#HAVE A LOVELY TIMEZONE gotta get back to work--
mythvoiced · 5 months
-. WEEOO quick note if you see links disappearing from my muses doc is because I remove them when I'm done with a page~ the new ones will be relatively bland and direct so they're easier to put together (I kept struggling with not fucking the template up but no template here SO--) so no worries, they'll be up soonsies~
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Well.. since all we have to do is ask.. could we get an imagine with Owen where he and reader have been long time friends with secret feelings… maybe throw some angst in there, and then at the end they tell each other and we get a cute makeout sesh or something? 🫣🫣🫣
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Authors Note: holy self-indulgence batman. I usually don't write stuff like this but let's give it a whirl. If it's not your thing, then just scoot along.
Title: Monkeying Around. Words: 4.2K+ Pairing: Owen Teague x Reader. Summary: You and he were best friends. What happens when he goes to Australia to film a little movie we all know and love? Taking place in 2022-2023. ** THIS IS PART ONE, THERE WILL BE A PART TWO IF ENOUGH INTEREST IS SHOWN ** Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated! Show support for fanfic writers!
“Oh my god,” You laughed, clutching your phone that much tighter as you tossed your head back in amusement at what had popped up on the screen upon accepting the FaceTime from your best friend. His face was always refreshing to see; the crisp white nature of his t-shirt balancing off the darkened nature of his eyebrows and his--- You blinked, sitting up a bit with a stammer, “Owen, y-... Your hair, what happened?”
You could hear the sigh he gave through your headphones, wishing nothing more than to have him beside you to cause the hot breath that accompanied it against your shoulder. Slowly, you admired the way that his lanky wrist rubbed the back of his head, feeling the pricking of shorter hair between his long fingers as Owen muttered.
“They had to cut it for the uh… Suits. You know,” Drifting his hand forward, there was a delicately placed motion in front of the striking features he held, your vision coated with his thinned ulna and radius along with the splay of long digits. No rings or bracelets against his skin, you drew your bottom lip in, probably for filming… Your mind was quick to deduce a reasoning.
Your heart fluttered a small bit at the smile that tore against his features when Owen rested his hand back down after charading to you in silence that he meant the suit that fit on his head with the camera attached for the film he was working on and you heard the shuffle as he held his phone more sturdily and sat back on what appeared to be a bed. “The head piece, it’s gotta fit. My hair was in the way! I told them not to--- I said ‘You can’t do this, my best friend in the whole wide world--- she’s gonna kill me if I cut any of it off’.”
“You’re bald.”
“I still have some hair! Just not… A whole lot.” Playfully defending himself, Owen drifted his tongue along the front of his teeth and felt his lips pull into a smirk at your reaction. You cackled almost manically and garnered yourself a laugh from him. Slowly, your smile dissipated into nothing more than a mirrored reflection of how Owen looked. Solemn around the edges as you both stared at each other through a screen, peeking in at 10,000 miles apart from each other. It was light there, abundantly so as the timezone shifted greatly. Morning for him now, it was cusped around the evening for you back in the States and the sun would begin its departure soon and Owen would have to leave.. You would… Have to let him.
There was a small sinking in your stomach at that. There was nothing you could do to get Owen to stay, you knew now as it had been a month into filming and the schedule for him seemed so tedious. It probably was, given much of what he was doing was considered physical workouts at times.
 “Does it feel weird?” There was a drull nature to your tone as you shifted your body upwards to prop against your bed frame with a small grunt.
“Kinda refreshing.”
Earnest honesty was the way to go as Owen flashed that boyish grin that only until recently with him being gone did you realize that you missed greatly. The way it would shift from innocent to absolute terror filled in a matter of moments when he thought of something devious was captivating, the strong brow ridge was formidable now that Owen had grown a bit more you wanted nothing more than to caress with your finger tips, a strong mouth… You pouted to yourself at the feeling rising against the back of your neck.
When… did this become… Not friendly anymore…? Something… Deeper.. All things about him you expected to miss, he was your best friend but this… Owen… You missed, drawing your pointer finger against the case of your phone. “Won’t be for long, you know?” He must have seen the look on your face as you attempted to smile, “Hair grows back. It’ll be back to normal in a few weeks, I wanna bet it’ll be back to normal length when I come home.” “You just look so different,” Swallowing hard, you sat up a bit more so Owen was able to see your face properly instead of at an acutely unflattering angle. “Probably that Ape School. Got in your head, huh? Hoo-hoo.” There was piqued interest in how Owen laughed at that, baring his teeth for you and only you in the moment as he nodded in agreement.
“That’s… gonna take me a long time to get out of my head, I tell ya.” Owen huffed, “I’m gonna chase after you. I’m planning on taking the stilts they have me using when I need to move on all fours---”
“I will never forgive you if you chase after me as a monkey.”
“Not monkey,” Owen corrected you with a smug smile as he brought the camera closer to his face. Blessing you with a comedic angle that was facing upwards into his nose, you were finally beckoned to laugh wholeheartedly, “They’re called Apes, (Name).”
“Sorry, Monkey boy---” You popped your mouth as Owen chuckled deeply in his chest, the reverb itself attractive and you wanted to hear it in your ear. “Ape Man, more like it.”
“I’ll be the Ape Man to your Ape Woman.” 
“Think you can get me tuition to Ape School to start my training? I can book a flight to Australia---” “I’ll book the flight for you!” He joked, hearing a soft pattering against the door of his room. “Shit. I gotta go. Filming starts in thirty and we still gotta drive to the studio---” “Go, Ape Man.” There was an attempt to hide the disappointment in your voice but Owen was able to hear it as if you were already crying. He looked at the screen for a second longer than was needed, seeing the tear of your mouth from a smile into a mild frown. Not usually noticeable, but… He knew you well enough. Hell, being friends all these years, Owen probably knew you better than you knew yourself at times but… That wasn’t the point here as he heard Lydia and Travis chattering by the door, another knock ensuing.
He wanted nothing more in the moment than to sit and talk for hours like you two had done so many times before, occasionally even into the later hours of the morning. It took a lot to convince his mom to even let you stay in his bedroom, let alone that late but Owen managed. But there you were. Thousands upon thousands of miles away without him. He brisked you a slight half-smile that did nothing to reassure either of you.
“I’ll talk to you later, Ape Woman.”
“I’ll probably be asleep when you’re---”
“I’ll blow your phone up if you don’t answer me.” Owen chuffed, amused at the grin you gave him as your finger hovered over the end button to cut the call short. It pained you, always but it was better than letting him hang up on you. Anything… Was better than that.
“You better, Teague.”
‘Flight lands at 3. Will you be here with mom and dad to pick me up?’
You stared at the text from your best friend, glancing longingly at the name ‘Owen’ accompanied by the monkey emoji. Fingers flicked against each other as you drew your laptop to a slow close and tucked your phone into the familiar stance of your hands. Hovering above the letters, you contemplated the answer. Months seemed to fly by without worry.
From October, into November… December… Two more and it was now nearing the beginning of March and the sensation of loss was right around the corner at the lack of contact that the two of you were at no fault for. Owen was busy, you understood that. Withdrawing was your way of letting him deal and do what he needed without you constantly pestering him. It was your choice as your fingers tapped a quick response, setting the phone down ardently face down as to not linger on it.
‘Can’t. Busy with work. I’ll swing by when you get home.’
Owen’s blue-ish eyes stared at the message in a deepened state of dissatisfaction. That… Was not an answer he was expecting as his thinned thumbs tapped away at a response. Anything that made sense, his mind fluttering with sudden onset worry that you were mad at him. Why would you though? He’d done nothing wrong--- In fact, he was coming home so why weren’t you more excited? That was selfish, he thought to himself and drew a deep breath in, the rattling against his collarbones unexplainable. Reckon, there had been days where you two weren’t speaking. Owen’s thumb shifted upwards to look at the shared messages between the two of you, seeing more blue on his side than seeing any responses from you. 
Memes were Owen’s way of going around it, a few pictures sliding against his gaze as he clicked his phone shut, peering out the window of the airport. You’d been pulling away for months now. No doubt it coincided with his filming schedule and the proof was right there on the screen of his device. Lack of responses, you eventually even stopped reacting with the laughing emoji to the pictures he sent on set, fully garbed in his lyca suit and motion-capture camera. Not allowed, but Owen managed to sneak a few for your viewing pleasure. What was he expecting in the first place? Your undivided attention like you were his? You were just his best friend! Best… Friend… 
Eyelids slid shut. There was a small worry in his mind… What… If you found someone during that time? A boyfriend, he seethed inside of his own mind Sure, it was only a few months but you were well--- Owen tapped his phone against his thigh and sighed again, this one more melancholy than the last as he had no idea where this onset of feelings truly came from. You were you and he had no doubt that there’d be a line waiting as if he were first in it. 
He needed to say something. Anything.
Looking at his phone once more, he deleted the previous message. The ‘I miss you’ Owen longed to send in favor of a less drastic approach. Something… Less desperate, he hoped. 
‘Dinner is at 6. Mom is making my favorite ;) If you wanted to swing by.’
Owen left it open. Tapping send, he hoped… The hook at the end would garner him a monkey joke. Anything from you that wasn’t stagnant.
Groaning softly, you rolled onto your side and peeped your eyes open for only a split second before they rested back shut. That voice… Your mom… She could wait, you decided and rolled back onto your stomach, face flattening into your pillow with a sigh of contentment. There was nothing quite like an afternoon nap. Well… From the darkness against your eyelids, you figured it was seeping into the evening time but that didn't matter as you tugged your blanket closer to your body. You’d sleep the rest of the night given the chance, better than picking up your phone and having to see what you would assume to be a bombardment of texts and maybe even a call from Owen. 
“(Name), if you don’t get out here I’m going to---” “What do you want!?” You snapped at your own mother, tugging yourself out of bed in a flurry and nearly slamming your door open as a result. “I’m trying to sle---” Peering down the hallway, you felt a small amount of shell-shock hit you at the lanky frame you were so incredibly familiar with. From the tear of the shoulders inwards to make himself appear even smaller, the long casing of his arms… The tousled hair and pursed mouth. Smacking your lips, you held up a hand and muttered hazily, “I’m still sleeping, that’s what this is.” Nodding at that, you trudged a hand through your messy hair and turned back to go into your room.
“Owen just stopped by to say hello!” Stiffening at his name, you rolled your shoulders and looked over your right one at the body standing next to your mom. “He’s been gone for so long, (Name), why didn't you tell me he was coming over?” There was nothing quite like getting scolded from her when you were still half-asleep though the other times she did this were often due to you not cleaning your room when you were younger. Go figure, you said sarcastically in your mind and reached up to rub your tired eyes.
“I---” Stammering once more, you held up your hand defensively in front of you and trailed down the small hallway into the ambient light of the living room. You ogled at him, no shame resting in your gaze as you started at his feet… All the way up Owen’s long and thin legs, the tapering of his waist the actual epitome of dreamy and the way his shoulders cascaded with strength you had not realized he garnered from his time in Ape School.
