#Godloves you
ymoon01 · 2 months
Hear me out,
I'm barely reading my Bible again. I'm seeking God and Jesus Christ daily. If someone is feeling ashamed or fear that he doesn't want you, or that he's not going to accept you because of a reason or a sin that you've committed. Let me tell you how wrong you are right now.
Jesus is for everyone, not just for those who follow him, not only for those who accept him. He died for me, for you, for everyone. Equily. Nobody's gatekeeing him or anything. We're trying to reach out for those who don't know him or haven't accepted him yet. Don't believe in anyone who tells you or shames you about submitting your life to him because that's exactly what he wants. He wants you! & he's going to receive you with so much love!
You can always start a new journey. God is love! Jesus loves you! We're all his children 💞🤍💓🕊
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zekoagun · 2 months
hm, i guess that newts weird reddit atheism in the book seems less like irvine is coming out of nowhere with it if it sits in comparison with hermanns faith in numbers, lol
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ferretwanted · 2 years
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mollypaup · 8 months
Orth Godlove male characters I could fold like a metal chair /pos
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theliltchirurgeon · 1 year
they still need to make counter weight anime so i can cut a beyond the time amv with addar rose and orth godlove
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formleadsfunction · 5 months
Five Ships for Five Fandoms
tagged by @romanticslimecreature - thank you!
in no particular order:
Shi-Long Lang & Shih-na (Ace Attorney) - one of my all-time faves :] Very much not in a romantic way, but that's just kinda par for the course with me, so whatever. I just love how absolutely in synch they were. The trust, the relying on each other. The betrayal. One of the fav fics I wrote over the past few years was the one where she showed up with a bullet wound at his place bc she had nowhere else to go even post-game events. Plus, I just love spies.
SAYER & Sven/Hale (SAYER podcast) - also non-romantic, I don't think I like this much as a romantic ship, I'm very much a queerplatonic girly for this, but the fraught thing of Identity Issues and (re-)learning who you are across both characters, prompted and inspired by each other - very tasty
The Chime polycule + Orth Godlove + Ibex (Friends at the Table COUNTER/Weight) - listen. Hear me out. I know this sounds absurd/leaves open a couple of questions re: relationship constellation. To the latter I say: yes. In general I say: Please consider they're all everything to me
queerplatonic Warren Kepler & Alana Maxwell & Daniel Jacobi mess (Wolf 359) - I'll never be over the SI-5. I'll never stop thinking about how they kind of trusted each other more than the group of the Good Guys did. And how badly this ended despite and because of that fact
Orange Cassidy/Adam Cole (professional wrestling) - I'm struggling bc I neither ship a whole lot nor am I super invested in many things atm (I could have listed 5 fatt ships tho), so I'm afraid I gotta add one wrestling pairing here after all. In my mind, my touch averse!Cole/Orange agenda lives on
uhhhh I am tagginggg... this is hard too bc I hardly have followers/mutuals now kdksid - @chetungwan, @kalgalen, @sybilius, @zigzagzoom94, @pepsi-maxwell, @eclecticopposition
only if you guys want, obviously
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swallowtailed · 7 months
the tragedy of orth godlove has probably been the most compelling part of counterweight for me so far. that line jace says to orth—"addax told you to make him call you captain"? devastating, especially after the swing from sokrates overthrowing ibex to orth going and asking ibex for help anyway. great drama love to see it
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cyeayt · 7 months
hi im back on my bs answer my questions i am very curious about peoples opinions of jesus versus their opinions of God because i feel like a lot of people are cool with jesus even if they're fundamentally opposed to God. my dni is temporarily suspended actual godlovers feel free to vote
important: the god in question is only the christian God, if you have another god im not asking you to say you hate them and there is an option for people whose religions have God but not Jesus, but fundamentally i am not asking if you believe in either God or Jesus. If your feelings towards either figure are impacted by belief than that's what im asking but if you're some atheist who just has vibes than that's also what i'm asking.
yes i am only giving you the option to hate or love god if it's more complicated than that put it in the tags, I didn't want to give an "it's complicated" answer cause i felt like everyone would just choose that
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skarchomp · 1 year
fave eidolon playtest character for each season? you only get one each. bonus points for any picks from the interludes or mini campaigns
ROCK S1: Harvey D. Godlove and not only for the obvious bias I might have towards him and any hot dykes that might play him. I think his chill guy persona slowly cracking over the course of the season is entertaining as hell, and he gets the lion's share of character development out of the Jawbreakers in season one, at the very least tied with Virginia.
POP S1: Quentin Brooks. On the opposite end of Harvey, Quentin is clearly falling apart from day one and Ty plays him beautifully as a guy who hates who he is and everything he's done but can't admit it to anyone let alone himself. He's also one of the funniest characters in a show full of laugh riots.
ROCK S2: Lady Luck. Her status quo coming off season one is both hilarious and tragic and that train just keeps picking up speed throughout the whole show, culminating in Rock 43 and. I've listened to that episode like four times now and each time is a fresh hit to the gut.
