#Gotta pull a game theory and try to figure this out
manor-tea-time · 1 year
(TW! Description of torture, death, insanity, and human body parts)
A letter is sitting on the survivor's desk, with a small wooden box next to it. The letter reads :
"Good morning! Now, I know what you are wondering, "How did you even get in here?", well, lets just say that I have my ways. Anyways, back to business! As you can tell, there has been a little rat giving out my personal information, and as much as I hate others getting into my personal business...... Well, the fear and paranoia in everyone's faces is quite amusing.
Because of that, I've decided to spice things up by proposing a little game of Whodunit! Don't worry, there won't be any consequences if you get it wrong. The rules are simple, all you have to do is figure out my identity, and you win! You can do it alone, in a group, whatever. Now, you might be wondering, "Why the hell are you doing this?", Well, let's call it an investment for my very own entertainment!
It's been quite a long time, but I still remember that day....... A little game of mouse and cat with three others. Despite how easy they went down, it still provided quite a large amount of entertainment! Yes, they were blindfolded, yes, they had a fractured ankle, however, no one forced them in the path of my knife!
Anyways, I've decided to leave a gift, one that brings back some fond memories I had......... Please, take good care of them!
Love, You Know"
Inside the box is 3, well-preserved, human fingers.
The survivors gathered around the box hesitantly. Each one had already read the letter they'd received in their rooms. The air around them being undoubtedly tense as they each tried to think of what to say.
Ivy gagged as she opened the box, nearly dropping it at the sight of the 3 fingers. Slamming it back shut as she slid it away from the group on the table. "Disgusting! Vile! What the hell kind of present is that?!"
"One where the sender is trying to give a gruesome message. I'd say it was well received." LeRoy pointed out, staring at the box in horror. "I think this mystery killer is trying to get us to shoot ourselves in the feet while trying to figure out who it is."
"The bastard is trying to get us to turn on each other. Playing with our emotions as they pick us off one by one!" Wayne said shakily, desperately trying to hold onto some semblance of calm. "They've already broken into our rooms easily! Killing us in the night would be a walk in the park!"
"Unfortunately Wayne, you do have a point in your fearful tangents. This mystery killer was able to sneak into our rooms fairly easily and not disturb anything along the way. It almost makes it seem like they'd gone in there before to plan it out." Ivy muttered as she looked back to the box in disgust. "In any case, we should take care not to play into the trap of going against one another. It's probably best if we form a plan to keep each other safe till we figure out who this killer is. I don't fully trust that there really aren't any consequences to not figuring out what our mystery killer's identity is."
"I agree! Perhaps we could find a room in the manor that's not being used and camp out there? It would be less expected and we could possibly set some sort of trap for if the killer sends another note." LeRoy nodded. "We will probably do better as a group than separately anyways. I'd imagine it would be easier to subdue a killer with three people than just one."
The group continued to work out their plan to avoid the killer for the time being to give themselves more time to piece together who exactly was behind it all. Occasionally feeling watched as they glanced around the darkened areas of the manor. Surely it was just their mind playing tricks on them though, right?
-ξ(❁) ⊕) ξ  , (-⊕ ζ ⊕-) <  , 🗝️>(⊗▼⊗´)•ζ 
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
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presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
Compton Boole Beeswax:
Earlier today I was thinking about Compton's Cookoff, and I have a Crackpot Theory-slash-Headcanon: the four animals that help Raz prepare the meals are all based on other people from Compton's life.
Pork Chopper is based on his father, a police officer (i.e. a pig) who Compton remembers as being very 'tough' with him, encouraging him to fight back against bullies ("they'll be much nicer once you've put 'em through the slicer!"). Their relationship deteriorated once Compton got involved with the Animal Liberation movement, eventually deciding he was 'sick in the head' after blowing up those animals with his mind - something Compton apparently agrees with, as Pork Chopper calling the hosts 'sick' is portrayed as an attack of conscience. Compton still has positive memories of him and may have wished to reconcile, going from Chopper's sudden turn for the upbeat (in contrast with Butch Oleander who was portrayed as a monster).
Frog Flipper is his son - and the father of Dogen and Sam - a high-strung, nervous, overworked individual ("I gotta pull a double shift?!") who tries to stay positive but always seem on the verge of flipping out. Compton had to raise him fresh off the heels of losing everything in the fight against Maligula, an experience comparable to trying to fry an egg over a constantly-moving fire. Later, his son came to him for guidance on how to manage Sam and especially Dogen, only to be pushed away - by then Compton had isolated himself and believed his advice would only make things worse. He'd ultimately turned his son into the same parent he had been.
Patty Puree is his ex-wife and the mother of his son. Compared to Cassie, who he saw as a friend and someone he could approach, his relationship with his wife was far more uneven - she'd always seemed like a high-and-mighty figure, well beyond his reach (hence why she's the hardest to get to), who carried herself with a regal air. He convinced himself trying to reach out to her would just end with his hand getting blended into paste. In the end, he thinks, she only married him out of pity and to help raise their child. The fact she divorced him once their son became an adult only confirms that for him.
Hippo Pot I'm not so sure about, since he only has one line and it isn't anything especially noteworthy. My best guess is that he's an old partner-in-crime from Compton's Animal Liberation days, someone reliable who kept him focused and relaxed, hence why the ingredients relax while boiling... but they are still boiling, and Compton believes he can never relax, otherwise he'll boil over.
The fact that all four of them are involved in Ram It Down but never actively judge him like the Ford, Hollis and Otto stand-ins do suggest that, to some extent, he's 'moved on' from them and doesn't care so much about their judgment specifically. However, he still can't forget them, so they're relegated to side-roles in his mental game show. This also shows that, despite everything, a part of him wanted to move on even before Raz arrived, he just gave him a push in the right direction. Tellingly, they're still on the set if Raz comes back to the level later, unlike all the Judges.
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dawnstarranger · 1 year
@kimmurielscryingmirror Thanks for the tag! Drow Smash or Pass game sounds right up my alley ahaha
Jarlaxle: Easy, smash. This man knows what he's doing, or at least wants the world to believe he knows what he's doing. I'd say he's not afraid to try new things, but lets be real, there's probably very little he hasn't tried. He's crazy rich so I do expect him to treat me to a nice dinner and a bottle of wine. Knowing that there's a sweet, caring heart underneath the flamboyant and chaotic exterior just makes him more attractive. This man would be perfect but I sense commitment issues and know he's got that tendency to self-sabotage relationships. Oh, well. A night of passion I'll never forget is more than enough from this handsome mercenary. I also want us to play dress-up in his closet after. Maybe during. I bet this man owns some gorgeous leather body harnesses. Probably a whole trunk of magical toys. Anyways.
Kimmuriel: ayyyyy you all know me well enough by now to know this is a SMASH for me. Love the fact that the fandom on here likes to put his height right around 5'; I've always wanted to try to pull off slinging a cute drow over my shoulder and walking off with him like the dragon sisters did with Jarlaxle, and I'm confident I can pull that off with Kimm here assuming he's into it and cooperates. Does he have Jarlaxle's experience in this arena? Probs not, but you just KNOW there's some freaky shit one could do with psionics, so lets uh, pioneer some new techniques if you know what I mean. I've got so many questions about psionics in general actually, so I'd hope this turns into at least a few dates and not just a one-night thing. Want to learn more about stars, sweetie? Here, lemme whisper infodump in ya ear, that's hot, right?
Rai'gy: He's confident and I like that, but I don't date or sleep with priests, esp. not priests from a super controlling religion. Sorry! It's kind of a "you gotta be at least thiiiiis much agnostic to ride" situation.
Valas: Listen, I met a guy once that was kind, loves to just leave situations, GREAT navigator, knows his constellations, and figures a great first date is a quiet late night nature walk. I wifed that man up so fucking fast.. and I'm not even talking about Valas here. But back to the drow at hand, this isn't just a smash, this is a respectfully smash and then marry. Or it would be if I wasn't already, yknow, married. But for the sake of the game, I'm telling you. I see marriage material right here.
Zaknafein: Sooo sadly I'm gonna take a pass on this one. I haven't got to the later books yet but fandom osmosis tells me daddy Zak has anger issues? Sorry, If I wanted a guy with kids, a crazy ex, and a tendency to lash out when pissed I could just drive my ass back to my hometown and have my pick of the litter.
Beniago: Have not really met him yet (maybe I should redo this when I'm actually done with all the books lol), but from what I hear, smash? Probably?
Drizzt: v respectful pass bc this man is married and also has a kid now. Hit me up twenty+ books from now and I'll let you know if I change my mind. I will say, if it were I and not Innovindil up on those mountains... anyways.
Gromph: Sorry, pass. Too old 4 me. Also kind of an asshole. He invites me back to his room to "meet his familar" and he's not talking about Kyorli. I tell him I'll do better on my next Transmutations Theory exam, thanks for your time professor, but I gotta go uh, do something. Maybe next time, thanks for the offer.
@solvicrafts and @maritimelass and @villainslut NO PRESSURE since not everyone is into this kind of game! I don't know who else to tag. If you want to jump in, go for it.
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Exit on your left: Part 1.
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Um...Mr Kamukura?
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I know I probably shouldn't be the one to question your escape methods but...Why are we going THIS way?
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*Kanata, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi and Hiro closely follow Uchui as he leads them through the base. Uchui remains stone faced the entire time.
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Where exactly...IS this place?
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This is the first time I’ve seen the building outside the cells. I figured we were in some kinda institution but...this looks more...
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To put simply...it’s a factory. Though, I had assumed you would have come to that conclusion just by looking around.
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You don’t gotta be a smartass about it. When did Zetsubou take the time to BUILD all this?
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Well, it’s all been built up over the last 10 or 11 years...Since Shirogane came to our reality. But the actuality is Zetsubou secretly sieged this place from a previously existing company, wiping out or silencing all associated with it for their own ends.
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Hold on...11 years? But I thought the V3 kids came through 4 years ago?
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You really think it would take 4 years to build up this big an empire? Only Ultimate leaders could pull something like that off. And Shirogane is anything but.
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But...how...? You said you pulled them through, right? And you only got that idea in the last few years, so how could Shirogane have come through a decade before?
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...I don’t know...I do have some working theories, but I assume even if I was to talk about it, you wouldn’t get it.
*They emerge into a room with several monitors and computers.
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...I knew it...
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Knew what?
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Sorry, but truth be told, this is the central security room of this entire base. Before I get you out of here, I just needed to make a quick detour and grab something from here?
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THIS is the central hub?
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Is that a problem?
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...It’s just...for the main security mainframe its...pretty quiet around here.
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You don’t think Zetsubou have caught on, have you?
*Uchui starts fiddling with the large keyboard in the middle of the desk.
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They’ve been on edge ever since Maki Harukawa went missing. I wouldn’t put it past them.
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For real!? You mean they might be looking for us right now!? Then why are we HERE?
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Shh! If you make that much noise, then they’ll find us a lot quicker!
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Oh! Sorry...!
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But if that’s the case...do we really even have a chance at escaping?
*Uchui stops fiddling, then rises and turns to look at Kanata.
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I don’t believe in chance, doctor. Chance never saved anyone in the Killing Games, nor did it save me from the hell that was my upbringing.
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I believe in the flow of time, and the value of effort. If we stick together, we’ll stay alive...and you WILL see your families again.
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Well, in the very least, I can get YOU out of here. Whether or not I get out with you...
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You’re not coming with?
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No. I still have a lot I need to do here. I still haven’t found a way to destroy what remains of the Hope Serum.
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You still haven’t done that!? I thought that’d be priority number one!?
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This is gonna sound really cheesy and lame, but I value your safety more than destroying that serum. I got you into this mess...now I’m gonna get you out.
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This is just step one of my mission to atone for me and my family’s sins.
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...And what’s step two?
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...Taking down this whole base...and destroying Zetsubou from the inside out.
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And how do you plan to do that?
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Not alone. But I don’t want you guys in here when this place crumbles.
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And you? How do you plan to get out?
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That’s in my interest only.
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So much for sticking together...
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I...! Gah...
*He grips the edge of the desk.
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Look...with all due respect...I betrayed the Future Foundation and cost many people their lives when I sold them out to Zetsubou. There’s no reason for Kirigiri, or Fujisaki, or anybody else in the higher ups to worry about saving MY life. 
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What about Reaper? You’re his best friend; you really think he wouldn’t try to save you!?
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KURIPA knows that we have priorities. Even he wouldn’t jeopardize such an important mission just to save MY life...
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I’m sure...
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You don’t SOUND sure...
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What’s it to you anyway?
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Because I’ve seen that kind of thing before. This overwhelming guilt that makes you think everything would be better off if you were gone, or if you paid for your mistakes in the most painful way. 
*Kazuichi starts to pace the room.
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Look, I get it Uchui, but you can’t do this. You think you’re making a heroic and brave sacrifice, but all you’re doing is continuing to have your life weighed down by-
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Oh crap! RUN!
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Heh...Going somewhere!?
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Heehee! Nice try!
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*All three entryways in the security room are blocked off as several Zetsubou goons armed with rifles emerge from the blackness! Akira, Celeste and Narumi take one, Yukari and Mikihiko take another, and Tsumugi stands with a few henchmen in the third.
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And thus the whole pity party is here. Sorry to come crashing in.
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Celeste! Wait, it’s not what it looks like!
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Shut it Hiro! You’re not helping!
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So this really WAS an ambush?
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You don’t sound surprised in the slightest?
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I had a feeling when I saw this room was empty that you’d caught on.
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And you came anyway? That’s either very brave, or very stupid.
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Well, I’m clearly smart enough to have gotten away with it up until now, right?
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Au contraire, Kamukura. Maybe I didn’t know about a few details of your plan, which prevented me from stopping you up until now...
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But I’ve known about this escape plan and your conspiracy for a LOOOOOONG time...
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What...!? How!?
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*Nagito and Matta emerge from the darkness in the doorway behind her.
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Matta here filled me in on all your suspicious activities. Plus, I didn’t quite trust you, Uchui, from the start. I’m not THAT brainless.
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Komaeda, you bastard...!
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Don’t misunderstand...! I didn’t-
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Mr Gyalusetsu!? You...!? Then...!?
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Humans are desperate creatures, Dr Inori. In a world of despair, where there is a light of shining hope, they cling to that hope without thinking of the consequences it might bring.
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Which is why, when I offered you that safe room to plan, I knew you would take the opportunity.
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Don’t you agree? Komaeda?
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...? Um...
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You mean you trusted him!? What the hell is wrong with you!?
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That man is every bit of a demon as the rest of them! And you let him get inside your head.
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Don’t listen to him. Typically, I am not as profound a manipulator as I may seem. Normally, I get the job done, no nonsense.
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But ever since I arrived here...It’s been nothing but nonsense. So I decided to play along eventually.
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I’m so sorry...
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Don’t apologize Doc! It’s not your fault!
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Yeah...I kinda figured he was different from the rest too. I guess we were all fooled.
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You were also fooled into thinking that the treatment I’ve shown you all until now was the worst I could muster...Now that you’ve attempted this escape...
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You’ll see just how NASTY I can be...! Now BACK TO YOUR CELLS!
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*Uchui carefully shifts towards the desk and swipes something from it.
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Hey...back away from my PC buddy...
*Akira’s ring weapon shanks the death and very nearly cuts off Uchui’s fingers. He backs away and raises his hands in the air.
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What are you doing...!?
