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Lily Potter didn’t die protecting her son. Instead, she was placed in a coma, awakening 11 years later. Dumbledore warns her that the Dark Lord will return again and come after Harry, prompting her to take up his offer working as an Assistant Professor at Hogwarts under Severus Snape. AU. Eventual Snily.
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honey-reads · 2 years
We authors love the process of writing and readers generally respect that. Seeing people come onto blogging apps purely to make money, but with nothing significant to say, is really unsettling. I don’t want to read something that a computer wrote. I want to know the inner workings of a writer’s mind.
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n1ghtwnng · 6 years
Hey! I made a patreon, please back it :) 
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Everlasting Love From Brooklyn by @jamiewritings
Bucky Barnes x Rodgers OC, Victoria Rodgers
Steve Rodgers x twin sister! OC
Absolutely amazing story and it's also finished, so yay! It's about an OC Victoria Rodgers, Steve's twin sister and her life following the marvel movies\series starting with Captain America The First Avenger. The author is also going to be making a shorter AU of the story called Winter Soliders about what would have happen if Victoria would have become a Hydra solider with Bucky.
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versosdeunlunatico · 6 years
Estuvimos en guerra todo el tiempo.
“Hope is real, Help is real”
Un miércoles cualquiera miras hacia atrás y te das cuenta de que has estado en guerra la mayor parte de tu vida, que existe un lugar mas hostil que tu propia cabeza.
Cuando lidias con la depresión te conviertes poco a poco en eso que nunca quisiste ser. Empiezas a odiar todo lo que tiene que ver contigo, te cuesta levantarte de la cama porque eso significaría tener que salir afuera, al mundo real, a vivir, y eso es lo que menos quieres hacer. 
Me di cuenta de que estuve en guerra hace casi 6 años, no entendía este deseo intrínseco de no vivir, de hacer cosas que me mataran, aunque fuera poco a poco. Drogas, alcohol, pastillas para dormir, relaciones insanas y todo aquello que pudiese poner en riesgo la capacidad sobrenatural de un corazón que no quería seguir latiendo.
Recuerdo que ni siquiera podía pararme cerca de los bordes de la calle y que evitaba caminar por los puentes por temor a ese “Anda, lánzate. Acabemos con esto.”
“Hope is real, Help is real” ¿ pero como demonios busca ayuda alguien que ni siquiera sabe lo que tiene? ¿Como curas el dolor de un corazón que sabes que volverá a romperse de nuevo?
Enciende el cigarrillo, sal de esa cama, date un baño y trata de echarle ganas al día, los milagros pasan, yo soy un milagro, es un milagro que pueda escribir esto, es otro milagro que alguien en algún lugar afuera pueda leerlo, eres un milagro, estas vivo a pesar de todo. Ya no somos prisioneros de guerra,esta bien llorar, esta bien reír llorando, esta bien que no sepas porque estas llorando, pero es un milagro que estés aquí, que sigas con nosotros, que respires.
Que no se muera la esperanza aunque se apaguen los cigarros, puedes dejar de cortarte, puedes dejar de vomitar todo lo que comes, puedes hacerlo, eres un ser de luz, un milagro, un superviviente que ha logrado atravesar guerras inimaginables aunque sientas que todas han sido una derrota. 
Levántate de esa cama y pide ayuda, recibe la ayuda y se valiente, agarrate fuerte, que somos guerreros de Luz, sobrevivientes de muchas batallas y esta no es la que va a acabar con nosotros. 
Ricardo M. Jimenez. 
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This just made me ball. My life is so messed up right now. I just can’t reiterate how much I wouldn’t be here without Jamie and @twloha @jamiewrites 💙
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(Life on Mars) Sam Tyler x Reader - Somebody Help Me
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write something for Sam Tyler ever since I rewatched Life on Mars because he honestly deserves the world (plus it’s another role of John Simm’s I love, so this was born.
Summary: Sam Tyler finds out he isn’t the only person whose’s woken up to find themselves in 1973. 
