#Goku trains with roshi and then surpasses him
People can’t understand how sensei’s work in the naruto fandom and it’s so frustrating
Like if you look at any other anime you will see that the main character how multipule sensei’s, not because any past sensei is bad but because what they could teach them is limited
Iruka is there to teach Naruto he’s allowed to be loved and cared for
Kakashi taught Naruto the basics and the teamwork and connection he needed
Jiraiya helped Naruto improve his skills and protected him during a dangerous tume when the akatsuki was hunting him and he could not yet defend himself
Kakashi then came back in and helped Naruto create his own jutsu which official helped him surpass Kakashi (we see Kakashi say this)
To improve more Naruto obv needs another sensei/master, so Fukasaku comes in to teach him the Sage technique which he needs to defeat Pein
And then when it comes to Bijuu training/connection, Bee is the only one who can teach Naruto that. He’s the only Jinchuriki who 1) still has his binuu 2) has a connection with said bijuu that naruto can learn from (Gaara and Shukaku never had a similar connection). Kakashi, Jiraiya, Fukasaku, Iruka. None of them could teach Naruto about connecting with Kurema in any way close to Bee because they didn’t understand the connection between a jinchuuriki and Bijuu like Bee did
Each of Naruto’s Sensei’s serve a purpose. They help him grow in the ways he needs to grow, and actively only one is super shitty toward him at any point in time (stealing his money, telling him to stay in his sexy no jutsu form)
Instead of fighting over ‘who taught him best’ how about fandom learn the point of the story progression and Naruto’s specific needs with each sensei/master
Edit: i forgot one thing
Even after becoming the strongest shinobi in the world, Naruto still has things to learn and he goes back to learning from Kakashi
It’s Kakashi who preppared him for the day when he’ll take over as Hokage, and Iruka who is tasked with helping Naruto study to become a jonin.
So even after everything Naruto goes back to his original two sensei’s again and continues to learn from them, just not as a shinobi trying to become more powerful, but as a leader preparing to take on more responsibilities
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danthepest · 2 years
Do you think Tenshinhan and Yamcha gravitate towards each other so much because they see themselves in the other? Like yeah, there’s mutual respect there, but maybe the respect is much deeper.
Tenshinhan probably sees he’d be just like Yamcha if he wasn’t so single-mindedly focused on training, loosened up and enjoyed life a bit more. He would also fall behind in his prowess, which he simply can’t allow. Tenshinhan has questioned how Yamcha can forgive Vegeta for what he did and probably thinks its a shame that Yamcha is so lax about life and martial arts as a whole. But he likely admires his easy going attitude as well. Without it, Tenshinhan wouldn’t have become part of the group in spite of Roshi’s efforts and Goku’s respect. Yamcha has a good heart and he’s willing to let by-gones be by-gones. He forgave Tenshinhan, he forgave Vegeta and he was kind and supportive of the people who wronged him at one time or another. And in spite of being one of the weakest links among the group, when the chips were down he went to help out against the saiyans, the cyborgs/androids and even Cell. That takes courage and Tenshinhan likely recognizes that. He sees that while Yamcha has given up the arts, he’s happy in his life and he can’t wish for more than that for his friend.
Yamcha, for his part, likely sees himself in Tenshinhan if he was more focused on training. He’d be much more powerful, yes, but he’d end up a recluse striving for a goal he knows deep down he could never reach no matter how hard he trains (unless someone pulls out the “the real super honest hidden potential unlock for real this time guys” power up out of their ass at some point). He’d miss out on all the time shared with Goku, Bulma, Oolong, Krillin, Roshi and the rest of the gang. To him, life is more than training in solitude to be the best. And while he might wish Tenshinhan were more social and lighten up, he admires the man’s tenacity, determination and drive to someday surpass Goku, no matter how impossible the task. In a world where Earth’s martial arts have become the equivelant to pro wrestling without the self awareness thanks to Mr. Satan, its good to have someone like Tenshinhan and Chaozu keeping the traditions and teachings alive. And there’s no one better than those two in all honesty. All the previous martial artists are either too old or too weak to do it. And Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Piccolo are all pulling bullshit power ups and transformations out of their asses that no Earthling can really compete with. The current generation of Earthling practicioners are far too ignorant to be worthy of continuing the legacy like Tenshinhan is doing.
They’re polar opposites in how they think, live their lives and view fighting in general, yet they’re probably the only two people on Earth who truly understand and respect the other’s choices and mentality. One accepted his position in life and the other always strives to be better.
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dballzposting · 1 year
BLONDE LAUNCH: Her go-to for conflict resolution / to facilitate her comprehension of the world around her is to pull out a gun and start shooting indiscriminately. She was feared and feral until she began to ease up on Roshi & and the rest of Kame House, starting to trust them. In this way she became domesticated and housebroken. This is an objectively perfect and well-loved developmental arch for any character to take on, and Launch wore it especially well due to her complete commitment to the role. She has the natural instinct to hijack a plane when on one, it is in her DNA, like a dog bred for a specific purpose. Her outfits are always top-notch. She gets a crush on Tenshinhan for his “wildness” which is funny because after his debut he becomes a very calm and reserved man. She remains fixated on him however. This is her prerogative as a female organism. She is always on the run from the cops and Nice Launch always has to deal with that, which is why I think the both of them decided that Kame House was a good fit. Blonde Launch is an ordinary human with no technical training of any kind, but she took to the tool of firearms and the lifestyle of car chases so naturally that she’s the absolute best around. She hasn’t been apprehended in a meaningful way yet. I don’t think she ever will. She is stubborn, crass, incredibly self-assured, self-motivated, and impervious to judgement. 
YAJIROBE: He is able to go head-to-head with Goku in his debut at the beginning of the Demon King Piccolo arch. This is something that took Krillin years of intensive training to be able to do. Yajirobe is just some guy. He took out Cymbal with one slice, and ATE HIM in a manner that had SON GOKU surprised. Goku was unable to surpass Yajirobe’s speed in their chase. WHY IS YAJIROBE SO STRONG ?! Maybe they explain it later but right now it just seems like he’s just awesome. Like Launch, Yajirobe is so great at what he does becasue it is what comes NATURALLY to him; everything he does he does it out of necessity for his lifestyle, and he does it without complaint (he was not annoyed at the energy expenditure it took to run away from Goku, for instance; this is just how he lives). He’s in-tuned with himself and, again like Launch, completely self-assured. I mean COMPLETELY. You can’t trick this guy, you can’t distract him or throw curveballs at him, he doesn’t waver from his intentions, and he does not care about what nonsense you’re saying! He puts his foot down and that’s it; he avoids the weakness of bafflement by just not caring at all. He’s mysterious and has all the right priorities. And he’s so damn competent for no reason.
Middle of the venn diagram for them: stubborn, self-assured, self-prioritizing, doing what they do best, shoot first & ask questions later, needs to be housebroken, won’t be bamboozled, lone wolves, “you bastard(s)!”
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maddmuses · 2 years
Average Saiyan Soldier?
Average Saiyan Soldier.
We can use contextual cues from various characters to get a sense for this range, and it’s probably a bit weaker than you might suspect.
For the sake of contextualization we’ll be using annoying nerd scale and some annoying nerd articles (search them for the same wiki) to interpret annoying nerd scale relative to power level scale. We’ll be ignoring Movie Pamphlet numbers (ftmp, specifically pamphlet 6) and relying on Daizenshuu values, as well as those otherwise explicitly established. The original Broly scaling will also be largely eschewed, alongside the Bardock special, due to them coming off as “big number” and being given even less thought than normal.
SO!! Here are some ballpark values w/ context given to them: -2,000 is explicitly said by Freeza to be “impressive” in regards to snipers who are trained on him (hard to say if it’s impressive by Cold/Freeza Force metrics, saiyan standards, both; we know it’s not to him)
-Broly’s range of 920-10,000, we know at the high end it’s an unbelievable anomalous value that prompts saiyans to believe that it’s the result of a malfunction in a reading, w/ 920 he’s considered “remarkable” and 1,840 was considered powerful enough to pass Vegeta’s natural power level, which had surpassed all previous recorded child’s natural battle power. This means that, by adulthood, we can probably assume that most saiyan babies are expected to grow by about 10x to adulthood. At the low-end he’s roughly three times as strong one of the strongest 5-C characters (Piccolo @ resting 260).
-Roshi 139-180, based on context from other listings (here) an empowered Kamehameha seems to draw about anywhere from 2-3x the user’s Battle Power. This means that it takes about 280-540 (likely on the low range) is suitable to entirely destroy the moon. Given that Roshi’s blast was able to vaporize it without causing large portions to hit the surface of earth (presumably) this would be a significant excess of the power needed.
-Raditz appears at about 1,500 which carries some controversy as it applies to this. While high-quality Saibamen (stronger than normal) used by Vegeta and Nappa were about 1,200, Raditz was considered impressive enough to serve alongside Vegeta off-planet during the destruction of Vegeta. Assuming some degree of growth during this time, it’s safe to assume that Raditz was considered strong enough to join an elite caste at roughly the range of 1,000-1,200.
-Goku was 334-416 (lower end) when Raditz met him, was strong enough to be one of the only power levels at this level on the planet for Raditz to detect, and was not so weak that he was totally written off by Raditz upon arrival.
-Nappa was at 4,000 and seemed to consider everyone beneath 3,000 utterly trivial (though this might be a character factor)(Probably Low 5-B to potentially 5-B)
-Vegeta was 18,000, above average in the Feeza Force, seemed to be the strongest recorded saiyan to that point. (Low 5-B to 5-A)
-Foot Soldiers in the Freeza Force are sub-1,500 in the Namek strikeforce, meaning the average and median are probably also lower than this for the force at-large. Meanwhile, Kiwi was 18,000, the same as Vegeta’s resting power level, and considered an elite member.
So with the above values in-mind, and some of the context we’ve given to it, what can we figure? Well: 1,000 is considered enough to compatriot alongside elites, so 1,000 must be considered very strong, regardless of potential among saiyans. 300-400 is a moon-buster and considered salvageable for a mission. 1,800 is roughly the upper limit of what saiyan babies have ever been. Meanwhile, 900-1,000 was still powerful enough to be exceptional enough for elite caste, and worth a conversation regarding The Legendary Super Saiyan. 2,000 is considered exceptional for saiyan adults (who are broadly considered weak in the Freeza Force)
If the likes of Raditz is willing to see a 300-400 power “weakling” as worth consideration for such a mission, then it’s safe to assume that he expected some growth over time, and that the value wasn’t able to be construed as dead weight. By the perspective of Vegeta and Nappa, an average saiyan warrior would probably be dead weight, so the potential for growth showcased by Goku must not be that, a secondary Raditz isn’t great but worth something.
We could assume this 300-400 range to be the ceiling for typical saiyan warriors. This value tracks if you assume that they need to be able to bust a moon in a pinch during a mission, to prevent uncontrolled oozaru warriors and children from rampaging. This is consistent with the outlook of warriors in the Freeza Force disregarding saiyans usually, particularly in the case of the Ginyu Force, who probably exist in the 50,000+ range of power levels. 5-C is the typical roundabout for a saiyan soldier in this case, though likely in the lower end for that, and that’s for the majority of them, but likely even a weak saiyan is around 6-A, or 6-B at the absolute low end (thinking Gine).
Yes, even a weak saiyain is about as powerful as a strong Viltrumite.
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hanaflowersofficial · 2 years
Dragon Ball is one of those franchises where I think every character could benefit from therapy haha
Like I was rewatching some random Super episodes and the whole scene where Vegeta flips out during the family vacation and flies away to train… was that not just a panic attack?? He couldn’t find his family, people were crowding him, and he was spiraling about Goku surpassing him.
And the episode I mentioned where Krillin and Goku deal with past foes and Krillin relives the trauma of old fights and being killed. :(
And even the baseball episode, I kept thinking like… is Yamcha okay?? Even later before the tournament of power, he gets completely forgotten about by his friends (even Roshi remembers Puar haha). Are people checking in on Yamcha regularly?
Not to mention GOHAN just like as a whole???
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
What Does The Phrase "Saiyans Don't Have Limits" Actually Mean?
So this post below is what @ankoku-yami-heroic-hopeful made a reply to.
And here's their response.
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I just felt it easier to to respond to them this way. Also, what I have to say ended up being longer than I had originally planned because I wanted to get a bit deeper about the information. Without further ado, time to respond.
The DBS anime did have characters continuously growing in power. But they did so in different ways, which was cool to see. With Hit (as you mentioned) he was able to advance his technique and increase how much energy he puts out for his Time Skip technique, & Goku Black was able to increase the strength of Goku's body to a new level due to having the soul of a god combined with Saiyan abilities. And beyond them, we have Jiren who was the strongest mortal in the Multiverse. When UI Goku pushed Jiren to his limit, Jiren overcame his own limit with his "Super Full Power" state.
Saiyans (mainly Vegeta) boast about not having limits. And 'cause of all of this boasting accompanied with the fact that Saiyans were grear warriors, even Freeza wondered if it might be true that Saiyans have no limits.
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But, that is just Saiyan ego as they over exaggerate their strength. ANYONE can go past their limits.
Examples of Limit Breaking:
Yamcha's Wolf Fang Fist increases his strength, reaction time, & senses. This is one of the earliest examples of surpassing one's own limits in early DB.
Master Roshi's full power/buff form is another example. He focuses & swells his ki to increase his strenght & surpass his limits.
The Earthlings didn't know they could get so strong until after training with Kami.
Elder Guru drew out Krillin's own latent power when Krillin thought he hit his limit. Little did he know, he was far from his limits and could continue increasing his ki to keep growing stronger and stronger beyond his physical limit (as we have seen him do in DBZ & DBS, thus having the title as "Strongest Earthling").
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Elder Kai drew out Gohan's potential far beyond his natural limits (something he can do for anybody). That limit being Gohan's Saiyan transformations, specifically his current limit; SSJ2. This is why when using his Potential Unleashed power, Gohan doesn't physically transform like how his father & Vegeta do. It's power far beyond Super Saiyan limits. Gohan just has to masterfully control the power & not become overwhelmed with it in order to keep growing stronger.
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Freeza surpassed his physical limits & power with his transformations. He was also being capable of controlling his ki at will. Then in DBS, Freeza created a further transformation & surpassed his limits with his "Golden Freeza" form.
All that to say that Saiyans ARE NOT the only ones who can break their limits and they never have been the only ones.
But, do Saiyans have no limit to their growth?
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Yes & no.
Evidence shows us that the Saiyans (Goku & Vegeta & Gohan) have reached their physical limits WITHOUT ki.
What we call "zenkai boosts" [getting stronger after battles] have their limits. We notice in the Buu saga that after Dende heals Gohan, Super Buu stated that Gohan did not get any stronger.
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The zenkai boosts can only do so much for a Saiyan's natural physical limit of strength without ki.
This is why in the Battle of Gods film/Saga, Goku & Vegeta nearly hit their limits without god ki. Then, in the DBS anime, after they learned god ki, Vegeta says that he & Goku are at their limits of power and won't get that much stronger. And in the DBS manga, Trunks says how Vegeta didn't get a power boost after healing because Vegeta & Goku have already hit their physical limit.
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Zenkai boosts just get a Saiyan to their max physical limit (then they become ineffective), and Saiyans just happen to have a higher ceiling for their physical limit than most other aliens.
Toriyama explains in an interview how DB characters surpass their physical limits.
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Everyone has their physical limits WITHOUT ki.
Ki is used to go beyond those physical limitations.
And if you aren't a transformation-type alien, you can still reach higher power through increasing & controling your ki, but the progression is steadier but slower for non-transforming types (like Earthlings) because there is no innate power multipliers for them to utilize. To quickly increase their power, Earthlings would need to learn techniques.
Roshi's Full Power technique uses ki to greatly enhance the physical limit of strength, but it decreases speed & cannot be maintained for long.
The dangerous & physically damaging Kaio-Ken. (Which is why Earthlings don't use it in the series.)
The Wolf Fang Fist (which is like a mortal version of Kaio-Ken x1 without various multipliers & no physical drawbacks).
With ki, any character can continuously increase their power through proper training & go far beyond their physical limitations. This is why characters like Piccolo & Krillin continue to get stronger.
NOBODY has limits in Dragon Ball. It's all about how to increase your ki and control it in order to break your limits.
But, how do Saiyans break their limits?
Well like anybody else does, Saiyans increase their energy. But, Saiyans (and other transforming-type aliens primarily) surpass their previous physical limits by transforming to a body that contains a greater amount of ki due to physical change.
