#Guys thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs I'm overwhelmed
readerleedigest · 2 years
Fear of Falling
The reader has never gone rollerskating before. Things don't go exactly as planned.
Disclaimer: this is a tickle fic, if you don't like that, keep scrolling. This is also my first so please be nice.
"How have you never rollerskated before?"
You ducked your head and couldn't help but grin at the incredulous looks on the groups' faces. Despite her negative experience at the Roller Rink earlier that year, Eleven had suggested the group go together to the new rink in Hawkins. Without much thought, you'd offhandedly remarked that it would be a new experience for you.
"I don't know Steve, I just haven't," you shrugged, trying not to make eye contact.
"First you've never seen a horror movie, then you tell us you've never been roller skating. I know you said your parents were overprotective Y/N, but wow. Next thing you'll be telling us you've never skipped a day of school," Robin joked, nudging you with your elbow.
"They haven't," Nancy laughed, further making you blush.
"Shut up." Your response was muffled by your hands, and the group laughed.
"It's okay, Y/N. We'll show you how. Besides, everyone falls at some point," Max said, a mischievous look in her eye as she continued with a pointed look at Lucas. "Some of us fall multiple times, hmm?"
"Alright, alright, we don't want to waste the whole night. Half in Steve's car and half in Eddie's?" Lucas asked.
And just like that, you found yourself in a brightly colored roller rink, a disco ball hanging in the middle of the room and flashing colorful lights illuminating your freshly disinfected roller skates. You didn't understand how this was considered a hobby. It seemed like a death sentence for someone like you whose balance was not to be trusted.
"I think Y/N is scared," Mike mock-whispered to El and Will, loud enough for the rest of the group to hear as they laced up their skates.
"I am not." You rolled your eyes, trying desperately to feel braver than you did. Seriously, there was no stability to these stupid skates. How do you stop? How do you even stand up?
Steve was sitting to the left of you in the group, and gave you what you were sure he thought was a reassuring smile. It did nothing to help with your nerves. The floor of the ring did not seem as though it'd be forgiving.
"Y/N, seriously. You'll be fine," Eddie chimed in from your right. "And if you fall, I promise I'll only laugh after I make sure you haven't broken any bones."
"Ha. Ha." You sarcastically laughed, the skates officially laced up.
You watched as El, Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Robin and Nancy began to skate around the edges of the rink, gaining speed as they gained confidence. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Even Lucas seemed like he was getting the hang of it, and Max had talked like he wasn't very good...
And then Lucas fell HARD. You winced, watching as he sat in place on the ground, his face twisted up in pain. Max circled around to help him out, but even still.
"Maybe I better just watch this time around."
"No way," Steve said, struggling to get to his feet. "It's group bonding time, Y/N. Besides, after the time we've had in Hawkins, it's good for us to have some fun."
"Yeahhhh, Y/N. It's Group. Bonding. Time." Eddie accentuated each of those last words with a poke to your side, making you fight a smile and twitch a little. A fact that you prayed went unnoticed by the boys.
"Okay, okay," you agreed, getting ready to stand in hopes of distracting from Eddie's almost discovery of your ticklishness.
"Tilt your feet forward so the stopper is resting against the ground, and slowly stand - there you go!" Steve offered you a hand as he coached you up, your legs shaking a little. He directed you to stand with your feet flat, and you watched as Eddie showed you how to push off in a V-motion.
"You're already a pro! And don't forget, if you feel like you're gonna fall, fall on your butt."
"Nature's padding," Eddie chimed, getting a nervous laugh from you. At first, the boys stayed with you as you moved at a snail's pace, and after a few minutes you waved them on.
"You two do enough babysitting as it is," you smiled, wobbling slightly as you rounded a turn.
"Then we bid you ado, Y/N, master of the rink," Eddie smirked goofily, bowing as he skated away to join Dustin. Steve followed after, giving you a quick thumbs up over his shoulder as he joined Nancy and Robin.
You could feel how tense you were as you skated, trying desperately not to teeter too far forward or backward. You'd give an embarrassed wave as other members of your group lapped you... multiple times. This was ridiculous. You're perfectly capable of keeping up with the others, some of whom you were years older than. Surely you were just underestimating your balance.
The music track changed to a more upbeat tempo, and you began to skate faster. And faster. This wasn't so bad! El and Mike cheered for you from somewhere behind you, and you smiled so hard your cheeks felt a little sore. No wonder people liked doing this so much!
"Go Y/N!" Steve called from across the rink, Nancy and Robin whooping beside him. You let out a small whoop yourself, turning your attention back to where you were skating just in time to see that you were nearing a wall. Very VERY fast.
"Oh gosh," you muttered, reaching your arms out in an attempt to stop yourself. The momentum of hitting the wall with your hands pushed your feet out from in front of you, and the next thing you knew you were laying on the floor of the rink, stunned.
"Y/N!" You heard El and Mike call for you first, rolling up beside you to keep other skaters from running into you.
"Are they okay?" Steve, Robin and Nancy came next, as you sat up, still a little dazed. Eddie, Dustin, Will and Max came next, all of the group huddled against the wall with you in the middle. And that was when you heard some of the teasing laughter from other skaters as they passed by. Were you hurt physically? No. But your pride? Wounded beyond belief.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." You told yourself as much as the others, trying to stand up and having one foot slip out from under you again. "I think I need a break."
"Me too," Steve smiled sympathetically, offering you an arm. "I'm getting too old to keep up with these kids."
"Same," Eddie agreed, offering an arm on your other side. "Besides, I could go for a slushie right now, how about you?"
They both helped you up slowly, and you waved off the others with a forced smile, insisting they go back to their fun. Skates traded back in for shoes, and each of you with a red slushie, you sat between Steve and Eddie on a bench facing the rink so you could watch the group as they skated around.
"So," Eddie tilted his head sideways toward you. "Thoughts on making rollerskating a regular thing? You looked like you were having a great time out there."
"Yeah," you sighed. "Right up until I hit the wall. And then I just looked like an idiot."
"No, you didn't. Everyone falls, Y/N. It's your first time." Steve draped an arm on the bench behind you, and you took another sip of your slushie.
"Yeah, it's my first time and I got too confident and made a fool out of myself. People were laughing at me."
"Well, people are jerks. And I'd rather make people laugh then have them be all sad like you are right now. Come on, where's that smile you had earlier?" Steve set his slushie down on the bench beside him, turning to face you.
"Yeah, Y/N, I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that before." Eddie mimicked Steve's motions, and suddenly you felt very on the spot, choosing to intently stare at the red ice in your cup.
"Leave me alone. Look, I feel bad enough I fell and stopped everyone from skating, you all don't have to sit here with me. Go, keep skating, have fun. I'll just stay here."
"We've already been over this. Group. Bonding." Eddie repeated his actions from earlier, poking you as he emphasized the words. You twitched again, leaning towards Steve with a small smile that you quickly tried to wipe away.
"Oh wow, I think they started to smile again, Munson. Come on Y/N. Smile. For. Us." Steve was apparently catching on, poking your other side, and suddenly the comfort of being surrounded by your friends seemed more like a giggly impending doom.
"Guys, pleahease," you said through bared teeth, doing your best not to laugh.
Eddie reached over and plucked the slushie from your hand, setting it beside his own before turning back to you with a signature Eddie Munson grin. Oh boy, were you in trouble.
"Oh Harrington," he sang. "It seems like Y/N, master of the rink, is ticklish."
"You're right, Munson. And they also seem to be pretty stubborn about not wanting to smile."
You shifted uncomfortably, eyes sweeping back and forth from one grin to another. You'd try to run, but they were your ride. You weren't getting out of this one.
"I'm not," you lied, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Not stubborn?" Eddie asked.
"Or not ticklish?" Steve, the sneak, asked the question just as his hand behind your head brushed against the back of your neck, making you squeal and jerk forward.
"Neither," you giggled.
"Well then this shouldn't be a problem."
Eddie and Steve wasted no time in their attack. Eddie spidered one hand over your side, and the other clawed into your belly, making you double over in laughter. Meanwhile, Steve was focusing on the back of your neck, which you'd so generously offered up when Eddie began tickling your belly.
"NAHAHAHAT THERE," you cackled, the feeling of your two worst spots being targeted shooting sparks all through your nervous system.
"Nahahahat where?" Steve mocked your laugh, smiling to himself. He'd never heard you laugh so hard. "Your stomach? Or your neck?"
"EITHER!" You cried out, your hands struggling to find the best way to defend yourself. When you tried to block your neck, Eddie shifted both hands to your stomach, and when you tried to block your stomach, Steve would tickle both sides of your neck until you had his hands trapped between your head and shoulders.
"What a day of discoveries, Harrington. Not only has Y/N never skipped school, but they're a pro at skating, can smile bigger than anyone I know, AND they're insanely ticklish."
"Y/N, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Steve teased, spidering his finger between your shoulder blades, making you lift your face involuntarily as you squeaked again.
"Because we're your best friends!" Eddie gasped, faking offense. "And because we are your best friends, it's our job to make sure you smile!"
Steve noticed that your face was growing red, and motioned for Eddie to slow to a stop as he did.
"So," Steve continued as you began to catch your breath. "I'll let you choose. Stomach or neck?"
Your eyes grew wide as a wobbly and laughter-drunk smile surfaced on your face. "Whahahat?"
He couldn't seriously be asking you to choose. Both him and Eddie tickling one of your death spots. You'd surely die.
"5... 4.... 3..." Eddie began counting down, and you panicked, your hands coming up to cover your eyes and blushing face as you blurted out your answer.
For a second, nothing happened. With your hands over your eyes, you couldn't see the mischievous smiles of Steve and Eddie as they slowly lowered their hands near you stomach, relishing in the sounds of you already giggling nervously. But they held still, and you just couldn't take the suspense.
"Gehehet it over wihihith," you giggled. And then 4 hands began spidering over your belly, poking and clawing from your ribs to your waist. You were right. This was how you would die. Laughing to death as your best friends tickled you. What a way to go.
You didn't know how long they tickled you for before El came to your rescue, the tickling suddenly ceasing to the confusion of Eddie and Steve as they could no longer move their hands. You looked up to see her discreetly holding her hand up across the rink, a teasing smile on her face as Robin and Nancy skated over to save you.
"Let poor Y/N alone," Nancy laughed pulling you to your feet. "They've got some more skating to do, if they're up for it."
Steve and Eddie pouted as El released their hands.
"But they liked it," Steve complained, winking at you.
"Yeah, they were having fun," Eddie added. Nancy and Robin glanced at you, as you conveniently avoided eye contact with all of them.
Nancy and Robin rolled their eyes fondly. "You can have more fun later, but right now, we are gonna skate. You coming?"
"Yes," you smiled, feeling a lot more relaxed then you did earlier. And besides, if you fell again, well -
"Hey, Y/N!" Eddie called behind you. You looked back at him and Steve.
"If you fall again, we'd be more than happy to take care of you," Steve wiggled his eyebrows at you as he talked, and if that wasn't enough to make you laugh, Eddie's wiggling fingers brought back nervous laughter. Maybe rollerskating should become a regular pasttime for you and the group. And if you fell with Steve and Eddie around... well, it wasn't that bad was it?
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jackhues · 7 months
how'd you make it? - mockingbird! au (platonic! hughes)
requested by: @toasttt11 , anon :)) - combined two bcz they fit rlly well
notes: continue sending in requests for the au! check out the request rules below! thanks for requesting <3 this ones got a focus on luke, but there's a cute quinn moment! ALSO, there's a cute surprise in this one, hope you guys like it (takes place in summer '24)
likes are good, reblogs are better <33
mockingbird! au request rules!|| mockingbird au! masterlist
gif not mine
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"go back outside," you laughed, shoving jack's face away from yours.
you were at the hughes' lake house for the summer, spending most of your time wakesurfing, swimming, and hanging out on the boat. today was the one day you wanted to stay inside on the couch and finish the book you'd bought while the boys had the day to themselves.
of course, jack had other plans.
"i don't wanna," he groaned, plopping down on top of you.
"jack!" you laughed, trying to shove him off of you. finally, you gave up, putting your book to the side to let jack lay on top of you.
"why don't you wanna go outside?" you asked him softly.
"because i wanna spend time with you," he answered simply. "quinn went out with his girlfriend to that chinese place for lunch, and it's awkward being the only one with luke and his girlfriend. they're like... weird hormonal teenagers."
"oh, so it's because your brothers are gone that you're spending time with me," you rolled your eyes, laughing a bit.
"even without that, i'd still wanna be with you," he answered in a matter-of-fact voice. "it's why i'm gonna marry you."
"jack, stop making me blush," you hit his shoulder lightly.
"what," he laughed, pulling away. "there's a ring on your finger for a reason."
you smiled, admiring the way he looked at you with such adoration in his eyes. he acted like it was so simple. like he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, and that was that. in some case, you supposed it was simple.
before meeting jack, you wouldn't have been able to imagine something like that, let alone believe someone could love you that much. but he changed that.
and you loved him so much for it.
"you're thinking," he said, getting up off of you and helping you sit up. "is it good or bad?"
"it's good," you promised. "i'm just thinking about how much i love you."
he grinned stupidly at that answer, "well of course you do. with these killer looks, how could you not?"
"you're such an-"
"luke! luke, what's wrong?"
your laughter was cut off as luke marched angrily past you and up the stairs and towards his room. behind him, ellen followed.
"i don't wanna talk," luke called, causing ellen to stop.
you and jack got up from the couch, making your way to the base of the stairs by ellen.
"what's wrong?" you asked. "why'd he storm up to his room?"
"i have no idea," ellen sighed tiredly. "he just came inside looking all mad, and then ran up."
jack furrowed his brows, "i thought he was outside with his girlfriend."
"did something happen with them, maybe?" you asked.
"i don't know," ellen muttered. she looked up the stairs, where luke had headed. "i'm going to go check on him. you two don't worry about him, i'll make sure he's okay."
you and jack nodded, letting ellen check on luke.
"are we sure it's not something bad?" jack asked you. "what if he's really upset over something?"
"ellen went to check on him," you reminded him. "it's better not to overwhelm him right now. we can go check on him afterwards if you want."
jack nodded, agreeing. "yeah, you're right."
the two of you headed towards the kitchen to take out your lunch. you and jack took a seat on the table, across of jim.
"did you finish your book yet?" he asked you.
"i would've, but someone didn't let me," you sent jack a look.
he held his hands up, a guilty look on his face.
jim looked up as ellen made her way back down. "any luck with luke?"
"he's asking for y/n," she said, looking at you. "honey, could you go upstairs and see what's going on?"
"yeah, of course," you answered, a little shocked.
jack squeezed your hand as you walked by, heading up to luke's room. you knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.
"go away," he muttered from the other side.
"luke, it's me," you called. "ellen said you wanted to talk to me."
you heard some shuffling, before luke said softly, "you can come in."
you opened the door, finding luke sitting on the floor next to his bed. he sat against the wall, his knees folded up to his chest and his head down. he didn't even look up as you entered.
"hi lukey," you said softly, sitting next to him. "you okay?"
luke sniffed, looking up at you with red rimmed eyes. "not really."
"c'mere," you muttered, pulling his head into your lap.
luke lay his head down, allowing you to softly run your fingers through his curls. his tears slowly subsided, and you waited calmly as he built up the courage to talk.
"how'd you stay with jack?" he asked finally. "like, it's been five years, and you guys are getting married in a few months, and not once have you guys even thought about breaking up. how?"
you pursed your lips, pondering the question. truth was, it took a long time for you to be this open and accepting to jack's love. you'd never received that same love as a kid, and never imagined to receive it as an adult.
"it's not easy," you answered him finally. "we were young, eighteen year olds when we met. i never even had a boyfriend before him. and then jack was some famous nhl player, and everyone knew him, and everyone hated that i was with him. but... honestly, we grew up together. we matured together. we made mistakes, but we learned to communicate and understand each other. it takes a lot, but we managed somehow."
you ran a hand through luke's curls, "i'm gonna take a wild guess and say something happened with you and your girlfriend. am i right?"
luke nodded sadly. "she-- she cheated on me. and then, and then she just said it like it was nothing. and then she started talking bad about you and jack, about how you guys probably aren't even a real couple, and i just-- i got mad. i told her she can go and do whatever she wants because i'm done." he looked up at you, "did i make a mistake?"
"no, no, you didn't," you assured him. "cheating's a choice, one that she made. when i said jack and i didn't have it easy, that's not what i meant. i meant that we both had things to work on in the start of our relationship. he was dealing with a lot of stuff with his rookie year, and i was still learning what a healthy relationship looks like. we worked on our relationship together."
"thanks, y/n," he smiled, closing his eyes a little. "that helps."
"anytime lukey," you smiled. "anytime."
outside the door, quinn smiled to himself.
he was walking past the room after his date, hearing your and luke's conversation. he'd spent the last four years doing everything to show you that you were family, that you were part of the hughes.
he was happy to see that you were believing it.
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @jimothystu, @mysticaldonkey ,  @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91  , @moldenhauers, @hischierdevils, @jackhughesily , @panarin10 , @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes ,  @mitchymainer ,  @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 , @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj , @fandom-oneshots-etc , @ajbird18 , @cherrysodadevils , @cixrosie , @iikximii , @xcicix , @wbkz3gras , @cole-mcward48 , @starjoyyy , @eagerkya , @idontlikelizards , @trevzeags11 , @al-lie-cat , @kjohnson-91 , @bitchy55 , @privatemythss
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intoanotherworld23 · 9 months
Body For Hire
Pairing: Reader x Bradley Bradshaw
Warnings: MATURE CONTENT NSFW 18+, this whole one shot is pure smut and sex
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw is the best bodyguard there is, and he proves to you exactly why he’s the best
Hearts, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated and encouraged! If you wish to be added to the tag list for Bradley/Miles please let me know and I’ll add you! Thank you guys so much! Enjoy! XOXO
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"This is so wrong." Moaning as you bounced up and down on Bradley’s cock. "God this is wrong."
"That why your pussy is squeezing my cock so tightly." His tone mocking as he smirked up at you. "Cause this is so wrong."
"No it feels so fucking good." Whining as your hands gripped on his shoulder most likely drawing blood.
"Should have known you'd crave my cock." His hands on your hips guiding your movements at the pace he wanted. "What would daddy think?"
"Seeing his daughter riding her body guard." He was teasing you making your cheeks heat up. "See what a true slut his daughter is."
"Shut up." Smiling at his teasing words making him chuckle.
"Not that I'm complaining about this at all." His eyes looked down to where you two were connected. "Could stay like this all day."
A part of you knew your father would be pissed if he found out you fucked your body guard. He specifically hired him to watch you, and make sure no harm came your way.
Then again you were already so close to cumming that you didn't care. All your mind was focused on was Bradley’s cock so deep you felt him in the pit of your stomach.
"Bradley please." Crying out as you felt the tip of his cock poking at your sweet spot making your toes curl.
Hearing you whine his name gave him the go to drive  his hips up wildly into you. Your whole body was shaking and moving along with him. Your head reeled back in ecstasy hands clawing at the leather seats. Your arousal was coating his cock making it easier for him to slide in and out of you.
"What sweetheart?" He looked up at you licking his lips watching your face unravel. "Tell me what you want."
"Say it." He commanded as his thrusts slowed down and his hand came down hard on your cheek. "Say what you want baby."
"Harder Bradley." Mumbling out as you started to grind your hips around his cock.
"God I should have fucked you sooner." Growling into the skin of your shoulder making your moan as he bit down. "Bet you touched yourself to the thought of me."
He wasn't completely lying when he said that though. Every time you were alone at night you would sneak your hands down, and touch yourself imagining it was him. Of course you weren't going to admit that to him.
"No." Lying as you started to move your hips up and down, but his hands were preventing you from moving.
"I don't like liars." His voice became darker making your pussy clench around him.
Before you know it his hands one after the other came down hard on your ass cheeks. Leaving a stinging feeling as you took with scrunching your face up in pain. He wasn't playing around with you right now. It turned you on a lot more than you expected.
"Mmm wanna change that answer." A hand reached up to grab your chin and make you look at him. "I'll let you cum if you do."
"Please Bradley." Begging him as you stared deep into his eyes too embarrassed to tell him the truth.
"Tell me the truth baby and I'll give you everything you want." His mouth reached forward to attach itself to your nipple.
"Oh god." Breathing out as your mouth hung open watching as he twirled his tongue around the nub.
"Fuck god yes I've touched myself to the thought of you."
"Good girl." He grinned before sharply thrusting his hips up making you gasp.
Wrapping your arms around his neck as he picked up the speed. Drilling into you so hard your entire body was turning into flames. Pressing your breasts close to his face feeling a wet tongue lick across. A shiver running up your spine as your senses became overwhelmed.
Whispering filthy and dirty things in your ear as you rode him. Your breath shaky every word he spoke, your pussy clenching every time he said something. Mouth wide open so overcome with pleasure that no sounds could come out.
"So desperate for my cock aren't you." It was a condescending question, but right now you didn't care. "Have you begging for it."
"Want to feel that delicious cunt of yours squeeze my cock." Groaning into your chest his hands coming down on your ass making them jiggle.
His cock hit your sweet spot making you scream. Finding that spot he was relentless and continued to hit it over and over again. His hands gripped onto your hips so hard they would probably bruise.
"Fuck Bradley right there keep going." You mewled closing your eyes.
"Cum all over my cock baby." He snarled into your skin holding your body even closer to his trying to hit up into an angle that would have you seeing stars.
Your toes were curling and you could feel your pussy walls squeezing the life out of his cock as you released. A couple more thrusts and Bradley was squirting his cum inside you. Your head leaned forward on his shoulder trying to catch your breath.
Bradley’s forehead was drenched in sweat and his arms were shaking still holding your trembling body. Both of you still trying to cum down from your intense high.
"Now I know why your father is so protective of you." He joked as he pressed his forehead against your collarbones.
"Thanks I guess." Scrunching your eyebrows at him with a smile making him laugh.
“I wouldn’t mind doing that again.”
“Well you know what they say practice makes perfect.” Biting your bottom lip seductively.
Just as Bradley was about to lean forward to kiss your lips a loud knock came from the door. Both your attention turning towards the sound in a sense of panic. Feeling terrified even more when you heard that familiar voice.
"Sweetheart everything alright?" Your fathers voice rang on the other side making you and Bradley look to each other.
“Yeah everything’s okay. Why?” Voice out of breath and hoarse.
"I heard screaming."
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winterrrnight · 3 months
HI BAE!!!!!!! CONGRATS ON 600!!! 🙌🏼💓💓
go on without me - 16 + 21 with rafe🤭🤭🤭🤭
ahh thank you so much sweet abi!! I'm so sorry it took me so long, I just wasn't feeling satisfied with what I was writing :( I hope you like reading this! but please feel free to not read this if you aren't comfortable w the warnings given :)
PAIRING: toxic!dark!rafe cameron x gn! musician!reader
SUMMARY: rafe doesn’t like another man touching you, not even as much as talking to you or looking at you.
WARNINGS: dark content! minimal swearing, established relationship, slight use of nicknames like babe, jealousy, over protective & possessive rafe, canon!rafe, toxic!rafe, threats to kill, allusions to anxiety and being scared, and kinda shitty writing (??) (please please let me know if something should be added!!!!)
EDITH SPEAKS: this is very, very new for me. this is my third attempt at this fic, the first two just didn’t turn out how I wanted, and the best approach just felt like dark!rafe. this is me basically exploring my writing and trying out new things and testing myself, so if it’s not as good as the rest of stuff you may have read, I’m really sorry, I’m a beginner 😭😭
please please heed the warnings, and it may not be as dark as some other stuff on here, it felt pretty dark while writing, and if at any moment you feel this isn’t for you please feel free to click off.
moreover, if I am being honest here, you might have read a lot of rafe fics based on this idea/prompt. so please don't think I copied someone off for this, this is completely my own creation.
and if you liked this, please please share your feedback with me, and reblog it to support my content <3
PROMPTS REQUESTED: “Actually, we’re leaving. We have something to get to.” “No we don’t – oh, okay fine I’ll call you guys later.” & “You can’t just lose your temper like this each time you get a little upset!”
600 followers celebration (now closed!) || navigation
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Everyone around you cheers out loud, glasses of champagne raised in the air as huge grins form on everyone’s faces. Your new single – after a break of over three years came out today, and you have already received an overwhelming amount of support. You’re in your studio, celebrating with your team and your amazing boyfriend.
“Congratulations babe,” Rafe smiles as he hugs you tight, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You grin at him, hugging him back even tighter as you mumble a ‘thank you’.
You all celebrate for some more time, drinking fancy champagne, eating food, and taking pictures to savor the moment.
You, Rafe, and Jim, your producer, are just talking at the side when you hear your name being called. You turn to see it’s Saylor, who is one of the interns at the record label you are signed with. Your single was the first project he worked on.
“Yeah?” You ask, smiling as you approach him.
“Congratulations on the release,” he smiles, and gives you a small hug. You gladly hug him back, a grin on your face.
“Thank you Saylor,” you smile. “You were absolutely great for your first project,” you say. “I was actually asking Jim if you’d like to continue working for the upcoming singles too,”
Saylor’s lips are pulled in a huge grin as his eyes light up. “You’re serious right now?”
You chuckle as you nod your head. “Yes, of course! I would love for you to be able to gain as much experience as you can,”
Saylor absolutely can’t contain his excitement as he pulls you in for another hug. You are caught off guard but gladly hug back, chuckling a little as you do so.
“Thank you so much,” he smiles. “Seriously, it means a lot to me,” he says, a certain spark in his eyes.
“Of course, a talent like yours shouldn’t go to waste,” you say.
His smile doesn’t falter as he speaks again. “Can I get a picture with you, if that’s not an issue?”
“Oh of course not!” You say, turning to look at Rafe. “Rafe?” You call out.
He breaks from the conversation he was having with Jim and walks up to you. “Yeah babe?” Saylor passes him his phone and asks him to take a picture of you two.
Saylor stands next to you as his arm wraps around your waist, maybe a little too tighter than it should be but you don’t really say anything. However, it doesn’t go unnoticed by Rafe, and he takes a sharp inhale when he sees Saylor’s side pressing more against you, as your arm rests around his shoulder.
Rafe tends to be… possessive, and you’ve always known that. Even when you both weren’t together, he wasn’t the biggest fan of how others would usually hit on you at parties, and would feel enraged when they wouldn’t let you go after you would politely ask to leave you alone.
But that possessiveness only increased when you both got together, when you officially became his girl. There’s nothing you can do about it, because that’s how Rafe is.
You can see the expression on Rafe’s face; the subtle ticking of his jaw, the acute twitching of his eye – you’ve known him long enough to identify his facial expressions just the second they appear. You are quick to remove your arm from Saylor’s shoulder, your arm now resting on your side, but Saylor doesn’t seem to catch on that; instead his grip on your waist tightens a bit, because he most probably wants you to wrap your arm around his shoulders again.
