thepunkranger · 2 months
So I was thinking about Claire Redfield (as you do) and how much of an insane badass she is for not only holding her own in Raccoon City, but also protecting a child throughout the entire nightmare, and specifically how, for all intents and purposes, Claire in Resident Evil 2 during Raccoon City and Ashley in Resident Evil 4 are the closest thing to peers that they have.
Both of them are college-aged girls with zero combat/survival experience who've been dropped into a zombie-infested hellhole and have to find their way out, but Ashley is so starkly different of a character to Claire.
From a writing standpoint, Ashley is a very literal damsel in distress character. She's young, she's inexperienced, and she does, in fact, need a man to save her (no shade, I'd probably need Leon and his rippling abs to save me too). Now, she does grow significantly as a character throughout the events of the fourth game, and even gets to save Leon a couple of times, but she's still very much a young girl in need of help
Now, in comparison, Claire Redfield is a damsel in distress in the same way Meg from Hercules is
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Claire is actually canonically younger in Resident Evil 2 than Ashley is in 4, being only 19, but goddamn is this girl not going to let that stop her. And while Claire does have a bit more skill with self-defense, all that really adds up to is forcing Chris to teach her knife fighting and probably going to the shooting range with him a couple of times. Claire is very confident in herself, but she doesn't have much real world experience to back that up. Girl rode her motorcycle into a zombie-infested city with nothing but a gun (where did she get this gun? We don't know) to do a welfare check on her brother and came out less scathed than the literal cop she made friends with.
And then, there's Sherry. Claire finds a random child hiding in the police station, saying that she's looking for her mom, and makes it her personal mission to protect her at all costs. And when said girl gets taken by the literal chief of police? Claire grabs her grenade launcher and decides that's gonna be his problem because by god is she taking care of that little girl.
By the time they make it out of the city Sherry might as well be Claire's biological daughter, and she is not about to let anything happen to her (forthcoming events out of her control notwithstanding)
Which, in a way, honestly I think makes 19-year-old Claire Redfield actually a closer peer to Ethan Winters.
Ethan is a nearly 30-year-old man who works an office job (I think he's IT?) and whose wife went missing a few years ago. When he finds out she's actually alive he grabs a flashlight and hops in his car to drive to Louisiana to bring her home.
This man finds out that his wife has been possessed, and he doesn't give a shit. He loves her. He made a vow to care for and protect her, and by god is he going to test the limits of 'til death do us part. He takes on an entire family of fucked up hillbillies and literal mold demons to bring her home. And when he does? They have a daughter, and Ethan is ready to sacrifice the world for her too.
All of Resident Evil 8 is just him fighting a pantheon of demons to save his baby girl armed with nothing but a gun he grabbed off a dead guy (he's from Texas, so I'm not gonna question it) and his innate knowledge of how to make life-saving elixirs. And yes, he does save both his wife and his daughter
Idk, I just think it's interesting that Claire and Ashley are so similar in age and life experience, but Claire winds up having the most in common with the Awkward Suburban Dad in the end
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choerypetal · 5 months
The Couch / Dean Winchester
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summary: Dean and you had always harbored a fondness for each other, which became evident one night on Jody's couch when he found a way to express it during Jody's intervention at the dinner table.
ps: english isn't my first language so i apologize for any grammar errors
Jody had extended an invitation for dinner to the three of you. What neither of the boys knew was that this casual gathering swiftly transformed into an intervention, with Claire and Alex joining in. As you observed them enjoying the meal, a sense of unease crept in, heightened when Jody broached the topic of protection. Suddenly, Sam, Dean, and you found yourselves choking on your food, taken aback. "Um, excuse me?" Dean was the first to break the tense silence.
"You heard correctly," Jody's expression bore the gravity that none of you dared to challenge. With precision, she redirected the conversation to how she had stumbled upon unsettling items in Alex's bag. While acknowledging the discomfort of confronting such matters, being a girl also meant being privy to them, and a part of you felt relief knowing that Alex and Claire had Jody for these discussions—a resource you lacked.
In reality, it was Dean who helped you lose your virginity. "Helped" was an understatement; even in your mid-twenties, the notion of waiting for marriage felt long overdue. The memory was vivid: in the dead of night, with Sam in a deep slumber in the other side of the living room. Sleep eluded you, and with Dean nearby due to staying at Jody's, the proximity intensified. Coupled with your nearing ovulation, it was evident your libido was peaking. You were undeniably aroused, yet with the boys constantly present, suppressing any gesture or moan became a challenge, particularly when Dean's eyes cracked open slightly.
Dean observed the entire scene discreetly. He noticed your arm beneath the covers, your hips shifting, and your breath growing heavier. What he didn't realize was that he too felt the same arousal stirring within him. His shaft hardened, and he couldn't resist the urge to grasp it, seeking gratification in the moment. It was then that your eyes met, hesitation lingering before you confessed to him that you had never experienced sex before. To Dean's delight, he vowed to ensure that the experience would be memorable not just for him, but for you as well. 
"Earth to Y/N," Claire's voice broke through your thoughts, prompting you to snap out of your reverie, cheeks flushing. A mischievous smirk played on Claire's lips as she continued, well aware of your distraction. "I think she was daydreaming," she teased, but you quickly shook off the implication, feeling Dean's gaze upon you. It was the same caring look he always gave, checking in to ensure your comfort, whether it was about speed or pace. Despite any imperfections in the method of 'protection,' Dean excelled at making you feel cherished. "You okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice as his fingers lightly brushed your hand, offering a reassuring squeeze, to which you nodded in response.
"I'm sure she wasn't. Let's not deflect now. If we can't talk about it, maybe we shouldn't be doing it, right?" Your eyes widened at the question, inadvertently revealing your discomfort, while Dean nearly choked on his food again with a startled "What?" Despite not wanting to gross out Jody, he simply shrugged and glanced at you before continuing, "I mean..." Just as he was about to elaborate, Jody's eyes widened in realization, catching onto the unspoken understanding between the two of you. "Setting a good example!" she exclaimed, almost in a panic, prompting laughter from Alex, Claire, and Sam, who found the situation amusing. With Dean and you seated at the opposite end of the table, the awkwardness escalated. "And where was it?" Jody inquired, causing your muscles to tense as you recalled it took place right in this very house during one of Jody's trips. You nervously gulped, murmuring your answer while taking a sip of water, inadvertently prompting Jody to respond to the question herself. 
But what she didn’t know was that whoever you had spent the night, was seating just next to you. 
