#Grown ass men talking about girlhood
coochiequeens · 10 months
Dylan Mulvaney and Phillip Picardi on Girlhood, Content Creation and More at Teen Vogue Summit 2023
The panel included reflection on Mulvaney's exponential success, future dreams and status as an “it girl.”
NOVEMBER 18, 2023
Performer, model, and content creator Dylan Mulvaney took Teen Vogue Summit 2023 stage for an in-depth conversation moderated by Chief Marketing & Communications Officer of the Los Angeles LGBT Center and founder of them Phillip Picardi.
Formerly, Picardi made history as Teen Vogue's first male beauty editor and later went on to become the Chief Creative Officer of the publication. He returned to celebrate Teen Vogue's 20th birthday in an engaging conversation with Mulvaney, discussing the changing media landscape, representation for transgender youth, and more.
Mulvaney rose to fame in March 2022 — a little over 600 days ago — when her “Days of Girlhood” series went viral on TikTok. In these video diaries, Mulvaney tells viewers all about her daily life as a trans woman, encompassing everything from dealing with prejudice to buying clothes and loving Twilight. Since then, she's taken the world by storm, appearing in major brand campaigns and walking the runway at New York Fashion Week.
With Teen Vogue Summit 2023 being centered around dreaming your future, Mulvaney took the stage to discuss her prosperous career and what it's like being a content creator who shares stories of trans joy. Revisiting Mulvaney's original post documenting her first day of girlhood, she said, “In that first video, I just remember hoping that ppl could see my intentions were good and i was the truest version of myself and I was ready to learn.”
Today, Mulvaney confirmed she's set to release a number of projects in new fields. Some plans she teased to the Teen Vogue Summit audience included acting and writing a book. This news comes after a tumultuous year for Mulvaney, who revealed that the hardships she faced this year have influenced her upcoming works.
“I think that is the one piece of this whole last year; I rushed a lot of things. I talked about a lot of things really fast and I think there were some little minute details that got lost in the mix and I'm doing those now,” Mulvaney said.
Mulvaney also revealed some dream projects she'd love to work on in the future, including a romantic comedy centered around transgender people finding love and success as well as a rendition of the musical Legally Blonde with transgender people. She explained that she believes that audiences seeing transgender people in these scripted roles will teach others how to love and support transgender people as well.
Mulvaney also discussed being in the fashion and beauty space. She noted that she's become more experimental with her style over the years, a major step from her traditional upbringing and past reservations. “I was so scared of being seen as a predator or all the things they were projecting on us... now, I feel like I’ve given myself permission to go there,” she says.
Content creation will also continue to be a priority for Mulvaney. Speaking to the audience, Mulvaney explained how she balances the pros and cons of the digital landscape. Some steps she said she would be taking included continuously creating content efficiently but tactfully, making meaningful friendships with other creators, carefully choosing who she collaborates with in the future, and more.
While Dylan Mulvaney and Philip Picardi kicked off the day with such an insightful discussion, it was just the first of many exciting panels to come at Teen Vogue Summit 2023. If you're not able to attend in person, don't worry because we have got you covered. You can livestream the event and keep refreshing teenvogue.com for more live updates.
OK not to be mean for the sake of being mean but this dude is 26.