Nevertheless, Rafe takes the picture, and hands Saylor’s phone back. Saylor takes a few seconds before he lets go of you, which only happened because you gently removed yourself from his grip. You quickly appear at Rafe’s side and intertwine your hands, squeezing his hand tightly.
“Thank you for the picture,” Saylor smiles as he looks at the phone screen. All you say is ‘welcome’ with a small smile, and Rafe pulls you to a different part of the studio.
As the small party carries on, Saylor makes subtle moves – or moves which he thinks are subtle, but aren’t missed by Rafe at all. It’s Rafe’s last straw when Saylor gently grips your waist to move past you, saying a ‘sorry’ as he walks by. At that very moment, you decide it’s best if you talk to Saylor about it yourself, tell him that you know what he’s doing, and you clearly have a boyfriend. But before you can do that, Rafe’s arm wraps quickly around your waist, and his grip is tight.
Jim says something about going to a nice nearby restaurant for dinner, but Rafe cuts him off. “Actually, we’re leaving. We have something to get to.” He says firmly. You look at him with a slightly confused expression, thinking if you both do have any other appointments today or not, but your mind is blank.
“No we don’t –,” you say, but Rafe snaps his head at you, his jaw muscles tense, and your eyes slightly widen at the sight as you catch up in the fraction of a second. “Oh, okay fine I’ll call you guys later.”
Rafe leads you out of the studio, and you barely save your half full glass of champagne from falling off the table you’re trying to keep it at as he ushers you out. He opens the door of his truck for you and as you sit down, he slams it a little too harshly than usual. He walks around the truck and sits down next to you, his grip tight on the steering wheel as he starts to drive.
You take a deep breath as you lean back in the chair. This is not the first time this is happening, and you know it’s certainly not the last. You aren’t scared because you already know how this entire situation plays out. He will raise his voice at you, say stuff like how you’re his and only his, how he absolutely hates other guys looking at you a certain way because he just can’t bear the sight, and how he gives you the best treatment you can get.
You’re just silently listening to the soft music from the radio as you look out the window. You steal a glance at Rafe and see his jaw is still tightened, his grip tight on the wheel.
“Relax your jaw Rafe,” you say plainly, turning to look back out the window. You hear him take a sharp breath.
“I did not like how he was looking at you and holding you,” he utters.
You just roll your eyes at him, as if you knew that’s exactly what he was going to say. “It was just a picture Rafe, you don’t have to be so protective about that,” you say.
Rafe snaps his head towards you, but quickly turns back to look at the road. “Just a picture?” He echoes. “So you’re telling me you loved the way he was holding your waist hm?”
“Oh god when did I say that!” You retort. “And besides, did you not see? I literally removed my hand off his shoulders the instant you saw it, and moved away from him the moment you took the picture. There’s no need for you to get so worked up!”
You can see Rafe’s chest heaving as he takes rapid breaths, his jaw ticking as you can literally see a thunderstorm brewing up in him.
“You can’t just lose your temper like this each time you get a little upset!” You say exasperatedly. “You shouldn’t have been upset in the first place because there’s literally nothing to be upset about!”
Just the second those words leave your mouth, he bellows your name causing you to shut up right that moment. “Shut up!” He yells, smacking his palm against the steering wheel once. You feel the truck speed up, his foot pressing harder against the accelerator. You glance at the speedometer and see the needle pointing to larger numbers more and more with each passing second.
“Rafe-” you mumble out but you are cut off the very next instant.
“You just refuse to see it huh?” He hissed. “You refuse to see how I am the best for you. How I can, how I do treat you better than anyone else,” he goes on, and he uses his free hand to gesture around in the air.
“Get this in your head okay?” He speaks, his voice now eerily low as he gestures to his head, tapping his fingertips at his temple. “I never, ever want you as much as looking at someone else, you got that?”
You can feel the truck speeding up more. Your hands are clutching the sides of your seat, as your nails dig into the leather. Your lips are parted as you let out shaky breaths, your eyes wide and shiny with the layer of tears that have formed over them.
You thought you had seen the worst. Which was him arguing with you and telling you he’s the best for you. But right now, when his foot only seems to be pressing more and more against the gas pedal, your back pushed back against the seat due to the fast speed of the truck, you realize there’s a hidden side to Rafe you’ve never seen before.
“Rafe I-”
“Say it!” He yells, cutting you off swiftly. “Say it, that you won’t even look at anyone else!”
“Rafe please-” you mumble out, squeezing your eyes shut as hot tears flow down your face, leaving a sticky trail as they go down.
“Say it before I crash this truck in a fucking tree!”
His breathing is heavy, his eyes are wide, and you can’t recognise him anymore. His eyes are an icy blue instead of the usual dark blue you get lost in so easily, and that’s the moment you realize Rafe will never ever let you exercise any control over him. Ever.
“I-” you hiccup, “I won’t look at anyone else, okay?” You gasp, gulping down the lump in your throat as the tears keep on streaming down.
When you don’t feel Rafe slow down the truck, the seatbelt starting to dig into your neck harshly and your grip on the seat gets harder, your breathing gets more erratic as you try to gather more air to speak up again.
“Rafe, baby, please please slow down I…” you whisper, looking at him desperately.
You expect him to lash out, but he doesn’t, and the truck starts to slow down, coming at a normal pace. You move a shaky hand to your face, running your fingers across your skin to wipe off your tears, but your breath keeps on coming out in short gasps, and you feel yourself tremble a little; your heart loud in your chest.
The truck slows down more and more, and you see Rafe has parked it at the side of the road. The truck comes to a full stop, and you turn to look at Rafe through your still slightly blurry vision, your eyes now red, and panic being the only feeling clouding your mind.
Rafe rests his forehead against the steering wheel, taking in a deep breath. His grip on the wheel loosens a bit, the knuckles not so white anymore as their color flushes back. He lifts his head from the wheel and turns to look back at you, his eyes now not so icy, but still not the comforting warm blue you’ve always loved and adored.
A smile tugs on his lips, and it’s not the kind which always warms you up the moment you look at it, but it’s… sinister. It’s a smile you’ve never seen before. It’s the kind of smile that shows that he is enjoying seeing you this way. Seeing you so weak under his control.
He moves his hands to your face, brushing any loose strands off your slightly sticky face and gently running his fingers across your cheeks.
“Now baby,” he says softly, but the softness doesn’t comfort you – no. It scares you even more. “You made that a little too hard didn’t you, hm? Next time when I ask you to do something, just do it, okay? Don’t have time to wait, or- or to see how you react m’kay? Just… agree to what I say. It’s not as hard as you may think,”
He leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead, but at that moment, all you want to do is to scrunch up into a ball and be far, far away from him and his cold, unknown touch.
Your breathing fastens up, but all you can do is stare at him with wide eyes, wondering where did that sweet, loving boyfriend of yours go and got replaced by this?
When he sees you aren’t arguing back, his menacing grin only widens, and he takes his hands off you, turning to start up the truck again and continue to drive – as if absolutely nothing happened.
A hand rests on your thigh, softly rubbing the skin through the material of your pants, but you’re too afraid to even slightly move under the touch. It’s cold, it sends shivers down your spine, and you don’t know who’s hand it is.
If only someone could stop and tell you that you had lost your ‘loving’ boyfriend forever.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
Hey can I request something like your heat stroke fic but instead Where reader takes care of Hyunjin when he gets it while she’s on vacation with him and the boys (and they’re dating ofc) he gets like rlly emotional n overwhelmed too and she’s just there for him 💖
too hot to handle
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hyunjin x reader
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: heatstroke, vomiting
word count: 1.3k
summary: your boyfriend unexpectedly gets heatstroke after a day of fun at the beach on your holiday.
Hi! Hope you enjoyed this! If you did be sure to reblog and let me know if you'd like to be added to my taglist! :)
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Hwang Hyunjin was simply irresistible, and of course, you knew that. But as the 9 of you relaxed on the beach in the early morning, ready for a chill day, you couldn't help but thirst over him. He looked like something out of a dream. Wet, black hair slicked back from the ocean, as your gaze was fixed to him from your sun lounger, a book in hand.
"Come on, babe! Spend some time with me!" Hyunjin pleaded, shouting with his hands cupped over his mouth.
You jumped slightly, quietly giggling to yourself that you had been caught out, and because of the fact he was openly complaining in front of his members. He was sure to be subject to their teasing.
"I'm taking in the sun! Can't you wait, Jinnie?" you teased, stood up with your toes wiggling into the sand.
You saw his arms immediately flop down, but he was soon dive bombed into the ocean by who you think was Lee Know. It wouldn't surprise you, you've had to save your boyfriend from being cooked in an air fryer multiple times.
It wasn't until around half an hour later, a sun lounger was loudly dragged next to you, disturbing your peace as Hyunjin hovered next to you, hands over his hips.
"You left your poor boyfriend to drown," Hyunjin pouted.
"I told you baby, I was taking in the sun, you should try it," you nonchalantly said, putting on your shades as you relaxed.
"You just want me to stay here so you can admire me, don't you?" he teased, pushing his lounger right next to yours and stretching out, causing you to shut your eyes, even underneath your shades.
"Don't know what you're talking about," you squeaked, ignoring his nudging before he wrapped a wet arm across your middle. "Ew Hyunjin! You're wet!"
"Guys, this is a public beach," Jisung snickered as he walked past, causing the two of you to freeze before bursting into laughter.
"Just lay here with me, yeah?" you looked up at Hyunjin, who had wormed part of his body underneath yours just so that he could hold you.
"Of course baby," Hyunjin brushed back some of your hair before planting a kiss on your forehead, and the two of you fell asleep in the sun, just like that.
Later on in the day you were woken up for some food, Chan and Seungmin were in charge of the BBQ. And after you finally went into the sea, much to Hyunjin's excitement (this man literally chucked you in), you all headed back to the villa you were staying in.
"Hey, Y/N, keep an eye on Jinnie, he seems a bit off," Changbin let you know as he patted your shoulder, and you immediately worried.
"Okay, thank you Changbin!" you nodded thankfully, before speeding up to catch up with Hyunjin, tapping your key card and entering your room.
You analysed his movements carefully, watching as he winced from the feeling of his t-shirt peeling off of his sunburnt back. He slowly went into the bathroom, and you sat on the small sofa in your room, sighing, before you heard a small crash and a groan.
"Jinnie?! Baby?" you went to open the door but he locked it. Why would he lock it? It's just you.
"Mmm, baby," he whimpered, and you could hear him trying to stand up.
"Darling, unlock the door for me, yeah?" you tapped your foot anxiously, and felt a small bit of relief when the door opened, until you saw him curled up, hands clinging onto the toilet seat.
"Hyunjin?!" you wrapped an arm around him, feeling terrified at the state he was in.
"Baby, I, I feel, sick, so hot," he panted, small tears running down his face and he was shaking in your arms.
"Oh, Jinnie, it's ok, I've got you, ummmm," you panicked, not knowing what to do until you stood and started running some cold water over a cloth.
"I'm... Scared, feel dizzy," he cried, and as you pressed the cold cloth to his back, you ran your fingers through his hair trying to soothe him.
But really, you had no idea what you were doing.
"Baby, I'm just going to go for a sec, I'm gonna grab my phone, okay?" you winced as you told him, standing up slowly.
"No, no, don't, I can't," he whimpered, and you rubbed his back soothingly even more.
"Oh Jinnie, I'll be 2 seconds, literally, I promise you, okay?" you hushed him, as you dashed out and grabbed your device, immediately back by your boyfriend's side. "See, Jinnie, told you, I'm right here. Bet you didn't even notice me gone, huh?"
"No," he simply said, body swaying slightly even from where he was sat by the toilet, and you began to feel more concerned, his answers were becoming shorter.
You rang the first person you could think of to help in this situation. Chan.
"Chan? Can you come into our room? Please, Hyunjin isn't feeling well, I think he's caught the sun- oh!" you paused in your rambles as Hyunjin began to throw up. "You're okay babe, it's ok... Chan please help I don't know what to do!"
"Ok, love, ok Y/N I'm coming through now," Chan said gently yet speedily as he hung up and you could hear his footsteps rushing into your room.
"Please help, Chan, he's really hot and I don't know what to do," you finally let yourself panic as Chan was here to help now.
"It's fine, you've done a great job so far, yeah?" Chan nodded at you as he sat down on the bathroom floor on the other side of Hyunjin. "Jinnie? You done?"
Your boyfriend weakly nodded.
Any other time, you would have made the joke that the Red Lights duo are what is too hot to handle, but clearly it was the sun for Hyunjin that had done him in.
"Y/N, let's lay him down in bed," Chan gestured you to help walk Hyunjin to bed, and you laid him down above the duvet, Chan placing a cloth on his forehead as you sat next to him, leg nervously bopping up and down on the floor.
"I didn't know what to do, he'll be ok, right?" you bit your lip worriedly, and even though he was the one feeling unwell, you didn't miss the way Hyunjin lightly strokes his hand over you leg to comfort you.
"He will be, we'll just keep an eye on him for now in case he gets worse, but he's already doing better I think," Chan nodded at you, looking you in the eye to make sure you were listening to what he was saying.
Half an hour had passed, and Hyunjin was more talkative now, still feeling a bit weak and hot, but the nausea seemed to have passed.
"Thanks Hyung, you know what Y/N can be like," Hyunjin joked as Chan chuckled too.
"I can see you're already feeling better, let me know if you need anything else," Chan smiled, before leaving the two of you alone.
"You don't have to worry anymore baby," Hyunjin rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand.
"You know I always do," you kissed his hand that rested over yours. "Plus, I should be comforting you, not the other way around."
"You've already done that my love, come on, let's cuddle," Hyunjin offered a small smile, slowly moving his arm outwards to welcome you into his embrace.
"Don't be silly, you'll get too hot," you frowned, not wanting him to feel worse.
"You never turn down my cuddles, are you sure you're feeling okay, my dear?" he sighed, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
"Okay, forget what I said," you shuffled into his arms and traced patterns on his stomach.
"What are you drawing, baby?" Hyunjin fondly smiled after a second.
"A rose," you smiled innocently.
"It doesn't feel like a rose," he giggled.
"Well you're going to have to keep guessing then," you laughed, and you both spent the rest of the evening relaxing, where you'd occasionally damp the cloth again to keep Hyunjin's temperature down. It was a stressful day, but you were just happy and relieved he was feeling much better now.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z
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minispidey · 10 months
I need to hear your most out of pocket HC about your fav Oscar characters that there really isn’t much evidence for but you feel in your soul is right. Can be fluff or nsfw!
For example:
I think Nathan actually likes to be topped and degraded. Do I have any evidence for this? No. Do I know in my pussy gut that I am right? Yeah 😌💅
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OSCAR ISAAC character headcanons
Content warning: just some real filthy shit. Uses female body descriptions. Breeding kink A LOT. Mentions cheating but doesn't get cheated on.
Characters: Nathan Bateman, Marc Spector, Jonathan Levy, Steven Grant, Miguel O'Hara.
Words: a lot.
Not beta read.
Requested by: @boredzillenial
Author's Note: i wish i could've written more bUT MY BRAIN IS JUST EXPLODING. Btw, thank you for requesting! Reblogs and comments are appreciated 💅❤️
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I swear. Nathan Bateman's head... you know exactly what I mean. LISTEN YOU SAID OUT OF POCKET SO HERE'S THE FANTASY: just... just grinding on it, your clit getting stimulated by his shaved head— he's not completely bald so I'm saying that if you caress his head, it'll still feel prickly.
Oh but imagine... breeding kink Nathan (tbh just in general i think all oscar characters would have a breeding kink)
Slow strokes, in and out of you. Nathan holding you still— not even in bed, he just wanted to fuck you in his office while idk doing research, but you were just standing in the corner of his office doing god knows what and he's accusing you of seducing him. And now here he was, his research forgotten and fucking you on his seat.
"Hm? When are you gonna learn your lesson that you can't just strut into my office and expect me not fuck the shit out of you?"
"N-Nathan, I wasn't even doing anything-"
"Shh... this'll be your punishment, okay?"
But at the end of it, just cuddling while he worked... but cockwarming him.
"Keep my cum in. Don't wanna waste God's seed, right sweetie?"
"Nathan, just shut up."
The moment you told him to shut up, something awakens in him.
"Slap me."
"Are you crazy?"
"Love, sweetie, honey bunny... please slap me."
Lets you ride him in your own pace for once, and he tried to stop himself from grabbing your hips and slamming you down on his cock.
"Naughty naughty..."
"Sweetie, please... fuck, you're driving me crazy here."
"Aw, don't you wanna cum in me?"
He fucking whimpers.
"God's seed shouldn't be wasted, right?"
"I'm never letting you be on top again..."
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Marc... oh my Marc. I have a mini series coming soon for the Moon Knight boys where Reader is has such a huge crush on Steven, and becomes his girlfriend after confessing. She meets Marc when he fronted, hates him so much and wants to punch him, but he has the face and body of her boyfriend and didn't want to hurt him. Maybe like an enemies to lovers with Marc and Reader, and Steven being happy that they're getting along. Jake will come later to me idk yet.
Imagine just going to bed in one of his shirts. Drives him CRAZY and the next thing you know, your sleepiness disappears as he fucks into you, just in a brutal pace. He loves groping you, breasts, thighs and all. If you're plus-sized/ chubby, he would hold your waist and giving you a squeeze here and there as he fucks you into oblivion.
Would top a lot but he loves it when you ride him and you get overwhelmed by his size.
"Come on, just a few more inches in."
"Marc... too big..."
Size kink applies to all the Moon boys. Well, because they share a body and uses one dick.
Marc just loves pressing against you. He's pretty experimental with the positions. Aftercare with Marc is just heavenly. Bubble bath, washing your body with a loofa. But then he gets turned on again and fucks you in the bath.
You could exist and just breathe, Marc will get turned on (like Nathan tbh).
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Jonathan Levy... ugh dilf. An actual one. Expect a long one (tw: mentions mira)
Usually it's the teacher-student love affair with this guy (tbh real) but seriously you can treat him better than Mira.
Something about you keeps driving him crazy to the point that Episode 4 and 5 of the show didn't happen 💅💅
He sees that you're absolutely nothing like his ex wife. And he loves the breath of fresh air. You loved all the things Mira hated about him.
Jonathan loves it when you cup his face and just stare into his eyes. Loves it when you pack him his lunch and put in notes. Brags about it a lot with his co-workers.
Just imagine being in love with him since childhood, being broken hearted when he married Mira, but one drunken night he realized he shouldn't have been chasing after Mira and turned to look at you. You finally had him.
His daughter adores you. Jonathan sees you being so good with children and he immediately goes "I want one with you."
Breeding kink dude. This guy obviously has one. He loves children. (Personally i would give him a football team because he deserves it) when you do get pregnant, he would be so caring and attentive. You're pregnant with his baby so obviously he would spoil you non stop. He would just smile at you whenever you get mood swings and start to get annoyed when he chews too loud.
Just a lot of fucking. Shower, bed, walls, even inside closets. He just adores you. He couldn't believe he was so blind not to see how much you've loved him and he would spend the rest of his life making it up to you.
"Jon, too tired..."
"Need you so bad, hun... just a few more, please? Wanna cum in you again..."
Mira hates you, but since you're you, you always one-up her and you two may or may not have gotten into a fight and Jonathan found you more attractive since then.
You become possessive of Jonathan whenever Mira's around, but Jonathan actually finds it really hot. Expect more than one round of sex with him on those days.
He never cheats on you even if Mira keeps pushing it. You were one of a kind, Jonathan knew how broken-hearted you would be if he did. Jonathan would purposely treat you like a lady in front of Mira, 100 times more than he usually does (which is impossible he already treats you so well)
Just... you make him a better person. You got him on a leash. He's not going anywhere.
Also he definitely loves risky sex. House filled with guests and you two are in the bathroom. He would even make you moan loudly that it'll annoy Mira who is passing by the bathroom. You enjoyed it when Mira's pissed off. You just hate her so much.
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Steven oh Steven. Just imagine trying to seduce Steven, and he's just clueless and continues to ramble on about Egyptian history and all, but you're trying to fuck him.
You want him to clear his table of books and just slam you on the table to fuck you. You go back to reality and he's smiling innocently at you as he kept talking.
You just hear nothing. His voice sounded muffled to you as your eyes scanned his face and stops on his nose... his nose.
Big noses. What Doja Cat said.
"Yes, love?"
"I want you to fuck me right now."
Soft sex with Steven. He doesn't want any position but missionary. He loves seeing your face.
Breeding kink? Yes. You all know this by now.
Falls silent when he cums, eyes rolling to the back of his head. It feels so overwhelming but so good. Loves filling you up to the brim.
Sometimes when you leave a pair of panties out, he would fight the urge to jack off to them. He just misses you so so much.
When you come back, he would push you against the wall and attack you with kisses and hickeys.
He also buys you a matching Koala plush keychain for your keys.
Sometimes you just want him to fuck you mercilessly, just slam you around and use you. UGH IM SCREAMING.
And back to the nose thing, he definitely let you grind on his nose at some point.
"C'mon, love... wanna taste you..."
Something about him nerding out just turns you on. You would suck his dick while he's talking. Even after cumming, you don't stop. You love seeing him overstimulated.
They say home is where the heart is. But god do you love the english 💅💅💅
Did he restrain you to his bed at some point? You told him to. And it unlocked a kink.
But do you know what kink Steven would have? Worship. Take it or leave it.
Messy kisses, his light colored shirts are stained with your lipstick. He ends up with his neck filled with hickeys. His back is scarred by your nails.
Risky sex? Fucking in the museum bathroom. Steven looked so hot behind the gift shop that you couldn't help it. Steven's dad material too, talks to kids really well.
So yeah that's when your breeding kink appeared. You wanted him to get you pregnant. He would be a great father.
"Cum inside me, Stevie. Fill me up."
Loves sucking on your tit while groping the other. He wants to make eye contact with you as much as he could while he does it.
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Bree- *gunshots*
This one is obvious though. He has a breeding kink and wants to get you pregnant.
Let's pretend Gabriella's alive here and he sees how good you are with her. He wants to have a bigger family with you.
"Gabby said she wants a sibling..."
Yeah. That's when you know, non stop breeding. Even when you're not even ovulating, he just fills you up. He wants to get you pregnant and see how good you look pregnant.
When you start lactating even before you give birth, he'd suck them out. He didn't want to waste good milk.
He treats you like a gentleman but at the same time you want him to slam you down and fuck you.
He's an old fashioned lover boy, romantic dinner and flowers. Gabriella has a babysitter while you two go on a date. She thinks you two are really perfect for each other. She draws you two a lot and you put them on the fridge.
"Daddy, I saw mommy kissing Spider-Man."
You two choked on your breakfast. Miguel hasn't told her yet about him being Spider-Man. He looks at you and smirks.
"Oh, did she?"
Prepare for a long night of degradation. Pulling your hair and jackhammering into you.
"Such a slut, huh?"
"Dumbass, you're Spider-Man. You can't call me a slut for kissing my husband."
He just fucks you harder. Miguel does get tired easily and lets you ride him.
Just... yes. And yes, he does bite you.
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simpcityy · 3 months
My Little Spawn Pt.3 (Dadstarion X Child!Reader)
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Summary: Astarion was finally free from Cazador after being kidnapped by a mindflayer but he was stuck with one annoying task, you.
Disclaimer: I do not own Baldur's Gate 3 or any of its characters.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Use of (Y/N), Cazador, language, violence, spoilers for those who haven't gone far in the game, mentions of blood, animal death...Uhhh...I think that is all.
Authors Note: Thank you all so much for the support! I am so glad you are all loving this series so far! As always please, like, reblog and comment if you are loving this series and hopefully others would like it as well. Also...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500 FOLLOWERS. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. Since we reached this number, I would do another father figure series because I feel I'm much better at that than a romance x reader version. Who should it be? Gale? Wyll? Rolan? Gortash? So many choices!
  Astarion leans against the rocky wall watching you get swarm by the female druids and Tieflings coddling you from how adorable you are. He lets out a small smile seeing you pout as the ladies coo at you. He thinks back to the discovery he found out 2 nights ago. Dhampir, when has Cazador ever been involved with a human. More importantly which dumb female wants to be in a relationship with Cazador. He looks at you seeing you trying to squirm away from the ladies. He sudden thinks back how protective Cazador was with you. Never letting you step out of the palace even at night….no…he wasn’t protecting you but rather himself. He’s raising you as a spawn to conceal the reality of your powers. What a bastard but then again Astarion is not surprised, it’s Cazador after all.  
 You finally had enough of this ladies and burst out crying “Astarion!” You wail feeling overwhelmed. He sighs and walks over “Excuse me Ladies, I think the little one has enough and I hate for them to get cranky.” He picks you up walking away from the pouting ladies. “Now, now, there is no need to cry” He sighs and rubs your back as you whimper clinging on to his armor. “Don’t like the attention or what?” He asked as you only kept quiet whimpering a couple times laying your head on his shoulder trying to relax. He leans his head back trying to look at you, “Are…you okay, so odd of you to be quiet.” He mutters trying to find the group in the grove. “I just miss home…I miss papa…and everyone else…” You mutter. He sighs “there, there but you have me no?” He hums walking through the grove enjoying this simple conversation with you. “I want to go home…my clothes don’t fit much…it hurts me and I miss my toys!” You whine. Astarion lets out a chuckle “Oh what a spoiled little spawn…well creature…eh, you’ll always be a little spawn to me.” He puts you down looking at you, it was true, he did notice you were an inch taller than yesterday and your clothes did look a bit tight. “Oh you weren’t kidding…” He thinks looking around “Dhampir do grow faster and mature faster….” He mutters to himself before going to a trader seeing if they have anything in stock, fabric even. 
As he was busy, you stray from him as you spotted a few tiefling children playing. You ran over smiling “Can I play!” You stood in front of them. “Sure! You’re from Baldur’s gate aren’t you by the way you talk and dress?” One of them smiles, “What games do you play at home?” One asked. You think carefully. Games, well you play ball by yourself, Cazador has you learn reading and writing. “I…um…I don’t know…usually papa has me studying and sends his people to play with me.” You held your hands behind your back and kick your feet in a shy manner. “Oh…you’re those kinds…Um….I think I heard my mom calling” They quickly left as the others give other excuses and leave you alone. You only look down and grab the ball they dropped bouncing it on your own. “What’s the matter?” Gale walks over seeing the scene. You look up, eye glossy trying not to let tears fall down. “Making friends is hard…” You whisper “Back home there is no other children playing with me…” Gale looks at you thinking back to himself as a young child. “It is isn’t it?” He smiles gently grabbing the ball from you and tossing it to you playing. You smile giggling and toss it back to him. “I don’t have any friends at home to play with, papa never lets me leave the big castle…” You catch the ball as it was tossed back. “Is that so? I know how it feels to be lonely…how about this.” He catches the ball and placed it down as he squats to your height. “(Y/N) would you like to be my friend?” He smiles as your eyes widen gasping. “You mean it!” Your little body bouncing with excitement. Gale nods waiting for your response. “Yes!” You bounce happily “ I have to tell Astarion!” You ran off to find the pale elf. Gale chuckles watching run off to bother Astarion with a big smile on your face.  
