ididnotknow · 8 months
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𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓅𝓊𝓈𝓈𝓎, 𝒷𝒶𝒷𝑒!
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mintcrows · 2 years
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a friend mentioned how gow3 kratos is a magical girl because of the skirt and winged boots and that sentence alone activated my neuron
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erika-kutsuki · 3 months
Some Pandora render/doodles and some misc render c:
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shiroisotto64 · 9 months
Carmine Headcanons
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He’s always been described as green. Aka he follows the rules..mostly. Everyone has their moments am I right? Ben is respectful towards everyone and has a very eager air about him.
You wanna teach him neat military trick? He’s in. This leads to Ben and Baird spending a lot of time together. Imagine how much fun they’d have setting shit on fire? Exactly. And Baird finally has someone who actually tries to listen/understand his science talk.
He’d been real fun to be around. If your friends or together? He’s down to do things you like. Even if he hadn’t found it all to interesting before hand he’ll at least try to get into it for you. You like collecting antiques? He’ll save up to get you something whenever he can.
Gets real giddy when genuinely complimented. You noticed his tracking is getting better and say something about it? He’s touched! You think he’s getting real good at unjamming his lancer? Why thank you! He’s eats it all up and uses it as fuel to keep going.
With a s/o
Very respectful of boundaries. He won’t do anything without your explicit consent before hand. Including hand holding. He gets real shy when it comes to affection. He doesn’t mind it…but growing up with locust running around to kill you doesn’t leave a lot of time to get used to touch.
Ben would be super excited to genuinely spend time with you as well. Wanna walk around the yard? Sure, let’s go. Wanna eat lunch together? He’s damn there skipping to the hall. It’s so cute but the others definitely tease him for this. Marcus is just shaking his head in the corner but look closer he’s almost smiling!
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He needs to be put on a leash. He’s such a nerd. He’ll rant for hours about all the cool shit Marcus has done if anyone would let him. It’s funny how much he knows really.
Eager to train and get on the field. You can find him in the gym or shooting range. He likes the rush 1 and 2 he wants to stay sharp and be useful when called out. Rambles on the coms to. Marcus is normally the one to scold him to “shut the hell up!”
I feel like for some reason…he’d know a LOT of gossip around base..idk I can just feel it. Before you even tell him he already knows how the mission went. Luckily he’s open to talk about his missions too especially if he did something cool!
With a s/o
Likes no LOVES to show off. But he loses his cocky attitude when his gun fucks around and jams and oops he dropped it….ANYWAYS everyone has their days.
But lord help you cause it has to be nerve wracking being with him, he’s so eager and reckless at that. At least Ben follows orders Anthony just kinda forgets or gets wrapped up in the moment. He means no harm but still.
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He’s quieter than his brothers. Clayton just kinda chills there till he feels he needs to say anything. He’s more introverted prefers to keep to himself. He does have a sense of humor though. Albeit it’s a bit dry it’s there.
Clay cared a lot about his family especially his brothers. His affection is generally more quiet and shown through actions. A pat on the back here and a good job there. That’s his style even after the war he’s still kinda stiff.
He likes keeping his weapons in top shape. He’s found cleaning his guns and tags around the end of the week or right after a messy mission.
He’s not really picky about food or anything none of them are but I bet Clayton is the heaviest eater out of the carmines. Make him a hearty bowl and he’ll eat every last drop!
With a s/o
Wanna know if he likes you? Easy ask that man for a piece of his bacon. Regardless if he fussed about it or not if you get the piece at all you’re good.
If you’re the touchy type he’ll try to accommodate you. Like I said it’s not like they don’t like touch they just aren’t used to it.
He’s the touchiest when he’s tired. All of a sudden you’re being dragged to bed to cuddle. He’s a real heavy sleeper to! So good luck. Those big strong arms mean business once he’s got you there’s not escape.
@pink-apollo mentioned something about Clayton and dogs and I agree. I could totally see him with at least one large guard dog. But what’s better? A big dog and small puppy. LMFAO imagine the grub killer sprawled out on the couch with a yorkie or something. Adorable.
He’s not the jealous type but he is protective. Anyone giving you a hard time he’ll get it through their skulls don’t worry.
He does need a quiet moment to himself though, so if your the real clingy type he’ll get agitated if your constantly trying to hang off him, however he won’t yell he’ll just remove himself for you until he’s ready to be touched again.
