#and then when he’s surpassed them he trains with King Kai
People can’t understand how sensei’s work in the naruto fandom and it’s so frustrating
Like if you look at any other anime you will see that the main character how multipule sensei’s, not because any past sensei is bad but because what they could teach them is limited
Iruka is there to teach Naruto he’s allowed to be loved and cared for
Kakashi taught Naruto the basics and the teamwork and connection he needed
Jiraiya helped Naruto improve his skills and protected him during a dangerous tume when the akatsuki was hunting him and he could not yet defend himself
Kakashi then came back in and helped Naruto create his own jutsu which official helped him surpass Kakashi (we see Kakashi say this)
To improve more Naruto obv needs another sensei/master, so Fukasaku comes in to teach him the Sage technique which he needs to defeat Pein
And then when it comes to Bijuu training/connection, Bee is the only one who can teach Naruto that. He’s the only Jinchuriki who 1) still has his binuu 2) has a connection with said bijuu that naruto can learn from (Gaara and Shukaku never had a similar connection). Kakashi, Jiraiya, Fukasaku, Iruka. None of them could teach Naruto about connecting with Kurema in any way close to Bee because they didn’t understand the connection between a jinchuuriki and Bijuu like Bee did
Each of Naruto’s Sensei’s serve a purpose. They help him grow in the ways he needs to grow, and actively only one is super shitty toward him at any point in time (stealing his money, telling him to stay in his sexy no jutsu form)
Instead of fighting over ‘who taught him best’ how about fandom learn the point of the story progression and Naruto’s specific needs with each sensei/master
Edit: i forgot one thing
Even after becoming the strongest shinobi in the world, Naruto still has things to learn and he goes back to learning from Kakashi
It’s Kakashi who preppared him for the day when he’ll take over as Hokage, and Iruka who is tasked with helping Naruto study to become a jonin.
So even after everything Naruto goes back to his original two sensei’s again and continues to learn from them, just not as a shinobi trying to become more powerful, but as a leader preparing to take on more responsibilities
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rozamasu · 6 days
Dragon Ball Z/Super: Comparing and contrasting Goku and Zamasu— two sides of the same coin? (Long post full of yapping!)
The Goku Black arc consistently portrays Black/Zamasu to be ideological parallels to Trunks for obvious reasons (Hope vs Despair, Selfishness vs Selflessness, he's the protagonist of this arc, etc.), but I think it's an interesting exercise to compare Zamasu's journey to Goku's. In my opinion, it really hammers in why Zamasu failed to reach enlightenment and fell from grace besides "mortals = stupid and barbaric" and plain old narcissism.
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Everyone knows Goku's story by now, but I want to hone in on the part that I believe Zamasu's own parallels.
The beginning of Z features Goku gradually being introduced to entirely new realms of power and scale. He has to team up with the guy he worked his ass off to defeat 5 years ago just to barely defeat Raditz, a mid class Saiyan, sacrificing his own life in the process.
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He is informed constantly by Vegeta that he is nothing but low-class scum, born at the bottom of the interplanetary Saiyan "totem pole", compared to Vegeta's own super-elite-royalty-goodness.
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Then, by Namek, he manages to surpass Vegeta, and even trounces the emperor of the universe who subjugated the entire Saiyan race. After Namek, Goku grows so much that the conceptions of "class" that he was blindsided by quickly become faint memories, only brief blips in his life's work to always get stronger.
Not to be the strongest, or even to become "the strongest Saiyan who ever lived", simply to get stronger. Goku's goal is forever ongoing; he will never feel as if his duty is complete. If it ever was, he'd be restless and unsatisfied.
The key thread throughout the Saiyan and Frieza Sagas is that Goku never uses the labels ascribed to him or his opponents as anything more than momentary benchmarks in service of his overarching, everlasting goal to achieve more and more strength. He does not hear Vegeta's boasts about his status and go "okay, guess I'll be good enough once I can beat Vegeta in a 1 on 1, since I'll basically be a super elite!". He hears King Kai's fervent warnings about Frieza's terrible strength and gets curious rather than demotivated.
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He doesn't use either of these as an excuse to run away or quit training.
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In fact, Goku never uses anything as an excuse. He is not married to any sort of arbitrary benchmark of strength (that honor goes to Chi Chi), even in Super as he gains power that rivals Gods of Destruction.
To treat a level of strength, or a class (God of Destruction, Angel, Super Elite, Emperor of the Universe) as a stopping point for Goku or some sort of ultimate goal would imply that Goku's desire for strength has a defined end. But it doesn't, and so Goku doesn't put much stock into those things. He never loses sight of his goal, and he literally doesn't even stop training when he's dead.
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As for Zamasu, the beginning of his journey is why I thought to juxtapose him with Goku in the first place. He shares a surprising similarity with early Z Goku, in that both were able to achieve greater statuses than their birth would afford them.
Zamasu started off as a normal Kai, the guardian of a universal quadrant (the North, same as King Kai). In terms of Dragon Ball's divine hierarchy, this is actually quite the low standing. It is the second lowest known class of Gods, only ranking above planetary deities like Kami and Dende. If a Core Person (Kai race) is born from a rare, special golden fruit, only then will they be qualified enough to train to be a Supreme Kai.
Zamasu is the only known canon example of a normal Kai being selected to become a Supreme Kai, and so his exceptional ascension up the divine hierarchy is a natural parallel to Goku's own defiance of his low-class nature and his comparatively low power level at birth.
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Unlike Goku, however, Zamasu is absolutely obsessed with and bound by certain labels, which ultimately leads to his ideological downfall.
Firstly, we can see his fixation on the idea of godhood when he speaks to Gowasu.
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When Gowasu simply tells him to temper himself and observe mortals, he immediately begins focusing on and belittling the gods' philosophy, almost outright saying "what the gods think does NOT align with justice". The way he phrases these sentences in both the dub and sub is key: he says "I thought you'd teach me justice, but...", which creates a juxtaposition between "divinity" and "REAL justice".
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He even begins to doubt that a god could be considered a god if they did not align with his definition of justice.
Zamasu is young and inexperienced for a Kai (especially considering regular Kais have far shorter biological lifespans than Supreme Kais), so the reactions he displays in this scene suggest that he had a very romanticized, linear view of both godhood and justice. When Gowasu's statement suggests to Zamasu that he can't reconcile the two, it basically calls out all that Zamasu currently stands for, and he doesn't take it well.
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Gowasu ends the discussion by challenging Zamasu's narrowminded belief that gods are "absolute" and perfect, but by then the two are already unable to get through to one another.
If you look at the other gods in Dragon Ball, you'll see what Gowasu means here. For example, Beerus is lazy, temperamental, and childish; none of the other gods really like him. Elder Kai is a lecher. Champa is rather undignified and just as temperamental as Beerus.
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Where Goku seeks strength, Zamasu seeks virtue. Yet, unlike Goku, Zamasu has an arbitrary benchmark at where his objective stops: the abstract concept of "godhood".
When Zamasu reaches that endpoint and finds that it's not all it's cracked up to be, he constantly contorts his definition of divinity to match it— or rather, to match himself— rather than accepting that being a god is not equivalent to having a "perfect" sense of justice, or being "perfect" in general. He commits barbaric, brutal, bloodthirsty, and wanton acts, all in the name of "divine justice", despite those things being less becoming of gods and more becoming of mortals.
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The dilemma extends to the very end of the arc, where in the dub Corrupted Merged Zamasu says to Vegetto: "If one can't control a world, one can't be called a god of it", instantly justifying his hypocrisy, his sadism, his violence, and his arrogance instead of looking inward and asking himself what it meant to be a god.
Like Gowasu said, Zamasu was "obsessed with the contradictions of gods and mortals", and as Trunks said, "it isn't about gods or mortals". Zamasu was so enamored with the idea and label of godhood, yet did not question whether or not his values, the values of his future counterpart, or the values of the other gods aligned with it. And how could he have questioned it if he didn't truly know what godhood meant himself— if he just used the idea as a synonym for what he believed?
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Where Goku saw arbitrary labels as inconsequential to his overarching quest, Zamasu saw his life be entirely dictated by them. Zamasu allowed himself to be entrenched in the god-mortal dichotomy, whereas Goku's nature would never allow him to lose his big-picture goal like that.
When Goku's reality is challenged, whether by the introduction of some groundless measure of value (power level, Saiyan class) or by a vastly stronger opponent, he doesn't flinch. He doesn't stop. He doesn't make excuses. His overall goal doesn't change.
When Zamasu's reality was challenged, he broke and became everything he hated. He bent and twisted the rules of what he considered "just", and shattered the natural divine order by doing away with all Gods of Destruction. His goal, by then, was unrecognizable compared to his previous goal to be a benevolent Supreme Kai.
Where Goku's triumphs led him to continue being diligent and humble, Zamasu's own led him to be stagnant and arrogant. Even though Zamasu was proactive and cunning, he was stagnant in the sense that none of what he did made him more moral or virtuous, or gave him a greater understanding of the universe, even though those were the things he originally sought when studying under Gowasu.
All he did was further embed himself (literally, with Future Zamasu) within his own radical beliefs; he never progressed towards his original goal because he replaced it with "I am THE God, no more gods are needed, I will exterminate all mortals personally". His arrogance and inability to see gods as flawed beings made him lose the plot.
Goku continued working hard and getting stronger after vanquishing Frieza, whereas Zamasu's entitlement made him become a complete shell of himself.
Goku saw his growth from low-class warrior to Legendary Super Saiyan to be a testament to everything he stood for; the desire to protect and avenge his friends, his inherited Saiyan pride from Vegeta, and most importantly, his neverending journey to get stronger. Zamasu saw his ascension from North Kai to Supreme Kai as an excuse. A stopping point. An "okay, I've reached the pinnacle of the virtue I seek", refusing to accept that there was more beyond the arbitrary value and moral standing he placed on the role of a god, refusing to think mortals could ever possibly learn, and refusing to think gods could ever need to learn.
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Zamasu is a dark reflection of Goku— Son Goku is everything that Zamasu is not. Zamasu is the opposite of many reasons that Goku is such a distinct and unique character, and that makes both of them all the more compelling.
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
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Pairing: TP Goku & SS4!TP Goku x TP!Reader Warning: competitive & possessive behavior Content: 5k words. m/f/m. rivalry. fluff. humor. confession. first kiss A/N: Tiny reminder that ss4!TP Goku is not xeno goku, i just love the fit and accept it as his Time Patrol outfit ♥ This was supposed to be nsft but yall seen what I've been fixated on lately, just didn't get that far. Happy (late) Birthday to my himbo king 😭♥♥♥
What the hell is going on?
You stared up from your position, shadowed by the two figures above you. Butterflies in your stomach fade as your eyes bounce between the mirrored glares all while your wrists remain pinned on each side of you by a different hand. You were trapped while the two saiyans stared daggers at each other in a bitter display, one pair of eyes flashing a wild, golden color and the other a searing blue. 
There was always a playfulness in the tension between the duo of Gokus in Conton City. But something about it had shifted after a while. Despite the shared passion for battle often overwhelming their better judgment, they could always be brought back to a place of peaceful neutrality that made them a delight to be around in the end; All that was pleasant about the earthly saiyan was doubled. However brief that peace could live when it came to rivaling saiyans, there was no animosity in trying to surpass each other even when they were the same person. Only now it seemed they were intentionally pushing for a rise out of the other.
Prior to the change in history that brought you all together, each Goku lived a relatively similar life— Shared the same lessons, sacrifices, and faced the same foes— until their next level of potential was unlocked from training with Whis. Further dividing their path into the realm of the gods and becoming the foundation of their rivalry.
By the will of the kais overseeing the Time Patrol, both saiyans were corralled into the lifestyle under separate circumstances and given a new responsibility of protecting the universe. What it entailed for their innate thrill of battle brought another, greater benefit of the job: The pleasure of working directly with you.
The Hero of Conton City!
Goku was your training instructor, handpicked by The Supreme Kai of Time herself to help you on your journey to becoming stronger and protecting the history of the universe. You’ve had your share of instructors in the past to help you get to a place where you could stand your ground with a Super Saiyan God and beyond, but there was something else deep down about Goku that made him so exalting to learn from. He was very clear about getting you stronger so he himself could battle you without either of you having to hold back, but there was also a tenderness he had for you that made him...dreamy ♥. He was always impressed by your growth and praised you as his prized pupil. It conflicted your feelings, to say the least. As his trainee, you didn’t want to think of his innocent affection as anything more than a means to inspire you to become your best self. But beyond the roughness, the experience has been as beautiful as it has been enlightening. A companionship with someone like Goku truly made your heart restless and left your spirits high. No one’s made you feel like that before. You kept such sentimental feelings to yourself, of course. No time for romance when you’re The Supreme Kai of Time’s go-to patroller. 
But you would continue to always have Goku by your side. When battles became more than you could handle alone or missions too challenging that not even Trunks and his partner could help, The Supreme Kai of Time would set him up as your time patrol partner as well. Granting Goku something he’s always wanted after hearing about what you do as a patroller.  
The other Goku came to your side under a particularly special condition. The result of a forced change in history by the mysterious Fu who meddled with the timeline for…well, fun. Posing as Whis, no less. In the timeline where this Goku along with Vegeta were to obtain the Super Saiyan Blue transformation, Fu’s tampering made it so the two saiyans became Super Saiyan 4 instead and sicced them on you. Faced with an entirely new power, your instructor didn’t hesitate to show off to his counterpart what a true super saiyan beyond a Super Saiyan God looked like and sparked the battle between Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan Blue. Consequently, the power of their clash gave Fu exactly what he was really after, the power generated from changes in history. 
You didn’t return to the Time Nest completely empty-handed, however. As soon as you thought it was over, The Super Saiyan 4 Goku accidentally hitched a ride back with you both to the Time Nest. He wasn’t satisfied with making the most of his new transformation and sought to continue his battle with your partner. Before you knew it, the rift holding the change in history had been absorbed by the demon, taking with it all his alterations like it never happened. But the extra Goku was still here! In the Time Nest! Fu wasted no time revering his own handiwork and thanked you for your help before suddenly vanishing without a trace. Leaving behind a single proof of his experiment. A change like this never happened before. The timeline was indeed fixed now for the most part and there was no longer a rift, but there was also nothing that could be done to return the Super Saiyan 4 Goku without causing more drastic changes. 
There was a lot to be worried about a Super Saiyan 4 that could channel god ki and still so much unknown about Fu’s intentions, so joining the Time Patrol was the best of a bad situation.There was no denying the trouble two Gokus would cause to the timeline if he was “put back”, but the same could be said for two Gokus in Conton City. Naturally, as Goku, he was easy to get along with and more than willing to help where he could to right the wrong he unintentionally spurred on. But he got a sharp new gi out of it (mostly to avoid confusing the two) so he rolled with whatever came his way. Stumbling along, however, with taking in the other aspects of being a time patroller. 
Which is why The Supreme Kai of Time didn’t hesitate to entrust you with showing the new recruit the ropes and, more importantly, holding down the order between the competitive duo. As if your plate wasn’t packed enough lately, but you were all fortunate to have “4!Goku” as yet another reliable partner for you. It was a spin on the norm, where your interactions with the Goku you were already familiar with were that as his pupil, you were now the one teaching him (even if it was just a variant of him) a thing or two. Oh, but it was still the same Goku charm you found irresistible, just wrapped in a new red and black bow. The eagerness to assess a situation in the hopes of getting his hands dirty, you expected. What surprised you was how robust and graceful he was once engaged in a battle. Something beyond his instincts drove him to fight with mischievous precision, yet his power never gave a sense of something malicious. Just…powerful.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t impressed with the new rookie patroller. It came with suspicions of the power of Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan God may have awoken a cockiness in 4!Goku that you initially worried may insight another visit from Fu, but it was hard to focus on the “what ifs” when a super saiyan 4 looked damn good doing his job. That, and still very much being the core of the object of your affection, you would hate to miss out on having him as a partner. You found yourself barely able to look him in the eye while he was transformed, stuttering your words when you did speak and trying to mask your crumbling disposition when that rugged voice hit your ears. His allure was intimidating, and thankfully he was oblivious to your reactions.
Once he figured out how all the cogs work in the job, you soon found yourself with more free time to do as you like. Even your instructor “Xenoku” was able to take on more students to train between the hunt for Fu. Though, the two Gokus never failed to find a reason to turn a get-together into a friendly spar that would go overboard. Not even your own training sessions were safe. Admittedly, there was something enjoyable in watching a super saiyan 4 and super saiyan blue trade blows with each other. That very difference between them is what made them the perfect rivals to push for the next level in their strength. But it does lose its spark after a while of too many city violations.
