#pros dni
boneywones · 1 month
talking about the excuse of “fiction doesn’t affect reality” in proshipping and how the excuse itself doesnt hold up. + some other tiny points about my opinion on some proshipping things.
firstly i want to say that the excuse of “fiction doesnt affect reality” does not hold up. it is also in fact, incorrect. 
fiction does affect reality, you can see it happening through propaganda or any types of fiction at all. like for example, the jaws movie (a work of fiction) had greatly influenced peoples opinions on sharks and how people interpret them. the jaws movie in itself had shown sharks to be heartless creatures that eat humans, which is most definitely false. (How Jaws Influenced Shark Perception – Shark Stewards, Shark fear: Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water... | ScienceDaily for reference.)
propagandas term is quite simple to explain. spreading misinformation to change a persons opinion, or moreso political views in some cases. misinformation is indeed fictional, as it is not real. a lot of cases of propaganda has been shown through the years, and it has obviously shown that it has had an impact on reality and real peoples perspective on things.
another way that fiction can affect reality is if people give out enough false information that it can highly change the minds of people online or in real life. if people give false ideologies of certain types of people, then people will follow that false narrative and build up an opinion based on false facts. for example, a man online gives out a lot of false information about women. an impressionable minor or teenager will come across it, then learn from that person. this has been shown through podcasts that you see online, or people that give out false dating advice and what women want. 
though sometimes fiction can affect reality in a positive way, like when fictional pieces give out positive messages and can positively influence people. messages or the “moral of the story” can let children learn what is right and wrong. this can affect how children think, and how they act when they grow up later in life. 
now onto proshipping, or proshipping media specifically. first, lets talk about how the ship frans (frisk x sans) had deeply and negatively affected the utmv/undertale fandom.
back when the undertale fandom was starting to gain popularity, the ship frans had as well. a lot of people found out about this ship from comic dubs, which further pushed more popularity to it. since this media was circulating and was nearly everywhere, children or people in general had started to think that the ship was normal since they had consumed so much media of it and saw people liking it. if you do not know, frisk is a child and sans is an adult. this is a pedophilic ship. (its also not excusable to “age up” the minor/child, as the ship itself is pedophilic. if you need an excuse to ship something that romanticises real life problems, then why ship it at all?)
this is the same with fontcest, as i have seen a fair few people state that they used to ship one or the other (even both in some cases) because they were influenced by the behaviour of others around them. you get what im saying, now?
// anyway super unrelated but not rly but i think proshippers should openly state that they are in fact proshippers on their mains instead of making people look for shit so they can get full confirmation,, (the fact that i see so much people not know that some people they follow are proshippers is so fucking alarming??) also i think adult proshippers should push minors out of their little “community” instead of letting people like themselves groom minors into thinking the same things as them,,,, think thats just me tho!!!!!!! (/sarc) and to all the minor proshippers, please stay safe and get the help you need /srs /nm /gen 🫶
+ to the adult proshippers that actively make media that are about incestuous ships, i need you 2 know that doing something like that is normalising and romanticising incest ☺️ i dont care if its fiction, its still incest. there is no excuse to make normalised and sexualised media of incest.
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bawuoooooom · 4 days
so annoying when proship mfs are like "im not a pro shipper but I ship [INSERT PEDOPHILIA OR INCEST]" like WAIT A MINUTE, HOLD ON.
another thing is when they're like
"well if u don't like it just scroll away.. like why are u taking time out of your day to make a negative post about this!"
you're over here trying to tell me that im being this and that because for some reason I just can't get behind a pedophilic, toxic abusive incest rapey relationship and then use the excuse "its just fiction" and yada yada yada
like why are YOU. a person who is glamorizing rape and incest because its ""fiction""
trying to tell ME
"just scroll away"
and completely just throwing morals out the window because.... fiction??
like lets be FUCKING HONEST. if you saw a 46 year old sweaty obese man getting his twig rigid over child porn and saying "its just fiction" you would have your fucking pitchforks out and demanding his head on a STICK
if you're TRYING to compete in the morality olympics here GO HOME. YOURE LOSING. YOU ALREADY LOST.
and when it comes to shipping toxic, abusive, rapey relationships y'all just completely disregard your beliefs but when someone calls you out for it, suddenly, we need to have morals, we need to have ethics, we need to be rEspEcTfUl!!!