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Shush! Play along!
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So let me get one thing straight...This whole thing about wanting to help me make Ultimate Hopes was just a lie? You really just wanted to stop me from the beginning and destroy the Hope Serum for good?
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You really should’ve done that first.
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I know right!? I said the same thing!
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Hiro, seriously, shut up!
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Don’t act like you wanted it for a higher purpose or something.
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Normally I would say “you have no idea just how dangerous that serum is to us all!” but no...You DO know, and you DON’T care!
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You wanted to create Ultimate Hope’s because you know how much chaos Izuru Kamukura’s creation caused. Even if it spirals out of your control, it will cause so much carnage, it won’t matter!
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Not to mention this serum of yours is even worse than the project...Fujimori and Komaeda...Both of their minds were fucked, and they lost sight of themselves and their original goals because of what that damn drink did to them.
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My father’s batshit crazy work served as the catalyst for everything that went wrong with this world the first time...
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And when I brought you to this world, I created the catalyst for the SECOND...The difference is I acknowledge that, and I won’t run away from that responsibility...!
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...Well, I’ll give you credit...You certainly didn’t RUN from it...
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Junko? Kamukura did something to central security system when he got here. Run a scan and find out whatever virus he downloaded. Akira, help her.
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Got it.
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On it boss.
*Akira saunters over to the computer to aid Junko, controlling the pieces of his ring to surround Uchui and the survivors, while Zetsubou soldiers point guns at them.
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You know...In hindsight...
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It takes a great deal of patience and confidence to be the best friend of Kuripa Kurafto...I should’ve figured you would go to such extremes...
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Don’t talk to me about extremes, Miss “I’m-gonna-wipe-out-everyone-with-the-power-of-Ultimate-Hope-because-I’m-so-desperate-for-attention.”
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Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?
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I never knew my mother, asshat.
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So what’s the master plan “Mastermind?” You despair-y types always have one, no?
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Hm...I could kill you and capture the Survivors again...Or I could explain my master plan and THEN kill you and capture the Survivors again...
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...I think I’ll just kill you!
*With a wave of Tsumugi’s hand, all the Zetsubou soldiers aim their rifles at Uchui and the others.
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Son of a...!
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Hey...Kamukura...!? Please don’t tell me your master plan was us walking into the jaws of death!
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It looks like it was a big mistake thinking following this heathen was the best course of action...He’s sacrificed you...then failed you...
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I’m not a heathen, you prissy, pink-haired monster...
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What is that horrid-?
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Um...Junko? What’s going on?
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Tsumugi! It’s bad! The security mainframe is RIGGED TO BLOW!
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Both: AKIRA!?
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Both: YUKARI! 
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*Uchui grabs the escapees and they make a mad dash for an escape! The explosion of the computer launches Akira back into the wall and knocks him unconscious, causing the ring pieces to fall and the armed soldiers to fly back too. Additionally, the direct damage done to AI Junko in the system brain fries Yukari, and causes her to collapse!
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*Tsumugi casts out a hand once her ears stop ringing.
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*Matta places a hand on her shoulder.
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Let him run...
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It makes it more fun for me...!
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justicecaballer · 2 years
game log day 3 (4)
things i worked on:
continued work with the inventory system
started over with the third person shooting system
inventory system's still pretty jank. i uh... made it persistent, in theory? still gotta fix the image scrambling issue. i'm pretty sure i know what's wrong (it's pulling the images from the wrong index) and the fix is definitely simple but im very stupid so i have to sit down and think about the exact syntax that's gonna require which is more difficult than it needs to be for reasons explained in the second point
the third person shooting is much better now imo but its also... not hitscan anymore. i can probably frankenstein this code with my preexisting code but that will be later. the thing about today is that i hit a hard wall at like noon where my brain and body absolutely quit and i couldnt do anything at all until... like 8pm. turns out burnout applies to all areas of life and not just your work life. even if you are doing a thing you want to do. it still gets classified as work if it is challenging enough. and. i spent almost the entire day just trying to figure out what was Wrong. lol. oh well
i did also attempt to open up blender to create a very simple item while on a client call but that didn't pan out
resources consulted:
third person shooting
this person does very good, in depth tutorials. thank u samyam
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lamphous · 2 years
28. something about [them] ? for whoever!
send me a number and I'll write a micro story using/inspired by the word or phrase
[on ao3]
Peering over the top of the car and into the farmers market, Dean waits until… “Alright. He’s in. Now we sit back and let the magic happen.”
Sam doesn’t look up from his texting with the coroner. “What?”
Dean waves a hand at the scene before them: Cas, chatting with one of the witnesses who works at a food stand on the outskirts of the farmers market that, last week, someone had their heart ripped out at. The witness and the older woman with him are both fully consumed with talking to Cas, at the expense of the customers trying to catch their attention at the other end of the table. “I told you, man. He may not be good at talking to normal people, but there’s no one better for the job. Catch more flies with honey; catch more witnesses with Cas.”
That gets Sam’s full attention. He squints up at Dean. “What?”
“What do you mean, ‘what’?”
“I mean, 'what the hell does that mean,’ what.”
“There’s just something about him, y'know? He’s got that whole 'handsome stranger you can’t help wanting to get to know’ thing going for him, works every time.”
“I have… no idea what you’re talking about.” Sam puts his phone in his pocket, leaning over the roof too but not looking at Cas and the witness, just staring at Dean. “You’re saying, what, you think Cas is hot?”
“Wh— Everybody thinks Cas is hot!”
Right? Everyone’s always calling him handsome and trying to take him home: Meg, Crowley, Rowena, that one reaper who killed him, the game show host when Gabriel trapped them in TV-land, the pack of moms they ran into in town last week on a pizza run, even that British dude whatshisface. Setting aside whether it’s weird that Dean remembers all that, that’s evidence, alright?
“That’s just an objective fact, dude.”
Sam blinks, unbothered. “I guess. I don’t know, I guess I don’t think of him that way. I look at him and I see… Cas. He’s just some guy.”
“He’s not just some guy,” he scoffs. “He’s Cas.”
“Yeah.” Sam looks perplexed, but also like he’s figuring something out, which is basically always the last thing Dean wants. “That’s what I said.”
“He’s not—”
Dean has no idea why he’s getting so up in arms about this. Cas is his best friend, sure, so he’s defending his… not honor, but you get what he means. But he’s too invested, right? It’s not like he has skin in the game, being convinced Cas is objectively attractive. It’s not like he’s trying to prove anything. It’s not like he needs a reason to—
Thankfully, before he can finish that thought, Cas returns, carrying the little notepad Dean had given him to make sure he looked the part and a little bag, both of which he gives Dean.
“The woman working at the stand with our witness gave me these,” he says as Dean opens the bag. The smell is familiar…
“Is that what I think it— Yes.” Dean fist pumps and pulls out a cinnamonified mini donut, which he quickly inhales. “See, Sam? This is what you get when you send Cas in.”
Cas squints at him, both over the enthusiasm with which he’s going at the donuts and the words he just said. “What happens when you 'send me in’?”
“Witnesses try to buy their way into your pants with free pastries,” Dean says as he tries to catch the rest of the cinnamon sugar on his fingers.
Cas turns his confused look onto Sam, who explains, “Dean thinks witnesses like you because you’re hot.”
“That’s not—” Dean tries to argue, but his mouth is too full.
“Mrs Wilson said she was giving me the donuts because I reminded her of her dead brother,” Cas says. “Am I hot?”
“According to Dean.”
Dean, about to swallow and defend his theory, chokes instead.
Cas takes one of the donuts as well, rendering him incapable of saying something and thus free from the responsibility to. Dean eats another donut. Sam sighs and takes the notepad from under Dean’s arm: someone’s gotta solve the actual case.
“Wait, seriously? You didn't learn anything?”
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lucy-free · 7 months
it's frustrating to see that like there are so many people out there who experience a movie/show/etc, it really resonates with them and they want to examine it and think about it more closely, but like. bc of mcu/game theory/"the curtains were fucking blue" type shit dominating the landscape of discussion for this type of thing, the only analysis they ever do is entirely in-universe. trying to figure out all the "lore" and the complete set of rules that govern the fictional world in which the story takes place, and just like taking everything on the screen as literally as possible. to a certain extent it can be fun and im not saying to never do it but it's not actual analysis, it's just a fandom exercise. if you actually want to understand the things u like more deeply then at some point u gotta pull ur head out of the fictional world and realize it's a work of art made by real people and start thinking about what they were hoping to get across with it
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tangent101 · 2 years
A Strange Life: Chapter 8
Part 3 
Chaos Theory  
Chapter 8 
A Midnight Swim  
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ilia. And again, thank you so much!” I said, giving my sister a big hug as we stood in the hallway to the Xiao Long household.  
She hugged me back, giving me a tight squeeze. I relaxed a little more, knowing she’d forgiven me for not calling her when she was in class. “You know, I’m going to miss you. It’s going to be too quiet without your sleep babbles.” 
I punched her gently on the arm when she pulled away. “If I talk in my sleep, it’s just to drown out your snores.” My phone buzzed and I pulled it out to check my messages. “Huh. Did you talk to Angel?” 
“No, why?” Ilia asked, peering over my phone and try to read the messages.  
“She said that my teachers agreed to let my classes be recorded so I can still... well, I don’t have to drop out! Professor Taurus talked to them?” I stared at the text in shock. 
“I’m not surprised, you’re his favorite student!” Ilia ribbed me. I waved off her comment as I studied the texts. Professor Taurus had talked to the other teachers? I shook my head in surprise. After what he’d done to my photo submission, not to mention what he’d said to Penny, I had been rather disillusioned. Why would he do this? 
“You okay, Blake?” Yang asked. 
“Just wondering what’s up with my teacher,” I said. “I mean, he cut up my submission to the Everyday Hero contest, he basically told me that if I did what he said that I’d win the contest, and he pushed away Penny when she was asking for help. So why help me out now?” 
“I hate to say this but... it does sound sketchy. I mean, doesn’t he travel with you if you win the contest?” Ilia asked. 
“Yeah. Though given the alternative is Cinder... maybe he just doesn’t want to have someone throwing herself at him while in Los Angeles?” 
Yang flopped down on the bed. “I dunno, Blake. I agree with Ilia. He sounds sketchy. And he probably knows he screwed up earlier and is trying to be indispensable to you. He backs you against Dean Lionheart and Cinder, and now this? Seems sus to me.” 
I rolled my eyes. Figured Yang would play that game. “Why, though? Unless... he knows he screwed up with Penny. So he’s covering his bases so I don’t report him?” 
“She did try to kill herself. Maybe his job is on the line here?” Ilia speculated. That made a lot more sense than thinking he was trying to get me alone with him. If he were into that sort of thing there were plenty of women who’d love to sleep with the Adam Taurus. Hell, if he wasn’t my teacher, I would be tempted.  
“That’s probably it. It’s easy to let your imagination run away with itself,” Yang said. I nodded. With me, that was especially the case. 
Ilia’s phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket. “Shoot. I gotta get going. You going to be okay, Blake?” 
“Yeah. It’ll be weird doing classes remotely but... I’ll be okay. Love you, sis.”  
“Love you, sis. See you.” Ilia rolled her eyes as her phone buzzed again and she turned, thumbing a message on the screen as she walked toward the front door. Yang got up and followed me to the door. I have Ilia one last hug before letting her go back to Blackwell. 
Yang was smiling at me when I closed the door. “What?” 
“Oh, I just like how you are with her. I always thought you needed a sister. I’m glad you two met.” 
I laughed. “You just wanted me to have a kid sister so Ruby would have someone else to hang out with other than the two of us.” 
Her smile morphed into a grin. “That’s just a bonus perk. But seriously... I can tell how much you love her.” Her smile faded as she paused at the entrance to her bedroom. “I know you don’t mind sharing a bed but... we do still have the old twin-sized bed in the attic. It wouldn’t be that hard to get it down for you.” 
“And fit it where, Yang? I don’t know about you but I like being able to move around in a bedroom. And with the two of us....” 
“Yeah. It would get cramped, wouldn’t it. Okay. Just, if I kick you in my sleep, kick back.” 
I returned her smirk. “Oh, I plan on it.” I sat on the bed and flopped back. “So, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?” 
“The same thing we do every night, Blakey, try to take over the Earth! Why, have anything in mind?” 
“To be honest? No.” I sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “I’m so used to just... studying. I know that I still have to do classwork but with everything up in the air on if I’ll even be let back in? I’m kind of at wit’s end on what to do with myself.” 
Yang flopped down next to me and then turned, smiling. I felt my stomach do flips. “Let’s do something fun then. If you’re up to it.” 
I raised an eyebrow at her. “Try me.” 
“Okay. Let’s break into Blackwell tonight. After everyone’s gone to sleep.” 
“Because I think Ironwood’s hiding stuff. And if we can get enough dirt on him and Lionheart, we can get you readmitted to Blackwell!” 
I snorted. “I’ve been here for three hours and you already want to kick me out? Nice.” 
“Seriously. Do you think Lionheart and Ironwood are going to let you back in?” Yang asked, looking concerned. I sighed.  
“No. No I don’t. It’s one reason I’m hesitant on doing classwork. If it doesn’t even matter... but if I don’t do it then it’ll be held against me and—” Yang’s hand on my arm brought my rambling to an end. 
“It’s okay, Blake,” Yang comforted me. We continued to lie together on her bed.  
“What if we get caught?” I rolled onto my side to look at her and she rolled over to face me. I blushed, realizing how close we were in bed together. She brushed my hair out of my eyes and smiled. 
“We don’t. And if we do? Just use the Rewind.” 
“I thought we didn’t want to abuse it.” 
“Blake, I don’t want you to go. And if you are kicked out of college... why would you stay?” 
There are so many reasons to stay. But can I be that selfish? “You’re right. I’m just worrying too much. I—I don’t care if I get into more trouble. But I don’t want you to get caught up in something because you’re trying to help me.” 
Yang rested her forehead against mine. “You’re worth it. Besides, I’ll do it even if you’re not helping. So you’re the only thing keeping me out of jail, Blakey!” She pulled away and winked, her lips curving upward. My heart skipped a beat and I had to blink my eyes rapidly as she blurred before me. 
“Thank you.” 
“So... let’s catch a nap. We’ve a busy night ahead of us,” Yang said, and snagged her phone, setting an alarm. “I mean, unless you want to watch Bladerunner or something?” 
I laughed. “You’ve never been able to stay awake through Bladerunner. But a nap sounds good,” I murmured and let my eyes drift shut. I felt Yang pull a blanket over me but it barely registered as blackness claimed me....
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
I feel like Dabi would be the type of dude who would bully you incessantly at the LOV and for the life of you you can’t figure out why. He’s always around you and making snarky comments or pulling your hair, trying to catch you messing up on missions. You’re sure he hates you, and you do well to stay out of his way, or sometimes when you feel bold you’ll offer a quip of your own. The bullying increases whenever you talk to other guys at the bar, especially when you make Tomura crack a smile, Dabi’s breathing down your neck the second your leader leaves, calling you terrible names and pushing past your boundaries.
Cw: language, nsfw, noncon, manga spoilers, some angst?
In a perfect world, Touya would not have been abandoned and rejected by his family. In a perfect world, Dabi would not exist, and Touya would be eating dinner with his family right now as he shows his little brother how to properly wield fire to its fullest extent.
But there was no such thing as a perfect world, and therefore Dabi did exist. And Dabi doesn’t care for anyone, or anything.