In the Cell saga, the Saiyans discuss breaking the Super Saiyan barrier which is their current limit. Super Saiyan Grade 2 & Grade 3 were simply using ki to enhance the physical limit in a similar way to Roshi's Full Power technique. They don't truly go beyond the SSJ limits.
Gohan truly breaks the Super Saiyan limit when he awakens SSJ2. This is done due to the Earthling martial artist understanding of ki control & how to surpass your physical limits.
• SSJ transforms the physical limit
• The Earthling ki control method increases the multiplier of Super Saiyan, thus we get SSJ2 (& SSJ3).
And just like all Saiyan transformations, SSJ2 is accompanied with an increase of ki on top of the SSJ physical limit.
The highest Saiyan limit that Goku & Vegeta can currently reach is Super Saiyan Blue. This is why Vegeta says they are nearly at their limit. They can't find a Saiyan transformation beyond combining the Super Saiyan God power with Super Saiyan to get Super Saiyan Blue.
Without using god ki, SSJ3 was Goku's highest limit while SSJ2 was Vegeta's. The only higher power they could attain was through fusion.
But, with the introduction of god ki, they were able to keep advancing and breaking their limits once again. However even with god ki, they still had limits to their power. As said earlier, there was no Saiyan transformation beyond SSB. Blue was the limit for Goku and Vegeta (this does not apply to all Saiyans because MOST Saiyans aren't even capable of reaching SSJ levels of power).
The Tournament of Power presented the perfect opportunity for them to push themselves. But even so, Goku & Vegeta did not attain any new Saiyan transformation.
Super Saiyan Blue Evolution: Vegeta was able to evolve the power of SSB (thus named SSB Evolution) but it is still SSB.
Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken: Goku used the Kaio-Ken technique to multiply the power of SSB to go beyond his limits. Still SSB.
Ultra Instinct: Goku used the Ultra Instinct technique to reach a realm of power beyond SSB & beyond certain Gods of Destruction.
But, its important to understand that Ultra Instinct IS NOT a Saiyan transformation. Its a technique/spiritual state of mind, a spiritual transformation that anyone can use. But, due to Goku's Saiyan biology, Goku physically transforms when using Ultra Instinct's power. This means that Goku had to learn a TECHNIQUE/SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION to push his power beyond Super Saiyan Blue, his highest Super Saiyan limit.
Goku used the Kaio-Ken technique to temporarily surpass his limits, then truly surpassed his limits with the Ultra Instinct technique.
EVERYONE in Dragon Ball has physical limits. But, they can increase their ki to go beyond their physical limits.
Thus, nobody has limits to their power. Just different ways to surpass said limits.
Saiyans just quickly surpass their limits with their Saiyan transformations that provide a new physical limit accompanied with an increase of ki. Once there is not another transformation to go to, they are at their physical transformation limit. Using the teachings of Earthlings & gods allow certain Saiyans to increase their ki to push their new physical limits higher (like SSJ2 & SSBE).
But we have to remember that Goku & Vegeta are exceptions. They ARE NOT the norm for full-blood Saiyans.
VEGETA: He was a genetically gifted prodigy among the elites and even surpassed his father while he was a child. (This was an extreme anomaly compared to all other Saiyans.) Then Vegeta later learned how to use ki from Earthlings & used Earthling resources to increase his strength.
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GOKU: Thanks to being taught by Earthlings, being raised as an Earthling, & being a rare Saiyan with a good heart, Goku was able to keep his body & learn from a god after he died. Thanks to all of this (which is very un-Saiyan like) Goku surpassed what Saiyans were supposed to be capable of. Then, he continued to use Earthling understanding of ki to push his Saiyan abilities further & further.
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BROLY: He so much of an extreme abnormality amongst Saiyans that he's considered to be a freak of nature even to Saiyans. Broly had monsterous power even beyond a Saiyan prodigy like Vegeta.
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duhragonball · 3 years
I was thinking about Goku and Krillin's friendship and it occured to me that they spent months training with Roshi together but then only saw each other for maybe a day every few years. Have you ever had a realization that tripped you out like this?
This is a really good ask, anon, and I just wanted to take a moment to say so. 
I have had a few ‘a-ha’ moments like these, but I’m kind of blanking on specific examples.  I’ll see what I can come up with.
1) For openers, there’s the whole thing where the Red Ribbon Army has a Dragon Radar, but it’s nowhere near as sophisticated as the handheld one Bulma invented.  I think the same holds true for Emperor Pilaf, but his gang is only three people.   You’d expect the RRA to have the best equipment possible, because that’s their whole deal, and by normal standards they probably do have the best possible Dragon Radar... but Bulma’s is simply that much better, because she’s on another level.   And it’s easy to overlook that, because Bulma’s supposed to be a genius teenager, like Donatello in TMNT, but the RRA’s Dragon Radar is the first hint that she’s even more special than we could have guessed. 
2) Rewatching Dragon Ball in 2019, I gained a new appreciation for the filler episodes where Mr. Popo trained Goku.  The first time I saw them, I was hoping we’d see Goku grow up and make progress over the three year gap, but instead they just focused on his early days on the Lookout, with Popo just saying things and Goku failing to understand.  It was very frustrating to watch.  
But in 2019, I noticed that all those episodes get paid off in the Piccolo Junior fight.   Popo kept telling Goku to be “quicker than lightning” and “quiet as the sky”, and Goku just couldn’t figure out how to do that, let alone fight at the same time.   He had to unlearn all the stuff that had helped him defeat King Piccolo, and he couldn’t do it... at first.    But by the time he fought Piccolo Junior, he put it all together, as demonstrated with his big finishing move.   Piccolo thought he had vaporized Goku, only for Goku to fly up into the air and crash into him.   Why didn’t Piccolo sense Goku’s presence?   Because Goku had learned to become as “quiet as the sky”.  Why couldn’t Piccolo dodge it?   Because Goku had learned to become “quicker than lightning.”  So it vindicates those filler episodes pretty nicely.   They weren’t just marking time, but they were setting up what the manga was going to do later.
3) I think last year, it hit me that Vegeta had probably never lost a fight before he went to Earth.   That alone isn’t probably any big deduction.  The only people stronger than him were all working for Frieza, and he knew to steer clear of them until he was ready.   But it explains why he was so giddy about the zenkai effect.   He had always known about it, but he never mentioned or cared about it until he experienced it for himself after losing to Goku, and then Zarbon. 
Yeah, I think this occurred to me during a conversation about Vegeta killing Nappa instead of helping him.   In theory, Nappa could have recovered and gotten a lot stronger, just like Vegeta did.   But Saiyans Saga Vegeta didn’t care about that.   He only gave his henchmen one chancemand discarded them as soon as they lost.   This attitude would also explain why he never dared to challenge anyone at a higher level.    He knew no one would show him any mercy, so the zenkai boost would have been meaningless to him. 
So he might have regretted killing Nappa after he experienced the zenkai firsthand, although he was so drunk on his own increased power that he probably never stopped to consider it.   But before Earth, Vegeta probably dismissed the zenkai as a crutch for lesser Saiyans.   In his mind, a truly great Saiyan never loses battles in the first place.  Or so he believed, until he lost a few times, and became stronger for it, and had to reconsider.
And that also explains how he warmed up to the Super Saiyan Legend over the course of one afternoon.   He and Goku made such sick gains that week that he started to wonder if you could zenkai your way to Super Saiyan, and then he was begging Krillin to shoot him just so he could get a step closer.
4) In the same vein, it occurred to me at some point that Bardock was probably stronger than King Vegeta, and neither of them realized it.   Maybe it was just a dub-ism, but I’m pretty sure “Father of Goku” has a line about Bardock’s power level being 10000.   At the time it was released, 10k wasn’t that big a deal, but in the Saiyans Saga, Vegeta was somewhere around 18-24k. Later, he would claim to have surpassed his father as a child, so I think it’s fair to assume that King Vegeta must have been in that 10,000 neighborhood. 
Which makes a nice subtle commentary on why the Saiyan Kingdom failed. They tried to breed better warriors, putting all their stock in the royal family, when the true secret lay in warriors like Bardock, who were constantly getting clobbered and healed.  Prince Vegeta only started to make real progress once he began fighting on that same regimen.
5) Also about “Father of Goku,” Frieza only wanted Planet Kanassa subjugated because of the psychic powers of its inhabitants.   I think the dub insinuated that the planet itself gave people those powers, but whatever the case, Frieza heard about these people with unusual powers and wanted them stamped out immediately.   Just like he wiped out the Saiyans over the Super Saiyan Legend, and just like he planned to destroy Namek to prevent anyone else from using the Dragon Balls. 
In short, Frieza fears and despises legends.  Why?  Because he’s so powerful that real people can’t hurt him, so his fears naturally turn to half-truths and folklore.   He chases down ghost stories and rumors, because let’s face it, what else does he have to occupy his time.   That’s why King Cold was happy to have the Saiyans working for him, while Frieza wanted them all dead.   Cold didn’t share Frieza’s hangups.   Cold barely knew what a Super Saiyan was, while Frieza thought about it all the time. 
6) One day I thought about that timeline where Cell killed Trunks and took the time machine to find the androids.    That specific timeline is pretty much empty.  The Z-fighters are all dead, and so are all of the androids and Trunks.  They don’t even have a Cell anymore because he went back in time and never returned.   There’s still a population, I guess, because the Trunks of that world wouldn’t have just stood by while Cell absorbed everyone on Earth, but that’s about it.   Bulma might have survived Cell’s attack on Trunks, but she’d be the only “name” character on the board.  It just sounds like a pretty depressing world.   Maybe this was the timeline Whis picked out to relocate Blunks and Future Mai in Dragon Ball Super.
7) It sort of blows my mind that the entire Majin Buu arc takes place over a couple of days.    Like, episode 207 through 250 all takes place over one day.   We know this because Goku only had 24 hours to be back in the living world, and that time was cut short by his use of SSJ3.  Then the Elder Kai started doing his ritual to make Gohan stronger, and that took like 25 hours, I’m pretty sure.  That wrapped up in #262, and there was no break in the action from that point onward, all the way up to the defeat of Kid Buu in #287.  So yeah, eighty episodes over two days.   It’s practically real-time footage, save for skipping over the Elder Kai’s ritual and Goten and Trunks practicing and sleeping. 
It’s hard to catch on to this, though, because so much stuff happens in the anime version that leads you to think that it’s a much longer span of time.    After Vegeta wrecks the stadium, the anime can’t decide whether or not Mr. Satan would stay there or return to his dojo.   In the Fusion Saga, Mr. Satan wanders from Buu’s house to the nearest town, then he wanders to the next town over, doing his “Last Man on Earth” bit, except this all happens during the Gotenks/Super Buu fight, which barely lasts half an hour.   In the afterlife, Chi-Chi is worried that she can’t find Gohan, but she wouldn’t have even been there that long, and wouldn’t she still be in line to meet King Yemma?  She was one of the last Earthlings to die, so how did she end up in heaven so quickly?
8) I used to think Movie 13 (the Hirudegarn one) was canon, but the last time I watched it, I noticed all these glaring problems.  They use the Dragon Balls in this one, which means it has to be set six months after the wish to make everyone forget about Majin Buum which means it’s been a year since Kid Buu was defeated.  Okay, fine, except Gohan and Videl are still in high school.   Shouldn’t they have graduated by then?   
More importantly, their high school and Bulma’s house seem to be in the same city.   I guess that’s an easy mistake to make.   It took me a long time to even notice, but Orange Star High is in Satan City, which is a totally different place from West City.   I mean, right?  They’re not terribly far apart, but they’re not the same place either.
Then again, they seemed to make the same error in Episode 287, where Bulma’s out shopping and Great Saiyaman 1 and 2 foil a robbery.   Are they in West City or Satan City?  Maybe there’s more to this...
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dbzebra · 4 years
Surpassing The Strongest CH 2
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I hit a wall for a long time but finally got past it! Just a reminder, this is kind of an End of Z retelling but will have obvious changes going forward. Also i apologize in advance for the linebreaks, tumblr ruined my formatting so i had to imprpovise lol Enjoy! 
Chapter 2: Goten’s Resolve
“Train hard, study well, eat well and sleep well. That is the Turtle Hermit way to learn!”
Those were the words Master Roshi had told Goku and Krillin during their first day of martial arts training all those years ago. That motto had stuck with Goku his entire life, and molded it into how he trained both himself and his sons throughout their lives, even to this day. 
It was break time from training. Father and son were lying in the grass with their hands behind their heads, watching the fluffy clouds roll by. Pan wasn’t due back for a few more minutes going by the speed of her approaching energy, so they took the time to relax for a bit. 
Neither really spoke for a while, just listening to the sounds of nature. Birds chirped happily, the wind softly rustling the leaves above their heads, and the quaint sound of the river flowing nearby. 
It was Son Goten who finally spoke up, breaking the silence, not breaking his gaze from the clouds. 
“So, what’s next on the agenda?” Goten knew his father likely had an intense training schedule planned, but he was ready. 
“Well, besides our regular sparring, our next step-- is to help you reach Super Saiyan 3.”
“Me? Reach level 3?” Goten quickly sat up, pointing to himself with a dumbfounded look. 
“Of course!” Goku replied, sitting up as well. “That’s been your goal from the start since you began training again, right? And after what you showed me earlier, I think all that’s left is for you to push for the top.”
“Easier said than done! Trust me, I’ve been trying, it ain’t working!” Goten said. 
Goku grinned and put both hands on Goten’s shoulders. “You did it before as Gotenks, and you were only a kid back then. I can feel it in your energy, Goten.  You just gotta break through that last barrier.” 
“How did it work for you? Like how did you reach level three?”
Goku looked up to the sky for a few moments, trying to recall just how he ascended beyond Super Saiyan 2 back in Other World. “Super Saiyan 3 was much different than the previous two forms. While levels one and two required intense rage--in most cases, level three was a different beast entirely. It took intense training and complete mastery of Super Saiyan 2.  At the time, I was wondering how I could go even further beyond or if it was even possible. So one day, I was training with this guy called Pikkon. I kept feeling this really tiny tugging feeling deep inside.” Goku pointed to his stomach, and mimicked a back-and-forth motion with his hands. “And over the years of focus and training, the more I fought the more I felt it. So I worked towards that. I kept pulling back every time I felt that pull. Harder and harder, until--” he made a fist and then opened it-- “Bam! I unleashed all my energy once. And that’s when it happened.”
“...I don’t get it.” Pulling? It all sounded like crap, if he was being honest. But to be fair, he probably wouldn’t be able to explain the feeling either. 
“Just try it out. I know you did this earlier. Remember how you went level three as Gotenks, and combine that with what I told you.” Goku stayed in his cross-legged position, while Goten jumped up to his feet.
The teen took a deep breath. “Alright. Here I go…!”
Goten bent his knees and  let out a mighty roar that reached the heavens. His muscles bulged and once again electricity swirled around the teen as he ascended to Super Saiyan 2, bringing his ki to its utmost limits. The earth itself seemingly began trembling in fear of the awesome display of raw power.
‘This next energy… has to come from deep inside! Push hard to find it!’
The words that Goku had said to him and Trunks that day long ago echoed in his mind. The same words from when they took a break from learning the Fusion technique to see a first-hand demonstration of the ultimate Super Saiyan transformation.
“I did it back then, so I can do it now!” Goten told himself. He gritted his teeth hard and when he closed his eyes, he could almost  see the visage of a Great Ape roaring. As he continued powering up, he felt a tiny, almost insignificant tug from within. That miniscule flicker deep in his stomach was like a just-barely-lit candle. “There!”
This was it.  He had found it! The tremors began increasing in ferocity as the ground cracked beneath him and small rocks rose up into the air.  The ‘flame’ from within grew in size and heat. Goku watched on, smiling  with pride.
But just as he had it, he lost it. Goten’s  golden hair reverted to its original black color and he dropped to his knees. The stones that floated around the teen fell back to the earth and everything was quiet again. Panting and out of breath, the disheartened teenager cursed under his breath and teen slammed the ground with his fist, causing it to shatter beneath him. “I… I can’t do it, Dad! I just can’t! I’ve been stuck doing the same thing for months, it’s not working! I’m just not strong enough to turn Super Saiyan 3!!”
For the last eight months, Goten tried and failed to ascend. He thought he wasn’t making any progress at all, but that was usually the case with self evaluation: you judge yourself much harder. To Goku, however, he  noticed as clear as day that  his son was making leaps and bounds of progress in strength. 
