#Graz University of Technology
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Researchers optimize 3D printing of optically active nanostructures
For about 20 years, it has been possible to modify surfaces via nanoparticles so that they concentrate or manipulate light in a desired way or trigger other reactions. Such optically active nanostructures can be found in solar cells and biological or chemical sensors, for example. In order to expand the range of applications for these nanostructures, researchers at the Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis (Graz University of Technology) and the Graz Center of Electron Microscopy (ZFE) have been working for more than a decade on manufacturing not only flat nanostructures, but in particular complex, free-standing 3D architectures. The team led by Harald Plank, Verena Reisecker and David Kuhness has achieved two breakthroughs. It is now possible to precisely simulate the required shapes and sizes of nanostructures in advance to achieve desired optical properties, which can then be accurately produced. The team has also managed to completely remove chemical impurities incorporated during initial production without negatively impacting the 3D nanoarchitectures.
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reasonsforhope · 8 days
"As the world grows “smarter” through the adoption of smartphones, smart fridges, and entire smart houses, the carbon cost of that technology grows, too. 
In the last decade, electronic waste has become one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world. 
According to The World Counts, the globe generates about 50 million tons of e-waste every year. That’s the equivalent of 1,000 laptops being trashed every second. 
After they’re shipped off to landfills and incinerated, the trash releases toxic chemicals including lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and so much more, which can cause disastrous health effects on the populations that live near those trash sites. 
Fortunately, Franziska Kerber — a university student at ​​FH Joanneum in Graz, Austria — has dreamed up a solution that helps carve away at that behemoth problem: electronics made out of recyclable, dissolvable paper. 
On September 11, Kerber’s invention “Pape” — or Paper Electronics — earned global recognition when it was named a national winner of the 2024 James Dyson Awards. 
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When she entered the scientific competition, Kerber demonstrated her invention with the creation of several small electronics made out of paper materials, including a fully-functional WiFi router and smoke detector. 
“Small electronic devices are especially prone to ending up in household waste due to unclear disposal systems and their small size, so there is significant potential to develop a more user-friendly end-of-life system,” Kerber wrote on the James Dyson Award website. 
“With this in mind, I aimed to move beyond a simple recycling solution to a circular one, ensuring long-term sustainability.” 
Kerber’s invention hinges on crafting a dissolvable and recyclable PCB board out of compressed “paper pulp.” 
A printed circuit board (PCB) is a board that can be found in nearly all modern electronic devices, like phones, tablets, and smartwatches.
But even companies that have started incorporating a “dissolution” step into the end life of their products require deconstruction to break down and recover the PCB board before it can be recycled. 
With Kerber’s PAPE products, users don’t need to take the device apart to recycle it.
“By implementing a user-friendly return option, manufacturers can efficiently dissolve all returned items, potentially reusing electronic components,” Kerber explained. 
“Rapidly advancing technology, which forms the core of many devices, becomes obsolete much faster than the structural elements, which are often made from plastics that can last thousands of years,” Kerber poses. 
PAPE, Kerber says, has a “designed end-of-life system” which anticipates obsolescence. 
“Does anyone want to use a thousand-year-old computer?” Kerber asks. “Of course not. … This ensures a sustainable and reliable system without hindering technological advancement.”"
-via GoodGoodGood, September 13, 2024
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oltenia · 3 months
The Berg Lab at the Graz University of Technology is researching the microbiome of both humans and plants, using their findings to fuel further research into the prevention of biodiversity loss and the subsequent global health issues that will arise.
Recently, much focus has been placed on the importance of the gut microbiome and nutrition, with the development of new DNA sequencing technologies quickly expanding the field. The Berg Lab have developed a course, exploring the intricacies of the microbiome; from learning about your own microbiome, to how the microbiome of the foods you eat affect your health, and how this integrates into the One Health Concept. The course is available through: https://imoox.at/course/microbiome. They have also developed a game demonstrating the effect of various daily actions on your microbiome: https://microbiome.gamelabgraz.at/.
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the-telescope-times · 2 years
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allaroundworld · 1 day
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Empowering Minds: Christoph Guger’s Vision for Neurotechnology at g.tec
Explore the inspiring journey of Christoph Guger, CEO and co-founder of g.tec medical engineering GmbH, a leader in neurotechnology and brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. From his studies at the University of Technology of Graz to pioneering real-time BCI systems, Christoph has transformed neuroscience with groundbreaking innovations. His work with g.tec spans neurorehabilitation, brain mapping, and affordable BCI solutions, empowering patients and researchers worldwide. Discover how g.tec continues to push the boundaries of neurotech, advancing healthcare and reshaping the future.
