#God he loves him so much I tell you!!! He's gonna treasure that beanie and all his other gifts!!
ahogedetective · 1 year
It had been a long day and Kokichi was curled up on the sofa next to Shuichi, blanket across them and his legs pulled up beside him. The movie on the television long forgotten, he rested his cheek against Shuichi's shoulder and smiled up at him. "Is it weird that I'm pretty sure I like the 'boring' stuff like this with you even more than anything else?" It was a massive compliment on Kokichi's part—Shuichi's presence made him savor the calm and quiet moments.
But then Kokichi was scooting back some, sliding out from under the blanket and throwing Shuichi a wink before trotting out of the room. He grabbed a carefully wrapped present from his (wholly unnecessary) hiding spot, returning with it held over his head victoriously. "Good boyfriends are owed even better gifts!" He passed it off to Shuichi with an eager grin, slipping back under the blanket and beside Shuichi.
Inside the present was a handmade giftbox, complete with a few different types of both teas and coffees, a marbled black and gold mug, a small roll of homemade cookies, and a beanie. The beanie appeared normal—if high quality—until fully unfolded. Then it became clear that something was written on the inside edge, out of view when worn and left as a sort of inside joke: "Property of Kokichi Oma."
Kokichi was snickering once it was discovered, of course.
( Merry Christmas!!!! I hope you have a good one and Kokichi hopes Shu had a good one too, even if he has to tease him even in gift form lmao )
Relaxing for the rest of the night with Kokichi was always something Shuichi loved, but with the especially fun day that they had, it felt all the more enjoyable. He savored the warmth of his boyfriend and the couch, as he has his arms wrapped around Kokichi, hugging him close while he rested the side of his head against Kokichi's. "Oh..?" That brought a smile to his face, a very happy one; to hear that from the boy who usually is fast-paced and restless, truly did feel like one of the biggest compliments he could receive, and the one thing he wanted to do for Kokichi, succeed: making him enjoy even these quieter and calmer moments like this, with him. "That makes me very happy to hear, Kokichi: it's not weird at all. I love these kind of moments with you, so knowing you do as well, is the best thing I could hear."
When Kokichi slid off of the couch, he was going to playfully whine and tell him to get back here, but that wink and seeing Kokichi grab something out of a hidden spot, made him tilt his head curiously. Then when he saw he had a present for him, his eyes lit up in excitement. "Oh...!! H-Hehehe, you're too sweet, thank you! I'm so excited to open it!!" He pecked Kokichi's cheek when he got comfy back on the couch, eagerly accepting the gift box. "The gift box and wrapping looks so pretty, too... " He hums, carefully unwrapping it with increasing excitement. "....!!!!" A quiet gasp leaves him when he sees all the things inside. From the mug to the coffee and tea packets and to the cookies... "O-Oh my god. Kokichi, I- I love all of this. So many lovely gifts I see!!"
He first holds the mug up, carefully circling it around in his hand. "This mug looks so beautiful.... !!! I hope you know the very first thing I will drink out of this, will be the coffees and twas you gave me. That'll make me savor them even more." Then he picks up the cookies, beaming. "And you even made one of my favorite kinds of cookies, too! You spoil me so well." Of course, he was going to try one right now, unwrapping the bag they're in before plopping one into his mouth, and humming in delight. "These are so good. You may have to stop me from scarfing them all down immediately." He jokes with a laugh, before eating another one. "Just kidding. I want to enjoy them with you."
As for the beanie, Shuichi intentionally saved that for last, since he had a feeling that was the most special gift of all. Carefully, he holds it up to get a good look at it. "Oh this feels and looks lovely. I just know it's going to keep my head nice and warm! ...-!" He flipped the inside of the beanie while he was talking, trailing off in surprise when he saw that tiny note. "Oh? What's this I won-" Then he read what it said. "....der. Kokichi." A smile grows on his face, before he begins bursting out laughing. "G-God, what is this!! Y-You are so stupid! P-Putting something crazy like this, a-ahaha!"
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And playfully bumps against Kokichi. Of course, the was he said it was fond, and loving, laughing even more when Kokichi started snickering. Only he could make Shuichi laugh like this, over the most ridiculous things like this. Of course, in absolutely a good way. "Though.... I meaaannn..... " He darts his eyes away... before they slowly look back at him. "It's not exactly wrong. Since, well.... I'm yours... Always..."
His makes his own cheeks heat up as he says that with a soft giggle. Flipping it back over, he then puts the beanie on himself. "...So? How's it look on me. Heheh." Shuichi would then place each gift on the table... So that he can pull Kokichi into a big, tight hug. "You are... The absolute best. The best boyfriend ever. I love you so much." Then, he'd begin placing a multitude of kisses on Kokichi's cheeks, before placing a slow, deep one to lips. Eyes pour with warmth and love, whispering once he breaks the kiss: "Thank you... for such wonderful gifts, Kokichi. You turned a day that was already so fun and wonderful, because of you; into an even greater and happier one. It always makes me wonder how in the world did I get so lucky in life, to be the one that can date you, huh? You're my greatest gift of all: I promise, to take extra great care of everything you gave me. Thank you.... thank you so much for lighting up my night. Just like you do my life... "
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greenninjagal-blog · 3 years
Let Me Hear You Scream pt2
Ready for more spooky vibes? If you missed the first part you can find it [here!]
Summary: Upon waking up in a forest he doesn't recognize, Roman vs a Bear Trap goes almost exactly how you would think it goes.
Words: 6374
TW: Bear traps, blood, violence,
Read on Ao3 || My General Writing Masterlist
Roman has always had an unusually high pain tolerance. He had to, being twin brothers with Remus and all that. The sheer amount of danger the two of them got into as kids delegated that if he was anything less than completely indestructible, he’d be dead the next time Remus started a conversation with “I bet you won’t…”
He remembers that summer when Remus dared him to ride his bike down the concrete stairs, and he remembers how the wheels pitched him forward and his helmet cracked on the sidewalk, his knee skidded on the concrete, and his arm went snap with pain so white hot that Roman actually thought that the whole thing had popped right off his body entirely.
He remembers lying on the ground so shocked that he couldn’t even breathe, much less cry, and he remembers Remus laughing in the background, “I didn’t think you were going to actually do it! Oh shit, Ro? Roman! ROMAN!”
He remembers it so clearly.
“REMUS!” Roman shrieks into the forest, with tears rolling down his cheeks. “THIS ISN’T FUNNY, YOU FUCKER!”
His ankle burns. He can’t feel his toes, he can’t feel his ankle, he can’t feel anything, but there’s blood all over his hands and he can’t look down in case he faints.
His hands are trembling as they blindly work over whatever the fuck he stepped on. He can feel the slushie that he last ate, swirling in his stomach, boiling and bubbling until he feels it corroding his back molars. His fingers fumble around the… the metal teeth, oh god he’s going to vomit. His ankle screams in pain when his fingers prod too close to his actual limb. His ears echo with the painful awful SNAP of the jaw mechanism like its seared right into his soul.
“Remus,” He sobs, “I’m going to fucking kill you--”
Because there was a line here; Yeah, Remus dared him into a prank war with one of his stupid “I bet you wont, you prissy goody two shoes…” and Roman poured glitter into Remus’s laundry once, then Remus replaced Roman’s toothpaste with mayo, then Roman put white hair dye in Remus’s shampoo, and Remus swore he would get some type of revenge, even though he loved that look so much that he kept a stupid white streak in his hair. At least Roman thought he did-- He did, right?
Remus wasn’t the type to keep it to himself if he was upset. Neither of them were: Roman had perfected the art of loud sighs and dramatic monologues into a microphone and Remus had set things on fire to make people pay attention.
He didn’t-- wouldn’t--
He wouldn’t drag Roman into the middle of nowhere and make him walk into a bear trap for hair dye that would come out in another few weeks.
((Wouldn’t he?))
Everyone said Remus was insane, through whispered rumors and gossip that dissipated the moment that Roman walked into the room. Roman hadn’t ever seen the insanity himself; he grew up with Remus chasing squirrels in the park and diving into dumpsters for cool treasures and it was normal. Remus had always found humor in strange and weird things and as they had grown up those things had become less real and more abstract and Roman still didn’t think it meant that Remus would do this.
The forest is dense around him, stupid, dark; Roman isn’t sure he could recognize it even if he had a map in front of him, but then again Remus was always the more environmentally aware person of the two of them. He doesn’t know where Remus went the fuck off to either-- he’s brain is fuzzy at everything more than a few seconds ago when he blinked opened his eyes and took one step forward into a metal death trap, but he… he thought Remus had been right beside him, so close that… that…. His head is singing with pain and the backs of his eyes are melting.
“Hey!” A voice calls out and Roman flinches so hard that the metal spikes dig into his ankle and his scream strangles him.
Roman blinks back his tears just in time to see a figure stumble right out the thickets nearby, with the grace of a new born fucking dear. Roman swears in every language he knows and then some he doesn’t as the person scrambles back to their feet and zeroes in on him with an expression that Roman usually associates with the memory of his science teacher right before she demonstrated how to break a frog's ribcage for their dissection.
“No,” Roman says, “No, back off--”
He tries to scoot back and agony shoots up his leg so bright and violent that his vision whites out.
“Don’t move,” the person says, holding up their palms up suddenly to show they were unarmed or something. Roman isn’t sure what that’s supposed to do when he knows that Remus himself has never needed a weapon to be a lunatic. “I’m going to try to help.”
“Do not fucking come near me,” Roman snarls. “Who are you? One of Remus’s fucking little friends--”
“I assure you I don’t know a Remus, but you are in pain and believe I am qualified to help.”
“Fuck off!”
Roman swears that the pain is getting to his head, meddling with his thoughts like alcohol except not fun and Roman would not suggest anyone repeat this experience. The stranger-- Remus’s friend or whatever-- is staring at him with a patient impatience: like his mother waiting for him to finish his story before she runs off to answer a call on her work phone. They’re older than Roman, by a year or two, with sharp cheekbones and back framed glasses of a stereotypical nerd but a height that makes it hard to even imagine anyone looking down on them. Their eyes are colder than ice, and frost wafts off their breath. They’ve got a sweater vest on, with a tie, and converse dotted with glow in the dark paint in the shape of space nebulas.
Between his teary eye lashes Roman thinks that this guy looks incredibly tame for someone who associates with Remus and he fights the urge to vomit.
Is his leg supposed to be feeling cold?
Oh god, was he going to lose his foot? His breath swells up in his lungs, like a balloon pressing against his ribs. He wouldn’t be able to walk without a foot-- He wouldn’t be able to move or leave these woods or get help-- Remus and his psycho friends could easily cut up the rest of his body and let the wolves get him and then at school when someone would ask what happened to that dumbass who used to make dumb jokes on air during the football games, everyone will be like “Who?” and “didn’t Remus used to have an annoying twin? What happened to that guy?” and no one will ever find him because no one would car--
“Please,” The Doctor Who-ever says, in a faux calm tone as Roman nearly swallows his tongue. “I have medical knowledge, and you are clearly in distress.”
Agony races up his leg and Roman whimpers again. He swears he can hear the sound of metal grinding against his ankle bones, biting in deep and forcing the marrow to crack and shatter and explode until it's just a bunch of broken glass-like fragments under his skin. His head feels light and he frantically breathes deeply because he is not going to pass out, he is not going to make it that eas--
He’s cut off by a sudden crashing from behind behind himself: snapping of branches like a wild animal is tearing through them, the crunch of dead leaves steadily getting louder and heavy and deadlier, the swearing that are all tell-tale sounds of Remus crashing directly into someone and both of them eating the dirt as they barrel through the thickets and roll to a stop a few feet away.
Nerdicus jerks back like they were expecting anything less of Remus’s spectacular grand entrance.
Roman bites down on his tongue to stop himself from outright whimpering. Remus, his twin, his mirror image, rolls back to a sitting position like a possessed doll coming to life, untangling his limbs from another crumpled, groaning form that must be some other friend of his, and snapping them back in place because what are limbs to a maniac like him? The setting sun paints him in an eerie light and Roman’s skin itches with equal parts rage and terror at him, for dragging them out there, for putting out bear traps, for doing all this as pay back for a stupid little prank in a prank war he fucking started--
Remus’s laughter is obnoxious as always and Roman tries not to flinch at the sound of it alone, holding back a white wash of fear with just his force of will.
His other friend is another person that Roman hasn’t seen before-- not that he spends a lot of time getting to know the faces of the delinquents that his brother hangs out with. They’ve got on black jeans and a black T-shirt with one of those reversible sequin designs in the shape of a skull. Their blond hair dances in the last dregs of the evening, even as they pull a leaf from their bangs and yanks their dirty yellow beanie back over their head.
“Holy shit!” Remus says, spitting out dirt from his mouth. “Is that a bear trap?”
“Remus!” Roman whimpers with a tight throat. “This isn’t funny!”
“Au contraire! I left you alone for like five seconds and now you’re in a bear trap!” There’s a glint in Remus’s eyes and Roman recognizes it from those times when Remus climbed too high in the trees back at home, when he stared at a growing flame of a match too long, when he reached across the console and yanked on the steering wheel, screaming Roman’s name--
Roman brain pulses to the point where he can feel it knock against his skull and that hurts almost as much as ankle and he swears he sees stars on the backs of his eyelids and he does not want those to be the last stars he ever sees.
Remus swoops towards him and Roman flinches back, nearly screaming when his leg jostles.
“Chill out, Prince Charmless,” his twin says, rolling his eyes. “I’m gonna get it off. What’s your range of movement?”
“Do not come any closer to me, you asshole!”
“You can’t get that thing off yourself,” Remus says.
“And whose fault is that?” Roman snaps.
Remus freezes, tilting his head slightly to the side. His rat's nest of hair creates an unearthly silhouette as he looks down at Roman, something straight out his Halloween horror films, and Roman bares his teeth in warning. He’s not thinking about how Remus’s foot can stomp down on his injured, trapped leg, he’s not thinking about how there’s no one around for miles, he’s not thinking about how there’s nothing and no one to stop him from straight out fratricide--
“Why am I suddenly getting the feeling you think I know what the flying fuck is going on here?” Remus asks.
“Don’t you?”
“No!” Remus says, delightedly, happily, cheerfully and his voice makes some distant bird caw. “I thought you snapped and took me to the woods to kill me yourself! This is much more boring now that I know I haven’t managed to break your last shreds of sanity.”
“Why would I--”
“This is ridiculous,” Glasses McGee cuts in sharply, adjusting said glasses with their index finger. “We need to remove your foot from that trap now.” They look at Remus and the other person. “Are either of you knowledgeable about the mechanics of bear traps?”
Remus throws two thumbs up, and Roman remembers vaguely a rant from a year or two ago about unethical bear hunting and steel jaw traps and how animals would step in and then lay there for days suffering as their mangled limb held them captive regardless of them trying to chew it off for freedom and oh god he’s going to be sick--
“Roman,” Remus says somewhere beyond the screaming in his head. “Oh shit.” It sounds like he’s far away and distant, or maybe underwater and Roman is drowning. He can’t seem to breathe anymore, like the teeth biting into his ankles had wrapped around his chest and was slowly crushing him.
People are moving around him, faint voices talking and then suddenly burning blinding white hot pain that shoots all the way up to the back of his eyes.
He screams and bites down only to find there’s something in his mouth-- fibers and the unmistakable taste of wool and Roman nearly gags on it. He blinks back the foggy pain and finds that he’s leaning on Remus and Webster Dick-tionary is pressing a multicolored sweatshirt to his leg delicately with the bear trap fully closed a few feet away, tethered to the ground with a heavy metal chain coated in a red paint that makes Roman’s vision sway all over again. The slushie claws back up his throat and he gags.