That was only noticeable up close and the shine of the necklace around his neck captivated your attention for a few moments to look at where his collar bones fused together under the otherwise pale and smooth skin you felt would be burning under your touch.  He was here. Actually… Here… Why? 
“I uh--- Sorry, mom. I must have… forgotten to tell you and I fell asleep---”
“See, I told you she fell asleep.” Owen told your mom with such a linen of recognition. You mom knew him as your best friend, after all. They were cordial and kind, friendly even as your mom constantly pestered you at times that he was single and you were single thus it made sense to want to date. 
Adamantly, that was torn down when you told her you had no interest. Owen was… Just a friend, your best friend that you lost contact with over the last few months, even now as Owen was looking over at you with what could be described as aggravated skeptical agreement, pointing at your mom with his eyes. ‘Just go along with it’, his expression said.
He was covering for you, you realized and laughed in the back of your throat at that. It was like no time had passed and Owen was chattering to your mom in the charismatic way he did in order to get himself into your bedroom with the door shut. Nothing would happen, he was always so assuring to her and even in this moment, you swallowed hard at the pat he gave your mom on her back. 
“Always sleeping, can’t even reply to my texts sometimes. You don’t mind if we go talk? I haven’t seen her in months, wanna tell her all about Australia.” His words were biting and unexpected as you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
Your mom looked at you and then back towards Owen with a smile, “Of course. Come over for dinner sometime and tell us all about it as well, I’m sure (Name)’s Father is interested in how big the spiders are down there.”
Owen playfully held his hand up and made a circle shape, “They’re huge.” Was said in passing as his taller body passed your mom and followed you closely to your bedroom. 
Your mouth flew open the second your bedroom door shut. “Why’re you here? I was really enjoying my na---”
“What a way to greet your best friend of all time upon his arrival from down under,” There was a faux accent placed on the last two words as you gave him a quirky grin. “I invited you to my coming-home dinner and you just left me hanging---” You groaned softly, bringing a hand upwards against your forehead to rub it tenderly. “I was taking a nap.” Truth. “I didn't even see your message!” Not so much the truth. “Liar,” The dark haired blond snapped at you with confidence and a smug smirk. He was right, you realized and gazed yearningly at the crown of his skull as Owen turned in your room so he was facing you properly, eyes lingering around the walls that held so many memories for the two of you from high school. His hair… Grew back. Not as long as when he left, but it was propped beautifully up and the mused tangles dug their greedy claws into you and you wanted to see how soft it was. You were just tired, you pushed that down and swallowed hard. 
“You have read notifications on, (Name).” Mentally, you slapped your forehead and looked off to the side, turning on the light to a lower hue so it wasn’t blinding you. Vaguely, you gave him a gesture to sit at the bottom of your bed as you crawled your body in and plopped down. A familiar position, this was how you two sat when in deep conversations with each other during the late nights of the summers. Sometimes, Owen would even sit beside you instead, letting his bony shoulder play against yours as you both fumbled over laughter. 
“Okay, so I read it and then I fell back asleep. You should--- Be with your parents, you just got home! I’m sure they miss you---” “Why weren’t you replying to my texts while I was gone?” “Oh my god, Owen.” Rolling onto your stomach, you pressed your face into the pillow once more. “Can I please fall back asleep and this is all just a nightmare?” Your voice was muffled as you felt the shift on your mattress and when you turned your head to peek, Owen was sitting beside you, nearly half off the bed as you were spread out, limbs flared outwards comfortably. “‘M sorry, I didn't mean that.”
“So, I’m the stuff of nightmares?” He joked and tilted his body against your own as you let out a small groan of approval at the sudden wash of body weight. It was hard to resist the small smile that played at your mouth, satisfaction falling on Owen for getting you to do that. “I don’t like being woken up---” “I considered just coming back, your mom was yelling for you though---”
That made you laugh hard as you cased your expression into the pillow again with a meager nod. 
“I was gonna come by tomorrow, honestly… I--- Just wanted to see you. It’s been months, (Name).” “I told you I was busy with wor---”
“I was the one busy with work, you think I don’t know what you were doing?” “Oh wise one,” You snorted and turned your head once more to look at him, your neck wrinkling with the unnatural movement, “Tell me, what was I doing that I wasn’t aware of?” “Am I a fortune teller now? I must have forgotten my ball in my other pair of pants,” Sarcastically, he rolled the beautiful rounded nature of his eyes and dropped his shoulders in comfort of there being some semblance of fun loving camaraderie between you two despite the small passage of time. “You were ignoring me!” “Was not!” “Even my sweet memes, you were ignoring all of them.” Owen placed a hand onto his chest to feign hurt and devastation. “The memes were aiight.”
“What about the pictures I sent from the set? You know I broke a big Disney rule sending those.” He teased, watching as you readjusted and placed a hand near your face. Lightly, you watched nearly cross eyed as Owen tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, the silver of his bracelet bouncing off what light was in your bedroom.
“They’re going to punish you for sending all that goodness in a lyca suit.” You raised eyebrows suggestively. 
“Not much goodness to be had, you should have seen Kevin Durand. Absolute madhouse. Big and buff,” Owen puffed out his chest and you laughed gently with the action, “I’m just… Me.”
“You’ll be a lot more when the movie comes out, you know. Even if you’re playing a monkey.”
“Ape.” “Will your Ape self be buff?” Owen smiled at you, cheekily at first before it touched back into reminiscence. He missed you and your comments. He missed the interactions despite forming great bonds with his co-stars while abroad. Nodding slightly, he turned his body to face you more head-on and you were catapulted into panic as your line of vision was almost thrusted directly onto his crotch. Nervously, you dragged your eyes upwards at the sound of his voice and watched his Adam's apple bob, “Why do you ask? You gonna have a big crush on him if he is?” “Maybe.” You snickered, rolling onto your back and gazing up at him with tenderness. 
Owen gasped dramatically, “I come back from Australia and you have a thing for furry Apes?” “Not when you put it like that!” Sniffling softly, you shut your eyes tentatively and drew a deep breath in, relishing in how it felt to be suffocated before exhaling sharply. “Maybe I’ll be just like everyone else and have a big crush on the actor instead. Remember the phase I went through with Andy Serkis? Same thing!”
“Well, in your defense, you could pull Andy Serkis any day.” Owen said confidently, throwing himself into self-doubt without care. 
“I’m glad you think that. I literally look like hot trash right now. I--- Would have gotten dressed up if I knew you were going to come over.”
“Leggings and a shirt are enough for me.” Owen admitted quietly, “Y’know I don’t really like all the glitz and glam. Makes me uncomfortable…” “The irony.” You teased, “Being an actor and such.” “That’s what’s so great about the role! I… can still walk down the street and act like a normal person. No one is seeing my face and no one is looking for me! Paparazzi who?” He admitted in a hushed tone to you, almost cusping around a whisper as if he were telling you a deep secret, “I don’t like that. I wanna still be able to come here…” He looked down at you with eyes that appeared more green in the ambience of the room, “Without anyone following me or speculating about what is going on. If anything… were to… go on.” 
“I don’t understand what you’re saying Owen.” You swallowed hard again, this time it got stuck in your chest. “You leave for a few months and come back all cryptic? What brainwashing did Disney do to you?” That was meant as a joke but as you fluttered your eyes back towards him, you felt a sinking in your chest. His expression was torn clearly into two camps. One of contemplation that rode against his strong brows and one of self-deprecation from the way that he was biting at his bottom lip. “Seriously, are you okay? You’re not jet lagged or…”
“Nahhh, I’m alright,” The man said next to you and lightly nudged you with three of his long fingers, “Just… Missed home, you know? You go off to pretend to be someone else. A completely different species and you start to miss home. Start to miss parts of yourself you didn't know were so important.”
“Australia turned you into a philosopher.” 
“I’m serious, (Name)!” Owen laughed ardently. Not at you. Never… At you but at the implications that your words made him sensationalize. They always did say that distance made the heart grow fonder, was that too philosophical to say to you? Would you understand what he meant? “Things…. Changed while I was there and I’m not sure I’m ready for that.” “Y’know you’ll always have me, Teague. I’m like a wart that won’t go away.”
“Right between my toes.” He played off you with such ease and felt a twisting inside of his stomach as he drew the fingers he had nudged you with down your forearm and to the bare skin closer to your wrist. “Things are gonna… Change. I’m going to have to do a press tour for this next year and then the premieres. It’s in my contract for me to be gone a lot…” Owen wasn’t sure if this was allotted information to share or not but there was no care, “I freaked out… On the way home thinking you hated me or something---” “Owen, you nee---” “I just… Wanna make sure when I get done with all of this, this whole… thing,” He gestured rather vaguely much like you had done earlier with his long arms, “That you’re still gonna be here cheering me on.”
“I’m your own personal cheerleader, you know that! I helped you keep your hair dyed when you did IT---” “This is different.”
Lifting yourself up, Owen broke the subtle contact he had around your gentle wrist and brought his hands back into his lap, watching out of his peripheral as you propped into a seated, cross legged position. “Seriously, are you okay? You sound like a crazy---” “Think I am jet lagged. Those fourteen hours are killer.” Owen deflected with a strangled laugh and stood up slowly, “Should get home. Get some sleep… In my bed.”
“Owen…” Your eyes were soft as you looked up at him, watching as he trailed around your bed to the door, “Y-you could spend the night here, you know. Like old times. I’ll sleep on the floor---” “Don’t worry about it,” He grimaced a smile for you that seemed forced. “I’ll swing back around tomorrow. We can go get ice cream at our spot.”
That was intriguing enough, your bottom lip dragging inwards as he grasped the handle of the door, “Hey.”
“Hm?” If Owen whipped around any faster, he was sure that his head would dislocate from his body.
“Did you steal those stilts from the set?”
“They’re in my car.” He admitted with a rushed laugh from you that made his heart beat that much quicker in his chest. “Why do you ask?” “Just wondering if I need to put my running shoes on tomorrow. Was hoping… You’d chase me a bit. Give me a taste of your Ape self.”
“I’m pretty fast on all fours.” He boasted. “Ape School taught me well.”
“Then it should be an easy chase.”
