#guy of gisborne headcanons
fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Love Language. 
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Notes/Comments/Housekeeping: Welcome to my new head canon series, where I take 9 Richard Armitage characters and analyse them all in a particular situation and talk about how they'd react. As always, comments and reblogs are always welcome. Suggestions for future head canons are very welcome, too.
To start us off, I'm going to be looking at the love (romantic) language of each of the characters I've selected and appear in the header. Like with my fics, if you wish to be added to my tag list then let me know. You can either be tagged in everything (Follow Forever), or particular fics/head canons. Just state which you'd like to be added to.
So, let's get to it!
GUY OF GISBORNE: When in love, Guy is very passionate and wants you all to himself. Having never had anyone truly love him before and only manipulate him (I'm looking at that bitch Marian), Guy can come over a little intense at first. He brings you gifts, wants to kiss you and is constantly touching you. A warm and soft side to Guy comes out, parting the clouds of darkness that had been over him for years. You are his means to change for the better. He will make you his everything.
RAY LEVINE: Ray can't get enough of you. He'll practically buy you whatever you want and even go in debt to see you happy. A hopeless romantic, haunted by a lover who ghosted him. Ray may seem quite insecure at first, possibly jealous. But his heart only means well.
FATHER LORENZO QUART: He holds back for quite a while, feeling the love for you grow and when it bursts, then he knows he can't hold back anymore. Despite being a priest of the Catholic Church, Father Quart follows his heart and if that means following you, then he will do it. He will not let his faith hold him back from pursuing you and once you are his, he will cherish you.
THORIN OAKENSHIELD: Patient, kind, generous. Thorin will give you anything you ask for and constantly shower you with loving words. When you are in the same room, he has to be touching you. Thorin is always physically showing his love for you in his gestures, or his eyes watching you fondly from across a busy room.
FRANCIS DOLARHYDE: Francis doesn't know quite how to react to his emotions. He loves the fact that you care for him and that only fuels his deep feelings for you, until he kisses you suddenly. He instantly apologises, terrified that you will find him disgusting. Once he is reassured that you feel the same, he never wants to be away from you. Francis may become a little obsessed with you.
JOHN THORNTON: A man of tradition. John keeps his feelings for you very private at first, until you notice him watching you. He even asks after you through mutual friends, wanting to know how you are. But when those feelings are too much, he takes you aside and lays his heart bare to you. Passionate, kind. John will never stop showering you with loving words.
RAYMOND DE MERVILLE: Hardened off to the horrors of war. Raymond doesn't realise what love is when he first begins feeling it. He mistakes it for lust, and unhealthy obsession. He pursues you intensely, showing that he is interested in you sexually. But when you stand your ground, he backs down, shocked by you. Once he realises what love actually is, Raymond is fiercely protective, and to the point that he has no problem in killing anyone who dare harm you.
JOHN PORTER: Fun. Witty. Flirty. John Porter isn't a shy man by any means and will show his interest in you as soon as he feels it. But as your relationship with him grows, John begins to crave the more intimate gestures, such as hand holding, cuddling, sharing secrets. He buys you gifts, like most men would, but he also has a very patient and understanding side to him. John will sit with you for hours, listening to you talk, offloading. And then the next night he will happily take you out for a meal or to a pub for drinks.
LUCAS NORTH: Confident. Outgoing. Lucas doesn't show his interest in you immediately, outside of maybe a little banter. Then with time, he begins flirting. And as that grows, your relationship delves quite quickly into the territory of intensity. He tells you about his tattoos and night terrors, a result of being in a Russian prison for years. He bares all to you once he has your trust, and once he has your trust, you know that he will tell you everything about him. He buys the odd gift, but more than anything, he loves being with you once work has finished. He sees you as his refuge.
