simpin-on-noodles · 1 year
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I Said on my insta that I was gonna make more negaverse designs for characters ^^ so here they are, they’re pretty underrated 
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skizzlebeetle · 1 year
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i think you can tell how much i loved that request .
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skullsemi · 1 year
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something something yeah the 1991 version was something
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meerkatp · 3 months
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shadowzgather · 10 months
🗣 + Gryzlikoff
☠ ― Send '🗣' + a character to hear the mun's opinion about that character.
At First, back when I watched the show as a kid, I didn't really like him as a character. Now that I'm older, I can see things from Gryzlikoff's perspecitive. He's a very by the books guy that follows the rules and orders to a fault. Which is why he clashes with Darkwing who will break these rules to do what he feels is right. It's the rules junkie cop vs the vigilantly that follows their own justice or moral code dynamic. Gryzlikoff is a character that trusts his superiors to know the best course of action even if they aren't present. His loyalty is admiral in that regard, but if not for DW it would be too late to act in many scenarios.
That said, I don't hate him nor am I a big fan of him. I do respect him more than I did as a kid though.
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ye-olde-rd · 8 months
How would you draw SHUSH agents like J. Gander Hooter, Sara Bellum, and Gryzlikoff?
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Yah :3 (sorry, I drew them designs for if they were in DT17,,, not the original ones)
Gahhh I wish we got a season 4 of ducktales… I’ve been rewatching the show with one of my partners and I’ve got some good ideas for a rebooted fearsome four GAHHH (well,, not for liquidator or quackerjack,, but ill get some ideas eventually! Just gotta finish the rewatch)
I could post some drawings of rebooted bushroot soon.. muhehe
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blood-and-pizza · 3 months
I've long since come to the realization that Freddy Fazbear isn't the first bear I was obsessed with in my life. There have been many other bears before him, and I'd like to talk about that if I may.
I was born in 1985, so Care Bears was definitely around then. I mostly watched the cartoons growing up. I didn't own any Care Bear dolls or merch. Instead, my big obsession as a toddler was a different bear.
Teddy Ruxpin was my religion as a toddler. I watched the cartoon and had all the VHS tapes. I had Teddy and his tapes and books, and I even had his best friend, Grubby. The lore of Teddy Ruxpin's world fascinated me. It still does. I genuinely wish I could reboot the cartoon personally so it can finally get more than one season. Oh, and I had a Baby Teddy Ruxpin doll that talked when you squeezed its hand. Dad told me the only way he could tell I was asleep at night was when Baby Teddy stopped talking.
I also watched The Muppets a great deal growing up. Poor Fozzie Bear. I related to him because he tried so hard to please people, and he got heckled and bullied for it. Imagine being an autistic little girl in the 90's, when you were undiagnosed because autism wasn't widely recognized or understood back then, and you're desperately trying to figure out the illogical and insane culture of neurotypicals. You bend over backwards trying to please everyone, but no matter how hard you try, no matter what you say, no matter how desperately you stand up for yourself, everyone sees you as a crybaby, a joke, and a target for abuse. Maybe that sounds really heavy, and it is. The point I'm making is that little me was really going through it, so when I saw Fozzie getting heckled or abused, I saw myself in him and really hated seeing him suffer. Also, I LOVED Muppet Babies and the early Muppet movies as a kid. I had Muppet Babies toys as a child, including a Christmas-themed Baby Fozzie I got from McDonald's.
Yogi Bear was another bear I genuinely liked. I remember the disaster that was "Yo! Yogi". If you don't know what that show is, prepare yourself for the most painfully 90's cashgrab cartoon ever produced. I prefer classic Yogi shorts and any old Hanna Barbera films that feature him. I'm still not sure what the deal is with Boo Boo. Why is he so small? Anyway... I've watched some of the Jellystone series and really like how they treat ALL the characters on that show, including Yogi. I need to catch up on that series...
Being a 90's kid, of COURSE I watched Gummi Bears as a kid. That theme song slapped! And I loved pretending to drink Gummi berry juice and "bouncing" around the room. My favorite character back then was Gruffy. For some reason, he reminded me of my father... or what I wished my father could be. I know that might sound silly. I haven't watched Gummi Bears in a very long time. I don't know how I'd feel about Gruffi now... I do know, however, that even as a child, I found Gusto Gummi very attractive. I have no comments on the others since I can't remember a damn thing.