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No actual woman who looked like that at 26 would be featured in a Teen vogue summit.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
A rdfem post got recommended to me because apperantly i hadn't been careful enough(at least i got a free blocklist out of it)and the very first line was so out of pocket stupid even by t/erf standards-Their idea of 'women forcing themselves to be presentable' was fucking acrylic nails.Obviously this is stupid period but acrylics are a fashion statement that was created by and continued and mostly influenced by to this day by BLACK WOMEN.It's a way of expressing ourselves,an art even,it's NEVER been about fitting into men's standards and in fact that's always been the opposite intended effect!!They're about what makes US happy,not anybody else
And that's just the thing rdfam always do-They make everything about men and their hatred of woc,black women especially and EVEN MORE SO TRANS women.It's never been about liberating women,it's about policing us.We can't be kiddy and pastel and bubbly and chaotic and indie and hopeless romantics who want to get the princess treatment,we're doing it for men 'even if we don't know it'(an actual thing one of them said to me on my post explaining that my brand of femininity comes from my kind of autism and their idea of 'real womanhood' was The Handmaiden and i WISH i was a kidding)and as if lesbians and aroace women who're like me in this aspect don't exist and they do and three of them are close friends of mine and have also talked about bullshit this is-And yes,all three of them are also woc,one pakistani and two black
And apperantly,we can't be edgy and rowdy and cocky and bitter and blunt and alt and and butch and uninterested in actively pursuing romance either because then we're 'too much like men and not really women so we might as well stop calling ourselves ones'.If we have brown skin or heavy body hair or big noses or other dark and strong features,we have 'biological faults' or whatever the fuck and they brag about hating men until someone realizes they're not a man but a woman and wanna physically and socially transition to feel like one to their full happiness they want them to be men instead.They sexually harras people,they invalidate mspec women for loving men AND lesbians for not liking women 'correctly' according to them because they love nonbinary women and transfems AND rentlessly mock aroace women for not feeling attraction by calling them losers and they don't even draw the line at kids.They use all kinds of slurs and ableist rethoric and are exactly two tippy toes steps away from being t/radwives
Nobody's more obsessed with ruining womanhood than rdfems except chauvinists and even then,they're just another variant of them that happen to have less political power.You're not an ancient greek goddess in women's history,you're grown ass women obsessed with genitals and gaslighting vulnerable young girls into your minions.You know nothing about girlhood and you won't learn until you get all those boots out of your mouths you're choking so hard on you can't speak anything but bullshit
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newlyy · 1 month
"only children understand me" coming from some of these people is lowkey a pedophile thing to say. I can see something like that being used as an excuse when one of them is caught chatting up little kids on discord again
yuh i think that post was from a tif, so its not as creepy as it would be coming from a grown ass man, but i agree. i mean its like grown men wanting a girlhood, pigtails, pillow fights, etc. sure they're hard when they talk about those things, but they don't have a creepy fetish its literally just gender euphoria, terf.
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
After the album release, I need to say....
Sorry for screaming but all my mutals are swiftness and like.
"give me my girlhood back it was mine first" on paper, pretty heart breaking, but they way she sings it is... mmmmhhhhh no. personally, if people really wanted lyrics that hit you in the gut, mitski is right there (unless they did smth bad, then idk what to tell people)
but im so tired of people crying about the emotion when she always is just singing all salty about a boy. like, "she wears short skirts I wear t-shirts she's cheer capitan and I'm on the bleachers" mam', as a band kid, disrespectfully, you were the annoying ass choir kid that would "practice" everywhere and talk shit about everyone. she could never survive band camp.
she's always loves to play the victim and get her "revenge" baby girl (derogatory) your "I'm the problem" reminds me of mother gothel saying "So I'm the bad guy?" like, she can never actually regret a break up, it's always "uwu I was hurt <3" MISS YOU ARE A GROWN ASS ADULT. CAN YOU JUST ADMIT YOU DIDNT CLICK WITH SOMEONE? SAYING IT DIDNT WORK OUT OSNT SAYING YOU ARE THE PROBLEM (EVEN THOUGH YOU PROBABLY ARE)
I'm so sorry but I'm just the shut up about xx meme rn
“she could never survive band camp” that’s so mean say it again
never apologize, I’m always up for some ts slander on main. her biggest problem with her last 3 albums (midnights, evermore, folklore) is that she’s being wordy and “poetic” but it doesn’t pace right with the music and ends up sounding choppy and out of place, or just straight up cringe. she’s always pronounced words too sharply/oddly and it detracts from the song as a whole. plus she’s stuck in falsetto on every song and she’s just breathing/whispering the words that don’t fit. that’s a big part of what makes it mediocre - performative artistry she doesn’t follow through on. she’s surrounded by yes men and no one is going to tell her ur sucks so she’s just gonna keep doing it.
also the mother gothel point - so many people called her out for the abuser rhetoric of look what you made me do, and she and her deluded stans completely ignored the valid criticism. she’s constantly singing these “revenge anthems” that just sound like an abuser clapping back at the victim that got away and tried to call them out. it’s so uncomfortable.
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sweet-nothing26 · 1 year
Barbie (2023)
Okay, so here is my take on Barbie, the barbie land vs the real world storyline was a metaphor for the non-exclusivity between womanhood and girlhood. In contrast, manhood and boyhood are mutually exclusive; meaning most boys gradually and slowly shift from boyhood to manhood, so a boy is never a man thus he gets to fully experience the innocence of childhood (which is something girls never had the privilege of experiencing) and a man shall never be referred to as a boy because men acquire endless measures of maturity, wisdom, and logic. As a female, you're either treated as a grown woman when you're still a young child or infantilized, belittled, and misunderstood when you are literally 40 years old. The constant shift of treatment makes you feel like you're tripping on some sort of hallucinogenic and it deeply messes with your perception of who you are.