Follow Forever: @lathalea @i-did-not-mean-to @middleearthpixie @meganlpie @linasofia @xxbyimm @asgardianhobbit98 @knitastically @eunoiaastralwings @rachel1959 @luna-xial @guardianofrivendell @sunflwrnsunnieshine
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The ultimate modern!Guy head-canons -brought to you by my obsessed mind
So, I’ve been thinking about Guy (yes I know, shut up) and how I would go about creating a modern!Guy version that is as loyal to the original as possible in every way that matters -history, personality, trauma, profession etc. Below you can find my self-indulgent fantasies:
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Guy and his little sister Isabella were brought up by a single mother, their dad being a deadbeat that left the picture early
Their mum was loving and affectionate, but she had her own issues -mild substance abuse and a violent on-again-of-again boyfriend. When boyfriend was not around, she was nurturing and attentive. When he was around, there were many issues with fights, drink, violence and so on.
One night there was yet another fight and young Guy tried to step in and protect his mum - in the scuffle, things were knocked down and kitchen fire started.
The fire brigade noticed the chaotic environment, drink and signs of domestic violence and called social services. Guy and Isabella were removed from home and found themselves in the foster care system.
After about a year of being moved around, Isabella was adopted by a couple, but Guy was deemed too old for adoption and stayed in foster care, being passed from pillar to post as various placements broke down. (Sweet little girls are much more likely to get adopted than hulking teenage boys with anger issues…)
Guy has a ton of issues as a result of his past. He has developed a disorganised attachment style. He idealises his mother, but also feel resentful that she didn’t prioritise them. He blames himself for starting the fire that got them removed from home. He has lost contact with Isabella after her adoption (He figured she was starting a new life, and didn’t feel like watching from the side lines… Brought up too many complex feelings.) Unfortunately, the couple who adopted Isabella turned out to be abusive assholes. As an adult, Isabella blames him for leaving her with them, not staying in touch, not trying to find out how she was…
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When Guy aged out of foster care, he was left without support… He considered joining the army but his temper issues prevented him. He ended up working for crime baron “The Sheriff” Vaisey, involved in drug trafficking, extortion, turf wars and so on. He doesn’t enjoy violence, but he doesn’t shy away from it either -that’s how the world works, as far as he’s concerned, and if he doesn’t do it, someone else will. And yes, his relationship with “The Sheriff” is as messed up and complicated as it is in the series. The man craves a family but can’t tell a toxic one from a healthy one.
He drives a Harley and has a Jack Russell terrier called Dale. He used to bite his nails, but stopped himself (with effort) because he thinks the habit makes him look worried and insecure. He chain-smokes roll-ups now (because they give him something to fiddle with, that doesn’t allow others to see he is stressed.)
He has worked as a bouncer, and knows Krav Maga. In his more optimistic moments, he dreams of leaving crime, having a family and starting a business as a self-defence instructor. But he doesn’t really think it will ever happen.
He looks like early Lucas North, complete with tattoos.
He loves getting a massage… (It feels intimate but is not seen as weakness. He really likes being touched, someone please love him…)
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joyfulmagic · 2 months
Muse List
[Updated 08/12/2024]
Blue muses are primary Red muses are secondary Pink muses are by request only
Harley Quinn circa the Harley Quinn cartoon, The Suicide Squad, and Birds of Prey —> FC: Ma.rgot Ro.bbie Poison Ivy circa the Harley Quinn cartoon, and other various inspiration —> FC: J.essica Cha.stain Steven Grant Rogers circa Marvel/MCU —> FC: Ch.ris Ev.ans Clark Kent circa My Adventures With Superman —> FC: H.enry Ca.vill Diana Prince circa multiple media and headcanons —> FC: M.ay Calma.wy Atom Eve circa Amazon Prime’s Invincible —> FC: Ab.igail Co.wen
[Illya Kuryakin - Canon Divergent from The Man From Uncle 2015 with heavy MCU/616 influences]
[James “Bucky” Barnes - MCU + 616 Mix]
[Arina Bondar- MCU/616 + TMFU (2015) OC]
[Adeliana Bondar-Kuryakin - MCU/616 + TMFU (2015) OC]
[Farah - The Tower]
