#i still have so many to go but this verse is one of her most expansive so
edenfelled · 9 months
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This headcanon was originally posted on @rosafulmen ! I have tidied it up for this blog.
no one look at me, i am having brainrot for a FFX failed!guardian lightning. she became a guardian for serah who desperately wanted to defeat sin, but she was ultimately unable to protect her when the time came. despite that, her skill and expertise in guardianship is second to none, and other summoners seek her out to try and assist their parties.
i've attached some other thoughts below the cut.
claire and serah grew up in luca after being orphaned at a young age. although the port doesn't have a dedicated temple, much of the people who assisted the girls during this time ( at least until claire was old enough ) were yevonites, which helped serah instil a firm belief in the religion. i don't think claire ever held an overtly negative opinion to the church, she just... didn't see the point in praying to a god who implied the reason their parents died was the result of them not being 'pure' enough. she also quickly picked up the dichotomy of acceptable and unacceptable machina, even if she wasn't allowed to talk about it.
claire joined the crusaders as soon as they would take her, mostly working odd jobs around the city. like the guardian corps, this gave her the ability to provide for her sister at the cost of her time. serah met snow during this time — and up-and-coming blizball star for the luca goers — and began to seriously consider becoming a summoner.
this was also the time where claire changed her name to lightning. it likely started as a codename she adopted and was reinforced during the pilgrimage, especially after journeying through the thunder plains.
lightning returned home as soon as she learned of her sister's plan and the two got into a massive argument. serah would not budge on her plans despite her outrage, and snow was fully prepared to drop his blizball career in order to support her. not only did lightning not approve of their relationship but she was convinced snow would get her killed. she became a guardian only to show them both how stupid the idea was.
serah attends her first temple, gains her fayth and the pilgrimage begins. there's also huge opportunity for the other cast to integrate here. maybe sazh lost his son and became a guardian for him, or maybe fang/vanille were another prototype dream before tidus? no matter who, they journey the land until they finally reach zanarkand.
serah ends up choosing snow to be her final aeon due to the love they held for each other ( i vibe with the idea that he promised to marry her after she got the aeon and... well. ) and the knowledge that lightning would completely reject yunalesca's truth. this means lightning was not privy to what went on inside the room of the fayth — she saw two enter and one leave.
i don't really know if my personal ship for snow / lightning applies in this verse but it can go one of two ways. whether she secretly loves him or she's finally accepted him as being worthy for serah, he sacrifices himself for what is ultimately a few years of peace. this nearly leads her to attack yunalesca, only for serah to intervene and remind her that all their work is for nothing if they die.
in the end, though they reached sin, serah was struck down before she could complete the ritual and dies in lightning's arms. no one really blamed lightning for being unable to protect her; the life of a summoner and her guardians is a perilous one, safety is not guaranteed, and a guardian can do everything they can and it still not be enough. lightning could not protect serah from sin itself. all it did was instil in her the senselessness of the pilgrimage.
with nowhere else to go, lightning returns to luca where she is constantly propositioned by summoners looking for an experienced guardian. she rejects every single one until yuna.
auron specifically sought her out after serah's death. as the both of them were products of a malignant belief, they vowed to undo the cycle. this means that lightning wouldn't say anything about the final aeon, despite knowing a guardian would have to die, and wouldn't interject when the others were offering themselves during zanarkand. I don't know (?) if she would know he was unsent, but it ultimately wouldn't matter to her.
i also have two ideas for snow's fayth. one, light buries it somewhere in zanarkand and gives up the location to yuna after they defeat yunalesca. though he would not be her final aeon, she is able to ensure his death wasn't for nothing and he could assist yuna during the fight with sin — ultimately freeing him and avenging serah. two, she's had it on her the whole time and basically does the same thing minus leading them to the fayth. if a baby seymour can carry anima around before a temple, so can she.
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foldingfittedsheets · 8 months
At this point in our relationship my betrothed is well versed in my compulsive need to help animals. It wasn’t part of their upbringing but it was a huge part of mine. So now whether it’s lost dogs or injured birds they know that for me it’s not a matter of convenience, it’s just the only possible option.
My most notable rescue took place during one of the least opportune times. We were watching a friends boxer puppy, Bella. The dog was dumber than a box of rocks and I took deep offense that at six months old she still didn’t know her own name. My betrothed and I were working with her on that as well as leash manners, so we walked her frequently.
On our way home from a walk I looked across the street and saw a cat. My betrothed didn’t need to ask, it was simply a given that faced with a cat I’d go say hello, so they waited with Bella as I crossed the road.
As I approached the cat several things caught my attention. The first was that he wasn’t wearing a collar. The second was that his coat was greasy and disheveled- this was not a cat that was thriving if he didn’t have energy to groom. The third thing was that he was way too skinny, with bones jutting out from his shabby coat.
The fourth thing I noticed was that this cat was a purebred Bengal.
Now, I understand that it’s suspect to identify cats as bengals. Many people see tabbies and call them bengals. But as a teenager I became obsessed with these cats and went on a hyper obsessive deep dive. I spent hours reading about them, looking at pictures, and dreaming about Bengal cats.
The cat in front of me had unmistakable rosettes, the narrow frame, piercing eyes, and from a very rough estimation probably cost thousands of dollars. There was no world in which he should be wandering my neighborhood with no collar and his ribs jutting out.
Which all led me to one conclusion. He was lost.
The second I realized that it was over. It wasn’t a matter of thinking the situation through it was a simple conclusion: he was lost so I would help him by any means necessary.
This sweet cat showed he was friendly and trotted right over to greet me. I pet him and tentatively went for a lift. He did not care for that. Suddenly we were tussling, and it was instantly clear to me that he was going to stay lost if I couldn’t restrain him, so we pitted all our wiles against each other and at one point I had him agonizingly by just a toe but I refused to let go and finally I had him in my arms, one hand scruffing him and the other supporting his weight.
That’s when I noticed a couple things. There was blood dripping down my elbow. Across the street Bella was going crazy barking and pulling toward me and the cat. And my betrothed was giving me an agonized look.
Without a word they started power walking Bella back to our house. I followed at a slower pace, keeping my grip on this poor lost cat.
It was a warm summer afternoon and several neighbors were out chatting. They saw the circus parade of my betrothed dragging a yelping puppy and me following holding a screaming cat.
Oh yeah. So I forgot to mention. Bengals are not normal cats. They’re bred back with a wild cat and their vocalizations are on a completely different level. The cat in my arms wasn’t meowing or yowling. Instead he was making one long continuous eldritch wailing, oscillating in rage and distress.
My neighbors saw this, me, stonefaced carrying a cat who was casting evil spells with his voice, blood dripping down my arm, while a puppy frantically fought my betrothed to reach us, and they laughed.
I don’t think I’ve ever been more offended that no one offered any assistance, but it was fine. I knew I could count on my betrothed. I slowed my steps slightly again when I saw my betrothed round our corner. I knew they would kennel the puppy and bring a cat crate for me.
Sure enough, I rounded the corner and they had our door open, crate at the ready. I popped the Bengal into the carrier and we shut him into the bathroom.
Then I looked at my shaking, bloody hand. He’s scraped his back claws up me and it wasn’t deep but I was bleeding heavily. Then I looked at my betrothed and started to cry.
They held me while I had a panic attack and helped me thoroughly peroxide my cuts.
“That was so brave, weren’t you scared to grab him?” they asked me.
Truly, no. I think to be brave or scared you need to actually conceptualize what you’re doing and I hadn’t. I saw a cat that needed help, and then there wasn’t options, I just acted.
They asked what my plan was and I didn’t have one. Where would we put him, in a home with three other cats and a puppy? I don’t know. I just grabbed him.
We ended up calling a friend who’s special interest is dog rescue. She brought her chip reader and a huge dog crate we could keep him in overnight with a disposable little box, food, and water.
He’d been summoning demons behind the bathroom door the whole time, making sounds previously confined to various netherworlds but she bravely uncaged him to read if he had a chip. No, to my surprise. It also turned out he was a love machine despite the ghastly sounds.
We loved on him and gave him small portions of food every fifteen minutes so he didn’t eat himself sick.
The next day we brought him to the local pet rescue, after I called ahead to warn them I was bringing in a Bengal. The lady had a very blasé attitude about this claim, clearly used to people claiming every lost tabby was a rare cat breed.
When she pulled him out of the crate she exclaimed, “Oh my god, it is a Bengal!”
“That’s what I promised. One whole ass Bengal.”
We said our goodbyes to the sweet man, and the posted him on the website as a found pet. He was picked up by his family two days later. I’ll never know how he escaped but I’m certain his family was so grateful to have him returned.
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boxingcleverrr · 9 months
Popular Hades & Persephone "retellings" are, rightly, getting dunked on all over the socials right now and, as a Pagan who has an altar to the Queen, I could not be happier. But also, I feel like a lot of people miss WHY they're bad - aside from just plain bad writing and lazy tropes. Which are, yeah, also REALLY bad.
Pretty much all retellings try to wave away, or excuse, or twist the whole kidnapping bit. And I actually do have sympathy and understanding for why, when speaking from a modern perspective.
But honestly...you gotta get over it. There are other stories to play fix-it with, not this one.
The Abduction is The Thing.
Were I a little more sober I could bring up chapter and verse of the Hymn to Demeter but frankly, if you know even the middle school mythology curriculum version of the story, you SHOULD know the themes. The story of Persephone was one mothers and daughters in the ancient world held dear, because it was a reality: you will, one day, be swept away from your home to go cleave to a man you most likely know nothing about. You will miss your mother, but chances are very good that he will be a good husband, once you get to know him, certainly better than Zeus or Ares, and he will make you a queen of his home.
Leaving home to marry was often scary, and violent (look up the history of the tradition of Bridesmaids, if you don't already know it - they were originally decoys on the marriage road). Centuries later we'd have tales like Beauty & The Beast serving the same function: comfort, hope, you are leaving your safe loving home to figure life out with a (often older, powerful) stranger. Your trauma over this sudden ending of your childhood made manifest in a Beast, or a God of The Underworld.
It's wonderful that we don't NEED stories like this anymore to comfort us (here, at least, in this culture). But if you try to force them into modern vernacular it just will not work, not really, because you're gutting out the whole point just to have a more tidy romantic male hero.
I have read MANY very good ...novelizations? fanfic(? however you would frame them, but they're certainly not "retellings"), etc. that simply take advantage of the blank spaces in the myth, and there are many!
It's not explicit that sexual assault happens - "The Rape of Persephone" as a title was coined in much earlier eras, when the word was just as often used to simply refer to abduction.
"She was starving!" the gods didn't need to eat. So it's easy to read her eating the Pom seeds as a deliberate choice on her part. Like, shit, people, scholars have written whole papers on the symbolism of this moment, between marriage rites and even yeah, Seph choosing both worlds with her husband's knowing consent.
And that, I think, is the real heart of the thing. People want an utterly mundane, spelled-out story here, as opposed to what it really is, has always been, just like any other myth or religious parable: IT'S A METAPHOOOOOOR.
They don't need to be destined, or meet at a goddamned BALL and then CONSPIRE to fake her kidnapping, or shit, I once saw one where Hades got MIND CONTROLLED by Zeus?! Jesus.
Persephone was yoinked into the Underworld against her will.
That's how it went.
I don't mean this in a "stay out of my belief system!" way, shit I'm a white American chick with delusions of witchery. I mean this in a "stop stressing yourself out trying to make things palatable" way:
This is a very real, very precious myth to many people, BECAUSE for at least that one event, Persephone had no autonomy, BECAUSE for thousands of years most women had no autonomy. Erasing that, sanitizing the fact that a girl is ripped out of the spring, from her mother's arms, is erasing the thing that gave comfort to women for centuries. And people can and should still find power and healing in it now!
Fill in the blanks the story leaves in whatever manner seems fit to you, there's plenty of room, but. Come the fuck on.
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b14augrana · 3 months
Your first time with the national team, hoping you’ll find yourself being of importance to the team with your Vidić-reminiscent play style
Barça Femeni x teen!reader
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pt. 6 masterlist
Warnings: the rfef ⚠️⚠️, a teeny bit of badly translated spanish and like one sentence of catalan, angst if u squint 🙂‍↕️
A/N: our scrubber is back 🥳🥳! this part is longer than usual, i hope you enjoy 💝
You couldn’t remember anything between landing in Denmark and waking up in your hotel room. You were still in the clothes you had travelled in, and neither Irene or Alexia were in the room… until the door opened and both of them were.
“(Y/N), get up, we’re going to breakfast,” Irene said, yanking the covers off. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, adjusting to the light beginning to peek into your room as Irene pulled up the blinds before her and Alexia left the room and left you to get ready.
It’s like you were on autopilot the whole time as you got into your Spain training kit and took the elevator down to the cafeteria. When the elevator stopped and the doors opened into the hotel’s foyer, it was easy to tell where the cafeteria was because of the voices you could hear.
Tentatively, you stepped into the room. Your eyes scanned every table for any sign of your Barça teammates, the only people you wanted to see right now amongst the abundance of other women that were now your new teammates.
When you saw Aitana and Irene’s heads amidst the crowd, your muscles relaxed with relief, and you made your way over to them swiftly.
“Buenos días,” you mumbled, sitting down beside Aitana, yawning as you cracked your neck. “Buenos días, (Y/N),” the brunette replied, smiling at you.
The room was packed with women, all wearing the same training gear as you. Some of them you recognised from times you versed then with your club; Laia Codina from Arsenal, Alba Redondo from Levante, Laia Aleixandri from Manchester City… and some Madridistas.
One thing about you was, you were passionate about Barça. In your eyes there was no ‘best club in the world’ debate, let alone best club in Spain — that title immediately went to Barça.
You were a Barça fan before you were a player, hence why you have always been well-versed in the club’s history, and therefore the history of the rivalry between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona.
You had bad experiences with Madridistas. El Clásicos were already competitive matches (for one side, at least), so you didn’t really like the way you were almost seemingly targeted by your rivals, due to your age. Irene and Mapi were never pelted by so many balls and forced into so many one-on-one duels.
Even though you were more than capable of crunching them, it exhausted you. You woke up the next morning with bruises you didn’t know had formed and grazes in odd spots that made you wonder what kind of tackles you were performing to get them in such areas.
The wingers gave you the most problems. They constantly cut into the middle, choosing to take you on. Part of you couldn’t blame them because you wouldn’t want to take on Lucy, Ona or Frido either, but what the hell?
The room was definitely not devoid of Madridistas. You could see Misa, their goalie, sitting with Alexandria. There was another face you recognised from those El Clásico matches, but it was a vague remembrance that made you think long and hard to remember the name. You only remembered her nickname within your Barça teammates; la hija de Frido.
Whatever. You’d figure it out later.
“Are you going to eat anything, nenita?” Irene asked from across the table, and you nodded hesitantly.
Leaning over, you whispered, “Can you come with me? Please?”
She nodded with a smile, standing up. “Aita, come with us. We’re going to get some food.”
You were always grateful for your Barça family. They’ve always been your big sisters, people you can trust and find comfort in, your second family.
(Except, they were basically your first family.)
You were more grateful for them than ever today, because this Spain camp was intimidating and scary, you knew nobody except your club teammates and you were pretty much lost.
All you wanted to do was cling onto Irene or Alexia or Aitana the entire day and never leave their side. Even as you were getting food and piling breakfast onto your plate, you stuck to Irene like glue.
With your plate in hand, you walked cautiously to balance all the food and prevent it dropping. You found yourself feeling way hungrier than normal, and you blamed it on the nerves as you placed your food onto the table.
"Irene, watch my food please," you said once she returned to the table with her own breakfast, "I'm going to get a drink."
"That's a lot of food, but I'll look after it anyways," the woman laughed, sitting down and dragging your plate beside hers. You returned to the buffet table and as you were debating on making yourself a cup of tea or just having a glass of ice water, another woman approached you from the side, bumping your shoulder.
Your lip subconsciously curled up, your nose scrunching. Your head snapped sideways to look at whoever it was that just bumped you, and a dirty blonde-brownish ponytail swished in your face.
It was the girl whose name you didn’t know, the Madridista. She was putting a couple slices of toast onto her plate, and it seemed like she hadn’t even realised she bumped you.
But it didn’t make sense. It was a solid shove which definitely wasn’t accidental..
Grabbing a glass from the collection on the table, you walked past her slowly, waiting for the perfect moment. As she placed her plate down and picked up a spoon to load some strawberries onto it, you took an extra step closer to her and shoved her shoulder with yours.
The strawberries she had picked up on the spoon all dropped back into the container upon the impact. You hurried over to the water jug to pour some into your glass, not looking at her for a moment despite being able to feel her cold glare on you.
Your shove was a bit harder than hers had initially been, but that was because you were bigger and probably stronger.
You returned to your table quickly, and Irene pushed your plate back towards you before you had even sat down.
“Who’s that girl, over there?” you asked Aitana and Irene, discreetly gesturing to the table behind you where she sat.
“You mean Misa?” Aitana questioned, and you shook your head. “No, the other one, the one she’s talking to.”
“Ohhh, that’s Athenea,” Aitana replied, and the name was suddenly very familiar to you. You had vivid memories of her getting sat by Frido during multiple Clásicos, and it was apparent that Aitana was reminiscing about the same events due to the laugh she was trying to suppress while talking about Athenea.
“She just bumped me off,” you explained, and Aitana’s eyes widened. “Did she apologise?”
You shook your head, giving her a shrug in return, “No. I couldn’t help myself and shoved her back, but I seriously didn’t mean to do it as hard as I did,” you responded, sighing.
Aitana rubbed your back and smiled, “Don’t worry about it, just eat. You need energy for training.”
As you put a piece of waffle into your mouth, you tried to recount all the interactions you’ve had with Athenea — there was the time you two-footed her out of nowhere when she managed to get past Irene, the time you had an aerial duel with her and she headed your shoulder instead of the ball, the time she lost the ball to you and it resulted in a goal…
You also remembered her unnecessary physicality when you didn’t have the ball, the snarky remarks she’d make to her teammates about you and your own teammates, and other coarse behaviour she displayed throughout each Clásico.
You went to stab another piece of your waffle until you realised you had eaten it all, along with the hash browns, fruits, toast and scrambled eggs.
Irene and Aitana had also finished their breakfast, and while Irene took a sip of her coffee, Aitana did the same with her orange juice.
“Vale,” Irene spoke, placing her coffee down, “Preparémosnos para entrenar.”
You were nervous for training. You weren’t sure if they’d be like Barça in terms of utilising your skills; would they be accepting of your play style or completely discard it, forcing you to play differently?
Your play style was an important part of you as a player, but also you as a person. It was the manifestation of your passion for Barça and the pride you felt whenever you got to wear the blaugrana.
It was also an ode to your idol who demonstrated what it means to give your all for the badge. Without your play style, you’re nothing.
It was the only thing you could think of as you strolled to the training pitch, boots in hand. You deliberately waited for everyone else to leave so you could loom behind them, and you planned to keep it that way until you found someone you properly knew.
Captain Irene was occupied with talking to some other players and Alexia was nowhere to be seen, but luckily Aitana was stretching by herself on the side. There was also Cata, but she was in the goal, getting warmed up by Salma.
You almost sprinted to Aitana, relieved that you didn’t have to spend another second wandering around aimlessly.
“Aita," you said, dropping your boots on the ground before sitting down, shaking your slides off and loosening the laces of your boots.
She got up from her lunge position and smiled, "Hola. Where's Ale?"
You shrugged and returned to trying to get your boot on. "Stupid sock boots..." you grunted, the elastic sock snapping against your ankle, making you wince.
“Why are you on your own?” you asked her, tying the laces of your boots as you watched her extend her leg outwards and reach over to touch her toes.
“I thought you’d want to be without the others for a bit,” Aitana responded simply. She was right — it was a huge relief to find her amongst all the clusters of people.
You missed Frido. You missed Mapi and Patri and Pina. You missed Barcelona.
You wished you could skip straight to playing football without having to introduce yourself to anyone or learn their ways. Obviously, that wasn’t the case.
“I’m scared, Aita. What if they think I’m too physical, or I don’t play– ‘Spanish’ enough?” you ranted, folding your arms across your body.
Aitana sat back up, letting go of her foot to cross her legs as she gazed at you and began to speak.
“Pequeñita, if you’re worried about fitting in, don’t be,” she started, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“You were there at the back when we needed you the most as our last-ditch defender, our last hope. If you weren’t so physical and dedicated to defending and not ‘Spanish enough’, we wouldn’t have a Champions League.”
You were born and raised in Spain, you knew Barcelona like the back of your hand and you spoke both languages. You were Spanish through and through, despite living in France for a couple odd years. You were Spanish. It was your idolisation of a non-Spanish, non-La Liga player that set you apart from the others.
You were about to respond, but your words were cut short by a tap on your shoulder. You glanced up, expecting to see Alexia, but it was Irene standing behind you.
“(Y/N), officials of the federation want to meet you,” she said in a low voice. You caught on to the way she glanced around, making sure nobody was around to hear.
Your eyes narrowed while Aitana’s widened, and you looked at Irene with an expression of uncertainty. “Do I have to go?”
You didn’t necessarily want to go, but you knew you weren’t left with much of a choice, and Irene’s nod confirmed that for you. You sighed, getting up from the grass and brushing off your shorts.
“Thank you, Aita,” you said, referring to the talk you two had earlier. She smiled and reached her hand out to squeeze yours gently, and you returned the gesture with a small smile of your own. “I’ll tell you everything!”
