#Gustaf 3
21stcenturyroyals · 4 months
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SWEDISH ROYALS make a state visit to Finland in 21ST CENTURY ROYALS (2000-2099) | 8x03: “Kippis!”
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smile-files · 8 months
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but it's more like a cloud to me
a warning for the young
"someday you can be king of the sun"
(objectober day 4: orange)
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300yearschallenge · 1 year
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In 1780 Émile Gustaf came home for a visit for a very special occassion.
He was to celebrate his 18th birthday.
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His visit was welcomed with great enthusiasm from his siblings, mother and relatives.
Writing letters to each other was all well and good, but nothing could beat talking in person and getting to hug each other again.
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The party was a grand event, where family from all over came to visit.
Everyone wanted to hear Émile's stories of the big city, and he enjoyed the attention very much.
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He also got to meet his younger cousins, including young Charlotta who came over with her father Lukas.
Rosalie had to stay home with her new baby - a little girl named Greta.
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Out of all his relatives Émile Gustaf was happiest to meet his uncle Constantine again.
If not for Constantine the path Émile was on would have looked very different, and he was very grateful to his uncle for it all.
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Eventually it was time for Émile Gustaf to blow out the candles.
He had grown into a handsome young man, who remained as studious and serious as ever.
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gustafsnightangel · 2 years
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windfighter · 1 year
Underwater temple
I saw a post that said "now would be the most hilarious time for some ao3 author to write their otp being stuck in the submarine" and well... I am apparently a horrible human being so here's Kouji, working for DATS and being stuck in a submarine together with some rich people, a kid, a marine and a submarine operator
Kouji wasn’t stupid. He realized pretty quickly that something had gone wrong. From the way the operator looked at the controller and fell just a bit silenter to the way Kouji’s ears popped when they went deeper and deeper. The others hadn’t noticed, they were still talking excitedly. Kouji clasped his hands together. He shouldn’t be there. What could he even do underwater?
The submarine went deeper. Occassionally someone would ask the operator if they were there yet. The operator’s ”any minute now” were getting weaker and weaker for every time they repeated it. Kouji was in the back, leaned against the wall. Sometimes someone would pull away the curtain and he could see out into the vast darkness of the underwater world.
The world shook. That’s when everyone else started realizing something was wrong. Kouji climbed over their legs, pulled the curtain away. Looked out into the darkness. He gripped his digicontrol.
”How fucked are we?” he asked, because he was tired of beating around the bush.
The operator’s cheeks turned red. Kouji had no sympathy. None of them should even be down here. The others started screaming, yelling, cursing the operator out. Kouji leaned closer to the window. What a waste of oxygen. Rich people… Kouji shook his head.
”The bluetooth connection is dead”, the operator admitted.
Kouji couldn’t help with that. There was a reason his camera wasn’t digital. Something big swam past them and the submarine shook again. More yelling. Kouji pressed his face against the window, used his hands to block out the lights inside the submarine. And the sounds.
A shadow. Kouji bit his lip. The shape was off, looked more like a plesiosaur than anything that was supposed to exist. Nessie is real, he thought.
”I’m sure they’re already looking for us”, the operator said.
The other passangers calmed down a little, the youngest one came up to the front again, pushed Kouji out of the way. Kouji rolled his eyes and sat down next to the operator.
”Is there an emergency beacon?” he asked.
”O-of course.”
...that was a no. Of course there wasn’t. Which, considering the thing that was circling them, was probably a good thing. One of the passangers looked at his watch, then banged on the wall for three minutes.
”In case the beacon doesn’t work”, he said. ”It will alert anyone nearby.”
It would alert more digimons, like the one outside, and Kouji wasn’t sure these were the friendly kind. He leaned back, closed his eyes and listened as the operator tried to fix the controller.
Two hours. He could tell the others were getting scared. The air already felt thinner, but was probably just imagination. Kouji climbed back to the window. More shadows were circling them. One of them came into the light, then swam away again. Yep, that was a digimon. At least three of them, but it was hard to tell. Kouji looked at the operator again.
”Still no connection.”