The next day You were told to stay in the grove. Shadowheart chuckles watching you pouting away eating whatever was given to you. “I want to go out too!” You look up at her. She only sighs “How do I deal with children…you want to go out you say? I guess we can outside the gates and collect some herbs. I know everyone is going to need healing after this battle.” Getting up, she held your hand and walked outside of the grove. You ran around happily collecting flowers for everyone. “What am I supposed to collect?” You asked her. She smiles fixing your hair “See this herb right there, that’s what we need.” She points as your eyes follow the direction she was pointing at. You ran over picking it up smiling and collected more. She only sits by the rock watching you over as you collected whatever caught your little eye. You hum the same tune Cazador would hum to you. Collecting flowers you stopped seeing a bunny hop around in the distance. Shadowheart was busy playing with the artifact like a rubik's cube only to look up hearing the poor bunny squeal in the distance. She panics not seeing you and gets up putting the artifact away. “(Y/N)!?” She follows the sound before going down a small path behind a rock wall seeing you drain the blood of the poor bunny. You look up at her blood soaking your shirt and your lips stained. “What…are you doing?” She slowly walks over to you and kneels by you. You look at him “I…I didn’t mean to…I wanted to play with the bunny but…” You began to wail feeling overwhelmed by these urges. “Oh please don’t cry.” Shadowheart panics looking around, not knowing what to do in this scenario. “Where is the Spawn when you need him…okay. Let’s clean you up and a nap will help” She holds your hand ignoring the blood and toss the rabbit on the side into a bush for a wolf or other animal to chow on. She walks to the river and makes you wash your hands. “Relax, everything is going to be okay.” She whispers as you whimper. She collects water into her palm and rubs off the blood from your shirt the best of her ability. She sighs seeing the shirt to be now discolored into the blood stain. “Your bag is in the grove….we can’t let them see you like this.” She wipes your cheeks clean as well. You look over hearing the bush rustle behind her. Shadowheart quickly picked you up and took out her mace. “Who goes there!” She glares. You cling to her only to tear up seeing Astarion walk out of the bush. 
“There you are, I thought I smelled blood near the gate.” He was out of breath and bruised from the battle they came back. His hair was all over the place and had a panicked look on his face. Shadowheart puts her mace away “Don’t scare me like that! I could’ve swing!” She scolds at him. He paid no attention to her as he walks over seeing your face stained in tears and a scared look. He noticed your clothes stained in blood. He took you from her arms and held you close, his hand on the back of your head. “What in the hells were you thinking?! I thought it was your blood I smelled all the way from the gates! I thought you got hurt!” He yells but not loudly knowing how much you hate it. You only laid your little head on his shoulder crying into his shoulder, your fist clinging on to him. He softens a bit feeling your little shoulders shake, you were scared. “What happened?” He looks at Shadowheart ready to pin this on her. “What did you do to them!” He glares at her. Hearing the commotion, Tav found them along with the others following. “What’s going on? Why is (Y/N) crying?” Tav walks over ready to stop Astarion seeing the murderous glare at the young woman. “What did you do!” He repeats to her, holding you close. “Their Dhampir side came out…” Shadowheart looks at him, feeling a bit speechless seeing him get this overprotective. She snaps out of it and points to the bunny in the bush. Gale walks over but turns around quickly “If you have a weak stomach…I suggest not looking” He covers his mouth. Tav walks over and looks at the bunny. “Gods…its in pieces….” They whisper. Hearing their comments made you tear up. They think your a monster, they won’t be your friends anymore…they won’t take you to see your home and papa anymore. You only hide your face more, letting out choked sobs. “Enough! Think before you speak.” Astarion held you close “We just hide the damn bunny and do our best to cheer them up…they are feeling overwhelmed and not themselves…gods do you people ever use your brain?” He walks off holding you close. 
  Night fell, you were in Astarion tent, in the corner. The pale elf walks in holding food, “Your still human…you need to eat this….we can start implementing human foods more than blood to control that urge.” He sits by you. You only look at the plate, hugging your knees and shake your head no. “(Y/N)...it was okay what you did…it’s in your nature…and I know your scared…I was too…when I first became a spawn….” He whispers softly and scoots closer only for you to scoot away. “ No…I don’t want to you…or anyone…like I did to Mr.Bunny..” You tear up. “Is that why mommy didn’t want me…am I a monster…they…probably won’t be my friends anymore” You whispers thinking back their reaction to the bunny. Astarion looks at you before grabbing your arm, you gasp and try to wiggle away, scared to hurt him only to feel a warm embrace. Astarion held you close, planting a kiss on the top of your head. “By hells, you are speaking nonsense little spawn.” He rubbed your back. “If they thought of us as monster, we wouldn’t be here now…they…are odd in their own ways you know so no one is perfect.” He grabbed the plate “Now eat up” He feed you a piece of fish and sat you on his lap, making sure you ate. You happily munched feeling slightly better. 
  After finishing your food, you laid your little head on Astarions chest as he held you close in one arm while the other was busy reading a book about Dhampir’s he found in a box. Your little doe eyes look up seeing everyone walk to Astarion’s tent. You cling to him feeling anxious only to calm down as Astarion rubs your little arm, “Relax, they come bearing gifts” He hums. Gale was the first one to talk “(Y/N), it was rude of me to…you know…having a weak stomach but you have nothing to worry about, I will always be your friend.” He smiles and leans down leaving down a purple wrapped gift on the ground for you smiling. He rubs your head “Sleep well” He whispers before being pushed back by Karlach, “Hey little soldier! Look what I got you” She smiles placing the small stuff bear in your arms which you happily accepted. “Thank you” You whisper shyly hugging the bear. Shadowheart smiles as it was her turn. “I got you some pretty flowers and made a couple of bracelets, we both have one. “ She shows off hers and place the other next to Gale’s gift. Tav walks over smiling and crouched next to you and Astarion. “Mine…you’ll have to wait because I promise…I will take you back home” They pat your head. Upon hearing this, you gasp. “You mean it! I get to see my papa soon!” You sat up. 
Astarion leans back watching you interact happily with everyone, that fear gone. He chuckles seeing you yawn and rub your eyes. “Alright little spawn time for sleep.” He looks at the others shooing them away from his tent and picks you up, fixing the bedroll and lays down, holding you close. He wasn’t going to let you go through this alone, not on his watch. You’re his little spawn after all.
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risriswrites · 11 months
Booze, Burgers, and Bartenders
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summary: short love story involving rooster and penny's favorite bartender.
pairing: bradley bradshaw x fem reader
warnings: none really, just some mild language and minor angst (if you can even call it that)
author's note: wow!! thank you guys so much for all of the love on my second fic "just roommates". i don't have a lot to say about it because honestly i'm speechless! with that being said, this fic has been in the works for months now and i'm exhausted with it. i wanted to write this and get it out back in may but everything with college really held me back and then from there i've just been enjoying summer and have been putting it off. so i apologize for the wait, but i hope y'all enjoy it!! likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated :)
word count: 5.7k
“Penny! Where are the extra bottles of Budweiser?” you call out, body crouched just below the countertop of the bar in an effort to find a hidden Budweiser bottle behind all the Corona’s.
Somewhere in the bar, Penny shouts back to you, a muffled, “Just got a new shipment order in this morning! Check in the backroom, they’re probably still in their packaging!” reaches your ears.
Huffing, you force yourself back to a standing position, leaning your weight against the bar for a few seconds before pushing off and heading towards the backroom.
Flickering the light switch on once the door is fully open, you begin the tedious search for the famous beer the patrons preferred to order at Penny’s bar. Sighing to yourself, you grab a stool just in case the box was placed on one of the top shelves. Jaxson had a habit of doing that, he knew both yourself and Penny preferred the heavier boxes on the bottom shelves, but he somehow always managed to “forget” that important factor.
Crouching low you start with the bottom shelves before moving upwards. Luckily, Jaxson put the newest box of Budweiser’s one shelf above the middle. Lifting the box into your arms, you steady yourself before moving back out of the room and towards the bar.
Maneuvering around the tables and chairs scattered throughout the bar was easier said than done. It wasn’t until you were able to push the box onto the countertop that you could take a breath, leaning your body weight onto the bar again with a huff. Flicking your hair over your shoulder, you notice Penny coming into your field of vision, a sly grin on her face.
“Jaxson leave the box on the top shelf again?” she questions, quirking a curious brow in the process.
Pinning her with a joking glare you smile, “Not this time, but it’s still heavy.”
“Hey, I’ve been doing it for ten years, trust me hon, it doesn’t get much easier” she chuckles.
Throwing your head back with a groan, you grip the edges of the bar, leaning back on your heels, “I’m sure I’ll get used to it soon,” straightening back up on your two feet, you turn to face Penny again, fixing her with your stare and point in her direction, “but, if Jaxson continues to put new, heavy, boxes on the top shelf, I can’t guarantee he’ll be around forever.”
Penny lets out a snort and nods her head in understanding, “I’m right there with you, but until then,” she gets up from her seat at the bar and pats the box of beer twice, “let’s get these in the fridge.”
With a forced laugh and a mock salute, you let out a “You got it Pen,” and resume struggling against the bottles of booze.
Nights at the Hard Deck fluctuated. Weekdays were a little slow, apart from Friday nights, with Saturdays being the busiest. Not that you’re complaining since that’s when you receive the most tips. And having the local aviators around as eye candy wasn’t so bad, plus, they’re generous tippers.
Tonight though, there had been an abundance of new faces floating around the bar. Mainly naval aviators, not to your surprise, but the sheer amount that had been crowding the bar was just a tad overwhelming.
Even Jaxson was flustered, his eyes flitting back and forth from you to Penny in search of some assistance. Unfortunately for everyone, you each were too busy struggling with keeping up with your own sides of the bar, and just when you thought you had a second to breathe, another patron would waltz up to your side and ask for a drink.
Glancing over towards Penny, you notice her interacting with a brunette clad in a leather jacket, an easygoing smile accompanying the glint in his eyes as he spoke with her. Smirking to yourself, you keep this interaction in mind and turn back to the guy in front of you, grabbing a bucket, loading it with ice and the six coronas he ordered, popping the tab off one before handing it to him with a smile, “Here ya go.”
The blond shoots you a smile, and pats a hand on the bar, shouting a “thanks” back in your direction. Moving around your section, you plucked empty bottles off the bar top and disposed of them in the large trash bin under the bar. And just as you were about to grab a clean washrag to tend to simpler tasks than dealing with the local riff raffs of the bar, another patron squeezes their way up to your side of the bar.
Flicking your gaze over to the guy you shoot him a small smile, “I’ll be with you in a second.” Snatching the wash rag, you tuck it into your jean shorts and take two strides back to the bar, leaning your forearms on the top, you shoot the mystery man a small smile, and pose the million-dollar question, “What can I get ya?”
After mixing the jack and coke your customer requested, you accept the twenty and continue working around the bar, popping bottle-tops off Corona’s, Heineken’s, and the bar favorite, Budweiser. All while simultaneously wiping any spills off the countertop.
A few hours later, the Hard Deck is looking less and less crowded, with all the civilians having cleared out. Which allows for you to sidle over to Penny and pester her for the next two hours before closing, sipping on your Coca-Cola in the meantime.
“Haven’t seen you all night, how’d it go?” Penny questions, permanent smile on her face and a light in her eyes you haven’t seen in a while.
Quirking your head to the side, you raise your eyebrows, “Clearly not as eventful as yours,” you smirk. Wiggling your eyebrows you throw out a second question, “Who’s got you all hot and bothered?”
Penny giggles at your playfulness, swatting at you with her dishrag, “No one special.”
“Now that, is a lie if I’ve ever heard one.” you point at her with the pinky finger that had been resting around the bright red can you’ve been holding.
Bringing the can back up to your lips, you smile, “Wouldn’t have anything to do with that brunette with the brown leather jacket decorated in naval patches, would it?”
This earns you another swat from the dishrag.
Leaning away from her, your smirk grows wider, “I’m taking that as a yes.”
Penny playfully glares at you for the second time today, and peers around you, nodding her head in the direction of your side of the bar, “You’ve got another one.”
Giggling to yourself you turn your head in the direction Penny motioned to, the sight before you halting your giggling almost instantaneously.
Bradley Bradshaw.
Cussing under your breath, you take the last sip of your coke and turn to make your way towards him, receiving a swat from Penny’s dishrag in the process.
The man of the hour turns in his seat towards you, honey brown eyes gazing into yours for a brief moment before one side of his mouth quirks up into a half smile, “Hey.”
“What made the navy drag your ass back here for?” you ask, snorting at his attempt at remaining casual, folding your arms over each other, jutting your hip out in a stance that you hope comes across as vaguely threatening.
Bradley taps his thumb on the bar top and shoots you an award-winning smile, “I’m not really sure about that yet, sweets” he states, his voice coming out in a low rasp, while his eyes wander behind you towards the bottles of liquor.
Rolling your eyes at the nickname, you open your mouth to shoot him a smart-ass retort, but instead, choose to close it and offer up the same line you use on everyone else, “What can I get you to drink?”
Bradley refocuses his eyes back onto yours, lips forming into a frown at your lack of retaliation, “Bottle of Budweiser if you have any would be great.”
Moving on autopilot, you bend down and sort through the fridge for another Budweiser, gripping the bottle and popping the top off, before sliding it forward towards the tall hunk of muscle in front of you, “You opening up a tab?”
Bradley looks over towards the pool tables where his friends were gathered around, no doubt betting on who was going to have to pay for the next round of beers. Turning his attention back to you, he stands from his seat, pulling his wallet out from his back jean pocket and holds his card out to you, “If you don’t mind, that’d be great sweets” sending you a small smile in the process.
Plucking the card from his grasp, you send a sarcastic smile his way before turning to the computer to input his information.
Bradley lets his gaze linger on you for a moment, then sets off back to his friends.
Hangman is the first to comment on Bradley’s singular beer and the sour look on his face, earning him a rough shove from Phoenix.
Nat turns to face Bradley, offering a sympathetic look, “Didn’t go well I take it?” she mumbles.
Hangman snorts and gestures with his beer towards the bar where you’re currently standing with Penny, “Judging by the way she’s standing,” sucking a breath through his teeth, “I’d say it went swimmingly.”
Jake goes to sip his beer with a smirk on his lips, satisfied with his dig, until Natasha forcefully bumps his elbow, forcing his beer to miss his mouth and instead spill down his shirt. Glancing towards her, scowl present on his face, Nat flutters her eyelashes and pouts, “Oops.”
Bradley covers his laugh with a sip of his beer, looking towards the dart board as a distraction.
“Maybe you should go get cleaned up.” Phoenix smiles, her words sickeningly sweet and not up for debate.
Grumbling to himself, Jake gets up from his seat and makes his way towards the bathroom of the Hard Deck. Once he’s out of sight, Nat fixes her gaze on Bradley, “Alright, tell me what’s going on.”
A huff slips past Bradley’s lips and he slumps into the seat adjacent to Phoenix, “That’s the thing Nat, it’s not really going anywhere.”
Nursing her own beer, Nat plays with the perspiration sliding down the bottle, “It’s probably gonna take some time Bradley. You can’t just show up after not talking to her for a year,” sparing you a brief glance she watches the way you smile and pop a cap off the bottle for a customer you’d been serving for the better half of the night, “stuff like that actually bothers a girl yaknow” emphasizing her words with a pointed look.
Bradley taps his thumb against the tabletop, a low groan leaving his throat, “I know Nat, I just didn’t know how to tell her I was being deployed for six months and then dealing with the Uranium mission on top of that,” he pauses briefly to sip on his beer, “It’s not fair to her.”
Natasha nods briefly, understanding where he’s coming from, “I get that, but that’s not your decision to make.” Pointing at him with her bottle briefly, she maneuvers it to gesture towards you, “She’s a big girl, she can make her own decisions.”
Bradley nods his head in understanding, moving his gaze to survey the room briefly, a red blush painting his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
Sensing how flustered he was Nat slaps the table and shoots him a sympathetic smile, “I’m going to get us a few more beers from our favorite girl. When I get back, you’re going to be done with all that sulking and were going to kick Coyote and Hangman’s asses in eight ball.”
An, “In your dreams hot shot,” settling over both Natasha’s and Bradley’s ears, the pair rolling their eyes simultaneously at the overconfident voice of Jake Seresin.
“Ready to start cleaning up? It’s twenty minutes before we close.” Penny asks, the clinking of glass bottles ringing in your ears when she tosses them into the trash.
Peeking at her from over your shoulder you send an exhausted smile her way, “Definitely, tonight’s rush took a lot out of me.”
Biting her lower lip, Penny begins wiping down the counter, “That the only thing that took a lot out of you tonight? Or did a certain tall, mustached naval aviator have something to do with it?”
She doesn’t look over at you when you whip your head to glare at her, instead choosing to continue to innocently wipe at the sticky bar top.
“Don’t start.”
Moving away from her, you begin to collect the remaining empties and toss them in the trash.
Ignoring her for another ten minutes, you busy yourself by sweeping up around the front of the building, avoiding Bradley and his lingering group of friends.
Maneuvering back to the bar, you grab the remaining glasses and bring them to the dishwasher in the backroom. Once you’ve loaded it up, you put in the dishwasher detergent and start it on a regular cycle, heading back out to the bar to help Penny finish up.
Gripping the rag in your hand you begin wiping down any places Penny may have missed, hyper fixating on the task at hand to avoid looking over at the man who ghosted you a year ago.
Penny eases herself into the space you were occupying, placing a hand on your shoulder in an attempt at gaining your attention. Looking up to the ceiling you breathe out, turning your head to give her your full attention. An apologetic smile is what meets you and you instantly feel your resolve soften.
“I’m only going to say this once, and from now on I won’t mention it.” Nodding her head in Bradley’s direction she continued, “He’s a good guy Hon, but unfortunately, he’s still a guy. And guys make stupid mistakes. Trust me,” an eye roll from her ensuing shortly after.
“I’m not telling you that you need to forgive him, but maybe hear him out?” she coaxes.
Looking over towards him, you watch as his drunken form laughs with his friends, “I’ll think about it Pen.”
“Okay honey,” leaning away from you she squeezes your shoulder, “Oh and I’ve gotta go pick up Amelia, soo could you close up?” she pleads.
Throwing your head up, you laugh, “Oh I see, just trying to butter me up so you can sneak out to go be with that Naval officer.”
Penny bites her lip at the thought and begins heading for the door, “Not yet, but maybe eventually,” she vocalizes, shooting you a wink in the process. “Alright guys and gals, time to go!” she calls out to the last group lingering at the back of the bar.
The blond calls back to her, “You got it Pen!”
Giggling to yourself, you finish up a few more tasks as the remaining aviators file out. Going to the storage room to grab some beers to restock the fridges for the following day, it’s always easier on you guys the next day if you restock the night before.
Heading back out to the bar you notice the handsome aviator you’ve been avoiding all night, sitting right where he had been earlier that night.
“Heyyy” Bradley smiles, clearly drunk judging by the flush that’s blossomed over his cheeks, neck, and ears.
Chuckling to yourself, you let an amused smile crawl across your face, “To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again?”
Bradley hiccups and leans his head on the bar top, “I need to,” another hiccup interrupts him before he continues, “close out my tab” he rasps.
Nodding to yourself, you go over to the computer and close out his tab, printing his receipt and wrapping it around his card, you turn back to him and place the card on the bar top, sliding it towards his drunken form.
Bradley looks you over and smiles, “You’re really pretty.”
Choosing not to laugh at his words you fold your arms over each other and smile at him, “How are you getting home, Bradley?”
He hums, still looking you over in a daze, “I drove.”
Shifting a little in his seat, he uses one arm to reach into his back pocket, presenting you with the keys to his infamous blue bronco, jingling them in front of you with a goofy smile on his face.
Leaning towards him you grip your hand around his, easing the keys from his hand into yours. His eyes watching your hand as it encloses around his.
“I’ll be taking those big boy.”
Bradley groans, reaching his arms out towards you as you lean away from him, “Nooo, come back, I need those.” he whines out.
Shaking your head you muffle a chuckle at his drunkenness, “Bradshaw you can’t drive yourself home,” nibbling on your lower lip you spit the words out before you can take them back, “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
Bradley shoots his head up at your statement, “You’re taking me, where?” he questions.
Rounding the bar, you grab your purse in the process heading towards Bradley, “I am going to take you home.”
“How do you know where I live?” he asks, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. Cute.
Smirking at him, you quirk your own eyebrow, “I’m a witch.”
Bradley points at you lazily and whispers, “If you’re a witch, then tell me what I’m thinking about right now.” Promptly closing his eyes afterwards.
Looking up, you shake your head, smile growing wider on your face, “Burgers” you declare confidently, crossing your arms in the process. As if this motherfucker didn’t spend every waking minute with you for a year.
His eyes instantly open, mouth dropping in amazement, an emphasized “Yes” leaving his lips.
Offering your hand to him, you give him a small nod, “We can get some on the way home if you want?”
Bradley eyes you skeptically, “You promise?”
Smiling, you fold your fingers in, leaving your pinky out for him, “I promise.”
Slowly, Bradley wraps his own pinky around yours, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Alright, let’s get going. Joey’s Burgers sounds amazing right now.” Giving his hand a squeeze, you lead the way out of the bar, Bradley stumbling behind you, mumbling about some triple patty burger that they recently added to the menu.
Once the two of you managed to make it out the front door, you turned back to lock up, Bradley leaning his head on your shoulder as you did, making it a little more difficult to maneuver around in the process.
“Okay tiger, lets get you in the car.”
Leaning his weight on you some more, he scrunches up his face in confusion, “I’m not tiger, I’m rooster.”
Lugging his weight across the graveled parking lot and towards the bronco, you snicker at his words, “I know Bradley, it’s just a nickname.”  Earning a low groan from Bradley in response.
Once you’ve made it to the bronco, you focus on getting Bradley’s passenger door open, all while he leans more and more of his weight on you, at this rate the navy should just hire you if you can lug a full-grown man around a dark gravel parking lot.
After you’ve managed to get the door open, you coax Bradley into the passenger seat with the promise of burgers and a movie once you got him home. Rounding the car after ensuring he’s buckled himself in and jumping into the driver's seat.
Looking over towards him, you note the way he’s leaned his head against the window, arms folded over each other, in what you could only guess is an attempt at staying warm. Mindful of his potentially cold state, you don’t bother with turning the air conditioning on, and keep the volume of the radio low, trying to allow Bradley to relax as much as possible. He’s lucky he’s cute when he’s drunk.
Pulling out of the parking lot of the Hard Deck, you make your way down the street to Joey’s Burgers, ordering two large fries, two medium soda’s, one triple patty burger for Bradley, and one regular cheeseburger (with only ketchup) for yourself. Then continuing your mission of getting Bradley back home for the night before he’s sobered enough to realize he’d not only let you drive him home, but also from the driver’s seat of his beloved bronco.
Parking Bradley’s bronco wasn’t an issue, however, getting Bradley to move out of his passenger seat was.
Pleadingly, you rushed out a whispered, “Bradley, please get out of the car, you can’t stay in there all night.”
Receiving only an annoyed grumble in response, you tried again in the form of bribery, “I got you your favorite burger from Joey’s, if you get out of the car you can eat it while we watch a movie.”
This gets his attention and before you know it, you’re lugging Bradley out of his seat and across the parking lot. Somehow, he’s gotten heavier in the past twenty minutes of your drive. Mumbling to no one in particular, you let out a low, “He’s got a lot of groveling to do after this.” Huffing out a breath, you manage to pull him up the steps of the cozy one-story house, forcing Bradley to lean against the wall while you unlock the door.
Once you’ve managed to get the door open, you pull the brunette aviator over the threshold and towards the couch, kicking the door closed once you’ve made it inside.
The grey couch that had been centered towards the edge of the living room absorbs a drunk Bradley Bradshaw into its cushions, earning a content hum from him in response.
Throwing yourself down next to him, an audible sigh slips past your lips, leaning your head against the cushions in an attempt at seeking a moment of comfort before you inevitably must help Bradley into bed.
Lolling his head to the side Bradley fixes his gaze on you, eyes trailing across the expanse of your face, when the question, “What happened to my burger?” comes tumbling out of his mouth.
A sharp laugh is what Bradley gets in response, along with a, “I swear you become more and more like a dog as the night goes on.” Bradley is too drunk to understand what that’s supposed to mean, so instead, he widens his eyes and tilts his head a little, a silent question in regard to the aforementioned burger.
Yep, definitely dog like.
Swiping the bag of burgers and fries from the table, you pull Bradley’s special burger; along with a few napkins, out and hand them over to the man of the hour, who immediately starts to gobble it down like he hasn’t eaten in days.
While the man who resembles a golden retriever consumes his food next to you, you start the venture of looking for a movie you wouldn’t mind focusing your attention on until Bradley falls asleep, settling on “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”.
Settling into the couch again, you curl your legs up underneath you and proceed to snack on the fries you’d gotten.
Everything was calm, for a total of thirty seconds.
Your peace being ruined by an overgrown buffoon looming over you to steal one of your fries from its container.
“You know, I got you your own fries,” you snicker, side-eyeing the Topgun graduate who has resorted to looking like a kicked puppy from your scolding.
“Yours tastes better.”
Snorting at the remark, you shake your head in exasperation, “Finish your food and if you’re still hungry, you can have some of mine.”
Seemingly pleased with the compromise, Bradley gets comfortable on the couch once more, and continues with consuming the fried potato.
After some time has passed, Bradley satisfied with his food and no longer pestering you for yours, you make an attempt to clean up. Which is instantly foiled by a tipsy Bradley Bradshaw, “Why do you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you Bradley,” you wave him off, continuing your advances towards the kitchen.
Bradley forces himself off of the couch, stumbling after your composed form, “Sure seemed like it earlier.”
Tossing the leftover food in the trash, you grab a paper towel and the spray bottle of cleaner he always left under the sink, “And I don’t recall you being particularly sober within the past two hours.”
A small smirk graces Bradley’s lips while he leans his body weight against the doorframe of the kitchen arms folded over each other, “I had a triple patty burger from Joey’s an hour ago.”
Rolling your eyes at his retort, you push past him to get back to his living room, “You’re welcome then.”
Like a piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe, Bradley follows after you, “You don’t have to clean.”
Better than having to look at him while he’s sober and engage in this conversation.