You left your gear in the care of Aitana as you and Irene made your way to the head office. You were nervous and a bit scared of what was about to happen, because the personal stories you’ve heard about the federation haven’t been good ones. Nonetheless, you walked beside Irene and waited in front of the mahogany wood door as she knocked on it, and it opened to reveal about three officials sitting around a table.
Your skin felt hot and feverish as you stepped over the threshold. The amount of eyes on you was unsettling, and if Irene wasn’t beside you, the feeling of discomfort blooming in your stomach would be way stronger.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” the man at the door asked, and you nodded nervously. Your eyes flickered up to Irene whose jaw was set, her cold glare fixed on the man as he spoke to you, “Please, sit.”
You slowly walked to the nearest seat and sunk into it. Irene did the same, pulling out a seat beside you and crossing her arms across her chest.
A man across the table began to speak once you two had taken your seats, “(Y/N), we’ve been very eager to meet you ever since your debut in Liga F.”
You clenched your jaw, unsure of where this conversation was going. You simply nodded, trying to hold your tongue and refrain from speaking for as long as possible.
“You’re very talented, especially given your age. Barça’s prodigy, the new stargirl…” he continued.
Leaning across the table, he spoke, “I’ve never seen a player that plays like you, especially in Spain. Have you always played for Barça, or wanted to?”
Your answer came without any hesitation. “Barça is my home. I am Barça through and through, forever. I’m just inspired by someone else whose passion aligns with mine.”
“You’re different. I’ve seen your play style, and it goes hand in hand with fearlessness and elegance. That’s why we called you up because after one of our best defenders withdrew from the squad… we haven’t been the same.”
You didn’t need a rocket scientist to figure out who he was referring to. Your hands gripped the armrests of your seat as you responded, “I can’t replace the likes of Mapi.”
You were already sick and tired of this conversation. The mention of Mapi unsettled you all over again, because you knew that something happened between her and these very same officials that led to her withdrawing from representing her nation, and you didn’t want to be in the company of the people that forced her to feel such a way and make that decision.
“We’re working on fostering a healthy environment at our camps–”
Irene stood up, her chair scraping across the floor with an unpleasant noise that grabbed everyone’s attention. “Work harder. I don’t want anyone playing another season under poor leadership,” she snapped. Her arm shot down to yours, tugging you up gently. Her tone was everything but gentle.
“My player needs to get back to training. We’re done here.”
You were eternally grateful for Irene. You got to your feet and quickly exited the room, aware of her storming out and slamming the door behind you two.
“The federation has lacked a ‘healthy environment’ for a while,” Irene frowned, slowing down in pace and breaking into more of a stroll.
“Don’t let their shitty leadership make you feel bad about this opportunity. Just like everyone else, you’re here to play football and win the Olympics. Forget the federation.”
It was easier said than done — both of you knew that — but neither of you said anything about it as you walked back to the pitch.
When you entered into the grassy clearing, Aitana and Alexia were nearby practicing their headers. They stopped when they noticed you and Irene, and they quickly came over to you guys.
“What happened?” Aitana asked, her expression slightly concerned, much like Alexia’s. You told them about everything that happened in the meeting (with some help from Irene), and at the end of your explanation, the two Spaniards didn’t look any less concerned.
“We’re praying the new coach and president do something to change the culture in the federation,” Alexia finally said, and you sighed. “Let’s hope so.”
“La hija de Frido is staring,” you grumbled, earning a laugh from Aitana who glanced in her direction. Indeed, Athenea was looking at your group with a firm glare, her Real Madrid teammate on the side trying to grab her attention.
“What’s wrong with her? Did something happen?” Alexia asked, and you shrugged. “She doesn’t like me that much, I think. Maybe because, y’know, she’s not exactly a challenge for me to defend…” you said with a nervous smile. Aitana’s laughter only increased, and a smile appeared on Alexia’s face.
“Barça es la millor!” she cheered happily, embracing you in a side hug.
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jjkamochoso · 5 months
Braids and Mochi Escapades
Obanai x female reader
Mitsuri braids reader’s hair, Obanai can’t handle the cuteness!
Warnings: none
Being a hashira, your life involved seeing lots of blood, guts, and other horrible things. It didn’t consist of much light and happiness but that all changed one day when you seized the opportunity to work with another hashira and your whole perspective on life changed. You had never had so much fun than when you and Mitsuri slayed demons together. She was a formidable opponent and even taught you many skills you now utilized in your own missions. Not to mention, she was kind, funny, and naturally, very loving. These were traits you had embodied before your life darkened because of demons but Mitsuri showed you that you could still embrace and seek out good times even when all else seems hopeless. That’s how you found yourself having a sleepover with the Love Hashira after your semi annual hashira meeting was adjourned. The hashiras were all granted a few days’ rest before accepting any more missions so when Mitsuri invited you over for a girl’s night, you couldn’t say no (Shinobu did, though—she was always busy with some sort of research). You ordered as much sakura mochi the kitchen could begrudgingly make for you guys and made your way to Mitsuri’s room to hang out while the food was being prepared. You didn’t have the chance to announce yourself before her screen opened and the excitable girl wrapped you in a hug.
“Y/N! I’ve been looking forward to this all day! Come in, come in!”
She dragged you inside and you let out a sigh of relief when her strong grip finally released you. Putting down your futon and extra blankets, you felt your stomach flutter with happiness. You hadn’t had a sleepover since you were very young and were relishing the fact you could have a normal few days without the stressors of being a hashira.
“I ordered us sakura mochi from the kitchens, I hope that’s alright,” you said, a bit shy. You knew it was her favorite but you didn’t want to come off as overbearing. Your worries were instantly quelled by the huge smile that graced her face as she pulled you in for another hug, thank you’s flowing out of her mouth nonstop. You giggled, already feeling content at how the night was going and you hadn’t been there for over a minute.
“So, is there anything in particular you want to do while we wait? I’m not well versed on sleepover activities yet, I apologize,” you said sheepishly.
Mitsuri just gave you a kind smile. “Don’t apologize! Tonight’s going to be so much fun! Ooh! I know! I can braid your hair!”
You instantly lit up. You were always envious of how pretty Mitsuri’s hair was and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t tried her signature hairstyle on yourself many times. However, you could never make it look as cute as she does so you were ecstatic that she would bestow her skills upon your head. She brought over a box of ribbons, all different colors of the rainbow, to tie at the ends of your hair as you released the pulled back style you had kept your strands in. When Mitsuri sat behind you and began to gently detangle your hair, you felt a wave of relaxation run through you. It felt nice to have someone so eager to take care of you for a change. You two basked in the comfortable silence until the talkative girl spoke up.
“So, y/n, do you have a crush on anyone?”
Your eyes that were previously closed opened up in a flash. Of course she would ask that, she’s the Love Hashira! But you were embarrassed that you had allowed yourself to succumb to such a weakness like love. Not even love, just unrequited affection toward a man that barely acknowledged you. It was humiliating to let her know of the truth of your heart but you couldn’t find it within yourself to lie to her.
“Unfortunately, yes, I do. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever had the chance to lay eyes on but we’ve only spoken once out of all the years we’ve known each other. I watch him from afar but refuse to speak to him first out of fear. It’s shameful, I know.”
You were glad she couldn’t see your face as you spoke because you weren’t used to being this vulnerable. You were pleasantly surprised when she kept braiding, not skipping a beat.
“Oh, y/n, that’s so romantic! Pining and yearning are just two pillars of the many that make up love. It’s not shameful. Love is a complicated thing, especially for us, but if you face fear head on you’ll find that most things aren’t as scary as you think they might be. If you like him, he must have a good heart. Don’t be afraid to strike up conversation. He’ll come around eventually.”
You didn’t know how she did it but you instantly felt better. “You’re right, Mitsuri. Thank you.”
A few seconds passed.
“May I know who it is that’s captured your heart?”
You grimaced, knowing this would happen. “Um, I’m not sure I-”
“It’s probably Tengen, isn’t it? He’s so dreamy! If you’re into guys like that. Wait, you two have spoken many times so that doesn’t fit your description. Ugh, it isn’t Giyuu, is it?”
You tried your best not to laugh. Poor Giyuu, you didn’t know why no one liked him but even though you held a soft spot in your heart for him, it was the wrong man.
“No. Different raven haired man.”
She went quiet for a moment before gasping. “Obanai?”
You shook your head slightly in affirmation and she let out a high pitched squeal, inadvertently yanking on your finished braid in excitement. “Oh my gosh! You like Obanai? That’s so cute! You HAVE to talk to him, he’s such a sweetie!”
You grabbed onto your tender scalp in an attempt to soothe it after she almost ripped out all of your strands. “Now that the whole compound knows of my feelings,” you muttered, “I think my confidence to face him is completely shattered.”
Mitsuri gave you a pouty face. “No, don’t say that! You’re a beautiful girl and any man would be lucky to have you. He’s shy, you’re shy, it’s a tough combination but if you’ll allow me, I can tell him of your affections to see where it goes.”
“Oh, that’s alright, no need. If it’s meant to be, it will be. But thank you. And thank you for this gorgeous hair! Maybe this will give me the confidence boost I need to approach Obanai.” You gave the pink and green haired girl a hug and then inspected her work in a mirror. She had tied your (h/c) hair with ribbons, but they were mismatched colors. You were going to ask if she did that on accident before the realization of what the colors reminded you of set in. She had used one yellow ribbon and one turquoise ribbon, perfectly coordinating with Obanai’s eyes. Your mouth hung open in shock as Mitsuri giggled at your reaction.
“I hope you don’t mind! I was originally going to use just turquoise but when you mentioned your feelings for Obanai I thought this might be a way for you to feel closer to him. And it’s a great conversation starter.”
You gave her another huge hug, amazed at and grateful for her quick thinking. “Now that you’ve got me looking this good, we’re ready to get our food!”
Mitsuri clapped her hands in excitement and grabbed your arm as you two raced out the door of her room and into the warm summer night. The hot, sticky air permeated through your haori and left a slight sheen of sweat on your skin. You took a second to appreciate the quiet stillness of the compound, the smell of wisteria giving you comfort. You knew it was impossible for demons to be around, so why did it still feel like someone was watching you intently in secret? You shook it off, thinking you just weren't allowing yourself to let your guard down.
You laughed a little, turning to Mitsuri. "I'm not used to this relaxation time-"
She was gone. You would've been majorly freaked out if you hadn't spotted her entering a building beyond where you stood. Maybe her appetite turned ravenous and couldn't wait another second for food so she ran to the kitchen? You were confused and ready to catch up with her but your attention was turned to the rustling noise from above you. You stood under a wisteria tree and hanging over your braided head was a snake. Its white body slithered through the branches, staring at you and occasionally sticking its tongue out. You weren't familiar with snake behaviors but this one seemed friendly enough so you cautiously reached your hand toward it in an attempt to pet it. It didn't bite you when your fingers touched its smooth head so you took that as a good sign. You were extremely surprised, though, when it fell out of the branches, instead opting to rest on your shoulders. You tried to calm your breathing and before you could get too freaked out at your predicament, you almost facepalmed in realization that there was nothing to worry about. It was Kaburamaru, Obanai's snake friend, that had found his way to you. You were both looking at each other with curious eyes and you gave him a smile, trying to guess at what he was thinking.
"Mitsuri did my hair, Kaburamaru! That's why I look different. Though you probably recognized me by my scent from the other meetings you've attended, hmm?"
Being a snake, he obviously didn't answer you, but he did seem like he understood what you were saying, so you kept talking. "Are you hungry? We could try and find some frogs at the pond if you'd like."
He lifted his head and you could've sworn he shook it in disagreement.
"Alright then. Should we go find Obanai? It's a little late for you to be out here all by yourself."
"He's not by himself."
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard Obanai's voice from above you. You looked up and saw the bandaged face of your crush peering at you from some higher up branches, nearly in the same position you had found Kaburamaru.
"O-Obanai! I apologize for not greeting you. I hadn't noticed your presence." You bowed and hoped he would forgive you. He climbed out of the tree and landed at your feet, black hair moving effortlessly around him. Your mouth went dry and any words that could've been said had died in your throat the moment your eyes met his. He was even more beautiful at ground level when you could observe him up close. His eyes glistened in the full moon's light that blessed the Master's compound. The man of short stature had such a strong, powerful aura about him that almost made you dizzy, yet was so intoxicating that it drew you in. Neither of you shared any words for the next minute or so, unsure of what to say.
"Your hair's... different," muttered Obanai, taking in your appearance and then suddenly looking away.
"Mitsuri did it for me! I was telling Kaburamaru all about it. He seemed to notice as well," you said, the warmth of embarrassment creeping on your face as you registered that what you said suggested that you were conversing with a snake. If Obanai didn't think you were a weirdo before, he definitely did now.
"He's very perceptible," Obanai agreed, making you feel at ease about your previous panic. You two found yourselves in another awkward silence and you prayed to any god that would listen that Mitsuri would come back with your food soon.
"So what brings you out here this time of night?" you asked.
He cocked an eyebrow. "I thought you despised small talk."
Your eyes opened the tiniest bit wider. How had he known that? You barely interacted with him in all the years you had worked together yet he was aware of that little fact about you. Had he been noticing you all this time and you were too ignorant to see it?
"I do." You took in a breath. Time to be brave, y/n. "I just... wanted to talk to you. About anything. Get to know you better." Now it was your turn to look away as you cringed at how that sounded. You wished you had gone to Tengen for flirting lessons before ever coming in contact with Obanai.
Your head turned back to face him again as you answered with a shrug. "Because you're interesting." And because you're ridiculously handsome and I'm hopelessly in love with you!
His eyes narrowed. "Interesting enough to mock me with your hair bows?" He pointed accusingly to your hair, the ends of your mismatched ribbons adorning Kaburamaru as he continuously slid over your body.
"What? No, you have the wrong idea! I swear, I'm not mocking you, I-" You didn't know how to respond and your time was running out before Obanai hated your guts. You resigned to telling him the truth; you'd rather be hated for that than for something that was blatantly false. "I told Mitsuri I found you handsome but was too shy to speak to you so she thought matching the ribbons to your eyes would be a way for me to feel closer to you." He had an unreadable look on his face and you wished you could melt into a puddle on the ground and evaporate away from this conversation. You reached your hands to your hair and began to undo the ribbons. "It was a bad idea, I'm sorry for-"
"N-no! Don't!" Obanai's hands shot out so fast you never saw them coming. He grasped your fingers, stopping them from their job of removing the ribbon. When you felt his cool skin on yours, goosebumps made their way across your entire being. "They look pretty. Y-you look... pretty." Was it a trick of the light or was Obanai... blushing? You couldn't believe your ears. Did he just call you pretty? You thought your night was going to be amazing just being at a sleepover with your friend and now your crush was practically holding your hand and calling you pretty. Obanai was about to remove his hand from yours when Kaburamaru quickly wrapped himself around your conjoined appendages, not allowing either of you to let go. The Serpent Hashira was left in a state of blushing and stuttering apologies for his friend's indecencies and you were certain the snake was laughing at you both.
As if summoned by pounding heartbeats and gauche attempts at confessing feelings, Mitsuri finally appeared, copious amounts of sakura mochi toppling out of the bags she held.
"Oh my gosh, you two are SO cute together! Did y/n finally tell you that she likes you?" She asked Obanai, mochi flying out of her mouth as she took another bite. As he was always someone who had a snarky comeback or venomous reply, you had never seen him unable to produce words like at this moment when he was floundering for the right thing to say.
"I, well... she, umm... What's it to you anyway?" He finally spit out, but Mitsuri just laughed.
"I'm the LOVE Hashira, silly, I'm the expert at this stuff. Although, I must admit, Kaburamaru did most of my heavy lifting, didn't you?" She beamed at him as he finally released you and Obanai from each other to receive a big helping of raw meat from the pink and green haired girl. You stared at her incredulously.
"You're telling me that you worked together with a snake to set us up?"
"Kaburamaru found me earlier today and brought me to Shinazugawa who told me that he was tired of Obanai dancing around his feelings for you, y/n. He also mentioned that Obanai was probably talking about you nonstop to his closest friend, Kaburamaru, and that he was also done with the inaction. So, we devised a plan and now here we are. Isn't that adorable?"
"I told you he was perceptive," said Obanai, clearly embarrassed, but you found the whole thing to be strangely sweet. You decided it was time to get back to your sleepover where you and Mitsuri could fangirl over this moment for the rest of the night so you bid Obanai and his snake farewell. Before you could turn away to leave, Obanai got your attention one last time.
"I hope that one day I'll be strong and worthy enough to speak of my truest, deepest feelings for you myself, but until then," he reached up to pick a small bunch of wisteria off the tree and tucked it behind your ear, "please accept this gift and the meaning I've imposed on it."
You smiled shyly. "Thank you Obanai. I hope our paths continue to cross in the future." As you made your way back into Mitsuri's room, Obanai watched you until you closed the screen door behind you and for a little while after that. He couldn't promise to love you in a conventional way, but he swore from that day on, he would keep you as safe as possible in this unpredictable world you lived in.
On the day of the hashira's departure from the safety of Ubuyashiki's lands, you felt your heart sink at the remembrance of the danger you and Obanai had to go back out and face. However, your aching chest was abated by the raven haired man that entered your view, timidly thrusting a lump of something into your palms. You quickly unraveled the folded fabric and you were greeted with two knee high socks with the same black and white striped pattern as Obanai's haori.
"Obanai, that's so thoughtful of you! I'll treasure these forever."
"You don't need to treasure them, they're just socks," he grumbled, not meeting your eyes.
You giggled. "But they're from you. How could I not want to keep something so precious in good condition?"
"If they rip, I'll buy you more. So don't worry about it."
"Thank you so much for the kind gift." Your gaze softened at him as you frowned the tiniest bit. "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything, I feel bad."
"I don't need anything. Just..." He finally looked at you. Your hair ribbons mirrored his eyes once more (you swore to wear them like that until the day you died and then in every reincarnation you were born into) and he felt his heart beat against the walls of his chest. "Just don't die. That's all I ask of you. Let me be able to see you again."
Your own heart panged with the weight of his words. "I promise. I'll see you soon, Obanai Iguro."
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barblaz-arts · 7 months
I think people have been accustomed to couples being in that honeymoon phase when they’re shown onscreen together. We ALWAYS see that with newly-established couples in pretty much any type of media… But that’s not Chaggie.
Charlie and Vaggie have been together for years. Their honeymoon phase has long past. They’re not doing outlandish displays of affection. They’re just, comfortable. Doesn’t mean they love each other any less, just that those sappy moments aren’t as common anymore
Yes! also the way a lot of people are surprised that charlie and vaggie aren't only best friends is such a good example of the double standards wlw ships get. thinking they aren't dating is understandable. Overlooking that Vaggie and Charlie were meant to at least be shipped together is INSANE.
If i never knew they were dating already, i and so many other sapphic ship lovers would be eyeing tf out of Vaggie and Charlie's relationship. Lookit some of the things that happened/are established before the "she's my girlfriend" line in ep 5
- the newcaster lady made a homophobic comment towards Charlie, saying she "doesn't touch the gays" when Charlie tried to give her a handshake
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- just all the times Vaggie would soften up as soon as she sees Charlie smiling or being her dorky self despite being previously upset/angry
- Vaggie's whole friggin verse in Whatever It Takes is very obviously meant to be romantic
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- Charlie being worried about Angel Dust while Vaggie gives her the most "i love you and im sad that you're upset but i love that you're upset over something like this because it shows how amazing of a person you are" look at Charlie as she tucks her hair behind her ear
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- Angel: I think this belongs to you *hands Charlie over to Vaggie*
- just all the casual touches they do that would totally be read as shipping fuel AT LEAST if it happened between a male/female duo or two men
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- the fact Vaggie woke up?? Looking beside her to find Charlie?? To show that they sleep in the same bed?????
- Vaggie offering her hand unprompted when Charlie was having a stressful phone call with her dad and Charlie readily accepting it
And I'm sure there are people who'd go "But it's always shown from Vaggie's end! It looks so one-sided!" So? Aren't there tons of ships out there that seem one-sided but yall are perfectly fine shipping? And it's harder to see Charlie's love for Vaggie because Charlie at her core is a very loving and affectionate person. Of course it's gonna be more obvious for Vaggie since she's so prickly towards anyone else.
If all these things still happened without any of us knowing that they were actually girlfriends, we'd have a certain section of the fandom shipping it hoping they DO become canon while others would be claiming we'd be ruining a perfectly good platonic friendship by making it gay. They'd say we're reading too much into things.
But they ARE a couple. we aren't reading too much into things because it was meant to be read as romantic. And yet we're still the delusional ones for thinking an already established sapphic couple is "cute and interesting" because now they're claiming they simply dont have chemistry. It's frustrating.
Of course I have my criticisms too. The show could portray more of how Vaggie is more special to Charlie than anyone else, have them flirting more overtly or something. But any argument that they're "so boring i thought it was het" is invalid to me because i damn well know if at least one them was a dude a lot of them would be saying otherwise.
