maniccaffeineaddict · 4 months
Aint no one gonna remember Grimmold Place
*Grimmauld 🤨
imo it’s more iconic than privet drive
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hearthedungeons · 4 years
Grîmmöld - Noldorin Halls
This album right from the get-go has a lot of signifiers of DS - special characters in the project title, song and album title indicating a Tolkien connection, various medieval fonts. The music, full of relatively crude sounding MIDI synths, is definitely trying to evoke something "old school" in its approach. This is one to listen to at low volumes, since the mix is extremely hot (with some clipping coming through) and not a drop of reverb in sight. I don't consider myself a hi-fi snob, but at regular volumes these qualities make the album close to unlistenable - even a touch of panning or reverb might make this album physically more pleasant to listen to. A shame, as there are some quality arrangements here that are obscured by how this album is produced.
The first track, "A Once Mighty Anvil", is a relatively cliche medieval melody. It's brief enough, but to my ears is trying too hard to be classic DS without bringing anything you've probably not heard before if you're moderately aware of this genre. "The Underground Lake", with slightly more dissonant and wandering melodies, provides some more interest - this has more of the scope of 90s CRPG music, but the sound quality becomes pretty abrasive at points when all the instruments are playing in unison. Some nice touches, like a crescendo of the timpani at the end, are less noticeable because of these details.
"In the Mountain Where Hammers Are Felled" has a nice momentum to it - again, clipping issues make the physical listening somewhat unpleasant, but the composition here is jaunty and adventurous while remaining dark - a nice short guitar and wind melody breaks up the main riff of the piece without disrupting the driving momentum, and some nice touches where melodies reappear in different instruments show that there's some real ambition in these arrangements despite the sonic problems, and in the span of 3 1/2 minutes, this track really takes me places. "Mithril Streams" revisits the medieval feel of the first track, and while I appreciate the sonic diversity (and lack of clipping compared to the previous two tracks), this melodic style is not as effective in the hands of this composer - towards the last minute of the piece, when additional instruments join, this piece finds a little bit more value.
The album's weakest moment, "Sirannon", feels like an attempt to shoehorn raw Black Metal into this EP to prove a point about how indebted DS is to Black Metal. There are some cool ideas here, and it's interesting to hear someone attempt this blend of styles without even an obligatory nod to Summoning's production style - but as with previous tracks, there's a weird combination of clarity and loudness that makes this track close to unlistenable. I'm also not a huge fan of these vocals. "Moonlit Iron" is compositionally more conservative, but this seems to be something this artist does well - even if they are chord progressions that are now considered part of the DS canon, there's a nice easy flow to the arrangement, with orchestral bass drum driving the tune while brass, piano and winds take turns moving the rhythm along.
I want to emphasize this album is not valueless. The artist clearly has an idea of what they are doing, and the strong points of these arrangements indicate some significant creativity even working in the relatively strict confines of "Traditional/Old School DS", with just enough nods to the sweeping sounds of CRPG soundtracks to avoid some of the monotony that sometimes plagues releases with this intent. Two things are confusing - most of the other releases by this artist focus on more broad pagan themes, rather than Tolkien, and the other releases, while raw, are at least not ear-shredding in their volume and overall production. One gets the impression that in choosing to do a trad-styled release with Tolkien themes, that the artist chose deliberately to make the album unlistenable, as though this was an innate quality of 90s, traditional DS. Taking the album as it is, I would say this choice makes it harder to appreciate what's good here.
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aislynndmerricksson · 7 years
Book Review- Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Allies by Lydia Sherrer
Book Review- Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Allies by Lydia Sherrer
This book was reviewed for Lola’s Blog Tours Allies is the third in the Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus series featuring Lily Singer and Sebastian Blackwell. While still full of delightful snark, especially by Kip, things with LeFay are really starting to heat up and take a darker turn. As with the previous books, this one is separated into three parts alternating between the Lily and Sebastian.…
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asher-blackwood · 6 years
Chapter 2
A New Home
  It was now 10:00 in the evening and Harry was passing the living room. " I'm sure they'll be here soon but you need to calm down." Petunia said soothingly. Two hours had past since Harry had news from anyone and the stress was making his head throb. He knew his aunt was right but he couldn't shake this feeling more could he really express what it was. Harry was about to go check and see if he left something up stairs for the third time when a firm knock at the door filled the room. Standing before Harry could move Dudley answered the door opening it wide so the large group of people could enter.
  He expects Sirius and Remus but not all the Weasley boys, sans Percy. He grinned as relief spread through his body. " Watch ya Harry." The twins said together. Then Charlie pulled him into a bone breaking hug. Ron Pat him on the back as he staggered away. Bill lt Sirius and Remus hug him first. Then he shook his hand with a big smile on his face. It was like someone was running electricity through his arm, the pain making his head swim and sent them both to the floor.
 "What the hell was that?" Sirius exclaimed while Charlie helps Bill up and Remus grabs Harry. Bill stairs at his hand then looks at Harry, "You alright then Harry?" Nodding he runs his hands through his hair. "Yeah I thinks so. What was that?" Everyone just shook their heads. "Something else we'll have to talk about when we get back." Fred says with a mischievous grin. George replies with a matching grin. " Let's get on with it then." Taking hold of Harry's trunk and giving Ron Hedwig's cage they walk out the door. Harry looked around rubbing his hand. " See you next summer, and I'll write at Christmas shall I ?" His aunt nods and Dudley smilies waving goodbye as Harry steps out into the night.
