#God DAMN you Niv--
blxdc-a · 9 months
Not Niv making me want to resurrect Scarlet--
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todd-queen · 1 year
so I have actually not stopped thinking about the bible verses in Nona the Ninth
(they are actually over taking my every waking moment)
I was raised with a religous parent, so in addition to solving the numbers code, I was curious what any of the actual verses from the book of John were, and typed them into biblegateway.com today.
And god. damn. it. Muir has done it again.
The very first verse is John 20:8 (NIV):
"Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed."
i am losing my mind so much
i compiled them all into a Google doc and took a screenshot, so please let me know if the image doesn't load right :)
i went through all the verses and wrote them down to try and find a quote in each chapter that at least correlated to each theme of the verse(s) (please forgive me if they aren't perfect- and feel free to add on!)
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
Have you ever been hurt by a narcissist? Yes. I found out I had been used and played by him the whole time. He used his charm and complete BS to get me interested even though he wasn’t that interested in me. He figured I’d be easy to manipulate and I’d be there for his convenience until he decided he was done. Despite me expressing how I felt, including the hurt, which took a shit ton for me to do, it was clear he didn’t really care. He didn’t get it. He didn’t understand what the big deal was. All he thought about was himself and didn’t consider who he was hurting in the process. 
What does forgiveness mean to you? This reminds me of that movie, “Just Friends”, where Anna Farris’ character is a singer and has a song that goes, “forgiveness is more than saying sorry”, and yeah I agree. But as far as me doing the act of forgiving, I tend to forgive and give out many chances. I never forget, though.  
Have you forgiven everyone who's wronged you? No.
What's your favorite thing to do at sunrise? I’m generally asleep. 
How are you celebrating Earth Day this year? I don’t do anything on Earth Day.
What is God teaching you right now? I know He’s been using these past several years, especially this past year, to teach me a lot. I have many things to work on and things I needed my eyes open to. I think He’s also been building our relationship. I admittedly have been distant and fallen off track, but I really want to get back. 
What does Notre Dame Cathedral mean to you, and how has its fire affected you? I don’t have a connection to it. 
Are you prophetic? No.
What is something you miss from your past? So many things. My childhood, especially. 
Are you beating yourself up about a stupid decision you made? Oh hunny, only all the time.  
What's the last dumb decision you made that you beat yourself up over? Ugh, but there’s so many. Definitely the stupid decisions I made and the decisions I never made at all and just ignored instead. 
What's your favorite version of the Bible to read? If applicable, do you underline verses in your Bible? The NIV.
When was the last time you went to church? I haven’t physically been to one since 2016. I had been attending the livestreams, thought, for awhile. I slacked off this past year and I’m actually really upset about it it’s something I need to change soon.
Do you surrender to Christ every morning? I need to start my mornings talking to Jesus. 
What's the last song you listened to on repeat? The new Barbie song with Nicki Minaj. 
Have you ever smoked weed, and if yes, did you like it? Yeah and yes. I stopped doing any of that stuff back In 2013 and only got back into it a few months ago. I wanted to try it and see if it’d help the health related issues I have, especially anxiety. I will say my method of choice is the tablets. 
Do you have any big regrets in your past? I have many big regrets. 
If you've ever talked to a counselor, did it help? Mehhh, a little but honestly not much. I really didn’t feel I gained much from it. Granted, that was my first counselor and I know it can take multiple times to find the right fit for you. Perhaps I should look again. Does your town's hospital have a good reputation? Yeah.
What is your hometown known for? Nothing good. My city is shit.
What is your hometown's symbol? --
Who do you miss from your past? I miss several people from my past.
Are you longing for and missing a toxic person? Not anymore.
What's your greatest longing? Ugh, to get better and be able to get out of this damn bed and actually go somewhere. I need a vacationnnnn.
Have you ever read a Bible verse and thought, "this isn't true"? If so, what do you do when that happens? No.
What are you behind on? Life.
Is there someone who's stolen from you and never got caught? I don’t think so.
Do you wish you could talk about spiritual things with someone? No.
When was the last time you had a deep conversation with someone? My mom and I have a lot of those.
How long has it been since you weren't lonely? I’m not physically lonely too much, it’s more so emotionally I guess. Just being stuck in my own damn head all the time.
Have you been lonely for most of your life? I’ve definitely felt that way.
What color is your sleeping bag? I don’t have a sleeping bag.
When was the last time you used a sleeping bag, and what for? I used one we used to have one winter when it was shockingly super duper cold. It was wild and I loved it.
Do you prefer to sleep under the stars or in a tent? I prefer to sleep inside on my bed.
Do you live near the woods? No.
What do you want to be for Halloween this year? List 1-3 ideas. I don’t dress up for Halloween anymore. I stopped doing that years ago.
List five things people have been jealous of you for. Uh, nothing???
List five things you have felt jealous of other people for. I mean, I feel envy for those who appear to be happy and in decent health and are able to take fun trips all the time and have a fun social life. I don’t have any of that and yeah, it’d definitely be nice. 
Do you start to feel jealous of someone after they've hurt you? I don’t think so.
Does your astrological sign match up to your personality? No. I’m so opposite of a Leo.
Which bugs do you hate the most? ALL BUGS.
What is your favorite shade of brown? Coffee brown.
Do people tell you you look sick when you wear a certain color? If yes, what color? No, just based on my overall appearance in general. 
Do you find yourself exhausted much of the time? All of the time.
Do you find that people call you lazy, even though you're always exhausted? I call myself lazy even though I know I have things getting in the way and making it much harder to do things and I don’t have the energy or motivation to do them.
What color is your toilet seat? White
Would you rather live in an apartment or a house? A house.
What's one thing you had growing up that you miss now? I miss being a kid and just playing Barbies for hours and hours, no cares in the world. 
List three ways in which you are a hippie. I’m not.
Do you prefer kale, lettuce, or spinach? Spinach.
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occupyhades · 4 months
God’s Whistleblower
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
You have patiently suffered for me without quitting. But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first. If you don’t repent, I will come and remove your lampstand from its place among the churches. Apocalypse 2:3-5 (NLT)
"They have grown fat and sleek, and have excelled in the deeds of the wicked. They have not taken up the cause of the fatherless, that they might prosper; nor have they defended the rights of the needy. Should I not punish them for these things?” declares the LORD. “Should I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this? A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land. The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own authority. My people love it so, but what will you do in the end?" Jeremiah 5:28-31 (BSB)
When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children." Mark 10:14 (NLT)
What sorrow awaits those who try to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their evil deeds in the dark! “The LORD can’t see us,” they say. “He doesn’t know what’s going on!” Isaiah 29:15 (NLT)
"Indeed," declares the LORD, "I am against those who prophesy false dreams and retell them to lead My people astray with their reckless lies. It was not I who sent them or commanded them, and they are of no benefit at all to these people," declares the LORD.
Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Apocalypse 3:2 (NIV)
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Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Apocalypse 3:3 (NIV)
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jdgo51 · 9 months
Forgiveness: Love & Respect Takes Two Good Forgivers
Today's inspiration comes from:
The Love and Respect Devotional
by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
"Make allowances for each other’s faults and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others."— Colossians 3:13 NLT
"'Ruth Graham, whose marriage to Billy lasted over sixty happy, God-glorifying years, was often heard to say, “A good marriage is made of two good forgivers.” Her comment, while true for every marriage, applies especially to a Love & Respect couple, because forgiveness is the ultimate strategy for halting the Crazy Cycle or, better yet, for preventing it from getting started. A paraphrase of today’s verse says it all:
forgive each other as Christ forgave you. We know we should forgive, but between the knowing and the doing there can be a big gap. And when you are sitting on the unforgiving side of that gap, you can pay a price. Jesus warned His followers of how big that price can be when He taught,
If you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. — Matthew 6:15 NLT
Was Jesus saying that unforgiveness could cost you your salvation? No, but it can disrupt your fellowship and favor with the Lord. God does not damn us for unforgiveness, but He does enact discipline. Sarah and I learned this early in our marriage, when a typical morning scene would find us in an angry spat, neither one willing to forgive or ask forgiveness. Still smoldering, I would leave for my office at the church to work on my sermon for the coming Sunday. But when I sat down to pray and read the Scriptures, the heavens would not open. God seemed to have something on His mind. I heard no audible voice, but He spoke quite clearly nonetheless: If you do not forgive Sarah and seek her forgiveness, I cannot allow My Spirit to touch your spirit. Things will not be right until you call her and reconcile.
More often than not, I would reach for the phone to make that call and it would ring first. It would be Sarah, wanting to reconcile because she had been getting exactly the same message from the Lord!
Feelings can make or break a habit.
