#Gonna go eat a cookie now
idkfitememate · 9 months
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People: In my Inbox with really great ideas that I wanna write really bad and waiting for Pt. 3 of Boar!Creator.
Me with my Pea Brain and tiny attention span:
What if, in a SAGAU, the reader/imposter was actually straight up a psychopath. Like a literal insane person. The “Imposter” who got here first is genuinely a good person who adores all the characters and really just wants them to live happily.
Whereas the second reader gets there and their first objective is to find a way home.
And this time?
They do!
So once that happens, the thought that Genshin Impact truly is just a game sticks to their head like glue.
In real life they’re like me an angst lover, a pathetic little man/woman lover. They like to see people cry and bleed in order to get their love. A real sadist.
So they go back in.
Walk to the middle of Mond while and slice their hand with a stone, revealing the golden blood beneath their skin.
But instead of kicking their imposter out, they keep them by their side, loving and doting on them just to see the heart broken faces of their acolytes.
They allow themselves to get killed.
Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and-
Until someone finally notices their blood.
How they’d love if it was Zhongli. He’s been dubbed the most loyal. To see his expression over their crumpled dead body would leave them feeling such ecstasy they’ve never felt before.
They’d sit on their throne and watch as their acolytes cry as they don’t forgive them. As they grin down and ask where this loyalty was when they stabbed them and shot them. When they burned and froze and drowned them. When they buried them in rock and grew flowers in their lungs.
They’d force them to beg on their knees and still turn them away. To prostrate themselves before their god, and still be shooed off like scum beneath their foot.
To watch as you turned away the sick and less fortunate as a punishment for not being able to realize their true creator.
To feel like this isn’t enough. To want their blood on their hands.
To show their power over them.
They killed the Archons.
All seven.
Blood drenched the stage as onlookers screamed and cried. Their sword drenched in the divine blood.
To then raise them back from the dead.
Watch as tears stream down their face as they beg and plead for you to stop. They they’ll repent in anyway, but to never do that again.
When Venti’s voice hit a pitch they disliked, they stabbed. Over and over. Like the arrows he allowed to riddle their body.
And when they finish they bring him back one more time.
They go through all the characters who hurt them. One by one they are killed and brought back. Their blood staining their Creators skin.
They begin to push the boundaries even further.
Asking for sacrifices and offerings of higher calibers.
They asked for the skin of those who hurt them. Eyes and ears, fingers and teeth.
And to those who didn’t hurt them?
They are forced to attend a feast of their “friends” skin and bone.
Forced to eat as their creator happily munches away on someone’s thigh.
This is how to make their creator happy, right?
The disgusting sound of bones crunching as their force themselves to stomach their friends bodies.
This was their reward… right?
In both endings they dote on their imposter, loving on them to watch as their disgraced acolytes try their hardest to pray for their forgiveness.
Praying that they would fix their broken bodies.
Watching as their wounds reopened from the positions they prayed in. Blood pouring from their open bodies for them.
When the acolytes look away for less than a second they shove their fingers behind their eyes, pulling them out because “If not to keep their gaze on me, why should they see?”
When the acolytes touch another to push them away from their Creator, they force their finger back into god awful positions, ripping them off because “If not to touch me, why should they feel?”
When the acolytes taste the food not offered by their Creator, they pull their tongue out with bare hands because “If not to taste my offerings, why should they taste?”
When the acolytes smell the scent of someone else, they rip their noses from their face because “If not to smell my godly scent, why should they smell?”
When the acolytes hear the voice of another and lean towards the sound, they tear their ears right off their head because “If not to hear my pure sound, why should they hear?”
But to keep them reeled in, they offer two things.
When truly impressed, they praise their acolytes. One at a time. Slowly, teasingly. Small things. Watching as the others get jealous I’ve the one whose head you now hold in your lap. Whose face runs with tears and drool and snot as you run your hand through their hair. How they get caressed instead of slapped. How they get to feel the rare gentleness of their fingertips instead of the carnage they usually reap.
And if they’re especially lucky they’ll get both them and their imposter partner praising them and petting them.
The amount of times they had to bring back an acolyte after the others killed them out of envy was amazing.
The other way?
Using their control of the game, they’d “possess” an acolytes body, and begin killing people in that body. Sometimes they’d make everyone aware it was their Creator, sometimes they wouldn’t.
