#Glyphs (rwby)
weisscoldglare · 1 year
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I know I know Weiss has an angelic princess motif going on but, well there is frigid bitch potential too.
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kyraxyrespace · 1 year
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Don’t mind me, just hyper-fixating on how these two are always aware of what’s happening to each other in battle.
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have I mentioned how much I love this Weiss design
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rwbybutincorrect · 1 year
all rwbybutincorrect mods do is bully each other
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stoneillustrations · 1 year
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I recently did my rwbymon series and got a couple suggestions that Weiss’ ultimate form would have to be a version of Angewomon. This inspired me to create...an ultimate Schnee.
Thank you for the suggestions @templeofpassion, @jauneschnee-arc
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vaelerys-targaryen · 1 year
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A VERY happy birthday to this VERY adorable bean; quite possibly my most favorite character in RWBY (I love them all, but Weiss is most probably my favorite)
Happy Birthday Ice Queen ❄️🤍
Ruby will take you out to dinner later ❄️🥀
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anthurak · 9 months
You know, your theory about glyphs being from the god of darkness has me thinking
What if the reason Weiss doesn't have a semblance in JL x RWBY 2 is because, if the glyphs aren't an actual semblance, she hasn't actually unlocked an ability yet?
Ooooh, that's a GOOD one! I hadn't even thought of that.
And yeah, that could totally track. I've been theorizing for a while that Weiss, Winter, Willow and all their ancestors HAVE their own semblances, but never unlocked them because they've simply been assuming that their glyphs are their semblance.
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bobauthorman · 1 year
The Strength of the Ordinary
I've been rewatching the RWBY series, and I've just finished Volume 8' "Dark". And I gotta say, I wanna bring up how it was ultimately Whitley and Willow Schnee (Weiss' bro and mom) who took down the Hound.
I'm not talking about Schees destroying a Faunus. I'm talking about how two casual civilians defeated Salem's horrible uber-Grimm. It wasn't the trained warriors that did it. It wasn't the light from Ruby's Silver Eyes did it. It was the local normals that pulled it off. And yes, I am aware that Willow can use Scheen Glyph Summons, but that's rather academic. The one who acted first to destroy the Hound was Whitley, who was also the one who figured out how to help the people of Mantle.
In so many media of this kind, there's always this focus on the extraordinary folk being the ones who have to do everything, to solve every problem. So these moments when the non-mains get to do something awesome are so important. It makes the efforts the protags make fighting to help them feel more real, more profound.
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roosinii · 2 years
So the Schnee Glyphs carry a record of enemies slain that can be summoned later on as allies is what the story tells us is it’s ultimate form. Fair enough. But does that only apply to Grimm, or if Weiss had killed someone would they be summonable? If so, how much comes across. Could Summon!Adam use Moonslice? Could Summon!Vernal’s guns actually shoot? Do they operate on direct control, indirect control, or are they independent in how they follow orders? How is an enemy registered as slain? If Winter killed a guy with a gun and not her sabre would it count? How about using a mech? I assume it doesn’t count if you do it by controlling a robot. Do you have to use the Glyphs before they register? I have so many questions, and no idea if they’ve been answered elsewhere (they have almost certainly but I want you guy’s takes).
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obfuscatedfig · 2 years
WBY fight on the board game was INSANE ???? My jaw was on the floor watching
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randomhobbyist · 1 year
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Weiss Schnee (Work in Progress)
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woklf54-blog · 1 year
Weiss is one of the strongest characters on Remnant and I'm tired of pretending she's not.
OK. Bold statement I know but, in this post, I will prove why I think that at the very least. So, in the show we know that Weiss can one:
Summon enemies she killed in the past
Summon just parts of past enemies (Worthy)
Can change the size of her summons (Unforeseen Complications)
Her summons can teleport through her glyphs (Dread in the air)
Make platform glyphs
Augment her glyphs using dust (there are 12 kinds btw)
Can control and manipulate dust (Ice fist the tournament and Lighting the candles in Brunswick farm)
Can use her what seem to be base glyphs to hold things in place (End of White trailer)
Can use (what I call) “Moonshot” (End of White trailer)
Has excellent fencing and sword fighting skills
Can skate on her glyphs
Use time dilation
Tactical minded (wiki)
And based on what I can gather most likely has a lot of aura since apparently according to the wiki. Semblances use aura as a power source. With how semblance heavy Weiss’s fighting style is she should have something close to Jaune’s level
Also, it can be used as power source apparently (JLxRWBY P1)
With all of this I feel as though it really just takes a little bit of creativity and suddenly Weiss can best 95% of the characters in RWBY. But Weiss has low endurance and glyphs are breakable. Is what you might be saying and honestly that just straight up doesn’t make sense like, how many years has she trained in order to be a huntress.
Fencing is not easy to learn and having a good base of endurance is necessary in order to learn any weapon because how tiring it can be to hold a weapon. Now I’m not saying Myrtenaster is as heavy as Crescent Rose or something but even something that is lightweight can become insanely heavy when you have to use it for a long time.
Now getting into some interpretation territory, why would Weiss who comes off as a hardworking studier who seems to be a perfectionist not have a good base of endurance when she knows that Grimm isn't just going to wait for her to catch her breath real quick. Some arguments I’ve seen used for Weiss’s lack of endurance are the White Fang lieutenant smashing her head into the ground and trying to decapitate her and Nora hitting her into a concrete pillar.