"On your couch..." Her expression morphed into one of disbelief, unaware that the lucky guy was actually present that evening. Despite her high expectations, she pressed on with another question. "Like a one-night stand? Or someone from work?" She almost seemed reluctant to hear the answer you were about to give. As if you were expecting to give one of those options to loosen her worry. Dean on the other, glanced at you a moment, signaling for you not to reveal it. Instead, he took the plunge and confessed. "Me."
First, Claire choked on her water, followed by Jody, their expressions a mix of uncertainty as she barely left her gaze at you. Especially from expressing you were in hope of waiting before marriage. But it was true. "It is true..." Your voice was soft, the kind of vulnerability that Dean cherished. It stirred something within him, turning him on immensely. He couldn't be prouder knowing that tonight, with that look on your face, you would be in for a delightful surprise.
"Well," Jody appeared somewhat taken aback once again, unsure of what to say next before redirecting her attention to Alex. "Please, for me. Don't follow their example, and for the love of god, don't end up on the couch either." There was a hint of obvious disapproval in her expression, eliciting chuckles from all of you as the conversation shifted back to hunting topics and other matters. 
As everyone retired for the night, despite the slightly abrupt end to dinner, you managed to finish the meal Jody had graciously offered. She had invited the three of you to spend another night at her house, recognizing the need for rest after a morning hunt that warranted a good night's sleep. However, Dean had other plans brewing in his mind.
As you slipped into your gown, Sam settled into an actual bed—the one Jody had made sure you and Dean would sleep on. Dean's smirk was unmistakable as his gaze lingered on you while you attended to your last-minute night routine in the guest bathroom. "You know," his voice was husky, unable to tear himself away from your presence, a habit he adored observing. "Oh, I know that look," now it was your turn to gaze at him, rolling your eyes in an attempt to feign innocence at his remark. "But what if Jody..."
He chuckled, drawing closer to you with his arm enveloping your waist. Despite the temptation to kiss you once more and fully express his feelings, to officially declare you as his, he resisted. "Shhh," his thumb gently traced your bottom lip as he met your gaze, then glanced towards the couch. "Alright, cowboy. But don't make me have to silence myself."
“Oh don’t worry, darlin’ I’ll make sure you don’t.”
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sassenach77yle · 3 months
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“Before I tell ye, Claire, there’s the one thing I’d ask of you,” he said slowly. “What’s that?” “Honesty.” I must have flinched uncomfortably, for he leaned forward earnestly, hands on his knees. “I know there are things ye’d not wish to tell me, Claire. Perhaps things that ye can’t tell me.” You don’t know just how right you are, I thought. “I’ll not press you, ever, or insist on knowin’ things that are your own concern,” he said seriously. He looked down at his hands, now pressed together, palm to palm. “There are things that I canna tell you, at least not yet. And I’ll ask nothing of ye that ye canna give me. But what I would ask of ye—when you do tell me something, let it be the truth. And I’ll promise ye the same. We have nothing now between us, save—respect, perhaps. And I think that respect has maybe room for secrets, but not for lies. Do ye agree?” He spread his hands out, palms up, inviting me. I could see the dark line of the blood vow across his wrist. I placed my own hands lightly on his palms. “Yes, I agree. I’ll give you honesty.” His fingers closed lightly about mine. “And I shall give ye the same. Now,” he drew a deep breath, “you asked why I wed ye.” “I am just the slightest bit curious,” I said. He smiled, the wide mouth taking up the humor that lurked in his eyes. “Well, I canna say I blame ye. I had several reasons. And in fact, there’s one—maybe two—that I canna tell ye yet, though I will in time. The main reason, though, is the same reason you wed me, I imagine; to keep ye safe from the hands of Jack Randall.” I shuddered a bit, at the memory of the Captain, and Jamie’s hands tightened on mine.
“You are safe,” he said firmly. “You have my name and my family, my clan, and if necessary, the protection of my body as well. The man willna lay hands on ye again, while I live.”
“Thank you,” I said. Looking at that strong, young, determined face, with its broad cheekbones and solid jaw, I felt for the first time that this preposterous scheme of Dougal’s might actually have been a reasonable suggestion. The protection of my body. The phrase struck with particular impact, looking at him—the resolute set of the wide shoulders and the memory of his graceful ferocity, “showing off” at swordplay in the moonlight. He meant it; and young as he was, he knew what he meant, and bore the scars to prove it. He was no older than many of the pilots and the infantrymen I had nursed, and he knew as well as they the price of commitment. It was no romantic pledge he had made me, but the blunt promise to guard my safety at the cost of his own. I hoped only that I could offer him something in return. “That’s most gallant of you,” I said, with absolute sincerity. “But was it worth, well, worth marriage?
It was,” he said, nodding. He smiled again, a little grimly this time. “I’ve good reason to know the man, ye ken. I wouldna see a dog given into his keeping if I could prevent it, let alone a helpless woman.” “How flattering,” I remarked wryly, and he laughed. He stood up and went to the table near the window. Someone—perhaps the landlady—had supplied a bouquet of wildflowers, set in water in a whisky tumbler. Behind this stood two wineglasses and a bottle. Jamie poured out two glasses and came back, handing me one as he resumed his seat. “Not quite so good as Colum’s private stock,” he said with a smile, “but none so bad, either.” He raised his glass briefly.
“To Mrs. Fraser,” he said softly, and I felt a thump of panic again. I quelled it firmly and raised my own glass.
“To honesty,” I said, and we both drank. “Well, that’s one reason,” I said, lowering my glass. “Are there others you can tell me?” He studied his wineglass with some care. “Perhaps it’s just that I want to bed you.” He looked up abruptly. “Did ye think of that?” If he meant to disconcert me, he was succeeding nicely, but I resolved not to show it. “Well, do you?” I asked boldly. “If I’m bein’ honest, yes, I do.” The blue eyes were steady over the rim of the glass. “You wouldn’t necessarily have had to marry me for that,” I objected. He appeared honestly scandalized. “You do not think I would take ye without offering you marriage!” “Many men would,” I said, amused at his innocence. He sputtered a bit, at a momentary loss. Then regaining his composure, said with formal dignity, “Perhaps I am pretentious in saying so, but I would like to think that I am not ‘many men,’ and that I dinna necessarily place my behavior at the lowest common denominator.” Rather touched by this speech, I assured him that I had so far found his behavior both gallant and gentlemanly, and apologized for any doubt I might inadvertently have cast on his motives. On this precariously diplomatic note, we paused while he refilled our empty glasses.
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years
Outlander 31 Day Challenge: Day 8
Welcome to the Outlander 31 Day Challenge!