You're an 11-year-old prepubescent kid walking on your way from school and suddenly you're getting catcalled by men in their late 20s. You rush home, confused and scared, ''but I thought that only happens to women? I'm still a little girl or am I?" and your tiny little innocent brain associates that terrible experience with your developing body, hence you try as hard as you can to bind your nonexistent breasts and lose some weight because that's how you regain that fragment of your lost innocence. You develop every eating disorder in the book trying to look as undesirable as you can. You continue jumping from one ED to another throughout your entire life as a young woman and up till your late 50s. you have lost hours on end thinking about food and calories or actively starving, binging, and purging. You're a 12-year-old girl, sitting with your friends in recess and you hear some of your male classmates talking about their latest pornography watches or rating you girls based on the size of your asses or who has the sexiest neck, hands, mouth...you name it. You cannot grasp what's happening? why the sudden shift? I just wanted to play and run around but everyone around me was eyeing me and sexualizing my body. I was sucking a lollipop and they were laughing. i bent over to grab my fallen pen and now they're making weird sounds. they asked me if I'm familiar with a woman named mia khalifa? who is that? You try to fit in and be more sexual because that's how those boys like it, but then you're considered a cheap whore but if you remain more reserved you are a boring ugly prude who needs to loosen up a little. When Barbie left her perfect world, she was hit by the wave of sexualization which is exactly what happens to every woman in her life. Even if you refuse to contribute to this phenomenon, you will get sexualized, even if you desexualize yourself and announce your asexuality, you will get sexualized. Maybe that's how things are. we are property to men under the patriarchy and this will never ever change in our lifetime (or at least on the bigger scale). Depressing but c'est la vie
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1valentine19 · 1 year
May 12th, 2023
Friday night
It’s been two weeks since I’ve come home from school. Two weeks which I’ve spent rotting away in my purple, lamplit bedroom, listening to music I first discovered riding in the backseat of my older sister’s best friend’s car and consuming media from thirty-something-year-olds hell-bent on subverting neoliberal ideologies by edging near extreme right-wing rhetoric. If you can’t tell from that sentence alone, I’m staring down the barrel of nineteen, only a few more weeks until I enter my last year of teenage girlhood. 
The idea of not being, well, this version of me, is fucking terrifying and I’m not handling it well. To be clear, my not handling things well does not have any correlation with the more than questionable media I’ve been choosing to consume, and if it does I’ll be refusing to acknowledge it, thank you very much. So you can forget about trying to talk some sense into me. I’m disillusioned and tired and maybe I just want to hear grown men say things they’re not supposed to say with a smoke signal security blanket of irony that can somewhat soothe my morals. Is that really so wrong? 
The answer is probably yes, but that’s something for 24-year-old me to figure out. 
Anyways, I’m turning nineteen soon and I’m probably going to be super anorexic and inconsolable about it. Ever since I was young, teenagers seemed to exist in a way no one else did, and now that I am one, I’ve spent years making sure I didn’t take the magic for granted. At least since sixteen, I would say. I’ve done the teenage things, all but fallen in love, and I’ve grown to adore this stint of my youth. I know I should’ve known better than to get attached to fleeting, transient things, but I am my mother’s daughter and I grew up loving trains only to end up crying on station platforms after they took me away from the ones I loved most. 
And I know I’m not special, and neither is any of this pain and that I’m at most a cliche of every mentally ill almost-nineteen-year-old who made the mistake of believing their pitfalls were a characterization of their youth and not their own DNA-engrained issues, but I’m still upset and I’m still going to be. Sometimes knowing better doesn’t stop you from doing better. That’s a lesson I keep on learning lately. 
I don’t know what it is but I feel like I’ve lost every ounce of my critical thinking and basic instinct, like they’ve slowly rotted away somewhere around last October. I was so smart when I was seventeen, I knew what was wrong and what was right and what I should and shouldn’t do. I feel like I’ve lost every good decision-making skill I had. The truth is, it’s easier to have perspective from the outside looking in, and I feel like I spent a good chunk of my time until eighteen looking into my life from a bird's eye view, never an active enjoyer or participant in any of it. 
