "unhealthy" people for being unhealthy, only fat people and NEVER uhealthy people who are skinny, they pull the "it's unhealthy" card as if people who are unhealthy for whatever reason do not deserve to be treated like they are humans and do not deserve to love themselves and their bodies and be seen and respected) they do not want to do any critical thinking as to why one would have such a repulsed reaction to someone for looking a certain way, or any critical thinking as to how having such a worldview could be harmful for them or the people around them, or critical thinking as to why skinnyness and diets and liposuction and anti aging are what is being sold to you by mega companies profiting off brainwashing you, or critical thinking as to how demonizing appearance especially largeness is used to discriminate against lgbt people and people of color, etc
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