#Good omens opinions
aduckwithears · 9 months
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@mizgnomer shared this hi res image, and once I recovered from passing out I realized three things.
Crowley's waistcoat is a beautiful brocade of vines and leaves. We don't know for sure when his plant hobby started, (only that he start "talking" to them after he learned about it in the early 1970s) but now I'm envisioning his Regency/Victorian greenhouse full of exotic plant life and that sounds just glorious. Plant collecting was a popular hobby amongst gentlemen at the time and it isn't too much of a stretch to think that he may have the same plants for 100s of years (they wouldn't dare die) - maybe the plant collection got started around the same time as the bookshop...
That black jewel at his throat looks awfully familiar. It has a different setting than the one on Furfur's ring but... (launching fully into headcanon now) what if the stone is an item of demonic power that gets taken when Crowley is pulled back to Hell and ends up with Furfur? I don't have a good reason for Crowley to have it in the first place, but if someone wants to run with this idea I'd love your thoughts.
1827 Crowley is the best Crowley of season 2 (I KNOW this is controversial but this look kills me dead I am deceased)
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inthecarpets · 5 months
I'm not sure if i have anyone to ask so i got a question regarding Good Omens season 2 here
i'm asking pretty much:
Does the second season of Good Omens get better?
Like: i watched the first episode and felt disappointed given how well written and throughrough the first season was. And the second season in the very first episode felt as if it was lacking.
Dad, who i was watching it with, thought it wasn't good. And he's one of those people who can actually tell if a production is well done, bad or just mid. (and He thought the first season was good and enjoyed it even tho he dislikes when authors play around religions in fiction as he finds it mocking toward religions.)
Maybe it was a mistake to re/watch the first season hours before watching the second one, but honestly i'm unsure whether i should watch it further, i might simply skip it? In this case for me the fandom fun is not important, i just want it to be actually good and as thought through as the first season, and i fear it is not the case.
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hollow-head · 4 months
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My new hobby is buying plants from yard sales and today i bought one from a charming woman with a very thick accent
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nofomogirl · 19 days
Good Omens (possibly) unpopular opinion
Do you know what is a peak irony in this fandom?
When a person vehemently condemns Aziraphale's black-and-white approach to morality and rhapsodizes how sage Crowley is for his nuanced shades-of-grey outlook when the evident reason this person sympathizes with Crowley so much more is because he and his circumstances are more black-and-white and easy to judge while Aziraphale's case is far more complex and challenging to evaluate, with blurred lines everywhere.
This was supposed to be a paragraph in a longer meta but I decided to post it separately anyway.
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bildadshusband · 4 months
this fandom is so horny for david and michael
not to call you out or anything, but i think the main reason why the headcanon of aziraphale being dom and crowley being sub is so popular, is because you want to fuck david tennant, and you want to be fucked by michael sheen.
not that i don’t like the dynamic, but you’re all just horny for these 50 year old british men in specific ways ✨
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astrhae · 10 months
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+ bonus:
aziraphale not changing crowley's clothes (not even to add a tartan collar)
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amaloaf · 10 months
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dynamics shift
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fexalted · 9 months
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good omens + text posts (part 9)
an assortment i made last year with some season 2 mixed in for variety :3c
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
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#brb telling detective Aziraphale everything I know
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alphacentaurinebula · 6 months
Unpopular opinion - I don’t think Crowley has lost any memories at all? I don’t think he was mind-wiped in the fall, or otherwise. I think he’s just kind of… being a dick to Furfur and Saraqael? He’s just messing with them. And simply didn’t care enough to remember the details of gravity.
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averywiseanimatedcat · 7 months
Just leaving this here for the fandom’s consideration…
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aduckwithears · 8 months
Unpopular good omens 3 opinion? I don’t want to see Starmaker/Crowley’s Fall. Feels like his business, y’know?
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twilightcitysky · 9 months
This post is less Good Omens- related and more personal, but there's been a lot of arguing over "representation" in the fandom the past few days. The strong feelings people express are awesome but ALSO I really want us in the community to appreciate and listen to one another.
People want to KILL queer people. There are still many, many places where it is not safe to have any identity other than cis het. Fighting that means sticking together, not tearing each OTHER apart. Allosexual, asexual, lesbian, gay, cis, trans, nonbinary, gender queer, GNC... we're all part of this community and we're stronger together.
In Good Omens, Neil Gaiman gave us a glimpse of what a world could be if people got to decide for themselves how to present and who to love without the hate and prejudice that inevitably comes along with that in the real world. I know people are questioning exactly what Crowley and Aziraphale are and how they identify, which is fine (honestly I don't know that we'll ever find out for sure. It may be something private between the two of them). But saying things like "it's homophobic" (for them to be ace), or "it's acephobic" (for them to be gay) sort of defeats the purpose of "it's a love story", doesn't it? At the end of the day, maybe it doesn't matter what EXACTLY they are. They're unapologetically QUEER and their story is for and about all of us.
It's okay to disagree. It's okay to ask questions. I mean, that's the moral of Good Omens, isn't it? We don't have to be the same; we SHOULDN'T all be the same... there's strength and beauty in our differences. But even if we don't all agree with one another, let's support each other.
I see them as gay male coded beings who have chosen that identity for themselves and would enjoy sexual pleasure as much as any other earthly pleasure. If YOU see them as agender or nonbinary sexless entities who are QPR or ace or aroace and would never have sex, I SUPPORT THE HELL OUT OF YOUR RIGHT TO DO SO. I'm in your corner and I will fight for you.
Love you all. Love that we love the ineffable love story of Good Omens, whatever form that takes, and let's lift each other up rather than tearing each other down.
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spielzeugkaiser · 8 months
Right when I was slowly getting back to a drawing routine life happened (exam week, blurgh). So before I vanish again, have a little snek boi. plant man. babygirl-
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I’ve been highly confused as to why Michael “deeply openly thirsting on Twitter about David Tennant for half a decade” Sheen is half-in half-out the closet but apparently Wales is absurdly homophobic lmao what the fuck how is a country the size of New Jersey that much of a hater bruh we out number the shit out of you
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mellohirust · 3 months
Personally I can never see "Aziraphale loves Crowley better as an angel" holding up when I think about the opening scene in Eden. Aziraphale hadn't even known the other's new name but boy was he going to learn it, and so little into the conversation they already confide in each other with their worries of displeasing their sides, even when Heaven would certainly not approve of any of it. The rain pours and Aziraphale shields him with his wing for no reason other than he thinks he ought to (and to repay the kindness Crowley had already shown him before; he cares for the other's actions far more than his status). If Uz is anything to go by, he truly doesn't think Crowley has changed in a way that would make him unworthy of his trust in him to do the right thing (and then he does it, over and over and over, and Aziraphale falls that much more in love). What more is needed to prove he loves Crowley exactly as he is, not in spite of?
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