#HCC Tango
askthehcc · 4 months
has xisuma ever just said "it is pride momth, baristas. you know what that means." to any of you? how did you respond?
[Interviewer's note: The following texts have been taken from The Hermit Coffee Co. group chat from June 2023]
The Hermit Coffee Co. 3 June 2023 8:58am
Xisuma: It's pride month baristas, you all know what that means. Tango: what Tango: what does it mean Tango: x what does it mean? Tango: do you want us to serve gay coffee or? CleoZo: Tango, why dont you go ahead and tell me what a gay coffee looks like to you? CleoZo: just describe it for me if youd be so kind CubFan: it means we must exchange tender eye contact with all customers and perhaps CubFan: just perhaps CubFan: fall in love with a stranger for just a moment CubFan: the love will be transient but will never the less remain with us into our twilight years CubFan: to be reflected on fondly in moments of strife and loneliness CubFan: and to be remembered when we feel the aching sorrow of lost love and the shortness of life CubFan: because for one moment we felt the explosive love that can only be truly felt when the object of our affections is unknown to us CubFan: Schrodinger's love some might say. Me? CubFan: i call it being human Tango: whoa Tango: that was kinda deep cub Tango: i was just gonna say like Tango: whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles CubFan: that works too Tango: you good though? CubFan: yeah man Tango: alrighty then
Xisuma: Yeah, I'm not quite sure what i was thinking when i said that.
Xisuma: I think I'd had about 3 hours sleep the night before and my fifth coffee had got me a bit hysterical.
Xisuma: I did shed a little tear at Cub's response though. No idea where that came from.
Xisuma: Seriously, where did he pull that from?
Cub: Oh, I'm a barista by occupation, but an internet shit poster by passion.
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soemthingsparkly · 4 months
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please enjoy this crochet HCC Tango I've been working on for the last week. He is slowly becoming more decent as I crochet his trousers from the ankle up.
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slooopes · 4 months
Ranchers from @soemthingsparkly fic Hermit Coffee Co.
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kazuyakato · 3 years
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#Repost @hiroshimacity_catalog_creative with @make_repost ・・・ . 【サクソフォニスト 加藤和也】 ⁡ “そこにあるべき音楽が鳴っていてほしい” さまざまな場所や環境の中で行なってきた演奏会は、 そのひとつひとつプログラムが異なります。 それは、毎回、 『その場所、その時間、そこに関わる人』のことを 思い浮かべながらコンセプトを立てて プログラムを組んでいるからです。 また、演奏会の帰り道に、 その場から離れて街を歩いていく人々と社会が うっすら繋がる状況を作っていきたいと考えています。 余韻を引きずり、頭の中で音楽が鳴り、 その音楽を持って帰ってもらう感じを大切にしたいです。 広島には考えるための時間と空間に隙間があって、 それが自分にとってはとても大切なことなのです。 ー サクソフォニスト 加藤和也 @kazuyakato ⁡ プロフィール 広島県広島市出身。 デンマーク政府奨学金を授与され渡欧し、 デンマーク王立ユラン音楽院大学院ソリストクラス修了 (Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Music [Soloist])。 現在は演奏活動を始め、サクソフォンの為の新しい作品の 委嘱・演奏、ポップス、アルゼンチンタンゴ、ダンサー、 曲芸師など他ジャンルのアーティストとの活動、 美術館やギャラリーでの演奏会の企画、楽曲制作、 音を扱った作品を制作するなど活動は多岐にわたる。 エリザベト音楽大学付属音楽園講師。​​​ http://kazuya-saxo.wixsite.com/kazuya ⁡ Photo Gallery G 前の public square G で行われた加藤和也と新庄恵依(ダンサー・振付家)によるパフォーマンス「音街 Music in the city」の風景 ※ こちらのイベントはいついつ、蔓延防止が発令される前に実施されたものです ⁡ . ⁡ 【Kazuya Kato, Saxophonist】 "I want to listen to music that should be there." The programs of the concerts vary depending on the place and the environment. It's because I create a concept while I think the site, the time, and the people involved in each concert. After the concert, I also wish to see a light connection between the audience and society. I hope the audience leave the show with the music still in their head and takes it home. There is room for time and space to think in Hiroshima, which is very important to me. -Kazuya Kato, Saxophonist @kazuyakato ⁡ Kazuya Kato Born in Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture He was granted a Danish Government Scholarship to study in Denmark and completed the Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Music [Soloist]. His current activities are diverse. He has created and performed new works for saxophone, worked with artists from other fields such as pop music, Argentine tango, dancers, and acrobats. He also organizes concerts in museums and galleries, composes music, and creates artwork involving sound. ⁡ Photos "Music in the city," a performance by Kazuya Kato and Mei Shinjo (dancer and choreographer) at public square G in front of Gallery G ⁡ #広島シティカタログ #hiroshimacitycatalog #hcc #creative #広島 #hiroshima #coffee #加藤和也 #サクソフォニスト #サックス #新庄恵依 #galleryg #publicsquareg #Saxophonist #音街 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZJnom2vHwo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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askthehcc · 1 month
who misses the most and the least days of work?