  Outside was what looked like a muggles station wagon, painted bright yellow with wood paneling. His trunk was no where to be seen and the twins were already seated. Harry raised an Eyebrow as Remus' climbed in the driver's seat. Sirius gingerly tucked his shoulder and when nothing happen clasped it firmly, " Moony thought a family car was a good idea. What do you think?" Harry was nodding a smile on his face, " Looks great Pad." Sirius climbed into the front passenger seat while the rest arranged themselves in the magicly expanded space. Harry, while taking his seat tripped and falling headlong into Bill. When nothing happen the both let out a breathe. Bill then helped him stand," You ok there Harry." Nodding he started chatting with everyone. No one seeing the almost sad smile on Bill's face.
  They had been diving for about 30 minutes when Harry asked, " Why are we driving to where ever it is we're going?" Turning in his seat Sirius looks at him thoughtfully. " Well with how many people we have, and all the shit that can happen in magical transport, we thought this would be safer. That and Moony wanted to show off his car." He finished grinning like a mad man. They had happily been chatting again when George looked Harry up and down critically. " So Harry you finally going to do some shopping or what Mate?" Passing at this statement everone turns looking at him. Harry turning as red as a tomato he starts mumbling something about not really need to and wouldn't know where to start. Remus chanced glancing at Sirius then. " We'll be taking him for his school things and other stuff that he may need or want." Sirius was nodding his agreement along with Bill and Charlie. Fred spoke, " Good, it's about time Harry was taught how to shop. Besides his clothes have never really fit." Harry blushed again looking out the window. Half an hour they arrived in London and Remus began winding his way through the city.
  They arrive in a neighborhood that looks as though it had been well to do at some point but has fallen into disrepair. The houses were all dark and dingy. Music seams to be coming from one of the upper windows of a house to his left. Looking around Sirius takes a piece of paper out of his pocket, handing it to Harry. " Read it to your self Pup, memorize it. The Give it to Remus." Harry nods not quite sure what was going on. The small bit of paper had #12 Grimmold place scrolled across it in neat elegant handwriting he was certain he'd seen before. Suddenly the two houses in front of them began making room for a stately Manor, painted in dark colors with an almost gothic feel to the architecture. As the door pops into place a larger iron number twelve appeared above the knocker.
  They all moved in side bringing Harry's things with them Ron coming in last with Hedwig. Handing her over Charlie he turned to shut the door kicking a very ugly umbrella stand as he did. The loud cursing that fallowed triggered a cacophony of noise from a hideous painting that was once hidden behind red curtains.The old women on the canvas screeched obscenities about mudbloods and blood traitors till her curtains were wrenched shut again by Sirius. "Sorry about that my mother was never the most pleasant of people." Harry just staired at him for a moment, " That was your mum". Sirius just nods and motions for Harry to fallow him while the twins took his stuff up stairs.
  Leading Harry down a long dark corridor with dark squares on the walls where paintings used to hang. Most of the doors were painted black and locked. After passing two doors on his left and three on the right the hall came to an end with a sharp left turn and a door right in front of them. Sirius takes the left entering the first door on the right holding it open for Harry and Remus,who Harry didn't seen fallowing him. Sirius shut the door and locked it. He and Remus cast several privacy and silencing charms. Then they both turned to him smiling. Walking over Harry gives his Godfathers a big hug then pulls away looking around the room. It was a large room with a huge tapestry taking up the whole wall that seam to be a family tree. On the other wall stand several bookshelves and the far end of the room had a large window and a desk placed in front of it with a high backed leather chair. Walking over to the huge oak desk he turns to face the only parents he's ever known and leans against it. " So what was you needed to talk with me about?"
  The pair looked at each other smiling, "Well Pup we want to talk to you about, well ask you really, if you would be ok with Remus and I blood adopting you. As your birthday present I mean." Harry stood there his mouth hanging open, then Remus jumped in. " Before you you say anything you need to know what this would and could mean Cub. First this is old magic and will add some of mine and Sirius' genetics to your own. That would mean there is a possibility of you getting some of my wolf traits. Second it will mean you could calm your not one but two Lordship." When Harry looked at him questioningly he clarified. " You are your parents and Sirius' only heir Harry since he is a Fugitive you can claim the Black Lordship as well. Making you an adult in the eyes of the law." Remus' calm voice fill Harry like a glass being filled with water. When he finish Harry was smiling at them both. "You want me to be your son." He whispered softly, eyes shining with unshed tears. The two mean rush over and held the young teen as he thanked them over and over. Pulling away while rubbing at his face, "So when would we do this then." Explaining since it must be done before for the full moon it they wold do it three days before his birthday. However untill it was done they can't tell anyone about it. Harry nods in understanding, he didn't want Dumbledore finding out till it was to late for him to stop it. Hugging them both Harry's stomach let out a huge growl. Sirius let out a bark like laugh moving the other two towards the door. "Come on let's go get something to eat."
  The next morning Mr. Weasley arrived with the news they all had been waiting on. " Harry is to have a trail for using magic outside of school." The room was in an up roar in moments, everyone shouting about how unfair it was or what to do. Everyone but Harry that is he just sat in his chair thinking. As the noise quieted he looked up at Mr. Weasley, "Does any one have a pensive?" Bill had to hand it to Harry the plane was simple but brilliant. Registering Dumbledore as his legal advisor along with the rest of the evidence Madam Bones will have to drop the charges. His father left and came back with the Headmaster's agreeing to the plan. Harry was not surprised that the Headmaster had acquiesced to the plan but he was glad. Now all that was left was new clothes for Harry.