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peachy-wolfhard · 7 months
dating yuta okkotsu
a/n: wowzers more than one post a year??? also HAPPY BDAY YUTA LUB U BABYBOY
Warnings: swearing, sims death, yuta gets elbowed accidentally, a little angst
Word Count: 823
My literal bf
He's so in love
Heart eyes whenever someone even slightly mentions you
Yuta will be talking to someone and if they slightly mention something you like he starts rambling about how amazing you are and how much he loves you while blushing and borderline giggling and kicking his feet
He's so sticky too like anything you do he's right there like a shadow
Yuta is also really quiet when he is being your shadow so 99% of the time he ends up scaring you when you turn around 
One time after a mission, you're nerves were still on edge and Yuta just happened to walk behind you and ended up getting an elbow to the eye (Rika beat ur ass sorry)
Yuta isn't that big of a gamer himself but he LOVES to watch you play the sims, especially if you made you and him
Speaking of the Sims ! Whenever Yuta is away for missions you always update him about what's going on
hi yu! Update ab our sims…OUR SON DIED HE DIED IN A FIRE IM SO SAD!!!!!! BUT ITS OK WE CAN MAKE A NEW ONE ;) wink wink anyway we moved to a farm and ITS HAUNTED. ok bye bye baby ilysm MWAH
VOICE MESSAGES!! Yuta can't get enough of them he loves sending them to you and he loves when you send them
“Hi honey, I just saw a really cute cat that reminded me of you. I swear it looked almost one hundred percent like you, not even joking…ok i gotta go bye i love you!”
Facetimes are another thing that is pretty regular. Its either you walking around campus showing him to all your friends or him show you around wherever he is
“Yuta, look at these freaks. They’re going crazy without you here…me too honestly”
“I know I'm losing my mind not being around you guys but especially you.”
Another thing he loves is sending random pictures to each other
*picture of yuta being cute* 
*picture of you doing something*
Cries sobs screams throws up I MISS UUUUUUUUUU <333333 :333
Yuta barely uses emojis, he's an emoticon boy :3
He always brings you presents back from wherever they send him
There's always a big dramatic reunion when he returns. Running into each other's arms, fake loud crying, one of you carrying the other (translation: you carrying Yuta) …the works
Nights after he gets home are very chill. Ordering take out and watching reality tv while just enjoying each other's company. Ending the night by cuddling each other to sleep
Yuta has a note in his notes app of EVERYTHING you like and dislike
Everytime you slightly mention something you like or dislike he makes a mental note to write it down
Even if he doesn't write something down, he memorized it. Remembers what kind of candy you like, what your favorite flowers are, your orders from take out and restaurants
While your guys relationship is lovely and amazing it does get hard sometimes with Yuta always being gone and you having missions and school
Going days without hearing from the other because the two of you are so stressed and busy then having to update each other all at once in one message then repeating the process
Trying to facetime each other but when he's in an entirely different timezone it's hard. You'll be almost asleep and his day is just starting
After a while it started to get to you, that your boyfriend was away for so long, you weren't able to see him, and when you were you had to prepare for him to leave just a few weeks after
Even though you were surrounded by your friends and teachers that love you, you felt so lonely
Finally you talked to him about it, about how all his traveling made you feel so alone and he agreed with you. That he too felt so alone (because most of the time he was) and that he just wanted to stay home for at least a year
Loves snuggling with you but only in private (Maki beat his ass)
Holds you so close at night to the point it feels like he's trying to get into your skin
Seems like the type to either wear minimal clothes to bed or pajama sets, no in between
Kicks the blankets off then curls up to you when he inevitably gets cold
Yes he's very sweet but he still likes to mess with you ESPECIALLY at night
His favorite thing to do is putting his cold hands or feet on you and asking “are my feet/hands cold”
He 100% gets you guys those Lego roses so you can build them together
Overall he very much loves you and cant get enough of you
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katsutora · 2 years
ft. isagi yoichi ; itoshi rin ; nagi seishiro ; bachira meguru ; itoshi sae
summary: call routine with them
note: i’ve seen some shit bro. being on this hell-site changes you fr. tag system is an absolute bullshit too. i can’t link jackshit. wow too many “shit” mentioned. shit.
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ㅤㅤcalls you at a sensible hour if you haven’t agreed on a specific time. he knows your schedule by heart so don’t worry because he won’t bother you in the middle of work, etc. if you do have a call schedule, then he’ll make sure to call at exactly that time. can be very punctual about this and will start seeing everyone as bowling pins once he realizes he’s gonna be a minute late. they don’t call him a STRIKEr for nothing. will listen and rant equally! he always has interesting stories; wbk being in a call with isagi is never boring. also expect his teammates popping up in the background because of course they want to bonk him in the head after running them over know the person who can temporarily turn him into chigiri. ah yes, the furious yelling ambient noise, a classic. “isagi yoichi istg—” “get your ass back in here wtf was that about?!” “you have a competition, princess.” “EVERYONE STFU!!!” never fails to make you giggle. bonus: screenshots you laughing because he adores you sm <3
ㅤㅤhe has a routine and you’re in it: three times a day; square meal style. his early calls are short and mostly consist of “good morning”, “have you had breakfast yet”, and “take care”; (borrowing his word) lukewarm shit like that. i love you. even though he usually prefaces his afternoon/evening calls with “i pressed it on accident” (back to back for months straight? yea sure), it’s clearly an excuse because he just wants to hear your voice but his pride isn’t letting him. i love you. it has also recently been brought up to his attention that he can’t seem to sleep peacefully without hearing your voice first. so tell him something, anything, or don’t. he’ll settle with just the comfortable silence after a “hello”. it’s also the only time of the day he’ll say it loud and clear: “i love you”.
ㅤㅤwhat’s a timezone? it can be in the middle of the day after practice or he can randomly hit you up at 2am after losing yet another round of game. acts out of impulse: when he misses you that’s when he calls you. it’s mostly video calls too! props up his phone so you can see choki his beloved but gets so pouty when you open up the conversation with “how’s choki?” before he can even show you the cactus lmao. “y’re supposed to be asking about me ( ´•︵•` )” he loooves long calls too (re: letting you watch him play without him saying a word whatsoever and no he did not lose track of time + the game after dedicating his next win to you?). is absolutely against ending it unless you really need to go. rip your phone battery.
ㅤㅤyou’re like an emergency call button but for whenever there’s something crazy going on. his living diary. a breathing, talking, and confused log entry. that being said, he contacts you at least once a day without a fail. well, that’s actually an understatement because he keeps calling then hanging up after telling you one (1) sentence?? “chigiri just ran me over; ok bye!” “my mom painted something inspired by you; later!” “rin-chan just said we’re all lukewarm, boo— ow, ouch!” gotta rely on his teammates to inform you about his well-being because calling him back is no use. “meguru?” “[unintelligible] [intense fighting ensues]” it’s fine, he makes up for it by showing up at your door later in the day. you think it’ll be funny if you close the door as soon as he finishes a sentence? “hi!!” [door closing] “h-wha- you won’t believe what happened today—” [door closing #2] “?? ok so it wasn’t chigiri who ran me over but isag—” imagine doing this after every sentence to teach him a lesson lmfao.
ㅤㅤhonestly? in the middle of a fucking interview because man is so unhinged i tell you. “so sae, are you ready for the next match?” ugh, this is so boring. “wait let me ask my s/o.” ??? this is broadcasted live, btw. you think just because he has a tight schedule and it’s nearly impossible to have a free time he won’t call you? he’ll find a way, he always does. likes to call you at the end of the day too and will never lose to the “who can stay awake the longest” game. is more of a listener than a talker, so go ahead and talk his ears off. he doesn’t mind if it’s you + he loves being the last one to end the call, making sure you get some rest (ps: he’s counting on you to wake him up the next day). you’ll receive a call from his manager in the morning saying that he won’t answer his phone and that they’re gonna be late for the next event. “goddamnit sae, not again.”
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© 2023 katsutora ; do not repost and/or translate and/or claim my works
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vintagelacerosette · 1 month
Tag game 🩷🎀
Hosted by the wonderful Jess @jrooc
Sorry for the lateness!! I was tagged by these twinkling starlights Kaka @stocious Dosho @doshiart Kat @mybrainismelted Pie @gallapiech Ice @spookygingerr Michelle @mmmichyyy Willow @ian-galagher Jen @wehangout Georgia @iansw0rld Cyn @ms-moonlight-inn Evie @ energievie Gigi @guinguin1984 Becki @francesroserecs Michelle @michellemisfit
Thaaankss 🥰
Name and A03 handle:
Shermyn/Myn & Dynastyria (no written works yet!💕)
Current Location:
On the lounge couch
Favourite picrew (don’t have one? you can skip this or do this one)?
So many to choose from!!!
Picrew 1 (I am obsessed with cardcaptors) , Picrew 2 (Willow made of usss & I treasure itttt 😍) Picrew 3 & Picrew 4 (bc who doesn't love a good bread bowl)
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What’s one thing you want in a picrew?
I think more body size inclusively 🙌🏻
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom?
Tie between Molly's draw this in your style/Gallacrafts & 2024 gallavich valentine's!
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Why is it your favourite?
It's the first time a drawing really looked how I thought it did in my head & I impressed myself. Also, I'm obssessed with the pastels in the gallavalentine. 🩷🩵💜
Did it come easily or was it hard to create? 
Hard bc I find body poses hard, then I start to procrastinate bc of that, but then I've got the deadline so it makes me stressed haha
Last ao3 fic you commented on?
from way up there (you and I, you and I) by the amazing @sam-loves-seb It was the cutest I couldn't even!!!
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? 
Where the Feigned Wind Falls by the very talented & missed Jenna @ianrightsonly
Thank you for sharing your story & I hope one day you'll come back 🥰
Favourite trope or head canon you like included in a fanfic?
Ohhh gotta be lust at first sight, then we fuck our way into true tender feelings!! I'm a sucker for it!! Notable writers of this are Jane @captainjowl & Kay @goodkwuestion & they are so damn good at it
Least favourite?
I haven't seen with gallavich thankfully but turning one character in a gay ship into the opposite gender to make them het!!
Secret or surprising kink or trope?
Omg it's gotta be uniform kink bc of Ray @whatthebodygraspsnot Kinktober 2022. It awoke something in me & I was like I finally get it ahaha
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new?
I feel relief & feeling proud. Then I stress about when's a good time to post for most of ya'll to see bc of timezones 😅
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line:
My loves Benja @svltburn & Vey @look-i-love-u
I run to Ben in my art WIP bc like a kid showing art to an adult & Vey's given me amazing advice with writing that sparked inspiration 🥰
I'm in the headspace of desperately telling ppl about my fic ideas & wanting it to be a surprise so idk i may reach out for more hype men haha
It’s been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____
Like Evie I mass reblog fandom works to spread love 🩷
I'm tagging these sparkling rainbow darlings if they wanna play & for anyone else consider yourself tagged 🌈
@ burninface @deedala @jademickian @sgtmickeyslaughter
@darthvaders-wife @matt404b @gallavichsbitch
@deathclassic @look-i-love-u @celestialmickey
@takeyourpillsbitchh @sickness-health-all-that-shit
@whaticameherefor @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx
@psychicskulldamage @sleepyfacetoughguy @doodlevich
@awa444 @suzy-queued @crossmydna @iandarling
@y0itsbri @michellemisfit @mikhailoisbaby @samantitheos
@pookiebearmick @reganmian @firecrxtch
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Rockstar Eddie Munson x AFAB reader
Author’s note- hola my ghouls, goblins and fellow gremlins. This fic is based on the song Timezone by Måneskin. I recommend going and giving it a listen. Anyway, enjoy.