Goku went to console his son, gently putting a hand on each of  his shoulders. “Hey, don't be that way! It’s totally okay! You are good enough, Goten. Remember, you were the youngest Super Saiyan ever, and reached Super Saiyan 2 at only fifteen! You were right there! I promise you!! It took me six years to reach level three, and I was dead! You're doing great.” Goku said, and it seemed to encourage his son going by the faint grin that dared to appear on the teen’s face. ”Let’s switch gears. How ‘bout we try some image training instead?” 
“Image training? What the heck is that?” Goten looked completely lost. 
Goku put his hand on his chin to think how to explain it. It was one of those things where it was easy to understand, but putting into words was a bit more complicated. But after a moment, it came to him. “Basically, it’s kinda like meditating, but you project an image of yourself in your mind. Then, you link up with someone else using telepathy, and fight that way.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. How do you get stronger just by thinking about it?” Goten flatly said, causing Goku to chuckle in response. Much like himself at that age, Goten was never one to mince words. 
“Just trust me, Goten. Your brother and I did the same thing while we were training to fight Cell.” Goku said and crossed his arms, keeping the same grin. “And besides, if we do this image training, you might get to see my secret ultimate technique.”
Now Goten was interested. It never took much to convince him. “Really? What’s it look like?!”
“You won’t know unless you try it out!” Goku goaded his son further. In all honesty, the new technique he developed was a finishing move, meant for a new enemy in case one ever came. It normally took a lot out of him, but just showing Goten once wouldn’t hurt. 
Just as they were about to continue however, the two Saiyans sensed a familiar energy source rapidly approaching. Goku had sensed it from far off from a while ago, but he could see that his son was too preoccupied to notice until now. 
“Guess we’ll save the image training for later then!” Goku said and jumped back to his feet. 
Still seated in the grass and leaning backwards on his hands, Goten turned to the direction of the approaching person. It was far too large to be Pan’s. He knew who this was. The teen’s wide smile returned as another young man with short lavender hair wearing a sleeveless yellow vest and black pants dropped down on the grass in front of his oldest friend.
“Hey bro! What brings you by our neck of the woods?” Goten asked. Still a little sore from training, he held out his hand and Trunks pulled him up. 
Trunks smirked and poked Goten playfully in the chest. “I heard through the grapevine that you were gonna enter the Tournament next week. Tryin’ to sneak a win by without telling’ me?” He raised an eyebrow at his friend. Knowing Goten like he did, he figured there wasn’t any malicious intent. 
“Ah, Mar told you? Sorry about that.” Goten replied with a sigh. “I legitimately thought you already knew and planned on entering. I meant to tell you, really!” Between spending hours with Marron after school on their date yesterday, the excitement over his new gi the night before,  and then the morning training, he didn’t really get an opportunity. 
“It’s fine. I’m just glad to be out of my house. My dad hasn’t shut the hell up about it since! He was grilling me all morning! God, I had to practically throw Bulla at him just for a momentary distraction then I just bailed.” Trunks threw his hands up in frustration. His family got on his last damn nerve sometimes. 
“I hear that. This one over here,” Goten said, gesturing to his father with his thumb, “pulled me out of bed at the crack of dawn while I was in the middle of an awesome dream!”
“Oh quit complaining.” Goku scolded his son while Goten shrugged.
Trunks snickered. “An awesome dream, you say? What kinda dream was it?” 
Goten shot him a dirty look, but before he could think of a comeback, a little toddler dressed in a red gi flew in and landed in the middle of them. 
“I’m back Grandpa!!” Pan chirped, raising her little fists in the air. “I flew around the whoooole world again, just like you said!”
With that signature Son grin of his, Goku smiled down at her. “That’s amazing, Pan! Thats your fastest time yet!”
Pan’s dark eyes lit up at hearing that she was getting better. “Think I’ll be ready for the Toonament?” She asked, innocently tilting her head to the side. 
“Wait, Pan, you’re seriously going to enter the Tournament? There’s no Junior Division, don’t tell me she’s gonna fight with the rest of us!”  Trunks was baffled. Pan nodded up at him, her smile still as wide as could be. She didn’t seem to have a care in the world. 
Goku proudly pat his granddaughter on the head. “Don’t worry about her. She may not win, but she’ll do just fine!” 
“She might end up doing better than Goten.” Trunks added.
“Very funny.” Goten dusted some blades of grass off of his pants, and glanced over to Trunks again, who teasing smirk only seemed to get bigger. The younger Saiyan sighed, shaking his head with a smile. “Dad, can we take a little break?”
“Sure, don’t go too far though. We’re gonna pick up where we left off in a bit.” Goku replied and Goten nodded in affirmation. 
The two teenaged Saiyans walked over to the riverbank for a private chat. They kept their voices low, so a certain little toddler didn’t accidentally overhear certain stuff and then go repeating it, which would end badly for the both of them. 
Trunks stood peering over the rushing waters with his hands shoved into his vest pockets. It was mesmerizing.. His phone buzzed, but decided it wasn’t that important. Meanwhile Goten put his hands behind his head and leaned on the tree nearby, staring up at the branches above. The sun was shining high in the sky; its warm light breaking through the gaps between the trees.
When he was small, he used to play a game where he had to only stay in the shaded parts and couldn’t touch where the sun hit. He smiled at the memory for a moment as his thoughts drifted back to the upcoming main event. 
“So, you gonna enter?” 
Trunks blew air out his nostrils and smirked. “You bet your ass I am.  I’m not just gonna let you just walk in and sweep the competition against a bunch of nobodies! I’ll win,  just like I did last time. If only Mr. Satan was entering, I’d smack him into next month.” 
“Yeah right!” Goten fired back and puffed out his chest a bit, the confidence in his voice building.. “The outcome won’t be the same as last time, I can promise you that. I’ve been training constantly!” 
“HA!” Trunks scoffed. “Good one, man. If by ‘training’, you mean you’ve just been getting handsy with Marron all the freakin’ time, then sure! Meanwhile, I’ve actually been training!” Trunks said, with his usual smug smile. He felt a little bad, but busting on Goten was too easy. 
Goten’s whole face flushed a scarlet color at how nonchalantly Trunks could just bring up what he did with his girlfriend in private. Any confidence he had in that moment fizzled right out.  “H-Hey!! Mar and I aren’t getting handsy!!” Goten blurted out louder than he intended and then swiftly covered his mouth with his hands. “That much…” He said again, practically as a whisper that time.
Trunks tried not to burst out laughing as Goten looked towards Pan, hoping she didn’t overhear him and then go repeating it to Videl or Gohan. Or worse, his mother. Not that she would get mad, just that her teasing comments would only get worse!
“Cut the bullshit, Goten. We’ve been friends for like, seventeen years, and I know when you’re lying. Even after all these years, you still have no poker face. And Marron isn’t exactly the best at keeping something like that hidden either.”
Was he really that obvious?! Goten kicked himself for being such an open book. He huffed and kicked a nearby pebble into the river. 
“Look, no shame! I’m proud of you, man. Good for you. Marron’s a real catch!” Trunks said and proudly patted Goten on the back. The older Saiyan figured Goten would fire right back with a comeback of his own, likely about all those vulgar girls who kept throwing themselves at him at school. It wasn’t his fault he was so good looking! Trunks may have had the outer confidence and charisma of his mother, but like his father Vegeta, Trunks was a bit of a prude when it came down to it, for the lack of a better word. He was all talk, as Marron had pointed out. 
However Goten’s gaze didn’t leave the gentle flowing river, his eyebrows furrowed as if he were lost in thought. Trunks’ face fell. “Hey, my bad, man. I didn’t mean it that way. I really am happy for you.”
“Huh?” Goten blinked, coming out of his thoughts. He put a hand behind his head with an apologetic smile. “Oh, don’t worry, it’s fine. I should be the one apologizing. I’m just… really distracted.”
“You alright, bro?”
Goten didn’t respond immediately, but after a moment he slowly nodded. “I dunno why, but I’m really nervous about this Tournament. I’ve hit a wall trying to reach Super Saiyan 3, and it’s stressing me out. Nothing’s working, and I don’t know what to do. At this rate, I’m almost afraid I’ll end up fighting my dad in the first round and getting wiped out like some chump.”
Trunks knew how Goten felt. Living up to Vegeta’s expectations was tough at times. And frustrating. He also had no luck on reaching the third level. What came easy to them while fused together proved to be their ultimate challenge while separate. But he wasn’t giving up. And he wasn’t about to let Goten give up either.. “Tell me something, Goten. Why do you choose to fight?” He knew the answer fully well, but wanted to hear Goten say it.
“Why does that matter?”
“Just humor me.”
Goten sighed, and then his lips curled into a smile when he thought of a certain pretty blonde. “Marron.” Her name rolled off his tongue effortlessly. “Mar is the reason I started training again. She’s the reason I want to get stronger. She means the entire world to me.  I’d do anything to keep that smile of hers safe.”
After the fight against Majin Buu, Son Goten slowly grew out of fighting over the years. Sure, he trained for exercise or if he had nothing else to do, but it wasn’t much of a priority for him until he started dating Marron two years ago. Once they became a couple, it was like a lightbulb went off in the boy’s head. He knew what he had to do--what he wanted to do. And so he trained intensely, day after day.  To prevent anything like the Majin Buu incident from happening ever again. 
Feeling a second wind, and not wanting to be left behind, Trunks soon joined him as well. It wasn’t long before Goten had closed the gap between them, and together the boys broke through the first Super Saiyan barrier: finally reaching Super Saiyan 2. 
“My point is, look how far you’ve come since then. Marron may be a loudmouth, but she’s a true ride-or-die girl. If there’s anyone who doesn’t care where you place in the Tournament, it’s her.”
“Yeah, you’re right. She said something similar yesterday.”
“See?” Trunks smiled. “I’m far from being the best at pep talks, but I know for a fact that you’re much stronger than you think. I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet. Forcing Super Saiyan 3 won’t help things either. It’ll happen, man. For both of us. Basically, what I’m getting at is; it’s just a Tournament. We have our whole lives to surpass our dads. Let’s just make this one a fun reunion where there’s no genocidal egomaniacs for once.”
Goten truly started to feel better.  “Thanks, man. Really.” He said and the duo did their signature double fist bump. 
“Hey, I have an idea.” 
Goten turned, eyeing his friend suspiciously.. Whenever Trunks Briefs uttered the words ‘I have an idea’ it usually was always something insane, but he decided to hear him out. “Lay it on me.”
“Why don’t we enter as Gotenks? Nobody could stop us that way, not even your dad!” Trunks said excitedly, pumping his fists. “I don’t care about the prize money either, so when we win, I’d just give you my half.”
Goten was touched.  Trunks really was a true friend. Sure, they busted on each other constantly, to the point where outsiders may think they disliked each other, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. When it came down to it, they had each other’s back. 
“I appreciate it, really, but… I can’t. I want to go up against my dad with my own strength. If we won the Tournament that way, I’d feel like I cheated. Besides, the fusion only lasts for thirty minutes; less if we went full power. And then we’d have to wait a whole hour to be able to fuse again, so it’s not exactly practical.”
“Shit, you’re right. I forgot about that.” Trunks replied, scratching his head. His phone buzzed from his pocket again, but ignored it.  “Was worth a shot!”
After the third time his phone buzzed, Trunks picked up and immediately got an earful from his mother, ordering him to come home. He groaned and quickly  hung up. For a moment he considered tossing his stupid phone into the river. But used his better judgement and shoved it back into his pocket.
“Well that’s my cue. Gotta get going before I really get in trouble. My mom just realized I snuck out. Besides, I should let you get back to training.”
“Good luck. You’re gonna need it.”
Trunks chuckled. “Next time I’ll see you it’ll be Tournament day. I hope you’ll be ready, man. It’s gonna be me versus you in the final round.” Trunks said with a smirk. “Oh, and tell Marron I said hi.”
“You can count on that.” Goten replied. “And sure.”
A translucent white colored aura surrounded Trunks’ body. He waved and he took off to the west like a torpedo. And like that he was gone over the horizon.
Goku came up, with Pan trotting along behind him. “Feelin’ up for some lunch before we continue?”
“You bet!” 
Two days had passed since then. Only four days remained until the big day.
Feeling revitalized, Son Goten continued his training. The day quickly approached, and he wanted to be ready. Super Saiyan 3 or not.  The young half Saiyan blitzed back and forth, kicking  and punching ferociously into the air, appearing only as a blue to the untrained eye. He kept vanishing and reappearing across the whole sky, leaving a golden trail in his tracks. Lighting swirled around his body like a thunderstorm. Goten  fired blasts forward, and teleported in front of his own oncoming attacks and blocked at the last possible second. 
On both of his wrists and ankles, he wore large, red colored weighted training bands. Each one had  twenty-five tons of force. One hundred tons total.  And yet, Son Goten made it look easy.
Meanwhile, a small hot-pink colored air jet sped towards Mt. Paozu. On the side of the left wing had the number 404 written in big black font. The opposite side sported the signature Capsule Corporation logo. 
Bubbly pop music blared from the radio as the teenage girl with hair tied into twin tails piloting the car enthusiastically sang along. She had sunglasses resting on top of her head and wore a small pink crop top and blue short-shorts that showed off her fit, athletic figure. The blonde was giddy with excitement- she was planning to surprise Goten during his training today. She could already picture his adorably stupid face, and giggled to herself just thinking about it! 
From the sky Marron could see Goku and Gohan’s home sitting side by side, in front of Grandpa Gohan’s old nut. It made a picturesque sight for the blonde. She wondered if she’d be living out here with Goten in a house of their own someday. 
Just then, shockwaves shook the air car violently back and forth, but Marron was no chump when it came to this. She easily got the vehicle under control and continued on her path.  Sure, she knew how to fly now, and her fear of heights was long gone, but she still overall preferred traveling this way. The wind while flying was still a bit too much for her.  Unless of course, she got to ride on the Nimbus with a certain boy.
Out of the corner of her light blue eyes, Marron saw a flicker of gold. She could just barely see, but she knew. High in the air appearing like a golden star in the middle of the day. It was beautiful. The blonde smiled as she lowered in altitude as she approached a field next to a river located nearby from the two homes, touching down on the grass a few moments later. 
Marron hopped out of the vehicle and stretched, taking in the clean air of the country and the quietness of nature. She was a city girl at heart, but in some ways this came pretty close. The blonde pressed the button on the side of her jet and with a puff of smoke, the jet returned to its capsule. She moved the sunglasses to her face to cover from the sun. Once her eyes adjusted, Marron pulled out the ribbons from her hair and shook her head from side to side, freely allowing her blonde locks to cascade down to her shoulders. Much better, she felt, 
She squinted and looked up to see if she could see him, but the sub was too bright even with her sunglasses. 
 Just then, as if on cue, a golden haired boy dropped down on the grass in front of her. 
“Hey, babe!” Goten said. Seeing Marron was exactly what he needed right now. He sensed her up in the air and he waved, but he was too far away for her to see. A warm smile curled onto the boy’s lips. He wore a white muscle shirt with blue sweatpants, and his signature yellow boots.
“Hey yourself~” She couldn’t help but gawk. Her blue eyes glanced over his muscles, and for a moment she wondered if it was more than the summer heat that made her feel hot all of a sudden. Marron fanned herself with her hand, trying to ignore the obvious that ran through her mind. But the blonde shook off her dirty idea when he walked up to her. “I hope I’m not interrupting your training.”
“Nah, perfect timing actually. Was gonna do one more thing then take a break. It’s great to see you, Mar. You look great--like a movie star.” Still in the Super Saiyan 2 state, Goten went over to his girlfriend and kissed her forehead.  “I’d hug you right now, but I’m all gross and sweaty from training.” 
Marron giggled, and ran her freshly manicured fingers through her hair. “There’d be plenty of time for that later~!” She winked at him and he grinned.  But when she noticed he was alone, she was a little confused. Not too long ago, she sensed another ki with Goten, who she assumed was his dad. “Oh! Where’s Goku? I thought he’d be with you.”
“Dad? He’s out doing some solo training somewhere in the wilderness. We sparred earlier, but said we should train separately for a little bit. So he got me this heavy training gear. I’ve been out here pretty much all day. After today though, I’m all done training until the Tournament. My dad recommended that I should rest my muscles a bit beforehand so I don’t mess myself up for the fights. I’m free tomorrow, so let’s go somewhere!”
Marron clasped her hands together happily. “Oh, that sounds amazing!”
“Then it’s a date.”
But for now, he had to get back to work. He removed the weights from his wrists and ankles, placing them back in their box. With a click of the button on the side, the box returned to its capsule form. 
