phykoha · 6 months
I'm not aroace(mayybe some flavor of ace...) but my version of Mikey is aroace so I do kinda wanna talk about it
he doesn't feel anything about relationships for himself but for other people, real or fictional? oh he is ALL OVER that bs!! like. he's not gonna have a partner and he's cool with that(maybe he'll have a QPR or two down the line? he doesn't know!) but he is the #1 fan of every relationship he knows practically XD and if someone tries to homewreck(??) his family oh FUCK does he have beef. also I don't know why I added this little tidbit but he often struggles with speech and has dyslexia- he laughs at himself sometimes about it. also sleep talks
please let me know(you or someone else-) if any of this is disrespectful I don't know if it is or isn't-
Disrespectful?? Nah bro these are facts.
Like I've said in the tags of one of my previous posts, just assume all of my Mikey's are some flavor of aroace unless stated otherwise. HEA Angelo specifically has never felt romantic or sexual attraction towards anyone before (aside from the occasional fictional character).
His feelings toward his eventual partner are tough for him to wrap his head around. He loves them, but he isn't sure what kind of love. What is romantic love even supposed to feel like? Is it really any different from platonic love? He loves his friends, and his family. He heard that romantic love makes you want to be with someone forever. He wants to be with his family forever. Is it just the label that makes it different? He's not sure. Maybe it doesn't matter.
No matter how much research he does or how many questions he asks Raphie and Lee, he just can't understand what makes romantic love so special. And what's so cool and epic about sex?? It seems pretty gross to him, honestly. He can just take care of himself, thank you very much. He'd rather not waste his time smashing bits with someone when he can be cooking or drawing or doing literally anything else.
He'd only really have sex with someone he really trusts and wants a more intimate connection with. And it wouldn't really be about him- he'd mostly just be focused on how the other person feels. Cuz he's just not that interested in the sex itself, just how close and connected it would make him feel to his partner.
But OH MAN is he invested in other people's romantic lives. He's the ultimate wingman- The best hypeman you could ever ask for. As much as he doesn't get romance, BOY does he live for romantic media. Books, movies, fanfics, actual people's lives- you name it. Romance is dumb but wow does it create some great plot (and also really bad plot but at that point it's just funny).
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daddyn3xus · 6 months
You ever tear up randomly and your tears make your eyes sting so they tear up more and now there are streams of tears rolling down your face but you don't wanna get up to wash your eyes out so you're just laying there crying without the emotions for crying and in pain
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dimeurz · 2 years
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sparring buddies
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girlies love repeatedly adding posts to drafts + never posting them
i am girlies
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king-wilhelm · 2 years
Ayan giving me the hope I need to push a taller girl against the wall because good lord he looked hot doing it Ayan giving me the hope I need to make a taller person all flustered and nervous Ayan being the short king with a six foot tall attitude that we all deserve 😤
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madmutts · 11 months
you can sleep too much???(<-natural sleep amt is like. 12hrs)
Gskfhshd yeah idk man, it's weird. If I sleep too much I feel like shit. 8-9 hours or I'm dead for the rest of the day hdjfjdjf
It's super weird cuz usually a nap makes me feel better which is so ass backwards cuz sleeping is what got me into this mess!! GJDHFHSD
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yall so the play im doing in school is called the night thoreau spent in jail right?
istg there have been so many variations of the titles like “the night of dr thoreau” and “the island of dr thoreau” AND I KEEP MESSING IT UP HELP-
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diiviner · 3 years
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@ohtragedy​ asked:
“I tried my best.” To bruno from alejandro
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“I know, hombrecito...” 
Bruno ruffles the child’s hair, crouched down next to him.
“I think it looks pretty great, honestly. You’re a really good artist, kid.” 
Alejandro is still so young, and yet he’s able to paint entire portraits.
“I think you got my good side, yeah?” 
He says playfully, rubbing his chin as he examines the painting. He’s almost envious, honestly. Bruno’s always been a bit of an artist, but he could never make something like this... It’s seriously very impressive.
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fagwolf-archive · 4 years
does anyone have that fucking post about thomas sanders lying about his age to go to an event full of teenagers i need it to prove a point but i cant remember which mutuals rbed it
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phykoha · 8 months
Does Mikey realize how fucking pretty he is!?
He's so pretty.
Yes (no).