Warnings- cursing, smut. Unprotected p in v. Oral (m receiving)
Summary- Eddie is on tour with corroded coffin missing his girl. 3k words
*You're wearing my old clothes, but you, you wear it better. And every time I see your face, the moon should be jealous*
“Hey sweetheart”
“Hey Ed’s. Why are you calling? Shouldn’t you be getting ready”
“Yeah I just wanted to hear your voice. What are you doing right now?”
“Laying in bed….wearing your shirt. I miss you Ed’s.”
Eddie sighs and rubs a hand over his face. He misses you too. Like crazy actually. He thought living out his dreams would be more fun but it’s proving to be exhausting and without you by his side everything is taking a toll on him.
“I miss you too doll. I gotta go get ready but keep my shirt on will ya? Looks better on you anyway.”
“I will. Hardly take your clothes off anymore since you left. Have fun at the show Ed’s. I love you.”
*And I’ll keep talking to the wall ‘till he’s a friend of mine
I call you every hour just to tell you that I’m losing my mind*
After the show the first thing Eddie does is run off stage and call you. Even though you just spoke on the phone before the show. It’s become more like this lately. Not being able to stand being apart from your voice even.
“Hey sweetheart.”
“Hi Ed’s. Why are you calling so late?”
“I’m going crazy here without you doll. Being stuck on these buses and planes with Gareth and the guys is driving me crazy. God I miss you.”
“I miss you too Ed’s you know that but look on the bright side. You’re out there following your dreams. Now I hate to do this Ed’s but I have to go. I'm supposed to be asleep right now and I have work in the morning okay. I love you.”
“I love you too, sweets.”
You hang up the phone and go to sleep hugging yourself in your bed.
*Now I know you’re sleeping
Where I’m supposed to be in
Wish I could have stayed*
After you hang up the phone Eddie sighs on the other end. He goes back to his room for the night and strums away on his guitar for a bit lost in thought. Every thought in his mind are just thoughts of you and how it would be to hold you right now. How it would feel to be inside you, beside you, always. He falls asleep holding his guitar.
*Only thing that keeps us apart
Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog
Only thing that keeps us apart
Is a different timezone
So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning
I'm coming home
Only thing that keeps us apart
Is a different timezone*
The next day at practice a fight broke out between Gareth and Eddie. Eddie storms off and goes to sit in his room when Gareth knocks on the door.
“Fuck off man!”
“Fuck you Eddie open the door so we can work this out”
Eddie sighs and opens the door and Gareth walks in and sits on the edge of Eddie’s bed.
“Eddie what the fuck is going on with you man? You’re so on edge, man.”
Eddie sighs and runs his hands down his face.
“I don’t know man. I just….”
“You just what?”
“I miss y/n man. And Wayne. It’s just a lot harder being away from home than I thought.”
Gareth walks over to Eddie and puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Eddie, it's okay to miss them. I miss my family too.”
“I’m going crazy, man I really am. If I could just see her or have her here it would be better you know?”
*Tomorrow I got another plane, I'm not gonna take it
Instead, I'm gonna fly straight to you, I paid double for the tickets*
At the airport the next day Eddie sat in the terminal debating. The rest of the band is flying off to Vegas for their next concert in 4 days and he’s supposed to be getting on that plane. But then why is he standing here looking at flights to Indiana.
Gareth calls Eddie across the terminal. If he’s gonna get on that plane he has to do it now.
“I’ll catch you in Vegas Gareth.”
“Where the hell are you going man.”
“I’m going to see my girl.”
“You’re gonna be in such deep shit man.”
“It’s worth it if I get to see her.”
Eddie walks up to the counter and requests a ticket to Indiana for tonight. They make him pay twice as much for an economy ticket cause there’s only 1 seat left on the plane. Eddie feels like the luckiest guy in the world. Getting on the plane he knows it was the right call. He doesn’t even know if you’ll be home when he gets there but if you aren’t he’ll just wait till you get home.
*And I don't give a shit about the contracts that I signed
And they can say whatever, we'll be making love, I'm fucking you tonight*
Eddie doesn’t get into Hawkins until around 10 pm and when he finally gets back to your home it’s around 10:30. He hopes you’re not asleep but he can tell you’re not by the way the light in the living room is still on. He realises you’re probably waiting for him to call you cause he hasn’t called all day. Part of him feels bad cause he knows you’re probably worried but he can’t bring himself to feel too bad when he knows he’s about to see you.
He walks up to the door and knocks. He hears some shuffling and the unlocking of the door when it suddenly swings open and you’re standing there in his Metallica t-shirt and a pair of shorts.
“Eddie! What the hell are y-“
You’re cut off mid sentence by Eddie tackling you back in the breath snatching hug. His face is tucked into your neck and he’s hugging you so hard you can hardly breathe. You hold onto him and run your hands up and down his back in a soothing motion until he finally lets go and steps back just enough to brush some hair out of your face.
“Hi sweetheart.”
“Hi Ed’s.”
Something in your face didn’t look overjoyed to see him. He became concerned that maybe you were mad he was here.
“Everything okay sweets?”
“Yeah Ed’s.”
“You look a little mad sweetheart?”
“Oh no no no! Eddie I’m not mad! God you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now. I’m just worried. What happened? What about the contracts and the concerts? Don’t you have obligations.”
Eddie sighs and runs his hands up and down your arms.
“Yeah I’m gonna be in a little trouble when I meet up with the guys in Vegas in a couple days. But fuck all that sweetheart. Fuck everything. I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired of trying to do this without you. I need you. I need you so fucking bad it’s not even funny. I’ve been losing my mind without you. Fuck the contracts right now. I’ll deal with the consequences later. Just. Just tell me you need me too?”
“Of course I need you Eddie. I’ll always need you.”
“Then will you come with me?”
“Come with me. When I go back on tour. I need you there with me babe. I can’t do it without you.”
“I’ll think about it okay. Just tell me what you need at this moment.”
“I need to make love to you right now. I’m fucking you tonight okay baby?”
“Of course Ed’s.”
Eddie captures you in a heated kiss and lifts you off of the ground and carries you into the bedroom. He sets you down gently on the edge of the bed and stands at the end of it. He begins to undress himself and you do the same until you’re both naked at the end of the bed.
“Here rockstar. Let me help you out a bit.”
“What are yo-“ Eddie watches as you get onto your knees. You reach up and stroke his cock until it’s hardened in your hand. You pay special attention to the tip as you drool a little bit on the end and use your drool to smear down the shaft and work your way back up.
Eddie is a moaning mess above you.
“Oh f-fuck sweetheart. You have no idea how much I missed this.”
“How about this?”
“How about wh-OH FUCK”
Is all Eddie manages to say before you’ve taken him into your mouth quickly and sank down until he’s hitting the back of your throat and you’re gagging. You suck anyway. Bobbing your head up and down and up and down faster and faster as Eddie loses all composure above you. He’s got his hand in your hair guiding your head.
You press your tongue up against his tip and suck the precum leaking from him and he thinks he might just lose his load then and there so he reluctantly pulls your head off his cock.
“What happened Eddie? Did I bite you or something?”
“No no no sweetie I just really wanna fuck your right now and if I let you keep going I was gonna lose it all.”
“We’ve got all night for you to fuck me eddie.”
“I know baby I know but I need this right now. I need you right now. Not just your mouth baby. I wanna make love to you.”
Eddie kneels down to your level and places a kiss on your lips before pushing you to where your back is against the mattress. He slithers a hand between the two of you while you kiss and he begins to rub your clit for a little while until he thinks you’re wet enough.
He removes his hand from your clit and you whine at the loss of contact. You watch as he begins reaching into the night stand to retrieve a condom but you grab his arm and stop him. He looks down at you in shock.
“Fuck sweetheart are you sure?”
“Yeah Ed’s. I’ve missed you so fucking much. Need to feel you. All of you.”
“Holy fucking shit baby you can’t just say shit like that to me you’re gonna make me bust before I’m even in you.”
You laugh and slap his arm and he laughs and leans in to kiss you. The kiss becomes all tongue and clashing teeth as the two of you grind into each other harder and harder until either of you can’t stand not being joined as one.
He spreads your legs and lines himself up with your entrance and pushes in. The stretch is divine. After being gone for a few months you feel incredibly tight to Eddie and he almost feels like he’s going to pass out from the pleasure he’s feeling. Not only is he getting to fuck you right now. But he’s getting to fuck you raw. Boy you both have got it bad for each other.
But Eddie meant it when he said he wanted to make love to you. He pulls out almost all the way and then pushes back in roughly and all the air is knocked out of you. Every stroke is deep and slow. The roll of his hips is a steady rhythm. He’s hanging onto the head bored behind you as he needs it to steady himself as he fucks into you so deeply.
You’ve pretty much already melted beneath him but when he finds that one spongy spot inside you that makes your entire body convulse around him he knows to hit that spot. With the next roll of his hips he sneaks the hand not holding the headboard down between the two of you and begins rubbing your clit in figure eights.
You’re holding onto him for dear life. Scratching down his back with your nails. Running your fingers through his hair.
He pulls back to look into your eyes and you’re overcome with emotion. All the love you two have for each other is pouring out at this moment. You can see and feel how much he loves you and you just can’t hold back as you begin to sob.
Eddie seems to understand as he reaches he rests his forehead against yours and you hear him sniffle a little bit. He rolls his hips again and you let out a broken moan through tears. Grabbing onto him even tighter than you thought you could.
Instead of stopping Eddie just leans down and licks the tears off your face and pushes in a little deeper and you can begin to feel your orgasm building in your tummy. Eddie knowing you and knowing your tells can tell you’re close and knows he’s rushing towards his orgasm as well.
Eddie begins kissing and sucking all over your body. Marking you up and leaving hickies all over you. His mouth reaches your breasts and latches on to your nipple and begins to suck away.
The combination of his cock driving into you, his mouth on your breast, and his hand on your clit is enough to have you hurtling towards the edge. Screaming Eddie’s name into the night.
Eddie keeps driving into you chasing his own orgasm as he begins to speed up. You want to ensure you feel all of him so you wrap your legs around him to prevent him from pulling out.
“F-fuck sweets are you sure?”
“Yes Eddie. P-please cum in me I need to f-feel you”
Eddie cums right then and there. His whole body is rigid as your body milks him for all he’s worth and he paints your walls white. He swears in that moment he’s never cum that much or that hard in his life.
His body slumps on top of yours and he wraps his hands behind your back and presses you into him as he leaves tiny kisses up and down your shoulder as the both of you breathe deeply.
The two of you fall asleep cuddled in each other breathing each other in.
*Now I know you're sleeping
Where I'm supposed to be in
Wish I could've stayed*
The next 2 days are over in a flash and before you know it you’re standing in the airport saying your goodbye to Eddie. You decided not to join him on the last leg of his tour because he only had a few more cities to go before he’d be home anyway and you couldn’t afford to take the time off work. But you promised you’d go with him on the next tour and this time as he said goodbye you sent him off with a kiss, a scrunchie, and a box full of Polaroids to look at.