Sighing with relief, Goten stretched his arms and legs as Marron watched. He punched the air a few times, satisfied with the result. She loved watching him. Not just because she generally preferred watching fights over fighting herself, the blonde genuinely loved watching her Goten grow and get stronger. She was so happy for him. 
Next, he moved to doing ten thousand push-ups wearing a fifty ton turtle shell on his back, courtesy of Master Roshi. It was a bit of a struggle getting it on, but he managed. Marron sat on top of the shell, her long legs dangling off to the side. She almost wanted to mess with him, but didn’t want her Goten to get distracted when he looked so serious.. So instead she just gave him support. It was getting warmer out, but the mountain breeze made the humidity doable. She didn’t care if her hair got frizzy. 
“Ok, here goes!!”
Fifty tons on your back was heavier than he thought. Harder than the previous exercise, if he was being honest. But transforming into Super Saiyan 2 made it much more doable. In his training, Goten had discovered a form, not quite Super Saiyan 3, but something beyond Super Saiyan 2. However that form was for another day. He wanted to perfect the second level as much as possible.
He started off strong, but about halfway through he really started to feel the strain. But this was normal for him. Unfortunately,  it didn’t get any easier from then on. Normally, it was child’s play. But coupled with wearing a heavy turtle shell on his back, it was no easy task. Still, Goten thought it was fun. 
He counted off the numbers, quickly approaching his goal of ten-thousand. 
“Hey~~” Marron hummed, cutely twirling a strand of hair in between her thumb and index finger. “You’re doing an awesome job! When you finish, I’ll give you a present~”
Goten grinned. “What kind?”
“You’ll just have to see~” She said, giggling. 
“Easy for you to say, you’re just sitting up there looking all hot in that little outfit!” Goten joked as he continued his workout. Marron gasped slightly and touched her blushing cheeks at the compliment. He was too sweet. Always knew how to make her blush. 
The minutes rolled by. Marron happily timed him. And soon he was in the final stretch. 
“9,998…” He grunted, his arms felt like jelly. “9,999…. 10,000!! Aaaand, done!” Goten cried out and practically collapsed onto the grass, drenched in sweat. In between his heavy breaths, he laughed slightly. He could feel he was progressing. A little more each day. He recalled what Trunks and his father told him, which only fueled his refound drive further. 
“You beat your record! Congrats, sweetheart!” Goten winced, almost losing his balance, and it weren’t for Marron helping him up, he very well might have. With a grunt, Goten dropped the ten ton turtle shell, cracking the ground around it upon impact. She happily pecked him on the cheek for a job well done.
He dropped back to base form--his hair and eyes now their original black color. “I’m exhausted…” He grabbed a fruit from a nearby tree and ate it whole. And then loudly burped. Goten sheepishly smiled. “That hit the spot…”
Marron giggled, walking up to him with her hands behind her back. “Well, I’m a woman of my word. Time for your surprise. Okay~ Close your eyes.”
“Why should I? You might play a trick on me.” 
Marron pouted. “Rude. I’d never do that!” Her voice came out squeakier than she intended but it just made him smile bigger. He thought her voice was adorable.
“There. They’re closed.” Goten said, still grinning. He liked to playfully push her buttons; her cute pouting face made it  worth it. “Now can I have a hint?” He sniffed the air, trying to guess. “Is it a snack?”
“No peeking. Or else.” Marron said in a demanding voice, but it still  just came off as cute. 
Marron leaned up, and cupped Goten’s cheeks in her hands. Before he could respond, the blonde gently kissed him on the lips. It was only for a moment, but they were both smiling when she pulled back.
“Pretty great surprise.”
“You’re welcome.” She purred and they kissed again, deeper this time.
After breaking apart that time, she held his hand in hers as they walked along the riverbank, which led to a large lake with multiple branching paths. The same lake where he taught her how to fly. Marron smiled at the memory.
“I’m dying out here!” He took a whiff of his black muscle shirt and grimaced. “Ew. And I smell like crap too. I'm gonna take a swim and cool off. Wanna join me?” 
“I would, but I don’t have my bathing suit with me.”
“So I’m not getting down to my underwear!” Marron huffed. 
“It’s not like I haven’t seen you in your underwear before. Besides, nobody else is around. We’re all alone out here.”
“T-T-This is different! Idiot Goten!” Marron’s entire face turned a bright crimson-red from ear to ear at the implication. The blonde definitely didn’t mind if one thing led to another and passion got the best of them right there on the grass, but… but what if they got caught??! She’d probably die of embarrassment if that happened.
Goten only kept his smile; he could tell her imagination was running wild again. He threw off his clothes and laid them on the grass nearby. threw them in a pile nearby. He’d wash them later. Now down to just his boxers, he jumped high into the air and did a cannonball into the lake causing a big splash. He emerged a moment later, spitting water out of his mouth. He swam on his back, just relaxing. The cold temperature instantly made him feel refreshed. It was like he could feel his sore muscles being healed.
Marron dipped her feet into the water.. She closed her eyes and exhaled happily. Life didn’t get much better than this. She sighed blissfully and closed her eyes.  “Hey~ Where should we go tomorrow? The waterpark? Aquarium?” 
No response.
“Goten?” She opened them again to see that he was gone. Cracking a smile, Marron tried to listen for where he could be. “...Come on out, you dork.”
Something touched her foot and she yelped. 
“Goten!!” Marron said again, the panic in her voice growing and she pulled her feet out of the water.  She looked around, still nothing. She pouted. He was playing with her. Well she’ll show him. She had her own ways of playing with him. 
Just then, the teenaged Saiyan poked his head out from underwater and splashed the blonde right in the face. 
“Got ya!” He snickered.
She really didn’t have plans on going in the water. 
Until of course, he just declared war. 
“Oh, that’s it. It is so on.” 
“Bring it, Blondie.”  Goten deviously smiled back as he disappeared underwater, preparing for his next attack.
Marron smirked and dove right in after him.  
She’d made him pay for that. 
Four more days rolled by. 
This was it. 
The 28th ‘Strongest Under the Heavens’ World Martial Arts Tournament had finally arrived. 
Skilled fighters who wanted to test their abilities  against the best of the best. Devoted fans who wanted to see one of the world’s biggest events from across the planet. All flocked to Papaya Island. It was the most anticipated event on the planet. Even those who didn’t attend planned to have their eyes glued to the television and radio for this year’s competition. 
Krillin, 18, and Marron were the first of the group to arrive. The family of three stepped out of their red capsule jet and then returned it to their capsule. Roshi and Oolong were next. Marron happily greeted the old man with a hug, Master Roshi was practically her grandfather: always kind to her and gave her wise advice whenever she needed it. If Marron ever got into an argument with her parents, Roshi’s island was always her first stop. 
A blue aircar landed nearby, and out jumped Yamcha, wearing a yellow suit and his black hair tied back into a ponytail. Puar sat on his shoulder “Hey man! Good to see ya!” He greeted his old friend and then waved to 18 and Marron, his goddaughter. It felt like yesterday he was babysitting and telling her stories as a toddler , and now she was a beautiful young woman. Time really flies. 
“Yamcha! How are ya, man? You here to enter?” Krillin asked. 
Yamcha shook his head. “Me? No way. With all those Saiyans, and mostly likely Piccolo too, I’d just embarrass myself. I’m just gonna watch.”
“I’d think you’d do great, Uncle Yamcha!!” Marron exclaimed, coming to his defense. 
Yamcha smiled at her. “Never change, Marron.” The blonde giggled in reply. 
“By the way, have you seen Tien?” The former monk asked. 
Yamcha shook his head. “I mentioned the Tournament to him when I went to visit last month, but haven’t heard much since. Knowing Tien though, he’ll be here.”
18 looked around,  honestly unconcerned with what they were talking about. 
She could tell Marron was preoccupied too. The teen kept fixing  her hair in her pocket mirror, wanting it to be perfect. 
18 smiled. “Teenagers.” She fondly remembered those times when she was that age, just her and her twin brother against the whole world. “Are you here or not, 17? You better not have bailed.”
“Goku said he’d meet us at the main gate. No use idling around here.” 
“Let’s get movin’ then!”
The Son family arrived at the southwestern side of the island. The family of seven, consisting of Goku, Chi-Chi, Gohan, Goten, Videl and the Ox King all made their way towards the registration tables to meet up with their friends and sign up. 
Goten felt nostalgic as he walked with his hands behind his head, wearing his new gi. This was the place he finally met his dad for the first time. Changed his life for the better. 
Pan clung to her grandfather’s pant leg, in awe of her surroundings. Everything looked so much fun!. Gohan and Videl prepped the toddler for today's fights the previous night. They were admittedly a little worried, but knew Pan could handle herself. And there were so many of their friends and family around--Gohan himself included-- that in the slim possibility of something going wrong, they’d intervene in an instant. 
“This place is really buzzing! Far cry from when I entered way back when.” Chi-Chi said.
“It doesn’t even feel like a Tournament anymore.” Videl added. “It’s like a festival! Even more so than last time.”
Pan tugged on Goku’s pant leg. “Hey Grandpa! Grandpa! Let’s go play!” The toddler said and  ran off into the crowd.
“Be back later guys!” Goku called and ran off. 
“Don’t go too far, Dad! You’ll miss registration!!” Gohan called. Goku gave his older son a thumbs up and disappeared into the crowd after his young granddaughter. 
“Two peas in a pod, those two.” Chi-Chi sighed.
“They’ll be alright, Mom.” Gohan said. “Dad’s great with Pan, He won’t lose track of time.”
Pan and Goku went on a ‘carnival adventure', as Pan described it. Well, it felt like one to her at least. She got to try all types of good food, fed the birds, met a giant robot bunny, and even won first place at one of the games, winning her a giant teddy that was at least three times  her size!
Meanwhile, a small boat arrived at the docks on the southeastern port of the island. Out stepped a small boy, no older than ten. Frail, almost appearing malnourished. He had dark skin, and black hair styled into a spiky mohawk. The young boy’s clothing was dirty and torn up a bit from his life on his family’s farm. 
“T-Thank you for the ride, sir.” He reached into his pockets and pulled out a small sac. “Please, it’s not much, but please take this zeni for helping me.” He was supposed to use it to buy food, but the boy couldn’t just accept a free ride.
“No, please, put your money away, my boy.” The jolly old boat captain said with a laugh. “You came quite a long way to get here, I couldn’t take the last of your change like that. It’s the least I could do. After all, you’re fighting in the Tournament, correct? You’ll need food to keep yourself strong!”
The young boy’s eyes sparkled a bit, and he smiled for the first time all afternoon. It helped ease his pounding nerves somewhat. 
“Do you by any chance know which way I have to go? It’s my first time in a big city like this, and it’s rather intimidating.” He said, trailing off and looking around behind him at the bustling crowds and stalls that seemed endless. 
“Head straight that way.” The captain replied, pointing behind the boy. “You can’t miss it, it’s the huge building with the multicolored streamers coming out in every direction.”
“Thanks again! I’m in your debt.” The boy bowed his head, clasping his hands over his chest gratefully. 
“Wait, I never caught your name, son!”
“Uub. My name is Uub.” The boy now known as Uub replied meekly. He always felt his name was weird, 
“Well Uub,  good luck in the Tournament.”
Uub  bowed to the captain one last time, and was on his way. 
The captain waved as he watched the boy go, happy he could help. “What a nice lad. I hope he makes it to the top.” He got back into his boat and made a U-turn back to the mainland to pick up the next round of passengers. Hopefully they were as nice as Uub was. 
As Uub made his way through the city, he was shocked how big everything was. Skyscrapers that seemed to go on forever. He felt so tiny in comparison. Uub looked down to the ground, avoiding eye contact with most people. Just keep following the signs, he told himself.
Eventually, Uub reached the Tournament grounds. Bustling crowds lined multiple stalls. Food, games, merchandise, you name it. Uub was in awe. They were practically giving food away! His stomach grumbled just thinking about it. Figuring he should fight on a full stomach, young Uub got in line at the nearest burger stand. He never had one before, as his village was very poor. Uub’s village, a tropical settling to the south of Papaya Island, didn’t have the luxuries of fast food. He hoped to change that. 
While he was in line, a little girl with short black hair wearing a red gi ran by a few yards behind him, happily giggling. Not too long after, a certain man with a signature palm tree hairstyle ran after the girl. When the man passed Uub, he stopped for a moment to stare to really confirm it.
“So it’s really true. He’s here!”
“Grandpa, come on!!” The little girl’s voice could be heard from up ahead. But when Uub turned around, the little girl and whoever she was talking to were already gone. 
Uub paid for his burger with his last two hundred  zeni. He just  stared at it for a moment, his mouth watering. “My first burger… Mom, Dad, everyone, I hope you’re proud of me! I’ll try my best!” 
Uub devoured his burger and got on his way. As he walked, he saw monks directing people where to go. Up ahead he saw a man at a booth with ‘Registration’ written on the front in big bold letters. Uub smiled. He made it. He really made it. Uub timidly approached the table when he saw there wasn’t much of a line. 
“Are you here to register for the Tournament, my boy?” he smiled warmly at the young boy. 
“Y-Yes. M-My name is Uub.” Uub averted his eyes. This was too nerve wracking.
The monk looked him up and down for a moment and then wrote something down on his clipboard. “Uub,” he repeated, “okay, you’re all registered. Please follow the path behind me to the courtyard. There you will draw a number.. The preliminary test will begin in about a half hour.”
“Thank you, sir.” Uub nodded and continued on his way. It was becoming real for him now. He gulped. This was it. No going back now.
Goku returned with Pan, lugging along her prize from earlier. He found the rest of his family idling around the foot court about an hour later. Still plenty of time to register. 
“Mama! Papa! Look! I won at the hammer game! I rang the bell and then it exploded!! The nice man gave me Mister Bear!” Pan cried happily, jumping up and down. Videl and Gohan looked at each other and smiled. 
“That’s amazing, Panny!” Videl said. “I’ll take your bear for you so he doesn’t get lost, okay?” 
Pan happily nodded her agreement and then ran back over to Goku. “Grandpa are we really at the Toonament?”
“Sure are, kiddo! You still wanna fight, right?”
Goku’s ki sense picked up on someone familiar approaching. He turned around and saw the Briefs family: Vegeta, Bulma, Trunks, and little Bulla.
Bulla and Pan ran over and hugged each other. 
Trunks nodded to Goten. The lavender haired teen wore sweatpants and a black muscle shirt with ‘Capsule’ written on the front in big white letters.. For a moment the two teens stared each other down, electricity sparking between them. Their friendly rivalry was reaching its peak, both believing they’d face the other in the final round. 
Chi-Chi pinched Goten’s ear while Bulma clonked Trunks on the head.
“Be nice, Goten!”
“Yeah, don’t be a hotshot! We already have enough of those with your father around!”
Chi-Chi and Bulma playfully scolded their respective sons. Even when they were practically adults, Goten and Trunks were still easily defeated by their mothers, just like when they were small. 
“You’re entering too, Vegeta?” Goku asked his former rival, now close friend.
Vegeta smirked. “For once, Kakarot, I’m fighting just for the fun of it.”
“Plus, he’s been gettin a little tummy lately!” Bulma poked her husband’s chest causing him to blush and storm off with a scowl. Trunks sighed in exasperation while Goku and Bulma grinned.
Bulla trotted after Vegeta. “Daddy, why do you call Mister Goku a carrot?”
Vegeta knelt down and patted his daughter on the head. “I’ll explain it later, Princess.”
“I almost forgot!” Chi-Chi exclaimed. “Before anything happens, boys, are you gonna ban Super Saiyan this time around too?”
Everyone glanced to Goten and Trunks. The two most likely culprits to break the rule anyway. 
Goten put his hands up in defense. “Hey, don’t look at me! It was an accident last time!” 
“Yeah, besides, we should give those sheep out there a show! Something they’ll never forget.” Trunks added. 
“That’s that then. Anything goes.” Goku said and Vegeta smirked in affirmation. The boys high-fived each other, and with that, once the group finished their little pit stop they were on their way.
The two families went as one big group and together they reached their meetup spot and linked up with Krillin and the others. Even Piccolo and Dende showed up, but they were off to the side, not liking the attention and looks from the crowd.. Piccolo had decided to enter rather last minute, upon the request of little Pan. He couldn’t say no to her, no matter how hard he tried.
“There they are!” Krillin pointed at them, about ten yards away. Goku waved from afar.  