Pulling your eyebrows together, you force yourself to concentrate on the coffee table littered with grease stains from the bag and a few misplaced French fries, completely ignoring Bradley’s piercing gaze.
Hearing him sigh, your gaze breaks from the table and flits to where he’s standing. Looks more like leaning to you since he’s clearly still feeling some of the effects of the alcohol. As your eyes roam over his figure, you take in his posture, his arms, and lastly his eyes, which are locked on yours and the way you’re examining him.
Looking up to the ceiling, you huff, bending to your full height. Abandoning the damp paper towel on the semi-clean coffee table before you address him.
“I don’t hate you.”
Bradley’s eyebrows lift, one side of his mouth quirking up in a half-hearted smirk, mustache following suit, “So you’ve said.”
Your eyebrows crease while your eyes pinch, fixing him with a glaring look, “But I don’t appreciate being led on for months either,” your tone heavy in the way you spoke to him.
Bradley visibly winces at the jab, “I know, not my proudest moment.”
Crossing your arms over each other, you jut your hip out, “Why’d you do it then?”  
Bradley crosses the room slowly, moving closer to your defensive stance with a slowness that resembled someone afraid of spooking a baby deer, “I didn’t want you to get caught up in all my shit.”
“One mission for six months is bad enough,” he pauses, “Another mission with no guarantee of survival a month after the last isn’t something I wanted to put you through.”
Your frown that you’d adorned for majority of this conversation, deepens, “That’s not something you get to decide, Bradley.”
A forced chuckle slips past your lips, “I’m a big girl, I’ve been able to make my own decisions for myself, for years. I don’t need you and your hero complex thinking you can make those decisions for me.”
Your eyes roam his face scowl still prominent. Finally uncrossing your arms, you poke a finger into his chest, “You should be able to trust me enough to tell me those things, and allow me to decide if it’s too much,” you pause taking a step back, hand retreating back to your side, “or if I care about you enough to stick around.”
Bradley tenderly reaches for the hand you’d forced back to your side, threading his fingers through yours, “I know, trust me I do. I just thought I’d be protecting you,” he breathes out, using his hand to bring you closer to him.
Your hardened gaze softens at his words, he thought he could protect you from himself, from heartache.
Settling your other hand on his chest, you tilt your chin up, the height difference between the two of you showing in the close distance you’re in.
“Like I said before,” you whisper, “That kind of decision I can make on my own.”
Bradley’s eyes are half-lidded as he looks at you, processing your words and what to do next with them.
Silence falls over the two of you, the only noise emanating from the tv next to you.
Breaking his gaze, you look behind him to see the clock hanging from the wall that’s surrounded by framed pictures of his parents along with a few pictures of himself with some of his squadron, taking note of the time.
Glancing back to him, you mumble, “You should probably go to bed.”
Bradley huffs at your suggestion but makes no move to argue.
Instead, he grips your other hand in his and pulls you closer, tilting his head to the side, “Tuck me in?”
Laughing to yourself at his suggestion, you give him a small nod, taking the lead down the hall to his bedroom, “Sure, do you want some warm milk while were at it?” you tease.
Bradley hums from behind you, “Now that you mention it,” he trails off, biting his lower lip to contain his laughter.
“Keep dreaming aviator,” you chortle.
“Oh I intend to,” is the retort you get in return.
Turning into his bedroom you push him towards his closet and gesture for him to change, turning your back to him in an attempt to avoid being distracted by his charm and physique, reacquainting yourself with his bedroom instead.
Not much has changed apart from the bedding which had gone from a pale blue to a darker green.
A raspy, “I’m decent,” makes its way to your ears and you turn to look for the source. Intaking a sharp breath at the sight of Bradley Bradshaw in a plain white t-shirt, and boxers, eyes roaming the expanse of his body before deciding you’ve ogled him too much.
Moving your eyes away from his lower half, you make your way to the closet in search of your own shirt and boxer combo, cause if you’re staying there’s no way you’re staying in your “The Hard Deck” tank top and jean shorts.
Wordlessly, Bradley sidles up behind you and reaches for his old training tee from his first days at Topgun, handing you the shirt and a pair of gray boxers to match.
Mumbling a soft “Thanks”, you make sure he turns all the way around before stripping down to put the new garments on.
Once comfortable, you glance to the opposite side of the bed Bradley’s in, fiddling with your fingers as you fight yourself on whether or not you can trust yourself with him again.
Screw it.
Acting before fully thinking through your decision, you climb into bed beside him, hiding under the covers for some warmth, and maybe from Bradley.
It’s Bradley’s warm hands that bring you out of your thoughts, hooked around your waist and pulling you to him, “You’re thinking too loud,” he mumbles, one leg slotting between yours.
Reaching up with your right hand, you glide your fingers through his locks, earning a sigh of content from him, “I just don’t want to get hurt again,” you confess, tugging your lower lip between your teeth.
The confession has Bradley propping himself up onto his elbow, his free hand finding your own, putting it square against his, measuring the sizes of your individual palms, slotting his fingers between your own once he’s satisfied.
“I can’t promise that being with me will never hurt,” he states, swallowing the lump in his throat.
Sighing, he continues, “I don’t know if something will happen to me when I’m in the air.”
You nod solemnly at his confession, running everything over in your head, the pros and cons of being with him, loving him. What that might do to you.
Bradley tilts his head toward yours, catching your eyes once more, “But,” he pauses, “I can promise that I’ll never voluntarily hurt you again, and I will do everything in my power to come home to you.” He finishes, voice shaky and his eyes displaying a vulnerability you’ve never seen before.
Scanning his honey-colored irises, you search for any doubt he may have hidden, finding none, a soft smile graces your lips.
Leaning forward, you nudge your forehead against his, eyes fluttering closed at the contact, “Okay” you whisper.
Opening your eyes to scan his face, trailing along the faint freckles that litter his cheeks, your smile widens, “but this is your last shot Bradshaw, don’t ruin it,” you tease.
Bradley grins back at you before closing the gap between the two of you, slotting his lips against yours in a kiss that had been a long time coming; by at least a year.
His tongue traces the bottom of your lip and without much coaxing, you open your mouth enough for him to slip his tongue in, maneuvering his body over yours for easier access. Bradley slides his hands down your frame to trace circles into your hip, while the other braces himself next to you.
Breaking the kiss, Bradley maneuvers his lips down towards your exposed neck, trailing open mouthed kisses lower each time before coming back to your lips, catching them with his over and over until the two of you have settled into a relaxed state, lazy open-mouthed kisses replacing the urgent ones you were enacting before.
Gently reaching your hand up, you slot your fingers into Bradley’s tousled locks, tugging ever so slightly, earning a low groan from him in response.
Smiling to yourself, you slot your lips against his one last time before leaning back, appraising him with a gentle smile adorning your lips, “I thought we agreed on sleep?”
Chuckling, Bradley moves a stray hair out of your face, “Sweets, will you please put me out of my misery and go on a date with me?”
Clicking your tongue, you drag him down closer to you, snuggling into his chest as you make yourself comfortable.
 “Mmm, dating the bartender, huh? Hope it’s for more than free drinks,” you quiz, trailing a hand down to his abs, tracing each one with your fingers.
A tender kiss is placed to the crown of your head, while one large hand sneaks under the back of your shirt, tracing small circles across your skin, “Definitely.”
Humming, you close your eyes, content with the warmth emanating from Bradley and his tender touches, “That’s nice.”
Bradley chuckles at your drowsy state, “So is that a yes?”
He receives a chaste kiss that’s pressed to his shirt, right where his heart is as you mumble out, “It’s a yes Bradshaw.”  
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stylesispunk · 8 months
"I couldn't want you anymore" | Part 4
Artist! Joel Miller × Florist! Reader
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summary: when Sarah's mom comes back into Joel's life to fight for their past relationship, Joel needs to convince her he is in a happy relationship with the florist next to his gallery in order to make her go away. The problem is, that he and the florist can't stand each other's guts or that it's what he thinks.
warning: age gap (Joel is 36 and reader is 28). Remember that "Bee" is reader's nickname, fluff, some feelings are being confessed, smut, angst, EXTREME ANGST. Okay, this is where everything goes to hell.
a/n: This one is more than 7k and is the longest piece of writing I've written here, so please, give it love🥺 Reblogs and comments are appreciated and help a lot be noticed by more people. I love this one, not the writing but the chapter as a piece? Sorry for any grammar mistakes and sorry in advance for the chapter.💌
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The next morning, it was Sunday and you thanked God for it. You were tired and the events from last night still lingered in your head, Joel, Connell's proposal, and the mix of feelings because of it. 
“Move to London?” you asked Connell, as if you couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth.
Connell looked at you with a patient and reassuring smile, understanding the magnitude of the decision he had just proposed. He reached out and gently took your hand, his touch comforting.
"Yes," he replied softly, "Moving to London would be a big step, and I don't want you to say yes right now. Take all the time you need to think about it. I'm willing to wait."
You nodded, appreciating his understanding and patience. The idea of moving to a new city, even for love, was overwhelming. You needed to consider your job, your life, and the ties you had built in your current home.
“Or is there someone?” He asked, “Oh my god”. He covered his face with his hands. “I can’t believe I didn’t ask about that”.
You graced a tiny smile, comforting Connell
“So, is there someone?” 
“It’s complicated.”
Connell's expression softened as he gazed into your eyes. "Bee, I want you to be happy. If there's someone else in your life, I'll respect that. But I just had to be honest with you about my feelings and my intentions."
You appreciated his understanding and his willingness to accept your situation, even if it was complex. The bond you had shared with Connell was strong, but your involvement with Joel had added layers of confusion and uncertainty to your life. It was a tangled web of emotions that you needed to untangle before making any decisions.
Connell leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Take all the time you need to figure things out, no matter what. You choose me or choose whoever the other guy is, I'll be for you."
With his reassuring words, you felt a weight lifted from your shoulders, knowing you had Connell's unwavering support, whatever decision you eventually made, and that made your heart feel at ease for once. 
Nevertheless, you didn´t remember what happened after that. You both drank wine, you mostly, and you knew that you drunkenly confessed everything about your and Joel's “agreement” to Connell.
You felt embarrassed. Having Connell back helped you to see things clearly, and with your birthday coming soon, you were even more stupid for doing this at your age.
You decided to go back to sleep to avoid overthinking it. However, your attempt to do so was interrupted by a knock on your front door. You groaned and glanced at the clock; it was eight in the morning, and you couldn't bear facing a person at this time. Nevertheless, and still feeling a bit dazed from last night's wine, you dragged yourself out of bed and stumbled to the front door. Last
When you opened the door, you were met with Joel standing there. He looked like he hadn't slept much either. There were dark circles under his eyes, and he appeared slightly disheveled as if he had rushed over to your place first thing in the morning. 
"Joel, what are you doing here so early?" you asked, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
Joel hesitated before answering, his face displaying conflictive emotions "I needed to talk to you. Can I come in?"
You felt like this wasn’t a good idea right now, but you stepped aside, allowing him to enter your home.
 As he entered, you couldn't help but notice he was carrying two bags.
"I brought breakfast," he said, offering a faint smile.
You couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this was an attempt to make amends after last night's dinner with Lauren, and you were on guard. You didn’t want to show him he was having an effect on your emotions. 
"Joel, what's all this?" you asked, gesturing at the bags as he placed them on the table.
Joel took a deep breath, his gaze on your eyes. "I know I messed up last night, and I'm really sorry for everything that happened. I was hoping we could talk and sort things out."
Your guard was still up, but the sound of his voice touched your heart. "Joel, last night..."
He cut you off gently, "I know, Bee, I know. I want to explain. Please, let me."
"I won't pretend that last night wasn't complicated," Joel began, keeping his gaze on the breakfast he was preparing. "I know I hurt you by having dinner with Lauren. But please believe me, it wasn't what it looked like."
You remained silent, letting him continue.
Joel's voice held a note of frustration as he explained, "Lauren and I have a history. Yes, but we have something in common and Sarah wants to know her mother. I can’t deny her that right.”
You wanted to believe him, but the doubts lingered. "Actions speak louder, you know?”
“I have nothing with her,” he said, widening his eyes as he looked into her eyes. 
You could see the sincerity in his eyes. You wanted to trust him, to believe that he had good intentions. It was a complicated situation, one you had never expected to find yourself in.
“So, what are you suggesting?" you asked, your voice cautious.
Joel sighed, with relief and anxiety in his expression. "I'm suggesting that we reevaluate our agreement. Maybe we can redefine our boundaries and communicate better about our feelings."
You considered his proposal, thinking about how this might change things between you two. Despite the pain and confusion, a part of you also cared about Joel. It wasn't easy to let go of something that had brought so much comfort into your life. 
“Okay” you smiled in agreement. Knowing you should tell him about Connell’s proposal, but you hadn’t the strength to do it. 
Joel mirrored your actions, and he turned back to the breakfast he was preparing; you felt the weight of the both of you on your shoulders. This situation was far from simple, and your heart was torn between wanting to trust Joel or starting a new life with somebody you already trusted.
“So, you woke up today and decided to come here?” you asked.
“Actually, yes, that’s what I did,” he laughed. “I didn’t know you were in a hangover though, sorry for that. Did you and Lily hang out last night?”
“Actually, I had dinner with Connell,” you said, anticipating his reaction.
“Your ex?”
Joel's expression shifted, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he processed the information. He clearly hadn't expected that response.
"Dinner with Connell," he repeated, his voice tinged with a mix of surprise and uncertainty.
You nodded, feeling the need to explain. "He had something important to talk about, and he's leaving for London soon. It felt like the right thing to do."
Joel took a moment to collect his thoughts, then replied, "Well, I guess it's good you two talked. You should figure things out. I mean, he's your ex, and he's moving away."
His words were calm and understanding, which was a relief. You had braced for a more tense reaction.
"Yeah," you said, appreciating his mature response. "We're just trying to be on good terms before he leaves."
Joel gave a small nod, his expression thoughtful. The conversation had taken a different turn, and the complexities of your feelings and relationships weighed heavily on your mind. You hoped that both Joel and Connell could find their respective places in your life, but the path ahead was far from clear.
You just omitted the part when he asked you to leave with him. 
Joel gave a small nod, his expression thoughtful. The conversation about Connell hung in the air and Joel decided to break the tension by returning to breakfast. He finished preparing the meal, and the two of you sat down to eat. The atmosphere was lighter, and you both made an effort to talk about less complicated topics, sharing stories and laughs over your food.
You still found it funny how you both went from not talking at all to talking about anything. 
After breakfast, as you helped Joel with some preparations for his upcoming exhibition, you couldn't help but think about the new direction your life was taking. Joel had proposed reevaluating your agreement, and Connell had asked you to go with him to London. The decisions ahead were daunting, and you knew that clarity would be hard to come by.
Joel was also deep in thought as he arranged some artwork, and eventually, he broke the silence. "Bee, I know things have gotten complicated, but I genuinely want to make this work.”
His words were sincere, and you could sense his determination. It was a lot to process, but you couldn't deny that you also cared about Joel. The choices you had to make in the coming days would be defining moments in your life, and you hoped you could find a path that would lead to happiness and fulfillment, no matter how complex it might be.
With your birthday coming in three days, you felt that your new year of life would be different. 
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The timing couldn't have been more challenging as Joel's upcoming art exhibition was just around the corner. The preparations for the event were in full swing, and you were doing your best to help him with the decoration and catering.
The gallery was buzzing with activity. Paintings were being hung, sculptures were being arranged, and the space was being transformed into a captivating display of Joel's artwork. You couldn't help but be impressed by his talent and dedication to his craft.
As for your "relationship," you and Joel were navigating it with care. It was a tricky balance of pretending to be a couple while not letting your true feelings get in the way. Sometimes, the lines blurred, and it became challenging to differentiate between the act and reality.
You worked closely with Joel to ensure that the gallery's decor matched his artistic vision. Together, you chose color schemes and hung string lights to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The collaboration brought you closer, and as you worked side by side, there were moments when you exchanged genuine smiles and shared laughter that felt far from fake.
Convincing everyone about your relationship was an ongoing challenge. You played the part of the affectionate girlfriend, exchanging hugs, kisses, and sweet nothings with Joel. The outside world saw the two of you as a couple, but you knew the truth lay somewhere between reality and pretense.
As the event drew near, the question that remained was whether you could maintain the charade or if it would evolve into something real.
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The day of your birthday dawned, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The recent developments in your life, your family and friends’ birthday wishes, and Joel’s upcoming art exhibition made this birthday unlike any other.
As you made your way to the gallery to leave the usual cup of coffee for Joel, you felt a sense of excitement. You couldn't deny that you enjoyed spending time with him, but you also knew that this fake relationship was getting more complicated by the day due to feelings getting involved. 
When you arrived at the gallery, you were greeted by the soft glow of string lights and the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee. The space looked even more beautiful now with Joel's artwork on display. It was evident that he had put his heart and soul into his work.
Just as you set the coffee on the table, Joel appeared, a warm smile on his face. He walked over to you and pulled you into a gentle hug, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Happy birthday, Bee," he whispered.
The simple gesture was filled with genuine warmth, and it touched your heart. You felt your cheeks blushing at his touch. 
"Thank you, Joel," you replied with a smile.
Joel gestured to a small gift wrapped in a simple but elegant box. "I got you a little something," he said, his eyes filled with anticipation.
You accepted the gift and carefully unwrapped it, revealing a beautiful necklace. It was a delicate piece of jewelry with a pendant in the form of a flower that resembled his art and your essence together. You were taken aback by the beauty and thoughtfulness of the gift.
"It's beautiful, you said, genuinely touched by his gesture. "Thank you, Joel."
He smiled, and for a moment, the line between pretense and reality blurred again. It was a birthday gift that felt meaningful, not just because of the necklace, but because it came from someone who had become an important part of your life.
Joel pulled you into another hug, and you realized that, despite all the complexities and pretense, this connection was becoming real. 
"Thank you for this," you said, gesturing to the necklace. "It means a lot to me."
Joel took your hand and looked into your eyes; his gaze was sincere. "You mean a lot to me."
Your breath sucked in, leaving you breathless as his words hung in the air. You knew that this fake relationship had evolved into something more, something that was real.
Joel's hand in yours felt warm and reassuring. As you stood together in the gallery, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the future, even if it remained uncertain. Your birthday had taken an unexpected turn, and you had a feeling that more surprises were yet to come.
"The gallery is closed for the morning because we have someone to celebrate today," Joel said with a playful grin.
You chuckled; the weight of the world momentarily lifted. "Alright, what's the plan?"
Joel leaned in and whispered, "I have a few more surprises up my sleeve. But first, let's enjoy some coffee together."
The day moved forward in a whirlwind of excitement and celebration. Joel had arranged a surprise birthday party for you in the gallery. Your friends, including Lily, and even Sarah, were all there to celebrate with you. It was a beautiful gathering filled with laughter and warmth, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for the people in your life.
Joel played the perfect host, making sure everyone felt welcome and comfortable. You saw how he effortlessly blended with your friends. His charm and genuine smiles seemed to win everyone over.
As the evening progressed, the party was in full swing, but Joel leaned in to whisper in your ear, "I have one more surprise for you. Why don't you come to my place tonight? Tommy won’t be there and Sarah will stay with Lauren tonight, and I was hoping for some alone time."
You couldn't help but smile,"I'd love to."
Joel's eyes sparkled with anticipation, and you realized that there was more of him that you hadn't fully explored. 
The clock ticked away the hours, and eventually, it was time to leave the party behind. You said goodbye and made your way to Joel's place, with him by your side, and the atmosphere completely changed after that.
When you arrived at Joel's home, it welcomed you with the soft lighting and cozy ambiance in his living room. Set the perfect mood for what was to come. Joel's living room was bathed in the soft glow of light, and you couldn't help but feel a warm sensation at the gesture. He excused himself for a moment and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving you wondering what other surprises he might have in store.
As you sat there, Joel returned with a small tray of desserts. On it, there were beautifully plated mini cheesecakes topped with fresh berries, and a bottle of your favorite wine was chilling in an ice bucket nearby.
"This is the second part of your birthday surprise," Joel said with a mischievous smile. "I thought we could end the night with something sweet."
Your heart swelled with affection for his thoughtfulness. As you indulged in the delicious treats and sipped wine, the evening took on an even more romantic tone. The intimate setting, combined with Joel's genuine affection, made your birthday feel like something out of a fairytale.
You found yourself drawn to Joel's eyes, and he to yours. It was a moment when pretense gave way to something authentic, something that had been growing between you for the last two months. With every shared smile and every tender touch, the unspoken emotions between you became stronger.
Joel reached out and took your hand, his fingers gently tracing circles on your palm. The atmosphere was charged with unspoken desire, and it felt like the perfect time to take things to the next level, to explore what was real and true between you. 
“Bee,” he said, looking straight into your eyes. 
They were focused, eye to eye with his lips close to yours. 
You were completely alone. You were in his house and both of your worlds were mixing together to become one. And your heart pulsed at the sound of the nickname he gave you years ago, something that seemed foreign back in those days, but now the tone lacing the sound of his voice sent a shiver down your spine. 
“Happy birthday, Bee” he smiled, attaching his lisp to yours for a passionate kiss, flipping you over so he could be over you.
After that, everything happened so fast. Neither of you knew when you got rid of your clothes, but there was too much desperation in your touch, you wanted to see the way his fingers could make a mark on you, tracing lines of invisible traces over your body.
He was hovering over you, meeting your lips in a passionate kiss. He was in the right between your legs where you wanted him the most now. 
He detached his lips from yours for a moment to look down at you for a moment. To admire the features of your face, and the nature of your body being displayed just for him right now. You felt the crimson color rushing up to your checks and for a moment you felt embarrassed under his stare, but he smiled at you.
“You look beautiful”. He swallowed hard, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
He kissed you again, slipping his tongue past your lips, gasping when he felt your fingers running your fingertips across his bare chest, tracing the lines of a map leading to where you couldn’t stop.
With one of your hands, you pulled him down by his neck to hold you against your lips again. Once you tasted them, you couldn’t get over the taste of them over yours, and you couldn’t get over the whimpers he left in your mouth. 
His hands on your tights only increased the sparks in the place you wanted him the most, you wanted to follow the path even when you knew it was leading to a treacherous destination. 
You continued kissing slowly as he caressed your thighs, as he wanted to worship your body and devour every single sound coming out from your mouth. He kissed you down over your neck, kissing, nipping your skin between his teeth.
And God, he loved the way you were making him feel. The fact this time was different to that night in the gallery some nights ago. At this moment, you weren’t driving for only passionate reasons, but for caring feelings for each other. You weren’t in a rush and that turned him on. He was hard for you and he wanted to meet where religion was, between your thighs. 
Both of you gasped out loud the second he started to push slowly inside you. His hands reached for yours to interlock them together as he kissed you with softness, whispering “You’re so beautiful like this”. He was hypnotized by the way you were nervously laughing as you tossed your head back in pleasure. He bit your neck, causing your hands to follow their way up to his neck and his hands roamed down all of your body without a layer of clothes on you, focusing on every thrust, going deep to make sure he was making you feel good. 
You opened your eyes to stare back at him, looking completely focused on you. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as his hands caressed your breasts as he kept devouring your lips, your back arched followed by a moan against his lips. Every thrust felt so good you couldn’t help but feel you were in heaven. You could feel you were getting close as you squeezed him and you kept your eyes locked on each other. He pushed faster, with one hand caressing your cheek and the other holding your leg to ensure you fell apart. 
The noises you made drove him crazy, feeling himself coming to the edge of the cliff. He wanted to look at you under him as you came, and with a loud gasp, it happened and he did it at the same time, falling over your bare chest, with your heartbeats becoming one.
Yes, you had sex and you crossed the line you couldn’t, but at that moment, you didn’t care.
You sighed softly under him, and Joel raised his head to look at you, showing him a cute smile that he wasn’t tired of, and you kissed him on the lips. 
“I love you,” you said tiredly before falling asleep.
I love you.
Those three words were echoing in the shadows of his mind. His expression hardened and he felt his blood rushing. He couldn't be sure, but the impact it had on him was undeniable.
Now in the stillness of the room, he looked down at you, nestled in his arms, 
He wanted to respond, to say those words back to him, but he hesitated. The weight of his complicated past with Lauren, the confusion of your fake relationship, and the promise you both had just broken kept him silent.
A few hours later, you woke up alone in Joel’s bed. You can't ignore the heavy feeling nestling on your chest. You made your way to the living room, and you found him sitting on the couch, his gaze lost in the soft light of the lamp.
You walked over and sat down beside him. “Couldn’t sleep?" you asked softly, your voice trembling.
And the way your voice sounded made Joel’s heart break. 
 Joel sighed, his shoulders slumping. He knew he couldn't keep you in the dark any longer. "Bee, I need to be honest with you," he said, his voice low and heavy. "This... relationship we've had, it's been confusing for me. I'm not sure where my feelings stand, and I can't keep pretending."
You listened attentively, your heart pounding. The room seemed to close in on you, and the silence felt suffocating.
Joel finally met your gaze, his eyes filled with regret. "I need to figure things out, Bee. I'm sorry, but I can't continue like this. I can't say those words back to you. Not yet"
You felt tears welling up in your eyes as the weight of his crashed down on you. 
Tears welled up in your eyes as the weight of his confession crashed down on you. The vulnerability of those three words that you had uttered at the peak of the moment was now the breaking point between both of you. 
Joel continued, "We should end this, Bee, for both our sakes. This... fake relationship isn't fair to you” 
“But...but you said you cared about me” you whispered.
Trembling, Joel nodded his head as he reached for your hands, but you stood up from the couch to hide the tears streaming down your cheeks. Joel couldn’t help but feel he was already losing you.
He stood up, quickly grabbing your arms, and tears flickered in his eyes. But she refused to look at him at this moment. 
“I care about you, Bee…You have to trust me, but I-” 
“Do you love Lauren?”  you cut him. 
You could see Joel was taken aback by your question. 
“Bee, no. Look at me…I don’t love her” he said as he shook his head fast as if he was trying to stop the breaking pieces falling from you. 
“But you don’t love me either,” you said, taking a step back to keep yourself away from Joel. “All you wanted from me was to take me to your bed, Joel.” 
He tilted his head to have a glimpse of your face. When you looked up, your eyes shone with the tears dancing inside them. Joel took a step closer to you, holding your face and pressing his forehead against yours. 
“No,” he said immediately “Bee, you have been the best thing that crossed my path-” 
“Do you love me?” you asked in a breathy voice with the last strength you had left. That’s the last answer you need to prevent your falling.  
Your question hung in the air, heavy and unanswerable. When you demanded to know if he loved you, you were met with silence. 
The pain in your eyes was undeniable, and in that moment, you felt nothing but shame and heartache as he held your face in his hands, still keeping your foreheads together as if he was holding onto the last moments, he was going to have you this close.