Kouji sighed. Sat down on the toilet. Digivolving could protect him for a while, but would it be enough time to get to the surface? Could he just leave the others down here? The submarine shook again. So far the walls were holding, but… It was only a matter of time. They were well and truly fucked. The others had gotten their phones out and were yelling about the lack of internet. Kouji’s own phone was still on land, at his hotell room. He didn’t need that down here, but he had something better. That would hopefully work.
He took out his digicontrol. The communicator he had gotten before he left for this mission. Put the communicator over his ear and pressed a button on it. He didn’t expect anything. Even stuff from DATS would have a hard time working this far down. The others’ yelling were starting to grate on Kouji’s nerves.
”It’s your own fault for betting your lives on this death-trap”, he said.
Moved to the back again. The others fell quiet, stared at him. Of course, Kouji was also stuck in the death trap. He’d have a serious talk with his boss later. No underwater-missions ever again.
”They’ll rescue us”, one of the rich, old dudes said. The father, Kouji thought. ”We are important.”
Perhaps he was holding up hope for his son. Kouji didn’t know and didn’t care. The only thing important about them were their money. They wouldn’t be found in time. Not the way everyone kept yelling. Everyone except the one who had banged on the wall, and had kept doing that every half hour.
No answer in the communicator. Kouji bit his lip. He’d have to use his digivice to increase the signal. He’d done it once before, when he was deep in the mountains of Canada, but it was tricky at best.
”How are you with technology?” he asked the kid.
Calling him a kid was a lie. He was 20 years old and an adult, but he was the youngest in the group so calling him a kid felt right. The kid shrugged.
”I have an iphone”, he said.
”Iphone sucks”, Kouji said. ”You know Linux?”
”I know of Linux.”
Not helpful. Not that the digivice ran on Linux, but it was close enough. Kouji shrugged, pulled the cover off the digivice and started looking for the cable he needed. The kid watched him.
”Is that a Linux-phone?”
Kouji didn’t know how to explain. The dad looked at them.
”Phone won’t work. We’re too deep”, he said.
He wasn’t wrong. Kouji took the communicator off his ear again. They were too deep, and normal phones wouldn’t be able to get a connection here. Not even his.
But there were digimons. And that meant a digigate somewhere nearby. And that meant…
He found the cable, pulled it free and connected it to the communicator. Held it to his ear again. The kid and the dad started yelling at each other, Kouji didn’t care enough to figure out what it was about.
A digigate nearby meant his digivice should be able to connect via that. The communicator beeped. Kouji held his breath, pressed his hand over his other ear. A broken ’hello’ echoed in the communicator. Kouji released his breath.
”Kouji. Sighting confirmed. Send help.”
He hoped it would go through. There were static noises in the communicator. He wanted to add more. Tell them about the submarine being broken, that they would all die if rescue didn’t find them within a day. The vehicle shook as the digimons rammed into it again. Kouji gripped his digivice harder. He couldn’t do anything. For once, he had to stay on the sideline.
He hoped someone would come.
Another two hours. The submarine wouldn’t hold much longer. The pressure was getting higher as it kept sinking. The digimons were still circling it. The yelling had died out. The operator was looking through the window.
”What are they?” he asked.
Kouji opened his eyes. Looked at the operator. Should he lie? Tell the truth?
”...sharks”, he said. ”Might be goblin sharks, they haven’t gotten close enough to the window for me to tell.”
A lie. The truth wouldn’t help.
”They’re curious, but we’ll be food the moment they get a dent in the hull.”
The truth, because he couldn’t lie about their chances of survival. Unrest spread through the submarine again.
”They’ll find us”, the person banging the wall said.
A marine, Kouji had learned during the two hours. Explained how calm he was. Kouji looked at him. Could tell the marine knew perfectly well it was a lie. The chances of them being found… Kouji clenched his hand around the digivice. If his people came, if they came close enough to the sub, if… There was a chance, but even then… The hull might not survive the travel to the surface. Kouji leaned his head against the wall. The marine banged it again. Another half hour had passed by.
”After this I’m staying home for a year”, the kid said.
Kouji doubted it. If they got out the kid would feel invincible, would probably try basejumping. Convince his dad to go on another suicide vacation. At least the operator looked like he’d never go close to water again. The operator moved away from the window and Kouji went up to it again.
They had fallen deeper, darkness even darker. Digivolving was tempting, if just to get some extra light down there. It was useless. Not even Wolfmon would fit in the vehicle. The shadows of the digimons were circling closer. It seemed to be more of them.