“Sweetheart you’re sure you don’t wanna come with me?”
“Wanting and being able to are two different things, Eddie. Of course I want to go with you. But I think we both know I can’t right now. We’ll call each other everyday and then see each other in a few weeks anyway when the tour is over. You can make it Eddie. It’s your dream, remember.”
“My dream doesn’t mean shit without you honestly.”
You laugh a little bit and wipe a stray tear.
“I promise I’ll come with you on the next tour in a few months Eddie. But you always have me. Whether I’m with you in person or not. This is your dream and I’ll be right here waiting for you when you come back. It’ll all be worth it.”
He kisses you on the forehead and you watch as he boards the plane and takes off. You both cry when the other person can’t see you.
Eddie lands in Vegas and gets in trouble with his team but says it was worth it and that he’ll most likely do it again in the future.
*Only thing that keeps us apart
Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog
Only thing that keeps us apart
Is a different timezone
So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning
I'm coming home
Only thing that keeps us apart
Is a different timezone*
The rest of the tour goes well. Eddie and you call each other pretty much everyday when you’re able to. Eddie still misses you like crazy and of course you miss him but being able to see him for those couple days really helped the both of you. Eddie came back to the tour feeling refreshed from seeing his girl. His arguments with the bad went way down in numbers. But he still couldn’t wait for the tour to be over. Eddie began a countdown till when he’d be able to see you again.
“3 more days Gareth!”
“3 more days till what Eddie?”
“3 more days till the tours over Gareth? Duh! 3 more days till I can see my girl again!”
Gareth laughs and leaves Eddie’s room.
*So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning
I'm coming home
Only thing that keeps us apart
Is a different timezone*
Three days later Eddie plays his last concert in Los Angeles and thanks the crowd. He dedicates his last song to his girlfriend back home. Once the concert is over the first thing Eddie does is rush off stage and find the nearest phone where he dials your number.
“Hi Ed’s! How was the show?”
“It was a great show baby, the crowd was amazing. You know what’s even more amazing?”
“What’s amazing baby?”
“The fact that I have a flight an hour from now.”
“What! Eddie, I thought you wouldn’t be home till tomorrow at the earliest!”
“Pulled some strings baby. I’m coming home. Be ready. Once I get home you’re not getting rid of me. No more separation.”
“Never. I’ll be ready when you get here Eddie.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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bitterbutblue · 20 days
anby demara <3
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come right on me- i mean camaraderie! ☆ anby demara x reader
~ can u tell im a sabrina carpenter fan yeah im a sabrina carpetner fan COMERIGHTON ME I MEAN CAMARADERIE SAID URE NOT IN MY TIMEZONE BUT U WANNA BE
very dialogue heavy fic guys
song: bed chem - sabrina carpenter ~
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The first time you kissed her had Anby wondering if she needed to go to the hospital. You were sitting on the roof of the Cunning Hare's car, talking about the universe and all it's glory under the now corrupted sky. Each person who lives in New Eridu doesn't know which day will be their last, and you knew that you wanted to at least get to know Anby before the worst happened. You told her about your life, your time in high school, your relationships- which lead to her interest in relationships piqued and she asked you about it.
"Is it like the movies?"
"Not really. I mean it feels that way at first, but it's like a star that stops burning as brightly after a while."
Anby just humed in acknowledgement as she took another bite of her burger.
"Have you been in relationships?"
"No. Never had the time to." She shrugged as she swallowed "Seems nice though."
"It's cool."
"Have you ever kissed anyone?"
Your cheeks flushed a light pink at that question.
"Uh- yeah?"
"Is it like the movies?"
"Well, it's not as insane and heart throbbing as they make it out to be." You laughed
Anby stares into the abyss of the starless night, chewing on a now-stale fry before turning her attention back to you.
"Can you kiss me?"
You choked on your drink, sputtering like an embarrassed mess as you wheezed.
"I wanna know what it feels like"
"It doesn't feel good if you're kissing someone you don't actually, like, love."
Anby muses over that for a bit, but she shrugs.
"I still wanna try."
Who were you to deny her puppy dog eyes she does unintentionally? You haven't kissed anyone in a while, especially after joining the hares. You hope you aren't too out of practice. You grabbed one of the napkins from inside the take-out bag, wiping your lips.
"You sure?"
With the napkin now stuffed in your pocket, you turned around to face her. She looked at you with a look you can't quite read as you move a hand up to cup her cheek.
"You ready?"
She nods.
The kiss wasn't... mind blowing or anything. Your heart fluttered but that's normal when you kiss someone, or anyone, right? It was short but it was sweet. You pulled away pretty quickly, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
"So... how was it?"
Anby just kind of stared. Like just really stared at you for a bit, her eyes practically boring into yours and you were starting to feel a bit intimidated.
"I gotta go."
What a terrible way to end your first kiss, Anby.
A week had passed since then, and Anby could not get you out of her mind for the life of her. She has been avoiding you like the plague while you mentally cursed yourself for fucking up another friendship. She yelps when Nicole suddenly grabs her arm one day, shoving her into a nearby room.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Why are you avoiding the new recruit?"
"No reason."
Anby looks away, suddenly finding the posters about the N.E.P.S. rather intriguing.
"What happened?"
"What's going on?"
Wonderful. Billy Kid had invited himself to join the room- soda cup in one hand (he can't even drink soda, what is he doing????) and Starlight Knight VHS tape in the other.
"Anby was being weird around the new recruit, right?"
"Totally." He nods, his eyes narrowing "I thought you two were getting along."
"We are."
"You guys went on a mission together and she came back complaining that you refused to talk to her the entire time!" Nicole groans, impatient now
"I don't like working with her anymore."
"Why???" Billy whines
"She makes me unfocused."
The two go silent after that, just sorta staring at Anby with '???' eyes.
The pair spoke at the same time, and Anby just huffed.
"She's weird. She makes me feel weird and I can't focus. When we kissed-"
Anby winced at how loud they were. And of course, it gets worse because Nekomata pokes her head through the gap of the door that Billy left open.
"Anby kissed who?"
"THE RECRUIT-" Nicole screeches
"WAS IT GOOD?" Billy's question was completely unnecessary
They were truly infuriating. Anby shoots them a glare and they shut up, but they don't stop giving her this odd look that she doesn't quite enjoy either. Nicole breaks the silence.
"Why'd you kiss?"
"I asked them to."
"Gay." Billy mutters
"WHY?" Nicole's face was red from anger at this point
"She likes the new recruit." Nekomata cackles from the beanbag she has seated herself on, curling up as she nestles her head into her arms.
"I do not." Anby deadpans, unaware of the shade of pink on her cheeks. "She is just... odd. And makes me feel odd. We should kick her out."
"No." Nicole snaps "I'm not kicking out a valued member in the Cunning Hares because you're feeling gay!"
Anby's face is undeniably red at this stage, huffing as she crosses her arms.
"It is not like that."
"Yes it is."
"No it's not."
"You kissed her."
"As friends."
"You're avoiding her."
"Because she's weird."
"DAMMIT ANBY-" Nicole groans "It's okay if you want to kiss her again! Or hold her hand! Or scis-"
"NO!" Billy shrieks, interrupting Nicole
"They have too much sexual tension! That's the problem!"
"Wha- No!" Anby scoffs, visbly embarrassed now
Truthfully told, Anby could not get that night out of her mind. Every time she saw you, she felt like she was going to combust on the spot- which was definitely not normal. Her heart rate also had her thinking she needed to go to the hospital to get something checked out. Maybe it was a cardiac arrest? Maybe she should check herself into the hospital, she's not sure if she-
"What's going on?"
You peek your head to the room in confusion, seeing all four of them gathered together upset you a little bit. You knew being a new recruit would mean probably being excluded a bit but seeing it happen just sucked. Nicole's eyes widened when she saw the hurt expression on your face you tried so hard to conceal.
"Oh, wait it's not- we're talking to Anby about... uh..."
"Sexual frustration." Nekomata nods, you choke on nothing and Anby hurls a pillow at her
"It's not sexual if I want to kiss someone!" Anby scowls
"Anby's figuring out a crush." Nicole sighs
"I don't have a crush!"
"You wanna kiss them?" Billy questions
"As- as a friend?"
You just watch in confusion, unsure on if you should join the conversation or not. But Anby looked so uncomfortable, the usually calm and stoic girl now face red and looking away. You couldn't help but feel this pang of guilt, even though you hadn't done anything.
"Guys, cut it out." You sigh, walking up to stand next to Anby "Just leave her be."
The three just kinda shoot weird looks eat each other. Nicole opens her mouth but is quickly elbowed aggressively by Nekomata, who flashes you a charming (yet devious) smile as she drags a whining Nicole out of the room, Billy following suit.
"Are you okay?"
You weren't sure how to break the silence. It was way too awkward for your own good. Anby would look at everything but you, acting like as if you weren't even there. Finally, she swallows and speaks as she eyes at the wall panelling.
"I need to go-"
She freezes at the tone of your voice, a tone she had never heard before. You sounded harsh, irritated, hurt. The last one stuck out the most because it made her feel like her heart was closing in on itself.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not."
You scoff
"You totally are! After the night we kissed, you just stopped talking to me! Did I cross a line that night? Did I make you uncomfortable?"
You can't stop yourself, feeling yourself get emotional now. It hurt to see the person who you grew to admire in the Cunning Hares go from being vulnerable to closed off within the blink of an eye.
Anby's voice is much softer compared to yours, looking around the room as her eyes dart left to right.
"I don't know how to... deal with what I feel around you."
You huff out angrily, crossing your arms.
"What do you mean?"
She fidgets with her fingers, picking at the skin next to her nails as she bites the inside of her cheek. You feel yourself hesitate in that moment, you want to be mad at her but the way she's looking at you makes you feel like you're suffocating. You step forward, a cautious test, to see if she'll flinch. She doesn't. So you take another step forward, moving to take your hand into yours so that she stops picking at her skin until she bleeds. Her hand is cold in yours, and Anby feels her head growing light.
"What do you mean?" You ask again, less sharp this time.
Fuck it, she would die one day anyways, right? Could be tomorrow, could be in two decades.
Fuck it.
"I feel different around you. Like warmer. I keep thinking about that night, and I-" she licks her lips "I want to replicate what we did."
She looks up at last, golden eyes staring into yours.
"You said it wouldn't feel like a movie kiss. But I felt everything you said I wouldn't feel."
She takes a deep breath in, trying to stop her voice from shaking as much as it should be shaking. She feels your hand that's holding her tighten but she can't stop now.
"Maybe something's wrong with me? If I shouldn't be feeling those things then why am I-"
She doesn't even get to finish her sentence because you pulled her hand so that she stumbled forward. You put your other hand on her cheek right before putting your lips on hers, kissing her with the same softness as that night. That night under the now-corrupted sky, a reminder of their inevitable downfall as a species but that sky is so beautiful to her now.
