#Google Earth Pro
raverhm · 9 months
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central park
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bartwvanassen · 2 years
Als hij kon toveren was niemand de sigaar
Als hij kon toveren was niemand de sigaar
Afgelopen Vrijdag publiceerde Duurzaam Nederland een welhaast neocoloniaal stukje over de ontbossing in Indonesië onder de kop ‘Tien palmolie-concessies in Indonesië hebben in 2022 al 8.100 hectare bos en veen gekapt‘. Daarin krijgt Marcel van Wing het hoogste woord, iemand zonder enige praktische kennis van natuurbeheer en oliepalmteelt in Indonesië. Marcel kraamt dan ook volslagen onzin uit,…
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nebulaclouds · 7 months
Hi. I’ve found nothing about this online from searching, but is is anyone having a conversation about the lack of updates on the google earth satellite images of Palestine? I mean I never expected them to show updated images based on the destruction that has been caused recently, but I think it’s still something that should be pushed. The undeniable truth should be easily accessible to anyone by just going to a free website and zooming in. It leaves less room for denial. The latest images for the area are from long before October 7th.
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itslookingback · 9 months
i 💚 satellite images
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
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“Titans’ Tower was originally built for the New Teen Titans by Dr. Silas Stone, after his son Victor became a member. Located on an island in New York’s East River, the Tower was designed with comfort and utility in mind, resulting in a place where the Titans meet, play, relax and even live. The island is a woodland park of about 40 acres (8 APs x 8 APs) and is 1/4 mile from Long Island (8 APs).”
The New Titans Sourcebook (1990)
Um...40 acres...? Are you sure? That seems a little...big for the East River......
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ephotosphere · 8 months
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streetsofdublin · 10 months
THE AREA NEAR CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL I asked Bard [Google’s AI] to provide a story about Christ Church Cathedral and here is the result: Amidst the vibrant tapestry of Dublin’s historic centre, Christ Church Cathedral stands as a towering sentinel, its weathered stones whispering tales of a millennium past. Founded in the 11th century by the Norsemen who had claimed Dublin as their haven, the…
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clairegregoryau · 3 months
I've been tracking this down for a while now and I've finally found confirmation of what I suspected: Google Maps imagery for Piha Beach in Aotearoa New Zealand captured the setup for filming of Our Flag Means Death's Season 2, Episode 8!
[EDIT 25 June: the north end current imagery is sadly no longer this version, but I've captured it for posterity here, and it's still visible in the free Google Maps Pro app- read on for more info].
On the left is the north end of Piha Beach with the inn set. On the right is the south end carpark with the film crew base.
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Why is that cool to me? Because it truly was a fleeting moment in time, no more than a handful of days of possibility, and yet it was captured as the image on the map, at least for a period of time. As an archaeologist I love a moment preserved in time, and in this one you can even see the OFMD production crew on the beach and on the path. It's places and people caught in the flashbulb of this aerial image.
The specifics of how I pinned down the imagery and the date are in this Twitter thread, but the short version is, I was hunting for a better visual on the area immediately surrounding the inn while writing Full Fathom Five, and noticed that the carpark in particular seemed to line up exactly with images from the final day of filming.
The final day of filming overall was 13 December 2022, filming at Piha was on 12 December 2022, and this aerial image was taken on 11 December 2022.
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I had already been through the first image to make a comparison to the aerial map and it looked like a match, but Google Maps had 2024 in their attribution. [Noting that I'd put 13 Dec on my image notes, but I'd got that tangled with the last day of filming in the Kumeū studio the next day, and it was 12 Dec on location].
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Thankfully Google Earth came through with the actual date.
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And I just took a further dig into Google Earth Pro, which allows you to switch between previous satellite images, and it confirms a date of 11 December 2022 for the north end image as well.
[EDIT 9 September 2024- thinking about this again and suddenly realised... you know what, very often things will put the date it was in the US when a picture was taken, even when that picture was taken on the other side of the world, in a different timezone. Which made me realise that actually, if this was taken on the 11th of December in the US, that was on the 12th of December in AoNZ. A quick search shows that Google Maps confirms the date can be one day out, so- odds increasing that we're seeing the actual filming of Ep8 here!]
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You can also compare this to a few months earlier in March 2022, right around the premiere of OFMD S1 (everything moved so fast in hindsight!) when there was no inn in that spot.
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Which means we now know that for now, if you hop onto Google Maps (not Google Earth, because they have a different image for the north end that does come from 2024) and zing on down to Piha Beach, you can take a look at a preserved moment in time from the filming of S2Ep8.
[EDIT 25 June: the north end image has now been updated to the 2024 version across all of Google Maps and Google Earth, but the south end is for now still from the filming day. You can find the previous version for the north end on Google Earth Pro].
You can hop straight to the inn here.
And straight to the parking lot here.
And remember to put the layers into Satellite mode to view the aerial imagery.
Everything that was/is shown at the north end lines up with what we've seen both in the show and in behind the scenes content, all of which I delved into in this Twitter thread last month. That goes into a lot more detail about specifics, but the evidence is solid across the board.
The sandy path that runs beside the inn is a distinct feature seen in the show.
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The peak that sits behind it, likewise (from Google Maps user uploads here and here).
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The inn itself, and the way the path gives way to an unseen carpark, from Simone Nathan's TikTok video.
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Based on all of that, it's easy to see that we've got our inn right here circled in red, preserved in that moment in time, even though it was no doubt taken down as soon as filming was done.