There’s someone new standing just behind the nerd: a very pretty person in a pretty skirt and headphones with cat ears on them around his neck. The splash of freckles and the round glasses makes them look a bit younger than the rest of them, but that could also be Roman’s brain twisting things around the moment that they wince in sympathy as the nerd prods part of his ankle.
They’re magnificent, Roman decides with a dizzying certainty. They’re the sun in the middle of this dark and dreadful forest, the stars in the night sky, the lighthouse in the storm guiding Roman back from complete devastation with just those shiny eyes behind cracked lens.
The other person, the one in the black skull shirt, Sid from Toy Story come to life, is standing just behind him and Remus, looking on distastefully from a good distance away. It takes Roman a moment to realize he’s biting down on the guy’s beanie, and gross. He spits it out at the same time as the nerd presses too close to where the trap had caught him.
“Son of a Witch!” He hisses. “A dragon witch, a fucking---”
“Oh, boo,” Remus says. “He’s alive.”
“He was not in any immediate danger of dying,” Space Case says firmly. “And isn’t he your brother?”
“Looks like someone is an only child,” Remus says. The person in black reaches out and snatches back his beanie, his entire face curling into some disgusted expression as they hold the part with Roman’s saliva away from themself.
“Wonderful,” they say in deadpan and stuff the beanie in their back pocket.
Roman blinks, struggling to sit up by himself. He scrubs his face trying to get rid of his tears, and buries that boiling humiliation being the center of attention like this. Of course, he has to be grievously injured for anyone to care about him, for anyone to take a moment to look at him, for anything--
Remus lets him go, stretching up and yawning like nothing about this is weird or strange or scary to him.
Part of Roman is reassured by that. Like, of course Remus isn’t terrified out of his mind; what is there to be scared of when he’s the most terrifying thing in a 100 mile radius? When he handcuffed himself to the doors of the city history museum to protest its demolishment even though the wrecking ball was right there, when he wore a mini skirt to school to protest the dress code even though he’d been beat up for less before, when he marched into the Governor’s office when he was refused a meeting about the rescinding of the pollution standards in the the county and laughed in the face of the armed guards that told him to leave.
Remus had an endless supply of guts and determination and Roman had wished for so long that his reckless bravery could be contained, controlled and banished, but now it kinda felt like Remus slipping a familiar jacket over Roman’s shoulders and telling him to relax.
Google.com-- Roman is seriously running out of names for them-- leans in and tears the new holes in Roman’s jeans further-- Roman grimaces at the thought of having to buy another pair to make up for this, but the nerd expertly uses the excess fabric to tie up his wound with a professional precision.
“Alright, Doc Oct,” Remus says while they work. “What is the diagnosis? Amputation? Do I need a body bag?”
“I just said that he was not in danger of dying,” they say, finishing the knot which only causes Roman to grunt a little bit. “And my name is Logan, if you must know. I am not a full medical doctor by any means, but I believe that he will recover fully; the trap broke skin and there will likely be a nasty amount of bruising deep in the muscle tissue, but he will recover in a few weeks of rest. It will probably be best to keep weight off your foot as much as possible.”
“See, drama queen?” Remus says to Roman, shoving his shoulder. “You’re fine.”
Roman gives him double middle fingers for his trouble and tries not to shake too hard with relief. He stares down at his leg, forcing a steady breath through his lungs and out his nose, and wonders with a dizzying amazement how his leg was not only in one piece but recoverable, after all the pain. He isn’t sure that it’s not just the placebo effect of someone saying that everything’s going to be okay, but he wiggles his toes and swears that the pain only wracks his limb moderately this time.
Even closed, the bear trap looked menacingly at them: Roman’s blood on the jaws that were curled into a ghoulish grin, just waiting for someone to get close enough to open and bite down on. He’s not sure how Remus and the Doctor Doolittle-- Logan-- managed to get it off him.
Logan turns and offers the sweater to the person in the skirt. “Ah, sorry, I’m afraid the blood has…”
Roman sucks in another breath at the sight of it: the bright splotchy blobs of red that bled through the pastel tye dye design that would likely never come out and eternally remain a reminder of how Roman put his foot directly in a bear trap like an idiot-- What would he have done if there was no one around? Died? His own stupidity had ruined such a nice piece of clothing and--
“It’s okay!” The angel says with a somewhat cartoonish voice. Roman blinks in surprise at the sweetness of it, tasting sugar even as the words hold over the air. He swears he can envision their I’s dotted with hearts; a soft and kind tone despite the fact that Roman had ruined their sweater. “I’m much more relieved he’s going to be okay!”
“Let’s not get too excited,” Doctor Doom says, causing Roman to stiffen and Remus to glance back curiously towards them. They’re turned away from the rest of the mismatched, miscellaneous group, looking into the trees with a gaze that makes Roman’s stomach roll over and not in any way that is even remotely good.
They glance back at them with an expression something that Roman can only call shifty. Like a snake before it strikes, they’re poised on the balls of their feet, coiled with the power to move at a seconds decision. Untrustable, Undependable, Unkind-- and Roman squares his shoulders just to prove to himself that there isn’t actually a dagger point about to plunge into his back.
The person’s voice is silky smooth, but Roman can’t find it in himself to be jealous when the meaning of the next words hit. “I don’t suppose any of you remember just exactly how we came to be here, do you?”
The woods echo with a strange emptiness, like the trees themselves are holding their breaths. The silence is eerie-- Roman’s never been a forest this quiet. He’s never been anywhere this quiet. The hairs on the back of his neck raise up.
Logan and the shining, shimmering, lovely vision share a look and the former shrugs, occupying their hands with tying their sweater around their waist.
“It’s fuzzy,” they admit, thoughtfully. “I was leaving my dorm...and then…” They grimace, which is downright awful to witness: Roman doesn't think anyone deserves to look so uncomfortable, and certainly not a beauty like them. “...then I was here.”
Logan makes a sour face like he managed to misplace a decimal twenty seven steps back in his math equations. “I was uncharacteristically late to class, but I seem to have some form of amnesia surrounding the hours since then as well; It was just past two.”
Dr. Facilier-turned-teenager turns to Roman, their eyes asking a question they already know the answer to. And part of Roman wants to snarl at them, tell them to knock it off with the creepy aura and better-than-you-expression, explain to them exactly how they ended up all here together because there’s a logical, causal explanation.
But Remus is already laughing. “Oh come on! We were…. What were we doing again?” Remus freezes for a moment, some of the smile leaving his face. “Ro? Where were we…?”
Remus is dressed in another one of his ripped T-shirts, the Save the Turtles one that he wore to that protest a few months ago and when he volunteered to clean up beaches for the weekend. His sleeves are ripped off to show off the endangered Tiger tattoo on his shoulder up to his neck, and his jeans are the recycled ones that he bought second hand and begged Roman to repair rather than buy a new pair and “give his money to the capitalists that are trying to kill us all”.
In comparison, Roman is wearing his letterman jacket, with his name engraved on it that he got for being the announcer for the football team three years in a row. He’s wearing his announcer uniform too-- his hair is styled and his colors are coordinated to the white and red of their school, but Remus never comes to the football games anymore.
Or well, he’s not allowed to come to the games anymore after he stole the tuba from the band players and charged into the field during the game back in their freshman year.
Still he-- remembers… he thinks he remembers... They were in the car together, Remus needed to go somewhere and Roman had to drop him off and then speed off to the game, right? Remus' feet were up on his dashboard, mud flaking off into his freshly cleaned car, his air fresheners weren’t working, they were fighting over the radio, Remus’s hand reached out, latching on to the wheel and a scream--
“Fuck,” Remus says, rubbing the side of his head like Roman had slapped him. “Did you crash our car out here?”
“Me?” Roman says, incredulously.
“Yeah!” Remus says. “Did you get brain damage in the crash too? Are your brains going to fall out? You were the one driving, dumbass.”
“You grabbed my steering wheel!”
Remus snorts. “What? No, I didn’t?”
“Yes you did!”
“No way!”
“Yes way!”
“I wouldn’t get anything out of--”
“Boys!” Skeletar says, clapping to get their attention. “Less arguing, more answering the question.”
Remus looks at Roman and Roman glares right back because he did not crash the car. Between the two of them Remus was more likely to crash a car-- proven from how he totaled their green Ford Fiesta nine months ago and now even around the pounding headache he can still remember the feeling of surprise as Remus’s sporadic movement jumbled through his own, the yank that caused him to lose control, the-- the--
He doesn’t remember what happened after that, but he knows that then Roman had opened his eyes out here, taken a step forward, and nearly lost his foot to a bear trap.
“This is getting us nowhere,” Logan says. “Even if perhaps you happened to have a car around here, that does not explain how the rest of us came to be here. And likely from the events that you are describing the car is not in functional condition-- although I’m unsure how your persons would have come out of such a thing without a few visible injuries…”
“I didn’t crash the car,” Roman says firmly.
“Oh, like you didn’t step into a bear trap?” Remus asks innocently antagonistically.
“Why are there bear traps out here anyway!” Roman hisses. “Isn’t bear hunting or whatever illeg--”
Roman almost doesn’t hear it: it starts so softly and then it raises in pitch and suddenly it's ringing in the air like cracks in the fragile glass silence. He feels his breath disappear right out of his chest, his body tensing and everyone jerks towards the direction the sound comes from, like they’re expecting to see something out there.
Roman remembers hearing people yell at Remus to get out of the way of the wrecking ball, remembers hearing the teachers snap at him to go change into his gym clothes, remembers the armed guard spitting on Remus’s face, his own shouts turning to something just above an animalistic growl when he told Remus to knock it off, you’re making me look bad.
And still he doesn’t remember hearing anything sound so horrified. So desperate. So despondent.
It is the noise that causes Roman to break out in goosebumps, electricity dancing along his skin causing all of his hairs to raise, and himself to find it suddenly very hard to swallow. Roman is scrambling back before he can remember that his foot should not be moving and he bumps into Logan as he does.
It cuts off short and disappears like someone took a pair of scissors to the sound itself, snipping the scream for help away before it reaches the end.
And Roman doesn’t think anyone is breathing anymore. His heart pounds in his chest, waiting for the rest of it.
The trees cast shadows so deep and dark that not even the moonlight will touch them. Somehow without Roman noticing, the temperature had dropped until the air feels like frostbite licking his exposed skin. Roman doesn’t dare move another inch-- doesn’t like the idea of what might happen if he reminds the rest of the world that time is still passing.
“I…” the person in the skull T-shirt says, in a very low, strangled tone. “I don’t think bears are what's being hunted.”
“No,” Roman says, “No.”
“Oh god, I’m gonna be sick,” the person in the skirt says.
“No!” Roman says, throwing out his arms before his thoughts can catch up. “This is not--”
“We need to leave,” Logan says, face pale. “Now.”
“I think I saw a gate,” Remus said, no hint of his unhinged grin. He thumbs the direction that he and Kaa came from. “I pulled the switch but it didn’t open. I thought about climbing but there are no holds and barbed wire around the top--”
“It’s likely lacking a power source then,” Logan says steadily calm and Roman feels like he’s losing his whole goddamned mind. “Let me take a look at--”
“We are not being hunted right now!” Roman blurts out.
The others stare at him for a solid, endless second and Roman’s stomach threatens to crawl up his throat. He waits for them to agree with him, waits for them to laugh and call it a joke, waits for Remus to tell him he’s so easy to scare, come on Ro, did you really think there was a murderer in these woods? This is grade school level effort!
Roman gets the feeling that he’s going to be waiting a very long time.
“Guys,” Roman says, slightly more wobbly than he means it to, slightly more softer than he means it to, slightly more terrified than he means it to. “We aren’t being hunted for sport, right?”
Because-- Because he’s seen horror movies. And he remembers once how Remus poured a bag of popcorn over his head and said that if they were ever in that situation, he’d leave Roman to rot, maybe even toss him to the killer himself, laugh as Roman screamed and begged and cried.
He doesn’t look at his foot. He doesn’t look at his foot and think about how he can’t run. He doesn't look at his foot and realize that they’re going to leave him behind and no one will ever know what happened to him and no one will care--
Remus is suddenly right in front of him, offering a hand right into Romans face. Roman blinks back the burning tears on his cheeks and looks at the limb with a trembling lip.
“Come on,” Remus says. “You’re a little bitch when you ruin your mascara, Ro.”
And Roman tries to articulate the billions of insults he has in his brain, but all that comes out is a whimper as Remus latches on to his wrist and pulls him to his feet. He stumbles the moment that he tries to put weight on his foot, flickers of pain echoing in his brain although it's not nearly as bad as he was expecting. Remus pulls Roman over his shoulder with his injured leg raised between them and all of his weight on Remus’s shoulders.
“I’m not leaving you behind, dumbass,” Remus says.
((Why wouldn’t he?))
“We need to help them,” the person in the skirt, the good and just and wonderful person in a skirt, says suddenly.
“I don’t think they need our help,” Hans Gruber-minus-the-German-accent says. “In fact, I don’t think they need anything, anymore.”
“How could you say that?!”
“Easily,” they respond, shortly.
The person in the skirt is shaking, Roman realizes. They’re shaking and hugging themself and they look slightly green in the face.
“I came from over there,” they say from behind trembling hands. “I-- I didn’t hear anyone else over there but they must have been there and I-- I can’t--”
“They’re dead,” Dr. Jerkyll says clinically, like a surgeon with a knife. “Us rushing towards that area is only going to get us attacked next. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to die, thank you very much.”
“We can’t leave them!” The other argues.
The person in the skull shirt steps towards the other and grabs their upper arm to spin them back to the direction the scream came from. Then with a derisive and terrible sneer, they shove. The cutie in the skirt stumbles forward, nearly face planting on the uneven ground.
“Then you go help them,” they say, with streaks of faint and awful moonlight painting them in a pale halo. They wave back to Logan, Remus and Roman, and Roman feels very much like he doesn’t want to be included in this group all of a sudden. “Don’t drag the rest of us into it.”
“Hey, don’t be a dick!” Roman says, stepping forward and hissing when he places a slight weight on his foot. “What if it were you out there?”
They scoff. “Me? I would never let myself get caught by a psycho murderer in the woods. But if I did, the last thing I would want is my valiant savior to come charging to my rescue and then get slaughtered right beside me like an idiot!”
“I’ll keep that in mind, you slimy snake,” Roman says.
“I bet you will, Hiccup,” they shoot back. “The gate is this way. Try not to step in another bear trap, won’t you?”
“Damn!” Remus says, “You’re a bitch! What’s your opinion on plastic in the sea?”
Roman slaps Remus’s arm and gives him a glare because really? Right now? They’re in the woods, someone just screamed and probably got murdered, they don’t know how to get out, Roman’s injured, and Remus is doing one of his weird flirting attempts.
The person in the skull shirt at least looks slightly thrown by the question, narrowing their eyes and shaking their head as they turn away as if they can brush off the rest of the group. “The sea turtles are dying.” They say blandly, without a hint of actual emotion. “Oh no. Next time I see one I will give my condolences about it’s mother.”
Remus’s mouth pops open for a retort that Roman knows is going to be bad, but before he can get the words out, there’s a loud sound of cracking branches from behind them. Remus drags Roman back from the area, planting himself in front of Roman like some kind of human shield and Roman wobbles, without anything to put his injured leg on.
“Jesus Christ!” A new voice screams, as they trip over a thicket and fall into the clearing.
They move like a blur; barely more than a shadow with the ungodly amount of black they’re wearing. Roman can make out a pale face, dark bangs and terrified eyes, before the scramble back in the ground leaving… leaving smears of deep red on the ground in front of them. Their flashlight goes flying off to Logan’s feet, but they don’t seem to care as much about that as moving away from whatever is behind them.
The air tastes like metal, like copper, and Roman swears the world sways under him. His heartbeat blares in his ears almost louder than the newcomer’s hysterical sobs.