But the acolyte would have to live with the fact that the blood of those around them now sat on their hands, even if they couldn’t control it.
And they’d say that they just had to be stronger. If they’d been better. If they had just been a bit tougher. Maybe… maybe this wouldn’t have happened… maybe…
They watch as the mental states of their acolytes crumbles under their heel. As they become more and more desperate to appease their Creator and dependent on their small praise.
But the ultimate punishment. Is when they leave to return to their world.
Leaving them all behind. Probably even taking the Imposter with them.
Watching them beyond the screen as they scream and cry and beg for them back. Playing the game and completing quests as all the playable characters voice lines become pleads for them to return.
Dying over and over and bringing them back, joking that since they haven’t played for a while they’re getting rusty. Forcing them through boss fights and losing on purpose bear then end so they have to do it over. And over.
Just an asshole who fully believes that their lives don’t matter because they’re trapped in a game and they can leave at anytime.and because of their status, they can do whatever they want to these people who are so desperate to please their Creator.
… Anyway I wanna eat a cookie :3!
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(I got more ideas like this and OC’s but idk if anyone would want to listen to me rant about them… this was supposed to also be an OC blog as well… damn ໒꒰ྀི × ˕ ×。꒱ྀི১-)
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apnourry · 6 months
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There's a lot more on the back lol
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anyone else ever have this random fear of being accused of copying other people unintentionally? like
>be me >see another artist post something cool >"ooh funky i had a really similar idea once!" >get inspired to possibly draw something >wait but what if their fans or they themselves notice and think i copied their idea and start drama (;;;*_*) >end up not doing anything
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thedisablednaturalist · 2 months
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ralofofriverwoods · 2 years
I drew all the ancients
Didn’t even really redesign them lol I just decided I wanted to draw all five. And now here we are
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Pretty much just gave them some headcannons since I’m starting to dislike them a lot less now👍
Closeups under the cut
Pure vanilla
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I made her a vampire because I just kinda like vampires lol. Since vampires are pretty much chill in her kingdom i think it’s a nice thing
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Dark cacao
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Golden cheese
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White lily
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Apologies for the shitty handwriting but I have been working on this for days and I am very much so done with working on it.
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jacuzziwaters · 9 months
Anybody else constantly having to force themselves into different media to ignore the horrors or is it just me?
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essektheylyss · 2 years
You ever like, end up in the hell phase of writer's block where you cannot experience any good art or you'll break into hives over the fact that some random thing someone made is making you FEEL THINGS and you have not created anything in weeks?
Nah, me neither.
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mymelodyisme · 4 months
My sister’s graduation day 😤 let’s go 👏🏽
#gosh it’s gonna be a long day and I’m running on two hours of sleep again#i only get the chance to work at night because I don’t have ✨privacy✨#and I’ve been going to bed late and waking up even more tired than usual and my mom’s been scolding me for it#and now I’ve had to tell her what I’m doing and I feel like I just gave another piece of me away again#everything I am everything I do has to be for other people#im so tired when will I give my last piece away 🥹#this was to make ME proud of ME I was doing it for myself and now I feel like it’s for her#and then she’s going to tell my dad and now it’s for him too#also I can’t even cry about it because she HAS to know why I’m upset#she keeps glancing up at me and talking to me in bits#all I have left is my emotions 🥹#anyhow sorry to start the day off so gloomy and depressing I have literally nothing to be sad about I’m very privileged#sorry you guys see me being a baby constantly 🥺 I really do have a good life and shouldn’t be complaining#here’s to a better day for us all#melifails#now i feel like a jerk subjecting you all to this😭 sorry sorry let’s move on#im gonna be a busy bee hopefully I can squeeze in a time for a nap#😭 I don’t waaaaaannnnnaaa sit for hours in the California heat MAYBE with the sun hitting us in the face#our football field is NOT kind in this way#hopefully my sister gets the shady side but even then the sun will hit us in the face eventually just not as long#im !!! excited!!!! I bought ice cream for today 👏🏽 I originally bought choco chip and minto moose tracks?? my sister loves mint flavor#so I bought mint Oreos too so she can eat them with her ice cream 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽#i assume we’re getting take out of some sort so that; ice cream; and uuuuuuu I don’t remember anything else I bought; my best friend did#bring us snacks yesterday!!! pretzels and cookies!!! so that!!!#okay brain no work no more I gotta get dressed love you muah muah muah
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
i love ur octonauts safe foods post but that also brings the question: what are the octo-agents safe foods?
wonderful question my anonymous friend- apologies for the delay, please enjoy post 🤲:
Paani’s patties have nuts, seeds, and bugs in them, which all have kind of similar tastes—hear me out—they all taste nutty (yes, bugs have a nutty flavour, if you didn’t know), and possibly a little roasty or smokey depending on how they’re prepared. Paani’s safe foods probably consist of a lot of other grains, nuts, or butters (peanut butter, sunflower butter, almond/cashew butter, etc). He probably unironically enjoys pistachio ice cream. Can’t go wrong with a giant jug of straight up rainwater, either.