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daddyn3xus · 10 months
Uh uh. When I have my crop, it isn't Skull. It's Sir. Now, on your knees~
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more random facts! bc as much as i would like to draw them i unfortunately do not have the time/energy:
- medic has an interest in lepidoptery. he has a decent collection of pinned butterflies (mostly local species!) that he carries with a lot of pride. when he moves in with engie, engie is more than happy to let him hang his collection wherever he wants
- engie found a stray dog one day on the farm when she was trying to steal some of his crops. he took her in and patched her up and named her parker (:') ). parker doesn't necessarily live with him but engie usually refers to her as his dog and she can usually be seen around the farm (and in engie's house if it's raining)
- engie keeps the farm as neat and organized as he possibly he can. he's laid down paths, has specific sections for certain types of crops, and keeps anything and everything readily available for if he needs it
- medic very rarely takes off his pendant. he only takes it off when he takes a shower or if he's doing something that might cause him to lose it (like swimming). he gets incredibly stressed if he's not wearing it for a long time/doesn't know where it is
- even though he's lived there for a lil while, engie is the only one in town who really knows anything about where medic came from. everyone knows he's from germany and that he moved to the us after medical school but no one knows anything other than that
- (also yes, he does actually have a medical license, the "that's how i lost my nedical license" thing is just a joke between him in the rest of the town)
- engie's mom is still around but she doesn't visit the farm often bc she lives so far away. the two of them call and send letters/packages to each often (she sends him cookies and other baked goods and he sends her her favorite produce through priority shipping)
- she really likes medic, actually. when engie calls her up, he lets them talk for a while too and it honestly makes him really happy that they get along so well
- (in addition, medic offhandedly mentioned to her once that he had been disowned by his parents and she then proceeded to mother over him like she does with engie. though they all knew it wasn't necessarily traditional, she was the one who walked medic down the aisle on their wedding day)
- medic does the majority of cleaning and other chores around the house bc engie cooks, grows/catches/gets food, and fixes anything that breaks. their home life is basically a domestic dream
- he stopped getting them as often for a while during college but engie's nightmares started flaring up again when he moved out to pelican town. he's not very good at it but when he and medic started dating, medic would often sing him back to sleep
- there other mercs r there too! some of them "replace" og villagers (like medic and harvey) but others are just Also There
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snufkinscreencaps · 5 years
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madmutts · 11 months
I know you’ve said your regressions are usually positive, but if you do happen to regress negatively, how do you cheer yourself up? Or how do others cheer you up?
(If this is too personal of a question, feel free to ignore it!! I’ve just been having a lot of negative regressions lately and I was wondering what other people do)
Oh, hmm.. well I guess I just spend time with my brothers. Cuddling with them and just.. being close always makes me feel better. And like... If I regress farther than normal, I like when they,, hold me like a baby. And rock me. I guess. (That's embarrassing to say but whatevs) and I have little rubber doodads that I chew on.
And this is gonna sound dumb but... Baby sensory videos. Like. The ones with the fruits and veggies jamming out to music. They always make me forget whatever tf was making me upset hdjfjdjf
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thotystark · 5 years
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sketchyrambles · 2 years
Okay, this is just for me really cause I can’t stop thinking about it but I would love to design a genshin au for Ninjago!
I don’t know a ton of lore from the game but I love the concepts and world building for genshin and I think it would be really cool to give the ninja designs if they were in game! I want to do it so bad!! But finding the time Hdjfjdjf
Anyways lol,
Kai is obviously Pryo, Jay electro, Cole geo, Zane cyro, Nya hydro, and Lloyd…. Well I’m actually not too sure. His original powers are like pure energy. I could give him dendro cause there aren’t many dendro characters and cause green lol. That or Anemo. I don’t know…. I’ll have to think on that.
Weapons wise I’d probably give Kai swords cause that’s usually the weapon he’s seen with. It could be fun to give Jay either a pole arm or catalyst. Cole definitely would be claymore. Zane I’d give a bow or pole arm for my second choice cause of season of 11. You know what I mean if you’ve watched the season hehe. For Nya…. my first choice would be catalyst. Maybe sword for my second to match Kai. But I think it would be dope if she had a giant ass claymore too lol. Lloyd is definitely a catalyst for me. But I could see him with a sword or pole arm.
I haven’t exactly thought about which regions they’d all come from seeing as there are only three available to play right now. But I think it would be funny if they all happened to become knights in Mondstat and they go around causing all sorts of chaos with their shenanigans lol.
Anyways, thanks for listening to me ramble! Maybe I’ll get around to design what they’d look like one day but for now I’m content with this word vomit lol. I’m sure I’m not the first to think of this either but have fun with this too! Id love to hear any thoughts you may have!
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