As nineteen steadily approaches, I’ve been more and more interested in absolutely wrecking my life. I think I want to make the worst decisions I could possibly make and I think I’m going to let everyone rip me apart, thread by thread until I’m a fucked up mangled canvas with love and guts spilling out onto the floor, making a pathway of blood that leads right up to twenty. Quite the turnaround from the last soon-to-be nineteen years of never letting anyone in ever, but grey areas are for losers and I only deal in absolutes. I’m not in the air of half-assing anything, and I won’t let my destruction be the first thing to fall from my expectations. If I’m going to hit rock bottom, I might as well hit it fucking hard. 
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 5 years
@destinysthralls said: 📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜📜 ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli
Hel and Fang are both polearm fighters. Why not have some sparring with a bet riding on it? A lil fun a lil flirty mostly getting a good sweat going. Get up close and personal trying to take your opponent down and get your way.
One more day until Vanille has to go out and find her new purpose. Time to spend it doing everything they can together until she has to go. Hel not wanting tears, but a happy memory to bookend Vanille’s time with her.
Hel doesn’t know shit about men and here comes Snow crashing in on the squad and giving her a crash course on the human male. Odd friendship ensues once they learn to get along with each other.
The chocobros gain something of a guardian angel, a false friend and ally who merely ensures parts are played and that Noctis is poised to do what her lover requires of him. During all of the subterfuge, two devoted servants to a royal start to bond.
‘I’m being held hostage by this small child and I don’t even mind please introduce me to Chocolina because I hear she is the best thing in the world next to you’ ; or, how Dajh is really good at this friend making thing.
Gladio got his ass beat by the divine once and is not over it, why won’t you face me in battle again you coward? And quoth the Messenger, boy, you would literally die if I came at you again.
Hel has been a part of Aerith’s life, never constant but coming and going as she can. She knew a daughter imprisoned, a girl in a church, and only at the end does Aerith come to realize what was truly hanging over her head -- and how it pains higher powers.
Everyone is on high alert that someone broke into a base and stole Ardyn’s car because it cannot be located. Hel rolls up two hours later in custody with smoothies and a lot of explaining to do because she just wanted to drive the car you monsters.
Cloud and Hel are both traveling worlds looking for people who are important to them in some ways. Hel could use his strength if he could use her connections as they move between KH worlds seeking the lost.
Axel and Saix are itching for a throne to throw as Hel struggles to run her own games behind the scenes. They soon become players in a cat and mouse scenario to obscure their exact motivations while forced to play along with Xehanort’s own ideas.
Hel becomes very intrigued by Barrett’s goals and ultimate success. What do you even do with weird goth chicks that know too much and are a little too happy to see you? What does she mean by she has a message from a friend?
She promises Zack will live on, but he’s not too pleased with the reality of that statement back on Earth. If Aerith is bad about bartering to go back I just imagine Zack is that but on crack. And now Hel is Suffering.
Hel becomes a north star to Xemnas across whatever time he finds himself in, always ready to welcome him back, always ready to listen. So what happens in a time when she cannot be found?
Even gets ‘adopted’ because Hel is just in love with him and his brain. Featuring Even actually having to answer to someone older than him and them talking lore and science for hours as their schedules allow.
Get your contract buddy ATW doesn’t deserve you and I’m taking all of you back to my realm where y’all will get some RESPECT. Yes, Aeleus, you are included in this staff breakout. No she won’t explain herself.
What better way to protect the future than gaining some divine backup? Hel would be happy to help Hope with his goals if she can stop asking who let a child run an organization on his own. No ma’am he is in fact an adult--
‘I don’t know if I kidnapped your moogle or if your moogle kidnapped me but apparently you needed something and I’m sorry for distracting the creature, how can I possibly make it up to you Serah?’
Rude is supposed to be keeping tabs on some kind of creature sighted in certain regions. Hel is less than thrilled with the surveillance, and starts playing games with Rude that leave him questioning if he has been compromised or not.
A Queen of Darkness and a Princess of Light come together in a sort of mentor-student arrangement where Hel can help Kairi grow stronger if Kairi will help get her up to speed on what the fuck the plot outside of the Organization even is to her.
Two immortals spot each other from across the castle despite the bodies they wear, recognize each other’s hearts, and start to roast the shit out of each other: A Hel and Xigbar story.
Local Guado Wants To Crack The Code Of How Lulu ‘Does That’ With Her Puppets, Starts Staying Almost Up Her Ass, Romance Ensues as They Discuss The Journey, Craft, and General Gayness.
A young Guado smells something Hinky on a not so local Guardian. No, Jecht, she will not be so easily put aside. She has the good booze and she will get answers, even if they are all fake.
