#Guys of PLL
urfavsillydoll · 7 days
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Got this new miss me jean I love it so much❕🩶
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 months
Fan favourite characters I dislike poll
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curlytemple · 4 months
my cousin kevin… who lives in riverdale… he’s gay. and i’d never want to hurt him. 🎶I’M IN THE CORNER, WATCHIN YOU KISS HER, OHHHH-
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winethorn · 11 days
so late but lol better late than never amirite
love yall
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gurlypop · 2 months
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
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What a sweetie.
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dralbum · 1 year
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acemeg · 3 months
connor mcdavid and tom schreiber were separated at birth
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clark-hailey77 · 8 months
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Julian Morris [15.01.24]
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
PLL: OS (Summer School) 2x06 thoughts
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x06 of Summer School + the trailer for the final 3 episodes.
*Spoilers for the Scream franchise
So. Many. Thoughts.
Okay, here I am trying a new method of breaking down this episode, because I don't think going girl by girl makes sense this time. Instead I'm going to try to group things by general topic, and then go in to further speculation.
PLEASE NOTE: I do plan to talk about some of the stuff we see in the trailer (the 2x06-2x08 trailer) and how that plays in to my suspicions/theories, so if you are avoiding that trailer, you may not want to engage with this post.
So, first up-
The Love Interests
We got a lot of time with the various love interests in this ep, so I'm just going to break all that down.
Henry - He's barely in the episode, I honestly don't think he's important. It's possible he gave info on the girls to someone at some point, but I don't think Henry is the mastermind behind everything.
Ash - We finally got a little bit more time with Ash! It did not escape me that if he were a killer, Ash does have a motive to kill Pastor Malachi (or anyone associated with the church). That being said, setting up Ash vs The Church (as they do with Pride vs Redemption House) with Ash ultimately being the villain doesn't feel like something this show would want to do. While far from perfect, it's too self aware to not see how that would imply a validation of the church's bigoted beliefs. I think the show is also very aware of the criticisms of Cece and would like to avoid falling into the same pitfalls.
Shawn - We don't see him too much this episode, and nothing has changed here. He is still behaving the way he has behaved all season, but whether or not that is genuine is tbd.
Johnny - Also not a ton to say about Johnny based on this episode (though there is one thing that I'll get to in my speculation section), as he continues to also behave the same as he has all season. Imogen did reveal a lot of personal and specific information to him, so I'm definitely keeping an eye open to see if Bloody Rose or someone else seems to utilize that information (i.e. Imogen tells Johnny about her mom's suicide being in the bath, but Redemption House stages it in her bedroom, presumably because they don't know where it was). He does also say that he understands "what that type of pain can be," when Imogen talks about her mom, so that's... interesting.
Jen - I am still very confused about what the show wants us to think/feel about this character. That is not to say that I am all that confused about how I personally feel, but the show seems to send so many mixed signals with her. Everything about her (her past, her current behavior, her motives, etc.) feels very unresolved, like every time I think I understand what they want us to think of her, they rip that rug right out again. She also seems to be getting the same weird benefit of the doubt that Christian and Johnny are (from the girls, I mean), and I have no idea why. All 3 of these characters should be under more scrutiny from the girls, for sure.
Greg - Listen, I think this episode makes it very clear (I mean, I've assumed it since the first ep, but I wasn't sure they were going to spell out this season) that Greg has a huge crush on Faran. That, or he really is trying to kill everyone, but it doesn't feel like we know enough about him personally for him to have a motive that makes sense. So, anyway, I'm just assuming it's the former. But if this is the case, it feels like set up for a potential season 3, not necessarily all that important in this season (unless he dies trying to help Faran or something, which honestly I could totally see happening).
Christian - As much as I didn't think Christian was involved early on, most of my belief of that was due to my assumption that the girls would suspect him, and that didn't happen. So, he has now shot way up my board of suspects. Since I don't believe Bloody Rose could possibly be doing all of this alone, having an alibi for a BR attack means nothing to me. Of course, the Wes stuff also makes Christian look more suspicious- Wes vanishes and then Tabby and Christian find "knock off" masks at his place? In my last episode analysis, I talked about my suspicions of Wes, and they still exist, but he also could be the fall guy, with Christian intentionally setting him up.
