#the second answer was ‘strong people with cute smiles’ but nobody knows if kei was joking originally
dooxliss · 8 months
hi. i would like to learn more about your ocs :-)
omg hi silas :^)
taking the opportunity to talk about my jjk oc that i haven’t drawn in forever (that i’ll hopefully draw for funguary), kei takeuchi
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kei is a grade 2 sorcerer, goes to the kyoto school, and is in their fourth year, so did not participate in the goodwill event.
they did go, though, bc they had heard about yuuji and wanted to meet this statistical miracle (since what are the chances that the person that eats one of sukuna’s fingers has the capacity to be his vessel 💀)
they did hear that yuuji died so did not bring any talismans (but came for the chance to go into inner city tokyo) so when yuuji turned out to be alive they didn’t have anything to give 🫠 yuuji later received a ‘mysterious’ gift in the mail from them
kei’s cursed technique is called inky cap! they have alcoholic blood, which is the fuel for the mushrooms they conjure. they work similarly to real life inky cap mushrooms/tippler’s bane, but can be more potent, especially if they drink alcohol. overuse of the technique causes an inky like substance to ooze out of the eyes, and contributes to the stress indicated in their hair. in the takeuchi family, the color of the hair is an indicator of their health. lighter is better, and fully dark hair is an omen for incoming death. kei’s technique advances the dark color of their hair upwards, as does any excessive straining or traumatic event. as a result, they don’t know if they could develop a domain expansion and don’t want to try (if they did have one tho it would be called extant form of life /ref)
in contrast, their older sister nao was born sickly with dark hair, but her hair has gotten lighter and she has gotten stronger as she got older, especially once her cursed technique manifested. kei believes that nao is the favorite (not wrong)
because of everything related to kei’s technique and likely early death (as a sorcerer as well), they are extremely superstitious person, keeping as many auspicious items as possible, keeping a compass so they never sleep facing north, avoiding the numbers 4 and 9, and religiously keeping track of new years dreams.
while mechamaru did not want anyone from kyoto to come to shibuya aside from todo, kei and nao were already there for a halloween party, so they both responded to the same call and jumped in to help, separating somewhat early on. nao was unfortunately in the direction of sukuna’s cleave and kei pushed themselves so post shibuya, kei uses a cane and nao is missing. (they find each other in time for the killing game :^) )
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nachohypno · 3 years
Nate and Dave - Ch. 15
Dave’s POV
I’m sure you already know how much a single person can change a whole lot of your way to see the world, or have your life take a 180° turn (Had to look this up, angles are weird.) just by standing in a corridor.
Now I was just happy to stare at my phone’s unlocked background. A pic I took of us while cuddling. I was kissing his cheek and staring at the camera, while he just laid below me, his face had a little smile and his eyes were closed.
He loved that pic. I loved it too, it was both cute and wholesome. Never been one to do those things, nor even Leslie managed to get me to change my Dallas’ Cowboys background, and we had a lot more pics together than Nate and I do.
It was a nice distraction. I would sometimes just unlock my phone to see that pic and feel a bit warm inside as I imagined spending more time with my soulmate. I loved him a lot, and I wouldn’t mind sticking around with him for a day, or two, or the rest of my life, just to make sure he has all he needs to be happy like I am when I’m near him.
We sat together at school, yeah. Nobody batted an eye. We hung out during our breaks, still no big catastrophe happened. After school, we usually have a date or spend some time together before heading to our respective houses (As much as I’d like, having daily sleepovers wouldn’t be wise).
According to… everyone in the world who knows that I’m hanging out with Nate (Which may be just 2 or 3 people that I’m aware of), the guy had a really positive impact on my behavior. He’s always encouraging me to help whenever I can and to be… nicer, in general.
I’ve already apologized to one of my favorite targets a few weeks ago, but decided to fully leave them alone. In my house, however, I’ve been trying to honor my soulmate’s wishes doing some house chores to help mom and pops around. I still don't think I'm ready to 'change my public image' that much. Kicking nerd's asses is fun... but mean and unnecessary.
Mowing the lawn, going grocery shopping, cleaning around whenever my parents seemed quite tired to do it, that kind of thing. My room wasn’t a messy place before, but now I could spend less time looking for my stuff!
And now… Nate was at his house. I left him there per his request, he told me we could hang out later today! But first, he had some homework to do.
I looked around and noticed the door was closed. I dropped my shirt and pants, felt the locket’s cold metal against my chest, and dropped on my bed.
I wasn’t intending to take a nap, just close my eyes and think of my soulmate was a nice enough plan for my evening.
As I closed my eyes, images of my first day with him invaded my happy place. Me getting his scent, slowly walking over to his locker, and noticing the guy I never paid attention to, the one that sat a few rows in front of me, and was usually in the middle of the way when I threw paper balls around.
Now that I thought of it, maybe I never noticed him because he always hid? He was hiding right now; it was obvious that he was using his locker as a cover. I stood there, though. Taking in the smell. Feeling myself realizing more and more of that nice thought I had never thought about after my pops told me about that weird phenomenon.
…I had found my soulmate. The love of my life… It wasn’t my girlfriend, but a guy from my class… I frowned both in the real world and in my fantasy.
In the fantasy world, I lifted and kissed him. He didn’t fight back, just returned the love I was giving him by returning my kiss. I didn’t care if anyone watched us. I loved this guy, and I still do now.
I love Nate Hall.
I rubbed my crotch in the real world, as I kept kissing him in my fantasy. That was more than enough. A single kiss, a single thought about my soulmate being happy and in love with me could make me so hard and horny…
“Dave?” A voice said. My soulmate’s? It sounded so different though… I kept kissing him. This was perfect. He was perfect. He was the love of my life, of course he was perfect! “Daaaaave?”
Was there someone invading my fantasy? Oh, wait…
I opened my eyes and saw a familiar face standing there, wide eyed. I had my hand on my hard crotch, rubbing it. This was definitely an uncomfortable position to be found at. I could normally hear when people are walking towards my room, but maybe I was so out of it this time that I didn’t hear him.
“Fuck, sorry— Didn’t wanna—” My cousin said. What the fuck was he doing here, anyway?! In my room! When the fuck did he arrive?!
“Shut the fuck up! And close the door!” I commanded, feeling anger building up on my chest, totally replacing the warm feeling from a few seconds ago.
Brad Walker. My cousin was my height, which was a bit funny given that he was a few years older than me. He was muscled too, but his shoulders seemed wider as his torso formed a sort of upside down triangle. He was a rugby player, maybe it had to do with that.
By looking at his face alone, he could pass as a brother because of the resemblance. He had the Walker’s smile, looking both chilled while also managing to look a bit menacing to keep everyone in their toes.
Doesn’t give him much use, given that he’s a Beta.
Brad closed the door behind him, and laid back on it. “Off to a rocky start, I guess. Let’s try that again… Hey, cuz!”
I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I could feel the anger diminishing. I thought of my soulmate, how would he react if he saw me like this. He would want me to be nice and polite to my cousin. I wanted that too, I wanted to be nice to him. I’m so hot-headed sometimes…
I smiled at Brad, and took a few steps forward to give him a bro hug. After that, I walked over to my bed and sat on the edge. “Hey man, wat’cha doin’ around here?”
“Uncle hasn’t told you? Pops and him thought about doing a little reunion, so we drove over and… here we are.” Brad left his hands in his pockets as he looked around. I noticed I was still almost naked, but didn’t give it much thought. I did put some shorts on, though. “Just the big guys, though. Mom was tired and decided to stay at home with the young ones, so it’s just pops, Logan and me today. The guys asked me to get you downstairs, so… shall we go?”
I pointed to my almost naked body. “Give me a few minutes, alright?”
Dressed up in some shorts and a grey tank top, I walked downstairs with Brad following me closely.
Pops was there, with his brother and my other cousin. I walked over to Logan and gave him a brohug. I liked my cousins, they were like brothers.
“Hey man,” Logan greeted me after the hug. It was nice seeing him. Well, like, nice and not nice, because he was pretty annoying sometimes. So I hoped he didn’t get very annoying tonight. “Damn, you look buffed. Taking steroids already?”
I rolled my eyes. “Why do you ask? Need some to stop being so thin, cuz?”
“I swear I still don’t know how he's not broken after kicking that ball. Y’look like a stick, bruh” Brad backed me up. I liked that about Brad, he was pretty loyal.
Logan laughed. He’s not one of those chums who get mad at every tiny insult. He’s pretty easy going in that regard. Would need to learn from him, because I am one of those chums who get mad at every tiny insult. “Don’t pull my dick, assholes” He punched my shoulder, softly.
Even though Logan was a year older than me, he was an ass. And that’s coming from me.
Logan… He was alright, I guess. Not really very muscly like me or Brad, nor our parents for that matter. That’s because he liked soccer, ugh. Not even weightlifting, nah. Just soccer and cardio.
That got him looking well in a soccer uniform with long socks and knee pads, but… I really should reconsider his standing in my pack. Meh, might as well let him in just because he’s family, but I’ll most likely order him to start working out more to be a real wolf bro. (I’ll get into this later.)
“Uh… don’t wanna be rude or anythin’ but… how long are you guys staying? Thought about having a friend coming over and-”
“Ooooh, is it your girlfrieeend?” The soccer cuz said, moving his fingers towards my face. I slapped his hand off me, and he laughed. “Big meanie Daveee has a girlfrieeeend” He was like a little kid when it came to annoying others, and the worst part was that he nailed it.
“Oh, shut it, bro. You’re just jealous- Wait, that’s not what I was going to ask”
“Dad and uncle Adam thought about doing some beefs for tonight, soooo… family dinner, I guess? We don’t really hang out often, so I thought it would be nice. Besides, we all love beef” Brad answered, holding his arms behind his head and stretching for a bit.
“We’re about to leave, actually,” Uncle Thomas said, grabbing his car keys. “Gonna buy some meat and drinks for tonight. Y’guys wanna come? Hey cub, haven’t seen you in months...” 
I greeted my uncle with a firm handshake, before he gave me a little punch on the abs. “Strong as a rock. Not bad, kiddo.” He ruffled my hair, before turning his attention back to my pops.
I was a bit too worried to think about hitting the store. Nate was supposed to come after he finished his homework, so we could spend the night together. I was supposed to pick him up. Fuck, what am I gonna do?
I shook my head and remained silent. Brad followed suit with a “Yeeaaah… No, been in that car for an hour and I’d really like to move my legs.”
“Pussies,” Logan said in a snarky tone. I raised my eyebrow, but decided to take care of him later. “I’ll go, may find some hot chicks in this friggin’ town…” 
My uncle looked similar to my dad, just a few little differences. Dark blond hair, a bit longer. Their sizes were similar, but my dad was bigger. It was weird to think that my uncle was the one who activated the werewolf curse in a bar fight and not my dad.
If you kill someone, whether it was intentional or accidental, you can’t transform into neither your werewolf or full wolf forms without experiencing a lot of pain. Could be avoided by never turning into those forms but…
Transformation is mandatory during the full moon. This whole thing seemed really thought out to punish those who don’t follow the rules, right?
Brad grabbed my arm “Hey, since we’re staying behind apparently, wanna catch up?” He pointed back to the stairs, probably wanting to go to my room.
I nodded, nothing better to do. And it would give me some time to think about what excuse I could give Nate.
Again in my room, Brad closed the door behind me. “So… a friend? I mean, the locket already gave me an idea but I didn’t you were bringin’ her to your place already…”
“It’s nothing, really…” It was something, a lot. I loved wearing this locket, it reminded me of Nate. Thus meaning, it was pure bliss in a single necklace.
“So, what’s the locket for? Always thought you’d end up with that Leslie chick you talked so much about” Oh, I forgot. My cousins never met my ex.
I shook my head, but was kind of hesitant to talk about it. In the end, I eased myself to the idea as I thought more about Nate. “Got a soulmate now, cuz.” Was my answer. I was proud of myself! Not even a half of the average werewolf population gets to meet their soulmate once in their lives!
I was lucky, it was like, one in a whatever-number-of-people-there-are-in-Earth!
“Waitwaitwait, not gettin’ it. So, you and Leslie… or is it another girl?”
“It’s a guy, his name is Nate” I mumbled out quickly. I wasn’t embarrassed, but at the same time, I felt like a chunk of ice just fell through my stomach. 
“So… you’re gay now?” Brad said, giving me a thumbs up. “It’s alright, I don’t mind gay people”
I honestly couldn’t get how he got that assumption. “What? What makes you think that?”
“You’re with a guy, like dating and loving him and you even have a locket… I mean, that’s pretty gay. But it’s cool, it’s not that weird. Lots o’ people take some time to discover their sexuality and stuff— Uh… Cuz?”
I stared at him. Not staring, actually. I was glaring at him.
Brad gulped. “I fucked up, didn’t I?” While he did sound afraid, his face displayed a mix of nervousness and worry. I always laughed at him when he asked if he fucked up, like it was a regular thing for him to do but still needed other’s approval about it.
I just glared at him, making sure he knew I wasn’t happy. I walked forward and held my gaze into his, trying out my favorite part of being an alpha.
As I focused on him, his expression slowly started to relax, then vanish, as his pupils dilated.
“On your knees” I commanded, making sure he got it as an order, not a ‘humble request’.
His blank face didn’t move an inch, as he dropped to his knees and looked forward. His eyes, besides the pupils being dilated, looked glazed over as his irises changed from hazel to pure yellow. The beta color!
“Who’s your alpha?” I mocked him, as he blankly stared ahead.
“You are, sir. David Walker is my alpha” Brad droned. I ruffled his hair. He was a good beta. 
“And who do you have to be respectful towards?”
“My alpha, sir. Being respectful towards their alphas is the sign of a good beta, sir” Brad answered, in a matter of fact voice.
…I should probably explain what the heck is going on.
I’m an alpha. I’ve mentioned quite a few times already, but I never mentioned anything about other ranks.
You have omegas, who are wolves without a pack. They’re usually weaker than alphas and betas. Then there are the betas, werewolves already in a pack.
Omegas can survive quite well on their own, it’s not a requirement to have a pack. But if you want to get stronger… Getting an alpha is the best you can do.
That’s one of the reasons Pops is so proud of me. He and mom conceived an alpha in their first try! Nate usually nerds out about me sounding like a “Jerry Stud” whatever the fuck that is.
So, since I’m an alpha, both my older cousins are ‘my pack’ to call it some way. And you just got to see one of my favorite alpha skills.
Much like a soulmate bond, being a beta for an alpha makes them completely loyal to the alpha, which means… I have some degree of control over them. Not as much control as my love has over me, but still… It’s fun!
“So, won’t you apologize for calling me a fag— Uh… gay?” I’m still getting used to not using that word. Everything for my Nate. Can’t be a bully anymore, right?
I didn’t have to ask twice. Brad seemed to struggle a bit against it, but after a few seconds he said “I apologize, sir. I didn’t intend disrespecting you like that…” It was a cold, empty apology. But it did the trick. I’m not a picky guy, he’s my cuz after all.
But that did make me wary. Should I tell Nate to not come after all, at least until these guys leave? Fuck, they were going to ruin my evening with my soulmate.
“Uh… what do you think about my soulmate being a guy?” I walked in front of him, back and forth. I was trying to think what would be the wisest decision here. A second opinion would be useful.
“I personally don’t care, sir. You can love whoever you want, especially if you met your second half.” My cousin answered.
“I mean, yeah. But what would Uncle Thomas and Logan say if they found out about it?” I should uh… ‘wake him up’ or whatever already. But I liked him this way. You can say I’m a dominant guy. Not saying I lust over my cuz, that would be incest, but ordering him around is fun.
“I don’t really know. He’s your soulmate, they shouldn’t say anything. Logan is a fellow beta though, it wouldn’t be wise to fear anything from him. He’s as loyal to you as I am, my alpha.” Not going to lie, I loved hearing that.
Being in control of the situation, having everyone in my surroundings looking forward to being with me, or do as I say out of fear/respect/whatever… That’s why I loved the not-studying-part of school!
As a little reward for his opinion, I did what Nate would have done to me if I did particularly good: Scratch the back of his ear. Brad’s head got some emotion again, as he got closer to my hand and started panting with his tongue out.
“There, there. Good beta cuz” I mumbled, as I machinated a plan in my head. I had an idea, but it would be a bit… not ideal. I stopped scratching the good spot, and his expression blanked out again. I crouched in front of him, and looked straight into his eyes. “I want you to listen very clearly to me, understood? Listen and do as your alpha says…”
If Brad wasn’t in ���beta mode’ before, then he definitely was now. His irises were still a bright yellow, but his pupils were even smaller now. “I’d do anything for my alpha, sir” placing a hand on his chest. I knew what that symbolized, I used that expression with Nate before. It freaked him out a little.
“Y’know, my soulmate is kinda a big deal for me so… I want you to treat him like a king, alright? No mean or cocky comments, just be nice to him and I’ll be nice to you, got it?” I had to search for the words to say this, it wasn’t really a piece of cake as I expected. “Think of him as an extension of your alpha. Make him feel good and do what he says, and you’ll be good to go.”
He frowned a bit, but his face quickly eased up. “As you command, my alpha. Your soulmate’s wellbeing will be my top priority, sir.”
Yeah, that’s more like it. “Get up now.” I said and just… walked away from him. I wasn’t interested in bossing him around anymore, not for now at least. But actually…
“Lift your shirt.” One last command wouldn’t hurt, and he obeyed without a question, like a good beta. I walked towards him and gave him a little punch on his abs. Didn’t even flinch, he was keeping up with me! Of course, I wanted the best for my pack! “And… Beta out.”
My cousin snapped out of whatever that was, his yellow irises returning to a nice hazel, as his pupils got back to normal. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and smiled. “Huh, 5 minutes. Wonder what you did there” The guy said, smiling at me.
He couldn’t get mad at me. I was his alpha! I mean, he could… but there wasn’t much he could do about it!
“Meh, you don’t really care, do you?” I said, trying to sound uninterested.
Brad shook his head. “Nah, I really don’t. I really trust ya, cuz. Best alpha around!” Couldn’t tell if he was following the ‘you don’t really care’ thing, or if he was being honest, but I didn’t really care.
“That’s a good beta” I mumbled, going closer to him again to scratch the back of his ear. God bless Nate and discovering that hidden pleasure for me. I loved when he did that to me, as I mentioned, and I loved doing it to other wolves, too!
“What are you two ladies doin’ up here- What the hell are you two doing?” Logan entered the room. My other older cousin, although younger than Brad. Rather than being as muscular as we were, he was more chilled. Yeah, he was in good shape, but he didn’t look like a big gym bro like us.
This was probably due to him preferring Soccer rather than football or rugby. Each to their own, but soccer isn’t that fun to begin with? I tried to not give it much thought and respect his hobbies.
“Brad, close the door and put on some music.” I ordered him, walking over to Logan and wrapping an arm around his small soccer player’s shoulders. “You just made my whole evening way easier, lil’ cuz”
I wondered if Nate would like this. I’d have to send him a message telling him that I wouldn’t be able to pick him up… That felt bad, but at least these guys wouldn’t bother him tonight!
Nate’s POV
Dave invited me to his house, but asked me to walk over. He told me we could have a family dinner, which was alright. I liked his family. Mr. Walker was funny and Ms. Walker was really nice to us. We just had one family dinner and Dave spent most of his time zoned out.
And also, there was a full moon, which I didn’t get to see.
Was I glad they considered me ‘family’? It pushed me out of my freaking mind when Dave sent me that text.
I was walking slowly. Not like a snail and doing baby steps, but I felt like I should slow down as much as I could and… be fashionably late? It was a good walk, from my house to his. But I didn’t mind.
The town was quiet, not much stuff happening as I walked out of my house, and on the way to Dave’s neighborhood.
I thought about buying some ice cream or some nice dessert to make a good impression this time, but hey, I don’t really think they’ll care about it that much. They highly prefer meat, as far as I know.
Stopping in the middle of the way, I grabbed my phone and checked my maps app. “Should have arrived 10 minutes ago… fuck, that shortcut would have been really useful…” I mumbled to myself, changing my route and getting back on the way.
I was nervous at fuck, that maybe explained my silliness. And I also never walked to this part of town. It wasn’t… bad, but it was a bit more private than the usual neighborhoods, which fits Dave’s family pretty well due to them being werewolves, and stuff like that.
I still had some time to cancel and be like “Oh, hey. My… hamster pet is sick and I want to look after him?” I kind of sucked at making up excuses, that's why I never wanted to be late on homework due to laziness.
It was late now, just another block and...
I reached Dave’s house. It was weird arriving here on my own. Guess I really got used to my soulmate acting as my personal driver.  
The rooms inside were on, Dave’s car and his dad’s were outside the garage. The closer I got to the front door, the louder I would hear laughter coming from inside. Were they having  visits? It didn’t sound like Dave’s laugh. His laugh was… deep and dumb-sounding.
I stopped now. What if they had visits? What if Dave didn’t tell them I was coming? I was shaking a bit, before taking a deep breath. 
Taking my final steps to be in front of the main door, I knocked and waited for someone. Loud footsteps later, Adam Walker (Dave’s dad) opened the door.
“Hey bud. Didn’t know you were coming, but uh…” He motioned inside with his head. “Come in, the big guy is in his room with his cousins. We’re having a family dinner”
“Thanks, mr. Walker-” But he stopped me as I set a foot on the door. The older man leaned in and started whispering.
“Don’t be afraid. If you don’t want to be picked on tonight, try your best to not sweat as you did the last time. Dave will probably have you covered, though.” He patted my back, and moved aside to let me in. After that, he closed the door behind me. “Dinner will be ready in a bit so… feel free to go mingle with the guys upstairs.”
Uh… that wouldn’t be needed, apparently. Dave and a pair of guys were coming downstairs, and as soon as my puppy boy saw me, he rushed towards me to give me a big tight hug. “Missed you a lot, bruh! Didn’t know there was going to be more family tonight so… I’m really sorry for that. But I’m sure we’ll have a good time!”
The other two guys just stared at me, arms folded. One of them was big, and buffed. He had an absent smile, a bit creepy but also inviting. The other was smaller than him (And Dave, for that matter).
“Uh… since your uncle is here, these are…”
“Cousins, yuh” Dave finished the sentence. I made the connection on my own, but it was good to get some confirmation. “Big one’s Brad, small one’s Logan.”
“Hey, I’m not small!” Logan complained, trying to punch Dave’s arm. He didn't seem to do much damage though.
“Yeah, and I’m a bottom, heh” My werewolf jock replied, obviously mocking his cousin. I noticed Brad chuckling, and I couldn’t help but find that funny though. I always wondered if Dave would like to bottom at least once. I feel like he’d be alright if I asked him for it, due to me having full control and all that...
After the introduction was over, and both guys shook my hand, my focus shifted again to who I wanted to be with: Puppy boy was looking at me too.
“I can’t find the words to tell you how glad I am to see you here, though” Dave said, before pulling me in for a good make out session. In the middle of the living room. He was feeling happy or romantic, I assumed? I was surprised his cousins didn’t react at all, and just looked like they were watching some kind of movie.
“Wait, what the heck?” Oh geez.
A man blasted in the living room, and tried to separate me from Dave. The puppy boy reacted quickly though, and pushed him away. “What the fuck, old man?! This is my soulmate!”
Before the guy could go back at us, Dave’s dad popped in to save the day! “You guys just had to hold on for a bit until dinner was ready!” I felt like the ‘complaint’ was more directed towards who-I-thought-was Dave’s uncle, and Dave himself.
The puppy boy seemed a bit angry, he got in front of me and made sure I was out of view. It was a cute touch. I noticed the other two guys taking a step towards us too, like siding with Dave in this.
“Just, calm down, all of you, and start setting the table. Try to not take your eyes out while you do, alright?!” Mr. Walker surely knew how to take care of these situations. Was this a normal thing?
After a long stare, both guys nodded, and we all scrambled.
I was sitting next to Dave and that other guy, Brad. Across me, Mr. Walker looked around with a calm expression, as he chewed on his meat piece. Thomas, Dave’s uncle, wasn’t exactly subtle when it came to me. His eyes were like daggers, fixated on me as I nervously stared at my plate.
It was amazing, and terrifying. The resemblance and also differences between both werewolves were quite noticeable. Mr. Walker was probably calm because he already knew about my thing with Dave. The cousins seemed to be quite attentive towards my every movement and sound. I felt like their eyes would automatically fixate on me at any little sound I would make, which was killing me inside. (Were they glowing yellow? Maybe it was my head playing tricks…)
Was I doing something wrong or offensive? I should excuse myself from the table.
“So…” Uncle Thomas started, before biting a big chunk of beef and gulping it down quickly. “Uh… soulmates, that’s neat. How did you two meet each other?”
‘First family dinner all over again…’ I thought to myself, as I tried to find the words for my answer.
“School, I was just walkin’ around and smelled him. Knew he was the one so… tried my best, huhuh.” Dave saved my ass, although his story was different this time. We lied during the first dinner. I couldn’t remember the excuse anymore, and that’s what bothers me about lies.
They’re usually hard to remember. That’s also the reason I’m a bad liar, my memory is awful.
“Yeah, that’s how it usually happens. You just walk around and get the smell, all the soulmate stories start exactly like that, ain’t that right?” Dave’s uncle looked at his brother next to him, who gave him a really angry looking frown.
“Go fuck yourself, got’cha?” I understood that reaction, The man lost his soulmate, I guess the memories were still painful? I’m no psychologist to tell.
“Yeah, sorry, shouldn’t have mentioned that… So uh… back to you, kiddo.” Oh, fuck. Dinner was nice, the meat was delicious! But Dave’s uncle didn’t seem to be… really fond of me. I was glad to see (Not really, now I sound like a dick) that he was bothering Mr. Walker too, so it’s nice to see that the consensus was… Dave’s uncle was a loud mouth ass. “You don't seem to have big muscles, but that's pretty much a given when you're a human."
“I’m sorry…” I mumbled, looking up at him. I tried to sound nice and not afraid, like Mr. Walker suggested before but… it was hard. “Not really good at sports and stuff like that, I guess-”
“Can see that. At least you’re a valedictorian, right?” I shook my head. High grades weren't my top priority. I did well at school, but didn’t focus enough for high grades to be a given. “No? That’s too bad.”
“Tom…” His brother tried to calm him. I noticed Dave needed some calm too. The big guy was clenching his fist with a lot of strength, as he held his knife with the other hand. He didn’t seem eager to cut the meat though, so I decided to step in for him.
I grabbed his fist beneath the table, feeling as it relaxed the longer I touched him. At the end, he grabbed my hand too, and I noticed his expression relaxed as well.
“Dad, don’t be such a dick. The guy’s fine, cut it out.” One of Dave’s cousins, big guy, uh… Brad! He seemed to be standing up for me, for some reason. He angrily stared at Dave’s uncle, without an apparent reason.
Uh… I felt like I was missing a big chunk of information here.
The uncle just stared back at his son, a bit surprised by his reaction. But before he could answer, or even react at all, Dave’s dad spoke up. “Well, it’s been fun, a neat reminder of why we never have family reunions, heh.”
“Ow, c’mon. It’s just a big friendly talk between men and…” He looked at me, seemingly ready to strike another insult. I grabbed Dave’s hand tighter.
But Dave’s dad didn’t give him the chance. “Dinner’s over. You guys will be going upstairs.”
“Roger that” I mumbled, leaving my plate with still a good chunk of meat. I didn’t let go of Dave’s hand, but he followed right after me.
“But I wanted a bit more beef...” The other cousin said. Logan, if I remember correctly. He was small, rather than muscled and big. I related to him because of that, glad to see not all male werewolves are big muscular people.
“Take the plate” Brad whispered to him, before following us upstairs.
“Okay, what’s going on-” I started to say, but my boyfriend shushed me.
“I’ll tell you all about it upstairs, just follow me and don’t make loud noises. Remember that they can hear everything in here” Dave interrupted me, as we went to his room. ‘Great, now my werewolf seems to be part of a mafia’.
