#Gospel-Centered Vision
pastorjeremynorton · 6 months
A Name-Change Story
Explore our transformation from Whitehorse Baptist to Mountainview Church—a story of vision, faith, and embracing change for community engagement. #MountainviewChurch #Transformation #vision #namechange #baptist #baptistchurch #change #culture
The journey of transformation from Whitehorse Baptist Church to Mountainview Church. As the lead pastor of Mountainview Church, formerly known as Whitehorse Baptist Church, in 2018 I had the unique opportunity to guide our congregation through a significant transition—a name change. In many ways, this journey wasn’t just about altering a title; it was about reflecting the larger identity of…
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mybeingthere · 9 months
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SISTER GERTRUDE MORGAN, 1900 - 1980, born in Alabama, USA.
“I guess my paintings spread the word; they represent something. They get me a living, of course, and help out the mission here … I am a missionary of Christ before I’m an artist. Give all the fame to some other artist. I work for the Lord. Now don’t forget to give Him credit.”
A street preacher who became an artist, poet, and musician, Sister Gertrude Morgan was guided throughout her life by visions from God. Her artistic talent was a conduit to express her religious fervor and illustrate her teachings. Self-taught, Morgan created artworks when the Spirit moved her, using found materials such as cardboard, window shades, wood, signs, and more. Her imaginative compositions often incorporated text to emphasize important themes or to cite Scripture verses. Later in her career after 1970, Morgan devoted the majority of her paintings to biblical scenes from the Book of Revelation, which focuses on the second coming of Christ. Her recurring imagery depicts the Book of Revelation’s theme of the New Jerusalem, which represents the Holy City for Christ’s followers and the fulfillment of all God’s promises. Morgan’s interpretations of this abstract, spiritual concept often include a large multistory building shown in cross section to reveal empty chambers and Christ preparing for His marriage to Sister Gertrude, as shown in New Jerusalem Court and Untitled (New Jerusalem). “And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.”
Born on April 7, 1900, to a poor rural family in LaFayette, Morgan moved to New Orleans in 1939 to begin her missionary work as a singing street preacher and soon joined the Holiness and Sanctified denomination, a church where the services praised God through music and dancing. In the early 1940s, Morgan adopted the title “Sister” when she worked with two other street missionaries, Mother Margaret Parker and Sister Cora Williams. The three women built a chapel and opened a children’s shelter; the center closed down when it was destroyed by a hurricane in 1965. Morgan then moved to St. Bernard Parish where she became a nurse to a woman whose house later became Morgan’s Everlasting Gospel Mission.
– Vicki Phung Smith
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santmat · 4 months
Third Eye During Meditation: "Close your eyes as in sleep, and look sweetly, lovingly, intently into the middle of the darkness lying in front of you. You will see a dark veil. That which sees the dark veil within, without the help of your physical eyes, IS the inner eye." (Master Kirpal Singh) Finding Your Third Eye, Seeing What You Can See - Initiation Into the Mysteries - Spiritual Awakening Radio @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/YmEJWdH2kII and @ wherever you follow podcasts (Apple, Spotify, etc…): https://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com Everyone has their own third eye whether they realize it or not. Through the Divine Path of Initiation one will learn of the spiritual practices that make it possible to access the third eye center, the seat of the soul, within the temple of the human body. We will discover for ourselves the Mysteries of the Spirit. The Kingdom of the Heavens will open up before us on this inward journey of the soul as we travel through vast realms of Light, Sound and Love on our way back to God. Today we explore Initiation, East and West, at first making use of Marcion's Reconstructed New Testament Apostolicon featuring an amazing, rather old and Gnostic sounding, translation of Saint Paul's First Corinthians chapter two, verses 6 through nine complete with archons and aeons. This manuscript from antiquity actually uses the word "Initiation". The goal of this Initiation is seeing in a new way with another kind of inner spiritual vision, the eye of the soul, and inner hearing with the ear of the soul. This is where we leave the outer world of the five senses behind. This is where we progress from theory, religion or philosophy to the world of practice, of inner experience. This is where the spiritual path truly begins. Also explored: The Gospel of Thomas on what "Eye Has Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard"; the mystic poetry of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras on the ascension of the soul; The Inner Journey Of The Soul Back To Its Origin, by George Arnsby Jones, an initiate of Kirpal Singh; words of encouragement and satsang discourses from Sant Kirpal Singh on Initiation and Surat Shabd Yoga, Inner Light and Sound Meditation practice (sadhana of simran, dhyan and bhajan); recent satsang discourses by Baba Ram Singh also exploring this inward journey of the soul that takes place during meditation, the interior voyage back Home. The goal of this Path is not simply going TO the various inner planes or heavens of creation but to pass THROUGH them on our way back to the Most High Supreme Being given many names such as The Ocean of Love (Anurag Sagar), The Nameless One (Anami Purush, Sat Purush), and The Lord of the Soul (Radhasoami). (RadhaSwami) In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, James Bean Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts Sant Mat Radhasoami A Satsang Without Walls
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Saturday Afternoon Session
Conducting Gary E Stevenson
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
David A. Bednar
Be Still and Know that I Am God
Inner Spiritual Stillness of the Soul
Be Still = focusing on the Savior
Truth faith is focused in and on our Lord Jesus Christ
Spiritual stillness = the opposite of inner turmoil
A proper foundation ensures that the structure will remain sturdy and stable over time – requiring an attachment to bedrock.
We build the foundation – the Savior is the rock upon which we build
Faith is built upon the Savior
Sacred time and holy places are the same – focus your time and attention on God and His heavenly Plan
Sometimes being still means on the inside not the outside
Jesus is not the foundation He is the Rock upon which we build.
We may be perplexed by our trials and circumstances, but we will never be in despair.
The gospel doesn’t keep you from trials, but allows you to deal with them with the help of the Lord
Massimo De Feo
My physical sight is not good – what about my spiritual vision? Do I need any treatment there.
Can you see Christ spiritually, not physically? Or are you like the pharaseees?
We keep a clear spiritual vision when we focus on Jesus Christ and stay true to what we know to be true.