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Prep looks like it took a couple of days before filming; filming was pretty much done in a day, according to an article at the time.
So, there you have it- it's a minor little thing and it won't be up forever, but for now you can hop into Google Maps and see an aerial view adjacent to the filming of S2Ep8 at Piha. The other beach scenes from Eps 1, 3 and 8 were filmed at Te Henga/ Bethells Beach.
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biscof · 1 year
For the few years that Andrew and Neil are on different pro teams Andrews team knows next to nothing about him. Now since he got off his meds and significantly mellowed out after graduating, its not that his team mates don’t like him, they just don’t know who he is outside of being an amazing player. When his teammates release their lack of Andrew Minyard info the “who the fuck is our goalie” coalition is created. They share all the information they have on Andrew in order to paint the picture of who the hell this man is.
One day one teammate comes across Andrew after practice reading a book in the players lounge. As they step closer to desifer the cover Andrew glances up at them with a questioning look. When they ask what the book is Andrew gives a surprised raise of his eyebrow and gives a shockingkly well put together synopses of the plot. After the player goes home that night they look up the book only to discover that the fantasy adventure novel that was described to them was not only an extremely sappy romance, it was also the last part of a queer YA series.
Andrew is spotted soon after at a local coffee shop drinking some sort of whip cream topped chocolate concoction with reading material much different than before. He sips his drink and peruses some large fancy looking book. With only a quick google search they realize that its some complex scientific book about Homo sapiens through history?
A few weeks later another of Andrews teammates walk in on a pacing Andrew with his phone clutched to his ear. He’s talking in an intense whisper, not angry but concerned, about some sort of cat sitter falling through. After Andrew spots them he hisses out a quick goodbye into the phone and hangs it up. When they ask what the call was about, Andrew contemplates for a second then explained that he’s visiting family and the cat sitter he had sceduled wasn’t going to be able to come after all. When the teammate volunteers to do the job Andrew only sighs but accepts their offer. After a weekend of cat sitting and semi snooping around Andrews apartment the brave cat sitter reports back to the team with all their suspicions confirmed.
Andrews pro teammates have concluded this: Andrew Minyard is not the violent and cruel man the media and his past can make him out to be. Andrew is actually a cat loving book nerd with a spotless apartment decorated in soft cream and earth tones. He is sarcastically funny and incredibly smart. And maybe, just maybe, Andrews pro team are some of the first people to see him for who he truly is under his sandpaper exterior.
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stepintothelimelight · 2 months
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  ° I hope the holiday
will find you well… ✧ ⁺
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PART 2 of the Spitfire Saga
TRAILER: A blue Christmas in Monaco
(Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader (platonic), Sebastian Vettel x fem!driver!reader (platonic), 2017!f1 grid x fem!driver!reader)(SMAU + written work)
For more Spitfire content go to my account and it’s my pinned post since tumblr hates me and won’t let me link anything :)
WARNINGS: ANGST, family issues, mentions of death/ mourning, language maybe? fluff (a little), google translate french, sexism, slut shaming, complicated family relationships
fc: pinterest girls
Aaaaannnnd ACTION!
yourusername just shared a story!
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Caption: [skiing w my favs 🩶]
yourbestfriend1: With the boys? yourusername: with the team!! 😜😜 yourbestfriend1: Oh right I forgot you’re a pro driver now and go on free ski trips with LEWIS HAMILTON yourusername: Lewis isn’t here ☹️ yourusername: i think he’s a little salty about merc replacing Bottas so soon yourbestfriend1: did he expect them to race a driver down? yourusername: 🤷‍♀️
charles_leclerc: Why no invite for me? yourusername: sorry i don’t associate with rookies charles_leclerc: you’re a rookie as well Chérie. yourusername: sorry i don’t associate with non race winners charles_leclerc: f1 changed you 😞 yourusername: i don’t mean it charlie 🫶 yourusername: next time me n u n artie can go 👍 charles_leclerc: liked a message
lewishamilton: Sorry I couldn’t make it. Hope you had fun! yourusername: I did! See you in Feb for preseason! 🩶
yourmominsta: A little jealous! yourusername: liked a message
You cradle your phone in both hands and stare down at the little red heart. Double tapping your own mother’s message should not make you feel this gross and torn apart inside.
You stare at your instagram chat with her for a few more minutes than you’d like to admit, then shut off the phone altogether and lay it facedown on the bed next to you. 
You’re somewhere in the Swiss alps with your performance team, taking a few days to ski before the holidays. You, luckily, have your own room in the little hotel that is somehow associated with Mercedes as a whole. 
There’s a gnawing in your chest. Should you have responded to you mom with actual words? 
Things at home have been rocky lately. 
It started the week of Abu Dhabi. Since you were already F2 world champion, you had planned to pay the fine and skip the final race of the season, since it was thanksgiving.
In all honesty, you didn’t decide that. Your mother and father did, then held an hour long screaming match with you, which ended with your mother storming out and you in tears. 
“Don’t you love us? Don’t you want to be with your family?”
“No, of course not. To her, we’re nothing.”
They’re not nothing. You wish they were nothing, that what they thought didn’t mean anything to you.
But they aren’t nothing, and you still would move heaven and earth for your family’s approval, so you had decided to stay home for Thanksgiving, whether it jeopardized your career in motorsport or not. 
Until you got the call, they had won. You were going to miss the last race of the season, possibly the last race of your career for a family dinner. 