Locking the door behind us and his cousins, Dave ordered his cousins to stand aside, and they obeyed right away. “I’ll put some music here and…” His phone started playing some loud rock, but not loud enough to make the place feel annoying. “There, we can talk now.”
“Whaaat’s going on? And just tell me already, it feels quite bad to be insulted for no reason.”
“You weren’t really being insulted, bruh. I was.” Dave explained, motioning for me to go closer before leading me to his bed. “Uncle has… a bit of a problem, like pops has. But while pops knows when to shut his mouth, my uncle doesn’t, huh.”
“I don’t really see the insulting part there but continue…” I pointed out, but Dave just chuckled. Which seemed to cause a chain reaction and the werewolves guarding the door in front of us chuckled too.
“Sorry, yeah. Uh, well… My uncle is just bitter because my dad got an alpha son on his first try, me of course” I could figure that out on my own. The ‘I’m an alpha’ part I mean, he says it all the time. “Brad and Logan here are my betas. They were born as omegas, yeah, but I got them in my pack by willing choice because betas are usually stronger than omegas.”
The cousins were on the other side of the room. The small one, Logan, was tasting his meal with delight, while Brad leaned in to… hear our chat? They looked directly at Dave as soon as he mentioned them, before each one of them saying a “Hey” “‘Sup?”
“Why are they so… attentive?” Nosy mode on. I wanted to get answers, mostly because my curiosity was triggered now. ‘Obedient’ would have fitted better than ‘attentive’ though.
“Asked them to take care of you for the night, because I wasn’t sure if It would look good for me to do it. Pops is usually really fond of my uncle, but I think he didn’t like seeing him insulting my soulmate to get to me, bruh” Dave then put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. “I can put them back to normal if you want me to, but… they don’t really mind, so why bother?”
Uhm… I risk myself sounding like a dick right now, but I found the idea of the two cousins under Dave’s control quite arousing… I’m not going to say it to him, of course! I didn’t want him to feel bad or anything if he saw his soulmate interested in other guys…
“Where are they going to sleep, by the way? Or are they leaving after a bit?” It was after dinner already so… it wasn’t a bad thing to ask. Like, we had school tomorrow...
“Living room, sofa. One of them, at least. I’ve got a sleeping bag, because they both can’t fit on the sofa, so while the guest room is occupied by my uncle and… yeah, I’ll go get that old thing. Gimme a sec.”
Dave got up from the bed and left the room, leaving me sitting there alone as the two cousins stared at me.
“Hope the meat is still good…” I told Logan, trying to sound nice. I felt a bit bad, Dave made them look after me, and that made them ‘defend’ me against their father. Yeah, I definitely feel bad now. “Sorry for crashing into the dinner.”
“You kiddin’? You seem like a cool guy, dad was just being an ass. It’s okay though, I think he likes you” Brad answered, and I feel like he’s the one “kiddin’” here. “He’s just… We don’t like family dinners, we do them out of courtesy. Nothing personal, dad can be naturally obnoxious sometimes”
I wanted to say sorry again or something like that, but that’s when Dave bursted in with the sleeping bag. “Y’guys play rock paper scissors to decide who’ll sleep with the alpha… Like, beside me, don’t get weird ideas.”
I chuckled, as Dave threw the sleeping bag next to the cousins, and started taking off his shirt as he walked towards me. “You’re sleeping over, right? It’s still early, but I can make up for the bad time by cuddling, if you’d like.”
To be honest, it felt like a good idea to distract me from that… failed family dinner night. Never again I’ll ‘crash’ into a Walker dinner (Even though Dave knew I was coming over). Too many surprises for a lifetime, thank you.
I laid down, rolled over to leave him room. We wouldn’t be sleeping yet, I hoped. The big guy laid down beside me and quickly pulled me in.
“Yeah!” We turned towards the other guys and noticed Brad had won the rock paper scissors game. Logan just seemed defeated, he grabbed his empty plate and looked over at us.
“Well, g’night bros. Gonna be in the living room, I guess.”
“Buh-bye” Dave said, before turning around again and holding me in his arms. “Sorry again for all that before, bruh. Let's get some sleep, a’ight?”
Honestly, I think I didn't feel as offended as I should have. Best to just let things slide off, I guess. I decided to just nod, and doze off while hearing Brad setting up his sleeping bag. 
I didn’t pay him much mind, though. My puppy boy's hug felt nice enough to help me relax quite quickly...
Author’s note:
Took me long enough. But chapter 16 went up already, so gotta keep up with the content.
Chapter 16 is available in my Patreon, but it will go up as soon as I publish Chapter 17 there. Shouldn’t be long, I feel very inspired lately! (Hopefully it won’t take as long as this one did 😅).
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it <3.
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mrs-march-ahs · 4 years
Are The Evans Dog or Cat People?
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-Likes both
-Loves it when either come lay on your lap while you watch TV so he can sit and stroke them
-Is completely fine leaving cats alone and having them come to him when they want
-But also loves the attention that dogs give you
-Loves when a dog gets excited when you come home
-Also feels super comforted when a dog licks his tears when he cries
-Absolutely always strokes stray cats, always
-Dogs, but he likes both
-Loses his mind over big fluffy dogs
-You go over to a friend’s house and you knock on the door, and the dog starts barking
-Kit gasps and smiles already excited to see it
-Your friend opens the door and holds the dog back by the collar, so you two quickly walk in and shut the door
- “Don’t hold him back! Let him go!” Kit says, with open arms
- “Are you sure? He’s a little heavy”
- “Gimme gimme gimme”
-Sits on the floor and cuddles and fights with the dog
-Definitely will growl at the dog and play tug of war with them
You step foot into your house after a long day of work, only to find your husband on the kitchen floor with a dog on his lap. The small black fluffy dog licks Kit’s face, and Kit looks over at you and smiles.
“Kit…”, you say walking over to him and Kit continues scratching the dog, looking at him intensely in love.
“Kit darling, we don’t have a dog”, you laugh.
Kit stands up and holds the dog in his arms, before turning towards you and answering as seriously as he can.
“Yeah, I noticed that too, I also thought it was a problem in our relationship”, he begins, nodding and talking. “But don’t worry, I fixed it”.
You giggle at how happy Kit is with his new friend, but try to stay strong and be the reasonable adult.
“Kit, I don’t know if we can afford a dog, I mean food, toys, vet bills-”
“Yeah, Billy and I talked about it, and he agreed to get a job and pay his way in the house”, Kit nods seriously, pointing to the dog. But when he sees that your face doesn’t particularly soften at the light-hearted joke, he tries another method.
“Hear me out darling”. You nod and look at Kit, who opens his mouth pretending to speak, but instead holds the dog’s face in front of yours. When the fluffy creature licks the tip of your nose, you scrunch it up and Kit laughs at how cute you look.
“It’s okay honey, we signed a contract, he promised he won’t pee on the carpet”
Franken Kyle
-Just think back to that scene with the German Shepherd
-He’d love how the fluffy dog feels and would love running his fingers down his fur
-To teach him a little responsibility, you’d give Kyle a brush and he’d brush the dog every so often
-Which would end up with him covered in fur head to toe
-He’d like walking the dog and holding the leash, but you’d have to keep an eye on the two of them because Kyle can’t say no to the dog, so if the dog wants to cross the road and go over there, then they go
-Loves sleeping and/or cuddling with the dog
-Dog on his lap and tablet rested on the dog as he does his educational apps
-Regularly barks at the dog
- Kyle: (barks)
Dog: (barks back)
Kyle: YES!
-One day you come home and Kyle got hold of the treats and is trying to teach the dog how to sit, but every time the dog does anything cute Ky gives him a treat so it doesn’t work
- Kyle: Sit
Kyle: treat
-Inseparable duo
-Dogs, but I think he’s a little weary around them
-He wouldn’t be fully comfortable around animals but he would want to pet them
-You might have to take his hand and stroke the dog with him so he gets the hang of it
-Since he never had a dog he wouldn’t know how to get them to come to him
-He would follow them around, and the dogs would start running and he’d pout
- “Jimmy! Follow him, he thinks you’re playing a game!” and then you see Jimmy running after the dog
-He’d sneak one of the guests’ dogs’ in your caravan and sit with it on his lap
- “Jimmy that’s not our dog-”
- “But he’s asleep, on my lap Y/N!”, he says excitedly but quietly to not awake the pooch, “what am I meant to do? I’m staying here forever”
-Would always love it when people tied their dogs to the lamppost and then went in for the show so that you and Jimmy can sit and pet them
-Eventually he’d get tired of everybody having a dog but him so he’d go and get a stray dog
-You sit on the bench talking to Eve, and see Jimmy walk towards you with a grey scruffy dog in his arms
-You look over at him and smile, “Where’d you get that from Jim?”
- “Found him on the side of the road, looks like nobody wanted him”, Jimmy says and puts the dog on the table, only to reveal he’s missing his front leg
- “He fits right in, don’t you think?”
-Would be almost fascinated by the aloofness of cats
-Would think they’re graceful
-His cat of choice would be fully black
-Mysterious looking and unlucky
-As much as he would want to respect that cats want their own space, if you had a cat in the house full time he would keep buying it fancy toys and treats so the cat likes him
- “I got Priscilla this luxurious cat tower, but she prefers to sit on the shelf? Why is that, darling?”
-He’d sit and wave the cat teaser around and Priscilla the cat couldn’t care less, so James would sigh and give up, put it down and get ready for work
-But the second he picks up his office keys and they jangle, she’s suddenly interested
- “Is this what you want?” (jangles keys) “Fascinating”
-Cat names include, Priscilla, Alfred, Alexandra, Franklin
- “James I assume you want a high-class name for the kitty? I was thinking Charles maybe or-”
- “What about Snuggles?”
-Dogs are too excitable for him
-Cats are the epitome of elegance
-But the second his cat rubs up against the statue stand and wobbles the clay head, he gets kicked out outside for the night
-Too impatient for animals as a whole
-Would vigorously hate cats, but Winter would love them
-He’d like dogs, especially if they were obedient
-Would never ‘stoop to the level’ of trying to get a dog to come sit with him, but if they did he would like it
-Might even stroke it or put his hands on it
-He wouldn’t show it but would totally be upset if the dog walked away
- (Googles: How to manipulate a dog into liking me)
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Fandom: Halloween
Pairing: Michael Myers X Reader
Warnings: Death, attempted rape (not by Michael), hurt. (also not proof read because it’s 4am and I’m very inspired so I’ll proof read it another day).
Summary: Y/N hates fall, but that changes upon meeting someone special.
Words: 2.8k
A/N: I’ve been obsessed with the song ‘we fell in love in October’ by Girl in Red and yeah this just kinda happened because of it.
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Fall had never been Y/N’s favourite season. As a matter of fact, it was one she hated and dreaded the most each year. Well, until she met him.
They met during October, nearing Halloween.
Sure, she had heard the whispers about the infamous Michael Myers who murdered his sister and many others. Did she care? No. Not really anyway. It wasn’t like she’d ever see him… right?
Well, that’s what she thought. She had never believed that she’d ever meet him, nor see him. But, everyone can be wrong sometimes.
The stars glistened brightly as Y/N lay on a blanket, gazing at them dreamily.
It might have been cold, freezing actually, and the jacket that hung loosely from her body provided very little warmth, but she still enjoyed it. Despite hating fall, she did particularly like the late nights. Not many people would be around on the nights due to the cold weather which meant that she was able to be alone whenever she wished, except for Halloween of course when children and teenagers alike would be wandering the streets of Haddonfield.
Lost in her thoughts whilst staring at the stars, she finally realised something.
“Shit I’m lonely.” A slight chuckle left her lips at the words.
As if on cue, a sadistic voice sounded behind her causing her whole body to tense, “Do you often talk to yourself late at night?” She could almost hear the smirk through his words which was followed by numerous laughs.
Quickly climbing onto her feet, she turned to face the people, who she quickly assumed was a gang after seeing their similar outfits and weapons ‘hidden’ in their pockets.
“Sometimes, yes.” She gave a casual smile, doing her best to hide how afraid she truly was. Despite the shaking of her hand, she showed not true fear, her eyes simply filled with determination. “Can I help you gentlemen?”
“I believe you can, pretty lady.” The man, who she believed to be the leader of the gang, stepped towards her with a huge smirk on his lips.
“How so?” Y/N’s head tilted to the side, hair falling with the movement, covering her face in a cute manner that almost made the men feel guilty; key word being almost.
Nothing could really change their beliefs after it being instilled in them from being children.
All five of the men walked towards her, an action that made the girls strong stance falter. Both her stance and demeanour crumbled into tiny pieces as the first guy grasped her shoulder tightly, leaving her unable to shrug it off despite her attempts.
“Let go of me.” She mumbled, eyes darting towards the ground.
“Awe, you sound so cute when you say that.” Another man chuckled, beginning to palm himself through his, almost too tight, jeans which made her realise what was about to happen. “Say it again.” He stifled a moan at her small, afraid whimpers.
“Please.” Her tone was a pleading one, simply sparking the enjoyment and pleasure in the men’s eyes.
“Awe, she’s so cute guys. Maybe we should kee-“The leaders voice was cut short by a knife to the heart, blood quickly making its way to his mouth, pouring down his lips. Everyone, besides the perpetrator of course, stood frozen still.
Y/N watched in horror as each of the men were slaughtered in front of her.
It was only once the last man fell to the ground that she finally looked up to see the man who has rescued her.
“Michael…” The name left her lips before she could even stop herself. All she got in return was a simple head tilt from the extremely tall man. “Thank you.” She whispered to him before taking a step forward. “Even if it was a strange last sight, I still appreciate it.” Her words came out hoarse now as she realised that it was the end of her life.
Michael simply tilted his head again, looking almost like a confused puppy. In fact, it was cute to her. Sure he had just murdered five men, but he saved her and she couldn’t thank him enough for that, even if he was about to kill her.
Y/N’s eyes closed as she stood in front of Michael, his body towering over her in a way that intimidated her significantly. Her body braced herself for the stab.
One second…
Two seconds…
Three seconds…
She wasn’t sure how long she was stood there, but the stab never came. Her eyes flew open, wondering as to why she was still breathing, only to reveal Michael was no longer stood there.
That was at the start of October.
It had been over a week since then and she was still alive as well as extremely confused.
He saved her and then didn’t kill her? Michael Myers? Willingly sparing somebody’s life?
From what she had heard, she assumed that that wasn’t normal for him. But the more she thought about it, the more confused she became.
Each night was spent wondering why he spared her life; why he saved her.
Sure, maybe it was the bloodlust. But why would he spare her? She didn’t know him, he didn’t know her and he was some bloodthirsty killer.
She thought nearly every hour of every day, pondering why he spared her, but she was unable to think of a valid and reasonable answer.
Little did she know, she would receive her answer that day.
Y/N’s lips formed into an O shape as she puffed out the smoke from her lips, cigarette limp in her hand which hung beside her thigh.
The roof she was on was one she visited often.
Nobody was able to come up here, meaning that she was the only one here.
She did love to be alone, like she was right now.
Or so she thought.
Behind her stood a tall, masked man that the entirety of Haddonfield knew as Michael Myers, the guy who killed many, including five men a week ago.
He stalked towards her, knife nowhere in sight, simply store in his pocket, close to reach if he needed to grab it, but hidden enough to not scare the girl.
He watched fascinated as she lifted the lit cigarette to her lips. He caught sight of her painted fingernails, a nice shade of red. It was strange of Michael to pay attention to such simple things, tending to be focused on the colour of the blood pouring from his victims. Maybe that was why he noticed her nails; the blood red reminding him of his victims.
Michael himself wasn’t entirely sure as to why he spared her life. He had stalked her for the past week ever since the incident, the feeling in his stomach leaving him irritated. He became especially irritated when he couldn’t bring himself to force the steel knife into her chest whilst she slept soundly, oblivious as to the fact that there was a killer hovering over her, unable to strike.
There was a small part of him that understood what the feeling was, an extremely small part that he ignored.
He was infatuated with her.  
Maybe it was the way she did her best to stand up for herself, or the way she walked towards him unafraid despite having just witnessed him kill five other men. It could also be how she thanked him, despite knowing who he was. Or maybe he just liked the way his name sounded falling from her lips and he wished to hear it again.
He wasn’t sure which reason it was, maybe a combination of all of them. But he was fully aware of the fact that he couldn’t kill her; he had tried multiple times in the week following the incident but, despite the voices screaming at him to do it, he couldn’t bring himself to end her life.
Michael was now behind her on the rooftop, nearing the edge where she was stood, gaze focused on the scenery ahead of her, blissfully unaware of the shadow looming over her.
His huge hands gripped her shoulder, pushing her gently, a big enough push for her to be scared, a scream leaving her lips, but his grip tight enough making sure that she wouldn’t fall.
He didn’t want that.
Eyes wide, she spun around to face the person who had almost killed he.
Her eyes widened even more as she saw who stood in front of her,
He simply nodded before leaving.
“Don’t go.” She called for him, pleading for him to stay, almost like she had pleaded for the men to stop.
She watched as his body came to a halt.
“Michael,” His body tensed, “please stay.”
He did.
That was how their relationship, if you could even call it that, began.
That was two weeks ago.
It’s only a week until Halloween.
Until Michael next killing spree.
Y/N wasn’t sure how it had happened, but Michael had ended up staying at her house nearly every night.
Sure, he crashed on the couch, surprising her, but he did stay with her.
The two grew attached to each other, even if Michael was unaware as to this fact. He was, however, aware of the fact that he couldn’t kill her; he couldn’t even harm her, even if he wanted too.
It was another night with Y/N lounging on the couch, watching some random movie that was playing on the TV. Weirdly enough, she was alone tonight. She had no idea where Michael was, and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t worried. But she knew him well enough, or at least she liked to think she did, to know that he could take care of himself. He’s a big man, quite literally.
A knock on her front door pulled her attention away from her thoughts as curiosity filled her body. She didn’t know who it could be. She wasn’t exactly expecting somebody, and it wasn’t Halloween so there’d be no kids looking for free candy, something that Y/N began to curse at herself for, remembering that she had meant to pick some up today.
The knocking grew louder and more aggressive the longer she waited.
“Hello?” Her voice was confused as she greeted the weird man on her doorstep.
“Y/N, right?” He was straight to the point.
“Dr Loomis, I need to speak to you.” He barged past her, startling her immensely and she internally begged Michael would be here soon if things went badly.
She carefully closed the front door, turning to face the guy named Loomis who was now stood in the middle of her lounge.
“What is it?” Her words were cautious, chosen with extreme carefulness as she wasn’t entirely sure who this man was.
“I know of your relationship with Michael Myers.”
“My what?” Her words sounded confused, despite her knowing exactly what. “Michael Myers? As in the killer?”
“Don’t play dumb, Y/N. I know he’s been staying here, and you’ve been letting him. In fact, I know you’ve become quite attached to him but let me tell you this, he is evil, and doesn’t feel anything for you. I’m quite sure he’s simply here for a place to stay and will kill you when he finds another place.” Loomis’s words were sharp, he wasn’t playing around.
“I seriously don’t know what you mean. Now, I think you should leave before I call the police.” Y/N demanded, walking over to swing the front door open for him to leave.
“I’ll be back to deal with you.” He spat before having the door slammed in his face.
Y/N wasn’t too sure how long it had been as she was curled up on the couch, wondering what she could do.
Should she tell Michael? Should she keep it from him? How did this guy even know? Why did he want to know? What should she do?
The back door swung open, Michaels way of alerting her to his presence.
She payed on attention to the noise, simply remaining in her thoughts.
It wasn’t until he was in front of her did she finally break from those thoughts, looking up at him with such fear in her eyes, shortly followed by tears leaking from them, trickling down her cheeks.
“S-sorry.” The girl hiccupped, tilting her head in order to make her hair fall in front of her face, not wanting Michael to see her like this.
Once she realised that Michael wasn’t leaving, she glanced up.
He stood there, bloody knife still in hand as though he was preparing to attack, not her but somebody else. His masked head was tilted, the same as he did when he was confused.
“I met someone today.” Y/N’s words were quiet, not noticing the way Michaels grip on the knife tightened at the sentence, knuckles turning white as his whole body was strained with anger. “He knows you’ve been staying here. He said his name was Dr Loomis.”
Michael left.
That was two days ago now.
She hadn’t seen him in two days, and it was safe to say that she did miss him. And, weirdly enough, he missed her also, in his own Michael way.
She wandered the streets, unaware of the gaze focused on her and her alone. Y/N had decided on a thick jumper today which hugged her body in a way that actually provided warmth this time. Her jeans were also a source of warmth. The wind blew through her H/C locks, tossing them behind her.
She looked beautiful.
The girl had arranged to meet a friend today in order to take her mind off of Michaels disappearance.
She had let Loomis’s words get to her, assuming that he had found somebody else like he had said. But, he hadn’t killed her, not yet at least.
Her steps slowed down, eventually halting as she realised something. Something she wished she hadn’t.
She loved Michael.
She couldn’t think about this for more than ten seconds before hearing her name leave somebody’s lips behind her.
“Y/N! Hey, why’re you stood still you weirdo.” Jessica, Y/N’s friend, giggled as she jogged to catch up to her.
“Hey.” Y/N’s smile was forced, the daunting realisation from moments ago still on her mind.
“How’re you doing?” The other girls smile was not forced, genuinely happy to see her friend after three weeks.
“I’m good.” Another forced smile, “How are you?” She tensed as Jessica’s arms wrapped around her friends shoulder.
A relieved sigh left Y/N’s painted lips as the door closed behind her.
The thought of it being unlocked didn’t even cross her mind, desperate to get inside, change into comfy clothes and just sit down. However, those plans were stopped when she felt a rough hand tug on her elbow, turning her to face him: Loomis.
“What the fuck?” She did her best to rip her arm from his grasp but to no avail, “Let go of me you creep!” She yelled, violently tugging her arm again.
“Tell me of your relationship with Michael Myers!” Loomis yelled back, refusing to let go of her, despite how hard his grip was, both of them unaware of the fact that bruises would be left.
“I don’t have one!” Another yell from her.
“Yes you do! Where is he?”
Tears began to pour down her cheeks and Y/N wasn’t sure if it was from panic, stress or the pain in her arm.
“Please let go of me.” She whispered quietly, tears falling to the ground.
“Only if you tell me where he-“ Loomis’s words were cut short due to a stab through the heart, reminding Y/N of the way Michael and her met.
She felt the grip on her arm loosen before watching the body drop to the floor, revealing a shaking, panting Michael. “Michael…”
He was covered in blood, shaking with both anger and hatred.
How dare Loomis touch what is his.
Michaels sudden realisation was similar to Y/N earlier that day.
Michael had seen that realisation happen, however he wasn’t sure as to why she simply stopped in the middle of the street.
He wanted her to be his and his alone.
He wanted her to belong to him and him alone.
No, he needed her to.
Michael showed no sign of the internal conflict he was facing as he stood in front of her.
“Are you okay?” Her words were concerned, more worried about Michael than the pain in her arm as well as the bruising.
A simple nod from him followed by a head tilt, wordlessly asking her the same.
“I’m okay.” She gulped, unable to look him in the eyes, something which irritated him.
His annoyance was evident in his stride towards her, leaving her afraid.
She gulped again once he was in front of her, watching as his arm raised towards her, hand tightly gripping her jaw, forcing her to look him in the eyes, his eyes showing a strange emotion for him.
They fell in love in October, and that’s why Y/N loves fall.
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lysissisyl · 4 years
Here’s my story for the event @raines-stories-n-things organized. Thank you for your hard work.
I don’t know if you knew, but you assigned me a prompt for my fiancée, making it all even more special for us. So... to @patricia-von-arundel , with all my love. 💜
Trick or kiss?
Byleth has always loved Halloween. She could see the kids wearing crazy costumes and going out trick-or-treating in tv shows, all the horror houses, with their mechanical creatures moving and making creepy sounds (she heard people calling them “animatronics”). Even kids’ cartoons had special episodes airing on that day.
When she was a child, it was considered something foreign, an American tradition that nobody followed or cared about in her country, but things had started to change with time. Now kids wore costumes and went out asking for sweets. They knocked at their neighbors’ doors asking “Dolcetto o scherzetto?” Their parents had to hang messages to tell people to get ready, so they had something to give them, and they usually didn’t leave the building or the street they lived in, but it was something. They received normal sweets, nothing crazy, nothing made for the occasion. People didn’t hang up decorations, not many at least. The neighbors had carved pumpkin and put it out of their door once. You could see some funny things in shops, but not much, nothing compared to Christmas, for example (even if even Christmas decorations weren’t as fancy as the American ones). She knew there were Halloween Parties, but chaotic discos weren’t her cup of tea. She tried wearing a simple costume and walking around, she took some pictures once, but people looked at her like she was strange. (To be honest, they often did and it didn’t bother her, but the atmosphere wasn’t exactly thrilling.)
She could notice the difference the moment she arrived at the airport. The shops there were full, literally full of anything Halloween related. They even had pets’ costumes! There were decals and lights and things she didn’t know how to call on display. Some kids already had costumes, even if it wasn’t the 31st yet.
As far as she loved it all though, she never stopped to buy or look at anything for more than a second; she had other things on her mind now. One thing in particular: Edelgard.
Edelgard was waiting (in)patiently. She had arrived at the airport an hour and a half in advance and had been pacing since. After reading the flight landed, she started checking the time and her phone basically every 5 seconds. She only stopped the moment she saw Byleth walking towards her. They both froze for a few seconds before running into each other’s arms. It had been too long. It was always too long. Edelgard was sure she was going to cry any moment, but she categorically refused to cry in public. She needed to keep herself busy and she needed to bring Byleth home. Now.
Whatever was outside the airport doors, Byleth didn’t notice. She could blame the long flight (and she was actually very tired and dazed), but the truth was that all her brain could process for a while was the warmth of Edelgard’s hand in hers.
“...or you prefer going straight home?”
The look on her face must have been 50% smitten adoration and 50% pure confusion, because Edelgard blushed and laughed. “I was asking if you want to go and pick up some food or you prefer going straight home and let me make something for you there.” She paused and smiled slightly. “Perhaps I should just bring you too bed though, since you truly look exhausted.”
Was that concern or a timid attempt to tease? Maybe both. And she sure wasn’t too tired to fight back. “Don’t worry about that. Resting my head on your shoulder while you drive will sure make miracles for my awareness level.”
Edelgard almost let her car keys fall and clumsily opened the trunk. “Give me your luggage, so we can go wherever you want.” The imperative tone told Byleth she hit home. Score! She handed her the big case with a grin.
After they both got in the car Edelgard started the engine and they left the parking lot in silence. Most people would have considered it awkward, but it wasn’t. It was that kind of silence that two people can share when they’re truly close and are just feeling each other’s presence. It was a very intimate silence.
They both liked listening to music in the car and they often did, but not now: this short trip was just for them, to enjoy being together after such a long time, alone.
Edelgard broke the silence first. “From a more practical side...”, she stopped, realizing her voice was going to betray her thoughts again. There was no time to think about the softness of Byleth’s body against hers. Focus, Edelgard! She cleared her voice. “Do you want to stop somewhere for food or not?”
Too harsh. But Byleth smiled. She could read her far too well. “I vote for sushi. Sushi is always good for a date.”
Edelgard silently thanked the darkness for hiding her blush. They had been together for month, but the word “date” still had such a strong effect on her! If felt like she was suddenly so light she could fly and the only thing preventing her from getting lost in the vast sky was Byleth. Byleth being there meant she could fly safely.
Drive safely. She should focus on the road and drive safely. No flying. Why was she even thinking about flying? “Sushi sounds good.” The answer came late enough for Byleth to giggle.
Sushi looked good too. That was Byleth’s first thought in the restaurant. She saw a waiter passing by with some and she suddenly realized how hungry she truly was.