There’s a thud. And another.
And the trees themselves seem to shake and draw from the shadow that takes form. It peels away from the others, massive, hulking and distorted in all the wrong ways: at some point it must have been human, Roman thinks hysterically. It has two legs and two arms and a torso and a head, but it's elongated towering over even Logan at his ridiculous height. Its skin is covered in soot and dirt, layers upon layers to the point where Roman almost thought that it was wearing some kind of leather armor. It has rubber overalls on, strapped...strapped to its body with metal hooks that catch the thin moonlight peeking out of its bulging bare shoulders in a way that looks…looks self mutilated. The patchy ugly skin is healed around the metal, molded to it, absorbing it. In one hand is a cleaver, cobbled together from various metals with an unfinished touch and dripping scarlet all the way down the handle to its massive hands. Roman thinks that with one hand it could easily crush one of their skulls.
But worse than that, than the blood, than the stench coming from the thing, than the bloodlust that's echoing out of it: worse than all that is the mask welded to its face. A pale white skin that nearly glows in the darkness, framed with jagged sharp edges of bladed teeth in a terror inducing smile. Soulless orbs exist where eyes might have once been: now there are empty voids without a human behind them.
In a slow, almost robotic motion, it raises the cleaver in its hand. Blood rolls down the handle onto it’s hand and Roman watches the bulb of red drip down into the grass right between the newcomer’s sneakers.
Oh, Roman thinks suddenly very clearly without any room for a single doubt, This is what death looks like.
“NO!” The person in the skirt screams and suddenly they shove forward and throw themselves in front of the swing of the cleaver. Roman isn’t sure who screams louder at that: him, the person in the skirt, or the person on the ground bleeding out.
His brain is on fire, every atom in him is screaming so loud that he can’t hear his thoughts. His own breath flees his lungs with abandon that Roman’s brain somehow hadn’t gotten because instead of running away he’s running towards the monster. His blood boils in his veins and he pushes through Remus with the sort of reckless abandonment of sanity he never would have thought he’d ever make.
His vision locks onto the kid on the ground and his fingers latch on their left shoulder and he hauls them back.
The air next to his ear whistles as the cleaver misses them by centimeters and the person in the skirt screams as they fall to the side, and specks of something wet and warm and sticky flings through the air like its a water fountain; Roman feels it splatter across his face and his brain heart thuds in his chest.
Remus appears on his other side, grabbing Roman’s hostage by their other arm and they both pull them to their feet, ignoring the way they scream in pain. Their torso drips ruby into the dead grass at their feet and Roman-- Roman--
The hulking monster in front of them gives his cleaver a shake and drags it over its own arm to wipe away the blood, like it's nothing more than a hindrance. It turns its entire body towards the person in the skirt, the gorgeous selfless angel of a person that Roman hasn’t gotten the name of-- of someone he isn't going to get the same of because the abomination raises the cleaver again.
Roman screams because he does not want to watch someone die, please he doesn’t want to be in this nightmare anymore, wake up wake up wakeup--
There’s a brilliant white light that explodes at the last second. Roman himself jerks away from it, but that’s nothing compared to the inhuman howl that the creature makes as it stumbles back to the edge of the forest, covering its beady eyes with its massive hands.
Logan flicks the flashlight off and grabs the person in the skirt by their uninjured arm and looks back at them only briefly with an air of finality.
“RUN!” He says.
And Roman does.
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barsformars · 4 years
How they would ask you out - Yeosang Ver.
req: hey rin, would you be able to write blurbs or scenarios for your ateez florists and how each of them went about asking y/n out on a date please? 
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× Seonghwa° × Hongjoong° × Yunho° × Yeosang° × San° × Mingi° × Wooyoung° × Jongho° ×
sangie 🎮🌻: hey y/n, where r u rn
you : reaching in 5, why
sangie 🎮🌻: can you come 45mins later instead
you : ?????
sangie 🎮 🌻: please 🥺
you : alright.....what are you up to this time.....
you : and you won't dock my pay right
sangie 🎮 🌻: hehet ~
sangie 🎮🌻: nope nope, see u later !!
Well, Yeosang did tell you to report late to work today but there was nowhere else for you to pass time other than the cafe down the road, which you absolutely detested because everything there tasted bad and was overpriced. You decided to take a stroll around the neighbourhood twice before heading to the shop, but it seemed like you were still a little too early.
“Taehyun-ah, what do I do?” Yeosang was pacing up and down along the gacha machines frantically while his younger brother was kneeling on the floor, looking up the dispenser. “y/n’s coming in like fifteen minutes.”
“Hyung, you should have checked the capsule size before you bought it!” Taehyun grumbled as he punched and shook one of the machines, like he was trying to get something out.
“Since when did we change the capsules?” You asked as you stepped into the shop and the both of them snapped their heads towards you at lightning speed, and you watch as they scrambled to hide the gacha machines from your sight.
“You’re early! Haha Ha!” Yeosang’s voice squeaked a little as he exclaimed, faking the enthusiasm. 
You raised an eyebrow at him and crossed your arms in front of your chest, not taking any nonsense from him. Yeosang immediately dropped his head, averting your gaze as he adjusted his beanie. He might be your employer but before that, he was a close friend of yours. And sometimes you seriously think that his shop would have closed down a long time ago if it weren’t for you so you always try your hardest to keep his business alive because you know how much he treasures it.
“Uh….bye y/n, I’ll leave for...uh...s-school now.” Taehyung stuttered as he fled the scene, but not before patting his brother on the shoulder to wish him luck, whispering, “Your plan aside, I really hope you make it home alive tonight, hyung.”
With Taehyun now gone and the machines exposed, you went in for a closer look only to find something interesting. You opened the machine lid and stuck your hand in it, fishing out the new capsule. “Heart-shaped? Really, Sangie?”
“It’s February and Valentine’s coming ri-” Yeosang reached out and snatched the capsule right out of your hands when he sees you trying to open it-”Wait, no!” 
You stare at your now empty hands for a few seconds before squinting your eyes at Yeosang who held the capsule tightly behind his back as he closed the machine, all with a sheepish smile. 
“Ahh….fine.” Yeosang finally gave up trying to hide whatever it was from you and handed the pink plastic capsule back to you, and he definitely failed at hiding how anxious he was too. As you unrolled the piece of paper that was inside the capsule, Yeosang was biting down so hard on his lower lip that it went pale, causing you to scoff playfully at him.
“Oh god, y/n, can you please read it alone? I’m just gonna go prepare to open or something.”
You were so confused as to what was making Yeosang so flustered, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t done anything embarrassing in front of you before. Surely, this wasn’t worth such a huge fuss.
Or not.
The handwritten words on the slip of paper read:
Be my valentine? If yes, please accept your flowers for today.
And you look up from the paper to see Yeosang standing before you, with a bouquet of red camellias in one hand and a loving smile on his face. 
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terrifictomholland · 5 years
lazy days - Tom Holland x reader
word count: 2,1K
warnings: there might be a curse word, other than that it’s pure fluff!
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It was a normal Wednesday, you'd had a rare wednesday off from work and Tom had a few days off between filming. So first chance he got, he and Harry were on a flight home to the UK. When he had come home in the early hours on Tuesday morning, you had been so, so happy, smiling sleepily as he crawled into bed right next to you, pulling you tightly against him, kissing you softly and lazily. Regretfully, neither of you were alert enough to take things any further, also, you had to be up for work in about 2 hours. So you cuddled up, him being the big spoon as you fell back asleep until your alarm had gone off. 
But today, you had woken up next to eachother smiling because you knew you had the whole day together. Just the two of you, and of course Tessa. "Hey darling," he said in a raspy morning voice sending your heart into a frenzy, "morning love," you smiled running your fingers over his new buzzcut. It felt so strange underneath your touch, but somehow it suited him. You were quite jealous of him for that very reason, that no matter the hair style he could pull it off, whilst if you did, you'd end up looking a fool. "How'd you sleep?" he asked leaning into your touch, when he had come and taken off his beanie your jaw had dropped. Out of everything you had expected, a buzzcut wasn't one of them, not so soon anyway. "So good, I always do when you're home, how did you sleep?" you asked scratching your nails over his scalp feeling him shiver, making you smile. "Yeah, there's nothing quite like having you in my arms," he grinned pecking you on the lips making you smile. "What do you wanna do today?" you asked looking into his eyes, seeing those gorgeous brown eyes staring into yours, seeing nothing but love and adoration shining in them. "Just wanna have a lazy day with you, maybe head over to mum and dads for lunch," he shrugged and your heart melted hearing him say that all he wanted to do with his free day was to spend it with you and his family. "Sounds perfect babe, but I think we've got a jealous little princess on our hands," you giggled hearing Tessa whine through your bedroom door. Tom laughed and got up, opening the door to let Tess inside and hop up on the bed seeing her panting and tail wiggle excitedly. "Hi princess," you cooed scratching behind her ears, "oh that felt good didn't it baby?" you smiled seeing her buff her head up wanting more sratches. "Look at you two, my favourite girls all snuggled up," Tom said adoringly, you glanced over seeing him with his phone up and you blushed knowing damn well it would end up on his instagram feed within a few minutes. Tom joined you in bed and Tessa ditched you for Tom's cuddles, which she did rightly so. "Oh look at you my precious princess," he cooed in the absolute cutest voice known to mankind, making you melt on the inside. "How happy are you that daddy's home huh?" you smiled leaning up kissing the top of Tessa's head hearing her let out a happy bark making you giggle. "Look at you, the most spoilt girl known to man," Tom laughed and you both stayed in bed for a little while longer before making your way out of bed and to the bathroom, sharing a shower, taking turns to wash eachother before you got out and bundled up in fluffy towels. "How about a walk and some breakfast?" you suggested knowing that Tess would need to go outside soon, "Oh yeah, that's a fab idea," he brightened up at the suggestion, pecking your lips,  "Yeah?" you smiled seeing him nod. You gently squeezed his shoulder and slipped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, getting ready for your breakfast date. It didn't take long and soon the three of you were out the door, heading for your usual walk in the park. You and Tom holding hands as you let Tess run around in the park, the two of you playing fetch with her. "I'm so happy to be home," Tom said, having you in his arms watching Tess. "It's so good to have you home babe, you make everyday so much more fun even if all we do is mundane and boring stuff," you giggled leaning your head on his shoulder, glancing at him.  You treasured moments like these, where you two could be out on walks in the park with Tessa and no one coming up to bother you or anything. That was the beauty of having him home in your hometown, he could just be Tom and not Tom Holland, international movie star. "Pfft, we never do mundane things," he scoffed making you laugh, "Oh right, like hoovering or doing laundry isn't mundane? Or the dishes?" you teased hearing him laugh, "Fine, those things are mundane," he agreed and you smiled, kissing his cheek. "Do you know what I wanna do?" you asked suddenly, turning to face him, excitement in your voice, "What's that darling?" he asked with a smile at your obvious excitement, "Well, I've been thinking," you started seeing Tom raise and eyebrow, "and Tess is quite lonely sometimes so..how about another dog?" you asked biting your lip nervously. You immediately saw that this was the last thing Tom expected you to say because he was quite surprised. "You wanna get another dog?" he repeated, seeing you nod. "Alright," he said after a couple of minutes mulling it over. "Wait, seriously?" you asked as a huge smile started spreading over your face. You hadn't expected Tom to agree so readily as he did, but you were so happy that he had. "Well yeah, who doesn't love puppies? and Tess is so good with other dogs too and maybe a playmate will be good for her," he explained, "Yeah, I'm thinking the same, she's the bestest girl," you smiled seeing her come running up to the two of you panting happily, dropping and rolling in the grass infront of you. "Did you hear that princess? You're getting a playmate" Tom said excitely going over to her and scratching her belly seeing her bark happily at the attention she got. You smiled seeing your two greatest loves playing together, you pulled up your phone snapping a picture of the two of them. "You hungry?" you asked once he got back to you, taking your hand and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it making you blush, "I could go for breakfast sure," he said, grinning when he saw you blush, happy that he still had that effect on you three years into your relationship. You both got up, calling Tessa over and clipping her lead on, she happily trotted beside you as you made your way into town, to a small café that you always went to for breakfast whenever you could. "Do you wanna drop Tessa off at home or at your parents place before we head over to the dog shelter?" you asked once you were seated and had your breakfast infront of you. "Drop her off at mum and dad's I think, since we're going over there anyways afterwards," he said, having a sip of his tea. "Can't wait to see them," you smiled, digging into your pancakes, "Yeah, I miss them when I'm away, even though Harry often tags along, it's still not the same you know?" he asked and you nodded, "I know babe," you said, tangling your fingers together over the table, he squeeed your hand and you looked at him. "I'm so glad I have you," he said suddenly making you blush, "Because you understand and you get me," he explained making you smile widely, "Well, you get me too honey," you said softly. You did, both of you for that matter. You knew early on in your relationship that for it to last, you needed to be honest with eachother and keep communicating, otherwise your relationship would burn to the ground. Which, it had almost done a few times, based on silly little mistakes, but you had both learnt from them, making sure to talk through everything so that there was no way for miscommunication. "I know, I'm a very lucky man," he smiled and you did too, "I love you," you smiled seeing the smile take over his whole face. It was the smile he had especially for you, his eyes crinkling at the corners and all of his teeth visible with a happy glint in his eyes. That smile knocked the breath right out of your lungs every time. "I love you too darling," he said sweetly. After that the two of you finished your breakfast relatively quick and you tried taking the bill when it came, but Tom was having none of it, saying that he wanted to treat his princess so you let him, this time.   You two decided to walk back to Tom's parents place seeing as how it was about a 5-10 minute walk from your and Tom's place and you dropped off Tessa, telling them that you'd be back later for lunch, but you had something to take care of first. You got in the car, Tom driving (and looking really fucking hot doing so.) over to the dog shelter.   As soon as you walked inside you hid your face in Tom's shoulder, letting out a small squeal, seeing all of the puppies being completely distracted as Tom took over, talking to the woman in the reception. There were so many puppies and dogs and couldn't help  but to coo at all of them. "Tom this is gonna be so hard," you pouted seeing all of the dogs. "Yeah, it is," he said already making heart eyes at some of the dogs. The woman, who's name was Nancy led the two of you further inside of the shelter, "Oh my god," you whispered seeing the different dogs in cages, some simply looking at you inquisitively, some barked and some didn't even bat an eyelash, some of them were jumping up and down, tails wagging. "Has anyone ever gotten all of them?" Tom joked with Nancy, "Well, you're definitely not the first one to ask," she joked back with a warm laugh. "You said you already have a dog at home? What breed is that?" she asked after a moment, "Staffordshire bullterrier, her name's Tessa," Tom said proudly, "Oh lovely! My daughter's got one, absolutely beautiful they are," Nancy gushed making you and Tom grin, sharing a look. "What's it's name?" you asked with a smile, "Lily," Nancy smiled, "that's beautiful," Tom said and she nodded, "Do you have any Staffies here?" you asked looking around, Nancy grinned at you giving you some hope, out of the corner of your eye you saw Tom perk up at the possibility too. "I do, a few," she said and immediately you both knew that's what you wanted. She led the way over to a corner and you squeezed Tom's arm seeing 5 different staffies. Your eyes landed on a small fawn-coloured puppy and you walked over to the cage, kneeling down and putting your hand out, letting the pup sniff it, "Oh hello gorgeous," you cooed when the pup licked your palm excitedly, you felt Tom come up behind you doing the exact same thing as you, "You are such a pretty little thing aren't you?" he asked in a baby-voice making you melt. You glanced at the sign where it said, funnily enough, Peter. You began laughing at the irony of it, Tom noticed you laughing and you pointed at the sign, within seconds he was laughing too. "This is too perfect," he grinned and you could only agree. "We want him," Tom told Nancy who simply smiled and let Peter out of his cage and so you and Tom sat on the floor letting him clamber all over you, sniffing and be inquisitive as to who you were. You took some of the toys from inside his cage playing with him and just getting a feel for him. "You're gonna be a great fit with Tess huh?" Tom cooed, scratching him behind his ears as Peter let out the most adorable little bark. "Yeah, you're gonna be a perfect match," you smiled having a feeling that they'd become really great friends. And this excited you beyond belief, seeing you and Tom expanding your little family, even though it was another animal, it made your heart beat just a little bit faster just thinking about your future when one day you would no doubt expand it with a tiny human.