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ironcroft11 · 1 year
In defense of Gwen in Across the Spider-Verse
Okay. First of all: This post is gonna be super long and have tons of spoilers so if you don’t want to get spoiled for Across the Spider-Verse then don’t read this post. I have seen way too many people hate on Gwen because of her actions and her behavior towards Miles in Across the Spider-Verse. I’ll show you why that hate completely misses her arc in the movie and her true intentions/relationship with Miles. This post will also delve into Gwiles/Ghostflower since that is a big part of what shapes her intentions.  Many people say Gwen betrayed Miles and doesn’t really care about him. They say Miles shouldn’t forgive her and that she is a snake for what she did. I’ll show you why the opposite is true by going through the events of the movie in cronological order: The movie literally starts off with Gwen talking about Miles. She is drumming away, which is, mentioned by herself, a way for her to cope with her feelings. That opening from Gwen is a small glimpse into her head. We see how she feels and what she thinks. The interesting thing is that it’s basically Gwen broadly narrating the events of the entire movie. We even see glimpses of future scenes in that intro. The line of narration that is most important here is Gwen saying “I didn’t want to hurt him. But I did. And he is not the only one.” This shows us IMMEDIATELY that Gwen did not intend to hurt Miles AT ALL. Quite the contrary. It also shows that she is AWARE she hurt Miles. She knows she fucked up. That is going to be important later on when she needs to make the tough decision regarding Miles/The Spider Society. 
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We then follow her as she goes home, still thinking about Miles and then, of course, her Peter. Note that this is roughly 1 year after Into the Spider-Verse. 1 year after she met Miles she still thinks about him daily. “I haven’t really made any friends after that [Peter’s death], except one. But there is no way to get there.” She misses Miles and wishes there was a way to visit him. Obviously she still very much cares and thinks about him.
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At Gwen’s home we are first shown what her conflict with her father looks like. That conflict is obviously one of the main aspects of her arc and what drives her actions later on in the movie. You can see it is strained but you can still see that they obviously love each other very much. Gwen struggles as her father is basically hunting her down without knowing its is actually her. What pains her the most, though, is that her father is convinced that Spider-Gwen killed her best friend, Peter Parker. That way he, without knowing, makes Gwen feel guilty about the death of her best friend. Gwen is trying to get over Peter’s death but is held back by her dad, unbeknownst to him. 
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Gwen caring and missing Miles a lot is brought up again when she sees the picture of her and Miles that they made in Into the Spider-Verse (which she had made into a polaroid so she can actually have it on her/in her hands). Her eyes look on with sadness and her color is dark blue. The colors in Gwen’s dimension are used to portray her feelings. Dark/blue tones for sadness and light/pink tones for happiness/comfort. At this point, seeing Miles again is probably one of her dearest wishes. Miles understands her and knows who she truly is. This is going to be important later on.
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During Gwens fight with Vulture at the Museum we are introduced to Miguel O’hera, Spider-Man 2099, who saves her from Vulture. He introduces himself but Gwen seems unimpressed and uninterested. What she is very much interested in, though, is Miguel’s Dimension Watch. “You can go to any dimension you want with that watch?” She just met an entirely new Spider-Man and all she is interested in is his technology that might allow her to go and visit Miles. That is how much she misses him.
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As the duo fight off Vulture Miguel calls for back-up and they are joined by Spider-Woman Jessica Drew. Her and Gwen have an immediate bond which will be very important later on. Gwen immediately looks up to her and sees her as a mentor from who she can learn a lot. Gwen impresses Jessica so much that she asks Miguel if they want to recruit her for Miguel’s Spider-Society. “What about her?” “No.” “Why not?” “You know why.” Miguel and Jessica studied the entire Kingpin collider event. They know who was involved and they know that Gwen and Miles are friends. Miguel doesn’t want to recruit Gwen because she is too close to Miles. Why that is a problem we all know. (Miles being the original anomoly) From the start they knew Gwen’s relationship with Miles might end up jeopardizing their goal of protecting the Spider-Verse.
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We then go on to this scene. Gwen confronting her father and her father finding out that Spider-Woman, the vigilante he was dedicated to catching and locking up, is actually his daughter. This is a key moment in Gwen’s arc throughout the movie. Her father accuses her of lying to him. All Gwen wants right now is support from her father. She doesn’t get that, instead her father wants to lock her up for the murder of her Peter Parker. At this point she is immensely conflicted. “I don’t know how to fix this.” Jessica Drew notices that and convinces Miguel to let Gwen join the Spider-Society. 
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Gwen seeing no immediate solution to her problem decides to accept the invite. She is not yet ready to confront the problem and walks away from it, despite being conflicted. This will be at the back of her head throughout her entire arc and throughout the entire movie. Until she is ready to confront her dad who, remember, wants to lock her up, she CAN’T return to her home dimension. Her going back would mean her having to confront a problem she is not yet ready to confront. 
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The next time we see Gwen is after we are introduced to Miles again. This is Gwen seeing Miles again for the first time after 1 year and 4 months. Her immediate reaction is to tightly hug him. You can, in that hug alone, see how much she missed him. You can also pick up all kind of little things in this scene. One is how awkward Gwen is. She is cringing at herself for telling him he had a growth spurt. There are obviously some unresolved feelings between the two.
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Gwen then goes through his sketchbook and finds Miles’ drawings of her. She is surprised to see so many drawings of her but plays it off smoothly. “Missed you too.” It’s obvious that both missed each other immensely. But we haven’t even seen the entire extend of how MUCH Gwen ACTUALLY missed Miles. We only find out about that a bit later.
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Miles and Gwen then swing through the city and catch up. Their chemistry is on full display here. I absolutely adore this scene. Gwen tells Miles that the Spider-Society is really strict about where she goes otherwise she would have come to visit him sooner. What’s important here is that at this point Gwen KNOWS about Miles’ “condition”. She knows he is an anomoly and she knows that his father dying is a canon event. And at this time she BELIEVES in these canon events. She thinks they must be upheld or the multiverse collapses. That’s what Miguel told her. 
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During their swing Gwen uses a moment in which Miles is distracted to place her surveillance device for Spot. You can see, even with her mask, how much it pains her to keep the truth from Miles nd having to leave him in the dark. We find out: Gwen is not here because of Miles but because she is supposed to catch Spot since Spot is an anomoly. 
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What follows is one of the biggest Gwiles moments in the movie and also a very important scene when it comes to Gwen and her feelings towards Miles. They sit down at the Williamsburgh Bank Building and have a heart to heart. 
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Gwen tells Miles that it is always so great to talk to him and that he is the only friend she ever really made since Peter died. Miles, knowing about Hobie, says “Other than Hobie, right?” and Gwen answers “That’s different.” This shows us that Gwen’s relationship and feelings for Miles are different from the relationship she has with Hobie. That’s because she literally has feelings for Miles, and she knows that Miles, in some way at least, feels the same. “We’re the same, in the important ways.” Gwen then says a line that literally shows she has fallen for Miles, otherwise there would be no need for her to mention it. “In every other universe Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man.” This is Gwen telling Miles that she has feelings for him. 
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Hearing that reassures Miles and he moves his hand closer to hers. 
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This is important: Gwen sees this! 
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And then closes her eyes and flinches. She flinches because she wants to take his hand so bad that it literally pains her that she can’t. We find out why she can’t with her next words: “And in every other universe it doesn’t end well.” Gwen knows about canon events and knows they need to happen. She was probably being told that Gwen Stacy falling for Spider-Man and it not ending will is a canon event. 
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She then gives Miles a look that I can only describe as “loving”. She would probably love to tell him more about canon events and everything regarding the Spider-Society. But like she said: She doesn’t know how to. She doesn’t want to hurt him and she wants to protect him.
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Miles then tells her “There’s a first time for everything, right?” which makes Gwen chuckle and smile at him. It’s the first time where Gwen is confronted with Miles’ philosophy of going down his own patch and not bending to the rules of canon. Even if canon dictates something, Miles believes there is always a way. 
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This rubs off on Gwen as she affectionately leans on Miles, enjoying the sunset with him.  Not only is this overall scene incredibly beautiful and masterfully animated but its purpose is to show us that these two indeed love each other. They want to be together but Gwen, at this stage, feels like canon is against them.
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Miles and Gwen then enjoy some food in quiet and keep talking about the Spider-Society and how Miles wants to be a part of it. Gwen, without being able to tell him the truth, shuts him down and lies to him. Again, she is not ready to tell him everything, the same way she is not ready to confront her father. These 2 conflicts go hand in hand as they are her 2 biggest conflicts that she has to overcome. Gwen then snaps at Miles because he was about to find the surveillance footage of Spot which would therefore uncover her true reason for being there. Gwen obviously doesn’t want that to happen because she doesn’t want to hurt Miles. She wants to keep him away from the Spider-Society because she knows he is an anomoly AND because she knows he wouldn’t be safe there.
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After she snaps at him she immediately apologizes though. They both get REALLY close after that, closer than I had remembered from my first viewing. They also lock eyes. I’m pretty sure if not for Rio, Miles and Gwen would have kissed here. Rio interrupts them and they have an awkward talk. Rio and Jeff obviously think there is something going on between Miles and Gwen which is the source of the awkwardness. 
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Gwen then gets a signal from her dimension watch which is caused by the explosion that Spot caused. She missed her time window to catch him because she was having so much fun being around Miles. Gwen quickly leaves after that, having to lie to both Miles and his parents. 
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You can tell she doesn’t want to leave Miles. She wants to stay, but she can’t. She is conflicted. And she is conflicted throughout the entire movie. That makes her arc so interesting. 
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What follows is one of the most important interactions in the movie that show Gwen’s motives. She arrives at the explosion and realizes Spot escaped. Jessica Drew, who Gwen looks up to, remember, calls her and asks her where Spot is. Gwen tries to play the whole situation down, not wanting to be seen as a failure. That has one big reason: Since Gwen is a liability to the Spider-Society because of her connection to Miles she has to constantly prove her worth, otherwise Miguel will send her back to her universe. That is one of Gwens biggest fears. Having to confront her father again. She is not yet ready for that so she basically does everything that is asked of her, even if she doesn’t necessarily agree with it.  Jessica notices that Gwen is nervous and asks her if she visited Miles. Gwen again tries to play it down but eventually admits she went to see Miles. Jessica gets angry with her and Gwen tells her she will never see Miles again. Her voice noticeably breaks when she says that. That interaction tells us one very important point: Gwen was not allowed to visit Miles. AT ALL. Miguel has forbidden Gwen to see Miles. He probably also told her why. Miles is an anomoly and him getting entangled with the Spider-Society might end up badly. And Gwen, knowing all that, knowing she might risk the multiverse, knowing she might risk getting sent back to her own dimension and having to confront her father, STILL decided to visit Miles. That is how much she cares about Miles. She literally risked the stabilty of the multiverse for the opportunity to see Miles again. Even if its only for one evening. This alone should end the debate about how Gwen “doesn’t care about Miles”. She obviously does. A lot. 
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This can be taken even further.  “You never made a mistake? Never got too close to someone?” This is literally Gwen telling Jessica that the reason she went to see Miles is because she has feelings for him. Jess replies by saying she did but that she got over it, prompting Gwen to do the same. We, of course, know that she can’t. 
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This is one of the most emotional scenes in the movie for me. After Gwens dialogue with Jess she knows her only chance to stay on Miguels good side is to follow Spot to Mumbattan and catch him. She has to leave and knows she will never see Miles again. She longingly looks towards the rooftop she and Miles stood on just moments ago, not knowing Miles is invisible and right in front of her.  She whispers a last “Goodbye Miles” as she heartbreakingly decides to leave. As much as it pains Gwen, she thinks leaving now without explaining anything to Miles might hurt him, but it does keep him safe and away from the Spider-Society. It’s a lose lose situation for Gwen. She is fighting a losing battle. On one side she has Miles and the desire to be with him, on the other side the entire Spider-Verse and the conflict with her father. The fact she is even contemplating shows how loyal she is towards Miles.
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Miles follows her through the portal and catches her off guard. Gwen didn’t know he was listening and thought she would never see him again. Miles, being in another universe without a dimension watch, glitches and endangers both him and Gwen. Gwen then says that she “never should have visited” Miles.  She obviously meant the fact that NOW Miles is involved and they can’t go back now. She didn’t want Miles to be a part of it and now regrets that she pulled him into this. She is more angry at herself than at Miles here. 
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When the canon event approaches Gwen tries to stop Miles from disrupting it. Again, a lose lose situation for Gwen. She knows (or at least thinks at this point) that disrupting canon events can cause universe to unravel. She also knows how dangerous canon events are and that there is a good chance Miles might die if he tries to intervene. 
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Miles, not knowing about canon events at all yet, intervenes anyway. (Because he is Spider-Man, duh) While trying to save Captain Singh and the little girl he gets covered by rubble. Gwen and Hobie go down to the scene and while Hobie immediately helps Pav to pull up the bus Gwen literally makes a dash for the rubble and tries to find Miles. All the while screaming his name, her voice breaking while doing so. The relief in her voice when she finds him alive and well is very noticeable. (Great voice acting by Hailee Steinfeld)
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After disrupting the canon event, Miles asks Gwen what she thinks of the situation. Gwen, almost affectionately whispering to him, tells him that she always thinks that he is amazing. Another moment that makes these two get closer and it shows how much admiration Gwen has for Miles. Even after disrupting a canon event, Gwen thinks the world of Miles. This highlights her conflict again. While still believing in these canon events, Miles is slowly but surely changing her mind about them. He is not quite there yet but it’s coming.
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We then go the Spider-Society HQ where Gwen introduces Miles to Miguel. Miguel immediately becomes hostile and blames Miles for disrupting the canon event. Gwen knows that Miles did in fact disrupt the canon event but still defends him.  “He doesn’t know any better:” Miles has no knowledge about canon events or anything related to it so he can’t be blamed for what he did. Gwen knows that, which is also a reason why she tried to stop him. 
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Miles then finds out about the structure of the Spider-Verse and about canon events. Miles also finds out that Gwen did not only try to save him but also stop him from disrupting the canon event. 
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When Miles finds out his fathers death is a canon event that has to occur you can see Gwen frowning. She knew this and now Miles knows it.  There is no easy way to tell that to someone. Not if you’re close friends and not if you haven’t seen each other for a year. It pains Gwen that Miles has to go through that, and on top of that she can relate to it as well, because...
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... Gwen’s father is also a Captain who’s death is a canon event. This adds another layer to her inner conflict. She believes in these canon events and therefore also believes that her father has to die. Gwen, in that aspect, is similar to Miguel. She accepts it, runs away from it. Similar to how she runs away from the conflict with her father. 
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Miles confronts the other Spider’s and tells them he can’t sit back and let his father die. He then tells Gwen, referencing her earlier statement, that she was right and that she never should have visited her. Miles does NOT say that because he hates Gwen. He says that because he is distraught and because of the fact that if Gwen hadn’t shown up he’d still be in his dimension. (Where he wants to be to protect his father) Gwen starts to cry because this is OBVIOUSLY not how she wanted it to go and how she wanted Miles to find out.  The fact is: There was never a right time or way to explain it to Miles. Gwen isn’t an emotionless puppet that never struggles or is perfect. She loves Miles and she simply couldn’t bring it over her heart to tell him that his father will die and that he isn’t supposed to be Spider-Man. She wants him to be happy and to be safe, and from her perspective the best way to do that is to keep him away from the Spider-Society. 
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When Miguel traps Miles to stop him from going home Gwen and Peter get really agitated.  “That’s enough.” “Stop it Miguel.” They don’t want to be on opposite sides to Miles. They want to talk it out. Of course the chance for that is now gone. You can still see that both still very much are on “Miles’ side”. Gwen is put into a situation where she is forced to choose between her friend or the Spider-Society. 
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While they chase Miles, Jess confronts Gwen and tells her that even though Miles is Gwen’s friend, capturing him is the only way.  Gwen then tells Jess that that’s not what her gut says. This, again, shows her conflict. She KNOWS she is supposed to be on Miles’ side. It’s what her gut is saying. It’s what her heart is saying. Her head is still thinking that the multiverse must be protected, and that canon events must be stopped from being disrupted.
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She then listens to her head and tries to grab Miles with her web. The look on her face says it all. It’s pain, love and an apology all in one. Miles destroys the web, symbolic for their trust.  Miles breaks the net, he is saying that he doesn’t trust Gwen anymore.  Gwen knows that, which is why after Miles breaks the net her look is one of complete sadness and disbelief. Not disbelief because she couldn’t imagine Miles not trusting her but rather diesbelief because she can’t believe it has come this far.
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She continues the chase for Miles because she doesn’t know what else to do. When Miguel calls for every Spider-Man after they found out Miles’ location you can see Gwen having a look of dread and defeat on her face. She did’t want it to go this far. She still wants to talk it out and make up with him. She feels sorry and is slowly starting to regret her choices. 
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While on the train Gwen and Peter keep calling out to Miguel, telling him that he should stop and to take it easy on Miles. Miguel doesn’t listen.
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This scene is where the trust between Miles and Gwen is broken completely. Miles finds out that Gwen knew all along that he is an anomoly and that his father is supposed to die. He finds out that Gwen didn’t know how to tell him that and that that’s one of the reasons she didn’t come to visit him. 
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Gwen then tells Miles that its for his own good, a lie she told herself to make her feel better. She full on regrets her choices by now. She knows she made a mistake but feels too distraught to really do anything about it. Her world slowly comes crashing down on her.
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Miles is able to overpower Miguel and sends him flying down the train. The way Gwen looks down at Miguel is really interesting. Its a look of pride and relief. She is proud of how far Miles has come that he is able to escape from Miguel and reliefed that he was actually able to.
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While Gwen thinks that now the way is free for her and Peter to get to Miles and explain everything to him, Miles just gives them a look of hurt, sadness and betrayal. He then says “Goodbye Gwen”, again mirroring Gwen’s goodbye earlier in the movie. Both were sad but for very different reasons.
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The change of expression from Gwen says it all.  This goodbye from Miles, in his eyes, is final. He feels betrayed and hurt and just wants to get home to save his dad. While Gwen and Peter probably want to just talk to Miles and explain everything, Miles may think they want to capture him, too. And Miles can’t take that chance.
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After Miles decides to jump Gwen, again, has an expression of relief on her face. This time the relief is because Miles managed to really escape Miguel and the other Spiders. She knows Miles will be safe, for now.
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Miles manages to escape and Gwen is furious with Miguel. Furious as to how he treated Miles and how he managed the whole ordeal. 
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She speaks up and Miguel blames Gwen for the Spider-Society losing Miles.  This is where Gwen starts to see that she actually doesn’t have the Spider-Societies back and that she should have taken Miles’ side from the beginning. She slowly realizes the true extent of her mistake. 
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Gwen then proposes to talk it out with Miles, on her own. Miguel refuses, saying they tried that already.
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She goes on to tell that Miles is her friend and is starting to question the whole “Canon event” topic. “Do you know for certain what happens when he breaks the Canon?” She is starting to fully side with Miles. 
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Miguel tells her he knew from the beginning that her relationship with Miles was a liability. Gwen looks to Jess for support but doesn’t get it. She is now on her own, same as Miles. 
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Gwen gets sent to her home universe, the thing she dreaded most. The last thing she tells Miguel is that they are supposed to be the good guys. That shows where she stands in regards to the conflict inside herself. She now knows that what Miguel and the Society does is wrong.  She was on the Society’s side, now she is on Miles’ side. 
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She immediately tries to go to Miles’ dimension but she is locked out from using the dimension watch. Miguel denied her access. Gwen is furious and now trapped in her home dimension. 
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She returns home and wants to collect the polaroid of her and Miles. She doesn’t want to confront her father yet, but we all knew it was inevitably coming.
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Gwen confronts her dad and opens up to him. She pours her heart out and tells him how she really feels.  Remember, Gwen is a 16 year old girl. She carried the burden of her rensponsibility and the conflict inside her while still always trying to do the right thing.  But she says it best in this scene, “She doesn’t know what right or wrong is anymore.” The entire time she believed these canon events to be absolute and followed through with the Spider-Society’s plans because she thought it was the right thing to do.  In the process she hurt and betrayed the only real friend she had. And that was the straw that broke the camels back. Her intentions are now clear.
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“I can’t lose one more friend.” She doesn’t know whats right or whats wrong, all she knows is that she can’t lose Miles. 
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During her speech her father decides to quit his job as captain, freeing him from the canon event. This is when Gewn realizes that canon events might not be absolute and that they can be disrupted without dooming the dimension. She realizes Miles might have been doing the right thing all along. 
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After making up with her dad the only thing left to do for Gwen is to go and find Miles. With the help of Hobie’s watch that is actually possible now.
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Gwen arrives in Miles’ universe and finds out that Miles is in the wrong universe. She overhears Rio and Jeff talk about Miles. They mention Miles lighting up when he is around Gwen and that they hope she doesn’t get him hurt. This is where the full realization of her actions become clear to Gwen. She hurt Miles and didn’t help him when he needed her the most, and she hates herself for that.
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She blames herself for what happened to Miles, even though it is not her fault entirely. 
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Gwen tells Rio and Jeff that she is going to find Miles and bring him back. She also tells them what she learned from Miles. “All is possible.” This is the lesson Miles gives Gwen in this movie. It is a lesson she needed to learn. She now fully believes that anything is possible. This will come into play in Beyond the Spider-Verse when they are going to try and stop canon events from happening. 
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She resolves the conflict with her father, parts ways with the Spider-Society and has only one goal left now: To find and make up with Miles. In her arc Gwen faced the conflict of choosing her friend or the greater good. On one hand is Miles, who she obviously has feelings for. On the other hand there is the Spider-Society who tell her how the multiverse works and how dangerous Miles and other anomolies are. In the end, her friend won, though it was a harsh process that damaged their trust and relationship.  Gwen is not perfect and isn’t always right. She is a 16 year old girl with tons of complex conflicts going on. She fights a constant battle with herself and her feelings. She makes mistakes, as do Miles, Peter, Miguel and the others. The important thing is that Gwen learns from these mistakes.  This also shows that she doesn’t hate or not care about Miles like some people have said. If anything her actions show to which lengths she went for Miles to be safe.  She knows she hurt Miles and is going to make up for it in Beyond the Spider-Verse. 