When Edelgard showed her the menu, her eyes literally lightened up. It wasn’t that she had never had sushi, she had it often, but sharing it with Edelgard was different. It was special. She rarely smiled, but even just discussing what to order made her smile. Edelgard had that strange effect on her. She had had it from the start.
Byleth had lived almost all her life barely feeling. She acknowledged most emotions, but...they weren’t truly there. It was like living behind a glass. It was normal to her, but she could still see it. When she met Edelgard though, that glass began to crack and when they got together...it shattered. It felt truly like she came with a giant axe and just smashed it. Gone. In instants. She saved her from a cold she wasn’t even fully aware off. And now...now she was smiling at sushi and she felt like laughing.
The drive home was peaceful. They kept talking about places to visit and things to do. They had discussed them many times, most at least, but it was different now: the time had come. So they kept talking and planning, just because it felt good to. At least, they kept talking until Byleth stopped replying.
Now Edelgard was sitting in the car, parked in her usual spot, uncertain about what to do. Byleth was resting her head on her shoulder, like she had playfully mentioned before, one of her hands was holding onto her shirt. She was sound asleep. Edelgard didn’t dare moving. She felt like when a kitten fell asleep on her lap. Part of her just wanted to stay there and watch her sleep. She could admire her beautiful face, put her hand on hers, kiss her forehead if she turned carefully enough. Part of her though desperately wanted to bring her home, carry her to bed, wrap her arms around her and kiss her, being it just a kiss goodnight or something more. She just wanted to kiss her beaut-
The rational part of her cut that thought there, reminding her they needed to get out of the car, carry the luggage inside, have dinner. Only then it would have been time to go to bed. Together... Feeling her so close against her...and-
Focus! Luggage, then dinner.
She lifted her left hand, then stopped a few centimeters from Byleth’s head. Hesitation. They had been together for month, but she still hesitated. Her thoughts went easily out of control, she often found herself daydreaming until she could almost feel her skin, but her body still stopped, like it wondered if she was truly allowed. She internally laughed at herself, letting her fingers into Byleth’s hair. Messy and soft. She loved it. She stroked them gently, until she felt her girlfriend humming and her hand tightening its grip on her shirt. Cute.
“El?” Byleth’s voice sounded so sleepy... Unusual for someone who always said she completely woke up in seconds. Edelgard’s hand stopped when she found herself unreasonably flustered again. “Sushi is good fresh. We better go.” Too harsh. Again. She sighed, getting out of the car. “I’ll take your luggage.”
Byleth didn’t seem to object, so she did, holding the handle so tight her knuckles turned white. She walked straight to the front door, fully focused on one goal at a time. Keys, keyhole, unlock. She could hear Byleth’s footsteps behind her, stopping when she turned around to close the door. She heard the lock, then another step, Byleth’s hand on her shoulder. She froze.
She left the case fall and turned around without thinking, pulling her close and holding her in the tightest hug she had ever experienced. She was there, home with her, she was real.
She was real.
She felt Byleth slowly hugging her back. She held her breath. Neither of them was used to hugs. Byleth was the only person Edelgard felt comfortable hugging and she had no doubt the same went for her.
For the first time in a while, Byleth didn’t jump on her feet as soon as she woke up. The first thing she was aware of was the warmth of Edelgard’s body against hers. She felt her snuggling closer when she gently stroke her hair, still half asleep. She looked so adorable! She probably would have grumbled at the word, but she was. The thought made Byleth laugh.
Edelgard looked up, suddenly embarrassed, her hands trying to let go of her shirt and failing. She decided to hide her face against her chest instead. “What are you laughing at?”
Tempting, damn tempting… “You’re cute.”
She couldn’t see Edelgard’s face, but she had no doubt it was bright red.
“I am not.” She was clearly fighting herself when she got up. “We should have breakfast. We have an interesting day waiting for us.”
She headed to the kitchen without waiting for an answer, probably to hide the enthusiastic side that was breaking her sulking mask. Cute.
For the first time in a while, Edelgard had had no nightmare.
It wasn’t the first time. Having Byleth there always made miracles for her sleep. Having Byleth in general was enough for an improvement, but…having her there was like a spell. She could let go, she felt safe, like her ghosts couldn’t touch her, like her past couldn’t hurt her anymore. Her demons were tamed.
She smiled, the smile growing wider when she saw Byleth approaching. She knew she would have followed her right after, but actually seeing her there still made her emotional.
She took a pan and a few ingredients and realized she was humming a tune only halfway through the preparations. She hushed fretfully, pouring the mix in. Another giggle, then arms wrapping around her from behind, Byleth’s breath on her neck.
She shivered. “The waffles are going to get burnt.”
“Would it be a big deal?”
“I bought a pumpkin-shaped waffle-plate just to make you Halloween waffles. I would be very pissed.” She was such a bad liar. Her voice betrayed her. She laughed at herself.
Another giggle. “You’re lucky I’m hungry in the morning.” She left a kiss on her neck before taking a step back. “But you still owe me cuddles after leaving like that."
That playful attitude was new too. Byleth always appeared so distant around people… Being allowed to see this side of her was a privilege (even if the little shit loved teasing her). “You shouldn’t have called me cute.”
“But you are.”
Edelgard glared at her. “Do you still want your waffles?”
“I’m not saying another word.” Her grin talked for her though.
The waffles smelled delicious and tasted even better. Edelgard had added fruit on some, poured strange creepy-colored glazes on others. The red one looked like blood, but tasted like cherry. She couldn’t identify the purple and green ones, but food colors were probably involved. She sipped from her cup one last time, inhaling the characteristic smell of Edelgard’s favorite Bergamot tea. She usually brewed some to share when they were together, but today Edelgard had other projects. She had served her some in a black, spooky cup, with a spider-shaped cookie on the side. Byleth sure wasn’t the only one loving Halloween.
“You mentioned projects for today.”
“ Yes. We are going out early. We have some shopping to do.”
She had such a happy look on her face, like a child who was going to show their parents the phantasmagoric new dinosaur toy they just won in a game at the fair. Byleth couldn’t help it. “Cute.”
Edelgard wasn’t actually a big fan of shopping, but this was different: this was Halloween shopping!
She had spent a long time planning it all, thinking about all the things they had discussed, adding more... This was Byleth’s first time truly celebrating Halloween and she wanted to make it perfect for her.
Their first stop was the reason she wanted to go out early. Costume shops usually got really crowded later those days. They spent more than an hour trying the silliest things on, showing each other, laughing together. They ended up dressing as a king and his knight. Those costumes won their hearts the moment Byleth kneeled before her and Edelgard started stuttering something about giving the wrong impression and making her thoughts strange. Edelgard also added an axe to her costume, stating a true king should fight side by side with his soldiers. Brave and strong even when playing around... Was it silly to feel proud? Byleth shook her head with a smile. Did it matter? She was.
The second place was a huge, HUGE store, full of all kinds of things, from forniture to food. There was an entire isle dedicated to Halloween decorations. Edelgard only had a few, but she was determined to make her house spooky this year. The first thing Byleth took was a pumpkin-shaped string lights.
“We could use them for the Christmas tree too.”
“ Halloween stuff on the Christmas tree? Not very traditional.” Edelgard smiled. “ I like it.”
“We could keep some other decorations out too, put a Christmas hat on the skeleton’s head.”
“We don’t have a skeleton.”
Byleth shrugged. “Yet.”
Almost a hour later they had skeletons (humanoids, animals and dragons), three different kinds of spiderwebs, bloody handprints stencils for the doors, a bloodstained mat for the bathtub and many other things. They went back to the car with a heavy cart and a lighter wallet.
The third stop was at the supermarket.
“Are we getting something for lunch?” Byleth was looking at everything with genuine curiosity. The brands and packagings were all very different from the ones she knew. It was something most people would have ignored, but she found it fascinating. She completely forgot about it the moment they reached the produce aisle though. “Pumpkins!” Her eyes were sparkling. “REAL pumpkins!”
They had been talking about carving pumpkins for months. To Byleth, that had never had a chance, it felt like such a nice family thing! She had always wanted to try, but her father wasn’t exactly the kind of guy who likes decorating and such. Everything he did was always for a reason, always had a purpose. The idea of carving pumpkins, attempt strange shapes and be silly together was extremely precious to her and...thrilling.
Edelgard loved seeing her like that, especially since Byleth herself had told her she had never felt like that before meeting her.
She looked at all her smiles and laughs like they were the rarest marvels she had ever admired. Her emotions were a gift to them both.
Byleth was still grinning when they reached the baking products and then moved to other isles. They wanted to make something nice and creepy together, like the funny Halloween party recipes you can find on YouTube. Byleth’s cooking skills didn’t get past a hamburger and noodles, so the ingredients and recipes’ choice was on Edelgard. She had considered many options and was determined to try a few. She wanted to impress her.
Byleth got distracted again by all the sweets and weird...”things” in the next section. Kids sure could get very colorful, strange stuff in their baskets there! There were candies in all shapes, colors and flavors. There were cookies that looked like smiling spiders and happy pumpkins, purple witch hats, green potions, black cats.
Byleth was amazed by how many brands produced something special just for Halloween. In her country she could find chocolate eggs for Easter, panettone and pandoro for Christmas, butnever so many crazy, different themed treats. It was so hard to choose! Luckily they could try many, since they were going to give most to the neighborhood kids on the 31st. At least that’s what she told herself, while Edelgard’s face grew more and more concerned after every trip from the shelves to their cart.
Bringing everything to the car at once was a challenge, but they did it, impressing a few passerbies. Byleth had never been so happy Edelgard had a SUV.
Lunch. Edelgard had projects for lunch too. Something fast, because it was already lunchtime, but fitting. You could only get pumpkin ice cream around Halloween and Byleth had to try it.
Dinner was a whole different thing. Edelgard had made sure they had all they needed to try some funny recipes. They made pumpkin-shaped pumpkin bread. It was a must, one of the first Halloween foods Edelgard had mentioned and one she liked a lot.
The second idea they decided to try was far less traditional and definitely unusual: Frankenstein sushi. They put rice, water and green food coloring in and, after around 30 minutes, they boiled it, then let it cool down a bit. They pressed it into squares around salmon and avocado, topping them with nori sheets as hair. They arranged carrots matchsticks on the sides to look like bolts. More nori, some black rice and truffle sauce made the trick to draw the faces. They had fun changing the expressions and shapes. Those little monsters looked so silly! When they were done, they put them in the fridge to keep them cold.
They decided to make spooky donuts too, as a treat. They had bought a lot of decorations just for those. Edelgard knew Byleth loved them and there were some crazy options there that weren’t available in her country. Once ready, they looked adorably creepy and colorful. Some were covered in orange glaze, with a chocolate spiderweb. Some even had spiders on them, made with a dough ball covered in dark chocolate, chocolate sticks stuck in it to make the legs and big round sugar eyes. Others were covered in white glaze, with red jelly forming veins, colorful candies as the iris and a drop of chocolate as the pupil. Some weren’t even shaped like donuts. Squared ones with green glaze and chocolate provided another version of Frankenstein’s head; pumpkin-shaped ones, with dark chocolate as the carving were a must. Too many to count. Byleth was staring at them with sparkling eyes.
“Do you want one?” Edelgard couldn’t help giggling. “Or dinner first?”
“We could have a reverse dinner.”
“A reverse dinner?”
”We start from the dessert.”
The weirdness of it made Edelgard smile. It was very Byleth. “You want one.” She couldn’t help laughing again and her girlfriend with her. Byleth took an azure one with small sugar pumpkins and bats on it, split it in halves. “I want to share one.”
“Sharing sounds perfect.” Sharing felt warm.
The evening was pleasantly cool, a bit foggy. Edelgard came out of the kitchen with two big knives in her hands and her best attempt at a creepy look on her face. To Byleth she actually looked cute, but the jolt of excitement made her completely forget about teasing. “Pumpkin carving!”
Edelgard handed her one of the knives and she admired the blade. For a moment that simple gesture betrayed her fighting training. She was more comfortable with that weapon than any common person was supposed to be.
A moment.
A moment later she was smiling and choosing a pumpkin from the bags. She studied it with far less ease. “I don’t know where to start.”
Edelgard moved her chair closer, her pumpkin next to Byleth’s on the table. “Honestly, I’m not that good at it, but I know the basics” She explained her and showed her what to do step by step. “First you cut off the crown.” She grabbed two large serving spoons and offered one to Byleth. “You scoop out the seeds and fibers, then the flesh. We can make something with those tomorrow, maybe roast the flesh and toast the seeds.” She drew the eyes, nose and mouth with a marker, then waited for Byleth to do the same. “Careful when you cut it off. You’ll need some strength. Keep your hands far enough from the blade.”
Byleth, the expert fighter, the blades collector, nodded. She loved Edelgard’s caring protectiveness.
Despite her words, Edelgard made a very good job with her pumpkin. Byleth was kinda proud of hers, especially as a first attempt. It was winking.
Once they were done carving, they inserted the candles and put the crown back in place. The cinnamon candles mixed wonderfully with the pumpkins’ natural flavor. They smelled delicious!
They stayed silent for little while, admiring the lights and shadows dancing inside their silly creations, sharing the intimacy. When Edelgard leant her head on her shoulder, Byleth started to gently stroke her hair; their jointed hands were resting on her lap. She could feel her body gradually relaxing, her breaths getting slower and deeper. There was no more tension in her when she was in her arms. She tenderly moved a strand of white hair from her face.
A perfect moment, followed by many others.
For their second almost-halloween night they decided to stick to the tradition. Byleth had never been as big of a horror movies expert as Edelgard was, so there were many she hadn’t seen yet. They both had looked forward watching some together and Byleth knew Edelgard also saw them as a very good excuse for cuddles. She gladly curled up in her arms, as close to her as she could, wrapped in her warmth. That was a night to stay up late, shiver together, then sleep cuddled close.
That was the day: Halloween.
It was around noon when she woke up, but it still felt too soon to leave the bed. Edelgard wanted to keep feeling Byleth on her, her hands holding her shirt, her breath on her skin…
She was higher than she was, a trained fighter and a badass, but she still felt such a strong protective instinct towards her…
She wanted to keep her warm.
She wanted to keep her safe.
She wanted to keep her.
Judging by the way she was clinging to her, Byleth agreed.
It took them one more hour of cuddles to finally decide to get up and make some tea. Byleth was extremely smug about eating the donuts they made with it; it was so evident Edelgard couldn’t help a giggle. There were so many things that were quite usual to her and so new to Byleth! And it wasn’t just about Halloween. It wasn’t only about the cultural differences either (some were evident, but there was more). It was like many normal things, family things especially, were completely unknown to her. Edelgard obviously knew why. As for her…she had had no idea how much she had missed those things until Byleth.
They decided to shower and get dressed right after breakfast. They wanted to go out before it got dark and crowded. Edelgard had had the idea the day before. What better place for a King and his knight to spend some time together than solitary woods? There was a trail near her home that they could walk together and she knew places to stop and rest where no one would have bothered them.
Wearing the costumes home was definitely easier than doing that at the store. Byleth wrapped the long, red cloak around Edelgard’s shoulders with a a grin and an admired sound. “It suits you, my Emperor.” Edelgard fumbled helping Byleth with her armor. “It’s a king costume...don’t make it bigger than it is. It’s not... I’m not...”
A giggle.
The Emperor sighed. “I don’t seem to remember many knights being so bold with their lords.”
“Bold?” Something strange in her voice.
“Yes, bol-” Byleth’s lips on hers ended any complaint.
“Is this bold enough?”
“I...advise you to stop if you still plan to go out.”
Her face was so red Byleth almost giggled again, but the way Edelgard’s eyes were staring intently at her made her hold her breath instead. “I plan to come back soon. Or...” a long pause. “...how remote are those woods?”
The pauldron fell from Edelgard’s hands with a loud thud.
Most people go to parties on Halloween night, but neither of them was particularly fond of crowded places and loud music. The only thing they wanted was for that day to be theirs.
They wanted to read horror stories together, maybe try some creepy game. They wanted to hide spooky surprises for each other in the house or share some curiosities cuddled close on the couch.
Byleth didn’t know much about the origin of the festivity. She had heard of kids going out dressed as spirits so the real ones wouldn’t have been able to tell them apart and kidnap them, of people making offerings to such spirits to keep them away from their homes, to keep them friendly. She knew there were many legends, both local and well known in all the States, like Jack-O’-Lantern playing his tricks on the Devil and ending up a wondering soul.
Her knowledge though didn’t go past that. Edelgard was the expert and, luckily for Byleth, more than willing to share her knowledge.
“How do you know so many things?”
“Research, I suppose. You know I like creepy facts, folklore and peculiar traditions. Halloween is a mix of that all.”
“I’m impressed.”
“By my ramblings?”
“That’s not the word I would have chosen...”
An awkward laugh. “Maybe I wanted to impress you... Just a little bit.”
Byleth poked her. “Maybe.”
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
gold rush - Zen
I cannot sleep at all so I’m gonna post after all tonight :)
Warnings: ends in very mild angst
Summary: you can’t help yourself from thinking about Zen. He’s so handsome. He likes to joke with you and talk with you. But the pursuit of someone so famous and with such a strong base? It wouldn’t be easy... but he might feel the same way?
“Thanks for letting us have the meeting here again,” V thanked Jumin. Jumin had offered up one of his homes on the coast for your RFA meetings; he said being away from it all would help you all think.
“It’s no problem. I haven’t been here in quite a while. It’s nice to be back,” Jumin sat down in one of the chairs. “You all have to stay for dinner, though,” he requested.
“Fancy dinner? Count me in!” Seven cheered. You rolled your eyes playfully, a small giggle escaping your mouth.
One of the butlers came over and brought each of you tea to have over the meeting. It wasn’t that big of a meeting: you were just planning some of the vendors and where you wanted to donate proceeds to. The main reason for such a formal get together was just to hang out, although Jumin would never admit that. You decided to let the more experienced members take the lead on this meeting.
There was a loud clink of glass next to you, sounding over everyone’s voices. You glanced over. Zen had set his teacup down rather abruptly.
He noticed all eyes were on him. “Oh, sorry,” was all he had to say. Everyone accepted that and got back to business.
You must have looked at him for a second too long, because he caught it. He scooted his chair slightly closer to you. “Hi Babe,” he whispered.
You weren’t dating. You probably weren’t even flirting. He always called you Babe though, and it always made you feel a certain kind of way. “Hi Zen,” you whispered back, knowing he’d fight to get a response out of you if you didn’t answer him immediately.
“That trust fund jerk is so full of himself. Teacups and saucers.” He scoffed. “I can’t help it I make a commotion. I’m not used to all this.”
“I think it’s nice.” You took a sip of your tea, hiding your smile. He got so pissed when you sided with Jumin; it made you laugh.
“Well of course you do. You’re so poised and elegant and you can make just about anything look appealing,” he grumbled.
You set down your tea, smiling at him and trying to compose yourself over such a compliment, and focused back on the meeting. Or, well, tried. It was mostly looking down at your cup and up at the person talking and glancing at Zen, him catching your eye and winking to try and make you laugh.
Finally, you were all done. Jaehee closed her notebook.
“I think that was a successful meeting,” V said happily.
“Yes, and dinner will be out in a few minutes, so nobody’s allowed to leave,” Jumin emphasized. Probably for the best: Zen or V definitely would have tried to escape if they could.
Zen turned his attention to you. “Ugh, this is going to be no fun. Fancy dinner with him. You better talk to me and make it better at least.”
He was so cute. His face was perfectly chiseled (and his abs so you had heard), as though he was a work of art. His smile was dazzling, teeth pearly white. His bangs hung around his face, emphasizing his cheekbones and his eyes that were always full of expression. His lips- well, his lips.
You were staring.
Perhaps Zen was actually blind and didn’t notice.
“What were you looking at?” He asked cheekily.
Your face felt flushed. You hated when he made you feel this way: all helpless and flustered with no good excuse. Think quickly! “Oh, I was just lost in thought.”
“About me?” He smirked.
“Maybe. You’ll never know.” Now you were being coy. It was nice when you were able to catch your footing again.
He pouted at your lack of answer, but luckily the subject got changed when the food was passed out. It was a huge spread of steak, lobster, chicken, pasta, salad, everything you could want. Even Zen didn’t make a snarky comment this time around.
“Thank you for the food Jumin!” Yoosung thanked. You all got your food and started to eat.
“So Zen, do you have any upcoming bookings?” V asked. He had always been invested in Zen’s career. It was sweet.
“I do actually! It’s kind of a long way away though. It’s a movie and the set is about an 8 hour drive... I’ll be there for a week or two. The shooting is really quick.”
“That’s a long way, but I’m excited to see it when it comes out!” Jaehee commented. “Will you be driving or flying there?”
“You know, I think I’m going to drive. Have a little road trip.”
Yoosung’s eyes lit up. “Road trip! Do you need a companion?”
Zen chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m okay. I think the peace will be nice.”
You sometimes liked to mess with Zen. This was the perfect opportunity. You forced a frown on your face. “Oh, that sucks. I would have loved to come.”
He practically choked on air for a moment, hitting his chest to get some breath back into him. “Well it might actually be a long drive! I could use some company,” he choked out.
“I thought you didn’t want a companion? That’s pretty sexist Zen...” you teased.
“Yoosung can’t drive for half the time,” he defended himself.
“I can!” Seven shouted, making sure his voice would be heard over the commotion.
“Nope. Hard pass. Guess I’m sexist after all,” he shrugged. You didn’t actually mean he was sexist... even though he did enjoy a female’s company much more than a male’s. That’s just him being straight. But it was fun to call him out.
He set his silverware onto the empty plate. “I’m gonna go for a walk, catch some fresh air.” He turned to you. “Wanna come?”
You shrugged, putting your silverware down as well. “Sure.”
The two of you walked side by side along the path by the beach. The town was in full swing: there was a band playing a block down, people eating street food, vendors trying to sell stuff. It was surprising Jumin’s house was by so much action, but it was nice.
“You know, I thought you were serious for a second,” he stated openly, not even turning to face you as he talked, just continuing on the walk.
“About?” You questioned.
“Going with me.” He released the tension from his shoulders, slightly slumped. “I don’t know... I thought it would be fun.”
“You’d seriously want me to go? But you’re there for like two weeks.”
His hand, swinging as he walked, caught yours, interlocking his fingers with yours. You let him.
“And?” He stopped walking this time. “We’re adults. I could always get you your own hotel room too.”
You could tell you were blushing. “Zen...” was all you could say. He took your opportunity of speechlessness, pulling you in for a kiss on the lips, which you gratefully returned.
Your face was flushed.
“Are you okay?”
You were daydreaming.
“Hey,” Zen snapped his fingers in front of you. You blinked hard, focusing back on your cup of tea and the meeting at hand. “Are you okay? Your face is red.”
It felt so real.
“Yeah, I’m alright.”
It wasn’t real though.
There were his fans.
Everyone wanted him.
Dating him would make him lose popularity.
You couldn’t do that to him.
And also... you didn’t want to share.
You’d rather have nothing than share him.
You focused on the meeting.
At dinner, the events you imagined seemed to play out.
“I’ve got this new movie I’m in!” Zen announced excitedly. “The set’s about an 8 hour drive, and I’ll be there for a week or two, but I’m excited!”
“Oh! I can come with you and help you drive if you want,” Yoosung offered.
“That’s alright. I think I’ll enjoy the peace,” Zen reasoned.
You made no comment.
You finished dinner. You grabbed your car keys. “Thank you Jumin. This was lovely,” you complimented. “Someday we should have another hangout here.”
“Definitely. I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Jumin smiled, putting an arm on your back and leading you to the exit (which was very confusing to get to. “Have a good night and travel safe.”
You left without saying goodbye personally to Zen.
As you drove home, you drove past everything. The concert. The street food. The vendors. It was all there. But you and Zen weren’t.
It was so easy to imagine yourself with him, but you couldn’t. You needed to forget him in that sort of way. You could never be with him.
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lov3nerdstuff · 5 years
Down by the River
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*Loki x reader*
Parts: Oneshot
Words: 4.9k
Summary: You are the last one of the Avengers to head home for Christmas. Or so you think, until you discover that Loki has been left alone by everyone else to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve alone. Loki... Your best friend, and the one person you love more than anything. So you spontaneously take him home with you for Christmas.
A.N.: A little late, but cute winter fluff nonetheless! It's quite wintery themed, so you'll be fine even without celebrating/being in a Christmas mood 😄 hope you enjoy!
Also check out my Masterlist!
It was the 24th of December… the day of Christmas Eve. You'd gotten home late last night, back from the latest mission you'd been sent on, and found the Avengers' compound empty but for the small stack of wrapped gifts placed in front of the door to your room. You'd smiled at your friends' generosity and their little notes wishing you lovely holidays. They all had left already to head home for Christmas, and you honestly hadn't expected anyone to wait around for your return. So you'd packed the gifts your friends had gotten you into the bag with your own gifts for your family and had gone to sleep at last.
Unfortunately, sleep after a difficult mission was hard to come by, and you had been haunted by nightmares most of the night, leaving you thoroughly tired and a little gloomy now that you got ready to head home yourself. Tony had already agreed ahead of time to let you borrow one of his crazy expensive cars, even if only to keep up your cover story for your parents. Because in their eyes, you worked for Tony Stark's PR department, a safe, well-paid and utterly boring 9 to 5 job. That only left you to cover up your scars and bruises with long sleeves and done was the cover story.
Together with your bags (both the ones you carried and the ones under your eyes), you made your way through the compound and towards the garages, just when the early morning light began to flood through the windows and tint the concrete and marble into a cold gloom. Gosh, it was early… but the drive would be rather long and you wanted to arrive before evening.
"FRIDAY, lock the compound once I'm gone, please…" You yawned as you set your stupidly heavy bags down to pick out the right car keys from their place on the wall. Even if you were technically talking to a machine, you always said please and thank you. Just in case Tony would turn another machine into a living thing… you wanted to be on its' good side.
"Do you wish for me to lock Loki inside the compound?" FRIDAY's calm voice replied and your brows furrowed into a deep frown.
"Loki is still here?" You asked in confusion, surprised that you even could lock Loki inside the compound if you wished to. Stark really had trust issues.
"Loki is currently located in his room." FRIDAY answered as calm as ever, and your heart fell… you had to know.
"Is anyone else here?"
"So it's just me and Loki?"
"Thank you FRIDAY…" You sighed quietly, feeling a rather unpleasant stinging in your heart. Why on earth was Loki still here? It was Christmas… nobody should be alone on Christmas. Especially not Loki, your friend. Best friend, even. And as much as you'd tried to fight the feeling off over the last months, you couldn't help it but feel just SO much more for him than appropriate for a best friend. With all that time you spent together, you honestly wondered when you had started falling for him. Maybe those few months back… maybe right from the beginning. It honestly didn't matter when it had started, only that it was there now. Strong and dangerous and most likely lethal.
Loki wasn't the relationship kind of guy, or at least it didn't seem like it, and you considered yourself lucky that he even allowed this friendship between you.
Yet now, with Christmas literally a few hours away, your heart yearned for him even more than usually. It hurt for him, cried in sympathy and longed to reach out to his own. Wasn't that what Christmas was about, beneath all the capitalism? Love and kindness and comfort?
Before you could stop yourself, you made your way back into the compound, heading straight to Loki's room on the third floor. The least you could do was to ask him to join you for your family's Christmas, even though your mother might quite possibly kill you for spontaneously bringing along a guest. You didn't care about that even remotely as much as you cared about Loki. In utter determination you knocked on his door, and only then started nervously playing with the car keys you still held in your hands. Would he even want to spend a couple days with your family…?
"Y/n!" He stated in surprise once he had opened the door in one swift movement. There he stood, dressed in only black sweatpants and a t-shirt, looking down at you in surprise… and you couldn't stop your heart from almost jumping out of your chest in seek of his comfort.