When Marron saw Goten, standing clad in his brand new orange and black gi, the blonde practically flung herself at the young half Saiyan. He happily caught her and spun her around, and they shared a quick smooch. 
“I’m so glad you came, Mar.” She looked gorgeous with that pretty red dress of hers. She was his cheerleader. His number one fan and reason for going on. With her in his corner, he felt like he was the strongest guy in the universe. 
“Of course, sweetheart! You’d think I’d ever miss my boyfriend becoming World Champion? She winked at him. She started fussing over his gi, adjusting it so he looked neat. He looked so handsome, she thought. “I’ll be cheering for you~”
“Can I have one more good luck kiss?” Goten said in a low tone, so nobody heard him but her. His  strong yet gentle arms wrapped around her waist. She smelled really good. 
“I’d be happy to.” Marron replied with a sultry grin.. She flipped her hair behind her back, draped her arms around Goten’s neck.
Just before their lips touched again though, Goten was yanked backward. Marron pouted at the culprit. 
“Come on, lover boy. You two can be gross and suck face all you want later, unless you want to watch the Tournament from the stands. As a spectator.” Trunks grumbled as he dragged Goten away over to the registration stands. 
Marron only giggled and blew her boyfriend a kiss. “Byyye! Good luck! I love you!”
Goten waved back with both hands as he got dragged away, mouthing ‘I love you too’ and Marron just about melted. 
The two teenaged Saiyans went to sign up while Marron went with Chi-Chi and her mother to find a seat. Krillin stayed around to chat with Goku and Yamcha, catching up and reminiscing about the previous times they were all here. 
From deep in the crowd, a blonde woman with a big red ribbon spotted that signature hairstyle. That was unmistakable, even with his back to her. After all these years she could spot him from a mile away. Luckily, she kept her firearms at home. Well, most of them. She had no plans on using them. Unless they needed a crowd clearer. Maybe. 
“I knew he’d be here.” She said to the taller man, her husband, beside her.
“Yes. It’s been too long.” The bald man said. He turned to the smaller man on his shoulder and smiled. “Figures we’d reunite here, right Chiaotzu?”
Chiaotzu nodded. “I’ll be fighting as well.”
And like that, the blonde ran off ahead in the direction of their old friends. She ran right up to Goku and playfully slapped him on the back. “Long time no see, boys!”
“Hey, what’s the-- L-Launch?!! Is that you?!” Goku’s irritation immediately turned to joy at the sight of his lifelong friend. All three of the former Turtle School fighters greeted Launch happily. 
“Wait, if you’re here, that must mean…” Krillin started to say, and then the duo in question appeared. Tien and Chiaotzu. 
It didn’t need to be said, but both Tien and Chiaotzu had gotten stronger. Much stronger. Goku couldn’t wait to see their new abilities. 
“My apologies for the surprise.” Tien said with his usual serious expression. Launch stuck her tongue out and  blew raspberries at him. Chiaotzu laughed at that. “It’s good to see you all again.”
Yamcha  patted Tien on the shoulder with a grin. “Come on, man, we’re your pals. No need to be so serious!”
“So how’s married life treatin’ ya?” Krillin smirked jokingly.
“Great! Right Tien?” Launch poked Tien in the chest. 
“Um, y-yes.” Tien blushed. The Turtle trio all exchanged similar grins. He still wasn’t the best at expressing his emotions in public, especially when teased, but they also knew him too well. 
“This one is a big worrywort. Especially now.” Launch patted her stomach. She was pregnant with her first child. Eight weeks. Admittedly it was a little trippy to find out, after her blue self was the first to learn the news, but her blonde self was equally as happy. Her life on the farm in the western mountains--a life without crime-- was much better than she had imagined. 
Each of the Turtle School trio and Master Roshi sported similar elated grins, as they hugged Launch and gave their congratulations to the future parents. Their little gang would soon have one more member.
A voice came over the sound system. “Last call for registration! I repeat, last call for registration. Please come to the registration desk! Registration will be closing in three minutes!”
“Well, that’s my cue!” Goku said and went to sign up along with Tien and Chiaotzu. The three fighters signed up at the very end, in their typical fashion. The three fighters waved and parted ways with Yamcha, Roshi, Krillin, and Launch, who went to join the others. 
“Just wait till everyone sees you! This’ll be a great surprise!” Yamcha exclaimed. Just like old times. 
The last remaining fighters signed up, and registration came to a close. 
In a private room of the main building, a middle aged man with blond hair adjusted his tie in the mirror. He wore an impeccable suit, ready for another year at the best job in the world. 
He peered out the window at the crowd of participants gathering in the fighters courtyard while thousands of  guests filed into their seats of the main stadium. The man cleared his throat, smiling. Announcing and commentating the World Martial Arts Tournament  was second nature to him now. 
Tournaments past were some of the most exhilarating moments of his life. 
And only one thought echoed through his mind.
“They’ll be here this time. I just know it.”
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kibonosentoki · 4 years
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Character sheet.
Full name: Son Gohan Pronunciation: GO-han Nicknames: None Height: 6′0″  Age: 23-31 (he’s really 31 due to him being dead 8 years but his body is still that of a 23-year-old)  Zodiac: Taurus  Languages: Japanese, English, Spanish (pretty much all the dubbed languages I’ve heard I guess)
Hair colour: Black/gold when in Super Saiyan Eye colour: Black/Aquamarine when in Super Saiyan Skin tone: Light peach Body type: Athletic, muscular Accent. I don’t think he has any accent or none that I could identify Dominant hand: Right Posture: Tends to keep a fairly tense posture, standing straight, arms crossed in front of his chest or just hanging at his sides. When he’s more relaxed he tends to slouch a bit, seeing how he doesn’t have to be tense and battle-ready. Stretches quite a bit, rolling his shoulders and opening and closing his hands. Tattoos: none. Most noticeable features: His height coupled with his musculature and his serious look tends to be quite the eye-catchers, not to mention his bright orange and blue Gi with the Kanji on the back. In general, he’s noticeable
Place of birth: 439 East District (Earth) Hometown: East District Birth weight / height:  unknown. Manner of birth: natural. First words: Daddy Siblings: None in the future Parents: Mother: Alive Father: Deceased due to a heart disease Parental involvement: Gohan and his parents are extremely close. He lived a pretty sheltered life although Goku did take him out to meet his friends (Bulma, Krillin and Master Roshi). Gohan and Goku would often go out fishing or simply sparring in their home in Mount Paozu. When Goku died of a heart disease, Gohan took it extremely hard and pushed himself to be more like his father though he’s still relatively close to his mom, doing most of the things he does to keep her safe in place of his father. Gohan absolutely loved his father, looking up to him and turning to him in moments of great need. Not that he didn’t love his mom, he does, he loves her as much as he does his dad. It’s just that Goku was more often than not encouraging Gohan and letting him have a bit more freedom rather than keeping him in the house studying.
Occupation: Fighter, Leader of the Z-Fighters/Dragon Team in the future. Current residence: Capsule Corp in West City. Formerly his home in the East District Close friends: Krillin, Piccolo, Trunks, Bulma Relationship status: Verse dependent. Currently not shipped with anyone Financial status: Well off. Due to Gohan’s maternal grandfather (Ox-King) being rich due to the mountain he lived in. Driver’s license: No, he has no need for a vehicle when he can fly. Criminal record: None.
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual Romantic orientation: panromantic / demiromantic. Preferred emotional role: submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure Preferred sexual role:  submissive |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed Libido: Average. Turn on’s: Deep kisses, heavy touching, some dirty talk, restraints.   Turn off’s: Evil intentions, any blood, defecation, urination during sex…no thanks. general bad vibes. 
Love language: I had to look these up because there are the 5 love languages. Gohan has 3 predominant ones - physical touch, acts of service and quality time. meaning he prefers to spend quality time with his significant other ( than receiving gifts which is another of the 5 ). He loves physical touch and even though it may be odd, he’s the first to go for a hug if he’s close enough to the person (I can see it being the case with Trunks, Bulma and his family) he’s the kind of person that hugs, pats on the back, and thoughtful touches on the arm—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Acts of service, well, anything that helps ease his “burden” a little bit goes a long way for him, he really appreciates when someone helps out when he’s tired or doing something else. As for quality time, well, for someone who’s lacked a stable life, spending time with his loved ones is really important and serves to make him relax and forget, even for a bit, that his world is, for lack of a better word, fucked. 
Relationship tendencies: At the beginning, he’s pretty awkward. There’s a wall of lack of confidence and issues that were only made worse by his father dying and him having to step up as the “hero” who had to protect everyone. He’s got anger that’s barely kept in check and when it blows up, it BLOWS UP. But once he’s found his footing and is more comfortable, you’ll see him for who he really is. A tender, caring and helpful guy who only wants the best for everyone he cares about, he’s protective to a fault, he lost his friends because he couldn’t fight back so he uses that as his drive to make sure nothing happens to the ones he loves, he’s the kind of guy who would move heaven and earth to make sure they’re safe. In a relationship, he’s just a pleaser, he wants to make sure his partner has whatever they need including in the bedroom. But due to the way he lost his father and friends, he’s protective to a fault, he’s basically mother hen.
Character’s theme song: He has a few that I’m aware of but THIS and THIS are the ones that first come to mind. 
Hobbies to pass the time: He doesn’t have as much time as he’d like but his main hobbies are Reading/studying, training, sparring with Trunks and, to relax, simply flying around. 
Mental illnesses: Untreated PTSD, nightmares (related to said PTSD) 
Physical illnesses: None (when he was alive and without his left arm he had phantom pain and a bit of trouble with his left eye due to the injuries sustained) 
Left or right-brained: Mix of both? He’s amazing with logic, math and anything scientific but he also thinks out of the box and is creative in combat, probably the Saiyan instincts 
Fears: Being abandoned, losing people he cares for, powerlessness, loneliness. Death Self-confidence level: Low-moderate. He hesitates, he often second-guesses himself and compares himself to his father who, to him, was the strongest man in the universe and he thinks there’s no way he can ever catch up or surpass him (even though for all intents and purposes, Gohan has the potential to be the strongest fighter in the universe due to his endless potential) so he’s effectively held himself back. This gets better as he attained the highest Super Saiyan form and his own power was unlocked, also Goku telling him to have more faith in himself. The doubts are still there but less so. Vulnerabilities: He worries so much for his family and loved ones, they could be used against him or his concern overpowers his rational judgement. His fear of being alone, and his fear/reflex of flinching when lightning strikes.
tagged by: I stole it from my old blog tagging: @starlightbrawler​ , @aisumadoushi​ , @gamenu​ , @saiyanprince​ , @veroxins​ , @vsaiyan​ and anyone that wants to do this! Just say I tagged you!
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joan-frias · 4 years
A Gohan x Videl Fanfiction
Author’s Note: I continued using the name Shin for the Supreme Kai because it's shorter to type. Yeah, there's no other reason for that.
The three Saiyans continue to fight Babidi's henchmen. This time, it's Gohan's turn to fight Dabura.
DABURA: Do you dare mock me? You?
GOHAN: I'm more than enough to fight you, and you'll understand that once we start.
DABURA: (sneers) Let's start, then.
Everyone is transported outside the ship. Gohan smiles confidently at Dabura. The evil king sneers back.
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Gohan attacks Dabura. He was able to hold himself out against the King of Evilness, who has his own tricks up his sleeves, too. He can fight, use magic and even energy attacks making Gohan lose his gi and his temper as well.
GOKU: Was that magic?
SHIN: Yes. Dabura can use magic as well, although I suspect he got some help from Babidi.
GOKU: He's stronger than I thought.
VEGETA: He's not strong enough that we can't beat him. Gohan's just lost his touch. He's way stronger than the time with Cell.
GOKU: I guess he stopped training, that's why.
VEGETA: This is starting to piss me off!
Dabura can sense the discussion that's happening with Goku and Vegeta. He looks at their direction, and that's the opening that Gohan was looking for. He attacks, but Dabura was able to counter. Since he is slightly distracted, he just did the best attack he could at the moment, and that is to spit at Gohan.
SHIN: Watch out!
Gohan was able to dodge, but not entirely. His left glove caught the spit, slowly turning into a stone. He immediately removes it.
Dabura then attacks with a sword, which Gohan catches with his hands. After some resistance Gohan was able to break it.
VEGETA: That's it! I'm not waiting for this foolish game anymore! I'm going to end this once and for all!
GOKU: Stop it, Vegeta! Gohan is holding himself up.
VEGETA: I'm losing my patience, Kakarot! Your son is not doing what should be done!
Once again, Dabura senses Vegeta's ire at that moment. He stops fighting, leaving Gohan hanging.
VEGETA: I'm going to finish that Dabura so we can move on with our fight. That is the only reason why I came here in this stupid tournament in the first place.
DABURA: (on his mind) Lord Babidi, I know a better way to revive Majin Buu. Bring me back in immediately.
In an instant, the group was brought back inside the ship. Dabura immediately proceeds to the lone door in the room.
GOHAN: Hey! Where are you going?
DABURA: We've found an ideal opponent for you. He'll be fighting you instead.
Dabura enters the door, leaving the group in shock.
GOHAN: What does he mean by that?
GOKU: It seems like they have found another warrior.
GOHAN: Found?
The Supreme Kai suddenly has a realization.
SHIN: (on his mind) Oh no! Please let my guess be wrong...
He glances back at Vegeta, who at the moment is becoming more pissed.
SHIN: (on his mind) If I am right, then these two must fight their own friend. This is getting worse than I have planned!
GOKU: Maybe they were searching while you were fighting Dabura.
VEGETA: So they have an arsenal of warriors that they can just pull out whenever they want? Why did they bring out Dabura at first, then?
GOKU: Maybe the other fighter is not yet ready?
VEGETA: That is stupid, Kakarot! These people are obviously planning something.
GOKU: Will you calm down a little? Your impatience will not solve anything.
VEGETA: Your son made me lose my temper! Did you see how he fought? He's not even close to what he was when he's a kid. That's what happens when you stop training.
GOKU: It's not like he needs to train at all. The world's at peace.
VEGETA: And why are we here now?
GOKU: This is something unexpected.
VEGETA: Kakarot, don't be foolish! Not all catastrophes can be predicted. That is why they are called emergencies. It's not every day that we have some warning from the future. We have to be ready all the time.
GOKU: I understand your concern, but Gohan just lived the way his mother wants.
VEGETA: So you're saying that this is your wife's fault?
GOKU: No! Chi-Chi has her reasons. Gohan leaves here on Earth and it's just normal for a kid like him to go to school and study.
VEGETA: He's not an ordinary kid and your wife should understand that. He's the only one who could help the Earth in case something like this appears because unfortunately, you chose to be dead.
GOKU: I did not choose to die! It was the best solution at the time. You might not understand because you don't have the weight of being responsible for the people of the world! And that is because all you can think off is yourself!
VEGETA: What did you just say?
Vegeta is about to attack Goku, and the latter is ready to counter. The Supreme Kai goes in between to pacify them.
SHIN: That's enough! The last thing we need now is to argue with each other. You can settle your differences after we're done here, but for now let's focus on the problem that's in front of us.
GOHAN: I'm sorry...
The three looks at Gohan.
GOHAN: Vegeta's right... I've gone useless.
GOKU: That's not true.
GOHAN: I've been messing up since that moment that I refused to kill Cell because I let my pride take over me. If only I have been smarter that time, then Dad... you might not have died.
Goku goes to Gohan and holds him by his shoulders.
GOKU: You were a kid. Even grownups like me make wrong decisions sometimes. Don't blame yourself for everything.
Shin once again glances at Vegeta.
SHIN: (on his mind) His temper is still rising. That anger of him will get us in trouble.
GOKU: What we need to think right now is how we can-
Vegeta starts screaming while holding his head. It's like he's having a bad headache.
SHIN: Vegeta! (on his mind) Just as I've expected.
GOKU: What's happening?
SHIN: Vegeta! Keep hold of yourself! Babidi is trying to control your mind!
GOKU: What?
SHIN: Don't let him totally get inside your head! Clear your mind, Vegeta! Don't let him possess you!
VEGETA: Shut! Up!
Vegeta continues to struggle. The force is too great he turns into a Super Saiyan. Until he screams the loudest, then stops struggling. He is panting as he slowly looks into them.
The three is shocked. Vegeta's face is now changed to a more evil appearance. His eyes got more sharp, and there's a letter M written on his forehead symbolizing the total control of Babidi over him.
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GOKU: Vegeta!
SHIN: This is bad!