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
JiBcon 2019
Hi everyone, welcome to my early recollection of the “what the fuck is going on” JiB convention.
So as I hope many of you know I’m Italian, but I live in the North ( lol long live the North y’  all, it’s the best I guarantee, I mean I always miss the north so much every time I leave). Anyway, Rome is like not even an hour flight from when I am so I didn’t even felt the flight nerves because it was over even before I could say: “ fuck I wanna land already!”.
[Listen I have a lot to say, this is going to be real long so get ready]
1ST DAY, 17th May
I arrived in Rome Friday at noon and went straight to my hotel, not the Hilton because.... lol, it was a hotel like 5min away ( but still they charged me 8€ like....yeah alright forgot I’m in Italy, not that surprised).
Took a shower and then went running around the city to see as much as possible since the next two days I wouldn’t be able to. My feet were destroyed btw.
Whatever forgot to eat until I came back to the hotel at 8pm or something, fell into bed and lights out. I say lights out as in I switched off the lights, my eyes were wide open because... FUCKING JIB TOMORROW !!.
2ND DAY, 18th May.
Got up at the healthy time of 6am *groans in Italian* and got ready as best as my trembling hands could. I also tried to curl my hair but the second I got out and on the train, they were already fucked, THANKS ROME HUMIDITY.
Went to meet @purpleskiesandcherrypies in her room and, to quote her: “sHe’s sO ShoRT AnD CuTe “  y’ all. I was already in love ok? Nat babe, I love you and you are my queen ok? 
Anyway, we kept pacing in the room not knowing what to do and repeating that this was a really bad idea and fuck this shit and we are not fucking ready and why did we do this thing to ourselves,  for a couple of stressing minutes,  like two normal healthy people right? and then we were like....we should like.....go downstairs and get our passes right? should we? NOPe....yeah ok, we should. So yeah grabbed the passes and stood in line to enter the con premises. 
So my first thing on the schedule was Jensen Photo Op and like...* nervous laughter* why did I do that to myself? Anyway, Nat had an angel pass so she was in a different line but still beside me for a part of the wait, she went in first and came outside to scream at my face and like....thank you Satan I do not need this??? Then my turn came quickly ( had a Demon pass), too quickly for I was not ready when I entered the room and HE STOOD RIGHT THERE SMILING AND LOOKING FLY AS HELL LIKE AN ASSHOLE. 
Jensen OP: How is it?
first of all, YOU may think you are ready, bitch let me tell ya, YOU FUCKING AIN’T, so don’t even kid yourself, just stay in line and wait for your death, that’s what it is. AND YES, it’s really quick so try to stay focused on him ( LOL SURE ). My turn came and I couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot and I think he saw that because his smile grew and I SWEAR IT WAS CRINKLE CITY RIGHT UP THERE and I almost choked. I mean...he’s TALL OK, and his eyes were darker than I thought but I guess with all the edits of his pictures we see online one can get a very different idea of reality. His BEARD THO, it was lighter than his hair, almost looked red and so full and nicely trimmed, and I was like blinded by his smile because fuck that was bright.Also....Y’ ALL, JENSEN IS SLENDER, he’s so slender, I’m so used to him being in so many layers that seeing him in person and with just a jean shirt was a shock. I must say, Jensen is Jensen and Dean is Dean ( as in physically) I mean, I could tell and I loved it, it changed my grasps on both of them so much.  I tried to calm down to AT LEAST say a couple of words ( I was not expecting much from me honestly) but it went like this: 
me: Hi!
Jensen: Heeey!
me: is just a hug alright?
Jensen: sure thing.
He opened his arms and I just went in ( being respectful to not like lean on him like a leech, but yeah he pulls you closer if he’s in the mood), and oh god he’s warm and soft and smell like sunshine, well I smelled something sweet and spicy but the sweet part could honestly come from all the girls he hugs, in a way you could say he smell like us, lol. Like Nat, I didn’t even see the photographer at all I just look ahead and smiled, I didn’t think to smile, there was no need I was radiant, and I felt his hand covering most on my shoulder.
It was over before I could even realize what the fuck was happening. Anyway, we pulled away slowly enough that my hand lingered on his arm, and yes it was amazing. I said: “thank you so much” probably with tears in my eyes, idk (but  I know myself I probably was ) and he smiled sweetly and said, “no, thank youuu” and I was like.... lol ok I can’t, and went out the room walking on clouds. 
I’m gonna put something to cover my face in case this photo goes around Pinterest or some hell site similar.
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let me tell you, I didn’t notice how tight he held me, but both his arms engulfed me. When I went to get the pic later I almost squealed because, LOOK AT HIS FACE, HE LOOKS SO CUTE AND HAPPY AND I DIED OK, Nat can confirm my freak out.
Anyway, done with that I needed a break, we both did honestly, and we went to sit for the panels. The first one was J2 panel, and awe I was not really ready to see him again, but YAY got my first glimpse of Jared and YEEEES BEARD AND BEANIE, love it.  You’ll all see the Panels everywhere so I’m not gonna be here and tell you everything that they said and did. But Jared talked about his new puppy and Jensen tried to open a bottle of unicorn wine and tried to punch the cork in and drink it ( insert many Italian offended sounds ), then he used heavy Texas accent and said Yeee-haw and I didn’t think I needed to hear that as much as I did, like....YES PLEASE AGAIN.
Anyway panel ended and they exit the stage, and boi Misha came up.
NOW LISTEN, first glimpse at Misha too.....and FUCK HE’S PRETTY OK?, HE’S SO PRETTY HE BLINDED ME DEAD FROM THE STAGE. The crowd just went B-A-L-L-I-S-T-I-C. Lots were leaving because they had Jared op and Jensen auto, and Misha was like: “Where are you, people going? SEND THEM BACK WHEN YOU ARE DONE JARED AND JENSEN!”.  Misha had a red jacket and a dark polo under it, boi I was already sweating.
Misha was his normal inappropriate self as always and I love it every time. Just let Misha be Misha y’ all, because if you don’t he gets in a bad mood, like I think happened the next day. 
Also, next game with friends while watching con’s videos: DRINK every time MISHA SAYS “UM”, OR JARED’S TOUCH HIS HAIR.
happy alcoholic coma y’ all.
I and Nat were not sitting near each other, I was far back but we texted and LOL, something like “what Misha smoked, I want it “ and “ he’s so pretty I wanna cry” and “Misha looks delicious” went back and forth, so everything was going GREAT.
Next, I got the autos from Misha and Jensen. And I wasn’t expecting much because yeah ...they are autos and they go fast. I was pleasantly surprised because you could look at them the whole time you are in line, and it’s a nice view alright. Jensen was already sitting and signing and I was in line for Misha’s, who was not there yet, and fucking surprise bitch, he entered the room and passed right beside me, at arm's length, and .....* takes a deep breath* ...I can’t even begin to describe him, like...I can’t. 
He’s tall, like...it’s true he’s the smallest in height but, fuck he’s still that tall and he’s so??? well??? built??? like....he’s massive and sturdy and like I think he has his own gravity because damn I couldn’t tear my eyes from him. And he was so tan and glowing, and FUCK HIS SMILE WAS SO SOOTHING AND I MELTED. He had a bit of a shadow beard that looked so good. Anyway, I get ready to die because my heart was pounding, I got up to him and same thing as always:
me: Hi Misha.
Misha: Hello! *smile*
me internally: AAAAAAAAH 
He signed with a little heart and gave back the card and he like kept eye contact and I said the weakest “thank you” ever, smiling like an idiot again, probably scrunching my nose because I do that, and he smiled his lopsided smile and winked ( like an asshole because COME ON HOW DARE U DO THAT TO ME). And let me tell you about his eyes. 
Jensen and Jared have real nice eyes, don’t get me wrong, but I found out that they are a bit different from what I had expected, not disappointed because DAMN, but yeah, different. 
Misha’s tho?....pictures don’t make him justice on any level. HE’S STUNNING! STUNNING! His eyes are really that light blue, and in person, they are even more beautiful, breathtaking, I felt like he was staring at my soul.
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Next up was Jensen’s auto, stared the whole line, and UUUUUGH he changed his shirt in a brown t-shirt and you could see all his bracelets and necklace and he looked GOOOOOD. 
Same as before I said “Hello!” and he smiled and said “Hi” while chewing like usual and god he’s cute ok. His auto was a bit faster and I knew I couldn’t say much but I tried while he was signing. I just said “Thank you for everything Jensen” and he smiled while signing and thanked me and then I was floating out the room already.
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Then I and Nat went to have some overpriced salads, which we didn’t even finish because, first of all....we were fangirling too much over ...well, everything, second, not that hungry.
Lunch time’s over, I went to get all the autos available, and I was giddy like a schoolgirl, Rob, Adam and Rich y’ all.
He’s striking, and he’s so sweet and looks so delicate and his voice is so warm and welcoming and I wanted to cry how cute he was. I said Hello Rob, and how he was doing, and then I unblocked and told him I hoped he was having a great time and he got so happy and shiny eyes and said he was having a fantastic time and asked me the same. I wanted to keep talking but again, like Nat’s said you don’t wanna keep the line waiting so I just smiled and say thank you so much and bye. Oh and heart on his sign too.
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He was a treasure and I asked him the same question because hey maybe I finally got the hang of this shit, so they all were having a great time.
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and then, of course, he messed with me. He was so excited and hyperactive he almost made a babbling mess out of me, ALMOST. He asked me from where I was and I said, I’m Italian, and what does this asshole do?, lol tries to speak Italian.
Rich: *in bad Italian*  customization? 
me: ???????
Rich to his handler: how do you say that?
me and his handler trying to spell the word: PERSONALIZZAZIONE. Hilarious. Well, he got the hang of it fairly quickly and gave me back the card, unsigned I was like...?????? 
Rich: you give me that back and ask me.
me: OH  *probably blushing like an idiot* 
Rich: Hello!
me: HI! *hands the card* to Giulia, please?
Rich: Sure love!
me: *giggles like a schoolgirl* thank you! 
Rich: no thank you for the practice!
me: you are welcome 
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I got in line for Jared’s but he was running late and I had his photo Op next, so I got out to get in line for that because it was the last solo one. I thought yeah alright I already broke the ice with Jensen, how worse can this be?
let me tell ya....that bitch that said that right there? LOL, SHE’S AN IDIOT. DON’T LISTEN TO HER...EVER.
Found some girls from my hometown too, lol the world sure is small, we fangirled shamelessly, but I got the feeling one of them was not a Misha fan at all and ...lol nope ok, but they were nice either way.  
Jared OP: how is it?
Again let me tell ya, not fucking ready. I get into the room and Jesus Fucking Christ he looks MAJESTIC, MAJESTIC I tell you. He had a dark blue jacket and a shirt with some flower or something on it, the beard was distracting. He looked in such a good mood, which I was glad, no beanie, which I was also glad ( love it but I wanted that mane free). Anyway, do I need to tell you he’s tall? yeah well, he’s taller than tall. I walked up to him, smiling. AND FUCK THAT WAS A RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. He had some light behind him that shining through his hair made him look like an actual Jesus with a halo, and y’ all I’ve been blessed. His eyes looked so bright, and this strange combination of almost green-hazel created by the lights on his face. and y’ all his beard was so thick and luscious...YES 
me: Hi!
Jared: Hi Sweetie
Me internally  NO NOOOOOO.
Me: Is just a hug alright?
Jared: Absolutely, come here ( or bring it, I’m not sure I was still mentally screaming)
Anyway, the moment he saw me he crunched down, and he crunched down so low that I almost got offended LOL, but I mean I needed to be in the frame right? His hugs are BONE CRUSHING, he hugs you so tight and squeezes too, it almost hurt, felt his bearded chin on my head too, it was amazing.
We both pulled away slowly and as I said “Thank you sooo much “  he slid his hand down my arm and squeezed it, again, almost hurting me, and said “thank you” with the sweetest smile.
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Then we saw the last panels, Misha’s and after Jared’s that closed the day.
Nat and I went on a food and alcohol mission to the Spanish steps and then threw our coins in the Trevi fountains so we can get back next year too. Got to chat more, got roasted about my late car and my new one, like.... thanks Nat, love ya too. Took a taxi back because lol Italian transports ...are AmAziNG, and then shower and crashed the bed at like 1 am?
3RD DAY, 19th May
...Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy...
got my pass and I’m out the door, I’m gonna hit the JiBcon.
Before I leave, pack my suitcase and all of my shit
‘cause when I leave for the Hilton I ain’t coming back.
Reaching Nat again and she’s freaking out about the Jensen M&G, which I’m like...LOL CAN’T RELATE.
First Panel is Jared’s and he’s gracious and funny as always, but also he said that for him it was 2am and jet lag was starting to hit hard. Nat went to take her Op and she wrote to me that Misha was wearing a leather jacket and a Kiss t-shirt and LISTEN CAN HE NOT? Anyway, Jared’s panel ended and I made my way to take Misha’op and, oh boi the line started right where he was gonna walk by to get to the room and I was first row. So he passed by and , like the dumb fangirl I am I stick out my hand, and YA WE HELD HANDS FOR A HOT SECOND and it was great, 10/10 would do again. ( Nat roasted my ass again ).
I was in line and I noticed that I would lose Alex and Matt’s autos, but I couldn’t get out Misha’s op because the other one was at the same time as Jared autos, which I couldn’t lose because the next one was during the Cockles’ panel and I’m not losing that shit. 
Misha’s OP: How is it?
Ok, I could write you papers about how damn pretty Misha is. I’m almost sad that photos don’t really make him justice, I guess machines can’t handle all that beauty. And although he looked like a snac, he also seemed tired, so I was already like....aw shit. I get into the photo space and he looks like he’s in a good mood anyway, and I can’t stop staring and smiling like an idiot as he takes all the photos, I mean I was standing where he had to look for the picture but it also looked like he was looking at me ( shut up, let me dream), anyway eye contact again, it was magical. Until it was my turn.
I walked up to him and .....LOL.
I didn’t know where to focus. He’s massive, I didn’t know where his fucking chest stopped and his face is also big and wide and those eyes that pierce through you? well, I was lucky that I managed to babble something. 
Now, this is where it gets a little ... well, you’ll see.
Misha: Hello!
me: Hi Misha! ( probably in a tiny squeaky voice, because ...Misha) Is a hug alright? ( I went with the same formula because I know it’s alright, but asking if it is,  seems like the polite thing to do, like asking for consent)
Misha: Yep
and then he wrapped me and I’m like, this is great, he smells so good, like spicy and very manly but also fresh, so it was not overwhelming. Then, again leaning back to thank him and he nodded, winked and all his face scrunched and again that cute crooked smile. So I was like, ok he looked tired but he seemed still in a good mood. But then I got hand on my photo and ...I mean, not gonna lie I was a bit bummed out because he’s not really smiling. So I was giving myself a headache thinking if I did or said something wrong, and I know I didn’t but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I didn't look at the photo for some time until I let Nat see it. And yeah, while he may not be smiling that much, he still looked soft, we both came to the conclusion, also because we saw more pics of the same session, he wasn’t hardcore smiling the whole time. Then we saw more of the Jensen’s photo of this last day and he too isn’t smiling in all of them, I mean, they all looked so tired. 