"Hey Loki…" You finally managed to say with a smile. "Uhm… what are you doing here, still?"
"I… live here?" He rose an eyebrow at you in amusement as he opened the door completely and took a step closer to you. The scent of pinewood and fire and something irresistibly Loki invaded your senses and you had to bite your tongue to keep from sighing in comfortable bliss.
"I mean, what are you STILL doing here, even though it's Christmas? Everyone else is gone to celebrate… didn't Thor go to New Asgard two days ago?" You asked quietly, frowning a little.
"He did indeed." Loki replied calmly, but you could tell by the brief glimmer of emotions flashing through his eyes that he didn't feel as content about it all as he let on. Oh no… even if he tried to conceal it, the pain in his eyes was beyond obvious to you. There simply was no way you would abandon him as well, never.
"And… why are you still here?" You asked again, wide eyes gazing up at him in the sincere hope that he might actually be honest with you and admit that he had been left behind yet again. Because honestly, that's what it always came down to and you wouldn't have any of it any longer.
But Loki only shrugged at you and observed your eyes as if they might reveal to him the secrets of the universe… or maybe even only your most raw thoughts and emotions. Anyway, you felt like he could see right through you, and you didn't know if you wanted him to know what lay beneath the surface of your friendliness.
"Uhm… I was wondering… if you maybe… would like to come home… with me? For Christmas?" You asked reluctantly, not daring to look into his eyes in return. Was this even appropriate to ask?
"What?" He asked quietly, incredulously, after a few long seconds of silence. Now your heart seriously beat so fast it hurt.
"Well, I just… I don't want you to be alone on Christmas. You're my… friend. And I absolutely hate the thought of you being all alone here for a week." You said in all honesty, at last allowing yourself to look into his confused face.
"You… you want me to come along to visit your family?" He asked and his voice was almost a breath, again so surprised that your heart clenched painfully. Was the idea of being invited along so odd to him?
"Yeah?" You replied equally quiet, brows furrowing again in anticipation of rejection.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Y/n…" He gave you a sad half smile. "I'm not exactly what people want to have for good company."
"I want your company." You blurted out before your brain could filter out this outburst of revealing emotions. "I mean… I REALLY don't want to leave you here."
"I don't know, Y/n… don't you think they will be quite upset with you for bringing a random criminal?" He shrugged again, biting his bottom lip in a way that made you want to do just that.
"Well, either they're gonna be upset about me not coming at all to stay here with you or they'll be upset about me bringing you along. You can choose." You replied in a surprisingly confident manner, crossing your arms on front of your chest. Yes, this was definitely the right thing to do.
The smallest of smiles tugged on Loki's lips as he observed your stance. "You're not gonna let this go, are you?"
"And you're aware that norse gods, that Asgardians don't exactly celebrate Christmas, are you?"
"You're a Jotun living as an Asgardian among a bunch of Midgardians. You don't exactly fit in the pattern, Loki."
"I really shouldn't have told you the story of my life…" He sighed, rolling his eyes in amusement, but his smile broadened nonetheless. There was honestly no way that he wasn't happy about being asked to come along, and you started to think that you'd hooked him at last.
"You're coming with me, so get dressed and pack something to wear for the next few days." You ordered with an excited smile that you couldn't quite fight off.
"I don't even like Christmas." Loki tried one last time, rising an eyebrow at you.
"But you like me, so get going." You grinned back, and started pacing up and down the hallway until five minutes later Loki reappeared in the hallway, by your side.
"Is this appropriate to wear for a Christmas celebration?" He asked seriously, and you could only nod in return. Gosh, he looked better than anyone in your family ever had, and he hadn't even REALLY made an effort.
As you both made your way back to the garage in silence, you wondered if Loki would like your family. Because honestly… you usually didn't. Not much, at least. They were a judgmental bunch of retards, who, admittedly, loved you somehow, but still took every opportunity to mock, belittle and ridicule you.
As you moved to pick up your bags on your walk to the car, Loki was quicker.
"Let me do that!" He protested immediately, taking everything out of your hands like it weighed nothing.
"Uh… okay." You replied under your breath as you observed how effortlessly he carried your giant backpack full of presents towards the bright red sports car.
Five minutes later, and still in silence, you were on the road, with you driving and Loki in the passenger seat. He hadn't brought along a bag, but you assumed that he had stored whatever he would need inside those weird pocket dimensions he used for conjuring up anything and everything whenever he pleased.
Soft music filled the cold air inside the car, breaking the silence between you and easing your mind into a comfortable, focused calm. At least it wasn't Christmas songs… you'd be hearing enough of those from tonight on. It honestly wasn't like you didn't enjoy Christmas… you really did, in a way, but spending so much time with your family was beyond exhausting, and usually involved one or the other person crying, too much feigned cheerfulness, too little time to yourself and too many questions from relatives. Thus you didn't really look forward to it as much as you looked forward to spending Christmas with Loki. You wondered…
"Have you ever celebrated Christmas, Loki?" You asked at last, after about thirty minutes of silence.
"I haven't." He replied smoothly. "But Thor has, I think. With Jane and her family, a couple times."
"And this year he's not celebrating?"
"Oh, I'm sure they all celebrate, with their new mortal alliances." He mused. "New Asgard does house a few Midgardians as well, after all."
"And why haven't you gone back with Thor?"
"I was asked to stay absent." Loki replied tightly, and you immediately felt bad for asking. "It's been made more than clear that I'm not welcome."
"I'm so sorry… I really am." You said quietly, blinking at the road a few times more than necessary. "You're always welcome with me, if that means anything to you."
"Of course it means something to me, Y/n." He protested lightly, and your skin tingled pleasantly upon his words. "So… what does a Christmas celebration typically involve? Is there anything expected of me, or of you that I could help with?"
With a smile, you went ahead to explain to him anything that came to your mind about Christmas, about your family and about how the next few days would likely go. All the while, Loki listened intently and curiously and even though you had to focus on driving, you could tell that he was seriously trying to figure out how to make a good impression on your family. You loved him just a little bit more for that, adding up to the alright quite impossible amount of adoration you felt for the god next to you.
You arrived a few hours later, in the early afternoon, and as soon as you parked the crazy expensive car in front of your parents' house, you could already see the prying eyes of your relatives peeking out from behind the curtains and drapery. Great… how would you explain to everyone that you had brought along the god of mischief and WEREN'T dating him? Maybe you'd just not explain yourself at all and let them think whatever the heck they wanted. They would anyway.
"Loki?" You turned to him before he could untangle his long limbs and move out of the car.
"Yeah?" He turned back to you, rising a brow.
"I'm already so sorry in advance for what's likely to happen." You gave him an apologetic half smile. "Please believe me, I've had every thought about stabbing them a million times before, but it's of no use."
"I'll behave, I promise." He smiled at you in amusement.
"Yeah, I'm not worried about you behaving, but about THEM behaving…" You sighed, and he only chuckled as he moved out of the car. Oh, if only he knew…
Once you approached the front door with Loki trailing behind you, it was already ripped open before you could knock.
"You're late, Y/n." Your mother greeted you with a frown, but immediately looked behind you at Loki. "And you didn't say that you would bring someone."
"Hello to you too." You sighed, giving her the standard brief hug. "Sorry, I… forgot to mention it. Mom, this is Loki."
She let go of you to look Loki up and down with a doubtful, inspecting expression. Loki on the other hand tried his best to smile politely and let himself be ogled.
"I'm deeply sorry, Mrs. L/n, if my presence inconveniences you in any way. I promise, I won't cause you any work at all." He stated in his usual eloquence, mixed with the most velvety voice that had your heart sighing. He really did try… and you were swooning.
Your mother gave him another almost pleased look, then turned to you. "I'm not sure if your father will be all too happy about this. And your… guest, will have to stay in your room with you. Guest room's taken, as is the couch."
"Oh that's fine, really…" You replied a little too quickly as the heat in your face promised to tint your cheeks crimson. "We'll be fine."
"Well, then come on in you two!" Your mother smiled brightly at Loki and ushered the two of you inside. A single gaze at Loki almost made you snort as his expression was both overwhelmed and simply confused as you made your way from person to person to say hi. Yet, Loki stayed close by your side and let you introduce him to all your relatives before at last, an additional chair was pulled to the table and you all sat down for tea, coffee and cake.
"Is that your car, Y/n...?" Your dad inquired curiously after a moment. "Or is it yours, Loki?"
The god next to you actually flinched barely noticeably at being directly spoken to for the first time in the entire afternoon, but you were quicker to reply.
"No, it's mine… why do you ask?" You returned loudly to even get over the voices of everyone else.
"Don't you think that's a bit… exaggerated?" Your dad frowned, eyeing the red Ferrari on the side of the road through the window on the opposite wall.
"I don't know what you mean." You replied with a shrug, stuffing more cake into your mouth. Of course you knew very well what he was saying, but you just couldn't stop yourself from ignoring his conservative ways.
"Well, it's a bit inappropriate for a lady, is it not?" He tried again, giving you that look. Great, now it was sexism too. Maybe you had picked exactly this car from Tony's collection… to mess with your traditionalist family.
"Good thing I'm not a lady." You replied bluntly, shrugging yet again as you turned your head demonstratively towards your other relatives to actively ignore your father's comments. From off to the side, you could've sworn that you heard Loki snort, then engage in a unfathomable discussion with your father about the surprisingly high safety of sports cars.
The afternoon continued on like that, with meaningless chatter and stupid questions, and you could tell Loki grew more and more bored and definitely more annoyed. However, so did you. And in the early evening, still before the ever-elaborate dinner would be served, you decided to end both your suffering.
"We're gonna go for a walk!" You announced loud enough to catch at least some people's ears. "I want to show Loki my hometown."
"Don't be late for dinner! And don't take the poor guy down to the river, it's freezing out there! You hear me, Y/n? Bring him back in one piece!!!" Your mother called from the kitchen, and before anyone else could protest, or worse, ask to come along, you had already pulled Loki out the front door.
"Do you really wish to show me your city?" Loki asked with a frown, eyeing the already mostly dark sky in suspicion. "Because I doubt that we'll be able to see much in this looming darkness."
"Gosh, no!" You chuckled, digging your hands into your pockets as the two of you sauntered towards the edge of the nearby forest. "I just wanted to get away from my family for a moment. And you seemed quite annoyed by them as well."
"Was I being that obvious?"
"Oh, no, not at all. I've just spent so much time with you, I can totally tell what you think about people." You smiled to yourself in the knowledge that you probably were the only person who really had bothered to get to know Loki this well. And you were quite proud that he had let you in the first place.
"Why do you come to visit them, if you despise them that much?" Loki inquired as he followed your example and buried his hands in the pockets of his coat. As you walked side by side into the dim forest path, you couldn't keep your heart from leaping every time your shoulder brushed his. Did he always walk this close to you?
"I don't despise them, really… I love them, in a way. But I don't agree with them in almost everything. I've grown into a person they don't know how to handle and… honestly, I don't even blame them. They live a life very different from ours, and I'm not to judge if it's better or worse than mine. All I'm asking for is to be accepted as well."
"That seems very reasonable to ask of them… Yet, they don't seem to be that accepting at all." Loki mused and you shrugged in silence, listening to the quiet rustling of the leaves all around you, and the soft whisper of the wind. At last, Loki spoke up again. "I know what it's like to not be accepted by one's own family… I'm sorry, Y/n. That you have to experience the same thing. Even if on a more… earthly level."
You let out a quiet snort, a fairly bitter one, and glanced over at Loki. Even in the fading light of the evening, he still looked like he had come straight out of a renaissance painting. White skin, smooth and pale as any romantic would've killed for, starkly contrasting against the black-turned color of the evergreens. Only the small red pebbles, berries of one or another kind, still stood out from the blackness of the surrounding foliage. They almost looked like Loki's eyes did, sometimes… the thought made you smile a honest smile, for once.
"Can I ask you something?" Loki's voice pulled you back out of your thoughts, and you realized that you had been staring at him for a good while. He didn't seem to mind though, which only made your skin tingle.
"Sure. Anything." You replied a little too quickly, as the two of you came to stop by the riverside that had started to freeze over from the edges. Only the quiet murmur of the water still running beneath the ice filled the quiet around you with sound. It was so peaceful that not even Loki's velvety voice could cut the calm, nor the silence, really.
"Why, by the gods, do you put up a dead tree in your house for Christmas? And then go on to put little plastic things on the tree corpse?" He asked in all seriousness, and you burst out laughing the second he finished speaking. You had expected something deep, or maybe something about your family… but not this. Loki on the other hand looked thoroughly confused by your sudden outburst, then however quite pleased for having made you laugh.
"Uhm… the tree is a Christmas tradition. One puts it up in their home and decorates it with ornaments, then the presents are placed under it. It's actually got fairly little to do with the Christian religion or tradition, but neither has the actual date of the 25th. It's a pagan tradition, I think, that was at some point mixed with the Christian one… but I'm honestly not too big on neither religion nor tradition." You explained in amusement, as both of you watched the wide river still running smoothly in the middle of its bed, only occasionally becoming blurred to your eye by the clouds of your breath.
"You don't concern yourself with religion, but still make all this fuss about religious festivities?" Loki asked in amusement, as his arm came to rest permanently against yours in the softest touch. Your heartbeat quickened.
"The only god I concern myself with is staring at a river with me right now. And Christmas is more about capitalism than about religion for most people anyway." You chuckled, gently nudging his arm with your elbow. Loki only replied with a pleased hum, and both of you fell silent for another while. The forest around you had gotten almost pitch black now, but not the least bit more quiet… the animals, the running water, the wind, the leaves… they all told a story of wilderness, of freedom. You sighed softly, unintentionally.
"And what is Christmas about, for you? If not religion or 'capitalism', as you call it?" Loki asked quietly, in a voice as soft as the everlasting murmur of the water. By now it was probably time for dinner, but you honestly didn't care… even if your mom would kill you. For that, she would need to put forth more effort than she could possibly know, and most likely go through a literal god first. Loki always protected you, at any time, and the knowledge made you smile yet again. The thought of him fighting off your mother made you chuckled, even. But you still hadn't answered his question.
"For me it's all about kindness, gratitude and love. I don't need any gifts or elaborate meals… all I want is to spend some quality time with the people I love." You sighed almost happily, feeling bad for occasionally trashtalking your family. You did love them, after all, and that's what made you come back here every year. That's what made you bring the only other person you loved.
"I like that." Loki replied with a smile of his own. "If you allow me, I will make it my Christmas ideal as well."
"Of course you may! It's not only my personal idea of Christmas, you know… Many people even call it the feast of love." You chuckled, then fell silent for a moment before you finally continued on. "I'm sorry that you don't get to spend Christmas with the people you love…"
"Why on Earth would you say that?" He inquired curiously, turning his head to look down at you.
"You know… because Thor left you alone, and your people abandoned you… and your mother…" You didn't really know how to phrase it without making him sad, but as it looked, you had already succeeded in that. "I'm so sorry, Loki… I'm an idiot."
Now he turned to face you completely, intently, and you moved to do the same so that your chest was almost touching his, as if he was a magnet for your very being.
"I wouldn't really go as far as to say that I love Thor, even though we tend to get along better these days. And I definitely don't love the people of Asgard, who only ever looked down on me. My mother… well, yes, I do wish indeed that she was here with us, but I have come to accept that she has gone on to a new realm beyond our control." He said quietly, but still so very calmly that it made you shudder a little. "But I have you here with me, and that's all I could want."
"Me?!" You asked dumbfoundedly, staring up at him as if he had suddenly grown a red nose and some antlers.
"I don't see anybody else around." He smirked in his usual Loki way that made you want to both smack and kiss him. "Why do you think I came to visit your family with you if not because I love you?" The way he said it was just so natural, as if the most obvious thing in the entire world. As if he had known and accepted it all along.
"I…" You blinked a few times as no words came to your mind. "I… don't know, I thought you came because I asked you to."
"And that's very true." His smirk turned into a sincere smile. "But have you ever seen me do anything asked of me by anyone but you?"
"Well, no… now that I think of it. You always do as I ask, but never really what anybody else wants…" You replied with a small frown. How could you have missed this over literal moths?!
"And why do you think that is, my sweet?" He rose an eyebrow at you in both amusement and adoration, and you couldn't help but stare even more.
"I… I love you, Loki…" You finally managed to say, but your own words seemed to come from a distant place and an even more distant time… as if they had been spoken a million times before.
"I know. I have known, for a while." He still smiled down at you with the very same happily-adoring expression that started to spread on your face as well. "But I didn't think you really knew for yourself, so I kept it to myself as well. Yet, in every gaze, in every touch and every word spoken in silence you said I love you, and in every way I could I replied I love you too."
For a moment, you didn't know what to reply and simply let your eyes speak for you, and Loki seemed to understand nonetheless. Until at last, your mind came back to its usual way of blurting things out at the most random of times. "Well… good thing you love me too, because my mom already told all my relatives that you're my boyfriend."
Now it was Loki's turn to burst out laughing, before finally he moved to cup your cheek with a surprisingly warm and gentle hand. "Well, I am honored… I think. Your family seems to warm up to me, and they will have to bear with me for quite a few more Christmases."
"Oh, you had them at 'deeply sorry'... They already love you. Especially my mom. And if you keep talking about cars with my dad, he might just prefer you over me." You smirked, and relished the feeling of his fingers caressing your skin.
"Good… because I didn't bring any gifts." He chuckled deeply as he leaned down to rest his forehead against yours.
"What, you didn't get your best-friend-turned-girlfriend anything for Christmas??" You asked in exaggerated surprise, making him chuckle yet again.
"Well, since we are going to share your room, you might as well unwrap me as your present tonight." He mused with a mischievous expression.
"I can live with that." You grinned, as his chilled lips brushed against yours in the most delicious manner, tasting of mulled wine, gingerbread and the sweetest promises.
General Tags:
@its-remy-not-ratatouille @wegingerangelica @thidls12333 @tomstoobeautiful @dreary-skies-stuff @averyhill4445 @wiczer @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @theweirdlunatic @caretheunicorn @kthemarsian @lady-of-lies @sadly-falling-through-wonderland @strawberrysandcream @noplacelikehome77 @theoneanna @mishaandthebrits @mygodisloki @i-am-a-mes @nonsensicalobsessions @exygon @hiddles-lobotomy @rjohnson1280 @annwhojumps @spookycatqueen @salempoe @headoverhiddleston @fanfiction-and-stress @createdfromblue @halszka-potter @thecreatiivecorner @themusingsofmany @inthemarvelvoid @from-hel-i-with-love @kinghiddlestonanddixon @scorpionchild81 @foodthatsgoodforyoursoul @crystal-28 @adefectivedetective @lokis-girl-in-mischief @booklover2929
Finally posting something again! Short and fluffy and I dearly hope you'll enjoy it 💚✨ let me know in the comments 🥰
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pixiedst · 4 years
Dance With Me 04 // KYG
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Request from @lost-midnight-flower​​
Hiii can I request a got7 fic? Maybe something along the lines of meeting the guys at a fan meeting or something and one of them falling head over heals with the reader? That seems pretty cute to me, is that weird? If you choose to write this, you can pick which member you want to write about ^^ have a great day/evening ahead!
Genre: Fluff Pairing: Reader x Yugyeom Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Description: Dance studio owner Y/N meets Yugyeom at a fan sign. Word Count: 6,997 A/N: First of all, I just want to say thank you for reading this story. It's my first fanfic in two years, so my skills have gotten rusty but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!! I also apologize for the month long wait since the previous chapter. Writer's block is really a pain in the ass, but I finally got through it! Thank you for your patience!! Lastly, I'd like to thank @lost-midnight-flower​ for requesting this. I hope I reached your expectations and enjoyed what I wrote for you!! 
Index // Part One // Part Two // Part Three 
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BREAKING: Kim Yugyeom Caught Kissing Mystery Girlfriend, Source Tells DISPATCH
It's all his fault. 
Yugyeom knew the risks. He knew how thin the ice was the moment he asked her, but he did it anyway. Now, with the effects of his mistakes unfolding, he not only put his career at risk, but Y/N’s too. If only he could turn back time and take it all back. He would have stayed quiet, kept his thoughts to himself. He would have kept her safe. 
But that doesn't make sense either. How is this fair? How does being an idol take away his right to a normal life? Since when did the media control him? No, it's not his fault. It can't be. Falling in love with Y/N was never a choice. He only did what felt right. 
Y/N knew the risks as much as he did, but she still took the leap. 
“You can still make things right. There isn’t any proof. Just a source.”
Yugyeom slumps lower in his seat and wishes he could melt into the cushion. “But it’s true. Everything the source said is true.” 
His manager shakes his head. “That doesn’t matter. What matters is your next move. You can confirm this, but think about how it could affect your careers.”
“So you want me to deny all of this? Nobody would believe it.”
“It’s better than having the media in your face every second. Take a couple days to think about it. But remember: you’re the only one we can protect here. She’s on her own.”
Nothing is going right for her anymore. The studio has been tense; she only talks to the girls when she has to, and despite their invites, she committed to eating lunch without them. Sure, she's got Yugyeom, but he's too busy to have lunch with her. They haven't even talked much since the news. It’s been rough for the both of them. 
For the first time in a long time, Y/N is completely alone. 
She put her social media on mute. The notifications froze her phone too much, it nearly broke. It was ridiculous. She was able to handle all the hate before, but after Sunhee told Dispatch what she saw, Y/N has not been getting any peace at all. The worst part is that she has to pretend like nothing is bothering her. She still teaches. She still goes according to plan. 
She tries to be professional, but she doesn’t know how much more of this she could take. 
They say there’s no place like home. 
Maybe that’s why Y/N is ugly crying on her childhood bed. She’s been at low points before, but she never thought about going home to face them. She simply told the girls the studio is closed for a week and hopped on a train. 
Her parents were the most surprised. They could only stare as their daughter pushed the door open, bags and all, with a face full of tears and puffy eyes. 
She was never the most comfortable with her parents. Her monthly visits would only last for a weekend. It’s not like the people who tried to hold her back from her dreams would be her favorite people. 
But they’re her parents. No matter how hard she tries, she will always have a soft spot for them. Maybe that’s why she came home. 
“Y/N?” her mother calls from the other side of the door. "Can I come in?" When she doesn’t answer, the door opens. 
Y/N buries her face in her pillow, embarrassed to face her mother. She’s not ready to hear the I-told-you-so speech. 
"I brought apple juice."
Y/N’s heart falls. Her favorite drink when she was a child. She looks up. 
“I remember it always made you better,” her mother says and sits on the bed. “Every time you drank it, you would be ready to take on any challenge.” 
Y/N smiles. If only it would give her the energy like it used to. 
“Have you been drinking apple juice?” 
She shakes her head and immediately regrets it when the world spins. "I'm not a child anymore, mom. I have so much work to do in the studio, and… with everything going on, I don’t really have time to think about having energy anymore.” 
“That’s not right, now is it?”
Tears cloud her vision again. Her body trembles as she sobs and falls into her mother's lap. “What should I do?” she asks.
She lets out another sob, and a beautiful string of snot drips from her nose. She wipes it helplessly.
Her mother strokes Y/N’s hair. “You've always been a strong person. You defied your father and me to chase your dreams, and you ended up doing so well. Eventually we realized we were holding you back because we were afraid. We didn't want what we were comfortable with to change, but in the end we knew it would only make you miserable if you stopped doing what you love.” 
“What if I failed, though?” 
"People fail. It's normal. But knowing you, you would have just chugged a gallon of apple juice and gotten back to work. That's just how you are. You are so determined to prove to the world that you are worthy of what you love."
She gets up. “What are you trying to say?"
Mom takes the glass from the nightstand and hands it to her. “I'm telling you to drink your apple juice. The ice is melting."
At this point, Y/N is sure she’s crazy. She watches the gray bar slowly fill with blue as a video of her and Yugyeom dancing to I am Yours uploads. Yes, she has completely lost her mind. Nobody was supposed to see this video—it was used for reference when they practiced—but she’s about to change that. She needs to get this out there, to face the cameras and the comments. To show them they are untouchable. 
During her week at home, she realized that artists tend to deny their relationships when the media put pressure on them. They crawl away and keep the truth to themselves or break up altogether. She doesn’t wasn’t want either of that to happen to them. Her mother did not raise a coward. 
This could be it for her career, for a stupid reason too. She’ll have to move back home and find a way to make a living again. But if it means standing up for what’s right, then perhaps it’s worth it. 
The hate will not matter. She will not let it touch them. 
She sips her apple juice and sits back on her seat, the wheels rolling her from the pressure. She scans the room. How long has she lived here? Two years? Three? It's been a long time. This studio apartment holds her biggest memories. These walls watched her cry when the stress of opening a studio overwhelmed her. This floor kept her on her feet when the world shook as her parents begged her to come home and do something "practical." And this door has pushed her to face so many tomorrows, especially on days when she’d rather stay locked in. 
This has been her home, and she hates to leave it for a reason so shallow. 
But everything happens for a reason, right? That’s what they always say. Who knows? Maybe miracles will come her way. 
She did the right thing. She chose to be strong. This must be the right move. 
Her phone lights up. Naver uploaded a new article. 
BREAKING: Kim Yugyeom denies dating rumors. 
When they say communication is key, they’re not joking. 
Her hands are sweating so much she fears she might drop her phone. For the first time ever, his voice does not calm her down. 
"This is only getting worse," she says. “Is it too much to ask for you to come over? We can’t talk about this on the phone.”
“I’m on my way to you right now.” 
“Okay, drive sa-“ 
But the call ends. 
He’s at her apartment in less than 10 minutes, and nothing could be more tense. The air around them has never been like this. When she felt safety and comfort in his presence, she now feels anxiety and fear. She doesn’t know how this conversation will play out, or what their relationship will be like when it’s over. 
She uploaded the video, unafraid of losing her career, but never thought that she might lose him.
“Yugyeom, I-“
"You should have told me you were going to do this. We’re supposed to work this out together, not make the move on our own. I can’t believe you right now! Not only did you jeopardize your job, you hurt mine too!”
She tries to keep her voice calm as she says, “Yugyeom, you made the statement without telling me either. Can we take a breath for a moment? We made the same mistake, and I’m sure it was because we thought it was best for both of us. "
"I understand we both made a mistake, and I know I should have talked to you first, but I didn’t exactly assume you would throw yourself right into the hate for this. Have you even read the comments in the video?”
Y/N shakes her head. “You said I shouldn’t let them touch me.”
“That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful!” he sighs. “Look, I’m sorry I assumed you wouldn’t want to act so impulsively. I didn’t know that week at home would lead you to make a decision like this.”
She scoffs. “What are you trying to say? You think I can’t act on my own? That I can’t make good decisions?”
“That’s not what I mean, and you know that. Let me put this simply. I thought you wanted to protect your career, so that’s what I prioritized. Denying the claims won’t kill the rumors, but it could reduce them. The company's plan was that if we could just protect the secret better, we could make this work. They were worried about you, Y/N. They could only legally protect me. They thought if we denied the rumors, we could protect you too.” 
The air is thick. She wishes she could be thankful for his consideration, and to maybe even feel guilty for uploading the video, but she can’t. She could never be guilty for doing what she thinks is right. 
“Yugyeom,” she says. “I did what I did because I want to be with you. I want to fight for what I believe in, and that’s respecting idols’ privacy. I thought you believed in that too.”
He groans. “I do believe in that, Y/N! But we have to accept the reality, and sadly, it’s not that. People have no respect for our privacy because we are business products! That is literally what we are. That’s why we can’t swear on camera. That’s why we can’t make mistakes in public. That’s why we can’t date whoever we want! It’s messed up, I know, and I hate it as much as you do, but we have no choice. Uploading that video is not going to make a difference. If anything, it makes matters worse. " 
If you hated it as much as I did, you would take action, she thinks, but says nothing. But he is right. Idols are products. Everything they do is walking on thin ice. What right did she ever have to try and interfere with that? 