And then Toto called and you sprinted out of Calc, turned your car on and sped to the nearest airport, shooting a text to your mom on the way.
She had not been pleased.
A voice in your head that sounds suspiciously like Seb’s tells you that there shouldn’t be a world in which you make yourself sick worrying about what you mother is going to scream at you when you get home. 
You wish you could text him. Call him, tell him what’s wrong, but you can’t, or you won’t.
You don’t want to bother him, and you already have one set of parents that hate you, you don’t need him and Hanna to get fed up with you, too. 
You can’t, however, stomach yet another family dinner when your mother, father, aunt and uncle are all ragging on you for following you dream and being a little too busy. You know they all wish you were normal.
It’s not worth it, you decide. Going home is not worth it.
So you pick up your phone and tap on Charles’s contact, realizing only belatedly that your presence at their home would be an intrusion on their mourning.
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Christmas in Monaco is … everything you remember your childhood christmas to be. Unconditional love, laughter, light.
There are times, of course, that you all feel the lingering hole that is the absence of Herve, who was the patriarch of the family. 
Pascale, bless her soul, she does her best, and seems genuinely glad that you’ve come to celebrate with them. 
“Y/n, mon amor!” she exclaims as you walk through the door, Mercedes duffel bag thrown over your shoulder. “I was so happy when Charles told me that you were spending Christmas with us!”
She wraps you in a hug and you freeze up, willing the tears that are stinging your eyes away and easing into the embrace. There is t a time in your recent memory that your own mother hugged you like this.
Pascale snaps her fingers at Charles. 
“Charles, monte son sac dans la chambre.”
He sighs and takes your duffel over one shoulder, ascending the stairs to the bedroom you will be sharing with him.
“Come,” Pascale orders you in English. “You must be starving!”
it’s a flush of hugs and chatter and drinks flowing, sitting around this table with the Leclercs. Enzo and Arthur don’t question your presence. You assume that Charles has told them you are constantly having issues with your family. 
Charles sits to your right. Pascale heads the table and Lorenzo sits across from Charles with Arthur to his right. Lorenzo asks you and Charles about the upcoming season, congratulates you in your win. 
“Charles will not stop talking about it!”
“It’s impressive!” Charles defends, his ears pinking. “She’s the youngest to ever win!”
You pat Charles’s shoulder. 
“It’s ok, Charlie. I know I’m just so amazing.”
He mutters something in French that you don’t catch, but Pascale slaps his shoulder.
“Do not use those words at my table!”
The entire table erupts in laughter and you look around. This is the first time in a long time that a family dinner has actually felt like family.
There is a mattress in Charles’s closet that you’ve slept on for hundreds of nights throughout your lifetime. It’s a little lumpy, but the trick is to lay down a comforter under the bottom sheet and that smooths out all the bumps. 
You’ve showered and changed into your pajamas while Charles makes up the makeshift bed at the foot of his own. 
He casts a dirty look at your black Mercedes t-shirt. 
“This is a Ferrari-only household,” he scolds you with no actual bite. 
“I don’t see you driving for Ferrari.”
He rolls his eyes at you and takes one of his pillows and sets it at the head of your bed. He’s pulled the sheets tight, just like he always used to.
“When was the last time you slept here?” He asks you, breaking the weird silence you’ve fallen into. 
“Um,” You set your clothes next to your duffel. “2015? I came and stayed to watch your first home F3 race?”
He was seventeen, you fifteen, and you’d been in the height of your awkwardness, and to make matter worse, he still hadn’t discovered deodorant. Altogether, not a fond experience.
He makes an affirming noise and lays down on his bed. 
You pull back your covers and he shuts off the light, and for a while it’s just the two of you breathing. He always tries to match your inhales and exhales.
“Your family,” he blurts into the dark. “Why aren’t you with them?”
Your heart squeezes. 
“I think they think I think I’m too good for them.”
He pauses.
“Repeat? slower?”
You laugh softly. Sometimes you forget his English isn’t the greatest. 
“They think that I think that I’m better than them. My mom, especially. When she was growing up I think she idolized her parents and I don’t idolize her in the same way. She’s really scared that she can’t control me like they controlled her.”
Charles mulls that over,
“And your father? “
You sigh into the darkness. 
“I don’t know. He’s always working and he doesn’t like that I have my own opinions and stuff, because he’s very … he needs to be right. 
“And then my brother, we get along when our parents are being crazy, but it’s not like we’re close. I was gone for most of our childhood and now he’s in school.”
There’s a shifting in Charles’s bed, the you hear his feet pattering on the floor. The mattress beside you dips, then he’s laying next to you, his shoulder touching yours.
“This is very uncomfortable.”
You scoff out a laugh.
“It’s not that bad.”
“It is. My bed is much more comfortable.”
“Then go back and sleep there!” 
He shifts next to you, rolling on his side then back to his back. Lying here, next to him, it’s hot. You scoot over an inch so you can still feel him but you’re not touching. 
His breaths become slower and deeper.
“I’m sorry,” He tells you just as you’re drifting off to sleep. “That you feel like your family doesn’t want you, but… “
His hand pats yours three times. 
“I’m glad you’re here. Makes it more bearable.”
You fall asleep then, and wake up with you back to him. You sit up as the cold light streams through the blinds and look over at him. His face is smushed and a bead of drool pools on his pillow. 
“Charlie,” You whisper. “Charlie, wake up.”