To joke about it , just to make me feel a bit better and less bitter ( because I have no reason to be, they tired and they are entitled to be tired, I’m just thankful that they were there), I said that I thought I was getting a Misha OP and instead I got a Castiel’s one, like: why is Castiel here? Did another French Mistake happen? which....yeah fair.
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The last thing I needed to get was Jared’s auto. So I went to get in line really early because I had nothing else to do and the room was FREEZING, I suspected because of Jared, which I get it, I prefer to be cold than hot and sweaty since I’m like him a sweat a lot with minimum effort. 
Again they let us in before Jared arrived so we were all standing in line when he walked in. And AGAIN, walked right beside me, and I saw people respecting boundaries and staying put in their spot, but some just raised their hands and Jared gladly high-fived people who wanted, so who am I to deny that to myself?. So I shoved my shyness aside and timidly raised my hand too. But lol I’m short af so he had to bend a bit for me so I would not step forward ( bodyguards were strict as they should )  and we smacked hands with a really nice “CLAP”. It was amazing, and yes he smiled again, Jared was in a really good mood all con and I’m glad he was having a good time ( at least that’s the impression I had). Jared wore a dark green plaid shirt and a black t-shirt, black jeans and black beanie and he looked the softest boi ever.
Anyway, my turn to get my auto and I went in slow because I wanted to at least say a few words, and I did.
Jared: Hi!
me: Hi Jared! How are you?
Jared: I’m awesome, thank you, and how are you?
me: I’m great. Thank you for everything.
Jared with his sweet puppy eyes, and beanie, and a soft sweet warm smile just stared at me for a quick second and mouthed the sweetest “thank you”, lightly touching his chest. I smiled and nodded and went on my merry way outside the room, AND THEN I DIED.
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So at this point, I had finished, I waited for Nat while watching in awe my autos collection 
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Before the last panels, I managed to get lots of glimpses of everyone again. Jensen as he got out the m&g room, and then all of the cast as they walked out to get the group picture with the Jib10 people. Then it was time for the panels. Jason played and sang for us as we waited for Jared and Misha panel, and I mean...Boy’s got a real fucking nice voice live, I recorded two songs, Stand by Me and Perfect Spot. 
And then the panel started.
GOD THIS PANEL. I had tears from laughing. Misha run out the room, Jared followed him, and the bodyguards running after them panicking. I CAN’T. And then Misha did some accents and I died again ( drink every time I wrote I died). Jared was on FIRE.
OH, before I forget, I laugh like Jensen, the leaning back laugh. Yeah I do, it’s great, never noticed like that before, I mean I’m Italian so I move a lot when I talk, it makes sense that when I burst into a laugh, I laugh with my whole body, so now y’ all know.
Matt and Alex's panel was also really nice. I finally got to see some Alex! He’s so cute, he’s a treasure, I love him so much and ...he’s so different from Jack like you can’t confuse them AT ALL. I wish him the best. ( Also he said that Lord Tyrion will surpass him in popularity and I agree ).
Then the long wait for the Cockles panel. Nervewracking becasue Nat needed to go take her flight and I was wishing she could at least get a glimpse of them before leaving. Well, we all know how that panel went anyway.
I got out for a couple of minutes to say goodbye with Nat and I wanted to cry becasue she’s the sweetest and I love her and she deserves the best. We didn’t say goodbye but a “see you”, that’s what we hope. 
and ...that’s all folks!
If you have questions, maybe I missed something, ASK AWAY.
for now, this is the post, maybe I’ll edit it when more things came to mind.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale 3.13 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Jughead sleeping through the aroma of food? Mmhmmm I don’t buy it.
- If you have to get baptized, at least make sure it’s for a CHURCH. Otherwise… Issa cult, Alice…
- VERONICA MY BABY!!! But didn’t she fucking move out of the Pembrooke? When the FUCK did she move back in?
- Honestly this Hiram shit needs to end. It’s so annoying and it’s been going on for so long that it’s getting so fucking boring. Like, give V another fucking storyline. Like, I don’t know, EXPLORING HER BISEXUALITY. EXPLORING HER CAREER AS FUCKING ANYTHING. She wanted to stick up to her father by not becoming a mob crime boss like him but now… fUCK JUST LET MY GIRL LIVE LIKE SHE WANTS TO.
- ARCHOSIE ❤️❤️❤️
-  “You are sweeter than a strawberry milkshake, Arch, but—” B I T C H THEY FUCKING OWN ME.
- What makes me sad though is we’ve never really seen Archie THIS happy? Like yeah he’s really really happy when he’s with Betty (and vise versa, she’s never as happy as she is with Archie) but like… he just radiates love and I just—my Barchie heart is cONFUSED
-  “Well, almost everything else.” Hi, yes, again… THEY OWN ME. “Yeah, well, don’t go messing up that pretty face, Andrews. It’s growing on me.”
- Although I feel so bad for Sweet Pea because Swosie broke up because Josie wanted to focus on her career and now she’s about to get into a relationship with Archie.
- Poor Betty, she sees her mother slipping into the cult more and more and she can’t do anything about it. But, to be fair, Betty, you have cut her out a lot too so hopefully after this stupid boring cult shit is over, you can actually get close with your mom again.
- Why are Swangs surprised they lost eight more to the Pretty Poisons? The South Side Serpents, until recently, made the women pole dance for ugly, disgusting old men to get in so like… I would have left, too.
- Ignoring the fact of Jughead trying to use Toni to get his numbers back… Sweet Pea looks hella fucking good in that yellow shirt.
- I like how Archie and Tom are boxing together, it’s so sweet! But that boy needs to listen to him because he has more boxing knowledge but I know he ends up getting into a fight so what the fuck do I know 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
- I love Tom Keller and he needs more screen time goodbye
- If Veronica is against what her stupid father is doing… why not just give Gladys information on what he’s doing? Gladys is an annoying bitch too but she does have you and your mom under her command so like…
- Archie… I try to protect you from the “Archie is so stupid” posts but you’re going up against this guy without realizing that there’s ulterior motives just because you want to feel powerful again. Please for the love of GOD find another way 😩😩😩
- Have to admit though, Elio’s good at manipulating… and his voice is kinda hot. And the actor is cute. BUT STILL ELIO CAN GO FUCK A DUCK
- But we all know Archie isn’t gonna let himself lose the fight lmao someone’s gonna tell him they’re excited to see him fight and he’ll wanna make them proud so now he’s going to get into trouble… did he just ask to get the money first? BABY THAT’S NOT HOW THAT SHIT WORKS.
- Veronica I love you, and I’m glad helping your family is still your goal, but last time you told him that he literally told you “no” and was being a big bitch about it.
- Oh poor Veronica… the look she gave her father when she realized he’d rather do illegal shit than legal, she looked so sad!!!
- “Make me queen” YES TONI TELL HIM. Betty does NOTHING for the Serpents, and this is Toni’s BIRTHRIGHT. She has always tried to get the Serpent dance outlawed because it’s sexist and stupid, but she never really needed a reason to lead—Jughead wasn’t a stupid little bitch, but now he’s ruining all that the Serpent’s are about so now she has every reason to becoming the leader of the Serpents.
- “You’re Cheryl’s vanity project, you mean” Jughead says as if he didn’t call out Betty in season one for viewing him as that as well lmaooooooooooooo
- She’s right though about the Serpents being a family. Jughead has ruined every good thing about it, and he NEEDS to give her her rightful place because he is a scrawny, annoying white little bitch and she is literally directly from the Uktena bloodline.
- It’s so obvious when Betty isn’t interested in something. She even did it with Jughead when he was complaining about the drive in being shut down. I don’t know how nobody seems to catch it but oh well nothing about Riverdale is realistic so what the fuck ever
- Cheryl teaching the Poisons to shoot a bow I’m—YES BITCH
- CHONI MY LOVESSS! I can’t tell whether I’m happy or sad about how Cheryl can immediately tell if Toni is off after kissing her. ALSO CHERYL CALLED TONI HER TREASURE GOODBYE
-  oh no I’m getting closer to the scene I’m going to despise with every fiber of my being… but also I know Cheryl is new to relationships and conversing with other people (I don’t know how to word it okay) but how does she get doing THAT out of Toni saying “I’M gonna put Jughead in his place” like??? CHERYL LET HER DO IT HERSELF :(((
- First of all… SWEET PEA NOR FANGS ARE SEXIST. I mean, of course right there in this scene they’re acting like it but we all know they aren’t? RAS and the writers were on major fucking crack apparently and just erased everything we know about these two sweet boys. Even Alex said that it was ooc! I’m so fucking pissed about it.
- But, also, Cheryl wasn’t doing that because they were being sexist. She went there because she was already planning on beating them up, which is an even bigger no and so ooc. Cheryl is more into fire, so instead she could have like burned down Jughead’s trailer instead of attacking Jughead’s lapdogs.
- FUCK YEAH JOSIE TELL HIM. I’m still peeved at what she did to Veronica for like no reason but like… I love her. I love her and Archie. They’re HEALTHY AND CUTE AND JUST—UGH!!!! My Barchie heart is once again screaming and confused
- “You’re worth more than that” It’s sad that we KNOW Betty would tell him this too but they never interact anymore :( I miss the cute window scenes that proved they were endgame sIGH
-  LMAO WAIT SO YOU’RE TELLING ME YOU’RE JUST NOW TELLING YOUR “BEST FRIEND” ABOUT YOUR MOTHER BEING IN A CULT, ABOUT THE FARM BEING A CULT? Bitch… this is why we all know Betty has no friends anymore. She’s too close to Jughead and has pretty much pushed everyone else away. Toxic relationships do that… just saying.
- Why did Betty have no emotion when she asked Kevin why he wasn’t going to help her? Like, when you get sad your eyebrows tend to either go down and in, or like slant up (I know I’m not making sense okay but just google pictures of sad people and you’ll see what I’m talking about) and your lip kinda puffs out but she just ._. ???
- It’s really really bad that he’s about to join the farm but he does have a point though she does see the bad in everybody…
-  The Ghoulies are crazy and you guys KNOW THIS. The G&G bitches are just wannabe cunts who are probably brainwashed or some shit. Stop changing what you know for your crooked mother you beanie baby
- “They just need someone to lead them—I can be that!” JUGHEAD YOU CAN BARELY RUN “YOUR” OWN GANG SKSKSKSKKSS WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN RUN THE GHOULIES TOO (also where the fuck is Malachai???) THE GHOULIES WOULD LEGIT TEAR YOU APART. Now that I think about it… let them come. They destroy Jughead and Sweet Pea and Fangs will leave. PERFECT
- FP KNOWS SHE’S STIRRING SHIT. Jughead has missed her, and doesn’t know her as well as FP does, so he’s more vulnerable to manipulation (even though he’s a dumbass in the first place), so hopefully FP stops this shit before its too late (but knowing Riverdale it’ll be too late)
- You know you COULD just give Toni her rightful place as Serpent Queen and everybody will come back and the Poisons in join as well, but you’re a stupid dumbass. Actually, I know Archie does stupid shit but at least he does it out of the good of his previously innocent heart… can Jughead take the dumbass title now?
- Lol The Lodge’s get to have dinner with their daughter’s future mother in law!
- Verne? I thought most of the Ghoulies despite Malachai were like ugly and shit but uhh…
- Damn well there goes my hope that that one clip from the trailer that looked like it was in a sewer was Joaquin who Swangs had actually helped save :(
-  I wanna know what fucking costume shop is selling those on-point gargoyle masks like—
- WAIT BITCH THAT’S JONATHAN WHITESELL I FUCKING LOVE HIM!!!! He’s so cute uGH FUCK. Next ep he drops my boy Fangs tho :(
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- So since every word that seems to come out of Jughead’s mouth makes me want to fucking slap the shit out of him… how has nobody fucking went at him or even killed him like it’s just not realistic lmaoo
-  “You were right” mmhm Tom is going to be like “fuck… you’re so stupid but I like you so I’m going to help you” isn’t he
- YUP! We love a good father. Even tho his son is joining a cult because his second boyfriend left him.
- That smile Hiram did… he so fucking knows Veronica and Gladys are working together lol
- Would the farm really bug phone calls? They’re not that big and cool are they? Like damn… okay…
-  Wow Jughead is actually shaken from that encounter… that struck me for some reason holy fuck
- I feel so bad for Betty.
- Josie singing in the background while Archie fights? CINEMATIC EXCELLENCE!
-  But hasn’t Betty never been to the farm? How does she know where it is?
- I know this isn’t the greatest time to say this while all of this is going on but the episodes are much better when Bughead isn’t together twenty four seven… just saying. Like this episode still was ehhh but like… it would have been much worse if Betty and Jughead were joined at the hip like always
- Josie showed up my hEART
- So like where are Polly’s babies tho lol
- So… Polly can help drag her out of the tub but not help or care that she just killed her mother? Okay. Makes total sense…
- Also people saying that it was all Veronica who wanted to fuck when they were hurt or whatever (at bad times)… Archie wanted this so now people can stop blaming Veronica thank you and goodbye
- Wow I actually feel really bad for Betty…
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12x14 watching notes
this show normally never makes me cry except that 1 episode in season 7, but god dammit Berens got me TWICE I’m disowning him
Expectations - it's the 14th episode of the season. (This isn't snark, have you ever gone back and looked at the 14th episode of the season since, say, oh, season 9? Talk about a winning streak you don't want to break :P)
I woke up with a migraine which is getting worse after being up for like... half an hour... so I'm just launching straight into watching it before today is totally ruined.
At this point from the recap I genuinely can't tell if there's a meta point to make about Dean as a killer and vampires, or you can't recap it without implying it because vampires are just that tied to Dean's identity as a hunter/killer
- or, well, that arc that Buckleming anvil'd Mary onto last episode where Ketch told her SHE was a killer. 
For what it's worth, they picked 1x20 and 6x05/6x07 to use the most of instead of the sympathetic vamps from later. NOT any of the Gordon stuff visibly on screen. Missed the boat on using "see you next season" in the recap. Anyway, lots of reminders of vampires as a monster; the Twilight knock off vampires, the alpha vamp because duh but in his season 6, not 7, iteration, and of course mixed with Dean's reaction to vampires, him saying it gets funnier every time, and reminders of the time Dean WAS a vampire, to make it Dean-focused.
I guess Ketch using the rocket launcher was so expensive they're always gonna show it and you know what if every episode for the rest of the season starts with Cas staring down that explosion I'm all for it. Anyway, reminder that they blast vampires with radiation, which I'm sure won't cause any problems this episode, and a recap of why we don't trust them.
Season 1 Colt recapping - it's kind of terrifying to see tiny season 1 Sam n Dean on screen when you're not prepared for it at this point. It's like looking at their own children or something. John continues not existing in the narrative except for a faceless appearance of his arm handing the Colt to Dean. It's significant that vampires were the first reason to use the Colt, that John then gave it to Dean the episode after and passed on the revenge arc to him, and that Dean then used it to fulfil it. We also see Dean pointing it AT "John" in 1x22 and Sam failing to shoot Azazel in 1x21, and MARY'S repeat of of the "There's only 5 things in creation it can't kill" which blurs her, Samuel and Lucifer nicely >.>
Then of course the horror of 1x01 on screen (AAAH SMOLLEST WINCHESTERS) "You think Mom would have wanted this for us?" Sam asks, cut immediately to Mary like "Nothing comes before my family" before the only 3 lines you need from 12x13 about their argument re: Sam and Dean being a little suspicious of her and then Mary being like "hi you need to be a lot susicious of me".
The Margikugel beer is in pride of place in this shot
"Just hear me out." "Wow... Just, wow." Oh no, there Dean goes, freezing her out like he said they had in the promo from slightly later in the episode >.>
This angle on the war room table always makes it look like a coffin.