POP S2: Baby Bear. Evilest woman in history. Insane on every level. I couldn't fix her nobody could fix her and thank god I need her
I'm holding off on the DISCO/SKA kids until season one wraps up, and I can't rank any of the interlude characters except for Aerodynamic because they had the same Batman Beyond-based gender awakening as me
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ymoon01 · 2 months
This call is for the Kpop girlies or boys too.
Be careful what you listen too.
I didn't even know how bad and demonic some kpop groups are. Until I returned to Jesus, and allow the Holy spirit to enter to me. I view things different now.
Some of us happened to be spiritual dead or blind. Take a good look at this concept album called 'Carnival' by Enhypen. I ain't gonna go full detail on this but the ones that know, know. You can call me crazy but it seems to me that this boys HAVE ALWAYS been into this deep type dark concept. I can't even explain how disappointed i am right now. Not at them, at myself. For still buying it and supporting this and their concepts. I don't even know why their song call 'Lucifer' surprised me..
K pop fans are very lost. Spiritually speaking.
Kpop it's just AS BAD as western artists.
Dancing in churches, the crowns, the blasphemy, witchcraft, fairy tails, Vampires, wolfs, aliens, lust, some questionable type' of dances, rituales, signal signs, etc. And the fans too, the fandoms are just...toxic with very lustful thoughts. I mean–Have you guys ever read what some girlies write in here, (not all of them) or in wattpad. (But mostly here) some of them worried me ngl. I got so surprised sometimes because...ain't no way some of them have THAT type of lustful thoughts🗿 THE TRAUMA is real. Lust, pretty faces, 'visuals' or whatever, gossiping, invasion of privacy, toxicity is all I see in kpop nowadays.
I'm not making fun or shaming (because I was one of those too before) but I'm here to warn you people. Please be careful of what you buy, see, read, write, listen, and support.
I'm just letting you all know, that I have faith that Jesus will come to you & he'll free you, he will save you just like he did with me.
I'll talk about this later on with more details but for now, I'll just post this.
As much as I loved enhypen. This, and their other concepts ain't it. This is not for me. Personally. I don't hate any of them, nor the fans. If anything..I'll just pray for them. All of them. Anyone who's blinded and is in denial or can't understand quite well what's wrong with everything I just mentioned.
And again, I'm not hating or forcing anyone to stop following them. The decision is yours to make. That'd be your choice. You're free to choose whether to believe or not, I'm just letting you know.
God bless you all. 🤍🫶🏼✨️
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moofahdrome · 1 year
is she a... you know...
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friend of Harvard Godlove?
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maxknightley · 1 year
so i'm finally going through eidolon playtest (it took me a while to remember it existed) and i just wanna thank you for the gift to the human race you have given us in the form of harvey d. godlove, pinball prince of las vegas and favored son of the moron god. i just finished the part where he tries to convince houses in motion that he's gonna sell a house to chili (aka a wild animal) and it left me fucking howling; i have no idea where things will go from here but i think it's safe to say he'll go down as my favorite character aside maybe from chili herself
aw gosh!! I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the podcast in general and My Antics in particular. imo both POP and ROCK both got better and better over time so I think you're in for plenty o' treats
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strangeharpy · 1 year
Hi! For Cass/Audy prompts, their first side mission together, and how it goes!
Thank you for this, anon. I have several headcanons about Cass and AuDy's first job together, and I got to put several of them in here. It's not particularly shippy, but that's mainly because I feel like their relationship is a slow burn of building trust over the course of years. But I like the idea of the very first time they meet, Cass just thinks AuDy's a regular ol' parking robot and has to get over that misjudgement quickly.
Anyway, ~775 words of Cass and AuDy first mission under the cut.
When Orth Godlove first hired Cass, they were freshly discharged (and freshly disgraced) with few options. Orth gave them a few details of the job and a place to meet the other person Orth had hired, but little else. Their partner-in-nebulously-not-crime would have the rest of the information that they'd need.
When Cass showed up at the appointed place and time, the only thing waiting for them was a parking robot someone must've dumped, because they were a long ways away from any sort of car park. It must've been in low-power mode because only one or two lights were visible, and they were slowly blinking as if marking the slow breaths of a sleeper.
"Did I get stood up?" Cass mutters, scanning the area for any sign of the other person Orth had hired.
At the sound of Cass's voice, the running lights on the parking robot flickered to life and its dome-like "head" swiveled to angle its visual sensors at them. "Cassander Timaeus Berenice," it stated in an inflectionless synthetic voice.
Their identity was hardly a secret, but a parking robot invoking their full name set them a little on edge. "Yeah?"
"You are here to meet me," the robot said. "I'm AuDy. Orth said that you would assist me in retrieving some documents for him."
Assist…? It took a moment for Cass to process what the robot was saying. "I'm your backup?"
"Yes," said AuDy, tone completely flat.