Hel reunites with a Guardian she met in passing some years ago, and He Reeks of the Farplane. Not that it’s her place to judge. She’s just as curious as ever and willing to listen if he ever wants to talk about what he is.
Two outsiders to the Human majority of Spira band together and will not be separated. Hel is willing to share her spiritualism with Rikku if she will repay in kind with talk of Machina and her native tongue.
Hel actually hearing Dona out and seeing past her antagonism to the fact she’s still willing to undertake a Pilgrimage to try and save the world. Someone actually treats Dona politely. That means the world to me.
SHIPPING! (not necessarily our muses shipping together just shipping as a component of our muses interacting)
Hel discovers that Fang’s breaking point is softness and non-sexual PDA in public. So she continues to press this killswitch for her own amusement on a date night, letting Fang be both loved and mortified the entire evening.
Hel and Vanille get a pet, and then run through conversations they can have to convince Fang this is clearly the best idea ever and not trouble waiting to happen. Just a small domestic fluff about adding to their little family.
When your wives are very important and busy so you get to stay in all night and brag about how much you love them to another work widow(er), or how Snow and Hel don’t worry and just accept they are bonded to actual goddesses.
Hel tries to discern the exact relationship dynamics of the Chocobros and is chided for having ‘shipping goggles’ on. So she goes to Ignis to clear up any confusion. Shenanigans ensue as she either holds the crew dead to rights or is hilariously off the mark.
‘What does ‘If I Had To Pick a Dude’ even mean?’ ‘That you are overthinking a party game and making it weirder than it has to be.’ Or, did she actually mean anything by that or was Sazh just the most tolerable man present?
‘STOP LOOKING AT MY BONER WHEN WE FIGHT’ Or, does Gladio actually mean anything by that or is getting the blood pumping simply messing with his body in ways he cannot control?
Hel calls it Aerith’s Girlhood, a place set aside, a bed in a field of flowers, a sky sheltering and painted with false stars. She makes it soft for her. This is the way of courtship, isn’t it? I read a lot of Gluck and I need a ‘Myth of Devotion’ plot for them.
For ten years, she is the Night’s Queen, though he will not call her that. She is a consort, wearing the crown of an ancient queen, wandering broken hallways, watching him slowly come undone. And she loves him still. Ten years is nothing next to two thousand.
‘So what does Aerith mean to you?’ ‘A lot.’ ‘Oh. What does Zack mean to you?’ And she understands perfectly what his exhaustion with questions means. Road trips and the inevitable embarrassing romantic questions.
Axel and Hel both understanding what it is to watch the one you love battle with themselves, to become a stranger at their cruelest. Share a smoke. Waste the night playing ‘Yes, But’ with someone that understands.
Barrett’s very handsome, and she is very lonely, and she thinks he is a wonderful person. Does he have any plans, now that the Apocalypse is over? Or, she keeps getting weirder and keeps haunting his door.
‘So, you and Aerith, is that going to make things awkward?’ Hel thought she was tired before she started a relationship with both her Persephone and her Knight. Hel is, of course, entitled to be wrong. And exhausted. So very exhausted.
Hel presents Xemnas with an offering that must mean something to him, in what he knows of the old man’s life. She will have him always, if permitted. The question is, will he agree to sharing the Paopu to seal the deal?
‘Isn’t it slightly unethical to date your boss?’ Even is a grown man but Hel cannot help but tease his long term ‘thing’ with aforementioned Boss. But it’s also nice to hear of another side of the Sage King.
‘I will give you many munnies if you will escort me to this fancy dinner because your partner in crime is already spoken for. No, Aeleus, I did not say as my body guard. I said as my escort.’
‘You know, people really like that vulnerable, sensitive thing you have going on.’ ‘This is the last conversation I ever want to be having.’ Or words to that effect. Hel ribs The Baby for being a bit of A Babe when grown.
Please explain to Hel how your relationship works because she is fascinated by the fact someone looks at Snow and said yes, this is where I have chosen to lay my affections for life.
Surveillance Creeper happens to crash an anniversary dinner Rude arranged by sitting a few tables away, observing but never interfering, apparently minding her own business but she’s just THERE SHE’S RIGHT THERE.
Mombie talks to baby about relationships and girls and boys and just has a nice heart to heart about it all. Based on that one Kairi-As-Ansem’s-Daughter idea that I’m still so pumped about.