Joel's heart shattered along with yours, and yet, he remained silent. 
“You made me promise not to love you, Bee,” he said, as his voice didn’t have strength left.
“This is over, Joel,” you whispered. 
Joel felt his soul leaving his body when you removed both of his hands from your face.
At that moment, your heart was glass and he dropped it.
And yet, he didn’t speak. 
He was still there in the middle of his living room, not knowing what to do and how to act. The truth was that he did love you, but he had let his own demons and insecurities build a wall between you and him, and now it was too late to turn back time.
He had built a life with tall banners around his family, to protect them and himself from the people coming into his life. He stopped believing in love and fairy tales the day he and Sarah were abandoned by Lauren, and he didn’t let another one come closer to him in years until you settled next to him with flowers and effortless smiles. 
He found himself smiling at you the very first days, until a bouquet of flowers and a card came to his office, a “gift” from you, and he thought you had second intentions, so he dropped the flowers and the card in the trash. He didn't know, but that was the very first time he broke your heart.
You, on the other hand, were crestfallen when you found the flowers and the card in the trash. You thought you could have brightened Joel’s days with the gesture, not knowing his real behavior. That time, the rejection hurt, and it made you question what was wrong with you. 
That day you stopped talking to him, only keeping a polite distance, and your smiles became more reserved once he appeared in your sight. 
And you become “enemies” after that. 
And in the middle of those memories, Joel lost track of time. The door fell shut. You were gone. 
Once you stepped out of Joel’s house, a sob escaped from your lips, and a heavy feeling settled in your heart. You couldn’t bear the feeling of humiliation consuming you. 
You didn’t have a destination in mind, the heavy steps over cobblestones were breaking the silence of the still night. You were walking in a world that felt foreign and unwelcoming, navigating through a tumultuous mix of feelings you thought you had never had to experience. 
You didn’t know what to do or who to call, you didn’t want to bother Lily because it was one in the morning and she would probably have slept, and you couldn’t face her after you promised her you would keep your heart safe from breaking. 
You thought about calling Connell, but you didn’t want to drag him into this mess. You felt so humiliated and broken on your own birthday night and everything seemed to be falling apart. 
You walked for what felt like hours, unable to find a direction. The tears you had been holding back began to flow freely down your cheeks.
And as the night deepened, you found yourself standing by a park bench, your legs finally giving in to exhaustion. You sat down, looking at the distance, lost in the memories of your time with Joel. And what started in a distant room ended up with you crying on a parking bench in the middle of the night. The pain was unbearable, and the feeling of abandonment cut deep to the bone.
You just couldn’t make up your mind about the thought of a person coming into your life, making you navigate through a lake of turbulent and magical emotions, painting your darker skies in vibrant colors just for them to walk over your own peace of mind, leaving scars they promised they would never leave on you.
Sitting on the park bench in the darkness, you felt vulnerable. The weight of the pain enveloped you. You knew you couldn't stay there forever, but you also couldn't bear to go back to your empty apartment, the place where you had shared moments with Joel.
In your fragile state, you reached for your phone and dialed Connell's number. Your heart ached, and the tears in your voice were unmistakable when he picked up.
Connell's voice was filled with concern when he said your name "What's wrong?"
The sound of his voice provided a small comfort, and you tried your best to steady your emotions. "Connell, I... I don't know where to go, and I didn't want to be alone. Something happened, and I—"
“Hey, easy. Breathe” Connell's reassuring tone came through the phone, "Just tell me where you are and I’ll be there."
You sent him the location of the park, and he promised to be there soon. While you waited, you let yourself cry softly, finding solace in the idea that someone who truly cared for you was on their way.
Connell arrived a short while later, and he wrapped his arms around you, offering comfort in his embrace. He listened as you cried on his shoulder while you tried to erase your memories and take away the pain. 
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The next morning, as the sun's first rays peeked through the curtains, Tommy walked into the living room expecting to find you and Joel making breakfast together. 
Once he stepped inside, beaming, he found Joel in the same spot as last night. 
“Bee is still sleeping?” Tommy joked.
But as soon as he saw the state of Joel sitting on the couch, his eyes bloodshot, and an empty bottle of whiskey on the coffee table, he knew something was wrong.
"Joel?" Tommy asked, taking a seat beside him.
Joel finally turned to his brother; his voice heavy with remorse. "I ruined her.” 
Tommy had been through his fair share of tough times with Joel. The first time was the day Lauren walked out of his life, leaving him alone with a baby, Sarah, without any explanation, but now, he could sense the gravity of the situation. Joel was seriously broken this time. 
“What happened?” Tommy asked.
Joel didn't reply immediately, instead choosing to take a long, deep breath.
“What happened?” He urged.
Joel told him the events from last night, how you told him you loved him, how he couldn’t say those words back, and the moment he had broken your heart. As he spoke, the tears welled up in his eyes once again. It was the first time Tommy had seen Joel this torn. 
Tommy let out a deep sigh, and he placed a reassuring hand on Joel's shoulder. "Brother, please tell me you didn’t let her go home alone and break down on her birthday night.” 
Not until then did it occur to Joel that something could have happened to you. He stood fast and ran to his bedroom, to grab his cellphone and call you, but Tommy stopped him before he could do anything. 
“Easy Joel”, he said, reassuring him “She is not going to answer your calls right now.”
Tommy's words only deepened the weight of Joel's remorse. He dropped his phone back onto the coffee table and clenched his fists, feeling utterly helpless. "What have I done, Tommy? I love her” 
Tommy continued to be the voice of reason. "You need to give her space, Joel. Pushing her right now might only make things worse. Let her cool off, and then you can talk to her when she's ready. But you need to give her time to heal."
Joel knew Tommy was right, but it was excruciating to think about leaving you in pain. He shook his head "I’m going to her place," he murmured, already walking past Tommy. 
He couldn't bear the thought of you being hurt and feeling abandoned. Tommy understood his brother's pain but also recognized that this might not be the best time to confront you, especially if you were still reeling from the heartbreak.
"Joel, I get it, but you need to be cautious," Tommy advised as he followed Joel to the door. "Let her have some time to herself. She needs to process what happened, and then you can talk."
Joel turned to Tommy; his eyes filled with desperation. "I can't just leave her like this, Tommy. I need to make this right."
 "You should have seen her face” he murmured; his voice heavy with regret. 
“Listen, I can call Lily and ask about Bee, okay?” Tommy said.
Joel offered a small nod in response, his thoughts consumed by the image of your heartbroken face. As Tommy made the call to Lily, Joel's mind raced with remorse, knowing he had caused you pain.
after a brief conversation with Tommy, and turned to Joel. "She's with Connell. It seems like that's where she went last night."
Joel felt a pang in his chest, knowing that you had sought solace with Connell. He couldn't help but wonder how you had ended up there and what you might be telling Connell about what happened.
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As the morning sun began to filter through Connell's windows, you found yourself sitting in his cozy living room. On the previous night, your birthday had ended badly, but Connell's presence had provided you with some sense of comfort. 
Connell, always thoughtful and caring when it came to you, had made you a cup of tea, which you held in your hands as you stared out the window. The silence between you two was comfortable as if words were unnecessary. 
After a while, Connell cleared his throat and said, " I’m not sure what happened last night but I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what."
You turned to him, your eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Connell”, you gave him a small smile.
Connell nodded in understanding. Then, he reached behind him and held a small gift-wrapped box out to you. “I got you a little something for your birthday. I hope it brings a smile to your face."
You accepted the gift with a warm smile, feeling grateful for Connell's existence. Unwrapping it carefully, you discovered a beautiful, handcrafted necklace inside. It was an elegant piece of jewel with a delicate design.
"It's stunning," you whispered.
 Connell chuckled softly. "You used to love unique and handmade jewelry, so I thought this might be something you'd like. I bought it in London a few years ago."
As you held the necklace in your hands, you felt a surge of emotion. Connell's kind gesture and the beauty of the necklace warmed your heart and provided a much-needed distraction from the turmoil of the previous night. You thanked him sincerely, realizing that you were fortunate to have him who genuinely cared about you. 
Memories of your past relationship with Connell rushed back to you. There was a time when you and Connell had been a strong team, and those feelings and connection you had shared, and it had been an important part of your life. But that had changed, and you had moved on.
As you sat there with Connell, the temptation to lean in and kiss him was strong, but it was Joel's face and his presence that you couldn't forget. You knew that, deep down, your heart belonged to him.
With a heavy heart, you offered a grateful smile to Connell and thanked him once again for his kind gesture.
"Connell, thanks for your gift” you said, offering a sincere smile. "But I also wanted to talk to you about something important."
Connell nodded; his blue eyes focused on you. "Of course, What's on your mind?"
You took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "This job in London…
Connell leaned back in his chair, looking at you attentively.
You took a moment to gather your thoughts before asking, "Connell, have you made a decision about that job?"
Connell sighed and leaned in closer, his voice low and sincere. "I have decided to go and I know I asked you to come with me, but you and Joel- “
“I’ll go with you” you said.
Connell's eyes widened with surprise, “Are you sure about this? It's a big step, and I don't want you to feel rushed or pressured into it just because you’re hurt.” 
You met Connell's gaze. "Connell, this isn't just about being hurt; but about an opportunity to start a fresh life. I want to be with you in London."
Connell's surprise gave way to a warm, grateful smile. He squeezed your hand gently and leaned in closer. " I can't express how happy that makes me. We're going to have a wonderful time in London, I promise."
Connell pulled you into a warm embrace, your heart should have been soaring with joy, but a shadow of doubt crept in. At that moment, with his arms wrapped around you and your future looking bright, you couldn't help but think about Joel.
Joel, who had broken your heart. Joel, with whom you had shared an intimate connection that you could never forget. Despite your determination to start fresh, the memories of your time with Joel, the emotions you had felt, and the connection you shared with him echoed in your mind.
Connell pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours. "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to have any doubts."
You forced a smile, feeling a sense of guilt for letting your thoughts wander. "I'm sure, Connell. Let's make this move and embrace our future together."
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A week later, after the painful night with you, Joel was in the gallery, his heart heavy with regret as he finished the final details of his upcoming exhibition. The art pieces were carefully arranged, the lighting adjusted, and he scrutinized every corner, but it was a task that felt empty without you by his side.
He knew, deep down, that you wouldn't be there for the exhibition. The absence of your presence was like a void in the room, and the pain of knowing he had pushed you away was a constant ache in his chest.
No flowers from you this time, not the sound of your laugh echoing through the halls and he felt he was dying inside. 
In the midst of his preparations, Lauren was in the gallery with him. He told her you and him had broken up and it seemed like she was trying to comfort him somehow as she took advantage of Sarah as “something” they had in common. Her presence was a reminder of the choices he had made, and it infuriated him. Joel couldn't help but glance out of the gallery window toward your flower shop. It was a habit, one that he couldn't seem to break, even though he knew it was over between you two.
It wasn’t real, he thought, but for him and you it became the most adventurous story of love. 
"Why is she gifting flowers today?" Joel asked, unable to keep the curiosity from his voice as he saw a group of people gathered outside your shop.
Lauren turned her gaze to the window, following his line of sight. She sighed softly and said, "You don't know?"
Joel shook his head. "What should I know?"
"I think she's selling the place," Lauren explained. Her tone was gentle, and she appeared concerned about the situation.
Joel's brow furrowed as he processed the information. Your flower shop, a place that had meant so much to you, was being sold. The weight of the recent events pressed down on him even more. It was yet another consequence of his actions, and he couldn't help but wonder if this was yet another step in the direction of erasing him from your life.
"Can you excuse me for a second?" he told Lauren, deciding he was going to confront you.
As he left the gallery, Joel's steps were determined, and his thoughts were a mess of remorse, regret, and a glimmer of hope. He knew he had to speak with you, to clear the air, even though he wasn't sure where your conversation might lead.
Joel's heart raced as he approached your flower shop. The sight of it, now decorated with flowers, brought back memories of the moments he had spent there with you. He took a deep breath and pushed open the door, his eyes scanning the interior for a sign of your presence.
"Is it true?" Joel's voice, which had been silent for a week, sent shivers down your spine, memories of his touch still fresh on your skin.
"What's true?" you asked without looking at him.
"That you're selling your shop?"
You nodded, unable to meet his searching gaze.
"Is it because of me?"
"Joel, please," you pleaded, your voice edged with a mix of frustration and pain. "Just let it go."
"Please, just answer me," he implored.
"No," you replied, the weight of your decision heavy in the air. "It's not because of you. I just need a fresh start."
He countered, his voice filled with doubt, "And you think moving to another part of town will give you that?"
"I'm not moving to another part of town," you said, your voice unsteady.
"What do you mean?"
You took a deep breath, and your gaze met his, knowing this would be the final blow. "I'm leaving."
Joel's heart sank, a heaviness that seemed insurmountable. He didn't want to hear the rest, but you continued.
"I'm leaving to London with Connell."
"No, Joel, you can't," you replied firmly “You can't come here and tell me what I should do. You have no right."
His frustration was rising, "You're escaping. Can you be more childish?"
 Joel's world crumbled around him. The woman he was in love with, the one who had brought color and life back into his existence, was leaving. And worse, she was leaving for London with her ex-boyfriend. 
You chuckled bitterly, the pain in your heart mingling with your exasperation. "Goodbye, Joel." You said, signaling the door. 
"Bee! Listen to me!" He shouted.
But you were done listening. The years of mixed emotions, the moments of joy and confusion, had finally boiled over. You had made your decision, and you couldn't bear to keep going in circles with him.
"You were my biggest disappointment, Joel."
With those words, you turned away from him and walked behind the counter door, leaving Joel standing there, with a heavy heart.
At that moment, Joel realized the depth of his mistakes and the price he had paid for being an idiot. He felt a burning need to make things right, but it was already too late. Your departure for London with Connell was the beginning of a chapter in your life that he could no longer be a part of. 
With a heavy heart, Joel turned away from the flower shop and walked back to the gallery, his steps heavy with the weight of what he had lost.
And you were left there crying while losing the grip of the hand of the man you felt you would be getting over your whole life. 
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a/n: Okay, sorry again. But what's going to happen next? 👀
tags 💌: @joeldjarin @borhapparker @fatima-marisa @kirsteng42 @paleidiot @harriedandharassed @runningmom94 @pedr0swh0r3
291 notes · View notes
aegsll · 7 months
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○  𝓽o start, tysm for 900☆ flwrs?? been in this community for 4 months now and it's kinda surprising how fast i grew. love all of you so so much and many thanks to people who've been with me since day one! anyways, for 900 i thought i'd hop on this event bandwagon and make one too. the event details will be down there after the next section <3
○  𝓯av blogs: @ultrar @v6que @e-unchaes @hy4k @raeceah @gun-wook @yeritos @sseulr1n @ningrlz @h-ao @mingisito @lorlita @giraisol @haewrin @dewyrka @infelz @sahumerioss @softkiseu @eriguuro @kidnappedloser + more
○ you guys inspire me extremely, i honestly cant describe in words how much i love all of your blogs. thank you 🌟
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○ basically, the premise of this event is that you'll have to find a partner!
○ after finding a partner, make a moodboard for eachother.
○ any theme, idol, whatever! anything to show your appreciation.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ae-vent⠀𝑖⠀:⠀⠀⠀other info
○ please stick to one (1) partner and only one (1) moodboard per person.
○ sticking to one (1) partner only is crucial because of how the moodboards will be judged. more info on the next section.
○ to join, just reblog and tag 2+ users!
○ use the tag #aevent: pookiebear and tag me + your partner.
○ judging of moodboards will start at nov. 29, any moodboards beyond that time will not be considered an entry anymore.
○ even if you and your partner make completely different moodboards, it will both be judged as the same entry.
○ so basically, in winning, not only does your moodboard have to look pretty, but also your partner's. therefore, please tag your partner in the moodboard!
○ two pairs will be able to win, totaling up to 4 contestants. below are the prizes they'd get, from highest to lowest place.
  ★ certificate for participating + gold trophy, s/o, 75 reblogs, 2 moodboards, custom blog layout, 5 custom gifs, choose between a custom carrd, custom discord server template, or a custom gfx all by me.
  ✫ certificate for participating + silver medal, s/o, 50 reblogs, 2 moodboards, 4 locs, 3 custom gifs
○ not sure if these are good prizes, lmk if its not worth much and i'll most likely consider them as an idea.
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○ 𝔀ell that's the end of it, goodluck to anybody who's willing to join. i truly appreciate all of you that'll join this silly event i'm doing. and umm that's very much it! again i love y'all so much and thank you for the overwhelming support i've got since i joined the community. best regards, aegsll <3
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401 notes · View notes
acescavern · 8 months
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Navi - M.list
Pairing: Soulmate!Johnny x Soulmate! reader, Taeyong x reader. ( Ft Mark, Jungwoo, Ten, Jaehyun, Taeil, Yuta. Mentions Jaemin once.)
Genre: Heavy angst my guys, soulmates au, neo frat au, university au, fluff, Hanahaki Soulmate trope.
Synopsis: Taeyong had been perfectly happy to sit back and watch you and Johnny be together. However, when he starts to notice certain behaviors that are all too familiar, he finds himself unable to watch you slowly die. Just because Johnny may not love you anymore... doesn't mean Taeyong doesn't love you either.
wc: 4.9k
Warnings: Heavy angst, Blood, Mentions of death, suffering, choking, johnny is unfaithful, it's a Hanahaki au so they basically cough up dead and thorned flowers. It's not a graphic description but there are descriptions of pain too, mentions of weight loss due to being unwell, Unrequited love, hurt, Taeyong's been in love with the reader since before her and Johnny got together, heavy rejection, soulmate rejection ( Just because i have written this does NOT mean that i think any one of the nct members would cheat or act thi way. this is pure FICTION.) Please let me know if i have missed any warnings
Note: Hi! I have a few fics in the works but I'm worried I wont get them done for Halloween. So, I am blessing you with this heart-breaking fic. I wanted to release this fic early as a thank you for all your love on Operation Rizz! Now, this is the same frat universe as all my other NCT fics. they can all be read as stand alone though, so don't worry! Any feedback is once again appreciated. I do not own the concept of Hanahaki.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated
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Soulmates were supposed to be someone's everything—the one person who was meant specifically for them. Someone you can lean on and cherish, who would dote and adore you. Someone to dish out as much love to you as you unto them. To stay by your side and grow old together. However, some people are already at that stage when they meet their destined person. There was also the worry of some people not having a soulmate. Legend says that only the blessed are gifted with such. 
Gifted? Yes. To many, the Soulmate system is a curse - depending on what type you are assigned to. Tattoos? Easy. Mind reading? Okay a little more difficult. Red string? That practically takes you straight to them.  Eternal life? Near impossible! You could spend many years with someone you thought was a soulmate only to see a wrinkle and realize you aren’t made for each other at all. Seeing things in black and white only to suddenly be overwhelmed with color at a music festival and not know who the hell you’d bumped into in that massive crowd that could possibly be your soulmate. Not everyone even had a soulmate, they could be with whoever they wanted without consequences. 
But there was one type in particular that nobody wanted. Hanahaki. Named after the fictional Japanese Hanahaki Disease. It comes from the Japanese words Hana - meaning flower and Hakimasu - quite literally meaning, to throw up. 
In a soulmate's case, when they first meet each other a seed is awakened. It grows thorned roses - the flowers of love - cradling the person’s heart and twining around inside their lungs. For the most part, other than the occasional flutter and heartburn, it goes unnoticeable. So long as the soulmate reciprocates the feelings of love. But, should one soulmate start to fall out of love? The other will suffer terribly. The flowers will die, the spikey stems squeezing at the organs they were once gently caressing with love. Crushing in their anguish.
Of course, unlike the other soulmate types, there are two ways out of Hanahaki... Let the weight of the unreciprocated love drag on painfully until you die, or convince your health insurance to accept the cost of the operation to remove the offending plants. However, by the time one realizes they are soulmates, it is likely that the bond has already been unreciprocated. 
Taeyong knew this. He knew this because it happened to him. He had once been on the receiving end of the agonizing scratch of dead rose stems climbing up his throat in a mess of blood and wilted petals. Taeyong had nearly died. He recognized the signs clearly and that was the reason he was so shocked to see them in who he did. 
Johnny’s soulmate.
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Taeyong first took notice when you walked through the door of the club. A celebration night to celebrate the frat’s anniversary alongside Taeyong’s new choreographer position in the dance studio he works in. Your face had a slightly paler tone and although you were doing a good job at keeping your breathing even… Taeyong recognized the telltale signs of a wince when you took the air in too harshly. 
But when he saw Johnny approach you and press a loving kiss to your forehead, he scolded himself for thinking such things. Taeyong knew something was up though, your smile didn’t meet your eyes and when you congratulated him with a hug, he swore he could feel your body tremble. 
He tried not to worry too much throughout the night but when he saw Johnny by the bar, his charming smile dazzled at some sorority girls that had been invited… Taeyong wondered where you’d gone. The disappointment within him only grew when he watched his best friend and frat brother go home with one of them. 
So, maybe his suspicions were correct. A few weeks passed and he’d not seen a glimpse of you, Johnny hadn’t even uttered your name. The rapper hadn’t had time to sit him down and ask him about the incident. Until now. 
Taeyong dabbed the sweat from his brow with the neckline of his shirt, swiping his water bottle from the floor. He shuffled toward his friend, watching as he grinned at his phone as he typed. He was talking to someone and Taeyong only hoped it was you. That you’d both mended things to stop it getting worse. The thought of it all being a misunderstanding had a relieved smile spreading across his face as he settled on the floor next to Johnny. 
“You texting ____? Tell her I said Hey.” Taeyong said, twisting the cap off his drink to take a swig. Taeyong was almost taken aback at the irritated flash that crossed Johnny’s expression at the mention of your name. 
If Taeyong wasn’t so observant, he would have missed it. Johnny shook his head, swiftly locking his phone when his leader went to peer over his shoulder. “It’s not. It’s Yuki.” 
Taeyong’s eyebrows scrunched, posture freezing for a moment. “The sorority girl you went home with?” He tried to keep his tone level. Memories of the same thing happening to himself reoccur in his mind. “What about ____?” The question hung awkwardly in the air, Johnny staring at Taeyong as if he’d asked something ridiculous. 
“What about her?” He shrugged. “Just because I do stupid things, doesn't mean I don’t love her. She’s my soulmate.” He paused, an almost defeated sigh sagging at his shoulders. “The only one I got.” 
Taeyong took notice of the slight bitterness in his words. Almost as if he didn’t realize that he did it. “Do you?” 
Johnny rubbed at the back of his neck, his mouth opening but no words coming out. Once again, a defeated shrug of his shoulders. “Yeah… yes.” He cleared his throat as his voice broke. “I’m sure we’d of noticed by now if I hadn’t.”  Johnny left no room for debate, standing up with a clap of his hands to suggest they continue their lacrosse practice.
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You knew. You knew Johnny’s feelings for you were dwindling. You were reminded every time you coughed. Reminded by the way your breath left you in an agonizing squeeze when Johnny would kiss your forehead.  
But, even though you knew… it didn’t make you love him any less. You knew what he got up to when your nights weren't spent together. You didn’t do a thing, didn’t bring it up. You almost tried to ignore it. You loved Johnny. You always would. And, as long as you continued to love him, he wouldn’t have the same fate as you. You would never wish this pain on him even if he was the cause. 
You wished you’d heeded Mark’s seemingly lighthearted warning at the beginning of your relationship. ‘He’s one of my closest friends but he doesn’t always do the right thing, just… please be careful.’ Mark had said one evening. You hadn’t truly understood why he had said it, nor did you get to question him before Johnny had slid his arm around your middle. 
You understood perfectly now. Especially as a sharp tickle wheezed in the back of your throat, your eyes discreetly scanning the new text message from your seat at the very back row of English lit class. ‘Can we rain check date night again? Coach is being a hardass and wants us to stay late.’ For the third week running, the same excuse. Sure, you’d seen Johnny. But Thursday was always date night. Something you’d both stuck to like glue once before. 
Pain twisted in your chest, your breath rough. You brought the sleeve of your hoodie to your mouth, attempting a discreet cough. It didn’t do anything for you, the feeling like you’d swallowed razorblades. The world felt like it was spinning for a moment and you had to close your eyes and count to ten to steady it again. 
One look at your sleeve had you frowning. The next stage had started. You’d read about this. Discoloured petals. You’d only coughed up one but one was enough for you to be sure. With one last attempt at clearing your throat, you brushed the blackened petal to the ground. 
Taeyong shared this class with you. Whilst he didn’t often sit next to you, he was mostly always on the same row. Not many people occupied the back row and so, when he heard the muffled hack come from your direction he had looked over, shoulders tensing as he watched you. 
He approached you at the end of class, watching your sluggish movements as you shoved your laptop back into your bag. “____, Are you alright?” He asked softly, noting the sheen of sickly sweat coasting your forehead. 
Lips pressed firmly together, you nodded. You were certain if you opened your mouth you'd start coughing and choking again but you didn’t want to be rude. “I’m fine.” Bad idea. “Sorry, Yong, I gotta go-” Taeyong had never heard your voice so scratchy and coarse. He had also never seen you flee so quickly before he could even open his mouth, your notepad falling from your unzipped bag as you vanished before his eyes. 
As he knelt down to collect it from the ground, his fingers made contact with a velvety, withered texture. 
A blackened rose petal. 
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 The next time Taeyong saw you, you were much worse than he could have imagined. He had only turned up at your apartment because he assumed Johnny had left his phone at your place. He couldn’t really understand the rushed words of ‘Shit! I left my phone at her place, I’m already late!’ When Taeyong offered to go and get it, he naturally thought of your place. 
So when you answered the door, he was standing frozen at the sight of you. Your eyes had bags under them that would put JFK airport to shame. Your complexion was grey, lips cracked and dry. Taeyong could definitely see you’d lost some weight too, your knitted sweater nearly slipping off one shoulder. His gaze caught onto the marks along your neck, long red streaks almost looking like you had been clawing at it in your agony. Your winced call of his name kicked his brain into gear. 
“Now isn’t a good ti-” His hands flew out to rub and pat your back as your words were interrupted. 
Taeyong’s heart broke as he watched you struggle. You couldn’t get your breath, your face turning red from the strenuosity. Taeyong backed you into your apartment, kicking the door closed behind him. He sat you on your couch, disappearing from view for a moment.
You didn’t even take note of what exactly was being thrust under your nose, only that it would catch what your body rejected. One of his hands held the bucket, the other sweeping your hair away from your face. It was all too familiar for him. Except for Taeyong, he had done it alone. 
“It’s okay, ____” He hushed, palm flattened over your back to rub comforting circles. “Breath through your nose and count to ten. It helps.” 
You did as such, shoulders relaxing as the air finally seeped into your lungs. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, sighing at the crimson residue that was becoming all too familiar. You opened your mouth to speak, only to be gently hushed once more. 