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wrr000 · 2 years
I said what I said
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x1702x · 1 year
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Heimes commission for @medievildead! Thank you so much for commissioning me, it was a pleasure to draw these annoying shits in love <3
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snowfianna · 1 year
Finished GoW3 again in two days. This was a sketch after Day 1, killing Hermes, because I get really excited once I remember what happens as it's about to go down.
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I love Greek mythology and the Gods, but I also enjoy demolishing the pantheon and bringing about chaos and ruin!!!
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heimesweek · 1 year
God of War: Heimes Week 2023!!!!!!
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HELLO CONTENT CREATORS AND ABSORBERS!!!! Do you like Hermes from GodOfWar 3 and also perhaps Heimdall from GodOfWar Ragnarok? Do you also like when they are TOGETHER????? Well GOOD NEWS!!!! I AM HERE to announce a wonderful festivity; HEIMES WEEK! A silly little week where epic content creators (such as yourselves) in the God of War fandom who enjoy seeing and/or enjoy making Heimes content (or have even always wanted to make content for it but needed a silly excuse) can opt in to be prompted for inspo seven days in a row. I'm really bad at intros can't you tell??? Anyways let's get into the DESSERT!!!
From April 23rd to April 29th, for 7 days in a row, each day will be dedicated to a different Heimes shipping prompt!!!
Heimes Week is hosted by yours truly @medievildead!!!! And first off, HUGE THANK YOU for helping me out with the banner, to the incredibly talented @romaine-arts (lineart) and @silvergoldraeven (colours)
Each day has TWO prompts to choose from. Options were left available so people who partake can have more creative liberties with the prompts. Each day you can choose one prompt or the other to take inspiration from, or even combine the two, or maybe even just do both separately, or you can do neither!
You aren't obligated to participate, nor are the people who do participate obligated to participate the entire week! You can do two days and just opt out if it gets overwhelming, or you can often Midway through the week and just do them at your own liberty, whatever you want to do. As long as you're having fun and happy!!!!!
Day 1: First Kiss/Last Kiss
Starting out simple, prompt is first kiss. Doesn't have to be exactly a first kiss, can be a first confession, a first date, a first anything . First time they realize they have feelings for each other, even! Whatever floats your boat! Or, last kiss. Make it sweet! Make it angsty! Make it bittersweet! Do what ya like!
Day 2: Sacred Animals/Mythological Creatures
Rams and Roosters and Hawks! Selkies and Satyrs and Dragons, even!!!! Whatever creatures come to mind in regards to incorporating sacred animals (because hey, these two share a couple!) or mythological creatures somehow. Hey, doesn't even have to be creatures from their respective mythologies!
Day 3: Meet the Family/Culture Shock
Meeting the family isn't always easy especially when both of your families control entire pantheons! Something about them not getting along with each other's fathers, or even getting along with each other siblings? Or vice versa? Or you can even go with the culture shock root, them introducing one another to each other's cultures. Be it clothes or food or customs and traditions!
Day 4: Personality Swap/Gender swap
Breaking ship week tradition if we don't include this one, either a personality swap of one or both, Heimdall being a pushy flirt and Hermes being a prude? Or a gender swap of one or both. We love women in this house. Get serious or get goofy with whatever you think of!
Day 5: Crossover/Alternate Universe
Have you ever wanted to see these two in your favorite other media? Or perhaps you have an alternate universe where they are already existing in a certain other reality? Maybe you wanted to see them in the Elder Scrolls universe, or them in a Modern AU, or them with a Pokemon team. Show us what ya got! Go hog wild!
Day 6: Under the stars/Above the sky
Under the stars, stargazing or snuggling at night or doing anything really, indoors or outdoors, together or apart, or above the sky standing upon something tall or taking flight or whatever however you wanna take this and go about it in a bittersweet or not way. Combine the two of you want even (you don't have to)! Get poetic or get silly! Wheee!!
Day 7: Sparring/Choose your own!
Lastly but not leastly we have sparring! Doesn't have to be with each other if you don't want, they can be sparring or fighting something Side by side! Showing off their powers to each other, etc. Or, you can just choose your own! Come up with your own idea, or maybe there was a prompt from one of the previous days that you chose not to do over the other option and you want to return to it! Completely fine! Have as much fun and be as creative as your heart desires!
Literally just go for it! There's no entry form, or hoops you have to jump through. Genuinely just REBLOG AND WRITE IN THE TAGS or COMMENT ON THIS POST that you intend on partaking (even briefly!) on the day of April 23rd, post your day one creation that day and tag it with #HeimesWeek2023 !!!!!