Over time you found it less tedious with only one of the saiyans with you at a time, however you never denied yourself the pleasure of enjoying both their company when you could. A selfish desire to indulge your withheld feelings a little. You thought trying to work around your crush on Goku was hard enough. Two of them consistently winning over your heart at once, the same presence of wisdom, jubilance, and every sense of what made you attracted to who Goku is, was torture sometimes. Spoiling yourself with both of their presence was the best you could do to keep yourself from losing it. It was as if the Supreme Kai of Time knew exactly what she was doing saddling you with both of them. They were a handful, yes, but they were fun and they were handsome to look at. There was nothing you would not do for them. And, in some way, they were yours.
But the more time you spent with them together, the more you noticed the change. Their harmony was interrupted by something that seemed uncharacteristically ominous for someone like Goku. The charm of their harmless mischief could easily get lost in the bragging and snide remarks. Very little would set them to transform into their respective red and blue forms and you’ve had to physically get between them to keep them from going all out more than once. You couldn’t figure out why, naturally you just knew you had to fix it. But asking them directly got you nowhere. The two would exchange a look as if talking in some secret language through their eyes and then change the subject, becoming passive once again like nothing ever happened. You’ve seen Goku do some weird things before, but this was definitely the strangest. It’s often the things he does not say that should worry you and they’re both keeping a tight lip about it. 
If only you knew they were already aware of your little crush. Goku is always more intuitive than he gives away, and two of them spending enough time with you do well to take notice of your attraction. You are as much a rival as you are their student and partner, so their awareness of your power is fine tuned to you and watching you closely was just as natural to them as your feelings for either of the saiyans. They took it as a cute quirk of yours that you just seemed to turn 3 shades darker the closer they stand to you, the way you fidget and try to hide your smile the longer their eyes stare at you. It was easier for you to assume otherwise as they came to the decision to continue to overlook it, since you just didn’t seem ready to be truthful with your feelings. But they liked it. Getting to know you so well over time and having this instinct to protect you, it just seemed fair to let you do it on your own terms.
“Maybe I do like (Y/n), too.” One of them muses out loud to the other, an idea they have both pondered to themselves, never really feeling necessary to admit. Of course he liked you. You're his partner.
 “Yeah…me too.” The other would openly admit between them. Speaking it into existence like this cleared the intentions of their own feelings and now it was like knowing you in a new light. All that they knew and shared about you in confidence just pushed you into their hearts. You like them, and they like you. The two saiyans now look at each other wondering who it was you would admit your feelings to. You couldn’t have both of them in that way, could you?
It wouldn’t be much longer until you got to the bottom of it. With the right bait, you would come to find the truth, and wind up in your current predicament.
"I got some good news, found out something pretty neat on my last mission!" You brought up over today’s lunch. You waited until both were almost halfway through their own respective stacks of lunch boxes before springing this on them, prepping yourself to go into the next detail. "While I was working undercover on Frieza's ship, I snuck away to Planet Vegeta." 
Their eyes lift towards you in a synchronized reaction, blinking curiously. “Planet Vegeta?” Your instructor repeats with a mouthful. 
“Did you find another strong saiyan?” 4!Goku adds in after a big gulp, proceeding to chase his food with his large drink.
You shake your head, grinning with barely contained excitement. “Nope. Even better! I promise it’s a good one! Hang on.” You held up a finger to pause the convo for a sec as you slid another food box from behind you, a little bigger than the lunch boxes. Your smile grew once you popped the lid open for a peak inside, but held off lifting it back to reveal what it contained just yet. Instead you turn it their way and push it forward encouraging them to open it, looking back up between the two for their reaction. They look over it for a brief moment before inching closer together, one of them not wasting time and lifting the lid back all the way. Their eyes light up at what they find.
There was a large cake inside, decorated with borders of icing and cute little drawings of the two saiyans in their corresponding attires.
“Ta-da! Happy Birthday Gokus!” You announced as they read it across the center of the cake with excitable smiles. “I found out on Planet Vegeta that today is your birthday. I-It took some help deciphering the old saiyan language but once it was figured out I wanted to show my appreciation for you both being born today.” You explained, already displaying the first shade of a shy temperament in your features. 
“Really? This is amazing, and it looks tasty! Did you know today was our birthday?” Xenoku turns to his counterpart with a thoughtful look.
“No, I never even thought about it before.” 4!Goku admitted after briefly searching his own thoughts. “Wow, today’s really my birthday. You really did this all for us, (Y/n)?” He looked back at you with a sweetness returned to his expression.
“M’hm! You both definitely deserve more than a cake but it was all I could do with the time I had.” You also did not want The Supreme Kai of Time with her “broad tastes” to get involved lest she decide to make the cake herself. “I feel silly asking, but have you ever celebrated your birthday before?”
This time, your training instructor spoke up. “I’m sure it wasn’t my real birthday now but I remember when I was still a little kid, back when it was just me and my Grandpa, we had a special day we celebrated that he said was just for me.”
“Yeah, me too! We would go to a place in the mountains and he would make his special meat stew and dumplings. That was usually enough for me but he always gave me a gift, too. That’s how I got the power pole.” 4!Goku adds, pointing to his back where the power pole was normally worn in his younger days.
“Sounds like a birthday to me.” He nodded with a proud smile.
"Oh…yeah, actually.” You nod, as well. “That sounds exactly like a birthday.” Though now you were prickled with brief moment sorrow that the special celebration may have completely stopped after the old man’s passing. It’s not like any of his birthdays came up before your discovery and you never saw either Goku celebrating it. You hate the idea that he just never did it again. You take in a deep breath and continue to wear your smile, shaking off the feeling. Today was not the day for frowns. “Well then, I’m glad to help you start a new birthday tradition for yourselves. Maybe with a touch of the old if we’re lucky!” With that, you gathered a utensil in each of your hands and dug up a large piece of cake, careful not to take from their decorative drawings. “Come. Say ahh!” You instructed, holding out each serving to the birthday boys.
Raring to taste their special cake, they grin and crawl closer to you. Once again moving in sync, they learn forward with their mouths open. Xenoku clamps down catching a mouthful of sweet flavor, a delighted hum vibrating back to your fingers. But 4!Goku takes a different approach, grasping your hand and bringing his serving closer as he inched in to fill his own mouth. His dark eyes watched you until he slips the utensil free of his lips with a soft, yet rousing smile. As expected, you were jolted by the more intimate approach and the second, darker shade of color filled your expression. Your instructor takes notice of your change in demeanor and cuts a glance at his counterpart and his pleased expression. His brow knitted to his eyes for a moment, a small wrinkle above his nose before he lightened his expression for you.
“Mmm, mmm! Oh,(Y/n)! That is something really delicious!” The orange-clad Goku complimented you in a boisterous manner, licking his lips emphatically. He closes both hands around yours affectionately, further holding your stolen attention as you look at him doe-eyed. “Did you make it yourself? If so, you’ve got great tastes.” You fall into his flattery, a shy laugh all you can respond with when your heart starts racing. 4!Goku’s eyes shift between the two of you. In a single breath, he was consumed with a feeling that he has been shut out from you and narrows his eyes just the same. His own lingering hand on yours slips to hold your wrist to him and a bright grin returns to his features as he focuses on you. 
“Can you feed me some more, (Y/n)? It’s better than I imagined!” He pleads politely, leaning closer to you with a toothy smile. “Pretty please, for my birthday?” 
His tail whipped behind him and his smile only seemed to widen as he successfully claimed your attention, watching as your eyes faltered when you noticed his hold. “Oh! O-Okay, sure.” You agreed, lowering your arm from his grasp and gathering up more cake. Before you could even carve out another piece with your utensil you feel your instructor’s hold squeeze your other hand a little. 
“Me too? Pleeeease!” He asks with the same grin though more eager to be heeded. You give a nod and once your other hand is freed you dig it into the cake once again. Preoccupied with maneuvering the cake pieces to hang onto each utensil, you completely miss the tense exchange of dark eyes above you, the duo flashing glares at each other and dispelling them when you lift back up. You proudly display each gathered piece to them again and this time they both accept it the same way: a quick chomp scooping the large helpings into their mouths and emulating Whis’s mannerisms when the perfect taste hits his tongue. It’s odd, but you don’t think much of it, though how they both tried to out moan each other in their delight almost made you hesitate to continue. But you do, and it somehow turns into a speed eating race of who you fed the most before the cake was almost gone. 
Xenoku takes your wrist again when another scoop of cake is held to him only to guide it to your face. “You should try it, too.” He encouraged, ghosting the piece of cake over your lips. “There won’t be much left if you keep giving it to us.” The sweet smell catches your nose and it entices you to open your mouth for it. But sharing a utensil was so intimate and surely that final stage of flush engulfed your face at the thought.
Another serving is shoved in your face by your captured hand, this one bearing the likeness of 4!Goku on it and lightly smeared icing on your lips. “Here, now you say ahh!” 
For good reason, you hesitate to open your mouth. There was suddenly an anxious feeling they would try to shove it down your throat in an attempt to be the first to feed you. You look up to the two saiyans and give them a suspicious look. “I don’t think so.” You answer in a dry tone. “What are you two up to now?”
“See? She doesn’t want yours.” Xenoku declares proudly and ignores your query, sticking his tongue out at his counterpart. In response, 4!Goku swipes the piece given to you by your instructor, shoving it in his own mouth and chewing it up with a smug grin. The surprise on both your faces said it all and that seemed to be the last straw for them both. As they locked eyes, you felt the air shift around them. The color in their gaze alters with their rising power, the two saiyans now controlled by their innate motivation to “settle” things. You sense their ki skyrocket in no time and as their visible scowls met once again their power released around you, the two transformed into their respective forms.
In meeting eye-to-eye, their grip on your wrists tightened and you were pushed back as they physically butted heads, unrestrained. Neither sought to let go of you however in spite of your struggle, simply holding you at bay from their savage display.
“Hey!” Your voice sharply calls out, tugging back on your arms in an attempt to free yourself. “We’re still in the city, you lunatics! No fighting!” You couldn’t quite slip free, so instead lunge forward gripping a round ear from each of them in a painful pinch and pull. Effectively breaking things up as the two Gokus sought to free their ears from your hold. “That’s enough! What the hell is wrong with you two?! Do you have to turn everything into a challenge?!” You tightened your pinch in your annoyance and your wrists are freed as they howl in pain. “This was supposed to be a celebration!”
“Ow ow ow! Okay, let go!” “Ow, ow- (Y/n), That really hurts, let go!” The two plead for mercy until you finally release them, tucking your arms at your chest with an impatient grump.
“Spit it out right now, what is going on with the both of you?!” You demanded. There was no way of changing the subject on it this time, you needed to get to the bottom of this. Like before, the two saiyans turned to each other as they nursed their ears and in some silent delegating, they both sighed coming to a defeated agreement. Even they knew they couldn’t keep this up forever, there was no use hiding it anymore.Yellow and blue eyes turn back to you. 
“(Y/n), we got something to tell you but you gotta answer a question first.” The Super Saiyan Blue Goku lightly pouts, but is ready to spill the truth. You arch your brow first, but nod once in anticipation to what was on their mind. Xenoku turns fully to face you, sitting flat in the grass now and asks without hesitation. “Why do you want to keep hiding how you feel around me?” There’s a stern look in his eyes from his transformation, but they soften as he presses on. “Are you embarrassed?”
“What?” You answer with widened eyes, feeling your heart jump from his direct approach. You certainly got what you asked for, but the last thing you expected was your feelings to be involved in this. You glance at 4!Goku as well, who looked at you with the same demand and you realized they both knew how you felt. You felt a little breathless with the rush in your chest and continued to look between them. “What… does how I feel have to do with this?” The words slowly fall from your lips.
“You did this to us.” The Super Saiyan 4 admits. With a droop in the tip of his tail representing his own pout, he joins his counterpart's side on the ground and folds his arms against his chest watching you. “We already know you have a crush on us. Problem is, we both have feelings for you too and realize you would have to choose only one of us you like enough to confess to.”
 Xenoku nods at this. “I guess we just wanted to prove which one of us it would be in the only way we knew.” It definitely seemed silly now, the two seeming to remorse over their clashing. Even against the likeness of himself, Goku knew there were better reasons to scrap with each other than for some envious desire to do what they believed was needed to be the one you gave your heart to. It rotted their fun. Only you could decide what to do with your feelings and they can’t control that no matter how strongly they fought for it. But now that it was all out in the open your instructor saw no further reason to delay your answer. “So which of us is it? Me or the other me?”
“-H-How can you ask me something like that?!” You quickly snap back at his lack of tact, feeling your face flush in the urgency put upon you. This was not an easy choice, they weren’t exactly like apples and oranges. Regardless, they both watch you with their doe-like eyes shining through their transformations in anticipation. Things like that continuing to make this difficult. You give a sigh and cross your legs where you sat, thoughtfully staring into the grass beneath you. “How do I possibly choose? You’re both…you!” You muse over, looking up now and tucking your arms to your chest again. “I mean there are some differences but…”
It’s still Goku. It didn’t matter who caught your eye first or who made the better impression when they both effortlessly sweep you off your feet by simply being the best of who they are. Splitting hairs on it wasn’t going to help you pick one Goku from the other. A frown grows in your expression and you lower your eyes again. “I guess… I shouldn’t have either of you if it makes you want to hurt each other for my affection. I don’t think I have it in me to pick one of you when it could hurt the other’s feelings.” That felt to be a fair answer, though after saying it out loud it didn’t seem fair to either of their feelings. But you won’t pick between them. 
Your answer catches them off guard, for sure. They give each other a defeated look. Safe to say they’re not fans of that option. It’s rare that something could affect Goku so deeply like this, but when it does it just pushes him to seek his desires more. Ever the optimist, the two could only seek a means to make it favorable for all of you or at least try. A light bulb seems to go off for them at the same time and cheerful smiles rise in their features as they both move in closer to you.
“So if it doesn’t matter which one of us you pick, then-” Xenoku started, 4!Goku finishing the thought. 
“-Accept both our feelings. Only seems fair and it won’t change much between all of us.” 
The two are immediately met with an incredulous look from you, but their enthusiastic expressions show they mean it. Like them initially, you don’t immediately see that as possible. Some doubt in that logic making it seem wrong. “That seems greedy somehow..” You utter your thoughts out loud, unconvinced. The temptation doesn’t stop there.
A heavy hand comes down on your shoulder from the Super Saiyan 4, causing you to look up at him to find his reassuringly warm smile. “We already like you.You’re a kind person and an admirable fighter. If our hearts are in it, all we need is yours.”
“...I must be dreaming.” And discovered yet another level of blushing in your timid approach to your own feelings. Though the time patrolling Goku only laughs fondly at your reaction. Your other side becomes occupied by your trainer, Xenoku taking hold of your hand also reassuring you there was no issue to be had.
“It’s not like you can deny us on our birthday.” He teased, bringing the special occasion back into the mix to goad you into it. Something he’s picked up from Bulma who never shies from doing the same on her birthday. 
“-I can too!” You argue, though not so strongly. It widens both of their smiles as the idea seems to be wearing you down, shyly looking away from both of them in your fluster. “B-But…If that’s what you really want.”
“It only seems fair you take responsibility for making us crazy about you.” 4!Goku chimes in your ear, the husk of his voice sending goosebumps across your skin. “You don’t want us fighting in the city every time you give us a rush, right?” A knowing smirk grows in his face as he looks over to this counterpart, met with the same smirk as they both pull away from you preparing for yet another round of trading blows.
“I guess if anyone is going to pull that kind of anger out of me, it’s none other than myself.” Xenoku provoked with a challenging glare, making you look up between the two.
“I was just thinking the same thing.” Their playfulness is fully intact this time, no hint of that envy between them any longer. But you couldn’t risk it.
“Okay, okay!” You interrupted them. Rubbing a hand at your forehead, you huff and let a smile rise across your lips. “We can work this out. I’m in… Just no more fighting today.”
The two snicker amongst themselves with toothy grins and come back to you. Immediately, 4!Goku seals his lips to yours, your surprised face captured in his large hands. Xenoku is also stunned by his other half’s impulsive act. You were overcome with the warmth that filled your pounding chest and left breathless when he pulled away.
“I’ve been waiting to do that.” He grinned, tail swishing behind him happily as he nuzzled his cheek against your red face. “First kiss with (Y/n) is all mine.”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” The blue-haired saiyan contended with a jealous pout. Though, he also asserts his feelings and captures you away from him, With a hand around your body holding you close and the other full of your cheek he plants a full, eager kiss to your lips.The push your hopeless heart couldn’t take and sent your mind empty. Your legs felt weak in ways you only dreamed of.
“There. The best kiss with (Y/n) is mine!”