Redemption House/Pastor Malachi/Mrs. Beasley/Kelly/Mrs. Langsberry
Redemption House - I mean, it's not unexpected. We knew it was going to be like this, right? From the trailer, I thought that it was perhaps an indication that someone in the girl's inner circle had betrayed details of their trauma specifically (since, as they mention, the rooms feel "almost" targeted), but this doesn't seem to be the case, particularly because we never see anything like Faran's (which makes sense, it has nothing to do with the topics that would usually be covered in a hell house).
My main questions about Redemption House are- who booked it? (like Tabby's mom said it was an LLC, but as BR is feeling more and more separate from the church itself, and BR not being specifically involved in that seems like it would be a huge coincidence), and how was Rose able to take over/change the scene in Imogen's mom's room without anyone else noticing (like where was Kelly?)?
Of course, Imogen's mental health struggles and history of hallucinations is a problem for the audience here, because we don't know exactly how much of what she experienced was real. Was any of it? I tend to think yes, as what would be the odds she would imagine a letter visually consistent with the others? But we don't know for sure. It's just difficult to know how much we can trust Imogen's perspective of things.
Pastor Malachi - So... BR killed Pastor Malachi. Why? Because he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or was it targeted? Considering the beliefs he's peddling, there are a lot of people who would have motive, but who knows? He clearly didn't know or recognize Bloody Rose, so that seems to cut him out as a co-conspirator.
Mrs. Beasley - She's still weird and suspicious, but would she have killed Pastor Malachi? What would be the purpose of that? I don't mean that she necessarily would have done that herself, but if she is the mastermind, then presumably it would have been done on her orders, and I just don't see why. I would have said, "maybe he knows too much," but he didn't seem to know anything.
Kelly - Okay, let's talk about Kelly. I know a lot of people have been suspicious of her possibly being Bloody Rose, and she does have some really weird behavior, so I get it. The problem is... I struggle to see who Kelly would be organizing with in order to pull this off. When I thought it was the church, then she had a lot of allies, but now that they don't seem to be directly involved, that really narrows down who she could be working with. She has to be working with someone if she's Bloody Rose because we know where she was during several BR attacks (she was with Greg during Sandy's, she was at the roller rink during Mouse's, etc.) so she can't be BR all the time. I guess this could play into the theories that Karen is still alive, but I just don't see how they've done enough to support that kind of reveal. Kelly is suspicious, but she also seems... very tortured? Even when we see her completely alone, she seems vulnerable, which just doesn't quite add up to the kind of cold calculation required to pull all this off, so... that feels off to me. No matter what, I don't think it's possible for her to be working alone.
Mrs. Langsberry - Well, she has finally reappeared. And she is religious. I get why people suspect her. I'm not locked in with her, but I've also not ruled her out.
Other Suspects
Rebecca - Nothing new here. The "reveal" of Imogen's mom certainly adds a layer to that story, but since she does not appear and is not mentioned, I don't know what else to say.
Dr. Sullivan - Also does not appear in this episode. I still think something about her personal life/past is going to come out, but I don't think it's going to be what the Liars think.
Wes - Okay, I'm finally ready to talk about Wes. Two weeks ago I talked about the belief that Wes was behind the SpookySpaghetti films, then last week I talked about the idea that Wes might be making a real life horror movie (explaining why Rose's "tests" are so theatrical and don't really make sense if you want to kill someone), and I still think this "someone is making a movie" theory holds water, but I waver back and forth on whether or not that person is definitely Wes. I very much thought that he was likely the "big bad" after 2x05. Now, with the attention drawn to him the way it is... I'm not so sure. In 2x05 when Wes didn't show up to work, and Tabby and Christian brushed it off, I immediately thought of Scream and what Randy says about Sidney's dad in the first film when they couldn't find him, "Because he's probably dead. His body will come popping up in the last reel somewhere, eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!" Randy's kind of right and kind of wrong. Sidney's dad does show up at the end, and something bad has happened to him, but he's alive because he's meant to die at the very end and take the fall for Billy & Stu. With all the Scream references this season, it would not surprise me in the slightest if whoever is behind all this has plans for who will take the blame instead of them. And, if someone is setting Wes up, Christian would be the most logical choice- he has access, Wes probably wouldn't hesitate to meet with him alone, Christian could easily plant the "knock off" masks, and other evidence, etc. That being said, whether Wes is guilty or not, I still fully believe that the Bloody Rose plot has a minimum of 2 characters, and possibly more than that. I also think it's very interesting that Tabby hallucinated Wes dead. If the girls begin to suspect something terrible has happened to him (instead of that he could be behind things), it might push me more towards, Wes is the one behind this. So we'll see what 2x07 gives us, I guess.