For more information:- https://www.allaroundworlds.com/christoph-guger-neurotech-vision-at-gtec/
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tassadaqraza · 22 days
Study in Austria - A Comprehensive Guide
Austria, nestled in the heart of Europe, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, high quality of life, and outstanding educational institutions. For international students, Austria offers a unique blend of tradition and innovation, making it an attractive destination for higher education.
This guide explores why Austria is a prime choice for international students, covering everything from its top universities to the student lifestyle.
Top Universities in Austria
Here are some top universities in Austria:
University of Vienna
The University of Vienna, one of the oldest universities in the world, is a prestigious institution known for its humanities and social sciences programs. With a history dating back to 1365, it offers a wide range of courses across various disciplines.
Graz University of Technology
Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) is a leader in engineering and technology education. It provides cutting-edge research opportunities and fosters strong industry connections, making it a top choice for aspiring engineers.
University of Innsbruck
Located in the picturesque Alps, the University of Innsbruck is renowned for its research in natural sciences and its vibrant student community. The university offers a diverse array of programs, particularly strong in environmental and climate sciences.
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) is Austria's leading business school, offering top-tier programs in economics, finance, and business management. It is known for its innovative teaching methods and strong focus on internationalization.
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the-hacker-news · 2 months
New Linux Kernel Exploit Technique 'SLUBStick' Discovered by Researchers
The Hacker News : Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a novel Linux kernel exploitation technique dubbed SLUBStick that could be exploited to elevate a limited heap vulnerability to an arbitrary memory read-and-write primitive. "Initially, it exploits a timing side-channel of the allocator to perform a cross-cache attack reliably," a group of academics from the Graz University of Technology said [PDF]. " http://dlvr.it/TBmqx9 Posted by : Mohit Kumar ( Hacker )
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petnews2day · 3 months
New iontronic pump method reduces cancer cell growth in bird embryo experiments
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/fyVcS
New iontronic pump method reduces cancer cell growth in bird embryo experiments
The iontronic pump could be used to locally administer drugs and inhibit cancer cell growth. Credit: Thor Balkhed When low doses of cancer drugs are administered continuously near malignant brain tumors using so-called iontronic technology, cancer cell growth drastically decreases. Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, and the Medical University of Graz, Austria, demonstrated this in […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/fyVcS #BirdNews
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education30and40blog · 6 months
(PDF) Evolving Digital Skills of first-year students: A Pre-and Post-Covid Analysis | Martin Ebner - Academia.edu
See on Scoop.it - Education 2.0 & 3.0
Digital skills are necessary for first-year students at Austrian universities. This paper unveils results from two surveys among first-year students at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz): Pre-Covid-19 data (n=921) is derived from a larger study
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epsentiemporeal · 9 months
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Drastic technological changes and dynamic social challenges bring forward a number of ways of hybrid nomad living. From this stance point the course addresses such challenges through innovation, fostering sustainable urban life, creative urban cultures and empowerment of alternative economies.
This BIP offers students the opportunity to generate (and test) creative and feasible solutions for new ways of life and services.
In the offline phase of the project, students will travel to Graz one week
- Open for students of 5th, 4th 3rd year Degree in Architecture and students of Economics. (CEU San Pablo University) 
Deadlines application:  12 January 2024
Participants will have an Erasmus+ subsidy for travel expenses.
Language: English
This BIP will be both an online and offline course and will take place from March-May 2024:
-ONLINE PHASE:  March 4th-May 6th
-OFFLINE PHASE. GRAZ WEEK TRIP: 8th -12th April 2024
This blended program is a joint program of Inholland (Holland) Centria (Austria) CEU and Joanneum (Finland)
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Switching nanomagnets using infrared lasers
When molecules are irradiated with infrared light, they begin to vibrate due to the energy supply. For Andreas Hauser from the Institute of Experimental Physics at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), this well-known phenomenon was the starting point for considering whether these oscillations could also be used to generate magnetic fields. This is because atomic nuclei are positively charged, and when a charged particle moves, a magnetic field is created. Using the example of metal phthalocyanines—ring-shaped, planar dye molecules—Hauser and his team have now calculated that, due to their high symmetry, these molecules actually generate tiny magnetic fields in the nanometer range when infrared pulses act on them. According to the calculations, it should be possible to measure the rather low but very precisely localized field strength using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The researchers have published their results in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Read more.
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Europe’s quantum decade extends into space - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/europes-quantum-decade-extends-into-space-technology-org/
Europe’s quantum decade extends into space - Technology Org
Europe – and the world – is in the midst of the ‘quantum decade’: a period in which the peculiar properties of matter that manifest at the very tiniest of scales are being transformed from mere scientific curiosities into the basis of practical technologies and products. The result? Major leaps forward in communications, navigation, computing and environmental sensing.