They’re both simply too much. But one could never be too much for another who couldn’t get enough of them.
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 7 months
The Slighted Sons: A Character Comparison of Aemond and Zuko
Okay, here I am writing another character comparison analysis between two characters from two different shows. This time I'm going with Aemond Targaryen from HotD and Zuko from AtLA.
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Now you're probably wondering what could these two possibly have in common.
Well, there's plenty actually. Both surface level and a little deeper.
So, brace yourself, and let's go over them.
Also I realize I'm making this post the day the live action remake of AtLA is released on Netflix, and I actually didn't know. I swear I must be psychic or something.
First a quick character synopsis for each.
Prince Aemond Targaryen is the second born son of King Viserys and Queen Alicent. From an young age, Aemond desperately wanted to have a dragon of his own, even more so when his brother and nephews started tormenting him for being the only one without. He eventually got his wish when he claimed the dragon Vhagar, which his cousins and nephews beat him up for that and...well we don't need to go into what happened next. After that, Aemond became known as the One-Eyed prince and as he grew, he invested in studying his history and philosophy as well as training intensely with the sword.
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And then we have Prince Zuko, the oldest son of Firelord Ozai and Ursa, whom left under mysterious circumstances when Zuko was still a child. When Zuko was invited into a war meeting at the age of thirteen, he spoke out of term, angering his father, whom Zuko had to fight in an Agni Kai to restore his honor. Refusing to fight, and being subsequently scarred as punishment, Ozai banished Zuko, saying the only way Zuko could restore his honor and return home is to capture the Avatar.
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So, on the surface, Aemond and Zuko are both princes, royalty, and they were physically traumatized in one way or another as children, with Aemond taking a dagger to the eye, and Zuko getting burned by his own father.
Oh my god, I just realized both Aemond and Zuko's injuries are in the exact same place, over the left eye. I did not notice that until now! :0
But, as I mentioned before, there's more to compare to:
1. Dysfunction Family Dynamics
Okay, I best cover this part first. Both Aemond and Zuko's family are pretty dysfunctional, but in different ways.
One thing that is similar is the ways they were treated by their fathers.
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Aemond is the second son, and in Westeros, second sons don't have much to claim in terms of land or title, they often have to make their own way. He trains with the sword and pays attention to his lessons. Even if that wasn't the case, Aemond is still overlooked by his father in favor of his sister Rhaenyra. If we recall from episode 7 of HotD, the night Aemond lost his eye, Rhaenyra, who was trying to cover for her sons when it came to light Aemond called the boys bastards, she demanded of her father that Aemond be 'sharply questioned' so as to learn where he heard such slanders. And it looked like Viserys was prepared to do all this, despite his sons' maimed state.
Much how Viserys often favors his oldest daughter, we saw similar dynamics between Zuko and his own father, whom often favored Zuko's sister Azula. Despite being the oldest child and Heir Apparent, Zuko was constantly overlooked by Ozai, especially when Azula surpassed Zuko in her firebending. As Zuko mentioned in the season finale of Book 1, he brought up how Azula was a firebending prodigy that everyone adored, and that his own father had told him this:
"She[Azula] was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born." -Zuko; AtLA
Now, I want to make clear, I am NOT saying Viserys and Ozai are the exact same people; Viserys may have been a shitty parent, but he was in general a good man, albeit, a man who made passive decisions in attempts to please everyone in his court. Ozai in contrast is just a ruthless and cruel man overall, and it showed in his parenting to Zuko and Azula too.
Ozai was harsher on Zuko presumably he saw him as weaker, and he doted on Azula, probably because her personality was similar to his, being sadistic and taking pleasure in putting fear in others. But as we saw in the series finale, Azula had a heavy burden placed on her in order to please her father, probably because she did see the way Ozai treated Zuko, and she knows not to get on her father's bad side as a consequence.
Ozai's abuse towards Zuko was direct, while Viserys was more indirect. Viserys was not the one to cause physical harm to Aemond as Ozai caused to Zuko, but Viserys didn't seek any kind of recourse, instead demanding that his sons and grandsons make peace and put the incident behind them...
Yeah, like that was ever going to happen. She said sarcastically.
Oh my god, I actually want to see Ozai and Viserys put in the same room and hear them criticize each other on their parenting styles. OOOOHHH the irony!
Another similarity is the way Aemond and Zuko are doted on by their mothers. Say what you will about Alicent, but the woman was the one who would do anything to see that justice was served to avenge the loss of her son's eye. She was also the one who comforted Aemond when he was bullied by his brother and nephews for not having a dragon, and she was the one who was frantic with worry upon hearing Aemond lost his eye.
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And in the AtLA episode "Zuko Alone" we got to see the way Zuko's mother Ursa doted on him as a boy, being the one to comfort Zuko when he tried to demonstrate what he learned in terms of firebending before his grandfather. She was the one who told Zuko she loved watching what he learned, and that it was okay that he wasn't as ahead in his training as his sister was. And in the comic, "the Search", we saw Ursa take the fall for the death of Firelord Azulon, doing what she needed to do to see that her son and, her daughter even, would be safe and out of harm's way.
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And of course, before continuing with the similarities, I have to talk about the difference in Aemond and Zuko's relationships with their uncles.
Uncle Iroh was basically the father to Zuko his own couldn't be bothered to be, being there to support Zuko during his exile era (even when Zuko would push him away at times), and being there to embrace Zuko when he lost way and found it again. We stan Uncle Iroh in this household...and his tea making, the guy is a true GOAT, just saying:
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It's more than what I can say about Aemond's relationship to his uncle Daemon. Daemon never really cared about his brother's children with Alicent, presumably because it was an extension of his loathing hatred to Otto Hightower.
And for anyone who has read the Fire and Blood novel, we all know how that ended with Daemon and Aemond fighting each other on top their dragons above the God's Eye.
We also stan Daemon in this household, our toxic problematic Rogue Prince :P
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Now, I want to see Daemon in the same room as Ozai. They're both second sons, yet Ozai was pronounced the new FireLord in place of his father. I want to see Daemon take notes on how that was accomplished.
Also, quick note, while Aemond didn't have his uncle to rely on as a father figure, the closest he would get to that is probably Criston Cole, whom Aemond trusted enough to convey his true feelings about the thought of Aegon being king back when he and Criston were looking for the guy in Episode 9
Okay, moving on.
2. Hot Temperaments
Both Zuko and Aemond had shown to have rather firery tempers at times, especially Zuko in Book 1. Aemond is usually a little more calm and collected, better at masking his emotions, but even he has breaking points, particularly in season finale when he demanded that his nephew Lucerys put out an eye to repay the one he lost, and he snapped when Luke refused.
And, as we've seen, their hotheadedness got the both of them into a lot of trouble at times, be it Zuko when he challenged Zhao to Agni Kai in his anger to prove he was not the disgraced prince, or Aemond when...he chased Luke on dragonback and, unable to control Vhagar (cause dragons are not slaves), accidentally killed Luke and his dragon, consequently starting the domino effect that led to the Dance of Dragons.
Oh yeah, speaking of Dragon Dances.
3. Dragons!!
Even though we didn't see Zuko riding any actual dragons till season 3 of Legend of Korra, I still think it counts.
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I think Zuko could've had a chance to become a rider, if his great grandfather Sozin never started the tradition of hunting dragons in the first place. Even still, dragons do hold a certain level of cultural significance to the Fire Nation and the FireLord's family.
Uncle Iroh, after all, was known as the Dragon of the West, having earned that title when he supposedly slayed the last dragon before Zuko was born.
Spolier alert, that wasn't actually how it went down.
Even though we never saw Zuko ride a dragon during the duration of AtLA, we did get to see him and Aang learn about firebending from the dragons, having mastered the Dragon Dance, and getting a better understanding of the element of fire and its true nature. Dragons also hold significant sway for the Targaryen family, and they also held cultural significance for Old Valyria before the Doom. Aemond's ancestors Aegon the Conqueror, and his sister-wives Rhaenys and Visenya, wouldn't have been able to unite the Seven Kingdoms successfully had they not had dragons at their side (Seven minus Dorne, who refused to kneel to the might of Dragon Fire for as long as they had even after Aegon's official conquest, kinda similar to how the Earth Kingdom refused to bow to the might of the Fire Nation even after the Fire Army's conquest of Ba Sing Se).
One of the dragons that was part of the initial conquest was Vhagar, whom Aemond claimed at the young age of 10, and it's a feat Aemond takes particular pride in, especially when he had gone as long as he had without while the rest of his family had dragons left and right.
Although, Aemond did learn a rather hard lesson from Vhagar, that dragons cannot never truly be tamed, they will do their own thing, and to try and think otherwise can result in deadly consequences.
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4. Honor Oriented
Both Aemond and Zuko are heavily duty bound and place varying levels on emphasizing honor.
Zuko, obviously, started off in the series determine to restore his honor by capturing the Avatar, and we saw the lengths he would go to see that through.
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Aemond considers himself an honor bound man; while he never had to go on any quests to restore his honor, he was duty driven, taking his school lessons and sword training seriously, refusing to indulge in deprive acts as his brother Aegon had.
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5. Sibling Rivalry
Zuko was often pitted against his sister Azula, courtesy of his father, and Azula took pride in being able to master firebending techniques at a faster pace than Zuko could hope to. And it was something Azula would snubly rub in Zuko's face, even more so when the two would actually fight, such as in Book 2, when Zuko went after Azula for lying to him, and Azula pointing out how much of a disappointment child Zuko is to their father.
Their rivalry, I would also like to point up, was dialed up compared to Aemond's rivalry with his brother Aegon. I mean, Zuko and Azula had a physical fight in the form of Agni Kai during the series finale, which would also determine who would become the next firelord.
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While Aemond never had such fights against Aegon, the guy did resent the fact Aegon was firstborn, and because of that, he was expected to become king in the eyes of the Greens, even though Aegon was not deemed fit by Aemond to be king due to his excess indulgences in wine and women and the fact Aegon shirked away from his duties and training, while Aemond surpassed Aegon in all these things.
Aegon didn't exactly make things easy for Aemond too when they were children, especially with the Pink Dread prank Aegon clearly convinced Jace and Luke to pull on Aemond.
Aemond knows he is better suited to the position as king, but he is a second son, so there's no chance of that happening (that is until an tragic accident at Rook's Rest during the Dance left Aegon critically injured and unable to perform his kingly duties, leaving Aemond in charge as Prince Regent).
The resentment is there nevertheless.
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6. Fan Favorites
Be honest, you had the biggest crush on Zuko when you first saw the show...well, I did anyway.
I was in middle school when AtLA first aired, and I would like to credit Zuko as the first fictional guy whom I really crushed on as a girl who was slowly moving into my teen years. This scene especially, I'd like to credit for...definitely awakening something in me...;)
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I also know for a fact people felt similar tingly feels when we saw Aemond as an grown man.
Certainly helped with actor Ewan Mitchell's portrayal and how he brought adult Aemond to life, especially with this scene:
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Be honest, you felt things too about Aemond...I certainly did.
Actually I know this is fact, why else would there be so much smut related content around Aemond on this sight?
Aemond and Zuko are princes of prominent royal families who are also slighted sons; one was firstborn and the other is second born, but both slighted nonetheless, by their families, especially by their fathers
Much so that they had to find father figures in other people.
Both were heavily doted on by their mothers, both received physical scars by their family members, and both learned different lessons from the dragons, whom hold cultural significance to their families as well as their ancestral lands.
Both were pitted against their siblings, and both have fiery hot tempers that got into trouble on more than once occasion.
And both Aemond and Zuko are fan favorites to the point where numerous fans write fanfiction on both characters, be it reader inserts, or ships, etc.
We love and stan our brooding, tragic princes, no matter how toxic and angry they may be.
Also, I really want to write a crossover between HotD and AtLA, but I would probably do like maybe two chapters possibly (I say that, but knowing me, that would probably extend into a longer story, and I already have enough of those to work on as it is). I would like to see what it would look like if Aemond and Zuko were put in the same room.
Have a nice day, y'all :)
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Could you give me the long and boring answer to why you don't think Movie 9 fits within the main continuity?
Link to the short answer here.
Then long & boring answer? I had to rewatch Movie 9 so I don't make any mistakes. I made a few errors in two previous posts. Links below.
I confused something said in DBZA with what actually happened in the DBZ movie. And that was that Bojack was not trapped inside King Kai's planet like DBZA said.
Now for the correct criticism.
So the first reason is that Bojack & his crew are stronger than Super Saiyans. Yet the Kai sealed them away in a star. Why didnt the Kai do that for Freeza? He was said to be the most fearsome in the Universe while Bojack and his crew were apparently way stronger than Freeza. Doesn't make sense for the Kai not to seal Freeza if they sealed away stronger enemies, & it doesn't make sense that King Kai never brought up how he sealed away enemies stronger than Freeza. Bojack easily kicked SSJ Vegeta's butt without even transforming yet. And the Kai sealed him but not Freeza? Idk about that.
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SSJ Gohan gets beat up by 3 aliens. Not even Freeza could do that. As mentioned prior, it makes no sense for Freeza to be called the strongest in the Universe but now Bojack and his crew are the true strongest. A Super Saiyan defeated Freeza. Then Goku got stronger, trained 3 years, trained with Gohan in the RoSaT to make SSJ like its their normal state and make it stronger. The Mastered SSJ is stronger than SSJ Grade 1 through Grade 3. SSJ Grade 4 Goku charged up his ki only at half strength & Gohan couldn't believe that was actually half of Goku's strength. Goku wasn't even at full strength & he surpassed Vegeta. And Gohan thought that Goku & Cell were holding back against each other when Goku was going all out. SSJ Gohan was waaaay stronger than SSJ Goku & this was before he turned SSJ2. But somehow Bojack and his crew are around the same strength as Cell & stronger than SSJ Goku? Doesn't make sense.
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Future Trunks returned to the future timeline after Cell's defeat. The series never shows nor implies that he came back to the main timeline to compete in a tournament and fight enemies that could defeat Super Saiyans. The next time Future Trunks returns to the past is in DBS. So, him being in the Bojack film is out of place & contradictory. And Future Trunks' hair is long in the movie when it was short again at the very end of the Cell Saga before he went back to the future. So at least a year passed. Which leads into the next problem. (I repeat myself a bit in #4. Sorry)
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Its said that there were 7 years of peace after Cell was defeated. The Bojack movie doesn't sound like 7 years of peace. Regarding Future Trunks, his hair is long again. It was short at the end of the Cell Saga. So Bojack would either take place right after the Cell Games & not a day after because Future Trunks gets a haircut a day after Cell is defeated. Or Movie 9 takes place at least 1 year after Cell's defeat since his hair is long again. Wiki shows it was the same year as Cell (DB Wiki is often wrong tho). Also, in Movie 9, Bulma tells Chi-Chi that Future Trunks came back to the past one last time, implying 1 year passed but that contradicts the 7 years pf peace. So, it makes no sense for Future Trunks' hair to be long. The reason his hair is long is because the film was in production when Toriyama currently had Future Trunks with a long haired design (he cuts Future Trunks' long hair within Chapter 419). Also the fact that this battle that incapacitated everyone and even incapacitated multiple Super Saiyans was never mentioned. Bojack seriously beat up SSJ Vegeta with little effort and Bojack wasn't even in his transformed/powered-up state. You wouldn't forget a battle like that.
All reasons I declare Movie 9 to not fit within the main timeline.
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risingsouls · 2 years
[You know what else is a really dumb narrative that gets passed around the DB fandom? I saw a meme the other day that reminded me of it that said, "Vegeta is the most hard working character in the series," and I think it's to basically say that Goku never worked hard in his life for the strength and power he has and was "handed" it. And I'm here to say that it's such bullshit. BOTH of them worked their asses off to get where they are and I won't hear shit about it.
Obviously, most won't deny Vegeta's hard work. Not at first, of course. At first, thanks to the cultural mindset he was raised in and his own arrogance that didn't allow him to look passed that, he believed that you were born with power and it grew to a certain point and that was sort of it (which is kind of funny when the Zenkai boost is a KNOWN thing but I imagine that was just not a thing until Namek whoops which Vegeta stans ignore when that was literally Vegeta being "handed" power ups in a way; i guess the difference is his resulted in losses anyway). But after that, he definitely works his ass off after LEARNING that that's what it takes. It's not about your birth or status or class, it's about the work you put into bettering yourself that matters (even though Super is putting a nice stake in that narrative but you know).