Lyrics to Somebody Help Me by Full Blown Rose. This is written with a Female Reader. This will also be posted on my Ao3. 
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I'm being haunted by a whisper A chill comes over me I've been trapped inside this moment I'm not a victim, I'm not a freak
Free me before I slip away Heal me wake me from this day Can somebody help me?
It all happened so fast, in the blink of an eye. One minute you were in your normal time and place -- the year 2022 to be exact -- and then the next, everything went black. The sound of a ventilator and chatter you couldn’t quite make out were all around you.
And then, you jolted up. You were inside some room, tied to a chair. The first thing that immediately stuck out to you was your clothes. They were different. Retro. You went from wearing shirts and shorts to bellbottom pants with a hideous floral blouse right out of the 70s. 
Was this a prank? Was someone playing a joke on you? Or did you somehow show up at a decades party, drunk with no memory?
We’re losing her again. Another voice sounded. Suddenly things were starting to spin, darkness starting to fill your vision and you were gasping for air, not understanding what was going on. 
The door burst open and you could barely see the forms making their way into the room, holding guns. Someone grabbed you, looking over you with concern. A heart monitor started to beep again.
We’ve got a pulse! She’s back with us! Hang in there, Y/N!
You gasped for air, clinging onto the person before you as you started to make out their face. He was a handsome looking fellow, with dark brown hair and a black leather jacket. “It’s okay, I’m DI Sam Tyler. You’re okay now.”
“I don’t even know what’s going on!” you stated. “I’m not even supposed to be here. What year is this?”
His eyes went wide. “What do you mean? It’s 1973...”
Now it was your turn be wide eyed with shock. “1973! No, no! I’m from...it’s...2022. W-What happened to me?”
Had he finally found someone in the same situation as himself? Someone who landed in a coma, only to find themselves taken back to the past? Sam Tyler let out a shaky, but somewhat joyful breath. 
“Oh no, did this broad get hit over the head or something?” Gene Hunt exclaimed, walking in to gaze at them. “Stop gawking and take care of her.”
Sam Tyler nodded, untying you and helping you downstairs into the car. “I know what you’re going through. Something happened to you back home and you’ve woken to find yourself in another world, right?”
He paused briefly. “I’m from 2007.”
You blinked. “Is everyone playing some kind of joke on me?”
“No,” He shook his head sadly. “I know it may seem crazy, but you are in 1973. Can you remember what happened to you?”
You could tell he seemed genuine in his response. You had no idea where you were, what had happened or what even was going on. Tears started to come to your eyes. “T-There’s these voices...I’m scared. I don’t understand what’s happening to me.”
He surprised you by suddenly taking you into a hug. “It’s okay, I’m going to help you.”
A/N: Feedback is always highly welcome. I’m leaving it open for a part 2 when I eventually get to it. 
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Just another little random Logyn one shot of mine. Feedback is always appreciated. 
Summary: Sigyn, the daughter to a couple of diplomats that work for the Royal Asgardian Family meets the youngest prince for the first time, sparking a longtime friendship and binding their fates together forever. A Prequel to Fate Brought Us Together.
Pairing: Loki/Sigyn
Tags: Developing Friendships, Red String of Fate, Fate & Destiny, Soulmates, Childhood Friends, Pre-Thor (2011)
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I’ve posted one of my old meta’s from here onto Ao3. I’m gonna start doing the same with the rest of my works! 
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Spock x Telepathic!Reader Headcanons
Author’s note: So this is one of the ideas that’s been a plot bunny in my head for days that I finally had to sit down and type out. Obviously Vulcan’s are highly telepathic beings in general, but what if one came across a Human with the ability as well? We’re talking abilities in Telepathy, as well as Telekinesis. I took some notes on the subject from the wiki. 
Pairing: Spock x Telepathic!Reader (can apply for TOS, AOS or Discovery Spock.) 
Warnings: None apply.