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0oolookitsme · 1 year
Another One?
Type - A One-Shot!
Verse - Model!Harry x Fashion Designer!y/n
Word Count - 4k (she's a thick one y'all)
Warnings - A little bit of crying (subrry), cursing and well, smut.
A/N - Damn, this is the second longest smut piece I've ever written!
Kinks - Dry Humping, Mirror Sex, Mommy Kink, Over Stimulation.
Please rb to share!
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It was a formal get-together organized by a friendly colleague of Y/n's. "I've met some new professionals, and I think it's going to be helpful for the newbies to make some connections," she had told Y/n while they were having lunch together. Y/n had only appreciated her idea in response, saying that she too would love to chat with them.
When it came to the decision of a 'plus-one', everyone knew she was going to bring Harry. After all, it had almost been a year since they went public with their relationship. The party was formal, but it was held on the rooftop of a restaurant so everyone had settled on dressing up pretty casually.
Most men were seen wearing button-down shirts with pants or jeans, and women were mostly in flowy dresses. And Y/n was one of them – wearing a one piece long-maxi dress. Its sleeves came right till her elbow, the shoulders were puffed. It was plain black in colour and she had worn her platinum jewelry and white heels at the end. To match her Harry was wearing a shirt that faded from white on the top, to black at the bottom. Shedding leaves were patterned on the shirt, and he had styled it with a pair of retro-black jeans – tying the outfit together by wearing some black Converse that had white stripes on them.
She had french-twisted her bun, and Harry had his hair tousled to the side. They had left the house with Harry trying to seduce Y/n into a quickie, and Y/n sliding her hands on his chest, and leaning in to promise in his ear that she'd reward him if he'd be good for her at the party.
Both of them knew that she didn't need to tell him that – he knew his way around at any gathering. But, just out of habit, Y/n had radiated some dominance and almost called him a good boy. Which led to Harry's mind being in a frenzy all night.
They talked to people together, Harry's hand on her lower back as his thumb rubbed against her clothed-skin. As the time passed, Y/n had fled away from him and was chatting with other people while he was stuck in a group of men who he had no interest in talking with.
He was, at the end of the day, an introverted guy. Sure he walked on runways for the biggest of brands, for the millions of people to watch but he just couldn't shed down the shyness of his personality. And, y/n loved that.
He was an introvert, she was an extrovert so they balanced each other out perfectly. But a lot of the times she felt like she was leaving Harry out, abandoning him whenever they went out with many people. But Harry swore he wasn't bothered by it, well, most of the time he wasn't. But tonight wasn't like the most and he was very bothered by all of these people around him. He just wanted to be alone with his girlfriend, but he knew that she wouldn't want to leave this party due to the 'important' people that were here.
So, he excused himself out of the group chat and beelined his way to Y/n, who was clearly faking a laugh. "Hi," he mumbled as he kissed her jaw, his hand immediately sneaking around her waist. He needed to be touching her to stay calm or he would surely lose his mind by all of this overwhelmness.
"Hi," she genuinely smiled back at him, kissing his cheek in return. "Meet Harry, my boyfriend," she introduced him to the lady she was talking to. "Harry, this is Ms. Holly, an expert-tailor for Gucci," she said regarding the lady.
Holly extended her arm to shake hands with him. Harry dreaded having to touch anyone else, but out of politeness, he did. "Of course I know him!" She exclaimed and then added a brag, "the world renowned model – Harry Styles." She wasn't really exaggerating, it was true – still a blush creeped up Harry's neck as he mumbled a small 'thank you'. She turned her head at the call of her name and muttered, "it was very nice to meet you guys," with a wide smile before walking away.
Harry, on the other hand, was getting impatient. He did not want to be near anyone else but Y/n right now. "How long is it going to take?" Was the first thing Harry asked her, moving closer to her so that their bodies were touching.
"I think we'll be having dinner soon, and should leave after that. Why?" She asked him, wrapping her hand around his bicep. "Is something wrong?" She continued when his eyes flicked away from hers.
"No, everything's fine. Just wanna go home," he muttered lowly, suddenly remembering that there were people around who had caused him to straighten his back.
Y/n understood just then that he wasn't feeling it tonight. She knew it could be hard to socialize sometimes, especially as an introvert. And, over time she had realized that Harry wasn't quick to voice his discomfort in public until he was feeling too overwhelmed.
"Okay, let's just bid our goodbyes quickly," she said, kissing his temple.
Then Harry's eyes went wide. "W-what?" He stuttered. "I can wait a little longer, I know this is important for you," he assured her.
"Well, it isn't really important for me, per se. After all, this was hosted for the new employees, and I know most of these people," she said with a slight roll of her eyes.
Harry knew that if this really was important, Y/n wouldn't be this dismissive about it and ready to leave. And, while the host was a good friend of theirs and would understand, Harry still wanted to respect her and well, it was only a matter of time now.
He'll just spend it listening to people chat and laughing every once in a while. "Its only going be a little more. We've stayed for so long, might as well stay till the end," Harry shrugged.
"Are you sure? Because I'm ready to go home," Y/n told him, feeling a little unsure when he replied with a 'yes'. "Okay, but tell me when you want to leave, yeah?"
"Mhm," he hummed, pecking her lips before putting on a wide grin on seeing a couple approaching them. He knew that if he were to behave good right now, he'll be rewarded for it at the end of the night, in his bedroom that he shared with Y/n.
He brushed his uneasiness under the rug right then and there, and decided that if he's going to stay for longer, he might as well make it fun.
That's when all the sneaky touches and grazes started. Brushing up against her bum, or kissing her jaw, or spreading his legs when he sat in front of her. He knew that she was catching up with him, and he loved seeing her ignore his antics and interact professionally with the people who thought licking her ass would get them somewhere.
"Don't make me take you home, Harry," she leaned in to whisper in his ear, smiling at him later to make sure that the people around didn't think they were having any issues.
It was a warning, but Harry was suddenly feeling way too confident. He proceeded to tease her throughout the night. When it did come down to dinner, he was hoping he would get her alone but Y/n invited a couple over and decided to mingle with them instead. Now, she was doing it intentionally.
If he was going to act like a brat, then he was going to be treated like one.
He kept brushing his thigh against her, kept slipping his hand way too low on her back and even kept a hand on the inside of her thigh as they chatted and ate desert.
At the end of the night, Y/n made sure to stay as long as she could. She knew it'd frustrate Harry, but that's what he gets for acting up. "Please, need you," he whispered defeatedly in her ear, again moving closer to her in a manner that their sides touched. The rebelliousness in him was gone once he wasn't in the spotlight anymore.
A smirk pulled up on her lips, as a woman walked away from her and towards the car her husband was sitting in. "Yeah, what do you need, baby? She asked him, just filling up time knowing that he wasn't going to be 'rewarded'.
"Anything. Anything from you, I promise I'll be good," he cried silently, his hold on her hand tight as they walked to their car.
"What good will be being good now? You've been nothing but a brat for most of the night," Y/n said as a matter of fact, sitting in the driver's seat of the car as Harry slipped in the passenger side, feeling dominated and fuzzy.
"But I was also good! I waited for the night to be over, and I socialized! I was good!" Harry shifted in his seat to partially face her and insisted. "I behaved well!" Frowning, he said, feeling like he was being injusticed.
Y/n shrugged again, and Harry was feeling more and more agitated. "Who are you trying to convince, baby?" She asked, looking straight ahead at the road.
"I- but I was good!" Harry whined this time, wanting some sort of acknowledgement for his good behaviour.
"Oh? So was it me who sat with my legs spread when people were watching? Or was I brushing up against you as you talked to some people who were ecstatic to be in the same room as you? Ok, wait up – was it me who had my hand on your thigh as you sat with your new colleague on a dinner table. Well, it surely was me who's hand was slipping lower and lower down your back, wasn't it?" Y/n looked away from him once she was finished, a victorious smirk on her face as finally Harry had nothing to say.
She heard him sigh and saw from the corner of her eyes as he shifted again and sat straight this time, peeping out of the window. Just because she didn't want to push him too far, she placed her hand on his thigh, rubbing her thumb against it as they drove without any more talking, with music playing on medium volume.
Harry never once looked at her again but Y/n wasn't fazed by it. She had seen him like this before, and she wasn't going to melt at this little drama and not punish him. He was going to get what he deserved, whether good or bad.
Harry felt she was being unfair – he deserved something after that long night. Yes, he didn't behave well for the whole of night, but what about the parts when he was a good boy?
Once they reached the garage, she shifted her hand from his thigh and placed it behind his seat as she backed inside once the automatic doors opened. She didn't miss the way his head turned so quickly at the loss of her touch.
"C'mon, I can't wait to get to bed." Y/n said as she got out of the car and in that moment, Harry's stomach dropped.
He trailed behind her, feeling low because she just denied touching him but somewhere inside him, something told him that it wasn't going to be this easy. He watched the sway of her bum as she climbed the stairs ahead of him, feeling painfully hard in his pants. He was sure he had a wet patch on his underwear by now.
He sat on the bed after changing and saw as Y/n paced around the room, removing her jewelry and make up or taking down her hair and changing her clothes or putting her purse away. And, Harry's pretty sure this is the longest it has ever taken Y/n to unwind.
When finally she came to the bed, Harry couldn't help but curl around her like a little puppy. He layed his head in her lap as she went through some of her mails, making circles on her thigh with his index finger.
Y/n faked a yawn above him and made sure he realized that she had put her phone away. And just when he did, he sat up straight, looking at her with pleading eyes. "Please, mommy," he whispered, his eyes glossing over. "Need you."
That's when she knew it was go time.
"Why don't you use my thigh, baby? I'm too tired tonight to give you anything more," she said as she slipped down the bed, raising her thigh up a little.
Harry only nodded frantically, getting up on his knees to unbutton his sweats. "Keep them on, don't want the bed to get dirty," he heard her say and her slight coldness was starting to get to him as he felt more and more sensitive by each second.
"Y-yes mommy," he said before putting one of his knees on the other side of her thigh, and lowering on it. The moment he felt slight pressure on his dick, he let out a whiny noise as he built a pace, going back and forth on her thigh. His head was thrown back and somewhere, he was waiting for Y/n's hands. Anywhere, he just wanted her to touch him.
But when he opened his eyes, he saw that she had picked her phone up again felt pathetic to still be grinding. But he couldn't stop himself, not when he felt so sensitive and felt like comming already. So, he used his own hands to pinch his nipples and travel on his abdomen and neck – they weren't as soft as hers but felt good nevertheless.
"Oh fuck," he breathed as his body felt hotter and his pace of rubbing increased and then broke. It was hard to keep it the same when he felt pleasure getting more intense and he kept on touching his body.
His hips stuttered once, but they didn't stop. "Hm- w-what?" He asked, still going.
"I said, stop. Won't say it again," Y/n said from below him, her voice stern and her phone gone.
Harry stopped, but his hips were still twitching every other second. He looked down when her hands held his hips in place, and met her furious eyes. He got off of her when she lowered her leg and watched in despair when she got off the bed.
She moved to braid her hair in front of the mirror and Harry felt like he was going to lose it. "I need to come, please. I'll do anything," Harry begged, his eyes glazed over and mind fuzzy. He was aching so badly, he just needed to release.
Y/n walked back to the bed, and offered him her hand to help him get off the bed. Her brows were raised at the corners, and her eyes had fallen into angry slits.
Harry met the floor on wobbly legs, and kept holding her hand as she took the two of them to the bathroom. He wasn't even confused, he just wanted to come.
"I'm going to punish you in front of the mirror, so you can see just how bratty and pathetic you are." Her tone was firm and slightly disapproving, as she switched on the lights.
Harry was pulsing by now, sure that he was going to burst if she even brushed against his body. "Sit." She commanded him and he slid atop the counter which had a mirror in front of it. Right now, his back was faced the mirror. "Back on that wall," Y/n ordered him again, tapping her foot impatiently as she watched him dumbly figure out the obvious position.
"Took my dumb baby too long to just sit?" She teased him, lowering her head to look at him when he looked down. "Why so shy now?" She cooed at him, raising his chin by her thumb and index finger.
"Please," he whispered again, looking at her with doe eyes and wobbly lips.
Y/n only hummed in response, brushing away the waves that had fallen and stuck on this forehead. "Begging is a good look for you," she told him, a small smile on her face as she wiped the sweat off of his skin and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips.
"I'll give you one more chance to be a good boy," she said and watched his eyes light up. "Spread your legs for me."
And Harry did, very eagerly so. He turned to look at himself in the mirror on her command and saw 'just how pathetic he looked'. His cock sat on his tummy, achingly hard – its tip an angry red and beads of precum leaking from its slit.
"See, what a mess you are and I haven't even touched you once," she bragged with a proud smirk. "Looking so fucked out already," she teased, chuckling when his cheeks turned red.
"You wanted to come, right? Think you've earned it?" She asked him, her hands behind her back. She scoffed at his silence, "sure you did."
Bending towards him, she placed her hands on his thighs. "So, you will come." She said as if she had it planned all along. And before Harry could do or feel anything else, she was spitting in her hand. "Colour?" She asked, and held his cock when he mumbled "green." She gave him a few strokes before leaning further in to press a kiss right on his slit.
He hissed at the feeling, and already started bucking into her hands. "Sit still or I will stop," he heard her say and placed his bum down again, feeling overwhelmed will all the pleasure. He felt so sensitive down there, that he was ready to come already.
Y/n wrapped her mouth around his cock, and started sucking on it. She didn't go all the way down, instead pumped the length that wasn't in the mouth, with her hand. The precum kept leaking in her mouth and she kept spurting little bits of it out, watching as it slid down his girth. She was having fun, watching as he ached to move but was wise enough to not fuck up his one chance of getting a release.
She felt his thighs start to shake and his veins grow more prominent under her hold, and knew he was going to cum.
"Fuck, fuck- m-mommy, gonna cum-" he stuttered. So she sucked just a bit harder, swept a kitten lick once more on his slit and he was shooting ropes of white cum in her mouth. And, when she backed away just after a few, some of the cum went on her chin and the rest went on her hand.
Tera were slipping down Harry's cheeks as he quivered. He felt way too sensitive now but he also felt as he was electrified. Ecstasy and bliss flowed in his body at the release and he felt like he could come again just by reminiscing on the pleasure he was feeling.
But he felt too sensitive so when he opened his eyes, and saw Y/n wipe the cum off her chin and hold it out for him to lick, he did and had her finger come out clean.
"Such a good little pup, aren't you?" She praised him, wiping the tears away. A little pout formed on her lips, "came so fast – barely even touched you," she said and Harry knew the pout was to mock him.
She moved away and wiped some sweat off of her own forehead. "Think I want a taste one more time, do you think you can give it to me?"
"Too sens-sensitive, mommy," Harry whispered.
"But you wanted to come baby – you thought you'd earned it!" Y/n claimed, looking at him with a surprised expression. "I think you should come once more, after all, you were so good for me all night," she shrugged with a chuckle.
Harry felt mocked and taunted and as much as he wanted to be offended, he didn't feel so. Instead, he felt blood rush to his dick yet the tip was so sensitive that the slight breath of Y/n was making him wince.
"Gonna be your g-good boy, mommy," Harry choked out.
"Cry all you want, baby– I'm starting to think you're quite enjoying this," Y/n said with her gaze settled on Harry's hard on. "Such a brat," she teased him, looking at his flushed face.
Y/n leaned in again, this time she was kneeled on the floor as she took him in all the way. His tip went a little past the back of her throat and she gagged, before pulling him out completely.
She wiped the saliva off her chin by the back of her hand as she looked up at the way he had thrown his head back. "Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at me," she calmly ordered him.
Still looking up at him, she took his cock in her mouth again. Now, she going all the way in with every bob of her head. Saliva mixed with his precum trickled down her chin and on the marble floor as gagging and gurgling sounds filled the bathroom.
She still hadn't looked away, her eyes had glossed over and Harry felt the knot in his belly moving lower and lower. God, she was being so messy he felt like bursting at the seams.
She backed off for a minute to breath. "What was that?" She asked him when she saw his mouth move. "Can't hear you over all the noise you're making, baby," she said, taunting him again.
"So- so good mommy," Harry heaved, his lips bitten and face looking as if it was sprayed with water.
"Aw, you're out of breath! Was that too fast baby?" She laughed, getting up on her knees again. The floor below her was a bit slippery now because of her sweat and the mess she had made. She smiled when Harry chuckled and shook his head lightly before she took him in her mouth again.
She sucked on his sensitive tip for a bit before taking him in, inch by inch with each bob of her head.
"Jusus- fuck I'm gonna come again," she heard Harry groan, and increased her pace. She reached his base, the baby hair tickling her nose as she stayed like that before backing off. She took a huge breath in before going all the way down again.
The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat again and again, and the gurgling sounds were back. Her hand crawled up his chest before she started pinching and twisting his nipple, while her other hand played with his tight balls.
"O-oh mommy! I'm cumming, I'm cum-cumming," Harry shrieked, heaving heavily and shaking before he felt himself start to release in her mouth.
Y/n though wasn't stopping which caused the cum to dribble down her chin along with her saliva. The floor below her was covered in the mess she had made and when she finally took her mouth off of him, she had completely milked him out and immediately sat back on the floor.
"Fuck, that was good," she chuckled, breathing heavily. Some of the hair strands had fallen out of her braid, and framed her face while the white t-shirt she had been wearing was drenched in sweat and her saliva, making her boobs quite visible. "Another one, baby? Think you deserve one more?" She laughed.
Harry remained limp atop the counter, heaving with his eyes closed and a small grin on his mouth. His hair was sticking on his forehead again and lips were bitten into a sharp pink colour. "Can never earn that mouth of yours," he laughed dryly, shaking his head with all his might.
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You know I had seen some headcanons about ghostflower as parents, and here is a bit of my take on that.
Miles is the responsible dad, Gwen is the fun mom.
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And that assumption has entirely to do with this.
Yep, I think the roles would be reversed for them, hear me out.
Miles was raised by loving and present parents, they have room for improvement but I don't doubt that Jeff and Rio knew how to establish healthy boundaries, knew when to be strict and when to be more permissive, and are all overall supportive, amazing parents.
Now, the thing about Gwen's parents-
Mom we know nothing, Gwen's mom is never mentioned in the spider-verse movies and again, I haven't read all of her comics, but if that woman was mentioned I don't remember. I normally assume she died when Gwen was very young so she doesn't have too many memories of her.
This leaves us with George.
So, I don't think George is the worst, I have my issues and I would scream at him until he goes deaf- but you can see at the end that he loves Gwen, and while he doesn't know what he is doing, he is trying.
We haven't seen much of him, but what did I notice?
He is not good with emotional intelligence; he doesn't realize that telling Gwen how the case is doing will not make her feel better (and it has to be a while since Peter died, he should know this by now.) Clearly doesn't know what to say to cheer her up. Tries to talk about his job and his duty when he doesn't know how to proceed.
And then he leaves because there was an emergency with the police; and is obvious this is not a rare occurrence. As someone who was basically raised by a single parent doing a lot of hours at work, I can tell you by this interaction that Gwen probably spend hours or entire nights alone.
So, how does translate to their parent styles?
Miles would feel a lot more confident in his role as a parent, he would definitely read a lot of books and would have his parents on speed dial; but Miles he is also a natural. He would thinking back on how his parents raise him, looking back in their decisions and understanding where they are coming from, and overall end up finding a middle point between how he grew up, and what he thinks is right for him and his family.
I will share what he does when the kids are older while sharing Gwen's approach.
Gwen on the other hand? Extremely anxious, Miles needed to reassure her a lot specially at the beginning. She can barely remember her mom, and her dad wasn't the most present. While I think by this point the relationship between her and Miles's parents would be better, I think part of her would also be afraid looking incompetent in comparison to Rio.
Later when the kids are older, Gwen defaults more to let the kids play and do things that they probably shouldn't "Is just one day/night," "Oh when I was their age I was trying to imitate the gymnasts on the TV, at least they are a lot more resistant that I was!" and "Hmmm, maybe this is something we should ask your father too."
Gwen's laxer approach was thanks to not being heavily supervised and not realizing when is too much at times, or thinking these is one of those things kids should learn and it would be fine.
Thanks to this, Miles is normally the one who needs to more strict and reasonable. "No, we can't have popcorn and ice cream for dinner, it doesn't matter if is Friday and summer is starting"; "I DON'T CARE IF YOU CAN HANDLE FALLING 6 FEET TO THE GROUND, YOU ARE NOT PRACTISING TIGHT ROPE!" and "I told you no, and don't go asking your mother just so she can say yes, I will find out."
Miles is still, the one parent to go when the kids are sad, upset or need to be hear out. While he may be stricter of the two and tries to stop anything that he deems too far; he knows the best how to de-escalate a situation and see reason.
Gwen while a lot of times doesn't know what to do, their kids always go to her when they just need a hug and be comforted. While Gwen a lot of times doesn't know what to say to make things better, or what advice to give; she never shy's away from telling her kids that sometimes they will make mistakes, and she would do too, but that never means they deserve any less love or compassion; no matter how hard the world is or the mistakes they make, Gwen promises to be there at any point, and that Miles and her would never stop loving them.