Before he can say more, his phone rings. She doesn’t listen. His voice is muffled, like someone put him in a box and hid it in another room. She shifts her weight on each foot every few seconds, like simply standing is tipping her off balance. The call seems to go on for hours. 
Finally he hangs up and looks at her. “I have to go. They want me to come back to the company.”
“Let me go with you. This is my problem too. Maybe we can discuss this better with me around.”
He shakes his head. “No, this is my problem as an idol. You wouldn’t make sense there.”
Her heart drops. This is unbelievable. This is not the Yugyeom she knows. 
He sighs. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I-“
“Just go. I don't really want to look at you right now.” 
He hesitates and keeps his hand on the doorknob like he wants to say something, but his phone rings again and he leaves. 
Y/N rushes to her computer and deletes the video, but there’s no use. 100,000 people have already seen it. 
Y/N is having a very pleasant morning. She absolutely loves going to the studio to see the windows completely covered in spray paint. At least now it’s noticeable. Maybe this is the advertising she needs. 
She groans. Could her life get any worse? She barely has a boyfriend anymore. The least the universe could do is give her an hour of peace before the dance classes begin. 
Yugyeom hasn’t spoken to her since that night in her apartment. Two days without contact may seem short, but with a heavy situation like theirs, the lack of communication is suffocating. The worst part about waiting for him to talk to her is resisting the urge to text first. 
Maybe it’s pride, but Y/N calls it self respect. She admitted her mistake, but he still hasn’t spoken to her. He screwed up just as bad, so why is he being so childish? 
She sighs. Missing him is not going to clean the windows. With a bucket of water mixed with vinegar and a cloth in hand, she gets to work. She doesn’t exactly have the energy to add force to her strokes, but she doesn’t have a choice. 
"Hey, boss." Jia’s voice brings her to a stop.
Y/N turns. Somehow, even as she looks at them, she feels nothing. She wishes she could feel even just the slightest irritation at the sight, but she can’t. Not even if Sunhee avoids her eyes and keeps her hands pocketed in her hoodie. 
“Hi,” she says, squeezing the rag as if it would ease her mind. Water drips from her fingers and onto her feet, but she doesn't move. 
“We wanted to see if you were okay.”
Her chest burns. She licks her lips and laughs, raising her arms in the air like she’s trying to imitate a welcome sign. “What do you think?” 
Areum tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and clears her throat. She takes a step forward, and just when Y/N thinks she’s about to hug her, Areum walks past and enters the studio. Jia follows, and Sunhee comes in last. 
If Y/N could describe the breeze that passes between them as Sunhee walks, it would be like fire burning her face. Brutal, but she doesn’t know how else to feel around her. It’s not like she can smile at the very reason why Dispatch ultimately ruined her life in a week. 
That’s why when they come right back out with buckets and rags, she doesn’t know how to react. They stand next to her and wipe off the marks. 
She could only watch. She knows she should help them, but her body refuses to move. Why are they being so nice to her now? Do they feel sorry for her? Is that it? If that’s the case, she doesn’t want their pity. They could quit for all she knows, and she would not be angry. Okay, maybe a little, but that's not the point. 
Areum speaks up. “I think it’s stupid that you’re getting all this hate.”
Jia nods and reaches for the bucket. “Me too. It’s been like, what, two weeks? Week and a half? I can’t even remember. It’s old news, like, move on, already.” 
“Why…” Y/N whispers. 
Sunhee turns around. This is the first time she makes eye contact with Y/N. “I know you think I told Dispatch, but it wasn’t me.”
Her mind whirls. “What? Do you realize that doesn't make any sense at all? " 
Sunhee nods. “It doesn’t, right? But I swear I didn’t tell Dispatch. I don’t even know how to do it! " 
Before Y/N could reply, Jia steps in between them. "All done! How about we talk about this inside?” 
If anyone told Y/N two years ago that she would sit in the middle of the studio having a heart-to-heart with Jia, Areum, and Sunhee, she would laugh in their face. 
With everything going on lately, nothing feels real anymore. It's like she's floating around and looking at her life under a microscope. 
“You know, I’m really surprised you guys came to help me today,” Y/N says, her voice so quiet, she’s not sure they heard.
“Why wouldn’t we help?” Areum asks. “You’re our boss.”
“I don’t know, I thought you guys hated me or something.”
Y/N plays with the hem of her shirt, as if the texture of the fabric is more interesting than the conversation. She doesn’t know how to face them. She feels like a failure of a boss. Hell, she feels like a failure, period. 
“What? How could you think we hate you?” Jia asks.
Sunhee leans a little closer to add, “You are pretty rude sometimes, Jia.”
Jia pauses and nods after a moment. “You know, I totally get that.” She turns to Y/N. “I’m sorry. I never hated you, though. I think you’re pretty cool, just intimidating.” 
“Intimidating? How am I intimidating?” Y/N asks. 
“Well,” Areum says. “For starters, you’re our boss. I think it’s kind of the natural order of the universe for us to feel that way. But also because you’re a hard worker. You’re so focused on work, we never really got the chance to relate to you. You’ve always been closed off. The only time you show interest in things is when we’re interested in them too.” 
“It’s also why we were so surprised to find out you were an ahgase. You keep so many things private, it’s hard to connect with you. We never hated you, boss. We just didn’t know you,” Jia adds. 
The room is silent after that. Y/N’s mind scrambles for memories of the two years she shared with them. They’re right. She’s so used to people being against her, she assumed they were the same. She cannot rule out the times they were annoying, but that’s normal. Surely they got annoyed with her at some point. They’re only human. 
Y/N sighs. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like that. I never gave you guys the chance to prove yourselves to me as anything other than great dancers. I should have been a better boss.”
Sunhee shakes her head. “You’re a great boss. You just need to learn to be a friend.”
“You’re right. You’re definitely right. I am too closed off. But I need to know,” Y/N faces Sunhee. “How can you say you didn’t tell Dispatch? You’re the only one who saw us.” 
“This might sound unbelievable, but I don’t snitch. Well, except to them,” Sunhee gestures to Jia and Areum. “But I swear, I didn’t tell Dispatch.”
Jia nods. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and the only thing that makes sense is that someone may have heard us talk about it.”
Areum taps on the floor. “I bet it’s that girl from the steakhouse.” They all turn to her. “Think about it. The first picture that went viral was them in a steakhouse. And remember when Sunhee came running to us after she saw them? We took a walk just around here and went past it. A waitress was outside by the big chalkboard menu. It could have been her.”
Y/N slouches. That does seem to make sense, but it’s also a just a guess. And even if they did confront her, what difference would it make? It’s not like she can take it all back. The damage is done. 
Jia clenches her fists. “Let’s go to her! I bet we could totally make her confess.” 
They stay seated and wait for Y/N’s signal, but she only shakes her head. “Don’t bother. It wouldn’t change anything.”
“So what are you gonna do?” Sunhee asks.
Y/N shrugs. “I don’t know.” When they slouch, she adds, “But it’s okay. I have you guys now. That makes everything better.”
Bad things happen all the time, but if you know where to look, you just might find a little bit of good. That's what her father always said. She didn’t know it then, but maybe his words stuck enough to push her this far. Despite their unwillingness to support her dream, it seems they were also the reason she achieved it. 
If none of this happened, she wouldn't understand how Jia, Areum and Sunhee felt about her. She might even spend the next couple of years slowly losing the strength to keep up with them. As much as she wishes none of this got so out of hand, she’s glad it brought them together. They are the perfect example of what her dad meant. 
The good in the bad. 
Her phone screen lights up, and just when she thinks it’s a text from their group chat, her heart stops. 
GMAIL: JYP Entertainment 
She screams. The room spins. Her hands shake, and she almost drops her phone. An email from JYP Entertainment? What could it be about? Is she in trouble? She already deleted the video! Instead of unlocking her phone to open the email, she calls the girls through the group chat. 
“You got an email from who?” Areum screams. 
“J-JYP Entertainment. Oh my God. What should I do?” 
“Read it!” Jia says.
"Out loud so we can hear it!” Sunhee adds. 
“Okay, okay, okay, okay.” Y/N pulls down the notification bar and takes a deep breath before tapping on the email. 
“What does it say!” Areum asks.
“Dear, Y/N. We are pleased to inform you that we are interested in hiring you as a dance teacher for the artists and trainees of JYP Entertainment. We received a recommendation for having you on our team and after researching your activities as a dance studio owner, we would like to hire you. If you are interested, visit the JYP Entertainment building on Saturday at 2:00 PM for an interview. Thank you.”
Y/N falls to the floor. She can’t believe it. Even with the words staring back at her and the girls screaming in her ear, she can’t believe it. The company her favorite group works for is interested in hiring her. Her! A low-rate dancer with a small studio. Her, even after the mess of the scandal. They want to hire her. 
“What do I do?” she whispers. 
“Go! Take the job!” Areum says. “This is what you worked so hard for!” 
And that’s when it clicks. When she uploaded the video, she wasn’t afraid of losing her career, but not once did she think about the girls losing theirs. They worked just as hard as she did. They share the same dream, the same passion. How could she be selfish enough to risk that? 
She has to take this opportunity. A part-time job at JYP? This could save all of them.
Y/N’s heart feels like it’s going to explode.
Standing in front of the JYP building has never felt more intense. She’s visited before, ate at the famous JYPBob, but with a new intent in mind, the building looms above her like a taunt ready to criticize her every move. 
But she can totally do this. At least that's what she keeps telling herself, anyway. So much is at stake here. She needs to do everything she can to get this job. That’s all that matters. 
“Okay, Y/N,” she mutters. “One step at a time. Just walk to the door.” 
She could see the inside through the revolving door, but it somehow looks better on the other side. The first thing she notices is the JYP logo on the wall, which glows as if it's greeting her. Two women sit behind a long marble counter with a huge stone slab in front. Y/N wonders how they managed to make it look good. This room looks like the entrance to a god’s house. There’s no way she’s worthy of standing on this floor. 
After explaining what she's there for, she follows an employee up the elevator. As they walk along the blue walls, she can only think of one thing: she might work here. One day, she could get used to walking down these halls, passing idols and giving them a smile. This could be her life. 
But first, she has to pass the interview. 
Behind this door could be the turning point of her career. She takes a deep breath. There’s no telling what could happen next, but it's okay. This is where her efforts brought her. She just hopes she drank enough apple juice. 
“Hello, you must be Y/N,” a man in a black blazer and khaki pants says as he extends his hand. “I’m Jung Wook.” 
Y/N shakes it. “Hello, it’s very nice to meet you.”
“So,” Jung Wook sits behind his desk and smiles. “you’re a special case here. We received a recommendation, and we don’t get that often. We watched some of your videos on YouTube, and we think you’re very talented.” 
“Thank you.”
“But first, tell me about yourself.” 
Here we go. 
The interview is a blur. With so much adrenaline running through her veins, it’s difficult to catch the details. The words roll off her tongue like she knows exactly what to say, but in reality, she has no idea if anything made sense. 
She just hopes they accept her anyway. 
After an awkward amount of bows and thank yous, Y/N opens the door to find a man sitting on the floor. He looks up. 
“Did you get the job?” he asks and stands up.
She closes the door and sighs. 
“I know you’re mad at me, but can we please talk?” he says. 
“All right.” 
She follows him around the building. Honestly, she's glad he's here. She was too nervous to pay attention to where she was going, she doesn’t remember how to get back to the front door. At least after this, Yugyeom can escort her out. 
He takes her to a dance practice room, and she swears she almost cries. It’s bigger than her entire studio, and they have more of these in one building? The lights are much brighter, it's like they flow through her and give her energy to dance. She runs to the middle of the room. 
“Makes you wanna dance, right?” he says, bringing her back to reality. 
She frowns, and all the energy the room gave her seeps from her body. She turns to him. 
“You recommended me, didn’t you?” she asks. 
He nods. “With Jaebeom-hyung’s help. He’s more persuasive. It was the least I could do after…” When she looks away, he adds, “I’m sorry I hurt you. You only wanted to fight for our relationship, but I chose to be a coward. I should’ve consulted you first.” 
She sighs and sits on the floor. “Even the floor feels better.” She looks back at him. “I should’ve talked to you too. But you were right. JYP could only protect you. I’m on my own. Denying the rumors was the safer choice, but I ruined that.”
“How did the interview go?” he asks as he takes a seat in front of her. 
She shrugs. “I don’t know. It was kind of just a blur. I don’t remember the questions or what I said, so I really can’t tell if I bombed it or not.” 
“I’m sure you did great. You’ll fit right in here.”
“If I become an official employee here, does that mean they can protect me too? The way they protect their idols?” 
Yugyeom nods. “You’d have a powerful company to take legal action against anyone who attacks you again.” 
Y/N slouches, as if the weight of the information is too heavy for her shoulders. “I need this job.”
They stay silent for a moment, like they’re waiting for someone to say something. To be honest, Y/N doesn’t know what to say. She said sorry, she took responsibility for what she did and asked about the recommendation. What more is there to say? That she misses him? With so much happening at once, she never really got the chance to think about him. 
Now that he's right in front of her, it’s like her emotions finally caught up. Sadness and anger come at once that she has to look away, but in the middle of it all is the one thing she did not expect to feel—longing. 
“I miss you,” they both say, their voices echoing and bouncing off each other like a trampoline. 
Then they laugh. She missed this, being with him without a care for anything else. To be in his presence, even when they were nothing but friends. 
“Y/N… I hope you know I didn’t just recommend you because I wanted to help you,” he says. "I want to be with you. I still do. I was angry, but I missed you anyway. Everyday.”
She meets his gaze. “I wanna be with you too, Yugyeom. But I'm afraid if I don't get the job, I won’t have the same protection as you. How would that work?” 
“I’ll protect you.”
She snickers and looks away. “You’ve always been so idealistic.”
“You’ve known me three months.”
“I’ve known you since you debuted. You’ve known me for three months.”
"Touché," he laughs. “But really. Whether you get the job or not, I’ll do what I can to protect you.”
“My knight in shining armor," she says, placing the back of her palm above her forehead like a damsel in distress.
He stands and bows, offering his hand as his other rests behind his back. "Anything for my love."
She smiles and takes his hand, which falls to her waist and pulls her closer. His eyes scan her face for any resistance, and when he finds none, he smiles.  
“I missed this,” she whispers and rests her forehead on his.
She wishes more than ever that the door is locked. 
"I love you," he says. 
Y/N pulls her head back and looks at him, like the words he spoke touched every inch of her skin. He looks at her, his eyes shining with the reflection of the lights. 
“I know it might be too soon. We haven't been dating for a long time, but I love you. I hope I don’t scare you away.” 
She must be dreaming. She hasn't woken up yet and still needs to go to that interview. She’s imagining all this because she misses him, because she-
"I love you too." If this is a dream, she never wants to wake up. 
Before she could think further, he kisses her, and her mind shuts down. His arms wrap around her body and pull her closer than she already was. They could not waste any more distance between them. She melts into his embrace, his lips, his hands, and the sound he makes when she kisses him back. This is their reminder to each other that the world cannot touch them. It tried, and it hurt for a moment, but they found their way back to each other. 
He walks them to the wall and guides her so her back rests gently. But they don’t pull away. They need this. They’ve been needing this, because the last time didn’t go so well. 
For someone who hasn’t had a lot of experience, Yugyeom is a fantastic kisser. 
When they pull away, their faces remain close, like going further apart is wrong. 
Y/N smiles because this is real. She knows because no dream could ever compare to him. 
It’s been at least two months since Yugyeom went live, when he told the world Y/N waswasst a friend. Nobody believed him, of course. Just as no one believed him when he denied the claims once more. But tonight, he’s going to right his wrongs. 
Y/N is great as a new dance teacher in the company. The trainees seem to really like her because she’s his girlfriend. They think it's cool that she met him at a fan sign and managed to win his heart. If only the rest of the world were as accepting as they were. 
“Hi, guys. Did you miss me? I missed you,” he says, watching the comments fly up in a swift. 
It’s always hard to read them, but he manages to catch a few. A lot of them are ‘I MISSED YOU’s and ‘ARE YOU OKAY’s, which he always finds so sweet. 
“I know I’ve been gone for some time, but I have a good reason. I’ve been taking care of my girlfriend. Yes, she's my girlfriend. I know what the news said, and that was my fault. I was scared. But that was because I was afraid of what you might think. I know a lot of you won't like this, but it’s the truth. And I came on live because I wanted to tell you guys on my own instead of some news article.”
He chuckles as he reads more of the messages. His basic English skills can catch the supportive ones. He’s surprised to see a lot of the Korean comments following the same theme. It takes a great deal of the weight from his chest.
“I’m glad to see some positive comments on here, but I know there are still some who don’t like this. But I’m here to ask all of you, as my fans, as my best friends, to respect us. You don’t have to like it, but at least respect it. I’m… I’m really in love with her. We are all human and we all fall in love. You wouldn’t want the people you care about to restrict you from doing what your heart wants, right? We all deserve this freedom. I deserve this freedom. So I hope you guys can be okay with that. Because you guys mean a lot to me.” 
He takes a deep breath and smiles at the comments. 
"Hello, Brazil," he laughs. “Well that’s all for now, guys. I’ll come back soon, I promise. I’ve missed you all. Goodnight everyone!” 
He lays in bed and takes a deep breath, the weight of the past few months slowly leaving his chest. He did the right thing. Not everyone is going to be happy with the news, but he’s happy with Y/N. That’s all that matters. 
Together, they will face the hate, but they will not let it touch them. 
“That’s all the boxes, right?” Y/N asks as Sunhee sits at the truck driver’s seat. 
She nods. “Yeah, I counted. Get in.” 
Y/N does as she’s told and sighs. Her heart falls. She already said goodbye to the studio at least five times, but she can’t help but get emotional. That little room was the beginning of her career. Sure, she has to move on and continue the road that very room started, but the emotional value is too much. 
It’s why it took one year of convincing her to finally move to a larger space. The new studio is still in Hongdae, which is nice because they’re familiar with the area, but it’s much larger. It’s almost like JYP dance practice rooms: spacious with the most beautiful bright lights. 
“Can I ask you something?” Y/N asks. 
“What’s up?” 
“What does it mean when a guy doesn’t reply to you for over 24 hours?” 
Sunhee snickers. “Normally, I would say it means he’s mad at you, but in your case, your idol boyfriend must be exhausted from his world tour. Give him time to sleep and relax. You can make out in the studio when he’s ready.” 
Y/N sighs. “I just don’t get why he wouldn’t text me a simple ‘I’m home’, you know? It doesn’t take much energy to type it. He can even just say it, and his phone will send it! A world tour doesn’t mean he can just forget his girlfriend.” 
“He hasn’t forgotten you, Y/N. He’s crazy about you, and it’s already been a year. That says a lot.”
“How can you be so sure? What if he’s tired of me?” 
“Just trust me. I’m sure you’ll see him again very soon.” 
Y/N nods and takes a deep breath. She looks out through the window to distract herself. She’s pretty bummed out that her boyfriend can’t do something as simple as send her a text. 
Especially on her birthday, 
When Sunhee pulls over, Y/N gets off right away to bring the remaining boxes into the new studio, but Jia and Areum run out immediately and block her path. 
“Oh, good. We’re gonna need the help. These speakers are heavy,” she says and walks to the back of the truck. 
“Wait!” Areum says and gently pulls Y/N’s arm. “Aren’t you hungry? Why don’t we go inside to get some food first?” 
Y/N pauses. “There’s food inside?” 
Jia scowls at Areum before smiling back at their boss. “Yeah! We ordered some take out because we were starving. Setting up is a lot of work! We waited for you guys so we could eat together.” 
“Okay, but there better not be an odor. We don’t want the first problem in our new place to be a stench.”
“What are we? Stupid?” Areum says, laughing a little too loudly, which earns her a slap in the arm from Jia. 
Y/N walks past them and pushes the door open only to be greeted by a very dark studio. 
“God, where are the lights here? Why did you guys turn them off?” she says as she feels for the switch on the walls. 
When the lights turn on, she takes a moment to adjust to the change before she realizes her friends are standing in the middle with Kim Yugyeom. 
“Happy Birthday!” they say in terrible unison, but the effort makes her smile anyway. 
“Oh my God!” 
Despite the bare room and boxes at the side, the table in the center with cake and take out food makes up for it. And Yugyeom. That ass. She walks toward them. 
“Is that apple juice?” she asks, pointing to a clear plastic pitcher. 
They nod, and she laughs. She turns to Yugyeom and glares. 
“I’m sorry I ignored your-“ he starts, but Y/N interrupts him with a combination of hits on his chest.
“You! Could! Have! Texted!” she yells. 
He takes her hands to stop the attacks and pulls her into a hug. “I missed you too.” 
She buries her face in his chest and takes in his scent. Before their relationship, she never thought she would be the clingy type, but Yugyeom proved her otherwise. There’s something about him that makes her feel safe and at ease, that being away from him for too long makes her want to hop on the next plane to wherever he is. 
“Alright, guys, I know this is a birthday surprise, but I wasn’t kidding when I said we were starving,” Jia says. 
Y/N pulls away and smiles at the girls. “Thank you. Really. A year ago, I never thought I would ever say this, but I love you guys. I’m so grateful to have all of you.” She turns to Yugyeom. “And you. Thank you for taking time out of your rest to come here. I know you must be tired, so get some sleep after this, okay? Now. Let’s eat!” 
They cheer, and together, they celebrate. 
There is no way Yugyeom could afford this place. 
“Look, this guy is really desperate to sell this apartment! I kinda feel bad for him,” Yugyeom whispers. 
“You are not buying this apartment because you pity the agent. It’s probably only a trick he does for rich guys like you to give in!” 
“Yeah, but look! Let’s put that aside for a moment. This place looks really nice. Admit it. You’d live here.” 
She sighs and takes another glance around the empty living room. “Yeah, but I could never afford it. But this is you we’re talking about. Look at this price! This would be a total waste for when you’re away on tour. Who’s gonna keep it clean?” 
He smiles and glances at the real estate agent who peeks from one of the rooms. The man blushes and hides back. 
“That’s why I want you to move in with me,” he says. 
Y/N’s breath hitches. “W-what?” 
“Think about it. I could send money every month when I’m away so I can pay half the rent. You’re right. I could never afford this place, but only on my own. You’re really successful now, with income from your studio, YouTube channel, and JYP,” he takes her hands. “What do you say? Will you live with me?” 
She takes another look at the apartment. Her imagination fills the room with a couch, television, plants, bookshelves, and an image of them having dinner together at a table. He makes a good point. Not to mention, they don’t see each other at the JYP building as often as they’d like. Having one home could change that. 
It could change their entire relationship, but since when did change every scare her? 
She squeezes his hands and smiles. “Okay.” 
Yugyeom pulls her close and kisses her, not an ounce of shame in the real estate agent’s presence. Why would it matter?
He’s home. 
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iffyswriting · 4 years
Star Quality
Pairing: Pardison Fontaine x Black! Thick! OC
Summary: A story with some smut at the end. May give it a part two, I don't know yet.
I don’t know about y’all but that fine ass man right there got my ovaries on LOCK.
I blame my friend, Dom for this. She encourage the whortivity.
Anyway enjoy,☺🥴
The light shined bright on my face, my eyes slightly blinded. Anxiety rested in my chest as I looked over all the people in the stands. So many of them were screaming, pumped up with excitement. So many were screaming my name.
All these people here just to see lil ole me.
I searched through the crowd, hopeful to see his face but I knew he wasn't going to be here.
I wanted to be wrong but what's true is just what it is.
I blinked back my tears as I began with my first song of the night 'Heartbreak'. I started strong, singing my heart out as things went on my lyrics hitting closer to home.
My mama told me to stay away from the industry niggas.
If we both wanted a career, it'd never work she said. I didn't listen because I figured who better to understand me, than someone with my exact goals- we could be an it couple, we could be successful together.
I should've listened.
The year before.
"And you said we'd be late." I teased, taking my bodyguard, Tommy's hand as I stepped down from the car.
"You took your sweet ass time at the Hotel."
"My makeup is a whole regime- one lash out of place and my whole energy is off." I said matter of factually, pleased when he didn’t reply.
I looked up at the radio station, my heart swelling with happiness. I'd never been invited to do an interview before- I've never been famous before either. This year was full of firsts for me and honestly, I'm ready to accept it all.
"Not nervous- terrifyingly happy, I'll say."
"Those don't go together."
"A lot of things I do don't but I make it work." He chuckled to my side, his laughter easing my nerves. 
Plopping into a chair, I bounced in my seat giving the biggest grin I could to everyone in the room. You could say I was a little too eager.
"We got brand new artist- Sincerity in the building!" He started off cupping his mouth to make an echo effect.
"Wassup y'all!" I said excitedly, my bubbly giggle bursting through.
"I see your animated this afternoon.”
"I'm grateful as hell to be here, that's why."
"We're just as happy to have you." He spoke returning my grin. "Let's talk about your new hit single, Black Jack that just hit number 2 on the top 100 in the U.S. and number 12 worldwide. How does it feel as a new artist to become this popular, this fast?"
"It feels so good and so unexpected. When I recorded it, I had high hopes but they never went up this high."
"I guess that's on me for having such low expectations," I said shaking my head.
"Could you tell me the meaning of the song? Give a little insight."
"Black Jack is about gambling with your life and all the decisions you want to make with so little time. Everything we do feels like we're playing a game of chance and I think my song with its fast-paced beat really gives you that feeling."
"Any inspirations?"
"You'd be surprised to hear this but I had such a huge mixture of music growing up."  "Like from Lauryn Hill to Bjork, I was everywhere and I think that really shows in the songs that I make. I like to be versatile.”
The energy in the room shifted slightly and I braced what was he was going to say.
"So recently you've taken pictures with New York rapper, Pardison Fontaine." Tommy gave me a look and I sat up straighter, paying attention. Nervousness started to run through me because anything I say could be critical to my career.
Junior was a lot like other radio people, messy as hell because that's what people like to hear. They're interested in you but they're more interested in the drama that surrounds you because it creates traction.
My manager, Shanice couldn't come but she prepped me the night before telling me what to do. 
"Yeah, we took them at Meg's birthday party! It was so much fun." I said nodding my head at the memory. " I took pictures with a bunch of other people too."
"But Pardi is in all of them, one way or another."
"We were sitting together. We talked throughout the party."
"About what?" Junior looked me in the eye, his slick smirk making me scoff. He was trying to get into my head but I stayed resilient.
"About business deals and music really," Pausing, I leaned into the mic closer continuing to talk.
"I can admit he cute or whatever," I said with an eye-roll, everyone else laughing with me.
"But there's literally nothing between us, I super duper promise," I say crossing my heart. " We're just friends- friends, who when they cross paths, take a whole lot of pictures and talk."
"That's it?"
"Dassit." I said quickly, laughing afterward. The disappointment in his face spoke volumes and He looked like he wanted to press further but he knew he couldn't. He moved onto the next question, my interview going much smoother.
Finally leaving the radio station, my phone started to buzz in my hands. I already knew he was gonna call me the minute it ended and I took my time to answer letting it ring a little longer.
"You make me sick."
"Now, I know that's a lie." Pardi, or Jordan as I called him said, I could practically see his smirk over the phone.
"You don't know shit."
"So, I'm just cute or whatever?"
"Ain't that what I said?"
"You've said more than that."
"I been lying." I admitted playfully
"That easily? Wowww-" He faked shock and I bit back a smile, scratching at my hand. Despite my dodging, he did make my stomach flip inside out and made me think things I know I shouldn’t have been.
"You seemed to be so tuned into the radio today- I thought you didn't listen unless you were on it?"
"I had to support my girl."
"I'm your girl? That's crazy."
"You always gonna be my girl." I let out a breathless laugh, my heart thumping in my chest like a drum.
"Okay, Jordan."
"Come see me." He said confidently making me raise an eyebrow.
"See you where?"
"At the studio. You know that's my second home." It was mine too and my mama was constantly down my throat about not being stable with my sleeping. 