Joe: Well, not to be too braggadocios, but I do have a 113% shift attendance rate.
Tango: Wait, how the hell you have a 113 percent attendance? How is that even possible?
Joe: Well, you see, Tango, when people can't make their own shifts, I tend to be the first person X calls in to cover.
Joe: Or, you know, when someone happens to oversleep their shift...
Tango: Oh, come on, Joe, that was one time!
Joe: Hey man, I'm just answering your question.
Joe: ... and it was twice, actually.
Tango: Ugh.
Bdubs: Oh my god, the day Scar shows up for a shift, I'll eat my own socks.
Cleo: You mean the disabled man who occasionally takes time off when he's sick?
Bdubs: Yeah, exactly!
Bdubs: I'm over here pulling all his slack, while he's off dilly dallying in a hospital bed.
Bdubs: And for what?
Bdubs: A load of phooey, that's what.
Cleo: I mean, you are paid to cover his shifts, Bdubs, so I don't know what you mean by that.
Bdubs: Tsk. Typical. You would say that.
Cleo: Would I? Why?
Bdubs: Because he's obviously your favourite, Cleo!
Cleo: Oh my god, not this again...
Cleo: I literally live with you, Bdubs.
Bdubs: Yeah, but you'd live with Scar if you could, though. I know it.
Cleo: You know what?
Cleo: At this point, I'm seriously considering my options...
Bdubs: NO!
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askthehcc · 3 months
Java Circuit crew:
Suppose you all have to trade lives for a day. Who would each of you want to be?
Tango: Bagsy Mumbo.
Scar: What? No! I was gonna say Mumbo!
Tango: Too bad slowpoke.
Impulse: And why, exactly, do you want to be Mumbo, Tango?
Tango: Well
Tango: I just
Tango: I think it would be fun to be tall, okay?
Skizz: Oh, so it isn't because you can't grow any facial hair, then?
Tango: Hey
Tango: Hey Skizz
Skizz: Yes, Top?
Tango: Why don't you shuddup?
Skizz: Pffft.
Zed: Does that mean Mumbo would be Tango?
Tango: Hell yeah, get your blaze on, MJ.
Zed: I think I'd like to have a go being Scar and having robo legs.
Zed: I reckon that would be a riot.
Scar: Oooooh, I'd love to see the world from Zed's perspective.
Impulse: Oh, yeah, Scar?
Scar: Yeah, I've always wondered what the world looks like from all the way down there.
Scar: Short ass.
Mumbo: You're a nightmare, Scar.
Zed: No, it's fair, it's fair.
Tango: So does that mean Impulse and Skizz are left swapping with each other?
Skizz: I get to be dipple-dop for a day?
Skizz: Frankly, I consider that an honour.
Impulse: You're such a suck up, Skizz.
Skizz: And you love it.
Scar: Jesus, just get together already, will you?
Tango: Pffft.
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soemthingsparkly · 6 months
the hermit coffee co has made me laugh harder than i have in actually ages and it's beautiful and everything and tHANK YOU WHAT
AW :D Thank you!! I'm so glad this silly little fic could bring such a smile to your day!! I am a little proud of it tbh :>
As a token of our appreciation here at the Hermit Coffee Co., please accept this hot beverage of your choice from our barista Tango!
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askthehcc · 4 months
ayup tango, you got anyone on your mind lately? maybe a um… [cough] tall british blond guy?
Tango: you mean Jimmy?
Tango: Sure, I guess so!
Tango: He’s been telling me about camera stuff lately, which sounds pretty cool.
Tango: It actually reminds me of when Mumbo used to do more photography, actually, back at the start of college.
Tango: So that’s pretty cool…
Tango: I wouldn’t say he’s been on my mind anymore than any of my other friends, though…
Tango: Why do you ask?
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askthehcc · 4 months
To the Hcc I was wondering who all is a part of the LGBT+ community?
Cleo: I’m pan and non-binary, pretty sure Bdubs is aromantic, but he wouldn’t know the word for it.
Impulse: I’m also aro and I’m pretty sure Mumbo is ace.
Cleo: False is Bi, but isn’t really into relationships, at least for now.
Impulse: Again, I’m not certain, but I think Tango might be grey-romantic.