[Theodore - The Devil]
[Vasily - The Emperor]
[Jane - High Priestess]
[Rosie - Justice]
[Relta - The Empress]
[Aislin - The World]
[Keife - The Hanged Man] Disne.y/Fairytale/Folklore Based: 1. Hercules (Hercules 1997) —> Sa.m Heu.gan & Hen.ry Ca.vill fcs 2. Flynn Rider (Tangled 2010) —> Seb.astian St.an 3. Dmitri (Anastasia 1997) —> De.rek K.lena - Megara (Disney’s Hercules 1997) —> Elizabeth Gilles - Sir Guy of Gisborne (BBC’s Robin Hood 2006-09) —> Richard Armitage
Mythology: [Lord Ares — FC Lee Pace / Richard Amirtage ]
[Queen Persephone — FC Charlotte Hope] [ Only shipped with King Hades]
[Queen Hera — FC Simone Ashley] [Only shipped with King Zeus]
[Lord Apollon — FC Chris Evans]
[King Hades — FC Keanu Reeves ] [Lady Aphrodite — FC Keira Knightley] [Freyja — FC Freya Mavor]
[Catherine of Aragon’s Muse Bio & Verses] [Henry VIII — Verses & Bio]
[Mary I’s Muse Bio & Verses]
[Relta’s historical verses] * [Prince Alastair] * [Lady/Princess Madeline] *
[Lady Marguerite of Gisborne — BBC’S Robin Hood / Sherwood OC]
[Maid Marian of Knighton — BBC’s Robin Hood / Sherwood] * [Lady Jane Grey — Amazon’s My Lady Jane] * = modern verses available
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twistedwit · 2 years
Welcome to #TWISTEDWIT ... this is a highly selective and mutually exclusive roleplay blog for bbc robin hood’s SIR GUY OF GISBORNE  est. feb 2014. This blog is mainly based on the 2006 bbc portrayal mixed with influences from other historical media. However, after seven years, Guy has really developed under my OWN PERSONAL HEADCANONS. So, think, hunter canon :))
topics featured on this blog : trauma reactions: when fight and fawn have a bastard love child . violence as a coping mechanism . more issues than vogue . ptsd can be sexy too . button pushing for fun and profit .
Written by HUNTER ( WHATEVER PRONOUNS I’M NOT FUSSY), 25+. . I fluctuate in activity and this blog should be considered to be on a PERMANENT SEMI-HIATUS.  //  Heavily affiliated with this Pirate ; also affiliated with this Spy
                                                  ** CARRD **
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heartlikeawound · 4 months
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➵ main ➵ bio ➵ face ➵ muse ➵ starters ➵ wishlist ➵
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Will is a canon character from Robin Hood. All details vary based on verse, but in general he's a mix of headcanons, folklore, and influences from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991). I'm happy to write him into AUs and fandom crossovers.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Will with other fairy tale characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry.
Family: Robin Locksley (half-brother), Marian (sister-in-law) Other: Sheriff of Nottingham, Guy Gisborne, Friar Tuck, any Robin Hood or Wizard of Oz muses
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default verses:
ever!after: Characters are reincarnated versions of their fairy tale counterparts, and few know who they truly are. Will is an ex Marine Sergeant who lost his arm and half his unit on his last mission and retired in Fableton. (bio)
fableverse: When the storybook worlds collapse, Will finds himself in a contemporary town called Fableton, where he works as a thief and a mechanic and does everything he can to avoid his half-brother, Robin. (bio)
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
horror!verse: Will is attacked by a rogue werewolf in the 1930s and joins a small pack of career military wolves, most of whom are killed in a dirty mission in the 60s. Reluctant to join and lose another pack, he primarily works as a bodyguard or a mercenary. (bio)
twd!verse: A zombie apocalypse AU with the same history as Ever After, only the breakout happens after Will settles in Fableton.
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rose-edith · 3 years
Being in love with Guy of Gisborne would include:
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•you’re not blind to his sometimes cruel and malicious actions and attitudes, but not do you see only that side of him- you can see the vulnerable, kind and caring side too. So while you’re surprised when you realise that you love him you’re not totally horrified by it either…some of your friends however, they might be a bit shocked.
•part of loving him is showing him what love is. It’s been so long since someone has genuinely liked and cared about him without an ulterior motive, he is after all a man of power and real substance. So it’s a bit of a learning curve for him to learn about what love is from you.