“It’s okay, it’ll hurt too much if you talk.” He set the bucket down on the side table. “You should get yourself some grapeseed oil. A teaspoon a day should at least prevent the attacks so often.” Taeyong didn’t look at you as he spoke, his hands busying themselves with opening the small drawer to your coffee table in search of tissues. 
“You mean this?” You rasped, pulling the small droplet bottle from your pocket, and setting it down on the surface before you. Taeyong’s eyebrows creased. 
It was the exact same bottle he was sure he had. Though, catching sight of the label on the bottle he knew it was his bottle. ‘Taeyong’  scribbled messily on the labeled sticker. He looked at you expectantly. 
“Johnny gave it to me.” Just uttering his name sent a pang of hurt through you, a wave of emotion rippling from your jaw to the tips of your toes. 
Taeyong understood immediately, a deep sigh resonating as he nodded once. “He knows then.” To which you nodded, eyes fixed on your lap. 
He had never seen you cry, and he would hate to admit it but your eyes looked pretty when you did. It was as if the glaze of tears enhanced the colors of your iris. “He doesn’t know it’s this bad. He thinks the tickle has just started.” 
“____, you’re dying and you’re telling me Johnny hasn’t noticed yet?” To say that Taeyong was in disbelief was an understatement. The new knowledge that Johnny knew now had floored him. 
Why? Because Johnny hadn’t once let it show. Taeyong had been around the guy all week and he was still the happy comedic genius he always was. Not a hint of anything bothering him. 
“Yong, It’s okay. I..” You drew your knees up to your chest, patting the spot next to you for him. “I’ve come to terms with it.” 
“Come to terms with it?!” He spluttered. “____, you are in your twenties! You can’t be okay with dying in your twenties.” His hand raked through his hair, eyes blinking rapidly like he couldn't come to terms with how calm you looked right now. 
Taeyong could feel the anger bubbling up in his chest, his gaze hardening as he addressed you once more. “You know he’s been seeing her too, don’t you?”
You were silent, shame eating at your subconscious. “If I ignore it then he won’t have to be like this too.” 
Taeyong sprung up to his feet. “Wake up! He’s out there living his life with no regrets and you’re the one to suffer? I can’t…” He shook his head, shoving his clenched fists into his pockets. “I’m sorry, I just-” With one last shake of his head, Taeyong left you there. The slam of your front door announcing his absence.
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Johnny remembered the conversation between the two of you very clearly. He was convinced he still loved you a lot. Just not in the way you need. At first, he thought it was doubt, but as time went on he started to notice the dry tickly cough and the abundance of petals scattered in your trash. He was sure it wasn’t harmful yet, certain that he still held the love in his heart for you. 
Johnny didn’t love Yuki. She was fun. She was different. She wasn’t you. He could spend time with her without any strings attached. It was freeing, knowing he wasn't destined to be with her no matter what. 
He felt guilt at first. He didn’t like lying to you, but it was for his own selfish gain that he did. Johnny had seen Taeyong go through the pain and near death of a soulmate falling out of love, he didn’t want that for himself. Johnny had too much to live for, as arrogant and self-centred as that sounded. 
 He remembered what you said when he gave you the vial of grapeseed oil, how your shaky hands had placed over his own. How you told him it was okay, it wasn’t his fault. But Johnny couldn’t help but think it was. Johnny tried so hard to make himself love you still. Your words of comfort swirled in his mind and kept him up at night. ‘Nobody can help who they do and don’t love. Feelings change, People don’t’ You’d said to him.
Johnny felt ashamed. Being unfaithful to you whilst you still loved him with every ounce of your soul. Deep down, Johnny knew you only had two options he just hoped you made a decision before it was too late. 
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Taeyong had been seen by barely anyone all week. It was as if he was attending his classes and then picking up every extra shift or odd job imaginable. The Neos were even more shocked when Mark slapped a flier down on the dining table ping pong table in front of some of the brothers. A for sale flier, advertising their frat leader’s motorcycle. The very same one that he cherished and spent a fortune to modify. 
“Do you think he’s in debt?” Jungwoo frowned, setting his beer on the table. 
That question alone earned a chortled laugh. “Woo, we’re in university. We’re all in debt.” Yuta clapped him on the back. “But, on a serious note, He’s been acting super weird lately.” 
Everyone launched into debate, trying to determine why Taeyong would be selling his pride and joy so suddenly. Conversation ceased when the front door opened and the man in question shuffled into the open-plan living space with an exhausted wave. 
“Ty, are you actually selling the bandit?” The question came from Taeil, Neo frat’s oldest member. 
Taeyong moved through the living area, taking a seat at one of the beanbags littered around the table. “Already sold it.” He bobbed his head in a nod. 
It earned him many concerned looks. “Are you in trouble or something? Are you trying to cover the water bill from when Mark broke the faucet?” 
“No, Jae. I’m not in trouble. It’s not for me.”  He reassured, his voice dying down quietly. “It’s for ____.” 
Everyone stopped. Mark locked his phone, Yuta stopped chipping at his nail polish, and Taeil nearly spat out his beer. Jaehyun and Jungwoo were already staring at him. 
Taeyong took a deep breath, anticipating the question.It didn’t take long for him to catch them up to speed.  “You haven’t noticed? I can’t watch her die. Even if she’s come to terms with it.” 
“She’s not been to class for a few weeks. Professor Choi just straight-up skips over her name now. I’m guessing they know.” Jaehyun hummed. 
“Hm, Jaemin said he saw her last week on his midnight ramen run.” Mark recalled, “Said she looked like something out of living dead.” 
“Mark,” Taeyong gave him a warning look. The younger just shrugged his shoulders. “I’m going to book the operation for her. She doesn’t know. I just need the deposit. After that, it’s monthly payments. I can scrape enough together for the monthly just fine.” He looked pained. “Whenever I see her, it’s like I’m watching myself go through it again.” 
One by one, Jaehyun, Mark, Jungwoo, Yuta, and Taeil offered their help. 
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The six of them didn’t make it known what their plans were but soon enough, after Taeyong had put what he had already saved with what the others offered, it was enough. He rocked up to the private medical center, cash in an envelope that was tucked neatly within the inside pocket of his jacket. 
Taeyong was pleasantly surprised that he was allowed to schedule and pay the deposit on your behalf. Acting on best interest. The receptionist did stress that you needed to fill in the form and sign consent upon arrival but Taeyong was more pleased that he was giving you a chance at life. That there was a possibility that you could carry on.
What he didn’t expect, was your immediate refusal when he brought the leaflet and forms over to your apartment the following morning. The smile dropped from his face as you tried to hide away from him.  ‘He could die.’ You’d cried at him. And whilst it had been proven he wouldn't, you were convinced. 
“He won’t, ____.” Taeyong begged. “Please, you can’t just accept this.” The bed dipped as he sat on the edge. The many times he had visited you now, you had always been. The last time you got up to open the door, Taeyong honestly worried that you would pass away right there on the doorstep. He took your spare key after that. 
Taeyong’s gentle fingers lifted the damp wash cloth from the bowl at your bedside, running the cool material over your brow and cheeks. A light smile twitched at the corner of your lips, the sensation easing your fever, only a little but it was better than before. He knew he wasn’t going to get many more words from you this evening. You’d exhausted yourself already for the evening. Taeyong was just content enough to sit here and care for you. 
Honestly, before it was known that you were Johnny’s soulmate, Taeyong had hoped you’d notice him. He had often found himself wishing that it wouldn’t last so he could at least have a shot with you. His hopes were crushed when Johnny had run through the fraternity declaring you were both soulmates. Taeyong had made peace with the idea that maybe he was meant to be alone, satisfied just by seeing you whenever Johnny brought you over to hang out. 
He never wished for this, though. 
Tenderest of touches brushed your hair away from where it had clung to your forehead. Taeyong clicking on the standing fan in an attempt to offer you some cool relief. “Trust me, ____.” He whispered, voice brittle. “I went through this.” His confession had your right eye cracking open. 
“Back in the first year,” Taeyong recalled. “Watching you and Johnny go through this… it’s like a mirror. I nearly died,” He picked up your hand, engulfing it in both of his own. “I refused the operation until it was nearly too late. For the same reason, actually.” 
Your fingers twitched in his own, your index finger hooking around his thumb to offer comfort. You have suspected Taeyong had some close experience with this. Especially in the way he always seemed to understand your pain, the sad gazes, and his drive to help you. You had never expected that he would be the one in your position though. The meer thought had tears welling up in your eyes. You seemed to cry a lot around the man these days. 
“He didn’t die though. Apparently, he just… coughed up the root.” He lifted your hand, the ghosting feeling of his lips against your knuckles. “I promise you, Johnny won’t die… At least think about it.” To which you nodded in agreement. 
Taeyong made you soup, your favorite kind. You weren’t even sure how he knew it was your favorite but he did. He parted from you with a lingering kiss to your hairline. Just like every night. This form of unrequited love seemed to of hurt him more than his last. 
He’d left the forms and leaflets on the empty bed space by your feet.
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You’d asked Taeyong not to come over for the last four days. As worried as he was, he had to respect your wishes. You didn’t want him to see your sudden decline as you entered the last stage of the rejection. Meaning, that Johnny had almost fallen completely out of love with you now. 
You were expecting it, Taeyong too. You and Johnny had broken things off the last time you saw each other. Both of you doing so without even having to clarify the matter. He was free. Almost. 
Taeyong had been stressed all week, even his frat brothers had given him a wide berth. Many put it down to the lacrosse game the pending evening. Only a select few really knew that it was because today was the same day Taeyong had scheduled for your surgery. 
He hadn’t known it was the same day as the game, Jungwoo uttering the words with caution the day before. Taeyong swore to himself that he thought he booked it for next week. He didn’t even know if you were going to accept it… Any time he brought it up you tended to change the subject. 
How Taeyong managed to even pass the ball with steady swings amazed even himself, his hands hadn’t stopped shaking. He had nearly skipped the game in favor of being with you, but he knew he couldn’t.  The game had gone smoothly, they were winning by one. In fact, Johnny had to take the penalty shot. 
The whole field waited on bated breath, all eyes on Johnny as he just stood there, his expression morphed in such a way that Taeyong exchanged a look with Jaehyun.
“Seo! Take the damn shot already!” The coach didn’t even get through his ending word before Johnny’s form curled over, knees slamming into the ground. 
Taeyong rushed over as his friend tore off his helmet and spat his mouthguard to the ground. He would worry about that later. Taeyong slid to his knees beside Johnny, his own helmet crashing to the ground out of his grip. 
Johnny had never felt such pain. His airways were burning. The sensation in his chest felt like all the oxygen was being torn from him. The team crowded around him, blocking anyone else's view of the scene.  A choked cough left his throat, a shout of agony following after. Petals. Blood. Stems.  The flower was unwinding itself, pulling at the roots from within his chest and lungs. 
The team managed to maneuver Johnny back to the locker rooms, it took four of them to carry him but soon the male was slumped against the tiles of the showers. Taeyong was beside him once again. “Cough it up Johnny, you’ll do more damage if you don’t.” He tugged Johnny’s arm to sit him forward, his fist thumping down in the center of his back. “Johnny, come on!” 
To say Taeyong was relieved when Johnny finally started coughing again was an understatement. “You gotta carry it on, it’ll hurt but I’ve got you.” He pleaded over the sound of his friend’s cries and chokes. 
Johnny doesn’t know how long he continuously coughed for. All he knew was the last one to shake through his body finally offered him release, Taeyong tugging him away from the mangled mix of plant and blood only to rip him, Johnny, from his shock-induced state by shoving him under the freezing cold shower stream - kit and all. 
A big, clear breath left him. 
“What the fuck, John?” Ten peaked his head around the corner, having raced in after the team to check on his best friend. 
“Dude, that's your flower.” Mark grimaced, crouched down next to the offending object. 
The announcement made Johnny’s spine straighten, and Taeyong hung his head. “What does it mean?” Johnny shakily stood, pressing the button to stop the stream of cold water. 
It was fascinating how Johnny already felt better. He felt no pull in his chest, no weakness even after the whole ordeal. He felt new. But if he felt like this… then what had happened to you? The realization of what had happened weighed heavy on his guilt. 
He turned to address the sort of traumatized, faces around him but it wasn’t him that spoke up. It was Taeyong. “It means I need to find ____.” 
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Taeyong had raced past his teammates and into the locker room without any further explanation. His phone cramped between his ear and shoulder as he tugged on his sweats at record speed. “C’mon, Petal. Pick up.” He swore to himself, only removing the device from his ear to throw on a t-shirt from his locker. It was a term of endearment he had taken to calling you of late, though quite often when you were too dazed to notice. 
He ignored the looks of confusion from his friends. Well, from those other than Mark and Jaehyun. From the look on Johnny’s face, he was still piecing things together. Taeyong didn’t have time for that, snatching the keys for the beat-up Honda he had gotten recently and sprinting from the room. 
Taeyong continued to call you on the way to your apartment. He had just hoped you’d gotten yourself to the appointment. He didn’t want to think about the possibility of losing you like this. He found himself afraid to enter your building, scared of what he may find. His head thumped against the steering wheel, eyes burning with unshed tears. You had to be okay. 
His phone buzzed, body jumped when he saw your name flash on the screen. He swiped to answer, bringing it up to his ear with a relieved sigh. “____.” He listened to your breathing for a split second, registering the steady beeps in the background. 
“Is he alive?” Your tone was filled with urgency but your voice was clearer than Taeyong had heard in weeks. It had a relieved laugh bubbling from his chest, salty droplets cascading down his cheeks and leaving his tear ducts with the tension in him. 
“He’s fine.” He sniffled, rubbing at his face. “ Petal, you’re okay. I tho-” You interrupted him with a soothing call of his name. 
“You were right.” He listened to you pause, the sounds of you sipping through a straw present in the receiver. “There are things I do have to live for.” You spoke quietly. “The first one being myself.” 
He hummed in agreement, starting up the car again. “Yeah? I’ll be there soon and you can tell me all about the second, Petal.” He was rewarded with a breathy laugh. “What?”
“Petal.” You murmured, Taeyong could hear the slumber lingering back into your tone. 
“Get some rest. I’ll be there soon.” He was about to pull the phone away from his ear when you quietly called his name again. 
“Yes?” He hummed, clicking the hands-free and setting the phone into the holder on the dash. 
“Can I tell you my second reason?” 
“What’s that, Petal?” He smiled softly to himself. 
“It’s you.”
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©Acescavern - I do not give permission for my works to be copied, translated or reposted
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
i’m desperately trying to improve my art skills so while i’m in that mindset i was wondering if i could request a skz reaction to their s/o accidentally leaving their sketchbook open and it’s full of drawings of them ;-; i would draw the lovely members all day if i could </3 thank you!
stray kids coming across their s/o's drawings of them
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genre: fluff
warnings: not proofread
please like and reblog if you enjoy :]
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is really flattered that you would use his face as inspiration for most of your drawings. he smiles shy and giggles as he flicks through the pages of his face. he would say things like "do i really look like that?" and "i'm sure you've made me more handsome than i actually am." you've helped him gain a new appreciation for his looks.
minho is nosy sometimes, so taking a peak at your open sketchbook would not be unlikely. and what he finds is not what he is expecting. he didn't realise just how good at drawing you are. you captured the angles of his features very well. but that doesn't mean to say that he won't totally tease you for using him as your muse!
he thinks "of all the people you could've drawn, why him?" in his head, drawings of people tend to be delicate and elegant. but here, you've captured his features perfectly, focusing on his body structure and muscles that you admire so much. a grins spreads across his face as he realises that he is your muse and also know his body extremely well
as an artist himself, he would be deeply touched. he knows it must've taken you a long time to perfect your art, and the way he you have drawn him is so beautiful to him. he can't help but smile at your amazing skills, and how they mirror his own. who knew you guys would share the same talent?
he gasps loudly as his eyes flicker over the pages and pages of beautiful sketches of him. he is enthralled by your art and will continue to shower you with an overwhelming amount of praise from here on out. he just thinks you're so talented. and this is coming from an ace! that definitely means something.
his eyes turn wide with curiosity as he can't help but look at your drawings of him. he feels warm inside, and this warmth seems to go to his cheeks too. all the little details, the shape of his eyes, the perfectly placed freckles. you captured his beauty effortlessly, and he can't help but feel honoured that he gave you some inspiration.
"you can't stop thinking about me that you have to draw me when i'm not with you?" of course he will tease you about it, but only a little bit. after having a little fun, be will rebuff his playful statements by complimenting your hardwork. he can tell you've been improving, and he can't help but be amazed by your talent.
he can tell you really knew his features so well. how you studied them in your drawings fascinated him. especially the close-up of his eye - the shape and the shades were a perfect representation of reality. he would tell you how impressed he was, pretending not to be a little shy that most of your works were pictures of him.
619 notes · View notes
anki-of-beleriand · 7 months
Bad Liar ch. 5
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - past Shuri/Female!reader
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - unrequited love - gay panic - fools in love - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: I'm back! Yes! I know it has been quite a while, life has been hard if I'm honest with you and these moments of peace had been sporacdic. Hope you like this new chapter.
This time around something happened that made R and Wanda come closer, yet far enough for them to deny whatever they want.
Thank you so much for reading, commenting, liking and reblogging the story guys! Remember that English is not my mother tongue, so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 5
Her life had been predetermined by her father the moment she had been born.
For as long as she could remember, Wanda had always been told what to do, how to act, what was expected of her. Even though her mother helped her get an education, as well as get into a career, her father had always made sure Wanda was straight as an arrow, always leading her to a ‘good man that could control and protect her’.
She found herself being introduced to Jarvis at some point, the son of one of her father’s business partners, and a classmate of hers all through the secondary, it had been decided that he would be her husband. Wanda sighed watching the picture she kept on her photo album, in there was Pietro always smiling and happy with his arm around her shoulders while Jarvis stood to her left with a possessive hold on her waist.
Pietro had never liked Jarvis, but it wasn’t his decision.
Thunder broke into the night, Wanda jumped startled watching outside the window while her eyes drifted momentarily to the stairs. She strained her ear trying to hear if the twins had woken up, but the silence of the house was only broken by the rain and the wind right outside. Wanda sat in silence and a half-lit room, the memories of her past coming over with overwhelming emotions that threatened to break her over once more.
She held onto her own strength, the smile of her children and the words of Hope and Natasha while the tears rolled down her cheeks.
“This is a long road, Wanda. You are not expected to heal overnight, but you do need to start somewhere.”
And that was precisely what she was doing, choosing the memories she wanted to keep and letting go of those she didn’t want to remember. The pictures in her photo album had change drastically the moment Jarvis showed up in her life. Soon the pictures of Pietro, her mother, and her friends disappeared, giving way to pictures of Jarvis filling up her youth invading her life in ways she never noticed until now.
She didn’t even have enough pictures of her and the twins, most of the pictures included Jarvis one way or another holding them, grabbing them, possessing them. Wanda closed the photo album feeling suddenly emotionally tired, her life had changed drastically ever since she ran from Jarvis and started working on her, her children, her career.
“One step at a time, Wanda. You just must give yourself some credit, you are doing fantastic and as long as you remember why you are doing this you will be okay.”
And Wanda knew why she was doing it.
She still had the scars, and the police report as well as the medical records of herself and Tommy. The bright, blueish light of lightning breaking into the night startled her again, this time around she redirected her eyes to the window and waited for the sound of thunder breaking into the night.
The lights in the house flickered and soon the hole house went black. Wanda stood up, her eyes going big as she heard the sudden cries coming from the twin’s room. In less than a minute she had run up the stairs entering their room, the light from the mobile helping her move through the house and the darkened room.
She was familiar with the scene welcoming her the moment she crossed the threshold of the twin’s room. Billy was holding onto Tommy, both boys had their eyes wide open though Tommy was looking drowsy and flustered while Billy was completely awake and disheveled holding onto his brother as he used to whenever they heard the screams of fighting and hitting in their parents’ room.
“Hey, guys, it’s okay, mommy is here.” Wanda approached the bed wrapping her arms around them, kissing their foreheads with a concerned frown. “It’s just rain, it will pass.”
Billy merely nodded but Tommy went from his brother to his mother, and it was then that Wanda noticed the shivering figure of Tommy, his labored breathing and the glassy eyes. Billy shot his brother a worried glance before turning his attention to his mother.
“Momma, I don’t feel good.” Tommy whispered snuggling closer to Wanda, the young woman placed her hand on the boy’s forehead feeling the warm emanating from his skin.
Panic rose inside Wanda’s mind, Tommy was burning and he wasn’t looking so good. She lifted her eyes and Billy was glancing at her with a frown adorning his face.
“Don’t worry, boys, mommy is here, okay?” Wanda cooed Tommy while trying to give Billy a reassuring smile.
Tommy closed his eyes whimpering lightly, while Billy chewed on his lower lip.
“Is Tommy okay?” He asked in a small voice, Wanda fixed the younger of the twins on the bed while helping Billy down and directing him to his own bed.
“He is baby, but he needs some space and medicine, right now he seems to have a fever and mommy needs to make sure he is okay.” Wanda explained pocking Billy on the nose, the young boy offered a weak smile, but his eyes went from Wanda and Tommy constantly.
“I’m going to grab something really quick from the bathroom, can you watch over him without going to close to Tommy?” Wanda inquired knowing the request was hard for the young boy, they had always been together through the fighting, through the punishment and even in sickness.
But Wanda didn’t have the luxury of having any help, and risking both twins to get sick was something she couldn’t afford emotionally and physically. Wanda brushed Billy’s hair placing a single kiss on his forehead. Billy scrunched up his nose, pursing his lips at the last request.
“Tommy needs me.” He mumbled crossing his arms.
“I know it’s hard, Billy, but mommy doesn’t want you catching whatever it is Tommy has.” She tried to explain to the upset kid. “Mommy needs you to be strong and help her out, can you do that for me?”
Billy pouted looking away while nodding his head curtly, Wanda hesitated for a moment before standing up, her eyes went to Tommy then back to Billy who was still looking away from her. With a heavy heart, the young woman made her way to the bathroom to look for something that might help Tommy.
In the darkened bathroom, Wanda soon realized she had never bother to buy any medicine or any kind of implements that might help in a situation such as this. She had gauze, alcohol, bandages, cotton balls, and a digital thermometer. She tried to look at her reflection, the tears she didn’t know she was shedding rolling down her cheeks while her heart beat hard against her ribcage. None of this, but the thermometer, would help her with Tommy, would her?
With trembling hands, Wanda grabbed the thermometer and some cotton balls, she let her hands wander inside the cabinet until she found a small cup. Making sure the water was not too cold, she wiped away her tears and putting on a strong façade grabbed everything and went back to the twin’s room.
The storm ranging right outside the house became almost unbearable, thunder and lightning filled out the emptiness inside her home and by the time she was helping Tommy out, Billy was holding onto his pillow watching wide-eyed as Tommy whimpered and complain while putting his blankets away.
The lights had not come out yet, and Wanda had a feeling that this might take some time because of the storm. She went right into action making sure Tommy had the thermometer while putting the cotton balls and the cup of water on the bedside table.
Billy watched from afar as Wanda fussed over Tommy while his brother cried softly, and tried to get away from her touch while still couching and sneezing, his hands grabbing his chest or head from time to time. The young boy had always been there ready to protect his brother, and he hated it when he knew there was nothing he could do.
His young eyes went from his brother to his mom, she was crying and Billy felt his eyes well up at the sight. For a brief moment, he turned his attention to the door almost expecting his dad to come over screaming enraged before hitting mommy and Tommy.
But it never happened, and relief washed over the young man that still felt anguish at the sight of his family suffering over without anything he could do. Billy glanced at the phone, then back at his mom and Tommy, he lifted his hand and wiped away his tears with his pajamas. The phone he had been holding for quite a while vibrated in his hand, Billy frowned glancing at the phone while tilting his head.
“Mommy.” He mumbled standing up, he made his way to Wanda holding onto the phone.
Wanda lifted her head, she tried to smile and Billy could see she was not doing okay.
“Tell me, sweetie.”
“Can you call a doctor?” Billy offered the phone to his mother, he could no longer hide the tears on his face and Wanda broke just a little at how mature he usually behaved at his age.
Wanda grabbed the phone putting him closer to her, her arms wrapped comfortingly around him before placing a kiss on his head. She thought about the proposal, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t thought about it, but the rain outside and the lower temperatures could only be worse for the boy burning in fever at the moment. There was a moment of hesitation on Wanda’s part, she glanced at Tommy then at Billy before placing her eyes on the phone.
But before she could do anything, Tommy sat up moaning, grabbing his stomach.
“Mommy I don’t feel good…” And with those words, he leaned in and started throwing up.
Billy stepped back watching horrified as Tommy empty the contents of his stomach on the bed and the floor, and soon Wanda sprang into action taking the young boy to the bathroom, running and sharing comforting words to a now crying Tommy.
The mobile had fallen to the floor, and Billy grabbed the gadget in his hands hugging it closer to his chest not knowing what to do and how to help his mom and brother. It took him a moment, tears falling down his face, and he just checked the phone finding the only familiar name that could help him and his mommy in a moment like that one.
With a blurry eyesight, he pressed the dial button and finally started sobbing when he heard the familiar voice through the phone.
There was not a single light on the streets.
The wind and water twirled in front of the windows, the bluish light of thunder breaking into the darkness from time to time, and the rumbling from thunder making the glass trembled echoing the strength of the storm.
You sipped some hot chocolate from your favorite mug, sitting down in the kitchen your mind played out the recent events that had shaken your life in ways you never thought possible. More than a week had passed since the school event in which you got a chance to see a side of your neighborhood you were not familiar with and finding her in the practice of your best friend.
Since then, your encounters with her have been sporadic. But each and every single one of them had the spark of teasing you had come accustomed to. It had become a habit to just bother her and rail her up, to watch her reaction to your piercing words and your constant teasing while getting some reaction out of her. To see her eyes going wide, and flashing that glare you had come to appreciate, or her retorts that were a defiance of your intelligence and your personality. A part of you knew the game you were playing was a dangerous one, another part didn’t even care.
That was, until your mind reminded you of one Carol Danvers that had been at your doorstep from the moment you decided to go back to the world.
The blonde woman had been there as a support, and also as someone that helped you escaped from the pain and the reality you were made to face. So much different than Shuri, Carol had always understood your priorities, and while at the beginning the both of you had agreed on sex with no strings attached, Carol had made it quite evident she was ready for more, and pretty much intended to wait for you to be ready as well.
Another thunder broke into the night.
You lifted your eyes wondering if perhaps letting Carol meet America had been the wisest thing to do, the both of them had hit it off right off the bat, and you knew that Carol had been more than happy about the meeting. She saw that as a step in the right direction, one of the steps to get you closer into a relationship you were still not so sure you wanted.