There is a lot of adjustments and discussions, but they balance it out.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 month
every comma, every question mark - mark lee scenario
helloo🥺 it's been a while since I wrote a mark lee scenario, and this one was supposed to be out for his birthday but i only finished now, better than never😅😅hope you like it!
all song credits belong to NIKI btw!!! her songs are amazing and I'm a big fan. true story is when I first heard plot twist, all i can think of is how mark lee coded that song is so here we are🤍
and yes the ending may be a hint that there's a next for this (?) not sure tho hahaha anywayssss
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"You need to let him go, it's 5 in the morning. You've been here since yesterday!"
Your manager's loud voice resonated through the room, breaking you from your train of thoughts.
"You're distracting me, if you do more of that I will never get out of here" you told him, turning back to your laptop trying. The only other person in the room besides you and your manager is your co-producer. These two is your closest companions, like your two older brothers. You spend most of your time with them, and you being the introvert you don't really have that many friends in the industry.
"As your manager, I love this whole creative wave you're going through. But as a concerned citizen, I'm begging you. Go home. It's your birthday, why are you hauled in this dark room" your manager continues to rant but you pay him no mind
"Yo, you're just making this last longer than it already is. I'm just letting her find whatever it is she's even looking for" your producer say, he's been here with you since yesterday ready to help you out when you need it.
Those two guys know you take your craft very seriously, each and every song you put out is like your own child. Each and every word, every tune, every melody all came from your pretty little mind. They are both very in awe of the discography you have created throughout the years and you're still so young.
Your manager exits the room, muttering something about getting breakfast and coffee before closing the door to the studio.
"How about one of the songs in your vault? You have a lot of unreleased demos" your producer suggests
"I don't know if there's one fit for this"
"Girl you have tons, surely there's one for now. Let's have a hear"
The two of you go through unreleased tracks, some finished and some still on the works before landing on a few possible candidates
"What are we looking for anyways?"
"Not sure, but I promised my fans I was going to put something out just in time for my birthday. It's my birthday and here I am" you grumbled, then suddenly you come across a demo you've written a while back
"Uh this one's old" you say before clicking on it, the beat playing through the speakers in the room
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
"When did you write that?" he asks
Just like that, the exact memory of when and where you first wrote that verse came flooding in your head.
"Oh what?"
"I feel like this is the one but I don't know if I can release this" you say
"What do you mean? Why?"
"I wrote this like some time a few years back... about a guy.. I had a crush on"
He chuckles at your reasoning, "So? All songs are inspired by something. You gotta start somewhere"
"Yea but what will I say when people ask what's the story behind it? I'm suppose to perform this on my birthday event this month"
"Then say it, what's the worst that could happen?"
Turns out a lot of things could happen. On the day of your birthday event where you're going to release your new song, your manager informed you a few artists are also present to watch you.
"What?? Why???"
"Cause they like you?" your manager asks back
"Who is it?" you ask but then the prod team calls for you
"Hey Y/N, we need you backstage now"
You get on stage, go on with your show and a short interview. The host surprises you with a cake from your fans and the crowd sings you happy birthday.
"I know it's my birthday but I have a gift for you also" the crowd cheers
"So I wrote a song, I actually wrote it a while back. It's about those unexpected moments that happen in my all to normal life. To be honest with you guys, I've always liked plot twists. The good kind" you add, making the crowd laugh
"Yea and uh sometimes there's someone who comes in your life who you didn't expect and suddenly the sky is bluer or the sun shines just a tad brighter" you blush a bit while trying to explain the song
"Anyways here's the new song, I hope you like it. It's called Plot Twist"
Look what we got A thickening plot Just when I started getting used to The thought Of closing the book There you were, in every nook Of every word, every page And now I wanna stay and wait, 'cause Met every comma, every question mark Bored of how all of the chapters start But you feel like a brand new arc That I never knew, oh I'd like to think I know a thing or two Like every day the sky's a different blue And then along came you, oh
The crowd turns their flash on, it's like a sea of stars in front of you. This made you smile while singing the words
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
You get to the last part of the song, enjoying watching the crowd have fun. Unbeknownst to you, the one who inspired this song was in the crowd bopping his head as he listens to your melodic voice.
Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you? Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you?
You finish the song and say your final ment before bidding goodbye to everyone.
Your team welcomes you backstage. congratulating you on another successful event. You were busy talking with the band when your manager pulls you on the side, "There's a few people here who wanted to greet you"
"Huh? Oh okay" you follow behind him down the halls.
When you get there the first person you saw was Haechan, a member of a group you're a fan of.
Your first thought was, what is he doing here
The second being, if he's here then surely his member is also here and you already have a hunch on who it might be
"Y/N, you already know Haechan and Mark. They came to watch tonight" your manager say
"Uh yea, oh sorry I wasn't expecting this. I'm a big fan" you tell them, bowing your head down as a sign of respecting and greeting. The two boys doing the same
"Me too, Love your songs" Haechan says, then adds a greeting at the end
"Happy birthday, we uh wanted to come and see you play live since we're on a break. Usually our schedules clash so we can't go to your shows" Mark says
Not believing this is actually happening, you give yourself a pinch on the back. It hurt.
"Me too, I mean I'm a fan too and uh thanks for coming"
"It's Mark hyung's birthday too so this was my gift to him" Haechan jokes, earning a jab on the side from Mark
"I invited him" Mark clarifies, you just laugh at that.
"You guys want some snacks? Refreshments? Let's go to the lounge room" your manager leads the three of you to the lounge area. The two guys, Haaechan and your manager, have a conversation between them. Turns out they're neighbors and Haechan's manager are friends with yours.
"I uh like your new song" Mark clears his throat as he tells you this
"Thanks, it's been a while since I wrote that actually" you mumble, feeling shy all of sudden. You definitely did not expect Mark of all people to be here tonight.
The very person who inspired you to write the song.
"I love the way you write your songs. There's always a story to uncover, big fan of your word plays" he tells you with a smiles you know will haunt your dreams for nights to come and until you make another song about him again.
"One of the few songs I've written that isn't about a heartbreak. And this is from my own point of view, usually I write them imagining the scenario in my head"
"What a lucky guy" he says
You chuckle, looking down at your shoes "He's great, but that song was a confession I'd probably never tell him"
"How come? It's a great song, he should feel honored"
You smile at that, finding the situation all too unreal.
"If he does figure it out, then I'll take my chance"
For a moment you gather up the courage to look him in the eye as if confessing the words without saying it. Like you wanted him to know it's about him but you're not sure if you can ever admit that to him.
Maybe not now. Maybe some other time, you do after all think he's the biggest plot twist of your story.
Then he's looking back at you, a glint in his eyes you wanted to know more about before he smiles at you again. His voice already writing the words in your head, ready for the melody and for your creative genius. He tells you,
"He'd be a fool not to take a chance with you"
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helenofsparta2 · 2 months
Rick did Jason Grace so dirty in HoO
Before I explain, I think I should establish that I really like Jason as a character. While he isn’t one of my favourites, he has really grown on me over the last couple of years. But he never really had a shot with the fandom, after his introduction in The Lost Hero, and after Son of Neptune and a lot of that has to do with the way Rick set him up for failure from the very beginning with a variety of writing decisions. The odds were really stacked against him.
Let’s first recap the very base of who Jason Grace is. He had an unstable mother, who gave him up to Juno when he was two years old, so that she could claim him as her champion. He is the only demigod child of Jupiter, and grew up raised by wolves, then later raised in a relatively strict military hierarchy since a very early age without any knowledge of his mortal family. He had to deal with all the pressure and expectations that came with who his father is. Over time he managed to become one of the two leaders of said hierarchy and has been committed to change its society for the better ever since. He led Camp Jupiter in the titan war and managed to defeat the titan Krios with his bare hands,  He is the long-lost brother of Thalia Grace, one of the more popular characters from the PJO book. He is extremely kind, protective, and loyal, and one of the most powerful demigods in the Riordan verse.
This should have easily made him into a fan favourite character. But what happened instead was for him to become the least favorite member of the seven, to be considered boring and skippable by a lot of fans, and to even get a lot of haters. (I know especially here on tumblr a lot of people really love Jason, but I’m talking about the more general part of the fandom, and I don’t think anyone can deny that Jason gets quite a lot of hate there.)
So, what went wrong?
I think there are three main reasons for the dislike he receives.
Telling, and not showing on part of Rick’s writing
A constant forced comparison with Percy
A lacking character arc in the hoo books
Let’s start with the first one.
Telling, and not showing
Piper’s and Leo’s POVs did him a huge disservice in that regard in the lost hero. During the entirety of the book, Piper wore rose-tinted glasses when it came to him. There is barely a chapter without her glazing Jason, or commenting on his looks or generally how perfect he is. Leo deals with a lot of insecurities and, while not as extreme as Piper, puts Jason also on a pedestal in his chapters. This was, for one, quickly becoming repetitive, but also put a lot of expectations on Jason, which are impossible to meet for any character.
It doesn’t help that Jason didn’t achieve all that many impressive feats in The Lost Hero. He didn’t do nothing, but in comparison to Leo and Piper, he gets a bit overshadowed.
Leo pretty early on established himself as a mathematic genius. He repairs Festus, saves Piper and Jason from the cyclops, and fights against Khione at the Wolf’s house.
Piper uses her charm speak to convince Boreas and his sons to let them go, frees Leo and Jason from Medea’s control, breaks Hera’s cage together with Leo, and is able to revive Jason after he accidentally looked at Juno in her divine form.
Jason, meanwhile, defeats a venti at the Grand Canyon and saves Piper’s life, defeats Lityerses and Midas, and defeats Encaladeus with the help of Zeus.
Don’t get me wrong. Those are great accomplishments and put Jason at the very top of the demigod power hierarchy, but with the way everyone talks about him, and with the standards we already have for children of the big three as readers of PJO, he just falls a bit short. Especially when you focus on top of that on other moments in that book where he gets knocked out by the cyclops or looks unprompted at Juno in her divine form, to list a few examples.
Despite this, his actions and abilities would have probably still made him into a fan-favourite character, if there wouldn’t have been this constant comparison with Percy.
A forced Comparison
Jason and Percy are getting compared in the hoo books in a very obvious way. They are set up as equals by Rick with its entire premise in the first two books and the weird rivalry thing he wrote in Mark of Athena, which is, I think, the main reason why Jason is so disliked.
Percy Jackson is probably the most popular character within the Riordan verse. The only characters who even come close are Nico di Angelo, Leo Valdez, and maybe Annabeth Chase. He is the main character for the entire prequel series, and had much more time to develop and for the readers to get attached to than any other character.
This was a lost battle, even before the first chapter of the lost hero was written. By the time, Percy and Jason meet, Percy was the main character, or at least one of the main characters, in 11 adventures, if you include the short stories, while Jason was one of three POV characters in a single book. A book, where he had amnesia for the entirety of it. People are protective of their favourite characters, and if you make a direct comparison between the most popular character in your franchise and some new guy, even (try to) establish them as equals and force them to have a rivalry, people are naturally going to develop a dislike for the new guy.
And Rick certainly didn’t help matters with the way he wrote them.
At the end of the lost hero, Hera tells Jason, that he is going to be the leader of the seven, but we know he isn’t. We, as readers, who have followed Annabeth and Percy since they were 12 years old, know that he doesn’t deserve this role, judging by what we have seen of him.
Even if he were to be portrayed as strong as Percy in the following books, it would feel undeserved. While we have seen Percy fight the many monsters and titan’s he did in the PJO books, and seen his growth in both power and character, we only get told that Jason defeated Krios with his bare hands. There isn’t even a flashback in either his or Reyna’s POV chapters of the incident, which could have at least elevated this accomplishment.
And then, Rick publishes Son of Neptune and every possibility of Jason being on the same level as Percy gets instantly flung out of the window.
Percy is the MVP of that book. Frank and especially Hazel are awesome, absolutely no discussion there, but for me at least, Son of Neptune was really Percy’s time to shine.  (Though I have to admit, I’m pretty biased towards Percy, so that statement is probably really subjective.)
Even before he leaves for the quest, Percy already killed one gorgon, demolished the romans in the war games, sees through Octavius’ performance, figures out what happened with the golden eagle and proves his selflessness by choosing not to take the gorgon blood to recover his memories. Then later he tricks Phineas in what is for me one of the coolest moments in the entirety of hoo, fights an entire army, destroys a glazier, defeats Polybotes basically by himself and, again, makes a fool out of Octavius in front of the senate, and all that after Rick already nerved him by removing the curse of Achilles.
Comparing especially the fights against Polybotes, and Enceladus respectively does Jason absolutely no favors.
Jason fought good, he fought greatl even, he had this very cool moment with his speech explaining who he was and boasting of his accomplishments, but in the end, his weapon got destroyed and he had to pray to his father to kill Enceladeus with a lighting bolt. That was an amazing feat for a demigod, absolutely no discussion, but really pales in comparison to Percy’s fight at the end of Son of Neptune.  
Percy absolutely bodied Polybotes. I don’t even know if he received a single injury in this fight. The “help” he received from a god was him smashing the decapitated head of Terminus into Polybotes. Like, Terminus didn’t do shit in that fight.
You can’t describe two characters as being equals and then portray so huge differences in their accomplishments.
Yes, Hazel and Frank also often say that Percy is powerful, or a good leader, or handsome, or smart, in a similar way to how Piper and Leo describe Jason, but with Percy it feels more like a reward as a reader. Because we have already seen him be all of that in the original books. It’s just acknowledgement and no new information.
Also, the absolute dissonance between Jason’s disappearance and camp Jupiter’s reaction also doesn’t help him. How can we believe that he is a leader of the same calibre as Percy, when most of the people in the camp he has lived in since he was four years old, don’t even care that much about his disappearance and are so quick to replace him? (Even worse, they replaced him with Percy) I know that this is just the way, Camp Jupiter works, but simply as a narrative choice, it’s very questionable.  
A lacking Character Arc & Amnesia
Coming to the last point. Jason’s character arc in the entirety of Hoo fell flat to me (Though, to be fair, most character arcs, if they even existed, fell flat to me in Hoo.)
His predominant character arc is him struggling with his identity, between being a roman or a greek. Now, this would be a very compelling arc, if we’d know who Jason Grace was as a roman. But we don’t. We know close to nothing about Jason’s life in New Rome. The only meaningful relationship he apperantly had was with Reyna, and he barely thinks about her in his povs, and even in Reyna’s chapters in boo we barely find out about their friendship. The entire camp turns against him in Mark of Athena. By the end of Boo, he still has not regained his entire memory, and never really confronted his past as a praetor. This is not a full, or satiscfactory character arc.
There are many other points I could name, like his relationship with Piper, or how him being Thalia's brother came completely out of the blue, or how he didn't built any meaningful relationship with characters who weren't Piper or Leo in the four books he's been in, but, to be honest, this post is already getting too long.
I'm just frustrated because he could have been one of the coolest characters in the Riordan verse, but he was really sat up to fail.  
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visforvengeance · 6 months
Downright Iconic
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Requested by: No One :)
Notes: helllllo! ok so i lovelovelove rafe and i've been seeing you guys do like a southern gothic type thing so I wanted to try as a southern (Georgia and texas) woman myself. so let me just say I am an atheist that grew up with a highly Christian family. I became an atheist when I was like 14 so idk too many bible verses and I'm sorry if anything is in accurate. I'm just sacrilegious af, like this story oh man. ok this is very much xblack reader based so idk read it or don't. this is heavily HEAVILY ethel cain coded, specifically gibson girl and western nights. i hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it!
Pairing: rafe cameron x black!southern reader
Warnings: oh man there's so many warnings omg ok. dacryphilia. hinted somnophilia, sexual religious themes, unprotected sex, graphic graphic graphic, degradation (slut, whore, etc), actual slut shaming, I was high while writing most of this and it went berserk. um it's 4k words of porn without plot. i didn't proofread. I don't remember all of the warnings so please read at your own risk!
You sat in the front row of your church, along with your family and others who were important to society. There was your family, the Pastor’s family, the Camerons (Ward Cameron is the mayor of your quaint little town). The Thorntons and the Carreras. Your father’s voice boomed throughout the small church as he recited Proverbs 3:5-6. Kiara’s father had asked him to speak on keeping up your faith after he learned of his daughter’s betrayal. 
She was caught dillydallying with that little blonde boy from the more southern parts of town. Her reputation took quite a hit when everyone found out. It nearly cost her family their business, if it weren’t for the closeness they shared with the Camerons, they’d have faced total ruin. 
You shifted in your seat uncomfortably as you looked over at your friend. She kept her head down and her hands in her lap while the grip her father held on her wrist visibly tightened. You wanted to go and comfort her, but you knew your mother would disapprove. When she found out about the news, she banned you from ever even looking at Kiara again. Which was hard because she was your greatest friend. Despite your mother’s wishes, you still hung around her. You were her rock whenever she needed a shoulder to cry on, you defended her from those who called her foul names and turned on her. 
Your eyes trailed over to the Cameron family. They all sat in their crisp and brightly colored Sunday’s best. Your eyes looked over the eldest child in the family, Rafe. He was a wild child, a true force to be reckoned with. Star athlete at your university, the town’s sweetheart. The boy your mama would be proud to call her son-in-law. The golden child. There was no better American teen than Rafe Cameron. Until the sun goes down and he’s the devil that lurks in the streets. 
Rafe was a notorious party animal. He’s single-handedly why your town has a curfew in the first place. Despite his daddy being the mayor and constantly under public scrutiny, everyone under the age of 27 knew what Rafe Cameron got into. The parties, the drugs and alcohol, premarital sex, he did all of it. 
The two eldest Cameron children were very sneaky. Sarah, who was more like her brother than she’d like to admit, was just as wild. For starters, she was dating one of those pogues. There’s nothing worse than dating a pogue around these parts. She claimed that they were in love and planned on leaving when they got the chance. You’d just nod and pet her hair, bless her heart. You weren’t a fan of slutshaming but if you looked up the very definition of a slut, there’d be a picture of Sarah sitting prettily. You didn’t know how the purity necklace Ward had gotten her hadn’t broken and melted to the ground from her sinful ways. But, you loved her nonetheless. 
Since you were 13 and could no longer control the urges that came with being a growing girl, there had always been something about Rafe. You had a crush on the older boy for years. You didn’t partake in things like masturbation, but on days where you nearly gave in, thoughts of Rafe ran across your mind. His toned body hovered above yours while his breath fanned over your features. He was between your legs, grinding against you so slowly that you felt everything he had to offer. 
Mama and daddy hadn’t taught you about sex yet. They always said that it was something you’d learn about when the time came. So, you didn’t know how vaginas and penises worked and how babies were made or why sometimes when you were alone, if you thought for too long then your breathing would become heavier and there’s this feeling in your stomach. And, you can’t keep your legs from rubbing together and you’re so hot, god (you’ll repent later), you could die. This unknown feeling gets so intense, but you’re so scared. So, you stop. You say your prayers and go to bed. You don’t tell anyone about these moments of little death. 
Rafe was always indifferent towards you until you turned 16 and your body developed more. And, you were no longer just his annoying little sister’s best friend. Fuck, you were so much more. Your tits practically burst out of your sports bra when he sees you practicing for cheerleading. 17 and your ass was looking too good in your jeans. 18 and the sway of your hips had him on his knees. 
He fucked countless girls dreaming that they were you instead. He just knows your virgin pussy would have him going crazy. He knew about your crush on him from one of the times you were talking to Kie while Sarah was out. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t wish you were in his arms too. But, something in him was holding him back. He never knew what and didn’t bother to try and figure it out. He wasn’t going to for a good long while. 
When you looked over at Rafe to discover he was already looking at you, your eyes widened and you immediately looked back at your father. Rafe felt his smirk grow. He spent his days in church daydreaming about bending you over and fucking you right in front of everyone and Jesus Christ himself. He laughed when he thought about the times he didn’t burst into flames. 
He tuned out the preaching as he imagined what your tits would like while he drenched your top in the holy water before him. He imagined it was you saying those prayers while you’re stupid crying on his cock, a girl like you should be praying to the correct god. Rafe wanted you so badly. He decided that he was done wasting time. He’d marry you and make you his pretty little housewife if he had to. He had to stop before the very thought of you being pregnant and swollen with his baby made him cum in his pants. 
After church, your father allowed you to hang out with Sarah at Tannyhill. The two of you lounged around by the pool while Rafe and his friends did the same on the opposite side. While you lay around, floating in the pool, you watched as Rafe watched you in the pool. The sunglasses helped tremendously at hiding your line of vision and allowed you to watch him without shame. His eyes trailed all over your body like he was in a trance and couldn’t choose where to look first. 
You sat yourself up on your elbows, tilting your sunglasses down to look at him. When he realized that you were looking at him, he gave you a small smile and a wink. He watched your doe eyes stare back up at him, your bottom lip being pulled in between your teeth while your eyes trailed down his torso. The heat combined with the brightness of the sun cast a light sheen on Rafe’s body. It was making you clench so deliciously around nothing and had you panting like a bitch in heat. 
Rafe chuckled as he inspected your behavior around him, but Sarah’s voice hid it well enough to go unnoticed. “Rafe, let’s have a party,” Sarah suggested. Rafe hardly ever said no to a party. Their parents left a lot so they had parties pretty often. But, you never attended them. Parties weren’t exactly your thing. You’d very much rather stay at home and watch a movie. Or the most adventurous you’d get is trespassing on public park grounds after hours. 
“I’m down. You spread the word and I’ll get the goods.” Sarah nodded as she began to gather her things, you began to make your way out of the water. Rafe eyed your backside while water cascaded down the smooth brown skin. He stood mesmerized with his tongue in his cheek as your ass jiggled behind you. His eyes never left your body while you walked inside the house. He couldn’t wait until he got his hands on you. 