Another Disney cartoon I was very obsessed with was Darkwing Duck. For a good chunk of my life, I was in the Darkwing Duck fandom. There is a bear character on that show who I'm actually secretly fond of... Vladimir Goudenov Gryzlikoff is a bear with a Russian accent, and the chief agent of SHUSH, personally assisting Chief J. Gander Hooter and even standing in for him when need be. He, as a stickler for proper SHUSH procedure, exists solely to be a pain in the ass for wildcard Darkwing Duck. Darkwing, of course, is a pain in the ass to him in return. BOTH are equally stubborn men who actually make a decent team when they cooperate. They're amazing foils for each other. I guess you could say they're frenemies? Yeah.
Those are all the bears I can think of off the top of my head. If I remember any others, I'll follow up with another post.
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rubbersoles19 · 4 months
I know this is late to ask, but from Gosalyn Eternal, how did you decide to add Gryzlikoff to the story and working for Drake? It’s an unexpected but cool reinvention of the character.
It's never too late to ask a question!
I can't say I sat there and deliberated back and forth about Gryzlikoff being the head of Posiduck security, his inclusion just made sense. I knew Rocky was going to be focusing on Posiduck's security system as a narrative thread, so I needed someone to counter his actions, and Drake would be too busy to deal with it directly. Besides, logically he wouldn't be director of his own security system as the CEO, he'd hire someone who could make that their full-time focus. Gryzlikoff was the first - and kind of only - big, burly, "tough guy" I could think of. I know he's more of an antagonist in the original show, but I actually thought his gruff personality would make him a great security guy.
The funnest (and one of the most frustrating) things about making an AU is that I can bring back whoever I want and put whatever spin I want on them. Usually, I take the characters that I'm most interested in first, but sometimes, the rewrites are based on vibes alone. For example, once upon a time, Gryzlikoff actually had an antagonistic role in a previous iteration of a scrapped sequel that was much more suited to his original role in the series. But we'll get more into that later...
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thezoe611 · 10 months
Have any of the Geronimo crew (and Tim) seeker therapy for the many…MANY…traumatizing events they’ve endured?
Oh yes, unfortunately yes. This is something I couldn't put in Unstoppable, so I'll write it now^^' (lots of text, sorry)
->Gosalyn, being the main victim of everything, would start going to therapy with one of the best doctors in S.H.U.S.H. Gryzlikoff made sure to do all the paperwork for the redhead (I didn't manage to fit it into the story either, but the bear is REALLY sorry for shooting her, so he plans to help Gos in any way she needs, even though the young woman doesn't blames him for what happened)
Although, well, more than "going to therapy," they "forced her to go to therapy." Gosalyn felt very uncomfortable, saying that she should just rest, but Drake told her NO. She went through a very bad experience that month, and she didn't have to be ashamed of being treated for it. Max agreed with him, as did Launchpad. Even Negaduck would have told her that going there shouldn't hurt her, since she is the one who always says that "you should go to the doctor for any blow".
Gosalyn would no longer feel nervous being next to Launchpad, but that wouldn't take away the pain and frustration she felt every time Nega-Launchpad hurt her with the bat. She would never forgive him for being a Launchpad. Furthermore, the redhead would begin to feel a slight "aversion" to whistles, especially the children's song "Simon says…". LHearing even the first verse of that song could give her a panic attack, remembering everything they forced her to do that time…
And the scar that was left on her right arm due to Ratigan's experimentation, so deep that her yellow plumage didn't completely cover it, and that was why the redhead would now wear a black sports sleeve. Although she mostly used it for Drake and Negaduck, aware that they felt terrible knowing that she had a scar.
Not to mention the existence of "Dark Orchid". She would want to forget everything about that identity that they forced her to take… The thing is that SHUSH still wouldn't tell her about the fact that someone stole the stored belongings related to that villain…
->Max would also have a change. He would begin taking first aid courses in his free time. Why? Because he realized that he needed to learn something so basic, and not just how to defend himself, like Negaduck has been teaching him. The point that made him realize that he needed to learn that was when he saw the villain calm Gosalyn during her panic attacks, which he didn't know exactly what to do at the time.
He loves Gosalyn, and he wants to help her. He wants to be there for her, both in her best moments and in her worst, and, to support her, he wants to learn how to calm someone with a panic attack, and these courses are the basis for that (although at first the young man wanted Negaduck to teach him… but imagining the villain teaching him something like that gave him chills, so he opted for the other option^^')
Drake, Launchpad, and Goofy would focus on supporting Gosalyn as much as they could.