Our spats were usually small stuff — two young married people butting heads over very little. Our conflicts were nothing compared to what some couples go through due to adultery, abuse, or desertion. But whether the matter is major or minor, the path to forgiveness is to realize that the issue that prompts your need to forgive isn’t primarily about your relationship to your spouse; it’s about your relationship to God. Suppose Sarah is 100 percent guilty in wronging me. Her guilt cannot justify my unforgiving heart. I can remain unforgiving of Sarah as long as I wish. While I lick my wounds, I can argue with God and explain my “right” to be unforgiving. But God’s spiritual law stands firm: if I don’t forgive, I remain in a place where God’s forgiveness will not go because sin blocks our fellowship.
INSIGHT: To not forgive is to shoot yourself in the foot and put extra gas in the Crazy Cycle.
Do you remember the scene where Peter comes to Jesus, wanting to know how many times he must forgive? He gives an estimate that he hopes will impress Jesus: seven times. That was twice what the law required, but Jesus simply replies,
Not seven times, but seventy-seven times. — Matthew 18:22 NIV
His hyperbole makes the message clear to every couple — forgive indefinitely.
Granted, right about here you may be asking, okay, Emerson, to be right with God, does forgiving mean just letting the same hurtful, unloving, or disrespectful stuff go by over and over without ever talking about it?
No, not at all, but that’s part II of our study of forgiveness (see chapter 27). For now, focus on the fact that your Love & Respect marriage does take two good forgivers. You make allowance for each other’s faults as you forgive as many times as it takes. And you both forgive for one simple but profound reason: because you know Christ has forgiven you!
PRAYER: Thank God for forgiving you through the sacrifice of His son. Ask Him for the wisdom and courage to forgive each other seventy times or as many times as it takes. (Also consider bringing up people whom you need to forgive at work, at church, or in other situations, because these issues could be affecting how you treat your spouse or children.)
ACTION: Practice “quick forgiveness” this week no matter what the offense. Don’t let “little things” fester. Pick up that phone and make that call."'
Excerpted with permission from The Love and Respect Devotional by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, copyright Emerson Eggerichs.
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A Review of a Review (and a Comment)
If you have followed this blog, you know I am into reading different translations of the Bible. Again the only one I have raised an eyebrow at is The Message since they translate a passage in the Lord's Prayer "As above, so below." These words are a direct quote from the Satanic Bible, so while it could be construed as proper, it's not the greatest wording base on its usage with Satanists.
Check out this review of The Voice, which I have landed on as my current version (although I am reading the Concordant Literal New Testament currently): https://www.extremetheology.com/2008/11/review-of-the-voice-new-testament---part-one.html
While this is a damning review of The Voice, I poked around and tried to understand. I have also read the comments and still believe The Voice is an easy read and does a good job. As an engineer, I want to go through this point by point, along with the comments. If I did that, we might have a larger document than the actual Bible:-)
First, from the author's critique of John 1:11, he compares it to the ESV (which I have been told was the "best" translation of the NT by someone born in Greece and fluent in Greek).
ESV: "He came to his own,[a] and his own people[b] did not receive him."
The Voice: "Even though He came to His own people, they refused to listen and receive Him."
Now I also NOTE - these were copied from BibleGateway.com, and the author used this as the translation of the Voice: "Though the voice utters only truth, His own people, who have heard the voice before, rebuff this inner calling and refuse to listen."
I first note the huge difference between my version of the Voice and his version. Assuming the correct translation is BibleGateway.com, I see no problem with the translation since the only addition was "listen and," which clarifies why they did not receive him. The author's translation added a bunch, and I can understand his problems from the original text, although I can't entirely agree with his conclusions of how it's outright wrong. He focused on the "inner calling," which I interpret as the "Holy Spirit speaking, " not some new age thing.
Another thing about the ESV is that it was footnoted twice for a short passage.
NOTE "a" - John 1:11 Greek to his own things; that is, to his own domain, or to his own people
NOTE "b" - John 1:11 People is implied in Greek
My second observation is from the comments on Acts 10:34. The writer of the comment is also Greek, so he comes with a root understanding of the language. Here are the translations for your review:
ESV: "So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality,"
The Voice: "It is clear to me now that God plays no favorites,"
The comment states, "What Acts 10:34 means is that 'God is not partial,' and modern translations like ESV and NIV have found the nearest English equivalent interpretation."
A definition of "partial" from Google is "favoring one side in a dispute above the other; biased." A definition of favorite is "a person or thing that is especially popular or particularly well-liked by someone." While I agree the technical definition is not exact, the overall meaning is there since "no partiality" is considered "plays no favorites" to most readers of English.
So while I understand everyone's complaints, the examples that discredit The Voice seem to go too far into the minutia of doctrine and theology. One could argue that all translations are more "interpretations" since if you believe in the Trinity over Jesus being the obedient Son, you will "interpret" the meaning of passages differently.
On a side note – the latest translation I am reading throws most theology on its head. The claim is that the Greek word translated for eternity does not mean that, and they give a very compelling reason to believe this to be true. So no eternal damnation or paridise. My thoughts on that later!
As you can see, I interpreted what was said differently in English (which is all I know) than what the author did based on using his "definitions" of the Greek text.
My conclusion is just reading the Bible and talking to others to understand it. I believe that no matter how it's "translated," God's word will come through. I know I don't know it all, and I am basing this on my limited experience.
NOTE – I are a engineer, therefore I ain't gots a great command of the English language. Also, I am not a Bible "scholar" and have only read several translations over the years.
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prju77 · 1 year
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Wait and See! - Your Lion Bite Word For Today!
There are moments in life when things don’t make sense. Where you feel that you are waiting and longing for me to move.
In this season, where you can feel that you are on the cusp of the new thing, that you are standing so close to the edge of something new, I tell you today not to throw aside the dream I have placed within you.
Stay strong in the waiting.
There is value in the waiting, for the change is coming. While you long for things to get moving, for the damns to burst, and the fresh things of the spirit to flow, do not lose yourself in the despair of waiting. I am doing a new thing but the timing must be right.
As you wait for my timing, don’t give in to the temptation to give up. I know that waiting can feel unfair and the temptation to give up is heavy in this moment. You must not entertain the voices that would distract you from your purpose. Do not entertain the thoughts that would push you to abandon what I have called you to.
You are stronger than you know; you can weather the storm. Do not despair the discomfort of this season - it is to prepare you for the new.
Pray: Spend some time praying for the global church body. Pray and declare that the body’s destiny will not be stolen and that distraction and despair must cease. Bless the body of Christ to remain strong and courageous.
Philippians 4:4-9 (NIV)"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you!"
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me!"
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ironwoman359 · 3 years
This is probably not the best place to ask, but you’re also a Christian woman too. I was wondering what you thought about what the Bible says about women and how we must submit to husbands and some other stuff that has me (a potential ace) Christain woman kind of terrified. I would go to my church but social anxiety and my church is pretty conservative. I don’t want to think that we’re just second rate citizens with this. Um…that’s all. You don’t have to answer. Love your Tumblr. It’s one of the main ones I look at. Thanks for countless enjoyment!
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(I’m responding on the submission and not the ask because the ask refused to post properly, I think it was too long for Tumblr’s fancy)
So I know you just asked for my thoughts and not a biblical interpretation lesson, but I didn’t spend 3 months writing an exegesis in college for me to never use those skills again, so buckle up for something of a long answer! (literally, this is almost 3 thousand words, so....sorry about that) *rubs hands together* The thing we need to take into consideration when reading the bible is Interpretation; any truly honest biblical scholar would tell you it is a mistake to take every word in the bible at its literal face value, ESPECIALLY since most of us are reading translations of scripture, not the original ancient hebrew/greek/aramaic/whatever else. So when interpreting scripture, we must consider these things:
Author (Who wrote it?)
Audience (Who was it written for?)
Context (What is written around it?)