Or so he tells himself.
“Nothing but eye candy, and shitty eye candy at that”
It’s nothing you haven’t heard before, but it doesn’t make it any easier to ignore him
“What was that all about, huh? The fuck are you and crusty snickering about?”
Fed up with his continuous antics, you decide to mouth off a little too.
“Oh nothing, just talking about how adorable you and Hawks would make as a couple. And wipe that sneer off your face, it looks like some of your staples fell out of your mouth.”
It’s nothing too snarky, but in a second he’s shoving you in some dark room, forearm pinned against your throat as his hand is lit up with blue flames merely inches away from you, snarling in your face.
“You wanna be funny, bitch? I got jokes of my own too, why dont I show you what happens to dumb little girls who don’t know their fucking place? I think that would be real funny.”
But his hand is stopped from drawing near your wide eyes when you both hear Twice and Toga calling everyone for their next meeting.
He pushes you away from him, giving you a murderous look over his shoulder as he leaves the room, not paying mind to the way you slide down the wall in the dark.
You take extra precaution to try avoiding him for the next few days, not even making eye contact with him when you two get teamed up for tasks. He never mentions the room incident, if anything he acts as if it never happens. It’s like whiplash for you, he tries to weirdly talk to you more but all you offer him is mumbles and hums of agreement.
The conversation is never long, but it starts to be less talk of degrading you and more of begrudging questioning of what you’ve been up to. You never engage, opting to pretend like you never heard him, and strangely enough he leaves it be.
You give him a side eye one day as he joins you at the bar (much to your discontent), downing your glass just to fill another.
He says nothing as he slides into the stool right next to you, and pours a glass of whiskey for himself as well.
It’s awkwardly silent, you’re not sure if you should leave or not, but you’d be damned if you try to initiate small talk with this psycho.
But then, he speaks.
“Is Shigaraki sending you on the mission to get that UA kid?”
His gravely voice rumbles and cracks from his usual lack of use, and he clears his throat after he talks.
This is excruciating, you think to yourself as he mulls over the drink in his hand for a silent minute or two.
Toga calls you over thankfully at the exact same moment, and you breathe out an inaudible sigh of relief as you slip off the stool to join her.
“Wait-“ Dabi grabs your arm and you flinch out of instinct, expecting a slap or a burn to come from him.
He sees your reaction and shakes his head dismissively, letting you go and muttering a “Nevermind”. You don’t ponder over it as you trip over your own feet to join the eccentric blond.
A week passes, and then two. With each day you maneuver your way around him, request to be partnered up with different people in private, and busy yourself in random tasks. Every time you pass him by the bar he lifts his head from whatever he’s doing and tries to maintain eye contact with you, even going so far as to open his mouth to say or ask god-knows-what.
You try to ignore the foreign hopeful glint in his glacial eyes as you walk right past him, ducking your head as you do so.
It drives Dabi crazy.
He can’t handle any more rejection, he thought his family would be the last straw for him to ever want recognition or love validation from again. He wants to talk to you, to hear your voice as it snaps back with witty comebacks of your own that he secretly enjoys so much, even if it means he has to force it out of you with hateful words. He wants to feel your hair underneath his scarred hands, even if he has to mask the soft wanting of you in forms of yanking the strands. He wants nothing more than to see your eyes fill up with no other sight than him and think only of him, even if it means he has to corner you and scare you into submission.
But your silence is something he’s not used to.
Well, to be fair, you weren’t silent completely, but the only sentences he was hearing from you nowadays was when you were speaking to Shigaraki or the other League members.
You were the only idiot who didn’t notice the smoke curling from his nostrils and ears comically when he’d finally see you stop your stoic act just to open up to other men apart from him. Spinner, Twice, and Compress backed off almost immediately from talking to you for too long when they’d see the look on his face as he watched you surrounded by them, but Tomura would merely smirk from behind your shoulders and keep a level gaze with his subordinate, knowing fully well why he was so pissed off.
You began to notice the weird energy at the base soon after the rest of the men would keep curt conversations with you in comparison to your long talks about video games, sex, and life after you would all win the war.
So you thought it would be best to ask the most semi-normal person there that wasn’t fueled with testosterone and aggression.
“I just don’t get it, why are they all being weird? I mean, we all used to talk so much and now they just...try avoiding me. Except for Tomura of course, he’s still normal I guess. But he always has this smirk on his face when I’m with him and I can’t figure out why.”
Toga stops cleaning her blood-laced needle to give you a sly look, all fangs and glinting white.
“And Dabi?”
“What about him?”
She sits back on her haunches and cocks her head at you. “You really don’t know what’s happening here, do ya?”
“No,” you roll your eyes in exasperation. “But I’ll gladly take any theories here, since apparently I’m the only one who doesn’t get it.”
“He likes you.”
You gape at her for a moment and then burst out laughing.
“What? That’s crazy, he doesn’t like me, he hates me!” He can barely stand being in a room with me, all he does is talk shit and harass me.”
The blond curiously licks at a bead of red from the top of the weapon and you cringe when her own tongue rips from the sharp point.
“You say he can’t stand being in a room with you, so then why is it that he’s always there? He might talk shit, but he talks to you out of everyone else right? Regardless of if it’s something mean.”
You’re thoroughly flabbergasted. She had a point, but it was too much to wrap your head around. She cheerfully hums and gets up to flounce around the room, cleaning her already-tidy room up to a T.
“And that little silent treatment act you’re giving him isn’t helping either. I swear, Jin told me Dabi almost burned his mouth off that one day you, him and Spinner were talking about GTA. He totally cornered the poor guy and threatened his life if he didn’t stop talking to you.”
“You’re joking.”
“Am not. He wanted to do the same to Tomura but I figure he wants to keep his job, so he won’t. Doesnt make it any better for him when you’re all chummy with the one person Dabi can’t stand the most, though.”
No wonder your leader was so smug whenever you two were in the same room, your attention solely focused on him.
You run your hands down your face, moaning about the whole situation being fucked. It’s just your luck that you couldn’t take a clue, but to be fair, how could you? Being called worthless and a waste of space wasn’t exactly what you had in mind for flirty banter.
“Soooo what’re you gonna do now? I heard he’s gonna try talking to you for realsies like, tomorrow or something.”
“Tomorrow?” You yelp, jumping up to your feet. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I can’t face him!”
“Oops,” she giggles, twirling with outstretched arms around her room and falling down onto her bed.
“Oh god, I can’t do this. I don’t even know if I like him! He’s such an ass, and even when he tries to come off as normal he’s just so..unsettling. I don’t think I’ve ever had a good conversation with him.”
Toga props her elbow up to rest her chin on her hand, frowning in thought.
“Why not just tell him how you feel?”
You snort and fold your arms. “Yeah, because the psycho arsonist is really gonna take the word no well.”
“Hmm.. I see what you mean. Oh well, whatever you choose, I’ll support you!”
And with that she skips out of the room sing songing for Twice to make a clone for her.
You were fucked.
And sure enough, the next day he approaches you, hands stuffed in his pockets and an almost bored look on his face.
“Yo newbie, I gotta talk to you for a second. Come with me”.
You look blearily up at him through eye bags and mussed hair, a direct telling of your sleepless night. Your stomach drops when you hear his words, but you nod your head and take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself of the speech you practiced till the sun rose.
No one else is bothering you both today, Shigaraki having gone to visit All For One and the rest of the League left to their own devices. It was something you weren’t so comfortable with, but you doubted a hero would come to save you.
He leads you through the short winding hallways, each step of his growing louder and heavier as the space started growing smaller. Finally, he reaches a dimly lit room and stops outside the door, gesturing for you to go in with a casual wave of his patched wrist.
“After you.”
You raise an unsure eyebrow at his uncharacteristic show of consideration, and do as he says. You’re sweating bullets, fists balled so that your nails are digging into your palms, and vision going in and out of focus as your eyes begin to adjust to your surroundings.
A loud bang pulls you out of your stupor, and you whip around at the sound.
Dabi is already staring back at you with lidded eyes, leaning his weight against the door, his arms crossing over each other.
You shift on both feet, picking at your nails nervously.
“So, what did you wanna talk about?”
He says nothing, but just observes you, his head slightly tilted as if you were some abstract art piece.
“You got a lot of nerve, y’know that?”
He pushes himself off the wall and advances slowly towards you, hands stuffed in his trench coat pockets.
You immediately back up with raised palms, sputtering indignantly at his offensive movements coming closer and closer. However you thought his ‘confession’ would go, this was most definitely not starting out like how you planned
“Excuse me? What’re you talking about-“
“I know what you’re doing. You think whoring yourself out to ol’ crusty and the rest of the guys here is gonna make everyone forget just how useless you actually are. What the fuck do you even do here? You fuck up half the missions which I have to come bail your ass out of, you constantly put us in jeopardy by being all friendly with everyone, and you can’t even keep your mouth shut when I need to let off a little steam, as I rightfully should.”
In a perfect world, Dabi would be the light of your eyes, the hero of your world. In a perfect world, Dabi would be able to hold your hand in his smooth one and tell you that he wants you so much that it impairs his rational judgement and makes him say things he doesn’t mean. He’d tell you that your presence is like a weight lifted off his chest, your presence means he doesn’t have to think or worry about the outside world, he just wants you all to himself without anyone interfering.
But this is not a perfect world, and Dabi is not a hero, but rather one of the worst villains.
So he does exactly what one does as a villain.
Instead of a loving look that he knows he’s incapable of, Dabi looks down into your horrified gaze as he traps you against the wall between his scarred arms, spewing misplaced venom at you.
“I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to chill out. First you go ballistic on me ‘cause I talked to Tomura for no reason, then you act all weird and quiet as if you’re some decent person, and now you think you can just bring me in here and tell me how worthless I am? Go fuck yourself, seriously.”
You scoff and make your way to push him but stop when he does what he did a couple weeks ago. You hold bated breath as he casually brings an inflamed hand to scratch at his face as if he can’t feel the hellfire emitting from it, and let out a whine of distress as he lowers his head mere inches from yours, lips almost touching.
“Stop talking to the rest of the guys,” he breaths. “Stop smiling, laughing, or going near anyone who isn’t me.”
You wonder if he knows how insane he sounds. He does, but that’s nothing he doesn’t know already. If anything, it solidifies in his mind that if he is to be as bad as the world has made him out to be, then he is acting exactly fit for the role.
“I don’t need to give sluts like you a reason. It should come as easy, right? What’s putting out for one more person?”
Your eyes are brimming with tears now, your stoic facade showing cracks as you sniffle a little bit.
He eats it up and groans watching salty rivers cascade down your cheeks. Suddenly, he feels as though he can no longer hold back anymore, he feels as though if he thinks for one more second he’ll combust.
So, acting on instinct, he surges forward and presses his lips against yours, swallowing your cries of distress and holding your hands above your head in midst of them frantically beating on his chest.
Your lips are so, so soft compared to his and it’s making him sink deeper into this instinctual daze. He puffs against your writhing lips as he thrusts his hot tongue in your mouth.
You try to bite him but when his hands heat up against your skin you resign to your fate and wail, allowing him to pull his hips flush against yours and start humping your thighs.
He draws back and bites your lips, teeth clacking against yours as he does so. You open your terrified eyes and blanch when you see the look on his face.
Lust is clearly drawn everywhere, from his blown pupils to his heaving chest, all the way to his flushed face and wild eyes. He looks as though he’s about to eat you alive and it’s appropriate that you feel like a lamb about to be slaughtered.
“Dabi, wait, please stop-“
But he cuts your pants off again in favor of slamming his hips against yours again and grinding impossibly hard on your legs, the friction of his jeans catching on your clothed cunt and forcing a mewl out of you.
“I’m not gonna stop. I’ve had enough of you teasing. You’re mine now, and if it takes burning our dear leader alive and this whole place down for you to understand that then I’ll fucking do it.”
He thought that terrorizing you would ease the empty feeling in his heart, that continuously berating you would force him to see you as what he always said you were, just another empty headed cunt. He thought that distancing himself from you and focusing on other things would make him forget about the soft feelings he longed to share with you, feelings he thought perished in the fire he was in when he was a young boy .
Even now, there is an ache in his chest as he hears you beg for him to stop, to let you go, that you’re sorry for whatever you did.
But this is not a perfect world, and not everyone gets their way in life.
You should really learn that, because Dabi already has.
And so Dabi will act accordingly to what life has put out before him .
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I’ll Take X-pecting for 200, Alex
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Summary: Dr. Spencer Reid plays a trivia game at the request of his wife, Y/N, but he’s in for more than some heaving hitting questions. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Wife Reader 
Word Count: 1.5k 
Author’s Note: I really don’t think that this summary does this justice
I’ll Take X-pecting for 200, Alex 
Shuffling the cards with a shake in her hand, Y/N tells herself to just breathe. This is something that Spencer and her have been looking forward to, dreamed about, and constantly discussed. Regardless of how much she knows Spencer loves her, there’s a lingering seed of doubt that only grows with the sound of Spencer walking into their house. 
“Y/N!, I’m home, darlin’,” Spencer calls from the hallway, dropping the “g” because he knows that Y/N finds it endearing. 
“Baby,” Y/N yells from the table. “I’m in the dining room. I made us a trivia game! Come play with me, I need your brains,” she finishes, smiling at her husband, who has been away for nearly two weeks.
“You know do I love trivia, Y/N,” Spencer says. He takes a seat next to his wife, but before he can kiss her, she pushes him out of his chair and motions for him to take the seat opposite of her.
“Before we start, how was the case? Everyone make it home in one piece?” Y/N asks concerned over the wellbeing of some of her closest friends. 
“Everyone’s fine, Y/N. The unsub ended up being a team. Two women hellbent on getting revenge for their children’s murders. One of them got away,” Spencer explains, solemnly. 
“Oof,” Y/N says, letting out a sigh. “It’s at times like these that I’m glad I don’t have your job. I’m kinda glad she got away, between you and me.” 
“It’s hard, sometimes we don’t really know who we’re bringing justice too. But, I’d do anything to protect my future children, and you. Anything I needed to do to keep you safe,” Spencer tells her, leaning across the table and kissing Y/N’s hand. She gives him a sheepish smile, but inside her mind is eager to get this trivia game started. 
“You’re a charmer, Dr. Reid,” Y/N flirts. 
“Just for you, Y/N. Now you mentioned something about trivia,” Spencer says, clapping his hands together excitedly. 
“I just thought you’d like to rest your brain after a case but shifting though all those facts you got stored up there. And I always said you should try out for Jeopardy,” Y/N says as she collects the cards with the clues. 
She spreads out the categories, Child Psychology, Children’s Books, Labor & Delivery, Nursery Rhymes, X-Epecting, on the table. They were all handwritten on different colorful pieces of cardstock and decorated with baby animals and block letters. Y/N read the categories aloud to her husband, allowing herself to steal a glance at his face while he concentrated on the categories, as if he already could answer the questions. 
“All right, Spencer, you pick first,” Y/N says, in her best Alex Trebek impression. 
“I’ll take Child Psychology for $200,” Spencer chooses, looking up to smile at Y/N. 
“This is the substitute mother that baby monkeys formed an attachment to in Harlow’s psychological experiment,” Y/N asks.
“Terry-Cloth,” Spencer interjects. 