  Remus; Bill; Fred; George; and Hermione, who met them at the Leaky Coldren. She will be going back with them that evening. Start making a shopping plan as they ate lunch. More of the group tried to come but Molly said she needed help cleaning and some of them would have to stay. But since no one could agree they ended up drawing lots. Sirius, Charlie, Ron, and Ginny had lost and Arthur had to go back to work.
  By the time they had finished eating they had a plan, starting with the bank. Hermione thought it might be good to get some nice dress robes for the trail, instead of a muggles suit Harry wasn't so sure. The compromise was to get a nice muggles suit and formal outer robes to go with it. Everyone seam to think this was a good idea. So after the bank they headed straight to muggles London.
  Harry said he only want to buy the suit and outer robes as far as clothes went. Promising,however, that after his birthday they would get him more clothes. So they set out to find him a good suit that he likes. The suit is formal with out being old fashioned and will work well with formal robe. Though Harry got it in black with green accents. It fit every well and gave Harry a more of an adult look which he liked and made a mental note of the shop so he could get more the next time.
  Once they had finished getting Harry's suit he ask it they could visit some antique stores and second-hand shops. When asked why he said, "I have found some really great books and other things there before but wasn't really allowed to buy anything cause I was with my aunt." Now the group was walking around an old looking shop filled to the brim with antique booths from different sellers. The shop own was I tinny little old man. His ears were very large, with owlish eyes and a hooked nose. The only hair he had to speak of was a ring of silver that stretches from ear to ear leaving the top of his head bald and shiny. He was however very kind when greating them all warmly. "Are you finally going to buy them today young man?" He asked Harry like he has seen him many times. Harry in return nods happily, "Has he added anything new to the booth Mr. Thatcher." The old man nods chuckling, "he's hoping you'll buy the whole booth someday, you know." Harry smile just grows, " How does today sound?" Mr. Thatcher looked at the young man in front of him. He has known him since he was just a little boy helping his Aunt go shopping. She bought his school supplies here, a coats, shoes, even his school bag. The woman would tell him to sit some where and be quiet while she shopped and he always went to the same place no matter what. The booth in question was in the far back of the store and was filled with the strangest things. Mr. Thatcher assumed they were theater props and old story books. They were all beautifully made and the boy had loved it all so much.What made the whole thing even more strange is that no one else seamed interested in any of it. So now the full collection seem to be waiting for this young man to buy it.
  Mr. Thatcher leads Harry and the others to the back booth while he calls for his grandson to come help get the it packed up. The old man takes the sign down, then gave Harry a chance to show his companions what he's buying. Remus and Bill were floored when they saw what Harry had found. The twins gave low whistles in appreciation and Hermione put a hand over her mouth looking around. The booth was filled with beautiful Wizarding antique furniture, robes, even a staff and matching wand, a full Alchemy lab. There are potions tools and books oh so many books and inkwells and quills it's like an entire Wizards life have them put into this little antique shop.I mean this booth took up the space of a small bedroom."How did you come across all this Harry?" Bill asked looking around. Harry just shrugs " My aunt likes to shop here." He turns to the Mr. Thatcher , "Shall we go and figure up the price ." He nods leaving his grandson to start packing.
  Heading home after the long day found most of the group dozing in the back seat. It took two hours before they finished at the antique store so they decided to just pick up Harry's outer robes then go. The ride isn't long but Harry can't wait to get home and unload his purchases. In fact there so many that Bill and Remus had to cast multiple shrinking charms while the twins quietly cast Notice Me Not charms. Remus was glad they had done it, he has never seen Harry so happy, he just hopes it last.
  The atmosphere at the large table was tense, no one had gotten any real sleep last night. It was a little after 5:00 am when people start gathering in the kitchen. Harry mean while was still in his room trying to get his hair to do something other then look like a bird's nest. After about fifteen minutes of this he gives up and gets dress. Aside from his hair he thinks he looks rather good, at the very least more together then he felt. Down stairs everyone was waiting for him to appear Arthur and Remus talk about where the would be taking him once they arrived. Quietly Harry come into the cavernous kitchen and sits next to Ron and Hermione. After spending the last hour telling people he wasn't hungry, he Arthur and Remus head out.
  The car ride was short and the two mean kept telling him everything would be fine. For his part Harry could only nod. They make their way to the guest entrance feeling nervous. The phone booth was cramped with all three in side but is didn't last long, as they came to the Atrium level.
  How could they do this? Harry thought as the group rushed down to the court room. It seams Fudge is trying everything to unseat Harry and make him look guilty no matter what Harry dose. They arrived at the Ministry early and we're going to Arthur's office when Kingsley Shacklebolt, an auror and member of the Order, caught them in the lift. " The boy's trail has been moved to the big court room and is set for 8:00 this morning. You best hurry." Nodding their thanks they rushed to be on time only just making it. Harry straightened his robes and tried to make his hair lay flat. Giving up he simply takes a breathe and walk in, Remus close behind.