•he feels bad and low and lost sometimes, and in those moments you’re always there to remind him he’s worthy. At first he puts up a barrier and tries to brush your gentle concern for him off, but over time (as he realises that you’re serious and won’t ever leave his side) he opens up to you, he comes to understand that you want to help. Eventually he starts to reciprocate when he notices if you’re having a bad day.
•so yeah, helping him through his bad days is a big thing. You learn what helps him and slowly try to guide him to healthy coping habits. Before you he’d drink himself into unconsciousness, over time the drinking gets exchanged for a long gallop or a fast walk, or just time spent at your side.
•even before you fell in love with him you noticed his lack of ability in making sure he eats and drinks and rests properly. So if he’s looking tired or hungry or dehydrated you go into a mother hen type role, constantly badgering him until he relents and does as he suggests.
•being prepared to stand up to him. His life has been difficult and cold, so sometimes he struggles with his moral compass- he struggles with his empathy. And when these times come you have to be prepared to hold your ground and argue with him. And these arguments can be explosive and he’s never truly comfortable with them, he always storms off. It’s up to you to go to him to resolve it at first, he doesn’t know how to. But he learns how to make it up from you, and slowly the arguments lessen. With you at his side there’s no chance of him going in the wrong direction of morality.
•most days he still does not believe that you love him. He still expects it to be a cruel trick or for some personal or political gain, and every day you show him and tell him that you love him, just him and that you want nothing in return…except his heart, but only WHEN or IF he would like to give it to you.
•part of loving him includes teaching him about causal physical affection- hugs and holding hands etc. He’s very stiff with it at first (oh he can certainly stop you in the corridors with a hand on your waist or shoulder, but physical touch for a longer length of time is unknown to him). He comes to love hugs, his face lights up every morning and evening when you greet him with one, and eventually it becomes a common sight around Nottingham Castle to see you and Guy holding hands as you stroll down the corridors together. (It makes the Sheriff sick, because it’s “a sickening sight” or so he says anyway. But somehow that doesn’t make either of you stop it.)
•when he gets hurt and refuses to be seen by the physician you badger him into allowing you to tend to his wounds. This does mean barging into his room in the dead of night sometimes, it’s scandalous behaviour really considering that you’re unmarried, but you just want to make sure he’s well. Fortunately you know the basics of first aid and how to patch him up and keep him well.
•as soon as other people in the Castle and in the area more generally come to realise your feelings for Guy you experience a change of attitude towards you. The townsfolk are equally divided- some are still kind, hoping that you’ll prove to be a change for the better in Guy, others are cruel and spit at your feet. Even in the Castle lots of malicious gossip spreads, calling you all manner of rude words (the Sheriff takes part in this, he does like to stir the pot after all). Guy feels helpless to stop this and is worried it’ll make you back off and abandon him, but it doesn’t. You were prepared for the backlash.
•what you didn’t necessarily realise was that it’s strain your friendship with Robin Hood and his crew and Marian. Marian was the most supportive of the bunch, understanding that the heart wants what it wants. But Robin struggled. And unfortunately sometimes he did use you as a bargaining tool/threat. Being in love with Guy did put a big target on your back.
•it takes a long time but eventually he falls for you after you started your campaign to declare your love and win his heart. He doesn’t realise it fully until he has to save you from a grizzly confrontation with angry villagers, it’s not until you’re safe in his arms after he’s rescued you that he calms down and finally confesses that he loves you too.
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Being Married to Guy of Gisborne would include...
Author’s Note: This is a PART 2 to “Being Courted by Guy of Gisborne Would Include...”  
This is written with a female reader during the 12th-13th century Medieval Era. 
As always, if there is something you would like to request for characters from BBC Robin Hood, let me know. :) I’m gonna try working on more Reader Inserts as of late. Find out more details @jamiewritings
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You’ve made it to this point, it’s a victory! Now to just make it past the marriage ceremony without interruptions
Guy has been waiting with reserved anticipation for this day (which he honestly thought he would never get to have)
He wishes his family was here to witness this day and to meet you
He hasn’t been to much weddings, or hardly any at all and might not know how the traditions work. So except an awkward Knight who’s excited to see his bride. 