"Nothing's wrong, you dumbass." You say breathlessly as you pull away "God, if you want to date me, just tell me!"
Anby feels the room grow warmer, her face getting even hotter as you brush your thumb against her cheek.
"I am confused about what I'm feeling. I feel very... light." She whispers, and you just smile.
"You're adorable, Anby."
Her blush was so intense, you got a bit worried at how red one's face could get but at the same time it was genuinely the most heart-melting thing you've ever seen.
"Can I be yours?"
Your words knocked the damn air out of her lungs as she stares into your eyes- who knew you could feel so much just from looking at someone? She's learning a lot right now, she didn't realise she could end up like... this.
She'll never curse that night sky again, or the corruption that eats away at her future because the present is you, the future will always be you.
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plumipal · 2 years
YOOOOOO WELCOME BACK!! Hopefully school didn’t beat you up that much 🫠 either way glad you are doing ok as it seems!!!
If I may request,, perhaps Yuu treating Jade’s wounds after he maybe got into an accident (perhaps he accidentally injured himself walking into something while staring at them, or maybe he got into a fight because of them, you never know with him) and they’re berating him for getting injured and to be more careful. Jade however, is gazing fondly at them and letting their scolding go in one ear and out the other, in favour of just basking in their presence. (I am desperate for Jade crumbs can you tell)
Have a nice day :D or night depending on your timezone
School beat me up so hard i had to go on a hiatus lmao, bit I'm trying to be up and running again!! Since I really liked posting on this blog and all, and yall are so nice too jfksndb-- i gotta feed yall with yandere simp men lol
For someone who works in a resturant job (aka me, it's pain), you tend to get hurt alot when stressig around under the whole shift. So! Imagine Jade has just worked overtime for azul at the mostro lounge, exited tp leave just to see you and all. You realise all the small scratches and little scars on him (can be from anything, cutting in the kitchen, bumping into furniture, maybe dropping a plate and so on) and of course you get worried about him and his health!!
He likes the attention :) might do it again just for the lovely attention he gets from you and all,, <3
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If you take care of him, me has to take care of you too. Don't worry! He is used to taking care of people (lil annoying shits Floyd and Azul /Affectionate), he can take care of you very well! He can cook, clean and has a stable (shady as hell) job! So after this he will prove himself he can take care of you as well as you did of him <3
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Happy eelman who loves you <3 Take care of the little man,, <3
(Hope yall liked this!! Been super sick and all lmao,, also! Because of yall saying both stulen look good you all can request grayscale or colored! If its not written in the request I'll choose for my own lol)
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starlitangels · 2 years
(Like The) Fairy Tale Movies
L i s t e n. Yesterday’s video got me soft and Davey had to tell his kids about how it happened in canon. 2.1k words
“Angel—no, Natalie, get down—angel can this please be the last time you leave me alone with the kids?” David asked over the phone. I laughed, watching my screen as he had to move and snatch our daughter.
“I’ll be home tomorrow. I thought you said you could handle them both for a four-day business trip.”
“I can. But Asher decided to bring Evelyn over for a playdate—and Asher decided to also bring a Halloween-sized bag of candy.” The video jerked. “Gabriel, stop pulling your sister’s hair.”
“Davey, you know sugar highs aren’t actually a thing, right? Like, placebo effect maybe but the kids don’t even know what the concept is.”
“I’m well aware. But that doesn’t mean the kids don’t get overexcited when we get unexpected friendly visitors bearing candy, and you’re not here to help me rein them in,” David grumbled.
“Uncle Aaaaash!” Natalie shouted somewhere in the background.
The video call lurched again—I was gonna have to look away soon or risk getting motion sick. “Natalie Jean Shaw. You do not try to jump off the counter!” David snapped. My daughter’s maniacal giggle was all that she gave him in response. I heard him sigh heavily.
“Whaaat?” Asher’s voice asked off-screen. “C’mon buddy. Sometimes, ya gotta let her learn the hard way! She jumps off and takes a tumble and she learns not to jump off the counter anymore! Problem solved!”
Natalie giggled again. I caught a glimpse of her pigtail braids on the screen.
“I do not need her breaking her arm and the three-hour lecture from Marie about being a more careful father when she has to come heal it.”
“Just call Sam, then,” Asher said with a laugh. “He’s got Micah. He knows how these girls are.”
David pinched the bridge of his nose on my screen. “We are not having this discussion, Asher.” He turned to look at me. “Can I call you back in an hour, angel?”
“Of course. I’m just at the hotel for the rest of the night.”
He gave me a soft look. The one he reserved for only me. “Thank you.”
“I love you, Davey.”
“I love you too. So much.”
I blew him a kiss. He smiled and pretended to catch it before disconnecting the video call.
David flopped down width-wise across the bed. After Asher and Evelyn left and David finally got his nightmares ready to go to bed, he’d called his angel, finished their conversation, chatted a little more, and then they had to get some sleep—being several timezones ahead.
He was tired in a way that he hadn’t been since Natalie was an infant. He loved his spouse and was proud of the work that they loved so much, but he missed them terribly when they weren’t home. He enjoyed having some one-on-two time with the kids—but it could get exhausting fast. Natalie was so curious and always had questions. Gabriel was easier but damn he could get rowdy when he wanted to. Especially when Evelyn was around. Those two were a Dynamic Duo if he ever saw one.
He knew he needed to get up and shower before getting in bed, but his muscles kept saying, “One more minute,” whenever he tried to get them to respond.
Finally, he grumbled and got to his feet. His shower was quick and thorough, as usual. He threw on his pajamas and plopped back onto the bed. Considering a short nap before going back downstairs to finish the paperwork he’d been falling behind on.
He felt his eyes fluttering closed.
“Daddy?” a small voice asked from the door.
David took a deep breath and sat up.
Natalie was standing there in her smiley-face-star-patterned purple pajamas. Her comfort blanket was in one hand, the small wolf plushie she’d dubbed “Sheldon” in the other. The hand with the blanket was up under her eyes.
“What is it, baby girl?” he asked gently, holding his arms out.
She toddled into the room, stumbling on the hem of her blanket every couple steps. When she got to the tall king-sized bed, David bent down and hoisted her up into his lap.
She sniffled. There were tears in her eyes. “I... I miss them,” she said quietly.
David sighed, a melancholy smile appearing on his face. “I know, Natty. I do too.” He wiped her eyes with the opposite corner of her blanket.
A floorboard creaked, muffled slightly by being under the upstairs carpet.
“I know you’re there, Gabriel. You can come in,” David said.
Gabriel ran in, jumping as high as he could to try and get up onto the bed. He was tall for his age but still too short to make it, and bounced off the corner like a rubber band. David put Natty on one leg so he could bend and scoop up his son, putting him on the mattress next to him. “You missing them too?”
Gabriel nodded, eyes wide and staring up at him. David never quite got over looking down into his own exact eye color at his son, or his mate’s when looking at his daughter. He wondered if he ever would. Probably not.
David pulled Gabriel in close to his side, keeping Natty secure with his other arm. “It’s okay, Gabriel. I miss them too.”
Both of his kids clung to him, small fists balling in his pajama shirt.
David scooped them both up, one in each arm, and scooted across the bed until he could get under the covers with both of them. They each rested their heads on his shoulders.
“Daddy?” Natalie asked.
“Yeah, baby girl?” He gave her damp braid a gentle tug, acknowledging he was listening.
“How did you know you wanted them as your mate?” Her voice was small.
David smiled, a soft chuckle rising, unbidden, from his throat at the memories. “Because they acted a lot like you do, and you know how much I love you.”
“But I wasn’t born yet,” she protested.
“Nope. Not by a long time. But they were bright and happy and sweet and playful—and they liked teasing me. No one had teased me in a long time because I was the alpha and my friends thought they couldn’t anymore. My mate didn’t know anything about magic or wolves when we met.”
Gabriel nodded. “Like how we can’t mention it to our cousins on their side of the family.”
“That’s right, buddy,” David agreed. “But when I met them, I knew I was going to like them. Then, the more time we spent together, the more we fell in love.”
Natty giggled. “‘Are you hungry’?” she asked, trying to drop her voice in a low imitation of his. But it sounded more like how his angel imitated his voice than his actual voice.
David heaved a heavy sigh. “Of course they told you about that,” he muttered under his breath. “Yes, that’s what I asked after I told them I loved them for the first time.” Gabriel giggled too. “I didn’t know what else to say. I’d never told anyone I was in love with them before.”
“Were you scared?”
“A little.”
“Awww! Daddy, why? Didn’t you know they loved you too?”
“I hoped so. But... sometimes it feels complicated when it comes to love.”
Natalie shook her head. “No it doesn’t. If you love somebody, you say it!”
You’ll understand what I’m talking about when you’re older, David thought, but didn’t say out loud.
Natalie squirmed out from under his arm and climbed up onto his torso. Even resting her head on his chest, she was so small that her toes didn’t even reach his knees yet. She put her chin on his sternum and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Did you ask them to marry you or did they ask you?”
David chuckled. “I asked them, sweet pea. We’d been together for... nearly four years.”
Natty wiggled on top of him. “How did you ask? Was it like the fairy tale movies?”
“It felt like it, but it wasn’t as... fancy,” David replied. “You remember the big party we have with the whole pack in December for the MoonBound solstice?”
Natty nodded fervently. “Uh-huh. I love the party!”
David reached up with his now-free arm and set a hand on her back to hold her in place before she slipped off his torso and landed on her brother. He nodded slower. “Well, it was after the party. The rest of the pack had gone home. It was just me and my mate in the house—the one we owned before this one. We were just having a quiet rest of the night before the strength of my magic started to fade again after the pack run. We were just... sitting on the couch... relaxing.”
Natty scrunched her whole face up, not having mastered just scrunching her eyebrows yet. “And you just... asked? You didn’t get down on one knee?”
David smiled and laughed softly. “Let me finish, baby girl,” he said. “I did get down on one knee. I said some mushy things about how much I loved them and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, then I got down on one knee and asked if they’d marry me.”
Natalie gasped. “Did they say yes?!”
Gabriel scoffed. “Of course they did, stupid,” he snapped. “They wouldn’t be married now if they didn’t!”
“Gabriel, we don’t call people stupid,” David chided.
“But... Uncle Ash calls Uncle Milo stupid,” Gabriel pointed out.
“Uncle Asher needs to learn how to talk nicely to other people,” David said firmly.
“Are you going to wash his mouth out with soap?” Natalie asked.
David couldn’t stop the snort that made both his kids jump. “No, Natty. His mate might, but that’s their job, not mine.”
“Oh, okay.” She moved her head so her chin was no longer on his sternum but instead rested her ear to it. 
The three Shaws were quiet for a few minutes. Gabriel seemed to have fallen asleep.
“Daddy?” Natty asked again, quietly.
“Yeah, baby girl?”
“I’m glad you got married.”
He smiled. “Me too.” He smoothed some of her messy flyaway hairs off of her face.