.Hel and Xigbar make a bet about the relationship status of two of the Foretellers. Both try to doctor the narrative to suit their own take on the pair, obscuring fact, fiction, history, and near fanfiction.
The morning after a ‘There Is Only One Bed’ trope, and how both actually feel comfortable and at ease after so long alone. Can be before relationship or their first night alone together in the same bed, but consider it, won’t you?
Hel has a discussion with someone that Summoners getting involved with their Guardians is completely natural. She talks like she has experience. Well, yeah, not personal experience but -- and someone’s brain breaks at what she is implying.
Hel feels sad about Auron being the only one left, having lost two people he loved. Two people who have lost a lot in different contexts just have a comforting moment together to not be alone. Not romo but more based on lost romo.
‘So tell me about this Paine I’ve heard so much about :))))’ or, Rikku comes to realize she has been adopted and her Guado Mom wants to meet the GF. Chaos can completely ensue coming off of this.
Dona’s pretty and Hel is gay, that’s all I got. Literally anything could happen up to and including Hel making a complete ass of herself trying to either avoid Dona or interact with her without throwing off pheromones.
Hel is some kind of figure in the spotlight -- a socialite, a performer, someone of note. Fang is her bodyguard here to keep her safe. No one would ever guess at what happens behind closed doors, the tension that runs between the two of them in spite of contracts and official relationships.
Breakfast club college AU. Just a couple of girls trying to get their shit together and honest to God looking like a modern take on the eponymous movie. They love each other and are here to do kegstands.
Hel is snow’s weirdo neighbor in their apartment complex but damn if he doesn’t know ho to bring the community together. Sometimes in the worst ways, but hey, anything to kick goth chick out of her shell.
Ignis and Hel are rival spies. They play long games and pursue the same leads, each trying to end the stalemate between their respective countries. Both are also far closer to the ruling class than they allow the other to believe.
Hel is just a simple pediatrician. Dajh is a very adventurous boy with a very invested father. At this point Sazh is on her Yule card list, and the two strike up a sort of friendship after hours.
Gym bro/personal trainer Gladio gets a knew client that is too tiny too delicate for this world. That is exactly what she is here to work on. Time to get swole little chronically ill stick woman.
Local witch swears that Aerith’s is the best place to get ritual plants and flowers despite ribbing claiming that she has a crush on the owner, but that crush theory really starts to hold water when the plant Hel really really really needs once is a... succulent.
Ardyn’s the beautiful but chronically ill next best thing in art, fashion, or film. Hel is his nurse and constant companion, the only one that gets to see the man behind the glamour when he is at his worst. Romance ensues.
There’s only one thing above an Angel, and she has come to offer herself to Cloud in his world-saving pursuits. If a covenant can be forged, then who knows what he will become, but at least this ghost will be real.
Yeah it’s awkward for our partners that we moved in next door to each other, but that’s really Isa and Xemnas’ baggage. I, on the other hand, like you and want to be friends. Or, Lea and Hel are goblins.
Hel as the relative to one of ShinRa’s high rollers, selling out her uncle’s secrets and business dealings to AVALANCHE without a second’s hesitation. She’s the inside woman, and one of Barrett’s biggest supporters, even if only in silence.
The feather that fell on the Colosseum did not belong to a certain Angel. What happens when Hel interferes in the life of one mortal who wants only to be a hero, one willing to work hard to get there?
Xemnas is the new literary hotness trying his hand at a play. Hel is the actress that fought tooth and nail for the lead roll. Problem: She has more chemistry with the creator than her fellow lead.
Hel is what was dragged into the lab twelve years ago. For freedom from this castle, she can whisper eldritch knowledge in Even’s ear, slippery as poison. What, precisely, have they pulled from the Darkness, and what threat does she present?
Similar to the above, but Hel knows not how to reason with this guard. He is meant to protect, to defend. All she can do is study him with those cold, sad eyes, try to stir his heart while he still has it.
We Are All Just God’s Abandoned Children. That’s one way to welcome a young foster kid to the house, but Hel is going to look out for this younger kid Hope anyway. Found family ensues.
Mog the Dog is in love with Garmr the Dog. We have to stop meeting like this. People will talk. They’re on texting terms just to say ‘Your dog’s here, he’s fine. Either he’ll find his way home or you can come get him whenever.’
Why would ShinRa have her trailed by the TURKS if they didn’t suspect her of her involvement with AVALANCHE? Tiem for Hel to pull out all the stops to try and throw Rude off her scent.