“What are you doing up at this hour?” The voice of America startled you awake from your daze, turning around you saw her completely dressed wearing a heavy jacket and boots as if she was ready to go out.
“What are you doing dressed like that?” You asked back raising a single eyebrow, the young woman came closer to you tilting her head with narrowed eyes.
“I’m going out.”
You snorted shaking your head, “you’re crazy if you think I’m letting you go out with this weather. Anyway, why the hell would you go out? This has something to do with Kate?”
America opened her eyes wide, blushing lightly while crossing her arms.
“Not everything that happens to me has to do with Kate.” She huffed indignantly, though you had to smirk at her reaction.
“As of late, everything has to do with her…” You replied teasingly. “You two should stop playing around and get together already.”
“Oh, shut up! You are one to talk, you and Carol had been playing the friends with benefits for far too long, you should give in already.” She retorted shooting you a defiant glance, you winced looking away while lifting your mug.
“Touché. I won’t say anything about Kate and you from now on.”
“Thank you.” America turned around but stopped when you placed a hand on her shoulder, your brows lifted in wonderment.
“Still, you’re not going out, though.”
America made a face lifting her phone while trying to come up with the best explanation.
“Look, Billy Maximoff just called me.” She started explaining, and as soon as that name came out you perked up. “He was really distressed, crying and asking for me to help him, something happened to Tommy and…”
“Well, where is his mom? Or his dad for that matter?”
It wasn’t so much the question, but the tone of voice you used to ask. Your voice broke a little, and your tone rose an octave making you clear your throat and look away from the scrutinizing gaze of your sister. America narrowed her eyes at you, tilting her head.
“There is no dad, and it seems as if Mrs. Maximoff needs help.” America trailed off before grabbing your hand. “Come with me, please, I think they really need help and I hated to think Billy is crying while Tommy and Mrs. Maximoff are…I don’t know…”
You made a face letting go of America while scratching the nape of your neck, your heart jumped in your chest while a tingling started in your abdomen at the thought of seeing Wanda Maximoff. It was strange, and unwanted, you shouldn’t feel anxious to see that insufferable woman, yet…
“What if Tommy is sick, Y/N? I know you can help them.” America pressed grabbing your hand. “Please, come with me and if it is something dumb, you can lash out at Mrs. Maximoff, I know it had become your favorite pastime as of late.”
“That’s not true!” You replied slightly offended. “She is the one lashing out at me!”
“Oh, please if I didn’t know better, I would say you like her!” America replied turning just on time to miss the flash of panic in your eyes.
“So, can you come with me?” This time around she used her most powerful weapon against you, and her puppy eyes with that familiar pout broke your resolution.
Rolling your eyes you nod, “okay, okay, I’m coming with you, let me grab something, I don’t want to catch a pneumonia just so you can go and help Maximoff’s brats.”
America smirked watching as you went running to your room, she knew even if your words seemed uncaring that you were hooked when she said the kids might be sick. America knew for you it was hard to not care, but sometimes it was harder to care.
Your eyes soon found those of the small boy standing by the door with a blue blanket tightly pressed against his chest, he had tears in his eyes with his hair completely disheveled and a spark of mistrusted sent your way. America knelt down as soon as he opened the door, her face breaking into one of pure tenderness while she spoke to the boy in a soft reassuring tone.
“Hey, Billy, how are you buddy?”
“Tommy is sick.” He mumbled and was about to hug your sister when you stopped him from going any further.
His glare made you think of his mother, and you had to refrain yourself from snorting at the likeness between both of them.
“We are drench, kid, so hugging America is not a good idea.” The glare didn’t lose its intensity, but the boy pursed his lips and stepped away from your grasp.
America rolled her eyes at you, closing the door behind her and taking the jacket off of her. You followed her swiftly, while also taking off your boots and standing inside the house that had been Natasha’s at some point.
The place had changed ever since, though you could see the new inhabitants of the household decided to keep some of the furniture. You frowned stepping inside the place noticing there was no one but the kid on the first floor, turning around you could see America talking to the boy, this time around she wrapped her arms around him helping him up and walking towards you with Billy snuggling closer to her.
“Tommy is sick, and he and his mom are upstairs.” She commented, her lips broke into a sad smile. “He didn’t know what to do, but he thought if I was here his mom could take Tommy to the doctor.”
“You are quite the smart guy, Billy.” Your commented made Billy turned his attention to you, though his eyes had not softened he was now shooting curious glances at you. “However, with this rain, the best would be for Tommy and your mom to stay here…”
This time around you could see the crestfallen expression on the boy’s face, his eyes welled up again and your heart broke at the sight. You leaned in, winking at him reassuringly.
“But you and your family are lucky that I know a thing or two about being a doctor and may be able to help, would you like that?”
America watched as the boy tensed in her arms, his eyes opened lightly, and he glanced at you for the very first time with wonderment, and some hesitation.
“Really?” he turned to America to corroborate your words, and the young woman smiled at him.
“Yes, Billy, this is my sister Y/N.” She said, looking at you then back at the boy. “And she learnt a thing or two about children and how to take care of them.”
Billy pursed his lips glancing at you with a tilt of his head, “really? You help Tommy?”
“Really, I can help Tommy and your mommy as well.” You looked around the place before settling your eyes on America. “Why don’t you grabbed one of the torches you brough and I will go upstairs to see what’s going on.”
“Sure.” America turned to Billy pocking him on the nose. “Want some chocolate while we make sure Tommy gets better?”
You watched as both of them go to America’s jacket, and handing over the torch to Billy they made their way to the kitchen. With a sigh, you placed a hand on your head before turning your stare to the stairs; the place was completely silent, and you had to glance around while straining your ear to catch some noise. Without missing a beat, you walked down the hall until you found yourself in front of a door decorated with dinosaurs and the names of the twins in blue and red.
The room smelt like vomit, and it felt suffocating.
On the bed was a small boy whimpering, and leaning in was the young woman you had come to know as Wanda. There was a moment of hesitation before you knock on the open door, the sudden sound made Wanda jerked around her eyes wide open as they settled on you.
“Wha-what are you…who…?”
The young woman was looking terrible.
Her hair was out of place, and she had been wearing some sweatpants and a shirt that had strains of vomit all over them. The sight itself was quite incredible, you had seen the fire behind those green eyes, the power behind the woman’s words as well as her determination whenever you engaged her in a bickering contest. But the woman standing before you was lost, it was someone that didn’t know what to do or how to react, that was completely out of her element while holding onto a piece of sanity she clearly didn’t have.
It made you think of that time she had frozen in fear during the school’s event.
“You got any coherent thought behind those questions? Or do I have to guess what are you trying to ask?” Your lips curled into a smirk, the glint of anger flashing towards you as the woman strides to you her index finger lift poking on your chest, with her nostrils flaring.
“What the hell are you doing here?” There was desperation in her voice, and you had to wonder where the father of the kids was, where was her husband.
Was she alone in all of this?
“Your kid called, and America dragged me over to help.”
She blinked a couple of times, your words registering in her head while her brows knitted together. Her eyes locking with yours before she opened them in realization.
“America? Why…?” Now she looked even more confused than before, you shrugged suddenly very aware of the closeness of the woman and the foolishness of the situation.
“She is my sister, and your kid call her over to see if she could help you.” You shrugged trying to look uninterested in the whole situation. “You had a smart kid, Princess. Now, let me help you with your other kid.”
You stepped aside, and walked past Wanda who was struck by the door still registering your words. You looked around the place before kneeling down right beside the bed of Tommy. You placed your hand on his forehead, he was burning and your touch made him shiver telling you his skin was sensitive to the touch. It was quite evident he had thrown up, and his paleness confused itself with the flush of the fever. Your eyes moved to the thermometer then to the mess around you.
“What are you doing?” Wanda asked in a thin voice, your eyes were flashing angrily at her just as you stood up.
“Me? What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You asked through gritted teeth. “He is burning up! What had you given to him? Do you know if he eaten something that upset his stomach? How long has he been like this?”
And just as you said this you stepped closer to her, the anger in you came by the sight of the state the room was in and by the obvious discomfort the boy was in. It was incredible to you that a mother could be this disinterested in their child. If your stepmother had been alive her first instinct would have been to take you or America straight to the hospital, bad weather or not, and your dad…
The anger running through your veins cooled down the moment your eyes fell upon the cowering form of Wanda. The young woman winced when you spoke to her, her body tensing and coiling in on itself, while she pressed her hands tightly to her chest. Her eyes clenched close, paled with a quivering lower lip, she was mumbling something you had not bothered to hear up until now.
“I just…I didn’t…I don’t have because I…” Wanda had been ready to answer your reproaches with the same annoying tone she used to address you until something in her triggered the memories she thought she had overcome. She was useless, a bad mother, she deserved punishment. She deserved her fate.
“I don’t know! I’m sorry, I…I failed, I failed, I’m a bad mother…”
You never expected her to break down the way she was doing, something in your chest stirred with sympathy and guiltiness at having been so hasty in your reaction. There was a moment of hesitation that was broken the moment the woman felt to her knees, this time around her arms above her head as if protecting herself from an invisible attack. You clenched your jaw, your eyes burning with horror at the thought that this was perhaps what Wanda was waiting from you.
You could hear her whimpers, turning around you could see Tommy crawling his legs closer to his body, he had been awake during the scene trembling on his bed with his lips turned downwards. You brushed your hair away before stepping closer to Wanda, kneeling down slowly but surely, your hand placed itself on her shoulder. Whatever story was behind her reaction, you decided right there and there, you would make things easier for her.
“Hey, Wanda, I’m sorry.” You whispered softly, comfortingly. “It was not my place, you are a good mother, you did the right thing, I just…I want to help…”
“Hey, Wanda, sorry I just…look, I came here to help. So…”
“Why? So you can humiliate me? Tell me…making me feel as If…” Wanda exploded pushing your hands away, her eyes filled with tears just as she glared at you. “I’m doing my best I just…”
“I know, I’m sorry.” You whispered, wincing at her words. “I was unfair, I…I just…I don’t like seeing little kids suffering, okay? And, Tommy, he really needs a doctor. Let me make it up to you, let me help you.”
“What? You are a doctor or something like that?” Wanda bit back, her glare never missing the intensity.
“Something like that.” You replied offering a half smile, Wanda furrowed her brows the situation draining her of any will or energy to fight over. “Let’s start by getting him really clean up, do you have anything we can give him?”
“What do you mean?” She asked in a small voice.
“Antibiotics, aspirin…something?” Wanda shook her head and you nodded curtly.
“Okay, that’s fine. You and him, you need a shower…”
“But…but he is sick, and his fever…”
“Needs to be controlled before it gets out of hand.” You replied helping the young woman stand up, you cocked your head, so your eyes fell upon the boy that was glancing at the both of you. “Let’s take him to the bathroom, I have some torches that may help you, but you need to give him a bath and help with his fever.”
Wanda nodded weakly making her way to the bed, Tommy was shivering with his lips parted. You leaned in, observing the rhythm of his breathing and the sweat on his face.
“Mommy?” He asked in a weak voice, Wanda cleared his face never missing the concern marks on her face.
“Is he…” Wanda started but soon trailed off.
“He is gonna be okay.” You smiled at her, standing up you placed a hand on her forearm. “Don’t worry, kid, everything is gonna be fine, can you tell me where it hurts the most?”
Tommy pouted hesitating before placing his hand on his head, you pursed your lips nodding. Wanda observed as you knelt down with your eyes scanning the small form of the boy.
“Does your tummy hurt still?”
“No.” Tommy put his legs closer to his chest, your eyes narrowed for a moment.
“Tommy, did you feel bad today at school?”
Tommy hesitated before nodding, “I didn’t want Billy worried because he was playing with Bard, and I’m always complaining.”
The boy explained in a thin voice, Wanda pressed her lips holding back her own tears. You offered the boy a smirk, shaking your head.
“I bet Bard was being a little brat about it, wasn’t he?”
Tommy opened his eyes before nodding, this time around he smiled.
“Yeah, the men in that family can be little brats.” You said winking at Tommy. “But they are good people, you don’t have to hide, Tommy, more so if you don’t feel okay.”
“I’m s’orry.” He lowered his gaze, “I don’t wanna be weak, daddy don’t like it when I complain.”
You decided to not comment on that, and you even ignored the sudden shift on Wanda’s posture, and the gasp she let out at Tommy’s words.
“Hey! Not feeling well is not about complaining, it’s about being brave enough to admit you need help.” You replied by pocking his nose. “Now, I need to help you and your mom with your fever, okay?”
Tommy nodded putting a thumb on his mouth, you stood up looking around the room before settling your eyes on Wanda. In a sudden movement, you went to pick up Tommy in your arms, the little boy snuggling closer to you.
“He does need to take a bath, and it’s going to be a little uncomfortable for him because the water must be lukewarm.” You stated firmly, Wanda shifted her position taking a good look at you. “Can you show me the bathroom?”
The bathroom was huge.
With a big bathtub at the far corner, you realized that with more light the situation would be easier for everyone. However, the place was big enough to make it work for the mother and the child, you placed Tommy on a small chair near the toilet.
“Okay young man, I need your help right now, think you can do it?”
Tommy opened his eyes wide, nodding while glancing at you then back at Wanda.
“Okay, I’m gonna bring some flashlights and you and your mom are going to take a bath.” You explained to him standing up while turning on the light on your mobile. Wanda had been silent up until then, she had been following your every move, hearing every single word you spoke to her and Tommy, and something inside her stirred grateful by your actions.
You glanced around the place helped with your mobile trying to locate the cabinet in which you might be able to locate some medication. Your eyes narrowed when the only thing you spot were gauzes, bandages, alcohol, and things that might help someone after a fall. Not in a situation like the one they were in at the moment. You turned to Wanda, but the young woman was making her best effort to look away from you.
“I’m going to get the bathtub ready, and you and Tommy can take a bath, so the both of you stop stinking.” You made a face winking at Tommy who giggled placing a hand on his mouth.
“I’m not…” Wanda started but soon trailed off when she heard Tommy’s giggle.
“You are.” You replied walking past her towards the tub. “And Tommy is too, right?”
Tommy hesitated before nodding, “I stink. I felt bad in my tummy and throw up.”
You made a face making sure the war was the right temperature, “that and you have a fever, Tommy. I will need some basic medication for you, but the water will help with the temperature, okay?”
“But, with his fever…” Wanda started, you stood up shaking your head.
“It will make him feel better, believe me.” You offered a kind smile and Tommy was already feeling ready to take the bath. “Let me go for the torches, and then I will bring some medication I have at home that may help with his symptoms.”
Wanda stood there nodding numbly, you hesitated for a moment before grabbing her hand, the tender touch jerked her awake and her eyes found yours in the dark.
“It’s gonna be okay, Wanda, trust me.” You whispered, and the young woman felt her stomach tingle at the closeness, her heart shivering at your words.
“I do.”
You nodded curtly running down the stairs and grabbing two torches from your jacket and that of America, your sister watched you with curiosity, but you paid her no mind and went back to the second floor. Fixing the flashlights on two strategic points in the bathroom, it took but a moment, but soon your eyes found the naked back of the boy and your whole body tensed, while your jaw clenched closed again, this time around the anger bubbling in your chest was like a time bomb ready to explode.
On his back, there were multiple scars, some of them looked fresh, some others were old enough to know he had been hurt several times in the past. Then, as soon as you saw this, your eyes drifted away to the young woman whose hands were tenderly taking the clothes off and helping Tommy into the bathtub. The way she moved, the way she worried about her children…
“It’s cold, mommy.” Tommy whimpered fighting a little, Wanda cooed the little boy trying to calm him down.
“I know baby, but really is not that cold, is just…it feels like that because you’re not feeling well.”
“I’m going to leave this here and you two can take as long as you want.” You commented furrowing your brows, your mind already working on trying to get the truth about Wanda from Natasha. “I will leave my phone here, if you want to put on Disney or Netflix for him.”
Wanda turned to you, her face breaking into one relief and grateful expression.
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, Princess.” You winked at her, placing a hand on your eyes. “Tommy you are in charge of the phone and the movie, make sure your mom doesn��t put a boring movie.”
Wanda chuckled leaving Tommy for a moment to grab your mobile, her eyes soon found yours and her cheeks burn a little at the sudden warmness she felt near you. She grabbed the phone and you and her turned around at the same time, you closed the door behind you, confusion filling up your mind.
“How is Tommy?” America asked as soon as you entered the kitchen, you glanced around the place before spotting the door leading to the basement, in your arms you were carrying the bed sheets and the pyjama.
“He is burning in fever, Wanda is bathing him, and probably will take a shower afterwards.” You turned to America pointing to the basement door. “I need wash this, but right now that room is a mess, can you help me cleaning it up and putting some fresh sheets on the bed?”
“Can I help?” Billy asked in a small voice rubbing his eyes, you offered him a small smile nodding.
“That would be fantastic, Billy, Tommy needs clean sheets to feel better, and your room smells yucky so let’s make sure he comes back to a clean room, okay?”
Billy perked up at this, he nodded eagerly smiling a little, “yeah, I help, come America.”
He grabbed your sister’s hand dragging her back to the stairs, you shook your head opening the basement door going downstairs to put everything in the washing machine.
By the time dawn came, the rain had stopped and Billy, Tommy and America were fast asleep in the twins room.
The lights had not come out yet, and you had a feeling it would take some time for the electricity to be restored again. The living room was early quiet, and Wanda was sitting on the sofa with a warm mug of hot chocolate in her hands. She had bags under her eyes, her hair was still wet but her clothes had changed into another part of sweatpants and an old college t-shirt.
Tommy’s fever had receded, and he was no longer suffering from headaches or tummy pain, he had even drunk some tea and eaten some crackers before falling asleep on his bed. Billy had been right on his bed with America playing some movies on your phone.
Wanda had been fussing around the three of them, she was busing herself stopping any intrusive thoughts that were threatening to invade her mind. She was confused enough, tired enough, scared enough to allow another set of concerns filled her life at the moment.
You sat down on the sofa, the young woman tensed but her eyes never drifted from the photo album still open at the coffee table. You glanced at the pictures, having taken a pick early into the night before settling your eyes on Wanda.
“What a night, eh?” Your voice broke the silence in the room, it didn’t carry the usual bite and teasing tone you had come to use with Wanda, instead it was filled with tiredness and curiosity.
“Yeah, I never stopped enough to thank you for the help.” She finally said tilting her head to glance at you. “I never thought your sister…well, that you and America…”
“Oh, yeah, I know.” You chuckled wriggling your eyebrows. “I bet it was quite the shock for you to discover we were sisters, eh?”
Wanda allowed herself a tiny smile, “what surprised me is that she is such a charming young woman, responsible, and quite smart. And you don’t seem to fit in that description.”
You laughed throwing your head back, while allowing the comment wash over you. Wanda observed your reaction with some surprised, but her lips curled into a please smile, soon she was also laughing shaking her head at the absurdity of her situation. Here she was, sitting on her living room with a woman she though annoying and a bitch, only to find a comfort she never thought possible.
“Nah, she is good sister, I’m the bad one.” You finally replied never losing your smile, Wanda pressed her lips together looking away for a moment.
“I don’t think you are the bad one.” You raised an eyebrow, your eyes shinning with wonderment. “You are a bitch, but you’re not bad.”
“Fair enough, Princess.” Once more Wanda rolled her eyes at the nickname, at some point she had thought it annoying and quite invasive, a way for you to railed her up. But now all she could think of was how much she liked the sound of it coming from you.
The silence that followed was filled with questions unasked, Wanda was not the woman you thought she was. She was alone in the city, raising two boys all by herself while working to educate the newest generation in a school that could provide her with great opportunities. Natasha had advocated for her, she had even given her the house in which she and Yelena had grown, offering her a spot in a school that didn’t take just anyone in.
What was her story?
What was hidden behind those emerald eyes that sometimes reflect sadness and loneliness?
You stirred awake turning around while knitting your brows together, you could not ask these questions. You shouldn’t be wondering anything about the woman sitting in front of you. Your heart should not beat so fast, and your abdomen shouldn’t host fluttering butterflies creating a void you were familiar with.
Bouncing your feet on the ground, you stood up walking around the living room. Wanda followed you with her eyes, her own mind playing games with her and what had happened that night. She kept telling her that she was grateful for your intervention, that whatever she was experimenting at the moment was the result of America and you coming in to help her in a situation she felt was slipping from her grasp. It had been so long since Wanda forged any kind of friendship that was not determined by Jarvis or her father, she was finally free to be herself and reached out to people by allowing herself to make new bounds.
That was the reason why Wanda felt confused by you at the moment, it wasn’t because you made her heart skip  beat, or because you made her feel vulnerable. It wasn’t either because she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment and coyness, or because her stomach had come to tingle whenever the both of you engaged in a bickering contest.
It was because she was learning how to make new friends.
That was all.
Wanda drown the voice inside her head, that traitorous voice that told her Y/N was the only one making her feel that way. Her other friends, the new ones, had never shake her world the way you had done so from day one.
“You should probably get some sleep.” Your voice broke Wanda’s trail of thoughts, she jerked around blushing profusely when she realized you were standing right beside her.
“I’m sorry, what?” She asked, and you snorted tilting your head.
“You should probably go to sleep, Princess.” You glanced at the watch on your wrist. “It’s three in the morning, I could keep watch for you, and I can wake you up as soon as the doctor is here.”
Wanda furrowed her brows at you, “doctor?”
“Well, I figured we need an expert to watch over Tommy, so I asked in a favour.” You replied shrugging, “hope you don’t mind.”
Once more, Wanda felt warmth all over, her heart melting at the gesture.
“No, I…thank you.” She took the last sip from her chocolate before yawning, her eyes drifted to the stairs then towards you. “If you don’t mind…I prefer to stay here…can we talk or something?”
You hesitated for a moment; it was quite evident Wanda was tired but she was stubborn enough to keep herself going if necessary. With a sigh, you nodded curtly sitting down on your previous spot of on the sofa.
“So, what do you wanna talk about?” You finally asked after the silence became too much, Wanda shrugged with her eyes falling upon the pictures.
It was still too soon, and you…The young woman turned towards you, she didn’t want to scare you off with her torrid story. She didn’t want you to know about her past, not yet, not like this; so straightened herself up she asked the safest question she could think off.
“Tell me how come you end up with such an amazing sister as America?”
The constant buzzing of conversation sneaked into her senses; she knew she had to wake up. An internal alarm was telling her she was needed, but her body and the recent activities had left her drained of energy necessary to open up her eyes.
Besides, she was warmth, and comfortable in the place she was in.
For brief moment she gave herself to the feeling, and her mind was slowly but surely losing the battle with her wakeful state until her ears caught the sound of a familiar voice.
“Thank you for coming, Strange, I know that this is not your specialty but…” You stated offering a tired smile to the man standing before you.
“Nonsense, I will be more than happy to help you out and that’s why I brought my wife.” Strange stepped aside and soon Christine came in rolling her eyes, on her hand the small duffel bag she used to carry with her everywhere.
“Hey, Y/N.” You dropped your shoulders walking towards her and wrapping your arms around her.
“Christine.” The older woman shot Strange a quick glance before wrapping her arms around you returning the hug.
“Miss me much?” She asked teasingly, you nodded looking away sheepishly.
“Like you wouldn’t imagine.”
“That’s why you haven’t called as of late?” The question came like a reproach but without any bite. You winced placing a nervous hand on the back of your head.
“I’ve been busy.”
“So I was told.” Christine waved her hand closing the door behind her, her eyes drifted around the place with curiosity before settling on you. “Where is the patient?”
“He is upstairs with America and his brother…”
“I am guessing you are the mother.” Doctor Stephen Strange stepped closer to the redhead now sitting on the sofa, her cheeks wearing pillow marks and her hair completely dishevelled.
“I…I am…Hi, sorry I just…” Wanda stood up feeling a little foolish and out of place, Stephen smiled kindly at her stretching his hand.
“No, please, we heard it was a rough night.”
“Yeah, it…it was I just…” Wanda stuttered kicking herself for being such an idiot, she dropped her shoulders wincing lightly. “I guess I need coffee, can I offer you something to drink?”
Christine chuckled waving her hand, “don’t worry, dear, I think coffee sounds perfect…”
“Good then, you and Wanda can go upstairs and Stephen and I will make the coffee and something to eat for everyone, would you like that?” You turned to Wanda who was still far too sleepy, and far too lost to said anything at all, you had taken charge of everything so it seemed and a part of Wanda was thankful for that.
“Yes, that…that sounds good…”
“Okay then, if you lead the way.” Christine took on a professional stance, her tone of voice and ever her glance changed, and as soon as they started making their way upstairs she started asking questions about the twins to Wanda.
“She was happy you called.” Strange stated, sitting down on a chair in the kitchen, you hummed moving around the unknown kitchen trying to locate the coffee maker, and some instant coffee.
“I was happy you guys could make it.” You replied never once looking back at your dad’s best friend.
“So, is she your new girl?”
You almost drop the mug in your hand, your eyes opening wide at the sudden declaration and Stephen merely smirked at your reaction.
“NO!” He winced, and she rolled your eyes trying to get a hold of your voice. “No, no we are neighbours, America babysits for her from time to time.”
“America has a job?” Stephen scrunched up his nose, you chuckled shrugging.
“Yeah, she took it after declaring she felt bored out of her mind and this would teach her some responsibility.” You pursed your lips. “She is right, you know? And, well…Wanda seems to need all the help she can get.”
“I see.” Stephen stood up walking towards the fridge and putting some bacon and milk, going around the place to help you out. “And you…and her…”
“Neighbours.” She stated curtly.
“Right, because you are dating Danvers, right?”
Now he was sounding like a confused parent that was no longer up to date with his child’s demeanours. You sighed rolling your eyes, knowing the questions came for the genuine interested of the man, and not because he wanted to be noisy or intrusive. He was like an uncle to you, and after your parents had died all those who had been part of your parents circle had taken it upon themselves to watch over you and America.
“I’m fucking Carol, there is a difference.” You replied slightly defensively, Stephen made a face shaking his head.
“You are dating her, America told us you invited her over for dinner and that she met her formally this week.” Stephen shot you a triumphant smile, and you could only roll your eyes at that.
Of course, America would mention this to everyone who wanted to hear her.
 “I’m not dating Carol, but I did invite her to dinner and introduce her to America.”
“You know it’s okay to move on, right?” Stephen inquired again, pressing the topic you had tried to evade for as long as your stubbornness allowed it.
You stopped what you were doing, Stephen continued cutting the bacon and serving the eggs and the coffee alongside a cup of warm tea and some crackers. He waited for your answer, hearing the noises of muffled conversation coming from the second floor.
“I’ve been going out with her, and she seems nice, and quite found of me, and the sex it’s incredible and…”
“But you don’t feel anything?”