Tracker grew up the same way Barnacles did: In the Arctic with very little variety. So, their tastes are probably the same, or very similar. He enjoys simple flavours, and dishes with non-complicated seasoning. I also imagine he’s an extremely picky eater, despite being taught in the Polar Scouts to be prepared to “eat what you have to” in an emergency. He might like a couple obscure or odd things here and there, but other than that his palate is pretty limited. He likes knowing what to expect when he eats something (and in general), so he basically just eats the same foods over and over. He’s an EXPERT at cooking these foods.
Googled native Russian and Siberian cuisines for Natquik, and I’m seeing a lot of dough, pastry, soup, and salt (and a lot of other things, but they’re mostly meat and I’m going to pretend he’s vegetarian and so is everyone else, with the exceptions of Mr. Paani “The Bug Eater”, and Ms. Pearl “Eats Living Urchins Whole”). He loves savoury foods, as well as “earthy” flavours (below-ground vegetables, such as beets, potatoes, carrots (he might bond with Tweak over that one), or mushrooms) but can NOT tolerate spiciness at all; he’s worse than Barnacles in this regard. If he eats something too hot he will spit it out instantly, and be very dramatic about it. He also enjoys a cup of tea now and then, and he’s not picky about what kind; if it’s warm and got leaves in it, he’ll drink it.
I like to think that Calico Jack and Kwazii are alike in more ways than one thousand—and they probably have IDENTICAL tastes/safe foods. So, Jack loves sweets and sugars, but hates bitters. He hates citrus too (because he’s a cat), but has learned to tolerate it in all his years as a pirate. He chugs lemon juice like it’s milk, and he just ate a whole ghost pepper. You won’t catch him anywhere near a tangerine, though. (Disclaimer: Citrus is actually poisonous to cats in real life, which is why they hate it so much. This cat however, is fictional, and just thinks they’re icky.) CJ also canonically loves to cook and bake his own food, based on how many recipes he invented and passed down to Kwazii; such as pirate pie (real pie, see GBR for ingredients), pirate stew (main ingredient = kelp), and “pirate pie” (kelp and lima beans on toast), to name a few.
Ranger Marsh LOVES the Octonauts’ hot cocoa specifically, I don’t know if it’s the way the Vegimals make it, or what, but I’m taking this to mean the man is fan of chocolate. Dark chocolate. Meaning, he probably enjoys bitter things. Do not let him cook for Kwazii or Jack. I bet most of what he eats is foraged directly out of the Everglades’ thicket, so that would likely include weird and bitter berries, plants, and wild vegetables. I also headcanon that he taught Tweak how to make her famous chili, she just perfected it. Chili can taste like pretty much anything depending on how you season it, so you can bet he likes his extra bitter as well.
Okay now Pearl is probably the opposite of Shellington. I said that Shellington would enjoy intense or odd flavours (like extra hot sauce on cake), but dislike salty-anything because it reminds him of red urchin. He learned to like strange foods, as a result of being allergic to his species’ main source of nourishment (shellfish). Since Pearl didn’t have this problem, she didn’t need to branch out her plate; and thus would love salty things because it’s what she’s used to. She might dislike overly sour or sweet things, or generally “unnatural” or artificial foods. She’s probably not much of a chef, considering most of what she eats is stuff she literally picks off the seafloor.
Apparently a red panda’s diet is 95% bamboo, soooooooooooooooo... I guess that answers Min. She probably eats a ton of those bamboo biscuits, and that might literally be all. Bamboo tastes earthy, nutty, and slightly sweet, so if she were to expand her menu, she’d probably eat foods with similar tastes, or anything that has a good crunch to it. Y’know what? I bet she’d love a Paani Patty.