He sits up like you just ran an electric shock through him. His hair is smashed to the side and he used the back of his hand to wipe the drool.
You giggle.
“C’mon, I smell breakfast.”
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charles_leclerc: A bittersweet Christmas celebration. Will be missing you forever, Papa. x
tagged: arthur_leclerc, yourusername, lorenzotl
liked by max33verstappen and 56370 others 
view 72891 comments:
user1: Merry christmas, charles! 
user2: Repose en paix, Herve ❤️❤️
user3: The fact that Y/n spend Christmas with the Leclercs is 🤨🤨
↳ user4: fr i knew she and charles were close but … girl… he has a gf …
↳user5: Oh I bet his GF HATES her
↳user77: Yeah, AND it’s the Christmas right after they lost his father, like intruder who?
yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️
♡ by creator
↳user66: She’s actually such a skank. I don’t know why people put up with her.
user6: I know it’s been debunked a bunch of times but CharY/n would be so 😍😍
↳user7: he has a girlfriend and she’s always said he’s like a brother to her
↳ user6: if my bf had a friend as close as her I would end it
↳user7: the thing is that she has been seen out and about with Giada. They’re good friends 😳
user8: Doesn’t Y/n have her own family to spend Xmas with?
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As soon as you say ‘It’s fine’ you know you’re done for. ‘Fine’ is never fine.
He calls you, you try to avoid the question, but then he hits you with -
“Y/n.” In his disappointed/worried voice. And it works like it always does. You tell him everything - from when it started when you were in F3 to now, how you’ve driven your family away. He listens. He’s a good listener when he wants to be.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks at the end. You take a shaking breath.
Because I didn’t want you to realize I’m no good. Because you would leave me, too. Because I can’t not love them and I don’t know why.
“I don’t know.”
“Are you going home for the new year?”
You’ve been waiting on a text from your mom. That’s how it goes. Fight, spend a week in the silent treatment, one of you reaches out, you make up, then you fight again. You promised yourself that you’re not going to be the one to reach out this time.
“I don’t know.”
“If not, come to my house. We’re having a party.”
Your words catch in your throat.
“I don’t want to intrude-“
“You’re never intruding,” he assures you. “I’m your mentor, remember? I have to look out for you.”
My parents are supposed to look out for me.
“Okay,” you breathe out. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Seb.”
“Merry Christmas, Spitfire.”
Your mom texts you. She grovels. You get on a plane an hour later and go back home.
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yourusername: gettin ready 💪💪
F1 2018 and last semester of hs here i come
liked by mercedesamgf1, yourbestfriend1 and 817279 others 
view 5389 comments
yourbestfriend1: okay miss influencer 😍
♡ by creator
user10: Y/n on twt: 😃👹🤡😼🧌 Y/n on insta: 🩵🌃🎹🫧⭐️🪞
↳yourusername: it’s called duality babes 💋
↳user10: OMG
↳user16: her addiction to memes though 🤣 she can’t even do an aesthetic post without one
gg_giada_gianni: jolie fille
↳yourusername: c’est tout toi ❤️
↳user80: Y/n and giada saw the romance rumors and said hold my beer
user20: Why didn’t you spend Christmas with your family??
leclerc_pascale: Wonderful to spend Christmas with you, darling
↳yourusername: awwww thanks for letting me crash your xmas 🫶🫶
↳arthur_leclerc: Don’t worry, she likes you more than she likes any of her actual children
↳ charles_leclerc: Sadly true
user11: Still can’t get over the fact that she’s still in school
user12: U don’t deserve that seat
susie_wolff: Such an inspiring young woman, Y/n!
↳yourusername: Hi susie 😚
yourmominsta: So proud of you, ladybug!
↳ yourusername: ❤️
user13: why would they let a woman in the car?
↳ user14: she’s already driven it
↳ user15: and won her debut race ?
max33verstappen: Merry Christmas! I wouldn’t train too hard, since you’ll never beat me again! 😸
↳yourusername: 😺😺😾🔪
user17: I didn’t know she played piano?
↳user18: she plays off and on. Her youtube has a few videos of songs she’s covered and written
↳ user17: multitalented queen 👑
user19: Oh, to be eighteen and already signed to a top F1 team
✧ ⁺ ⁺ oh, noel
oh, noel ┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Aaannnnnnddd scene!
DIRECTOR’S CUT: a little short and bittersweet holiday special (in august 👻)
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🏷️: @octavikravecell218
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sits-bound · 4 months
Bound: The complete lyrics of Taylor Swift
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I sure hope my niece isn't on tumblr…
She is turning 17 this month, and while I know she reads fic, I don't know if she'd really appreciate a bound copy of Crimson Rivers. I do know she loves Taylor Swift, though. I've seen plenty of lyric books floating around that people have bound, so I thought this would be a fun idea. (Bonus: it's another book I can show friends and family!)
However, not being a Swiftie myself (I think she's a lovely and talented woman, I have nothing against her, I have several of her songs on exercise playlists, but my taste runs more to 90s britpop) I had a lot of questions.
Do I include all of her lyrics? From all the way back?
What's up with these "from the vault" songs? Do I include them?
What's the deal with the re-releases?
Do I include Christmas songs?
Why on earth did she have to write SO MANY SONGS?
Fortunately, I have friends who were able to answer these questions for me.