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wavetapper · 3 months
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avo-kat · 1 year
im antinoun, actually
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tuonelabound · 27 days
plural lawyer call that a justice system
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loveloveplural · 2 months
plurality is not defined by switching.
plurality is not defined by headcount.
plurality is not defined by an inner world.
plurality is not defined by distinct headmates.
plurality is not defined by communication.
plurality is not defined by getting along internally.
plurality is not defined by an origin.
plurality is defined by multiple consciousnesses/identities in one body. if you say you’re plural, we and many, many others will always believe you. no two plurals are the same, and no one can tell you what you are or aren’t 💞
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 15 days
Happy pride month to insystem couples & polycules btw.
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vivi-ships · 5 months
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Do y'all remember when this was a normal thing to see all over the place? Because I do. I remember seeing and posting this image everywhere when I was like 12-15.
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moos3-th3-goos3 · 20 days
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boneywones · 27 days
sick of secret proshipper mfs denying and actively hiding that they’re a proshipper. ur not doing anything good. and saying “well u have to dig to find their proship art you’re basically trying to look for it yourself” is stupid because i HAVE to. why do you think im so scared to mutual/follow literally anyone on this god foresaken website?
just state you’re an anti, proshipper or neutral instead of making people or even MINORS to look for scrapes of evidence ffs
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we're getting bad again..
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pro-sipper · 4 months
I know that all DNIs are inherently flawed and pointless anyway, but what are some common criteria or addendums that make you doubly disregard them? (Besides the obvious...) I'll go first!
Fandom bullshit listed over things like "racist" or "homophobic"
You can just tell they're putting something on there because everyone else has it on theirs, but they have no idea what they're talking about
Acting entitled to know every follower's exact age, gender, sexuality, race, religion, and country of origin or risk being blocked
Calling fans of a particular media freaks/bigots/losers, followed by "current moots excluded!"
Overabundance of censoring that does nothing but make sure their talk of sensitive topics gets past every filter
"Basic DNI criteria"
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non-dys-sys · 1 month
My good rule of thumb for avoiding unsafe plural communities is: if it is unsafe for some systems it’s unsafe for all systems. Anyone can decide you’re one of the “bad ones” and target you. -Ange
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zero-templates · 3 months
System emoji userboxes !
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-> emojis here, made by @tontoemojis : read my pinned before interacting
[ Plain text : emojis here (link), made by @tontoemojis : read my pinned (link) before interacting. End PT ]
[ Image ID : Eight userboxes with varying images of system themed emojis on the left and text on the right.
From top left to bottom right, these boxes read : this system is often blurry, this fronter is who?, this system is often blurry, this alter doesn't know who they are, this system's alters front together, this system's alters are often co-con, this system is currently splitting, this alter just split. End ID ]
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weasel-333 · 3 months
I see people saying having a lot of introjects is an endo thing. It is NOT.
Being an introject heavy system is normal and it has nothing to do with "endogenic systems".
It's not because some endos think being a system is all about having your favorite characters as alters to hang out with that you have to invalidate actual systems who happen to have many introjects.
They don't control it. If they have those introjects, it means they need it.
It's not because you don't share the same experience that theirs is invalid.
This is not a criteria to fakeclaim systems.
It's just another proof of how harmful endos can be.
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moos3-th3-goos3 · 26 days
What if I just started going by a different name and pronouns and had different likes and ideas and memories and opinions and presented differently and acted differently... but like I'm still me though... no I'm not a system at all...
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