But to turn around and say or suggest Goku didn't work as hard, and even worked LESS that Vegeta, for the power and skill he amounted through his life is absolute fucking cap. We see Goku training in martial arts from the time he's a famn KID, and Grandpa Gohan was teaching him to fight before that. He had a natural talent (as did Vegeta) and he worked to improve that natural talent throughout his life. Does he get offered more opportunities? Sure. But that's not being handed his strength or power ups. Those opportunities were ones that required him working his ass off to take anything from. A list of the arguments people try to make on this:
He was offered the OPPORTUNITY to train with King Kai because he helped save his planet, and even then, there were plenty of conditionals that could have barred him from doing so, including he didn't make it to his planet or King Kai decided not to train him.
He had the OPORTUNITY to train more vigorously on the way to Namek because he asked Bulma and her father to install a gravity simulator to the ship and then he PUSHED himself to reach new heights. He went Super Saiyan because his best friend was killed in front of him.
Oh, Yardrat and IT were handed to him because he should have just come straight back to Earth? Get out of here. He went to Yardrat because that's where the Ginyus were headed next and what was programmed in the pod. He was stranded there while he healed (and I think the ship needed repair?) and decided to stay and WORK to learn IT. Which, really, is just another technique and isn't shown to REALLY give him an edge in any fights (one that oddly enough no one else asks to learn from him for whatever reason).
He and Vegeta had the same amount of training time between Frieza and the androids (and this is probably the first and last time they would probably be on par power wise through the rest of the series), and they both spend at least a year in the HTC (Vegeta actually takes TWO because he's presented the OPPORTUNITY to) before the Cell Games. Isn't this Vegeta working harder than Goku, then, you ask? If you really want to look at it that way. But thats a matter of different training methods with Goku deciding to rest vs Vegeta using the 10 days to train more to try and surpass SS. And, because Goku is hinted at still being stronger (though maybe that's debatable because we only see Vegeta face off with Perfect Cell before the 10 day training and his second HTC session and after Cell comes back from the explosion more powerful than he was; it could be suggested they were about the same power wise but that's really getting into shit we can't know), it's a matter of at least the narrative showing that, frankly, Vegeta doesn't know how to train because he's never had really good guidance that taught him the importance of rest when training, whether you agree with that or not.
And then they bring up Otherworld and the training he got there. Like my dudes. This man died trying to save his planet AGAIN and had defeated Frieza and saved the remaining Namekians from their planet's destruction. He is a damn hero who EARNED that right which, at the time, wasn't even substantial to the ones he left behind on Earth. And you know what? Even when he comes back to Earth and reveals how strong he got while dead? He WORKED for it. He wasn't sitting around in Otherworld just sucking in power or some shit. And I guess if you really want to mince things and point out that he was dead and had endless energy, fine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that he worked for the strength he amassed because the OPORTUNITY was there for him and the life he lived (and btw its KINDA suggested that Vegeta hardly trained in that seven year time frame if at all soooooo you know).
I'm not going to get into Super's shit here because, arguably, he does actually get things like SSG handed to him (though, if you're going only by what we see, so does Vegeta 🤷‍♀️).
Tl;dr: Goku and Vegeta have both worked hard for their power and skill. There is no "one worked harder than the other" shit to be said. Goku was presented more opportunities for special training because of how he lived his life (and because he died protecting his loved ones twice) and the people he made connections with. None of that means he didn't work his ass off.]
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duhragonball · 3 years
I was thinking about Goku and Krillin's friendship and it occured to me that they spent months training with Roshi together but then only saw each other for maybe a day every few years. Have you ever had a realization that tripped you out like this?
This is a really good ask, anon, and I just wanted to take a moment to say so. 
I have had a few ‘a-ha’ moments like these, but I’m kind of blanking on specific examples.  I’ll see what I can come up with.
1) For openers, there’s the whole thing where the Red Ribbon Army has a Dragon Radar, but it’s nowhere near as sophisticated as the handheld one Bulma invented.  I think the same holds true for Emperor Pilaf, but his gang is only three people.   You’d expect the RRA to have the best equipment possible, because that’s their whole deal, and by normal standards they probably do have the best possible Dragon Radar... but Bulma’s is simply that much better, because she’s on another level.   And it’s easy to overlook that, because Bulma’s supposed to be a genius teenager, like Donatello in TMNT, but the RRA’s Dragon Radar is the first hint that she’s even more special than we could have guessed. 
2) Rewatching Dragon Ball in 2019, I gained a new appreciation for the filler episodes where Mr. Popo trained Goku.  The first time I saw them, I was hoping we’d see Goku grow up and make progress over the three year gap, but instead they just focused on his early days on the Lookout, with Popo just saying things and Goku failing to understand.  It was very frustrating to watch.  
But in 2019, I noticed that all those episodes get paid off in the Piccolo Junior fight.   Popo kept telling Goku to be “quicker than lightning�� and “quiet as the sky”, and Goku just couldn’t figure out how to do that, let alone fight at the same time.   He had to unlearn all the stuff that had helped him defeat King Piccolo, and he couldn’t do it... at first.    But by the time he fought Piccolo Junior, he put it all together, as demonstrated with his big finishing move.   Piccolo thought he had vaporized Goku, only for Goku to fly up into the air and crash into him.   Why didn’t Piccolo sense Goku’s presence?   Because Goku had learned to become as “quiet as the sky”.  Why couldn’t Piccolo dodge it?   Because Goku had learned to become “quicker than lightning.”  So it vindicates those filler episodes pretty nicely.   They weren’t just marking time, but they were setting up what the manga was going to do later.
3) I think last year, it hit me that Vegeta had probably never lost a fight before he went to Earth.   That alone isn’t probably any big deduction.  The only people stronger than him were all working for Frieza, and he knew to steer clear of them until he was ready.   But it explains why he was so giddy about the zenkai effect.   He had always known about it, but he never mentioned or cared about it until he experienced it for himself after losing to Goku, and then Zarbon. 
Yeah, I think this occurred to me during a conversation about Vegeta killing Nappa instead of helping him.   In theory, Nappa could have recovered and gotten a lot stronger, just like Vegeta did.   But Saiyans Saga Vegeta didn’t care about that.   He only gave his henchmen one chancemand discarded them as soon as they lost.   This attitude would also explain why he never dared to challenge anyone at a higher level.    He knew no one would show him any mercy, so the zenkai boost would have been meaningless to him. 
So he might have regretted killing Nappa after he experienced the zenkai firsthand, although he was so drunk on his own increased power that he probably never stopped to consider it.   But before Earth, Vegeta probably dismissed the zenkai as a crutch for lesser Saiyans.   In his mind, a truly great Saiyan never loses battles in the first place.  Or so he believed, until he lost a few times, and became stronger for it, and had to reconsider.
And that also explains how he warmed up to the Super Saiyan Legend over the course of one afternoon.   He and Goku made such sick gains that week that he started to wonder if you could zenkai your way to Super Saiyan, and then he was begging Krillin to shoot him just so he could get a step closer.
4) In the same vein, it occurred to me at some point that Bardock was probably stronger than King Vegeta, and neither of them realized it.   Maybe it was just a dub-ism, but I’m pretty sure “Father of Goku” has a line about Bardock’s power level being 10000.   At the time it was released, 10k wasn’t that big a deal, but in the Saiyans Saga, Vegeta was somewhere around 18-24k. Later, he would claim to have surpassed his father as a child, so I think it’s fair to assume that King Vegeta must have been in that 10,000 neighborhood. 
Which makes a nice subtle commentary on why the Saiyan Kingdom failed. They tried to breed better warriors, putting all their stock in the royal family, when the true secret lay in warriors like Bardock, who were constantly getting clobbered and healed.  Prince Vegeta only started to make real progress once he began fighting on that same regimen.
5) Also about “Father of Goku,” Frieza only wanted Planet Kanassa subjugated because of the psychic powers of its inhabitants.   I think the dub insinuated that the planet itself gave people those powers, but whatever the case, Frieza heard about these people with unusual powers and wanted them stamped out immediately.   Just like he wiped out the Saiyans over the Super Saiyan Legend, and just like he planned to destroy Namek to prevent anyone else from using the Dragon Balls. 
In short, Frieza fears and despises legends.  Why?  Because he’s so powerful that real people can’t hurt him, so his fears naturally turn to half-truths and folklore.   He chases down ghost stories and rumors, because let’s face it, what else does he have to occupy his time.   That’s why King Cold was happy to have the Saiyans working for him, while Frieza wanted them all dead.   Cold didn’t share Frieza’s hangups.   Cold barely knew what a Super Saiyan was, while Frieza thought about it all the time. 
6) One day I thought about that timeline where Cell killed Trunks and took the time machine to find the androids.    That specific timeline is pretty much empty.  The Z-fighters are all dead, and so are all of the androids and Trunks.  They don’t even have a Cell anymore because he went back in time and never returned.   There’s still a population, I guess, because the Trunks of that world wouldn’t have just stood by while Cell absorbed everyone on Earth, but that’s about it.   Bulma might have survived Cell’s attack on Trunks, but she’d be the only “name” character on the board.  It just sounds like a pretty depressing world.   Maybe this was the timeline Whis picked out to relocate Blunks and Future Mai in Dragon Ball Super.
7) It sort of blows my mind that the entire Majin Buu arc takes place over a couple of days.    Like, episode 207 through 250 all takes place over one day.   We know this because Goku only had 24 hours to be back in the living world, and that time was cut short by his use of SSJ3.  Then the Elder Kai started doing his ritual to make Gohan stronger, and that took like 25 hours, I’m pretty sure.  That wrapped up in #262, and there was no break in the action from that point onward, all the way up to the defeat of Kid Buu in #287.  So yeah, eighty episodes over two days.   It’s practically real-time footage, save for skipping over the Elder Kai’s ritual and Goten and Trunks practicing and sleeping. 
It’s hard to catch on to this, though, because so much stuff happens in the anime version that leads you to think that it’s a much longer span of time.    After Vegeta wrecks the stadium, the anime can’t decide whether or not Mr. Satan would stay there or return to his dojo.   In the Fusion Saga, Mr. Satan wanders from Buu’s house to the nearest town, then he wanders to the next town over, doing his “Last Man on Earth” bit, except this all happens during the Gotenks/Super Buu fight, which barely lasts half an hour.   In the afterlife, Chi-Chi is worried that she can’t find Gohan, but she wouldn’t have even been there that long, and wouldn’t she still be in line to meet King Yemma?  She was one of the last Earthlings to die, so how did she end up in heaven so quickly?
8) I used to think Movie 13 (the Hirudegarn one) was canon, but the last time I watched it, I noticed all these glaring problems.  They use the Dragon Balls in this one, which means it has to be set six months after the wish to make everyone forget about Majin Buum which means it’s been a year since Kid Buu was defeated.  Okay, fine, except Gohan and Videl are still in high school.   Shouldn’t they have graduated by then?   
More importantly, their high school and Bulma’s house seem to be in the same city.   I guess that’s an easy mistake to make.   It took me a long time to even notice, but Orange Star High is in Satan City, which is a totally different place from West City.   I mean, right?  They’re not terribly far apart, but they’re not the same place either.
Then again, they seemed to make the same error in Episode 287, where Bulma’s out shopping and Great Saiyaman 1 and 2 foil a robbery.   Are they in West City or Satan City?  Maybe there’s more to this...
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spiderstyles04 · 4 years
Episode 1:
Can’t stand the fact that they’re trying to make Sam the victim, fuck the white bitch 😤. (okay yeah she’s kinda the victim but like she deserves to be blamed)
I can’t stand the fact that everybody keeps trying to make Robby the villain (ik he’s MIA, but the words they’re calling him make me wanna punt their asses into oblivion 🧎🏽‍♂️🏌️)
Episode 2:
Kreese is actually fucking sadistic wtf.
fuck men (esp. those that prey on young girls).
cops @ the prison rlly said: “I aint see nothin at all -👄-“.
wow so you can definitely see who is Johnny’s priority! Instead of continuing to look for his missing son, he went to go see Miguel🖕🏻.
and Miguel is like boohoo why’d this happen to me it’s all Johnny’s fault. Uh no it’s partially yours for accelerating the fight. Shouldn’t have gotten in the middle of a fight if you wanted to come out unharmed.
Robby blaming himself for everything and worry abt the others before himself is making me cry my eyes out pls 😭😖.
Daniel fucking Larusso rlly said let’s catch this scared teenage boy off guard and have a cop sneak up on him and arrest him
Episode 3:
I hate that Robby is in jail but he looks hot af
Not the LaRussos blaming Robby’s grudge on him being a teenage. Like you literally had a cop sneak up on a terrified kid and you expect him to take your calls???? I think tf not.
Sksks Sam rlly out here acting like Tory got angry outta nowhere and that she had no reason for being brutal. Yeah having a bad background doesn’t justify bullying but you kinda provoked her. YOU KISSED ANOTHER GIRL’S BOYFRIEND WHILE YOU HAD ONE OF YOUR OWN. SUCK IT UP AND SHUT UP LIL BABY.
Not Robby fighting with guys in prison over their comments abt Sam of all ppl 💀 she’s the reason you’re in there and she cheated, what the fuck are you defending her for?
sad puppy Robby is making me tear up shit I love him too much to see him in pain 😖
God I hate Eli. Imagine being jealous of not being able to creative enough to raise money for your friend so you resort to stealing the money from the only ones able to get money for him 💀.
“Douche clown” BAHAHA.
Episode 4:
NOT JOHNNY ASSUMING THAT ROBBY IS THE ONE STARTING FIGHTS (reminds me of Jess and Rory from Gilmore Girls when she accused him of fighting with Dean when rlly he just got attacked by a bird)
I love that Robby is telling Johnny off like PERIODT KING GO OFF
Nah if some idiot wrecked my lego diagram that took me weeks to build, I’d knock him on his ass no hesitation. Idgaf if I got expelled
Not the counselor completely disregarding the fact that Dimitri’s project was wrecked
Every time Johnny enters Robby’s life, he just makes shit harder for him. I feel horrible for my bby
Kreese has a god complex & I wanna put him in the ground 🕳👨🏻‍🦽👩🏽‍🦯
Little miss princess got some anger issues oop
Not Johnny making a paralyzed kid get out of bed 💀
Episode 5:
Robby basically telling Kreese to fuck off and tell talk to “somebody who gives a shit” is everything to me I love him
Not Johnny using a sex magazine to motivate Miguel 🤢
If Robby gets back with Sam I will RIOT
Imagine taking pleasure from terrorizing others and children sksksk couldn’t be me
Damn it Robby you shouldn’t be fighting. It’s only gonna make your sentence worse bby. Ik he’s an asshole, but you gotta be the bigger man
The fight in the lazer tag place I- not even gonna comment
Episode 6:
I’m glad Eli is abt to get the vibe check he deserves
Miguel rlly should choose what he says more wisely like sir you can’t just tell the angry mentally unstable girl that she needs help sksksksk those are words of war to her
Oh Mrs. LaRusso getting in on the action lmao
Episode 7:
Damn Tory rlly wakes up every day and chooses violence uh it was a dream nvm
There’s no fooking way Miguel recovered from a spinal injury so quickly 🙄 also why’d they throw away the wheelchair??? That shit is expensive af
Imagine having a dad that actually feels genuinely bad for not keep up with your life SKSK couldn’t be me
I haven’t seen Robby in a hot minute and I’m getting pissed abt it.
I love when ppl tell Eli off. Gives me a diff kind of joy
tf is Eagle Fang sksksks
@ Kreese: Bye bitch 🥴
Episode 8:
I cant believe they’re dicusssing Kreese when they’re abt to pick up Robby I- none of these men are fit to be stable father figured to him
Glad Robby told them to fuck off bc when the going gets tough, unfortunately, they will always choose someone else over Robby
But I’m all here for Miguel’s character development. Looks like soon I’ll have a total of 2 characters that I like on this show
Eyyy go off Miguel preach
Nvm fuck that. I’m glad Robby walked in on Miguel and Sam flirting so he could see she isn’t all she’s cracked up to be. I’m glad he’s telling them off. I just hate that they’re making him out to be a villain, AGAIN UGH
Episode 9:
Fuck fuck fuck I’m terrified for this episode
oh shit Ali...
Trouble is in the air....
Miguel and Sam 🙄😀
Oh so Robby is back in his sn 1 wardrobe... 🤬
Not you making bad decisions again Robby smh we’re trying to keep you out of jail
I repeat... if Robby and Tory get together I am RIOTING
Fuck Johnny
Episode 10 - final episode:
I am the quintessential example of seething anger. If I was an anime character, I’d have steam coming out of my ears and a tic mark on my forehead smh
Tory has got some anger issues that surpass even my own, and that’s saying something
Also why tf are they fighting in Sam’s house??? Like I don’t like her but thats not only trespassing passing on private property, but the damages they’re causing are gonna cost a buttload
I’m just glad that Robby isn’t there to fight. Thank you bby
I love the fact that Eli is realizing how fucking stupid he’s been acting
I’m still crying over Robby fuck
Everybody over here hashing shit out and Robby is inside the dojo like X👄X
Anyways all in all, fuck season 3 gn
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joan-frias · 4 years
A Gohan x Videl Fanfiction
Author’s Note: I continued using the name Shin for the Supreme Kai because it's shorter to type. Yeah, there's no other reason for that.