Today is Day 8: Scene that made you cry the most
This look on Jamie's face in 05x12 "Never My Love". When he finds Claire.
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Why does it break me? Because he's promised Claire since the moment they met that he would protect her, and keep her safe ("and if necessary, the protection of my body as well). A vow he takes more seriously than any other.
Here he has failed her. It shatters him to the core.
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always-outlander · 1 year
Outlander 7x01 Thoughts & Easter Eggs
Feel free to look below the cut, spoilers ahead!
First episodes are always interesting in that they have so much hype because the fans are starved for new episodes, but they rarely do more than set the table for the rest of the season. A hard thing to juggle and be able to hold peoples attention while also jamming a lot of context clues in there. I think overall this one served its purpose and I felt like it was a wise decision for there to not be a time jump between the last episode of season 6.
That said, we all need to keep in mind the parameters of season 7 going into the rest of the episodes of this first half. The first 4 episodes of season 7 were supposed to be a part of season 6. Then the rest of season 7 was filmed with the creators not knowing if they would be given a season 8, so they jammed 3 books worth of content into it. I don’t know about everyone else, but I certainly felt that pacing and quicker speed in this first episode. With a show and book series which historically takes forever for storylines and payoffs to come to fruition, it’s hard not to feel that change.
Opening scene and “vision” (? Or is it just a thought Jamie has?) of Claire being sentenced was impactful, excellent acting once again by Caitriona. I thought the internal monologue of Jamie knowing she’s not dead was lovely and a smart way to call back their vows. He does so twice in this episode.
Bree & Roger
Bree and Roger are such dweebs and their endless use of puns and 20th century references cracks me up. That said, if they keep it up I’ll get annoyed, sometimes it feels like a cop out for better dialogue and gives the impression that these two never share serious conversations between them. I understand their dynamic is different than Jamie and Claire’s, but there is a fear that the writers are solely using their conversations as the comedic relief points in the show.
Rogers preaching leads him to Indigo Donner (the actor is perfect, he’s a sneaky snake). The fact that Roger may likely have something to do with his escape is the ultimate irony. Especially given the time taken to find the date of the house burning in the future, and that he and Bree came back to try and avoid it.
Claire’s scenes in the jail cell are great, and the women in the jail were excellent character actors, especially Sadie. When Jamie and Young Ian finally reach the jail we see our first glimpse of vengeful Jamie and while I do sometimes get frustrated with Sam’s use of a furrowed brow, his anger and reactionary body langue is still in line with young Jamie. The continuity of the character has always been impressive to me, right down to his little finger movements and facial twitches.
Claire being a healer in action was so nice to see again, I feel like it’s been a while since she’s been actively healing others. Just like the books, her skills have granted her a literal get out of jail free card.
It may just be me, but I do feel like Claire is now capable of doing some bad things and has a bit more mischief in her eyes in her old age. Jamie is still a hot head willing to break every rule to protect Claire, and her moral compass is the only thing that keeps him in line. But the older she gets, the more Jamie’s willingness to bend the rules is rubbing off on her, and I really love that we don’t always know exactly how Claire is going to react anymore. She’s got a poker face now, and it makes her far more interesting to watch.
Major McDonald on board the ship is from the books but it’s also a great scene to help move the plot along. Governor Martin was a real historical figure and the actor who plays him is another great character actor. Forcing Jamie to gather men for the revolution and pick a side has been the trend of the last 3 seasons so it comes as no surprise that he’s once again being forced to swear loyalties to the crown (and finding a way out of it).
Tom Christie
Mark Lewis Jones as Tom Christie is a wonderful casting. He’s such a strong actor and his portrayal of Tom’s (very unfortunate) unrequited love is perfectly done. The scene where Tom tells Jamie his plan to free Claire was not shown in the books, just implied. Seeing that conversation was a perfect spot for Sam and Mark to wrap a bow around Tom Christie’s character and his relationship with Jamie. The callback of Jamie’s vow to Claire on their wedding night was also a very sweet bit of added dialogue. There are many moments where the show is able to add scenes and dialogue that seamlessly fit into the story, and this is one of them.
The way in which Tom was willing to lay his life aside for Claire was a beautiful thing. Jamie putting aside his pride to allow it was a big moment for him. I also loved the eulogy moment. Jamie giving Tom the eulogy he would have wanted and deserved was such a perfect way to close out their storyline.
The scene between Claire and Tom had so many lovely call backs to the books, and majority of the dialogue was straight from the text. The scene shed light on Tom’s brother, his wife, and the reasons Tom became the man he did. It also shed light on Malva’s upbringing and how that informed Tom’s shaping of his own motive.
Claire seeing through his lies actually reinforces why he fell in love with her. When he tells her that he loves her my heart broke for him, and for Claire. It’s not like she can do anything to persuade him, and she will never reciprocate. His life for hers is the ultimate sacrifice, and a debt she knows she cannot repay to him. I thought the acting of both Cait and Mark shined brightly in this scene.
Jamie and Claire’s second reunion is cute, but this goes back to the timing issue I highlighted above. It feels off with all the abruptly cut scenes. In their first reunion, the two share a kiss and the scene immediately cuts to Jamie standing alone in the cabin with governor Martin. Then the second reunion, they meet on the docks and it immediately cuts to them laying in bed. You mean to tell me this man who just traveled for days and moved mountains to find his wife is given a literal peck of a reunion, then we skip their entire conversation and cut to them in bed hours later? It felt like they removed dialogue for the sake of run time and personally, I’d always prefer small talk with Claire and Jamie and a full two minutes of them staring into each others eyes than any B-Roll.
Third strange pacing and editing choice was when Jamie tells Claire to rest and she’s IMMEDIATELY asleep. It’s not even a minute later and he’s able to sneak out on her. At the very least they could have dimmed the lights and implied it has been an hour or so before he left.
But they redeemed themselves with the last scene between Jamie and Mr. Brown, that was great. Now that Jamie’s older and has greater responsibilities we see less of a fire in him. While his love for Claire is still strong, he’s not as reckless. But this scene shows the viewers that the fire is still very much alive in Jamie, along with his tactical mind. Having Ian go back to the ridge to implement his revenge was a great callback to young Jamie and his strengths. One of the best lines of dialogue in YEARS was:
“I’m also a violent man, any goodness that prevails in me is because of my wife. You tried to take her from me.”
THIS is what I hope we get loads of this season.
I’m optimistic after this first episode. Visually it was stunning as always, there was a lot of acting highlights for numerous characters, and the storyline and dialogue stayed true to the books when it needed to, and added more depth and context when necessary.
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sir-klauz · 11 months
My Current Anime Watch List for Autumn!