So the verses you’re referencing are Ephesians 5:22-23, and in the NIV, they read as follows:
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
Isolated from author, audience, and context, they sound pretty sexist, don’t they? And male authority figures have used these verses as justification for the oppression of women for centuries, just as white men used the passage only a few verses away, Ephesians 6:5, as justification for the oppression and ownership of black people (Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ). So let’s look at each of the points above in regards to Ephesians 5 and 6. First, who wrote it? Sometimes that can be a tricky question to answer, but in this case, it’s actually very easy (though there is still a bit of fuzziness/debate). Traditionally, Ephesians is one of the Apostle Paul’s letters to the early church. Specifically, to the body of believers in Ephesus, a Greek city that was a part of the Roman Empire at the time. According to two different study bibles I have, the letter of Ephesians was not addressing any particular problem that the church in Ephesus had (as was often the case with Paul’s letters), but was meant as an encouragement of faith and to increase his readers’ understanding of what it meant to be a follower of Christ. So now what about the Context? Why are the verses at the end of chapter 5 and beginning of chapter 6 so damning to our modern sensibilities? To answer that, we must look at the passages both in context to the verses around them, and in historical and cultural context (which is where 1 & 2 come into play again). Going back to the beginning of chapter 4, which is subtitled “Unity in the Body of Christ” (and remember, these subtitles and groupings were come up with LONG after they were written; we grouped sections together in a way we thought was most logical, which honestly for a book as short as Ephesians I would argue is barely even necessary), we can see that the letter from chapter 4 onward is about living a Holy and Godly life. Chapter 4 urges us to be “completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love” and warns us against living “as the Gentiles* do, in the futility of their thinking.” *Gentiles in this case meaning not neccesarily all non-Jews, but non-believers. AKA, we should live like Jesus lived, WWJD and all that jazz. If the Holy Spirit is in our hearts and our relationship with God is at the forefront of our lives, then that should show clearly in our actions. The very first verse of chapter 5 reads “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Chapters 5 and 6 especially are meant to act as a sort of guide for how a follower of Christ should act. There’s some stuff about obscenity, greed, sexual impurity, 5:15 sums it up pretty well basically, “Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise,” and then we reach the all important verse. Ephesians 5:21, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” That’s a full sentence, just that there. Submit to one another. The following three sections are all subsections of this point: one for Wives submitting to Husbands, one for Children submitting to Parents, and one for Slaves submitting to Masters. But when looking at all of these, bad shepherds (ie, racist, sexist assholes) like to ignore that first bit, submit to one another, just as they like to ignore 5:28, which says “husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself;” or they ignore 6:4 which says “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord;” and they ignore 6:9, “Masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.” I do highly encourage you to read chapters 4, 5, and 6 in full, or at least start at 4:17, which is where Paul starts talking about “Living as Children of Light,” because it makes the intent of these apparently damning verses much more clear. Paul is stating that as Christians, we should treat everyone around us with honor and respect. According to one of my study bibles, the grammar of the original Greek suggests that the “submission” involved in all three sections is intended to be mutual submission, and is to come from a filling of the Holy Spirit. However, to be quite frank, Paul still Lived In A Society. A highly structured, patriarchal society, in which all members of a household (women, children, slaves) were expected to submit to the patriarchal head of that household. Male children until they reached adulthood, Slaves until they were freed (remember that, while by no means a purely morally good thing, the system of Roman Slavery was VASTLY DIFFERENT from the Atlantic Slave Trade that men later used this passage to justify existing), and women, unfortunately, for their whole lives. In another one of his letters, what is now the book of Galatians, Paul says in chapter 3 verse 27-29 that “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” This would have been radical at the time. Paul is promising all people of all genders and classes that, in the eyes of God, they are Equal, One, and all “sons,” meaning that they all have a right to the Inheritance of the Father (remember, at this time and in this culture women did not get any inheritance, and younger sons got significantly less than the firstborn. Paul assures the believers that they ALL are equal receivers of the Promises of God). But this equality that Paul speaks of was, in his eyes, a spiritual equality. He was not particularly concerned with overthrowing the earthly patriarchal society that subjugated women and lower classes, but rather instructed all members of that society who also were Believers to submit equally to one another out of love and respect, for they were all Equal in God’s eyes and would be Equal in heaven. This is why he both tells women to submit to and obey their husbands, but also husbands to love, cherish, and care for their wives. Children, obey your parents, but Fathers, don’t be dicks to your kids. Slaves should obey their masters (slavery was much more like a job that you weren’t allowed to quit until your boss said so) but Masters shouldn’t abuse their slaves. There are Societal Authorities, and Paul is telling his readers “look you can’t just go around not respecting those Authorities, but also hey, if you’re the Authority? That’s not a free pass to be an asshole.” As one of my study bibles puts it, “Paul counseled all believers to submit to one another by choice…this kind of mutual submission preserves order and harmony in the family while it increases love and respect among family members.” Paul is basically saying “it’s better for everyone if we all get along, and remember that Christ had a servant’s heart, and intentionally lowered himself for us, so we should do the same for each other.” And while a patriarchal class system is still super sucky for like 80% of the people involved, at least it’s a whole lot more bearable if everyone involved is being a Nice, Good Member of that Society. You mentioned being worried about being treated like a “second rate citizen.” The fact of the matter is that when this was written, women were second rate citizens; that is the context in which Paul is writing. And while I firmly believe that that was wrong, in every sense of the word, Paul wasn’t especially concerned about challenging that aspect of society. Priority one was “Spread the Gospel” and Priority two was “Don’t Get Killed while Spreading the Gospel.” Speaking of Paul, let’s talk a little more about Saul of Tarsus, shall we? In all literary analysis, it is important to examine the author’s beliefs and what biases may have made their way into the work. And while we believe the bible to be a Holy Book, it can and should be subject to the same rules of literary analysis as non-religious texts. First, you must ask yourself, what do you believe about the bible? There are four general ways of looking at it (which are called Theories of Inspiration).
The bible is the Divine Word of God, dictated word for word across centuries directly to its human authors by God Himself.
The bible is the Divine Word of God, written across centuries by men Inspired by the Holy Spirit. While they are writing in their own words, this Inspiration means that the bible is Wholly Perfect with no errors.
The bible is the Divine Word of God, written across centuries by men Inspired by the Holy Spirit. However, because they are imperfect, fallible men, there is a possibility of errors in the text, both in the account of events that happened and in the teaching therein.
The bible is a collection of accounts written by men, with no Divine Intervention from God. It is not Holy, God’s Word, or Infallible.
I was raised to believe theory 2, but now I personally believe theory 3. And since I’m the author of this analysis, it is through the lens and bias of theory 3 that I now present my next point: Paul was sexist. I don’t think he was maliciously so (see again, Galatians 3, and the statement in Ephesians 5 that men should honor, cherish, and care for their wives), but he was a product of his time who had ingrained ideas about women and their place in society. This does not A) mean he was right about how women should act OR B) mean that we should toss out everything he had to say, about women or otherwise, because he was Problematic. Most biblical authors were, in fact, Problematic. Either by our modern standards, due to the time in which they lived, OR by the standards of their own time, because God liked to use Imperfect People (we’re all imperfect, but He liked particularly imperfect people) in His plans. David was an adulterer and murderer. Paul happily sent dozens of Christians to their deaths. Peter was hotheaded and super prejudiced against Gentiles and Samaritans. And most of them were, in one way or another, sexist, racist, and homophobic. These biases then found their way, intentionally or not, into their writings, and then other racist, sexist, homophobic men used those writings to justify systemic oppression of anyone who was not like them. Oppression that is not Christlike. So where does that leave us, in our 21st century application of scripture to our daily lives? We must examine how it was to be read at the time (which we have done), and then see what we can apply from it to our own lives. For myself in my marriage, I look again to the original grammar of Ephesians 5, that indicates the submission is to be mutual. I “submit” to my husband, and he “submits” to me. In other words, our relationship is built on Trust, Clear Communication, and Respect for one another. Sometimes we have to compromise, and I have to put aside my own desires for his sake, or he must set aside his own desires for my sake. It is a willingness to listen to one another, to approach conflicts with an open mind, to consider each other’s feelings before we speak. It is an equal, mutual submission based on love for each other, which doesn’t contradict what Paul says at all. God created all people to be equal. Humans are stupid sometimes and try to insist that we know better, try to create hierarchies and use the bible to try and justify that, but that doesn’t mean those humans are right. If your church is trying to make you feel less than because of your gender, or if you date somebody who pushes TradWife rhetoric and tries to use Ephesians as their justification, then you Run, and feel justified in doing so. (Especially if they also try to use Paul’s words to tell you why you owe your partner sex; see again, Paul was not only sexist but also lived in a patriarchal time when women were second class citizens that had very specific expectations placed on them AND he wasn’t even in a relationship himself, forgive me if I take his advice on my sex life with a grain of salt. Without doing this whole process again, a good modern reading of “don’t deprive one another” is “don’t use sex as a weapon in your relationship/withhold it for bs reasons when you’re mad at each other, etc. Like all other relationship things, sex (or a lack thereof) with your spouse should be based on mutual trust, communication, and love, not petty arguments or the standards of others.)
Trust me, as an ace woman myself, I totally get the fear. I’ve felt it myself, in the past. But God’s intentions for you are not that you become a doormat or servant to a man. If a romantic relationship (or any other partnership) is part of His plan for you, then the bible clearly states, both in Ephesians and elsewhere, that it should be one built on Love and Trust, not Subjugation and Servitude.