What we know to be true: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Don’t listen to the voices in the world that say that loving everyone isn’t reasonable/necessary/possible.
Declare your testimony in its entirety; don’t let anyone silence you
We keep a clear spiritual vision when we hear the voice of the Lord and allow Him to guide us.
Keeping a clear spiritual vision is about focusing my sight always on Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the answer for everyone
God Loved Us So He Sent His Son
Brent H Nielson
Witnesses of Christ
There has never been a better time to be a member of the church than today
335 operating and announced temples!!!
You should leave the bubble
The truth of God will go forth everywhere
You and I are witnesses
Gathering israel has both missionary work and family history work
We are armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory
Jose L Alonso
Where do you find peace?
If we put the Savior at the center of our lives, we can find peace
Feeding 5000 men – plus women and children (Matt 14:21). Jesus gave thanks to his father, he was grateful rather than complaining that was all they had. 
Solutions to our trials often don’t come from ourselves – but in God
“Imagine how much love he has for us if Christ was looking for peace and solitude, and he welcomed everyone to heal and help them”
When we encounter challenges, turn beyond them to Christ, and trust in his help
Even when looking for peace and solitude, Christ focused outside of Himself and welcomed everyone to heal and help them!
Adopting a Christ-centered perspective helps us turn trials into victories
Christ is a Healer, and we are ever-present in His mind and heart
Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Gerritt W Gong
194 years since the restoration of the gospel!
Things will work together for our good
Sometimes we just need to have someone there when we’re upset – and that someone can always be God
Trusting the Lord can include trusting Him with our suffering and anger and misery
When we work together for good, we minister as Jesus Christ would
Spiritual First Responders
Going from neighbors who bring cookies to trusted friends
What happened there and then can bless us here and now
Michael T. Nelson
We can be trustworthy, beloved leaders of youth like Helaman and the stripling warriors: build relationships with them, council them, support them
Parents have a primary responsibility for teaching their children
No one serves in the church alone
Heavenly Father wants us to reach out to others, including the youth
Help them learn who they really are through how you feel about them
Follow promptings, even though we’re not perfect, to build relationships of love and trust
No program can replace the influence of loving, covenant keeping adults
How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Quinten L Cook
My focus should be on the Savior and on the Saviors Atonement
We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father
The Savior is the Keeper of the Gate
And He is the one who also pleads in our behalf
Being one with Christ = loving and building community
Requirements for baptism are uniquely simple – repenting before God
D&C 25 basic doctrine of the restored Church
All are invited to partake of the Lords Goodness and all are alike unto God
None are forbidden
All accountable persons are required to atone for their sins
All have a choice – all have agency
Essential to the plan of salvation
All are able to use their agency and ACT
Exercise our moral agency to choose Christ and keep His commandments
2 Nephi 26:33
Both poor and rich have the same spiritual requirements
Many things occur of which we have little to no control
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.” - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Without agency we could not learn, progress, or choose immortal life
We Will Sing of Zion
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Living His Word
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Then Peter replied, "I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right." — Acts 10:34-35
In ancient times, the focus of God's redemptive concern for the people of earth kept getting narrower because of sin. At first, the focus was on the line of Adam and the whole human race. With the murder of Abel, however, God excluded the line of Cain and narrowed His focus to the line of Adam's son Seth. Then, when there was a great increase in sin, God excluded everyone except those in the line of Seth's descendant Noah. Later, His focus narrowed to Noah's descendant Abraham and the Israelites. When the sin of the Northern Kingdom of Israel led to their conquest and deportation, God's focus narrowed to the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Finally, His redemptive focus centered on the remnant of Judah that returned from the Babylonian Captivity.
Given this narrowing of focus, given this favoritism for the remnant of Judah, one can see why the early Jewish Christians thought that the great salvation we have in Christ Jesus was also limited to the Jewish people. It took a major revelation to disabuse them of this notion once and for all. The Apostle Peter was given a spectacular vision that, in short, showed him and the church as a whole that the narrowing process had been ended and God's redemptive focus had been enlarged (Acts 10:9-16). As our verses for today indicate, he saw that Jesus Christ had definitively overcome sin and the devil and made possible the enlargement of God's redemptive concern.
Thus, in our present dispensation God no longer shows favoritism to any particular group of people. The Apostle Paul put it this way, "There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). Paul's point is not that these distinctions no longer exist, but that they're not significant when it comes to salvation. Salvation is not limited to the Jews, or to males, or to the free. All may come before God in the name of Jesus.
It follows from all this, therefore, that we may not limit the reach of the gospel message, for the offer of salvation has been extended by God Himself to one and to all.
Happily, this means that the offer has also been extended to you.
© 2016 by Bible League International
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jerickreforba25 · 7 days
CBN Asia × Cignal TV: 5-Year Deal & Standalone Channel... Why?
Jerick Combate Reforba
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The future of The 700 Club Asia and its partnership with Cignal TV Inc. offers an intriguing and potentially groundbreaking development for CBN Asia and its commitment to spreading the Gospel. While there have been no official announcements or specific details regarding this new chapter, it represents a strategic shift in how CBN Asia can engage a larger audience through digital and premium television platforms. Let’s break down the potential implications of a five-year distribution deal with Cignal TV and what it could mean for the ministry and its viewers.
CBN Asia’s Strategic Shift
CBN Asia, having been a mainstay in Philippine Christian broadcasting for almost three decades, has consistently evolved its strategies to adapt to the changing media landscape. As we see a broader shift away from traditional broadcast television toward digital and premium platforms, CBN Asia is clearly seeking to stay relevant and accessible to audiences across multiple platforms. The potential distribution deal with Cignal TV would align perfectly with this vision, offering a fresh and dynamic way to continue proclaiming Christ and transforming lives.