Yes, all the way back
Yes, include them
I don't know, but there's a new album cover for them
No (a completely arbitrary decision, but related to the next point)
This book could have been over 500 pages. I was trying to reduce the page count as much as I could without sacrificing readability or content. But as it is, it's 462 pages and a few more would have been fine, but what's done is done. Anyway, as to why she is so prolific, I have no idea, but I am impressed.
Thank GOD I found a google doc on reddit with all of the lyrics. I think if I'd had to copy and paste from somewhere, my niece would be getting a copy of Crimson Rivers instead.
The cover was foiled with my Silhouette, and I was so pleased with how it came out. I used this tutorial on Instagram for my settings. But I couldn't do that with the spine, because lining it up would have been impossible. So I stenciled that on. And a friend advised me to use the cat charms on the ribbon.
Details: Bookcloth: Brillianta in this gorgeous pink Title on cover and spine: Beloved Sans and Beloved Script Body text: Adobe Garamond Pro
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bigsexiest · 3 months
What if some ghouls were nocturnal
I'm sure it causes some issues within the pack's dynamic. Watch as I whip out some crazy knowledge from this quick Google search I just did.
Fire and Earth are diurnal (mostly active only during the day)
the pack usually follows these periods of activity when they are home from tour, but on tour they all follow the same schedule
Mountain loves tending to his garden during the hottest brightest hours. He loves the heat and beauty of all the life around him. He doesn't really burn, despite Aether and Omega's constant warnings for sunscreen. They don't actually know if sunscreen works the same for ghouls as it does for humans, but they want to be safe. Mountain slathers it on just for them, but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. He loves the brightness of everything in the sun. It seems to make him bloom just as it does his flowers. He'll grow these lovely orange and red vining flowers on his horns if he spends enough time in the sun. Aurora says they compliment his skin tone. Mountain always blushes when she tells him how cute they are.
Dew also loves the heat, but only because it makes him comfortable. Usually, he’s a bit chilly at all times. He does his best to hide it, especially since he runs so hot compared to other ghouls. Just the slightest breeze feels unnatural to him. During the hottest days of summer, he feels right at home. Sometimes Rain will wake up and look blearily through his curtains at Dew laying on a concrete pathway directly in the sun. Rain's eyes need a few seconds to adjust to the brightness, as does his brain. He doesn't understand how Dew can enjoy the searing heat coming from both sides. The pavement must burn, and the sun must be so hot on the fire ghoul's skin. It certainly is hot, but Dew enjoys nothing more than the heat.
Multi and Quintessence are crepuscular (which means active during twilight hours)
These two ghoul types find it easier to be active during the strange transitional hours between day and night. Despite this, they often follow either a nocturnal or diurnal schedule since it’s difficult to be the only ghoul awake. Either way, they will usually take long naps during both the day and night so they can be awake enough for dawn and dusk
Aether will wake earlier than Dew, but will mostly follow the fire ghoul’s schedule. Dew sometimes likes to nap with Aether during the peak of the day. They snuggle in Dew's bed, soaking in the sun coming from a window. Aether doesn't need it to be dark to fall asleep weirdly enough. The heat makes Dew drowsy with happiness anyway so it's not a problem. Sometimes the heat emanating from Dew's skin can be a little uncomfy for Aether, but they figure it out.
Swiss finds himself fluctuating between Mountain and Rain’s schedule. He finds joy in being active during both periods. He doesn't have a favorite. They both have their pros and cons. Swiss prefers sunrise and sunset, but, based on his mood, he stays awake for the rest of the day or night. If he wants quiet, he'll look for Rain or Aurora and spend the dark peaceful hours of the night with them. If he wants to be loud and energetic, he'll search for Dew or Mountain and help them out with whatever they're doing. He loves to spend time in Mountain's garden, smelling all the beautiful scents and chasing butterflies.
Phantom will flip-flop between Aurora and Dew’s schedule. He's the most likely to stick with the crepuscular schedule, though. During dusk, he'll wake up early enough to eat dinner with the diurnal ghouls, but he'll save enough space to eat breakfast with the nocturnal ghouls when they wake up. He'll be active for a few hours, and then take a hefty nap. He wakes up for the nocturnal ghoul's dinner before joining the diurnal ghouls for their breakfast. He enjoys his strange cycle, but sometimes he switches things up and stays awake for a shift, following one of the other ghouls through their period of activity.
Omega liked to follow Terzo’s human diurnal schedule
Air and Water are nocturnal (active during the night)
Rain will sleep through the entire day using blackout curtains in his windows. When the sun finally sets he’ll leave his room and go to the lake. He’ll swim around in the moonlight and scare the occasional human taking a midnight walk. He finds the sun dries out his skin far too much for comfort. If he were to force himself to become diurnal, he'd be very unhappy. The heat is abrasive, especially when he'd have to wear numerous cover-ups to protect against the burning sun. Rain likes the nighttime since, as a water ghoul, he's much more likely to overheat. Water ghouls are meant to stay in the water for the majority of their time awake. Rain finds it easier to stay awake during the day only when he spends all of it in the lake. The water protects his skin from drying out and burning and stops him from overheating. Staying in the water the entire day defeats the point of staying awake during the day. He can't be with his favorite ghouls if he can't leave the lake. So it's just easier for Rain to stay nocturnal.