Something bright shot past the submarine. Lit up the digimons and disappeared into the depths. The submarine shook. The hull creaked. Kouji put the communicator in his ear again.
”I’m trying, I’m trying!” a female voice said.
American. One of the local DATS-members. Kouji sank down on the toilet. If…
”How are we looking?” another voice said.
Older. Probably her supervisor or mentor.
”Hull’s almost breached”, Kouji reported. ”A few hours of oxygen left. There’s at least 6 of them circling us.”
”I have eyes on you”, the woman said again. ”Coming in hot!”
A white, narwhal-shaped digimon zoomed past, forced the attackers to retreat. It was fast.
”Can you do anything?” the man asked.
Kouji shook his head. The others were looking at him, he could feel their eyes against his back.
”I can’t travel through walls”, Kouji said.
He would have laughed if he didn’t feel so powerless. He’d stay on land, or at least outside of submarines, after this. Maybe outside of airplanes as well, but at least he could get out of those.
”What’s happening?” the kid asked.
”He’s lost his mind”, his dad answered.
Kouji rolled his eyes. He never had much of a mind to begin with. The digimons were coming closer again.
”There’s a few too many to chase away”, the woman said. ”We need to go on the offensive.”
”Any chance you can guide us?” the man asked.
Kouji turned to the operator.
”Are there more lights on the outside of this thing? Can we turn them on?”
The operator nodded, pulled at some levers in the roof. Kouji looked through the window. They were still floating in nothing, only water surrounding them, but it was a bit brighter. He could see five digimons clearly through the front window. Tylomons.
”We can’t do much more than that”, he answered. ”It’s in your hands.”
Submarimon swooshed past again, followed by a second one. Kouji could see the man and woman in them. They gestured at each other.
”What are those?” the kid asked.
Kouji hadn’t even noticed him coming up to the window.
”Rescue”, he said.
Maybe not theirs, but Kouji didn’t need to say that part. The submarine shook as Submarimon and Tylomon battled each other around it.
”Can you seal the gate?”
”On it, dad!”
”They keep coming through. Don’t worry, we’ll get you up soon.”
Kouji looked at the other passengers. The dad seemed on the verge of passing out. The operator’s pants were wet. The other rich dude had already passed out. The kid was looking through the window. Kouji locked eyes with the marine. He looked ready to rush into battle. Not a mentality they needed right now. Kouji left the toilet, sat down by the marine instead.
”This isn’t your war”, Kouji said.
”But it’s a war”, the marine answered.
Calling it a war… Kouji shook his head.
”What’s your name?” he asked instead.
”Dave”, Dave said.
Kouji snorted. Dave felt like too much of a normal name for a situation like this.
”Well Dave, do you have a favorite dish?”
Kouji couldn’t do much. The air was getting harder to breathe, he couldn’t do anything about the digigate or the digimons. He couldn’t stop the kid from looking outside, the operator from being terrified. But maybe he could do this. Distract.
Dave looked at him. Confused. Tilted his head a bit.
”New York-style pizza”, he said.
”Oh? I’ve never tried that”, Kouji lied. ”What makes it better than Californian pizza?”
”It’s the cheese”, the kid answered from the front. ”New York-style is absolutely drowning in cheese.”
Kouji still heard their voices in the communicator. He considered taking it out, but… it was nice. Hearing what was going on. He looked at the operator.
”What about you? What’re you gonna have when we get up?”
”I don’t think I’ve had that one either”, Kouji said. ”I do like Oh, though.”
Dave and the kid snickered. The operator blushed. Kouji hated this. A waste of what little oxygen they had left. The submarine shook again. An explosion just outside the window. A small crack appeared in it.
”I have a friend that makes great Italian food”, Kouji said. ”I’ll probably ask her to make me something.”
”I’ll…” the operator started. ”I’m going to cook for my family. Something new.”
”You have a family?” Kouji asked. He was so far from interested it felt like torture. ”Why don’t you tell us about them?”
The operator did. Dave started talking about his own. The kid moved from the toilet to join the conversation. Kouji breathed a sigh of relief and took the front seat again.
”Window’s cracked”, he said into the communicator.