The three Saiyans continue to fight Babidi's henchmen. This time, it's Gohan's turn to fight Dabura.
DABURA: Do you dare mock me? You?
GOHAN: I'm more than enough to fight you, and you'll understand that once we start.
DABURA: (sneers) Let's start, then.
Everyone is transported outside the ship. Gohan smiles confidently at Dabura. The evil king sneers back.
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Gohan attacks Dabura. He was able to hold himself out against the King of Evilness, who has his own tricks up his sleeves, too. He can fight, use magic and even energy attacks making Gohan lose his gi and his temper as well.
GOKU: Was that magic?
SHIN: Yes. Dabura can use magic as well, although I suspect he got some help from Babidi.
GOKU: He's stronger than I thought.
VEGETA: He's not strong enough that we can't beat him. Gohan's just lost his touch. He's way stronger than the time with Cell.
GOKU: I guess he stopped training, that's why.
VEGETA: This is starting to piss me off!
Dabura can sense the discussion that's happening with Goku and Vegeta. He looks at their direction, and that's the opening that Gohan was looking for. He attacks, but Dabura was able to counter. Since he is slightly distracted, he just did the best attack he could at the moment, and that is to spit at Gohan.
SHIN: Watch out!
Gohan was able to dodge, but not entirely. His left glove caught the spit, slowly turning into a stone. He immediately removes it.
Dabura then attacks with a sword, which Gohan catches with his hands. After some resistance Gohan was able to break it.
VEGETA: That's it! I'm not waiting for this foolish game anymore! I'm going to end this once and for all!
GOKU: Stop it, Vegeta! Gohan is holding himself up.
VEGETA: I'm losing my patience, Kakarot! Your son is not doing what should be done!
Once again, Dabura senses Vegeta's ire at that moment. He stops fighting, leaving Gohan hanging.
VEGETA: I'm going to finish that Dabura so we can move on with our fight. That is the only reason why I came here in this stupid tournament in the first place.
DABURA: (on his mind) Lord Babidi, I know a better way to revive Majin Buu. Bring me back in immediately.
In an instant, the group was brought back inside the ship. Dabura immediately proceeds to the lone door in the room.
GOHAN: Hey! Where are you going?
DABURA: We've found an ideal opponent for you. He'll be fighting you instead.
Dabura enters the door, leaving the group in shock.
GOHAN: What does he mean by that?
GOKU: It seems like they have found another warrior.
GOHAN: Found?
The Supreme Kai suddenly has a realization.
SHIN: (on his mind) Oh no! Please let my guess be wrong...
He glances back at Vegeta, who at the moment is becoming more pissed.
SHIN: (on his mind) If I am right, then these two must fight their own friend. This is getting worse than I have planned!
GOKU: Maybe they were searching while you were fighting Dabura.
VEGETA: So they have an arsenal of warriors that they can just pull out whenever they want? Why did they bring out Dabura at first, then?
GOKU: Maybe the other fighter is not yet ready?
VEGETA: That is stupid, Kakarot! These people are obviously planning something.
GOKU: Will you calm down a little? Your impatience will not solve anything.
VEGETA: Your son made me lose my temper! Did you see how he fought? He's not even close to what he was when he's a kid. That's what happens when you stop training.
GOKU: It's not like he needs to train at all. The world's at peace.
VEGETA: And why are we here now?
GOKU: This is something unexpected.
VEGETA: Kakarot, don't be foolish! Not all catastrophes can be predicted. That is why they are called emergencies. It's not every day that we have some warning from the future. We have to be ready all the time.
GOKU: I understand your concern, but Gohan just lived the way his mother wants.
VEGETA: So you're saying that this is your wife's fault?
GOKU: No! Chi-Chi has her reasons. Gohan leaves here on Earth and it's just normal for a kid like him to go to school and study.
VEGETA: He's not an ordinary kid and your wife should understand that. He's the only one who could help the Earth in case something like this appears because unfortunately, you chose to be dead.
GOKU: I did not choose to die! It was the best solution at the time. You might not understand because you don't have the weight of being responsible for the people of the world! And that is because all you can think off is yourself!
VEGETA: What did you just say?
Vegeta is about to attack Goku, and the latter is ready to counter. The Supreme Kai goes in between to pacify them.
SHIN: That's enough! The last thing we need now is to argue with each other. You can settle your differences after we're done here, but for now let's focus on the problem that's in front of us.
GOHAN: I'm sorry...
The three looks at Gohan.
GOHAN: Vegeta's right... I've gone useless.
GOKU: That's not true.
GOHAN: I've been messing up since that moment that I refused to kill Cell because I let my pride take over me. If only I have been smarter that time, then Dad... you might not have died.
Goku goes to Gohan and holds him by his shoulders.
GOKU: You were a kid. Even grownups like me make wrong decisions sometimes. Don't blame yourself for everything.
Shin once again glances at Vegeta.
SHIN: (on his mind) His temper is still rising. That anger of him will get us in trouble.
GOKU: What we need to think right now is how we can-
Vegeta starts screaming while holding his head. It's like he's having a bad headache.
SHIN: Vegeta! (on his mind) Just as I've expected.
GOKU: What's happening?
SHIN: Vegeta! Keep hold of yourself! Babidi is trying to control your mind!
GOKU: What?
SHIN: Don't let him totally get inside your head! Clear your mind, Vegeta! Don't let him possess you!
VEGETA: Shut! Up!
Vegeta continues to struggle. The force is too great he turns into a Super Saiyan. Until he screams the loudest, then stops struggling. He is panting as he slowly looks into them.
The three is shocked. Vegeta's face is now changed to a more evil appearance. His eyes got more sharp, and there's a letter M written on his forehead symbolizing the total control of Babidi over him.
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GOKU: Vegeta!
SHIN: This is bad!
Suddenly, the group was transported to a place that was meant to be Goku and Vegeta's fighting arena. They were brought back to the World Martial Arts Tournament. Mr. Satan is being awarded with the champion prize, when Goku, Gohan, Shin and Vegeta suddenly pops out of nowhere.
GOHAN: This is...
GOKU: We're back at the tournament!
The audience were shocked to see the sudden appearance of the four individuals.
ANNOUNCER: Excuse me, but where have you been? The competition has ended.
MR. SATAN: Yeah! You've been gone too long you were disqualified.
Up in the bleachers, Videl and the group notice Goku and the others.
YAMCHA: Look guys! They're back!
MASTER ROSHI: Hmn... Why does it feel like something is happening?
VEGETA: (to himself) Shut up! My only concern is to fight Kakarot! No one else matters!
GOKU: Vegeta... who are you talking to?
SHIN: (on his mind) Huh? Could it be... Vegeta is disobeying Babidi?
Mr. Satan sees Vegeta, and he suddenly freezes as realization hits him.
MR. SATAN: (on his mind) Wait! Those people... they are those men during the Cell Games!
Vegeta suddenly blasts off an area of the bleachers.
GOKU: Hey!
Vegeta looks at Goku, then blasts off another energy attack. Goku tries to hold the blast, but it was too powerful he loses control. It goes to another area of the bleachers, blasting it off as well.
GOKU: Vegeta! Stop it!
Vegeta just sneers. The audience starts running, fearing they might end up just like the others who died because of those two blasts.
BULMA: (to herself) What is he doing? (shouts out) Vegeta! What in the world are you doing?
Vegeta hears Bulma. He suddenly becomes quiet.
GOHAN: Vegeta! What do you think you're doing? Those are innocent people out there.
VEGETA: Kakarot, fight me. Or else, the others will die as well.
Goku assesses Vegeta.
GOKU: Vegeta... did you let Babidi possess you on purpose?
Instead of answering, Vegeta just blasts the bleachers once again, nearly missing Bulma and the others. Goku and Gohan see their families and friends almost getting hit. It made Goku flare up he suddenly turns into a Super Saiyan.
SHIN: Goku! Don't do it! This is actually what Babidi wants to happen. He'll harness your energies while you fight each other and use it to wake up Majin Buu.
But no one is listening to the Supreme Kai.
GOKU: (to Vegeta) You wanted to get stronger to push me to my own limits. Am I right?
GOHAN: What?
VEGETA: You're only here for a day. If I don't do this then we won't get a chance to fight.
SHIN: That's just it? You did all this stupid thing for your crazy whim?
VEGETA: It's everything to me! I don't care about that Majin Buu or anything! I live to defeat Kakarot! (points at Goku) He always surpass me! Even though we're both Saiyans, he always leaves me in the dust. Me, the prince, is being defeated by a mere low ranking warrior! Do you think that's just nothing to me? It's unforgivable! I'll fight until I make him pay for always hurting my pride, and I won't stop even if it means this world will end and the people will die because of that stupid monster you're trying to stop from reviving!
Goku looks at Vegeta, and thinking he cannot do anything anymore, he finally makes his decision. He powers up into Super Saiyan 2.
GOKU: Babidi! Take us out of here! I'm going to fight Vegeta, but only if you take us where no one will get hurt!
The Supreme Kai goes between Goku and Vegeta.
SHIN: Do you think I'll let that happen just like that?
Goku looks at the Supreme Kai.
SHIN: If you want to fight him, then you have to kill me first.
Goku looks at the Supreme Kai, as if considering his threat. Suddenly, he extends his arms towards him ready to fire an energy attack. Everyone is dumbfounded.
GOHAN: D-Dad...
Goku starts to gather energy on his hand as he looks fiercely at Supreme Kai, not backing out. In the end it's the god who surrendered.
SHIN: Fine... Do as you wish...
GOKU: I'm sorry, Supreme Kai.
In that instant, the four of them are transported back to another location.
VIDEL: They disappeared again.
CHI-CHI: Oh Goku... Gohan...
BULMA: (on her mind) Vegeta... what have you done?
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The four were transported to a place where there are no people or any living creature around. Surprisingly, the tunnel to Babidi's ship can be seen on the ground as well.
SHIN: Alright, you two. Since nothing can stop you, then do as you wish. Fight as hard as you want. Me and Gohan will try to fight Dabura and Babidi and stop the egg from hatching. There's nothing else we can do as of this moment. It's better this way than letting it reach it's full power before hatching. If we're lucky then we'll be able to stop Majin Buu from being resurrected.
Vegeta suddenly struggles again.
GOHAN: What's happening?
VEGETA: (to himself) No! I don't care about the Supreme Kai! I only want to fight Kakarot!
Then he seems to be struggling again.
VEGETA: Ngahh... Arrghh... I said I only want to fight Kakarot! I'm the prince of all Saiyans! I won't be your slave! Even though you've taken over my body and soul, you won't be able to take my pride!
SHIN: (on him mind) I can't believe it! Vegeta can hold off against Babidi's control.
The circular door on the floor suddenly opens.
GOHAN: It's open!
SHIN: It seems they want us to face them.
GOHAN: Okay, let's go... Bye Dad.
GOKU: Okay, do your best... By the way, I still have two senzu beans. Eat one. You used a lot of energy during your last fight.
GOHAN: Thanks Dad.
Gohan eats the senzu bean.
GOKU: Gohan, remember how you unleash your strength. Get angry. Think of that time you fought Cell. If you do that again, then no one can beat you.
GOHAN: Ok, Dad... It's too bad things turn out like this. We've waited for this day to come and then...
Goku smiles sadly.
GOHAN: Bye, Dad.
Gohan and the Supreme Kai jumps into the hole on the floor. They were transported back inside Babidi's ship. All the doors going down are opened, so they just continued jumping down. Until they are faced with Babidi and Dabura.
BABIDI: You finally arrived.
Gohan looks at the pink orb behind Babidi and Dabura.
GOHAN: Is that...
SHIN: Yes.
BABIDI: I always looked forward to meeting the killer of my father. Welcome, Supreme Kai.
SHIN: We're here to stop you from resurrecting Majin Buu.
BABIDI: I figured that already. Unfortunately for you two, I have Dabura.
SHIN: Gohan... let's hurry. We have to destroy the sphere before they are able to absorb Goku's energy and implant it to Buu. I'll take Babidi.
GOHAN: Okay.
BABIDI: Buu is about to come out once he reached full power. I don't want to destroy my ship so let's get outside.
SHIN: Whatever you want.
The four were transported to an open area, including the sphere where Majin Buu is sealed.
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Gohan remembers his father's advice.
GOKU: (voice over) Gohan, remember how you unleash your strength. Get angry. Think of that time you fought Cell. If you do that again, then no one can beat you.
GOHAN: (on his mind) I'm angry... but... it's not like before...
He turns into a Super Saiyan.
BABIDI: Supreme Kai, may I just inform you that I'm not like my father. My magical powers are stronger than him. And aside from that I have Dabura.
The sphere suddenly creates a weird noise.
BABIDI: What is that? (goes to the sphere) It can't be! It's too soon for it to hatch.
SHIN: Huh?
GOHAN: What's he saying?
BABIDI: He's in full power! Buu's at full power! Buu... is going to be resurrected!
GOHAN: What?
SHIN: It can't be... How can Goku's damage energy get that high immediately?
GOHAN: Damage energy?
SHIN: Babidi feeds Majin Buu with damage energy emanating from Goku fighting Vegeta.
GOHAN: Then that is why!
SHIN: What do you mean?
GOHAN: Dad and Vegeta might be fighting now on a level beyond Super Saiyan. With such power comes greater damage. That is the reason why Babidi was able to harness that much damage energy on a short period of time.
SHIN: Oh no! I made a mistake! I shouldn't have let them!
Around the sphere are small holes, and steam suddenly comes out of those holes.
BABIDI: He's coming out! Buu's coming out!
The holes around the sphere continues to give out pink steam. The ground is already shaking.
SHIN: Gohan, this is not good! Let's run while we still can!
GOHAN: And then, what? We can't just leave like this.
SHIN: Even if we stay here, it will be useless! No one can beat Buu, not even you!
GOHAN: But, Supreme Kai...
BABIDI: He's here! I can see him! He's coming out!
SHIN: Gohan! Let's go!
GOHAN: (on his mind) I was given such power... I can't just run away and do nothing!
Gohan powers up.
SHIN: What are you doing?
GOHAN: Supreme Kai! I can't just leave doing nothing!
Gohan blasts off an energy attack on the sphere, sending it up in the air. When the blast disappears, the sphere falls into the ground. It rolled around as if nothing happens. Then it breaks into two.
BABIDI: He's coming out!
Faint smoke comes out of the sphere, but there's no sign of Majin Buu or any creature on it.
BABIDI: It's empty... it shouldn't be!
SHIN: Ha... ha! It seems we're still lucky. It seems that Buu has been sealed away for too long, he was not ready for that attack. He was destroyed!
BABIDI: No... come out, Buu! I order you to come out!
DABURA: It's okay, Lord Babidi. You still have me, and let's not forget Vegeta. Though he seems to be stubborn we'll find a way to get around him.
SHIN: Gohan, let's go as planned. You take Dabura and I'll take Babidi. Now's the time for you to get angry. Show them what your true strength is!
GOHAN: (agitated) You're... you're wrong...
SHIN: What?
GOHAN: There's... there's an incredible amount of ki... and it's still increasing... that must be...
Gohan looks up, and he becomes more worried.
SHIN: What do you mean? Gohan!
GOHAN: That smoke! That smoke that came from the sphere!
The Supreme Kai looks up, too. He sees the smoke, and finally understands what Gohan is saying.
BABIDI: What are they looking at?
Babidi and Dabura look up, too.
DABURA: It's just the smoke... Wait, it's coming together.
SHIN: This is... unbelievable!
The pink smoke comes together, and to Gohan's horror, it forms a figure.
BABIDI: That's...
A pink fat being emerges from the cloud. It has an antenna on the head and is wearing white baggy pants with purple cape tied to his neck.
Majin Buu goes down to the ground, then looks around innocently.
DABURA: Lord Babidi, is that Majin Buu?
BABIDI: Yeah... I guess. The only one here who have seen him is the Supreme Kai.
GOHAN: Supreme Kai, is that... Majin Buu?
SHIN: He is... I'll never forget that terrifying face.
BABIDI: So it's really him!
DABURA: That's... him?
BABIDI: Hey Buu!
Babidi and Dabura approach Buu.
GOHAN: I thought he might be bigger.
SHIN: It's too late. We can't get away now.
GOHAN: You're probably right... But if my calculations are right, I think I might have a chance.
SHIN: Are you sure?