Taisho Otome Fairy Tale (Taishou Otome Otogibanashi)
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"Self-styled pessimist Tamahiko Shima lives alone in the mountains of Chiba after losing the use of his right hand in the same car accident that took his mother's life. Deemed incapable by his father and other wealthy relatives, he has been forced into exile; he experiences idle days of reading and sleepless nights of irrepressible angst. True to the Shimas' famous pride and determined not to disgrace his family, Tamahiko is resigned to his new duty—stay in the mountains and wait for death to put an end to his suffering."
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Theme: Historical
The Kingdoms of Ruin (Hametsu no Oukoku)
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"For ages, humanity flourished through the power of magic, a gift from witches to aid mankind. But times have changed. The scientific Gear Expansion has made both magic and witches obsolete. In order to liberate humanity from the blight of magic, the mighty Redia Empire began a ruthless hunt to exterminate all witches. Adonis was only a boy when the hunt began, apprentice to a witch he dearly loved. When she perishes at the hands of the empire, Adonis vows revenge. By this furious wizard's power, blood will flow!"
Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Theme: Gore
The Eminence in Shadow Season 2 (Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! 2nd Season)
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"Everything has been going according to plan, but the hour of awakening draws near. Cid Kagenou and Shadow Garden investigate the Lawless City, a cesspool where the red moon hangs low in the sky and three powerful monarchs rule the streets. The true draw for Cid, however, is one who can draw blood–the Blood Queen, a vampire who has slumbered in her coffin for aeons. Her awakening approaches, and Cid could finally face a day of reckoning."
Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Themes: Isekai, Reincarnation
I'm in Love with the Villainess (Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou.)
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"The world turns upside down when a corporate drone wakes up as Rae Taylor, the heroine in her favourite otome game, Revolution. Rae is elated at the opportunity to court Claire François, the game’s villainess and the object of her affection. Armed with her knowledge of the game and events to come, Rae sets out to make Claire fall for her. But how will the villainess take Rae’s romantic advances?"
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, GL, LGBT+
Themes: Isekai, School
After-School Hanako-Kun (Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun/Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun)
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"The ghostly Hanako-kun and his mortal assistant, Nene Yashiro, usually have their hands full resolving various supernatural incidents in Kamome Academy, but how do they spend their time when they get a break from all that? Come and watch the characters of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun play games, get sick, change genders, and discover world-shaking secrets during their laid-back after-school hours!"
Genres: Comedy, Supernatural
Themes: Parody, School
The Dangers in My Heart (Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu)
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"Kyoutarou Ichikawa may look like a shy and reserved middle school student, but deep within his heart is a bloodthirsty killer. His ultimate desire is to see his classmate Anna Yamada's beautiful face writhing in pain before he ends her life. But this fantasy may never come to fruition, as Ichikawa starts to see an entirely different side to Yamada.
Often seeking refuge in the library, Ichikawa frequently runs into Yamada. It is during these encounters that Ichikawa realizes his model classmate is actually an airhead who can never read the room. As they spend more time together, the boy can not help but feel not only a sense of endearment toward the very girl he wishes to murder but also a desire to protect her at all costs. Is it possible that this sudden change in Ichikawa's perspective could lead to something more?"
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Theme: School
The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Part 2 (Mahoutsukai no Yome Season 2 Part 2)
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"Apprentice mage Chise Hatori is invited to enroll at the College, a prestigious learning institution for sorcerers, to examine and look for a way to remove the curses she bears. Despite the reluctance of her groom, Elias Ainsworth, Chise accepts the proposal, as she believes attending the school might help her minimize her self-sacrificing tendencies.
From the get-go, Chise grabs the attention of her classmates and professors alike, who have never seen a mage in action before. However, there is a sinister plot brewing behind the College's back, and the young mage will have to determine who is a friend or foe in order to put a stop to it."
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Theme: Mythology
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"As Shy searches for ways to strengthen the power of her heart, she finds support and inspiration in unlikely places; begrudging assistance from Lady Black helps her understand struggle more as they help someone together."
Genres: Action, Drama
Theme: Super Power
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2
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"The year is 2006, and the halls of Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School echo with the endless bickering and intense debate between two inseparable best friends. Exuding unshakeable confidence, Satoru Gojou and Suguru Getou believe there is no challenge too great for young and powerful Special Grade sorcerers such as themselves. They are tasked with safely delivering a sensible girl named Riko Amanai to the entity whose existence is the very essence of the jujutsu world. However, the mission plunges them into an exhausting swirl of moral conflict that threatens to destroy the already feeble amity between sorcerers and ordinary humans.
Twelve years later, students and sorcerers are the frontline defense against the rising number of high-level curses born from humans' negative emotions. As the entities grow in power, their self-awareness and ambition increase too. The curses unite for the common goal of eradicating humans and creating a world of only cursed energy users, led by a dangerous, ancient cursed spirit. To dispose of their greatest obstacle—the strongest sorcerer, Gojou—they orchestrate an attack at Shibuya Station on Halloween. Dividing into teams, the sorcerers enter the fight prepared to risk everything to protect the innocent and their own kind."
Genres: Action, Fantasy
Theme: School
Girlfriend, Girlfriend Season 2 (Kanojo mo Kanojo Season 2)
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"After their hot springs trip, Naoya continues his relationships with both Saki and Nagisa. Bringing along Milika (who kissed Naoya) and Shino (who secretly has romantic feelings for Naoya), they embark on a summer vacation full of romance with a fireworks festival, camping, and Okinawa."
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Themes: Harem, School
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renee-writer · 8 months
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The Changeling Chapter 1
It was dangerous. She hears Geillis behind her shouting that. Still the baby’s pitiful cry draws her. Who would leave their child out in the cold to… her feet move faster.
“It is a changeling. Your messing with forces ye dinna ken!” Her mate tries once more. When her feet start up the hill, Geillis stops. She backs up. “I am out. This is on you.”
The baby lays on a rock , under a covering tree.  The poor thing’s cries get weaker.  She lifts it up, placing it against her heart.
“Poor little lamb.” She feels it’s labored breathing against her. Sick, the poor thing is sick.
She discovers it is a boy when she undresses him, shielding him from the wind, so she can exam him.
A listening ear is placed on his tiny chest. She hears the crackling. Pneumonia. He needs warmth, ginger tea , hot compresses on his chest.
“Sassanach, Geillis said you were here.”
“Jamie, he is sick. We need to get him back to Castle Leoch, so I can start treating him.”
“Nae, you need to put him back.” Her fingers stop re-bundling the baby as she stares at him.