I hope this helped you, and again, sorry it was so long XD. Have an amazing day! <3
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yoonstudios · 3 years
this was literally my first thought when i woke up this morning: human labels do not matter. at all. i ate breakfast, but spent most of my morning organizing my thoughts and finding out how exactly i got to this conclusion (gotta love that ni lmao).
now you might be thinking, "lmao i knew this already" and in that case, good for you! i have an iq of like 3 and it took me 16 years of existing to figure that out.
to support my statement that human labels mean literally nothing at all, i will be using my good old friend, the ✨holy bible✨
i will be proving this with christian values, and if you don't agree with this, that is perfectly okay! im not gonna be unnecessarily angry for you have a different religion or opinion. this might get a tiny bit controversial, but i really don't think it's really that bad.
now, we're all humans, right? we have different opinions and religions, sexualities, values, views; i could go on. we are all different in our own way. and of course, we know what politics are (most of us anyway), and the political parties: democrats and republicans. of course, in america at least, this is what (most, not all) peoplecare about. "oh you're a socialist? get the fuck away from me." or "are you a republican or something? don't talk to me!" obviously, this is getting no one, nowhere.
when you have these labels, it creates a certain image of a person. and it says all the people that are part of that party or label, agree with all of these things. so you just start assuming things without talking to said person. this ends with people hating just everyone in a certain party or religion or whatever. have you ever talked with this person that is [christian,muslim,etc] or democrat/republican? no, but you hate them because apparently every single [christian,muslim,etc] or democrat/republican agrees with [insert opinion]. this, kids, is what creates ✨stereotypes✨
the main problem here is that a lot people don't listen, but talk more, thinking they know everything. soon enough, people start basing their entire life on their political party, their sexuality, or their religion. there is more to who you are than who you vote for, what gender you are attracted to, or who you believe in. i personally believe with all my heart that we, the people (lmao), are more complex than human-made labels.
In Psalm 139:14 (NIV), it says "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." This is saying that God put careful work into each and every one of us, knowing He'll create something fucking awesome. ngl He probably looked at you thinking "yeah this one is gonna be so damn great, they'll have so much potential and will have the ability to spread so much love!" and then He threw your ass down here to live that wonderful life that he wants you to live.
He wants you to be thankful for what you have, to have trust in Him (and his miracle-working little son) and to love other people without any strings attached. This, I believe, is God's Will. Now, it is also said in Genesis 1:27 (NIV), "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." (this is a side note, and a reminder, that, i do believe that there are two genders. HOWEVER, it is in no form or way my job to tell you who you can and cannot be. it truly isn't. if you believe that there are more than two genders, or no genders at all, that's great! i 100% respect you. i just wanted to throw that out there so i wouldn't have half of tumblr attacking me lmao).
But what I'm saying is that we, humans, are made in God's image. We are the reflection of the same entity who created the sparrows, the milky way with it's billions of stars, and DNA, and the roaring and mighty oceans. Do you really think, that God Himself is restricted by the labels of humans? By us? I think the fuck not. And neither are we. As we all carry a piece of God with us, we too, have the complexity the He has.
I bet you a thousand bucks that God (or Jesus for that matter) wouldn't label himself in the category of a democrat or republican. or a capitalist or socialist, or whatever. what i'm saying is that people have so many different opinions and views that can go outside those labels. As said in 1 Peter 2:11 (NIV), "Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul." Did you see that? The "foreigners and exiles"?
We don't belong here, nor are we meant to fit into the labels created by humans. Hell, if anything, major labels just create more problems. I think we are only perfectly defined by one label: God's children.
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tartan-thermos · 5 years
all these takes on how, “Wow, Crowley was so nice to show Jesus all the kingdoms of the world because his travel opportunities were limited!” damn kids these days don’t even read the source material before writing their fanfictions
Matthew 4:1-11 New International Version (NIV)
4 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”
4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:
“‘He will command his angels concerning you,    and they will lift you up in their hands,    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”
7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”
11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
fic about Crowley desperately trying to tempt this bright kind politically radical young man from his path and lead him astray because he read the job brief and knows that God is cruel and something terrible is going to happen please and thank you
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eli-kittim · 4 years
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Is Sin the Cause of Mental Illness?
By Author & Psychologist Eli Kittim
Christian Psychotherapy
I should frame the discussion by saying at the outset that my definition of the Christian Method of Psychotherapy is not based on organized religion or on any particular denomination. The Christian psychological approach that I am introducing is not related to any religious doctrines, dogmas, or practices. Rather, it is based on my personal understanding of the teachings of the Bible in conjunction with modern psychology and existential experience! As a trained psychologist, I see an intimate connection between sin and neurosis!
What is sin, anyway?
In Biblical terms, “sin” is an action that transgresses the divine moral law and is thought to be highly reprehensible, bringing about guilt and/or shame upon the individual who commits it through the conscience (i.e. superego).
In humanistic terms, that is precisely what a clinical “neurosis” consists of, namely, conscious or unconscious feelings of guilt and/or shame that are displayed in one’s personality as symbolic symptoms, such as anxieties, phobias, compulsions, and the like. Although the term “neurosis” has been dropped since 1980 by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM III), it is nevertheless prevalent in the clinical psychotherapeutic literature (e.g. it is still used in the ICD-10 Chapter V F40–48).
The point is, there seems to be a clinical connection between neurosis and sin. Some notable psychoanalysts, such as Moshe HaLevi Spero, have published academic works about this connection (see his article “Sin as Neurosis” in the “Journal of Religion and Health” Vol. 17, No. 4 [Oct. 1978], pp. 274-287).
What is the Difference Between Christian and Clinical Psychotherapy?
Whereas modern psychotherapy’s goal is to make you feel less guilty about your neurosis, Biblical Christianity tries to eradicate the source of your guilt through *forgiveness*. These are two radically different approaches. One is largely devoid of any ethical considerations and basically encourages you to continue practicing your sins (as long as you’re not hurting yourself or others), while trying to persuade you not to feel so damn guilty about them. After all, this is the 21st century. People are free to do as they wish. A psychoanalyst once said to a patient——who suddenly revealed a secret perversion during a psychodynamic therapy session——“welcome to the club.”
The other approach acknowledges that something is morally wrong and says, no matter what you do, the guilt and shame will not go away unless you’re *forgiven*. Modern psychotherapy does not offer a “cure,” only a better coping mechanism based on a better understanding of your symptoms. In other words, it offers a bandaid, at best. Biblical Christianity, on the other hand, offers a “cure” based on an *inner transformation* of the mind. It may entail more risks and a far deeper understanding, but it almost always guarantees a personality change. All you have to do is to reinvent yourself. You have to become a new creature: a new creation. One day you’re this person; the next day you’re a completely different person. That’s exactly what happened to Paul in the New Testament. One day he was persecuting Christians. The next he loved and protected them. The Second letter to the Corinthians 5.17 (NIV) reads:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new
creation has come: The old has gone, the
new is here!
The Christian process of transformation is not unlike the Buddhist or the Hindu. In fact, it is almost identical to them in the sense of self-realization and self-transcendence, the only difference is that at the center of undifferentiated consciousness is the divine Christ. The Johannine Jesus makes it absolutely clear that you cannot even see the kingdom of God unless you are born again (3.3):
Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one
can see the kingdom of God unless they are
born again.’
That’s precisely why the Epistle to the Ephesians 4.22-24 (NRSV) instructs us to put away the “old self” and to put on a new identity, namely, “the new self,” which is made in the image of God:
You were taught to put away your former
way of life, your old self, corrupt and
deluded by its lusts, and to be renewed in
the spirit of your minds, and to clothe
yourselves with the new self, created
according to the likeness of God in true
righteousness and holiness.
So, from this perspective, you don’t need to see a psychiatrist once a week. What you need is a personality change. In other words, you don’t need a slap on the wrist; you need forgiveness!
Christian Psychotherapy Not Only Cures but Also Offers Salvation
Besides this psychotherapeutic advantage that the Bible offers, in which deep satisfaction and contentment can be attained, it also furnishes some insights into unconscious motivation and human behavior. For example, it goes beyond the personal unconscious and informs us about the influences of the so-called “collective unconscious” on our psyche, as the work of Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, has shown.
Of course, the weltanschauung of transcendental philosophy is significant here because, in the Biblical context, transcendence refers to the metaphysical aspects of nature, which are beyond all physical laws. These parapsychological phenomena can be exhibited in various “religious experiences” of the type that William James studied, which are typically manifested in contemplation, prayer, séance, extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, meditation, or paranormal “visions” and existential experiences. In short, there seems to be a link between physical and metaphysical phenomena that are played out in the psychological sphere of the individual and in the realm of the mind.
To this end, the Bible has a lot to say on the topic of how we diagnose and therefore treat certain ailments. For example, should we treat all mental health issues as matters that pertain to sin or should we consult modern psychology? According to the Bible, if anxieties, fears, depressions, and phobias are the roots of mental disturbances, then *love* necessarily cures them. First John 4.18 (NIV) says:
There is no fear in love. But perfect love
drives out fear, because fear has to do with
punishment. The one who fears is not made
perfect in love.