Cleo: That’s a point, I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen him show interest in anyone…
Impulse: Me neither, which is why I think he might be Grey.
Cleo: but not totally Aro?
Impulse: … no comment?
Impulse: I’m pretty sure he’s also *somewhere* on the ace spectrum.
Cleo: Don’t just brush over that, Impulse!
Impulse: Let’s see who else… Oh, Zed wouldn’t care what pronouns you use, but he’s not really ever labelled himself, so I guess I’d just go with vaguely gender queer for him… Maybe even agender?
Cleo: What do you know about Tango, Impulse?
Impulse: Anyway, I really should be getting back on shift.
Cleo: Oh my god, does Tango have a crush?
Cleo: Impulse, come back and talk to me!
Scar: You know, I’ve never really thought about it? I suppose I’d consider myself Pan?
Tango: Hesitation?
Scar: [shrugs]
Scar: I’ve never really been that interested in anyone.
Tango: Apart from that girl in college. Remember in second year?
Scar: [sighs] Yeah… Bonita.
Tango: She didn’t speak English, dude.
Scar: But you did a great job at translating from Blaze!
Tango: And then you asked me to go on a date with you and she slapped you!
Scar: It was your fault for mistranslating! I meant for you to come with us on a date and translating!
Tango: Scar, my man, you asked her for a three–
Scar: I meant as a date with you translating!
Zedaph: You knew exactly what he meant, didn’t you?
Tango: Yeah, of course. I’m fluent in Blaze and Scar. I just didn’t want to spend my entire second year translating for them.
Zedaph: Have I mentioned how much I love you?
Tango: Uh, yeah dude. We had that whole confusion in second year, remem–
Zedaph: I meant platonically!
Joel: I'm gluten free.
Lizzie: That's not what the G stands for, Joel.
Scott: Yeah, you're not queer because you can't process gluten, Joel.
Joel: Yeah and I'm not proud about it either.
Joel: Bloody hate stupid wheat!
Lizzie: [Looks around]
Lizzie: Keep this between us, yeah?
Lizzie: Grian came out to me about ten years ago, after we tried kissing with each other when we were like, fourteen.
Lizzie: He kissed me and pulled such a face afterwards and I was so offended, so obviously I kicked right off about it, of course, and then he said that it's had nothing to do with me.
Lizzie: And that's when he told me that he was actually gay.
Lizzie: He seemed really embarrassed about it and I don't think he's ever openly spoke about it since. I don't even know if he's mentioned it to Jimmy.
Lizzie: But I did have this little bracelet making phase and I didn't want him to make him a rainbow bracelet cause it felt too obvious, so I looked up the flag for gay men and made him a blue and white one instead.
Lizzie: He wore it for a good couple years after, too.
Lizzie: To be honest, Scott might know, cause he's pretty brushed up on these things, so he probably recognised it.
Lizzie: But yeah, he won't talk about it and I'm not sure how proud he is exactly, but... you know what?
Lizzie: I'm proud of him.
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askthehcc · 3 months
which of you is the best liar, do you think?
Bdubs: ME
Cleo: Cub.
Tango: Cub, absolutely.
Cub: Hm. I think it's Bdubs.
Cub: No, it's me. That was an example.
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askthehcc · 5 months
Doc, I know you haven't been present much, yet, but do you read the group chat? Or do you have it silenced, which, tbh, would be very fair.
Doc: I trust X to tell me if anything happens that I should be aware of.
Doc: ...
Doc: Although, sometimes - on the odd occasion - I will emoji react to a message to provoke fear amongst the staff.
Doc: As a treat.
Tango: Oh yeah, that happened to me one time and I nearly quit on the spot.
Cub: Yeah, man, Doc sure does know how to set everybody on edge.
Cub: Although the worst time was when he sent everyone a bottle of *real* champagne, just off the cuff.
Tango: Oh, yeah. For our "Hard work and dedication."
Cub: It was highly unsettling.
Cub: There was nothing to prompt it, either. I had to read back through my messages in the group chat to see if I'd said anything that would upset him.
Tango: Freaky. For. Real.
Doc: ... What can I say?
Doc: They are fun to play with.
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askthehcc · 5 months
tango: first impressions of that silly blonde british man jimmy?
Tango: From what I've seen so far, silly is definitely a word I'd use to describe that man.
Tango: But like I said to the last person, he seems cool. I'm not entirely sure why people keep asking me about him, but yeah!
Tango: He's funny, for sure.
Tango: Seemed a little down on his luck the other morning, but hey, a flight across the world can do that to a person, right?
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askthehcc · 4 months
who's the scariest/most intimidating worker and why
Scar: Wels, for sure.