Cignal TV Inc., being the leading Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite provider in the Philippines, offers an expansive network and subscriber base, particularly among premium viewers. Cignal’s subscribers include households that often invest in higher-tier packages for exclusive, high-quality content. If CBN Asia does indeed sign a five-year deal with Cignal TV to launch a dedicated Faith-based, Christ-centered television channel, it could be a significant step forward in bringing the Gospel message into more homes, both in the Philippines and potentially across other regions. The channel would serve as a 24/7 resource for Christian programming, going beyond the weekly airing of The 700 Club Asia and offering a variety of faith-filled content catered to Filipino audiences.
A Standalone Faith-based Channel: What to Expect
The launch of a standalone Christian television channel could allow CBN Asia to provide even more diverse content, potentially catering to different demographics within the Christian community. Instead of just a single program or a segment, this new channel would offer viewers the opportunity to access a wide array of faith-based content that goes beyond traditional shows like The 700 Club Asia. Here’s what could potentially unfold:
1. Expanded Programming: A dedicated faith-based channel could include various genres of Christian content such as inspirational music, Christian documentaries, sermons, films, teaching series, children’s programs (like Superbook), and educational content grounded in Christian values. This would give viewers access to round-the-clock spiritual nourishment and create an opportunity for the channel to impact diverse age groups, from children to seniors.
2. Interactive Content and Live Events: The channel might also include live broadcasts of church services, conferences, and spiritual retreats, as well as interactive segments like live prayer lines and telethons, where viewers can call in and request prayers or support the ministry. Given CBN Asia’s experience with digital prayer counseling through its Prayer Center, this feature could seamlessly extend to the new channel.
3. Cultural and Localized Content: Since CBN Asia is deeply rooted in its mission to reach Filipino audiences, the channel could offer localized content that speaks directly to the cultural and spiritual needs of Filipinos. This may include testimonies, stories of transformation from local communities, and special segments highlighting faith-based outreach programs within the country.
4. Partnerships and Collaborations: This channel might also allow CBN Asia to collaborate with other Christian ministries and organizations, both locally and globally. Such partnerships could further enrich the content and make the channel a hub for viewers seeking various kinds of spiritual growth and encouragement.
5. Exclusive Content for Cignal Postpaid Premier Subscribers: Since this would be offered initially as a premium channel for Cignal Postpaid Premier subscribers, it implies that the content will be of a higher production quality, appealing to a more discerning audience willing to invest in premium content. Cignal’s Premier Plan 1990 is known for offering exclusive content and channels that are not available in lower-tier packages. This aligns with the idea that CBN Asia is transitioning into more specialized, targeted content delivery as part of its ministry strategy.
Implications of CBN Asia’s Potential Partnership with Cignal TV
The move to launch a premium television channel could be both an exciting opportunity and a challenge. Here are some key factors and potential implications of this future partnership:
1. Reaching a More Affluent Audience: By being included in Cignal TV’s Premier Plan 1990, CBN Asia may initially reach a more affluent audience who can afford premium content. While this may limit accessibility for some viewers who rely on free TV, it could open up new revenue streams for CBN Asia through potential sponsorships and advertisements, which could, in turn, help fund their outreach and humanitarian programs.
2. Long-term Sustainability: As television production costs continue to rise, and with declining viewership for traditional broadcast TV, the potential for a sustainable revenue model through partnerships with paid subscription services like Cignal is significant. The shift to premium distribution could help CBN Asia balance its operational costs while continuing its mission.
3. Complementing Digital-Only Programming: While the channel would cater to premium television viewers, it would not negate CBN Asia’s broader strategy of focusing on digital programming. In fact, the premium TV channel could complement digital platforms like the CBN Asia Media Center, Facebook, and YouTube, allowing viewers to access faith-based content anytime, anywhere. This hybrid model could provide flexibility, ensuring that CBN Asia remains relevant in both traditional and digital spaces.
4. The Challenge of Exclusivity: While there is excitement about launching a standalone channel, there may also be concerns about accessibility. Since the channel will only be available to Cignal Postpaid Premier subscribers, it will likely exclude a large portion of the population who may not have access to premium television services. The challenge for CBN Asia would be to balance exclusivity with its mission of reaching as many people as possible with the Gospel. Digital platforms will play a crucial role in bridging this gap.
5. Building a Community of Faith: If done right, a dedicated Christian television channel could foster a strong sense of community among viewers, who may tune in regularly not only for entertainment but for spiritual guidance, prayer, and encouragement. This sense of belonging and shared faith can create an impactful ministry, where viewers feel connected to something greater than themselves.
Both Cignal Prepaid and SatLite Not Included?
CBN Asia’s future standalone Faith-based Christ-centered premium television channel may not be included in both Cignal Prepaid and SatLite subscribers due to the nature of these platforms offering lower-cost packages with limited content. Premium channels, such as the one proposed by CBN Asia, are typically reserved for higher-tier plans like Cignal Postpaid Premier to ensure exclusive, high-quality programming for subscribers willing to pay more for added value. The decision to exclude these lower-cost platforms is likely tied to financial and operational considerations, as premium channels often require significant funding to maintain their production quality and exclusive content. By focusing on postpaid subscribers, CBN Asia can ensure the channel’s sustainability while offering a more curated viewing experience. However, digital platforms may continue to serve as more accessible alternatives for broader audiences.
No Official Announcements Yet
As of now, there have been no formal announcements or details about when or if this channel will launch. It remains a possibility that could unfold in the coming months or years. CBN Asia will likely take the time needed to carefully plan, negotiate, and ensure that this move aligns with its broader mission and vision.
In the meantime, CBN Asia continues to serve its audience through The 700 Club Asia and its various digital platforms. The organization has consistently demonstrated its resilience and adaptability, responding to the needs of the times while staying true to its core purpose: proclaiming the Gospel and transforming lives.
Conclusion: A New Chapter for CBN Asia?
The potential five-year distribution deal with Cignal TV marks a significant development in CBN Asia’s journey of faith-based broadcasting. It is a move that underscores the ministry's willingness to adapt and evolve in the rapidly changing media landscape. While there are many uncertainties and challenges ahead, the partnership holds the promise of expanded influence and new ways of connecting with audiences.