The two tamers fell silent. The air around Kouji felt tense. Their hours had probably been reduced to minutes.
”The gate’s still open”, the woman said. ”What if…”
”It’s ocean on the other side”, the man answered. ”Gru, you on the way?”
”Almost there!” a new voice said. Gru. ”Had some trouble with the old ’vice.”
”We’ve almost gotten them all, it’s just two left”, the woman said.
”Three”, the man corrected and Kouji assumed a new one had just arrived through the gate.
He fell silent again, listened as the others talked about families or about the battle. A huge shadow appeared above them, covered the submarine. It took several seconds before it disappeared. Kouji stood up. Leaned as close to the window as he could.
A huge whale appeared infront of them. Opened its mouth and swallowed the submarine. The vehicle shook, the three still conscious people behind him screamed.
”Are we dead?” Dave asked when the sub had stopped shaking.
”A warning would have been nice”, Kouji said into the communicator.
”We’ve got the eggs”, the woman said. ”Gate’s closed. Time to dive!”
Deeper. Kouji’s ears hurt. Someone knocked on the hull of the submarine.
”Bolted from the outside?” Gru asked. ”This isn’t a sub, it’s a coffin.”
Kouji rolled his eyes. His chest hurt and he was starting to feel dizzy.
”Get us out.”
”Alright, alright, don’t rush perfection.”
”Gru”, the man laughed.
Something banged on the hull. Drilled into it. Drilled into it over and over again. A huge chunk of it fell to the ground and fresh air entered the sub. Fresh air that smelled a lot like the insides of a fish. Kouji gagged.
”Almost prefer suffocating to this”, he said.
He took the communicator off. Walked outside the sub. Gru was there, an older, tall and chubby man dressed in gray clothes and a neon-pink tie with an equally pink communicator around his ear. Kouji almost laughed at the sight. The ground was soft and textured like a tongue. It probably was one.
”Thank you, Whamon”, Kouji said.
He shook Gru’s hand. Asked about the other two.
”They’ll meet us at HQ”, Gru said. ”I don’t have any snack with me for the travel.”
”It’s fine.”
Kouji looked back at what could have become his coffin. The kid was peeking out through the hole, Dave just behind him. The operator was trembling, still sitting on the floor. Kouji didn’t know what would happen to them later.
”Whamon’s my partner”, Gru said and peeked into the submarine.
Dave and the kid quickly moved out of the way. Gru whistled.
”Absolutely disgusting. Why were you in it?”
Kouji grimaced.
”Order from the boss. There were rumors about sea monsters around the Titanic.”
”You’re his retriever?”
Gru stepped inside and Kouji followed.
”Gonna demand a raise after this”, Kouji said. ”Thanks again for the rescue.”
”Close call”, Gru said.
He knocked at the window. It shattered and fell to the floor. Kouji’s knees shook and his breath hitched. He clasped his hands together and sank down to the floor, back against the wall. Suddenly the seriousness of the situation hit him.
He could have died.
He knew that. Every time he was sent out carried that risk. But never in this way. Gru patted his shoulder.
”Take your time, kid.”
Kouji focused on his breaths. Listened as Gru shook the two rich men, tried to wake them up. Listen to Dave and the kid as they walked around Whamon’s mouth. They had been saved. Kouji’s heart beat hard against his chest.
He definitely deserved a raise.
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snailspng · 4 months
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Cold/Hypothermia-themed PNGs.
(1. Icicle glass decorations, 2. Ice on statue, 3. "Panoptes" by Laurent Grasso, 4. 18th c. angel head, 5. Painting by Gustaf Fjaestad, 6. Ceramic rabbit, 7. Paw pendant from "Relics of Martyrs" by Jane Dodd, 8. Ice glasses by Vincent Olinet, 9. Sculpture by Yoshihiko Ueda)
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salemoleander · 10 months
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solving counting sheep webweave
MCYTblr AU Fest Summer 2023 // sources under readmore
Created as a treat for the absolutely stunning fic by @theminecraftbee!