Suddenly, the group was transported to a place that was meant to be Goku and Vegeta's fighting arena. They were brought back to the World Martial Arts Tournament. Mr. Satan is being awarded with the champion prize, when Goku, Gohan, Shin and Vegeta suddenly pops out of nowhere.
GOHAN: This is...
GOKU: We're back at the tournament!
The audience were shocked to see the sudden appearance of the four individuals.
ANNOUNCER: Excuse me, but where have you been? The competition has ended.
MR. SATAN: Yeah! You've been gone too long you were disqualified.
Up in the bleachers, Videl and the group notice Goku and the others.
YAMCHA: Look guys! They're back!
MASTER ROSHI: Hmn... Why does it feel like something is happening?
VEGETA: (to himself) Shut up! My only concern is to fight Kakarot! No one else matters!
GOKU: Vegeta... who are you talking to?
SHIN: (on his mind) Huh? Could it be... Vegeta is disobeying Babidi?
Mr. Satan sees Vegeta, and he suddenly freezes as realization hits him.
MR. SATAN: (on his mind) Wait! Those people... they are those men during the Cell Games!
Vegeta suddenly blasts off an area of the bleachers.
GOKU: Hey!
Vegeta looks at Goku, then blasts off another energy attack. Goku tries to hold the blast, but it was too powerful he loses control. It goes to another area of the bleachers, blasting it off as well.
GOKU: Vegeta! Stop it!
Vegeta just sneers. The audience starts running, fearing they might end up just like the others who died because of those two blasts.
BULMA: (to herself) What is he doing? (shouts out) Vegeta! What in the world are you doing?
Vegeta hears Bulma. He suddenly becomes quiet.
GOHAN: Vegeta! What do you think you're doing? Those are innocent people out there.
VEGETA: Kakarot, fight me. Or else, the others will die as well.
Goku assesses Vegeta.
GOKU: Vegeta... did you let Babidi possess you on purpose?
Instead of answering, Vegeta just blasts the bleachers once again, nearly missing Bulma and the others. Goku and Gohan see their families and friends almost getting hit. It made Goku flare up he suddenly turns into a Super Saiyan.
SHIN: Goku! Don't do it! This is actually what Babidi wants to happen. He'll harness your energies while you fight each other and use it to wake up Majin Buu.
But no one is listening to the Supreme Kai.
GOKU: (to Vegeta) You wanted to get stronger to push me to my own limits. Am I right?
GOHAN: What?
VEGETA: You're only here for a day. If I don't do this then we won't get a chance to fight.
SHIN: That's just it? You did all this stupid thing for your crazy whim?
VEGETA: It's everything to me! I don't care about that Majin Buu or anything! I live to defeat Kakarot! (points at Goku) He always surpass me! Even though we're both Saiyans, he always leaves me in the dust. Me, the prince, is being defeated by a mere low ranking warrior! Do you think that's just nothing to me? It's unforgivable! I'll fight until I make him pay for always hurting my pride, and I won't stop even if it means this world will end and the people will die because of that stupid monster you're trying to stop from reviving!
Goku looks at Vegeta, and thinking he cannot do anything anymore, he finally makes his decision. He powers up into Super Saiyan 2.
GOKU: Babidi! Take us out of here! I'm going to fight Vegeta, but only if you take us where no one will get hurt!
The Supreme Kai goes between Goku and Vegeta.
SHIN: Do you think I'll let that happen just like that?
Goku looks at the Supreme Kai.
SHIN: If you want to fight him, then you have to kill me first.
Goku looks at the Supreme Kai, as if considering his threat. Suddenly, he extends his arms towards him ready to fire an energy attack. Everyone is dumbfounded.
GOHAN: D-Dad...
Goku starts to gather energy on his hand as he looks fiercely at Supreme Kai, not backing out. In the end it's the god who surrendered.
SHIN: Fine... Do as you wish...
GOKU: I'm sorry, Supreme Kai.
In that instant, the four of them are transported back to another location.
VIDEL: They disappeared again.
CHI-CHI: Oh Goku... Gohan...
BULMA: (on her mind) Vegeta... what have you done?
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The four were transported to a place where there are no people or any living creature around. Surprisingly, the tunnel to Babidi's ship can be seen on the ground as well.
SHIN: Alright, you two. Since nothing can stop you, then do as you wish. Fight as hard as you want. Me and Gohan will try to fight Dabura and Babidi and stop the egg from hatching. There's nothing else we can do as of this moment. It's better this way than letting it reach it's full power before hatching. If we're lucky then we'll be able to stop Majin Buu from being resurrected.
Vegeta suddenly struggles again.
GOHAN: What's happening?
VEGETA: (to himself) No! I don't care about the Supreme Kai! I only want to fight Kakarot!
Then he seems to be struggling again.
VEGETA: Ngahh... Arrghh... I said I only want to fight Kakarot! I'm the prince of all Saiyans! I won't be your slave! Even though you've taken over my body and soul, you won't be able to take my pride!
SHIN: (on him mind) I can't believe it! Vegeta can hold off against Babidi's control.
The circular door on the floor suddenly opens.
GOHAN: It's open!
SHIN: It seems they want us to face them.
GOHAN: Okay, let's go... Bye Dad.
GOKU: Okay, do your best... By the way, I still have two senzu beans. Eat one. You used a lot of energy during your last fight.
GOHAN: Thanks Dad.
Gohan eats the senzu bean.
GOKU: Gohan, remember how you unleash your strength. Get angry. Think of that time you fought Cell. If you do that again, then no one can beat you.
GOHAN: Ok, Dad... It's too bad things turn out like this. We've waited for this day to come and then...
Goku smiles sadly.
GOHAN: Bye, Dad.
Gohan and the Supreme Kai jumps into the hole on the floor. They were transported back inside Babidi's ship. All the doors going down are opened, so they just continued jumping down. Until they are faced with Babidi and Dabura.
BABIDI: You finally arrived.
Gohan looks at the pink orb behind Babidi and Dabura.
GOHAN: Is that...
SHIN: Yes.
BABIDI: I always looked forward to meeting the killer of my father. Welcome, Supreme Kai.
SHIN: We're here to stop you from resurrecting Majin Buu.
BABIDI: I figured that already. Unfortunately for you two, I have Dabura.
SHIN: Gohan... let's hurry. We have to destroy the sphere before they are able to absorb Goku's energy and implant it to Buu. I'll take Babidi.
GOHAN: Okay.
BABIDI: Buu is about to come out once he reached full power. I don't want to destroy my ship so let's get outside.
SHIN: Whatever you want.
The four were transported to an open area, including the sphere where Majin Buu is sealed.
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Gohan remembers his father's advice.
GOKU: (voice over) Gohan, remember how you unleash your strength. Get angry. Think of that time you fought Cell. If you do that again, then no one can beat you.
GOHAN: (on his mind) I'm angry... but... it's not like before...
He turns into a Super Saiyan.
BABIDI: Supreme Kai, may I just inform you that I'm not like my father. My magical powers are stronger than him. And aside from that I have Dabura.
The sphere suddenly creates a weird noise.
BABIDI: What is that? (goes to the sphere) It can't be! It's too soon for it to hatch.
SHIN: Huh?
GOHAN: What's he saying?
BABIDI: He's in full power! Buu's at full power! Buu... is going to be resurrected!
GOHAN: What?
SHIN: It can't be... How can Goku's damage energy get that high immediately?
GOHAN: Damage energy?
SHIN: Babidi feeds Majin Buu with damage energy emanating from Goku fighting Vegeta.
GOHAN: Then that is why!
SHIN: What do you mean?
GOHAN: Dad and Vegeta might be fighting now on a level beyond Super Saiyan. With such power comes greater damage. That is the reason why Babidi was able to harness that much damage energy on a short period of time.
SHIN: Oh no! I made a mistake! I shouldn't have let them!
Around the sphere are small holes, and steam suddenly comes out of those holes.
BABIDI: He's coming out! Buu's coming out!
The holes around the sphere continues to give out pink steam. The ground is already shaking.
SHIN: Gohan, this is not good! Let's run while we still can!
GOHAN: And then, what? We can't just leave like this.
SHIN: Even if we stay here, it will be useless! No one can beat Buu, not even you!
GOHAN: But, Supreme Kai...
BABIDI: He's here! I can see him! He's coming out!
SHIN: Gohan! Let's go!
GOHAN: (on his mind) I was given such power... I can't just run away and do nothing!
Gohan powers up.
SHIN: What are you doing?
GOHAN: Supreme Kai! I can't just leave doing nothing!
Gohan blasts off an energy attack on the sphere, sending it up in the air. When the blast disappears, the sphere falls into the ground. It rolled around as if nothing happens. Then it breaks into two.
BABIDI: He's coming out!
Faint smoke comes out of the sphere, but there's no sign of Majin Buu or any creature on it.
BABIDI: It's empty... it shouldn't be!
SHIN: Ha... ha! It seems we're still lucky. It seems that Buu has been sealed away for too long, he was not ready for that attack. He was destroyed!
BABIDI: No... come out, Buu! I order you to come out!
DABURA: It's okay, Lord Babidi. You still have me, and let's not forget Vegeta. Though he seems to be stubborn we'll find a way to get around him.
SHIN: Gohan, let's go as planned. You take Dabura and I'll take Babidi. Now's the time for you to get angry. Show them what your true strength is!
GOHAN: (agitated) You're... you're wrong...
SHIN: What?
GOHAN: There's... there's an incredible amount of ki... and it's still increasing... that must be...
Gohan looks up, and he becomes more worried.
SHIN: What do you mean? Gohan!
GOHAN: That smoke! That smoke that came from the sphere!
The Supreme Kai looks up, too. He sees the smoke, and finally understands what Gohan is saying.
BABIDI: What are they looking at?
Babidi and Dabura look up, too.
DABURA: It's just the smoke... Wait, it's coming together.
SHIN: This is... unbelievable!
The pink smoke comes together, and to Gohan's horror, it forms a figure.
BABIDI: That's...
A pink fat being emerges from the cloud. It has an antenna on the head and is wearing white baggy pants with purple cape tied to his neck.
Majin Buu goes down to the ground, then looks around innocently.
DABURA: Lord Babidi, is that Majin Buu?
BABIDI: Yeah... I guess. The only one here who have seen him is the Supreme Kai.
GOHAN: Supreme Kai, is that... Majin Buu?
SHIN: He is... I'll never forget that terrifying face.
BABIDI: So it's really him!
DABURA: That's... him?
BABIDI: Hey Buu!
Babidi and Dabura approach Buu.
GOHAN: I thought he might be bigger.
SHIN: It's too late. We can't get away now.
GOHAN: You're probably right... But if my calculations are right, I think I might have a chance.
SHIN: Are you sure?
GOHAN: But only... if I unleash my true strength.
Babidi and Dabura tries to talk to Majin Buu, but it seems like they can't make him cooperate to them. He does not even seem to listen. He just plays around like he's an innocent child.
GOHAN: Supreme Kai, I think you're mistaken.
SHIN: There's no mistake, Gohan. That really is Buu.
GOHAN: But... why does he act like that?
Gohan's doubts has been cleared when Majin Buu suddenly exterminate Dabura.
BABIDI: That was magnificent! Buu, you're spectacular! You easily defeated Dabura!
GOHAN: Buu's ki... it increased so suddenly! He's strong... too strong! I can't believe it!
Babidi continues to talk to Majin Buu, who continues to fool around also.
GOHAN: Supreme Kai, it seems like Buu is still on its child-like phase. If we kill Babidi, then maybe he won't turn so bad.
SHIN: If we do that, then we won't be able to seal again Buu. Babidi's the only one who knows how. You're right, Majin Buu is just too strong. Eventually, Babidi will lose control of him and the last resort is for him to seal him away again.
GOHAN: But for how long? How much damage can they make before that happens?
SHIN: I'm not sure... I'm the Supreme Kai but I myself can do nothing! I loathe myself, especially that all my calculations about defeating Babidi and preventing Buu's resurrection are all wrong. If only I have known you humans possess such great power, I could have thought of another way.
GOHAN: Another way?
SHIN: It's too late. We can't escape now. Neither of us can survive.
GOHAN: We still can get away!
Babidi was able to divert Buu's attention to Gohan and the Supreme Kai. Sensing that, Gohan pulls the Supreme Kai's hand and takes him flying. He accelerates as fast as he can.
SHIN: Gohan!
GOHAN: I'm fast enough to take us out of here!
But to Gohan's horror, and the Supreme Kai as well, Majin Buu was able to keep up to them. Gohan halts upon seeing Majin Buu in front of them.
GOHAN: ... Impossible!
MAJIN BUU: You die!
Majin Buu slaps Gohan. The Saiyan hybrid falls to the ground hard, acquiring great damage. Majin Buu attacks the Supreme Kai next, beating him up.
But before he could kill the god, Gohan was able to come back and with one kick, he was able to free the Supreme Kai from Majin Buu's attacks. But the pink monster seems unaffected.
GOHAN: (to himself) What? He's not hurt at all!
MAJIN BUU: You! I don't like you!
MAJIN BUU: Go away!
Gohan tries to punch Buu, but the pink monster releases an energy attack on him. It was so powerful that it sends Gohan to a far forest.
Gohan is still conscious when he landed on lush grassland. He feels too damaged, too weak he knows he will pass out any moment.
GOHAN: (on his mind) How... how did it get to this?
He suddenly remembers the events that led to this. The tournament. His father coming back. His mother pouring her heart out. Goten finally meeting their father. The preliminary round for the Senior Division. Goten and Trunks fighting. Trunks winning. Trunks fighting Mr. Satan. The lunch before the fight. Krillin fighting on the first match. Piccolo forfeiting his match. Videl fighting Spopovich.
GOHAN: (on his mind) Videl...
Videl being beaten up by Spopovich very badly. Videl eating senzu beans his father took from Korin. Videl going to him when he's almost unconscious because almost all his energy was taken by Spopovich and Yamu. Videl flying with him in pursuit of his father and the others. Videl saying goodbye, telling him she likes different.
GOHAN: (on his mind) Videl...
He totally passes out.
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Videl is leaving the World Martial Arts Tournament venue, as with the other people who came to watch and join the tournament. She is about to go inside the airship with Chi-Chi and the others who are friends to Gohan and his family, when she felt like someone is calling her.
Felt, because she heard no sound. She just feels like someone might have called her. He turns to look behind her.
VIDEL: (on her mind) That's...
CHI-CHI: Videl?
Videl looks at Chi-Chi.
CHI-CHI: Is there something wrong?
VIDEL: Nothing... I just... felt something.
CHI-CHI: Are you sure you're coming with us?
CHI-CHI: But your father... He might be looking for you.
VIDEL: I wanna be there when Gohan comes back.
Chi-Chi looks at Videl and sensing her determination she finally assents.
CHI-CHI: Okay. Let's go then.
Videl nods at her. Chi-Chi goes into the airship and joins the others. Videl continues climbing the stairs, but before she comes inside, she takes another glance behind her.
VIDEL: (on her mind) Gohan...
As she sits inside the airship, Videl suddenly feels something weird. She puts her hand on her chest, holding the spot near her heart.
VIDEL: (on her mind) Gohan... please come back alive.
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dragon-ball-meta · 6 years
Krillin: Gave up training and is weak enough for bullets to hurt him. Literally weaker than he was in early Dragonball. Then he goes on one adventure with Goku and is super strong again. He even beats Gohan in a sparring match via ring out. Tien: Has never stopped training throughout his entire life and was always the strongest human in Dragonball and Dragonball Z. Is currently weaker than Roshi, an old man who retired from fighting in Dragonball. (cont.)
Tien has always been my favorite human character simply because he’s the most serious about being a fighter. What kind of message is that by making him weaker than Krillin and Roshi? Fuck hard work because either you’re lucky or you’re not?
