#Great Teachers
thepeacefulgarden · 5 months
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ahhvernin · 2 years
Back in middle school and high school, I had an English teacher Ms.C. She often said was I bad reader and my analyzing skills were bad and that my skills of interpreting stories and reading in between the lines were non existent. That the reasons why I liked certain books over others and certain characters were 'wrong' or 'not meant to be liked or supported' and that I just didn't understand the literature at all. I had her for over 3 years. Then one year, in high school, I had a different English teacher, Ms.T. We had an assignment to write an analysis report for one of the books we had read during the year. I went to her, feeling ashamed, and telling her that I did not feel like I could write a good report because the only idea I had couldn't possibly be a good one. She asked me what it was. I told her, I wanted to compare The Secret Life of Bees to Huckleberry Finn, and how the Secret Life of Bees had many comparable themes and that the story was a Huckleberry Finn-esque adventure but with a girl and woman protagonist. She asked me why I didn't think it would be a good analysis. And I told that I always did poorly on reports because I could not interpret stories or understand the author's message correctly or read in between the lines because English was my "second language" even though it was my primary language and that the stories took place in different time periods. And that I had read Huck Finn a year ago and didn't do well on the report because I "missed the themes". Ms. T said "I don't think any of my students have compared those two stories before. Now I'm curious. Why don't you write it. I think it would be interesting to see how you read the two novels. Go ahead and write it. If you need help just let me know." So I wrote it. I don't think I worked so hard on a book report. I don't really remember exactly what I wrote, but I remember filling my books with bookmarks, cutting out strips of lined paper with excerpts and gathering them together on the carpet, this was.. before CTRL+F was in my tool box and before the two books were in digital format. I really wanted to show the parallels and show how each kid left a town with an abusive father, ran away with an adult black companion who were their trusted adult figure, their friend, their parental figure and reservoir of wisdom. How their companionship would have been frowned upon during their time period but were integral to their growth as a kid. I remember reluctantly handing this chunky report in, I had exceeded the page count, I was telling myself that despite all that work and all the pages I had typed out and the cover that I had illustrated because I couldn't find good pictures online, that it wasn't going to get anything higher than a B or C because most of my English reports hovered around B or C in the past. I fretted over the few weeks it took to grade these papers. Then the day came to return the papers, and Ms. T had arranged it so each kid would get in line, find their paper and leave. I could not find my paper. My anxiety flew SKY HIGH even though she said "Perhaps she left in one of her folders. So I waited until everyone else got theirs thinking mine would turn up. It did not and then she called my name and she pulled my paper out from under her notebooks and handed it to me. Then gently and firmly said, "You did a great job. Some spelling and grammar issues, but otherwise it was a great analysis. Don't be afraid to discuss your favorite books or stories okay? Not everyone reads them the same way. Don't let anyone tell you that the way a book impacts you is wrong. Everyone has different life experiences and everyone has different need and wants, that means what they get from a story will be different from one person to the next. Don't be afraid of your next book report, okay? Because your reading skills and writing skills are just fine." I don't think I was ever so happy to see an A.
Because for the first time in English class, I felt like could understand the language and the literature. All because...someone accepted my thoughts and ideas, and didn't tell me I was wrong. Someone who told me that, I was free to apply my thoughts, experience and world knowledge to the things I read. And that growing up as a kid with two clashing cultures, was fine and that I didn't have to think exactly like everyone else around me and I didn't have to feel guilty or stupid for wanting to share my differing thoughts on a subject matter. And most importantly, that it was okay.... to just read to enjoy a book and not have to worry about having to reading it "right".
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enbypotat53 · 8 months
Our Biology teacher is fucking great.
@kasaeatsbugs and I were talking about stupid names for animals and I brought up the mountain chicken (spoilers: it's a fucking frog), and he walked by and heard us and just calmly said "yeah but it tastes like chicken" and then walked away 😭
I will say though this man is the goofiest fucking puppy of a man I have ever met. He wears floral shirts every day, constantly talks about how much he loves his wife, has little sideburns, once wore a penguin onesie in the middle of summer for charity, has also done (actually decent) dancing/karaoke for charity, and frequently goes on passionate tangents in class about some sort of scienc-y thing. He's also around 6'2 and in his 50s.
I remember our first interaction was a low-stakes quiz where I knew nothing and hadn't slept the night before so I was a wreck, I just sat there crying and he didn't bring it up or make a big fuss, just passed me a note that said "I know you don't know me well yet, but I don't want you to stress over this. You trying your best is enough for me and I can see you're trying C:"
Genuinely one of the loveliest men I've ever met, he restores my faith in humanity <3
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pratignya18 · 3 months
To ma’am, with love
What makes a teacher great? When my kid turned 2, I slowly started looking around for a space where we could leave her for a few hours every day. We considered the franchises. We thought of the stand-alone mom-and-pop places. If the school was nice, the facilities were not up to par, if the facilities were nice, then the student-teacher ratio was found lacking. There was always something wrong…
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306somesh · 3 months
The Essence of Great Teaching: What Makes a Teacher Great?