“What? He will die out here!”
“Probably. His parents placed him out here because he is a changeling, a child replaced by the fairies. They believe there own child will be returned.”
“Insanity! He is just a sick baby!” He shrugs.
“Maybe. You need to let him be.” She ignores him, tucking the now bundled baby under her own shawl.
“He will not die from exposure. I am taking my patient back to the castle. Are you coming?”
He knows it is useless to fight about it. Pledged to defend her, he can’t against her own foolishness. Mumbling curses, he follows her down the fairy hill.
“Sassanach,” He shakes his head and helps her and her tiny burden onto Donas. He sits himself and grabs the reigns, “how is he?”
He feels horrible for praying that God takes the lad home before they reach the keep. She doesn’t understand the danger in bringing the child there.
“He is holding on. Hurry Jamie, please.”
It is her please that has him hurrying Donas into a full gallop. He should be taking his time but, he loves her. That fact and the knowledge, deep in himself, that she is right. The lad deserves a chance at life.
He will defend her against his uncle’s and anyone else who wants to harm her. That is his vow. The protection of his body. It might well come to that.
“Well, if it isn’t the Frasers. What do you have there?” Angus looks at her chest where the child lays still.
“My latest patient.” She dismisses him like she would a bothersome fly, without a backwards glance.
Jamie gives Angus a warning look. After seeing Donas to a nearby lad, he hurries after his wife.
She heads straight to their room. Most people she passes treat her with deference. She is honored as a healer. Some lasses though, see her only as the interloper who stole Jamie away.
“What do you need?” He asks as soon as their door is shut. His preference is that as little people know of the existence of the wee lad. If he survives then he will, nae, they will decide what to do then.
She gets it. “Thank you.” She gives him a list of supplies to fetch from her surgery.
“Bolt the door behind me. I will call out when I return.”
She nods and does. Then she strips her little patient in front of the roaring fire. In it’s light, she sees that his nail beds are blueish. “Little man, I am Claire. I am going to do all I can to save you, alright. You have to give me a hand. Fight.”
She starts to heat flannel over the fire. His chest is raspy and it pulls in at each inhale. She gives him a thirty percent chance of living the night out.
“At least he will be here, in the warmth, being taken care of.” She thinks.
Jamie returns. She lets him in and he bolts the door behind himself.
She wraps the baby up in the warm flannel. Ginger root is crushed fine and brewed into a tea.  She adds a bit of honey to it. After it cools some, she spoons it into his tiny mouth. More ginger is wrapped in a small cloth and placed on his chest.
She holds him, rocking and softly singing a song she recalls her mum singing to her.
“Now what?” Jamie sits by her.
“We wait and see if he has the fight to live.”
Jamie starts to pray.
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Catherine of Aragon's final letter to Henry VIII: fake or real
Some years after her death the text of a letter she supposedly dictated to her husband as she lay on her deathbed began to circulate amongst Roman Catholic writers.
My Lord and dear husband, The hour of my death now approaching, I cannot choose but, out of the love I bear you, to advise you of your soul’s health, which you ought to prefer before all considerations of the world or flesh whatsoever. For which yet you have cast me into many calamities, and yourself into many troubles. But I forgive you all, and pray God to do so likewise. For the rest, I commend unto you Mary, our daughter, beseeching you to be a good father to her. I must entreat you also to look after my maids, and give them in marriage, which is not much, they being but three, and to all my other servants, a year’s pay besides their due, lest otherwise they should be unprovided for until they find new employment. Lastly, I want only one true thing, to make this vow: that, in this life, mine eyes desire you alone. May God protect you. -Tremlett, Giles, Catherine of Aragon: The Spanish Queen of Henry VIII
Supposedly she signed it as “Katharyne the Quene”. One of Catherine's biographer's, Giles Tremlett, takes this last letter with a healthy dose of skepticism. He believes that it "is almost certainly fictitious". He does though concede that the letter may have reflected what she was feeling in the early hours of the 7th of January. His version is different from the one that appears in Patrick Williams’s biography. 
My Lord and dear husband, I commend myself to you. The hour of my death draws near, and my condition is such that, because of the tender love that I owe to you, and in only a few words, I put you in remembrance of the heath and safeguard of your soul, which you ought to prefer before all worldly matters and before the care and tendering of your own body, for the which you have cast me into many miseries and yourself into many anxieties. For my part I do pardon you all, yes I do wish and devoutly pray to God that He will also pardon you. For the rest, I commend unto you Mary, our daughter, beseeching you to be a good father to her, as I heretofore desired. I entreat you also, on behalf of my maids, to give them marriage-portions, which is not much, since there are only three of them. For all my other servants, I ask for one year’s pay more than their due, lest they should be unprovided for. Lastly, do I vow, that mine eyes desire you above all things. - Williams, Patrick. Katharine of Aragon: The Tragic Story of Henry VIII’s First Unfortunate Wife
Other scholars take it at face value that such a letter existed – Patrick Williams is one. Amy Licence writes that "it is by no means certain that this is a genuine letter, surviving in a later document rather than the State Papers and Letters." Linda Porter writes "In its dignified pathos and remembrance of a great and, for the writer, enduring love, it is one of the most moving farewells in the English language". Claire Ridgway believes " it rings true with Catherine's behaviour and her character". If it was fictitious, Claire is not sure that the writer would have bothered with the financial details. The Catholic recusant Nicholas Sander, writing in Elizabeth I’s reign, reported that “The king could not refrain from tears when he read the letter [Catherine’s last letter to him] ... " If Henry read Catherine's letter, it means that someone sent it to him from Kimbolton. Perhaps Henry saved the letter and it fell into the hands of a Catherine's supporter.
There’s no mention of it in diplomatic missives. Eustace Chapuys, who was the ambassador from the Holy Roman Empire and Catherine’s nephew Charles V, never mentioned it when writing to his lord. It would make sense for Queen Catherine to trust Chapuys with the knowledge of such a letter – but there is no mention. He did write, however, of a request that Catherine made of Henry to take care of her servants after her death (it cannot really be termed a will as at the time English law forbade women from writing wills if their husbands were living – as technically everything the wife owned belonged to the husband).
Knowing that according to English law a wife can make no will while her husband survives, she would not break the said laws, but by way of request caused her physician to write a little bill, which she commanded to be sent to me immediately, and which was signed by her hand, directing some little reward to be made to certain servants who had remained with her. -Eustace Chapuys to Charles V, 21 January 1536.