Seeing you pull up in the carriage in your wedding dress feels like a dream. He’s in absolute awe over it, but tries to play it off stoically. 
Guy just hopes everything meets up to your expectations. He’s been stressing over making sure everything is perfect with gathering the village to decorate and prepare the feast.
Hearing the townspeople cheer on your wedding, once the bell sounds, you make your way inside the church.
The priest speaks the vows and the crowd silently listens in. After, you exchange vows of your own and rings.
Now you are Lady Gisborne and he couldn’t be anymore happy. In fact, this is the happiest moment of his life. 
Not many marriages during this time were for love. Most were for political or social reasons or a means to survive, but luckily, you both came to love each other. 
He will work his hardest to be the best and most reliable husband for you. You are honestly his world now and a Gisborne. It means everything to him that you are with him. He also expects the same in return from his wife.
If he’s still working with the sheriff at this point, he will protect you from his wrath and terrible ways, making sure you don’t become a target on his radar or to be used as leverage against Guy himself. That’s the worst thing that could happen to him.
If he’s no longer working with the sheriff, everything is good. Just gotta focus on living out your new married life. 
As a married Noblewoman and Lady of an estate, some things are expected of you. Besides just giving an heir, you must also help run the lands either by talking to townspeople or watching over the household servants. 
Now, as for the marriage night or typical bedding ceremony that takes place during this time, you and Guy agree to just do your own thing without a crowd watching. And, oh boy, is he a passionate lover *wink wink*
Life with Guy has been wonderful. He is a good husband. 
I believe he would also try to teach you French so you can have private little conversations. However, he is still shy about showing this part of him because of how he’s been made fun of for it in the past.
However, the question of children was bound to come sooner or later and that’s just another journey in your lives together. 
Of course he would like a son. It’s every man’s goal to get an heir to carry on the family name and legacy during this time, but he also doesn’t mind having a girl first. He’ll love your child together either way.
He wants to give your children the best life that he can, not wanting them to experience his horrible childhood of losing his parents and home altogether. 
Once you tell him you’re with child, he’s absolutely happy. Count this as another happy moment of his life. 
During the pregnancy he’s super protective over you and the child, proving he will already be a wonderful Papa Bear to come. Seriously, no one is going to mess with his kid. They will regret it. 🔪🔪🔪
After you have the child, he’s completely in love with the kid, but that was no new news there. Now you are both happy parents.
There is also no mistaking the fact Guy would want more kids after this. 
Tag list: @starlight11​ @chaoticbitheatrekid​ @sunflowers-insherwood​ @anjhope1​ @mariansteamcastle​ @dumbassunderthemountain​ @whereswaldotho​ @let-djaqsayfuck​ 
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inakingd0mbythes3a · 3 years
Richard Armitage would have been the perfect Sandor Clegane. That is all. Nah, but seriously, been rewatching Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne in s3 really gives off Sandor vibes. He would have been perfect as book Sandor Clegane. I actually really like Rory in the role but for me book Sandor and series Sandor are two different characters.
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NSFW Headcanons~ Guy Gisborne
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(My gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Something tells me that Guys had more than a few sexual partners; or at least a few good flings with some of his cocktail waitresses, so I’m sure that he’s had plenty of experience prior to meeting you.
- Guy is very bad at not giving in to seduction so you should have no problem when trying to get him to come to bed with you. Sprinkle in some purposeful touches, a sultry smile and a bit of praise, and he’s scrambling to follow after you.
- He actually really enjoys giving head. It really boosts his ego to see you falling apart from just his tongue and fingers.
- While he likes giving head, he absolutely adores getting it. He firmly believes that blowjobs are perfect for every mood and he’s amazed at the fact that he has such a wonderful women willing to give him them.
- He’s not a huge fan of foreplay, he prefers to just get right down to it; although there’s always exceptions of course.
- You talking dirty is a borderline religious experience for him. And you whispering filth into his ear in public? He’s never been so close to cumming in his pants in his life.
- He’ll slip his hand up your dress while he’s sat next to you, leaning in close and alternate between pressing kisses to your face and locking eyes with you. He’ll only ever do it when you’re at home though, he doesn’t like the thought of anyone seeing you come undone. That’s for him to see.