Mary makes some defences that she's aware that the BMoL kinda suck and Sam cuts into that with "When." Mary answers with exactly what he wanted to hear which was "exactly how much has this already screwed us over" so she phrases her answer by measuring time with common era as "the lake house" which I'm pretty sure was that time travel romance with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.
Mmmokay Dean uses "Cas almost died" against Mary and I've decided that's something I really hoped would happen but now I heard it it just feels terrible :P Like, it's weighing their stock against each other and Cas obviously outweighs Mary on found family points in almost infinite supply and now Mary's being tested not on abstract family love from blood ties, but the gritty stuff, and... yeah. Looks bad, Mary. Cas is their most treasured family for like however many years before you come back and then you get him hurt >.>
Oh and then Sam's like "a hunter died" I mean talk about the personal with Cas and Dean vs impersonal with Sam and some other perspective thing they do *all* the time. Is that like, the star example now?
"I watch him die every night" YOu weren't even theeeere
(Also Wally was married apparently... yikes. Piling on the angst.)
"Good." Oh dear, that's the "You're dead to me" look. Mary probably shouldn't start cataloguing these looks to chide Dean about...
[title card]
Ooh is this like the Campbell's compound? Looks like Mary's gone dark, literally, wearing her dark beanie hat and Mary-sized version of Ketch's going around killing things suit. I wonder if they also give her fancy tailored suits for their down time. Anyway I have no idea why the BMoL have access to such a thing - you'd have to assume they have internal help here, Muggle proofing if not, or are ready to deal with the problems of randomly making an armed compound in the wilderness in America.
Or they're on a remote industrial estate in Northumberland.
TBH if they're just bribing local authorities to look the other way while creating a massive armed compound full of foreigners I wouldn't actually be that surprised.
More random egg shaped BMoL devices. Some BMoL version of Q really has a thing for that shape. "Gonna spray paint it gold." "WHY. What about stealth?" "They ain't gonna need stealth with whatever this egg thingy does"
Mary and Ketch both space out remembering what the gold whistling egg thingy did. Ketch looks slightly turned on. Mary looks like she's having a bit of fridge horror about what her job currently involves. It definitely feels like she's washed up in a dystopian future and I think we should be treating her POV on it like "time traveller to the far flung future where everything is awful" and not like any continuation of the world she used to know >.>
Ah they're living in shipping containers. This is now definitely the Doctor Who vibe I got from the promo and didn't want to mention anything about because Tumblr vs Doctor Who these days, but shh I'm both nostalgic for RTD era and British, okay. It looks like those episodes where they just show up on a research base on some planet/under the sea/in space which is a bunch of shipping containers bolted together, with a high tech interior, and then shit goes down on the tiny enclosed shipping containers, with a great cast of random one off characters who usually get eaten >.>
Also this means the BMoL basically just shipped over a base and plonked it in the American wilderness and have a sort of razor wire over the fence keeping the monsters out mentality about it. They've seen just enough Doctor Who (it's a national passtime) to know what to do here, and America is all full of ikky monsters, and should definitely be treated like a hostile alien environment.
I suppose this is their "embassy" for their diplomatic mission and I am rabidly curious about how it looks to the locals, because the Campbell compound at least had that American survivalist weirdoes feel to it, where you kinda know there's a strange local family on their huge compound out of town and they all have guns but you just... don't ask questions and hope they're only waiting for the Rapture or something.
So it turns out Ketch is a total dick. Surpriiise. I hope Serena kills him and survives the episode. "I have three phds" - she's the hyper competent one who in Doctor Who would probably end up being the only one knowing how to press some button and stay behind to save everyone and get ejected into space or something. Or be the only survivor because she's smart and the Doctor appreciates her :P I have no idea why I'm making this into Dr Who cross over territory but I'm just waiting for the other personnel here to fit some of the usual tropes.
Mary in a tank toooop
Surprise surprise it's Dean she's been texting and is morosely checking her phone about instead of Sam, but if she tried him, the other promo video showed that he's attempting to make peace. Winchesters, I swear. *shakes head*
They do all look good in tank tops though
OH NO more conversation.
"Our whole lives, you've been GONE" Oh DEAN this is... the kind of stuff I have been expecting/wishing they'd say to Mary and it's so terrible that they CAN'T COMMUNICATE so it takes something so ridiculously messed up to make them talk about something like this.
They're FINALLY telling each other how hard it has been to deal with being back/having her back... and because they left it so long, it's all fucked up :(
*sits here misery-eating an apple* I might have go to get the giant box of waffles downstairs and eat them if it gets any worse than "How about for once you try and be a mom!?" "I am your mother!" (so they have 2 different definitions of this - Dean wants her to ACT like it, she's using it like a title, and to HER that has all that complicated and REAL love but it's all so abstract from what Dean WANTS and AAAH) "But I am NOT just a 'mom'" And that's all I wanted out of this season but it's so painful I just wanna find the receipt and return it :P "And you are not a child" "I never was" bonus thing I only hoped in my wildest dreams we'd get out of the season but I feel like every single Dean!girl just took a critical hit and is laying on the floor in agony...
brb finding the floor
"between us and them" "yeah MARY it is" 
oh great she's not "mom" any more with the title to Dean... 
"and you made your choice"
I can't believe there's actually a scene worse than 6x20's confrontation out there like how does that even happen
Oh Sam, sitting here watching all that while Dean speaks for the both of you :S
But he gets up and follows Dean
"You should go" It's more neutral, not judging her per say but obviously she can't be here while Dean has told her to leave and Sam can't take her side, he can just... not intentionally cast her out.
The stuff between him and Mary is stuff from the past - the stuff from 4x03. The stuff between DEAN and Mary is his early childhood vs what's going on NOW. Sam and Mary stuff is being dealt with another way - this is the Dean part of the arc and Sam has to give up his mother for it
Argh >.>
Well that was horrible but I really appreciate the BMoL compound set.
"We already have the best Winchester"
I have a pretty compelling argument for all 3 of the others (the third being Cas :P)
Obviously they did not see the footage of Dean in Purgatory
Or any time Sam does the shoulders thing
I mean Mary's great and all but... we've seen 12 years of Sam and Dean being incredible hunters so it's a bad argument to the audience :P
Ketch and Mick do have an interesting dynamic, I'll give them that. Mick made Ketch kinda smile. Mick's happy at his desk job. Please let him get menaced by a vampire and scream a lot. It's all I ask for after that heartbreak. Lighthearted goofy vampire episode.
(Okay Berens is like, angst central. I think he couldn't write goofy if he tried but that's not why we love him :P)
Anyway someone higher up wants Sam and Dean recruited - right when the whole Mary thing seems to have cut ties forever and lost all chance they'd EVER consider it since it's now the face of Betrayal and Families Being Shattered and all.
I guess 12x06 establishes that the Winchesters are semi-legendary themselves (although a very dubious look from Dean about the stories told about him) and Wally also seemed to idolise Dean in that diner scene. It's a fair chance the BMoL "Old Men" are right about this re: other hunters. Unlike Cas and his actions getting him kicked out of Heaven and losing all social standing with the angels, one way or another the Winchesters seem to have scraped by as admired figures in their community. Mom Winchester is not well-known and the Campbells lost all cred years ago after most of them were murdered by Azazel's lot and later Samuel's little group also ended up all dying and getting a lot of their hunters killed (6x07, which no one seems to remember or watch but DOES introduce alpha vamp so it's on my mind)... Not sure anyone knows them.
Okay Sam's fucking around with the rings on the table but he's assembled them in such a way they look like a kid's toy - that one where you stack all the rings. Sam seems like he barely moved since the Mary thing, still being at the Conflict Table. Dean stormed off but now he's stormed back and this is the promo scene, so let's pay much closer attention to the words now I know the context...
Ugh Dean not dealing. He just wants something to hit. While wearing that red shirt of his Mark of Cain murdery moments (10x10, 10x17)
What even IS Sam doing on his laptop if he isn't finding cases. 
Youtube. Happy dog videos.
"Do you want to talk about it" "Not really." *starts talking about it unprompted*
Dean's stewed on it, Sam has got all philosophical about it, once again putting his own feelings to the side to think about how Mary feels. "She must have had a good reason" Argh he's just... so good... I love him.. This episode is making me love all the Winchesters (Mary included) more than I thought possible. I am in paaain.
I'm totally gone on this family. I love them.
"For once why don't you pick a side?" FINALLY we see what Sam was hiding on his phone - that he's been staring sadly at all the messages from Mary. Who is not saved as "mom" in his phone as she was in Dean's, right? I should go check that.
oh god she was in 12x04, when Dean was still asking if it was weird to call her mom or not
and then he called her "mary" cold as anything
*I* need a drink
(went and got chilli hot chocolate)
Anyway yeah the trouble with telling someone to pick a side is that they may pick the one you don't want and Sam's last message from Mary was that she had urgent business to meet him, while Mary's last text to Dean was just that she wanted to talk to him in a way that was still clearly about the fight. "urgent" implies new developments, a reason to go... Does she KNOW that the BMoL want to snare her sons or is she walking into it by just wanting to reconcile?
Sam goes to at least give the other side a chance, even if he's not picking it.
Also is he driving a rental car. It doesn't look so much like the car Soulless Sam had but it's certainly not the junkers and stolen cars and vans Sam's used before.
Also did she just go and give Sam the address of this place??? Not even meeting at a diner or something? I suppose it is a cool set.
Sam gives the compound a weird look like "wtf" as a sort of incidental moment when Mary references it
Anyway ARGH Mary telling him she's working with the BMoL so that there's a world without monsters - the magical endgame where the world is totally normal (but how do you stop witches and ghosts and all the stuff that happens in a world which is not like "Our" one in the French Mistake, where no magic at all happened... you'll ALWAYS need hunters) if she doesn't want to be JUST their apple pie mom, but to be a hunter too, she's taking away her OWN way of living in an attempt to save them from their version of normal life
That Sam says he's chosen. Argh, after all that waffling about whether he wanted to, or that he was only doing it because Dean is... I think when he gets to Mary saying that, suggesting a world where it's not their life and no chance of going back... Maybe he really feels it for the first time? 
(”Normal life” ignoring, of course, ghosts and the fact unless you turn off magic and delete Heaven and Hell, there will ALWAYS be shit going on... Seasons 1-2 are the "normal" baseline type of this world, minus the extra demon activity attempting to destabilise it. And Sam and Dean mostly worked on ghosts, magic, and generic monsters, in a way that these things were just a part of the background of the world. Stuff like Provenance or Bloody Mary or Asylum were cases deeply rooted in their own history and with a long story behind them before the Winchesters stumbled into them, stuff John had been keeping notes on for years without tackling it, or had collected only half the picture. Or stuff which had been out in the world and would always have surfaced and kept on killing people if hunters hadn't helped. Stuff like that, you can't stop just by obliterating all the vampires. Monsters were isolated and stuff like the wendigo *takes a shot* were the sort of thing that just sort of happens, a horrible natural phenomenon along the lines of ghosts being created...)
I do wonder with Mary saying they can have normal lives, how much 2x20 is haunting this entire season as well, because the entire burden there that turned Dean to go save himself and go back to the shitty world where he was a hunter, was to hunt and save people. He even gave up being with Mary and Sam who was happy and with Jess and safe from the whole demon blood arc, because people had DIED. But Mary's djinn dream I think would be eerily similar to that one - one where the responsibility was off them and they could be themselves but not hunters. It's interesting to look at what she wishes - or the one that's been planted in her head, because she is echoing the "world without monsters" thing... She too has hunting in her blood and 12x06 showed that too, that she never could give it up. She's been paralleled to Dean a lot with that, and 2x20 is the episode where Dean is finally after wanting to give up all of season 2, brought to a point of decision and commits to, I guess, being a hunter for life and giving up that normal world where everyone's happy and at peace.
Same decision from season 5/6 - that "peace or freedom" talk Dean and Cas had.
Now it's Mary's turn to go through the same arc. She's going for, essentially, something we can parallel to the Archangels and their idea of paradise where everything is perfect. Dean kept talking about it being "stepford" then...
Oh noooo she brought up Sam going to school oh noooo
Why is every line in this dang episode just pure pain
where are my goofy vampires
"You've got to understand, things are going to change" Yeah, their plans are already underway and the threat is not going to be stopped by JUST talking Mary out of helping them. Have you seen the compound?
Uhoh Sam and Mary are walking in step. He's like... so much more leg than her
And Mary shows Sam the control room so he can SEE that the BMoL are already deeply underway with their thing.
Since he and Dean are separated the vibes I'm getting are 9x17 (maybe because Mittens was talking about it yesterday) but because at the end of that having seen Abaddon's soul mining operation, Sam comes back and sits with Dean and is way more onboard with taking her down than before and it unites them... Not saying that will happen here (more likely it will be subverted some way) but Sam's getting a peek behind the curtain at what the bad guys are up to while Dean's off drinking and moping around (see also, 10x17 although that time Sam was actively trying to save Dean while he was drinking also we now have at least 3 episodes were Sam and Dean were separated and the main reason given was that Dean was off drinking, this is getting PAINFUL)
"The Brits talk like they're roughing it" yeah you can't get the right fuckin' tea in America, you have to bring all your own teabags and then Americans make fun of you for it. And there aren't any jaffa cakes! What the hell!!
Sam sees Mick and is like "!!!" Mick sees him and is like "!!!" and then it's super awkward.
Yeah don't shake his hand, Sam.
"Yeah, um, I really dig the whole low budget Mission Impossible vibe, but I'm going to head back." I LOVE WHEN SAM DOES THE POP CULTURE SNARK
He's much quieter than Dean, so without him around he really gets to shine :P
Also amused at the budget comment because obviously Supernatural can not have the same budget as MI
"Sammeh!" I love it when he does that. I guess he's stumbling in drunk. The shot of the sword to introduce us back to the Bunker was actually TERRIFYING. It also had an empty glass and whiskey decanter so I guess the bros or at least Dean have been wandering around the Bunker drinking everything/everywhere. >.> 
Nice establishing shot.
Sam's note is not in upper case something is WRONG
Dean discovers MORE empty decanters and bottles. Wow you hit it hard. You should probably listen when Ramiel tells you you all have fucked up livers.
I'm assuming this is like 12x01 and the Bunker is "not safe" but this time the threat is real and not a fake out that it's Cas coming home
and also Dean doen't have his mom with him :(
Wait no apparently they knock
Heeeey it's the other people I was expecting from the generic Dr Who cast. Geek with long hair and curly haired dude. Serena to keep them all in line. Mick as the weird sketchy boss.
Sam is the Doctor in this scenario, FYI
Tall and knows better than them.
"Hello mate"
I mean at least he knocked
I love Dean and Ketch looking each other up and down.
Also Ketch doesn't think he's as good as Mary, so tension - and not just that he wants to recruit Dean, but that Dean has to pass his opinion of whether he's good or not.
This should probably end with Dean and Ketch like, grappling each other.
"how did you find us" "this is a Men of Letters Bunker"
Wow Dean being bribed with rare scotch. I'm reminded both of Crowley in general and how Dean won entrance with Rufus back in 3x15
but also think that his alcoholism needs to be addressed and he should, like, chill, because I swear he just CAME from getting a drink and he's already desperate for another, enough to let Ketch in >.> Bad idea, he’s like a vampire. The regular non spn sort.
I mean his alcoholism has been mentioned a few times, especially with the liver comment
Awww curly haired dude is an American hunter, so there's only like, 3 Brits here.
