santmat · 22 days
Third Eye During Meditation: "Close your eyes as in sleep, and look sweetly, lovingly, intently into the middle of the darkness lying in front of you. You will see a dark veil. That which sees the dark veil within, without the help of your physical eyes, IS the inner eye." (Master Kirpal Singh) Finding Your Third Eye, Seeing What You Can See - Initiation Into the Mysteries - Spiritual Awakening Radio @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/YmEJWdH2kII and @ wherever you follow podcasts (Apple, Spotify, etc…): https://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com Everyone has their own third eye whether they realize it or not. Through the Divine Path of Initiation one will learn of the spiritual practices that make it possible to access the third eye center, the seat of the soul, within the temple of the human body. We will discover for ourselves the Mysteries of the Spirit. The Kingdom of the Heavens will open up before us on this inward journey of the soul as we travel through vast realms of Light, Sound and Love on our way back to God. Today we explore Initiation, East and West, at first making use of Marcion's Reconstructed New Testament Apostolicon featuring an amazing, rather old and Gnostic sounding, translation of Saint Paul's First Corinthians chapter two, verses 6 through nine complete with archons and aeons. This manuscript from antiquity actually uses the word "Initiation". The goal of this Initiation is seeing in a new way with another kind of inner spiritual vision, the eye of the soul, and inner hearing with the ear of the soul. This is where we leave the outer world of the five senses behind. This is where we progress from theory, religion or philosophy to the world of practice, of inner experience. This is where the spiritual path truly begins. Also explored: The Gospel of Thomas on what "Eye Has Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard"; the mystic poetry of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras on the ascension of the soul; The Inner Journey Of The Soul Back To Its Origin, by George Arnsby Jones, an initiate of Kirpal Singh; words of encouragement and satsang discourses from Sant Kirpal Singh on Initiation and Surat Shabd Yoga, Inner Light and Sound Meditation practice (sadhana of simran, dhyan and bhajan); recent satsang discourses by Baba Ram Singh also exploring this inward journey of the soul that takes place during meditation, the interior voyage back Home. The goal of this Path is not simply going TO the various inner planes or heavens of creation but to pass THROUGH them on our way back to the Most High Supreme Being given many names such as The Ocean of Love (Anurag Sagar), The Nameless One (Anami Purush, Sat Purush), and The Lord of the Soul (Radhasoami). (RadhaSwami) In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, James Bean Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts Sant Mat Radhasoami A Satsang Without Walls
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memoriae-lectoris · 10 months
Consider that during the first half of the second century, when “Marcionites could be found all over the empire,” there probably were no more than twenty to thirty thousand Christians of all varieties. How many of these were Marcionites is impossible to say, although many historians believe that they made up a very significant minority. Even if this is so, there never were all that many people involved in the movement—surely not more than ten thousand, and probably many fewer—although their numbers may have increased by the third century (given that Marcionite congregations still existed as late as the fifth century). In any event, Marcion was regarded as “the most formidable heretic of the second century CE.” His was also the earliest of the major heretical movements. But it seems probable that Jewish-Gentile conflicts within the Christian community played an even more important role. First of all, that Marcion could so easily be anathematized suggests that the fledgling church still was greatly influenced by Jewish Christians—the success Marcion had in recruiting followers suggests that his proposal to dismiss the Jewish heritage was popular among Gentile Christians. Indeed, the proposal to dispense with the Old Testament has been favorably reinterpreted by a series of modern scholars who hail Marcion as the first Protestant, “harking back to the pure message of Jesus and his Father.” Second, despite Paul’s ruling against Jewish Christians continuing to observe the Law, many clearly did continue to observe it, and it seems likely that they regarded Gentile Christians as somewhat inferior. In fact, there was a heretical form of Jewish Christianity whose members “wished to maintain their Jewish observances (circumcision, food laws, the Sabbath, etc.).
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Title: What Did Marcion Believe? Channel: ReligionForBreakfast (Dr. Andrew Henry) Length: 7:37
Introduces Marcion as one of the most famous and hated heretics of his time; everything we know about him comes from criticisms written against him.
Developed a two-god system in which the God of the Old Testament is the evil Demiurge and a good God who sent Jesus to save us from the evil one. He edited the scriptures he accepted (Gospel of Luke and some epistles from Paul) to remove the parts that were "too Jewish" for him; his canon may be our first attempt at establishing the New Testament.
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theexodvs · 1 year
Those damn theonomists! They're all a bunch of Marcionite judaizers who promote nationalist sedition and quiverfull sex negativity!
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preniceneperspective · 2 months
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biblenewsprophecy · 1 year
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wisdomfish · 1 year
Heeding John’s warnings against false teachers, Polycarp faithfully defended the apostles’ teaching against early heretics, including one Marcion, who held that the God of the Old Testament and the Father of Jesus were separate entities. Polycarp could be fiery, particularly when faced with such dangerous errors. In their only face-to-face meeting, Marcion asked, “Do you know me?” “I know you, you firstborn of Satan!” Polycarp replied.