What is a webweave? Previous art: Third Life | Void Falling | Attempt 33 | Martyn | Limited Life | Nightingale Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | singing songs to the secrets behind my eye | A Hundred Things We Had Not Dreamed Of
Pt. 1: The Specialist’s Hat, Stranger Things Happen p.63  / Kelly Link ◆ Requiem Angel / Daniele Valeriani via @satanasaeternus ◆ Maschera Venetian Joker Mask / Atelier Marega Mask ◆ Macbeth 1.5.57-61 / Shakespeare ◆ Watch / Carol Milne ◆ Excerpt from Salt Is For Curing / Sonia Vatomsky via @geryone ◆ Carved Damascus Steel Bird Knife / Robert Mayo ◆ Excerpt from STOP ME IF YOU’VE HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE, Calling a Wolf a Wolf / Kaveh Akbar ◆ off to finish it at the source / @catcrumb ◆ Excerpt from The War of Vaslav Nijinsky / Frank Bidart ◆ Having a cat is great tweet / @premeesaurus ◆ Secrete / Kate MccGwire via @snailspng
Pt. 2: I am asking you to endure it. / @intactics (Deactivated 12.31.21) ◆ Hi! You have great eyes / @illness (Deactivated 3.25.18) ◆ Taste for Independence Cat / @alisonzai ◆ Support Mental Health pin / @snailspng ◆ A Barn at Kronetorp, Skåne / Gustaf Rydberg ◆ Living: There is a period when it is clear... / Jenny Holzer via @funeral ◆ Neighborhood Plague, Fjords I / Zachary Schomburg ◆ Ugly, Bitter, and True / Suzanne Rivecca ◆ It just keeps happening / @mothcub ◆ Shepherd with Flock of Sheep / Anton Mauve ◆ No Longer Evil cat / @b0nkcreat ◆ Excerpt from All Our Futures / Jody Chan via @geryone ◆ Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stitch / Carol Milne via @knithacker ◆ Deep Dark Fear (9.29.2013) / Fran Krause @deep-dark-fears
Pt. 3: Read more pop-up / @screenshotsofdespair ◆ Combination of Painter Javier Palacios and Enoch 18:14 /  @mountainqoats ◆ Wandering Albatross ◆ Diomedes ◆ Forgive dead players: OFF / @screenshotsofdespair ◆ Inktober52 Angel / @lastmousequeen-blog ◆ The Heavenly Host / Violet Oakley ◆ Excerpt from No Rush / Todd Dillard ◆ I will not go gentle magnets / @carpethedamndiem ◆ Excerpt from cain / José Saramago via @ilumark (Deactivated 2.5.22) ◆ Excerpt from Salt Is For Curing / Sonya Vatomsky via @geryone ◆ Purple / @ungfio via @sosuperawesome ◆ Excerpt from Lessons on Expulsion / Erika Sánchez via @geryone ◆ The Practical Companion to the Work-Table, Containing Directions for Knitting, Netting, & Crochet Work / Elizabeth Jackson via @knittinghistory
Pt. 4: Excerpt from A Ghost is a Memory / GennaRose Nethercott via @tolerateit ◆ What’s done is done / @thatsbelievable ◆ Excerpt from Ante body / Marwa Helal via @geryone ◆ Minor Resurrections / Elisa Gonzalez ◆ Mirror ◆ Coming back / @ungfio ◆ Candlestick ◆ Flame
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vincentbriggs · 9 months
Good sir, I am hoping to pick your brain. I’m making an 18-century (“pirate”) shirt as a gift to my friend. He wants tie closures on the neck and cuffs instead of buttons. Might you have any insight or resources for this? I’ve seen the ties in at least one of the extant shirts I’ve viewed online. I’m still pretty new to the sewing gig and I’d like to minimize inventing metaphorical wheel as much as possible. Thanks in advance!
It's very unusual, but do know of one example! (Not that extant one though)
But first - Link to my most thorough shirt construction blog post. (It's a few years old and I've improved a few little things in my technique since then, and I mean to finish writing a new and better one before the year is over.)
Ok, ties on shirts! I'm assuming this is the extant one you're talking about? Tbh I'd discount this one entirely if you're looking for information on 18th century men's shirts because I don't think it is one.
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Besides the attached ties, the sleeves are extremely weird. They're cut off and have no wristbands!! This would make it quite impossible to wear under a coat, the wristbands are an absolutely essential part of an 18th century shirt. I also don't see any reason to believe this is actually 18th century when it could just as easily be 19th century, and considering how short the slit is I think that more likely.