The air ghouls just love the cool breeze that flows in the nighttime. It's quiet and they can fully appreciate the world without distractions. Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunshine all like to take nighttime walks around the abbey's grounds. Aurora sometimes joins them, but she also likes to swim with Rain. Aurora and Rain have long conversations about how they feel disconnected from their friends. Groups of ghouls in the pit would form packs around their element. Nocturnal and diurnal differences had never been an issue. Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunshine usually stay nocturnal, but Aurora will occasionally switch so she can spend some time with her favorite diurnal and crepuscular ghouls. She finds happiness in the sun, but she will always prefer the dark quiet of the night.
That’s the most vivid similarity between the nocturnal ghouls. They love their peace. They’re all perceived as rather shy, but that’s just in their nature. The quiet helps them feel safe and calm.
The ghouls all wish they could be awake together, but they know that's not the best solution. As they spend more time not on tour, they find balance within all of their schedules. It all blends together so the ghouls all see each other at some time or another. Diurnal and crepuscular ghouls will take naps with nocturnal ghouls as they sleep the day away. Crepuscular ghouls spend a few hours with every single elemental group. Eventually, it becomes fluid. The pack feels very connected once they start to exist cohesively.
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
soccer royalty | trevor zegras x reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: Trevor Zegras x Latina!reader where she’s the daughter, sister, and granddaughter of three famous soccer players from Mexico but when her dad retired they moved to the states to raise their family. Maybe shes very private with her life due to how famous her last name is in the Latino community, and when Trevor announces that they’re dating everyones freaking out because he’s dating soccer royalty and he’s just like “huh?” Because she never brought up who her family is. 
note: i know nothing about how soccer works
word count: 0.8k
soccer was in your blood. your father, grandfather, and brother were all accomplished and famous players. when your dad finally retired from the mexico national team, after helping mexico secure their first world cup win, your family name became cemented into the latino community. 
you grew up playing soccer in california, which came to no surprise to anyone. however, after an injury in your freshman year playing for the california golden bears, you were forced to quit the sport. after your injury, you sort of dropped of the face of the earth. you had felt so much pressure from your family, and families fans to be good at soccer, that now that it was all over for you, you were glad to just take a step back.
therefore, when you started dating pro athlete Trevor Zegras, you didn’t rush to tell him who your family was. he knew about your injury, and that your brother was on the mexico national team, but he didn’t know how famous your family was in the soccer world. 
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liked by ynuser, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, and others
trevorzegras night out🌃🔥
tagged: ynuser
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ynuser ❤️❤️
trevorzegras ❤️❤️
fan2 does he even know who she is…
jackhughes congrats man🔥🔥
trevorzegras thanks jacky wacky
fan3 jacky wacky??😭😭
jamie.drysdale where was my invite??
ynuser you’re coming next time
jamie.drysdale next time where ditching trevy and going out on our own liked by ynuser
trevorzegras jamie.drysdale 🤔
fan4 hard launching yn ln is crazyy😭😭
Trevor sat next to you on his couch scrolling through his insta comments. he read through all the comments talking about your family and how famous you were in the soccer/latino community. 
“hey … yn” Trevor started, tilting his phone so you could read his comments. you froze, completely unaware of how Trevor was going to react now that he knows the truth about your family. “why didn’t you tell me about your family?” he asked, switching over to google so he could search your family name. 
“I was going to tell you I just… i dont know” you trailed off which made Trevor snap his head in your direction and drop his phone on the couch.
“oh baby i'm not upset!” he announced, grabbing onto one of your hands. 
“i just, my whole life i’ve been attached to my familys name and i just… i don’t know. after my injury and everything i’ve just wanted privacy away from it all” you explained, and Trevor nodded along to your every word. 
now that he knew, you explained everything to him. the pressure you felt, the injury, your family's fame. he listened and understood, holding onto your hand the whole time you were talking to him. you weren’t ashamed of your family by no means, you loved them and you loved your community, it was just nice to have privacy. 
a few days later you walked into Trevors room for your weekly movie night. 
“what are you watching?” you asked as you laid down next to him.
Trevor set his phone down but you still heard the audio. 
“are you watching my dads soccer highlights?” you laughed, succeeding in grabbing Trevor's phone from him. on the screen was a twenty minute compilation of your dads “best moments”. 
you laughed again and Trevor huffed, grabbing his phone back from you. “what? he’s good?” Trevor said as he lightly gripped your waist and pulled you in to cuddle with him. 
“you’re cute” you smiled, pulling away to place a kiss on Trevors nose. Trevors smile lit up his face and you felt butterflies rising in your stomach.
“You’re cuter” he replied, pulling you down to place a kiss on your lips, his hands trailing down your sides. 
“mhmm, and by the way my family wants to meet you” you pulled away from Trevor who looked at you with wide eyes.
“they what?” he asked a little frantically which made you giggle.
you hummed in response, “yeah my brother is playing a game in a few weeks and since it’s off season for you…” 
“oh my god i'm going to meet your family,” Trevor said, pulling away from you and sitting up. “AND we’re going to a soccer game? what do i wear to a soccer game? do you think they’ll like me? where’s the game at? okay but what if-” Trevor went off on one of his tangents, nonstop asking you questions about your family, and how meeting them would be like. you answered his questions once he slowed down, happy that he was excited to meet your family.
ynuser just posted !