“Not uh, Spence, you need to answer correctly,” Y/N teases. She looks up at him expectantly to choose the next clue. He rolls his eyes at her, but secretly he enjoys the playful banter they still share even after all these years. 
“Um, Children’s Books $200,” 
“This is the story of the clever spider that can weave words in her web,” 
“What is Charlotte’s Web?” 
“Correct, pick again please,” Y/N says, as she tries to maintain a stoic composure. 
“This is the average of days that newborns keep up their sleepless parents,” Y/N asks, sure that this question would stump her genius husband. But to no avail, Spencer answers the question correctly. 
“Okay! Next time try-outs are around, I’m forcing you to take the test,” Y/N says running over to kiss Spencer on the cheek. 
“You know judges are supposed to remain impartial, Y/N” Spencer tells her, putting his arm around her waist as if he’s signally her to sit in his lap. 
“I can’t help it, how about you win kisses every time you get a question right, Spence,” Y/N proposes. 
“I guess it’s worth more than fake money,” Spencer teases.
“You offend me, baby!” Y/N pretends to be hurt by Spencer’s words, but urges him to continue the game. 
“You only got a couple more left, Spence,” 
“Okay, how about X-Expecting for $200,” Spencer chooses. 
“This chromosome is linked to the baby’s mother,” Y/N quizzes, finding it difficult to keep her smiles and secrets at bay when Spencer’s arm tugs around her waist tightly and his fingers draw patterns under her shirt. 
“What is X-Chromosome,” Spencer answers before Y/N can even finish the clue. 
“You know that you’re supposed to wait until the clue is read, Spence. I should redact kisses,” Y/N fake threats. 
“No! Y/N I’ll die without your kisses, please!” Spencer cries out in pretend disain. Much to his amusement his goofy behavior leads Y/N to plant small pecks on his forehead. 
“There, that should hold you over,” 
“I doubt it, Y/N. I miss you already,” Spencer mutters into her shoulder, as if he’s trying to get closer to his wife more than he could already be with her sitting on his lap. 
“Two more clues till Final Jeopardy,” Y/N announces, ignoring the fact that she’s bypassing the rest of the clues and totally disregarding Double Jeopardy. 
“Hmm, let’s go to Nursery Rhymes for kissing for the rest of my life,” Spencer picks, peppering Y/N’s shoulder with kisses. 
“Huh! Look at that, Spencer, you got the Daily Double, so whatcha going to wager?” Y/N asks, knowing she’s pulling this Daily Double straight out of the air, but Spencer’s affection for only one lifetime is not nearly enough for her. 
“I’ll make a true Daily Double, darling. That means double the amount of kisses,” Spencer tells her, ticking the sides of Y/N waist. 
“Here’s your clue, Jack is urged to be nimble & quick, helping him do this,” Y/N reads from the card. 
“What is to jump over the candlestick?” Spencer guesses, closing his eyes to be assaulted by Y/N’s eager lips. 
“Yay! Double kisses!” Y/N yells happily as she pecks Spencer’s eyelids and nose, causing him to laugh at her light affection. 
“Next question, it’s the last one so you don’t get a choice, but I have so much confidence in you, my genius husband. These are the names of the 3 stages of labor?” Y/N questions, looking over her shoulder to get a glimpse of Spencer’s mind at work. 
“What are dilation, expulsion, and afterbirth,” Spencer answers, once again perfectly. 
“Okay, Dr. Reid you’ve accumulated a total of double kisses for the rest of our lives. Your Final Jeopardy category is, Ready For It…” Y/N announces. 
“Last one,” Spencer says, and Y/N wonders if Spencer’s figured it out by now. She hands Spencer the small cardboard box. He looks at it curiously and Y/N can feel her heart in her stomach. He must know by now, she thinks. He’s brilliant, but sometimes he can be a little clueless when it comes to things like that. Y/N thinks back to how they danced around each other for years before Derek practically had to force them out on a date. He must know. 
“You’re clue is inside the box, Spence,” Y/N tells him, her voice shaky and unsure. 
Spencer carefully opens the cardboard box and reaches in to pull out the small pregnancy test that lay hidden inside. He looks it over, reading the test twice, three times, maybe even four times. He honestly can’t remember taking longer to read something. Spencer looks up at a terrified Y/N. 
“You’re pregnant? We’re going to have a baby?” Spencer asks, desperately wanting to believe what he holds in his hand. 
“You’re gonna be a daddy, Spence,” Y/N tells him, her smile struggling to conceal itself in between the bouts of happiness and joy that courses through her veins. 
“A baby! Oh Y/N. A baby!” Spencer shouts rushing over to where his wife stands in between the entrance from their kitchen to their dining room. 
“You’re happy, right Spence. You want this with me-” Y/N starts, a sudden rush of fear lodging itself in her heart. 
“Of course I’m happy, Y/N. I’m so happy to be a dad. You’re going to be a mom! You’ll be the best mom, Y/N. I love you, Y/N,” Spencer says, crouching down to rub his hands on Y/N’s belly. 
“Hi sweet baby,” Y/N says softly, looking down at her belly and covering her hand over Spencer’s. “I want you to meet your daddy. He’s going to take care of you so well, he might talk a lot but you get used to it” 
“Hey, baby. It’s your dad,” Spencer murmurs quietly into Y/N’s belly. “I’m so glad that mommy told me about you. You gotta do some growing in there before you can meet us, but we love you so much, baby,”
“I really love you so much Y/N,” Spencer says as he sits up to kiss his wife. 
All his life Spencer’s loved science. He loves discovering the undiscovered. Memorizing all those theories and facts and methods could never prepare him for the awe that sat before him. He realizes that he’s looked at science all wrong. There's a beauty in science- a natural, unadulterated beauty that’s so rare to find. But he’s found it and he’s never letting go.
Thank You for Reading!
Taglist: @calm-and-doctor​ 
If anyone wants to be tagged in new posts, feel free to comment and I’ll be thrilled to tag you <3
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
Overdue thoughts on Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
I’ve been meaning to talk about my reaction to the latest Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes trailer, and now I’m finally gonna do it. This isn’t some super in depth theory crafting. Much like my Kingdom Hearts IV post this is just some early reflections.
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I’ll start with what I’ve noticed in terms of gameplay because this’ll be the shorter part. Also, I’ll just quickly point out that most of my Musou knowledge comes from the two Hyrule Warriors games. So if I sound ignorant about specifics of Dynasty Warriors gameplay, it’s because I am. Just a heads up. 
One thing I’ve been consistently impressed by in Koei Tecmo’s latest Musou spin-offs is how committed they are to trying to make them feel like part of the series that spawned them. Persona 5 Strikers and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity both perfectly match the graphical style of the games they’re based off. They also both pull a ton of aspects from the gameplay of their source material and blend them with Warriors gameplay. Sure enough, we have already seen Combat Arts, Gambits, Adjutants and the class system in these trailers. Combat Arts are particularly neat, since OP special moves are a Warriors tradition, but letting you choose from multiple ones is a neat bit of customisation (or maybe it’s already been done idk). Teaming up with allies on the battle field for group attacks is also cool as is more control over AI allies, but I hope this doesn’t replace actually swapping characters which I think is a great mechanic for these games both to keep variety, and bolster their light strategy elements. Three Houses’ training is also back, and hopefully will be used to cut down on the typical Musou grind rather than increase it.
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Ok, that’s all I can observe from the gameplay as far as I can make out and it all looks great. Here’s hoping there’s not any egregious performance issues.
Anyway, onto the story. So far I’m getting major vibes of Age of Calamity. This very much appears to be an alternate timeline, much of which revolves around our new protagonist, Shez. The idea seems to be that Shez’s absence was the main reason Three Houses played out the way it did, and now that they’re here, things may go differently. 
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Incidentally I’m glad Shez isn’t a silent protagonist. Byleth had more characterisation than your average silent protag, but they really couldn’t carry a story without the three lords (see Silver Snow for proof). I’ve already praised the new redesigns, and yes they are all chef’s kiss. But I wanna talk chronology. Anime ages are hazy at the best of times, but from what I see, there is definitely a timeskip here and they do look older, but the changes are way less pronounced than they were in Three Houses. The war has not been going on for five whole years it seems.
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The game also seems to be going out of its way to tap into some unexplored ideas from the original. For instance, we see a pink haired warrior in the trailer who could very possibly be Holst, Hilda’s previously unseen brother, as well as a new character who resembles Claude (another member of the Almryan nobility?). Even Monica seems to be here, though the jury’s still out on whether this the real or Monica or simply a disguised Kronya. 
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Shez also has a companion figure much like Sothis named Arval, but this guy’s whole colour scheme resembles the Agarthans. I know that, as such, some people are expecting a twist villain but I actually hope not. The Agarthans were probably the weakest part of Three Houses’ story as they hindered the game’s gray morality by being obvious villains who masterminded many of Fódlan’s worst aspects. Giving them a sympathetic god figure similar to Sothis, or at least having one Agarthan who isn’t cartoonishly evil could provide them depth, much like the Nabateans.
And of course, we gotta talk about Byleth. 
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I think posing Byleth as an antagonist is a great reversal. It takes their silent, borderline Gary-Stu/Mary-Sue nature and turns it into something threatening by turning it against us. Nice to see them living up to the Ashen Demon name. And supposedly, they nearly killed Shez at some point in the past and the story is hyping up a rematch of sorts. However, I highly doubt they are a true villain. We see that their name and gender is still decided by the player, which implies they’re playable. So I’m expecting a dual perspective story simillar to Gaiden and its remake Shadows of Valentia. This would mean switching between Byleth and Shez at story intervals much like Alm and Celica, leading up to their second confrontation. Then again, this game apparently has three routes, so I don’t know how this could logistically work in that context. Interestingly, Sothis’ narration in the first trailer makes some comment about revenge and given how, normally, only Byleth can hear her, that implies to me that maybe Jeralt’s death plays out differently in this timeline. Could Shez themselves be involved? We’ll see I guess...
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Lastly, there’s the question of whether this game will have any kind of ‘everyone lives’ golden ending. On the one hand, Three Houses is supposed to be a tragedy. It has no completely happy ending and I think it’s a better game for it. That being said, the Warriors crossovers have often been kind of fanfic-y. They’re bombastic fan-pleasing spectacles that run on hype, and Age of Calamity specifically set itself apart as an AU so it could run wild without contradicting Breath of the Wild. I see no reason Three Hopes couldn’t do the same. Though the fact that it still has multiple routes means that unless there’s some Fates/Sonic Adventure 2 ‘last story’, it probably won’t have a fully happy ending. So maybe bring tissues to be safe.
There’s still a lot we don’t know, but I’m still really excited. I loved Age of Calamity (though I suspect some people would shoot me for saying that because something, something ‘false advertising’) and this looks to bring a lot of the same buckwild AU energy to one of my favourite Switch titles. Plus I’m just looking forward to seeing these characters again, AND using them to curbstomp entire armies. I just hope the playable roster is up to par, considering how much I love Three Houses cast. 
But yeah, long story short, I’m incredibly excited. 
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undercoveravenger · 3 years
Closing Cases
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Written for my 2021 Halloween event
Pairing: EJ Caswell x Male!Detective!Reader
Prompt: EJ with a Nancy Drew/Scooby gang reader investigating something haunting the school and EJ steps up to help. With “I am running on two hours of sleep and fifty tiny candy bars” and “Can we go five minutes without talking about ghosts, ghouls, or goblins?”
A/N: This is prompt # 2 for my Halloween event! The next prompt will be posted Thursday, October 7th.
East High was being faced by an unexplainable problem. Each night, lockers were being broken into and various class and club rooms had been found vandalized. The faculty had examined the footage from all of the security cameras near the areas that had been attacked, but weren’t able to see anyone in the videos; only that the halls looked normal in one frame, and had been trashed in the next.
As someone who had spent his entire childhood looking up to all of the great detectives, you took it upon yourself to get to the bottom of the situation. You had told Miss Jen, the theater teacher, that you’d be missing rehearsals one afternoon in order to conduct your investigation, but she had been the only person you told.
You supposed that was why it came as such a shock to find EJ Caswell, a popular senior and star of the water polo team and drama department, leaning against the locker beside yours after school.
You disregarded his presence, moving to open your locker and tuck away your textbooks.
“So I hear you’re not going to be at rehearsals today,” EJ said after a moment, turning to face you. “Care to share why?”
“I’ve got more important things to do,” you said easily. You knew it was kind of a weak response, but it was the first thing that’d come to mind.
He rolled his eyes, lips quirking up into a grin. “Yeah, we both do, I guess.”
That gave you pause. You turned to look at him incredulously, and you had to force yourself to ignore the way the amused glint in his pretty blue eyes threatened to make you smile. “Excuse me?”
“You’re investigating the break-ins, right?” EJ asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you.
“I’m not convinced that they have been break-ins, but yes,” you said, grabbing a different backpack entirely out of your locker and leaving the one with your school supplies in it before shutting the door. “Is there a reason you’re talking to me?” You turned away at that, making your way down the quickly emptying halls.
EJ scrambled to keep pace with you, weaving around the remaining students and faculty to stay at your side. “I want to help! I’ll be the first to say I don’t really have experience with investigations, but I want to help stop what’s going on.”
You let out a sigh, turning abruptly to face EJ. “Fine. You can help,” you held up a hand to interrupt him when he made to let out a victorious whoop, “But if you get in the way of my investigation, I will tell you to leave and you will listen. Do we have a deal?”
The brunet nodded vigorously, falling back into step beside you as you resumed your previous path, “Deal. So,” he said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. “Where do we start?”
“Here,” you said as you came to a stop outside of a janitor’s closet on the second floor.
EJ’s brows furrowed in obvious confusion. “Our investigation starts at the janitor’s closet?”
You nodded, twisting the door open and entering the small room. You sat down, nestling your way between a set of shelves and several empty garbage cans. “Well, this is where we’ll be waiting until the time is right.”
“And when is that?” he asked as he crept into the closet with you, wincing as the door slammed closed behind him.
You snickered, pulling out your phone to set an alarm. “Well, the thief only strikes at night, right? They’ll probably emerge at around nine o’clock, which means we have,” you glanced back at your phone, “About five hours to kill.”
“Five hours?” EJ asked incredulously, blue eyes wide as he looked at you. “What the hell are we going to do for five hours?!”
“Well, I was going to play games on my phone since I wasn’t planning on having company until a few minutes ago,” you said, glancing pointedly down at the device. “You’re still more than welcome to leave, if you don’t want to wait?”
EJ shook his head stubbornly, shifting to sit with his back against the opposite wall from you. “No, but my phone definitely isn’t going to hold up for that long.” He paused, thinking, “Maybe we could play twenty questions while we wait?”
You shrugged, figuring that humoring a cute boy wouldn’t kill you. “Alright, sure. But since it was your idea, you have to go first.”
He smiled widely, clearly delighted that you’d agreed. “Okay!” He hesitated for a moment while he thought, but a question seemed to strike him pretty quickly. “So, do you make it a point to hang out in sketchy janitor’s closets often?”
You barely managed to bite back a snicker, but the upward tilt of EJ’s lips made you suspect that he knew about your poorly concealed amusement. “I do when my cases require it,” you said by means of explanation, but you found yourself elaborating further at the confused-puppy expression on his face. “Today’s a Tuesday, which means that the cleaning staff isn’t in tonight, so no one will be checking this closet for stragglers like they would the library or a classroom. Waiting in here means that I’ll be able to remain in the building after the doors are locked, which means that I’ll be able to find out if anyone else comes into the building after it’s locked down for the night.”