After you and Sarah had settled inside, the two of you chilled inside her room for a bit. “You should come to the party.” Her and Kie always tried to get you to attend one but you always declined their advances. But, Sarah was being very persistent. “Why do you want me to come to your stupid party so bad? I’d feel so out of place. I don’t even have anything to wear.” You tried every excuse you had but Sarah wasn’t budging. “Look. We’re grown-ups now and you can’t just live your life like some virgin loser. You ain’t even had your first kiss yet, darling,” she says as she grabs your face so you’re looking at her. 
She was right. You’ve never been more intimate than holding hands. Your parents put the fear of god in you and it’s buried so far down inside of you, that the only way to purify yourself of it is to die. It’s not like boys hadn’t tried, but you’d push them away faster than they could say ‘hallelujah’. You didn’t know what had gotten into you. These kinds of things never worried you before but this crippling fear of missing out has invaded your brain. 
You stared up at the pale, peachy-colored ceiling and took a deep breath. “Fine, I’ll go,” you mumbled. Sarah began jumping around in excitement, “I still don’t have anything to wear, though. My clothes aren’t very party-like.” You frowned as you thought about your clothing options. They didn’t hug your body or show what you were working with. “Fuck it, we’re going shopping,” Sarah declares as she drags you out of bed. 
She convinced you to get this spicy little number that showed off the parts of your body you adored the most. The two of you rushed back to her house so you could get ready. Rafe had already started setting everything up. You were beyond nervous as you’d never done something like this before, definitely never wore anything like this either. Sarah helped you do your makeup, an hour she spent straddling your waist as she focused. You looked like a different person, you didn't even recognize yourself. It was strange. And, your parents would have a stroke if they saw you now. 
The house was filled before you knew it. Various stood all over with cups in their hands or they’re making out against the wall, to be honest, you were scared. You’d never seen so much vulgarity. You couldn’t believe you let Sarah talk you into this. Never again would you let it happen. She had the audacity to leave you alone and suck faces with John B. and you were pissed. You stood near the island of the kitchen with a solo cup in your hand. You were drinking the alcohol and it left you with an unrecognizable feeling. But it was a good one. The music calmed you, as did the LED lighting surrounding the place. You welcomed its embrace easier than you thought you would. 
You watched over the crowd, continuously drinking as you sat on the counter. It’s been an hour and Sarah still hasn't returned. You feared you looked like a drunken loser. And, you did. Meanwhile, Rafe stood on the other side of the house, directly across from you. His height and your sitting on the counter allowed him to watch you as the hour passed. He battled with whether he should approach you or not. The alcohol in his system lowered his inhibitions and lessened his worries. 
He pushed past the intoxicated groups of bodies and reached you. He stood in between your legs while his hands rested on either side of your thighs. Just like in your dream, you could feel the warmth of his breaths against your skin, you basked in it. He invaded your senses. His scent made you woozier along with the alcohol you consumed, he smelled of hints of beer and Bleu de Chanel. His body heat radiated off of him and onto you, engulfing you like a glove. His blue eyes were all that you could see as his half-lidded eyes looked down at you. If you were sober then you’d be questioning how he was able to tempt you like this. You’d do whatever he wanted of you if he asked. And, he liked it that way. 
“Hey, baby.” Baby? Did he know who he was talking to? “Hi, Rafe.” He fucking loved the way you said his name, he could feel his cock starting to stir in his pants. “My sister ditch you for that little bitch, John B. huh?” He was sweaty and breathing so heavily. It made you wonder what had him like this. But, you nodded and continued to look into his eyes. “You want me to take you upstairs to keep you company?” His fingers were caressing your thigh at this point. His touch burned you but you liked it. That didn’t sound like such a bad idea. “Yeah,” you whispered to him. He helped you off of the counter and held your hand, pulling you upstairs to his bedroom. He absolutely had no intentions of talking, unless it was to talk you right out of this little dress you were wearing that made his dick jump in his shorts. 
Once you were in the quietness of his bedroom, he locked the door behind him. He sat closely next to you on his bed. He eyed your body, focusing on the plushness of your tits that spilled out of your dress. And, your thighs that looked so soft, it made him want to mark them up. Fuck, he had to have you. It made you nervous being under his gaze for this long and this closely. He usually never paid you any attention and now, suddenly, it was all on you. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he started. He stared at you intently, practically moving you on top of him. You were hot all over. “Thank you,” you sounded more confused than pleased but Rafe could sense your nervousness and it was turning him on more than he thought was possible. 
His fingers played with your inner thighs, softly drawing circles on them. “You know it’s funny. Sarah would be so pissed if she saw us right now.” You were breathless. And drunk. And so fucking close to him. And, there’s a little voice in the back of your head that’s begging you to get ahold of yourself and go home! But, you had to see this out. Maybe, you’d been praying and pleading with God to allow something like this to happen. Maybe, you’d let Rafe do whatever he wanted to you tonight. Maybe, you were willing to be Eve and let Rafe be the serpent that tempts you. 
“Why?” He chuckled and shook his head. You were just a dumb little girl after all. He couldn’t wait until you were his. He’d teach you. And, mold you into his perfect woman. His pretty, pliant princess. “Because she wouldn’t want her brother and her best friend fucking each other. Not if it’s me and not if it’s you.” Everyone and their mother knew you were too good for anyone, especially Rafe. He may have been everyone’s favorite boy but they knew he had a temper on him. 
“You wanna fuck me?” Were you in heaven? Like actually? You knew what ‘fucking’ meant but not exactly how to do it. But, that didn’t mean it wasn’t making you incredibly wet to know that it was what he wanted to do with you. You looked at him with wide eyes. He nodded before pressing his lips to your neck, kissing and sucking at your pulse point. “I can’t stop thinking about how that pussy would feel wrapped around my cock, mama.” His fingers were now grazing the poor excuse for underwear that you were wearing. Sarah made you buy some thongs because something about panty lines not being attractive or whatever. 
You opened your legs wider for him, which made him groan into your neck. He pulled your panties to the side and was immediately met with your wetness. He softly rubbed your clit, your slick making it easy for his fingers to glide across it, quickly bringing you to orgasm. It happened too quickly for you to provide a proper warning but Rafe wasn’t complaining as he watched you come undone in his lap. Your thighs still shook around his wrist while you came down from your high. 
“That was so hot, baby.” He pecked your lips once, then twice. “I’ve never done that before,” you mumbled. You were beyond embarrassed to admit that. But, Rafe managed to calm you down by stroking your arm. “Not even on your own?” You shook your head. You heard Sarah and Kie talk about cumming and how it felt but you could only imagine. You almost did try pleasuring yourself once, but you were already so scared. Your parents were supposed to be out and all was good until you heard your mom calling for you and you never tried again. 
Rafe was having such a hard time trying not to rip your clothes off and fuck you beyond repair. So pretty and so untouched. He didn’t care if it was obsessive or predatory, you were going to be his. He was going to make sure of it. “Do you wanna do it again, babe?” After you gave him a yes, he wasted no time in getting both of your clothes off. Rafe couldn’t believe you were letting him do this. He didn’t believe in God and all of that shit but he was silently thanking whoever there was for this moment that he could only dream of. He thought with you being the pastor’s daughter, that you’d at least make him wait. But, you were just as wanting as he was. Or, you were proper drunk. But, that’s not what matters. 
Rafe paused before reattaching himself to your body, his eyes looked over it. Admiring it. Was he in love with you? He could picture his life with you. You’d give him a handsome son and a beautiful daughter. And, even after you’ve aged and had kids, you’d still be his beautiful, loyal fucking housewife. Oh, shit. He had to be in love with you. He hadn’t even stuck his dick in you yet and he’s daydreaming about giving you his kids, what the fuck. He’d never felt this fucking giddy about a girl until you. You made him feel like a little schoolgirl with a crush or some shit. It was unnerving. But, right now he was going to make you see God on his cock, and feelings will come later. 
He leaned over, scattering kisses around your body. “You’re so beautiful, baby. The most beautiful I’ve ever seen.” And he meant it this time. As his lips enclosed themselves around your nipple, teeth grazing them, he moaned. “So fucking beautiful, princess.” He was moaning like a slut above you and you were still a virgin in his bed. He was screwed. However, he didn’t see the effect all of this had on you. Your hips were twitching uncontrollably because of the proximity and of him and his words and his actions. You were begging for something, you didn’t know what. But, you were so fucking desperate for Rafe, you couldn’t bear it. You felt tears sliding down the sides of your face, Rafe noticed in his daze which made him stutter a bit. Were you crying?
“Are you…fucking crying? Baby?” His hands caressed your cheeks but his tone was mocking you. And, you liked it. You nodded shyly. He scoffed and smirked, kissing your head. “Why are you crying, hm?” You were too afraid to say that it was because you were inexperienced. And, your inability to do what you wanted was making you frustrated. Rafe looked at you expectantly, even nudging your cheek a bit. You sighed, “I can’t say what I want you to do to me because I can’t articulate it well enough. Rafe, I don’t know what any of this is or how I’m feeling and I need you to-” You stopped yourself. You couldn’t say it. Your one piece of dignity wouldn’t allow you to. “You need me to teach you, baby? You want Daddy to show you how to make yourself feel good when he can’t help you?” It felt like the fucking wind had been knocked out of you as he spoke. 
“W-what?” Your eyes were wide. No one had ever spoken to you this way. And, you think you’d be quite disgusted if it were anyone else. But, Rafe was making you leave a puddle on his damn sheets. He situated himself between your legs so that his cock lay flat against your clit. He pushed his hips into you, which caused you to shiver. “I said, do you need me to show you what it feels like to lose your mind?” His hips never stopped moving. And, you never stopped moaning. What the hell was happening? You didn’t know, but you didn’t want it to stop. You were begging God to not let it stop, you didn’t care about any of it at this moment. Not what your family would think if they knew what a little whore you were being for this white boy. And, you didn’t care if you were going to hell, because as long as you had Rafe with you, no place would be as bad. As Rafe humped you into a senseless, babbling mess, your last comprehensive thought was that you now belonged to Rafe Cameron. He was yours as you were his and nothing would be able to change that. You didn’t know what voodoo magic Rafe had coursing through him but you knew you’d never be separated, till death do you part. 
His hips stopped when he realized he hadn’t gotten a response. “I can’t hear you, pretty girl. You listening?” You whined at the loss of friction but answered. “Yes, baby. I need you to teach me. Please just fuckin teach me, Rafe.” You didn’t know that you just signed your deal with the devil. When Rafe said teach you, he really meant teach you. 
~Now, dearest reader, I beg you let your imagination run wild with that last one.~ 
That was enough of a confirmation for Rafe as his hips resumed their movement. You were feeling the same things as you did when you were alone but more intense. Your tummy twisted with pleasure as your legs clasped tightly around Rafe's slutty, little waist. Your nails raked across his back harshly, but he didn’t mind. Your legs began to shake and you were panting now. You couldn’t describe this feeling, but you trusted Rafe. If he felt nothing was wrong then you allowed yourself to truly embrace it. He looked down at you, kissing you all over your face. “Come on, baby, you can do it. Give me what I want, can you do that? You gonna make a mess of me?” 
You were blinded by white, hot pleasure. Rafe watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, he could feel the wet spawning of your pussy against him. You were fucking majestic. He wanted to watch you cum over and over again, that was his goal tonight. You felt yourself grow tired as you came down from your high. Rafe planted kisses all over your face again, “you did so good, baby.” You hummed in acknowledgment, beginning to fall asleep. But, Rafe tapped your cheek rather harshly. “What are ya doing, huh? You thought we were done?” You whined. Your half-lidded eyes stared up at Rafe. “But, Rafey, I’m so tired.” He manhandled you onto your back again, hiking your leg around his waist as he began to line himself up with your entrance. 
“That’s not my problem, baby. I didn’t get to cum and you did twice. That’s not fair, princess. Don’t you want Daddy to feel good too?” You nodded, sleepily. “Good girl. Just let me fuck you, and then you can go to sleep, alright?” He didn’t wait for an answer as he pushed himself into you, bottoming out. He didn’t bother checking up on you as he was fucking for his pleasure now. He moaned at the feeling of your tight cunt squeezing his cock, already trying to milk him for everything he’s got. 
“Fuck, you feel so good, baby.” He hadn’t felt anyone as tight as you since he first fucked a girl. He began thrusting inside of you, causing the both of you to moan. You were half asleep while he pounded your shit. The room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping, and wet pussy, and heavy groans and soft moans. It was purely pornographic. If only God could see you now. If only your father and mother could see you now. 
The brutal fucking Rafe was giving you was fast and hard, but he was hitting that sweet spot so deliciously. You were clenching uncontrollably around him as you began squirting around him. When Rafe realized, he cursed under his breath. His hips stuttered as he watched the sight below him. When Rafe saw the tears streaming down your face again, it had him spilling inside of you. Mixtures of curses and groans left him as he came. 
His head was in the crop of your neck while you played with his hair. You began to fall asleep again, feeling content just like this. Despite the mess you were laying in. But, Rafe began to move his hips again. Slowly this time. “Rafe, you said-“ “sh shh, baby, just go to sleep. Don’t worry about this.”
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padfootagain · 22 days
Love in Verses (VI)
Chapter 6 : ‘I’ll lie here and learn how, over their ground, trees make a long shadow and a light sound’
Hi! Here is another chapter! A ‘party’ is happening, revelations are made, and the drama reaches a peak!
I hope you like this new chapter! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader (professor!AU)
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff in later chapters, some scenes in later chapters will have heavy sexual themes even if it’s not explicit nsfw description, so minors here
Summary: Your life seems perfect. You're engaged, your career is thriving as you become an assistant professor at Trinity College, and this Andrew Hozier-Byrne you're sharing an office with seems to be a nice guy you hope to call a friend soon. Life seems to be smiling at you... until everything goes sour. When your fiancé breaks up with you, your perfect world shatters. And when your colleague also gets his heart broken soon after, your shared office seems to be a curse rather than a blessing. But Andrew seems determined to mend your broken hearts... Will things finally go according to plan?
Word Count: 2450
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s masterlist – Main masterlist
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Now that I know
That passion warms little
Of flesh in the mold,
And treasure is brittle,
I’ll lie here and learn
How, over their ground,
Trees make a long shadow
And a light sound.
Louise Bogan, Poetry, 1922
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It took you over an hour to choose which clothes to wear.
To attend Frank’s party meant seeing some of his friends you hadn’t talked to since your break-up, meeting up with some of your common friends that tended to start forgetting about you, meeting his new girlfriend you needed to impress.
You were hurting about tonight already. Because you would see Frank happy with someone else, because you missed him so much it burnt a hole in your chest, because you wanted him back. In your group of friends, most people had stopped talking to you after your break-up, it was a tough after-effect you had not seen coming. If anything, you would have expected your friends to support you rather than him. He was the one running away with a new girlfriend he barely knew, after all. Didn’t you at least deserve your friends’ sympathies? Perhaps you didn’t. Perhaps they didn’t like you that much, in the end, followed the most charismatic one of the relationship when you separated. The fact that your only remaining friend was all the way north in Belfast and busy with her academic job wasn’t helping. You couldn’t wait for her to come visit in a couple of weeks. Of course, long hours had been spent on the phone with Siobhán, but it wasn’t the same. Anyway, you still had a couple of weeks to wait before being able to crumble in her arms and cry all the tears your body could produce.
For now, you needed to look as ravishing as you could, so Frank would see what he was losing. So his new girlfriend would not think herself better than you. So your former friends would see how good you were doing despite your break-up.
You were meeting in a posh pub downtown, a place that overpriced mediocre beer and expected their customers to look for expensive wine rather than a good time. You had been there a couple of times with Frank, you hated the place. You preferred simpler spaces, those that had a soul instead of an extensive bank account. Frank loved it, he had probably chosen it for tonight.
At the pub, it was easy to spot the large group that formed your exe’s party. You recognised many faces; some were new, you guessed that they belonged to people who came for Frank’s new girlfriend. You had barely stepped closer that a couple of your former friends greeted you with grinning faces, offering you a glass.
You cursed at them in your head for playing all nice and syrupy tonight when they hadn’t spoken to you since Frank had left…
“How are you keeping after… what happened?”
“Christ, I’m sorry about you and Frank, I really do… But his new girlfriend is good craic!”
“I’m glad you remained friends, that’s very mature of the two of you.”
You heard the questions and the remarks, and wanted to snap at every one of them, but you didn’t. You needed to make a good impression tonight, you came to get Frank back, not to push him away.
A couple of glasses later, and Frank was finally in sight, your glances meeting, and he smiled so brightly, you were blinded by it. You had heard his booming voice as soon as you had entered the room, but he was always busy talking with someone else. He was always like this. Bright, a little exuberant, the life of the party. You were always in his shadow, shier, bathing in his laughter and his light.
He hugged you, briefly but tightly, you let your senses be lulled by his cologne. You used to think he wore too much of it, but after missing his scent for over a month, you didn’t mind. On the contrary, you longed to drown in it now.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you! God, I’ve missed you these past few weeks.”
“I’ve missed you too,” you let out in a quiet voice, trying to hide the tears in your eyes and the emotions in your voice.
“I’m glad you could come! We have a big announcement to make! But first, I need to finally introduce you to my amazing girlfriend. Babe!”
Babe… he used to call you that… now he called her ‘babe’…
You saw a woman turning around, to the pet name you thought you would be the only one recognising for the rest of your life.
And she was pretty. So damn pretty. Dark hair, vivid blue eyes, full lips made tempting by red lipstick, pearly earrings framing her face.
You felt miserable at the grin she offered you. You felt miserable in this dress you thought would make you look as pretty as you could be, you felt miserable because you thought she looked better than you ever would…
He turned to her, placed his hand on her waist, the same way he used to do with you at parties to keep you close.
“This is my friend Y/N,” Frank introduced you, and the jolt of pain that pierced your heart at the word ‘friend’ knocked out all the air from your lungs. “Y/N, this is my girlfriend…”
You were interrupted by a warm voice coming from behind you, a voice you were surprised to recognise here. But as you turned around you were met with the hazel eyes you expected.
You stared at each other, both of you frowning hard. He had dressed up tonight as well, in a black suit and black shirt that contrasted tastefully with his pale skin and bright eyes. His hair was tied in a bun, he wasn’t wearing his glasses, it was the first time you saw him with contacts on instead. You couldn’t fail to notice that he looked extremely handsome, although you had to admit you missed his glasses…
You noticed how his eyes trailed down your frame before he blinked to stare into your eyes again, how his cheeks became a brighter shade of pink…
You both turned to Frank’s new girlfriend when she spoke Andrew’s name.
Did she… did they know each other?
Sam? Like… in Andrew’s ex?
Andrew’s ex who had broken his heart four weeks ago?
“Do you… do you two know each other?” she asked, and you were too stunned trying to make sense of the situation to answer.
“Erm… yeah… Y/N and I work together. At Trinity.”
“We’re in the same office,” you added.
Frank and Sam exchanged a glance.
“Oh… we didn’t know.”
“Wait… what’s going on?” Andrew asked, blinking and rubbing at his forehead as he tried to think.
“This is my boyfriend, Frank,” Sam explained.
Andrew looked at you, eyes open wide.
“Frank? Like…”
“Yep,” you let out in a breath.
“Well, that is awkward…” Frank spoke with a humourless chuckle. “It’s still nice to meet you, Andy,” he added, offering his open hand for Andrew to shake it.
But by your side, Andrew blinked, trying to process the whole situation. It took him a moment to shake the hand that was offered to him.
“Erm… if you don’t mind… I prefer Andrew.”
“Oh, okay…”
“Only my close friends and family call me ‘Andy’. So…”
“Ha, yes! But I hope we can all become good friends, despite our pasts.”
You smiled, nodded. It was a lie, of course. And as you looked up at Andrew’s expression again, he seemed to feel the same.
“Thank you for coming tonight, Andy,” Sam smiled at him, and you watched the tenderness that softened his gaze when he turned to her.
“’Course,” he nodded, blinking a couple of times, as if stunned by her.
“Well, now that we’ve greeted everyone, I think it’s time for the announcement,” Frank grinned, excitement making his entire being shine, radiate warmth. And you were stunned by him a little too as you watched him call for everyone’s attention. He and Sam moved further away so the whole group could easily see them. Meanwhile, you could still feel Andrew’s presence next to you.
“Thank you all so much for coming tonight!” Frank spoke loudly, thriving in this situation, being the centre of attention, the life of the party, the perfect host… a role you had always struggled with, that you had always happily surrendered to him while you were together. Sam was grinning though, she seemed more at ease in this social event than you could ever be. “We have a big announcement to make. We… we know it might seem sudden, but… the second we met, we knew there was something special happening between us. We have been together for a short time, but every day only secures that feeling. This is why we have decided not to wait any longer to take a leap of faith. We’re happy to announce to all of you that we’re getting married!”
The group exploded with cheers, surprised gasps and clapping. Frank spoke again, thanked everyone, and so did Sam. They moved across the group to hug people they loved, the shouts and cheers continued on.
You heard none of it. Your ears were ringing. When Frank spoke about his feelings for Sam, you were focused on trying not to collapse on the floor.
Getting married…
He had waited years to ask you to marry him, had pushed back the wedding again and again for his career and now… now he was ready to marry her after a single month together?!
This was madness. This… this was not happening…
Andrew’s voice pulled you back to earth, just in time to see the happy couple coming closer to you. His voice was a little too neutral to be convincing, but Frank and Sam didn’t seem to notice. Sam hugged him, thanked him, grinning so happily while you noticed that Andrew’s eyes were gleaming with tears. He blinked them away though, offered a warm smile when she pulled away.