The panacea for all nonbiological mental disorders is *love.* The Beatles were spot-on: “All You Need Is Love.” Second Timothy 1.7 (KJV) reads:
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound
Thus, from a psychotherapeutic perspective, it is precisely this *love* and *forgiveness* that equips a person to break the chains of neurosis, addiction, and fear by restoring their mind back to health!
(To read this article in Greek, click the following link: https://www.tumblr.com/eli-kittim/652363021202669568/%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%BD%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CE%B7-%CE%B1%CE%BC%CE%B1%CF%81%CF%84%CE%AF%CE%B1-%CE%B7-%CE%B1%CE%B9%CF%84%CE%AF%CE%B1-%CF%84%CE%B7%CF%82-%CF%88%CF%85%CF%87%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%AE%CF%82-%CE%B1%CF%83%CE%B8%CE%AD%CE%BD%CE%B5%CE%B9%CE%B1%CF%82
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prairiedust · 4 years
Gimme Shelter livewatch under the cut.... I was on my phone when I wrote it so apologies for the typos
“Patchwork Community Center: Care Given to All” with a huge, lurid heart. Hmmm.... patchwork having two meanings here.....
Pastor (?) has 2 Timothy 2:22 tattooed on his arm! “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (NIV) Are we looking at growth and found family in this episode?!?
Oh that’s the alleyway!
Hitting mythology themes— Connor is an Anglicized version of an Irish name— Conchobar mac Nessa is maybe the most famous bearer of the name, from Irish mythology— he’s the king who lusted after Deirdre and had her locked up until she came of age, which is probably neither here nor there as far as this poor Connor is concerned...
That thing has a big lurid heart on his overalls better run lol— Oh shit it’s an evil Teddy Ruxpin!!!! Thanks Davy Perez!!!!
That’s the thing animal control uses to manage aggressive animals??? Is this saying something about the Patchwork people?
And that’s it for the cold open.
The uh, the mcfuckin what, the Camelot Palace Casino? Is this a tour of the legends of Ireland and Britain all of a sudden? What’s with hitting this theme so hard so fast?
Uh-oh the whole Highway to Heaven reference has me side-eyeing Dean’s suggestion for Cas snd Jack to leave the bunker... Dabb even “spoiled” that line in a tweet lol... in that show the cop and the angel got their (vague) assignments from the big guy.......
Oh SHIT “we’re standing in what I call ‘the trap zone’” Perez is coming for my whole life with this episode!!!! And they’re doing highkey “season one totally-normal Winchester investigation questions script” I love it!!!!
“Slasher flick” Oh we’re revisiting Mint Condition. This is fine.
AND TOMBSTONE THIS IS NOT FINE DAVY! We’re running the good times backwards what did I say about this being the flipside of Last Holiday!
H2H again but this time it’s sus... plus I’m with Zack, I totally want the cozy murder spinoff I imagined Adam and Michael doing plz
Oh the Cas and Jack dynamic here is so sweet.
Pastor just leaving his door open like there’s no such thing as a thief bless his heart. They must be torn up about Connor but Pastor was the last one to talk to him so he’s sus I don’t make the rules.
Oh no Red’s a THIEF!!! Who ever would have guessed. Okay I did NOT expect that jumpscare because of the way Connor’s murder primed me, that was masterfully done.
That’s vaguely an Ohio Star quilt square on the sign behind her except um I forget what that tilted square in the center turns it into? It’s chiming with something... I’ll have to look that up later.
“Divide and conquer” no never split up in a slasher movie that’s how you get murders use the buddy system!
Gonna stop a sec because I just realized that Zack is two-faced. The British dandy was an act. The killer is wearing a Cinderella mask. Ok I’m gonna make a prediction that Zack is actually the killer, a la the demon in Repo Man...
Okay there was definitely a beat after Dean said “Glad soneone’s taking charge” [ofHell] and the focus shifted to Sam. Hm.
“We’ve got to set her up for her own death” so meta, these writers are gonna shred us.
I love being shown how much Castiel has changed throughe Jack not understanding the Kool-Aid reference. And the cats line lol. That’s both amazing and poignant.
That’s a log cabin pattern in the cafeteria. Home. Makes me think back on other quilts we’ve seen this season and if “weaving” is the right metaphor for writing lol. I mean, the action of “patching” is synonymous with “mending” or even healing, but patchwork is also a craft with a long, long history in America (idk if quiltmaking is called patchwork everywhere) of taking a few often mismatched fabrics and cutting and sewing into something beautiful. There are generally two kinds of quilt tops— patterns, like we’ve seen so far in this season, which are carefully planned and involve precise measurements, and “crazy quilts” which also require skill but are often more freeform and piecemeal. But both aspire to be beautiful. That’s an interesting way to conceptualize a serial text... as both creating and mending....
That prayer was sweet and not at all what I was expecting.
I get the finger-cutting for Valerie (stealing=sticky fingers) but not for Connor? Tenuous connection still betw lying and writing? It’s evocative of Se7en but the killer seems to have the same MO for all the killings (I attended CSI for a while.)
Snow White is making me uneasy. Oh she’s the preacher’s daughter... we’ve seen that in early days, too.... oh.... oh....
It’s not the AV guy despite having seen all the AV equipment around Valerie. That’s too easy.
“A saint is a sinner who keeps trying-“ no scroll back, the important part was “we all have to take care of each other.” That’s a theme in the series.
She’s all in pink....
dean and amara on the same wavelength about food lol
Ha ha inversion of “oh you’re a fan of religion? name all seven gods then.”
Castiel’s testimony just wrecked me.
“Members serve the gift of food” hmmm the signs in this episode are tip-top
Gonna just watch for a while.
Oh crap “each is a finger” oh it’s about the sins of the father— No Cas no, you’ve fallen for the misdirection!
Oh okay good, Chuck’s not done snuffing worlds. That had me REALLY WORKED UP ha ha because Amara has no reason to lie right?
That was a really good conversation.... and implying that Former Death bent the truth...
Oh fuck I’m gonna cry “I wanted younto see that your mother was just a person” YES! DISMANTLE THIS MYTHOLOGY AMARA!!! Name it!
rigging the game— ftfoh with the casino metaphors already we know the house always wins except when it doesn’t
Lying, lying, lying,
Do we even know Snow White’s name yet? And why was Connor a liar? Because I think we can make a guess at this point.... ah ha ha her name is sylvia— “forest spirit” she’s Mrs Butters— and she’s after hypocrites— but the killing isn’t supernatural, just churchy?
prairiedust.exe has encountered an error and must be restarted
Okay so “Dad” steps in and stops Sylvia’s attack on Jack...
Why is that Zack? What????
“I’ve been lying to you” oh here we go
Oh it would be death #3, remember what Dabb said about threes a long time ago, two attempts that are unsuccessful and one that satisfies the parameters— but no he’s a jack :((((
I have to stop watching for a while.
Okay I finished it. Holy cats do I have some Thoughts about this episode.
What I loved: Revisiting Dean’s anger, BUT the parental mirror here (in retrospect, at least for me) was a John mirror-- all the mothers (exc for Rowena) in this episode are dead. And Pastor Joe didn’t apparently embrace his wife’s faith until she had died, and then his vision was radically different than his wife’s was-- much like John’s reasons for becoming a hunter were vastly different from Mary’s... but much like “patching” this subtext was possibly even more “healing” than having John back in the 300th ep... This was... looking at a child’s anger when they’re in the middle of their own family mythology. Am I implying that Dean’s anger is immaturity? Eh, it’s... unripeness. I have an old meta in my drafts about the heroine’s journey and why Mary’s story conformed to it while feeling totally unfulfilling in her actual character arc and I’m so glad I sat down and examined that rather than finish it. I have a lot I want to say about Cas’ testimony too, but that has to sit a while. ALSO also, Cas has already thrown away his shot by making the Empty deal, right?....
LANGUAGE! Cas saying “I found myself lost” is a bonkers sentence, right? It’s like when people say someone “turned up missing”-- AND it does not have the same meaning as “I realized I was lost”-- you get a double whammy of the connotation “to search for.” I loved loved loved how language was such a big deal in Last Holiday and then again here, I need to rewatch while paying closer attention to Sylvia and things she says... but these two were sister episodes in so many ways, that when I said there was a “lack of narrative mirrors” in Last Holiday, that’s only because the lens for that kind of reading is Gimme Shelter. That is not the first time spn has played with a “coin” or paired structure-- I think the first time I noticed it was Fan Fiction/Ask Jeeves but I was a transfer student from another fandom at the time lol. But of course, we get a huge truth bomb at the end of the episode, and again that splashy cymbal all over lying...