(Lots of auction sellers like to say "late 18th century" about things that are like... yeahh maaaaybe that's plausibly from a very fashion forward guy in the late 1790's but it's much more likely early 19th century. And with court dress they sometimes just straight up date it several decades too early. Look at lots of examples and always question everything, because museums don't always date things correctly either.)
I think I remember seeing someone mention once that it was a 19th century workman's garment of some sort, but I can't remember where, and all we've got to go on are a few pictures and a brief caption from a seller who doesn't know what they're talking about. It does look like it could have been worn over another layer though, and the fabric is very coarse. It could also have been altered at a later date for theatrical costume, which is something the Victorians did to A LOT of 18th century garments.
So just ignore that shirt!
The vast majority of 18th century mens shirts close with 2 or 3 buttons on the collar, but there is a style that uses ribbons. It appears to have been fairly common in the late 17th and early 18th century, and then slowly dwindles as the century goes on. I have a section for it on my shirts pinterest board with 64 examples. Ooh, wait, 65, just found a new one.
The collar is made with little to no overlap and one buttonhole on each end, and a ribbon is threaded through them.
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Portrait of Carl Gustaf Tessin, 1728.
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Sir Charles Howard, 1738.
I actually made one of these last year!
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The collar doesn't sit as well with the ribbon as it does with 2 buttons, but once you put a stock over it it's fine.
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Nearly every single depiction of an 18th century shirt I've ever seen (and I've spent a LOT of time looking) uses sleeve links on the wristbands. (Which I have a tutorial for! They're really easy to make!) I do sleeve links on most of my everyday shirts because I like them better than sewn on buttons. When the wristband is this narrow, sewn on buttons don't sit very nicely.
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But! If your friend wants ties on the wrist in a historical way, I do know of one single example, and it's this guy!
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Giovanni Maria delle Piane, Portrait of a nobleman. No date given, but if I had to guess I'd say 1680's or 90's. Very late 17th century looking fellow.
We can't see his collar closure, but I think it's very possible that he has a matching red ribbon holding that closed.
Personally I wouldn't want to try these, because they look like an absolute nightmare to tie by yourself one handed. But the good news is that you could make just regular wristband that take sleeve links and they'd work for this too, since both just have a buttonhole at each end! I aim for a finished wristband length that's 10-14mm longer than my wrist measurement, with the buttonhole being about 4 or 5mm in from the edge, which gives me enough ease to wear them comfortably with sleeve links, so if you do that then he'll be able to wear them both ways.
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scribbled-margins · 6 months
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In celebration of the Gothenburg Museum of Art uploading HD scans of their collection online, here are some winter themed wallpapers ❄️🌨️
(1) Backyard, Nils Kreuger // (2) Evening in February, Riddarfjärden, Stockholm, Eugène Jansson // (3) November Evening at Hisingsvassen, Gothenburg, Berndt Lindholm // (4) Snow, Gustaf Fjæstad // (5) Winter Evening at Söder, Stockholm, Georg Pauli // (6) Winter Landscape, Gustaf Rydberg // (7) Winter Landscape, Karl Nordström // (8) Winter Landscape, Olof Sager-Nelson // (9) Winter Scene, Frithjof Smith-Hald
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theroyalsandi · 9 months
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Advance Happy 50th Birthday Prince Daniel! (b. 15th September 1973)
The Swedish Royal Court has released 3 new portraits of Prince Daniel ahead of his 50th birthday on Friday, September 15, 2023 His birthday coincides with the day when his father-in-law King Carl Gustaf became King. King Carl Gustaf will celebrate his Golden Jubilee (50 years) this week | September 11, 2023
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classicalcanvas · 10 months
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Art History Quizz #3
I'll post the answer when the poll will be over!
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ghcstcd · 1 year
WAIT THIS IS FOR THAT OTHER ANON HOLD ON HERE I HAVE A LIST OF ALL THE GHOULS AND WHEN THEY WERE THERE. I DID NOT SPEND MONTHS COMPILING EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT GHOST INTO OnE DOCUMENT FOR NOTHING!!! YIPPEEEE (also im 99% sure this is all correct but some things might be wrong idk) (also also i included the irl people who play the ghouls btw)
Era 1
The very first lineup of ghouls was from 2010 to 2011.