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swoomoo · 7 months
Part 2 of my very brief short character background requested by @nerdhangout
She spent the next few years in the Sabbat and only escaped once another superior an her created an emotional bond. (A Malk whose curse made them think they were so ugly only the Sabbat would accept them) Once she killed their other pack member during the low of their group blood bond they ran. After running Amare had only her new friend. She started learning about kindred society and actually started to gain affection for a human woman named Claire (platonic) and became her friend. The woman had a child named Vesper (COUGH COUGH @informaltorching) and she continued to watch them. That bitch named Lucy shows back up because she was turned by that Tzimisce before she fully died and she is PISSED at Amare. She kills Claire (Sorry Vesper) and fucks off. Amare is devastated and blames herself for he own mother and Claire dying, both to the same nasty monster. She turns to see little 12 year old Vesper freaking out crying his mom was eaten so Amare wipes his memory. She vows to protect him no matter what. She takes that very seriously and spends the next 27 years perfecting him deciding she wants to embrace him because that is the only way to truly protect him from other kindred. Once he is back from college though she is surprised to see Vesper is actually really hot and aged as an adult like wine and goes "Well, might as well enjoy this" but the little shit goes and joins the second inquisition because his daddy went crazy after Claire died. She follows Vesper all the way to London where he was killed and sired but some Banu Haqim loser and finally Amare convinced Vesper to leave the Camarilla to be with her. He was scared of his curse since Banu are so extra with wanting snacks when they get mad so she convinced him to blood bond to her and exclusively feed from her (He is a blood leech).
That is where our story picks up. Beyond that my character has really high Wits, Stealth, Awareness and Larceny. They pride themselves on being superior to Nosferatu at getting info. They are a pred type pursuer since they like to watch people... Currently has Oblivion 3, Potence 2, Dominate 1, Auspex 1. She wants to protect Vesper her beloved and also join the Amici Noctis.
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Just days after Illinois became the ninth U.S. state to ban assault rifles, the state already hit a roadblock to implementing the law: defiant sheriff's offices.
At least 74 Illinois sheriff's departments have publicly vowed to defy elements of a recent gun-control law signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, which banned assault weapons, high-capacity magazines and switches. The offices have vowed to not check if weapons are registered with the state or house individuals arrested only for not complying with the law.
As the number of uncooperative sheriff's offices increased, Pritzker has made his own vow – to ensure those members of law enforcement who fail to "do their job… won't be in their job."
The Illinois Sheriffs' Association issued a statement Wednesday expressing continued opposition to the law. Simultaneously, dozens of sheriff's offices began to post nearly identical messages promising they would not check for compliance with the law or arrest offenders of the law.
Jim Kaitschuk, executive director of the Illinois Sheriffs' Association, said he drafted the statement which sheriff's offices began to sign or modify.
"Therefore, as the custodian of the jail and chief law enforcement official for DuPage County, that neither myself nor my office will be checking to ensure that lawful gun owners register their weapons with the State, nor will we be arresting or housing law abiding individuals that have been charged solely with non-compliance of this Act," DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick wrote in a statement, which was mirrored by dozens of other offices.
With a population of over 920,000 residents, DuPage County is the largest county to defy the law.
ABC News was able to identify at least 59 sheriff's offices that issued a nearly identical statement, the main identifiable difference between the statements being the letterhead and name of the county in the text of the statement.
In total, at least 74 offices said they plan to not use resources to enforce elements of the law, impacting nearly 4,000,000 Illinois residents, or over 30 percent of the state's residents.
Other than DuPage county, the most populous counties in Illinois – Cook, Lake, and Will Counties – have not issued any statement opposing the law. The deadly 2022 Highland Park parade shooting took place in Lake County, which is enforcing the law. Most of the sheriff's offices opposing the law reside in counties with less than 100,000 residents, though nine defiant counties have populations exceeding 100,000.
Kaitschuk said he disagreed with the idea that sheriffs have an obligation to check compliance with the law or house offenders in their jails.
"That is not a charge that is provided to us, or mandated to us in the bill that passed and was signed by the Governor," he said.
Many of the sheriffs defying the law have described their opposition to the law as akin to civil disobedience to protect the Second Amendment.
"We will not be enforcing it in this county; I will also not house anyone in my jail that has violated this act because we know it to be an unlawful act by the general assembly and the Governor," Jefferson County Sheriff Jeff Bullard Sr. said in an online video.
Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell, whose jurisdiction covers nearly 200,000 residents, signed a modified version of the statement. In an interview with ABC News, Campbell based his opposition to the law due to both adherence to the Constitution and the ineffectiveness of the law.
"The law will have zero impact on the murder rate in the state of Illinois," Campbell said.
Some offices took less defiant stances which include waiting for movement from the courts or legislative action.
"I understand that our nation had witnesses frequent tragedies involving gun violence and I am in no way attempting to minimize the impact these events have had," St. Clair County Sheriff Richard Watson wrote in a statement, in which he said he opposed the law but did not promise to defy it.
When asked why he decided to not enforce the law rather than wait for action from the courts, Campbell returned his belief that the law is unconstitutional and will eventually be struck down.
"Because between now or Tuesday when the bill was signed into law by the Governor, how many people can have their constitutional rights violated?" he asked. “And I don’t believe any U.S. citizens should ever have their country’s rights violated at anytime."
Pritzker addressed the defiance, commenting that members of law enforcement who fail to enforce it might lose their job.
"The fact is that yes there are of course people who are trying to politically grandstand, who want to make a name for themselves by claiming that they will not comply," he said. "But the reality is that the state police is responsible for enforcement, as are all law enforcement all across our state and they will in fact do their job or they won't be in their job."
Kaitschuk rebutted the idea that Pritzker has the authority to fire members of law enforcement, especially elected sheriffs.
"I'm just not aware of any provision that provides the Governor that opportunity to do so," he said.
Eric Ruben, a law professor at Southern Methodist University and fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice, told ABC News that the public statements made by the sheriffs could significantly impact residents' behavior.
"Even if it's posturing and political, it does send a signal to residents in these communities that they don't have to worry about the law," he said.
Ruben added when sheriffs made public statements about the enforcement and constitutionality of a similar 2013 New York state law requiring the registrations of assault rifles, New York received far fewer registrations than expected, suggesting noncompliance with the law.
"Ultimately, it's not the sheriff's job to decide on the constitutionality of laws," he said. "That's generally something that the courts do."
On Thursday, Pritzker reaffirmed his stance that the sheriff's offices should not be making decisions about which laws to enforce and which to ignore.
"You know, you can have all the resolutions and declarations that you want," Pritzker said. "The reality is that the laws that are on the books, you don't get to choose which ones people are going to follow."