Juice flies by Europa
The same is true in space: ESA is currently sending a quantum-enabled probe to Jupiter, developing communications based on quantum technologies and planning flying a quantum clock to the International Space Station, as part of its quantum technology cross-cutting initiative.
Quantum sensor headed to Jupiter
Juice flies by Europa
Part of the magnetometer of ESA’s Juice spacecraft, launched to the largest planet in our Solar System in April, the MAGSCA sensor relies on a quantum interference phenomenon to perform absolute measurements of magnetic field strength, providing calibration for a larger pair of conventional ‘fluxgate’ magnetometers. Performing well during in-space commissioning, MAGSCA was built for ESA by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in partnership with Graz University of Technology.
Meanwhile hardware based on ‘quantum entanglement’ was tested earlier this year aboard an ESA parabolic ‘zero-g’ flight, demonstrating its robustness to gravity shifts.
ESA’s quantum activities are now overseen by its new quantum technology cross-cutting initiative, coordinating all quantum technology R&D taking place across the Agency.
Quantum vision of ESA’s future
“Quantum technology was defined as a strategic priority in the Agenda 2025 of ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher, seen as offering new avenues to commercial success and technical leadership, and we are implementing this vision,” explains ESA opto-electronics system engineer Eric Wille.
“In one form or another ESA has been working on quantum technologies for the last quarter of a century, steadily raising overall readiness levels and chalking up some major successes along the way, including participating in the then-world record for quantum communications.
“This cumulative effort has helped us expand our range of activities, and build links with the quantum research community, most recently through ESA’s latest quantum technology conference in September. To summarise: ESA is really open for business in this field, and if you have ideas for research, we want to hear from you!”
Quantum hardware during a parabolic flight.
Weird science of the very small
Often termed as the most successful theory of the past century, quantum physics underpins the workings of everyday items like silicon chips, lasers and medical imaging machines. At the heart of this theory is the seemingly counter-intuitive fact that at extremely small scales, atoms, photons and other particles start behaving like waves.
This in turn leads to phenomena such as ‘quantum superposition’, where a particle can exist in more than one possible state at once, and ‘quantum entanglement’, where multiple particles go on sharing identical physical characteristics, even when separated by long distances.
Opto-electronics for Quantum Technologies
Quantum technologies set out to utilise such exotic behaviour as the basis of more powerful computing, ultra-precise timing, secure sharing of information and high-sensitivity sensors – while contending with the challenge that quantum states are easily perturbed, and prone to collapse.
Quantum communications from space
Quantum key distribution from space
Among the most mature applications is secure communications based on ‘quantum key distribution’. Current secure data sharing is based on the sharing of ‘cryptography keys’ between sender and recipient. Today, such keys are normally shared  over classical communication channels using mathematical algorithms or by human couriers.
As an alternative, quantum key distribution is developed where the security of the key exchange is based on quantum physical properties of light particles. Using laser links on satellites allows to bridge distances much larger compared to optical fibres where the quantum signals are more quickly disturbed.
ESA is collaborating with the European Commission to develop quantum key distribution for governmental applications, and also through the support of industry partnerships like the Eagle-1 mission with satellite manufacturer SES – developing technologies previously fostered through ESA’s ScyLight programme.
Eagle-1 infographic
Lessons learned will guide the development and deployment of the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure, which is part of Europe’s Secure Connectivity programme.
For more than a quarter of a century, ESA’s Optical Ground Station has been supporting optical and quantum communication experiments from the slopes of Tenerife’s Mount Teide volcano. Testing quantum links through the atmosphere across the islands – or up to orbiting satellites – has already provided a wealth of information.
ESA’s Optical Ground Station
Lessons learned will guide the development and deployment of the European quantum communication infrastructure, which is part of the EU’s secure connectivity programme.
Quantum sensing
Quantum states – such as ‘cold atoms’, systematically slowed down in their motion using lasers – often prove to be exquisitely sensitive to their surrounding environment, so could be employed for gravity or acceleration mapping, as well as tracking Earth features including ocean and ice flows.
Such precise surveying would also be a step forward for climate modelling, sharpening scientific understanding of phenomena such as the terrestrial water cycle, the mass balance of ice sheets and glaciers and sea-level change.
Quantum clocks and frequency standards
Similar laser-slowed cold atom systems can serve as the basis of highly precise clocks for positioning, navigation and timing, offering orders of magnitude improvements on the atomic clocks employed by today’s satellite navigation systems. They are also important for fundamental physics experiments. 
ESA’s atomic clock ensemble in space payload will become the most accurate clock ever flown in orbit when it is brought on board the International Space Station in 2025.
Quantum computing
Quantum computers are unlikely to be flown in space in the near future, but, by harnessing superposition, they promise vastly improved computing power for specific search or optimisation problems.