“You could have been more fancy when you asked though. Like the fairy tale movies.”
“I could have. But keeping it simple felt right for us.”
Natty yawned. “Okay,” she said.
David chuckled lightly. “Get some sleep, baby girl.”
She yawned wider. “Okay.”
Within seconds, she was breathing deep on his chest. Sound asleep.
David’s small smile grew. “I love you, baby girl.”
“Love you too, Daddy,” she whispered in her sleep.
I crept into the house at five in the morning, waving to Sam in thanks. He waved back and drove off. He’d volunteered to come pick me up since it would be before dawn and he hadn’t wanted David to have to pack up the kids that early.
Once the door was eased shut and locked behind me, I abandoned my suitcase next to it and snuck up the stairs.
Gabriel’s room was the closest to the stairs. I poked my head in to see if he was sleeping.
His bed was empty, the sheets rumpled. Wolfy McFloof—the larger wolf plushie Asher had given him when Natty was born—was jammed haphazardly between the bedside table and the bed itself.
My heart started pounding louder. I took a step and a half across and up the hall to Natalie’s room.
Her bed was the same. But her small comfort blanket and Sheldon were also missing.
A pit formed in my stomach and I ran to my and Davey’s room, ready to throw open the door and see it empty. To see my family snatched in the middle of the night while I was gone. By whom, I had no idea.
I grabbed the knob and shoved the door open.
A large, misshapen lump sat in the middle of the bed, covers draped over it.
On quiet feet, I slipped over.
The anxiety eased away when I saw David’s face. Gabriel tucked under one of his arms—and Natalie lying on his chest with a small smile on her face. Sheldon and her blanket in each hand. I sighed with relief and sagged down, kneeling beside the bed.
Davey heard me. One of his lush green eyes peeked open.
He gave me a soft, lovestruck smile. The same one he only ever gave me.
“Welcome home, angel.”
Tag list: @zozo-01 @arialikestea @mainhoesstuff  @darlin-collins (I’m adding you tentatively because this is David even though you didn’t specifically request the Pups AU. If you don’t wanna be tagged in this kinda stuff, you can let me know if you’d like)
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kingprinceleo · 7 months
I did the dessert vampires playlist first since it was the shortest!
Stampede- very good interplay with the characters. Gives the vibe of I respect you but we fundamentally disagree on some big issues. Would be fun to play in the background of like a joint operation scheme? like they've gone undercover at a fancy party and this is them working together during it
Vulture- this is such a Shadow backstory song like- i don't know exactly what happens with GUN and Maria in this au but THIS is the song you play to express his feelings. The first verse at least low-key also sounds like Knuckles during or immediately post transformation to Rouge. He's very angy
Welcome to the Circus- a jaunty little tune. bar/saloon coded, probably plays wherever Amy works i think?
Recommend songs for this playlist: Desperado by Rhianna and maybe the entire Anti album based on vibes alone.
Blood Like Lemonade- strong vibes
Trouble Valerie Broussard- more Rouge centric i think
For other playlists:
Like a Vampire Catrien Maxwell, for vamp au Sonic
A Little Wicked - im thinking of Rouge for it but if it fits a different character i wouldn't be surprised
Little Girl Gone Chinchilla - very vamp au Shadow coded imo
Eve Precious Pepala- Shadow coded
All up in your mind- feels like Shadow thinking about Sonic's effect on him in vamp au
Hope these are good and have a nice timezone 🫶🏽. I go to sleep now
welcome back fhbghbjfdfdg !!
This playlist is a little more tough to explain bc i havent shared the major plotpoint that changes the whole title of the au fjgfjghf, but ill get there eventually !! Stampede- idrk know how to explain this one beyond its just Them, their conflicts their compromises, how the two are trying to work together in the situation theyre in, big time agree on the respect with huge disagreements tho, thats one of their major sticking points Vulture- RAHHHHHHH THIS IS IS KNUCKLES @ SHADOW !!!!! the entire time its knuckles rage and defiance !!! and im slamming my head into a wall so fucking hard i prommy it makes so much sense when i share the plot Welcome to the circus- its a rouge @ knuckles song ! like i said the subject itself is kinda weak but it hits on some of their core dynamic pieces --- Desperado- this one i could see being very rouge @ shadow but its a bit too forward and honest ! rouge would defo more take the angle of "im following you bc ur hopeless without me <3" Blood Like Lemonade- strong vibes on its own but doesnt particularly fit with anyone at least right now, i might come back to it after fleshing more people out (also i am sadly biased against songs that are kinda slow sob. i need that constant stimulation music {i almost didnt include vulture in the playlist bc of its speed but it was just too accurate and picks up with some heavy hitting stuff near the end}) Trouble- very correct w the rouge part !! defo eying this one up in consideration
Like a Vampire- defo not vampire au sonic , it actually lines up more with desert vampires rouge (i adore the singers voice btw omg) idk if its going in any of the au playlists but it sure is going in mine ! dfhhdfhg A little wicked- shrug tbh ! i see it for rouge but it feels like its missing something, her spunk, her 4kids saxaphone (im assuming if you dont specify an au you just mean for the canon gamers !) Little Girl Gone- THIS IS SO VAMPIRE AU SHADOWCORE LITTLE UNHINGED BASTARD !!! the blood on my teeth line caught my attention....and then the screaming part sold me HDSHDHF hes sooo silly <333
Eve- im so sorry im really biased against love songs so i dont see it personally !! esp not for shadow </3 All up in your mind- eeh there are a few lines there that work, but overall just misses slightly. big fan of the idea that shadows just making up all those lines tho and sonics never said any of it, thats funny fdgjfjdgfg i feel bad for not enjoying all of them wahh, but i am just really picky tbh,,, its gotta bounce the braincell right... but i appreciate the suggestions sm!!!! tyyy!! have a good sleep !!!
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rose-lizzzy · 1 year
I love how discombobulated is my train of thought for Warped, because I start thinking about stuff that could happen in different times, for example this, set a few weeks after the final battle with Xornoth, and after a few weeks of Shrub causing chaos on the empires, and constantly on the run:
When Shrub got the news of how the wizard got incapacitated for the time being by Scott, and how the later one had run away, she used the opportunity to get some stuff.
First, she went to the Crystal Cliffs and stole a magic book, luckily Gem apparently hadn't got out of her room for a while, so it was an easy in and out.
Then, it was Rivendell, she had heard about Scott being the one keeping the crystal safe, but she didn't know where exactly, but luckily for her, just as she was looking for it, Fwhip appeared with looking for it too.
Once Fwhip entered the secret meeting room, it was as easy as to making him fell unconscious with a hit from behind, and take the crystal with her. (ooc: Poor Fwhip, it's like Shrub has something against him in specific xD)
Once she got out of the snowy empire, his voice reappeared as a whisper on her head. But she had her objective clear, so she just ignored it.
She was going to her empire, specifically, to her fairy circle, where she tossed the crystal in the middle of it, and opened the book, quickly finding the spell she needed.
"Finally I'll be able to end this once and for all. Once I get your power, it'll be easy to destroy them all faster than you ever could have-"
"Shrub?" Katherine's voice echoed from the tunnels behind the gnome.
She turned around, and there she was, Katherine, full of tears on her eyes.
AAAAH I love it
Ok I'ma try to add on and continue but jetlag brain even though we didn't even cross timezones it was just an hour flight
"What do you want now?" The gnomes voice echoes, full of annoyance and irritation.
The fairy peeks at what she had, and her eyes widen. "What are you doing with that crystal?!" She tries to grab it but Shrub snatches it back up.
She rolls her eyes, because it was too predictable for her to try to take it away. "I'm not gonna bother to explain it to you. You're just gonna blab more nonsense about the good in me and that I should try and resist and..." She sighs and turns back to her work. "Hopefully one of these times you'll understand. I'm. Tired."
Katherine sits on the other side of her little pit, which was admittedly surprising to Shrub. She stares down at the ground, the dirt and crimson flowers and mushrooms of the fairy circle.
"I know." She whispers, and her tone was different enough for the gnome to actually look up and watch her.
"I know you're tired... I....I think I can understand...I've tried so hard...trying to find ways to help you....and I can't imagine...trying to..constantly....fight...non stop...of course you'd be tired ....of course you'd...give up...." She looks back up at the gnome, tears falling down her face. "But I'm gonna fight for you, k? I'm not gonna ask you to try anymore. You don't gotta do anything. You can rest."
Shrub finds herself tearing up, but she tries to continue her mission.
Out of nowhere, an arm rests around her shoulders and she jumps, turning to try to push her away. "Leave me alone!" She shouts, but Katherine stays.
"Please, Shrub. Let yourself rest."
Her body was warm, and she was tired. A few minutes won't hurt. She can destroy her after a little rest.
I dunno if that's the way you'd want it to go, but I feel like after a few weeks of trying Katherine would accept it and just resolve herself to comforting her, whether that helps or not
I might be too much of a nature wives enjoyer 😅
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Was having silly thoughts about Peach's plush friend from her college years lmao I still think of them a lot, but brain said Pepper is in school gotta do some big paper thing on a subject for a grade and Pepper goes "oh I have the best idea" and goes to ring up Peach's old roommate from college and adult friend person like Hiiii auntiee can I have access to some of your research papers about x for a project 🥺 (pulling out the ol puppy eyes and auntie card because like it could be argued to some degree the friend is an honorary fam member especially because she would've really tried with pepper even tho baby pepper threatened her and she probably sends pepper gifts from the region she's in ect same for peach so honorary aunt maybe idk how loosely they use familial terms) and the friend is just "Of course my little Pepper poppet I will email them over to you immediately, if you want to know anymore absolutely feel free to contact me ill get back as soon as I can! I'm so glad you're taking an interest in this field I hope you do amazing on your project I know you will!" just lmao overjoyed by Peppers interest and all
Pepper does her paper gets it back but sees the teacher reduces her marks with a note about how referring to the Professor whos research paper you referenced by their first name is improper so you lost marks because you don't know them personally you're not their friend ect. And Pepper just aight BET and calls up the prof in class who is awake despite timezones and is like "hellooooo Pepper lovely to hear from you but I am observing wild Swoobat behaviour right now so is this urgent?" and Pepper is just "my teach reduced my score for that paper I did because I used your first name, because I apparently don't know you like that and I'm not your friend."
So the friend is just *insulted noises!!* Pepper please hand the phone over. So Pepper just >¦3 because ur gonna get fucking told. Idk I can see Pepper being absolutely down to clown on teacher authority whenever she can
Pepper: My mom is a fucking scientist you dipshit. Of course i know the scientist >:(
Peach: Peppy, Honey, please for the love of all Mews, stop cussing in school -.-
Pepper: I am but a mirror of your own faults mother.
Peach: Yeah, that philosophical shit isnt gonna work on me, stop cussing in school
Pepper: >:( Auntie would let me cuss.
Peach: Youre Auntie has a soft spot for you, shut your face and lets go.