Tango: Wels, yeah.
Zedaph: I would also say Wels.
Mumbo: There’s nothing wrong with the guy, he just tends to keep to himself, so, ya know…
Scar: Yeah, for sure, for sure.
Scar: Or Cleo.
Tango: Oh yeah, any issues with any customers, call on Cleo.
- - -
Wels: Grian.
Wels: There’s something weird about that guy, I think.
- - -
Bdubs: ME.
Grian: Yeah, I’m with Bdubs on this one.
Etho: SO intimidating, mhm.
Bdubs: That’s right!
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askthehcc · 1 month
What are the staff members favorite drinks?
Impulse: I like a nice chai latte.
Zedaph: Oh, it's gotta be a London Fog for me.
Tango: something we don't actually serve here, of course.
Bdubs: Oh, yeah, Zed made that for me once a couple weekends ago. It was pretty good, actually.
Bdubs: I was a sceptic at first and I'll hold my hands up to that, but I've totally been converted.
Scar: What the heck is a London Dog?
Bdubs: It's a London Fog, Scar, not a London Dog!
Bdubs: That's Paddington you're thinking of, stupid.
Impulse: Wait what? Isn't paddington a–
Zedaph: It's an earl grey tea with some vanilla syrup and just a splash of hot milk on top. Very delicious, if I do say so myself.
Scar: Huh. So it's, like, a British thing?
Tango: I guess?
Scar: fascinating.
Tango: What's your favourite drink, Scar?
Scar: Oh, hot chocolate, of course! Nothing better!
Zedaph: Ah, yes, the young man's coffee.
Impulse: Tango, what about you?
Tango: Oh, long black with three shots of espresso. First thing I do when I get in is make myself one.
Tango: Keeps the gears in the ol' thinker thinkificating, if you know what I mean?
Impulse: ...Tango, how many of those do you have a day?
Tango: ...
Tango: What are you, a cop?
Cleo: If I get more than five minutes after a rush, I like a flat white.
Cleo: What can I say? I like it basic. Not everything has to have a big fanfare about it.
False: Oh, yeah, give me a cup of strong black tea and I'll be happy.
Joe: For me, it's got to be something a little bit sweet, but not too sweet. I'll usually make myself a white americano with just a smidge of caramel syrup to counteract the bitterness.
Cleo: What about you, X?
Xisuma: Same as Cleo, but with oat milk. I just like it a little creamier.
Grian: Huh? Oh. I don't know. I don't really care. Whatever.
Scar: That's not true...
Grian: ...
Grian: Caramel hot chocolate.
Scar: There you go!
Grian: Yeah, yeah, shut up... menace.
Mumbo: Uh, just like... A latte, I guess?
Mumbo: It's not exciting, but–
Wels: Americano sunrise.
Mumbo: ...Isn't that–?
Wels: Yep.
Mumbo: ...
Mumbo: Alright then.
Mumbo: Are we, uh... done here?
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askthehcc · 5 months
tango, do you have any cats?
Tango: Here? No. It sucks.
Tango: Back home? My mum and dad adopted a couple of strays last winter.
Tango: The Blaze Islands are total hotspots for strays, which honestly sucks.
Tango: But my brother's wife - my older brother - works for a charity that spays, neuters, and treats street cats.
Tango: They try to re-home as many cats as they can, but... Well, the economy of the Blaze Islands isn't exactly thriving right now, so not many people can afford to take care of pets at the moment.
Tango: So some end up back on the streets, but it's not that bad for them.
Tango: But anyway, my parents took two strays in from the charity and the best translation from Blaze for their names is Copper and Coal.
Tango: ...
Tango: I may or may not have had a hand in picking their names, heh.
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askthehcc · 4 months
tango and zedaph: have you ever pulled pranks at work? and if so, what's the best prank you've ever pulled?
Zed: Us?
Zed: Pranks?
Tango: We would never.
Zed: Nah, that's not us.
Tango: Besides X refuses to let us work together these days.
Zed: Yep.
Zed: It might be because of the time we flipped everything upside down on the Saturday after close for Bdubs' Sunday open.
Tango: Yeah, that was probably a factor.
Tango: He wasn't not best pleased about that one.
Zed: I think he saw the funny side of things eventually …
Tango: [snorts]
Tango: Yeah, once he was done looking at wrong side of everything.
Zed: hehehe.
Xisuma: [pinching the bridge of his nose]
Xisuma: He yelled about them to me for an hour.
Bdubs: Oh, I hate those guys. I'm gonna get them back one day, you'll see. You'll see. They won't see it coming, but I will.
Zed: Yeah, I think all's good and forgiven by now.
Tango: Totally.
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