What I got wrong-- Zack wasn’t the killer but he’s fishy as hell-- he stole Sylvia! Is this part of Rowena’s “people generally end up where they deserve to be” except she’s built in an express lane? “Do you need a driver” is that his actual job now? Taking unripe souls to Hell Orientation? What’s up with him being there... the other shoe did not drop. So there is a third episode out there somewhere where this might get wrapped up? The conversation between Dean and Cas can easily be something that happens offscreen, and I don’t think that it would be the first time we miss an “important” conversation, especially since we know roughly what will be said and how it will wrap up-- it’s an “open text” of a sort. Maybe a fanfiction gap lol, I can’t wait for the codas.
Also, the fingers thing being Sylvia’s father’s favorite analogy is where she got her MO, something that I definitely didn’t see, although it fits right in with her father’s slightly pithy character. I think it’s interesting again how we’re playing with threes and fours. Three fingers got cut off but it was apparent that Valerie (valorious one) wouldn’t die until finger #4.... Jack really seems to be our last hope.
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Normally I don't like to ask stuff but I feel distressed. My mom is arguing about a preaching that she heard where it says that the antichrist will be gay. She quotes the book of Daniel, particularly Daniel 11:37. Her argument is that Daniel is a prophecy book therefore it must be true. It just really hurts that she'd say this to me and keeps making remarks about my faith. That I'm not a good enough Christian for not believing like her. Is what Daniel say true or is the interpretation wrong?
Hey there. I’m sorry to hear you’re distressed, and especially that your mom keeps making remarks about your faith. It is not right for any of us to judge another person’s faith like that! 
This is gonna get long, so for a tl;dr, after studying Daniel 11 and its surrounding context I can say pretty confidently that your mom is indeed wrong about how to interpret 11:37. If you want to explore just why with me, read on!
So to start with, I disagree with your mom that everything in the Book of Daniel, or in any “prophecy book” of the Bible, must necessarily be “true” – or “come true” as if it were fortune telling. Biblical prophecy is not fortune telling or future telling. As I say in this post, biblical prophets were actually much more concerned about the present, about how the past had shaped that present, and about how the present could be used to shape the future! This is just a fact of how ancient Israelites viewed prophecy, regardless of how one interprets scripture (whether more fundamentalist / literal as I imagine your mom probably is, or more historical/contextual, etc.). 
Christians who get really into all the biblical visions of “the end times” and the rapture and stuff don’t want to hear this, because they want it to be somehow directly relevant to them and their futures (and that’s understandable), so the following paragraph is just some information for you rather than anything that’s likely to convince your mom:
Most biblical scholars say that most of the biblical prophecies aren’t about “The End Times” the way we conceive of it. The Book of Daniel’s prophecies do include some talk of the actual end of the world, but – like the Book of Revelation in the New Testament – the majority of his prophecies actually refer to kingdoms and intrigue going on in Daniel’s own time (or not so long before or after his own time). 
I have not studied Daniel’s prophecies, like, at all besides reading through them, so I can say more about how the Book of Revelation is less about “the end of the world” and more about “the end of the Roman Empire;” but Daniel follows a similar trajectory of being more about the fall of the empires that have oppressed his people than about the end of the whole world. If you have a Bible that offers footnotes about the historical context going on in any given passage of scripture, it will tell you all about that – that Daniel’s prophecies discuss the sequence of Babylonian, Median, and Persian rulers that oppress his people and criticize those oppressive kings. 
Thus when you go to look at Daniel 11 (and 10), you see that Daniel isn’t talking about “The Antichrist” in this passage – indeed, that title “Antichrist” is not used at all in this Book, or in any book of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) at all! – but rather he is talking about a Persian king who is going to arise and oppress his people. The New Interpreter’s Study Bible suggests in its footnotes for 11:37 that the specific king Daniel’s talking about is Antiochus, who “grew exceedingly arrogant: He abandoned his ancestral gods and imposed the worship of Zeus Olympus” – hence 11:37′s statement that he “shall pay no respect to the God’s of his ancestors.”
Now that we’ve reached the verse itself in our discussion, let’s have a closer look at Daniel 11:37. The New King James Version reads, 
“He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.”
The part of this verse that is used by some to claim that “the antichrist” (if you interpret this passage as even being about the antichrist, despite the context pointing to it actually being about a Persian king) is gay is, of course, “nor the desire of women.” 
But along with that seeming like a very random tangent for the prophet to mention in a verse that otherwise is about this king abandoning all gods, the issue with biblical Hebrew is that sometimes getting a precise meaning out of it is hard. Thus “nor the desire of women” is not the only translation into English that one can make from the Hebrew. I’ll list some other translations that have been made (and you can see tons more here):
KJV: “nor the desire of women”
NASB: “or for the desire of women”
NIV: “or for the one desired by women”
ESV and NRSV: “or to the one beloved by women”
New Living Translation: “or for the god loved by women”
CEB: “and the god preferred by women”
Now, there are many conservative Christians who believe that the King James Bible is never wrong, and therefore they’ll insist that the translation to “nor the desire of women” is the one “correct” translation. But even if that is the case, what exactly does “the desire of women” mean in English? Does it mean: 
that this guy doesn’t desire / isn’t attracted to women, as your mom believes? 
could it also mean that he doesn’t care if women desire him? aka he might still desire them, and doesn’t give a damn about whether they like him back
or does it mean that he doesn’t care what women desire/want – i.e., that he won’t listen to them about what they want, perhaps in regards to what gods he respects, since that’s what the rest of the verse is about?
Moving to look at those translations that translate it “the god loved/preferred/beloved by women,” some suggest that this meaning: just as the guy has no regard for “the god of his ancestors,” likewise he has no regard for the god[s] of his wives/concubines. There are examples in the Hebrew Bible of women having different gods from their husbands – Jacob’s wife Rachel takes her household gods with her into his house; Solomon’s many foreign wives convince him to worship their gods with them. So if the Hebrew here, hemdath nashiym, is translated something about “the god loved by the women,” that’s what it could be about – this guy won’t be swayed to worship any god, whether his own family’s gods or his wives’ gods. 
That above reasoning makes much more sense within the context of the verse than it being like “So this guy won’t care about his ancestors’ god, oh also by the way he’s gay or whatever, and back to the god thing, he’s gonna exalt himself over all gods.” It would be such a random tangent! 
So that’s all the language and history stuff. Now let’s get hypothetical: 
so…what if your mom is right? So what if the verse is saying “this guy isn’t attracted women”? (and for the purpose of this hypothetical, let’s say the verse is about the antichrist though as I discussed above I do not believe that it is.) 
First off, just because he doesn’t desire women doesn’t necessarily mean he does desire men. He could be asexual and/or aromantic. That wouldn’t be much better, of course, because we’d be moving from homophobia into aphobia. Asexual and aromantic folks get vilified enough with the stigma that “oh you can’t ~~love~~?? you monster!” So I definitely do not like the supposition that the antichrist is ace/aro; that’s just as icky as him being gay.
But again, we’re in hypothetical land: so let’s say the antichrist is gay, or is aroace. ……..So what??
Gay people, aroace people, aren’t all perfect and good people. We can be badguys too, ya know? If the antichrist were cishet, it wouldn’t mean that All Cishet People Are Therefore Like The Antichrist – so if the antichrist were gay, why would it therefore mean that all gay people are like the antichrist? 
He’s just one person. A big bad person – but his sexuality isn’t necessarily a part of that. He’s not evil because of whatever his sexuality is or isn’t. 
I will close by offering some counterbalances to a supposedly gay (or aroace, or otherwise LGBTQA+) antichrist: there are also LGBTQA+ heroes in the Bible.
Daniel himself may well be one of them!!
To start with, Daniel is most likely a eunuch: after all, he has a position in the Babylonian court, and as David Bayliss notes, “it was customary for Mesopotamian kings in the first millennium BC to surround themselves with eunuchs as servants.” The Bible itself attests to this fact, in places like Isaiah 39:7 that talks about youths being taken from Judah to serve Babylon’s king as eunuchs. Along with those two facts, Bayliss continues with more evidence that Daniel was a eunuch:
Third, the fact that Daniel and the other captured Israelite youths were entrusted to the “chief eunuch” suggests that they were to become young eunuchs themselves.
Fourth, boys to be made into eunuchs were usually selected for their beauty, which is mentioned at the top of the list of selecting criteria in Dan 1:4.
Fifth, there is no mention of Daniel or his companions ever marrying (or having children).
Sixth, Daniel showed no interest in returning to Jerusalem after Cyrus the Great came to the throne (who allowed exiles to return to their homelands), which may have to do with his physical humiliation and the Deut 23:1 ban.“
Now, why’s it matter if Daniel’s a eunuch?? What’s that got to do with being LGBTQA?? Many queer scholars, myself included, have argued that biblical eunuchs share many similarities to gay people, or trans people, etc. I talk about the connection between biblical eunuchs and contemporary trans people in the section of this webpage titled “ ‘Better than sons or daughters’: Isaiah 56″.