Ultimately, whatever the future holds, we trust that God will continue to guide CBN Asia and The 700 Club Asia. As they navigate this season of change, their mission remains the same: to bring the love and message of Jesus Christ to the Philippines and the world, one heart at a time.
Prayers for CBN Asia’s 5-Year Deal with Cignal TV and Standalone Channel
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with hearts full of gratitude and reverence, acknowledging Your sovereignty, power, and grace over all things. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and in You, we place all our hopes, dreams, and plans. Today, Lord, we lift up CBN Asia and the exciting opportunity of a five-year distribution deal in partnership with Cignal TV. We believe that this partnership and the potential launch of a standalone, Faith-based, Christ-centered premium television channel is part of Your divine plan to extend Your Kingdom and to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ into even more homes and hearts.
Father, we thank You for the vision that You have entrusted to the leaders of CBN Asia, a vision that aligns with Your Great Commission to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. We ask that You bless this new endeavor, guiding every decision and every step in accordance with Your will. We pray for Your wisdom to rest upon all those involved in the negotiations, planning, and execution of this partnership. May the leadership teams of both CBN Asia and Cignal TV seek Your face in every aspect of this project, trusting that You will lead them down the right path for Your glory.
Lord, we lift up the future television channel that is being planned. We ask that You consecrate it for Your purposes, that it would be a beacon of light and hope in a world that so desperately needs to hear Your truth. We pray that this channel would be filled with content that reflects Your heart, and that it would be a powerful tool to proclaim Your love, grace, and salvation. May it serve as a platform to reach not only the faithful but also those who are lost, hurting, and in need of Your healing touch.
We ask for Your provision, Lord. We know that launching and sustaining a premium channel requires significant resources, both financially and spiritually. But we also know that You are Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. We ask that You open the doors to every resource that is needed, from financial support to talented and anointed individuals who will contribute to the content, production, and outreach of this channel. Let nothing hinder the work that You have set in motion, and may all the glory and honor belong to You.
Father, we pray specifically for the viewers of this future channel. Prepare the hearts of those who will tune in, whether they are seeking You intentionally or simply come across the channel by chance. We ask that the programming would speak directly to their spirits, and that lives would be transformed by the power of Your Holy Spirit. May this channel serve as a conduit for miracles, healing, restoration, and spiritual awakening. Let testimonies of faith, redemption, and breakthrough arise from the viewers, as they encounter Your presence through the messages, teachings, and stories shared.
Lord, we also ask for favor with the Cignal TV Postpaid Premier subscribers who will have access to this channel. May it become a cherished source of spiritual encouragement and inspiration in their lives. We pray that this premium offering would not be seen as just another entertainment option, but as a sacred space where people can encounter You in a real and personal way. Let the channel draw families together in prayer, worship, and learning about Your Word.
We also pray for the sustainability of this channel, Lord. We ask that it not only launch successfully but that it thrive and grow in influence over the five-year period and beyond. Protect this endeavor from any attacks of the enemy, any financial setbacks, or any logistical challenges. Instead, let it flourish under Your mighty hand, expanding its reach and touching more lives than we could ever imagine.
Finally, Father, we commit CBN Asia into Your hands. Thank You for the many years of faithful service that this ministry has provided, both in the Philippines and around the world. We believe that this new chapter with Cignal TV is part of the greater work You are doing in and through CBN Asia. Strengthen the leaders, staff, and supporters of CBN Asia as they pursue this vision. Renew their passion and commitment to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. May they walk in boldness, creativity, and humility as they seek to honor You in all that they do.
We entrust every detail of this partnership and future launch to You, confident that You who began a good work will carry it on to completion. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done through this television channel, as it is in heaven. We declare success, provision, and supernatural favor in Jesus' mighty name.
In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray all of these things with full faith and expectancy. Amen.
About CBN Asia
CBN Asia, or the Christian Broadcasting Networks Asia, is a non-stock, nonprofit corporation established on October 1, 1994, in the Philippines and Hong Kong. It is inspired by the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) founded by Pat Robertson in the United States in 1961. CBN Asia’s mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and transform lives through media, prayer counseling, humanitarian aid, and cross-cultural missions. With a strong presence in the Philippines and across Asia, CBN Asia also aims to empower the next generation by spreading godly principles and providing hope, prayer, and support to the neglected and disadvantaged.
Since its beginnings, CBN Asia has launched initiatives like The 700 Club Asia, the CBN Asia Prayer Center, and the Asian Center for Missions, making a significant impact through media outreach, humanitarian aid, and missionary training across Asia.
About Cignal
Cignal, launched in 2009, is the leading Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite television provider in the Philippines. It offers a wide range of content, including 134 channels that feature free-to-air, standard definition (SD), and high definition (HD) programming. In addition to television channels, Cignal also provides 17 audio channels and on-demand services through pay-per-view options. The company serves both household and commercial establishments across the country.
Cignal TV Inc. is a subsidiary of MediaQuest Holdings Inc., which is part of the PLDT Group, a major telecommunications company in the Philippines. This connection strengthens Cignal’s capacity to deliver high-quality television and digital services nationwide.
© 2024 Jerick Combate Reforba. All rights reserved.
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schooloftheprince · 8 days
University of Salvington
The Salvington School of University Of Salvington and its unique educational approach, highlighting its emphasis on the teachings of Michael of Nebadon and the knowledge of truth throughout the Western Canon writings of the civilization. It details the school's core curriculum, collegial community, and spiritual individual goals, emphasizing its commitment to fostering personal growth actualization, spiritual soul development for individuals, and a deeper understanding of the personal experiences of the world surrounding every personality.
The school explores the Sevenfold Revelation of Michael and the Superuniverse Commission of Divine Personalities bringing new revelations to the race at large, discussing its key concepts and teachings, and offering to individuals an absolute way to achieve an inner revolution of religious experience through the cultivation of new and ennobling meanings, exalting values, ennobling vision, and evolutionizing volitional motivations for personal growth and individual awakening to occur. It delves into the nature of God, the universe, and humanity's place within it all, offering insights into spiritual growth, moral responsibility, and the dynamics of societal change.