GOHAN: But only... if I unleash my true strength.
Babidi and Dabura tries to talk to Majin Buu, but it seems like they can't make him cooperate to them. He does not even seem to listen. He just plays around like he's an innocent child.
GOHAN: Supreme Kai, I think you're mistaken.
SHIN: There's no mistake, Gohan. That really is Buu.
GOHAN: But... why does he act like that?
Gohan's doubts has been cleared when Majin Buu suddenly exterminate Dabura.
BABIDI: That was magnificent! Buu, you're spectacular! You easily defeated Dabura!
GOHAN: Buu's ki... it increased so suddenly! He's strong... too strong! I can't believe it!
Babidi continues to talk to Majin Buu, who continues to fool around also.
GOHAN: Supreme Kai, it seems like Buu is still on its child-like phase. If we kill Babidi, then maybe he won't turn so bad.
SHIN: If we do that, then we won't be able to seal again Buu. Babidi's the only one who knows how. You're right, Majin Buu is just too strong. Eventually, Babidi will lose control of him and the last resort is for him to seal him away again.
GOHAN: But for how long? How much damage can they make before that happens?
SHIN: I'm not sure... I'm the Supreme Kai but I myself can do nothing! I loathe myself, especially that all my calculations about defeating Babidi and preventing Buu's resurrection are all wrong. If only I have known you humans possess such great power, I could have thought of another way.
GOHAN: Another way?
SHIN: It's too late. We can't escape now. Neither of us can survive.
GOHAN: We still can get away!
Babidi was able to divert Buu's attention to Gohan and the Supreme Kai. Sensing that, Gohan pulls the Supreme Kai's hand and takes him flying. He accelerates as fast as he can.
SHIN: Gohan!
GOHAN: I'm fast enough to take us out of here!
But to Gohan's horror, and the Supreme Kai as well, Majin Buu was able to keep up to them. Gohan halts upon seeing Majin Buu in front of them.
GOHAN: ... Impossible!
MAJIN BUU: You die!
Majin Buu slaps Gohan. The Saiyan hybrid falls to the ground hard, acquiring great damage. Majin Buu attacks the Supreme Kai next, beating him up.
But before he could kill the god, Gohan was able to come back and with one kick, he was able to free the Supreme Kai from Majin Buu's attacks. But the pink monster seems unaffected.
GOHAN: (to himself) What? He's not hurt at all!
MAJIN BUU: You! I don't like you!
MAJIN BUU: Go away!
Gohan tries to punch Buu, but the pink monster releases an energy attack on him. It was so powerful that it sends Gohan to a far forest.
Gohan is still conscious when he landed on lush grassland. He feels too damaged, too weak he knows he will pass out any moment.
GOHAN: (on his mind) How... how did it get to this?
He suddenly remembers the events that led to this. The tournament. His father coming back. His mother pouring her heart out. Goten finally meeting their father. The preliminary round for the Senior Division. Goten and Trunks fighting. Trunks winning. Trunks fighting Mr. Satan. The lunch before the fight. Krillin fighting on the first match. Piccolo forfeiting his match. Videl fighting Spopovich.
GOHAN: (on his mind) Videl...
Videl being beaten up by Spopovich very badly. Videl eating senzu beans his father took from Korin. Videl going to him when he's almost unconscious because almost all his energy was taken by Spopovich and Yamu. Videl flying with him in pursuit of his father and the others. Videl saying goodbye, telling him she likes different.
GOHAN: (on his mind) Videl...
He totally passes out.
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Videl is leaving the World Martial Arts Tournament venue, as with the other people who came to watch and join the tournament. She is about to go inside the airship with Chi-Chi and the others who are friends to Gohan and his family, when she felt like someone is calling her.
Felt, because she heard no sound. She just feels like someone might have called her. He turns to look behind her.
VIDEL: (on her mind) That's...
CHI-CHI: Videl?
Videl looks at Chi-Chi.
CHI-CHI: Is there something wrong?
VIDEL: Nothing... I just... felt something.
CHI-CHI: Are you sure you're coming with us?
CHI-CHI: But your father... He might be looking for you.
VIDEL: I wanna be there when Gohan comes back.
Chi-Chi looks at Videl and sensing her determination she finally assents.
CHI-CHI: Okay. Let's go then.
Videl nods at her. Chi-Chi goes into the airship and joins the others. Videl continues climbing the stairs, but before she comes inside, she takes another glance behind her.
VIDEL: (on her mind) Gohan...
As she sits inside the airship, Videl suddenly feels something weird. She puts her hand on her chest, holding the spot near her heart.
VIDEL: (on her mind) Gohan... please come back alive.
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splittingxpaths · 5 years
Muses (Mobile Version)
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Born and raised on (old) Namek as one of the more numerous Dragon Clan warriors, Taiko once had ambitions to be a fighter, encouraged on by an old childhood friend and rival named Orachi. But that ambition died after the catastrophic event of Frieza and his forces invaded Namek in search of their set of dragon balls for his own wishes, only to destroy the planet when that plan was thwarted by a group of helpful outsiders. They and the rest of the Namekians were evacuated to Earth after the revival of those who were killed, and during that year on Earth while they waited for the dragon balls to be restored, the Namekian chanced a meeting with a human woman named Kika whose profession was seering.
Intrigued by the notion of seeing into the future, or even multiple different kinds if presented with a choice that led to many, Taiko would visit this human regularly, becoming fast friends as Kika seemed more than happy to introduce the other to her profession. In fact, the Namekian seemed to have a knack for these mystical prowess. Within the first few months, the ex-warrior was invited to be her apprentice, and Taiko would accept happily – after the events of Namek, they found to have no taste for real battles, and they couldn’t find anything else that they’d be happy with to contribute to the Namekian community.
This would lead to the decision to remain on Earth, even though the rest of their kind was ready to make their new home on another suitable planet. Everyone they ever knew would be so far out of reach, yet they made peace with this. The only thing they couldn’t find within their heart was to forgive the hurt caused by the very friend that had given Taiko a purpose as a fighter – not when he had abandoned Taiko to a set of Frieza’s goons and escaped with his own life.
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Perhaps one of the most feared beings in the entirety of Universe 7, Frieza is the (perhaps self-proclaimed) emperor of it all. Frieza is the youngest son of King Cold, the previous ruler, as well as the younger brother to Cooler, whom he rivals with even though the position of ruler was given to him by their father when he retired. With the entirety of the imperial army at his beck and call, there was no planet that could stand against his mighty empire. A planet with any worth was conquered easily, and everything else would be dust for all he cared, oftentimes a fate done by his own hand.
Unlike most villains known, he displays a civilized and refined demeanor, talking with a regal and eloquent nature. He commonly utilizes dark humor, making twisted jokes and tasteless mockery of his foes before killing them, or oftentimes destroying what his foes were protecting just to see them crumble. Some could call him a psychopath, possessing no love for his father whom only seemed to show affection towards his son at times, yet he was better described as a malevolent narcissist; Frieza holds a very deeply cynical view of others, believing everyone is as selfish and untrustworthy as himself. Loyalty to him was expected most certainly, but oftentimes that would be called into question with this in mind.
After spending quite some time in Hell after (several) defeats by the hands of Goku and his little gang, the emperor would not let go of the vast amount of hatred towards the Saiyan that stopped him time and time again, but he would eventually learn to bide his time to exact the vengeance he sought. Now that he was returned to life, especially after helping with the Tournament of Power and thus saving the universe(s) and granted that gift by a greater power, Frieza would focus on making his empire stronger than before.
{.refer to wiki for further biography.}
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Once a proud and loyal lieutenant of the Saiyan race, Paragus had thought to have been given a boon of luck and honor when his child Broly was born; a child of such extraordinary latent power, he was immediately placed within the most inner sectum of the palace, near the recently born Prince Vegeta as they slept on in their watery cribs. Truly, any Saiyan parent would be blessed that their blood could produce such a prodigy. However, such power comes with others to fear his very son, igniting jealousy within the Saiyan’s king that a child of lower class should surpass his son’s own latent power level without even trying. The fear was justified in the king’s mind - the child will grow up, growing even stronger without true need of training, but the power could only result in the would-be warrior to lose control over himself. Their world, the very universe, would be in danger when that day came that Broly would lose himself. And he feared what would happen if the recently ascended tyrant, King Cold’s own son called Frieza, were to get his hands on the child and molded him into his own pet warrior. The devastation would be horrendous even to a race of warriors that killed without a second thought. And this led to King Vegeta to rid the child before he could even get a chance to begin learning to be a Saiyan, doing so by sending the child to the most hostile planet known – Vampa. Paragus would follow after his son, unofficially renouncing his loyalty to the King, and perhaps most of his own race.
Forty years would pass, each day vigorously training Broly to become the most powerful warrior he could be, even with no sign of hope of escaping the hostile world. But finally, a miracle would happen. Rescued by scouts of the emperor, Frieza, Paragus thought that he was finally given a chance to fulfill his need for revenge. While it would not be against the King that sent his son to exile, there was still Prince Vegeta, the one that the King thought none should surpass in power. As far as Paragus was concerned, the burden of guilt and betrayal stained the Prince’s hands as heavily as that of the King. Yet when the day came that Broly was unleashed against the Prince and his friend, Goku, Paragus was in for more than a shock as they matched his son with powers beyond even the legends he knew. He was unable to even see the fight finish to the end, when Frieza commented that he knew the secret to unleashing the full potential of a Saiyan to that of a Super Saiyan – by killing someone close to them.
The only reason Paragus survived the death beam was because of a mere short distance away from his heart; however, the act itself had still sent his body into shock, and unbeknownst to him since he was rendered unconscious, the act of his son’s burst of power would save him by burying him in the far reaches of snow and dirt that hadn’t been turned into a volcanic landscape. He woke up, alone, and with no idea of where his son was nor of the rest of the Frieza empire that had coldly, methodically betrayed the old Saiyan.
Now, he had no one, partially crippled in thanks to the would-be killing blow, and his paranoia would be at an all-time high.
->How Paragus Survived: Explanation
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This creature has several similarities as that of the Namekian, and it would be with good reason when he had been a tiny parasite that lived inside Taiko for several years, feeding off of their ki. Named Shami by the very host that he had almost killed, he has little idea of how his kind works at all, a basis that his kind knew what to do at the parasite stage entirely by instinct. When they reach maturity and had enough consumption of ki, his kind undergoes a transformation stage as a sort of cocoon, to which a little less than two months later they emerge in a final form. Perhaps only a kai would know how his species work best, for his kind often scatters in the cosmos and hibernates in a kind of cyro-sleep until they reach a planet and find a host if the planet was hospitable and didn’t kill the parasite.
Despite the ill-feelings that he caused due to having nearly drained the entirety of Taiko, which would also explain what had caused the rapid decline of the previous seer’s health, he harbors no want for violence. Vastly curious and intelligent, Shami learns much from the Namekian as well as from others, oftentimes asking questions on a regular basis until he understood a concept. One could feel the potential for strength in him, but at this point he hadn’t learned any skills for combat.
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The childhood friend and rival of Taiko; one could call him an ex-friend now, sadly. As a Dragon Clan warrior, he was usually the stronger one between the two, though Taiko oftentimes overpowered him with clever tricks. The two seemed quite inseperable, spending time off the training grounds as often as they did on.. When the day came of the invasion and the two were caught by a few goons, however, it was at this point that the warrior escaped and fled without making an attempt to save Taiko.
While he hides it well enough under an exterior mask of a serious fighter, pushing himself harder than he had ever done before, he is truly torn with guilt about what he had done in the face of their first real crisis. Orachi never thought of himself as a coward before that time, and certainly in his head he had imagined the many things he could accomplish and be hailed a hero. Instead, he fled, leaving his best friend to die. The Namekian resolved himself to make up for that time, despite the village elder’s words that fear was normal., and it took will to be able to control it.
But what could never be made up for, in his mind, was the way that Taiko had looked at him – he knows that he doesn’t deserve their forgiveness, not when his friend had been killed during the invasion without so much as an attempt to save their life. And he does blame himself for Taiko’s decision to stay behind on Earth rather than travel with the rest of the race to their new home. Perhaps only the kais may know exactly how troubled his heart was.
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tigerlover16-uk · 6 years
So, at what point do you think it was that Krillin actually surpassed Tien? And why do so many people seem insistent that Tien has to be stronger and aggressively push that idea?
If they weren’t already even by the Piccolo Jr saga where Krillin pushed Piccolo to use his full power to defeat him, then Krillin either surpassed him during the one year of training in the Saiyan saga, or if not there definitely when he had his potential unlocked by Guru on Namek.
As for why a lot of people refuse to believe Krillin’s stronger than Tien, it’s mostly a mix of bias and the anime exaggerating Tien’s abilities.
Take the filler in the Frieza saga where Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu fight off most of the Ginyu force, whereas Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan had all got their buts kicked by Recoome alone. If we’re being honest that’s baloney, since Vegeta and Krillin were just as skilled if not more so than either of those 3, and with the amount of time they were on King Kai’s planet they really shouldn’t have been able to progress to the point where they were stronger, if we take into consideration Goku’s power boost from training there for a greater length of time.
The anime would also exaggerate Tien’s abilities in a few more cases, like in the scene where he pins Cell down with the Tri-beam. In the manga he didn’t spam the attack that much, and he was only just barely able to slow Cell down long enough for 18 and 16 to escape. But the anime dragged it out a lot longer to try and make Tien look a lot more impressive. And it’s a cool moment in either version don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but point is it shows a trend of the anime exaggerating Tien’s abilities, making him look more powerful than he really was supposed to be at that point in the series.
And there’s also the matter of Tien fighting Future Trunks briefly in the movie Bojack Unbound, even getting him to go super Saiyan against him, whereas Krillin at the same point in the movie was freaking out over the prospect of having to fight Piccolo.
Stuff like that kind of throws people off since not everyone actually reads the manga or watched Kai, and even if they did that sort of stuff still probably leaves an impact that subconsciously colours their perceptions of both characters skill level during Z. Also, there’s this weird perception that I think was also due to something suggested in filler that Tien constantly trains 24/7, but that’s never actually been suggested in canon and as far as we know Krillin and Tien probably train just as much and as hard.
Taking all of that aside though… well, a lot of people are just biased because Tien… basically looks more like a tough guy compared to Krillin.
Krillin is short, designed more as a non-threatening sidekick character, and is generally characterized as fairly sweet, expressive and a generally nice guy, the kind of character you want as your buddy. He’s not exactly a traditionally masculine character in a lot of ways. 
Tien though, he kind of is. He’s tall, buff (Krillin’s no slouch himself, but his musculature is often less defined), and a walking shirtless scene for many of his appearances, especially when he fights. And while he can have his comedic moments (”You can’t tuna fish!”), his personality is generally a lot more straight faced and serious, and often stoic. And there’s the fact that he’s a former assassin and thus a redeemed villain.
So in general, Tien on the surface does come off as a more traditionally macho kind of character, which a lot of DBZ fans latch onto because a sizeable portion of the traditional fandom was obsessed with raw strength and masculinity and rejected characters seen as weak or who show emotion that isn’t stern warrior male or angst at the death of a loved one (Which is probably why Tien doesn’t get mocked for his pointless sacrifice against Nappa, despite dying just one time less than Krillin and both he and Yamcha get flack for being red shirts supposedly). See the rift between people who think super Saiyan 2 was where Gohan’s character hit his peak and everything in the Buu saga beyond ruined him forever, verses more rational fans who appreciate Gohan for who he is for a classic example of this mindset.
And then of course there’s the fact that the fandom has long been taken over by memes to the point many people insist that TFS’s portrayals of the characters in the Abridged series are a more accurate depiction of them than the actual canon, so Krillin being the fandoms biggest butt monkey for years after Yamcha has made a lot of people aggressively refuse to believe that Krillin is in any way capable of being a competent fighter and that he MUST be weaker than all the other characters that aren’t Yamcha!
So, yeah, basically a lot of fans just make really poor assumption on things out of bias. And don’t get me wrong, I love Tien. He’s one of my favourites too, and I want to see him in action a lot more in the future too… but, no. Facts are facts, Krillin is the strongest non-enhanced human being on earth. A level he earned through hard work and a lot of struggle. That doesn’t mean Tien is not also a very impressive and admirable fighter, but it’s also not an insult to acknowledge that Krillin is stronger than him, it’s just the way things are.
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wazafam · 3 years
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Nearly every member of the Z-Warriors has battled it out with Goku in the Dragon Ball franchise. In fact, the only heroes who haven’t come to blows with the show’s protagonist at one point or another are his youngest son, Goten, the present-day version of Trunks, and Chiaotzu. Everyone else, though, knows what it’s like to be at odds with the Saiyan warrior.