Ruben added that the sheriffs' public statements about checking that residents register their guns could be a "red herring" or distraction since the law does not call on law enforcement to check that citizens register their firearms unprompted.
Pritzker made a similar point on Friday, noting that registering the guns is ” not something that requires the intervention of a sheriff.”
Kaitschuk said the Illinois Sheriffs' Association does not intend to challenge the law in court; however, on Tuesday, the Illinois State Rifle Association declared its intention to go to court.
"Challenge accepted. The Illinois State Rifle Association will see the State of Illinois in court," Richard Pearson, the association's executive director, said.
During a bill signing on Friday, Pritzker remarked he was confident the state law was constitutional.
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edenfelled · 9 months
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This headcanon was originally posted on @rosafulmen ! I have tidied it up for this blog.
no one look at me, i am having brainrot for a FFX failed!guardian lightning. she became a guardian for serah who desperately wanted to defeat sin, but she was ultimately unable to protect her when the time came. despite that, her skill and expertise in guardianship is second to none, and other summoners seek her out to try and assist their parties.
i've attached some other thoughts below the cut.
claire and serah grew up in luca after being orphaned at a young age. although the port doesn't have a dedicated temple, much of the people who assisted the girls during this time ( at least until claire was old enough ) were yevonites, which helped serah instil a firm belief in the religion. i don't think claire ever held an overtly negative opinion to the church, she just... didn't see the point in praying to a god who implied the reason their parents died was the result of them not being 'pure' enough. she also quickly picked up the dichotomy of acceptable and unacceptable machina, even if she wasn't allowed to talk about it.
claire joined the crusaders as soon as they would take her, mostly working odd jobs around the city. like the guardian corps, this gave her the ability to provide for her sister at the cost of her time. serah met snow during this time — and up-and-coming blizball star for the luca goers — and began to seriously consider becoming a summoner.
this was also the time where claire changed her name to lightning. it likely started as a codename she adopted and was reinforced during the pilgrimage, especially after journeying through the thunder plains.
lightning returned home as soon as she learned of her sister's plan and the two got into a massive argument. serah would not budge on her plans despite her outrage, and snow was fully prepared to drop his blizball career in order to support her. not only did lightning not approve of their relationship but she was convinced snow would get her killed. she became a guardian only to show them both how stupid the idea was.
serah attends her first temple, gains her fayth and the pilgrimage begins. there's also huge opportunity for the other cast to integrate here. maybe sazh lost his son and became a guardian for him, or maybe fang/vanille were another prototype dream before tidus? no matter who, they journey the land until they finally reach zanarkand.
serah ends up choosing snow to be her final aeon due to the love they held for each other ( i vibe with the idea that he promised to marry her after she got the aeon and... well. ) and the knowledge that lightning would completely reject yunalesca's truth. this means lightning was not privy to what went on inside the room of the fayth — she saw two enter and one leave.
i don't really know if my personal ship for snow / lightning applies in this verse but it can go one of two ways. whether she secretly loves him or she's finally accepted him as being worthy for serah, he sacrifices himself for what is ultimately a few years of peace. this nearly leads her to attack yunalesca, only for serah to intervene and remind her that all their work is for nothing if they die.
in the end, though they reached sin, serah was struck down before she could complete the ritual and dies in lightning's arms. no one really blamed lightning for being unable to protect her; the life of a summoner and her guardians is a perilous one, safety is not guaranteed, and a guardian can do everything they can and it still not be enough. lightning could not protect serah from sin itself. all it did was instil in her the senselessness of the pilgrimage.
with nowhere else to go, lightning returns to luca where she is constantly propositioned by summoners looking for an experienced guardian. she rejects every single one until yuna.
auron specifically sought her out after serah's death. as the both of them were products of a malignant belief, they vowed to undo the cycle. this means that lightning wouldn't say anything about the final aeon, despite knowing a guardian would have to die, and wouldn't interject when the others were offering themselves during zanarkand. I don't know (?) if she would know he was unsent, but it ultimately wouldn't matter to her.
i also have two ideas for snow's fayth. one, light buries it somewhere in zanarkand and gives up the location to yuna after they defeat yunalesca. though he would not be her final aeon, she is able to ensure his death wasn't for nothing and he could assist yuna during the fight with sin — ultimately freeing him and avenging serah. two, she's had it on her the whole time and basically does the same thing minus leading them to the fayth. if a baby seymour can carry anima around before a temple, so can she.
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marsalimackimmie · 2 years
Outlander Vampire AU
All the Randall men are Legacy Vampires, which means they can age if they want to, have children, and generally go out into the sun without harm so long as they stay well fed on blood. The Randall line in particular is very ancient and very proud of/obsessed with its own history, despite the fact that they also obsess over keeping it secret.
Captain Jack Randall’s military career is an especially good way to feed without raising suspicion, but he’s reckless and enjoys the fear that comes when people discover him too much. He often reveals himself on purpose to prisoners before they “die mysteriously” under his care.
However, one prisoner named Jamie Fraser was hardier than Randall expected– by all logic he should be dead after being flogged AND drunk from all on the same day. But Jamie is stubborn, and survived just long enough to be rescued by his kinsmen. So Randall let him go. Even though he knew he just accidentally created a new vampire.
Years later, Jamie has learned how to deal with his new… condition. Sticking to the shadows and night suits him just fine as an outlaw. 
Still, when he’s invited to stay at Leoch after returning from France, he knows he has to go. For Murtagh if not for himself.
Along the way, he meets a woman named Claire. And aside from her beauty and mysterious identity, there’s something about her that calls to him. Something familiar.
Claire feels it too, but unlike Jamie she has to know-how to understand what it is. Because back in the future, Claire knows all about her husband Frank’s curse. He explained it to her the night before their wedding, so she'd have all the facts before vowing to be his wife forever. 
Ever since that night, she has let Frank drink her blood to sustain him. He’s always very careful to only take what he needs, and what she can give. This constant feeding developed a psychic bond between them, which Claire cheekily calls their 'vampire bond'.
Their bond grew weaker during the war, but Claire can still feel him in the back of her mind no matter how far apart they are.
Until she time travels, that is. Two centuries before he was born, the spot he usually occupies in her head has been filled by something else, something much more sinister. She knows it must be Frank's ancestor, the current head of the Randall family, but that doesn’t explain why she feels connected to Jamie, a random highlander who should have no connection to the Randall magic. 
Once they get to know each other a bit more, Claire decides the “why” doesn’t matter so much. Jamie is a good man, and he’s clearly struggling as a vampire. One night, in exchange for protection, she offers him her arm to drink from. And Jamie is shocked as fuck.