->Drake was still upset with himself for everything he could have avoided if he had investigated more of Gosalyn's biological family, so he would want his daughter to get enough rest, and he would take some hero cases for that. The bad thing is that the redhead would still do some activities like Quiverwing Quack to distract herself, so he and LP would accompany her to keep her safe, ignoring the archer's complaints.
->Launchpad, no longer so afraid of scaring her because of his face, would just make sure not to make any sudden movements next to her, which would make his friend smile gratefully.
->Goofy would make sure to ask if Gosalyn needed anything, keeping an eye on his own movement, as he didn't want to push too hard or bother the young woman. Gosalyn would notice that, and, thanking him, she would tell him what dish she would like to try, making her father-in-law happy.
->Negaduck doesn't go to therapy. Rather, anyone who tries to do a session with him would either faint, run away crying, or if they says something shouldn't… well, you can imagine^^'
Of course, that wouldn't change the fact that he would have become even MORE overprotective. I wouldn't be surprised if he had threatened several villains not to dare carry out a robbery without his authorization, with the intention of allowing Gosalyn to rest.
Furthermore, he would make sure to check on Nega-Duckburg several times, to make sure that there really was no trace left of the Nega-McDuck and henchmen…
Plus, there was the matter of whether or not Nega-Morgana had actually survived the massacre 15 years ago…
He had to make sure, watch, and destroy anything that dared to hurt his Baby Girl. He wouldn't let that happen again, not again.
->Tim's case is more peculiar.
The boy has been through a lot in his six years due to Mortimer's teasing and abuse. That is why Gosalyn and Max would agree that the kid, after being adopted by them thanks to all the support that McDuck gave them, would attend some child therapy sessions.
The point is that the mouse wouldn't have collaborated much. He would have remained silent, looking at the drawings in the room, and the kind doctor would have asked him why he was not cooperating or responding. Tim would just say "I don't trust adults."
The physical and emotional abuse he suffered from his uncle really made him distrust most adults. The only reason he trusted Gos and Max is because he loves them, and therefore he decided to trust their family, although, if any adult made any sudden movement, the kid would be startled and go hide behind the redhead or Max.. The mouse adores his new parents, but is not ready to call them "mom" and "dad", even though he is aware that they now are.
And since the boy would not collaborate as much with the sessions, his parents wouldn't yet know that Tim was now afraid of heights, due to having fallen from McDuck Tower when Nega-Gizmoduck threw him, and when he almost fell from the enemy ship. if Gosalyn doesn't hold him in time.
Tim preferred not to confess that, aware that Gos was going through a delicate process. He preferred to sit next to her reading comics with Max, and endure the occasional hug from the redhead, who wanted to annoy him a little, making Max laugh.
The little mouse, who distrusts adults, has as his number one priority the redhead who became so precious to him.
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A Proposed Darkwing Duck Celebrity Voice Cast
Part 3: Agents of S.H.U.S.H
Progressing through our voice cast, we now have the organization that Darkwing Duck works for, the spy agency known as S.H.U.S.H! It is a super elite and highly classified in the art of stealth, so our choice of actors should somewhat reflect that, whilst also having a sense of absurdity and quirks to their personalities!
Gary Oldman as J. Gander Hooter
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First up is the main man of the headquarters and director of the organization J. Gander Hoooter! Professionalism is often the case with running a whole agency, and Hooter really represents this notion of a wise yet stern leader. We need an actor that has a great sense of wisdom as a leader, and also a sense of professionalism that will make him a combination of poised but also serious. Gary Oldman (Kung Fu Panda, The Dark Knight) is a pretty flexible actor in this area, being able to both keep a sense of professionalism and having a serious aura, but also a great deal of wisdom for an old man with a great amount of experience as well.
I imagine Lord Shen's voice from Kung Fu Panda is the closest sounding to Hooter despite him being a villain. (Kung Fu Panda 2, 2011)
Bryan Cranston as Vladimir Gryzlikoff
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Next up is S.H.U.S.H's top agent, and a sort of bitter rival to Darkwing Duck, Ageng Gryzlikoff. Much like his species, Gryzlikoff is quite a ferocious, threatning, yet serious agent, always doing things by the book and is never a fan of incompetence in his fellow workers. Because of his Russian accent, it could be very difficult to find a celebrity that can perform an accent as strong without being too silly. However, there is one beloved American actor who has performed a Russian accent in his filmography and fits the character perfectly. I believe Walter White himself, Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad, Madagascar 3, Isle of Dogs, Malcolm in the Middle) captures the cold and calculated sternness that Grizlikoff needs. And with his role as Vitaly the tiger from Madagascar 3, he can perform the Russian accent quite well!