This is horrible reasoning in my opinion as to why Weiss has low endurance. Do you really think that the other girls could have survived that hit on the train? Do you think Blake could’ve totally tanked that hit and been fine? Ruby? Hell Yang? Yang got taken out by a weaker hit in the same fight sequence.
In Yang and Neo’s fight, Yang misses all of her punches while Neo lands a couple of hits on Yang then throws Yang into the metal roof and knocks her out.
Weiss on the other hand lands all her attacks and was then grabbed out of the air and had her fucking head slammed into the metal floor then throw into the air and almost decapitated by a fucking chainsaw. Like what, who the fuck could’ve survived that hit cus it sure as shit isn’t Yang.
And the Nora food fight once again I ask could Blake survive that hit? Could Ruby? Sure, I think Yang could’ve but that doesn’t change the fact that just about anyone else couldn't. So, in conclusion I think Weiss is one of the strongest characters in RWBY.
Also here are some of my ideas of how cool but OP Weiss’s semblance can be.
Summon a Beowulf dual wielding great swords
Use water dust to recreate a dolphin uppercut paying homage to final fantasy
Have her use any kind of dust to make copies of her friends and make them move
Use wind and ice dust to mimic a voice box and copy others voices
Use time dilation at all
Use the “Moon shot” more as that was really cool
Have a sparring match with everyone else with no semblances being used as a rule
Use any other dust than just gravity, ice, fire and electric
Have Weiss cover the ground in ice and use her ice skating abilities to her advantage
Summon an army of small Grimm to crawl on her opponents to unnerve them
Summon a really big Grimm
Summon a small Grimm and recreate old kaiju movies like Godzilla
Use her summons as entertainment like a dinner and a show
Have a butler Beowulf that has a little bowtie
Have her kill steal new enemies so she can summon them later
Have her insist that she gets all final blows to be able summon it later
Go hunting with beowulfs and Atlesian knights
Have her crush a building by using gravity glyphs
Have her throw a building using gravity glyphs
Show Weiss sewing dust into her clothing
Show Weiss doing maintenance on Myrtenaster
Have Weiss be indignant about Myrtenaster being use a charger for everybody's scrolls
Have Weiss sleep with Myrtenaster right next to her on the bed like Ruby
With how rich Weiss is at the beginning of the story have her pay people to build robots and mechs with wild and wacky abilities and have her “fight” them so she can summon them
Have her ride her summons (beowulfs, griffons, nevermores, ect)
Have her summon all of her fluffiest summons and cuddle them
Have her summon her paladin and manually wreck shop in it
Use her summons as recon in stealth situations
Use a fire glyph and platform glyph to cook food
Have her cuddle a boarbatusk to sleep
Hold an enemy in place using a gravity glyph and drown them using a water glyph
Use two gravity glyphs to break an enemy’s bones or collapse their organs
Use a gravity glyph to hold an enemy in place
Use a gravity glyph to rip the weapon out of an enemy's hand
Use a gravity glyph to shoot their bullet right back at them
Have her use platform glyphs in every picture so she the tallest one
Have her freeze tree bark so she can fix her appearance
Have use a plant glyph (yes that is a dust type) to make flower crowns for her team
Have her use a plant glyph to make poison plants appear
Have her use a plant glyph to get healing herbs
Have a gag wear she walks away and makes a rock house using a rock glyph
Have her cover the ground in rock glyphs and have them shoot up to attack
Have her mix gravity and lightning dust to make a magnet and steal peoples silverware when they're not looking
Have her blow dry her hair with a wind glyph
What are some of your ideas? and why do you think Weiss got so shafted by the writing team.
Link. To original Reddit post.
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Top 5 RWBY Semblances
Day 3 we look at my favorite RWBY semblances from the show.
5. Glyphs - The Schnee family glyphs are probably only 5 because they almost feel a little to powerful and catch all but then I see them in action in the show and it adds so much fun to the fights that I am still all weiss with all they can do.
4. Overactive Imagination - Of the "illusion" semblances Neo's just has the advantage of the shattered glass affect when they break, it's just the cherry on top of the ice cream.
3. Invulnerability - Tock's semblance is super interesting as complete invulnerability for 60 seconds makes you really deadly but has the counterbalance of it has to be done quickly. It's no croc to see how this is good but also how it could backfire.
2. Tranquility - in a world of amazing combat semblances and bad emotions bringing monsters I'm not Lie Ren when I say that the idea of a calming one is super cool and has been proven of great use in the show.
Burn - The give/take of burn, take damage to deal it out even more is a great balancing act that is put over the edge by the red eyes and burning hair, it really means fights end with a Yang.
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mikumixtwix · 2 years
i think it’s very interesting how Belos shares a decent amount of similarities with Salem from rwby (death of loved one starting their descent, got cursed, “goopiness”, plans to basically kill a whole world, etc) when Salem’s main allusion is the wicked witch. He’s a witch hunter who claims he’s not a witch and only uses magic to achieve his goal, yet he majorly parallels a character who’s literally supposed to be the witch, who is essentially even shown burned at a stake.
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rwbybutincorrect · 2 years
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stoneillustrations · 1 year
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Part 1 of 6 in the RWBY/Digimon/Pokemon mashup series.
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