- I firmly believe that Guy can be both submissive and dominant at the drop of a hat.
- You can really just knock this man off his feet and take him and he’d thank you for it. Honest. Push him onto your couch and mount him; he’ll be the definition of aroused.
- He tends to move somewhat slow, savoring the moment and letting the passion build and burn between you.
- He gives into all your requests without even thinking. Want him to go faster? Of course! Want him to be rougher? No problem. He just loves making you feel good.
- Being bent over things or sitting on top of them with him bent over you. Remember how I mentioned you getting railed for cooking him dinner? Yeah, well you probably ended up bent over your kitchen table or sink/counter.
- Eye contact is his kink. No matter what you’re doing, he wants you looking at him.
- As much as he loves bending you over something and taking you from behind, he does prefer missionary over anything else since he gets to watch your face and maintain eye contact.
- Honestly, he’ll probably get a mirror installed somewhere in some room just so he can watch you regardless of what position you’re in.
- As I’ve said before: domesticity is practically a kink of his so don’t be surprised if he just starts making a move on you out of seemingly nowhere. You probably just baked him something or combed your hair out really endearingly.
- Your neck? 10/10. He loves pressing his face into it, kissing all your little sweet spots and smelling your perfume. Its really the only thing that gives you a break from his intense gaze.
- Guy has major sugar daddy energy ...so just think about that.
- He almost loves seeing you in lingerie or sexy dresses more than he loves seeing you naked. There’s just something so hot about you wearing something revealing yet leaving certain things to the imagination; even though he’s seen it all before.
- He’s not a boob nor a butt guy, he’s a thigh man. He has a habit of burying his face in them or rubbing his face against them with a groan; particularly when you’re interrupted or tell him no. You never thought seeing a man with mussed up hair, resting his cheek on your leg would turn you on so much.
- If you’re coming over and he’s expecting that you’ll want to have sex, he tries to set the mood. Dimming the lights, pouring drinks, lighting candles, moving pillows, etc. It’s really sort of sweet when you realize it and think about it.
- He honestly prefers having sex outside of the bedroom; like in other parts of the house or a car. He likes having to squeeze close to you to fit but most of all, he loves the natural feeling of it. Like you were just having fun and things progressed perfectly so you just did it right there.
- He’s somewhat average sized but girthy in the most perfect way possible.
- He’ll usually pull out and cum on your thigh since that’s the easiest thing to do but he isn’t opposed to doing something else if you want him to.
- He likes laying down and cuddling with you for a while, rubbing his hands up and down your back and basking in that post-nut clarity. He probably told you he loved you for the first time after the two of you slept together.
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
When You're Ill. 
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Masterlist of this series
Comments/Notes/Housekeeping: Thank you to everyone who reblogged and commented on my last of the RA Character Headcanon Series. I appreciate it very much. I know I sound like a broken record, but please do consider a reblog if you like a post, and if you wish to be added on to my tag lists, please let me know.
This head canon post is how the characters would react to you being ill. Enjoy!
GUY OF GISBORNE: Guy will visit you when he has free time away from his duties, and normally brings you gifts, such as fruit and a new piece of clothing that he wants you to wear to the next banquet. He doesn't always have the right words to make you feel better, but just his presence helps.
RAY LEVINE: Ray can be a little overbearing. He is constantly asking you if you've taken medication and won't allow you do anything for yourself. He makes you go back to bed so that he can dote on you and be on hand to help.
FATHER LORENZO QUART: Father Quart notices that you haven't been yourself and will ask if you're alright. He is a very observant man and will make time for you so he can come and sit at your bedside. He will pray for you and even bring you a little treat, such as chocolate (for when you're feeling better, of course) or flowers.
THORIN OAKENSHIELD: Thorin doesn't want to leave you despite having counsel meetings constantly. He will make someone else go in his stead, probably Fili. You are his priority and he will stay with you, keeping you company and being on hand if you need anything.
FRANCIS DOLARHYDE: Francis, being quite unsure of himself, notices that you're ill and will ask if you're alright. He then begins to ask you if you've taken your medication or if you need a drink. He's thoughtful, making sure that you're taking care of yourself. But he is quite scared of becoming too overbearing.