And then Frank was standing in front of you. Handsome, all short blond hair and magnetic blue eyes. The buzz of the room was distracting, but you focused on him just the same.
“Congrats!” you smiled, closing your fists so hard your nails dug crescent marks in your palms.
“Thank you! Oh, I’m so glad, Y/N!”
And indeed, he was grinning, solar, bright and generous and your heart shattered at the thought that once you had been the reason behind that kind of grin…
Both Sam and Frank were soon pulled into their group of friends once more, and you seized the opportunity to run away from this bloody posh pub you hated, from these people you used to love who had turned on you, from all this mess your perfect life had become…
Sam had stolen your life from you. You were Frank’s fiancée, you were the one who should have been celebrating your engagement, you should have been the one kissing him now, you should have been the one he loved…
The door of the pub closed behind you before you could realise you had left. The air was cold as it hit your cheeks, you hurried to the side of the building, hiding from the busy street and the cars driving by, the bright lights of busy lives…
Footsteps followed you, you couldn’t care less. You barely noticed them, until the deep, familiar voice you weren’t expecting shook with anger and made you stop dead in your tracks.
“Did you know?”
It was the first time you heard Andrew angry. The tone sounded strange as it rested on his voice, made the timber of it more prominent, deeper, lower as well, almost threatening.
“Y/N! Did you fucking know about this!?”
You stepped in the little alley that ran along the building, and Andrew followed you under the orange light of the only lamppost of the dead-end street.
“Hey! I’m fucking talking to you!”
He grabbed your upper arm, hold firm, tight if not painful. He forced you to turn around with a rough yank.
His face fell, expression changing from wrath to pain in a second as he stared at you.
You let out a sob, your hand flying to your mouth to cover the sound, your fingers wet with the tears that streamed down your cheeks. Andrew’s expression immediately softened. He easily read the answer to his question in your pain.
He took a couple of deep breaths, immediately let go of your arm. You shuddered at the loss of contact, at the cool air of the night that replaced the warmth of his palm. He gritted his teeth in an attempt to calm down.
“I’m sorry…” he trailed off, voice shaking as he tried to control his emotions.
You rubbed at the spot he had touched on your arm, he blinked tears away, and stared at you with a frightened expression now.
“Did I hurt you? I’m sorry, I was a little rough… sorry… you’re okay?”
But your head was spinning, you shook your head.
“I hurt you? Did I hurt you? I’m sorry…”
Instead of answering, you felt your legs give way, and Andrew caught you in his arms before you would hit the ground. He held you to his chest to keep you upright, wrapped his arms around you.
And the heat of his body felt good against the cold of the night, and his chest was solid and reliable like an anchor, and his hands rubbed at your back in a soothing gesture that slowed your heart almost immediately, despite not being able to stop your tears.
He cradled the back of your head in his large palm, held you closer to him.
He sniffed, choked on a sob of his own. You held him tight, hated the pitiful whimper he let out.
You weren’t sure how long it lasted, but after a long while, Andrew finally stopped shaking, dried his cheeks on his sleeve.
“Hey… come on, Y/N. We should go home. Let’s get you home, alright?”
You nodded, pulled away to call for a cab.
“You’re alright?” Andrew asked, drying your cheeks with his thumbs.
You nodded.
“Did I… did I hurt you?”
“No, no. You didn’t.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.”
“I’ll wait with you for your cab, alright?”
You nodded, dried your cheeks again.
“I… I had no idea,” Andrew mumbled, hands buried in his pockets now. “About Frank and Sam…”
“Me neither. I didn’t even know they knew each other!”
Speaking made you cry harder again, so you kept quiet until your cab arrived. Andrew opened the door for you, watched as the car drove away, and was left alone on the curb.
You collapsed onto your bed the second you reached home.
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bookmaker-untaken · 3 months
you're ugly, you're disgusting - give me 200 horses
Suo Hayato x Reader // Mythology AU
Summary: To marry you, a suitor must beat you in hand-to-hand combat. Or do whatever the fuck Suo did instead.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, OOC!Suo, Probably (Look, I Tried), Misogyny
Word Count: 1, 953
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Contrary to popular belief whispered throughout the steppe, you do not hate men.
But, by god, are they a stupid bunch.
There is this story your Father liked to tell after a few drinks, of you, as a toddler, gripping a snake by the throat and happily slamming him into the ground, repeatedly.
So why are men always surprised when they end up in the same spot?
Your most recent challenger groans from the ground, dust settling around him. 
The fight master holds up your hand once more and you grin. 
Behind you, there is familiar laughter and clapping, your Father waving you back to the cushioned seat near him. 
"That's my daughter! A force to be reckoned with!" 
He claps a hand on your back and shakes you a little and you smirk.
The man with the eyepatch and expensive clothes lowers his cup of honey wine, a tranquil smile adoring his features. "Your fighting technique is quite impressive."
You look over at him, up then down. His robes make it hard to tell what kind of stature he has, hard to tell what kind of fighter he might be. 
"Most men still challenge me afterwards. I hardly receive compliments."
"Fight you?" He laughs, and the small jewel attached to the eyepatch quivers. "I would most certainly lose."
You give him a look out of the side of your face. Somehow, you know he's bluffing. He might put up a good fight at the very least, and that in itself would be a miracle. 
"You are wise, Suo! My daughter is well versed in combat!" 
You watch this Suo for his reaction. He shows you nothing, taking another sip of wine.
"You see, my daughter has one rule for suitors! They must beat her in hand-to-hand combat!"
"Oh?" He says, sounding genuinely interested. This, too, is rare.  "And what happens when they lose, as that man did?"
"They owe me a horse." You say, chin raised, daring him to speak ill of your methods as many often do.
"Huh." He says. "How many horses do you have?" 
"1,000." You say, smirk curving on the corner of your lips.
"Wow," He says, sounding genuinely impressed. "That is quite amazing!" 
"And a hassle! We hardly have room for them all," Your Father laughs.
The arrow sings through the breeze, hitting its perfect mark.
You're almost boring to watch with your accuracy and skill. 
The Merchant speaks to your Father under a richly colored tarp.
"You must forgive my daughter," You hear when you go to pick up more arrows. "She worries for me." 
"It's cute," Suo replies. 
Your face wrinkles in confusion and he laughs. 
"Don't let my daughter hear you say that," Your Father leans over, whispering conspiratorially. "She might bite your head off." 
"Right," You say loudly, another arrow piercing the bullseye. "Like that would be the optimal way of killing someone."
The smile on Suo's face remains, despite your dark joke.
The other girl scoffs and storms away, leaving your handmaiden and best friend Líu.
"What happened?"
Liú gives you a one armed shrug, putting another cloth into the basket at her hip. "Well, I told her I had my first time with my husband the other day,"
Your eyes widen. “How … how was it?”
“Somewhat underwhelming,”  Líu admits. “I think she was expecting more of a story?"                                                                                                              
You had the heard stories girls gossiped in the night. Sometimes horrifying, sometimes filthy, seldom in between.You supposed you had been wondering, even if you never asked.
"Don't get me wrong, I love my husband but ... it was just fine."
"'Just fine', huh.” You laugh, eyes crinkling. “So I suppose there really is no reason to stop throwing them into the dirt, then?”
Liú laughs. "I suppose not. But getting married wouldn't be the end of the world, either. Whichever you choose, I know it'll be true to you.”
"You have a lot of faith in me.” You say, puffing your chest.
“Of course!” 
Another day, another victory. 
The man hits the dust and you're already turning around to walk away, not seeing him scramble to grab a saucer from a plate and fling it at you.
But you do see the hand cast out before you, blocking your vision.
"Come now," Says Suo, smile taking an odd sort of edge. "There's no need to be a sore loser!" 
"You have good reflexes, Merchant," You say.
"Thank you!" Suo drops the saucer into your outstretched hand. 
"Though, you absolutely stole my thunder." 
"Sorry," He says, scratching his cheek. "My hand moved on my own."
"You're going to have to make it up to me," You say, still smirking. "Tomorrow. Archery grounds." 
Suo is just as much of a challenge as you had predicted. 
You often tie. 
You await his return to visit your Father and give him a new challenge each time.
He's fantastic with a polearm, but often lets go of the arrow too early.
Your horses adore him, even the most stubborn old girls allowing him to feed them carrots. 
He tells you stories of his travels, and in exchange you regale him with your exploits.
"Your next challenger..." Your Mother says. "He's a good man."
"They often are?" You say with a quirk of the brow. You feel the trap closing in on you, even if you do not know what it is for. 
She sighs, seeing that such a method would not work on you. "I want you to throw the match."
You look to your Father, who says nothing. 
Your Mother continues. "He comes from a good family and - "
"What of our honor!" 
"This is honorable!"
You look again to your Father, who simply shrugs. "It is your decision in the end. I trust our judgment." 
You stand in front of the man considering the conversation from earlier.
“100 Horses.” He is saying. “I bet I could beat you.”
“The men before you said the same.”
He spits. “The men before me were nothing.”
You do not throw the match. 
On a later visit, you and Suo are returning from a hunt, when you tell that story.
You wait for his reply.
"Hm. Good."
You're surprised. 
"I just thought you would have taken more of a ... business minded approach?" 
"I think it was merciful," He said. "Any fighter worth their salt would have been able to tell if you threw a fight."
"Have you ever thrown a fight?" You ask. "Is that how you lost your eye?"
"Nothing nearly as interesting as that," He says smoothly. 
"Aww," You smirk.
"Is there an interesting reason you started fighting your suitors?"
"Because I have to," You say automatically, then seal your lips. It dawns on you that nobody has asked you that question before. "Well..."
You look up into the sky as you think. He doesn't need an answer, you know. And he doesn't deserve an explanation. But you've already started thinking. On one hand, it's instinctual - you cannot help but not go down easily. 
"My grandmother ... was taken from her home by a foreign prince, my grandfather. And on her deathbed, she longed for it."
Suo is silent, waiting. He watches you intently. 
"She made me promise as a little girl for that never to be my fate. To never let any man possess me. "
Suo looks at you for a long time. "I cannot claim to completely understand, but I do empathize." 
You make a sound in response.
“Though. It is a lot of weight to put on a child.” 
"So," Liú says. "Is there something going on with you and that Merchant?" 
You stop cleaning your sword for a second to look up at her, "You mean something other than friendly competition?"
"There are rumors,"
"You know how I feel about rumors." 
"I do!” She say, plopping down next to you. “Which is why I came to you instead,"
"Suo is great competition. More than the likes I've ever seen before."
"And that's it?" 
You pause. "Should there be more?"
"No," Liu says with a loose shrug. "There doesn't have to be." 
It's a sharp second, like a pinprick - attacks you suddenly like a bird of prey..
The sunlight hits Suo's hair just right and it's like it glows. 
A terror grips you by the back of the neck. 
You shove the feeling away and decide to deal with it another time. 
And then the rumors start. 
The rumors that the reason your so object to marriage is that you are in a secret relationship with your Father.
You balk. It's ridiculous! Why would anybody believe such a thing! 
Your surprised when your Father calls you to his tent, full of onlookers.
"You must get married." 
You laugh. "You're going to let some silly rumor decide for you!? You might as well let it run your court as well!"
"No," He says. "I've let this charade go on for far too long. It's not fit for a young woman to remain unmarried like this."
"You're joking."
His face is unmoving. You realize he is not relenting. 
"Father. Father! You can't just offer my hand to some stranger! ... Please!"
He closes his eyes. "One year. You have one year to choose."
When Suo returns, he cannot find you. 
"She rides every day," Your Father tells him. "From dawn till dusk." 
When you return, you give him a smirk that doesn't meet your eyes. 
"What happened?"
You start to tell him, the emotions swimming in your eyes, but instead say, "Ride with me."
The moon illuminates your shadows.
You approach a shimmering lake, looking at its surface. "My father wishes for me to get married."
"I -" You are crying. The tears that squeeze out of your eyes are of desperation. "I know of none who would wish to marry me of their own accord, so I am to be promised to a stranger."
Suo is silent.
"I have fought my whole life for my freedom and now I will be remembered for my failure!"
"You didn't fail." 
You look at him, crystalline tears still falling.
"You never lost." 
"But I did!" You say. "Because I fell for somebody!"
"Falling in love is not losing," He says. "And knowing you, knowing the decisions you make - the person you fell for would probably never have you give up on yourself. If they do, it isn't love."
"You don't understand!” You snap, fists forming at your side.”I do not know if I'll ever be able to love them like anyone else! I respect them! But what if it is not love? What if it is all I am capable of? You do not wish a life with me!"
"That is not for you to decide," Suo says, then after a moment, “Fight me.”
“A King once told me that fighting is a conversation of one’s souls. You have something to tell me, don’t you? Fight me.”
You begin to walk from behind your horse. “You have to be serious.”
He nods. “I will.”
“Even if you think you can’t win.”
He begins to stand in a fighting position. “I’ll try.” 
You shift into your fighting position. "Then come!" 
The two of you lunge at each other. He’s faster than you are, and reflects most of your attacks, but when you finally manage to grapple him he hits the ground hard. The two of you dance along the moonlit shore to a rhythm nobody else will ever hear.
The two of you fall to the ground at the same time, panting and sweating. 
You laugh.
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claimedcrossbows · 1 year
Served! Sanji x Fem!reader
Slight anime spoilers/foreshadowing.
This is OPLA Sanji though.
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You were laid down in your quarters trying to keep the vomit down after you had been sick the entire night. Your head was killing you and you were simply not ready for whatever chaos was happening downstairs, but you had a kitchen to run, so you slowly got dressed, and slowly made your way downstairs to absolute anarchy.
“Y/n! We’re out of crawfish and it’s tonight's specials!” Your little sister says immediately approaching you.
“How did we run out of crawfish?” You groaned.
“Rasha forgot to order more and the nearest port ship is still a day away.” She explains frantically.
“Substitute it for lobster in the mac and cheese, and 86 the Crawfish Etouffe Balls.” You demanded hoarsely your vocal chords still fried from vomitting all night.
“Y/N are you okay? You look awful.” Your sister says looking at your haggard appearance and your overall sweaty pale face.
“Great, now go do as I told you, and make it quick rumor has it a critic is dining with us tonight!” You say the last part loud enough to attract your team of cooks attention.
“YES CHEF!” A chorus of voices ring out as you nod and all but wobble your way to the fridge for some much needed seltzer water.
Of all the days for one of the most known critics on the grandline to come pay your restaurant a visit it just had to be today when you could barely stand up right.
Fortunately for you you had a great team of chefs under your command as you watched them all hurry about prepping and making numerous dishes that looked about as masterful as could be.
You were by far one of the best restaurants on the grandline, your restaurant resided on a small beach in a lighthouse where many ships sailing by frequented your restaurant when they were in need of a good meal and conversation.
And you were no doubt one of best female chef’s the grand line had ever seen.
At just age 7 you had won your local cooking competition taking home a wonderful gift basket of exotic spices that had eventually lead you to your well known name of The Spice Queen.
You specialized in Cajun styled cooking, but you could cook just about anything in any style, you were well versed in cuisine having read numerous cookbooks throughout your life, you even knew quite a few special recipes to help revitalize sailors who were in need of more than just a flavorful meal.
Many pirates sought you out after large scaled battles that left them in tatters, if anyone asked any of those pirates what saved their lives and healed their wounds, they would name you.
Which is how you got your second name, as The Crock Pot Doc.
Yep, one taste of your special famous soup was said to cure a man on his death bed.
But none of that mattered if you couldn’t pull off a perfect dinner service tonight of all nights. You had to make sure this critic was absolutely blown away and you weren’t about to let a little food poisoning stop you.
So you chugged your seltzer water and began mincing and julienning veggies.
That was until a loud bang echoed throughout the entire lighthouse followed by a bunch of screaming and crying.
You quickly put down your knife and made it to the dining area where you absolutely could not believe your eyes at what had unfolded before you.
“WE NEED THE CROCK POT DOC, BRING THEM,PLEASE HURRY!” A man in a straw hat yellled looking around the room of patrons and chefs who had also exited the kitchen to see what was happening.
You stepped forward trying to process the sight before you, a group of pirates had barged into your restaurant all with desperate faces and who you could only assume was the captain carrying a orange haired woman who looked to be on the brink of death.
“I’m her, what the hell is going on??” You asked trying to wrap your head around this and the current state of your dining room that has been nearly destroyed by their barging in.
The straw hat man hastily made his way toward you carrying the woman with desperate eyes.
“I’m Monkey D. Luffy, and you have to save my friends life.” He said shakily but with a determination you could respect.
You laughed in disbelief, this man trashes your dining room on a special night and expects you to just save his friends life??
“And why would I do that?” You scoff looking at the state of the girl who looked worse than you felt.
“Because I’m the man who will be king of the pirates, and I promise I will pay you whatever you need and more if you save Nami’s life.” He says unwavering.
A few of your cooks scoff and laugh, “King of the pirates? This kid?” One of your cooks laughs.
You frown, “I don’t work for free, especially not when I have a important critic frequenting my restaurant tonight, there’s a doctor village not to far from here maybe a day’s travel at the Drum Kingdom-”
“She doesn’t have a day!” Luffy stresses.
Your frown deepens, your about to protest before a wave of nausea makes you wince. “Look I don’t have time for this I’m sorry but you need to leave-”
“Madam.” A voice behind this so called Captain Luffy rings out and you look past the kid and sees a tall blonde man in a black suit stepping forward, his face tense but gentle as he addressed you. “I understand your busy, but she will die if she doesn’t receive some kind of medical attention and I hear your not only one of the best cooks on these seas, but your cooking even rivals most medicines prescribed by doctors.” He says as he walks up to you.
“And you are?” You ask raising a skeptical brow.
“Sanji, The best cook in all of the east blue and maybe the world Mam’.” He says confidently as he shoots you a wink.
You immediately laugh, “Wow you have a lot of nerve to say that to my face.”
His face drops as he immediately shakes his head, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you I just-”
“Well you wouldn’t be a good cook if you weren’t cocky, so there must be some talent behind your words.” You say crossing your arms. “Your Sanji, Chef Zeff’s prodigy I assume.” You say watching his eyes widen.
A small smirk crosses his lips, “Ah, so you’ve heard of me madam?” He says flirtatiously.
“Yeah, I heard a flirty handsome chef trained by Chef Zeff himself has been making his name in the culinary world as one of the best chef’s out here.”
“Oh really?” He says his smile widening.
“Yeah, but it looks like they only got the flirty part right.” You smirk back watching his face drop.
“Sanji’s the best cook on the grandline!!” Luffy immediately defends.
“Yet he can’t make a healing dish?” You interject.
Luffy grunts in annoyance, “Look we don’t have time for this Nami’s dying will you help us or not!?” He shouts angrily.
“You say a food critics coming tonight right?” Sanji suddenly says.
You turn to him and nod, “Yes and I need to get ready-”
“You look sick, how do you expect to impress a critic and you can barely stand up right?” He asks staring directly into your eyes.
“How the hell do you know i’m sick?” You questioned.
“I know when a lady’s suffering.” He says gently.
You didn’t know how to respond to that so you just let him continue.
“So how about a deal, I help lead your cooks tonight and pull off an exsquisit meal to impress the critic, and you in turn heal my friend?” He says.
“And what makes you think you can make any of my dishes East Blue Boy?” You challenge, honestly intrigued by the cockiness of this man.
“I’m a fast learner mam, just give me a sample of what needs to be cooked and i’ll make it.” He says.
You were about to deny this foolish request until the sounds of numerous peoples stomachs gurgling suddenly caught your attention.
“Uhhhggg, Chef Y/N we don’t feel so good.” One your top chefs say holding their stomachs.
“Neither do I.” Chef Rasha groans.
“Oh no..” Another chef groans running out the room and into the bathroom.
“I feel fine?” Your little sister says looking at you in disbelief as more and more chefs ran out the room in distress as you watched your customers quickly flee out the front door.
You couldn’t believe this..your entire staff had contracted food poisioning.
You look between Luffy and the dying woman and then back at Sanji as your stomach churned even more.
“Fine, but my little sister will be your sous chef, she’s basically the mini version of me so listen to her directly got it?” You say approaching the blonde man who’s flirtatious smile made its way back onto his face.
“Anything you say Madam-’ ”And please stop with the Madam, Call me Chef, Y/N.”
“Chef Y/n, beautiful name, fits a beautiful woman.” He says.
Your stomach churns again as you quickly grab your little sisters chef hat and proceed to heavily vomit directly into it.
“Wow Sanji, your flirting literally made her vomit.” A man says placing a pitiful hand on his shoulder.
“Shut it Usopp!” Sanji hisses. “I’m going to have my friends help me considering your now understaffed, is that okay?” He asks looking at your concerningly handing you a handkerchief from his suits pocket.
“Fine, but don’t let that one” You say pointing to luffy. “Anywhere near the food.” You say getting a strange vibe from the straw hat boy just from the way he was eyeing your customers abandoned plates of food they had left.
“Trust me, I wasn’t.” He admits.
“Fine its a deal.” You say reaching out your clammy shaky hand that he immediately picks up and kisses.
Your face contorts into disgust as you take your hand back, just who did you let in your kitchen??
Hey guys wanted to do a little Sanji One shot I think this will be a two parter but I thought it would be so cool if Sanji met another incredibly talented chef who just so happened to be a woman right before we meet Chopper at the Drum Kingdom arc!!
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Congratulations on reaching 2k followers :) Could I possibly request maybe one of Eddie’s fantasies of babysitter reader pre As You Wish?