Reuniting with your family is hard. Harder when you have no memory of said family and Dad has a new love interest. Despite all of that, Hel comes to dote on Kairi, giving them a chance to bond and Kairi get a mom.
A Hel and Xigbar idea: Politician’s daughter and Assassin. MB he’s assigned to keep an eye on her when shit gets real in some of her father’s business dealings. Whether he’s for or against her family would be fun to plot.
Local Goth Summons The Goddess of the Dead, Intentionally or Otherwise ; Death Thinks She’s Kind of Cute. Lulu gains a patron and Hel gains a crush.  Everyone goes home happy.
Hel’s the nerdy shy kid in gym class and Jecht is the zealous coach that she despises. Except then she needs an athletic extracurricular to round out her college application. Teeth clenched teamwork for personal and team success.
High fantasy AU where Auron is the black knight who presses on, with a rider all in black hounding his every step. She appears every night to share his company, a little wine, and remind him of their bargain. She’s not reaped him yet, but once his business on earth is settled... He will return to her embrace.
Hel finds a new community once kicked out of Guado society. Or, in which Hel follows after the Al-Bhed and becomes a part of Rikku’s life from a young age, thus securing Momability.
Hel becomes one of Dona’s guardians along the way, and the two fight viciously over who gets to use the brain cell while being harmonious in most other aspects of traveling together. Romance may or may not ensue.
Other muses!
Eraqus: Please stop wrecking shit this is getting out of hand-- Fang: FcuK YUO-- And then they gotta fight and cause further property damage.
I don’t know whose verse we base it in but I need Vanille and Gwynevere to team up, maximize slay, and generally be absolute icons with soft spots for their legendary badass partners.
Kokoro and Snow interacting would be amazing and you know it. I don’t know who would crack first. Kokoro’s realism or Snow’s optimism.
Aqua, Ignis, and discussing how you have to be the strong one holding up the ones you love, no matter the cost. I feel like we could really break our hearts with this one.
Eraqus and Sazh could get frustrated at the kids for having gone a little nuts while they were out on a date, but y’know what? They’re in a good mood. Just cuddle and let the kids sleep and deal with it in the morning.
Eraqus, formerly of the Kingsguard before he got too old to serve, and the esteem of one young Amacitia mb. That or Gladio befriends Eraqus just to piss Kokoro off if we wanna play it that way.
Kokoro being uselessly gay for Aerith FOR TEN YEARS in Traverse Town and having no brain cells to actually convey that to her, then they meet again in Radiant Garden and well fuck she’s still crushing hard.
Every night, the Kingsguard’s daughter storms the city, makes her way towards the Citadel, and means to slay the Dragon. He has not killed her yet. Ardyn and Kokoro have a particular dance, and they cannot say why.
Aerith and Cloud getting soft comrade moments because they have both been through so much please. Please let them catch one break and get to act their actual ages and have a moment for life before it’s all gone for one of them.
Aria and Axel would be fantastic because they’re both a very controlled flame, they both just sort of are casually dangerous. I just want to play them off of each other and see if they end up allies or rivals.
Eraqus and Barrett working together in the field in our FF7 AU. Looking out for each other. Timing their attacks perfectly for the opportunity to fuck ShinRa up as much as possible.
Eraqus has to deal with this kid that is infatuated with his student. Does that kid have a boombox. What the fuck. This shit keeps happening.
Roleswap Xemkoro. Eraqus having become too zealous and thrown off the balance of light and darkness, seeking Kingdom Hearts to wash the world in light and begin again. Xemnas as the echo of an old friend who will see this ended before it goes that far. Kokoro the dutiful daughter who runs things in her father’s absence, who is drawn to this familiar stranger even as they oppose one another at every turn.
Even’s adopting Kokoro. Your father forbid you from pursuing certain knowledge? Terrible, he doesn’t deserve to be a father. I am your father now. We’re going to the opera. You have so much to learn. Meet your brother Ienzo.
We don’t know why Mads has imprinted on this guard in particular, she just has and she will not leave him alone.
I just want Aerith and hope to interact and her to try and cheer him up please. please.
Just throw Serah at anyone via time travel and all of that I can just imagine her falling into anyone’s life tbh. Try and dance around who you are and where in the hell you came from.
Aria is a TURK in training and guess who she gets to shadow for a day? Teach Her Rude!
Aqua and Kairi need to bond! Aqua and Kairi need to have a mentor-student dynamic! They need to catch up! They need to be friends! I will not be silenced!