JOHN THORNTON: Mr Thornton is known for his big heart. As soon as he learns of you being ill, he will bring you a basket of special foods and a bouquet of flowers. Then he will sit at your bedside and read to you. As he leaves, he places a gentle kiss on your forehead, urging you to ask for him if you need anything.
RAYMOND DE MERVILLE: Raymond isn't the most outwardly loving of people, but he will at least make a bit of effort if he knows you're ill. He visits you, coming to your room before and after his training sessions. There are no grand gestures or gifts, but he makes sure that all the maids are on hand for you.
JOHN PORTER: John will cheer you up. He'll make sure you're wrapped up in a blanket and sit with you, watching films. He will tell you jokes, waiting to see that beautiful smile. To you, when you're ill, nothing is better than having John Porter next to you to make everything better.
LUCAS NORTH: Lucas can be quite attentive, and will make sure that you have what you need: food, drink, medications, warmth. Despite such a busy lifestyle, he will manages to come and see you. He will sit next to you, holding you.
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @knitastically @middleearthpixie @linasofia @xxbyimm @asgardianhobbit98 @guardianofrivendell @meganlpie @luna-xial @spidergirla5 @sunflwrnsunnieshine @rachel1959 @msjava1972
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piraticalwit · 3 years
Though the world has gone to shit in a hand basket Killian and Guy still try to find the beauty in things. One or the other will often take pretty rocks or odd looking leaves etc and build little ( i mean tiny) mosaics for the other to wake up to. It creates a sort of ‘home like’ atmosphere in the various camps they settle into for the night.
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Winter RH Headcanons
In winter in Sherwood Forest it’s cold, it’s wet, it’s frosty, and there’s snow.
(once again the amount of bullet points make this quite long but it’s so fluffy you won’t even need to wear a coat because it will get all warm in your heart instead)
- ‘i’m not bring funny, right, but it’s freezing’
- the gang find ways to sleep together to preserve heat (huddle for warmth!)
- this usually ends up with Robin, Much, John and Allan, Will, Djaq snuggled together
- they pack leaves and mud into the crevices of the camp to keep wind and rain out as much as possible
- the front door is to be kept shut at All Possible Times
- the worst feeling is when it's opened first thing in the morning (usually by resident early bird Much, who is making breakfast)
- he usually gets at least 2 objects thrown at him and 5 discontented grumbles as he opens the door to inspect the traps for food
- it’s the rule that two fires should be blazing rather than one
- from which Much makes lots and lots of hot teas and mulled wines to warm the gang up after a long day of work
- and hot water bottles are used 24/7
- they have competitions to see who can keep moving for the longest to avoid the cold (Allan or Much usually wins)
- the only gifts of thanks they will accept from villagers are warm clothes
- the word soon spreads and they have woollen jumpers and scarves and hats thrown at them left right and centre
- Much loves his bobble hat and john is secretly jealous of it
- Will owns about ten different scarves
- John is so grateful for his big coat
- Much gets even more inventive with the food sources, him and Djaq doing lots of foraging and hunting the most random of animals
- winter is the hardest time for the villagers too so the lads can't have any time off
- though this is kind of a blessing as it means they have no reason to lay around in the cold
- when they rob nobles passing through the forest they take their warm clothes and distribute them to the poor. To avoid being found wearing obviously stolen clothes the villagers come up with creative methods and designs to help them fit into their everyday attire
-  getting wet feet is the worst (Much particularly hates it) so they have as many pairs of socks as possible to change when they need to
-  they also make sure they have two pairs of shoes each, one pair to wear while the others dry
-  everyone expects Much to complain the most about the cold, but actually Djaq comes in first with Much and Robin tied for second place as they are all used to the heat of the holy land
- John pretends that he doesn’t feel the cold due to his Scottish Blood but actually he would be freezing without his coat
-  Will makes sure to watch that Djaq has ways of keeping warm and dry at all times even when they’re not explicitly together, he just cares about her a lot okay
-  Djaq likes wearing Will’s scarves because they smell like him
-  Robin and Much swap clothes often too, as Much feels warmer when his clothes are tighter and Robin likes snuggling into larger pieces
-  because getting wet likely means getting cold and hence ill, the gang don't wash and start becoming a bit smelly
-  they don't notice it until the villagers they're helping keep scrunching their noises
-  they can't do much about it though apart from wash their faces more often
-  Luke always calls the days where it is so cold you can see your breath 'dragon breath day' and so Will calls it this too
-  soon all the gang refer to it this way, with even Robin cheering everyone up on particularly grey days by saying a cheerful 'don't worry lads, it's dragon breath day!'