I would just like to say that AYW is now officially my favorite verse to write smut in, so thank you for this request lol.
In the same universe as As You Wish
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral m and f receiving, male masturbation, breeding kink
Words: 4.6k
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The highlight of Eddie’s day was coming home from work. Hands down, it was the part of the day that consistently brought him the most joy. He enjoys his job, likes his coworkers, and takes pride in his work, but coming home to his kids beats all. There was another reason Eddie loved walking into the house after work, but he’d never admit it to anyone. He’s still barely able to admit it to himself without his stomach twisting with guilt, but when he walks in the front door and sees you there, he feels like a teenager coming face to face with their crush. The smile you always give him when he comes home makes his knees feel weak and he swears he forgets his own name. Truthfully, he didn’t even feel this way as an actual teenager when he started dating Brittany. 
Eddie pulls onto his street, eyes hungrily searching for your used gold Hyundai Elantra in his driveway. But it’s not there. Instead, Brittany’s red Toyota Camry sits in its place. Eddie lets out an audible groan as he pulls up next to it in the driveway. Why couldn’t this be a day she got out of work early but decided to go to one of her boyfriends’ places? It sounds twisted, even to him, that he’d prefer his wife went to see one of the many guys that she’s having an affair with rather than be home, but this had been going on for so long that Eddie couldn’t find it in himself to care anymore. He couldn’t even pinpoint when he stopped loving her, but she certainly made it easy to stop. 
Taking a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for seeing the witch, he gets out of the car and heads to the front door. It’s chaos when he steps inside. Luke and Brittany can be heard down the hallway, screaming at one another, and Ryan is sitting on the floor of the living room with the television volume turned up an ungodly amount – probably to drown out the fighting. 
“Daddy!” Ryan calls, getting up off the floor and throwing himself at his father. Eddie is covered in grease and oil – more so than usual – but he can tell Ryan needs comfort and that’s worth having to scrub extra hard at the little boy’s clothes to get the stains out. He scoops his son up in his arms, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Hey, buddy. What’s going on?” he asks. 
“Mom’s mad cause Luke backtalked,” Ryan says.
Eddie sighs and nods his head. “Okay. You finish your homework?”
The question makes Ryan smile. He proudly tells his dad that he did – with your assistance. The mere mention of your name has Eddie smiling as well as desperately wishing he’d gotten to see you before you left. 
“Turn the tv down, okay, bud?” Eddie asks as he sets his oldest son down. Ryan agrees with a nod of his head, going to do as his father asked. Eddie lets out another sigh as he makes his way down the hallway, where he can now tell the shouting is coming from Luke’s room.
“You will not talk to your mother that way!”
“You yelled at me first!”
“That doesn’t give you the right to scream at me!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Eddie says as he walks into the room. “What’s going on?”
Luke immediately runs over and hugs Eddie’s leg, hiding his head behind his father’s body. Eddie pats his son’s head and raises his eyebrows at Brittany. 
“Your son,” she starts off, already boiling Eddie’s blood, “thinks it’s okay to back-talk me.”
“I just said I didn’t want veggietables with dinner!” Luke shouts, not meaning to yell, just trying to be heard over his mother. 
Brittany throws her hands in the air as if this was some grave sin that the little boy committed. It’s another moment where Eddie’s torn. Parents are supposed to have a united front against their kids, but what is he supposed to do when his wife is batshit crazy?
“Luke, we’re going to have vegetables with dinner,” Eddie tells him, running his fingers through the boy’s curls. “Go play with Ryan in the living room, okay?”
The five-year-old doesn’t hesitate, taking the chance to escape the room and get away from his mom. Eddie rests his hands on his hips, widening his eyes as he looks at Brittany.
“What the hell, Britt?”
She rolls her eyes and pushes past Eddie out of the room. Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose before following her out and into their shared bedroom.
“You always take their side,” Brittany huffs out.
“Am I supposed to yell at a five-year-old little boy because he doesn’t want to eat vegetables for dinner?”
“You should take my side!” she yells. 
“But you’re wrong.”
She lets out a groan and rifles through her nightstand before pulling out a tampon, shoving it in Eddie’s face instead of a finger like she usually would, as she continues her tirade. “I don’t need to take this from all of you! Men.”
Well, the tampon explained why she wasn’t visiting one of her boyfriends right now. Eddie knew better than to blame any of her sour mood on her period though; she’s always like this. 
“Didn’t you send the other woman who was here home?” Eddie asks sarcastically as he gathers some fresh clothes to change into. 
“Ugh, her,” Brittany huffs, and this seems to piss Eddie off most of all. “If the kids didn’t like her so much – and I still don’t understand why they do – she’d be long gone.”
“Why?” Eddie asks, too dumbfounded to add anything beyond that. 
“She’s too…” Brittany trails off.
Kind? Smart? Beautiful? Funny? Good with the boys? Not demonic like you? Eddie’s mind finishes for her.
“Annoying,” Brittany finishes. Eddie rolls his eyes as he swipes up a pair of boxers. He bites his tongue, a million acidic things wanting to spill from his mouth. 
“Whatever,” Eddie settles on. “I’m going to take a shower.”
“Guess I’m making dinner?” Brittany asks. 
“You were home first!” He takes a deep breath to calm himself. There’s no point trying to argue or reason with her. He’ll never win. “You can make dinner, order a pizza, or I can make dinner when I’m out of the shower.”
He doesn’t give his wife a chance to answer, walking out of the bedroom and locking himself in the bathroom. Eddie tosses his clothes on the counter and runs his hands over his face, letting out a deep groan. Making sure the water is turned up all the way to scalding, Eddie strips himself of his clothes and steps into the shower. The hot water runs over his tense muscles, managing to relax him a bit as dirt and grease begin to lift away. He grabs the bar of soap, the lavender smell meeting his nose as he rubs it over his body. 
Fuck Brittany, he thinks to himself. Not that I’ve done that in forever. Not that I want to, honestly. Who the fuck does she think she is? Calling you annoying? Eddie thinks you might be the least annoying person he knows, honestly. There hasn’t been a moment you’ve been around that Eddie wanted you to go. Or at least, not because he didn’t want you around. There have been times he wanted to shield you from Brittany though, and so for your own sake, he tries to get you to leave. If Brittany was smart, she’d be jealous, Eddie continues to think. Annoying? Fuck, you’re not annoying. You’re incredible. The sweetest person, the loveliest person. A really fucking sexy woman. The thought has Eddie’s dick twitching. He peeks his head out from behind the curtain to make sure he locked the door. Finishing washing his body up quickly, he puts the soap down and wraps his hand around his cock. Shit, his fingernails still had dirt underneath them. Eddie would make sure to clean that out before he’d put his hands on you. Wonderful, delicate, you. The oil under the nails of his rough hands makes Eddie think of you coming to see him at work. You’d been there a time or two before because you’d been having car trouble. But what if you were there for another reason?
Eddie’s the only one in the garage, under the hood of a rusted old car with the sleeves of his blue coveralls pushed up to his elbows, when he hears footsteps coming closer.
“We’re closed,” Eddie calls to whoever it is.
“Aww,” a sweet voice pouts. A voice he’d know anywhere. “And here I came all this way just to visit you.”
He comes out from underneath the hood and tosses his wrench on the pile of tools lying next to him before he turns around and sees you. You’re wearing the short denim skirt that always drives him wild, and one of his red and black flannel shirts over a white tank top, the flannel tied up just underneath your breasts. 
“You came to see me?” Eddie asks, raising his eyebrows at you.
Turning your head to look around the garage, empty except for the unfinished cars in the bay, you nod and take a few steps closer to him. “Only one here, aren’t you? Can’t stop thinking about you, Eddie.”
Delicate, soft hands come up to grip his coveralls and you look up at Eddie through your thick eyelashes. Both of you are breathing faster than usual, your cleavage moving up and down with every breath. 
“Well, what can I do for you, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, hands coming to rest on your hips. A smile quirks up on your lips, both at the question and at his hands on you. 
“Fuck me?” you ask, making your voice sound as soft and innocent as possible. 
“You sure, baby?” Eddie asks.
Biting your lip, you nod your head at him, removing your hands from his chest so you can untie the flannel and let it fall from your shoulders. “Please, Eddie? Want you so bad. So, so bad.”
“Who am I to deny a pretty girl what she wants?” Eddie asks before leaning down and attaching his lips to yours. Your arms instantly come up to encircle his neck and Eddie uses his grip on your hips to pull your body flush against his. 
A shiver runs down Eddie’s spine as your small hands slide down his shoulders and to the zipper of his coveralls. You pull it down agonizingly slowly, Eddie’s tongue delving into your mouth as you work. He takes his hands off of your hips to shuck the coveralls from his frame and you pull back from the kiss to push the article of clothing down his hips and down his legs. When you stay down on your knees, looking up at him with your beautiful eyes, he feels like he might combust. Eddie uses his booted foot to kick the discarded flannel towards you so you can kneel on that instead of the hard garage floor.
“Such a gentleman,” you purr as your hands pop the button on his jeans. Eddie feels like time stands still as you drag his zipper down, feeling like you touching his dick can’t happen soon enough. His eyes are trained on your face as you pull down his boxers and his stomach clenches in pure want as he sees you lick over your lips as your eyes stay glued to his cock. “Fuck, Eddie. You’re even bigger than I thought you’d be.”
“Thought about me, princess?” He’s amazed at how normal his voice sounds as his hands scramble behind him to grab onto the car he had been working on. 
“Mhmm,” you hum. You reach out and let your index finger trail down the vein on the underside of his cock. “Every time I touch myself. Wishing it was your fingers in me. Mine are too small.” The pouting look you give him, finally dragging your eyes away from his impressive length, has his breath hitching. “But I’ve seen your hands. I stare at them. Looking at the rings on your thick fingers, hoping you’d keep them on while you stretch me out.” You push up on your knees and let your spit drip down onto Eddie’s aching member before you wrap your hand around him. 
A guttural moan comes from Eddie’s throat, bringing a satisfied smirk to your lips as you work your hand up and down his shaft. You gather the precum beading on the head, mixing that with your saliva as you jerk him. Eddie feels like he’s in Heaven. Like the hood of the car must’ve fallen and crushed him, because you’re making him feel better than he thought possible. 
“Don’t know if I can fit all of you in my mouth,” you say, a frown on your pretty features. “But I’ll do my best.” With that, you lean in and lick over the pink aching head, eyes looking into Eddie’s as you do. You giggle when he groans through clenched teeth, the sound making his head fuzzy. Your lips close around the tip, and you start to bob your head, taking a little more of him in your mouth each time. 
“Damn, baby you look pretty like this,” Eddie says. You moan around him, vibrations only adding to his pleasure, and you reach up for his hand. Eddie takes his left hand from the car and lets you put it in your hair, and when you squeeze your fingers around his, he takes the hint and grabs a handful of your hair in his fist. A whimper comes from your throat, causing Eddie to buck his hips forward. 
“Shit, I’m sorry, baby,” Eddie says when you choke around him. You pull off of his cock and look up at him with tears leaking from your eyes, makeup starting to get smudged. 
“Don’t be sorry. Want you to fuck my throat.” Immediately returning your mouth around his dick, Eddie tightens his hold on your hair and starts to thrust his hips. He watches himself disappear between your lips, enjoying the wet warmth of your mouth. When the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat, Eddie throws his head back with a groan, hand tightening both on the car and in your soft hair. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. God, as much as I love your mouth, I want your pussy.”
You let him fall from your mouth, pretty pink lips twisting into a pout.
“Didn’t even get to suck on your balls,” you say. 
“Next time,” Eddie says as he huffs a laugh. He reaches down and helps you stand up, lips attacking your neck as he slides his hands under the hem of your tank top. The moans and whimpers you let out as Eddie secures his lips over your pulse point go straight to his cock, twitching between your two bodies. Fingernails scratch lightly over Eddie's abdomen as you slip your hands underneath his t-shirt, moving up to rub over his chest. He breaks away from your neck to toss his shirt off, followed by your tank top. The black lace bra you're wearing makes Eddie want to fall to his knees. Instead, he goes back to pressing kisses against your neck, trailing them up to the sensitive spot behind your ear. 
“Can I touch you, baby?” Eddie whispers against your hair. 
“Uh huh,” you whimper out. He wastes no time in cupping your breasts in his palms, squeezing over the thin material. “Feels so good.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, teeth grazing against your earlobe. “You like when I touch you?”
“Yes, Eddie. Love it so much.” You reach behind you and unclasp your bra, letting the silky straps slide down your shoulders. Eddie immediately rids you of the garment and palms your bare breasts. His thumbs flick over your pebbled nipples, making you arch your body into his touch. 
Reluctantly pulling his hands away from you, Eddie turns around and closes the hood of the car behind him. Turning back to you, Eddie wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up, setting your ass on the hood. His lips attach to your nipple, thumb coming up to play with the other one. Your hands go to his hair, tangling in his curls as his tongue laps at your breast. 
The soft skin of your thighs under his hands feels like silk as he moves his hands from your knees up underneath your skirt. When his fingers come in contact with your bare pussy, Eddie moans around your nipple before pulling off the bud.
“No panties? You’re really fucking trying to kill me, aren’t you?”
The giggle you let out has him smiling adoringly at you before he captures your lips in another kiss, pushing your skirt up to bunch at your waist. Breathing heavily, you break apart and Eddie takes one of your legs, lifting it over his shoulder. You lean back on your elbows, the cool metal kissing your heated skin. 
Eddie trails kisses up the inside of your thigh, your head dropping back just from the pleasure of that small act. Letting your other leg drop to the side, opening yourself up more to the sexy curly haired man, you lift your head back up to watch Eddie get closer to your core. His hot breath hits your bare sex and it sends a shiver up your spine. 
“Eddie, please,” you whine. 
“Please what, baby?” Eddie teases, pressing a kiss to the apex of your thigh. 
“Please put your mouth on me.” The whimper that escapes your lips pushes Eddie over the edge; he needs to taste you. Already intoxicated by every part of you, Eddie leans in and licks a broad stripe from your hole up your clit. 
“Fuck,” you pant out as Eddie does it again and again.
“Knew you’d taste good, baby,” Eddie says against your pussy. “But shit, you’re even sweeter than I thought.”
When you reach down to grip Eddie’s hair and give it a small tug, he moans against your clit, sending a vibration through your core that has you curling your toes. Tongue keeping a steady pace on your sensitive bundle of nerves, Eddie slips two fingers into your needy hole, making the pressure in your lower belly tighten. He curls those fingers upward, massaging against your inner wall and hits the spot that has you seeing stars. 
“T-There,” you stutter out. “Shit, Eddie, right there.”
The way you say his name makes Eddie think more favorably about it than he has in his whole life. He’d be content to just hear you say his name over and over again. 
Eddie thrusts his fingers so they hit the same spot repeatedly, tongue expertly working your cute little button. 
“Close, baby,” you tell him, the pet name going straight to his cock. He feels your walls start to spasm around his fingers and the thought of you doing that around his dick almost has him coming right then and there. “Eddie, yes. Fuck! I-I’m gonna cum.”
It’s all the warning he gets before you’re soaking his fingers, your release drooling down his hand as well. Eddie pulls his mouth off your clit and presses soft kisses against your thigh as you come down from your high. 
You lay back against the hood and windshield of the car, breasts heaving as you try and catch your breath. Eddie grins as he sees the fucked out expression on your face, staring up at the garage ceiling. 
“How was that, gorgeous?” he asks, trailing his fingertips over your knees.
“Hardest I’ve ever cum,” you tell him with a dreamy sigh. You push yourself up and pull Eddie’s head down to yours, melding your mouths together. He licks into your mouth, and you wrap your legs around his waist, sliding down the car until your wet heat is pressing against his throbbing cock. 
“Babe,” Eddie mumbles against your lips. “I don’t have a condom.”
“Don’t care,” you say as you wind your arms around his neck. “M’on the pill. Not that I’d mind having you knock me up, anyway.”
Eddie drops his head to your shoulder and lets out a whine. “Fuck, you can’t say shit like that and expect me not to want to keep you.”
“So, keep me,” you say with a shrug. When Eddie lifts his head to look at you, you’re biting your lip and looking at him with wide eyes. 
“You want me to keep you forever?” Eddie asks in a quiet voice.
“Forever,” you affirm. “Keep me.” You press a kiss to his neck. “Fuck me.” Another kiss. “Knock me up.” Another kiss. “Marry me. Whatever you want, I’m yours.”
Eddie groans and presses his lips to yours and you reach down, lining him up with your entrance. He pushes into you, and you gasp against his mouth. Your ankles lock behind his back as Eddie slowly fills you up, inch by inch until he’s buried up to the hilt. 
“Shit, sweetheart,” Eddie whispers in the air between you. “Feel so good. Pussy’s so fucking tight. Think you were made just for me, darling.”
All you’re capable of doing is whimpering in response. Eddie reaches deeper inside you than anyone else has before and you never want to feel less than this full again. 
“M’so full, Eddie,” you whine. 
“I know, baby,” he coos, his hips finding a steady rhythm. “I’ve got you.”
You drop your head down to his shoulder as he pounds harder into you, your fingers digging into his shoulders at the exquisite pleasure. The pressure is also building in your lower abdomen, tightening more and more. Eddie can tell as your nails dig into his skin, and he looks forward to seeing what kind of mark they leave there. It’ll only be fair for you both to have marks, since there’s already a nice purple bruise forming on the side of your neck. 
Wanting to hit that sweet spot inside of you again, Eddie gently encourages you to lay back on the hood of the car so he can adjust the angle of his hips. You look so pretty like this, he thinks. Hair mussed up, mouth red and kissed bruised, lying in front of him – where his cock keeps burying inside of you – back arching and tits bouncing in time with his thrusts. You look perfect.
Eddie shifts his hips just slightly and on the next thrust your fingers are scrambling on the hood of the car, trying to find something, anything to hold on to. Smirking in satisfaction now that he’s found that magic spot, he reaches up and links your hand with his, giving you something to hold on to. His hips also begin to piston in and out of you at a relentless pace, repeatedly hitting your spot that has your eyes squeezed closed in pleasure.
“Fuck!” you cry out. “Eddie!” 
He can feel himself getting closer, his release not far off as he tries to make you come a second time. By your body’s responses, he knows you’re close too.
“Eddie!” Every time you scream his name it’s like music to his ears. “Eddie, oh, Eddie!”
“Eddie!” Three loud bangs jerk Eddie out of his fantasy. “Dinner’s ready, Eddie! Are you done yet?”
Why Brittany has to yell when it’s only a two-inch-thick piece of wood between them, he’ll never understand. “Eddie!”
“Just a second!” he calls back. Brittany sighs and her footsteps disappear down the hall.
Eddie braces one arm against the shower wall, the other hand firmly grasping his painfully hard cock, and he squeezes his eyes shut as he tries to let the rest of the fantasy play out.
“Gonna come again,” you whine. Eddie uses the hand that isn’t holding yours to pull your body up until it’s pressed flush against his. You moan and whimper against his lips and Eddie knows he can die a happy man. Both of your hands go to his hair, and Eddie takes his newly freed hand down between your legs. He rubs tight fast circles over your clit, making your hips rock up to meet his thrusts. 
As your orgasm starts to take over your body, you press your lips to Eddie’s, sharing a hot searing kiss full of tongues and hot breath. The waves of pleasure roll over you, the noises you're making the prettiest Eddie’s ever heard. Makes sense coming from the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. The sounds mixed with your sweet pussy clenching around his cock is his undoing. Eddie comes hard inside of you, painting your walls with his white release. His eyes squeeze shut as he rides out his high, chest heaving with heavy breaths, and sweat dotted along his forehead.
“Fuck,” you say. “You feel so good inside me. Never want you to pull out.”
Eddie opens his eyes but you’re not laying there in front of him. He’s not buried inside of you, he’s holding himself in his hand, his seed coating the shower wall and some of his own hand. Even though you’re not there though, the ecstasy he’s feeling from the orgasm and the warm fuzzy feeling floating around his abdomen are still because of you. Of how you make Eddie feel. 
The hot shower water gets turned down a bit so he can rinse off the sweat that’s accumulated on his body and clean both the wall and hand free from his cum. He takes a deep breath and turns the water off. 
Stepping out of the shower into the steamed-up bathroom, Eddie grabs the towel hanging on a hook and wraps it around his waist. He shakes his hair out like a wet dog, sending little splatters of water all around the small space. He dresses quickly, mostly so Brittany doesn’t come back around to yell again, and runs the towel over his hair. 
Stepping out of the bathroom door, the rest of the house feels considerably cooler than the sauna of a bathroom. Eddie tosses the towel into the hamper in his bedroom and heads down the hall towards the kitchen.
Luke slides out of his room on his socks, knocking into Eddie’s leg. The little boy just giggles, looking up at his dad and taking his freshly cleaned hand into his own little one. Eddie can feel his son staring at him and he looks down to see big blue eyes staring back up at him.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“You took a shower?” Luke asks.
“Yeah, why?”
“That all you did since you came home?”
“Yeah, why?” Eddie repeats.
Luke shrugs. “You look happy.” He drops his dad’s hand and walks into the kitchen. 
Eddie stands there in the hallway, sliding his hands into his pockets. He does feel the smile on his face now that Luke mentioned it. It keeps him from wanting to go into the kitchen because he’s sure Brittany will wipe it off his face in no time. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Picturing your pretty face makes his heart lurch in his chest and he knows he’s in trouble. But he can keep this a secret. He’s not going to tell anyone about these feelings. It’s just something he can keep inside of him and think about when he needs a smile. Or to get off. 
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