“Wow,” EJ said, eyes wide as he processed everything you’d just said. “You put a lot more planning into this than I would’ve thought?”
“What, you thought I’d just wing it?” you teased. You had to admit, you were enjoying his company far more than you had anticipated. “I like to think that I take my job pretty seriously.”
He gestured wildly with his hands, like he was trying to wave away his previous words. “No, no, no; that’s not what I meant- I meant that-” He cut himself off as he noticed you beginning to laugh, “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?” He faked offense, but the appearance of his dimples gave away his amusement. “Fine, you got me.” His grin widened as he looked at you, “Alright, Mr. Holmes, what’s your leading theory?”
You let out a thoughtful hum, “Currently? Vengeful spirits.”
EJ let out a surprised laugh. It was deep, uncontrollable and infectious, and you were helpless to hide the grin it brought to your face, though it faded after a moment, “You’re serious?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure what else to think,” you started softly, fingers twisting nervously in your lap as you were forced to admit that, for once, you really weren’t sure about what the outcome of your case would be. “Any normal person would have been caught on camera, and the only people in this city that have the ability to manipulate the footage to make it look like no one was there either wouldn’t care enough to do it or they’ve got an alibi.”
EJ’s brows furrowed, “And none of them could have lied about the alibis?”
“Mr. Mazzara could’ve, I suppose,” you mused, “But I double-checked it with Miss Jenn and it sounds legit.”
“So ghosts then, huh?” he prompted, scooting a little closer to you until his knees brushed lightly against yours. “Seems like a little bit of a leap in logic.”
You shrugged helplessly, a tired grin forming on your lips, “I am running on two hours of sleep and fifty tiny candy bars. Ghosts weren’t the least probable option, if I’m being honest.”
“How would you even get rid of a ghost-” He stopped as the rest of your statement caught up to him, “Wait, you’ve had fifty candy bars?!”
“Just the little ones.” You said, waving off his concern and checking the time on your phone. “Depends on the type of spirit, but I’ve talked to some sophomores who practice witchcraft and they say that sage and pure intention to banish it should take care of whatever we’re seeing, as long as it’s a normal ghost or spirit. I just want to eliminate any other options before I take action.”
“Can we go five minutes without talking about ghosts, ghouls, or goblins?” EJ demanded, taking your phone from you and setting it aside so he could get you to focus on him, “You’ve gotta take better care of yourself,” he said quietly, normally bright eyes turned stormy with concern, “You’ve got a lot of people that care about you-”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, “Like who?” At his stunned silence, you pressed on, “Everyone at this school thinks I’m a weirdo. You don’t think I’ve heard people call me Scooby-Doo or Nancy Drew or Sherlock?” You shook your head, pushing yourself to your feet as your frustration mounted, “This was a mistake. I’m leaving; I’ll solve this case on my own.”
“Wait,” EJ exclaimed, shooting up to his feet and grabbing your wrist to stop you from going. “You’re wrong.”
“I’m wrong?” you asked incredulously, raising an eyebrow as you looked up at EJ. “About what part?”
He nodded seriously, eyes locked with yours, “About no one caring about you and about everyone thinking you’re weird.” He took a deep breath, and, for the first time since he’d joined your investigation, you watched his confident facade falter. “I care about you,” he started softly, like he was afraid to finally say it. “And I really like that you’re so passionate about solving mysteries.”
Your brows furrowed as you turned to look back at him, “You… like that?”
“I like you,” he said, so quiet that he was barely audible, but when you didn’t pull away he continued, volume picking up as he did so, “I really like you and I can’t believe I get to help you do something I love, and that probably sounds pretty dumb since we don’t really know each other that well, but I would really like to get to know you better and maybe even take you out to dinner sometime if that’s okay with you?”
It took you a long moment to find your voice again. “Okay,” you found yourself saying as you tugged your wrist from his grip to link your fingers with his instead. “Okay,” A wide smile spread across EJ’s face and you could feel an answering one as it tugged at your lips, “When we close this case, I’ll let you take me on a date.”
“Really?” he asked, like he almost expected you to tell him it was some cruel joke. He let out a breathless laugh when you nodded, “Then what are we waiting for?” he asked joyfully, tugging you towards the door by your joined hands. “We’ve got a case to solve!”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you were led out into the long-abandoned halls of East High, glad to have finally found someone who matched you. After all, all the greats came in pairs; Daphne had Fred, Sherlock had Watson, and now you had EJ.
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I’m On Fire [Chapter 2]
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With her sister’s wedding fast approaching and her Mom hounding her about finding a date, Y/N makes a terrible decision that lands her and her least favorite genius in a confusing situation.
Chapter Summary: Y/N and Spencer start to put a plan together.
A/N:  I’ve got a head cold at the mo’ but I had to get a covid test just in case so I’m not allowed leave my room till I get the results! So enjoy a bonus chapter while I wallow on my own for like 36 hours :( On a positive note, thank you guys all so much for the response to chapter 1 I really didn’t see that coming! I’ve tagged everyone who asked, let me know if you wanna be added
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem Reader
Category: Fake Dating, Enemies to Lovers, (Eventual) Smut, Fluff, Angst, it’s a Slow Burn Baby
Warnings: Cursing, some NSFW language/themes
Word Count: 6.1k
Previous Chapter -- Next Chapter
Series Masterlist
"Are you coming up or what?"
The question was still ringing in my ears. It caught me completely off guard. 'Up' as in up to Spencer's apartment? Where he lived? I knew he lived somewhere in theory, just like I knew deep down that he wasn't made in a test tube. 
Without noticing I've undone my seatbelt and I'm hopping out of the car, following him around to the front door. I guess I am coming up.
Spencer's apartment is more cosy than I thought it was going to be. It's warm and lived in. It's not big, but I think that might be what makes it homely. Something about the way he behaves had me thinking it would be fully decked out in stainless steel or glass or something. But it wasn't pristine, it was messy. 
There were books bursting from the shelves that lined the walls of the apartment, along with books laid open over nearly every surface in the place, it looked like he was in the middle of reading all of them, and honestly, I didn't doubt it. Maybe I'd misjudged him. He even had some photos of what looked like his family, and maybe friends, even some of the BAU, lining his walls or propped up on his mantle. He had little trinkets and souvenirs on his shelves too, evidence that he'd been around the country for reasons other than a case. I would never admit it to him but there was a real charm to the place.
Once we got inside he took off his bag and suit jacket, tossing them on the desk just inside of the door. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, and he seemed to pick up on my awkward energy.
"You can make yourself at home" he said, his confident streak remaining. I had no idea what to do with that. What would even make me comfortable in Spencer Reid's apartment? I took a seat on his sofa and just sat with my hands resting in my lap. Really not even sure where I should look without feeling like I was invading his privacy. Even though I wanted to. I think it was morbid curiosity, looking for clues on who this man might actually be outside of the BAU. What I really wanted to do was stand up and walk around, soaking in every bit if this place as if it would help me decipher our messy relationship.
He returned to the living room a few moments later, two mismatched mugs in his hands. He places one in front of me on the coffee table. I pick it up and take a sip. It's lemon and ginger, how did he know what kind of tea I liked? I held the mug in my hands inhaling the steam in an effort to relax. When I look up he's watching me, arms folded across his chest.
"So, how does this thing work. What's the game plan?" I honestly have no real idea. This evening really got away from me, I was still expecting to snap out of it and wake up in my bed at any moment.
"Well I can't say I've ever been in a Sandra Bullock movie before either so this is uncharted territory for me too" I say with a chuckle, trying to ease the tension. Even a little. I can see him crack a small smile but hides it almost instantly, his face hardening again.
"My sister, Margot, she's getting married in like 4 months." I can feel myself tense and I shake out my shoulders, I have to remind myself that he's agreed to this already, "Fuck it, I'm just going to be honest with you. My Mom's mostly freaked out that I'm too attached to this job and that I'll just never find someone again." I shouldn't have said again, fuck. I hope he didn't pick up on that. Who am I kidding. "Even though, I'm not sure I care if I do or don't?" he doesn't say anything, like he's waiting for me to continue. I know I've shared a little too much already but I keep going.
"Margot's 2 years younger than me, I introduced her to her fiancé Philip, we met in college, he's a sweetheart. But since they've gotten engaged Mom's gotten exponentially weirder. I think she's convinced I'm fully going to die alone, as if that would be the worst thing that could ever happen? Anyway, she's been trying to auction me off to all these guys, using this wedding as an excuse. I'm not sure how much of that phone call you actually heard earlier but Mom was trying to sell me on this guy, David, and I just… snapped." I look up at Spencer and he unfolds his arms, leaning in ever so slightly coaxing the story out of me.
"David, he uh, he worked for my father for a while back in high school, filing documents and stuff, busy work mostly. He used to make out with me when he was at our house after school, but then he'd ignore me in the halls the next morning. I know it's because I was a pariah back then or something but I didn't want to think about it today and I just got worked up. I shouldn't have let on that you were my date, I was just going to ask if I could bring Garcia or something, and I'm sorry." I cover my face in my hands, "I'm insane, you can back out if you want to."
I can hear him move from his spot on the opposite side of the sofa, he takes my wrists and gently pulls my hands from my face. He looks into my eyes, "I'm in this now Y/N, what do you need me to do?" he asks, and there's a genuine earnest in his voice that I think I've only ever heard a handful of times. And it's never been directed at me.
"Okay, well we've got a few months before you ha–, wait, fuck!" I throw my head back, there's already a complication, "shit" I curse under my breath. His eyebrows knit together, sitting upright.
"What's the matter?" he asks.
"I forgot about my Mom's 50th, it's next month. They've got this whole huge party planned back home in upstate New York. I've gotta go and they'll probably want to meet you, or they're gonna have a load of questions for me at least. I can try and get you out of it I'm sure"
He gets that cocky look again, he shakes his head "I don't know, I've always liked a bit of competition" he reclines back into his corner of the sofa, taking a satisfied sip from his own mug before speaking again. "You know, if I've got to learn enough to pass as your boyfriend in a month, surely that means you've got to learn enough to pass as my girlfriend within the month, no?"
Oh god. What have I done, why didn't I think this far ahead. "I mean, yeah I guess you're right." I had to remember he was doing me a favor. I had to get over myself. "Okay, if you're sure you're up for that?" I ask, and he nods, and I think he looks excited, or maybe he just finds the whole situation funny.
"If anyone's up for the competition it's you" he says, and I'm not sure if that's a compliment or a dig but I nod in agreement.
He takes another sip of his tea, collected and relaxed. I can't help but notice how at ease he is when he's in his own surroundings. I'm so used to seeing him sitting at a desk surrounded by paperwork, or combing through file after file in the make-shift office in a small-town police station, usually flustered or anxious, or antagonizing me whenever he wasn’t. This was a different Spencer. Completely in control, at ease.
"Alright, shall we get started then, we can't really afford to waste any time can we?" he was actually sort of right, so I nodded. It was only now occurring to me that I'd have to share parts of my personal life with him if I wanted this plan to work. We already knew the basics about each other, I'd read his file when I started at the BAU, I'd read everyones. And I feel like it was safe to presume he'd done the same.
His eyes bore directly into mine as he leaned forward, I think he was enjoying how uncomfortable I must've looked.
"How about I ask you some rapid-fire questions and you have to answer 'em?" he asks, and it's as good of a plan as any, and I can't think of any other suggestions, so I nod.
"Okay, shoot." I say, unsure and nervous, so I brace myself. I'm just grateful that he's making my life easier rather than harder for what feels like the first time since I met him.
I really should've known better.
He leans in, "So Y/N, first question, when did you lose your virginity?"
I almost choke on the mouthful of tea I just took, that can't be what he just asked, and he looks like he's savoring my shocked expression.
"I uh, I don't think you need to know that?" is all I can get out.
"Really? You think that's something your boyfriend wouldn't know about you?" he's right, but I didn't want to admit it outright.
"I feel like I sort of already hinted. It was that same guy David, I was 18, he was 19. We had sex on the couch while my parents went out one evening. I kept my bra on the whole time, he came, I didn't. It was all very standard stuff." I wasn't sure what compelled me to add that last part. I think I was giving in to the open honestly thing. "So what about you Doc?" I challenged.
He didn't seem embarrassed, or even shy. "I must've bloomed little later than you" he admits with a soft chuckle, "Vivian Stewart, I was 21, she was too. It was the last semester of my last PhD and I figured I must be missing out on something. And I sure was" he smirks to himself. "I came, she did too, 3 times. I did a lot of research ahead of time" he mirrored my story and I rolled my eyes. It was hard not to feel a little impressed but I tried with everything I had to stifle it so he couldn't tell. I wish it didn't make me feel something but it did. I gulp down the mouthful of tea that's been sitting in my throat.
I have to shake myself back to reality. I can't give him the satisfaction of throwing me. "My turn." I command, "When was your last relationship Dr. Reid?" I ask, "I mean like, serious one, not like hook-up" I clarify before he can ask. He thinks on it for a moment.
"I'm not sure what you classify as fully serious, but I guess it was this girl, Rebecca, we dated for a while when I first joined the BAU but it didn't work out. What about you?" he flips it back.
"So that was what, like 6-ish years ago?" I ask, he just nods.
"Mine was like 3 years ago now I think. I met this guy Nathan on my first week of college, we dated for like 4 years. He moved here for me when I got accepted by the BAU." I had to stop myself from delving into the detail. It was a long time ago now but it still hurt. "Long story short, the hours were demanding and they got in the way more than I would've liked. We ended up splitting a couple months after I got the job." I tried to play it off like it wasn't one of the more devastating things to happen in my life. But something told me he’d registered that, so he didn't push.
His energy picks up and he looks at me with a grin, but there's something a little sinister behind it. "I've got a more fun question for you." he leans in closer to me, "Y/N, when was the last time you got laid?" I just looked at him in shock. 
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, I can go first if you really need me to?" his voice didn't waver,
"Fuck you Reid, I know when it was!" I snapped back at him. I did have to think back a little farther than I'd like to pull up the memory.
"Met this guy in a bar when I was out with Pen one night, we went back to his place and hooked up." I say as deadpan as I can make it.
"Well that's not very exciting is it?" he jokes, "Did you at least cum that time?" I know he's just trying to rile me up, but I answer anyway.
"As a matter of fact I did" I earn back a little of my confidence.
"I'm so happy for you, but you did manage to avoid my initial question" fuck "when was this exciting night of yours Y/N?" he probes, like I really, really wished he wouldn't. I could lie, but I'm sure he'd be able to tell. I cringe before I can say it.
"About 8 months ago" I mutter, just low enough for him to hear.
"Sorry, did you just say 8 months ago?" He nearly shouts in disbelief, he seems to find it funny.
"Hey fuck you Spencer!" I go on the defensive, "When was the last time you even got laid?"
"Like two and half weeks ago" he says, confident, and still laughing, "Wait wait, when was the last time you got yourself off? I know you're not waiting 8 months!" he giggles and I think I could kill him. I know I kept giving him outs but was it too late for me to just get up and leave?
"I'm not doing this with you if you're just gonna make fun of me Reid, I get enough of that at work" I get out, my voice is serious but I'm trying to hide how awkward all of this is making me feel, and I don't know that I'm doing a very good job.