Misc. Thoughts & Suspicions (***seriously Spoilers for the 2x06-2x08 trailer***)
Okay, this one just jumped right out at me during the episode, and it could mean absolutely nothing at all (could just be a matter of the set dressers having certain supplies), BUT when Tabby and Christian go to look for Wes, we get this shot-
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And in the trailer for 2x06-2x08, we see the inside of Johnny's bedroom, particularly this shot-
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Do y'all see what I see?
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Both Wes & Johnny have big posters of Edgar Allen Poe. In my trailer breakdown (I was mostly joking), I mentioned that it was kinda weird that Johnny has an Edgar Allen Poe poster when all the rest of the stuff on his walls seem to be band/music related. I probably would not have thought anything of it again, except for the fact that now we know Wes also has a giant Edgar Allen Poe poster in his place, too. This makes more sense for Wes, like he totally would be a Poe-bro, but this is weird, right?
Part of the reason I say that Kelly can't be BR by herself, and I'm reluctant to feel she is directly involved at all, honestly, (I mean, obviously she can't, she has an alibi for several of the tests) is due to the shots of her and BR from the trailer. Also, interesting that Kelly (who seems to have become absorbed into a cult) may be drowned by Rose (and possibly revived by Faran and/or Greg?) as it calls to mind a kind of twisted "baptism." BR may actually kill Kelly, but I also think that Faran will be in this scene (due to the shots of her from the trailer at the pool at night), and that she may rescue Kelly. We've already had a scene where Faran saves someone from drowning, she is perfectly set up to be able to possibly resuscitate Kelly. But maybe she just finds her.
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Based on her outfit, I think it's safe to assume Faran was not planning to be at the pool, and something (a phone call? a text? a spookyspaghetti post?) has brought her here unexpectedly.
Imogen's mental state/Davie - I think we still have a lot to unpack here. I don't even know what to say about the ways Davie may or may not tie in. Motherhood is so central to the show, but particularly to Imogen, and it definitely feels like we have a piece of connective tissue missing from this storyline. I guess I should address the fact that it's not my first instinct to go, "Davie is alive!" based on 2x06, since we know Imogen's been hallucinating things.
Mouse's grandmother - just... where is she? not physically, I just mean, in what way does she matter? Does she matter?
Major suspects with no alibi during any of the BR appearances (I think) - Wes, Shawn, Dr. Sullivan, Mrs. Beasley, Mrs. Langsberry.
When we first got BR on screen, particularly when she fought Faran, I mentioned that I don't think we can trust the physicality of BR to necessarily match the person under the mask (like Ghostface). I also have always suspected that there may be different characters playing the Rose role at different times. That being said, we see slightly more "real" bits of Rose than we ever do of Ghostface (skin, hands, eye color, etc.) and if the reveals don't match that at all, it's going to annoy me a little bit.
Christian & Johnny = Billy & Stu? With all the Scream references lately, I couldn't help but have this thought when Tabby & Imogen are talking about how Johnny and Christian have hit it off. However, if they are both in on it, I think there has to be a third, as both Johnny & Christian have BR alibis at the same time (both at the roller rink, both outside in 2x06 with Ash & Greg, etc.), so then I think- Could it be Wes, Christian, & Johnny? Or maybe even just Wes & Johnny, with Christian as a possible fall guy?
Everything about the Jen/Noa/Shawn love triangle feels unresolved (I mean, obviously, since Shawn still doesn't know about the affair [or is pretending not to know], Jen robbed his house, and Noa didn't break up with him, despite wanting to) and I am still suspicious of both of these love interests (though kind of for different reasons) because why is this plot line taking up so much screen time if there isn't at least one big twist left with it? Tbqh, if I were Noa's friend rn, my advice would be, "I think you need to be single for a while," but obviously the rest of the girls don't have quite as much information as we do. That being said, I'm a little disappointed how much they all just brushed off the, "I've been cheating on my boyfriend," revelation. On the one hand, I get it, because if I were being told that at the same time as my friend coming out to me, I would want to be supportive of the vulnerability of that moment, and not make that experience negative for them. It would not feel like the right time to discuss the first part, particularly when it could come off as judgmental of their sexuality and not their actions. On the other hand, I can't help but think how absolutely merciless these girls would be if they had the same convo with one of guy characters. While I think they'd still want to be affirming of that guy's sexuality, I don't think they would ever give one of the guys a pass for cheating on his girlfriend repeatedly (much less if he were also asking his girlfriend for money for the person he's cheating with, etc. though they don't know about that). I mean, Imogen was pissed that Johnny was flirting with multiple girls when he was single and called his entire character in to question over it. While she admitted that was an overreaction, it's definitely a double standard. Sometimes I get a little tired of the feeling that the girls are allowed to behave in ways that we would find unacceptable for any other character (like honestly, don't get me started on Tabby and the locker room stuff from season 1 because I'm still not over it) and we're not meant to think too hard about it.