This technique could be applied to space-related ‘hard problems’ such as optimising highly complex mega-constellation operations, high-fidelity simulations of a rocket’s interaction with the atmosphere, or processing Earth observation data to exploit large amounts of information more efficiently.
Precision engineering
Other areas such as quantum memories, quantum imaging, random number generation and post quantum cryptography are also part of the more than 40 projects planned by ESA’s quantum technology cross-cutting initiative in the coming years.
High quality and precision engineering is an essential element for success; it takes complex optical payloads to manipulate systems at the scale of atoms or photons. So ESA’s existing optics and opto-electronics laboratory is also being rehoused and expanded in a new building in the ESTEC technical centre in the Netherlands, to enlarge the scope of support ESA can offer to researchers and industry.
Source: European Space Agency
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jobrxiv · 1 year
Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) in the field of Genomics in Austria Institute of Biomedical Informatics at Graz University of Technology The Institute of Biomedical Informatics at TU Graz (Austria) has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher in the field of functional genomics. See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/institute-of-biomedical-informatics-at-graz-university-of-technology-27778-postdoctoral-researcher-m-f-d-in-the-field-of-genomics-in-austria/?feed_id=60196 #ScienceJobs #hiring #research Graz #Austria #PostdoctoralFellow
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rankedtutors · 1 year
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Charging your EV via rail, the University of Graz is thinking about it!
Recharge your EV on the train! The RailCharge project of the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), aims to solve two major problems which are all obstacles to the development of EV sales: this innovative solution could provide an answer to the problem of autonomy of electric cars and their increasing load on the power grid due to…
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rashaways · 1 year
پذیرش دانشگاه در اتریش
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کشور اتریش از نظر تحصیل دارای کیفیت بسیار بالایی است و در میان رتبه بندی جهانی جزو رتبه های بالای تحصیل و دانشگاهی می باشد. دانشگاه های : Vienna University of Technology، University of Bodenkultur Wien، University of Vienna، Medical University of Vienna، Medical University of Graz، Medical University of Innsbruck از جمله دانشگاه های معروف در دنیا و کشور اتریش هستند
تحصیل در کشور اتریش با توجه به سن و رشته های تحصیلی افراد دارای شاخه های مختلفی است، مثل تحصیل در دانشگاه، تحصیل در کلاس های زبان، تحصیل در کالج های موسیقی و... برای پذیرش در بسیاری از دانشگاه های این کشور نیاز به حداقل مدرک زبان A2 آلمانی دارید (ترتیب زبان آلمانی A1+A2+B1+B2+C1 )،اما در خیلی از دانشگاه های کشور اتریش امکان پذیرش بدون مدرک زبان وجود دارد و افراد باید با توجه به شرایط خود به دانشگاه های مربوطه درخواست پذیرش ارسال کنند. بعد پذیرش در یکی از دانشگاه های معتبر اتریش و طی کردن مراحل دریافت ویزای دانشجویی افراد می توانند وارد کشور اتریش بشوند. سپس در این کشور به آموختن زبان آلمانی تا مقطع B2 یا C1 می پردازند تا بعد از دریافت مدرک زبان این مقاطع بتوانند در دانشگاه حضور پیدا کنند و به ادامه تحصیل خود بپردازند بسیاری از رشته ها نیاز به امتحان ورودی دارند، شاخه های پزشکی و شاخه های مربوط به پزشکی نیاز به امتحان دارند و در صورت قبولی در امتحان ورودی می توان درخواست پذیرش را به دانشگاه ارسال کرد.اما در بعضی از رشته ها تنها با داشتن مدرک زبان مقطع A2 می توان از دانشگاه پذیرش را دریافت کرد و بعد از ورود به کشور اتریش مقطع زبانی خود را بالاتر و در سطح مورد نیاز قرار بدهید سپس امتحان ورودی به دانشگاه را در این کشور بدهید.تمامی افراد از سن 18 سال می توانند اقدام به دریافت پذیرش در دانشگاه های کشور اتریش کنند و با توجه به رشته های مربوط به پزشکی در بعضی از رشته ها محدودیت سنی وجود ندارد.می توان گفت افرادی که از یکی از دانشگاه های کشور اتریش پذیرش دریافت کنند شانس بالایی برای دریافت ویزا پیدا می کنند و این امر برای افرادی که تاکنون موفق به دریافت ویزا از یکی از کشور های اروپایی نشده اند اهمیت بالایی دارد و دریافت پذیرش از دانشگاه های کشور اتریش امر دریافت ویزا را آسان تر می کند اگر نیاز به پذیرش در یکی از دانشگاه های اتریش را دارید و نمی توانید مراحل پذیرش را انجام دهید، می توانید با مشاوران موسسه راشا ویز ارتباط برقرار کنید تا مراحل پذیرش دانشگاه را برای شما امکان پذیر کنند
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