fall-out-boytoy · 6 months
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ian crawford may 2008
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ringosmistress · 2 months
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elfydot · 2 years
Garçon update:
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He loves sleeping like this
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httpiastri · 3 months
paul and ollie talking in the new prema video😭😭
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them :(((( the biggest cuties :(((((((
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nabexis · 2 months
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Just finished another INCREDIBLE Bloodweave fic by Linnetagain: What Fools These Mortals Be
Please go read it.
I laughed, I cried, I HAD TO DRAW. 😭 Thank you so much Linnetagain, your fics give me liiiiife.
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russellius · 2 months
GEORGE: Mate, this is the last sector now, i've got two corners to go and you're trying to distract me.
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localgardenweed · 1 year
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Shard the Metal Sonic time, only knew him for a little while but he is just too interesting and fun to play with that I cant let him go
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fckedupnerd · 14 days
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Ben Whishaw at Cannes Film Festival May 19, 2024
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rooscandraw · 2 years
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book/hc designs vs tv show designs :O super hype for it!!
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mariusvonhangme · 2 years
NXX babies! Look how smol they are
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
stepbro!frat boy!naruto sees his fellow brothers start to crowd you when he's distracted and he is simmering when there's a particular glow in your smile when one of them tells a joke and wraps you in a half-hug embrace....
18+ fem!reader // cw: stepcest
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oh my, the way he'd immediately slide into the conversation that you'd be having with the tightest grin on his face.
he's laughing and smiling as he approaches and stands closely next to you, and it looks low-key eerie from how goddamn hard he's trying to keep himself in-check with it, how hard he's attempting to really lay on that sunshine persona which he's been known for ever since he was little.
so he's all, "hahah, yeah; he's so funny, right...? always the funny guy!" whilst panickly assessing the dude - his friend, for fuck's sake - who'd just tried to very clearly hit on his pure, delicate little sister. he's cracking jokes and acting oh, so very buddy-buddy, but is also gripping the bottle of beer that he holds in his hand so tight that his knuckles are turning white and his veins are getting worryingly prominent whilst they protrude against his tan skin.
i can just picture him trying so desperately to take over and gain control of the entire situation just because jealousy is making him lose that friendly glow that's become an outright staple for him by now. envy has a rather pesky habit of forcing him to show a side of him that he doesn't like all that much, and he simply can't have that, you know?
he's supposed to be the laidback, sweet and adorable dude who everyone likes, so this ordeal is risky and can possibly turn damaging towards his innocent reputation if it continues. after all, he's ready to go absolutely apeshit because of the fact that the dude he had previously thought of as a brother, is now screwing him over by trying to screw you, when he wants - no, needs - to get there first.
so minutes pass one after the other and he's getting more handsy with you with each one. he's curling his fingers around your elbow, pulling you closer and closer until you're literally nestled into his side and he's got his arm securely draped around your shoulders, vigorously nodding to whatever word his mate says, even though he's barely registering the words from how pissed he is.
he wants to wrap his touch around your waist and maybe press a wet, brotherly smooch onto your cheek - perhaps even pretend to be a bit too tipsy and end up pressing it onto the spot where your jawline meets your neck - just so that he can see that special little smile of yours appear because of him this time around, but he knows that it'd be too obvious. that people would question it. he's not that stupid.
but hey, at least his reputation isn't being threatened anymore.
just like your virginity isn't.
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misteria247 · 2 years
2012 Leo when we first see him in the series: Seemingly very mature, a no nonsense kind of guy who follows the rules to the T, obviously not a guy who likes fun.
2012 Leo when we actually meet him: A huge fucking nerd, does little super hero quotes and poses, loves space shows, is a somewhat smartass and can be very snarky, literally moms everyone, goes "Mep, mep" to an alien in Dimension X because it made a "Mep, mep" at him, is secretly a rebel who fucks shit up in an epic way, makes jokes and puns from time to time. All in all a huge lovable dork.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 7 months
Posting this one separately too because he's too cute and I'm in love with him 🥹🫶
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
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dollsuguru · 1 month
Sometimes I think of a scenario where suguru and yuta were interested in the same person, for me they're both very similar but at the same time how they express and deal with their emotions is very different.
suguru and yuuta? hmmmmm i think if that was the case, yuuta would have a puppy love crush on someone around suguru’s age bc suguru would NOT be w someone around yuuta’s age 😭 and if the person is around suguru’s age, they would NOT be interested in yuuta in a romantic sense at all, they’d probably think he’s adorable like a baby brother/dorky younger cousin!
and i’d love to hear what similarities you feel like suguru & yuuta have! :3 i can’t really think of many besides being devoted to a cause to the point of death, they love their family/friends, & they both went through depression/suicidal ideation… but also it’s late rn and my brain is mush so i can’t think of much anyways 😭
and i agree on them having more differences! i think they both dealt w grief and loss very differently (yuuta wanted to kill just himself vs suguru who wanted to kill non-sorcerers) and also i think that at the end of the day, yuuta’s strength was born out of love & loss vs suguru’s who’s strength was born out of a twisted sense of justice/anger & loss! but idk that’s what i personally think! i’d love to hear more about your thoughts though — it can help me see another side to it! :’)
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beeholyshit · 8 days
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