I can't help but wonder how Deputy Maroon is going to end up on the girl's suspect list, like I still barely know who that character is, and when you see the list in the trailer, everyone else on it finally makes sense (Dr. Sullivan because she was recording them and was Rose's therapist, the Beasley's because of their connection to the church, Mrs. Langsberry because she basically threatened them and has an obvious revenge motive, and Rose Waters because she is Rose Waters), so where does Deputy Maroon come from??
Other shots from the trailer I am most interested in-
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^^ Tabby falling down the stairs at Christian's.
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^^Someone (Imogen?) dragging someone's (Johnny's) body at the creamery. A nightmare? Or real?
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^^ Noa discovering something (possibly a BR mask?)
I haven't forgotten about the Online BR cult, I just don't have anything new to add.
I have seen a lot of you talk about thinking it's Mrs. Langsberry and Wes, or Mrs. Langsberry and one of the other guys (usually Christian), and I want to acknowledge that I hear, you, I hear the Scream 2 references, and I get it! I have nothing new to contribute to that conversation, but I see what you're seeing!
So, yeah, I guess this is where I'll leave you this time! As always, if you wanna talk about anything specific, shoot me an ask!
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karouvas · 2 months
Genuinely a random guy .. or even like Hanna’s fiancé in the time jump.. could be eating Hanna out in front of Caleb and it would not elicit the reaction Mona standing fully clothed in Hanna’s kitchen gets from him… her power <3.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Professor Callahan x Fem!Student!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: Callahan gets vicious, defending you in front of the whole damn class.
Inspired by Ezra using his power as a teacher in this scene of Pretty Little Liars for gross personal reasons with Aria. (Start at .57)
Warnings: Teacher/student affair themes. Fight, bad romance and sexual references.
You could not believe what you were hearing; Callahan was tearing into a student- which was not entirely out of the ordinary. But this wasn't him smug and mean, this was him pissed off. Because of you.
Half the class was watching in fear, afraid the professor was just in a bad mood and they could be next, but you felt like the other half were looking directly at you; at the back of your head. At the side of your face, searching for a reaction.
Knowing something is wrong here. Knowing what you've done.
You didn't know what to do. You were frozen in place; your knuckles white wrapped around eachother in your lap as you fight not to say anything.
All the guy did was oppose your opinion in a debate- like he was supposed to. It was a simple one, but the guy got personal; he got too heated and he called you a dumbass (You didn't care, you were getting heated, too- it was hard not to in a class like this, and you weren't a fan of his opinions. You could still feel the word 'idiot' at the tip of your own tongue.), and Cal immediately spoke before you could- his razer fast wit clicking into place faster then you could have de-escalated the argument. He went from sitting back half-on his desk, one calf folded casually over the other, to ram-rod straight, as close to the guy as he could get without wading in between the desks. Cal's eyes glued to him while he took the poor guy down 30-something pegs, humiliating the guy in front of the whole class until he had his head bowed pathetically and nothing to say.
It wasn't fair. Callahan was completely abusing his power and everyone in the room knew it.
Which wasn't entirely out of character- but you were afraid that they would see through him. Or you. And they'd see how bad this instance was, how gross. That he was abusing his power to defend the student he was currently fucking.
The interaction lasted less then a minute, but Callahan got his point across, and continued to stare down the guy for further torturous moments, while the rest of the room was crickets. You refused to even move, eyes on him hoping he would glance over and see you and come to his goddamn senses. But he didn't.
... The horrible scene ended when Callahan finally shifted and looked up at the clock, before rolling his shoulders of any stress and heading back to his desk like nothing at all happened. "Alright everyone, class's over, get out."
Everyone did as they were told as fast as possible, especially the guy- he barely stuck around to unplug his laptop before shooting out of the classroom. He certainly didn't wait around to ask questions about the homework. The classroom was empty in a minute.
Then it was just the two of you. He knew you were there, but he didn't look around or acknowledge you, the dick; just peacefully flipped through a book on his desk as if he wasn't an insane person. Didnt he think him coming to your defence like that was going to cause suspicions?? If not, then he's not nearly as smart as you thought.