The Revelation's teachings bring about permanent inner revolutions and revelations of self-responsibility, self-knowledge, and self-acceptance, so that an inner igniting of activism emerges, a cultural evolution unfolds, and the right understanding of Jesus Michael original gospel teachings can be more fully understood by students dedicated to uncover the true meanings of His ministry in the first century and in this twenty-first century mission of Michael. A more comprehensive overview of the complex and multifaceted spiritual teachings of Michael are brought into an illuminated light.
University Of Salvington
The Wisdom Colleges at the City Of God Campus of the University Of Salvington
From such a world center of culture and achievement there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races.
There is a far-reaching impact of the University of Salvington. It is a global center of culture and achievement, whose influence gradually spreads to all people. This influence is described as uplifting and civilizing, suggesting that it promotes positive values and behaviors. The text also indicates that this influence has a transformative effect on the evolutionary races, implying that it contributes to their development and progress.
Office of Development
University of Salvington
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
idek if this is actually true but i saw ppl arguing abt the atyd james pov in a tiktok bc its apparently going to include jegulus which deviates from the original plot quite a bit. do you still think it should b called an atyd pov fic?? tbh i just think ppl are making a big deal out of nothing and anyone can write and take inspiration from anything yk?? but i do wanna know ur opinion on this
truly cannot emphasize enough how much i absolutely do not care what other people wanna write in their fics lmao
honestly i think ur right it's just people making a big deal out of nothing. if someone wants 2 imagine what jegulus would look like in an atyd universe then...that's fine. nobody has to read it if they don't want to. i certainly have no place 2 judge bc i included things in my own fic that were extrapolations and/or inventions that mkb likely would not have intended to/imagined including as part of her story. that's what fanfiction is tho! it is specifically someone else's take on a work that is separate + distinct from the og writer's, and nobody has to read it + treat is as gospel if they don't want to. like i honestly don't see the problem with someone writing a hyopthetical "atyd canon-compliant" fic that includes jegulus bc atyd itself is a "harry potter canon-compliant" fic that centers on wolfstar lmao. like do we see the irony there.
anyway i honestly just think that there's a portion of this fandom that is incapable of treating atyd like fanfiction and instead try to put it up on a pedestal in its own venerated category that treats it as if it is somehow simultaneously subject to much harsher + more public critique but also a piece of work that must be taken as gospel within the fandom which honestly just sucks for everyone imo. like people wouldn't care if someone's writing an atyd james pov including jegulus unless they feel entitled, in the first place, to certain representations of atyd fic that match what they view as the pure + untouchable "canon." but nobody is entitled to have a fic perfectly catered to their desires, even if it's an atyd fic! and if someone is deeply bothered and just needs to see their vision realized, then they can write their own fic and ignore the other ones.
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optiwashere · 11 months
You've turned me into a "Shadowheart is a submissive" truther
Welcome to my church. I speak the truth in my gospel.
But seriously, I just think she would really enjoy not having to care about anything for a while, being cherished/desired so intensely, letting herself blank out into subspace, and especially the part where she can direct pain towards herself. Being 100% in control of how pain is directed, reclaiming her dark past in that way, is just how I see it. It's only one interpretation.
People misconstrue who is in control of a scene a lot, or rather in an ideal world who is in control. Yes, it's a mutual exchange but at the center of it is what a sub wants done to them or is willing to allow (barring cases where you're willing to accept mental/physical fallout of scenes like extreme edgeplay and RACK.) I think Shadowheart has a lot of character traits that point me towards thinking of her as a sub, or at least a sub-leaning switch.
The characters are all written with dual personalities that can be pushed in either direction, so while I'm obviously happy you're seeing The Vision I also don't really care if other people disagree.
EDIT: I expanded on the edgeplay/RACK comment.
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locustheologicus · 5 months
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En El Camino: Our Pilgrimage to Compostela (part 2)
We walked on average 22km a day to Compostela and on the last day we only had 15km left so we felt that our destination was just a hop, skip, and a jump away. That was not the case. The last segment of the journey felt long and painful. Wendi and I did not talk much on the journey as I recalled as we focused on our individual pain and the goal of getting to our destination. Here are some reflections and insights I will share as we reached the Cathedral, the sacred goal of our camino.
In the first two pictures I stopped at the chapel of St. Lucy, the patron of eyesight. I touched the statue as an act of simple veneration and left. I received the sello (seal) and continued on the path. As I walked on, I heard the passage from the Gospel of John chapter 9 verse 41 recited to me a couple of times. This is where Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for questioning his healing of a blind man. Jesus tells them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, ‘We see,’ so your sin remains." I had to consider what this said to me and it made me think about how I intend to conclude my book on social ministry. It spoke to me of the temptation that social justice ministers have in presuming to know what is just and fair and how we can sometimes lose our faith and hope for a just world. Here I have been a person who claims to see, to be the arbiter of justice and equality. My concluding chapter is on having hope and this insight was a reminder from Jesus that we need to let go of our ideals and allways remember that the Kingdom of God is a vision and mission that transcends our own limited socio-political aspirations.
In the third picture we had reached the mountain of Gozo (joy). This is the place where pilgrims see for the first time the town of Compostela. We walked down to the town itself and the fourth and fifth picture shows parts of the town itself. It felt rather ordinary to be honest. It was a great sigh of relief to feel that we had reached our goal but the goal itself did not feel particularly special. I was in awe of the statue of King Alfonso II el Casto (the Chaste), he is considered the first pilgrim to the shrine which was a recently discovered Roman Mausoleum with three bodies believed to be St. James and two of his disciples Athanasius and Theodore in 812AD. The historical context begins to draw me to a greater significance that lies at the center of the town.