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Spock wouldn’t know how to react. He could sense another telepath in the room, he just couldn’t figure out who it was since you kept it well-hidden.
However, once on a mission with the potential of everyone else being in danger, you finally have to reveal yourself to the crew. 
Everyone is shocked, but none more than Spock who can now understand you better than anyone else due to his telepathic nature.
It makes you feel less lonely as the two of you start to connect. 
Spock tries to teach you how to better control your powers through some teachings of the Vulcan way. 
Eventually, you both are seen meditating and spending a lot of time together, leaving the crew to think there is something more going on between you both.
Having grown up as a rare telepathic human, you’ve never been able to feel like you truly belonged anywhere until meeting Spock. He feels the same, believing he can understand humanity a little more through your eyes.
One things for sure: Neither of you will ever feel lonely again. 
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Being in an arranged marriage to Guy of Gisburne (Robin of Sherwood) Would Include…
Author’s Note: I’ve recently continued my watch of the amazing, Robin of Sherwood by Richard Carpenter. It is a wonderfully historic Robin Hood mixed with some Celtic stuff and gives a bit of the classic 80s Doctor Who feels off to. I’ve surprisingly come to love Robert Addie’s portrayal of Gizzy, adding it as another one of my favorite Gisborne’s next to Richard Armitage. 
I’ve been wanting to write something for him for a while, so here’s a thing. Was originally going to be a reader insert, but because of my tendonitis, it’s now a headcanon thing. 
Pairing: Female!Reader x Guy of Gisburne (Robert Addie)
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Your parents have worked out an arranged marriage for you. Arriving at Nottingham Castle with a dowry, you finally meet your future husband: Sir Guy of Gisburne. 
He doesn’t have much, just working as the right-hand man to the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Things between you will be off to a rocky start as you get to know each other, especially when Robin Hood interferes. 
He’s so awkward because he doesn’t know how to act around you, often being rough and rude.
The sheriff tries to give him advice, which turns out to be a disaster. No surprise. 
At first he tries to act all tough and demanding, but it doesn’t woo you at all.
However, you notice that when he’s not being influenced by the sheriff or in the presence of another noble, he can actually be a really sweet person.
Once you start to get close to each other, he finally opens up to you about his family, with his mother being a nun.
But things get hairy when you come across Robin Hood, who tries to use you against Guy at times. This causes Guy to get far more angry, feeling embarrassed that the outlaw is trying to make a fool of him in front of you. 
He starts questioning things, hoping you aren’t working with Robin Hood at all. 
However, once he sees you are on his side completely, any fears he has is laid to rest.
Guy usually tries to protect you from the wrath of the Sheriff, which ends up meaning that everything is directed at him (as usual.) 
You would honestly be able to help Guy through the realization that Robert of Huntingdon is his half-brother...at least once you hear the news from his mother. He isn’t going to take it easily, but he’s grateful he has you there. 
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I have this Headcanon about Annie Cartwright and what she means for Sam. If Gene is a “Guardian Angel/Protector” of all cops -- especially to Sam -- then Annie is the grounding symbolism of Hope, Peace and Acceptance. 
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It explains why she just seems to go along with Sam’s talk about the future. It explains why she is the only one he could confide the truth about himself to from the very start (and why he continues to tell her and only her.) It explains why when Sam asks her at the end of Season 1, Episode 1 when he thinks of jumping off the roof of What he should do, Annie replies with: Stay. It’s also why all throughout Season 2, Episode 1 when Sam keeps struggling to stay in 1973 because of Tony Crane attacking him in the real world (either by his breathing or vision) that she is the only one to bring him back in the moment, grounding him safely. 
Plus, since Sam is the one who saved her from his father, it’s more to why they have a connection. He helped her, so she helps him. They are both Hope, Peace and Acceptance for each other. 
Annie Cartwright: We all feel like jumping sometimes, Sam. Only we don't. Me and you, because we're not cowards.
Sam Tyler : What should I do, Annie?