(For other resources on eunuchs’ link to LGBT folks, see here, here, here, here.)
On top of that, some scholars have suggested a romantic/sexual relationship between David and the head eunuch under which he served, Ashpenaz. According to Daniel 1:9, Daniel enjoyed “the favor and tender love” of Ashpenaz. This could be a totally platonic thing, or it could be physical; the Hebrew is ambiguous. 
You might not be able to stop your mom from making her awful comments, but maybe being able to respond in your head to her “the antichrist is gay!” with “no, Daniel was gay” will help you a little. 
Please keep safe, and do what you can to keep your mom’s crap from getting to you (I know that’s much harder said than done). You are beloved by the God who made you, friend. And scripture is much queerer than hateful Christians want to admit. 
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
How have you been feeling lately? Have you been doing ok? >> Eh. As long as nothing unpredictable happens, I’m mostly fine... but I’ve also had at least two meltdowns in the past week, so “mostly fine” is obviously a cover-up of some sort. I don’t really know what to do about it, so I am kind of just holding my breath through every day, hoping I don’t lose it over something trivial.
Are you currently in quarantine? >> No, the stay-at-home order has been lifted. Still not really going anywhere, though.
Do you wear a mask when you go to the store? >> We didn’t this past weekend, which I don’t feel great about, but I ordered a bandana yesterday so I’ll hopefully have it before this coming weekend.
Does your state require people to wear masks in stores? >> Well, they say they require it, but we were definitely not the only people in stores without masks on. So I don’t know what the deal is with that. I think maybe stores are weighing how much it’s worth having to deal with irate customers who can’t stand being turned away for not complying with the mask rule (Michigan is, after all, the state where armed protesters stormed the capitol building to harass the governor for extending the stay-at-home order...). Regardless, now that I will actually have a face covering next time, I’m going to use it.
Do you know anyone who's had the coronavirus? >> No.
What was the last sweet treat you ate? >> I ate part of a lemon coconut cookie.
Was it a nice day out today? >> It’s pretty nice, yeah.
Is the weather nice where you live usually? >> Usually? I wouldn’t say that. Winter lingers around here for a long time, and winter does not usually bring pleasant weather (in my opinion). Also, we get a lot of wacky lake-effect weather.
What was the last thing you ordered online? >> A bandana. It has a Baphomet on it, heh.
Are you expecting a package right now? >> Well, yeah, the bandana. Should be here Thursday or Friday (it’d better be, considering I paid extra for quicker shipping).
Have you ever ordered anything from Wish? If so, what did you buy, and did you feel it was worth it? >> I haven’t, but Sparrow’s ordered stuff from them. I think she likes everything she’s gotten (although she hasn’t gotten everything she’s ordered, which is annoying).
Are you a youtuber? If so, are you consistent with uploads? and how many subscribers do you have? >> I am not, nor would I ever be, a youtuber.
What is one thing you hate about summer? >> Heat waves. I like warmth, but too hot is too hot.
Did you go outside today? >> Not yet.
What is the name of your youtube channel, if you have one? >> ---
What was the name of the last store or restaurant that overcharged you? >> I can’t recall being overcharged anywhere.
Is your room more often messy or clean? >> On the cleaner side than the messier side.
Who is someone you miss? >> ---
What is something you miss? >> ---
Do you feel like your emotions are often haywire? >> I feel like that pretty frequently, yeah. I’m either having no emotions or having a veritable perfect storm of them, and I’d really like to find a fucking balance at some point.
Have you ever received a misdiagnosis from a doctor? >> I’ve mostly received misdiagnoses from doctors.
Have you ever been "diagnosed" with a mental illness from an online friend? who is not a doctor? If yes, isn't that frustrating? >> Nah, I’ve not had that experience.
Do you have any friends that you can trust and tell everything to? >> ---
What was the name of your favorite roommate you've had? >> ---
Do you have a favorite book that you've read multiple times? >> Yeah, there are a few books I’ve read multiple times.
What's one book or book series that you've read multiple times? >> I’ve read Dreamcatcher by Stephen King at least twice.
Have you ever had an embarrassing bathroom accident? >> Yeah.
What was the name of the funniest kid you've ever babysat? >> ---
Do you enjoy babysitting? >> Never done it.
Do you have any big regrets? >> No.
Are there things about your past that bother you? >> I mean... I’m post-traumatic, lmao.
What was the last thing you saw or read on social media that made you angry? >> That doesn’t really happen to me.
Do you often post about controversial topics on facebook? >> I don’t post on facebook at all.
Do you think it's a good idea to post about serious topics on social media? or do you think that it's better to discuss serious topics in person? >> I think that a lot of misunderstanding happens on social media that could possibly be avoided or at least worked through with more efficiency in person. I do say possibly, because like, who knows, really. But there are many discussions I wouldn’t bother getting into on social media (especially where other people can see it and jump in with their two cents), that I might be more willing to discuss one-on-one with a person in a controlled environment. Which is why I hate that people don’t use IM/DM functions more often for working through sensitive topics (like “I have a problem with something you said in [x] post and I would like to work it out with you” or whatever), instead of turning it into a public fucking debate.
What was your favorite book you had to read for school? >> Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Have you ever failed a class and had to repeat it? >> No, I got no credit for a class and had to repeat it.
What class in school did you hate the most? >> All of them lmao
Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? >> Fuck no.
What's one childhood dream that has stuck with you, and one that has not? >> ---
Would you want to re-live your childhood over again if you could? >> FUCK NO.
Which do you like more: being an adult or being a kid? >> I vastly prefer being an adult where I have at least some semblance of agency and control over my own life, instead of being subject to the whims of people who don’t actually care about what I want or need or feel but are mostly thinking about what they want out of me.
At what age were you when you started to feel like you were mature enough to offer others advice? >> I don’t recall having this thought, like, ever. I offer advice when someone’s asked for it and I feel like I have some to offer. I don’t give a fuck what my age is.
Did your parents smoke or drink when you were growing up? >> No.
Do you enjoy bonfires? >> Yes.
Have you ever stepped on a sparkler? >> No.
What, do you know of, are you allergic to? >> Nothing.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulence? >> Yep, front and back.
What is your favorite version of the Bible to read, if applicable? >> I prefer the NIV for just regular reading, but ngl, the KJV has some turns of phrase that can be really poetic-sounding in certain verses.
Do you follow trends? or are you a trendsetter? >> Literally neither. I just do what I want.
Has anyone ever described you as a trendsetter? >> No.
Do you know anyone who used to be loving, but then turned cold? List three people you've known whom this has happened to. >> I don’t know anyone like that, which is good, because that is definitely red-flag behaviour.
What SAT subjects, if any, did you get a perfect score in? >> ---
What were your best subjects in school? and what was your favorite subject in school? >> ---
Have you ever been abused by a parent or legal guardian? >> Yes.
Do you have a lot of wounds from your past? >> Nope. Not a single one.
Has anyone ever called you a jerk? >> Probably.
Are you a jerk? >> Probably.
What color were your bedroom walls in high school? >> I assume they were the Nothing(tm) colour that is standard in apartment complexes.
Is there a girl or guy you wish you hadn't let slip away? >> No.
Is there an old friend that you miss and would like to reconnect with? >> No.
Who has hurt you the most? >> Sigh.
Have you been bullied? >> Yes.
Which talent show, if any, would you most like to audition for? and have you auditioned for one? >> I would rather die.
Do you know anyone who's auditioned for American Idol? >> No, but I know someone who auditioned for X Factor, which is largely the same concept.
Is there someone you think should audition that hasn't yet? >> No. I don’t think anyone should audition for those stupid ass shows.
What time of day do you usually feel your best? >> There is no time of day when that’s likely to happen. It depends more on my actual mental state than what time of day it is.
What's one way in which you've changed within the last ten years? >> Oh, you know, stuff.
Do you feel like time goes by fast, or slow? >> To me, it just... passes?
Who do you know who has died of cancer? >> No one.
Has there been cancer in your family? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever stayed overnight in a hospital, and if so, what for? >> Yeah. For being suicidal, or for being self-injurious, or because people just plain thought it’d be a fun thing to do to me, I don’t fucking know.
Have you ever been a victim of police misconduct? >> No.
Have you ever been so angry you wanted to sue someone? >> That... would be such a strange response to being angry at someone. For me, anyway. I don’t know, maybe it makes sense to other people. I stick to Old Reliable -- wanting to beat them to a pulp or something.
Have you ever been a victim of racism? >> I mean, probably.
Have you ever deleted a friend on facebook for making racist comments? >> No. Luckily, that’s never happened to me.