"This is a joke. How does Orth expect me to work with a parking robot?"
"I do not require special accommodations for this job," AuDy responded. "If we follow Orth's directives, this will be simple."
"But you're… a parking robot."
AuDy's running lights blinked impassively for a few seconds before they said, "And you are the former scion to the Apostolosian Empire. I do not see what the issue is." Was that a hint of sarcasm Cass detected? With AuDy's vocal synthesizer, it was difficult to say.
Either way, they had a point. The job as Orth had described it was simple enough even a parking robot and a disgraced royal should be able to do it, no problem.
Unfortunately, there was a problem. Many of them. Most of them were shaped like bullets and flying over Cass and AuDy's heads. They'd taken cover behind a heavy, antiquated desk, but the private guards their target had hired had them pinned down. Cass was running out of ideas, fast.
Next to them, AuDy fiddled with a panel on their left arm.
"Is now really the time for maintenance?" Cass demanded, but AuDy paid them no heed. After another moment of fiddling, the compartment popped open to reveal an extremely not-standard-issue shotgun attachment. They opened another compartment on their body and pulled out what looked to be some sort of modified shotgun shells, which they loaded into their gun.
"Keep your head down. This will be bright."
That was all the warning Cass got before AuDy fired off two shots and the room flared with blinding light—the shells must have been shotgun-fired flashbangs. AuDy didn't wait for the stars to clear from Cass's vision before hauling them to their feet. Cass didn't need any encouragement to start beating a retreat.
They made their way back towards the exit unhindered by further security. As the door came into sight, though, Cass's combat instincts took control. They hooked an arm around AuDy's shoulders and hauled them to the ground while drawing their holdout pistol. Another bullet whizzed past right where AuDy had been standing. It wasn't difficult to line up the shot that disabled the final guard standing between them and freedom.
Orth pinched the bridge of his nose when AuDy and Cass gave their report, but he accepted the data stick with the recovered documents nonetheless. "I thank you both for your efforts. You'll find your payment deposited into your individual accounts shortly. Now I've got to sort through all this mess."
Cass knew a dismissal when they heard one, and so, evidently, did AuDy. Cass held the door to Orth's office open behind them to let AuDy exit as well. Feeling a little awkward as the door closed, Cass said, "Thanks. That could've gone way worse."
AuDy made a crackly humming noise. Whether it was in agreement or not, Cass couldn't say. They followed it up with, "I believe we will work together again in the future."
"That was kind of a catastrophe," Cass snorted. "I doubt this guy'll ever call us back."
"It was not the worst job I have ever completed for Orth," AuDy said. "I believe you will hear back from him soon."
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tteokdoroki · 8 months
kissing u on ur tiny forehead aali bc ik im not around as much bc of seasonal depression but I still think about u and ur godlovely(????) work solo much and whenever u reply to me just assume I'm kicking my feet n crying even if I haven't read anything yet so thank u so much <3333
oh :(!! baby i hope you feel better, wrapping you up in my blankies so much and feeding you pieces of my chocolate bar !!! you’re so lovely thank you for always supporting me <3
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sivavakkiyar · 2 years
the earliest clearest example I can think of as being raised in a “culturally Christian” nation was reading a book in elementary school or something like that and being confused when one of the characters was described as a “good Christian.” What did that mean? I asked my teacher, and she said “oh, that just means he’s a good man, that’s what they mean.” Actually a correct, useful lesson, I’m not criticizing her—-but I did read “Christian” as basically synonymous for “good, virtuous” for a long time without specificities.
the first time I realized, after generally believing I picked up Christianity through osmosis, that I actually didn’t share a fundamental knowledge of Christianity had to do with Ned Flanders. I read a Simpsons comic where he was described as “godfearing”, and I was very confused. Isn’t he super devout? Why’s he afraid of god? So I looked it up and it turned out godfearing is synonymous with godloving, and that blew my mind. Fearing and loving are opposites! Didn’t make sense.
But a good amount of my family (largely in India) is Christian, and since a good amount of my religious upbringing was in multicultural NYC and my paati is a Ramakrishna bhakt, I tended to have a typical liberal Hindu view of Christ—-we always had a picture of him with our other puja stuff, you mention the crucifixtion and my mom would start bawling, etc. it wasn’t until college that I met a lot of white Christians who very seriously objected to the idea that Christ was “another Avatar of the Godhead” or something—-I had heard that before but I didn’t really get *why* that was actually so significant. So that was complex.
and then there was Kierkegaard…the sickness unto death was a great book, beautiful, very important to me. But that was also the first time I realized I *wasn’t* a Christian in any way. As respectfully as he can Kierkegaard explains why a virtuous devout pagan is nevertheless always in Bad Faith w/r/t suicide—-the Christian is the only one who has the proper attitude, for he realizes that suicide is a sin because it is to spit in god’s face, refuse the gift of life that has been given him. And I read that and thought “yeah I totally don’t get that, the pagan sounds totally reasonable here Soren”.
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