Eraqus as a descendant of Brain, who fought to oppose MoM and Luxu, meeting with Luxu in some body before Braig. Can you even imagine the tension and sins of the father in that room? Sweet Jesus.
Braska mb interacting with Lulu once or twice because he wants to know about the other children his daughter is so fond of, the ones who... will be there for her, when he is not. Let’s all have a cry about it.
Long Dad Talk ‘Come To Yevon’ meetings between Braska and Jecht where Braska offers no judgment, only support for Jecht to get better. BC growth is important. And so is being a good dad, Braska knows.
Auron’s Bi Awakening for this church pretty boy.
Flower girl meets machine girl. IDK how. Aerith and Rikku rights.
Kokoro and Dona are implicitly to the public confirmed behind closed doors sapphic summoners. cuteness ensues.
Other Muse AUs!
I still want the Xemkoro Penny Dreadful AU. Our haunted and hell-touched protagonist with the werefox lady lead far from home. With Kokoro still trying to figure out how the hell Satan thought appearing as ATW was going to make Xem drop his pants. And then gets baffled that it worked.
Younger Eraqus ends up in Radiant Gardens and runs into Even. Has to play it cool about not being from this world. This world he knows nothing about. Even smells a rat.
Ok hear me out AU where ATW cannot and does not return. Mads goes from heiress apparent to a girl-queen to a world she cannot remember. Kokoro stays on as her regent, arguing that though she is an outsider, she is a blue blood, a noble, the descendant of royalty in her own homeland. But both she and the young queen will need a defender. And for that, she turns to a certain guard...
The Xemrith Hades and Persephone AU. Let’s do it. Let’s go all out. I wanna see it come to fruition.
Also, Xemqua Deathless AU. A deathless king spirits away a clever young fairytale maiden, and all the tears and horror that comes with such a story.
Braska is not the one to defeat Sin. He and his party have to go home and face themselves and figure out ‘What Now?’ as we go fully AU.
Single Dad muses in a modern AU forming a friend group. They all hang out once or twice a month and do fun things together. It’s great. It’s soothing. Nobody goes it alone.
Aerith and Zack getting a happily ever after??? In an AU???
Modern AU Braska, Jecht, and Auron navigating a relationship like the Fooles they are. Braska’s a simple youth pastor with a lot of love to give and incalculable migraines from his babes.
Mads and Rikku as friends burning the whole ass world to the ground. Because come on. Come on.
Anything with my Eraqus and your Aqua please I am dying here. I need some good family interactions.
Kokoro and Fang as sparring partners in some form or fashion. I need to see my queens just battle for dominance. I am very gay please have mercy.
KH AU Gwynevere as a pinnacle of a land of light having to come face to face with Xemnas and all the darkness that follows him.
Kokoro continues to bully Gladio no matter the verse. Because we know she does. Gladio has no rights.
AU where Kairi and Mads are like roommates or neighbors or online pals and get to be sunshine girls and nobody is hurt and no one has any loss of worlds to forget.
Aria as an AVALANCHE agent who infiltrated the TURKs and all that implies for your muses. Good for any of the rebels or even for Rude as far as plotting goes.
A whole ass pantheon AU. Get all our muses in it. Go absolutely balls to the wall nuts.
Mads playing matchmaker to Kokoro and Xemnas in some modern verse. Maybe playing Cyrano and leaving them little clues and letters allegedly from each other.
Sami we are simple gays. And we need DnD AUs. And we can divide our muses into parties and just have at it in some setting. Pwease.
Braska being a supportive dad to pop star Yuna and Rikku is along for the ride and so now he has a whole other kid to be taking care of.
AUs where ships were just a moment off of canon. Where someone walked away, where they just missed each other, where love did not conquer, where love did not last, where someone died, where someone lived, just. The what if of a life without each other.
Fuck me sideways can you imagine Braska Auron and Jecht in a college AU because I don’t think Jecht’s liver will survive.
Kokoro actually embraces her adolescent feelings for a childhood friend and pursues Aqua, only for RP canon to still happen as outlined.
Kokoro mainverse where she is a high born lady of Scala and Aqua arrives to explain what has been going down in the last twelve years and ‘oh no I’m gay.’
And, of course, that one Xemkoro idea we have involving the story never truly ending ;)
And because I still owe you two, here are two generals:
A time traveler’s wife au, any ship u want bb.
Family stuff. Found families, adoption, siblings, parent and child, ship babies, the pet is basically our kid, we have each other and that makes our family, anything I just need some familial relationships to water my crops.
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