"Who else gon' be there?"
"Nobody. Just the two of us." Blinking, I opened my mouth trying to find a response. 
"You plotting, you're trying to get me all alone."
"You gonna fall for the trap?"
"Maybe” Feeling frisky, I pushed harder. “I don’t feel so convinced, though.”
"If you come, I'll mix something for you."
"Something new?"
"Brand spanking new, baby." He slapped something for emphasis and I shrugged my shoulders like he could see me. 
"I'm feeling a little persuaded-"
"I also happen to have some new music- you know I trust your judgment." He came to me for a-lot of things, whether it be a critique or some advice we talked about so much. 
"Since you're begging me at this point, I'll show up."
"I can't wait." I could hear his grin and I couldn’t suppress my own anymore, full on biting my lip as a smiled.
"Don't cream your pants, now."
”I won’t even say what I’m thinking,” He chuckled. “See you in a second, Nelle.” 
“Bye, Jordan. “ Clicking off my phone, Tommy stared at me- a smirk on his lips. The kind i absolutely hated. 
"Nose wide open over that boy."
"Just like I told Junior, I'm gonna tell you."
"We're just friends."
Watching intently as his fingers danced over the keys, one by one he let my head lean on his shoulder. He made me feel so comfortable, his shoulder felt like a hard pillow. 
"How long you been playing the piano?"
“A long ass time.”He thought for a second. “My mom’s wanted me to be productive with something and music became that something.” 
"I want a kind of interlude, you know with the piano playing the back. Soften the soul you know?"
“Yeah, I can see it.” 
I opened my mouth to sing a couple of notes as he kept going. He went up higher and I followed suit, going low when he went he low too. He found somewhere steady and I let my voice rest there with him, finishing softly.
The way he looked at me, his eyes trained on my face so hard it's like he was entranced. Being his center of attention made my heart swell.
"I ever tell you, how much I wish I could sing."
"You know how to hold a tune."
"Nah but if I could belt out like I want, I'd be all over the place."
"How you feel singing from your chest." Taking his hand I pressed it right to my breast, and looked him in his eyes.
"It's like grabbing something from within and pushing it out." I took one deep breath and then another his hand rising with each breath I took.
His hand slowly dragged up my neck to touch my cheek. He seemed hesitant at first but I leaned further into his hand, moving in closer.
We kissed softly to test the waters but we weren’t gentle kind of people. The second kiss felt more impassioned and aggressive, as I sighed behind his lips his touches all over my body jolting me.
He placed his hands on my waist pulling me onto his lap. With my legs on either side, I pressed my panties against his clothed shorts grinding on him so he could feel how wet he was making me. 
"What we about to do here?"
“The fuck you think.” I said impatiently, swiping my gloss off his bottom lip even though I was going to stain it some more. 
“I’m just wanna know before, we get too deep.” 
"I know what I want."
"Do you?" Pressing my hand against his chest I started to unbutton his shirt, keeping up eye contact. 
"I do."
Scrunching my dress up around my hips, he pushed my thighs apart pressing his fingers onto my clit. He was gentle swiping against it but I want him to be rougher.
He lined up his tip and slid inside making me gasp. I threw my arms over his shoulder, my fingers becoming entangled in his curls as I bounced on his dick our cum echoing in the room. 
He gripped my ass, making me bounce faster. 
Standing up from the chair, we kissed as he stroked up into me. My back hit the cold glass and something clicked on behind me but with how good he was fucking me I couldn't care less.
"You feel so fucking good-" One of his hands grasped my neck, the other touching the dip of my back to get in deeper. I bit back a smirk, my breasts heaving up and down as he picked up speed.
His deep groans of pleasure, rumbled in my ear and into the pit of my stomach. 
I clenched around him slowing things down, his hand tightening it's grip. He guided my face up, sloppily french kissing me our tongues melding together. He pecked my lips one more time gazing at me.
“You gotta take it.” He mumbled, making me wrap my legs around his waist entrapping him.
I pushed him back onto his chair, plunging him back inside of me. 
“I’m not the one who needs to take it.” I said breathlessly, kissing his neck lining hickies where his tattoos were.
His chest rose and he shuddered underneath me, his big hands on my back rolls guiding me clearly as I fucked him into the chair. My thighs clapped together and I moaned quietly stopping in my tracks as my orgasm started to crash onto the horizon.
He pushed my thighs back open, circling my clit so I could cum all over his dick. He pulsated inside me and every movement made me feel more sensitive as minutes ticked on. 
“Gon head and cum.” He teased me, bringing our lips together once more. He swallowed back my moans, easing me into a steady lull of pleasure.
I came seconds later, a trembling mess. His name tumbled from my mouth in repeated chants, his strong arms surrounding my hips to keep me in place. He sat still in me, his own body barely holding on. 
I couldn’t tell if you it was lust, or the fact I had in the palm in my hand but as I ground onto him knowing he was going to cum in me, the power and love I felt was unmatched.
He stopped trying to stop me, relishing in his satisfaction as he painted my walls white. His cum filled me up to the brim and I slid back watching it ooze out a little, the sweat on pooling my forehead sliding between my breasts.
He caressed each part of fat on my body the look in his eyes so intense, my heart barely matched it. He said 4 words that cemented everything and from there I was locked in.
“Let’s do this again.” 
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baretklap · 4 years
Tales of Mind Control #5: A Debt Repaid
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(Note: This is a direct continuation of Tales of Mind Control #4: A Debt Unpaid. You don’t need to read that to enjoy this but know that they are very well connected.)
Not even the very soft surface of the bed Liz found herself waking up made it more familiar to her. After gaining more of her sight through rubbing her eyes, it was even easier for Liz to come to the conclusion that she wasn’t just waking up in an unfamiliar bed, she was also waking up in a room she never remembered being in before. That was definitely weird and the only reason she didn’t consider the situation scary was because of the observation that the room not looking like a typical room anyone would mysteriosly wake up to. It was very pleasant room probably belonging to a young girl, actually, but still, it was a room that belonged to a stranger and Liz had to think and get some answers. The last thing Liz remembered was… …that she was celebrating her 20th birthday party at the club. It was a very intense party with strong alcohol, very loud music and friends even louder than the music so it was easy to come to the conclusion that it was a hangover situation for the girl that was the birthday girl just yesterday. Nothing said not being a teen anymore than having random hangovers and waking up in random beds like that. Though a discovery that was going to be made just a second later would prove that it wasn’t as random as Liz thought it was as a framed picture that was standing on the nightstand that was just standing next to the bed. The picture had two girls, one younger girl that Liz didn’t recognize but one older that Liz did. It was Victoria, one of her friends from college. But as old questions were answered, new ones arise but even before Liz could get the chance to search for answers, she heard a knock on the door and a voice that she was certain belonged to Victoria. “Liz? I heard some noises, are you awake?” Yes, that was indeed her. Liz needed no further proof to understand that she had drunk too much and went to Victoria’s home before who knows what had happened and she woke up in her house as well. But it seems getting lost in her thoughts did not make even the simplest conversation. “Oh, I guess no-“ “No, no, I’m awake. Come in.” Liz said after she was snapped out of her mental gymnastics about what happened last night. The door instantly opened and Victoria entered the room with a smile on her face. “Good morning, Liz. Have you slept well?” “I guess so?” Liz replied while scratching her head and pulling the sheets off herself. She then slightly raised her upper body to take a standing position because she was pretty certain she could fall asleep again if she continued lying in such a soft bed. “Good to hear that.” “What happened yesterday? Why am I here?” Liz said with reasonable concern in her voice. Victoria was quick to answer though. “You…were blackout drunk yesterday and it didn’t look like you could safely make your way home so I took you in and made you sleep on my younger sister’s room because she’s off the town with my parents.” “Oh. That makes sense.” Liz then stood up, got herself off the bed and let out a huge yawn. Staring at her friend, she once again asked a question she felt like she needed to ask because honestly Liz had heard lots of hangover stories before that was more than bringing someone home and giving them their younger sister’s room to sleep. “Did we…’do it’, yesterday?” Victoria quickly raised her hands and her eyes opened wide. “N-no! Of course not! You were blackout drunk, Liz, what kind of a person you take me for?” Victoria’s defensive nature and the fact that she had indeed (even if it was unknowingly) accused Vic of such a horrible act made Liz quickly backtrack. “I’m sorry, Vic. I’m…just confused.” “It’s okay, Liz, I’m guessing it’s your first hangover.” “Yeah, you can say so.” Liz let out a chuckle which Victoria replied with a laugh of her own. The hungover girl then headed for the door before giving her friend one last look. “Thanks for keeping me safe, Vic, you’re a true friend. But I have to return home, you know, Eva is probably worried to death right now.” Eva, the woman who dropped everything to take care of her after Liz’ mother had died in a car crash. Eva, who made her hair a broom for Liz. The fact that she was possibly worrying herself to death right now made Liz feel very uneasy and she knew she had a lot of apologizing to do. “Oh, I understand. No need to thank me, Liz, that’s what friends do.” Victoria gave her friend one last smile before Liz rushed down the stairs, took all her belongings from the living room and called a taxi that would take her back home. The driver was thankfully a woman because Liz was still in her party clothes and it wouldn’t be exactly true to call her clothing modest. The trip back to home was over after a few minutes. During the ride, Liz also checked her phone but surprisingly there were no missed calls or worrying texts from Eva, it was strange given how overprotective she sometimes acted. But she was twenty now, she guessed Eva also knew that and did not want to track down a grown-ass woman in order to save both of them the embarassment. Liz paid the driver before swiftly getting of her taxi and using her key to enter her home. Home sweet home. “Eva, I’m back!” She called out but nobody answered. That meant Eva was either out in the town or sitting in the balcony sipping on her wine alone and listening to the sad songs playing in radio. Liz didn’t exactly blame the older woman for mourning the life she could’ve had but given up in order to raise her. But she would be eternally grateful. Liz had just arrived home so going back in the town was out of the question, causing her to head for the balcony, well, after getting out of her party clothes and putting one new, more modest ones, of course. As she was walking there, the first sight she got was…very surprising. Eva didn’t look sad, for once. She was happy. And most importantly, she wasn’t sipping her wine alone. She was actually sharing her wine with another woman, they were chatting, laughing and seemed to have an overall good time. Liz didn’t recognize that woman but she could swear she didn’t look entirely unfamiliar. Still, she continued her march towards the balcony and tapped the glass, getting the attention of the two women happily drinking their wines. After realizing Liz was home, Eva got up from her chair and opened the door to the balcony with sliding it to the right. Liz entered the balcony and was immediately greeted by a hug from Eva. “Welcome home, sweetheart! How was your birthday party?” Liz hugged the older woman back, not that she could break free with how enthusiastic Eva tended to be with her hugs. “It was good, I think. Had a hangover for the first time!” Hearing that part about ‘hungover’, Eva broke the hug and gave a interrogating look at the girl she considered a daughter to her. “Hangover? Did…anything happen?” Eva also sounded she had very valid concerns about that fact but Liz was quick to extinguish those concerns for her. “No, no. A friend took me home and let me sleep in her sister’s bed. Everything is alright, Eva, no need to worry.” After being successful in calming Eva down, Liz got the opportunity to take a look at her friend closer than before. She looked beautiful, truly a unique kind of beauty with her eyes that seemed to be heterochromiac. Liz gave her a smile and a small wave (that earned a cute chuckle from the guest woman) before turning to Eva. “So, who’s your friend?” Eva replied with such a big smile that Liz could not even remember having seen such a big one in her face before. “Oh, she’s Katie. An old friend of mine. She visited me yesterday and then we hit it off and then…you know…” Eva then doubled down on her uncharacteristic happiness and actually let out a giggle that resembled one that would belong to a school girl, just when Liz thought she have seen everything. This time, she hugged Eva. “Oh my god! I’m so happy to hear that! Congratulations!” “Aww…thank you dear.” Liz broke the hug as Eva’s girlfriend grabbed a seat and adjusted it, patting it and inviting Liz to sit, which she did. “So, you’re the young Elizabeth that Eva told me so much about. Nice to meet you dear, I’m Katie.” Katie reached out with her hand to Liz, which the younger girl excitedly took and shook. “The people who know me usually call me Liz, but thank you, it’s also nice to meet someone that brings so much joy to Eva’s life.” “It’s not a big deal. She brings so much joy to my existence too.” More Liz continued to look at Katie, the more she was certain she recognized her from somewhere. While Eva and Katie stopped paying her attention and started flirting again, Liz almost got a headache from the way she tried to dive deep into her thoughts and memories to finally understand how she remembered that woman. But in the end, rather excitedly, she interrupted their conversation. “By the way guys, is Katie the woman in the picture inside that drawer? Because the entire time she looked so familiar and I tried so hard to remember how…” That revelation seemed to make Eva blush a little as Katie let a lovely laugh escape her lips. “Yes, yes, I also found out during my visit that Eva kept an old picture of us.” “Stop embarassing me, dear…” A lot of things could be said about Liz, and she having a strong memory was one of them. She didn’t remember when she last took a look at that picture but she remembered Eva being much younger in that picture, while Katie looked…exactly as how she looked now. “You look as young as you looked in that picture, Katie.” Another laugh came out of Katie. “Thank you! I have a very good skin-care routine.” That got an awkward smile out of Liz as she ran out of things to say. Instead, she let the lovers continue to talk while she didn’t touch the wine at all, it would be for the best if she didn’t touch alcohol for a while after what happened at her birthday party. In the end, Liz eventually got bored from being the third wheel as Eva and Katie just talked and flirted and cuddled to celebrate their relationship. She got out of her seat and offered the couple yet another awkward smile before heading out of the balcony again. “Well, it would be for the best if I just left the loving couple alone. Once again, congratulations to you guys and Katie, please, treat her right, she deserves it.” “Oh, I will.” The reply came instantly but got no reaction from the younger girl as she was out of the balcony pretty quick. Liz reached to her phone again and dialed up Victoria’s number. “Hey girl, things are fine in home. Eva wasn’t freaking out or whatsoever and I have nothing to do. Wanna meet-up again in the town?” Victoria accepted her offer and thus, Elizabeth packed some of her stuff and once again left her home to meet with Victoria. As two girls, two friends hanged out in the town, Liz started to think about Katie and Eva again. The sides to their relationship and mostly their conversation that she for some reason didn’t think of thinking about back when she was sitting in the balcony with the newly-formed couple. Katie…seemed nice but she was…a little…peculiar, to say the least. The words she used, her speech patterns, how she insisted on calling her Elizabeth, the way even she moved sometimes, not to mention her perfect skin-care that shouldn’t even be possible. Oh, and the worst of them was how Katie looked at her. With lust, with want. Thinking about all of that stuff initially ruined the fun she wanted to have with Victoria but after a few activities, Liz stopped having Katie living inside her head rent-free and instead focused on her time with Victoria. But even that time had eventually came to an end much to Liz’ displeasure. She returned home not too late after that. After entering her home again, Liz’ legs carried her upstairs so she can go to her room to finally get some rest after a tiring day. But when she was about to take a turn to the left and reach fort he door of her own room, she heard some…noises….coming out of…of course, Eva’s bedroom. And it was pretty clear what kind of noises they were. She hated that they were freely having sex knowing Liz will return home later…but Liz hated more that it actually aroused her. Eva, as much of a mother figure she had been to Liz during her entire life, was a very stunning woman even in her forties. Liz had more fantasies about her than she would like to admit, fantasies that she was one hundred percent sure she would never act on. And even with dozens of red flags, Katie was almost as beautiful as Eva and was a sight to behold herself. Liz would never act on her fantasies, for sure, but she didn’t have a rule against watching people who would……oh god, what was she thinking? Liz was just going to lock herself in her room, pull herself under a thousand blankets and act like nothing is happening in Eva’s bedroom…whose door happens to be slightly open… Within seconds, Liz finds herself just behind the door and peeking slightly, only being able to see the figures of two lovers…loving each other while one of her hands reach further down South to caress her wet spot while she actively commits voyeurism on her mother figure having sex, that was the barest possible explanation and it made Liz feel both worse and hornier. As Liz took another half step toward, one thought was on her mind: ‘If I’m going hell, then I might as well go all the way in’. After that, Liz found out that she could now even hear and understand the whisperings during their sex. Eva’s tone was much more desperate than Katie’s which indicated the new woman in her life was very skilled in that…not that Liz cared about that…did she? ‘Please, Mistress…’ Whoa, wait? Mistress? Damn, she definitely didn’t knew Eva was that kinky even if some magazines she found in home indicated she was at least a little kinky. “Please let me cum, you haven’t let me orgasm even once since yesterday…” Eva’s pleas totally fell on deaf ears as Katie replied with nothing but a chuckle. Meanwhile, Liz’s hand that was playing with her pussy was going even faster as Liz did her best to suppress her moans and keep her voyeurism a secret from them. She hears Katie’s voice after that. “You still haven’t paid your debt to me, Eva.” Debt? Just what kind of kinky roleplay they were doing? “But luckily, you’re about to…” Liz didn’t understand much about the situation but she understood very well that it was one of the hottest things she had experienced in her entire life despite how wrong it felt. Especially because of how wrong it felt. “I know you’re watching us, young Elizabeth.” That last sentence that came so smugly out of Katie’s mouth filled Liz with so much panic and fear that she let out an audible ‘eep’ before trying to run away…only to trip herself and fall inside the bedroom of Eva. She was caught red-handed and now she made a fool out of herself in front of them. Just as Liz thought nothing could go worse, the universe proved her wrong once again because she was pretty sure she heard the door shut before she got up from the floor and looked at Eva and Katie who were both naked and in front of their sex. But there was something really wrong. Eva’s eyes were glowing in a shade of violent and Liz took enough biology classes to know human eyes weren’t supposed to glow that way. Just what the hell was happening here and why it was happening to her, to Eva, to them? “Oh, don’t be upset! We were already waiting for you, weren’t we, Eva?” “Yes, Mistress.” Just in seconds, all her horniness turned into fear as nothing made sense anymore while Liz could do nothing but watch as the woman that raised her wrapped around another woman with magic or something like that. Liz’ hands reached to the door but it was locked, she didn’t even know why she tried either, of course it was locked. “Go and catch her.” “Yes, Mistress.” Liz at that point pretty much knew she had nothing to do but she still banged on the door. It wasn’t long before Eva walked to her, got behind her and pinned her arms behind herself. The woman that had given up so much for her had now betrayed her, her mind under a spell who knows how. She had lost. Still, that didn’t stop her from shouting at the vile woman that orchestrated all of this madness. “What have you done to her, you witch!” Katie seemed too amused at hearing her scream like that. “A witch, she says. Why yes, Elizabeth, I exactly am a witch.” Was that even a surprise anymore? “I did to your precious Eva whatever I’m going to do to you. Years ago, me and her made a deal. Whatever she wanted was just to reach her climax during a sex and she agreed to give up her most precious thing to me. After I made her cum, she was indebted to me, so I came here to collect. My debt is you, young Elizabeth.” As Liz tries to squirm in Eva’s clutches to break free, Katie gets closer to the young woman and just breathes into her face which seemed to pin Liz wherever she is. Her movement is stopped, but she could still feel her mind and still think how fucked she is. Katie follows that with an intense command. “Focus on me.” Instantly, Liz finds that she cannot take away her eyes from Katie. She cannot think anything not about Katie. She only sees Katie, only hears and smells Katie. If she could focus anything else than Katie, she could’ve seen that Eva was in the same position too. In fact, it had affected the older woman so much that her grip on Liz was practically non-existent now. Not that Liz could feel that. “Open your mind to me, Elizabeth.” “Yes….” Elizabeth replies with her mind even more open to the witch while Eva doesn’t because the command wasn’t directed at her. “Listen to my words as they imprint themselves on your mind.” “Listen…” “Yes…” Two women replied at the same time. “You are weak and helpless under my power.” “We are weak and helpless under your power.” “I have caged your minds and there’s not a key.” “You have caged our minds…” “I own you completely.” “You own us completely.” “Mind, body and soul.” “Mind, body and soul.” “You will surrender to me.” “We will surrender to you.” “You will submit to me.” “We will submit to you.” “You will obey me.” “We will obey you.” “You will serve me for the rest of your lives.” “We will serve you for the rest of our lives.” Repeating all of the mantras, Elizabeth truly let them imprinted onto her mind. The mind that belonged to Mistress Katie now. She would happily surrender, submit, obey and serve. She had no other purpose now, neither did Eva. They would happily be Katie’s slaves forever. “But most importantly, you’re finally mine, Elizabeth.” Katie said as she gently grabbed Elizabeth’s chin. “I’m yours, Mistress.” “Perfect, Eva, help her undress too.” “Yes, Mistress.” Eva quickly put her hands on Elizabeth’s clothes and four hands worked together to strip Elizabeth as quickly as possible. Once she was totally in her birthday suit, Katie licked her lips. “Now, kneel, Elizabeth.” She obeyed instantly, much to Katie’s pleasure. Then the witch’s head turned to the woman she enslaved earlier. Eva had a mindless smile on her beautiful face. “Your debt has been paid...” Katie said before her hand reached between Eva’s legs. Eva screamed.
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Stormy Nights
A/N: Hey everyone. Who also doesn't like it to be alone during a thunderstorm? So I hope you enjoy it. Vanessa :) warnings: fluff, fluff, Did I already said fluff? Pairing: Jungkook x Reader word count: 650
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The sound of thunder roared you from your sleep. Frightened you sat up in your bed. Lightning flashed across the sky and brightened the bedroom.
“Kookie?” You asked and looked to his side of the bed. But it was empty. You looked at the alarm clock next to your bed. 1am. You groaned and pulled the blanket above your head. A next strong rumble made the walls tremble. “Y/N, you are 23 years old. Thunderstorms aren’t anything what should scared you,” you thought. You really hated thunderstorms especially at night. You didn’t know exactly why but for you it was just loud, dark and creepy. Also you hated it, when you were alone and nobody protected you. Jungkook has spent the evening with his hyungs and you knew that it could take a little bit longer when they started drinking soju. You were totally okay with that but it meant that you have to went through this alone. At this moment you heard a key unlock the door. You sighed also because you were happy to have him safe. “Jagi?” He whispered. “I’m awake.” You heard his footsteps and noticed that the bed sinked next to you. A few seconds later you felt cold raindrops dripping down on your neck. “Ahh, you are cold,” you gasped. But JK just chuckled and pulled you against his chest. His nose stroke against your neck. “What a nice greeting.” He answered and you turned around in his grip. “I’m relieved that you are safe at home now. I missed you and was worried about the thunderstorm.” You gave him a peck on his lips. “I hurried up because I know that you don’t like storms and I want my girlfriend to feel secured and protected” “Awww. That’s so cute from you, Kookie.” “I just have to go shower and dry my hair. Give me five minutes.” “Time is going.” You smiled and laid on your back. Even when it was just a few minutes it felt like eternity until you heard the bad door opened and Jungkook laid next to you again. “Missed me Jagi?” he asked. “It hasn’t take longer.” “I’m sorry but drying my hair takes I little bit longer than I thought.” You looked at him and tousled through his hair which has grown longer these days. His hand laid on your waist and pulled you closer to him. Through the bright of the lightnings you could see the tattoos which decorated his arms lately. You loved this new side on him. You wanted him to do what he wanted to do. No matter other people said when this was what he wanted. You supported him always. He looked at you with his chocolate colored eyes and his nose stroke against yours. “The whole evening I have waited for this moment. I just wanted to cuddle and kiss you,” he said. “Than kiss me,” you whispered back. Slowly he leaned down to you and connected his soft lips with yours. You sighed and griped his neck. His fingers ran along your arm and a shiver ran down your spine. He hold you tight and you felt safe in his arms. He was your home. It doesn’t matter where you were when he was there. You bit gently on his lower lip caused JK to smile. After countless of minutes kissing and enjoying each other closeness you just laid in his arms. His hand ran along your back. Outside the storm was still raging and you were really happy “Don’t be scared. I’m here and I will be awake until you fall asleep.” You laid your head an his chest and while you listen his heart beat your eyes closed slowly.
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hollywwav · 5 years
Climbing the Corporate Ladder (DiaDop fanfic)  Chapter 3
Hello people and sorry for the lack of activity! This time the narrative will be quicker, because I wanted to do a short chapter before an special one I'm planning to write. I think I failed with this one, It just seems bland, uncreative and also I'm not really good at writing a blowjob situation, so I'm sorry... ú.ù
Summary: The new president and his young assitant come to change things for good on Passione Inc., a company dedicated to make up and female beauty.
The young boy is secretely in love with his boss, but thanks to an embarassing accident he will have the chance to get more closer to him! Or not…?
An AU where Doppio, the Bucci gang and other characters work for Diavolo, with the special participation of La Squadra!
Warnings: none.
Chapter 3: カジュアル MONDAY   
The next days passed normally like nothing had happened between them, Doppio was anxious and overthinking most of the late night, meanwhile his boss looked perfect and busy as always. And then, Diavolo was out on a bussines trip for the next days. He didn’t text or said anything to the young assistant.
“He talked to me yesterday, just for a moment... he didn’t seem mad or condescendent to me... but he seems... distant?...” thought the young boy, with an anguish look on his face.
 “Maybe I’m not amazing after all... he just got bored of me, probably...”
  Doppio walked with the usual folders and the personal planner through the hallway, and from the distance he could see Squalo and Tiziano chatting in the reception area. It seemed like they were loafing around, sincerely. When the boy passed by them, Tiziano looked askance at him and quickly wispered something to Squalo, and then both laughed frenetically in an obvious mocking tone. Doppio felt ashamed and ran way to the next floor, little tears running down from frustration.
“Why do they laugh at me? They know?? Diavolo told everyone about what happened that night?”
“No, impossible. Mista would be shocked and would want to know all the details... also Narancia would be really annoying right now...”
The young assistant wasn’t ashamed of having sex with the boss of Passione. He didn’t really cared about everyone knowing. What he didn’t like was being mocked for being so small, childish and emotional, because he knew no one would believe the boss could be attracted to somebody like him. He was tired of always being a laughing stock.
On Sunday evening, the young boy received a message from the boss after taking a bath.
 “Good evening my Doppio, I need you on my office tomorrow by 10 am. Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious. Have a good night.”
The boy finished reading and decided to not re-read and overanalyze the message, he just fell down on the bed completely relieved with a huge smile on his face.
The next day Doppio arrived early to the office and tried to get some work done. After some calls and chatting with Giorno, Mista and the rest of the employees with a good amount of donuts, the boy’s phone received a new message. He almost forgot about the boss’ issue.
 “[9:48 am] Please come to my office”
Doppio instantly left the second floor and went to Diavolo’s office.
“Maybe it is someting serious” thought the boy a bit concerned.
He entered quietly, a strong silence and low illumination involving the boss’ place.
“Umm... good morning, boss. What do you need?”
“Good morning my Doppio” Diavolo looked great in his usual pinstripe suit, this time without the glasses, and with a good amount of dark violet lipstick on his lips.
“Please take a seat”
“O-ok...” the boss got up and proceeded to lock the door with a small key.
“I called you because... I got too stressed these days, you know?”
“R-really?” said the boy, still concerned.
“Yes... I just can trust you to help me right know with this”
“Just me?? wha- what do you need me to do, boss?”
“Well... will you be a good boy and... give me a blowjob?” wispered the older man to the boy’s ear, making him shiver. The boy felt nervous by the way Diavolo caressed his shoulders.
“Wha?? are-? are you sure? right now? In this place?”
“Yes...please. Nobody will know. I prepared this so no one could disturb us”
“B- but I... I really don’t... know...”
“You-? you... don’t want to?” Diavolo got closer to the boy’s face and looked at him with half- lidded eyes.
“Is not that... I just really... never did it.” Doppio got closely to his boss juicy lips and looked him with the same eyes full of lust.
“Don’t worry, my sweet Doppio... you always do your best... I know you will please me.”