Goku and his allies have fought each other for various reasons in the anime. Some of these battles happened before they became properly acquainted, while others occurring during sparring sessions and tournaments. Plus, there are a few Z-Warriors who started out as villains of Goku, and had to develop into heroes later on.
Related: Dragon Ball: Why Future Trunks Can Go Super Saiyan God Now
Across all three shows, Goku won a great many of the battles he’s had with his friends, but not all have gone his way. Here’s every Z-Warrior who has fought Goku in Dragon Ball canon, and what happened.
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Yamcha, who is commonly thought of as one of the weakest Z-Warriors, actually beat Goku when they first encountered each other. In fact, their fight wasn’t even close. Goku had the Power Pole on his side, but it didn’t matter against the sword-wielding Desert Bandit. He couldn’t withstand the flurry of blows that Yamcha bombarded him with, including his signature move, the Wolf Fang Fist.
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Vegeta is Goku’s main rival in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, but that role initially belonged to his best friend, Krillin. While the two were pupils of Master Roshi, Krillin trained diligently to prove his superiority over Goku, despite the fact that the latter was always several steps ahead of him. He received a chance to test his mettle against Goku when he, after defeating a series of skilled opponents, squared off against him in the semi-finals of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. Krillin put up a good fight, but unsurprisingly fell to the young Saiyan. Even though the gap between their power levels widened to a point where there was no debating who would win, the two held a rematch in Dragon Ball Super, with Krillin having no choice but to rely on a fast combination of techniques. When Goku powered up to Super Saiyan Blue and unleashed a Kamehameha, Android 18 interrupted the fight, feeling that Goku was pushing him too hard.
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Master Roshi secretly battled Gohan and Krillin in the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament under the guise of “Jackie Chun”, as he believed that either of his students winning could affect their confidence in a negative way. As “Jackie Chun”, Roshi saw first-hand how strong Goku had become, but he was still able to persevere.
Related: Dragon Ball: How Piccolo Could Surpass Goku
While being mind-controlled, Roshi fought against Goku a second time in Dragon Ball Super. To the surprise of fans, Roshi actually had enough strength to beat Tien and challenge Goku in his base form. It was a significant moment for the character, because it proved that he had been training in secret, and that he wasn’t as far behind the rest of the Z-Warriors as originally thought.
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Before becoming a hero, Tien served as Goku’s opponent in the final round of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. After barely overcoming Yamcha, Tien engaged Goku in a heated showdown. Master Shen tried to use Chiaotzu to cheat on Tien’s behalf, but Tien was determined to have a fair fight. In the end, both were knocked into the air, with Goku landing first. Due to this technicality, he was declared the loser. Similar to the situation with Yamcha, Goku hasn’t had a proper rematch with Tien yet, but there’s no denying that he would come out on top if another fight were to occur.
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Yajirobe, the laziest of Goku’s allies, didn’t have to do any training to pose a physical challenge to Goku in Dragon Ball. After a run-in in the wilderness, the two had a standoff, but the outcome was inconclusive, as Cymbal came onto the scene before a winner could be determined. In the present, Yajirobe - who has only dedicated a small amount of his time to training - is unfortunately no longer thought to be a match for any of the Z-Warriors.
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After Demon King Piccolo was reincarnated, a new character was born. The new version of Piccolo emerged as an adversary of Goku for the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku battled Piccolo in the finals, and came quite close to losing. Both characters used some of their strongest attacks in the match and sustained serious injuries. At the end of the fight, Goku flew for the first time in Dragon Ball history and landed a headbutt, which turned out to be the knockout blow he needed. Afterward, Piccolo planned to defeat Goku in a future rematch, but later events involving the Saiyan invaders caused them to evolve from enemies into allies.
Related: Dragon Ball: Every Z-Warrior Who Has Won A Tournament (& Which Ones)
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Goku and Vegeta have had two serious fights in the anime, the first of which being the one that transpired in the Saiyan Saga. Thanks to the training he received from King Kai, Goku returned from Other World with a sizable power boost that put him far above Piccolo and the Z-Warriors. After effortlessly taking down Nappa, Goku fought Vegeta one-on-one and showed the Saiyan prince that he had truly become a force to be reckoned with by using the Spirit Bomb move and Kaio-ken technique. Seeing that Goku was stronger, Vegeta shifted the odds in his favor by forcing a Great Ape transformation. Following Goku’s defeat, he had to rely on Krillin, Gohan, and Yajirobe to finish the fight against Vegeta.
Vegeta later became a hero, but never gave up on the notion of being better than Goku. During the Buu Saga, Vegeta acquired a power-up from Babidi and finally had his much-anticipated second round with Goku. After narrowly beating his rival, Vegeta felt a degree of vindication until he discovered that Goku was holding back Super Saiyan 3 (a form he presumably could have used to win).
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Goku has gone up against Future Trunks on two separate occasions. When they met in the Android Saga, Future Trunks – who had just been revealed as Dragon Ball’s second Super Saiyan – attacked Goku due to being curious about his power. They had a short fight, which lasted just long enough for Trunks to see that Goku was stronger than him. Goku remained on the defensive the entire time, and only blocked Trunks’ sword strikes with his finger. They had a similar encounter during their reunion in Dragon Ball Super, which culminated in Goku going Super Saiyan 3. Upon seeing this, Trunks realized that he was way out of Goku’s league.
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Goku put Gohan through some intense sparring in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and guided him into unlocking Super Saiyan 2 form. Several years later, Gohan sought help from Piccolo so that he could regain his fighting edge. Once Gohan decided that he was ready for actual combat, he designed to test his newfound strength against the strongest opponent he could find: Goku. Gohan hit Goku with everything he had, and even managed to push him into accessing Super Saiyan Blue. Still, Gohan hung in the fight and wouldn’t go down until Goku combined this power with his Kaio-ken technique.
Related: Dragon Ball's Hercule Retcon Is Actually A Correction
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In Dragon Ball Z, Goku impressively overpowered Majin Buu with his Super Saiyan 3 form, thus making it clear that if he would have won if the fight had continued. At the time, the Earth itself was at stake, but the circumstances of their rematch – which happened in Dragon Ball Super – were much friendlier. After losing a great deal of weight, the good version of Buu fought Goku (who refrained from transforming) and used tactics to ring him out.
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On account of the heart virus, Goku missed out on the Z-Warriors’ conflict with Android 18 and Android 17, whose primary objective in Dragon Ball Z was to kill him. They both abandoned this goal, but 17 did get an opportunity to fight Goku during the lead-up to the Tournament of Power. In a shocking scene, 17 demonstrated that he had somehow become powerful enough to match blows with Super Saiyan Blue Goku, with one of 17’s biggest advantages being the fact that androids never run out of energy. Their battle eventually ended in a stalemate. After the fight was over, it was heavily implied that both characters avoided utilizing their full potential. That being said, the events of the Dragon Ball tournament and their respective performances confirmed that Goku was the superior fighter.
More: Dragon Ball Super: Every Z-Warrior Stronger Than DBZ's Goku
Dragon Ball Z: Every Z-Warrior Goku Fought (& What Happened) from https://ift.tt/32eU24O
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Dragon Ball Super: Episode 2 Review
Okay, sorry about this one coming late, i was a bit distracted around here and i haven't had much access to my computer the last few days. But, here i am now.
So, episode 2. In contrast to the first episode, which was focused around the members of the Son Family and setting up Goku's role in the story, this episode focuses more on Vegeta, who will be the secondary protagonist for much of Dragon Ball Super, while also giving us a more substantial introduction to the main villain for the first arc (And a few funny scenes with Goku on King Kai's world to help move the plot along some more). Gotta say, it was a pretty smart move and a good way to steadily reintroduce us to the characters for the new show/introduce them proper for new viewers.
This episode also isn't particularly plot heavy, rather another episode focused on character interaction and comedy, but like last time what we get is pretty good.
The episode opens with a fun little scene of Goku arriving on King Kai's planet to train, and accidentally causing King Kai to crash his car into his house and destroying it (Man, the poor guy can't catch a break, can he?), and then transitions to Vegeta, Bulma and Trunks going on a family trip to a Hawaiian themed resort.
Not a lot to comment on the actual plot here outside of how it relates to Vegeta, but needless to say there's a lot of good jokes and back and forth between the characters. Whether it be King Kai's poor attempts at making puns, Bulma flying her airship underwater and through a forest like a crazy person to give Vegeta some "Training" as he stands on top, there's a lot of good stuff here. My favourite joke is probably the scene at the diner that ends in Vegeta digging in to an enormous cooked octopus that inexplicably squirts him with ink. If you're a fan of the briefs family, a Vegebul shipper in particular, then the first half of the episode is practically tailor made for you, since it's pretty much dedicated to having cute moments of Vegeta, Bulma and Trunks hanging out on vacation.
Naturally, Vegeta is silent and aloof through most of the ordeal, only putting up with spending time at the resort to try and be a decent family man for once, and out of obligation for the time he'd promised to take Trunks to an amusement park. Which, yeah, it's pretty sweet, even if Vegeta has to be a sourpuss about the whole thing. Still, as Bulma points out, the guy did stick around a lot longer than either her or Trunks would have expected.
This episode establishes Vegeta as the secondary protagonist of Super, replacing Gohan in that role from Z. A decision that would... have very mixed results, and I can't say it was necessarily for the best overall, but future episodes will provide much better context to discuss that.
As far as this episode goes though, his portrayal is mostly fine. It at least shows he's trying to make an effort to be a better father to Trunks. At the same time though, it also establishes that even after everything that went down in the Buu Saga, Vegeta still has a chip on his shoulder in regards to his rivalry with Goku, and his desire to surpass him is still present.
I know a lot of people were torn about this at the time, and still are considering the end of the Buu Saga had Vegeta conceding that Goku was the superior fighter and seemingly putting his obsession to an end, with arguments about whether this was a regression of his character. Personally, at least as far as the first half of the show goes, I don't have much of an issue with it.
Mostly because it's made clear through the rest of the saga that his overall character progression has still stuck in spite of his obsession with being the strongest still being present. And it's brought up by the time of the Champa saga that Vegeta by that point has moved past the point of having a self-destructive inferiority complex, and his rivalry with Goku by then is mostly a more healthy motivation for self improvement.
And let's face it, fundamentally changing who you are as a person takes a lot of time and effort. Self-realization of your faults and a desire to change for the better are only the first steps to self-improvement. And a deep-seated inferiority complex like what Vegeta has isn't going to go away after a few moving speeches, it seems natural to me that he would have some trouble letting his urge to surpass Goku and be the strongest go, even after some time had passed from the Buu Saga. He's had plenty of instances where he started to regress on any progress he's made before, at least in this saga the worst it amounts to is him being grumpy and storming off to train after being caught in a large crowd and losing his temper.
Vegeta and Goku's rivalry is very iconic, and you kind of have to keep it alive if you're going to have a series where they're the two most prominent characters. Vegeta is still a better person than he once was, and the later episodes of this saga would demonstrate that clearly, so i think that's what really counts. And hey, Vegeta still wanting to surpass Goku is consistent with the updated final chapter of the manga Toriyama put out in the 2004 Kanzenban, so they kinda had to do it this way.
So yeah, for me personally I'm okay with this. But then again, maybe I'm just not inclined to take issue with it right now since we also got to see Vegeta riding a choo-choo train with Trunks and Bulma. That was adorable.
The second half of the episode is a bit more action packed and plot relavent, as it gives us a more extended introduction to Lord Beerus and Whis.
It starts off with Whis being sent to an alien planet to bring back dinosaur meat that Beerus is interested in because it might help him remember the details of a prophetic dream he couldn't fully recall. After Whis fails to negotiate with some locals to give up their kill in time, Beerus shows up and gets into a fight with what i assume is the tribe leader. Who Beerus dispatches quite easily, and then decides to just blow up the planet out of annoyance. The resulting explosion ending up being what jogs his memory, ending the episode with foreshadowing of some mysterious figure called Super Saiyan God.
It's a pretty fun scene overall. The banter between Beerus and Whis is spot on and their dialogue gives us a good impression of their personalities, with Beerus in particular being presented as somewhat comedic but still threatening and someone to take seriously. I really like the designs of the aliens, especially the powered up form of the one who fights Beerus, makes it a bit of a shame their world got blown up. The action itself is very short, but it's pretty decent, Naoki Tate's effects work is always fun to see in the alien's energy blast.
Admittedly we still don't know much of anything about who the characters actually are, just the idea that Beerus is seeking a fight with a Super Saiyan God, what exactly that is being a mystery for several episodes, though Old Kai clearly knows what's going on with him. Thankfully we do get a more substantial explanation for who Beerus is next episode, so the show doesn't drag it's heels too long with that, and this episode does a good job of hyping him up and raising interest.
I do question how the heck Beerus got to the alien world so fast from his palace, considering he's not nearly as fast as Whis and seems to rely on him for transportation as next episode establishes, so that's a bit of an oddity. I'm just going to put it down to cartoon logic.
So, yeah, the episode is overall pretty light on actual story, but at this point in the series I don't think that's a big issue, especially as the plot does start to get rolling over the next few episodes. I do wish the parts focused on the Briefs Family vacation had gone on a bit longer though, it felt like the episode really breezed past that.
Also, I do feel like I need to bring up King Kai's voice in the Japanese version. Jōji Yanami, his original voice actor for many years, is well into his 80's and apparently wasn't in the best of health when Super started... and it really shows with his voice acting. All of King Kai's dialogue in the episodes he voices him in, starting with this one, are spoken in a weird monotone that's... kind of distracting. Especially in places where he's supposed to be shouting or expressing emotion.
It makes some of the scenes with the character in the first saga seem a bit off putting. I feel really bad for Yanami, and I'm glad that he took a leave of absense and seems to have retired by the 12th episode. I don't know exactly how he's doing right now, but I hope he's in the best health he can be.
Thankfully this also isn't a problem for Sean Schemmel's performance of the character in the dub, which is on point. Honestly, the dub for the episode and most of the saga is pretty stellar and makes the episode even more fun to watch with it's slightly wittier dialogue, though I do feel Chris Sabbat's tone as Vegeta sounds a bit harsher in places compared to Ryo Horikawa's portrayal... though, i can't understand a word of Japanese or really make sense of the inflections in the Japanese casts line reading a lot of the time, so maybe that's just me.
The animation and art direction is also strong in this episode. I love the animation of Bulma's aircraft spinning around, and the effects work on display as it dives underwater. And there's a lot of beautiful shots throughout the episode, the scenes on the beach during the evening with all the people on it draped in silhouette look gorgeous, and the explosion created from the planet that Beerus blows up in the last scene is just mesmerising. I mean, it's horrible that an entire planet and all it's inhabitants just got annihilated, but I can really see why Beerus finds the results beautiful. The music and direction are pretty effective, too.
This episode was the first to be supervised by Naoki Tate, one of my favourite animators working on the show and probably one of the most well known. And while he obviously didn't animate everything himself (See animeajay's videos for the low-down on that), as a supervisor this was a great first impression to make... pity then what he was forced to immediately follow it up with.
Oh boy, that episode is going to be "Fun" to talk about.
So, yeah, I don't think there's a lot else i can say without just recapping every moment from the episode and going "I like this" or "Wish this was a bit longer" or whatever. The character interactions were fun and mostly on point, the production values were good, and overall the episode was pretty enjoyable despite a few flaws. Admittedly though there wasn't a lot of substance to it, and I didn't enjoy it as much as the first episode. Still, I don't have any major complaints about it either, and for what it is it works fine.
I'd give it a B+, maybe a high B.
Not really the best episode in the series, or even this saga, but it was a lot of fun and gives us some necessary set up that gradually eases the viewers into the overarching story. I'm happy to come back to it, anyway.
I think the next episode should give me a bit more to talk about compared to the first two episodes, so look forward to that. Hopefully i get that one up by Sunday this time. Sorry if this review feels rushed or that i could have done better or gone into more detail in places, but I kind of was rushing. Any specific questions about stuff you might have in the episode though, just leave them in an ask.
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dami-dose · 5 years
Dragon “Fan Fic” (Talk To Transformer)
Vegeta did a another try of cooking for Whis so he can train along side with Goku in Beerus world. This resulted in the vegeta's defeat because his rice was too burnt. Luckily Whis is willing to let Goku fight for him just like he does for Vegeta.