"Serena Coleman" - because of the twilight episode reference I'm just reminded of using the actor's names so blatantly. Serena was already dressed like whatserface played by Jenna COLEMAN as a Dr Who reference but now this? Like, I have no idea if this is just confirmation bias but I really hope someone else got such ridiculous vibes from it as me :P
I am really quite disturbed by how many different countries they're operating in
241 vampires in the mid west. That's REALLY not a lot when you think about it, I mean, comparing them to demographics of people. Assuming the BMoL have been wiping them out with a focused effort, still means there really aren't that many in general. I mean, back in season 1 & 2 they were recovering from being nearly hunted to extinction by hunters like Gordon and Dean spent a lot of season 10 killing vampires... I am reminded a lot of Eve talking about the natural order, about how a few of her children killed a few of the humans, and they killed a few but not ALL of them... a sort of equilibrium. And the natural order of how this world runs IS important and rarely mentioned. I've been thinking about Eve a lot in relation to this episode without knowing how to bring her into it really, but I guess this a good wedge to get her in >.>
ACK there's only 11 vampires left
that's just scary
*gratutious vampire flashbacks*
Oh they are so scary. I actually feel sorry for the vampires just for the fact the BMoL are so ruthlessly efficient and deal with the vampires this way, which makes you scared about how any organisation with the right resources could watch and profile in this way...
And we know the vampires can be SO much more complicated, like Lenore or Benny...
I mean they don't know about the cure, the whole case by case basis of dealing with vampires in case it IS more complex and there's still some humanity in them/can be saved from them, which the one on one process of the Winchesters treating them less like statistics has done... I mean sure the whole waiting for a trail of bodies thing isn't ideal, but... doing the job HUMANELY stands out here.
Sam looks like he's rooting for the vampires too. :S
Oh no, now some sympathetic vampires
*feels sorry for them*
Even while they're drinking human blood.
I mean I am literally in a blanket and have drunk hot chocolate to recover - she is very relatable
Always got to have a dramatic entrance
Oh dear, Dean and Ketch, savouring their drinks, the bottle in the neutral territory on the map between them. I've only watched them drink so far, and I can tell this is going to be a top 10 use of this table, ever.
"Not much for small talk" He is when he likes you
Ugh his face when he's talking about Toni. Ketch is not allowed to talk about women. He's disgusting and filled with hate, and this actually does make me like Toni a little better just because I resent him talking about her as a neurotic time bomb
Also Dean, I know you hate her but don't listen to this >.> Do not let him get to you a little by having a bonding moment over how awful she is. I know you are in a really dark place right now but don't make me go through this with you >.>
"We used to date" Ugh.
I actually now feel sorry for her :P 
Berens: most reliable un-Buckleming-er on the show.
Ugh, I really hate this :P I mean, for Dean, because Ketch is intentionally channelling all the worst in him. This is where 12x11 and where I was horrified about Dean as an attack dog when it was all stripped away comes back. 
But he has a dual basic nature - SAVING PEOPLE, HUNTING THINGS. He was a sweet goof who loved and cared about people who were kind to him even when he had no idea between Sam or Rowena. He has a HEART. Ketch does not, but Dean has enough darkness in him to feel like he doesn't have a heart, and he's dealing with having told his mom where the door is. But he DOES have lightness in him. Ketch is like, dark side seducing him, with the whole "Inclinations" thing cluing us in it's queercoded and a seduction... This has happened to Dean before. He's wearing a red shirt he bought during the Mark of Cain crisis after CROWLEY dark side seduced him.
Of course that all involved the love triangle with Cas who represented the good side of Dean's duality for having an angel and a demon on his shoulder, and feeling the pull between them... Dean here is taking on Ketch alone and there's no pull in the other direction because Dean is isolated in the Bunker and Cas doesn't have an opposing role to the BMoL so he has no narrative tug back in the other direction, on the side of them having a HEART.
(I just watched 9x22 last night and I'm still dying about how much Dean loves Cas)
Anyway Ugh. I don't like the queercoded implications about demon!Dean that it seems more overt when he's evil and I don't particularly like that this is all Ketch "seducing" Dean to the dark by linking killing to that SO queer word "inclinations" about the both of them - I mean enough that Dean has to comment on it and wow that's a moment and a half, for the bi!Dean annuls, but UGH.
Have to stop and meta in 3 paragraphs about how Dean has a heart and isn't evil but is still queer and not because he's a killer >.>
Jesus christ we're at the halfway point - this is like the opposite problem of a Buckleming episode. I know Berens can DESTROY me in about 2 minutes of screen time, so I'm just, like, permanently on edge.
Anyway aside from everything else I hope Dean got to ride on the motorbike
I mean that scene was just so harsh on Dean, with Ketch winning his way in with scotch, and then winning Dean out the door with the promise of vampires to kill that he couldn't find on his own earlier
(Big business came and stole all the work from small local businesses. They are a vampire hunting supermarket)
Yeeeee Rufus mention.
Aww poor terrible hunters. It's like Garth - "How are you still alive!?"
I'd say Pierce should probably be black if he's from Baton Rouge but honestly if he's meant to be a dingus, then all the good hunters are probably escaping this by bad association and we don't see a hapless idiot PoC hunter :P They're all the top shelf ones Ketch can't win over
The ones who take pride in their work and have enough confidence in their skills to not want to go work for the big supermarket >.>
*Dean disappointingly follows Ketch in the Impala*
They probably raced
Checking out each other's equipment. Ketch opts to take one of Dean's knives. You know, Dean has a corrupting influence on everything he meets, I swear :P Like, Ketch was complaining it was too easy, but still just going along with his job, he meets Dean, seems to be off-assignment because he's just GONE to do it, no idea Sam wasn't even there tbh, but gets Dean, lures him out, and then Dean just has to make the old school way of hunting look cool by waving a knife around and suddenly Ketch wants in and also has a go at flipping a knife... And he's already getting “where are you??” messages from Mick. I mean, just the compulsion to meet the Winchesters on honest ground - now everything's in the open. He didn't even like them as much as Mary? But once he knows they need to be won over he goes to get at least one of them... But now he's not answering his mobile, and Dean's handed him a knife aaand
they really are being reckless by going in here alone without checking to see if something like the ALPHA VAMP isn't here
Oh wait shit the vampires are coming to the BMoL
Maybe there really is nothing in the hotel
Oh no there's just the sad vampire I was sorry for
Ketch don't you dare kill blanket vampire
Okay, now Dean feels sorry for the vampires
That was a surprisingly short line to cross before Dean's like hey stop being mean to the monsters
I guess if we're subverting Bloodlust all you can do is make Dean not like the Gordon parallel even SOONER- in 2x03 he NEARLY fell for it... he WANTED to. He knows so much better now
This vampire looks EXACTLY like a girl I used to work with who coincidentally... was called Magda
"Hunting... they went hunting." "Hunting whom?" "The hunters"
This season, notable exceptions, is SO much on its A game. Almost every episode has been like, High Drama.
Vampire tiiiime
Sam taking chaaaarge
I love it
Aw no don't kill the one random black guy here. :<
Is it because sealing yourself into shipping containers sucks and is probably airless and stinky?
At least in space they wouldn't have this problem
(In a good Doctor Who episode even the random guards would have names and personalities and a decent story arc for a side character even if they get killed... In this episode the guards aren't exactly the only hired muscle to save them because there's at least 3 hunters in the building and one of them is Sam Fucking Winchester, so he'd be more likely protecting the hired muscle regardless :P Not like killing them did anything but remove characters to worry about rather than raise the threat level that would be in an episode when everyone else was nerds instead of trained killers)
Mick's got soft hands though
All I ask is one scream of horror
"Our intel has him in Morocco. He's been there for at least the last decade." Sam, with barely a side glance, "Wrong."
Yeah that's been a theme all season and as far back as "Cassiel" - their intel SUCKS
Read the Winchester Gospels
Or... don't. That actually turns you into an effective enemy
I love when Sam's got the snarky interrogation face on. It's a fun Sam
Mary's wearing basically Sam's red and black plaid but in a Dean way
Oh Mick is scared
And Sam has a headache at the stupid
Considering there's only 3 hunters in the room they managed to scrounge up a lot of weapons.
Not enough...
"Where is it?" *significant looks* Okay, Sam's going to find out now. He's been much kinder towards Mary, obviously, even if he's still got a ton of issues and meant to leave when shit started happening, but... yeah. Is he as forgiving or at least willing enough to hear her out when THIS is revealed?
*Mary side-glances at Sam*
*sword in the stone moment for Sam*
Who is literally crying to have such awful history returned to him. He knows this weapon is cursed.
I can't deal with Sam crying openly while writing the ingredients for the bullets and also the lore dump of how they make the damn things like AAH I ALWAYS WONDERED
And Mick's EYES. Like "what the fuck sort of hunters ARE these guys?"
This is what happens when you unexpectedly come across Legendary level hunters and you are all noobs
he's met the alpha, lived to tell the tale, and now is telling you how to make bullets that could kill him
Sam Fucking Winchester
(I just wanted to say that)
Oh the red flashy lights in the corridors is SO Doctor Who
It occurs to me that 11x14 also was the sort of episode that mimics the tropes of one of those but this one has the aesthetic.
I think Berens just wants to write for Doctor Who
Pleeease, two vampires against Sam Fucking Winchester
[slightly evil nyoooom] Nyooooom
Mick sounds scared while doing the incantation over the bullets. Hope it works.
Dude, don't stand with your back to the open door
... Amazingly that didn't take more than a second to pay off.
Noooooo Serena
I liked her :<
*Sam Fucking Winchester kills everything*
Can't believe the blatant disrespect for England that the alpha vamp doesn't like us
Actually starting to worry Mick's last episode is right here and now :P
Aww Mary is hurt and Sam's instinct is to be all "mom!" and help her
I am so emo about this family, help.
I am so with the alpha vamp
I mean I will miss Mick but nah. Byeee.
Aww nope fortunes change all at once
*Mick legs it away from the alpha vamp and goes and stands behind all the hunters*
"If that were true I'd be dead already" I bet the lore about the 5 things is both right and wrong at the same time - we KNOW it doesn't work on Lucifer, but I bet a ton of stuff pretends it won't work on them, and honestly Lucifer might not have been right about 5, and basically there's "recorded" like at least a dozen things it won't kill
but in this case Sam calls his bluff because the alpha vamp is still talking with the gun trained on him instead of just fighting them...
Anyway Sam's just like, ready to throw Mick to him
"Who said I was here to save all of us. My family and I, we kill vamps when they get outta line. And you've LET us." "I have many children, Sam. What's one, two, here or there..." "Exactly! So? Let my mom and me go. We'll walk away, go back to the way things were. To the way things are SUPPOSED to be. Hunters and vampires. Cops and robbers! A fair fight!"
Also that "the way things are SUPPOSED to be" is denying everything Mary said about a world without monsters, and calling back to Eve's natural order.
Poor old Mick
Maybe he'll turn him into a vampire
"What are you doing?" "Picking a side"
That was a badass montage of how Sam got a bullet in the gun
Bye bye Alpha Vamp, Dabb tidies up another loose end and sits back smiling to himself - not a plot hole so much as the itch of “see you next season” being for nothing
Serena nooo
All the dead people
Oh, wait, I'm having the same moment as Mick
Mary like "come on" to him, quite gently
aaand walk out and there's Ketch and Dean, 5 minutes late to the party.
Ketch lecturing Mick on his ivory tower and how people die...
Oh Ketch your attempt to get Dean didn't work.
Awwww Dean was worried about Mary and Sam's deducing it because Sam's all deduce-y and stuff. When he has to deal with things on his own, he really shines. You should do more episodes alone. I've really missed you, Sam :P I feel like I haven't seen you since 11x14
Are the Winchesters making up??
"It's not your job to make me lunch and kiss me goodnight" Help
Aww they all made up
Ooops and here's Ketch back being all awful and with the traitor hunter. Who's "gone rogue"
I suppose this compares to 12x06 AGAIN, where they let Bucky go because they don't kill their own, just ostracise them
but um
Still thinking about Samuel Campbell... is that ever going to come up? In this case the Winchesters seem to agree that killing this guy for selling them out to vampires is appropriate. Or, well, whatever Ketch does to him. Worse than death, maybe
Maybe Mary would understand despite the fact it was her father >.>
Had not considered that until after seeing this episode
Was Sam talking crap with the Cops n Robbers speech or did he change his mind about the status quo? He picked his side in the moment Mick helped get the bullet to him? Or? Thinks the MoL are such idiots the only way to protect Mary is to go with her?
Dean looks kinda isolated at the end with Sam and Mary standing next to each other but he has had reason to DISLIKE Ketch after he roughed up the poor vamp girl, and he still indicates he doesn't like Mary's decision but he loves her anyway...
Kinda feel bad pointing out if he doesn't go for it (and one of them needs not to) that kinda does mean he and Cas are left alone on this side :P
Don't feel bad enough NOT to point it out and end on that note >.>
103 notes · View notes
dominodebt · 7 years
No Guard
Angela doesn’t know yet.
           He’s almost always right where she’s concerned—he knows her typical habits and usual haunts. He knows when she wants to talk and when she wants to be left the hell alone. He knows when to push her and when to give her what she wants. He knows what stupid jokes will make her crack a smile even on her worst days, and he knows enough German to discern when she’s yelling at him and when she’s pleading with him.
           He knows Angela Ziegler damn near as well as she’ll let anyone know her—as close as he can be while still mindful of her social awkwardness (she was in college as a teenager and he’s still convinced she doesn’t actually know how to make friends), her shit sleep cycle (if the light’s still on under the door of the infirmary after three AM, he’ll barge in and start packing all her shit up until she finally surrenders and goes to bed), and her fierce devotion to strangers (he will never ever forget the day she told John Morrison to go to hell after he ordered her to pull out of a town that needed medical attention).
           So yeah. He’s pretty positive she has no idea.
           But the face she makes when Morrison drops the bomb in their meeting is a pretty clear indicator too.
           She blinks in surprise, and Reyes slides his gaze over to Morrison, smirking when he realizes the Commander is trying to hurry through this.
           “A moment, Jack, if you please,” she interrupts smoothly, forehead creased as she sits forward in her chair, frowning at him. “I am not sure I understand.”
           Reyes glances sideways to see Ana sitting coolly with a poker face next to Morrison, who is looking at everything in the room that isn’t blonde and blue-eyed.
           The Commander clears his throat. Repeats himself.
Angela’s expression gets a dangerous edge as she sets her arms on the table, leaning forward, the harsh light of the meeting room casting shadows across her face.
“Come again?” Her voice couldn’t be lighter. Her eyes couldn’t be darker.
           Reyes almost wants to laugh. Angela is smart as a whip—she doesn’t need anything repeated.
           “Blackwatch, Doctor,” Morrison says, skirting her gaze by shuffling through blank note sheets. “Reyes is going to Blackwatch.”
           Angela looks torn between utter confusion and fierce hostility. Reyes settles back in his chair, smirking lightly to himself.
           The good doctor doesn’t often engage in confrontation—she claims it’s because she’s above childish arguments, but Reyes knows it’s because she just doesn’t care and will do what she wants regardless of what feathers she ruffles—but every once in a while she’ll dig in her heels.
           Because when Angela does fight—oh boy. She’ll punch first and she’ll punch hard.
Reyes didn’t know there was a verbal equivalent to having his jugular ripped out until he went toe-to-toe with Overwatch’s angel.  
           Apparently Morrison is thinking the same thing, because he pushes to his feet.
           “If you have any further questions, Doctor—”
           “I most certainly do.”
           “—you can ask me at a later date.”
           He doesn’t even bother to gather up his documents, and instead moves away from the table, great coat snapping at his heels as he makes his exit—Ana right on his heels, expression expertly schooled.
           The door shuts behind the two, leaving a very amused Reyes and a very offended Angela.
           After a half-second of Angela staring at the door with her eyes wide and scandalized and her mouth hanging open—a visual Reyes will treasure—she shoves away from the table, jaw set.