What was the last thing you ate? >> Veggie burger and chips.
What was the theme of your senior prom? >> Damned if I remember, that was like 15 years ago.
Did you go to prom? >> Yeah.
Have ever been engaged or married? >> Yeah.
Are you an aunt or uncle? >> Technically.
Do you live to glorify God and to do His will? >> No.
Are you happy with the way you are living your life day-to-day right now? >> I mean, there are worse ways to live. At least I get to decide for myself what I do with my day.
Do you feel like your life was better or worse six years ago? >> It was definitely worse. That’s not even something to question.
Have you ever made a huge, catastrophic mistake? >> I don’t think any of my mistakes qualify for such a dramatic adjective.
What's one need of yours that is currently not being met? >> ---
Do you feel like you are currently in a state of suffering? and that not all of your basic needs are being met? If so, how long have you been in a state of suffering? >> Not that kind of suffering, no -- I’ve been in that state, where most of my basic needs were not at all being met, and I’m very grateful to not have to live like that anymore. Unfortunately, living like that for extended periods of time tends to have lasting effects, which is [part of] what I’m dealing with right now.
Do you hate social injustice? >> Nah, I love it. It’s just great. It’s the best thing ever--
Are you happy with the current social class you are in? >> I’m in that strange limbo where I, as an individual, am poverty-class, but since I am part of a household where the other person works a relatively okay job for a living, I get the benefits of being working-class. We’re still low-income by modern urban standards, though. Anyway, I’m fine with that for the most part, but that’s also because I’m used to being literally penniless so anything is better than that.
Do you feel like you are being given what you deserve right now? >> What the fuck do I deserve? What does that even mean? No one owes me anything.
Life isn't fair. True or false? >> I mean, true, I guess.
Do you hate that life is so unfair? >> I don’t really think about life that way. It’s people who have the option to be fair or unfair (and who have the option to perceive of things as fair or unfair); life is just... life.
Name a few people who seem to have everything handed to them. >> I don’t know anyone like that.
Who do you go to when you're upset? >> Can Calah.
Do you pray less or more than you did 5 years ago? >> I didn’t pray then and I don’t pray now, so... the same.
Do you pray a lot? >> No.
Do you frequently have back pain? >> No.
What's the worst side effect you've experienced for a medication? and what's the worst withdrawal effect you've experienced from a medicine? >> The last time I recall having side effects to medications is when I was being put on various psychiatric drugs as a teenager, but I don’t really remember any of the specifics except... being exhausted all the time (because I remember falling asleep in classes and being reprimanded for it like I’m doing it on fucking purpose).
Have you ever used an epi pen? >> No.
What's a name that you like but probably wouldn't use for one of your kids? >> ---
What's you name, and do you like it? >> Mordred. Of course I do.
Would you prefer to give your kids common names or unique names? >> ---
Do you feel like anybody values you in the way that you deserve? >> There’s that word deserve again. Anyway, yes, I’m sure someone values me well enough. Probably.
Who have you felt the most valued by? >> I guess Sparrow values me, or we wouldn’t be married. That’s how that works, right?
Have you ever been treated like you were inferior? >> Yes.
What was the name of the biggest bully in your high school? >> ---
Do you ever sleep outside? >> I’ve slept outside before, yes.
How many siblings do you have? >> ---
Are you the oldest, youngest, middle, or only child? >> I was raised as the only child in the household. I was the youngest of my father’s children.
How many kids do you want to have? >> Zero, ideally.
Do you want to get married? >> It’s already been done.
Best date you've been on? >> ---
Dream date? >> ---
Ever kissed someone on New Year's? >> Yeah.
Have you ever had an experience so good you felt like you were flying? >> Probably.
Have you ever been in so much pain you prayed that you would die? >> Yep.
What brings you the most joy? >> Uh... hmm. Good question. I’ll get back to you on that. Someday.
What is your passion; what is it that would bring you the most joy and fulfillment in life? >> I don’t think I have any passions.
Have you ever laid your dreams aside because someone else wanted you to? >> Well, fortunately for everyone else, I don’t really have any dreams.
Who supports you in everything you do? >> Sparrow is pretty supportive when I bother to do stuff.
Who always tries to stop you whenever you try to go after your dreams? >> ---
Do you believe in following your heart, in going after your dreams? >> I think that if someone has a dream, then sure, they should try to see it through. But I also think that sometimes it just ain’t worth it. It’s up to the person to make that determination, though, not me. Personally, I don’t really know what it’s like to have a dream, so it’s not like I can relate or anything.
Do you wish other people would want you to be happy? >> I don’t think people want me to suffer or anything. I think that in general, people aren’t really thinking about me at all.
Do you wish you had someone who loved and supported you? >> I do. I wish I had the capacity to feel loved and supported.
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occupyhades · 5 months
God’s Whistleblower
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
Wealth is treacherous, and the arrogant are never at rest. They open their mouths as wide as the grave, and like death, they are never satisfied. In their greed they have gathered up many nations and swallowed many peoples. Habakkuk 2:5 (NLT)
‘Cursed is he who strikes down his neighbor in secret.’ And let all the people say, ‘Amen!’ Deuteronomy 27:24 (BSB) 
The floodwaters have risen, O LORD; the rivers have raised their voice; the seas lift up their pounding waves. Above the roar of many waters—the mighty breakers of the sea—the LORD on high is majestic. Psalm 93-4 (BSB)
“Woe to the rebellious children,” says the LORD, “Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin." Isaiah 30:1 (NKJV) 
Behemoth is the first of God’s conquests. Its maker approaches it with his sword. Job 40:19 (GWT)
Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Apocalypse 3:2 (NIV)
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Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Apocalypse 3:3 (NIV)
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sin-emberstalker · 5 years
Get To Know Me.
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better.
1. Dogs or Cats?
Dogs, cat’s love me more actually I think it’s because I am 1000% indifferent to them and that pisses them off that I can out game them. 
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
None, don’t elevate people to some special station as they can’t ever be the thing in your head. It’s not fair to them and it has done a lot of harm to the general discourse of progress. 
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Cyprus, it is in my opinion the closest thing to what I gather most people think heaven is like. The progress the country has made to unite peacefully is inspiring. 
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4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Disney as Dreamworks is a studio built out of pure spite, but I respect the grift. 
5. Favorite childhood TV show?
Pirates of Darkwater, TMNT(classic), Ghostbusters, Gargoyles, Batman the animated series and batman beyond.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
I just can’t muster enthusiasm for movies lately, but it does mean I get surprised by some new stuff when it really impresses. 
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
The only books I have read this year are all RPG manuals and Linux guides. I feel bad but I just don’t have time to read like literature in a while. But I do make sure to read every night with the kids unless Niv is doing it. 
8. Marvel or DC?
Marvel movies/ DC comics
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?
Marvel - Gambit/Ultimate Colossus (his story is just so god damn cute). 
DC - Constantine/ Hal Jordan 
10. Night or Day?
Night, i love to be awake when the rest of the world is sleeping (at least in my time zone)
11. Favorite Pokemon?
Honestly it’s Evee and all the variations, they are just all so god damn cute. 
12. Top 5 bands:
Pink Floyd, Deftones, Wu Tang Clan, Coheed and Cambria, Tool
13. Top 10 books.
Invisible Man -  Ralph Ellison
East of Eden - Steinbeck
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Great Gatsby -  F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Waste Land  - T.S. Eliot
Ring World - Larry Niven
Neuromancer Trilogy - William Gibson
Dune - Frank Herbet 
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath 
The Foundation Trilogy - Issac Asimov 
The Trial - Franz Kafka (Bonus addition)
14. Top 4 movies
The Big Labowski. Hellraiser I and II, A Clockwork Orange, The Wild Bunch 
15. America or Europe?
I’ve spent enough time in both to know that the only way a place is valuable is the people we form bonds with and the spaces we share moments in.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Both but I don’t post a lot on twitter, but some of the freshest memes come from twitter. Tumblr is like a second home at times. 
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
18. Favourite YouTuber?
Noah Caldwell-Gervias - Best in depth game critique you will find, I even find all the early audio issues endearing. 
19. Favorite author ?
T.S Eliot and Kafka are the two that changed my life and I mean that I was going to be a priest before I started to you know, question.
20. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee to amp and tea to chill. 
21. OTP ?
Sinivaeh oh and @karidakdellanir​ @centoridellanir​ for life!
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
I used to play guitar and bass but I am so out of practice but I think a few minutes on the drop D I will find my space again.
tagged by @monster-of-master​
tagging @prolificpoisons @crowsaerie-rp​ @fel-temptation​ @covexalexanderkingsley​  @valishoneybee​ @zaennicus​ @amorthonblackwood​ @waroftwowolves​ @aredhelvaltieri​ @seilune​ and anyone else!
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