  Harry keeps his face calm, Fudge it seams has called a full court for a simple case of under age wizardry. If he wants to play things this way so be it. Harry thinks as he walks to his seat look every bit the young Lord he was becoming, Remus standing behind him and to his right. Fudge was blustering about why Remus was there in the first place. Even going so far as to call him a beast. At this point Harry stands and clears his throat, " Minister I do believe it is my right a minor to have parental representation in this trial and since my aunt could not make it, Remus happily agreed." He looks straight at the sputtering Minister who finally moving the proceedings along.
  Harry sits back down as Fudge does the formalities, but then stands again as the man has the gaul to state they were here to determine the sentence of the accused. "Pardon me Minister don't you mean to determine my guilt or innocence?" He asked coolly, stairing the man down as he spoke. Fuge replied rather angrily, " We all know you did it boy and your record in this matter is against you so now we....." Fudge stopped as the court room doors swung open and Dumbledore walked in smiling. " I do hope Minister that you do not begin with out Mr. Potter's legal representation present. I do believe when he signed in he put down I would be joining him in this capacity." Fudge's face began changing from one ugly color to the next in his embarrassment and anger. Dumbledore just raised an eyebrow at the man then started speaking. " First we have one character witness for this trail, we also have the house elf that cast the levitation charm that Cornelius brought up but had at the time so graciously pardon him for, and we also have an eye witness to the attack that resulted in the Patronus charm being used." The whole of the court room was silent and stairing now, not really sure what to make of this. Dumbledore continued, " We have also requested a pensive and memory specialist to come and examen Mr. Potter's own memories of said attack. Since there were two Dementors in Little Whinging I'm sure." Suddenly there was a high pitched "Uhum" the court turned to look at a short woman wearing far to much pink, and a face like a toad. " Excuse me but since all Dementors are under Ministry control, and you are claiming that this boy was attack by Dementors. Forgive me but, it sounds like you are accusing the Ministry of sending Dementors to attack him." She said all this in a simpering, sweet voice. Wearing a smile that never reached her eyes. Harry gave her a calm pleasant face as he spoke," Of course not, Madam. Anyone who has studied History of Magic know that not to long ago there was another who controlled the Dementors. I also believe I gave testimony on the matter of Voldemort." All at once the court room was filled with gasp, shouts, and reprimands. Till Fudge bagging his gavel managed to restore order. " That is not the top of this trail. If it is brought up again I will hold whom ever did so in contempt. Now bring in the memory expert so we can get on with this." At this a large pensive was brought in along with a rather thin middle aged woman. She was nice and polite when she asked Harry to sit down, and made quick work of finding and analyzing the memory. Then she poured it in and as the first Dementor rose from the pensive Harry knew he had won.
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crazonia · 4 years
All the updates!
Under the cut I will talk about the majority updates. The lists and stuff will be updated whenever I can. What was added was:
New characters
New Species
New Subspecies
New Planets
Some aliens were renamed
Some planets were renamed
Changes to how species are listed
A full list of everything added is under the cut
New Characters
Grimmshaw Jr
Grimmshaw Sr
Elder Marwa
Prince Khai
King Labaris
New Species and Subspecies
Lutzka(e), sapient mosquito aliens
Grillortho, sapient cricket aliens
Fourmimi, sapient ant aliens
Diplomille(s), sapient millipede aliens
Caelirelle(s), sapient grasshopper aliens
Phasmapear (s), sapient stick bug
Termestean(s), sapient termite
Apovesp(s), sapient wasp aliens
Siphini, sapient flea aliens
Dillidarma(e), sapient pill bug aliens
Buthion(s), sapient scorpion aliens
Heliopod(s), sapient snail aliens
Mottiphim, a subspecies of Holiphim
Snow variant of Sluppies
Coleosqueak subspecies such as jewel, violin, firefly, lady bug, potato bug
Coleoroar subspecies such as titan and rhinoceros
Heliopod subspecies such as land and water
Fourmimi subspecies such as weaver and ghost
New Planets
Dunadoth, a planet covered in deserts and oases.
Stuff was renamed!
Cephalonian(s) -> Cephalad(s)
Beezee(s) are now Bombeeni
Cleepclop(s) are now Capracleep(s)
Cephalonia is now Cephalade
Crustea is now Brichi
Planet Palette is now Paletteau
Washsail is now Malfinn
Battlebeet is now Beetalion
Slithersloop is now Cerulis
Scissorstring is now Vetera
Dr. Improbable’s Death Cylinder is now I-Prism
I’m adding subspecies to the Species list.
I’m separating species by planet > sapient species/subspecies > animal species/subspecies.
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iainw666 · 7 years
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Few liquids. #icecreamcake #ilovepopcorn #vapemadhatter #gourmet #madhatter #bakersman #cakeicing #vapemeacake #dripco #smok #gx350 #tfv12 #v12 #x4 #coils #eliquid #vapejuice #vape #vapes #vapefam #vapelife #clouds #cloudbeastking #cloudz #vapecommunity #vapourhub (at Grimmold Place)
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chenanigans-draws · 4 years
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Some designs I did for Grimmold and Arsène’s future babies. I ended up going with #6. They had triplets! The boys are named Gracian and Ardel. The girl’s named Ararinda.
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chenanigans-draws · 4 years
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Next set of regional grimms, aka Water Grimms. These two are Grayl and Grahamm.
She's a Water Grimm. 
She's 45 years old, she's a woman, and she's bisexual. 
She’s cautious, skeptical, a worrywart, a little quick-tempered, somewhat of a helicopter parent, but ultimately loving.