Pictures 7-13, and 17-20 all show the outside areas around the Cathedral and the town square. It is an awesome sight to behold. The Church of San Fructuoso (#11) and San Francisco (#9) surround the Cathedral and offer their own amazing architectural beauty and historical depth. The Church of San Francisco was founded by St. Francis himself who was a pilgrim in the early 13th century to the shrine of Santiago de Compostela. Pictures 13 and 19 are from the courtyard of the Cathedral which is where the Compostela museum is. Pictures 15, 27-29 are from the museums including both the Compostela and Pilgrims Museum. Picture 15 has an amazing wall of sacred relics and you can see ancient depictions and the history of Santiago in picture 29 where five main episodes of his life are depicted in a layered woodcut. Picture 27 has a famous carving of Santiago Matamoros, the legendary knight that turns the tide for the Christians in the legendary battle of Clavijo in 844AD. You can stand on this ground, amidst this great Cathedral and surrounding churches, and not help but get caught up with a certain euphoria that is shared by all who enter. I cannot say that all the people the come are religious and devotional, many are simply curious, but I will say that all people who come are deeply spiritual. This moves the community to break into joy and all people, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or even temperament, share in that euphoric feeling.
Picture 14 is inside the Cathedral itself. It is simply breathtaking and inspiring. The statue of St. James is there, in the middle, and pilgrims are allowed to go above the resting place where his bones are in ossuary box and pray to the great Saint. In picture 16 you can stay and meditate in the presence of his ossuary box. This is a liminal place where the secular and temporal touch the sacred and eternal. It is a place of deep peace and serenity. A place that where everything comes together as you share in the peace that Christ bestowed on his followers after the resurrection. Santiago witnessed this resurrected experience and here we were, spiritually and psychologically sharing in this experience through what remains of his physical presence. This is the goal of our journey. To share in the cosmic peace that brings a sense of fulfillment to our broken lives. Some pilgrims (like Wendi) entered into a quite emotional state as they experienced the sacred in that moment. Others (like me) just stayed fixed on the sacred and allowed ourselves to be lost in the moment until the Holy Spirit moved us to explore this further.
Pictures 21-26 are going to the end of the world, the place known as Fisterra and Muxia. Picture 26 shows the place where pilgrims leave behind a piece of their lives that they are ready to sacrifice and let go of. Picture 25 shows a meal that we all shared with new friends we made along the way from Spain and Michigan. The insights that we receive will develop further as we reintegrate ourselves back into our world, but for the moment, many of us sit with and celebrate our own experience of death and rebirth, sacrifice and reemergence. The Paschal mystery, the passion, death and resurrection that the world experienced through Christ, no longer remains a mere statement of faith but instead it becomes a part of our own nature. This experience is something that needs to be processed both on our own and with loved ones but your own context (and insights) develop further when you also do this in the context of fellow companions along the way.
Picture 30 shows the certificates and passports we received at the end of the journey. The passport highlights the places we stopped along the way while the two forms of the certificate officially recognize our pilgrimage.
This then are the insights that I carry with me as I re-enter the world and again take my place within the field of social ministry and family life. I expect that other insights will form and develop but for now, I am just reflecting on what I experienced through this amazing process.
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melodiousmonk · 1 year
The album title "Ptah, The El Daoud" refers to the ancient Egyptian deity Ptah, who was believed to be the creator of the universe, and "El Daoud," which is Arabic for "the beloved."
The song title "Turiya & Ramakrishna" is named after two spiritual figures from India: Turiya, a Sanskrit word meaning "the fourth state of consciousness," and Ramakrishna, a 19th-century Indian mystic and saint.
(The fourth state of consciousness is sometimes translated as "pure consciousness." It is considered to be the source of all other states of consciousness and the underlying ground of all existence. In Turiya, the individual self (or ego) is said to be dissolved, and the individual becomes aware of their true nature as pure consciousness. It is described as a state of profound peace, bliss, and spiritual realization.)
"Turiya & Ramakrishna" features Alice Coltrane on harp and piano, Joe Henderson on tenor saxophone, and Ron Carter on bass. The track has been praised for its beautiful melody and improvisation, as well as its spiritual depth and exploration. It has since become a jazz standard and a signature piece of Alice Coltrane's body of work.
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Alice Coltrane (1937-2007) is famous for her contributions to jazz music as a pianist, organist, harpist, and composer. She was a key figure in the development of spiritual jazz, a subgenre of jazz music that emphasizes spiritual and meditative qualities, and incorporated elements of Indian classical music into her compositions.
She married the legendary saxophonist John Coltrane in 1965, and played piano and harp on some of his later albums, including "Ascension" and "Meditations". After John Coltrane's death in 1967, Alice Coltrane began to explore her own musical vision, incorporating elements of Indian classical music, African music, and gospel music into her compositions.
In addition to her musical achievements, Alice Coltrane was also known for her spiritual pursuits. She became a devotee of the Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba and founded the Vedantic Center, a spiritual community in California. She also established the Sai Anantam Ashram in Agoura Hills, California, where she lived and recorded until her death in 2007.
Alice Coltrane's innovative approach to jazz music, her incorporation of diverse musical traditions, and her spiritual pursuits have made her a revered figure in the jazz world and beyond.
(Satchidananda refers to Sri Swami Satchidananda, an Indian guru who gained fame in the West for his teachings on yoga and spirituality.)
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Pastor John P. Kee (born John Prince Kee on June 4, 1962) is a gospel singer and pastor.
He is known for mixing traditional gospel with modern contemporary gospel. He is known as “The Prince of Gospel Music”.
He was born in Durham, North Carolina. At an early age, he began developing his musical talent both instrumentally and vocally. He attended the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem. At age 14, he and his brothers, Wayne and Al, moved to California. He began attending the Yuba College Conservatory School of Music. He began playing with various groups such as Cameo and Donald Byrd and the Blackbyrds.
He moved to Charlotte (only to find himself living in a part of the city known for its violence and drug activities). After watching one of his friends being murdered in a drug deal gone bad, he rededicated his life back to God during a visitation to a revival meeting.
In the mid-1980s, he formed a community choir in Charlotte known as the New Life Community Choir or “NLCC”. The choir grew in popularity and has continued to travel throughout the area. The choir included his children.
In 1990, he founded the Victory in Praise Music and Arts Seminar Mass Choir, or “V.I.P.” to fellowship with various ministries, songwriters, musicians, and choir directors from all over the country.