Alpha (played by Simon Soderberg)
-Lead guitar
-White Fantomen guitar (white with pointed black pickguard, curvy)
-Fire symbol on guitar
-Hand tattoos
Chain (played by Gustaf Lindstrom)
-Bass guitar
-Weirdly shaped black guitar with white edges
-Wore big chain necklace
-Bones painted onto hand
Omega (played by Martin Persner)
-Rhythm guitar
-Black Fantomen guitar (black, curvy, white outline)
-Omega symbol on guitar
Earth (played by Aksel Holmgren)
Air (played by Mauro Rubino)
-Air symbol on keyboard
-Stood up at all times
-Big and tall
In 2011, Water replaced Chain.
Water (played by Rikard Ottoson)
-Bass guitar
-Same guitar as Chain’s
-Wore blackout contact lenses
Era 2
From 2012 to 2014, the lineup remained the same as Era 1. In 2014, a new person began to portray Water, although the ghoul’s name remained the same. During this time, Earth was also replaced, and the new drummer ghoul was nicknamed Little Earth because of his small stature.
Water (played by Linton Rubino)
-Bass guitar (same as previous Water’s)
-Large hands
Little Earth (played by Martin Hjertstedt)
-Short and small
-Spun drumsticks
Era 3
In 2015, Water was replaced again. He also switched guitars, although his name stayed the same.
Water (played by Henrik Palm)
-Bass guitar (white with larger rounded black pickguard, curvy)
-No symbol on guitar
In 2016, there was a transitional lineup change. Omega played his last show on July 2, 2016. His position as rhythm guitarist was replaced by Water, who switched to a Black Gibson SG guitar (fully black, pointed, black pointed pickguard with a white outline) without any elemental symbol on it.
From July to September of 2016, Ghost had no live bassist. In September, the first ghoulette, Mist, joined and became the bassist.
Mist (played by Megan Thomas)
-Same guitar as Water’s previous one (black and white bass)
-Looser costume than other ghouls
-Often wore nail polish
-Had slightly heeled shoes
During the “Black to the Future” tour, an unknown ghoul would occasionally come onstage and hit a cowbell during the song Ritual. He would then be shooed away by Papa.
Cowbell (played by Niels Nielsen)
-Only played on one leg of 2015 US tour
In early 2017, the lawsuit happened, which involved Alpha, Water, Little Earth, and Air. During the lawsuit, the lineup of ghouls completely switched, although Papa Emeritus III remained the frontman and was still portrayed by Tobias. Omega and Mist were not involved in the lawsuit, but they still left. Tobias won the lawsuit.
Before his part in the band was revealed, Tobias went to public events and was interviewed as either his Papa persona or as a character called Special Ghoul. Special Ghoul was just a normal ghoul costume Tobias wore during interviews—Special did not perform at all.
“The Popestar Tour” consisted of an entirely new group of ghouls, which debuted in March 2017 and played until September.
2017 Popestar Lineup:
Aether (played by Chris Catalyst)
-Rhythm guitar
-No symbol on guitar
-Same black Fantomen guitar as Omega
-Larger and more muscular
Dewdrop/Sodo (played by Per Eriksson)
-Bass guitar
-Same black and white bass as Mist’s
-Short and lithe
-Right pinky finger is always bandaged
Ifrit (played by Ben Cristo)
-Lead guitar
-No symbol on guitar
-Same white Fantomen guitar as Alpha
-Very interactive with crowd
Chair/Zephyr (played by Zac Baird)
-Sat down while playing
-Had two keyboard setups
-Same symbol on keyboard as Air
New Earth (played by Jan-Vincent Velasco)
-Wore bracelets
In late 2017, New Earth left and was replaced by Mountain.
Mountain (played by Hayden Scott)
-Does not usually wear shoes
Era 4
Ifrit and Chair were meant to be temporary ghouls to replace the ones who left during the lawsuit, so they left Ghost after the end of Era 3. Dewdrop replaced Ifrit’s position as lead guitarist, using the same white Fantomen as he did. Cumulus, a new ghoulette, replaced Chair on the keyboard. A new ghoul, Rain, took over Dewdrop’s previous role as bass guitarist. Another new ghoul and ghoulette joined and took on multiple roles. For the first time in the band’s history, the ghouls began to sing backing vocals live.