Having lost children consecutively (stillborn, 2 miscarriages), she became very protective of Grahamm when he was born. She vowed to never let anything happen to him.
Unfortunately, Grahamm being an extremely curious, naive, and dumb little boy, he’d often wander into trouble and mischief. She was at least very busy.
Despite her helicopter parenting, having met other grimms, she’s learning to let Grahamm be independent.
She initially didn’t get along with Griswalda, but after some talking and trying to understand each other, they became closer.
She has a habit of giving her kids fish related nicknames, like “guppy”, “shark”, etc.
He's a Water Grimm. 
He's 10 years old and he's a boy. 
He’s extremely bubbly, friendly, naive, an airhead, and unfortunately not very bright.
These traits often lead him into trouble as he can be easily manipulated by others. Luckily his mom always comes to his rescue before anything serious happens.
Despite being easily swindled, he tends to make bad situations into good ones
He loves his new baby sister, Gratiella and all his cousins. He often pesters his mom to go visit his cousins.
He often wishes for more independence which his mom is finally giving him.
Despite Grayl's protectiveness, he loves her a lot. 
Their Story
Grayl lived a relatively normal life growing up. She lived with her mom and her younger brother. Her mom eventually passed away due to natural causes and it was just her and her brother left. Eventually, her brother migrated south permanently due to being tired of the cold waters, so it was Grayl left alone in Shellstead Sea. Her loneliness grew and grew. After some back and forth letters between her and her brother, seeing his child, inspired her to have kids of her own.
Unfortunately for her, the first child she had was a stillborn. She became more depressed and lonely. Once she finally pulled herself out of that rut, she tried to have a child again, only for her to more or less, have a forced miscarriage due to being stabbed by a pirate, in saving some bugs from being pillaged on sea. At this point she just gave up, growing more depressed and let herself be carried by the tide to wash up on shore and die.
She was found by a snail, named Aina, who was a biologist looking for samples. After observing her for days, she finally talked to Grayl, and eventually invited her to her home. She helped Grayl deal with loss again and the two eventually became close. They soon started dating all while Aina continued her tests. In the time they lived together, Grayl became pregnant again and the two were happy about a child. Once again she had a miscarriage causing Grayl to spiral into a depression again. Luckily this time she had Aina for support.
A while after that Grayl gets pregnant again. By the time she gives birth to a healthy living child, Aina has disappeared without a trace or a goodbye. Grayl was heartbroken, but raised his new child, Grahamm, regardless. She raised him to the best of her ability, albeit, being a bit of a helicopter parent. Grahamm’s carefree nature eventually led them to meet more Grimms and helped them reconnect with their roots and other family members.
She reunited with Aina a while after meeting other grimms and after finding some common ground and hearing her story, the two decided to have a relationship again. One thing led to another and the two had another child, who was more or less Grayl’s stillborn reborn. They named her Gratiella. Grayl and Grahamm are living a happy life with Aina, being a new mom to Grahamm, and Gratiella being a long-lost child to Grayl and a new baby sister to Grahamm!
Info about Water Grimms
Instead of growing out of their tails, water grimms keep the tail. It helps them swim.
They do start off with tiny hind limbs, but they ultimately grow out of them.
They're amphibious. They can live out of water, but do need to soak after a while. They gave both lungs and gills.
Their fins also double as wings. They use them for both swimming and occasionally flying. Their fin-wings are also super sharp and can be used as a means for attack. 
They have fire magic and some water magic. Their water magic usually includes scalding water or small whirlpools.
They're often thought to be sirens as they usually like to sing. 
Their flames are usually blue in colour.
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chenanigans-draws · 5 years
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Sometimes you just gotta bust out a harmonica solo.
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chenanigans-draws · 5 years
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2/5 of my Grimmchildren, it’s the dashing, Grimmold!
Pronounced grihm-mohld.
Grimmold's Ritual was incomplete. The Troupe was banished and he lived with them until he was old enough to return to the kingdom on his own. Growing up with Grimm was hard as he was very strict and overprotective. He didn't really have a close bond with Grimm and often saw him as cruel. So when he got to go to his own kingdom and make his own troupe he was quite happy. He felt like he was finally free.
Grimmold’s Childhood
His ritual was very, very brief. He was given to his summoners in the morning and by the time the evening rolled around, they banished the Troupe. Grimm, of course, went back for his child and the charm and left as quickly as he could with his Troupe in tow. At this point, he still wasn’t over losing Grimmhilda so there were a mixture of emotions swirling around in him. He had to work double time; collecting for the Heart and for his child. He was exhausted and depressed, which led to limited patience with the rambunctious Grimmold.
Grimm was very strict, over-protective and cold towards Grimmold for several reasons. He wasn’t over Grimmhilda by the time Grimmold  was born and he definitely didn’t want to lose another child again. Another reason is because he broke his horn as a toddler due to Grimm’s negligence. He feels terrible and guilty for that happening, so he wanted to avoid things like this happening again. Due to being depressed he often would rather spend time alone or just with Brumm as Grimmold was way to wild for him. Both his overprotectiveness and his coldness led Grimmold having both mixed feelings about him and trouble with attachment and showing affection to others.