           “Do not get comfortable,” she growls at him as she snatches up her papers. She looks up to fling him a severe look. “You and I will be speaking very soon.”
           And she sweeps from the room—her battered white coat much less grand than Jack’s but her expression far fiercer—and Reyes just sits in the empty room for a moment before rising to his feet.
           He gives himself about twenty minutes before she comes looking for him. He considers hiding out in McCree’s room—she never goes there—but decided against it.
           McCree would rat him out immediately, the bastard, and Angela had looked pretty pissed. She’d tear this base apart to find him.
           So about a half-hour later—Reyes delights in the fact that he knows Jack is getting chewed the fuck out for a good chunk of that time—he isn’t surprised when the door to his now-empty office is thrown open.
           “What the fuck is Blackwatch?”
           Her voice is low and fierce and Reyes can’t remember the last time he heard her swear like that. She curses, sure, but it’s usually under her breath in German as she hunts for a particular document on her overcrowded desk, or as she tries to stifle the bleeding on a wounded soldier, or occasionally when he mutters something rude to her about the visiting UN ambassador.
           A quick, quiet, huan son or schise. But now she stands in the doorway of his office—well, what was his office, anyway—eyes fierce, lips pulled back in a small snarl.
           He quirks his eyebrow. “You’re gonna have to start listening in those meetings, Doc,” he tells her lightly. “I’m not gonna be around to fill you in anymore.”
           A starkly scandalized looks crosses her face—he loves that her indignation is the only thing stronger than her anger—before she narrows her eyes and sets her jaw. He’s not getting out of this one.
           “For one thing,” she begins, sweeping into the room that is no longer his office, shutting the door behind herself with a snap. “You have copied my notes from the past three meetings, thank you very much.” She slams her hands on his desk, eyes narrowed and so bright with anger. “And for another thing—”
           His lips twitch with amusement as he cuts her off. “Careful Doc,” he cautions, because fuck, when’s he gonna get the chance to tease her like this again? “Slammin’ doors like that, eyes all intense, shouting, hitting furniture…” he flashes her a smirk that’s all teeth. “People might get the wrong idea. Don’t wanna ruin my reputation on my last day, do you?”
           She pauses for a moment—angelic fury suspended with confusion—before she realizes exactly what he’s insinuating and there’s that steady blush he’d been gunning for.
           She steps back, flushing darkly, pulling her lab coat tighter around herself like a reflex. Like he’d ever actually try anything. Like she wouldn’t be able to shoot his damn hand off if he ever made a move she didn’t agree with.
           “Your reputation is already shit,” she informs him, voice cold, and he just laughs.
           “Probably,” he agrees, grinning crookedly. “Guess that’s why they’re shippin’ me out, huh?”
           She deflates at this, eyes turning sad, forehead creasing with concern and shit, no that’s not what he wanted dammit Reyes—
           “It…it is not final…” she trails off, and that hopeful look in her eye makes him want to punch a wall. He wanted this to be light and teasing and casual, and now she’s staring up at him like a fucking kicked dog. “Jack…he would never—”
           “Wasn’t Jack’s choice, Ange,” Reyes mutters, stuffing his hands in his pockets to keep them from wandering. “And yeah,” he shrugs, looking pointedly at his empty office. “It’s pretty damn final.”
           “But…but you are an agent of Overwatch.” He’d laugh at the outrage in her voice but she’s close enough to give him a quick cuff to the back of the head if she wanted to.
           Reyes shrugs again. “Yeah, well. Now I’m not.” He pulls his hands out of his pockets to spread them in a show of what can ya do?
           Her eyes narrow like they had at Morrison during the meeting as she glares at him from across the desk.
           “And you just…forgot to mention this?” she asks. Tone light but lined with steel. She’s looking for a fight.
           Reyes isn’t going to give it to her. He reaches up to scratch idly at his hair, ruffling what he knows is some god-awful, untidy mess of dark curls that Ana sharply calls beanie hair. His hand freezes.
          He’s gonna miss that.
          “I mean…yeah.” Reyes drops his gaze to the empty desk she’s resting her hands on, trying and failing to not remember when it’d been crowded with papers and forms and documents and a framed photo of him and Jack and Ana that Fareeha had given him for his birthday and he hadn’t had the heart to dispose of.
          Now it’s empty. He idly wonders who will get it next.
          Maybe he can put in a word for Angela. She’s been working out of that dungeon of an infirmary for too long.
          “Gabriel—” oh no here come the full names “—forgive me, but I really do not understand why I was the last person—”
          “You weren’t the last person to know about this, Doc,” he mutters, cutting her off and earning a sharp look that he misses as he rubs his broad palms over his face. Fuck he’s tired.
          She arches an eyebrow. “McCree does not count,” she informs him curtly. “Even if you had told him, he never listens.”
          He snorts into is hands.
          “McCree does count,” he counters, dropping his hands to give her a flat look. He shrugs. “Little shit’s comin’ with me.”
          This gives Angela pause. He watches with amusement as she tries to stuff her expression behind a calm, suave mask.
           He sighs, dropping into the office chair and closing his eyes.
           “Just go ahead and yell, Ange,” he mutters, leaning his head back.
           He doesn’t even flinch when she slams her hands on the desk.
           “What is happening?” she shouts. “What are you not telling me, Gabriel? You promised you would keep me informed—do you remember that? Hm? In Ilios? When the UN tried to curtail my medical—”
           “I remember,” Reyes murmurs, just to keep her from imploding.
           “So then what is this?” she yells, and Reyes grits his teeth. Why did he think they’d be able to have a nice, simple goodbye?
           Because you’re a goddamn fucking sadist convinced nobody actually gives a shit about you.
           “Ange,” he tries to soothe. “You’re shouting.”
           “Of course I am!” she flings back at him, and he cracks open an eye to see her leaning on his desk, eyes dagger-sharp, teeth bared. If she was in her Valkyrie suit, Reyes would be pretty concerned for himself.
           As it stands, the worse she can do is kick the legs out from under his chair.
           Or she could say she doesn’t care and just leave.
           Reyes stuffs that thought away.
           “Why?” he asks simply, opening his eyes to stare her full in the face.
           Angela hesitates for a half-second—he lives for those moments when he can catch the genius doctor off-guard—before her righteous anger seems to bow out, and her arms go limp on the desk, her entire bravado falling away.
           “What do you mean why?” she asks, and oh Christ the hurt in her voice. Reyes wants to die when he hears it.
           She looks down at him, the light gone from her vivid eyes, leaving them hollow and dim.
           “Gabe…you are my friend and you are leaving—where are you even going? Why are you even going? What…” she trails off, gesturing uselessly with her hands, like even her body language doesn’t know what to say.
           “Why?” she whispers, and he grimaces because he can hear the pain in her voice—the raw fuckin’ betrayal—and it absolutely wads him up inside—
           He sighs deeply, sitting up in the chair, staring at the blank wall that once held a few maps and a whiteboard that more often than not featured doodles left for him by Fareeha and Jesse.
           “Blackwatch is…new,” he explains slowly. “Kind of. They’re a shadow organization—an offshoot of Overwatch.”
           Angela frowns. “How closely related are the two?” she asks carefully.
           He smirks slightly. He can see the gears turning in her head.
           She’s too damn smart for her own good.
           “Not very,” he says. “Nobody really knows Blackwatch is a thing.”
           “I gathered,” she returns icily. He cracks a grin at that.
           “Yeah well…” Reyes sighs, sitting forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “They’re kind of a mess right now. Their last Commander never came back from a mission. She was what really kept the Blackwatch agents loyal to Overwatch.”
           Angela arches a brow. “So who are they loyal to now?”
           “Still Overwatch,” he assures her. “But it won’t last. There’s too much tension—a lot of the agents there got fucked over by Overwatch and they’re pretty fuckin’ bitter about it. Some are pissed they get treated like second-class citizens. Some are tired of living in Overwatch’s shadow.” He shrugs. “Take your pick—they ain’t happy.”
           “So where do you come in?” Angela asks, shifting to settle on the edge of his desk, frowning at him. “You and McCree?”
           Reyes smiles humorlessly to himself—where indeed?
           “I’m the new Commander,” he explains softly. “And I’m taking the damn stupid cowboy with me because I don’t trust him and Jack to not kill each other.”
           Angela doesn’t reply right away. She just sits quietly on the edge of his desk.
           He glances away from the wall to take in her profile—head titled down in thought, tapping out rhythms against her thigh that he knows are little messages to herself, hair falling into her eyes—
           He blows out a heavy sigh, looking away.
           He’s gonna miss Overwatch.
           “I want to come.”
           Reyes actually does start this time, nearly falling out of the chair as he hasten to throw himself to his feet, face thunderous.
           “You what?”
    ��      She looks up at him, head titled innocently to the side.
           “Gabe,” she tells him seriously. “You’re shouting.”
           He can’t even appreciate her shit impression of his accent—he’s too busy staring at her.
           “Absolutely not,” he snaps. Oh please god yes. Please come. Please.
           “Why not?” she demands, shifting around until she faces him full-on, sitting cross-legged on his desk.
           “Because you are needed here.” He tries not to shout. He also tries not to imagine Angela coming with him. Blackwatch could certainly use an angel.
           She glares at him. “I am needed wherever people need help, Reyes,” she points out. “If Blackwatch is that upset with Overwatch, what is a better show of good faith than sending someone like me?”
           No. No no no no. She can’t come. But fuck he wants her to so badly—
           “Ange,” he leans down to level himself with her. She quirks an unimpressed eyebrow. “Ange, you don’t understand, Blackwatch is not like Overwatch—”
           “Oh, truly?” she murmurs back, so blasé Reyes wants to punch himself in the face. “I had no idea.”
            “You do have no idea!” he shouts. “Dammit, Angela! Blackwatch—they’re fucking bad okay? They’re…it’s…” he trails off, chest heaving.
           She stares up at him expectantly.
           She’d come. In a heartbeat. She’d follow him to the ends of the earth—until the end of his miserable life.
           God, she’d make Blackwatch suck less.
           She’d be brilliant, smart, capable—everything she is at Overwatch, but without the UN looking over her shoulder like a flock of fuckin’ vultures. He could protect her at Blackwatch—use his title to keep prying eyes away from her research, get her experiments under tighter wraps, keep her hands clean.
           She’d only have to answer to him—and since when has he been able to deny her anything?
           He looks down at her.
           Jack would fight them, but Ana would be on their side—Angela always gets what she wants in the end, anyway—she could come she could be there Reyes you fucking idiot just say yes—
           Angela lifts an eyebrow. “No?”
           “No,” Reyes repeats, folding his arms across his chest. “You’re not coming.”
            She looks unsurprised, which means she has at least twenty counterarguments stored away and is deciding which one to use first.
           “Besides the obvious,” she begins. “What are your reasons?”
           “The obvious?” he demands. “What? You mean the fact that it’s fucking dangerous and I won’t be able to keep an eye on you all the time and that Blackwatch is full of a bunch of heavily armed, highly volatile agents?”
           Her expression sours. “Dangerous is not an acceptable counterpoint. I have more bullet wounds than you.”
           “Yeah, because I’m better at not getting shot.”
           “No, because I took the fucking bullet for you, thank you very much.”
           He grits his teeth. She lifts her chin.
           He wants to drop to his knees and beg her to come.
           He curls his fingers into his arms, holding them tighter.
           “Unless you give me a reasonable answer, Reyes, I am going to pack my bags.”
           They stare at each other.
           “I don’t want you to.” He spits the lie out through his teeth.
           She isn’t fazed. “Say it without choking and perhaps I will believe you.”
           “You can’t—”
           “Why? Why Reyes? Why are you so—?”
           “Because you’re too fucking good for Blackwatch!”
          Angela actually leans away for the sheer force of his anger. Good.
          “For fuck’s sake, Angela! You think I’m getting some kind of promotion? You think this is a temporary thing?”
           Angela eyes him. “I did not think it was temporary,” she says carefully. “But I do not see how becoming a Commander—”
           “The UN is trying to get rid of me,” he snaps. “Overwatch wants to bury me.”
           Something in her expression shifts. He’s found his mark.
           The only thing Angela loves more than Reyes is the organization he brought her to.
           “Reyes,” she says quietly, eyebrows slanting down. “Reyes, what are you—?”
           “Not true?” he demands. The knowledge that he’s got her cornered—that he’ll win—both emboldens and sickens him. It’s a bizarre combination that makes his head spin as he steps closer, looming over her. Her expression darkens with dislike—she hates being crowded and intimidated, which he knows because he knows her and he wants her to come but she can’t—
           “Huh? You think I’m lying?” His voice is rough, aggressive. He’s riling her now, and she’s much worse at ignoring jabs. She gives him a frigid glance as she slips backwards off the desk.
           “Mind yourself, Gabriel.” Her words are cloaked in caution, eyes bright with a warning.
           If he pushes this, he’ll regret it.
           He plunges on.
           “I should have been Overwatch’s Commander.”
           Angela’s eyes flip wide, then narrow to slits.
           “We have been over this, Reyes. We are past this—”
           “You know it, Ana knows it—hell, Jack knows it. That’s probably why he agreed to this.”
           “You said yourself that Jack had nothing to do—!”
           “Do you really think if Jack wanted to keep me here I’d be leaving?” Reyes yells at her. “Huh? The Strike Commander of the most heroic team in the history of the fuckin’ world. You don’t think he could’ve put his foot down?”
           Angela stares him down. “No,” she replies lowly. “No I do not. Jack is your friend, Reyes. If he could have kept you here—”
           “That’s bullshit!” he flings at her.
           “Hör auf,” she whispers.
          In the rare instances when Reyes flies off the handle and Angela remains grounded, this is always how it plays out—him yelling like the world is ending, and her speaking so softly he has to strain to hear her.
           That’s how it’d gone when Jack had been prompted in the first place, anyway.
           “If Overwatch cared,” he mutters, voice much softer, heavier. “If anyone here gave a shit, I wouldn’t be going. That’s just a fact, Ange.”
           “I care,” she counters, flicking her gaze up to meet his. “But you never asked me.”
           “It’s ‘cause you care too much,” he tells her, sighing and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
           About me. About Overwatch. About everyone and everything but your goddamn self.
           She just stares up at him, and he stares back, wondering how long it’ll be until he sees those eyes again.
           “If you want to leave,” she says quietly. “Then leave.”
           He glares, anger flaring back at her haughty tone.
           “It’s not a want, Angela, weren’t you listening—?”
           “Then come with me. We will go to Jack, we will find a suitable replacement, and you will remain here.” Her eyes flash, jaw flexing. “Where you belong.”
           A challenge, of course. Angela arches an eyebrow, and Reyes wants to laugh for ever thinking he had the upper hand in this situation.
           She’s gonna make him say it. It’s the only way she’ll let him go.
           Fine then.
           “I don’t belong here. Not anymore. Probably not for a while.” He lifts an eyebrow, stepping closer—her shoulder pressed against his chest—as he makes to step past her.
           “Believed that one, didn’tcha Doc?”
Guess who's back from Canada???
Vancouver was awesome and I already miss it but fuck dude not having my laptop sucked. So here's a (kinda) mercykill piece to kick off the new year because why not right? It’s not like anyone on here wants me to write gency
Anyway, my take on Gabe's departure from Overwatch. Idk how canon compliant is, seeing as solid Blackwatch facts are kinda hard to come by, but I did my best. This is from the universe of my big fic "a knife in the back is worth two in the heart" and will more than likely make an appearance there in one form or another. That's also why the timeline makes no sense.
I have so many fucking ideas and headcanons and characters for OG Blackwatch ohhh man shadow organizations are my shit
Like this piece? Here’s my billboard!
I hope you liked it, kids! It’s good to be back!
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