Diavolo gave him a chaste kiss and started huffing from the arousal.
“Please, my Doppio... will you do it?”
“Oh.. Yes!” said the young boy excited to hear the needy voice of his boss.
Diavolo kissed him with the same passion like the first time, he looked like he could devour his assistant’s soft lips, and Doppio just got carried away by Diavolo’s touches. But the making out finished quickly, the boss was impatient to see the boy’s performance.
“Come on, my sweet Doppio... get on your knees” Doppio obeyed and sat in front of his boss, meanwhile the older man unbuckled his pants and teased him with the lenght of his erection.
“Please... touch me...” said Diavolo surprising the young boy. He sounded so needy and a bit naughtier than the first time they were alone. Doppio just got his dick out of the underwear slowly, blushing heavily at the size of that member. Oh god, he didn’t remember how big it really was.
“Ok... I’m going to do it... I don’t want to hurt you, so... I will be gentle...” said Doppio with a total lack of confidence.
“I know you won’t hurt me, my precious Doppio” the young boy looked at him concerned about what to do, he wanted to do it right, he didn’t want to fail.
“O-ok” said Doppio finally, opening wide his mouth and trying to wrap it around the boss’ member.
Diavolo instantly moaned and got rid of his top suit, because he was already hot and starting to sweat a bit. Doppio just tried to adjust slowly to the lenght, but his small mouth couldn’t do much. It was a strange sentation, the taste was ok, he thought, and the scent of the boss’ body was exciting. He tried to wrap his small hand on the base, bob his head and pump him at the same time, but a bit slowly because he couldn’t coordinate with the mouth’s movements.
“Oh... my pretty little Doppio... I wanted that cute mouth of yours sucking me since so long...” said the boss with a look more like a drunk man than anything. The situation made the young boy grow hotter and start to feel his own dick twitch in his pants. The way Diavolo wanted him so badly, how he prepared everything for both to be alone, the fact that he was at his boss’ feet, stimulating and admiring his body, the way Diavolo looked so bigger and powerfull than him. It was too much for the young assistant, now moaning and trying to catch breath.
“Ohh... my jaw hurts a bit...”
“Don’t worry my dear, you’re doing a really nice job... please don’t stop... I’m going to finish soon”
“Is is ok... if I can... fondle your testicles?” said Doppio with embarrasement.
“That would be amazing”
Doppio sucked again and did what he wanted to, enjoying the feel of his boss’ balls on his hands. Diavolo kept panting and caressed the boy’s cheek, then stroked softly his purple hair and pushed his head a bit more against his member.
“Please... more... faster...”
The boy did as the boss ordered, bobbing faster and getting sloppier with his sucks, and tried to pump him again to give more stimulation.
“Yeah... that’s right... suck... suck me more!” said the boss shaking, completely overflowed of pleasure.
“You’re so good... so good... I would love to finish inside you right now...!! I want to fuck you again... so much... Ohhhh god... Doppioooo...”
Doppio quickened his pace but the boss reached the climax instantly and ordered him to stop and stay still.
“Stop, close your eyes” ordered Diavolo when he quicky took away his dick and started pumping on the young boy’s face, staining him on his mouth and cheeks. Doppio didn’t expect this but received the load a bit worried about his clothes. Anyways, he would lie if he said the boss cumming on him didn’t make him hornier than ever. The boss finished and grabbed a handkerchief to clean carefully the boy’s face.
“My sweet Doppio... I’m sorry for this... I was so excited”
“I-It’s ok, boss... I think I should go back-” said the young boy with a tired look on his face, trying to get up and wanting to go to the bathroom for a moment, when the boss grabbed his hand, stopping him.
“Where do you think you’re going to??” said Diavolo with a serious tone, looking him directly at the eyes.
“Uh??” just mumbled the young assistant, a bit scared about his boss’ reaction.
“Come here...” Diavolo wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist and placed him on his lap, with his back facing him. Doppio just looked at him with worry.
“You deserve special care from me... where are my manners after receiving such amazing treatment from you, my little Doppio?”
“Oh... what does it mean?”
“Let me help you to finish”
“B-but you don’t have to, bos- ahhhh!” whined Doppio when Diavolo finished unbuttoning his pants and gave him a hard stroke.
“Ohhhh... bosss....ahhhhhh”
Doppio looked like he was going to cry of pleasure, but he already was over the edge since the beggining and it took a few pumps to make him finish over the boss’ hand, using another handkerchief to avoid making a mess on the floor. Doppio just twisted his neck to reach his boss’ lips, and Diavolo kissed him tenderly for a moment that seemed endless.  
“T-Thank you so much, boss”
“Thank you, for accepting again”
The boy buttoned his pants and fixed the rest of his clothes, when he tought about asking Diavolo about his plans for the weekend, but the boss’ cellphone rang and he answered the call quickly. Doppio stayed in the office waiting for Diavolo to say something but the conversation was getting long, so the boy decided to not interrupt him and go back to his workplace. After that, the day passed normally like any other day, with a busy schedule to follow.
That night, the young boy splept like a baby after eating a warm dinner and checking the last review from his favourite beauty youtuber.
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acdeaky · 5 years
nobody can
john’s birthday week - part 5
warning: fluff, angst
note: based off of this blurb here ! so @spacedust1124719 did a blurb requested by me and i was gonna do, like, a whole ass story, but i’m lacking inspiration, so we’re gonna have a fluffy/angsty one shot instead. enjoy :)
word count: 1.6k
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when you met john deacon, you were in your first engineering class. against your luck, you were the only girl; you knew you would be. on your first day, you wanted to be early to get a good seat right at the front. also, it meant you missed all the typical shocked and surprised faces of your classmates as they walked through the door and saw you.
as you reached down into your bag, a pair of brown suede platforms caught your eye which belonged to the person sat next to you. even with people piling through the door, the seats around you were empty - as were the ones next to those chairs.
once you say back, you were met with a soft, sweet smile belonging to the adorable man next to you. a broad smile spread across your face.
“john deacon.” he held out his hand, strong and proud, for you to take.
you felt a blush appear on your cheeks as you replied, “Y/N L/N.”
and that’s how the first few weeks of your term went in engineering class. both of you would shyly say a small hi to the other at the beginning of class.
in the third week, you both got more comfortable around the other. this was evoked when an imbecile towards the back hollered through your answer to the professor. john stopped him, “if you’re going to be rude, at least have the correct answer. she did. i’m sure you didn’t notice though.” the entire class stared widely of john as he turned around, a little too smug about himself.
after that specific class, john accompanied you to the library to study. he would get distracted some days. talking to you, that is. often, he would glance down at his watch and suddenly take off without explanation.
an explanation finally came about when you were leaving your final exam together one cold friday. outside of your lecture hall stood an odd group of individuals: a drop-dead gorgeous blond wearing a unique choice of clothing that matched surprisingly well, an attractive curly haired lanky man who stood proud against the other two shorter men, and another good looking dark brown haired man with hair that looked as soft as a cloud and had the perfect beach waves. confused, you looked at john when they greeted him with wide arms. all he did was blush, quietly mentioned they were his band and they were about to go to a gig. one of the shorter ones, freddie, immediately invited you to join them.
throughout the gig, regardless of the other three men on that stage, you only looked at john.
john came out to find you after the show. he stumbled backwards slightly when you flung your arms around him, giving him a tight hug. after realising you’d never been that close before, you quickly pulled back.
“i don’t think i can watch you play again.” you confessed.
“what’s the problem?” he worried, “did you not like the music?”
you could only smile. “it’s not that. you‘re too cute up there. the dancing.” you glanced around before continuing, “and well, you look sexy.”
johns while face had turned as red as a tomato, redder even, and the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “thank you.” bashful.
“it’s distracting,” he was still red, but that didn’t stop you. “i couldn’t even watch freddie. do you have a drummer?”
his eyes were really bright. “really?”
“yeh,” you bit your lip, your fingers hooked through his belt loops and your pulled him closer to you. “this,” you motioned at his unbuttoned shirt, “isn’t helping.”
john swallowed, hard. “i like knowing you watched me the whole concert.”
you looked up at him through your eyelashes, your fingers creating a path down his arms and to his hands. “maybe i could come next time, too.”
“come on, deaky!” brian called from behind the stage, a few feet away from you. “we need to pack up!”
freddie looked out to see where his young friend was. he held brian back, by his arm, from getting john. “look at them, it’s adorable. he looks so smitten.” then, freddie called louder to john, “take your time, darling!”
this happened at almost every gig the band had afterwards. you got to know freddie, roger and brian better each time you were around them, and everytime you watched john perform you became hot and flustered. at the end of each concert, you’d end up in john’s arms like you’d done the first night; his hands on your hips, your fingers tracing lines up and down his arms and chest. regardless, he didn’t get out of packing up every night, but it allowed the boys to watch you and john fall for each other.
and you fell hard.
so hard in fact, that when john mentioned that he had met a woman called veronica, you stopped in your tracks. john was sat talking to the boys in their rehearsal space. they were on a break and just catching up on each others lives. you had hoped to surprise him, being as quiet as you could. but hearing another woman’s name fall from his lips had you rushing out of the door, not even bothering to say anything.
on your way out, you had dropped his favourite coffee and the cookie you had bought him. your exit had not been quiet. the coffee had spilt everywhere and the cookie was now broken in pieces.
when they heard your not-so-subtle gasp, all four of the boys looked at you just before you ran out. they were all stuck to their seats, not knowing what to do.
john was the first to move.
he gently jogged over to the spilt drink and broken cookie. the coffee cup had his name on it written in your handwriting he loves, a little heart next to it. the same on the paper wrapper of the cookie. but on the cookie, the words ‘i love you’ were written above his name.
john picked the cup and bag up, showing freddie, roger and brian the words written on both items.
“i wasn’t even going to see veronica again.”
but you didn’t know that.
you only heard what you thought you needed to hear to know that john didn’t like you. you didn’t hear the words john was about to say afterwards.
‘no one compares to her.’ he had said.
‘i met this girl, veronica was her name,’ that’s all you heard. ‘but no one compares to Y/N.’
now, you were running (walking fastly) away from the band. from john. this seemed like a whole movie scene to you, but that was at the back of your mind. that young 18 year old you had met in engineering class was now the love of your life. and now. now, you thought that after almost four years of friendship, he was going to drop you for this veronica. of course, that wasn’t the case.
but what did you know?
after you had left, and john had broken the news that he wasn’t going to see veronica again, freddie, roger and brian ushered john out of the door in search of you. the only place he could think of going was your apartment, or his. depending on how upset you were, you would usually go to john’s home to seek his comfort if you were deeply sad. and, for the first time ever, john had been the cause of your sadness.
and yet, minutes after you had ran, you found yourself outside of john’s apartment building. you rushed to the door, using your key to get into the building and using the lift to get to the tenth floor where john lived. it took seconds to arrive there, and by the time you had gotten into john’s apartment, he was just pushing his way through the front door of the building.
his harsh pounds were heard throughout the entire tenth floor as he tried to get your attention. nothing could drown out that level of noise. you had no choice but to unlock the chain and open the door.
john’s arms were around you in an instant. you couldn’t help but hold him back. there was something so comforting about having john’s arms around your waist, pulling your bottom had closer to him, as your arms around his neck pulled his top half closer to you. your bodies created an odd shape, but you were most content and happy in moments like these.
until you remembered why you ran.
“john, don’t.” was all you said as you pushed him away. he, fortunately, wasn’t very strong, so it was easy to do so.
“don’t what, love? what’s wrong?”
“i heard you.” you whispered.
“heard what,” he asked, “and how much?”
“how you met a girl called veronica. and that was it.”
“oh, love,” he sighed. “if you listened a little longer you would have heard that she can’t compare to you. nobody compares to you. nobody can.”
“you really said that?”
“yes. why wouldn’t i?”
“because you don’t love me like i love you.” you whispered, absolutely terrified of john’s reply.
“you what, love?”
“you don’t love me,” john’s face softened, “like i love you.”
“i love you. i love you. i love you. not veronica. not some groupie. not some random girl from a bar. you. because it’s always been you, love. no one else. ever since i met you in class, you’ve intrigued me in the best way possible. you’re everything i’ve ever wanted in a partner. i was scared you didn’t feel the same so i was going to move on, but it wasn’t the same. it’s not the same without you.”
“oh, john-”
“i love you.” he pressed.
“and i love you.”
TAGLIST: @never-kept-the-same-address @j0hn-deaky @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @leatherjacketmazzello @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic @miamideacon @chlobo6 @teenagepeterpan @spacedust1124719
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arysafics · 5 years
Don’t Call Me Angel
Summary:  Bellamy punishes Clarke for her slutty Halloween costume.
Prompts: bells in charge and theres like ‘punishment’ + punishment kink
Rated E, ~2.9k 
Bellamy couldn’t make it to the party tonight. Clarke had been disappointed at first, when he told her he would have to work, because she had been desperate to do a couples costume this year, for the first time in her life. Plus, parties are just not as fun when he’s not there.
The upside of not having Bellamy at the party is it means she can dress as slutty as she wants. He hates it when she shows off her body to other people. He’ll begrudgingly let her wear a bikini to the beach, as long as he’s with her, and it’s obvious to everyone that they’re together. But even then, she notices him glowering at anyone who dares to glance in her direction. Her body belongs to him, and she likes it that way. She finds the possessiveness and jealousy hot. Loves the way he fucks her hard to remind her she’s his.
Still, she also likes to show off a little bit. And she also likes to see what she can get away with.
She waits until he’s gone before she gets dressed—or, rather, undressed. Bellamy knows her Halloween costume is an angel. He’s seen the wings and halo she’s got sitting on the bed. What he doesn’t know, is that the rest of the costume is just a white negligee, the cups holding in her breasts the only part of it that isn’t sheer. Underneath, just a pair of white lacy panties.
Bellamy would die if he saw her in this. And if he caught her going out in it, there’s no telling what he might do. Clarke half hopes to find out.
She puts on the wings and the halo and studies her reflection in the mirror. She’s dressed as an angel, but she doesn’t look anything like one. She wishes Bellamy didn’t have to work. She wants him to come home right now, pull off her panties, then fuck her from behind.
Alas, the next person to show up at her door is not Bellamy, but Josephine, come to pick her up for the party. Josie is dressed as the devil, in a crop top that almost shows her nipples, and a pair of tight red shorts. The only way to actually tell she’s the devil are the flashing plastic horns on her head, and the plastic pitchfork in her hand.
“Damn,” Josie says, looking Clarke up and down. “Does Bellamy know you’re going out like that?”
“Nope, and you aren’t going to tell him.”
“Maybe you and I should go home together tonight,” Josie grins. “I’m sure Gabriel won’t mind. I think he has a thing for Bellamy anyway, maybe we can do a swapsies.”
“No offence, Jose, but you really aren’t my type.”
“Get over it.”
Josie rolls her eyes. “Come on, Gabriel’s waiting in the car.”
Gabriel, dressed as a priest, barely spares a second glance at Clarke’s outfit as she gets into the car. Evidently, boobs are not his thing.  Plus, he’s probably just thinking about how the devil is going to coax him to break his vows later, in whatever kinky roleplay he and Josie have planned. It does no harm to Clarke’s ego either way, since she knows she’ll have plenty of attention on her once they get to the party.
She’s not wrong. There’s not a single straight man in the room whose eyes don’t drop to her cleavage as she walks by, host of the party, Roan, included. His eyes trail further down, then flit across to Josie. He makes eye contact with Gabriel and smirks.
“Don’t you three look cute?” he says. He’s dressed as Tarzan. Anything to get shirtless. “Did you and Bellamy break up?” he asks Clarke. He knows as well as anyone how possessive Bellamy is of his girl, having looked at Clarke the wrong way once, and ended up with a broken nose, courtesy of Bellamy.
Clarke shakes her head. “He had to work.”
“That’s a shame,” Roan smiles lecherously. “For him.”
Clarke rolls her eyes. “You talk a big game, but I know you’re too terrified of him to ever touch me.”
Roan shrugs. “I might risk it if I thought you’d be into it. Too bad you’re too in love with him to see how good I could make you feel.”
“Okay, can you two stop flirting and tell me where the alcohol is?” Josie interrupts.
“Pool room,” Roan grunts, pointing to the left.
Josie grabs Gabriel’s hand, and Clarke follows them towards the pool room, looking back to see Roan watching her ass as she walks away.
“Enjoy the view!” she calls back. That’s all he’s ever going to get.
Clarke enjoys herself at the party. She gets hit on more than a few times, and ogled by anyone with eyes. She gets a little tipsy, grinds herself against Josie on the dancefloor, and takes way too many bad selfies. But’s only a couple of hours before she starts to miss Bellamy, wishing he were here to sneak off to one of Roan’s many bedrooms with her.
Then, as she’s dancing by herself, she feels a large body press up against her back, flattening her wings, and a strong forearm slide around her waist, gripping her tightly. She knows instantly it’s him, and she wonders for a moment if she somehow conjured him up with her mind.
She grinds back against him, smiling, hoping he’ll dance with her.
“I thought you had to work,” she says, and then, when he doesn’t give in to her attempts to get him to dance, she spins around.
“Got off early,” Bellamy says. He’s even got a costume on. A sexy cop outfit. Clarke recognises the handcuffs dangling from his belt as one of the many toys from their collection at home.
He eyes her up and down, and Clarke flushes under his appraisal. His jaw ticks as he meets her eye, and she knows she’s in trouble. Her cunt throbs.
“Lucky I did,” he growls. “Seems I can’t leave you alone for a few hours without you showing yourself off to anyone who’ll look at you.”
“I’m sorry,” Clarke says, blinking up at him innocently.
Bellamy raises an eyebrow. He knows she’s far from innocent. “You will be,” he promises. He grabs her wrist then, his huge fingers gripping her tightly. He turns her around forcefully, and a moment later, Clarke feels him replace his hand with a cuff. He grabs her other wrist and the circles the other cuff around it, clicking it into place so her hands are restrained behind her back. Clarke can feel her pulse start to race.
People around them have started to notice now, and Clarke feels her face turn crimson as Bellamy grabs her arm and drags her from the room. He ignores the onlookers, keeping his grip firm on her bicep and pushing her outside and towards his car. He opens the back door and bundles her inside roughly, then rounds the car and slides into the driver’s seat. He glances over his shoulder at her.
“What’s going to happen to me, Officer?” Clarke asks sweetly. He doesn’t answer, just turns back to face the front and turns the key in the ignition. Okay, so it’s not that kind of game.
He’s silent on the drive back to their house, and Clarke hates it. He doesn’t look at her, doesn’t tell her what a naughty girl she’s been. Her mind whirls with the possibilities that await when they get home, her cunt throbbing, and she leaks into her panties, soaking them right through.
He pulls the car into the driveway, then pulls her out of the backseat, still treating her a little roughly. Clarke doesn’t dare speak until he does, but she’s bursting to know what he’s thinking. How mad is he? What’s he going to do to her?
He takes her to their bedroom, still silent, then lets her go. She turns to him, biting her lip, pleading with him with her eyes to forgive her.
“Don’t give me that look,” he growls. “You know exactly what you’ve done, and you’re going to be punished for it.”
“Please, sir,” Clarke begs him. “I didn’t mean it.”
“You didn’t mean to dress up like a slut and parade yourself around for the entertainment of others? Or you didn’t mean to get caught?”
Clarke’s lower lips trembles. He gives her a triumphant look. He knows she can’t pretend like she didn’t know he wouldn’t approve of her outfit. He steps towards her.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Your body belongs to me. Nobody else gets to look at you.” He pulls the cups of her negligee down easily, revealing her nipples, hard and straining for him. He takes a nipple between his right finger and thumb, rolling it gently, then twisting, harder and harder, until Clarke whimpers.
“Your tits could have easily slipped out of this poor excuse for clothing. I don’t want other men eyeing off my property, got it?”
“Yes, sir.”
He edges her backwards until her thighs hit the foot of the bed, then he spins her around and pushes her down, hand on the back of her neck. Their bed is high off the ground for exactly this purpose—him bending her over the end of it. He yanks her panties down and pushes her flimsy negligee up, exposing her ass and pussy. He kicks her legs open. She looks even less like an angel how. Her pussy clenches in anticipation. He’s going to fuck her, she’s sure of it.
His finger trails along her slit, gathering her arousal on his fingertip.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re all wet,” Bellamy says. “You think you’re going to get fucked, don’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“No, baby,” he says. “I told you, you’re getting punished.” She hears him walking away, and she turns her head over her shoulder, watching him head to the closet, reach into their box of toys, then walk back with a flogger. A fresh surge leaks out of Clarke’s pussy.
He trails the end of the flogger over her ass, tickling her. “Now,” Bellamy says. “What’s it going to take to get you to stop dressing like a slut?”
“I don’t know, sir.”
“Ten lashings? Fifteen? Twenty? More?”
Clarke shivers. “Surely no more than ten, sir.”
“Fifteen it is. Be a good girl and don’t complain too much, or I’ll make it twenty.”
“Yes, sir.”
The first lash takes her by surprise, and she gasps as it comes down across her ass. He strokes the inflamed area with the flogger, before landing another strike in the same spot. She doesn’t make another sound until the sixth stroke, when she lets out a tiny whimper. Her ass stings like hell, and he’s not even halfway done. Her arousal drips down her thighs.
“You’re not complaining, are you?” Bellamy demands.
“No, sir,” Clarke squeaks. “I deserve it, sir.”
“That’s right.” He strikes her again. “Why do you deserve it?”
“I dressed like a slut in public, sir,” Clarke says. The flogger comes down on her ass again, and another whimper escapes her mouth. She’s forgotten what number they’re up to now. “I let other men see my panties.”
“What do you think they were thinking when they looked at you? They probably thought you were offering yourself up. An easy fuck. A little whore, desperate for cock.” Two more whips of the flogger, and tears start to roll down her cheeks.
“Only for you,” Clarke manages to choke out through her tears. She wants the punishment to be over so he’ll fuck her already, give her the orgasm she’s so desperately craving.
“Are you crying, baby?” Bellamy coos. Even when he’s mad at her, punishing her, he can’t resist being sweet to her. “We’re almost done, I promise. Five more to go.”
The last five come in quick succession, and tears stream down her face freely now. Each whip makes her ass erupt in flames, and she knows she won’t be able to sit down properly for days.
He counts the last whip of the flogger, and Clarke instantly relaxes against the bed. She hadn’t even realised she was holding herself so taut. The soft caress of Bellamy’s hand on her ass makes her whimper.
“Look at that nice red bottom,” Bellamy says. “Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes, sir,” Clarke whispers. She feels him grab her wrists, and then he’s unlocking one of the cuffs, then the other. He pulls off her wings, and her halo, then stands her up and turns her around. He brushes the tears from her face with his thumbs, and kisses her cheeks.
“Are you going to be a good girl from now on?” he asks her. Clarke nods. “Good.” He gives her another kiss, on the lips this time, then drags her negligee down, letting it pool on the floor at her feet. “Now lie down on the bed.”
Clarke obeys eagerly. She took her punishment well, and now he’s going to reward her. She lies down, head on the pillows, legs spread. She ignores the throbbing of her ass and tries to focus on the throbbing of her cunt. Bellamy eyes her as he sets down the flogger and handcuffs. He raises an eyebrow, seemingly amused.
“Did I tell you to spread your legs?”
“No, sir,” Clarke admits, flushing. Is she being too obvious about how much she wants it?
“Why do you think I asked you to lie down?”
“You—you’re going to fuck me, sir? Let me come?”
Bellamy laughs. “No. Have you done anything to deserve it?”
Clarke glances down, ashamed. “No, sir.”
Bellamy unbuttons his shirt and tosses it aside. “Your cunt isn’t getting touched tonight. I’m going to fuck your face. Close your legs, you silly slut.”
“Yes, sir,” Clarke whimpers meekly, bringing her thighs together. Tears prick in her eyes again at the revelation that she won’t get to come tonight. He’s not even going to touch her there, where she so desperately needs to be touched.
Bellamy removes the rest of his clothing and kneels on the bed, his cock big and menacing. He kneels over her, nudging her mouth open with his cock. She opens wide, and he shoves his cock inside. He’s rough with her, uncaring, and Clarke knows this is part of her punishment.
She chokes as his cock hits the back of her throat, and he grabs her hair, pulling it sharply. Clarke moans. He uses her mouth, his thrusts fast and brutal, his balls hitting her chin. Clarke can barely breathe with his huge cock driving into her airway, but all she can think about is how empty her pussy is, how much she wishes he was fucking her cunt instead of her mouth.
It doesn’t take him long to reach his climax, and he doesn’t warn her as he pulls his cock out of her mouth and comes all over her face. She closes her eyes at the last moment, saving her from an eyeful, but it mats in her eyelashes, her hair, drips into her mouth.
She opens her eyes as he gets off her. He says nothing as he leaves the room, and Clarke is left feeling empty, her ass stinging, her face covered in come.
She doesn’t know how long she lies there, waiting for him to come back. He hadn’t said so, but she knows she’s not supposed to move to clean herself up or get dressed. He’ll decide when she’s allowed to do that.
When he finally comes back, he’s dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, and he’s obviously showered. He’s got a bottle of lotion and a wet towel with him. She breathes a sigh of relief at his return, and the anxiety that had built in her stomach dissipates. He pads over to the bed and sits down beside her, putting the lotion down on the side table.
“You okay, baby?” he asks her, helping her sit up.
Clarke nods. Bellamy takes the towel and wipes it across her face, cleaning up his come as best he can.
“We’ll get the rest in the shower later, okay?” he promises.
“Okay,” Clarke agrees. Bellamy reaches for her and pull her into his lap, rubbing his hand across her ass. Clarke winces. “It hurts,” she whispers.
“I know, baby,” Bellamy says. He reaches for the lotion and squirts some into his hand, then rubs it into her ass gently. Clarke tucks her head into Bellamy’s shoulder as he caresses her ass. He slips his fingers between her legs then, and finds her clit. He’d said she wouldn’t touch her there tonight, but it seems he can’t resist.
“You took your punishment so well,” he coos, fingering her clit. “Such a good girl. Most of the time.” Clarke smiles against his shoulder.
His fingers are slow and gentle with her, building her towards orgasm until she’s squirming in his lap, trying to hold off, in case he’s just playing with her, in case it’s a test.
“Can I come, sir?” Clarke asks.
“Yes, baby, you can come.”
She lets herself go, and her orgasm rolls through her, and she tremors in his arms, panting softly.
“Thank you, sir,” Clarke whispers.
“You want to shower now?” he asks.
Clarke shakes her head. “Just hold me for a while.”
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Kim Seokjin x Reader ~ The Big Secret  [Part 2]
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[My BTS Masterlist]
A/N: Please note that this story is not trying to insinuate that any of the members would/do act like they do in my writing; this is all fictional and coming from my imagination. Also, this story does not strictly follow the timeline or realistic details.
I apologize for any plot holes; I’m pretty sure there are quite a few, but I’ve been very busy with personal issues to write, so I wrote this all in one sitting! I’ll try to comb through it all later to fix any issues. Feel free to let me know if you spot any contradicting details or grammar/spelling issues.
Word Count: 3505
The door behind Jin opens and within that very second, a young woman leaps onto the man in question, all four limbs wrapping around the man in question. Six pairs of eyes pop out of their respective heads, blinking rapidly as if the action will aid them in understanding the events currently taking place.
“Oh! You brought your friends with you,” the young woman remarks, pulling back her face, which was nuzzled into Jin’s shoulder. She releases her grip and straightens out her clothes before waving in all the men standing at her doorstep. “Please, come in. I apologize for the mess, but my brother was in a hurry this morning and left all his belongings scattered about; my own schedule has been hectic, so there hasn’t been any time to clean up after him.”