Annie Cartwright : Stay.
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Summary: What if instead of getting silence, when Avallac’h tries to use the magic lamp to communicate with Lara Dorren’s spirit, she has some last words for him. (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt) 
Pairing: Lara Dorren/Avallac’h
Tags: Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Tragic Romance, Arranged Marriage, Angst and Tragedy, Speak to the Dead, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Word Count: 2,248
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Being Married to Guy of Gisborne would include...
Author’s Note: This is a PART 2 to “Being Courted by Guy of Gisborne Would Include...”  
This is written with a female reader during the 12th-13th century Medieval Era. 
As always, if there is something you would like to request for characters from BBC Robin Hood, let me know. :) I’m gonna try working on more Reader Inserts as of late. Find out more details @jamiewritings
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You’ve made it to this point, it’s a victory! Now to just make it past the marriage ceremony without interruptions
Guy has been waiting with reserved anticipation for this day (which he honestly thought he would never get to have)
He wishes his family was here to witness this day and to meet you
He hasn’t been to much weddings, or hardly any at all and might not know how the traditions work. So except an awkward Knight who’s excited to see his bride. 
Seeing you pull up in the carriage in your wedding dress feels like a dream. He’s in absolute awe over it, but tries to play it off stoically. 
Guy just hopes everything meets up to your expectations. He’s been stressing over making sure everything is perfect with gathering the village to decorate and prepare the feast.
Hearing the townspeople cheer on your wedding, once the bell sounds, you make your way inside the church.
The priest speaks the vows and the crowd silently listens in. After, you exchange vows of your own and rings.
Now you are Lady Gisborne and he couldn’t be anymore happy. In fact, this is the happiest moment of his life. 
Not many marriages during this time were for love. Most were for political or social reasons or a means to survive, but luckily, you both came to love each other. 
He will work his hardest to be the best and most reliable husband for you. You are honestly his world now and a Gisborne. It means everything to him that you are with him. He also expects the same in return from his wife.
If he’s still working with the sheriff at this point, he will protect you from his wrath and terrible ways, making sure you don’t become a target on his radar or to be used as leverage against Guy himself. That’s the worst thing that could happen to him.
If he’s no longer working with the sheriff, everything is good. Just gotta focus on living out your new married life. 
As a married Noblewoman and Lady of an estate, some things are expected of you. Besides just giving an heir, you must also help run the lands either by talking to townspeople or watching over the household servants. 
Now, as for the marriage night or typical bedding ceremony that takes place during this time, you and Guy agree to just do your own thing without a crowd watching. And, oh boy, is he a passionate lover *wink wink*
Life with Guy has been wonderful. He is a good husband. 
I believe he would also try to teach you French so you can have private little conversations. However, he is still shy about showing this part of him because of how he’s been made fun of for it in the past.
However, the question of children was bound to come sooner or later and that’s just another journey in your lives together. 
Of course he would like a son. It’s every man’s goal to get an heir to carry on the family name and legacy during this time, but he also doesn’t mind having a girl first. He’ll love your child together either way.
He wants to give your children the best life that he can, not wanting them to experience his horrible childhood of losing his parents and home altogether. 
Once you tell him you’re with child, he’s absolutely happy. Count this as another happy moment of his life. 
During the pregnancy he’s super protective over you and the child, proving he will already be a wonderful Papa Bear to come. Seriously, no one is going to mess with his kid. They will regret it. 🔪🔪🔪
After you have the child, he’s completely in love with the kid, but that was no new news there. Now you are both happy parents.
There is also no mistaking the fact Guy would want more kids after this. 
Tag list: @starlight11​ @chaoticbitheatrekid​ @sunflowers-insherwood​ @anjhope1​ @mariansteamcastle​ @dumbassunderthemountain​ @whereswaldotho​ @let-djaqsayfuck​ 
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Summary: The story of Lara Dorren is told differently from both humans and elves, but no one knows the truth of it except for Lara herself, because she lived it… and survives to tell the tale. AU "What If" Lara survived.