What makes a teacher great? Introduction In the realm of education, the impact of a great teacher cannot be overstated. Great teachers are the cornerstone of successful learning experiences, fostering an environment where students can thrive academically and personally. But what makes a teacher truly great? Below, we delve into the essential qualities and practices that set exceptional…
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emeraldlabyrinth · 3 months
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Nature Immersion Class by Craig Caudill
During spring time I attended the Nature Immersion Class by Craig Caudill. And was pleasantly delighted. The teachers were incredibly knowledgeable in their fields and were equally passionate about their work. You could tell they all respected each other's knowledge. They would even bring their own note books for when another teacher was teaching!
We walked down to a creek, learning a bit about awareness, plants, and trees. When we were at the creek we collected creatures, that were then identified by the teacher. (I will never walk barefoot in a creek again)
The type of trees, plants, and creatures living in an area. Can tell you so much about where you are and what is happening in the area. This was likely my favorite part of the trip. That and tree identification which we did the next day.
We did quite a few practices that simply brought you awareness of the earth around you. I though myself to be pretty observant. However, I discovered many things that I never had really thought of or noticed until that point.
They also let us feel and check out numerous animal pelts (gray fox, red fox, raccoon, squirrel, coyote, deer, rabbit, otter, black bear, bobcat, beaver, and more) and prints (raccoon, beaver, songbirds, water birds, eagles, owls, muskrats, deer, weasel, bobcat, fox, dog, wolf, and more). It was very interesting to feel and learn about each one.
There was an interesting type of journal sketching that was really cool, they showed us some great resource books, and so much more. If you are ever in the Kentucky area. And, enjoy wildlife and the outdoors. I would highly recommend checking out his classes. They are well worth the money.
The website https://naturereliance.org/
His X account https://x.com/NatureReliance
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narwhalsarefalling · 2 years
my mother taught me to crochet when i was young. she was left handed, so she taught me how in the bathroom mirror so her hands would be in the right position.
she learned to crochet from her grandmother, who was right handed. her grandma was the one that originally used the bathroom mirror to teach her granddaughter properly.
i find something poetic about that. here in this bathroom mirror, through generations, we adapt to our young who have a different way of learning and interacting with the world
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authorlmmontes · 1 year
Great Teachers
Daily writing promptWhat makes a teacher great?View all responses A great teacher is one who actually “Listens” to their students, speaks with them and not to them, and NEVER judges them.
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pebblegalaxy · 1 year
What Makes a Teacher Great? Exploring the Key Qualities of Exceptional Educators
What makes a teacher great? Teachers play a vital role in shaping the minds and futures of students. While some teachers are good, there are a select few who are truly great. What sets these exceptional educators apart? In this comprehensive article, we will explore all aspects, angles, and perspectives that contribute to making a teacher great, backed by ample examples. In the Hindu Vedas, a…
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morganbritton132 · 3 months
Eddie, posting to Tiktok at three in the morning: I think it’s perfectly okay if you’re a restless sleeper or you sleepwalk. That’s fine. I just think you should have goals…that’s not leaving my house.
Eddie: That makes it sound like I kidnapped someone. I didn’t. It’s just… My husband has been walking around in a circle for the last fifteen minutes
Eddie: And I want to go to bed but I can’t until he does because he has this bad habit of escaping and ending up at a hospital…or the woods.
Eddie: And yeah, I’m glad he’s not trying to break my ribs or- *flinches in surprise when a hand is suddenly shoved in front of his face*
Eddie, eyes flickering off screen: …yes?
Steve, after a long pause: Six dollar
Eddie, who adores sleeptalking Steve: For what?
Steve: Book fair
Eddie: …I have never wanted to live in your brain more than I do right now.
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cosmic-tuna · 2 years
My conspiracy prof rly said 'don't call me my first name unless I know you or you're one of those weirdos from a major where everyone is on a first name basis'
Love her to bits but all of my major professors get annoyed if I use their last name so. I am in this for the long term
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chaoticfandomthot · 1 year
Teachers don't want you to use wikipedia because they know you'll stop listening to them because wikipedia is so much sexier and smarter and cooler
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forecast0ctopus · 24 days
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couple more recent commissions! commissions form
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shikimeka-rika · 29 days
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...of our journey.
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2hoothoots · 2 months
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been chatting with a friend who's playing through PN2 again and i want it to be known i will not hear anyone say a WORD about Hollis giving Raz a hard time at the beginning of the game. if anything she is OUTSTANDINGLY accommodating to this random ten-year-old who wandered in unattended off the plane in the middle of an extremely tense situation
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midddoriya · 2 years
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90s anime
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