Cumulus (played by Mad Gallica)
-Backing vocals
-Short and chubby
Rain (played by Cosmo Sylvan)
-Bass guitar
-Same guitar as Dewdrop’s previous guitar
Swiss/Multi (played by Justin Taylor)
-“Multi” ghoul
-Acoustic guitar
-Backing vocals
-Smiles often
Cirrus (played by Laura Scarborough)
-Often near Cumulus
Era 5
Throughout Era 5, the lineup remained the same as Era 4. However, a ghoulette named Sunshine also joined during this era.
Sunshine (played by Sophie Amelkin)
-Backing vocals
-Slim and short
Dewdrop also switched guitars and began using an all-white, rounded guitar. During this era, Rain began occasionally using an all-black, rounded bass guitar instead of his normal one. Finally, Aether also began singing backing vocals in this era.
Thank you, stranger!
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 4 months
Here’s the schedule for the next five stories I’ll be posting.
Hope you enjoy the new stuff.
DISCLAIMER: These are works of FICTION. It’s meant purely for the entertainment of adults.
The Senator from Montana CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Down on the Farm-PART 3
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Featuring Sen. Jon Tester
POSTING: 2/23/2024
The Rev. Jerry Falwell
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Featuring Rev. Jerry Falwell
POSTING: 3/8/2024
The Prince and I
CHAPTER FIVE: The Duke of Edinburgh
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Featuring Prince Andrew, Duke of York
POSTING: 3/22/2024
Me and Mr. Jones
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Featuring Actor, Eddie Jones
POSTING: 4/5/2024
The King and I Chapter Five: The Monarch of Sweden
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Featuring King Carl XVI Gustaf
POSTING: 4/19/2024
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300yearschallenge · 2 years
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While everyone on Åland went through a very difficult time, Émile Gustaf was having the time of his life in Sweden.
His evenings were spent with his friends in dingy, smoke-filled locales that reeked of alcohol, tobacco and urine. They were coffee houses and basement pubs, where young men could drink, smoke and hold loud conversations.
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While his friend Anders would often scout these locations for so-called 'street nymphs' or women of the night, Émile had a new vice of his own.
While he couldn't afford his own, his friends always let him borrow their tobacco to smoke. He loved it. He loved the smell, the taste and the sensation of smoking, and he loved spending his evenings feeling calm and free of all troubles.
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His days were spent at a hospital in Stockholm known as the Serafimerlasarett. A beautiful, bright building whose large windows let in a great deal of sunlight.
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Here he, along with medical students and his fellow barber-surgeon apprentices, would study real life cases and assist in caring for patients.
It was often stressful and daunting to hold people's well-being and life in his hands, but the knowledge Émile gained was well worth it.
Historical Info
Serafimerlasarettet or The Seraf, as it was sometimes called, was a hospital that was started in 1752.
This hospital was used to educate future barber-surgeons as well as medical students, and was considered to be very modern for the time in Sweden.
I've recreated it to the best of my ability in the image, although it is important to mention that the building was added to in 1788, adding and expanding its wings.
It stopped operating as a hospital in 1980, although the building remains and many other healthcare locales now operate from the buildings to this day.
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royal-hair · 4 months
Does queen Silvia have naturally curly hair? I was surprised to see princess Adrianne with such curly hair until I saw madeleine and Carl Philip when they were young,carl gustaf had wavy hair but I never thought the curly haired trait would be so strong 3 generations in especially when it skipped the other kids
I would say that Silvia has curly hair, she has more of a wavy one. The curliest hair was Carl Gustaf's. Victoria, Madeleine and Carl Philip al have curly hair, but Madeleine's is curlier.
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Princess Sybilla, Carl Gustaf's mother, also had curly hair, so the genes are there. None of them has curly hair as Adrienne, but maybe those curls are from her father side.
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frog-lover69 · 2 months
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I drew a lil silly man today, Spencer beloved BUT I also went thrifting so just this lil drawing today :3
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I bought 4 garfield comics for like 1£ it was kelw and I bought star sparkle thingies and blue flowers :3
[ Don't ask why the Garield is called "Gustaf" it's a bad swedish translation- TwT ]
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