Spoilers/Warnings/Tags: This story will incorporate things from The Witcher Books, Netflix Series and some bits of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. What to expect from this story: Angst and Tragedy, Family Issues, Ancestors, Generational Trauma, Family Bonding, Fate & Destiny, Tragic Romance, Star-Crossed Lovers, Alternate Universe, Mostly Healing Generational Trauma, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Rekindled Romance, Screw Destiny, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy & Prophecy.
Pairings: Lara Dorren/Cregennan of Lod, Avallac’h/Crevan/Lara Dorren (Main Romantic Pairing), Cirilla & Lara (Family Relationship)
Triggers/Warnings: Depression, Grief, Loss, Murder, Trauma, and Family Feels.
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Being courted by Guy of Gisborne would include…
Author’s Note: Here’s some things from the show (and also some headcanons) concerning courting/dating Guy. I thought it would be fun to make it and explore. I’ll make one exploring marriage with him sometime soon!
This is written with a female reader during the 12th century Medieval Era. 
As always, if there is something you would like to request for characters from BBC Robin Hood, let me know. :)
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Don’t let his cold, icy, and harsh demeanor scare you away. He’s honestly a romantic, passionate and emotional man underneath this leather armor who has been deeply hurt and has many issues to resolve.
Him being awkward with affection or expressing his feelings at first because he isn’t use to such things. He knows practically everyone in Nottingham fears him or hates him because of his work with the sheriff. Not to mention his tragic past being another issue.
Expect him showering you with tons of gifts. It’s his way of expressing the words he has difficulty saying and showing he can provide for you.
He doesn’t want you to get the wrong impression of him and wants your approval and acceptance of him as a person.
Will be really hesitant to talk about his past with you since it’s still something that haunts him deeply.
He will be really happy if you don’t have any ties to Robin Hood, especially if you dislike the outlaw just as he does.
Once he starts warming up to you and knowing he can trust you, Guy will start to share little things with you about his day or feelings more.
Loyalty is a BIG thing he takes seriously, so if he starts to suspect you betraying his trust you in, he will be deeply hurt and may react harsh towards you in order to protect himself. 
But once you talk things out with him and clear the misunderstanding, Guy will calm down. You two may need to learn on having faith with one another’s intentions.
After sometime, Guy may start to consider you as marriage potential and might just randomly propose when in the heat of the moment, even if the moment may not be the greatest. 
He wishes to have a family with you to make up for the family he lost in his childhood and thinks you could help him restore the Gisborne family name. 
Guy will become protective over you, not wishing to lose someone else he loves. He’s lived a pretty lonely and sad life. 
He doesn’t want you to know of the darkness that clouds his job working for the sheriff which could cause problems. 
Once you two talk it out and he expresses this was his only means to provide for himself and he doesn’t always agree with Vaisey, and that he also sees your opinion of him won’t change, Guy may start to relax about it and open up to you more with it. 
Guy would also feel more comfortable if you could speak French or accept that part of him since he is part French and part English, something he was ridiculed for in his youth. 
At some point, Guy will start to slowly open up to you about his past if he trusts you enough. 
Honestly, he needs lots of love, hugs, and knowing that no one will leave him and that someone loves him for who he is. He needs security in all forms! Guy suffers from trauma and abandonment/trust issues. He is also manipulated and treated horribly by the sheriff, which doesn’t help him heal or be the best person he could be.
It maybe a struggle to convince him to leave the sheriff’s ways because it’s all he’s ever really known…but you could probably help him see reason if you keep trying. 
Tag list: @starlight11​ @chaoticbitheatrekid​ @sunflowers-insherwood​ @wonderbatforever​ @anjhope1​ @mariansteamcastle​
(also tagging others I think would like this…): @thecurioussimmeruk​ @fizzyxcustard​ @dumbassunderthemountain​ @songsoficeandcj​ @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig​ @let-djaqsayfuck​
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