Brumm took care of Grimmold the most, so he felt that he’s more of his father than Grimm. Around six, he was living in a separate tent from Grimm as the Ritual for his younger sisters had begun. This basically sealed the deal of Brumm being his father figure as Grimm wasn’t very present for about a year or two. As he got older, he grew more and more distant from Grimm and would often rebel against his dad’s rules and sneak out a ton. Through his sneaking out, he learned to tap dance as he’d sneak into a dance studio. Around 13, he moved out on a whim. Grimm didn’t expect it at all, while Brumm sorta knew it was coming. There was no convincing him and he went back to his kingdom.
When Grimmold was living on his own, he’d send letters to Brumm. Grimm was unaware of these letters, as they were addressed to Brumm alone. Brumm did let Grimm read them, so he could at least know he was ok. Grimm felt remorse for pushing his one child who survived away. Meanwhile, Grimmold was a lot happier and felt free. He mostly caused mischief in the kingdom and played with kids his age. So he wasn’t really seen as a monster, just as that silly bug who performs and plays pranks.
About Grimmold
Grimmold is generally chipper, fun-loving, and loud. He is also pretty impulsive, somewhat short-tempered, and very blunt (which makes him come off as rude at times). He used to be hate being touched in any affectionate way (hugs, snuggles, kisses, etc), but grew used to it and more comfortable with it through meeting his siblings. He doesn’t like his Troupe referring to him as “master” and prefer that they use his name. He loves bugging his siblings, but often times can go a little too far which usually leads to him getting into scraps.
Grimmold is around 20 years old and is a gay man. He loves singing, dancing (specifically tap), playing his harmonica and banjo, pranks, and looking at art. He dislikes excessive mushy-gushy stuff, strict rules, being bossed around or lectured, people harassing his siblings, and being hugged/snuggled/kissed too much.
Grimmold lives a relaxing life in his kingdom. He just does the things he likes and chills. His Grimmkin usually scout the kingdom for flames in case they feel he’s low on them. He doesn’t actively seek out flames, but he will collect/eat them should he find them. Most of his time is either spent: doing music (singing, harmonica, banjo), dancing, playing pranks, or thinking of pranks. He’s a simple man and he likes what he likes.
In the past, he and Arsène hooked up and were very much in love. Unfortunately, Grimmold had a serious aversion to most affectionate actions which put strain on their relationship. Grimmold suggested that they break up and Arsène said he would wait for him. Five years down the line, Grimmold did come to find him and they got back together. They’re taking baby steps and right now they can hold hands and hug. Arsène also immediately moved in/joined his Troupe upon getting back together and he’s very happy with the decision. He often paints Grimmold and his Troupe.
Grimmold’s Troupe and Performance Life
His Troupe consists of:
Grimmurr, his first Grimmkin and best friend
Beauregard, his friend and the Troupe musician
2 Grimmsteed
A bunch of Grimmkin
Grimmold hates being called “master” and prefers that his Troupe calls him by his name. His Grimmkin still usually prefer to refer to him in a formal way, so they call him “boss“ which Grimmold seems ok with. When he has an issue he’s usually most comfortable talking to Grimmurr about it. On rare occasions he’ll talk to Beauregard, as sometimes Grimmurr can be naive about certain topics.
Grimmurr loves Grimmold a lot. He’s different from other Grimmkin as he was made with the intent of being a friend and the fire he was bestowed with had love. He’s almost always by Grimmold’s side, save for the time where he wants to spend some time with Arsène. He’s always learning and observing things as to be a better friend to Grimmold and also to know how to properly help. Beauregard is a good friend to Grimmold as well. He loved Grimmold’s wild spirit and Grimmold had an appreciation for his music style. That alone was enough to make him want to join Grimmold’s Troupe. Now the two do some really upbeat performances.
Grimmold loves singing and dancing. The singing and music is either ragtime, swing, or upbeat jazz. He occasionally will play the banjo or harmonica in his performances. Beauregard usually will play the piano, but can also play the saxophone as well. The dancing is tap and he incorporates fire arts in it as well. On super rare occasions, Grimmold sings some blues. He usually did that to lament his issues and missing Arsène before they got back together. He doesn’t really need to anymore since they’re back together and happy.
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chenanigans-draws · 4 years
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Regions around Hallownest! I wanted to make regions for all the various Hollow Knight characters I’ve made over time. Some info about each regions under the cut!
Bonalinet Tundra
Pronounced baw-nah-lihn-ette.
Snowy region.
Weather is always cold, snowy, overcast, and rarely sunny. Snowstorms are very common. More North you can see aurora borealis.
Populated mostly by diving beetles and pill bugs.
Tundra grimms also live here. The population is 5, aka Griswalda, Gridley, Grier, Grimmshaw, and Grishka.
Some notable locations are Wanet and Alneau.
There's a lot of fishing and ice fishing across all the towns. They export fish.
They either get produce from a single large greenhouse they built in Wanet or get it imported from other regions.
Shells are their currency.
Dofait Lake
Pronounced doh-fay.
Western Lake region
The weather is usually sunny, rainy, or cloudy from spring to fall. During winter, it gets cold and a little snowy. 
Most of the population in this region is mosquitoes, beetles, dragonflies, and fleas.
Some notable locations are Loncana, Lucent, and Siphunn Town.
They are known for being the leaders of fashion in the bug world. Most of their exports are jewelry and clothes.
A lot of bug models also come to this region to find work. 
They import tons of gems, metals, and fabrics.
Tears are their currency.
Dropple Bog
Pronounced draw-pull.
The rainy/wetlands region.