Mortal World Saga
Main article: Saiyan Saga In The Saiyan threat, Beerus acts of concern for the many Earthlings and Gods that are looking for Goku after his fight with Goku Black. When it comes to Goku's friends and foes, Beerus deems that none of them pose a threat to Earth and that he is not very familiar with their reasons of fighting. Beerus tries to find out about Goku Black but is unable to find out his motive of wanting to defeat Goku. He also says that it will be quite an exciting day when Goku meets Krillin, Sōsuke Aizen, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan's mentor and Raditz's father. When Krillin and Piccolo discover that Goku is still alive, Beerus  says that he did not see Goku on Namek at the time, which Goku confirms. Both Whis and Beerus predict that Goku will surpass his father. Whis and Beerus conclude that Goku can now get stronger than Frieza. When Tien returns from Earth, Beerus says that the fusion of his brother and father could have the potential to become a god. Whis comments that Tien did make a mistake with his brother, but Beerus says that Tien was able to overcome the mistake by accepting the greatness of his father's will. He asks Whis if he is sure, to which Whis says that Beerus is happy that Tien accepted his father's will. After saying  this, the two seal their blades together. Tien questions the ability of the Dragon Balls, saying that for a hundred years, the people of Earth have not been able to know about the Dragon Balls. Elder Kai argues that, were the Dragon Balls not destroyed, people would probably still know of them. Tien asks to hear an explanation from Whis, stating that Whis cannot explain it as simple as that. Whis explains that a Super Saiyan God is born after a thousand years. This means that Goku is the Super Saiyan God at this moment, but Elder Kai states that Goku did not achieve this, but rather arrived just before the completion of the 10000 year strong King Piccolo's reincarnation ritual. Elder Kai notes that Ginyu will awaken, however, but asks him if he will rise to the peak of Super Saiyan God as well. Ginyu asks if Elder Kai has heard of the Super Saiyan God, but is told he is not in the potential range yet. Ginyu begins to urge Goku to activate the remaining Super Dragon Balls. Elder Kai  suggests that he wait until the real Super Saiyan God powers up. Ginyu says he will wait and says he will use the nine tails again. Elder Kai says that it will become a danger. Ginyu tells Elder Kai not to worry as he has powerful energy. Goku activates the Super Dragon Balls and Ginyu states that it is now "Goku time." He screams and obliterates the  planet with a blast from the nine tails. Vegeta says that it is not over as there will be another chance. Elder Kai is shocked by this and, sensing the energy, laughs it away. It is explained that there are three variations of the Super Dragon Balls. One of these a Super Dragon Ball is used for a last time and is used  when the time for the fusion is near at its end. Another is when there is a substantial gap between the end of the time for the fusion and the actual fusion. The third is if the fusion time is close to their most precious wish that they will steal and use one of their other Dragon Balls. Elder Kai tells them to not waste the other two and, having now infused with the power of the Dragon Balls, with a brilliant smile tells them, "I'll be waiting."
Website: https://talktotransformer.com/
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dazais-coat · 7 years
Show Title: Haikyuu!!
Genre(s): Sports, Shounen, Comedy, School, Drama,
Creator: Haruichi Furudate
Volumes: 27
Studio: Production I.G
Seasons: 3
Episodes: 60
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: The series follows Hinata Shouyou, a now young first year that aspires to be as great as the “Little Giant”. Hinata goes to his first, and sadly last, volleyball match of middle school. He is defeated by Kageyama Tobio who is more known as the “King of the Court”. After the match, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama in high school. Now attending Karasuno High School, Hinata and Kageyama meet again but instead of rivals, they must become teammates. Hinata struggles to find himself a place on the team due to his height but shows his willpower with his jump. Kageyama also finds it hard for his fast setting skills to match a spiker that can keep up with him. Together, the two new first years are a dynamic duo that takes the court of Karasuno by storm as they achieve to bring their school back from the ashes.
The Characters
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Shouyou Hinata: First-year middle blocker, age 16 at 164.2 cm tall. Hinata is often called out for his height, having an array of nicknames like “Shrimp” and “Mini Spider-Man”. His personality is very bubbly and energetic, but he is known to be serious and kinda scary when he needs to be. Hinata is well known for his jumping skills and the fact that he’s pretty clumsy for a volleyball player.
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Tobio Kageyama: First-year setter, age 16 at 181.9 cm tall. Kageyama is often seen with a sharp glare and intimidating aura, he’s often described as being scary. He’s known for being short-tempered and having a scary scowl, despite all this, Kageyama has been known to get excited when he pulls off a good move with Hinata.
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Kei Tsukishima: First-year middle blocker, age 16 at 190.1 cm tall. Tsuki is known for being a smart alec and coming off as blunt. He’s the tallest out of the first years and the team as a whole. Tsuki used to not really put too much effort into volleyball cause of what happened with his older brother, but after the Tokyo training camp he puts more value in volleyball and doesn’t waste his talent anymore.
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Tadashi Yamaguchi: First-year middle blocker/pinch server, age 16 at 180.0 cm tall. Yamaguchi is a very shy individual but will tend to join in on Tsuki’s teasing or snickering when mocking people. Yamaguchi is shown to be a very hard worker, seeing how he put so much time into learning how to do a float serve. After Karasuno lost the match to Seijoh, he’s become a stronger player with the encouragement of his teammates and being mentored by Makoto Shimada.
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Yuu Nishinoya: Second-year libero, age 17 at 160.5 cm tall. Noya is the shortest of the team but he makes up for it with his fast reflexes as Karasuno’s Guardian Deity. Noya is very boisterous, a hopeless flirt, and often temperamental, he isn’t very careful when he’s mad and will sometimes be violent when angry but he is careful of the feelings of those around him. When Noya is playing he’s in his element and will sometimes be shown as serious when he plays.
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Ryunosuke Tanaka: Second-year wing spiker, age 16 at 178.2 cm tall. Tanaka is a very loud, headstrong, and angered quite easily. He’s known for getting fired up easily on the court when he scores or pulls off a cool move, Tanaka is also not afraid to pick fights. This all being said, Tanaka is very protective of his teammates, mostly the underclassmen. Along with Noya, he also loves the ladies a lot and will often give death glares if he catches someone staring at Kiyoko Shimizu, the team’s manager.
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Chikara Ennoshita: Second-year wing spiker, age 17 at 176.1 cm tall. Ennoshita is often seen with a warm smile on his face and very timid attitude but will be bold when around his fellow classmates. For the longest time, Ennoshita didn’t play as a regular but stepped up to play when Dachi was injured. He is speculated to be the next team captain because of his ability to understand his teammates, being able to keep Noya and Tanaka under control, and has a presence that stabilizes the underclassmen.
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Asahi Azumane: Third-year wing spiker/ace, age 18 at 186.4 cm tall. Asahi very much takes the title of a gentle giant, despite his height he is very shy and caring person. After becoming very depressed from defeat, he was very weak-willed and scared to let his team down again. Although, after experiencing a practice match with the new first years, his will to play volleyball again came crashing back and now he is proudly the team’s ace.  
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Koushi Sugawara: Third-year setter, age 18 at 174.6 cm tall. Suga acts like the team’s mom in a sense because of his gentle and caring personality. Despite having such a calm and collected demeanor, he will not hesitate to yell in a childlike way or be bold. Even though Suga isn’t a starting player anymore he continues to go to practices and helps the team, because he doesn’t want any of them to give up - especially himself.
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Daichi Sawamura: Third-year wing spiker/captain, age 18 at 176.7 cm tall. Like Suga, Daichi is a parent figure to the team, being the dad figure. He is very caring of his team and will often put them first. Daichi is very patient with other but if you do manage to make him mad it isn’t pretty. He is known for being very responsible and yet he does have times where he is childish.   
The Teams
Sorry if some teams are not listed for I’m listing teams that are shown the most :D
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Karasuno High: The school is located in the Miyagi Prefecture. Team colors are white, black, and orange. The coach is Keishin Ukai, the captain is Daichi Sawamura, and vice-captain is Koushi Sugawara.
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Metropolitan Nekoma High: The school is located in the Tokyo. Team colors are black and red. The coach is Yasufumi Nekomata, the captain is Tetsuro Kuroo, and vice-captain is Nobuyuki Kai.
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Aoba Johsai High: The school is located in the Miyagi Prefecture. Team colors are white and turquoise. The coach is Nobuteru Irihata, the captain is Tooru Oikawa, and vice-captain is Hajime Iwaizumi.
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Date Tech High: The school is located in the Miyagi Prefecture. Team colors are white and teal. The coach is Takurou Oiwake, the captain is Kenji Futakuchi, and there is no vice-captain at the moment for the team.
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Fukurodani Academy: The school is located in Tokyo/Kanto region. Team colors are black, gold, and white. The coach is Takeyuki Yamiji, the captain is Koutarou Bokuto, and vice-captain is Keiji Akaashi.
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Shiratorizawa Academy: The school is located in Miyagi Prefecture. Team colors are white and maroon. The coach is Tanji Washijou, the captain is Wakatoshi Ushijima, and vice-captain is Jin Soekawa.
Just like with Voltron, I’m putting somewhat popular ships, no specific order btw!!
Kagehina - Kageyama x Hinata
Asanoya - Asahi x Noya
Daisuga - Daichi x Suga
Iwaoi - Iwaizumi x Oikawa
Tsukiyama - Tsuki x Yamaguchi
Bokuaka - Bokuto x Akaashi
Kuroken - Kuroo x Kenma
Yakulev - Yaku x Lev
Kiyoyachi - Kiyoko x Yachi
Haikyuu!! Zodiacs
The signs as Haikyuu!! teams
Karasuno: Gemini, Pisces
Nekoma: Cancer, Scorpio
Aoba Johsai: Leo, Libra
Fukurodani: Taurus, Sagittarius
Shiratorizawa: Aquarius
Date Tech: Virgo, Capricorn
Johzenji: Aries
Credit to enigmatic-phenomenon
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 246
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Last time, Goku challenged Majin Buu by turning into a Super Saiyan 3.   They’re still fighting, mainly because Goku used up half of the previous episode just doing the transformation. 
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Here’s the deal: Goku doesn’t need to defeat Buu, just keep him busy  so he can’t go to West City and destroy it before Trunks can secure the Dragon Radar.   So while Goku has been looking very impressive against Buu so far, it would be presumtive to assume that he is winning, or could win.   Buu’s taken no damage, and shown no sign of slowing down.  
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On the other hand, Buu isn’t exactly defeating Goku either.   There’s spots like these, where Goku kicks Buu in the belly, only for Buu to envelop him like quicksand...
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And then Goku just powers his way out.  You have to wonder how hard Goku is really trying here.   If he was strong enough to break free like that, couldn’t he have done so from the start?   Or was he just letting Buu squeeze him to play for time?   In a full-on battle, could Goku do better than he’s letting on?
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But again, Buu’s taking zero damage from any of this.   Maybe Super Saiyan 3 Goku could eventually wear him down, but there’s really no evidence to support this.
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Meanwhile, Trunks is taking longer than expected, because he can’t find the Dragon Radar he was sent to retrieve.  
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So Goku has to stall for more time.   He toys with Buu, making him chase after him a bit.
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And every so often he manages to land a heavy blow.
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And while none of this seems to hurt Buu, he does seem to get frustrated.   Goku’s not as easy an opponent as the others, and it seems like he doesn’t know how to deal with that.
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Back at the Lookout, Bulma remembers that she never put the Dragon Radar away since the last time she used it.   Remember, the gang was gathering Dragon Balls only a few episodes ago, and Goku teleported them all here with little notice.   In all the confusion, Bulma left the radar on the plane and never took it out.  That’s why Trunks can’t find the thing.  
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Unfortunately, no one has the means to contact Trunks and tell him this.... except Videl, who happens to have a cell phone handy, because she uses it to stay in touch with the Satan City police back home.   This is one of the bits that hasn’t aged well, because today, just about everyone has a cell phone.   In Dragon Ball Super, just about everyone’s got one, reflecting that reality, but DBS is only set a few years after this episode.    I guess you can make the case that this moment convinced the others to purchase and carry them around just in case.  
Incidentally, I don’t understand why they need to call Bulma’s house to get Trunks’ attention.   Dende spoke to Goku telepathically not that long ago, so why not just do that again?    Maybe they’re afraid Babidi would intercept the message?
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Speaking of things that haven’t aged well, Master Roshi tries to cop a feel.
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And Videl flattens him.   Fuck this guy, #MasterRoshiBelongsInJail.
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Back at the fight, Goku hits Buu with a Kamehameha...
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But Buu recovers from the hole in his body immediately, and then replies with his own Kamehameha.
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Flabbergasted, Goku manages to deflect it back at Buu, who then swats it away himself, nearly hitting Babidi with it...
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And then it blows up in the distance.   Babidi estimates that stunt just blew up like a tenth of the planet. 
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On the Supreme Kai Planet, the Supreme Kai has been keeping tabs on this fight, and he decides that things aren’t looking so hot for Goku.   He still thinks their best bet is for Gohan to keep training with the Z-Sword.   Still, that’s a tall order.   Goku just whipped out a whole new transform, and apparently Gohan would have to surpass that just to stand a chance.   
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Back on Earth, Babidi scolds Buu, which is really starting to get on his nerves.   You can really get the sense that Buu is getting into this fight.   He may not appreciate combat the way Goku does, but I think he’s beginnging to acquire a taste for it.    But then Babidi starts yapping, and it spoils the fun.
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Babidi taunts Goku with how badly his efforts are harming the planet, but that’s all he can do.   He’s just playing a cartoonish supervillain, and Buu’s not impressed.  He never was, but now it’s really starting to annoy him.
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On the other hand, Goku praises Buu’s skill.   He never expected him to be this talented, on top of his immense power.   They’re enemies, sure, but Buu is finally getting a little respect, and he loves it. 
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But then Trunks finally gets the Dragon Radar and leaves West City, and as soon as Goku senses this, he powers down and prepares to withdraw.    Buu is disappointed, but Goku’s got stuff to do, and he just can’t stick around.  
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Babidi still thinks he has control of this situation, and insists that he won’t let Goku leave, but he doesn’t know that Goku can just teleport out of here whenever he likes, so Goku ignores his threats.   He tells him that the three guys they’re after will come to them in just two days.  I feel like he made this pitch before they started fighting, but whatever.  
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This time, Buu seems intrigued, though.   Goku promises that “they’ll” be incredibly strong.   Well, Piccolo won��t be, but let’s not confuse the issue.    The point is that Goku’s given Buu a free sample of the kind of action he could enjoy against Goten and Trunks, and now he’s looking forward to it.  
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Babidi, on the other hand, doesn’t care, and is determined to kill Goku and continue blowing up cities until the others reveal themselves.  
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Then Goku tells Babidi that when he gets back to Otherworld, he’ll ask King Yemma to fix him up with a really nasty place in hell, and he leaves.   Babidi’s such a coward that he hides behind Buu when Goku teleports.   And he’s such a dick that he yells at Buu for letting Goku get away.
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Then Buu claims to have a really good idea.   Babidi humors him for a moment, and this turns out to be a huge mistake. 
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Buu’s idea: Grab Babidi by the throat and goozle him so hard that he can’t talk.
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Now that he can’t speak, he can’t say the magic words to seal Buu up in his ball again, so Babidi’s only leverage against Buu is nullified.    Furthermore, Babidi can’t use the other magic word to get Buu to let him go.   The word “Please.”
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While he’s got Babidi at his mercy, Buu points out that he’s taken a lot of crap from Babidi, but he’s done with that now.    I think that’s one of the bigger mistakes Babidi made during this run.    He kept talking shit to Buu, never thinking that Buu might understand the abuse or harbor resentment for it.   If he’d been nicer to the guy, maybe he could have controlled him a while longer.
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But that’s Babidi for you.   The whole point of his quest on Earth was to dig up Majin Buu and use him as his ultimate servant.   Babidi collected henchmen like toys, and he could control them rather completely.   He just assumed Buu would be even easier to manage, since he used to work for his father.  And in his greed, he wagered all of his other slaves against a chance to control this one ultra-powerful slave.   It never dawned on him that Buu was never like that.   
We know that Bibidi sealed Buu away becaue he was having trouble managing the guy, but I get the sense that Babidi had no idea.   He seems to have thought that Bibidi must have controlled Buu like a puppet, and that Bibidi only sealed him away because he didn’t happen to have use for him at the time.   He just assumed that he could walk right up to Buu, introduce himself, and Buu would play along.  
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It’s possible that Babidi might have been able to work with Buu by treating him as an equal, but that’s not in Babidi’s character.   Dabura warned him that it would end like this, and Babidi refused to listen.    Now, he’s all alone, with no one to save him from the nightmare he created for himself.
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Buu throws a single punch, and that’s the end of Babidi.    I’m not sure what this image is supposed to be exactly.   Did his head just come off, or was it vaporized on impact.   Either way, the dude’s dead.
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So now, Buu has rid himself of Babidi, and he’s acting alone, which is probably just as well, since he barely followed Babidi’s orders anyway.   What will he do now?
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