In 2007, he was inducted into the Christian Music Hall of Fame.
He married Felice Sampson (1995). They are the parents of nine children. His son, Christopher Kee, was selected to join Diddy’s live band as a drummer for the tour of Last Train to Paris (2010).
He said that it was during a trip to Michigan with his choir that he received a calling from God to be a preacher. He was in his mid-twenties when he became an ordained minister.
In 1995, while ministering in Ohio, he received a prophetic vision and went forward with the building of a Fellowship Center in Charlotte which could minister to the people in the community. He founded the New Life Fellowship Center where he became and remains the senior pastor. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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globalworship · 9 months
Nativity with 7-Headed Red Dragon
"Full of Eyes" is an art ministry; the artist (Pastor Christopher) creates some stunning art with commentary.
Here is one of his Nativity-themed piece, followed by the artist's extensive commentary. All is from https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=799464305550239&set=a.457134836449856
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Rev 12:1-6
As we look back on Christmas, I wanted to share this year’s new Christmas picture; a visual exegesis of Christ’s birth as found in the book of Revelation… At the literary center of John’s vision lies the ‘great sign’ of a celestial woman in the agonies of giving birth (v.1-2). A seven-headed dragon (‘that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan,’ v.9) stands before her, ready to devour her child (v.3-4), however, the woman safely delivers her son who is ‘caught up to God and to His throne’ (v.5). Scholarly discussion surrounds the identity of this woman (Israel? The Church? Mary?); I don’t intend to discuss that here (other than to suggest that these identifications need not be mutually exclusive). Rather, I want to consider what the ‘birth’ that John presents to us here is intended to convey. At first it might seem a fairly straightforward (if apocalyptic) depiction of Jesus birth in Bethlehem…But it is not so simple. Firstly, when we consult John’s other book (his Gospel), we find that Jesus likens his crucifixion to a birth (Jn 16:20-22), and that, at Jesus’ elevation to the throne of the cross (the cross becomes a metaphorical throne in the symbolic imagery of the Gospel), Satan—the dragon—is decisively overcome (Jn 12:31). Additionally, the Greek John uses for the woman’s birth pangs in v.2 is unique and suggests great torment or agony. These reasons and others have led some to suggest that the ‘birth’ of Rev 12:1-6 is, in fact, the resurrection-illumined *crucifixion* presented under the apocalyptic guise of a birth…From the vantage point of the resurrection, John perceives the crucifixion as the installation of the divine King upon the throne of the cosmos, as the decisive victory of God over the draconic power of Satan, and as the ‘birth’ of the true, Messianic Human Being, the beginning of redeemed humanity. It is this birth—the birth of Calvary, rather than Bethlehem (though, it is a birth indivisibly tied to and is, in fact, the consummation of that prior birth)—it is this birth that John sees as a ‘great sign’ in heaven and places at the heart of his great apocalyptic book. At the center of the image is the newborn Christ. The beams of glory shining from his halo form a cross upon which he is symbolically portrayed as crucified. This is an attempt to show that, for John, the ‘birth’ of Rev.12:1-6 is an apocalyptic depiction of the crucifixion (as that crucifixion finds authoritative interpretation in light of the resurrection); Jesus is ‘born’ as the divine ruler who is ‘caught up’ to the throne of God as He hangs before the eyes of faith on the resurrection-illumined cross. The crucified / newly born Christ is pictured in the midst of his mother (Mary? Israel? The Church?) in an attempt to show that the grievous pangs of His birth are supremely born in Himself; He bears the curse (Gen.3:16; Gal.3:13) in place of His people, even as He is the first born *from* those pangs so that all united to Him by faith might share in that same new—and true—birth. At the base of the image, Satan—that ancient serpent—crushes Jesus’ heal, even as his own head (and, therefore, all seven of his heads) are crushed. The ‘protoevangelium’ (Gen. 3:15) finds fulfillment at the cross, which is the achievement of the promise made to Eve, and her salvation ‘through childbearing’ (1 Tim. 2:15). Ultimately, the Dragon is slain by the blood of the Lamb (Rev.12:11). Other details are present, but the last I’ll mention here is that the entire image is backed by the crescent moon (Rev 12:1) which doubles as a picture of the opening tomb of Christ. This is intended to visually emphasize the crucial point that Jesus’ crucifixion becomes the enthronement of the Divine King, the birth of the Human Being, and the defeat of the Dragon *only* in light of the resurrection, *only* because the Crucified One is, now and forevermore, the Living One (Rev. 1:18). Hallowed be His Name, and Merry Christmas to you!
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santmat · 10 months
This Invisible Spiritual Path We Follow - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast
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"The Father's kingdom is already spread out over the earth, and people do not see it." (Gospel of Thomas) This saying is a lament really, about souls in a condition of spiritual poverty unable to recognize the spiritual reality already here and available. This is the Invisible Spiritual Path We Follow, having a spiritual practice, a form of meditation that pertains to seeing the Unseen Realms with another kind of sight. The heavenly regions are not visible to those limited only to the outer material world of the five senses. In order to have mystic-vision, we're going to need another kind of Eye to be able to gaze into those subtle realms beyond. "The Lord will make the pupil of your eye his home, and your eye will expand to contain the entire universe." (Sant Namdev)  "The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." (Meister Eckhart, Rhineland Mystic) The third eye is the gateway which leads to realms above the purely physical world. It is situated behind and between the two eyes.
It is the birthright and evolutionary destiny of each and every soul to participate in the subtle divine worlds within, to become a child of both the outer creation, the cosmos, the universe we see all around us, AND to be a traveler of inner space, the kingdom of the heavens -- the Divine Ocean of Love -- accessed within through a very special kind of meditation of inner seeing and inner hearing. The Sufi mystic Ibn Arabi once wrote in his Bezels of Wisdom: "The Supreme Being brought the Cosmos into being as constituting an Unseen Realm AND a Sensory Realm, so that we might perceive the Inner through our Unseen [facilities] and the Outer through our sensory aspect." We are, in other words, meant to be children of both worlds.