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loislaina · 1 year
i'm in canada, and most provinces up here are waiting until the US makes DST permanent in order to follow suit. and we were basically promised no more clock changes when your senate passed the sunlight protection act of 2022. but for some arcane, unknowable reason, congress failed to take it up. so folks are left twisting in the winds of time while politicians sit on their thumbs and dawdle about, even though over 90 percent of the population, at least in my province, supports making daylight last longer into the evening during winter. but i've always believed that if we wanna make a better world, we gotta do it ourselves. no one can take that responsibility away from us, especially not politicians. or basically anyone in authority.
so with that in mind, i'm just gonna refuse to set my clock back this november. it's literally just an hour's difference so it's really not a big deal to mentally convert my time to everyone else's time and vice-versa. for example, if everyone else starts work at 8, i'd be starting at 9, only we'd be starting at the same time because i'd basically be a timezone unto myself. but this means i get more daylight in my evenings, so i'll be more likely to avoid seasonal depression.
you too can join in! i mean, obviously decide for yourself if this is right for you (you might personally prefer to have more daylight in the mornings rather than evenings, for example). people are different and prefer different things. humans are amazingly diverse that way and i love that about us. a solution that works for one will not necessarily work for another. and there are definitely valid arguments both for and against making dst permanent. but as for me, i know what i'm doing this winter: enjoying more evening sunshine.
reblog to join the time rebellion
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rin-and-jade · 4 months
Long explanation short; Was vulnerable online and mentioned due to my experiences with a dissociative disorder ((didn't say which one, but told people to go do their research for awareness)). I'm stepping back from social media for a while but will keep updates because I wanna make/sell things. I feel so exposed and mmm, disgusting?
I want to pour my soul out in this post but we gotta get to the point lol.
Are there exercises that anyone of y'all know that can help a system reassure ourselves it's okay, we're safe, and at the end of the day people's opinions are their own and that's fine. We can still be who we are? Fragmented or not? I tend not to look back what was recorded or written due to resistance - Ooo that's a good question too;Any exercises to support the resistance from within?
*I apologize if this is messy. It's been re-wrote more than a few times haha
You can absolutely pour your whole heart here right after we finish this part, i will listen to you with no judgement and support you!
For your assurance:
Your life is your own, and you know how you want to live it, especially as a system. Deciding what is right or wrong is up to you, not others. No one has the right to dictate how you should live, act, or present yourself as a system. At the end of the day, you can choose which opinions you agree with and which you don't because they are not inherently facts, just personal opinions.
Stay true to yourself, that's how you win.
For the resistance:
Well, this one is rather vague so i can't pinpoint what solution fits best. Would you mind coming back the second time with more details if i didn't get this one right?
Take a moment to ponder. People tend to avoid negative or uncomfortable feelings/situations, so before you work on it, understand where this feeling reluctance is coming from, and why.
Practice to accept. Its difficult to swallow some facts here and there sometimes, one example, would be receiving a diagnosis on your condition. While denying or ignoring it would help you for the short term, it might not for the long term. So, instead of expecting things to be just fine, or instead of running away due to being uncomfy, take in whatever you have recorded bit by bit instead of all at once, and do so without judgment or criticism. Take note how you feel too, remember to not force yourself.
Challenge your fear. Some are done out of habit, some are from coping mechanisms, whichever you have remember that some might not serve or help you as it was intended. For example: isolation can give you time alone to ponder on things, but relying too much on it only hinders important discussions from being held, as you seek solace, yet not ready to move to the next phase. Understand that you must fight what you are used to doing, in order to progress,, in this example would be reaching out and speak out to the person that you have trouble expressing and take too much time in thinking and preparing. So while no actual progress has been made from the issue from the case example, fighting the natural urge to stay alone is a progress of its own, which will aid you in your current issues. Apply this narrative to whatever you are having trouble with.
It's been vague so far, but i use this moment to good use by creating a solution that is applicable in most situations, it means this advice is flexible.
Let me know how it goes so far after doing this, too! I would love to assist you further next time, if not, then i hope this helps you for the long run and have a good timezone wherever you are now.
- j
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catboyolli · 2 years
oh my god the US tour really was something else!! I had completely forgotten the whole roommate drama thing 😳 and the fact that Olli and Allu were the last ones awake drinking mountain dew and talking about technology!! 🥺 I bet they shared secret kisses and maybe sometimes even fell asleep cuddling on the sofa?? 🥺
maybe some night Aleksi falls asleep before Olli and Olli barely awake confesses his love to sleeping Aleksi but in reality Aleksi just pretended to be asleep because he didn’t want to go to his own bunk to sleep alone??
i have very fond memories of the US tour because (for once) everything happened around my timezone! 🥳i am not from the US but it was exciting to get some content while i was awake 👉👈
and yes yes yes! we all know olli is a big sleepyhead and a cuddly boy so they definitely cuddled to sleep in the sofa sometimes (and yes, maybe they shared some kisses, yknow you gotta kiss your homies goodnight.......)
i love the idea of a late night love confession so much because omg it makes perfect sense!!! olli is too shy to confess his feelings, so he waits until late and spills everything out when he thinks aleksi is asleep, but now aleksi has to decide what to do with that information because maybe olli didn't mean it? or it was just a joke? 🥺💗💕💖💘
fun fact that does not leave my head: their US tour bus was smaller than their EU one and it didn't have a separate "lounge room" (sadly I only remember that the one from the electric callboy tour did, don't know about the one from their headline tour) so I am 99.9% sure that they did spent many many nights awake until late, having discussions about technology like the big nerds they are....... quite close to the bunk beds, actually
so picture this stupid scenario with me under the read more because i don't wanna be annoying with an extra long post 😊
olli and aleksi, alone and awake at 2 AM discussing tech stuff like whether or not a custom built desktop pc is better than a macbook, their bandmates and/or tour managers sleeping trying to sleep less than 2 meters away from them and wondering:
what the actual fuck are they talking about
why the fuck are they awake so late? (options: they are still high on adrenaline from the shows, aleksi is a night owl, oli spent the e n t i r e day napping in the couch, all of the above, none of the above)
will setting them up with each other make them finally shut the fuck up?
is the tech discussion some sort of courtship ritual that everyone else is not nerdy enough to understand, and will it stop once they are together?
so niko and joonas try adding a bit of jealousy and drama to make them finally ✨realize their feelings✨, but it kinda doesn't work because both aleksi and olli are way too deep in denial ("we're just friends", "we have mutual interests", "we stay up late just talking and working on songs and merch stuff", "our relationship is purely professional")
well, it works a little, because "what if he likes me too?" is now a recurrent though in those empty head of theirs, and the nights have been way more quiet since then. The weird silence that settles when they run out of things to talk about (because they are too busy overthinking about their interactions with each other and if what they said or did could be interpreted as someting else) is way worse than the tech talk, though
maybe the whole thing gets solved during that tour, they confess their feelings and spend the rest of the nights kissing and cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other (which on some nights makes the rest of the band want so desperately to get the tech talk back, but they are really happy for them); and when they both get sick it doesn't matter as long as they can take care of each other 💖
or maybe it doesn't get solved and they pine after each other for the rest of eternity, but somehow they still get sick at the same time and blame it on the mountain dew because of course it has to be that, what else could it be? (no one believes them)
the partial solution from mr CEO for their next tour? upgrade to a bus with a separate lounge room, but they better not start fucking in there or else he will straight up ban the room from being used (he just wants the quiet space for himself)
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gotta be honest I felt real bad for most of the day yesterday but gosh it’s so nice to be able to swing by my bff’s house after work to eat thai leftovers together and go grocery shopping and cackle a lot. my overall quality of life is about to skyrocket and I just still can’t believe I got so lucky.
I feel a little better today, probably because I’ve switched into planning mode and feel a little more in control of my life again. I think I am going to move forward with IVF abroad (though in the meantime I might go through a couple more IUI cycles to use up the donor sperm I still have in storage). more thinking aloud under the cut… sorry I just have to process everything out loud.
I know many people do IUI or try to conceive naturally for a long time and there might be some wisdom in continuing to try the lower-tech option for a while longer. however, I feel like I need to consider the following things:
I only have one fallopian tube now. it’s still possible for me to get pregnant via IUI, but after reading a bunch of articles I’m not sure that the “having only one tube doesn’t affect your chances!” messaging online is true. I can still get pregnant, but it seems like my time to conception will almost certainly be extended by quite a bit.
I need to weigh the practical costs. if I try IUI for six more months, that’s at least $15k, which is almost twice what an IVF cycle abroad would cost me.
I need to weigh the emotional costs. the IUI failures were tough but I could weather them and I could’ve probably kept going if that last cycle had failed. but the ectopic pregnancy was just devastating and I still feel like I am in a place of lowgrade anguish about it. could I keep going with IUI? yes, if I had to. but I also don’t have to use “could I force myself to endure a very painful emotional experience if I had to” or “have other people endured this painful experience in the past” as my criteria for making this decision. I don’t have to compare myself to other people or make choices based on the level of despair I think I can endure. I can make the ‘selfish’ decision that prioritizes my needs right now, because it’s my money, my time, my life, my heart.
I just really, really, really want to give myself a good shot at being pregnant before my SIL gives birth in March. I would love for our kids to be the same age and I also think that would line me up better with liz & A’s timeline.
obviously I would just be over the moon to have even one baby!!!! but in my ideal world I’d be able to have two kids a couple years apart. and if that is my goal, the time pressure is real. if I got pregnant at 34 I’d give birth at 35 and probably wouldn’t begin the process again until 37, at which point it would be even harder than it is now. if I’m very lucky, IVF might also give me the chance to freeze embryos while my eggs are a little younger.
after a lot of research, I think finding a clinic in Mexico makes the most sense for me. it’s a little more expensive than some of the European clinics, but here are the benefits:
I can book direct flights on points
most flights are under 4 hours (compared to 14-15 hours to europe). so it’ll be easier to get there and back if I have to return for future transfers or egg retrievals—like, I could fly down over a long weekend instead of having to plan around major holiday breaks when I have more time off. I think this will put much less weight on each individual try, as opposed to doing it in Europe where a failed cycle would likely mean having to wait 6+ months until I could accrue enough PTO to go again.
I can arrange to work remotely some or all of the time I have to be in-country since I’ll be in the same timezone
no one is going to make this decision for me or give me permission to do it—I have to be the one to decide to move forward. so I’m deciding. this week I will reach out to 5-6 clinics to schedule initial consultations. I’m not sure how long the waiting period is but man it would be great to be able to schedule something for the fall. I think if I had a date on the calendar, even if it’s a ways out, I could focus my energy on diet/exercise/sleep/overall emotional well-being and just, idk, feel like I was moving towards a goal instead of drifting in time like I am now. if I want this I just gotta get moving. and if it doesn’t pan out I can grieve and shift my focus to other routes to parenthood, but I think I’m far enough down this road that I have to exhaust my options first before I’ll be able to let go of this dream and move on.
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