You sat down shaking your head, “I like her, and of course I feel affection for her, but…”
Stephen nodded in understanding placing the cup of coffee in front of you, he sat by your side taking the tea in his hands.
“I understand.” He blew on the mug before speaking again. “Why do you continue with the relationship, though?”
“I was hoping I would feel something, but I know it’s not fair to her…to me.” You snorted taking a long sip from the black beverage. “I guess that’s why I have been running from you.”
“Ah, the wisdom of the older generation.” Stephen winked at you leaning in. “It’s okay to feel confused, and to want something, Y/N. What it is not correct is to play with someone that may be interested in you.”
“I know.”
Stepehen made a face satisfied with the ending of the conversation, then his eyes drifted to the newcomers that were talking animatedly about some movie. America’s eyes lit up and she soon run towards Stephen hugging him tightly.
“Uncle Strange!”
“Hey, kiddo!” Billy stood unsure at the entrance of the kitchen, he glanced first at America then a Strange and finally at you.
You tilted your head patting the chair beside you.
“Want something to eat, Billy?” He nodded approaching the chair, helped by you he fixed his body to move closer to the counter.
“So, young man, America tells me you are one of the men of the house, is that correct?” Stephen asked serving him a cup of orange juice, Billy opened his eyes big nodding tentatively.
“Perfect, tell me, do you like eggs with bacon or toast with jam?”
Billy pursed his lips thinking hard before talking, “toast with jam.”
“Good selection, my good sir, let’s eat then.”
Saturday night came faster than you thought possible.
Christine and Stephen had spent most of the day with you and America, and most of the morning with Wanda and the twins. You had left your neighbours house with a heavy heart, thought secure in the knowledge Tommy would be just fine and that Wanda and Billy would be okay.
The afternoon had been quite the familiar time, in which America had enjoyed the company of the couple while talking about school and her aspirations for the future. The topic of Carol was not brought again into conversation, but you knew that Christine was thinking the same as Stephen and that most of that conversation had been thanks to America’s own concern.
You took a quick shower before getting inside your bed, your phone had been forgotten most of the day and by the time you finally got to see it the first message that appeared in there was that of Carol.
“Hey, just wondering if you are okay, hope you have an amazing day, Y/N. thinking of you.”
You turned to the side, your mind playing around what had happened in the last day and a half. The twins, Wanda, the conversations and the things that were left unsaid. You knew deep inside your heart you needed to talk to Carol, with a trembling hand you went to write to her but, at the last minute your finger drifted to another chat. A new one.
“Hey, Princess, how are the twins?”
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intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
Supposed To Be Like This
Pairing: Reader x Javier Pena
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, this is passionate smut and sex, unprotected sex, p in v, swear words, verbal fighting
Summary: The only rule was to never catch any feelings for one another, but both of you break that rule
HEARTS, REBLOGS, and COMMENTS are very highly encouraged and very much appreciated! If you wish to be added to my Pedro tag list please hit me up and let me know! Seriously y’all don’t be afraid to ask to be added to something or to comment on my writing because it motivates me, and I really want to know that you guys are enjoying my writing! Thank you so much everyone! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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"Can't you get it through your head I don't want you Y/N." His words like poison to your ears a lump forming in your throat. "I can't fucking stand you."
"I know that's not true." You bit back refusing to believe any words he told you. "You don't mean any of that."
"It is one hundred percent the truth." He spat as his blue eyes looked deep into yours.
"Stop playing these games and admit the real truth." Your voice well above a normal tone now as you felt yourself becoming more upset.
"I don't know what else I have to say to you." He rolled his eyes as he paced around throwing his hands up. "I don't fucking want to be with you."
"Don't believe you." Sniffling as you tried to stand your ground on his true feelings for you. "I know exactly how you feel about me."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He scoffed in disbelief as he looked your figure up and down. "Do you hear yourself?"
"Do you hear yourself?" Repeating his question back to him making him quiet down his shoulders tensing.
"Can't you see I don't want to be with you Y/N." His tone hushed and calmer making your lower lip tremble.
"Stop lying to yourself Javi." Feeling a tear roll down your cheek his eyes watching the liquid fall to the ground. "You and I both know the truth."
"Your delusional." No matter how harsh his words were you weren't backing down on this matter.
His cheeks were starting to turn a shade of red, and you knew he was becoming overwhelmed. He never wanted to admit to himself that he was falling for his co worker and best friend. No matter how much his heart and mind were telling him to tell you the truth.
It was supposed to just be a short fling nothing serious. Next thing you know the two of you are around each other more than you expected. In fact the two of you depended on one another, and felt lost and empty when the other wasn't there.
The sex was absolutely mind blowing you could feel it all the way in your toes. There was never a moment when you two weren't trying to touch each other in some way. Sneaking off to empty rooms to have your way with each other.
Everyone at work was constantly questioning both of you, and were suspicious something more was going on. Of course both of you denied what everyone else was gossiping about. They even teased the two of you saying you were secret lovers.
Both of you standing there looking at each other silently pushing the other to talk. The only sounds that could be heard was his heavy breathing, and your heart pounding in your chest.
"This wasn't supposed to happen like this." He finally spoke as he sat down on the bed hands in his lap. "None of this was supposed to happen."
"You think I was prepared for any of this to happen?" Your question rhetorical as you stepped in front of him now. "But I can't hide it from you."
"We both agreed no feelings and no attachments." Reminding not only you but himself on the rules you set in place.
"I guess I broke the number one rule we made." Confessing to him feeling his hands moving up and down your hips. "You did too."
"We should have never done this." Grabbing one of your hands looking at your fingers as he softly kissed your knuckles. "But I don't regret any of it."
"I'm sorry cariño." He spoke as he lifted his head to look up at you hands grabbed your hips pulling your body towards him so you belly button was aligned with his nose. "I was being a dick."
"Yes you were." You agreed making him smile as you felt him press his forehead against your stomach holding you close. "I'm sorry too."
"For what?" He quizzically looked at you scrunching his eyebrows in confusion.
"For forcing you to confess your true feelings for me." Looking down ashamed not wanting him to see you tearing up again. "I was wrong for pushing you like that."
"No you weren't." His words surprised you as he looked at him his eyes glued to yours. "I needed you to push me."
"Do you hate me?" Timidly asking him as you felt the tears threatening to spill a look of panic washed over him seeing you become distraught.
"God no of course I don't hate you." A hand reached up to caress your cheek moving to your jaw cupping it in his hand leaning into his touch.
Staring down at him as you felt him pressing his lips to your stomach. Tangling your hands in his hair as he slowly lifted the sides of your shirt so he could feel your skin. A tingle running up your spine with such a soft touch.
Standing up his eyes locked on yours as he grabbed your hands in his. Turning you around so your back was facing the bed. Laying down so he was on top of you his mouth attaching to your lips.
His kisses were slow and sensual a passion surging through his body into yours. It felt like the world was slowly turning, and you never wanted it to end. The air was thick and heavy with lust.
Your hands wrapping around his back to be sure to keep him close to you. Wrapping your legs around his waist as you felt him gently grinding his front against yours. A whimper leaving your lips when you felt his hardening erection press into you.
"God I want you so badly sweetheart." Whispering in your ear as a hand reached to grab your thigh rubbing the skin up and down.
"Then take me." Looking directly into his eyes as your chest was heaving up and down already out of breathe.
"You drive me crazy." He mumbled he he sat up lifting his shirt off his body your eyes moving down his toned body.
Leaning on your elbows as you watched him pulling his pants off. Biting your lower lip as you felt a wet spot forming in your panties. Squeezing your thighs together trying to ease the pressure between your legs.
Lifting yourself up pulling your shirt off tossing it to the side. Reaching back. To unclasp your bra exposing your breasts the cold air hitting them your nipples becoming erect. His eyes roamed your figure up and down licking his lips as he did.
"You are so beautiful cariño." Shaking his head in disbelief that you were actually his.
"Oh shut up." You shook your head with a smile making him smirk at you.
"I've never seen a more beautiful woman than you." His voice soothing every insecurity you've ever had knowing he wasn't lying when he said this.
Leaning forward his lips attached to your collarbones kissing the flesh making you lean your head back. Biting your bottom lip to the point you almost drew blood.
His kisses moved to your chest sucking on both nipples leaving behind a string of saliva. Swirling his tongue around the hardened nub until he softly bit down on it making you giggle as you swatted his shoulder.
Moving further down under the breast making you moan as you wrapped your hand around his neck. It was like he was paying attention to your body, and wanting to hit all your sweet and soft spots.
"Oh god Javi." Whispering as his kisses moved down to your stomach moving his tongue along your flesh.
“Say my name again cariño.” Loving the way his name dripped from your lips.
“Javi.” Saying his name much more sensually.
Looking up at you his hands gripped your shorts slowly pulling them down your legs. Spreading your legs apart he kissed the insides of your thighs getting closer to where you wanted him to touch you the most.
"Fuck you're dripping." He groaned as he looked between your legs to see exactly how wet you were for him.
Laying down fully on your back as he stripped you of your panties. Letting your senses take over you as he pressed a firm kiss against your folds.
A hand reaching down to grip his hair as he placed his tongue to your clit, and swirled it around making your hips jolt.
"Still so delicious for me." He growled as he spread your folds apart to get a closer look at you making your cheeks feel like they were on fire. "I have to have you now."
Sitting up on his knees he grabbed your ankles pulling them apart. Stroking his cock a few times maintaining eye contact with you the whole time watching as your body writhed on the bed silently begging him.
"Please fuck me Javier." Whining as you reached out to grab him a grin appearing on his face.
"I'm not just gonna fuck you." His tone soft and sensual as he rubbed your upper thighs. "I'm gonna make love to you."
Leaning forward grabbing the base of his cock rubbing it up and down your soaked entrance. Mouth hanging open as he watched you grind your hips up and down motivating him to push in.
"Fuuuck me." Moaning as he slowly pressed all the way inside of you breathing heavily as you adjusted around him.
"Know how to take me so well sweetheart." His eyes searching yours for any signs of discomfort, and he found none. "God you feel so good."
"Move Javi please." Hearing the use of his call sign has him rutting his hips back, and pushing forward again.
"Pussy driving me crazy." He groaned as he leaned forward on his hands on either side of your face. "This pussy is all mine cariño."
Giggling at his possessive words as you moved your hands from his arms to his thighs. Feeling your body move against the bed with every thrust that he made. His body sweating on top of yours trapping you in his heat.
"Just like that." Crying out as you felt his tip ran into your sweet spot his motions never ceasing. "Oh god just like that."
"I love hearing you beg for my cock." Smirking down at you as he leaned forward to attach his lips to your neck kissing and sucking on it until blood was rising to the surface.
The grip he had on your hips had you feeling pain, but it was also heightening the pleasure. Feeling your skin burn as he hold onto a section of flesh.
It had your toes curling making your pussy clench around Javier’s cock. This experience was so much more intimate and passionate than anytime before.
Feeling his cock twitching inside of you knowing he's close. He was trying to hold himself back and wanted to wait until you felt your release.
It was a matter of seconds before your body was going to explode in ecstasy. Whimpers and moans slipping past your lips unable to control yourself anymore.
"Cum all over my cock sweetheart." Saying as he pulled out and drilled all the way in making you scream as you gripped his back dragging your nails down leaving marks.
"Wanna watch that pretty face come undone." His cheeks were red and a bead of sweat was forming on his forehead. "It's my cock that's making you feel so good."
Leaning up his hands pushed against your inner knees keeping them open as he snapped his hips into yours. Feeling his cock all the way in your stomach.
Watching as your breasts moved back and forth a hand reaching down to grab one, and pinch the nipple making you gasp.
"Could stay like this all day." Grunting as he looked down to where you two were connected.
Following his eyes as you looked down watching as his thick cock disappeared inside of you. Seeing your juices coating him as he pulled out making a squishing noise.
"Javi." Crying out his name as you felt a coil in your stomach making you snap as you arched your back.
"Fuckin a baby." He groaned as he snapped his cock deep inside staying there as he coated your walls with his cum.
His body laying limp on top of yours before giving your forehead a quick kiss. Rolling over so he was laying next to you both of you out of breathe.
"I'm sorry." He shakily spoke as you turned to look at him a tear running down his cheek. "God I'm so sorry."
"What I said before." He started to say as he took a gulp watching his Adam's apple bob. "I didn't mean any of it."
"I know you didn't." Nodding your head fully believing he was being a dick on purpose.
"I just wanted to say-." The words stuck in bud throat but you knew what he was wanting to say.
"Javi I know." Turning your body so it was facing him as you placed a hand on top of his sweaty chest. "I love you too.
"I love you so much Y/N." Turning to face you grabbing your face placing his soft lips on yours.
Tag list for Pedro Pascal: @pedrohoe04 @k-k0129 @marchai @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21 @kmc1989 @sullyosully
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nerdalmighty · 3 months
hey! so, i just recently started playing baldur's gate 3 after seeing people put it all over my dash for months--and you're one of the people i've seen reblogging a lot of posts about it LOL. so if you don't mind me asking, i was wondering what kind of character do you/did you play as? and do you have any sort of backstory for your tav that you'd like to share?
Hoooooooooooooh my god thank you so much for asking. I have a friend who comes over to watch me play on Thursdays and I make a powerpoint every week to catch her up on what she missed - this week's powerpoint literally has slides about my Tav's background (more on those later). This is about to be long, I'm about to drop ALL my lore so buckle up! AND THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY BG3 BRAIN WORMS!!!!! I'm glad they convinced you to play 😈
So to begin, I've been in my first ever dnd campaign with a group of friends for a little over a year now. I didn't know much about Baldur's Gate except that it was a dnd video game and that you could romance people. Me, being a Big Fan of Romance And Fantasy was like "okay well I'm in" and my friend actually let me start a game at his house. Through that, I met Shadowheart, Gale, and Astarion.
Backing up a bit to my character; I decided I'd put my character from my irl dnd campaign into the game since I already knew her whole deal. I get pretty overwhelmed with making decisions, ESPECIALLY with big open world games like bg3, so knowing who/what I wanted to be really helped me out.
In the campaign I'm in with friends, it's pirate themed, and I play a half-elf bard named Birdie Harp who's secretly half-siren (murder mermaid). To make a long story very short, she was born in the arctic and escaped her murderous pod during a coming-of-age trial where she also lost her siren abilities (hypnotizing voice, breathing underwater, etc).
I've watched a ton of Dimension 20 which is an actual play show on Dropout.tv (an "actual play" is where you watch other people run a campaign of dnd - like Critical Role, which a lot of people have at least heard of - HIGHLY recommend Dimension 20, as I find it incredibly funny and easier to get into than CR because of the episode lengths), and I knew that I really liked the silliness and theatricality of the bard class. I also loved the bards from The Owl House which helped influence my decision as well.
To be honest, Birdie is my first ever dnd character, so she's basically a self insert but with a MUCH more traumatic backstory than me (this IS dnd after all). As for the half-elf aspect, it was more of an "I want to be half mermaid, what's similar to that?" as opposed to a love for half-elves or something.
BACK TO BALDUR'S GATE - knowing I wanted Birdie to be in the game, I felt a lot less overwhelmed to come up with something entirely new - I knew a lot about the bard class having played one so I wanted to CONTINUE playing one (and I've learned even more since playing bg3!).
When I finally got my own game (I no longer play at my friend's house, but in the comfort of my own home), I recreated Birdie and started on my journey in earnest. I'm VERY MUCH someone who likes to be in control and know what to expect, so I've had guides and walkthroughs to help me the whole time - SUE ME! When it came to first meeting Shadowheart, Gale, and Astarion back at my friend's house, Gale actually immediately stole my heart - a kind, witty wizard who likes books and cats? Literally say less. I went home from that session with my friend fully thinking I'd be a Gale girlie until I really looked into the other options and saw The Vampire.
Blah blah blah, he's hot and funny, but he can also be incredibly soft, which really won me over in the end. So I've been romancing That Guy.
Through Acts 1 and 2, I wasn't all too sure about this version of Birdie's background - sure she COULD still be that half-siren from the arctic, but the game kept suggesting she was FROM Baldur's Gate. I LOVED the inclusion of the harpies in Act 1 and thought maybe that was a viable entry point for her backstory, but so far, she was kind of just... me? She was making the choices I wanted to make (and a few that I knew Astarion would like lmao), but she wasn't really her own entity apart from me except for her name. She also felt vastly different from that character I'd created for my friends over a year ago. For instance, my irl Birdie currently has a crush on a Gale-type character, but this Birdie is ass deep in Astarion (hey, sorry I said "ass deep in Astarion"). The thing I love about Baldur's Gate 3 is how you can really come up with your own backstories, since the in-game one for your Tav is so vague. It's totally fine to ignore tiny details in the game and mold them to your own headcanons for your Tav, but I was so unsure of what I wanted for this Birdie that I kind of internalized that she was from Baldur's Gate.
HEADS UP! The following has some spoilers for Act 3 and some side quests, so STOP reading if that's something you'd care to avoid (the last 3 paragraphs of this post are SAFE from spoilers):
When Act 3 finally rolled around (which is where I am currently, I only have the one playthrough so far because I become INCREDIBLY attached to things), I stumbled across the Water Queen's House in Baldur's Gate. Ah ha! Now this felt promising.
A temple dedicated to the Vengeful Sea Goddess, Umberlee, and her loyal Wave Servants to serve her. It's ocean themed, it has mermaid undertones, and their goddess is basically evil. Seems like the perfect place to FINALLY insert this version of Birdie. I wasn't 100% sure until I completed the Iron Throne mission and was faced with either handing a (mostly) innocent man over to the Wave Servants, or fighting to defend him.
Here are a few of the slides from this week's powerpoint that I mentioned all the way back at the start, starting with SOME background on the Wave Servants:
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Ass and Shart are what I affectionately call Astarion and Shadowheart (Also I got this beautiful "Birdie" art on Pinterest which originated from someone named Dantrelium on Reddit):
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Apologies for the small text here, but there are some more details about THIS Birdie here, which I literally made up/figured out earlier this week:
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Essentially, this Birdie was born at the Water Queen's House as Kittiwake Crest - Kittiwakes are common arctic birds, which I thought would be a nice little homage to the original character she was based off of. She was raised by the collective of Wave Servants there, the main one being Flood Tide Allandra Grey who seems to be head honcho at the Wave Mother's House (in this reality, she is).
Since Umberlee is such a vengeful goddess, I imagine she asked her Wave Servants to commit unspeakable acts in her name, mainly drownings, which THEY see as merciful, but I think Birdie always saw as horrifying. Who were they to decide the fates of others? I also think that the Wave Servants themselves were abusive during her upbringing to keep her in line (but much like how Nocturne was a light in the darkness for Shadowheart, I don't think EVERY Wave Servant was evil). GOTTA have a classic tragic backstory.
Upon researching Umberlee, I learned that most of her servants are clerics, so in my mind, that means Birdie was raised to eventually become one, with her official title eventually going to be "Seawind Kittiwake Crest." Is she still half-siren/mermaid though? Not entirely sure. This IS a magical world though, so I'd be inclined to say yes, probably.
But when we first meet the Wave Servants, they're singing beautifully for their drowned sister, Holli. I think Birdie REALLY loved music and singing with her sisters and secretly trained herself in bard magic when she should have been learning to be a cleric. It's also a classic trait of bards to hide their pain through humor, so I often imagine the type of stupid things Birdie gets up to to bring herself joy (my favorite headcanon being when you meet Skittle the Rat in Wyrm's Rock prison - he's a rat merchant who speaks exclusively in puns. I think Birdie and Gale would excitedly throw puns back and forth with Skittle while Astarion and Shadowheart begrudgingly (and affectionately) roll their eyes in the background).
Another thing I love about the game is how you can string together your own ideas of how companions react to things between big cut scenes. For example, in my head, in my game, Astarion has really become a Big Softy thanks to how fucking Stupid (affectionate) Birdie acts in life and has drawn him out of his shell, but also runs a tag team scam with her where she plays her lute to distract people while he loots an entire place. Gale is Birdie's partner in crime when it comes to tomfoolery and loves to joke and fool around with her (so long as it goes easy on his knees). And Shadowheart is basically a sister figure who flip flops between sassing with Astarion and joining in on the fun. THEY'RE JUST THE BEST, OKAY? OF COURSE I'M GONNA WALK AROUND WITH A BUNCH OF IDIOTS. I LOVE THEM.
Anyway, back to Birdie's backstory: she always hated the atrocities that were asked of her, and she was looking for a way out, but was too scared to take that step and leave since the Wave Mother's House is all she's ever known. One night, while stepping out to quietly dip her toes in the water, the Mindflayers captured her, and that's where we start Act One, all the way up on the Nautiloid. She changed her name to Birdie to distance herself from her previous life, fully took up the bard class, and the rest is history.
Back to that dilemma with handing over that (mostly) innocent guy or fighting the Wave Servants: with encouragement from the party, they convince Birdie to face her traumatic upbringing and fight the Wave Servants once and for all. At this point in Act 3, she's basically helped every single person with their problems except her own. Here's another slide featuring Ass and Birdie:
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That's right folks, Birdie faced her past! But the bad news is we don't get to see Astarion in this (audio from The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction):
(Video description - Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3 wearing the Wave Mother's Armor with the following audio:
Guard 1: Whoa, check it out.
Guard 2: Hubba hubba hubba.
Gaurd 1: Nice. I love dudes in skirts.
END VIDEO.) I don't want to tell you how many times I recorded that until I felt like I got it right lol. Also yes, I DID do a scum save where I handed the guy over ONCE just so I could see Ass in this outfit, but Birdie did canonically save Redhammer in my actual save file.
And honestly, that's BASICALLY it for now! My most recent save was after that battle, so I need to figure out if Birdie's going to go back with her party to confront the rest of (or most of) the Wave Servants, or if this chapter of her life is closed.
In an ideal world I'd LOVE to make one of those artsy gif edits of my Tav like this and this, but PS5s make it hard to download clips without uploading them to YouTube first which I don't really want to do.
Thank you SO MUCH for this ask, I had a blast writing it!! Sorry it's so long, I just love this game so much and LOVE talking about it. Please feel free to ask more questions OR chat with me about YOUR Tav! I'd love to hear all about them :)
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farfromstrange · 4 months
Lizzi’s Valentine’s Special & Follower Celebration
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Dear Everyone,
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I thought, since this silly little blog hit over 1.1k followers yesterday, I want to give you something special.
First of all, though, I want to thank you. I’ve been on here since (and I checked with the archive) July 19, 2022. I can't believe that it has been almost two years. I started watching Daredevil after watching Spider-Man: No Way Home in December of 2021 and hearing Matt Murdock say, "I'm a really good lawyer," after catching a brick. So, I started watching the show, and that was during a time I was really miserable. Mentally and physically, I wasn't in a good place, but after watching Daredevil for the first time and falling in love with Charlie Cox as a genuine person and an actor, it felt like I found a reason to keep going.
I started writing fanfiction again, which I kind of neglected because I felt like this hobby of mine wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't inspired at all until I watched the show. If I hadn't, I probably would not have gotten back into writing and using it as an outlet for my feelings, and I probably wouldn't be where I am today. Thanks to Charlie's portrayal of Matt Murdock, and watching his interviews, I felt like I could do the things that I love again and follow my dreams. He's the reason I chose to major in English. And while I owe him that much, I owe you guys here on Tumblr and AO3 even more.
When I first posted here, I didn't think people would even be interested in what I had to say and write. But then more and more people started visiting my profile, you guys started following me, and it kept me motivated to keep writing, even when I'm miserable, and I sometimes only post once every blue moon.
I feel so honored that you guys chose to follow a silly little blog run by a silly little 20-something-year-old whose first language isn't even English (but made it her entire personality), and who chose to write about traumatized dark-haired characters portrayed by Charlie Cox. I'm overwhelmed by the love you continue to show me, and every time one of you chooses to reblog or comment on one of my works, saying that it resonated with you, I feel like I'm doing something right. I'm sharing my ideas, my own experiences, my wishes, and even my deepest, darkest dreams through my writing like it's a fucking diary, and you eat it up every single time.
I'm just so glad that this community exists, as chaotic as it sometimes is, and that you chose to stick around, even when I suck at keeping promises sometimes. You keep teaching me new things about who I am, my writing, and how important it is to put myself first. I don't know if you've heard it lately, but you guys are incredible and I appreciate the hell out of every single one of you.
Thanks to Tumblr, I made lifelong friends (especially looking at you, @blackshadowswriter) and found like-minded people that made me feel less alone. That alone was worth making this account and continuing to post on here.
You may think that I'm being dramatic, but for someone who has never really experienced the kind of validation this community gives me, I want to celebrate this milestone. It means more to me than I can even put into words. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all so much! Please, don't ever forget how amazing you are.
That being said, I've got some exciting things planned.
The other day, I found a folder in my Docs titled "the vault". I completely forgot about it because I usually keep my WIPs in a different folder. As it turns out, I made that folder for fics that I originally never planned to post, or ones that I'd finished but wasn't happy with. It’s many, but it’s a few. Some are deeper than others. I also jotted down rough ideas and outlines last year that I stuffed in there, some of which I've actually shared with you but never started working on. Until now. And the contents of that vault are what I want to give to you now.
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6 stories from the vault. 1 bonus fic. 7 days.
I went through a myriad of emotions while I wrote these. For some, I actually bled my soul onto paper. For others, it was merely a brain fart that led to their existence. They're sad, horny, and at times angry, but some of those were originally written for me, and only me. Those that weren't started as a few sentences in a folder before I forgot they existed. Either way, I don't want them to catch dust. And I wouldn't want to share them with anyone else.
Starting February 14th, I will be posting one fic every day until February 20th. My “The Vault” works are Matt Murdock x Reader works, but I've made an exception for the bonus fic. I won't tell you what they are about, but I will give you a list of installments and what kind of fic they are so you know what to be excited about (and maybe which ones are not your cup of tea).
-> The number at the end tells you the date I will be posting it on, but I put it in chronological order as well.
1. If You Need To Be Mean (angst, hurt/comfort) 14.
2. Mismatched Bridesmaid (fluff, smut) 15.
3. Weed Cookies (humor, fluff, cw: accidental drug use) 16.
4. the grudge (songfic, angst, hurt/comfort, cw: death of a parent) 17.
5. Halloween (Smut) 18.
6. I Want To Fuck A Priest (Smut, cw: priest!Matt) 19.
7. Now That We Don’t Talk (Part 2 of Is It Over Now?) -> Frank Castle x Reader (smut, angst) 20.
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A few more words: You are free to send me an ask if you want to know more, but be prepared that I won't be answering in much detail. I don't want to spoil the fun. I would, however, not mind talking about them as vaguely as possible (if you’re interested).
Thank you all. For everything. And I hope you stick around to read these little gems.
With love from yours truly,
Lizzi <3
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