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whackdreamer · 1 year
Night of the Fireflies (Storyline) 
Manga spoilers: Claire goes on a journey and finds herself in the Spade Kingdom. Nacht/Claire centric. 
Lucina’s secret led Claire to investigate the mysterious energy that was growing within the Spade Kingdom. Claire started traveling around in disguise and interacted among the Spade locals. From here she would discover the atrocities being committed by the Zogratis siblings to the innocent citizens. The soldiers were granted the devil’s power and brought terror wherever they went, while the citizens lived in fear of them. 
Claire would meet the Spade resistance and assist them in their efforts to protect the people from the evil followers of the Zogratis siblings. She would go to places, rescuing kidnapped civilians and bringing them to the resistance’s hideout. Through her efforts she would then meet and befriend Queen Ciel. 
Eventually Nacht and Claire’s paths would cross. Nacht was shocked to find Claire in Spade, but his initial reaction was to push her away because of his guilt from Morgen’s death. Yet Claire wasn’t showing signs of hostility towards him. Instead, she voiced her concern that what Nacht was doing was even more dangerous. 
Nacht focused on his mission as a spy and gathered information on the Zogratis’ plans while Claire kept running around to rescue Spade civilians. He couldn’t understand the reason behind her actions and berated that her kindness would eventually get her killed.  
Then one unfortunate event led to a battle between Vanica and Claire after Vanica tried to find out about the rumors of a spy loitering in Spade. The fight would end with Claire sustaining a mortal injury, but Nacht helped her escape from the battle against Vanica. 
Claire’s limp and bloodied body in Nacht’s arms brought back bitter memories to Nacht. He did his best to find a way to save Claire. He vowed that not another righteous person would die in his arms. He swallowed all his pride and begged Queen Ciel to heal Claire. 
Fortunately, Claire and Queen Ciel already had a shared bond and healed her without question. 
A worried Nacht stayed by her side until she was able to regain consciousness. He then apologized to Claire and told the whole story on what happened with Morgen’s death. 
Claire patiently listened to his story. When he finished, Claire told him that she knew all along and hated that she could’ve spared Morgen his death if only she dared to stop him instead. But because she cared too much about hurting Morgen’s feelings, they all ended up getting hurt as a result. 
She told Nacht that she couldn’t handle losing anyone important to her anymore. And how he should also value his life, as it was the life that Morgen saved. 
But Nacht continued to act stubbornly as he thought he didn’t deserve to be forgiven and went off. He left Claire under the Resistance’s care while she was recovering from her injuries. 
[Note: At this point. The plot closely follows canon manga events. But for now, the storyline is thought up until this point] 
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
You have my name, my clan, my family, and - if necessary - the protection of my body as well. - Jamie to Claire, 1x07 "The Wedding"
You think I dinna curse myself every day, for what happened to you? - Jamie to Claire, 6x02 "Allegiance"
It breaks my heart that Jamie feels he has broken his most fundamental vow to Claire.
I do wonder whether in Season 7B - or in Season 8 - we'll see what Jamie does at the very end of An Echo In The Bone, when Claire least expects it.
That is, hunt down and kill the one man from that fateful night who got away.
The pain is there even years later. Will always be there.
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notladylikes · 10 months
let's talk about mackenzie and her bff claire in the fallout universe.
mack is the daughter of a raider, her mum gets killed in the crossfire, dad abandons his kid before he's gunned down by minutemen. she's only seven when it happens and is left to wander the wastes.
at some point in time - after she's gone and grown up a little, she meets claire. who subsequently saves her from a group of cannibal raiders who are wanting to feast on her flesh in order to sacrifice her to the mothman.
claire and mack travel the wasteland - taking settlements from raiders, helping save fallen individuals, just casually causing chaos and wreaking havoc on the world around them. all the while mackenzie keeps claire's secret that she's going ghoul, vows to protect claire with her life.
eventually mackenzie dies - by the hand of an institute merc. claire is the one to bury her body and eventually visits it everyday. when claire turns feral, she is the one that now haunts mackenzie's grave site, a silent protector over her fallen friend even after she's lost all her faculties.
in life and eventually in death, claire and mackenzie stick together through the ins and outs and everything. mackenzie is sure she wouldn't have survived without claire at her side.
in short i love claire and mackenzie's friendship and i will sacrifice anyone and everyone to the gods if it means keeping them safe and together, don't try me.
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bludxstain · 2 years
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“That’s the problem with people today. They’ve lost faith and in that loss, they no longer know who they should fear.”
Name: kol mikaelson -  ᚲᛟᛚ ᛗᛁᚲᚨᛖᛚᛋᛟᚾ Age: 20/1000+ Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: cis man, he/his, pansexual. species: original vampire Loyalty: mikaelsons Relationship status: davina claire ( wife - separated from ) Family: freya & rebekah ( sisters ) ; finn, elijah, klaus & henrik ( brothers ) Children: n/a Extended family: hope mikaelson ( niece )
growing up kol always felt like the black sheep of the family. he was never loved much by his other and his father barely glanced at him. he always kept to himself and would act out to gain some sort of attention. he was known as the troublemaker of the family and would constantly be known as the wily fox. he didn’t truly fit in with the family but he did find a best friend in dear sweet rebekah and henrik, and while he didn’t fit into the always and forever that his other siblings believed in kol always treasured rebekah and henriks company.
when he and his siblings were turned into vampires a whole new world was opened up for kol. he tore through history as the worst nightmare out there. there were many stories about the psychotic maniac that floated around and while the human species did not know who it was, his family did. it was no surprise to him when he was always the first to get the dagger. every time he was allowed out the more his resentment grew for his siblings.
it wasn’t until he was trapped into the body of a witch in new orleans that he had a different outlook on life. until a pretty little witch came into his life and made him see the different side of things. while he could still be a terror and a nightmare he saw a new side of things. and when he came back into his own body he realized that the witch he had once possessed had a child kol vowed that he would do whatever it took to keep that child safe. he would look out for her from time to time or he would get one of his line to protect her. when she became of age he grew distant and focused on his own family drama.
crazy ex-girlfriend - this is someone that kol dated in the past, they can be vampire or witch, they were happy once but kol burned her badly. she came back into his life and noticed his happiness and wanted that to end quickly. she threatened davina’s life, said that if he didn’t leave with her that davina’s life would come to a terrible and messy end and he could not risk that. he’s been travelling at her side for the past 6 months and is finally back in mystic falls
sire line - these would be vampires that kol has created over the years, the vampires that are loyal to him and have been there for him whenever he’s needed them
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