I can tell that's gotten to him, he relaxes and eases up on the giggling. "Look okay wait Y/N. I'll stop, I'm not actually trying to make fun of you. I was being serious, I think stuff like this is important if we're gonna have to be comfortable around each other enough to seem like a real couple. Plus, it'll just help break the ice?" he shrugs. "But you don't have to answer if you don't want to."
I soften, because I agree, even thought I hate that he's right. "Fine" I collect my thoughts, "2 nights ago I'm pretty sure." I regret it almost instantly, but breaking the ice is supposed to feel awkward.
"Same here actually," he chuckles, "what'd you do?" I'm so startled by the question I almost forget how to answer.
"I, uh, my, my vibrator? I just felt like uh, I watched some..." I still can't force out a whole sentence. It's not like I was always awkward about sex or anything, I could talk to Garcia, or honestly probably any of the other team members about it. But with Spencer it didn't feel as comfortable. He still sat calmly, smiling just a little.
"Same here, 2 nights back, but with my hands I guess. I wonder if we were doing it at the same time?" he mutters the last part gently and my head goes a bit fuzzy. My eyes drift away from his face and settle on his hands, the mug he's holding looks so tiny with his fingers wrapped around it, I wondered how they'd look wrapped around my-
"Okay I think that's enough for one night, don't you think?" I jump up off the sofa and turn, mostly so that he doesn't catch the blush thats creeping from my neck up to my cheeks. And because I don't know what I'll say, or regret saying, if this conversations continues on its current trajectory.
"Sure," he says, standing up next to me, and I want to move further away instantly, "you're probably right, and it's getting a little late now anyway" he glances at his watch. Ushering me back towards his front door and opening it up. Before I can walk out he lightly touches my shoulder to turn me back to face him, and I wonder if he can feel the heat radiating from every part of me.
"So are you free next Friday after work?" he asks, and I'm so flustered I almost forget why, I just nod. "Perfect, how about we come here again and we can dive into preparing? You could also make a start on getting these onto a hard drive?" he gestures to the antique looking hardbacks adorning the shelves.
'Sounds great!" I perk up, feigning enthusiasm, "See you then!"
"Well, see you Monday morning actually Y/N" he smirks as I walk out the door. Fuck, he was right.
I really hadn't thought this through.
The weekend was a bit of a blur. I decided to try and put some useful information into a document for Spencer. It felt strange to try and condense my life into as few pages as possible. I knew Reid had an eidetic memory, and nothing would necessarily overwhelm him. But I also knew that he was someone that the team relied on to fill in a lot of the gaps in the rest of the our knowledge. So I felt bad about dumping a load of information on him, especially considering it was a favor he was doing for me.
I'd complied the majority of my life into a 15 page document and printed it out. Hopefully that would address most of what my family could guerrilla attack him with. There was also something unsettling about the imbalance. I was going to give him so many of the intricate details of my life in a little file, whereas all I really knew about Spencer was what I'd taken it upon myself to learn about him throughout the past few years.
I'd read all of his work while I was in college, given how he was the gold standard of getting into the BAU at a young age, I wanted to know who this guy was. I think I'd pictured something different. And I couldn't deny there was something enticing about finally getting to know him after all of these years of working together. Maybe this could actually be fun, or interesting at least.
I arrived early on Monday morning. I thought I was first into the office as usual but Garcia was sitting in my desk chair waiting for me. The second she saw me walk in she tensed, she must've known we were the only people in this early.
"What happened! You've been avoiding me all weekend?" she asked, and she was right. I'd drafted enough texts to her, trying to explain what the plan was, mostly without wanting to admit that she was right. Maybe I was stubborn.
"Alright okay, I drove Reid home." I admitted, dropping my bag by my desk. She rolls her eyes at me, dramatic as always.
"Well I knew that already Y/N damn! What happened next?"
"Fine, we went into his apartment and talked for a while. Trying to sort out the details, get a handle on things I guess?" I said, unsure of how much I should actually give away about our conversation.
"What things!?" She shouts, standing up from my desk,
"I don't know Pen, like logistics and stuff, I still haven't decided how I feel about that little stunt you pulled on Friday night!" I let my frustration get the better of me, and maybe that's why I haven't talked to her. It could also be because I know she's able to read me like a book and I'm not even sure how I feel about this whole situation.
"I call bullshit." She counters, "I know you were relived as hell when I sorted that whole thing out. You would've had anxiety tummy all weekend if I hadn't called Spencer!" I just go silent, she was right. I'd gotten so caught up in the whole, 'how to have a fake boyfriend' that I'd almost forgotten about how stressed I was about Spencer hearing my call in the first place.
"Okay, shit" I sigh. "Maybe you were right Pen. We're actually meeting up again this Friday after work to make a plan for the next while, so I guess that's progress?" I shrug, trying to play it off like this whole situation doesn't make my stomach flip.
"Ohhhhh! So like a date?" She probes, her enthusiasm rising drastically.
"Oh my God Pen no! Like an appointment at best" I diffuse the situation
"Ugh that's no fun" she says, not even trying to disguise her disappointment.
As if on cue Dr. Reid walks through the double doors into the bullpen. Both Garcia and I wave, overall awkwardly, but making an attempt pretend like things were completely normal and like nothing had changed since the last time we were all in the office together.
Penelope heads to her office as the bullpen starts to fill up quickly. Less than an hour later though Garcia's back at my desk and there's a new case that needs the teams attention in Boston. I follow her into the conference room and wait for the rest of the team to join. Spencer follows a moment later with 2 cups of coffee in his hands. I can see my mug in his hand and my automatic response is that he's messing with me. But he places my mug in front of me in the circular table before taking the seat next to me, listening to Garcia's briefing. I don't know if he's ever sat next to me in this conference room, at least not by choice.
I barely had any time to finish my coffee before I have to say goodbye to Garcia and hop on the jet to Boston.
The case was grueling. More so than usual. It was wrapped up late on Thursday night and the team decided to fly back home first thing on Friday morning. I was exhausted. Even if there was enough time to get sleep each night it wasn't like I got any. Whenever a case got on top of me like this it made it hard to rest, or get it off my mind at all until it was wrapped up. So even though it was over, that didn't mean I wasn't exhausted.
Hotch gave the team the rest of the day off, given that we have until submit our paperwork by Monday. I wasn't sure if Spencer's invitation from the following week still stood. I didn't want to ask, partly because I was so tired, but also because I was scared. I wasn't about to show up at his house in an effort to have a heart to heart, or hand him a condensed version of my life story on a manilla envelope if he was as drained as I was.
Standing by my desk I packed up everything I'd need to get my paperwork done over the weekend, I was just about finished when Spencer snuck up behind me, perching himself on the edge of my desk. "So, you almost ready to go?" he asks, like it's the most obvious question in the world. I couldn't really hide my surprise.
"Oh yeah. That's fine, I mean, if you're still cool with that?" I ask, and I hate how flustered I sound, like he makes me nervous.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He chuckles, standing up straight.
"Cool, gimme a sec and I'll be good to go."
I pack up the rest of my stuff quickly and we make our way out. There's something that feels a little eerie about the two of us being in an elevator together alone again. It was a different kind of awkward to how it felt a week before hand. It almost felt like a kind of tension rather than a hatred or a rivalry. Either way we rode down in silence.
Once we got to the basement Spencer walks out of the elevator and walks straight to my car without having to ask. I unlock it and he hops into the passenger seat. Like this is a natural interaction. Something we do all the time. And I don't hate it as much as I thought I would.
"So," he says, buckling up his seat belt and breaking the silence, "do you know how to get to my place from here or do you need directions again?"
"Well I've got to turn on the engine first" I tease, hoping he picks up on the reference to our last car ride, he chuckles like he does.
"Are you hungry?" he asks
The delivery guy get's to Spencer's apartment at almost the same time we do.
Once the food's been demolished the two of us finally sit on his sofa, the same sides as the week before. "So, shall we get back into this?" He asks, sitting forward slightly to pull a notebook out of his satchel on the floor. It's small and lavender, and it's got a pen clipped into the spine. He cracks it open and flips to a specific page.
"Sorry, what's that?" I ask, pointing to the book, he looks confused,
"They're my notes?" he says, like it should be obvious
"Your notes?" I ask,
"My notes on you." he smirks, again like I'm silly for even asking.
He had notes on me? He had a whole notebook on me? What was even in that thing?
"You've got notes on me?" I ask, my hands reaching out to grab it, but he retreats faster than I can catch him. "What have you got in there that's so serious?"
"Nothing." and his tone's a bit too stern and I don't really want to push it when he's being so uncharacteristically nice to me.
"I've actually got this ready for you" I pull the file out of my own bag and toss it to him. "I'm not sure exactly what you need to know but that should be the majority of it at least."
He opens it up and glances over the the pages. It takes him all of 2 minutes to get through the whole thing. It feels unsettling that he's taking in a boiled down version of my life while I'm just sitting on the opposite side of the sofa. Trying to avoid the attention I pipe up.
"Um, hey, maybe it would be a good time for you to show me where to make a start digitizing your books over here?" I stand up and make my way to the shelf. He jumps up off the sofa and walks toward me, visibly excited.
"That's actually a great idea, I thought that the theses from my degrees could be a good place to start, since I'm pretty sure they're not backed up anywhere." he guides me to a section of the book case by the window. There's a series of leather bound hardbacks, the same gold font embossed on the spines. I recognize all of them, pulling out the first one.
"This is my favorite" I say without thinking about it and he does a double take, clearly thrown.
"You've, uh, you read my work?" he asks, completely puzzled. I'm sort of proud that I've managed to make him this awkward, and I nod.
"Mmhm, back before I joined the BAU actually. Before I really knew you" I regret saying the last part, it comes out a little meaner than I really wanted it to so I back track. "Spencer, I read all of your work while I was in college, you were like the gold standard. I don't think I slept more than 2 hours a night throughout my PHD because I was just trying to get as much done as you." and his face softens at the admission. But it takes him a moment before he responds. Leaving the two of us in silence a little too long.
"I had no idea" is all he says.
"I think this one was best" I say propping up the one in my hand, "you get a bit cockier as you move on” His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "but I'll start with all of these I guess" I grab the matching books and stack them in my arms. Walking over to his desk and setting up. Glancing at the clock it was only 7pm so I decided to just make a start.
Spencer didn't contest. Letting me just get settled at his desk, I pull out my laptop and begin work on transcribing the first volume. After a few minutes he silently places a cup of tea down beside me and goes to sit on the sofa. The time rolls in quickly after that, each time I look up at Spencer he's carefully combing through the file I'd given him. Re-reading it and making little markings in his lavender notebook. I'm not really sure what I put in there that was worth making a note on but clearly he was reading between the lines on some things. That little notebook was like a profile of me.
When he seemed like he'd finished writing he pulls out his phone, scrolling through it aimlessly like I'd never seen him do before. It made him look so normal. His eyebrows knit together as he's looking at something on his screen and he stands up. Making his way over to me at the desk and shows me what he was looking at.
"Who's this?" he asks, "This guy you're with?"
I recognize the photo instantly. It's from a few years earlier, Nathan and I on the beach, my head resting on his chest. He'd taken it while we were on vacation celebrating our anniversary. That was about a month before I got into the BAU, I had no idea that was going to be our last anniversary. I gulp down the emotions that it stirs. I'm mostly over the whole thing by now, but looking at old photos like that, photos of happier times, it can still sting.
"That's uh, the boyfriend I was telling you about last week. Nathan, we broke up not long after I joined the BAU?" he nods, but he's smart, and I kind of figure he already knew that.
"Ah alright" he takes out the hardback and jots another note down. Maybe he's trying to get a read on me.
"What are you doing?" I gesture to the phone,
"It's research, do you not think that if you and I were really dating that stalking your social media profiles would be on my agenda?" he's smug, and he's right. But I guess I just didn't expect it from him.
"Well that's not really fair now is it? I can't reciprocate, you've got no social media presence whatsoever!" he finds that funny, letting out a deep chuckle and tucking his phone away in his back pocket.
"Maybe so, but that imbalance is hardly my fault. Besides, you've read all my dissertations apparently..."
"Bastard" I joke, slamming my laptop shut and throwing a pen from his desk at him so that it lightly bounces off the top of his head.
"Hey, there's no need for violence Y/N!" he rubs the spot beneath his curls, "Maybe it's time you took a break actually?" he says, sitting himself back down on the sofa.
I was reluctant to admit it but he was right. My eyes were starting to go a little fuzzy after looking at the screen for so long. I stand up and stretch my arms out above my head, feeling my spine stretch out after sitting for so long, letting out a low groan. Spencer waves me over to the sofa and I join him.
"How about we go back to basics?" Spencer asks with a small grin, and I can't help but let out a long sigh.
"I thought I was taking a break, no more questions" he just laughs at me,
"Relax, you're not that interesting, it's just a simple question." he states, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to find it funny or offensive
"Ugh, fine, shoot"
"Well, actually it's two questions" he corrects, "what's your favorite movie, and what's your favorite snack?"
I'm confused mostly by the fact that it actually is a simple question, I was expecting something a lot more contentious, but also because he looks eager to know the answer.
"I'm not really sure what my favorite movie is to be honest, one of them is Night of the Living Dead?"
He nods to himself, and jots it down in the notebook again, "Alright, I can make that work" he stands up off the sofa before turning back to me, "and snack?"
"Peanut butter cups I guess?" I respond and he grins ear to ear, which is a completely new sight, and I like it way more than I thought I would.
"Perfect, gimme 2 minutes!" he leaves the living room and wanders towards the kitchen.
Spencer returns a few minutes later with a DVD, a packet of peanut butter cups , and a thick knitted blanket gathered in his arms. He drapes the blanket over me and gently places the peanut butter cups on top of it before popping the DVD into the player and sitting down beside me. I'm not really sure how to process any of the situation. Am I about to watch a movie on Spencer Reid's sofa? Sitting next to Spencer Reid?
"I... I, uh, thought you were just asking for your notes?" I ask, pointing at the notebook resting in his lap. He picks it up and throws it onto the coffee table.
"Sometimes I find experience is the best teacher, don't you?" he asks before pressing play, “And besides, it should keep you quiet for a whole 96 minutes” of course.
I can only nod in agreement, I'm not really sure what I'll say if I try to speak. I get myself cosy under the warm blanket and we watch the movie in near silence.
Once the credits roll Spencer finally speaks up, "I actually went to see a screening of this last month downtown, there was this little old horror movie fest-" I cut him off without really realizing, I'm just strangely excited that we've genuinely got something in common.
"Holy shit, I was there!" I say, more enthusiastic than the situation calls for.
He laughs at my excitement, "Well, I guess we have more overlap than I thought, that should probably help with the whole charade." he stretches his arms up over his head and let's out a small, gentle yawn. I'd been enjoying myself more than I thought I would, or would ever tell Spencer, that I'd almost forgotten that we'd both been on a case for almost every waking moment of the past week. I really should feel a lot more drained than I do.
I was just after midnight when I suggested that I head back home. I offered to take some of the books home to work on throughout the weekend but Spencer insisted that I just work on them whenever I came over again. I sort of felt like I should thank him for the evening when I was on my way out the door, or give him a quick hug, no that felt wrong. In the end all I could really muster was a lousy, "goodnight" and a meek wave on my way out the door before I drove home. And couldn't get to sleep.
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Making out with Benny O’Donnell would include~
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(My crappy gif)(Requested by @mayalopezzzz )
(I’ve already done nsfw headcanons for Benny so you can find those in my masterlist)
- Benny; being a handsome football player, has been with a lot of girls, so he’d obviously know how to kiss and would; arguably, be pretty damn good at it.