The region is mostly wetlands and forests. 
The weather is almost always rainy. 
Population is mostly snails, worms, and slugs.
A notable location is Flulune.
The region is known for its wet climate and for tasty drinks. Lots of wines and juices are made from the fruit that grows here. They also make some of the softest cushions, made from the watergrass that grows throughout most of the region.
They export juices, fruit, and cushions.
Tears are their currency.
Thetful Grove
Pronounced theht-full.
Boreal forest region
The weather is sunny, rainy, and cloudy from spring to fall. Winter is snowy. 
Beetles, butterflies, and moths mostly reside here.
Some notable locations are Mulview, Beauburns Town, Timberland Kingdom, and Sunver.
This region is known for its vast forests and beautiful towns. 
They have a lot of old buildings, art, and libraries here. 
They export art supplies, weapons, wood, and books.
Chips are their currency.
Ashmeuse Bluff
Pronounced ahsh-mooz.
Mountain region
Mostly ants, mole crickets, and termites live here.
Weather is sunny, rainy, snowy, or overcast.
A notable location is Graftou Mines.
They're known for the many mines within the mountains and the mountains themselves. 
Their main exports are gems and metals.
Ore is their currency.
Shellstead Shores
Pronounced shehll-stehd.
Northern ocean region
The weather is usually cloudy, rainy, or snowy.
The population on land is mostly wharf roaches, hermit crabs, millipedes, and pillbugs.
In the water the population is crabs, jellyfish, and of course fish. 
There's 1 (eventually 4) king grimms and 2 (eventually 3) waters grimms here aka Grimmold, Gracian, Ardel, Ararinda, Grayl, Grahamm, and Gratiella.
Some notable locations are Cumberfaire and Shellstead Ocean.
This region is known for fishing and delicious seafood. All sorts of ships and boats are also built here. They're of the utmost quality. 
Their main exports are fish and boats.
Shells are their currency.
Lourmere Fields
Pronounced loor-meer.
Plains region
The weather is usually sunny, rainy, or cloudy throughout spring to fall. In winter it's snowy or cloudy. 
The population is mostly grasshoppers, locusts, crickets, beetles, mantises, and stick bugs.
Only 2 grimms live here aka Griva and Grizelda.
Some notable locations are Gloutertown, Castham Farmlands, Mossypine Orchards, and Termesdon City.
This region is known for growing vegetables and raising cattle.
Their main exports are vegetables, cattle, honey, and technology.
Chips are their currency.
Latau Isles
Pronounced lah-tow. (Rhymes with lah-cow.)
Southern ocean region
There are a bunch of beaches and rainforests. It’s hot and humid. The weather is either sunny or rainy.
Population is a mixture of all sorts of bugs.
Some notable locations are Magcona and Ventboia Rainforest
These isles are known for their beautiful resorts, tasty seafood and fruits, as well as dense rainforests. 
The resorts are scattered across all the islands. 
The biggest island is Ventboia, also home to Ventboia Rainforest. 
They mostly export fruits. 
Petals are their currency.
Basmark Sands
Pronounced bahz-mark.
Sandy region 
The weather is usually hot and sunny during the day, and cold at night.
The population is mostly beetles (scarab beetles specifically), scorpions, and wasps.
There are 4 known grimms in this region aka Graev, Granitt, Granya, and Gracea.
A notable locations is Kerromiota.
This region is known for its pyramid cities, oases and its glass art.
They have entire towns based in and around pyramids. They do this for protection against the elements and for convenient home spaces.
Towns tend to be near oases. 
Their main exports are glass, glass art, and cactus seeds.
Geo is their currency.
Bridgebel Kingdom
Pronounced brihj-bell.
Eastern lake region
Weather is usually sunny, cloudy, or rainy during spring to fall. Winter is cloudy or snowy.
The population is mostly dragonflies, beetles, and crickets.
The grimm population is 2 aka Grimmhilda and Mmilde.
Some notable locations are Dewmire and Rundhey
They're known for their craftsmanship. Many carpenters, instrument makers, and smiths choose to settle down here to practice their trade and sell their wares.
They also have music festivals throughout the year and it always takes place by Lake Bridgebel.
Many performers come to said festivals to look for work and to show off their skills. 
Their main exports are furniture and instruments.
Beads are their currency.
Rigosil Rainforest
Pronounced rih-go-sihl.
Rainforest region
It's hot and humid. The weather is either sunny or rainy. 
The population is a huge mix of different kinds of bugs. Beetles, wasps, and scorpions are very common. 
There's 1 known king grimm and 2 tropics grimms aka Gries, Greshymm, and Gret.
 Some notable locations are Mishta, Gargai Hive, and Cealonna
They export honey, fruits, and meats.
There are a lot of hunters and warriors in this region. Oftentimes they can be hostile to outsiders.
The towns are often very spread out.
Iriss is their currency.
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chenanigans-draws · 4 years
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She’s the child of the Radiance; it’s Radmilla!
She's a moth demigod. 
She's 11 years old and a girl.
She's extremely timid, a crybaby, and is very anxious. She's also very sweet and likes to help people. 
As a last ditch effort the Radiance made her out of a tiny beam of light.
She has no desire to carry out the Infection and instead is working towards becoming a doctor.
She’s closest with Gries. When he visits Hallownest, they hang out and tinker together.
She’s not very strong magic wise or physical wise. This is due to being malnourished for a long time during her formative years.