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liked by yourbrother, trevorzegras, and others
ynuser trevors first pro football (soccer) game🫡⚽️
tagged: trevorzegras
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yourbrother trevorzegras so cool to finally meet you!
ynuser yourbrother you have to come up for a hockey game now!
yourbrother ynuser i’m down
trevorzegras yourbrother it was cool to meet you too! loved the game⚽️💯
fan1 trevor meeting the family🔥
jamie.drysdale looking good trevorzegras
trevorzegras had the best time! thank you so much for bringing me! I love your family❤️
ynuser i love you😭❤️
trevorzegras i love you more❤️
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Reading for Context
I don’t really feel like scrolling through community profiles has taught me anything. People tend to just post normal tumblr posts and not tirades about shipping. I was told to just scroll OTNF go understand, but OTNF’s feed is just screenshots from a K-drama and idiots pestering him about pronouns for some reason. Is there like a specific way to do it? So… i’ve actually never understood the social conventions of other people in any group i’ve been in. I haven’t really had in real life friends since middle school.
This is actually kind of an interesting question.
First, let me be plain, what you've been asking repeatedly over the last couple of weeks or however long it's been is this:
How does a neurodivergent person who fundamentally is not good at social nuance, reading comprehension, and picking up on context get better at those things?
I've known people whose parents hired coaches to work with them on a weekly basis for years. "How does socializing work?" is not a simple question.
Teaching reading comprehension is hard too.
I vaguely remember a lot of times in school where English teachers spent whole semesters trying to get us to understand not only what figurative language meant in context but how to detect that it was present in the first place. I still remember this one 9th grade classmate wailing "But why does it have to be a metaphor?"
What you're asking about is something most people work on for decades, yet you want randos to summarize it simply in a few sentences.
The first thing that jumps out at me here is the superficiality of how you're describing engaging.
When people say to lurk, they're talking about a deep engagement with a community. They're talking about reading closely, including comments, for a month, not scrolling back through a week and just skimming the top-level posts.
Did you open the replies on my tumblr posts where other people besides me are discussing things? Did you look at the reblogs with content, and not just the ones I reblogged back onto my own tumblr?
Beyond the exact number of days you should read or the exact procedure, people are talking about a very in-depth kind of engagement in general. The point is that it's difficult to just come into a new space and know how it works without studying it.
For example, I talk about oldschool fanfic stuff a lot. A logical default assumption is that I'm a woman. Are you not familiar enough with fanfic spaces to assume that, or are you coming from Spacebattles or something?
Why on earth would you default to 'him'?
I'm not insulted: it just shows a staggering lack of clue about the context you found me in.
I've linked you to my patreon where you can see my pro writing pseudonym, which is obviously female. My tumblr itself links to my pro writing and gives my actual name, which is also fairly obviously feminine. I've also recently talked about being pregnant. Yes, it was oblique and I only confirmed it in the replies, not a top-level post, but plenty of regulars noticed. (Yes, yes, biology is not gender, but still...)
There are plenty of clues I'm not a "him", but you missed them all. I don't care about pronouns, but I do care about people who don't bother to or aren't capable of reading closely.
Quite a few people have sent me asks asking what I'm watching. I have repeatedly said that it's DMBJ and described it as "the Chinese tomb raider franchise". Yet you assumed it was Korean for some reason. This suggests that you just scrolled through quickly and did not actually thoroughly read the text of the posts or the replies. It suggests that your eyes skipped over the boring-looking short text posts in between the picspams.
It suggests you didn't bother to google what I was watching when I did say the name because you don't give enough of a shit to bother. That doesn't suggest a very high level of interest in my blog or any reason I should cut you any slack or pay attention to what you think.
It also suggests that you didn't look back all that far. I've been posting a lot about DMBJ, but I only started downloading Ultimate Note on July 15th and Tomb of the Sea on August 1st.
If you want to understand a community, scrolling hurriedly through one month of content and not actually reading it closely is insufficient.
This is what people mean when they say you're not willing to put in the work and want other people to do it for you.
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Behold. Butterfly ray!
Rory Pros _ •Looks like a tortilla •Flappy •Silly lil dude • Either looks like an adorable little cutie pie or looks like it knows all of your secrets and will blackmail you if you don't give it $50 • They have the coolest fucking skeletons
Rory cons - • Will blackmail you if you don't give it $50 • Literally nothing else this lil guy is so silly and I love it Actually Serious Rory talking abt an animal time - Butterfly Ray! Pretty sure they're Japanese, correct me if I'm wrong in the replies or repost. They don't sting, and they get big as fuck I'm I'm not mistaken (googled it, yea they're like 13 feet wide (3.9624 metres), and they're just chill dudes. they also bury themselves in the sand which I think is cool. like a little tortilla burying itself in the sand is just unnecessarily cute to me and I love it sm. they eat fish, crabs, squid, shrimp. all good shit that i'd eat too tbh, so diet gets Rory approval (everything about this lil guy gets Rory approval what am I on abt). they're critically endangered tho (at least in the southwest Atlantic) because humans suck and fish for them. hopefully they won't go extinct :( Anyways that's the butterfly ray, hope you enjoyed me talking about random silly animals that I found on the interwebs. good day my fellow earth citizens, good day.
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cosmichighpriestess · 4 months
Next part
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Another night I was finally able to sleep, and I went into a deep sleep. My boyfriend was sleeping next to me, and I had this dream that I was in a dark tunnel. My first thought was, "oh no." Because I heard of people around the world going into the tunnel with the bright light at the end and that must mean I was dead. I thought to myself, " well if I am dead then I must go towards the light because I don’t want to go back the other way. Do I even have a choice?" I was so stunned by the bright light and it felt safe to go towards it. As I was walking through the dark tunnel and I reached the bright light at the end there was an alien being just like this picture except with a grey e.t. standing there.