Now, as the six Bangtan boys stand in the apartment with wide eyes, their jaws dropping in further emphasis of their shock. The living room has heaps of clothes and shoes from designer brands draped all over the furniture, recording and producing equipment pushed up against the furthest wall, piles of expensive jewelry scattered on the coffee table, and several boxes filled with a diverse selection of cosmetics pushed beneath said coffee table.
Taehyung is the first to move while the others remain fixated on the priceless items in the room. He wanders carefully past the jewelry-covered table and stops to admire the numerous glass frames hung up on the wall. The very first design catches his attention; a metallic-silver background— most of its surface is covered by five signatures— accentuates a shiny blue logo that the young idol is very familiar with.
This shout of excitement has everyone’s head snapping to look over at Taehyung, who is nearly crying tears of joy as his eyes rake over all the signed album covers hung up on the walls. Jungkook and Jimin run up to join their friend in admiring the displayed collection.
By now, Jin has disappeared into the kitchen and started to brew tea for all the members and his mysterious female friend. When the broad-shouldered idol returns, he and the young woman beside him are met with expectant glares from the rest of Bangtan’s hyung line— mainly Yoongi.
“Who the h-”
“What I think Yoongi-Hyung is trying to ask,” interrupts Namjoon, who has the group’s image in mind; he worries over the possibility of the woman before him recalling Yoongi’s brash words in the near future to fuel the beginnings of a scandalous article, “is: ‘Who are you?’” A timid, dimpled smile stretches across the leader’s lips as he waits patiently for a response. He nearly breaks into a nervous sweat when his hyung and the woman look at each other, a silent conversation taking place between the two.
“I’m Seokjin’s girlfriend and childhood bestie, Kwon (Y/n). It’s very nice to finally meet you all!”
Namjoon nearly faints. 
The expensive paraphernalia lying around in the room and the albums on the wall suddenly makes sense. This apartment does not belong to just anybody. This apartment must belong to Kwon (Y/n), as in Kwon Jiyong’s sister.
Of course, Namjoon cannot prove such a presumptuous statement without actually asking (Y/n) herself, but he has a strong suspicion that his assumption is true. Sure, the surname “Kwon” is fairly common, but there have been articles in the past hinting that G-Dragon, one of the biggest stars in the Kpop and fashion industries, has two sisters; the details were extremely vague.
He feels awkward wanting to confirm her relation to the famous Kwon Jiyong. There is no indication the other members are connecting the dots, but Namjoon wants answers. He walked all the way out to this building in the cold clad in only pajamas and a fuzzy Ryan robe, gave away his ID to a young security guard he just met, and experienced second-hand embarrassment thanks to his fellow group members; Hoseok will be met with a lot of trouble if the trip proves to be pointless.
“So…um…Ms. Kwon, are you-”
The jingling of keys, followed by the unnerving creaking of the front door swinging open, interrupts the rapper mid-question.
“Ah, Jiyong-Hyung, you’re back,” Jin greets, rushing over to the door to assist the man in question with the many bags in his hands.
This time, nearly all of the Bangtan boys faint.
“Of course. What kind of brother would I be if I worked all day during my little sister’s birthday?”
“A horrible one,” (Y/n) pipes up. She sets down her mug of tea before running over to Jiyong to pull him into a tight embrace. “Thank you, Ji-Ji-Oppa~”
“Yah, stop calling me that! I’m not that stupid cartoon cat.”
“First of all, no! Secondly, he is not stupid. Jiji is very caring and cute. And thirdly, it’s not a cartoon!”
Sensing the awkward stares, the two siblings turn to face their audience of six stunned men. Jiyong is the first to step up and greet them, commenting on their music after introducing himself. Each BTS member stumbles over their words, finding it extremely difficult to speak to the man who is a member of their favorite group— their idol.
After shaking hands with BIGBANG’s leader, Taehyung grasps his wrist while staring at his hand, mouth gaping in shock. He mumbles something about not washing or using that hand ever again, but nobody pays any mind to his reaction. 
“Wait a second… If you’re here to celebrate her birthday,” Hoseok comments, brows furrowed in confusion as he points an accusing finger at Jin, “then why did you bring a copy of our routine with you?”
“I was going to go over the choreography with Seokjinnie-Oppa a few times before dinner. He’s already got most of it down, so I’m mainly observing and pointing out any possible adjustments he needs to make. Since I wasn’t expecting my brother to be home so early, I haven’t gotten dinner started.”
“For the last time, I want to cook for you!” Though Jin sounds beyond irritated, his eyes show nothing but pure admiration for the woman before him. His friends are very familiar with Jin’s caring actions and are not surprised that this behavior is more prevalent when the man is around his girlfriend. “You should just relax for your birthday. I want to take care of you. You’re already helping me with the dance moves.”
“How about you both focus on the routine and let observe,” Jiyong suggests with a smirk. “I rarely get to see her dance anymore, so it’d be nice to watch and see if lil’ sis is as good as she claims to be these days.”
Bottom lip pursing into a pout, (Y/n) snaps back with a witty remark. The two bicker for quite some time until Jin ushers them both down the hall into a spare bedroom that had been refurbished into a dance studio; the rest of BTS follow their hyung, curious to witness Jin’s secret girlfriend’s dancing skills while also spending more time in the same room as G-Dragon himself.
Once (Y/n) refreshes her memory and cues the soundtrack, her expression changes drastically. In place of her usual bubbly personality, a stoicism that very few people can pull off, while maintaining a natural swagger, replaces her wide smile and bright, wide eyes. Her limbs move freely in the air, gliding in sync with the music without missing a beat, Jin watching and mimicking her movements at her side all the while. 
The dance line watches silently, impressed with what is taking place before their very eyes; Hoseok now has a very good reason as to why his friend has suddenly been improving during their practice sessions.
Jungkook has his gaze trained on (Y/n) when a sudden thought pops into his mind. His head slowly turns until he spots Yoongi leaning against the wall; the eldest rapper’s demeanor is practically identical to the persona (Y/n) is currently maintaining. A mischievous smirk stretches across his lips, but the maknae chooses to remain silent, for now.
Once the routine is over, Jiyong is the first to applaud the couple, giving out exaggerated compliments to which his sister responds by slapping him. She taunts Jiyong, daring him to provide a better performance, but he argues back with an obvious fact: he is unfamiliar with the choreography, unlike her.
“Fine,” (Y/n) states with a smirk, “BIGBANG it is then.”
“You said it yourself, Ji-Ji. You don’t know the routine. It would be unfair of me to challenge you with that song, so we’ll dance to one of your group’s songs instead. Might I suggest ‘Bang Bang Bang?’”
“But that requires a total of five people.” The idol fights back a smirk, desperate to hide the embarrassing fact that he has long since forgotten majority of the choreography for the song in question. He only remembers the basic moves, since the group never really stuck to the dance routine when performing on-stage; the energy in the building always left them running around across the stage and interacting with the fans. “I am just one person, (Y/n). I am physically unable to perform Youngbae, Seunghyun-hyung, Sengri, and Daesung’s parts at the same time.”
“You worry too much, Oppa~”
The smile on (Y/n)’s face leaves a dreading feeling within the pit of Jiyong’s stomach. Ever since they were young children, her lips would curl up into the same mischievous smile whenever her brain starts scheming. Some things never change… 
“From what Seokjin has told me, the boys are huge fans of your music,” the young woman informs her sibling while gesturing to the idols in question. “I’m pretty sure that at least their dance line knows the choreography for all your songs.”
Upon hearing her statement, the dance line blushes and directs their gaze to the laminated floors, but a pair of colorful slippers enter their line of vision, prompting them to look back up to find (Y/n) standing before them. She gently grabs Jimin and Jungkook’s hands, pleading for them to convince the others to agree to participate in her challenge against Jiyong; Hoseok readily agrees without hesitation, but the two shyer dancers need more convincing before dancing in front of their sunbaenim and possibly humiliating themselves. 
“I can dance instead of Jungkook,” Taehyung offers, his boxy smile stretching across his face. He continues to suggest taking Jungkoook’s place, since the vocalist is also very familiar with BIGBANG’s dance routines, but his main goal is to push the maknae into overcoming his nervousness and agreeing. And if Jungkook agrees to dance, Jimin will follow suit. “I was dancing to ‘Bang Bang Bang’ just last week, so it’s still very fresh in my memory. Jungkook only-”
“I’ll do it!” Jungkook’s sudden outburst startles Taehyung, but the 95-liner is quick to recompose. He shrugs his shoulders and backs down from the urge to whine about not being able to dance with G-Dragon, since a small part of him was hoping Jungkook would refuse. Either way, he is proud of Jungkook for stepping out of his comfort zone.
“Yes!! It’s settled then! Seokjinnie-Oppa, could you pull up the song for use please? Thank you~” 
With their positions assigned and music blaring through the speakers, they begin to dance. Jimin quickly snatches up Taeyang’s position, leaving Jungkook to begrudgingly take T.O.P.’s position as Hoseok politely insists for (Y/n) to choose which member’s she would like to dance in place of; (Y/n) ends up choosing Daesung’s part.
From the sidelines on the far end of the room, Namjoon and the rest of his group members cheer on their peers, who execute the dance routine perfectly without a single mishap.
“Yeeeaaah,” Taehyung screams excitedly while jumping around. His deep voice rivals the loud music as he shouts along to the lyrics. “Bang, bang, bang, let the bass drum roll!!”
Once the song comes to an end, cheering and clapping echo throughout the room. The three members who took part in dancing alongside the siblings turn to bow, thanking them for the opportunity.
“No, no! There’s no need for that! I was the one who invited you to dance. If anything, I should be thanking you for agreeing!” 
“You’re so talented, Noona,” the dance line remarks with bright smiles on their faces. 
“Ahh, no, no,” she shakes her head in denial, shyly smiling as blood rushes up to her cheeks. “I’m not that good. I’m mostly self-taught.”
“What are you going on about?” Interrupting her rebuttal, Jiyong throws his arms over his sister’s shoulders, effectively restraining her in a tight embrace. He shoots her a warning look before addressing his guests with a proud smirk. “Don’t listen to this idiot. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. For your information, (Y/n) is one of YG Entertainment’s top secret choreographers. You boys have already seen several routines she’s choreographed without knowing it; ‘Bang Bang Bang’ and ‘Fantastic Baby’ are two of her co-creations.” 
If it were physically possible for the human eye to suddenly transform into hearts, such would be happening right this minute. The Bangtan boys are starstruck at the information Jiyong has just revealed to them.
Questions practically fly out of their mouths as the seven boys direct their curiosity at the Kwon siblings. Several dance-related inquiries are directed at (Y/n), who gladly answers each question with a smile, while the rappers focus on learning music production tips from Jiyong. However, while his friends are distracted, Hoseok slips over to the corner of the room where his hyung is seated by a laptop and set of speakers.
“Hey, hyung,” Hoseok greets quietly, his feet shuffling around anxiously. When Jin looks up at his fellow group member, he finds that the dancer’s eyes are looking at anything but his own. “I’m sorry for being nosy and dragging everyone out to see what you were up to. It was none of our business, and following you out here was really rude.”
A long silence follows Hoseok’s apology, scaring the dancer. He was worried about Jin’s reaction while waking over to him, but now that he has expressed his regrets, a weight has been lifted off his chest.
“I would be lying if I were to say that I’m not disappointed in you,” Jin admits with a sigh, lifting his head to meet Hoseok’s gaze before turning to watch (Y/n) and Jiyong interact with the rest of BTS; the smiles on all their faces prompt a small smile to tug at his own lips, “but I’m glad you came to apologize. You can apologize to Jiyong-Hyung and (Y/n) later, but right now, you can help me with dinner as part of your punishment.”
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Jubilant cheers erupt in the dining room as Jin directs his blindfolded girlfriend into her seat at the head of the table. Once the fabric slips away from her face, the crowd of men in the apartment burst into song, wishing the young woman a happy birthday. 
“Saeng-il chukahamnida! Saeng-il chukahamnida! Saranghaneun-”
Loud knocking interrupts the cheerful song, confusing nearly everybody in the room, but Jiyong dismisses the odd expressions as he stands to get the door. The individuals at the door, once again, nearly causes the Bangtan boys to faint. The rest of BIGBANG enters the apartment, stopping to hug (Y/n) as she darts over to the door to greet her friends.
“What are you guys doing here?! I thought you were all busy?”
“Jiyong-Hyung texted us an hour ago to invite us to your little party since we managed to finish early,” Daesung explains, “He also asked us to bring your cake. He was going to get it himself, but since we were closer, we picked it up on the way over.”
Noticing his stunned dongsaengs doing nothing but staring with their mouths open, Jin steps forward to welcome the new guests. His casualness only shocks the boys more.
“Oh yeah,” (Y/n) exclaims happily, dragging the eldest rapper by the sleeve into the dining room, the young woman starts to introduce him to the younger idols. “Seunghyun-Oppa, these are Seokjin’s friends. They’re from the group Bangtan Sonyeondan!”
“You could’ve at least waited for us,” Youngbae playfully teases, sauntering into the room soon after. “We all want to meet them.”
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A/N: Sorry for the abrupt skip. I wasn't sure how to end this segment, and after staring at my laptop screen for several weeks, I just decided to end it here and continue with a time skip.
Without realizing how much time has passed since the beginning of the celebration, the idols are taken aback when they gaze drunkenly at the clock hanging on the wall. Soon, the room is filled with commotion as all the artists scramble to gather their belongings in preparation to return back to their respective residences. 
“Where do you guys think you’re going?” With her hands on her hips, (Y/n) shakes her head disapprovingly at the bumbling mess of limbs before her. She waltzes over to the men and begins to pluck away their overcoats, returning the garments to the coat rack by the door. “None of you are driving or taking a taxi back tonight. Some of you are barely standing straight, and yes, I’m talking about you, Seunghyun. Now, sit down while I sort out everything.”
“I can take some of them home,” Seokjin offers. “I haven’t had any alcohol, and since I drove the SUV over, I can transport more people than if I were to take my other car.”
“I couldn’t possibly ask that of you…”
“Well, I offered,” he counters with a smirk, “so I don’t see where the issue is. I can make one trip to drop off everyone in BIGBANG, then come back for Bangtan.”
Sighing in defeat, (Y/n) accepts her boyfriend’s proposition. She returns to the coat rack and slowly assists her brother’s friends with their outerwear as Jin escorts them one-by-one into the awaiting vehicle in the parking structure. 
“Thank you for the party, Jiyong-Oppa. Good night!”
“I love youuuuu~”
“Yes, yes, I love you too.”
Once all of BIGBANG has been transferred from her apartment to Jin’s car, (Y/n) jogs over to her office in search of a sticky note to jot down each member’s respective address. Illuminated by the moonlight pouring into the room through the open windows, the young woman decides to forgo turning on the lights during her hunt for the pad of paper.
Jin returns from the parking garage with all of BIGBANG buckled in and ready to return home only to find the living room empty as he steps back into the parking lot. A faint shuffling noise catches the man’s attention, leaving him to follow his ear while reluctantly entering deeper into the apartment. Despite having been dating (Y/n) for quite some time now, Jin remains hesitant when it comes to exploring his girlfriend’s apartment; he does not feel comfortable invading her privacy and feels as if he is overstepping unspoken boundaries by doing so.
“Where is it? I was using it just the other day…”
Frustrated whispers draw Jin’s attention to a room on his right, so he peeks his head through the threshold to watch as (Y/n) shove around her paperwork haphazardly. A mischievous plan pops into his head and, despite his better judgement, Jin quietly slips into the office to sneak up on his beloved. The darkness shrouds his presence perfectly, leaving the man to stealthily creep across the room without making a single sound.
“I could’ve sworn that I left it next to the laptop… Maybe I moved it back to the dra- Ahh!!”
Deft fingers dart out and make use of (Y/n)’s unawareness, tickling her sides without wavering as the young woman desperately squirms around. Several stacks of paper fall to the ground, followed by the loud thud of (Y/n) crashing into her office chair, but Jin persists with his attack.
“Seokjin, stop,” (Y/n) manages to gasp out between laughs. “It’s getting late and you still need to take everyone home.”
“Fine, but only because you’re right. I’ll continue this one day.” Jin backs away and allows the young woman to continue her search as he offers to turn on the lights. “You shouldn’t be looking around in the dark. You might get hurt on accident.”
Even though she insists on finding her sticky notes without any help, Jin flips on the light switch and immediately spots the item in question before (Y/n). He grabs the pad of paper with a smug smile, promptly sauntering over to his girlfriend in order to wave it before her eyes.
“See, I told,” he teases.
“Shut up.”
“Don’t be mean. After all, I was the one who managed to help you out.”
Tearing off the first sheet with a pout, (Y/n) thrusts the list into Jin’s hands and proceeds to push the man out of her office; her blushing cheeks become more apparent, thanks to a certain idol’s antics.
“Just go take them home already!”
To Be Continued...  
(Only one more part left!)
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53. Chaeyoung x Reader
•Her Rainbow Top•
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Your footsteps echoed behind you as you walked through the empty hallway, fingers sliding against the cold metal lockers, Fleetwood Mack flowing through your headphones as your thoughts wandered freely.
The only reason you were at school on a Monday morning was to not cause any more stress to your already unstable mom, but there was no way in hell someone could make you actually go in class during first period, especially because you had AP chemistry.
The bathroom door creaked loudly as you entered, the smile on your face unavoidable when the first thing that greeted you was Son Chaeyoung kneeling in front of one of the stalls with a black permanent marker in her hand, busy sketching some sort of alien creature on the door.
“What are you doing here?”
The girl abruptly dragged the pen against the door in shock, her eyes widening before she realized it was only you, dimples showing, her eyes seemed to gleam,
“I really, really dislike chemistry”
Her blonde hair fell along her face, it was safe to say you and Chaeyoung weren’t friends, more like acquaintances, to be honest you only had a very small and exclusive group of friends at school but every encounter you had had with the girl in front of you for some reason had left you with butterflies in your stomach.
Kneeling down next to her you examined her little piece of art carefully, unknowing of how the other girl’s heart had sped up at the close distance, “You’re very talented.”
Her cheeks turned a dark shade of red at your words, her reply getting cut off due to the bell ringing, and as you both got to your feet you couldn’t help but check out her outfit, realizing once again how completely opposite you both were, her attention catching multicolored sweater against your plain black bomber jacket, her creative spirit and extrovert personality clashing with your much more secretive one, everybody at school knew Chaeyoung, she had countless friends and boys following her down the hallways, while on the other hand you just always hung out with Kai and Jennie, nobody else at school had ever joined your friend circle in fact people had the tendency to steer away from your infamous trio.
“Are you going to Bam Bam‘s party Friday?”
Her sweet fragrance swept passed you as you held the door open for her, getting a few curios glances from other students,
“Maybe, if I feel like it.”
Blowing a strand of hair out of her face she smiled widely,
“I sure hope you’ll feel like it then.”
A girl with cute bunny teeth whose name you couldn’t remember ran up to her, eyeing you suspiciously before grabbing Chaeyoung’s arm and pulling her away with her as you stood still, kids around you parting to avoid bumping into you.
“If you and Kai aren’t to busy fucking we could go out this weekend.”
You grabbed a fry and twirled it around mindlessly as your other hand played with Jennie’s fishnets, the girl taking a long drag of her cigarette before throwing it to the ground, brown eyes staring curiously at you,
“Don’t be jealous Y/N, you know you and I can still fuck whenever.”
It was safe to say you had a particular bond with Jennie, you had even had a short fling a while back but then realized that you were really better off as friends, that didn’t mean though that you couldn’t be there for eachother when you needed some more intimate company, the affection you felt towards Jennie and Kai was so strong, you knew you had found some friends for life.
A familiar hand slammed on your back, your fry falling on the floor, you turned around with an angry gaze to face your other best friend, a dopey smile on his face that you knew by now meant he had just had some fun,
“Of course we’re going to Bam Bam’s party, I have some very important business to attend there.”
Sitting down next to you he grabbed your tray dragging it towards him noisily across the metal table and digging into your lunch, eyeing him with slight disgust you rested your head on Jennie’s shoulder,
“I hope you washed your hands Kai.”
Some random radio station crackled through the speakers in your car, with the heating on blast you focused on rolling your cigarette, tobacco resting on your steering wheel, your thoughts wondering and every once in a while landing on Chaeyoung, you were on your third cigarette when the passenger door finally opened, Jennie jumping in, cheeks red from the cold, the heavy makeup on her face probably the reason for her fifteen minutes of tardiness.
“Can you believe it’s actually snowing?”
Lifting your eyes from your rolling you noticed the big snowflakes falling down in the night, smililng slightly at a thought that occurred, “You know what they say about watching the first snow together...”
The light punch on your arm was enough of an answer, so you put your tobacco and cigarettes in your fanny pack and you chucked it in the back seat, “I see you’re liking your birthday present.”
Your hands twisted the keys, starting the car as you leaned over and pressed a light kiss to your best friend’s cheek, “I love it, and you look stunning by the way.”
Turning her face towards the window she tried to hide the blush that was creeping on her cheeks.
She stayed in that position the whole drive while you complained about having been nominated designated driver for the evening, even when you already knew Jennie would disappear half way through the night and Kai had the tendency to take his business elsewhere when things started to get messy.
Luckily ,you managed to find a parking spot on the street of Bam Bam’s house, recognizable thanks to the loud music and constant stream of teenagers going in and out, you soon regretted having even stepped outside of your home, big gatherings of this sort weren’t really your thing, you didn’t like most of the people that went and everyone seemed to get black out drunk for absolutely no reason, but you reminded yourself that Chaeyoung was going to be present, and that was good enough of a reason to wrap your arm around Jennie and make your way to the huge house as the snow kept falling around you.
Making your way in you realized that the party was already in full flow, the air reeked of drunk teenagers in your opinion but Jennie just laughed it off, somehow she already had a drink in her hand, you ignored the stares as you made your way around, Jennie pulled you closer and let you know she had someone to see, before placing a light kiss under your ear and disappearing into the crowd.
Already feeling fed up you made your way to the back garden, the only people around were a few couples getting up to no good in the dark and a group of potheads passing a joint to eachother on the steps, making your way back inside you almost fell to the ground as your feet collided with something on the floor, as you looked down flustered you realized that what was on the ground was actually a someone. Kneeling down so you could look the guy in the eyes you realized he was still kind of conscious, “Are you okay man?”
Before he could answer a familiar voice filled the air, “Here’s my favorite girl!”
Kai was by your side in a second, his foot playfully tapping the poor boy on the ground a couple of times before pulling you to your feet and wrapping his strong arms around you, by the smell you could clearly tell he was high out of his mind,
“I’m so thirsty Y/N, oh and by the way I’m not going to need a lift home.”
Rolling your eyes at him you grabbed his hand and led him inside on a quest to find some water.
As you made your way through the sweaty crowd of hormonal teenagers your eyes landed on a familiar figure, the first thing you noticed was her super cute rainbow top, the second thing was a guy coming up to her and whispering something in her ear, as you started making your way towards Chaeyoung a strange feeling rose in the pit of your stomach when she leaned against the bulky guy, almost as if she couldn’t even stand, he wrapped an arm around her waist and started leading her away.
You managed to reach the couple just as they got to the staircase, yanking on the boy’s shoulder, anger cursing through your veins,
“What do you think you’re doing man?”
Shaking you off him he kissed his teeth at you and turned around, as Chaeyoung pushed against him, grabbing the guy by the collar of his white shirt you turned him around one more time before shoving him hard against the railing of the stairs,
“She’s so drunk she can barely stand you idiot, now get the fuck away from her you disgusting pig.”
your anger seemed to get the best of you as you spat venom at the stranger in front of you, while trying to calm your nerves you grabbed the drunken girl by the wrist before pulling her behind you, your head filled with all the possible scenarios of what would have happend if you hadn’t intervened, and you felt so disgusted that bile rose up your throat, without even noticing the fire in his angry eyes you pulled your fist back before slamming it in his face, just below his eye.
Before he could even retaliate a tall figure stepped in front of you, Kai looking at you in pure worry before grabbing the guy and throwing him to the ground like a dead weight,
“Get her out of here and I’ll deal with this idiot.”
Wrapping a supportive arm around Chaeyoung’s waist you made your way outside, ignoring the curios stares and cursing at a few drunken teens, opening the passenger door for the drunken girl you helped her inside as your fingers trembled due to the sudden adrenaline rush.
Slamming the door shut you felt so many emotions piling up inside you, not knowing how to correctly deal with it you just started kicking the wheel of your car, heart beating fast in your chest you kept going until you struggled to breathe, as you rested your hand on the snow covered hood you felt a sharp sting, your knuckles were a glaring red and they had already started swelling.
You hopped into the car, sighing loudly as you let your head fall on the steering wheel, your aching hand reaching blindly for one of Chaeyoung’s, her tight grip reassuring you slightly.
The girl next you in the meantime seemed to have sobered up considerably, and as you were going through your mini breakdown outside she had gathered her thoughts, immediately regretting getting absolutely plastered for no reason at all, she had taken a few deep breathes to calm down, so as she sat in the car holding your jittery hand between hers she couldn’t help but be shocked at how upset you seemed, moving one of her hands to the back of your head, her fingers gently played with your soft baby hairs as she knew how much it helped her calm down, even though her heart was beating faster than ever,
“I’m fine Y/N.”
Those soft words seemed to echo through your head as you slowly started to calm down, lifting your head to look into her cute worried eyes, “I just... I was so scared, I don’t ever want anyone to hurt you.”
The clear vulnerability in your voice caught Chaeyoung by surprise, finally she started realizing how much you actually cared as she pulled you in for a hug, she had fantasized about sharing a moment like this with you many times, but it had never occurred to her that she would be the one holding you tight.
Breathing in your sweet perfume the younger girl whispered a small thank you in your ear, as you regained your composure and turned the keys in the ignition, “Are you okay spending the night at my place tonight?”
You got an excited nod and the cutest dimpled smile in return, and with the snow still falling outside you made your way back home, Chaeyoung’s pretty voice filling the car as she hummed along softly to the songs on the radio. The thoughts in your mind gradually calming from a raging storm to a light shower, the girl sitting next to you didn’t seem to be so upset about what had happened back there and yet every time you thought about it the blood started boiling in your veins and your grip tightened around the steering wheel, you didn’t even know her that well but somehow you were ready to knock a guy out for her and that scared the shit out of you.
“I’m starving.”
Chuckling lightly at her words you put your indicators on as a 24 hour hour McDonald’s came into view.
An hour later you were sitting on your bed with Chaeyoung laying next to you, head resting on your thighs as she finished up her last fries, you had somehow managed to style two buns on top of her head and now she looked cuter than ever, wearing your soft green sweater and some random old gym shorts that were laying around in your closet.
“Kai just texted me.”
Propping herself onto her elbows she stared at you, an inquisitive look in her chocolate eyes, “The guy from the party is not gonna be seen around for a little while.”
Her eyebrows scrunched at your words, she hated violence, but she decided to not say anything and just nod silently for once, to be honest she just couldn’t believe she was sharing this moment with you, her crush since the beginning of the school year, “I think we should go to bed.”
Your whispered words interrupted her thoughts and her brain stopped working all together when you found yourself laying both on your sides, face to face, in the same bed, your smooth legs somehow had tangled with her own and she struggled to breathe as she felt your head slightly inch closer to you,
“When I saw that guy trying to take you upstairs back then Chaeyoung, I swear I saw red.”
Her heart started leaping in her chest as your index finger slowly traced the outline of her face in the dark.
If her brain had stopped working earlier, now her heart was about to overheat as she tried her hardest to breathe steadily, as if you wanted her to fail miserably you went for it, it took quite a bit of courage but you just had to, your lips fitting perfectly with hers as a a burning sensation spread throughout Chaeyoung’s body as she tried to savor the taste of your kiss by slowly responding to your touch and following your lead.
Pulling apart to breathe she tried to asses the situation but her brain still wouldn’t connect to her mouth as she blurted out the words that made your heart melt,
“I really like you if you hadn’t noticed Y/N.”
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