I can understand some frustration here, but I feel like you may be missing the forest for the trees.First and foremost, you’re a bit off on some of your information.Krillin was not weaker than he was in early Dragon Ball. Krillin was hurt by a bullet for the same reason that Goku was hurt by a laser ring in Resurrection F. Despite being in a dangerous scenario, being aware of his surroundings, his body had been completely emptied of ki and thus left vulnerable. He was out of practice, but not “weaker than early Dragon Ball”.Secondly, Tien was not the strongest human in “Dragon Ball Z”. From the moment Tien first appeared through to Namek, Krillin was outpacing him in terms of gains made when they were all off training. Each time they gathered again, the gap between the two was comparatively smaller. Krillin finally surpassed Tien while on Namek, and this has been consistently stated and reinforced by both Toriyama, Shueisha, and Toei.THIRDLY, Tien has a life outside of training. The idea that all Tien does all day every day is train, is exclusively the product of anime filler. Tien actually has a small farm that he lived on with Chiaotzu, and then opened up his own dojo and became a teacher besides. He’s not out there on a Super Grind like Goku and Vegeta are, and people do have limitations.Roshi, for example, actually hit his peak power long ago. His most recent improvements were in gaining control of his more perverted nature, and in increasing his stamina so as to hold his full-power state longer. He is not, however, definitively stronger than Tien. By any means.Krillin also didn’t get stronger through “one adventure with Goku” He got stronger by overcoming his anxiety and PTSD, removing his mental blocks and getting control of his fear rather than letting it control him. Once he did that, once he learned to calm his mind and focus that, it removed many of his blockages, yes, but even then he still had to train intensely for nearly a year before he got to the level he was at for the ToP. Him besting Gohan was hardly a feat of strength either. It was strategy. It was him using his skills to his advantage to beat an opponent stronger than himself.Tien is in no way undermined by any of this. In fact, his contributions in the ToP were both important and quite heroic. (If you want something that REALLY undersells Tien, look no further than Toyotaro’s manga). His arc was never really about being the strongest though, but about redemption, forgiveness even for yourself, and taking on the responsibilities of helping the next generation avoid the path you started down and setting them on the proper one. Heck, Tien opening the dojo is actually a bit of fulfillment of Roshi’s words to him back when they fought at the 22nd Budokai.Tien’s not the strongest human, but he’s not necessarily meant to be. His arc is something else, and I’d say he’s fulfilled it quite well.
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joruto-uzumaki-blog · 6 years
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Well, this is Joruto Uzumaki He's my Saiyan Dragon Ball Xenoverse and Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super Original Character he's actually a demi god because he's half Saiyan half god (50% Saiyan and 50% God) he gets trained by Goku and Master Roshi everyday he's 13 years old and stands up to 5'6 and has achieved transformations SSJ,SSJ2,SSJ3,SSJ4,SSG, and SSGSS and has his own transformation that he calls The Supreme Power of a God but never shortens the name he loves to call it that, Before Son Goku started training him his Power Level was weak it was only 10,000 but now his Power Level is 9,1000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 when Goku sensed that Joruto's Power Level had surpass his own he tested Joruto to see if he knew how to use that power he had then Goku used Ultra Instinct unknowingly until Joruto had used SSGSS to punched him while using all of his power causing him to beyond Goku himself then Goku told Joruto "there's still more you need to learn" then gave him a big smile and chuckled then Joruto replies in "OK I WILL DO MY BEST !" Then Joruto's journey of protecting the earth started.
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fredhot23 · 3 years
Gohan and Goku's Upbringings and How That Affected Their Attitudes to Fighting
To Goku, fighting is, well, fun. Like many of the Shonen protagonists he inspires, he enjoys fighting for it's own sake, even when he's backed into a corner. He starts off being near-invincible, able to take down almost every foe he comes across. When he undergoes training under Muten Roshi (that's how much of a master he is, it's in his name twice), his strength manages to surprise even him, enough to the point that Roshi goes undercover in the tournament Goku is participating in and very nearly defeats his star pupil in the final match to instill an important lesson about complacency: there will always be stronger foes, better opponents, so never rest on your laurels, always seek to improve yourself and become better, which, if anything, I'd call the central theme of Dragon Ball. It's a good message.
After the tournament, Goku goes off to find the Dragon Balls and comes into contact with the powerful Red Ribbon Army, which he eats wholesale by himself. He's nearly killed by an assassin they contract, Tao Pei-Pei, but after climbing up Korin's Tower to undergo training by the God of Martial Arts, Korin, he comes back down to defeat and (seemingly) kill Tao. After using the Dragon Balls to revive a friend killed by Tao, Goku travels the world for three years to return to the second Budokai Tenkaichi and becomes embroiled in the rivalry between the Turtle School of Muten Roshi and the Crane School of That Asshole-along with the personal grudge against Goku for killing Tao, the brother of That Asshole and the role model for his star student, Tien Shinhan. The final match, between Goku and Tien (which was after Roshi entered the tournament again and, having fought Tien, left, seeing to his satisfaction that the new generation of Goku, Krillin, and Tien have surpassed him and will lead martial arts into a new, grand direction) is a close horse race but it ends in Tien's victory by way of Truck-Kun's intervention when Tien tried to end the fight by destroying the ring.
Then things got dark. After the tournament, Demon King Piccolo came back, killed Krillin, beat down Goku to near-death (he didn't even register a heartbeat), took over the world to run his version of "The Purge" and kills both Muten Roshi and Chaotzu before letting Tien get pummeled down by one of his minions-until Goku arrives, somehow surviving thanks to the help of the fat samurai Yajirobe and a health/power boost by Korin. With one hit, he kills Tien's assailant and, despite Piccolo using Tien as a hostage to break almost every limb in Goku's body, manages to finally kill the Demon King, restoring peace to the world and using the Dragon Balls to revive the Demon King's victims.
Three years pass, with Goku undergoing training under the assistant of the God of Earth, Mr. Popo, until the next Budokai Tenkaichi, where Goku shows up to finally win the tournament and defeat the reincarnation of Demon King Piccolo, Piccolo Junior. God himself is in this tournament, in disguise as an ordinary human called Hiro. God attempts to take down Piccolo himself but he is captured and Goku has to step up to the plate to defeat Piccolo himself and free God. After managing to surpass and defeat Tien, Goku comes face to face with Piccolo himself. A destroyed arena (again! This happens every tournament, it must be hell to repair everything every time), Piccolo becoming WAY BIG, Goku's limbs being broken all-over again, God even asking Tien to kill him so as to stop the fight, all until the last headbutt where Goku manages to put Piccolo down for the count- and while not getting ringed-out!
Even when the fights became dangerous enough for him to nearly die, he managed to carry that sort of stalwart, grinning-in-the-face-of-danger attitude that let him pick himself up, get some training to improve, and finally eat that horse, again and again, from the near-death fights with Tao and Piccolo to finally winning that bloody tournament. Fighting is important to him, not only as a recreational sport that he enjoys but also as a way to express himself through constant self-improvement and as a way to connect with others. Fighting is how he got most of his friends, after all! He beat them up and, bam, they like being around him! He got to enjoy fighting with other people before the close battles.
To Gohan, fighting is a grim necessity. Kidnapped by Piccolo to be forced through brutal training to become strong enough to fight enemies that would devastate the entire planet if not stopped, he does. Poorly.
Nearly everybody he watches around him dies painfully against the brute Nappa, with even Piccolo sacrificing himself to save Gohan, and after all the times Gohan choked and froze when they needed his help. After Goku and everybody that was left (with that number being Krillin and the cowardly Yajirobe) manages to finally force the Saiyan Prince to retreat, Gohan chooses to go to the planet Namek to help revive Piccolo and everybody else that died, even over the protestations of his terrified mother.
Namek is not much better for him. He, Bulma, and Krillin are incredibly dwarfed by a large number of other invaders, much stronger then them, also searching for the Dragon Balls and to add onto that horror, Vegeta is on Namek as well. It's a tense cat-and-mouse game where they have to hide and sneak across the planet to avoid the attention of either the new foe "Frieza" and his minions and the old foe that is the Saiyan Super-Elite himself, Vegeta. This game continues until the arrival of the Ginyu Force and Frieza finding them, both of which also don't go well for everybody involved: making an alliance with Vegeta to fight the Ginyu Force and gaining new power from Guru, it's pretty much a TPK with Vegeta broken and beaten, Krillin taken out in one hit, and Gohan getting a snapped neck for his troubles-all to the one guy. If Goku hadn't arrived in time for emergency Senzus, they would have all died on that alien planet.
Frieza was, to put it lightly, terror incarnate. The new foe on Namek they were trying to avoid for six days, he shows with great pleasure and cruelty why they kept away from him: he's unbeatable for them cx. Vegeta manages to hold up to him initially? He goes into his Second Form and dominates the battle, impaling Krillin on his horns and trying to crush Gohan's skull under his foot until Piccolo arrives to save him! Piccolo manages to hold his own against Frieza until he transforms and brutalizes Piccolo, which gets Gohan angry enough to get the upper hand on Frieza temporarily. And then the Fourth and Final Form is revealed.
And everything goes back to hell once again: Vegeta, fresh from his Zenkai from Krillin and trying to convince himself that he is the Super Saiyan of legend, is turned into a tortured punching bag for Frieza and is left with one option as Goku arrives and Frieza finally puts an end to his life with a beam through the heart: begging Kakarot to take up the torch of revenge for the Saiyan Race and kill Frieza. But even Goku, despite pulling out all his tricks such as the x10 Kaio-Ken, x20 Kaio-Ken Kamehameha, and even the Spirit Bomb, is not enough to defeat Frieza. The Ruler of the Universe ruled supreme on the battlefield.
The turnabout does come when Frieza shows up again after getting hit with the Spirit Bomb, injured and infuriated, proclaiming that he'll kill everybody here and makes good on his promise by shooting down Piccolo and blowing up Krillin, a move that gives Goku the emotional kick in the privates to become the Legendary Super Saiyan and finally tilt the balance of the fight solidly to the Earthling's side, after so long with Frieza's dominance over everybody had been uninterrupted (uninterrupted not briefly) for so long. But Gohan's fighting history at that point has been dark, dire, and bloody, with him barely surviving almost every fight he's in against foes that hold no mercy in their hearts and show none, even to children.
I heard of comparisons between Goku as a martial artist and Vegeta as a soldier. To me, Gohan seems to have a better fit for the soldier mentality. For Gohan, When dangerous enemies come, you have to fight, take up a gun and go to war to protect those you care about, you have to put yourself on the line or they'll all die horrible and agonizing deaths at the hands of a cruel and unstoppable enemy. Fighting is a way to protect those you care about or help them when the circumstances demand it but...it's not fun.
(Vegeta, I'd place into the "warrior prince" classification. Fighting is in his very blood, he lives and breathes violence. Becoming stronger then his father even when he was a child, he's a fighting genius and he knows it and makes sure that everybody else does as well, either through his bluster or putting his money where his mouth is-by putting his fist in your mouth. It's a way to showcase his supremacy through royal birth, the sort of power that no amount of hard work or effort can surpass.)
To summarize (but please read the thing, anyway, I spent a lot of time on it):
To Goku, fighting is represented in many moments such as his fights with Muten Roshi, Tien, and Piccolo, twice: moments that push him as hard as he can, moments that bring him pain but also great joy to find such strong opponents to test himself and improve himself against before finally managing to surpass them. A history filled with hardship but also hard-fought glory.
To Gohan, the essence of fighting is encapsulated in that moment when he sees Chiaotzu get smashed on boulders again and again and again as he sacrifices himself in a desperate attempt to kill Nappa-and when the attempt goes off, Nappa is unhurt by the experience and proceeds to brutalize and kill almost everybody else. A history where he's been pushed too early into the life-or-death battles and hasn't been able to eke out his own victories or find his own enjoyment in fighting.
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k18fics · 7 years
After the tournament of power Goku wishes for all the erased universes to be revived and integrated into Universe 7. Brianne de Chateau travels to Earth obsessed to understand the strong love that defeated her. Krillin18
Disclaimer and warnings: I do not own DBS or any of its characters. This chapter has scenes of explicit nature, NSFW.
Anything written like this are Brianne's 1st person observations.
Brianne stuffed her suitcase in the bubble and took a seat. Sanka Ku and Su Roas stood outside the bubble looking worried. Sanka Ku said, "Brianne-sama the tournament is over. We were resuscitated and our universe is thriving here in Universe 7, there's no need to do this."
"I must understand this love Sanka Ku," Brianne said.
"I know she defeated you but..." Su Roas started but Brianne stopped her by simply lifting up her hand.
"It's not about the fact that she beat me or me wanting a revenge," Brianne said. "When she escaped my trap and beat me I assumed she was a love-less monster especially when I figured she was married to that unattractive man..."
"Everyone is beautiful in their own way Brianne-sama," Su Roas said dreamily.
Brianne nodded. "I suppose. When she beat me and I saw them looking at each other I knew I found a love that surpasses all the love of our entire universe. I want to understand that love and feel it in my heart."
"Ahh such a genius!" Sanka Ku cried.
"With that kind of love your power will grow exponentially," Su Roas said cheerfully.
Brianne smiled. "That May be so, but this is about love not power. She stood and looked to her God of destruction and angel. "I am ready to go Heles-sama."
Heles smiled and said, "what a beautiful journey of love you will have. This bubble will take you right to Earth."
With those words the bubble shut completely and zoomed off into the sky.
Day 1
The bald midget seems to have grown out his hair a bit since the last time I saw him. He is sparring with Goku pretty heavily. He seems to have gotten more muscular too. Apparently he's been training for a while now. A black-haired woman is coming out of the house. This must be Goku's wife. She's very beautiful. I can see why a warrior like Goku chose her.
"Goku, Krillin," Chichi said. "Food is ready."
"Oh yes! Come on Krillin-san," Goku said. The two ran in like barreling animals nearly knocking over Chichi who immediately threw a frying pan at them.
"Be careful you hooligans!"
Chichi scoffed and followed them into the house.
Day 1 is turning out to be uneventful for the couple. The midget stayed having dinner at Goku's place and Android 18 has been spending the day shopping with a little blonde girl which I assume is her daughter with the midget because she has her beautiful blonde locks but is noiseless like her father. Pity. She could've gotten her mom's look and maybe her dad's height, that wouldn't have been so bad. Her companion was a blue haired beautiful woman with a purple-haired little boy who was just way too excited.
"So are you ready to go to the last store 18-san?" Bulma said with smirk.
18 blushed deeply. "Do we have to?"
"If you really want to thank Krillin then yes," Bulma said. "First off he did good at the tournament despite being the first out, then he was super supportive when 17 died, then when you got home he went totally overboard with chores and cooking and gifts to make up for failure at the tournament. You owe him."
18 nodded. "O-okay Bulma."
Bulma grinned and said, "Trunks take Marron to the arcade." She handed him money and he cheered and took Marron hand before zooming off at superhuman speed with her.
Bulma gripped 18's wrist and dragged into a lingerie store.
Interesting. She's getting sexual inducing clothing for the ugly midget? Why?
18 tried on seven different outfits until she found the one was brought out her assets the most and left very little to the imagination. It was a red lacy bra that had leather straps connected to lacy booty shorts that only covered half her butt and had button in the front that could remove the front part of her underwear.
"If Krillin had a nose he would bleed," Bulma said laughing.
"Do you wear stuff like this for Vegeta?" 18 said after changing back to her regular clothes and taking her item to the counter.
"Oh yes all the time, it drives his hormonal Saiyan brain crazy!" Bulma said laughing.
Vegeta. Is this blue-haired woman Vegeta's woman? Again a formidable choice. She has the spunk that Goku's wife had or maybe even more.
"Are all Saiyans hormonal?" 18 said with a laugh. "I don't imagine Goku being very hormonal."
Bulma shrugged. "Vegeta is. I don't know if that's a Saiyan thing or a just him thing. But Goku trains constantly so he always has adrenaline in his system, and when he fights he's not a doof like always he's actually super smart and instinctual so I guess that would happen in the bedroom. Plus he has two sons. They had to come from somewhere."
18 snorted derisively. "I guess. He probably doesn't even know what he's doing."
Bulma scoffed. "Definitely not."
18 spent hours preparing the house. Vegeta's mate took mini blonde version of the midget so their apartment was empty. I can see through walls with my abilities so I can observe this without being seen or detected. 18 put candles all over the place, turned off all the other lights, and got into her new lingerie outfit. All for the little man. Could it be possible? Could there be a love that surpasses the bounds of physical beauty? Such a thing is unheard of!
Krillin arrived to the apartment dressed in khaki pants and a red shirt that said "Taco." His eyes were shut as he cheerfully dropped his duffel bag aside and said, "I'm home! Babe what a great training today! Goku says I'm at the highest level I've ever been. Cabba, Caulifla, and Kale are coming tomorrow, he says I can match up to them in a spar! We're going to…" he opened his eyes and saw 18 standing there in the red lingerie holding two glasses of wine.
"Welcome home my warrior," she said with a flirtatious smile.
His eyes were wide and his face was bright red as he took the glass from her and chugged it down in one gulp. 18 smirked at his obvious frustration and slowly drank her wine. She could feel his eyes on her watching every movement, even the liquid sliding down her throat.
Super charged sexual energy. Impressive. She seems to have the power though, which makes sense considering her superior power and beauty.