Ryla literally ate bat droppings covered in moss. Granted, the “droppings” were berries, but still. I don’t think she’s very picky. She doesn’t have any “safe foods”, because she’s a hardcore survivalist—she’ll eat ANYTHING (unless it’s poisonous then she’ll only eat it once). Wombats are strict herbivores, so she probably enjoys a good salad when she's not fighting for her life in a cave.
I think Koshi and Pinto are both stereotypical kids, who'll gladly inhale anything with sugar in it. Pinto specifically might have similar tastes to Peso, in which he'll also just eat... literally anything. Especially if it's weird looking. Koshi is a bit more sensitive to strong smells, so she'll only eat what she likes the smell of. She doesn't seem like someone who likes trying new foods, either. She likes sweet, or bland simple tastes.
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yardsards · 2 years
actually had a decent appetite today. this shit rules.
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Yoooo this new strain my dealer gave me got me se fucking loose that I was able to successfully crack my neck on the first try, AND if was a double crack :)
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wiltking · 2 years
survived an anxiety milestone today 🕺
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I want to eat the Trans pride flag. I don't care what it does when I eat it as it looks so tasty
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Like tell me if you saw a food that looked like this flag would not eat it? Like does it not look like a macaron or something?
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maukuja · 1 month
I went to see a doctor via occupational healthcare today to get a referral to neuropsych on the public side and that was Not Nice. The doctor seemed reluctant to write it and seemed like she didn't really believe me that I need that stuff. Which like, yeah I get that, I'm having a good patch right now and don't actively want to end it, but it will right back to that when this patch ends. The lines to even get to see anyone on the public side are long, so it's better to try to get an appointment now than later when I'm in the pits.
She also pointed out that I did finish my Master's degree on time which like, yeah, why do you think my mental health is shit? You go do a master's in Physics and then tell me how well your mental health made it through that. I've always had good grades, both in school and in 'I don't want to live anymore, actually', those are not mutually exclusive. I know it might be hard to believe if you've only seen typical depression cases, but my doctor in shitty healthcare, you are writing the referral precisely because my mental health problems are stupidly nuanced and complicated. I fucking wish it was just depression and not some combination of bpd, bd and autism that makes me have depression as a symptom of those issues. Two different psychiatrists, internet therapy for depression and five visits to a psychologist, and we barely know what might maybe be the problem! All of those conditions overlap in symptoms to some degree and I don't have a clear-cut case of any of those!
She did write me the referral, but she did also make it clear that she's not sure that they will actually accept it, since I'm not doing bad enough and it's coming from the private sector. I know she can't lie there about the severity of the issues, but like, man. I've been suicidal since I was twelve. It's a miracle that I'm even still here. You don't think that warrants getting help? Even if right now it's a good patch? You think that maybe I'm actually fine now, despite it being this same loop of fine-suicidal-fine-suicidal for twelve fucking years?
It was already such a struggle to make myself try to get help for these issues because funnily enough, I actually triggered some intervention from the school welfare officer based on my answers in a depression screening in like 8th grade. They talked to me and discussed stuff with me and then told me that well, you already are doing all the things I could teach you to do, so I can't really help you. Which was super cool because I still was really depressed and suicidal. Very nice to hear that you're already doing everything right that you should do to not want to kill yourself, yet you still do. It took me ten years to try to get any help from healthcare because I was so scared that I'd have to hear that again.
This is not even for me to get help with that stuff either. It's just to get some sort of diagnosis on what is going on with my head so that they can have some clue how to treat the problems. I was looking to get therapy, but it doesn't really make sense to get therapy if they don't know what they are treating, so they won't write a referral to that. I need to get a referral to be diagnosed so that I can get a referral to therapy so that it won't cost an arm and a leg to get therapy. And to get that I have to go to the doctor and have her look at me frowning and not understanding. Looking at me like I'm fine and just lazy or something.
Realistically, this just how the situation seems to me. The doctor was probably frowning just because she had to make sense of a lot of text from all those psychiatrists and the psychologist and figure out how to write the best referral, regardless of how much she believed me. I just wish she'd had a more friendly and understanding approach to me as a patient. I wish I could have left there feeling like there is now actually a chance for me to get the diagnoses I need and then the help. I just feel tired and upset now, and I will feel so much more shit and so hopeless when the rough patch eventually hits.
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i-am-church-the-cat · 5 months
Forcing myself not to end my break early
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