#Glazed and Confused
viviarts-c · 9 months
This week's Fic Rec Friday goes to Glazed and Confused by @hjemne !
I love the contrast of domestic fluff on wolfwood's POV and angst of miscommunication on vash's POV, and I really enjoy fics that explore Vash knowing about Wolfwood's betrayal and his actions and beliefs in spite of it(especially 98 Vash!! Rarely see fics about it)
Read it so this comic strip makes sense!
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Bonus scene:
one of the botched attempts XD
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🤍 the cure to all my ailments 🤍
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claypigeonpottery · 28 days
Hiya! Love your blog, I'm a potter too but I come from a Spanish-speaking country.
I've been meaning to ask you if there's any distinct words in English for the underglaze one uses on bisqueware vs. the kind of underglaze applied while the piece is still leather hard? It confuses me a bit when I see English-speaking potters talk about underglaze and I can't tell what kind of stuff they mean lol.
Apologies if this is too annoying but it's the kind of highly specialized thing that Google won't typically provide straightforward answers to
hopefully I can clear it up!
underglaze is basically a paint that’s made specifically for pottery. you can paint it on a piece at any time before you apply glaze—so you can use it on leather hard or bisqued pottery
underglaze won’t give you that smooth, glossy finish though. that’s the difference between underglaze and glaze. if you want that smooth finish, you would paint a clear glaze over top of the underglaze, after the piece has been bisqued
I don’t mind answering questions about pottery, always feel free to ask! I want other potters to be able to try these supplies and techniques
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bluekingpiece · 8 months
and then ALSO glazed is the best type of donut. Won't argue on this.
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dooxliss · 5 months
hi. i would like to learn more about your ocs :-)
omg hi silas :^)
taking the opportunity to talk about my jjk oc that i haven’t drawn in forever (that i’ll hopefully draw for funguary), kei takeuchi
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kei is a grade 2 sorcerer, goes to the kyoto school, and is in their fourth year, so did not participate in the goodwill event.
they did go, though, bc they had heard about yuuji and wanted to meet this statistical miracle (since what are the chances that the person that eats one of sukuna’s fingers has the capacity to be his vessel 💀)
they did hear that yuuji died so did not bring any talismans (but came for the chance to go into inner city tokyo) so when yuuji turned out to be alive they didn’t have anything to give 🫠 yuuji later received a ‘mysterious’ gift in the mail from them
kei’s cursed technique is called inky cap! they have alcoholic blood, which is the fuel for the mushrooms they conjure. they work similarly to real life inky cap mushrooms/tippler’s bane, but can be more potent, especially if they drink alcohol. overuse of the technique causes an inky like substance to ooze out of the eyes, and contributes to the stress indicated in their hair. in the takeuchi family, the color of the hair is an indicator of their health. lighter is better, and fully dark hair is an omen for incoming death. kei’s technique advances the dark color of their hair upwards, as does any excessive straining or traumatic event. as a result, they don’t know if they could develop a domain expansion and don’t want to try (if they did have one tho it would be called extant form of life /ref)
in contrast, their older sister nao was born sickly with dark hair, but her hair has gotten lighter and she has gotten stronger as she got older, especially once her cursed technique manifested. kei believes that nao is the favorite (not wrong)
because of everything related to kei’s technique and likely early death (as a sorcerer as well), they are extremely superstitious person, keeping as many auspicious items as possible, keeping a compass so they never sleep facing north, avoiding the numbers 4 and 9, and religiously keeping track of new years dreams.
while mechamaru did not want anyone from kyoto to come to shibuya aside from todo, kei and nao were already there for a halloween party, so they both responded to the same call and jumped in to help, separating somewhat early on. nao was unfortunately in the direction of sukuna’s cleave and kei pushed themselves so post shibuya, kei uses a cane and nao is missing. (they find each other in time for the killing game :^) )
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chuluoyi · 6 months
omg chu i've noticed that you like douyin makeup and korean skincare!! i got a package yetsterday and it had skincare and albums in it but the thing i was most excited about was the flowerknows pallette 🥺 its so pretty and the powders are so nice too
omo you too?! i know!!!😩 flowerknows always slaps with their packaging! sometimes i can’t bring myself to use them bcs of how pretty they are🥲 the emboss details of the blushes aarghhh
what pallette did you get??👀 do you get the whole complete package??👀
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 9 months
ok funny story
so when all the hype for the one piece live action show was happening i kept thinking to myself that it was strange that i couldn't see the famous bald character in and of the gifs from it! anyway, i kinda just thought 'ah well maybe they'll include him in the next series' cos he seemed to be a really prominent character from my limited knowledge of the original anime
aNYWAY, today was the first day since the show came out when i started to consider that perhaps i had been thinking of the wrong show all along and, um, yeh
did a quick google search, and it turns out i was thinking of one punch man where there's a bald guy with a goofy looking face who punches people (?) in one punch (?) presumably, and THIS anime is a totally different thing to one piece and i'm really dumb lol
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bitegore · 1 year
everyone get hype im taking a business law class mostly because i thought it was more business and less law but my stupid in-universe documents are gonna get EVEN MORE COMPLICATED NOW HELL YEAAAAAAAAAHHHH
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sandwichedbread · 1 year
Is vex magic a solid???
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snowrassa · 9 months
try not to camelot blog on company time challenge IMPOSSIBLE
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why is science so confusing
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corvus-art-mischief · 2 years
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A sketch I never finished (cause I was taking notes) of soukoku cleaning up in a public bathroom after murderous activities 
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cottageivyplays · 2 years
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mynta had a good day at the flea market on prank day...
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fishareglorious · 2 years
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Fighting for my life in this event I’m hitting da bricks sorry primogems
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Hi Baiwen how are you
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Ah Baishi... never change.
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It’s been a while since I’ve seen this guy! Hello to you once again.
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This is actually the first ever time I’ve entered this domain. Low graphics, yes, but its very pretty. Shame you can’t take photos inside domains.
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Say what lmaooooo
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imwritesometimes · 10 days
trying to look up different glaze techniques & recipes and being really confused for a bit when I kept being suggested pottery videos 😄
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furinafontaine · 17 days
This is a genuine question for Clorinde fans but what did she do for Fontaine’s story because as far as I recall she shot a door closed once and then just kinda hovered around so whyyyyy is she being praised for doing so much 😭
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