You cant stay quiet. "What the hell was that??" You finally ask, slamming your books down on your desk as you get up out of your seat.
"... the hell are you talking about?" He asks, playing dumb which you absolutely don't care for. No.
You round the desk so he can see how pissed off you are, and you can see his face too. See how nonchalant he really is- which is not at all. He looks pent up and frustrated. "What the hell is wrong with you??"
"Oh, so I guess you liked the way he was talking to you??" He smirks, shrugging. "My bad. Next time I'll encourage that." He sneers, sarcasm dripping off his sharp tongue.
Narrowing your eyes, you fight not to leave right that moment. Leave, transfer classes, and never see him again. This isn't worth the risk, whatever this is isn't worth your education. How could you have been so dumb?? "Ugh, you're being impossible. You know that was dumb. What if people are suspicious now?? What if someone tells- I dunno, another faculty member?? Someone with more power then you?? You could be fired for fraternising with a student."
"Thanks for the tip. I had no idea." Still, with the nasty quippy sarcasm. You roll your eyes, and move away from the desk with the intent to gather your things and leave.
"I'm out of here."
Before you can even reach your things though, Callahan turns around and grabs you by the wrist. "Oh no you're not." He drags you back, right into his body this time. "If you ask me, you're at fault here- you're the one who couldn't handle herself in a simple debate."
NOW you're pissed. "What!?" You were holding your own! Its not your fault the guy went out of line and Callahan felt the need to jump in- you didn't ask him to do that! He wouldn't have, for anyone else in that class.
"If you could handle that, if you could control your emotions in the classroom, I wouldn't have noticed your distress and felt the need to defend you- be a grown up and not a silly girl, and this wont happen again."
Instead of engaging him in that ridiculous line of accusation (Suddenly you're a child?? You weren't too young to have been in his bed, last night, were you?), you stop everything. You make yourself calm. Then you lean into him, and v e r y c a l m l y say "You're an asshole." Then wrench yourself free of his hold and storm to your desk. Furiously you stuff everything into your bag and throw it over your shoulder, turning to stride out of the old classroom when Callahan follows you and corners you against the door before you can open it. "Fuck!- " You curse, glaring hard at him. "Let me out!"
When he grabs your jaw and pulls you suddenly into a deep heated kiss, you're shocked and outraged; you drop your bag heavily to the floor. Let him force you between the door and his body. When he pulls back, you glare even more harshly at him. "... was that supposed to do something??" You ask breathlessly. "I'm still just as pissed off at you."
"Yeah, well I don't care. Get on your knees." He tells you gruffly, breathing heavily from the fight.
You gape, stunned. "You get on your knees!" You snap back, beyond pissed off that he would dare-
That he has the balls to- To try, and-
Right now!???
You're furious with him!
But your heart falls in utter surprise that almost takes all the fight right out of you, when he shrugs his shoulders in that perfectly tailored blazer, a spiteful-shitty-smug look on his face, and goes down. Eyes wide, you stare at him (This old man) down there on his knees fully prepared to eat you out amidst being pissed off, in shock and... a little bit of desire. Sometimes you hate this man-- but he looks so good on his knees. Even with that narcissistic smirk on his face.
"... fuck you."
"Thats the idea."
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electric-rabbits · 7 months
Its been 5 years since Wasteland Baby????? And Hozier released an accoustic version of Be?!?!?!?!?! Holy shit
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jaggedwolf · 6 months
pll original sin girls ranked by most to least likely to know what yaoi is
Mouse - the most online. canonically a discord user. absolutely knows
Tabitha - has a one-track mind obsessed with horror movies, but god, she's not uncultured, okay?
Noa - spent a lot of time bored at home because of the ankle monitor. canonically used the word "ship" in casual conversation.
Imogen - does not at the start of canon. she's been very busy with being a Popular Girl TM and then some major life changes! will find out what yaoi is from Tabitha but then will be swiftly treated to a film theory lecture about homosexuality in horror movies, thanks Tabby.
Faran - this isn't a ballet thing, why should she care? (finds out when Mouse sends a yaoi hands meme to the group chat.)
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crispyliza · 7 months
An old classmate from highschool has become an actress and she's in a pretty popular tv show here in Greece where she plays a teenager. and it's just so wild to see while knowing what she looked like as an ACTUAL teen. She'll be 25 soon lmao 😭
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