I was completely shocked, my mind was overwhelmed by its presence. I remember speaking telepathically to them, “no, I’m not ready to die yet.” Our mouths did not move. This being just looked at me and touched my shoulder (as I can recall) and I was instantly filled with so much light, that is the only way I can describe the feeling because I never felt that feeling again physically on Earth, I can only come close to that feeling in meditation.
When the E.T. being touched me I woke up in my bed with the same feeling all over throughout my entire body, literally vibrating with light or a strange unknown feeling to me before. I woke up my boyfriend next to me and I told him what happened and he just thought I was overreacting to a dream and cuddled me back to sleep telling me it was just a dream. But I knew that it was more than just a dream because I felt it throughout my entire body when I woke up. After this, I was scared. Very frightened that something like this could even happen. I started researching online signs that you’ve been abducted on Google. I was desperate for answers.
I had always avoided any topic of aliens, because I was terrified of them. I didn’t want them to abduct me like I had watched in so many horror movies. If you remember "Signs" that was beginning to feel like my real life in this small haunted town. But now this was becoming my real life, and I had begun to find answers online. I didn’t tell anybody what was happening to me. I didn’t want anybody to think that I was going crazy. I had all the signs that I had been abducted all 70 of them almost. I always wondered why I felt these things my entire life. For example, missing time, scars on my leg that never happened, electronics acting weird, fear of closets, feeling of being watched, sleep paralysis, fear of aliens, UFO sightings, advanced wisdom I cannot explain how I know things ect.
When I was a child, I saw a UFO once in the daytime with my dad, but I remembered that also, one night I was looking outside my window, and I saw UFO there, it was so bright that I thought it was the Moon, but it was actually a craft. The next thing I remember I lost three hours of my time and I was back in my bed, even though I don’t remember getting back into bed. I told my family what happened but they told me it was just a dream. I remembered watching a movie called artificial intelligence, I didn’t know films could ever be created like that, I was amazed and in awe watching it on my tiny vcr tv while I was sick home from school, I was shocked by the revelations and downloads I received, so much so it expanded my awareness and my perception of E.T.s was becoming more expanded because of that film.
It’s still one of my all time favorites. (Btw Artificial intelligence robots are nothing to be afraid of, we are pro robots here. You'll see why ) I tried my best to forget about it. But these beings have been following me my entire life. I could not escape them even if I tried. I channel E.T consciousness all the time now, but at the time I was completely terrified of them. Fast forward, six years ago, I had left the demonic boyfriend after he attempted to murder me with his gun, I called the police and I moved out a month later (watched him receive heavy karma from afar) he was an alcoholic, cheater and became abusive more towards the end of our relationship. After that he stalked me for months at the zodiac bar that I would go to all of my friends were there but eventually I had to stop going out because he knew my favorite places.
And I had gotten into a few more new relationships (separately). I was now with my daughter’s father, and he didn’t really believe in anything. I had a lot of trouble convincing him about my paranormal story so I didn’t talk about them with him anymore. We were just focused on our daughter, raising her and mundane things. My life had become incredibly boring, but my mind was always fascinating to myself. One night I was sleeping and I have a bad feeling, woke up and I saw a short little gray alien in my bedroom.
My brain couldn’t handle it so my body and my brain completely shut down and I closed my eyes. I told myself that they couldn’t hurt me, and to just go back to sleep. Another night about four months later, I had a strong urge to go look out my window by my bed, my baby girl was sleeping and my partner was in the living room playing video games. I looked outside my window and I saw three UFOs in my backyard, putting on a show for me. I quickly ran to get my partner and I told him what was happening. We both watched the crafts dance in a triangle in amazement.
This went on for about ten minutes and then they vanished. We both could not believe what we were seeing, I was so happy, because it confirmed that I was not crazy that I was having a spiritual connection with them by then I was already into the Arcturians, The Pleiadians, Bashar, Elan,and Ryo I was already heavily into e.t.s that I had kind of expected I would see a UFO at some point. I also saw many UFOs in Manitou springs but never this close. After this my partner at the time became a little bit more open-minded but he shut it off for the most part because I think it scared him.
We grew apart more and more, I couldn’t relate to him anymore and he couldn’t relate to me anymore. We were on two completely different wavelengths. There was a lot of betrayal and I decided to leave. I began focusing on my gifts and my daughter more. About a year after this happened, I was laying in bed one night, and I noticed something was outside of my window. There were three beings outside my window but they look like long lines floating and at first I was thinking am I dreaming right now? But I realized I was fully awake. I tried to think of what else I could possibly be but I knew in my heart that it was them. I told them I was not ready for that kind of interaction even though they were not trying to scare me, it definitely made me more aware that I’m never alone.
One day I was playing around with my paranormal voice box, and a masculine voice came through and said very clearly, “You Are not alone.” I was a little spooked but not surprised. I am constantly surrounded by non-physical beings and spirits,so I never truly feel alone. After I shared this story once on my Instagram they made another appearance as I was going to get a drink of water in my kitchen. I looked out my window at night and they were there in a craft. I was so happy to see them again because I knew they were saying thank you for sharing your story. I still meet with them every night in the astral realm to have meetings and the galactic federation. We are all equals. They don't see me as below them or anything, they are very respectful. There’s a few more stories that I left out, but my story is not over, and I plan on leading you into physical contact with E.T.s if you want that experience. Of course that is your own free will. I will be talking more about that on this blog. Thank you for listening. 👽
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