Plough [dotcom] via Bearing Witness: Stories of Martyrdom and Costly Discipleship. Resources: “The Martyrdom of Polycarp” in The Ante-Nicene Fathers, edited by Philip Schaff, et al., translated by Marcus Dods (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1996) is the most complete account. History of the Church in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 2: Eusebius, edited by Philip Schaff, et al. (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1984) includes valuable commentary by Eusebius. Finally, Irenaeus, Against Heresies, translated by Philip Schaff; edited by Alexander Roberts, et al. (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2001) contains details on Polycarp’s earlier life and character.
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empirearchives · 6 months
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Room known as the Empress’ Bedroom at the Grand Trianon in Versailles. Parade bed (1809) created after the design of Charles Percier (1764-1838) by the cabinetmaker Jacob Desmalter (1770-1841) for the imperial bedroom of Napoleon I at the Tuileries Palace from where it was transported to its current location in 1838. It was also the deathbed of Louis XVIII. This bed has been subject to several modifications. Its large escutcheon was altered several times and the layer was enlarged under Louis-Philippe. Original Empire balustrade (1810) by Pierre-Benoît Marcion (1769-1840). Marie-Louise selected the furniture in this room that remains to this day.
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mxlxdroit · 3 months
i'm gonna write "against marcion" part 2 but this time it's because he was a dumb antisemite who misinterpreted paul and helped embed antisemitism into christianity
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alephskoteinos · 4 months
I have to say, if the Luciferian Palladium was real, it would literally just be Marcionite Christianity but with Lucifer as the central deity, maybe instead of Jesus, and also there's sexual mysticism involved that entails having sex with the angels of Lucifer (which I'm sure are definitely not demons!).
I mean, look at this shit (it's actually from Satanism: A Reader but still):
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It's important to understand that positioning Adonai as the god of matter and death, especially with the implication of a deity that represents the opposite (presumably light beyond matter), is literally just reiterating Marcion's theology, not even altering it. The only difference is the name of the god, but it still signifies the same deity that Marcion was talking about when he talked about the Creator being evil. From that standpoint, I would argue that what Ruben van Lujik describes a neat reversal of Christian theology is actually not a reversal at all. It probably certainly was intended as a reversal by Leo Taxil when he invented the "Palladians" in his tracts, but really the doctrine that Taxil wrote about is the same thing that Marcion and a lot of early Christians (and probably also Manichaeans) believed, but with Lucifer as the central protagonist of the human soul, possibly instead of Jesus Christ.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Odds are good that if you think you understand early Christianity, you don’t understand early Christianity. This lecture lays out what early Christianity was actually like, and how it was far, far more complicated and diverse than most of us were led to believe.
Bart D. Ehrman does great work in exploring early Christianity, and there are a number of videos and lectures available for free on YouTube. They’re a great resource for anyone wanting know more about the real history of Christianity.
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carmeloffie · 2 years
when i can’t figure out how to pronounce a place or name i immediately turn to the pronunciation of it according to latin or greek depending on its origin…
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mulaplateada · 1 year
quizas sale un descargo esta bella noche del 25 quizas no xq estoy todavia recuperandome de una semana de mierda (necesito alcohol i need it so bad), pero realmente no se como poner en palabras el volumen de trabajo, sudor, lagrimas, sangre que mueve al pais entero, muchas veces por vocacion, por un sueldo minimo o menos, el tren lleno hasta las bolas a las 6 de la mañana de gente dispuesta a dar todo cinco dias a la semana, a veces mas, por un sueldo de mierda. para despues ver gente que tiene el tupe de decir no hay cultura de trabajo, viven del estado, el congo urbano, peronia, la unica salida es ezeiza. que tan corto o ciego tenes que ser para no ver dos graficos y ponerlos uno encima del otro. baja desocupacion y alta pobreza, produccion en alza con ganancias record mientras baja la capacidad de compra y calidad alimentaria. pero el problema son los vagos. el problema es que los pibes de doce a quince años escuchan cumbia con sus amigos en vez de estar llenando sus bronquiolos de plastico en una fabrica o laburando gratis en el carrefour como pasantia obligatoria. no es como en europa que si tienen cultura del trabajo. trabajan seis horas por dia cuatro dias a la semana pero ellos si tienen cultura del trabajo, no conciben la idea de mandar a adolescentes a laburar gratis en un super pero si tienen cultura de trabajo, dejan todos los laburos duros a inmigrantes a quienes no les dan la ciudadania ni en pedo pero ellos si tienen cultura del trabajo. no puedo ni quiero que amen al pais ni espero que besen una bandera pero no amar a la gente por la cual tenes una calle asfaltada o invernaderos funcionando para que tengas verduras todos los dias del año es desprecio no merecido. y amar a la patria es amar a la gente, es mucho mas grande de lo que podes sentir por un gol de messi o la envida que podes sentir por paises de mentira como suiza
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karryalane · 2 years
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liberty1776 · 3 months
Marcion of Sinope & The Unknown God
Marcion different from Gnostics. God of Justice vs. God of Love. 
Note: it is now mostly believed Marcian’s Gospel came before the traditional Gospel of Luke.
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lewbornmann · 1 year
Biblical Questions
It seems to me…. “No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means.”  ~ George Bernard Shaw[1]. While admittedly a couple of days late this year, I normally write something with a somewhat religious orientation around the time of Christmas.  As I am intending to temporarily reduce the frequency with which I post these comments so as to…
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