"This new life of the Spirit begins from the day of Initiation into the Mysteries of the Spirit... The life of the spirit begins not with the theoretical exposition of the spiritual science but by a practical demonstration on the spiritual plane of the spirit-current made manifest. Here the invisible and inaudible life-stream is made both visible and audible to the Spirit within, converting the atheist into a theist in the true sense of the term. It is imparting the life-impulse and making It throb in every pore of the body. This coming back of the soul to the realization of her true nature and rising into Universal or Cosmic awareness beyond the walls of finitude is the true resurrection or coming to a new birth and a new life. To die in the body while living, is to live in the Spirit." (The Celestial Music, An Introduction to Kirpal Singh, by L. Gurney Parrott)
That last sentence, "To die in the body while living, is to live in the Spirit" is referring to the meditation practice that is followed by those initiated into Inner Light and Sound Meditation on this Path of the Masters.
"We should sit very lovingly in our meditation. We should focus at the Eye Center and do our Simran -- repeat the Simran in the mind. When we do this, the impurity of the mind, which has been cast on the mind by us for eons, for so many millions of lives... that gets washed off." (Baba Ram Singh)
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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
James Bean
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A Satsang Without Walls
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Leviathan's true origin is unknown, though given its many millennia of existence and rule over the Cenobites and Hell, some believe that it is possibly the fallen angel from the Bible. Leviathan is obsessed with law and order, and views the human realm of flesh as chaotic and wrong. It uses the Cenobites as its foot soldiers in the war against chaos and flesh. The Labyrinth which it presides over represents the maze of the mind.
According to ancient legends, Leviathan existed before there was life, but when life was created, nature and Chaos exploded across the world, spilling into his perfect order. Eons ago, when the world was teeming, swirling and sweating life, it continued to swell until it ruptured through the walls it did not know existed, bursting into Hell, giving birth to light and introducing life in a cold, dark place.
Leviathan retaliated, grinding and crushing chaotic life even as it tried to spread. But in time, life was again at Leviathan's door, and threatened to overwhelm his realm as green began to cover grey, one world looking like the other. Leviathan recalculated its position and devised a new strategy, and an euclidean design of apocalyptic proportions. Searching across the world that it despised, Leviathan found what it was looking for - mankind.
Leviathan descended to man in his dreams, whispering to him the keys of logic in the secret language of science that could only describe the vision that burned in his mind - of tools, machines, and weapons of all things glorious and magnificent. Leviathan showed man how to use these against his world, that he may bring all life around him to its knees, bend it to his will and destroy all that stood in his way. No sooner had he risen from the mud, he reached for his first weapon and laying waste to everything around him, slaughtering his enemies, stealing their skins, as no creature ever had, to drape over his own. The world began to bleed, growing only more silent and more still; withering, waning, dying.
During this time, Hell was once more returned to its perfect order but for Leviathan that was no longer enough. It again visited the dreams of man, choosing well its apostles to set down its gospel. These great apostles laid the foundation for Leviathan's dark design. Eventually, with every foot of concrete steam-rolled over the face of its enemy, with every towering, sky-blotting monolith erected, one world looked more and more like the other.
Leviathan has the power to create any cenobite in any way, shape or form it sees fit to fulfill its purpose. When a damned soul first lays eyes on Leviathan, it appears rather innocuous; a simple and perfect geometric shape spinning at the center of its world - his world. Yet when its black light falls upon a human, his presence slips inside, a liquid shadow seeping through every pore, penetrating every orifice. The sinner feels every sin and wrongdoing they have ever committed. When it finally passes, it knows more about that individual than they know themselves.
It feeds on the souls of those that are brought to Hell, but are deemed unworthy to become Cenobites.
It has been shown that he has the power to trap someone in a infinite memory loop where he can reset it at any time, this was also shown when he trapped Kristy and Spencer in a strange orb where they were forced to relive different memories. It's unknown how often he uses this ability or if it's his trump card. Its assumed this power is only used if an individual seems to serve a serious threat to him in a certain manner.
Leviathan gets weakened and suffers a temporary power loss when the Lament Configuration is solved by a human being while in Hell. When this happens, it reverts into its cube shape and its captured souls flee out of it at a rapid rate. The Ostlund Construct from the comic book: Pinhead #6 is a blueprint for the destruction of Hell which Aggregate almost succeeded in using to destroy Leviathan. The Ostlund Construct was missing a mechanical part which Pinhead possessed thus preventing the obliteration of Leviathan. However, Leviathan was cracked open allowing many souls to escape
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. is rightly one of the most famous faces of the Civil Rights Movement:
And there are two faces of Doctor King. One is the face beloved by the sanitized white version that makes him a Jesus figure martyred and his movement sanitized into something it never was. The other was the complex exemplar of the role of the Black Church in an age where the Black Church was still one of the main centers of the most ambitious and skillful people in Black culture. His social vision was far more breathtakingly radical than given credit for, it made full use of the new media of the time of television. It deliberately risked people's lives and limbs in the most literal sense, and it did so counting on precisely what did happen.....most of the time.
There were two cities where the local authorities were no less repressive than elsewhere who were smart enough to see this and refused to play their assigned roles and they were the two cities where he failed. Both of them, incidentally, were in the North. It is impossible to understand MLK's brand of non-violent radicalism without the reminder that he was very much a Christian pastor who truly believed in the merits of 'turning the other cheek', to the point of so many of his speeches sharing a motif derived from the words of the Prophet Amos.
"And justice shall roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."
Like many Black preachers his Bible was heavily reliant on both Jewish motifs and the Gospels and somewhat less on the words of the Apostle Paul whom white Christianity tends to favor in its own selective takes. His very religiosity led John Lewis and his SNCC to give him the somewhat less than complimentary nickname of "The Lord". Like Malcolm X he was murdered in the course of his activism and the murders mean both attained a kind of saintly aura, where the surviving movement leaders like John Lewis, James Farmer, A. Philip Randolph, and Jesse Jackson have had somewhat more checkered aspects or had this side of their lives papered over in different ways.
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