Reason we ask people to also say directly here if they're partaking is because sometimes tumblr is a bit of a nightmare and doesn't show posts in tags right away all the time, and we don't want to miss anything that you guys create for it!!!!!
Still, everything we see posted in the tag or by blogs who partake will be reblogged here at @heimesweek, so we have a nice little Hub to Showcase ALL of the awesome things that people make.
OUR INBOX IS OPEN for any questions people might have regarding this!!! But BEFORE YOU ASK;
"I want to participate but my art isn't as good as others/I'm still new!"
Whether or not you think your art is good compared to others is irrelevant, any art or content created for this week is all the same in my eyes. It is members of this community having fun and pitching in to make content for a silly little ship that makes us all happy! And whether you're a digital artist or traditional artist, you're just starting out or have been drawing for a long time, we are just excited to see it all the same. We would love to see what you come up with and how you get inspired!
"I want to participate but I'm afraid I'll opt out halfway through/not meet up to standards!"
Literally cannot stress enough as I did before, you are not obligated to participate the entire week if you do opt in. Heck, you only have to participate one day if you want to. Or you can just take the prompts and be absolutely sporadic with them at your own leisure. This week is about having fun and making content that makes you happy! Making others happy is just an amazing bonus!
"I want to participate but I'm not an artist, I'm a writer/editor/headcanon blog!"
That's TOTALLY FINE AND COOL! I love reading, we love reading and checking out edits, especially the cool stuff that a lot of the writers in this fandom create. I know a lot of amazing writers who do reader and OC content in the tags and a lot of it is just as amazing as a lot of the fan art that I see. If you want to take each day and use them for a writing prompt or editing prompt instead of a drawing prompt, you are absolutely welcome to be my guest. I would love to see some of the stuff that you come up with based on the prompts. And there's never enough Heimes fanfiction anyway!!! They don't have to be long bits of writing either! You are not expected to meet any margin, it can be a ficlet or it can be 5,000 words if you truly want to pour your heart out. You don't have to reach a certain amount of letters each day. One day can be a long thick, the next day can be a short thick, you can do art one day and writing another day. You can do both. The world is your oyster!
"I won't be participating, but I know some of my mutuals/followers who might want to. May I still reblog this post?"
ABSOLUTELY!!!! SPREAD THE WORD IF YOU WANT TO!!!! PLEASE BY ALL MEANS!!! THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!! 💕💕💕💕 Share it! Reblog it! Please! We love to see it!!!! WOOOOO!!!!
"I was wondering if it was okay if I instead submit my contributions directly instead of posting them on my blog!"
Of course it's okay!!!!!! I know plenty of people who prefer to keep fan content separate from their blog, as well as people who prefer not to post their art on Tumblr but still come to the site to observe, and perhaps even want to participate! You are absolutely more than welcome to submit your contributions for the daily prompts here. The only demand is that if you submit any artwork or writing or any contributions to the promps in this way, is that you provide a link/mention to your tumblr or other social media so that due credit is given!***
Thats about all there is to be said as of now. Any important updates will be posted to this blog Other than that, WE HOPE TO SEE YOU FOR HEIMES WEEK!!!!!!!
***Please note that all accounts that link back to, are connected with, or are owned by users that post inappropriate or suggestive content featuring underage characters will be blocked, submissions of any kind sent by these users will be deleted, and any posts published to the heimesweek tags by said users will be completely ignored. This event is intended to be safe for work fanworks that can be created for and observed by users of all ages, so we do ask that any and all who post that kind of content please do not interact. AKA;
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pitoframbling · 3 months
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cantrailivn45 · 1 year
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My version of Atreus of Sparta!! Kratos is a little in love with him (literally names his kid after him.)
just trying to contribute what i can to the spartan kratos community 😫 ALSO ahhhh Sorry for the formatting whenever I try changing the order it just doesn't work so the images are massive 🙏🙏
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medievildead · 1 year
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robsmooth · 1 year
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He kinda.......
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erika-kutsuki · 4 months
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It's been a hot minute since I posted anything here but I've definitely improved substantially since I started so here are some more gow themed renders made in blender cycles :3
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nonndrawz · 1 year
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Hope is what makes us strong. It is why we are here. It's what we fight with when all else is lost.
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silvergoldraeven · 2 years
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omg its hermes!!! omg look at him!!!
look at him!!! hes so cute and skrunkly and hot and-
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x1702x · 2 years
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This came to me as a vision in my dreams btw
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