- It doesn’t matter what time it is or where you are; he’ll make out with you. He even sort of likes when people see the two of you kissing, considering it shows everyone that the two of you are a couple. The only exception to this would be your parents or other authority figures since he’s gotta keep up that good boyfriend™ image.
- While, in theory, he could kiss you whenever/wherever, he has a habit of doing so when you’re in his car and/or after football practice/games. He just can’t help it, every time his blood starts pumping, he feels the need to kiss you until you’re both gasping for air.
- The two of you will usually start things off with small kisses; probably because he’s trying to coax you into kissing him kissing him. He’ll give you one then you’ll pull away, and he’ll give you another, longer one, and you’ll pull away, and this will happen again and again until you’re completely swept up in a makeout session.
- Another of his coaxing tactics will be to kiss and nip at your jaw and neck, though he avoids giving you hickeys since; once again, he’s gotta keep up the perfect boyfriend image for your parents; ...and his own.
- He’s an intense kisser no matter how fast or slow you’re taking things; though his intensity does vary on occasion.
- While Benny is definitely a dominant person, he also sort of likes just laying back and enjoying the action so how he kisses you really just depends on his mood.
- If he’s in a more dominant mood then he’ll have his hand tangled in your hair or on the back of your neck while he crushes his lips to yours. He’ll also be relentless as he kisses you, barely wanting to part; even for air.
- When he’s in a more relaxed mood then he’ll; more or less, let you kiss him. He’ll sit back and be more playful, usually giving you more chaste and sweet kisses, rather than passionate and breathtaking.
- He likes pulling you into his lap so that you straddle him. It gives him perfect access to the part of you he loves the most.
- As per usual with Benny, your ass is not left alone. His hands are parked there like 90% of the time, that and he likes to spank you at random and make you gasp.
- Since he occupies himself with your bodacious backside, he doesn’t really feel the need to try and get some of your clothes off, but you might feel the need to get his clothes off. He secretly really likes when you want him to take off his shirt or just run your hands over his muscles; it makes him feel all cocky.
- He borderline likes to dirty talk between kisses which is why so many of your makeout sessions evolve into ...something else. All of a sudden he’ll give you like a “good girl” or other equally sexually charged comment and then it’s all over for you.
- Benny; most likely, drags you to a lot of parties so a lot of your makeout sessions do end up happening when you’re both; at least, a little tipsy.
- He sort of loves sloppy kisses which usually coincides with French kisses; usually while drunk. He just likes that “I’m too into you to care about making things seem perfect” type of feel when it comes to kissing.
- You’ll occasionally be interrupted by his friends; especially if you’re making out at a party, usually with a knock and a chuckle at his truck window.
- Every now and again, he’ll give a little nip; especially when you’re pulling away from each other.
- He loves when you just plop down and his lap and kiss him. He’ll immediately pull you closer and smile into your kiss as he moves to deepen it.
- As much as he loves having you on his lap, there is something very ...enjoyable about being above you, like when you’re laying on your bed and he’s pressed between your thighs.
- When things start to fizzle out, he’ll tilt your face so that he can press just one last, soft kiss to your lips before things really come to an end. He just likes stealing that final kiss from you.
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thebountyfucker · 3 years
The Game
Afab!Reader x Embo, Afab!Reader x Bossk, Afab!Reader x Cad (Not gendered) Tags: Primal play (hunting), voyeurism/exhibitionism, unprotected sex, alien biology, cum eating, PiV sex, anal sex
Summary: Hunting makes a lizard's brain go brrrrrr. (Or, in other words, three hunters hunt you down. Their prize? You)
Here's the link to my masterpost. Want to be tagged in fics like this? Here's my taglist application!
“Ya get ten minutes. Make dem count.” Cad drawled as he glanced down at the chronometer on his wrist gauntlet. You glanced down at your own chronometer, your heart already racing; standing before you were three bounty hunters, each ready to prove their hunting skills in a test of chase. The prize? You. Whoever found you got first dibs on your cunt. Or whatever it was they desired to fuck. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, and you could hardly keep still.
Bossk and Embo had both been rather quiet this entire time - for Embo, this was par for the course. Bossk though… you wondered what was going on in that thick head of his. His nostrils kept flaring, as if trying to take in as much of your scent as possible, which… was likely. He was quite reliant on scent for these sorts of hunting games, which made it near impossible to hide. But that was the fun, you supposed.
The boys got to wander through the abandoned settlement briefly beforehand, getting acquainted with the terrain. Sometimes, they’d go in blind… but you all quickly realized that Cad was at a disadvantage. He was a great tracker, but his tech only went so far. You decided to give him a fighting chance by giving him time to set up traps or… whatever it was he used his tech for. Embo and Bossk got to wander around too, just to keep it fair. But you were going in blind.
Cad gave you the signal and you darted off; you were tempted to glance at them over your shoulder, but you knew that would only slow you down. Ten minutes, in theory, felt like long enough to get away. But you knew otherwise. You had to make each movement count.
You ducked through alleys and down streets, dropping items of clothes to try to throw off Bossk. You did your best to avoid Cad’s motion sensors. You tried to take the least logical path. All the while, your heart was pounding and your cunt was throbbing.
You ran through buildings, bumping up against the walls to transfer more of your scent, and then ran out again. You weaved around an empty marketplace, running circles around wooden stalls and touching everything. To top everything off, you took off your shoes, and chucked them in opposite directions.
Soon enough, your chronometer beeped, letting you know that the boys were officially on the hunt… and you needed to hide out. You decided on a warehouse toward the eastern edge of the settlement; it had multiple levels to it, so you figured you could easily hide there. Just as you reached the doorway, Bossk let out his hunting cry, and spikes of pleasure shot to your cunt. Soon… soon…
You crept through the reception area, trying to touch as little as possible. You knew Cad could track your heat signature, and you knew that Bossk would be able to follow your scent still… but you didn’t want to make it easy for them. You decided it would be best to take your chances upstairs, so you wandered until you found the stairwell, and began your ascension.
Climbing the numerous flights of stairs took a significant amount of time, but you had enough of a head start that it didn’t worry you. Even when Bossk’s calls grew closer. You went up five floors, before traversing down the long, empty hallways. The wind whistled through the bones of this building, drawing shivers up your spine. You weren’t sure why, but you swore you were being watched.
You ducked into a room off of the hall, and spotted a locker that looked like you could hide in it. You only made it about halfway across the room before a hand grasped your wrist and pulled you flush against a warm, hard body. You squirmed against the restrictive hand, startling as another hand was clapped over your mouth.
“Do not scream.” It was Embo. How…? You glanced up over your shoulder, meeting his golden gaze. He winked, and a shiver went down your spine. “I want to see how long it takes for them to find you.”
He eased you back into a corner, his hand moving from your mouth to your hip. He gave it a squeeze, his thumb brushing along the curve of your soft flesh. A foreign heat burned in his chest, and you could tell by the vibrant green tinge to his skin that this hunt had thrilled him. A low purr rumbled from deep in his chest.
“How did you…?”
“Your patterns are predictable. The others are concerned about where you have been… I was concerned about where you would go.” He explained, his voice edged with desire; you whimpered softly. “You go for large structures with many places to hide. You should just keep running. Maybe then Cad would have a chance.”
You fought a chuckle. “Unlike you, I don’t have unlimited stamina.”
“It is a shame.” He mused, the hand on your wrist dropping to grab your other hip. He pulled you flush against him, and he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “It would be much more fun if you did.”
Your breath came out as a shaky rattle, and his hands slid down farther. His large hand cupped your still-clothed cunt, rubbing a thumb over where he supposed your clit was. Your panties dampened as you sunk your teeth into your lip.
“Bossk surely can smell you now, all wet and yearning. He is going to be pissed.”
“Cad’s going to be madder.” You mentioned. Any moment now, the two pissed off hunters would barge in, and the thought of their anger sent spikes of pleasure to your cunt. Embo did not always win, but he won enough… enough to make the other two quite jealous.
He pressed his clothed cock against your back, and you could hardly stop yourself from begging him to fuck you. Not yet, he’d tell you. I want to see their faces when they notice I have won. Embo was not usually one to be conceited, but this game drove them all to their more primal instincts. You reached back to ran a hand along his length, just watching the door.
A loud growl alerted you to Bossk’s presence. He sauntered through the doorway, his teeth bared and his eyes narrowed. He jutted a claw toward Embo, who still had a firm hold on you, as if worried that Bossk would try to wrestle you away from him.
“You cheater!” Bossk roared. Surely this would draw Cad to you, if he wasn’t on the trail already.
“I do not cheat.” Embo replied pointedly.
“You have to! There is no way you found them that quickly!”
As if on cue, Cad stalked through the door; his lips pulled back to reveal his fangs. He leaned against the wall, watching as the other two bickered about ‘what counted as tracking’ and how Embo was ‘a dirty cheat’. You managed to break from Embo’s hold, and you wandered over to Cad.
“Good try?” You offered him, unsure of the mood he’d be in at this point. Judging by his growl, he wasn’t feeling too hot. “Don’t worry… gotta save the best for last, right?”
He quirked a browridge, but seemed to lighten up a bit. Maybe next time, you’d try to give Cad a better chance. You cupped his cheek, and he wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Do not get any ideas, Cad.” Embo frowned, and Cad rolled his eyes.
“Wouldn’t dare.” He released his hold on you, and you moved to the center of the room. You pulled off your undershirt, and tossed it aside, bearing your torso to the boys. Bossk’s pupils dilated as he took in the intoxicating scent of your arousal. Embo’s eyes brightened. Cad just smirked and pulled out a cig.
“Good game, boys. I’ll try to make it last longer next time.” You winked, hooking your fingers around the waistband of your panties. You wondered if their more primal natures would become more intense if they were able to chase longer; honestly, a part of you wanted this. Next time… next time…
You shucked your panties off and tossed them to Bossk, who grappled for them and immediately brought them up to his snout. He inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the scent of your arousal. Embo beckoned to you with a finger, and you flitted toward him, falling to your knees before him. He leaned down to stroke your cheek as you reached for the ties of his skirts. They were, frustratingly, complicated to undo, so despite your best efforts, Embo did most of his own undressing. He neatly folded his clothes and set them atop his armor and hat, before bringing you up to stand.
“Do you need preparation? Or can you take me?” He asked, drawing the pads of his fingers down around your nipples. You bemoaned the fact that you were in an environment where he couldn’t remove his mask, as you knew that he would love to eat you out. But that could wait for another time. Right now, you needed to focus… oh fuck, your pussy was drooling now. Your legs shook as he gingerly pinched your nipples.
“P-please… I need your cock.” You whimpered, and he lifted you up; you wrapped your legs around his waist as he lined his cock up with your cunt. Slowly, he pushed in.
“Did you wish to see them?” Embo asked, his voice surprisingly even as he pushed further into you. You nodded as Embo turned to give you a better look at the other two. Though you’d never admit it, you were aroused at the thought of the other two watching as you were fucked. Bossk’s cocks had slipped out of his slit and were rapidly hardening. You couldn’t see Cad’s hard on, but you knew he would be quick to follow. A part of you wondered if it was just you that turned them on, or if they were also enjoying the view of their rival…
Soon, Embo had bottomed out, completely sheathing himself inside you. You swore his cock had pressed up under your ribs, though you knew this was not possible. You were so completely impaled by him. Your head lolled back as he slowly eased out, and then back in, quickly finding a suitable rhythm that wouldn’t completely wreck your insides.
You glanced over at the boys, watching as they shifted to try to accommodate their hard-ons. Bossk was rubbing a clawed hand over his cocks, still completely intoxicated by your scent. Cad smoked his cig to the butt, before crushing it beneath his boots.
Embo took his time fucking into you. His stamina would allow for him to fuck you all day, but while he was delighted to have you first, he was not greedy. He would allow for Bossk and Cad to have their turns with you.
Every thrust made his nodes drag across your sensitive spots, massaging them in a way that made your head spin and warmth pool in your belly. And when he pressed a thumb to your clit and rubbed, it was game over for you. You orgasmed, your body going limp and your vision going black as you milked his cock for all it was worth.
He would not have given up so easily in a private session, but given that he was not the only one fucking you today, he decided to cum early. He growled softly as he rested his head against yours, shooting his hot cum deep into you. It kept coming and coming… when he finished, he pulled you off his cock and his cum seeped down your thighs.
You wobbled, hardly able to catch your breath before Bossk approached. He had already pulled his cocks from his jumpsuit, and they were twitching for you. First, though… Bossk laid you down on the ground and spread your legs open wide. His tongue flicked out, lapping at the cum which dirtied your thighs; you weren’t sure if he actually enjoyed the taste of another man’s cum, or if he was just trying to clean you. Either way, his tongue slipped into your cunt, slurping up the left over cum like a starving man at a feast. He dragged his tongue in and out, growling and groaning, drawing gasps from deep within you. Heat boiled in your belly, and you felt as though you could cum then and there… but you’d wait as long as you could. You needed Bossk’s cocks…
He lifted your hips, his tongue swirling his lube-like saliva and cum mixture around your asshole. When he felt that you were sufficiently slicked, he situated himself between your legs, and lined up his cocks with your holes. When he pressed in, you let out a howl of pleasure.
He was slow, knowing your ass would need more time to adjust than your cunt would. Your hands went to your breasts as you looked over at Embo and Cad. Embo had found a desk to sit on, and was idly stroking his hardening cock. Cad was finally starting to show his arousal, his cheeks flushed green and a dopey look in his eyes.
“Pretty little prey.” Bossk purred as he stroked a claw along your cheek. “Pretty and tight.”
He eased in further, his cocks rubbing against the thin wall of flesh separating your cunt from your ass. You whined, arching your back and angling your hips toward him. Your legs were already shaking, your toes curling. And when he finally sheathed himself inside you, stars danced in your vision.
“Don’t cum yet, little prey… we’ve only just started.” Bossk eased out, and then back in. Bossk was long - not nearly as long as Embo, though - and his cocks were thick. Where Embo impaled you, Bossk completely stuffed you. Like Embo, though, his cocks pressed through your belly, and you watched as your belly rippled with every thrust.
His tongue snaked out to lick at your nipples, getting them hard; you were desperate for a mouth around them, though you knew Bossk would not be able to fulfill that desire. Maybe Cad would…
Bossk picked up his pace until you orgasmed, shooting fluids all over him; Bossk was quick to follow, his frills expanding to keep you locked onto his cocks. His cum was cool and thick, and filled you up; slowly, his frills deflated, and he pulled out. He was satisfied, but at the same time, like Embo, you knew he wanted more. He backed away, allowing Cad to approach now.
You sat up, watching as Cad pulled his cock out; it was hard and leaking what you assume was Duros precum. You were always shocked by how aroused the boys were; you had originally thought that they’d be turned off by the presence of each other… and yet…
“On yer hands an’ knees, doll.” Cad drawled, and you were quick to oblige. Your swollen, pliant cunt was ready for him, and he reveled in it. He drew a finger between the lips, rubbing Bossk’s cum around as a sort of lubricant, before pressing into you. You twitched around him, every touch sending sharp spikes of pleasure to your cunt; your body was flushed and hot. Your eyes were half-lidded. You were drooling onto the ground. You were so goddamn cock-dumb that it was making Embo and Bossk chuckle.