When 18 finished her drink and looked at Krillin again he had a hungry look in his eyes. Krillin stepped forward and gently put a hand on her hips, "you are a goddess…Lazuli."
Lazuli? Who's that?
18 blushes wildly. "D-don't use my h-human name."
"Why not?" Krillin said gently caressing her face. "Lazuli is the person inside you. That is who you truly are. Android 18 is what Gero created. I love android 18 don't get my wrong, but I also love those moments when you let Lazuli come out. She's the beautiful lost little girl who's known nothing but loneliness and pain. It reminds me of me before I met Goku-san. I was a lonely little monk with no family who was ridiculed for being too short and ugly with no nose and you were an orphaned little girl with only your brother for company until Gero kidnapped you both and mutilated you into killer androids. He tried to get rid of that little girl just like those horrible monks tried to get rid of that little boy who wanted to train with Master Roshi. They didn't succeed. Those innocent children are a part of who we are. That's why on that bridge despite the fact that you had literally beat the crap out of all my friend savagely I couldn't fight you cause I saw that little girl."
18 laughed. "And here I thought it was cause you were scared."
"That too," Krillin admitted with shy chuckle. "When I had that controller in my hand to deactivate you I saw how terrified you looked as Cell looked for you. That's when I saw her clearly for the first time. That's when I saw Lazuli underneath all the killer android armor. And that's when I knew I loved you."
18's eyes welled up.
Krillin smiled and caressed her cheek. "I love you 18."
18 placed her hand on his and said, "call me Lazuli."
With those words Krillin wrapped his hand around 18's neck and pulled her to him for a deep kiss.
I'm literally crying right now. I can't believe how beautiful this love is. In all the planets that I've visited in my universe and all of the other universes that are now together in one I've never seen a love so pure and beautiful as this. This is not about control or beauty or strength, this is about two souls connected as one! I've never seen anything so beautiful.
Krillin lifted 18 up as they kissed and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Krillin started kissing her neck and walking towards the bedroom. 18 slid her fingers into her fuzzy hair that was starting to grow out and moaned. "Krillin," she breathed. "I was trying to do something nice for you!"
"Can't help it babe I'm a hopeless romantic," he said.
18 laughed and moaned at the same time. "I know."
Krillin moved them into their bedroom and gently laid 18 down on the bed. He kissed down her clavicle to her bra and kissed the creamy parts of her breasts as he unhooked the straps and the back part of her bra. He slid it off slowly and slowly licked her nipples.
"Kami Krillin," 18 moaned.
Krillin's hands continued to slid down 18's stomach until they reached her underwear. He slid it down her legs and threw it aside murmuring, "so beautiful."
"Krillin," 18 moaned as Krillin kissed down her stomach to her navel. He licked her navel and kissed further down until her reached his goal. "Ahhh, Krillin."
He moved with exact precision knowing exactly where to touch and how to touch. 18 arched up and gripped the sheets. Her moans escalated in volume and she started thrashing. Krillin moved relentlessly and used his strength to keep her still enough.
18's body started shaking as a scream ripped through her throat. Sweat drops started sliding down her body and her hands gripped the baby hairs growing on Krillin's head. He grunted in pain but continued his ministrations until 18's body collapsed onto the bed and she started panting.
Krillin stood up and watched her recover. It only took a moment because of her infinite energy. He definitely had to up his stamina to keep up with that kind of energy and 18 never complained.
Krillin took off his taco shirt and khaki pants. 18 jumped out of the bed before Krillin could take off his boxers and kissed him passionately. Krillin craned his neck up to receive the kiss and gripped her hips as her hands roamed over her newly defined muscles.
"This is how I remember you the first time we met," 18 said. "Your muscles were thick and defined, but you are much stronger now than then."
"Not strong enough to beat you but definitely stronger," Krillin said as 18 slid down his boxers.
Impressive. For such a small guy…
"Show me your new strength," 18 whispered huskily in his ear.
Krillin growled lowly and picked up 18 by the thighs. He lifted her up high until he was lined up to her entrance and she clung to his neck tightly.
He thrust into her in one movement and she cried out. He wasted no time at all and slammed her into the nearest wall. 18 grunted at the impact and dug her nails into his shoulders. A bright white aura surrounded them as Krillin powered up and he started thrusting so hard and fast it was impossible to see. 18 screamed and clung to him as he increased his power to max and moved in and out hard and fast.
18's orgasms hit her back to back. She lost count after the sixth one, her body was trembling so hard it shook the whole room. Krillin's body started trembling and he groaned loudly as he released himself into her.
The aura disappeared and they both sighed deeply as they crumbled down to the ground with Krillin's back on the floor and 18 on top of him. "I love you eig…Lazuli."
18 smiled and kissed his jawline. "I love you Krillin."
Day 27
They are definitely an interesting couple. Sometimes they fight like crazy and end up actually physically fighting with the little man losing every single time but then afterwards they'd have crazy makeup sex. Other times they lived in complete harmony. They took care of things around the house and with their daughter in perfect coordination and barely even spoke to each other and then afterwards they'd either cuddle together all night or make love slowly. I've never seen passion quite like this before. Today they were all gathered at Vegeta and Bulma's house. The kids played all over the grass and the adults meandered around the yard talking and eating with their god of destruction and his angel. I thought only Heles-sama had a personal relationship with her subjects but it looks like Beerus-sama also did the same. Krillin and 18 sat together at the bench laughing at something a man with scars on his face was saying and…
Brianne whirled around wide eyed. "Goku-san!"
Goku smiled jovially and said, "I knew I sensed a great power suppressing. I've been feeling it for while."
Brianne panicked. "Please don't say anything Goku-san I'm just doing some research."
Goku looked confused. "Research?"
"To understand pure love," Brianne said.
Goku glanced at the general direction of her recording equipment and saw pictures of Krillin and 18 all over her computer. "You want to understand how she beat you."
"No!" Brianne defended. "I just want to…"
"It's okay Brianne-san," Goku said lifting up a hand. "Whenever I've been defeated I've always strived to understand why and how and work to eventually beat them."
"I don't want to challenge 18-san to a fight," Brianne said. "I don't seek ultimate power like you do, I seek ultimate love. I want to take this pure love and share it with our universe."
Goku nodded. "Now that all of our universes are combined that's a lot of love to share."
Brianne nodded. "They have a beautiful love that is overwhelming and so pure, I believe I can share it with our whole giant universe."
Goku grinned then looked a bit serious, "say do Krillin and 18 know about this research? Chichi, my wife, says that this stuff is very private."
Brianne panicked so much she almost fell out of the tree she was hiding in. "No no no please don't tell them. I believe I have everything I need so I should leave."
"Join our picnic!" Goku said grinning cheerfully. "There's a lot of great food."
Brianne smiled at him, "thank you Goku-san but I think I'll be heading out I have a lot of research to organize and share."
Goku smiled and said, "okay. Come visit again soon!"
Brianne packed away all of her things and said, "next time I come we'll spar. I learned a lot of new tricks."
Goku made a determined face. "You're on."
"And with this love I've experienced," Brianne said with a grin, "I might just win."
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wazafam · 3 years
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Nearly every member of the Z-Warriors has battled it out with Goku in the Dragon Ball franchise. In fact, the only heroes who haven’t come to blows with the show’s protagonist at one point or another are his youngest son, Goten, the present-day version of Trunks, and Chiaotzu. Everyone else, though, knows what it’s like to be at odds with the Saiyan warrior.
Goku and his allies have fought each other for various reasons in the anime. Some of these battles happened before they became properly acquainted, while others occurring during sparring sessions and tournaments. Plus, there are a few Z-Warriors who started out as villains of Goku, and had to develop into heroes later on.
Related: Dragon Ball: Why Future Trunks Can Go Super Saiyan God Now
Across all three shows, Goku won a great many of the battles he’s had with his friends, but not all have gone his way. Here’s every Z-Warrior who has fought Goku in Dragon Ball canon, and what happened.
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Yamcha, who is commonly thought of as one of the weakest Z-Warriors, actually beat Goku when they first encountered each other. In fact, their fight wasn’t even close. Goku had the Power Pole on his side, but it didn’t matter against the sword-wielding Desert Bandit. He couldn’t withstand the flurry of blows that Yamcha bombarded him with, including his signature move, the Wolf Fang Fist.
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Vegeta is Goku’s main rival in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, but that role initially belonged to his best friend, Krillin. While the two were pupils of Master Roshi, Krillin trained diligently to prove his superiority over Goku, despite the fact that the latter was always several steps ahead of him. He received a chance to test his mettle against Goku when he, after defeating a series of skilled opponents, squared off against him in the semi-finals of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. Krillin put up a good fight, but unsurprisingly fell to the young Saiyan. Even though the gap between their power levels widened to a point where there was no debating who would win, the two held a rematch in Dragon Ball Super, with Krillin having no choice but to rely on a fast combination of techniques. When Goku powered up to Super Saiyan Blue and unleashed a Kamehameha, Android 18 interrupted the fight, feeling that Goku was pushing him too hard.
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Master Roshi secretly battled Gohan and Krillin in the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament under the guise of “Jackie Chun”, as he believed that either of his students winning could affect their confidence in a negative way. As “Jackie Chun”, Roshi saw first-hand how strong Goku had become, but he was still able to persevere.
Related: Dragon Ball: How Piccolo Could Surpass Goku
While being mind-controlled, Roshi fought against Goku a second time in Dragon Ball Super. To the surprise of fans, Roshi actually had enough strength to beat Tien and challenge Goku in his base form. It was a significant moment for the character, because it proved that he had been training in secret, and that he wasn’t as far behind the rest of the Z-Warriors as originally thought.
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Before becoming a hero, Tien served as Goku’s opponent in the final round of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. After barely overcoming Yamcha, Tien engaged Goku in a heated showdown. Master Shen tried to use Chiaotzu to cheat on Tien’s behalf, but Tien was determined to have a fair fight. In the end, both were knocked into the air, with Goku landing first. Due to this technicality, he was declared the loser. Similar to the situation with Yamcha, Goku hasn’t had a proper rematch with Tien yet, but there’s no denying that he would come out on top if another fight were to occur.
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Yajirobe, the laziest of Goku’s allies, didn’t have to do any training to pose a physical challenge to Goku in Dragon Ball. After a run-in in the wilderness, the two had a standoff, but the outcome was inconclusive, as Cymbal came onto the scene before a winner could be determined. In the present, Yajirobe - who has only dedicated a small amount of his time to training - is unfortunately no longer thought to be a match for any of the Z-Warriors.
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After Demon King Piccolo was reincarnated, a new character was born. The new version of Piccolo emerged as an adversary of Goku for the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku battled Piccolo in the finals, and came quite close to losing. Both characters used some of their strongest attacks in the match and sustained serious injuries. At the end of the fight, Goku flew for the first time in Dragon Ball history and landed a headbutt, which turned out to be the knockout blow he needed. Afterward, Piccolo planned to defeat Goku in a future rematch, but later events involving the Saiyan invaders caused them to evolve from enemies into allies.
Related: Dragon Ball: Every Z-Warrior Who Has Won A Tournament (& Which Ones)
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Goku and Vegeta have had two serious fights in the anime, the first of which being the one that transpired in the Saiyan Saga. Thanks to the training he received from King Kai, Goku returned from Other World with a sizable power boost that put him far above Piccolo and the Z-Warriors. After effortlessly taking down Nappa, Goku fought Vegeta one-on-one and showed the Saiyan prince that he had truly become a force to be reckoned with by using the Spirit Bomb move and Kaio-ken technique. Seeing that Goku was stronger, Vegeta shifted the odds in his favor by forcing a Great Ape transformation. Following Goku’s defeat, he had to rely on Krillin, Gohan, and Yajirobe to finish the fight against Vegeta.
Vegeta later became a hero, but never gave up on the notion of being better than Goku. During the Buu Saga, Vegeta acquired a power-up from Babidi and finally had his much-anticipated second round with Goku. After narrowly beating his rival, Vegeta felt a degree of vindication until he discovered that Goku was holding back Super Saiyan 3 (a form he presumably could have used to win).
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Goku has gone up against Future Trunks on two separate occasions. When they met in the Android Saga, Future Trunks – who had just been revealed as Dragon Ball’s second Super Saiyan – attacked Goku due to being curious about his power. They had a short fight, which lasted just long enough for Trunks to see that Goku was stronger than him. Goku remained on the defensive the entire time, and only blocked Trunks’ sword strikes with his finger. They had a similar encounter during their reunion in Dragon Ball Super, which culminated in Goku going Super Saiyan 3. Upon seeing this, Trunks realized that he was way out of Goku’s league.
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Goku put Gohan through some intense sparring in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and guided him into unlocking Super Saiyan 2 form. Several years later, Gohan sought help from Piccolo so that he could regain his fighting edge. Once Gohan decided that he was ready for actual combat, he designed to test his newfound strength against the strongest opponent he could find: Goku. Gohan hit Goku with everything he had, and even managed to push him into accessing Super Saiyan Blue. Still, Gohan hung in the fight and wouldn’t go down until Goku combined this power with his Kaio-ken technique.
Related: Dragon Ball's Hercule Retcon Is Actually A Correction
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In Dragon Ball Z, Goku impressively overpowered Majin Buu with his Super Saiyan 3 form, thus making it clear that if he would have won if the fight had continued. At the time, the Earth itself was at stake, but the circumstances of their rematch – which happened in Dragon Ball Super – were much friendlier. After losing a great deal of weight, the good version of Buu fought Goku (who refrained from transforming) and used tactics to ring him out.
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On account of the heart virus, Goku missed out on the Z-Warriors’ conflict with Android 18 and Android 17, whose primary objective in Dragon Ball Z was to kill him. They both abandoned this goal, but 17 did get an opportunity to fight Goku during the lead-up to the Tournament of Power. In a shocking scene, 17 demonstrated that he had somehow become powerful enough to match blows with Super Saiyan Blue Goku, with one of 17’s biggest advantages being the fact that androids never run out of energy. Their battle eventually ended in a stalemate. After the fight was over, it was heavily implied that both characters avoided utilizing their full potential. That being said, the events of the Dragon Ball tournament and their respective performances confirmed that Goku was the superior fighter.
More: Dragon Ball Super: Every Z-Warrior Stronger Than DBZ's Goku
Dragon Ball Z: Every Z-Warrior Goku Fought (& What Happened) from https://ift.tt/32eU24O
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blundergato · 7 years
Dragon ball super just sounds like an insult to the og series
as harsh as it is, yea, i would say that it is.
the best thing about super are the non-fight focused, slice of life episodes, but they pretty much dropped those altogether after a while.  the current arc has been 80 episodes of a tournament where a good 95% of the fights are filler level garbage.
supers low budget, wonky animation would work for it if it was JUST these slice of life episodes where they dont have to worry about big grandiose fights.  a lot of shoujo anime doesnt have the greatest animation, but it doesn’t matter because it doesnt need to.  they arent doing highly complicated fight scenes.  but becaue db is a fight show, they have to do fights and the art/animation style is not fit to make good fights.  every fight in this show is forgettable.
super has offered very little actual character development for any of the main cast and in fact, has regressed most of the characters to a state that we’ve already seen them overcome before.
goku is basically a shell of his former self; he is barely a character at this point and just mr “fight man.”
vegeta is a weird case because he is the one character that DID get character development in his role as a father, which was nice to see, but his character also regressed from the end of DBZ.  he had accepted that goku was the best but at the beginning of super he is back on his bullshit talking about how hes the greatest in the universe and only he can beat goku and blah blah blah.  if they had focused more on vegeta being a father and less about his obsession with surpassing goku and given him an evolved personality, then i could get on board with vegeta as a character.
gohan literally went through the same exact storyline hes gone through before where he stops training, gets owned by a villain, realizes he needs to train and gets strong again; its literally the same exact arc he went through in Z. except this time, he gets strong only to do nothing of note because the series is focused on goku and vegeta now.
the rest of the cast in the show...man who really cares?  Krillin got a couple of good episodes where he got to overcome his demons, but then he did f**k all and got sidelined for a majority of the current tournament as one of the first eliminations.  
tien got absolutely shit on where he got owned by master roshi of all people, then had a godawful episode focused on him before he finally got eliminated.
android 18. meh . android 17. meh, until his sacrifice which was kinda meh.
master roshi, trash.
yamcha got the best episode in the entire series, but after that, he disappeared off the face of the planet.
super has done very little to expand the series in a meaningful way.  even the transformations the characters go through feel wildly lazy.
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