Just the intimidating tone that fits a bear like Gryzlikoff! (Breaking Bad, 2008-2013)
This is the perfect voice for him. (Madagascar 3, 2012)
Margot Robbie as Sarah Bellum
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The next agent we are covering is the head of the research division, and it is none other than Sarah Bellum!! She is by far the cookiest member of the division, having a great amount of knowledge in inventing and experimenting but also is shown to have no regard of professional ethics, and is rather imbecillic at the same time. We need an actress that is rather crazy by nature, but can also channel a seemingly normal and sane person. That's why Margot Robbie (Birds of Prey, Barbie, The Wolf of Wall Street) would be the best choice. She has the cooky side of her in roles like Harley Quinn, and can also somewhat maintain a normal sounding voice as well that can work well as a contrast!!
The cooky nature of Bellum is pretty aparent here! (Birds of Prey, 2020)
Charlize Theron as Femme Appeal
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And rounding out this chapter, we have a more than surprising addition!! Only appearing in the comics, we have one of the most trusted agents of S.H.U.S.H in the form of Femme Appeal! She is a usually a very calm and collected agent, but has her moments of lashing out with her allies, and especially when it comes to children, which is her weakness. Since she never had a voice ever, we can be pretty flexible with our choices for actresses. I think the best choice for this foxy agent would be Charlize Theron (Kubo and the Two Strings, The Addams Family, Mad Max: Fury Road). She has that seductive voice that the character's namesake would imply, but she also has an air of seriousness about her that we need for an agent.
This captures both a hardened agent and a deep seductive voice. (Kubo and the Two Strings, 2016)
And with that, part three has concluded!! The next part is gonna be quite the interesting ride as we finally tackle Darkwing's biggest and most recognizable baddies in the form of the Fearsome Five! We'll be covering Megavolt, Quackerjack, Bushroot, and The Liquidator in the next part!!
Part 1
Part 2
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Are you on friendly terms with Gryzlikoff?
“I don’t know if he knows how to be friendly, but sure, I can talk at him without earning too many eye rolls. That counts for something, right?”
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akumaverse · 2 years
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First Appearance: Darkwing Beyond #218
Dimension: Prime AkumaVerse
Allegiance: Civilian
J. Gander Hooter was the Director of S.H.U.S.H. For many years, he was in charge of this secret espionage group to ensure the country’s safety. Eventually, he saw potential in this masked vigilante known as Darkwing Duck and invited him to be a freelance agent for S.H.U.S.H. For many years, what he couldn’t accomplish with his Agents he got Darkwing Duck to complete. It was a successful business model for them, until the day Darkwing Duck died. While Vladimir Gryzlikoff made the impression that his people can cover this absence, the mission failures have increased.
When Qesun took over, being the most successful agent, J. Gander graciously handed over the reins to him as he retired. He now resides in Florida while getting the occasional calls for advice. It was him that suggested to Qesun to see if Gosalyn was going to take up her father’s mantle. Because to him, no matter how great S.H.U.S.H. is, they need a Darkwing Duck.
Sprite Credit
Current version done by Haz.
Fun Fact:
While he is based off J. Edgar Hoover, a German Dub renamed him Julius Ganter. So his first name will be Julius.
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skizzlebeetle · 1 year
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thanks episode 54 from dwd i love you immensely ......
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skullsemi · 1 year
Do you ship 91 Steelbeak and Gryzlikoff?
I mean
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C'mon look at them.
I also blame @skizzlebeetle for it and his amazing art here and there
Plus this that made me laugh way too hard
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darkwingcomics · 3 years
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“Let’s Get Fiscal” Disney Adventures Volume 2 Issue 1
November 1991
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shadowzgather · 10 months
Gryzlikoff. Herb Muddlefoot. Fenton Crackshell.
(Assumes this is for Darkwing.)
"Fuck Fenton, ugh... marry Gryzlikoff and kill Herb... hypothetically." Darkwing clarified. He hated the muddlefoots only slightly more than Gryzlikoff, and he wasn't sure who Fenton, beyond Lp mentioning, he worked for Scrooge McDuck.
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