Cad’s grip on your hips was bruising, and every once in a while, he drew a hand back to smack your ass. You lurched forward with every hit, gasping and whimpering. He was determined to make his mark on you, much more concerned with claiming you than his companions were.
He nipped at your neck and shoulders, thrusting harder and harder into you; his ridges - oh, the ridges!- massaged your sensitive spots, which were already overstimulated from the two previous cocks in you. You could hardly keep yourself up, which Cad hadn’t failed to notice. Instead of holding you up, though, Cad shoved you to the ground, his hand holding your head down on the ground.
“Cad~!” You moaned, your voice pitching up as ecstasy gripped you. The heat in your belly threatened to spill, but you knew Cad didn’t care. He’d fuck you through three orgasms if he wanted.
“Dat’s it, doll. Yell my name. Tell dese idiots who ya belong t’!” He growled, not letting up on his pace. You turned your head to look at Bossk and Embo, noting their continued arousal; something told you that you wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow…
“CAD!” You cried, tension building. You were so goddamn close! If only…
Cad pressed his thumb to your clit and the tension snapped. Fluids rushed out around his cock as your body went limp; your head was in the clouds, high on ecstasy and sex. Every nerve was set ablaze.
You weren’t sure how long your orgasm lasted, only that Cad had continued to fuck into your tightened cunt. He was grunting, and his pace was beginning to falter, but he wouldn’t give up that easily. He tangled a hand in your hair and pulled you up closer to him. He dragged his teeth along your back.
“Yer too good t’ us, doll. Too good.” Cad muttered as he leaned forward, latching over your shoulder. You braced yourself, knowing what came next.
Cad’s pace grew erratic, and before long, he came, biting down into your shoulder as he shot his cum inside you. You cried out, orgasming again - this orgasm caught you off-guard, but you were pleased none the less.
Cad licked away the blood, before easing out of your sore cunt. He sat nearby, his soft cock just bobbing between his legs. The room was silent for a moment, before Embo approached once more.
“Are you able to take more?”
You knew you had a long night ahead of you.
Tags: @doctor-ren, @that-clone-wars-girl, @some-serendipity-snail, @rewin-d
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader (platonic)
Request by the love of my life @garbinge: I saw this on a prompt list and immediately thought. “Taylor’s Nestor”: “what i’m thinking of asking you is unethical and it might be illegal. but morally, it’s the right thing to do.” Leaving everything else up to you!!
Warnings: language, mentions of animal abuse
Word Count: 3k
A/N: I have been thinking about this every day since you sent it to me. I played out a bunch of different scenarios in my head but when I had this thought I just had to use it. I sort of loved the idea of him needing help with something that wasn’t crazy high-stakes, something completely outside his comfort zone. Hope you like it!! xo
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“I just always thought that the roles here would be reversed,” you sighed, running your hands down over your face.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he looked confused, on the brink of being offended.
You looked at him from between your fingers, “You work for the cartel, Nestor. I figured that if one of us was going to be asking for a sketchy favor, it would be me going to you.”
He sat back in his chair, “Not everything I do is—” he cut himself short, shaking his head, “Never mind. Will you…will you hear me out?”
“Do I really have a choice?” your laugh was hollow.
His brows furrowed for a moment as he waited for you to meet his eyes. He wasn’t always great with his words but you could see almost everything that he was thinking if you looked into his eyes long enough.
He leaned forward, elbows coming to rest just above his knees, “Of course you do. You always do. I…I know that what I’m thinking of asking you is unethical and it might be illegal. But morally, it’s the right thing to do.”
“Might be illegal?”
He paused and you could see that despite everything, he was biting back a smile, “Alright. So…it’s definitely illegal. But we’ve already agreed before that most laws are fucking—”
“Dumb. I know,” you rested your hands in your lap, twisting your fingers nervously, “But thinking that most laws are dumb in theory is not the same as breaking the dumb laws.”
“Would it help if I said it gets easier the more you do it?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, “No.”
“Okay. Well. Worst case scenario—we do this and we get caught. You probably won’t even have to do hard time.”
You scoff, “Aiding and abetting will get me serious time.”
He shook his head, brushing off your statement, “It really isn’t that high-stakes, I promise. It also has nothing to do with Galindo.”
That was the most reassuring thing that he’d said to you all night. Part of you assumed that it wouldn’t have anything to do with the cartel—Nestor tried to keep that part of his life as far away from you as he could. It was as much for your own sanity as it was for his. But if it had nothing to do with Galindo and the cartel, you had no idea what kind of favor he would possibly be coming to you with.
You sat back in your chair, “So. What can I help you with, Nestor?”
“I need you to steal some stuff from work.”
Confusion took over your entire face, “What?”
“I need you to steal some supplies from work. I…I don’t know what yet. I’ll need your help with that part too.”
“Why do you need me to steal stuff from work? They like me there,” you rested your hands on the back of your neck, “You don’t even have a dog. Or a pet of any kind, for that matter.”
“About that,” he couldn’t meet your eyes for a moment, “I do now.”
“Then just…bring them in to see me? Why do we have to make it illegal?”
“Because I stole them.”
“What?” you were trying not to yell.
“I had to!”
There were a million things that you wanted to ask Nestor—you didn’t even know where to start. In all the time that you’d known him, he’d never really been an animal person. He didn’t dislike them, but realistically he just didn’t feel that he had the time for one. You wanted to know how he landed himself in a position where he had to illegally obtain an animal, and drag you into it.
“Why did you have to? When were you ever in a position to take an animal?”
“Will you help me, or not? Because I have a gut feeling that my house is getting ripped apart by them as we speak. I’ll fill you in on the details on the way.”
You sighed, but you knew that you were going to cave and go with him. You were never able to turn away from an animal that needed your help. You also knew that there were very few times in the years that you’ve been friends with Nestor that you ever told him ‘no’ about much of anything, anyway.
“Alright,” you stood up off the couch and gestured towards the door, “let’s go, then.”
“Seriously?” his eyes grew wide, surprised that you were letting him take you along for whatever ride this was about to me.
“Yea,” you shook your head, “Don’t make me change my fucking mind.”
He practically jumped out of his chair and raced towards the door. He had been expecting to have to do some more convincing. He held the door for you and waited anxiously for you to lock it before walking over to his SUV.
“You steal them in this?” you asked as you sat in the passenger seat, “Because it’s not exactly what I would call discreet.”
“I don’t think someone ratting on me is going to be a problem.”
You looked over at him, eyes wide, “What’d you do?”
He glanced over and saw the look on your face, instantly shaking his head to dispel whatever thoughts you were conjuring up, “Not that. Jesus.”
The rest of the ride passed in semi-silence. The radio played to fill the space between the two of you. You nervously twisted your hands in your lap as you tried to think of what you could possibly be walking into. You wanted to ask Nestor for details about how he ended up in this position, but something told you that he’d get around to explaining it eventually.
He pulled into his driveway and his house was completely dark. It all seemed quiet. You had been expecting to hear a feral animal from a mile away, but all was calm. You unbuckled your seatbelt and waited for a cue from Nestor as to what to do next. You could see the nerves in his eyes and it made you nervous. The man worked for a fucking cartel and yet he was worried about whatever he was walking you into.
With a deep sigh he opened the door and hopped out of the car, waiting for you to do the same. You jumped out and walked beside him, your arm brushing against his every few steps as you tried to keep up with his stride. The two of you stood on his front step as he slid the key into the lock on the door.
“You know that I don’t know shit about dogs,” he slowly pushed the door open, cautiously reaching in and turning on the light, “So you gotta be real with me about how over my head I am with this.”
“Oh boy,” you chuckled nervously as you walked in behind him, anxiously looking around the house.
It was silent, and that was more concerning to you than if you had walked into a pit of chaos. You followed Nestor through the house, both of you looking around for the animal in question. The fact that he seemed as clueless as you was unsettling to say the least.
“You just let them have the run of the house?” you asked in a hushed tone, not quite sure why you were whispering.
“Clearly I wasn’t really thinking things through, alright?” he was trying to sound annoyed but you could hear the smile in his voice.
The entire downstairs was empty. For a moment you worried that the dog had escaped, but then you remembered whose house you were in—it was practically a fortress. Nestor walked upstairs and you waited at the top while he walked down the hall towards his room. He was standing still in the doorway when you heard him let out a chuckle. Figuring that meant it was at least safe enough for you to walk over, you did just that.
You peered around his shoulder and your eyes went wide at the sight in front of you. The scene raised more questions than it answered, but you had to take a moment to enjoy it regardless. In the middle of Nestor’s perfectly made bed, laid a perfectly content rottweiler. They laid there as though they owned the place, and something told you that from here on out they essentially would. Something told you that he was going to do everything he could to keep this dog, and also spoil it beyond belief. You couldn’t wait to see that happen.
“You stole a fucking rottweiler?” you finally broke the silence.
“It wasn’t my game plan for the day. It just…happened?”
You had to let yourself be amused by the fact that the two of you were lingering in the doorway, watching the dog as it curiously watched you, “How does it just happen? Like, is someone going to come looking for them?”
He shook his head, “I doubt that. Owners weren’t taking care of them anyway. I saw what they were doing and I couldn’t just fuckin—” he stopped himself and took a deep breath before he let himself get heated all over again, “I just…stepped in and told them to give me the dog if they weren’t going to take care of it.”
You raised your eyebrows, “And they just…handed over the dog?”
“It took a little convincing but…yea.”
You didn’t know if you wanted him to elaborate on what that meant or not. The fact that he didn’t immediately offer up the information led you to believe that it was a good time to give yourself some plausible deniability. You already felt like this situation was on the brink of getting out of control anyway. So rather than prying, you slowly started to approach the bed, trying to make yourself seem as unthreatening as possible.
Truthfully, the dog was in rough shape. They obviously hadn’t been fed properly in a while. No glaring cuts or outward injuries that you could see, but their ears were torn and you could see old scars and little missing patches of hair here and there. You didn’t try to reach out and touch them, or make them move, instead just sitting on the edge farthest from them and waiting to see what happened.
As the minutes ticked by, you slowly inched your way closer. The dog was obviously, and rightfully, wary of you. But they didn’t growl, or attempt to get up and move away from you. The entire time Nestor watched on in silent awe at your patience. At one point he slowly slumped down to the floor, leaning back against the doorframe but still able to watch you.
You were finally able to land yourself next to the dog and you slowly held your hand out to let them sniff it, which they did. You were careful but your moves weren’t hesitant, not wanting to show that you were feeling at all uneasy. The dog let you run your hand along its wide forehead and down its neck. After you repeated the motion a few times, speaking sweetly and softly to them, they laid down on their side with a happy groan.
You chuckled as you continued to pet their neck, “That’s a good girl,” you brought your hand back to your lap and looked over at Nestor, “I mean…she seems fine for the time being.  The fact that she’s not whining in pain and that she’s letting me touch her are both good signs. I’d have to see her walk and everything to get a better idea. And I’d also really like to get her in and officially checked out.”
“Yea but I—”
You cut him off, “We can do it off-hours. Not like it’s gonna take the whole office to give her a check-up. I’ll think about what I can do if she has a chip in her, although something tells me she probably doesn’t. But for tonight, I’m gonna run out and get her some food and stuff. You’ll have to get her slowly back to a healthy weight,” you paused, looking over at him, “You can come over, you know. I’d say that she’s fairly comfortable given her previous circumstances.”
Nestor nodded as he slowly walked over. The dog lifted her head and Nestor stopped for a moment, but when she didn’t show any signs of being nervous or agitated, he came closer still. He squatted down slightly, not quite wanting to be face-level with her just yet. She gave his arm and hand a sniff before rubbing her head against it. You watched as a soft smile spread over Nestor’s features while he rubbed along her forehead and behind her ears. The soft streak that you knew Nestor had was in full effect. When the two of them got settled and more comfortable with each other, when the dog was healthy and acclimated to being in a home where she was getting taken care of properly, you knew the two of them were going to make an unstoppable team. They were definitely going to be the most intimidating pair to walk past on the sidewalk.
“You comfortable if I leave?” you asked, already feeling pretty certain of the answer.
He nodded, “Yea. Let me give you some cash for the food and shit.”
He shifted to pull out his wallet but you waved him off, “Don’t worry about it—this is part of helping you out. I’d much rather pay for some food and basic necessities than steal shit from my job. Consider this part of my dues for the favor.”
A smirk passed over his face for a moment, “I owe you.”
“Yea,” you walked towards the door of the bedroom, laughing quietly, “you sure fuckin’ do.”
The trip to the store was relatively quick. You grabbed some dog food, a pair of bowls for food and water, and some supplements that you knew would be good for her and would help get her back to where she needed to get to. You also took photos of a few different crate options for Nestor to look at. As much as you wanted to go overboard, you didn’t want to get too far ahead of yourself.
When you walked back into the house, you could head the television playing upstairs. You figured that that was a good sign. You set a few of the items down in the kitchen, opting to just fill the food and water bowls and walk them up to Nestor’s room.
You could hear him talking to her once you reached the top of the stairs, and you chuckled at the way he was conversing with her about whatever TV show they were watching, “It’s never the first guy they bring in. I don’t know why they’re wasting their fucking time.”
Walking in, you had a snarky comment ready about him already teaching her the ins and outs of crime. However, when you saw the way that they two of them were existing together, you lost your train of thought completely. Nestor was on one side of the bed, leaning back against the headboard with his legs stretched out in front of him, and the dog was on the other side of the bed, sitting upright also facing the television. The two of them looked like quite the pair. There was a little bit of space between them, but you could tell that it was a comfortable distance. Nestor reached over and scratched behind her ears as you walked in.
“Nice to see you two getting along,” you held the bowls up slightly, “Brought some food and water up here.”
Once you set the bowls down, she hopped off the bed and quickly made her way over to them. You watched the way that she walked, making a note to take a closer look at her joints when Nestor brought her in for you to check her out. You kept your distance while she was eating, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed next to Nestor.
He motioned for you to sit next to him and you casually leaned against the outside of his arm while you both watched her eat. You broke the silence, “I’ll show you how to measure out her food and stuff so you know how much to give her. Gotta be careful putting weight on her—can’t overfeed her or anything even if you want to, okay?”
He nodded, “Got it.”
“Also make sure you give her a lot of space when she’s eating. She’ll probably be extra defensive over food for a long while.”
“Oh, and make sure—”
“Y/N?” he smiled down at you.
“I sound bossy, don’t I?” you laughed and shook your head, “I’m sorry.”
He chuckled, “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you know so much. I was just, I was gonna ask,” he paused for a moment and you saw concern flash across his face, “You think I did the right thing? You think I’ll be able to take care of her?”
You nodded without any hesitation, “Of course. It’ll take some time for her to fully trust you and get comfortable. But she’s doing well so far. I think she realizes that she’s in a safer place now. Just give it time and let her be the one to warm up to you, you know?”
He nodded, “Right, right.”
After a few more minutes, the mattress dipped as the dog hopped back up onto the bed again. She resumed her sitting position on the other side of Nestor, looking around the room before turning her gaze towards the television. Both you and Nestor chuckled at the fact that she actually seemed like she was into the show.
“Worth the future aiding and abetting charges?” Nestor asked as he watched you watch the dog.
You laughed, “Maybe. But if I get shitty tattoos in prison I’m blaming you.”
“We can get matching ones.”
You chuckled, “Alright. Deal.”
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