-  when Djaq first sees snow she proper freaks out
-  Allan manages to lob a snowball at her face and it goes down her neck and she gets so mad
- a very competitive snowball fight breaks out
-  Robin obviously has the best aim, but Will makes wickedly ice-hard ones and John's throw packs a punch
-  Allan just shoves snow down people's necks for a laugh
-  John is used as a human shield way too much for his liking
-  Much convinces Robin to make a snowman with him, soon the entire gang are helping out and even the villagers donate a carrot
-  when it snows and they go around delivering supplies to the villagers, they often end up in massive snow games with them
-  once it was Nettlestone vs Clun with the gang scattered on both sides and that was a day that went down in Nottingham history
-  the gang's favourite hot meal to come home to is Much's rabbit stew
-  Marian gets warm clothing and food to them as much as possible, even gifting them chamber pots so they haven't got to leave the camp to go to the loo in the woods in the middle of the night
-  it was A Problem before she did that
-  everyone finds the cloaks really annoying and heavy but they have to wear them to keep warm so Much embroiders little patterns onto each person's to make them feel better about wearing them
-  Guy is Edgy so his favourite season in actually winter even though it's freezing
-  he puts on layers of yellow knitted jumpers under his black leather to stay cosy but fashionable
-  he would kill anyone who saw what colour his jumpers were though
-  they were his mother's and father's so he wears them when they can (he likes to imagine the warmth he feels from them is the same warmth as one of their hugs)
-  what Guy doesn't appreciate, however, is how the rain makes his eyeliner run
-  he gets special stuff from the holy land imported instead, it's water resistant
-  Sherwood becomes gorgeous in the frost
-  when the sun hits it in the morning and the entire wood is gleaming with cobwebs and ice
-  it's secretly Robin's favourite part of the day
-  he was sad when he missed a winter in Acre (Much, not so much)
-  they leave rude messages for Guy and the Sheriff in the snow around Nottingham
-  and they greatly enjoy lobbing snowballs at the Sheriff and his men whenever they leave the castle
-  however they have to play it careful because in the snow their footprints are easier to track
- forget the floor is lava, the floor leaves footprints and so they get good at climbing over stuff to confuse people trying to track them
- to make up for the gloomy and cold days Will and Allan paint loads of bits and bobs around the camp bright colours
-  because it gets dark and cold early they spend more time together in the evenings, and they play loads of games (charades: Allan always wins) and sing lots together
-  John plays the lute and Allan a pipe and they spend many an evening singing increasingly foul songs about the Sheriff and Guy
- basically it’s cold outside but warm in everyone’s hearts <3
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let-djaqsayfuck · 4 years
marian: yeah i kinda like horses
guy, possessed by the spirit of ellen: oh, did you mean you wanted a new one? a whole new one? the best most expensive one i can find? a new barn? 10 of them? you want 10? i heard 12. we’re moving you to a horse ranch now.
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buildarocketboys · 4 years
autistic!guy of gisborne is honestly becoming such a precious headcanon to me and I don't wanna go into it rn but for me he just. Is. And I love him.
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saoildorcha · 5 years
11. How do they feel about spiders? @guy
ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛs / ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs / @humanityshope
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Not a huge fan, but also not really afraid of them?? I feel like there’s some joke in the reincarnation verse where Guy is the designated spider-killer because Marian, Robin and Liv won’t go near them and he’s just like “8||| okay whatever”.
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yourfaveisabaritone · 6 years
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Guy of Gisborne is a Baritone!
(Robin Hood BBC)
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