She’s intimidated by most of the other grimms. She’s afraid of the twins and Grimmold due to their loudness and hyperactive natures. She both fears and respects Grimm and Grimmhilda as authority figures. When push comes to shove, she’ll go to Hilda if she needs any support.
Her Story:
Shortly after she was born, she was taken in by a moth family in Rigosil Rainforest. When they couldn't deal with her strange powers and disturbing dreams, they left her at an orphanage. Soon she got fed up with being traded around from orphanage to orphanage, foster home to foster home, so she just ran off into the rainforest.
She struggled to stay healthy and take care of herself and despite eating normal food, it never sustained her. She soon found out some strange red flames made her feel full and gave her energy so she would pursue that whenever she could. She also found that she could feed off positive emotions so she'd seek out places that would produce a lot of it.
Her nightmare flame eating was soon found out by Nightmare King Grimm. He thought since she was of the same essence as the Radiance, she'd be as dangerous and vicious. So he told the many grimms to kill her on sight. Gries ended up being the one to find her and as much as he tried, he couldn't kill her. She was a kid like him who was hungry, scared, and tired. Instead he wanted to see if he could help her instead. He called his dad to see what they could do and they ended up heading to the Nightmare Realm to meet up with NKG.
After hearing her tale and how she wants to rid herself of these premonitions bestowed on her by the Radiance, NKG decides to get rid of them. Now that they’re gone, any future urges or nightmares about the infection won’t haunt her. She ends up staying in Hallownest to learn about the Infection and eventually begins taking up medicine, both physical and magical.
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chenanigans-draws · 5 years
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Last day of Inktober! Here’s a Grimmchildren party! Lots of good kiddos (and adults) here! Happy Halloween!!!
Grimmhilda, Grimmold, Griva, Grizelda, Gries, and Mmilde are mine!
Dmitri belongs to @robaschi
Neri and Nasrin belong to @kittykatzvillage
Lilith belongs to @empy-caelumgardens
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chenanigans-draws · 5 years
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It’s Grimmold’s rowdy troupe consisting of Grimmurr, Beauregard, and his Grimmkin and Grimmsteeds! Plus his boyfriend Arsène!
He’s a Grimmkin. He’s Grimmold’s best friend and voice of reason.
He’s 12 years old, he’s a non-binary boy, and asexual.
He’s a sweetie pie, very observant, level-headed, and pragmatic.
He’s one of the few people who can calm Grimmold down and who Grimmold listens to. He’s not afraid to voice his concerns or tell Grimmold when he’s being a dumbass.
Grimmold made him with love and the intention of being a friend and he does so wonderfully.
He’s always educating himself on various things, so he can be a good friend to Grimmold and whoever else Grimmold associates with.
He’s one of the few people Grimmold’s ok with being vulnerable with.
While his main focus does tend to be Grimmold, he also gets to boss around other Grimmkin and has an interest in Cumberfaire’s history. Grimmold does his best to indulge this interest by buying and borrowing lots of books for him.
He’s a Millipede. He’s the Troupe’s musician, specifically a pianist.
He’s 19 years old, he’s a man, and he’s bisexual.
He’s cheerful, extremely passionate and motivated, but a little bit melodramatic.
He gets pumped about performances and plays piano about as hard as Grimmold tap dances. The two tend to get a little wild if left alone.
He was classically trained, but he had more of an interest in more upbeat music than the slow classic music his family trained him in.
He joined Grimmold’s troupe because the grimm loved his upbeat ragtime music and could keep up with the lively pace.
He can do an occasional slow jam, so he’s a skilled musician.
Grimmold has quite a few Grimmkin as well. You can tell they're his by the lopsided horns.
They tend to go around pranking people for a small amount of nightmare essence or they just collect the flames in general.
Grimmold tends to slack when it comes to flame collecting, so they make sure he doesn’t run too low on them.
He has two average sized Grimmsteeds.
Their lopsided antennae notify that they’re his.
He has two because he needs extra strength to carry around instruments, which include Beauregard’s piano.
He’s a Glasswing Butterfly. He’s a painter.
He’s 20 years old, he’s a man, and he’s bisexual.
He’s a hopeless romantic, a sap for anything traditionally romantic (dates, red roses, etc.), a little cheeky, but he’s also an honest lad who sticks to his word.
He fell madly in love with Grimmold because Grimmold bought his painting in his first major art show. He also fell for him because Grimmold loved him despite his past and his flaws.
When they broke up, he was heartbroken as well, but he insisted that he would wait until Grimmold was ready to be ok with little intimacy things like holding hands or showing affection.
He painted a ton of portraits in the past, but being with Grimmold inspired him to do more fantasy-themed paintings with a mix of his portraiture skills. He likes that more than painting some old rich bugs.
He’s always patient with his boyfriend and always tries to ease him into lovey-dovey things.
He still does his art shows, which Grimmold loves to go see.
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chenanigans-draws · 5 years
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Beauregard loves to go ham on the piano which usually entices Grimmold to tap dance just as hard. The perfect duo when it comes to performing.
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iainw666 · 7 years
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Bargain Williams polo shirt, seriously good quality!! #williamsracing #williamsmartiniracing #williamsF1 #formulaone #hackettlondon #hackett #mercedes #massa #stroll ##pirelli #oris #randstad #F1 #formula1 #sale #BahrainGP (at Grimmold Place)
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