mikiusol · 1 year
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Got around to colouring the blorbo!!!!
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themagnusbane · 2 years
GAP The Series Episode 10 Thoughts
Knowing where we left off: some joy, some gay and a topping of pain, I'm hoping that we get a resolution to Mon's "Khun Sam deserves better than me" derailment, so we can get more of our beloved sapphics, before the wicked witch of a grandmother shows up to, like my people would say "pour sand inside their garri." If you're not Nigerian, that probably flew right over your head. Sorry.
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I love the irony in just how much I love Mon's love pajamas! It's soooo cute!!! I want!!!!!!
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2. But on a side note though. Every single time they wake up with a face full of makeup, I cackle at how unrealistic it is. Like sure, if Idol Factory wants to convince me (which they absolutely CANNOT because I have eyes!!!) that Mon wakes up every morning with her lips soft and dewy and just that smattering of the right blush on her cheeks, and her eyes that pop, one question still remains... WHAT ABOUT THE BED HEAD? WHERE IS THE BED HEAD GAP THE SERIES???
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3. Awwwwww. Look at Sam smiling at her beloved. MY HEART!!!!!! But also. Are we just going to ignore the fact that they had a fight with Sam walking away, just the previous episode? Did they think we forgot? Or is Sam just so hopelessly in love that she can't stay mad at the sight of Mon's gorgeous face. Which...
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4. The hug from behind. The "Good mornings". That kiss on her cheek. Them walking hand-in-hand. They're killing me your honor. They're killing me with all that sweetness and I AM DYING A VERY VERY HAPPY WOMAN!!!
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5. Ah!!! So they started from before-the-fight. Okay, that makes sense. Cuz I was worried for a moment that the show wasn't going to address it. Which now that I think about it... GAP honey. I'm so sorry I doubted you for a minute there. I know you are not that kind of girl. I can't believe I briefly forgot that. Please forgive me!!
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6. Ooooof. The fight is still as painful the second time around. Mon sweetheart, we really need to get your self-esteem up. Sure you're a "commoner" [I really REALLY hate that term!!!], but you're a commoner that Sam loves. Why can't you believe that? I would understand if her reservations are around whether or not Sam's grandmother would be accepting of her, considering her gender AND her commoner status, but she's coming from this from a place of "I don't deserve Khun Sam", which urgh!!! I really hope Sam sets her straight and is clear in how perfect Mon is, and how in fact it is Sam who is underserving of her, and not the other way round.
7. Gghghghjgjhghj. Cher complimenting the colour of Sam's car is like that cliche of "I a gay man, likes sports" and I am cackling because this is so fucking hilarious and I love how they're giving my sapphics ALL the cliches. Yes!!! Feed them to me. Shoot them directly into my veins!!!
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8. Cher being all "of course the weird girl will give her car a weird name" is SENDING ME!!!! But... she's not wrong though. The only thing is, we and Mon, love Sam just the way she is. Hehehehehehe.
9. Mon Sweetheart, I know you want to get something nice and expensive for your girl. But Sam doesn't want that. The only thing she wants from you, is you. Your love, your goodness, that big, big heart of yours. Why would you feel bad about not being able to buy the woman who has everything, something lavish. Look at Kirk! He could do all of that. But is she with him? No!!! You are the one she wants! Let that sink in. PLEASE!!!!
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10. See!!! I knew the minute I saw Cher, there was a connection between us!! I just knew that this was a lesbian who could wreck me, an acerbic tongue, with a sense of style and common sense to boot! Tee is still my goddess, Nita would destroy me, and for Cher I would risk everything. GAP is making me even more happy that I am polyamorous. BRING ME ALL THE SAPPHICS!!! I want to collect them like Pokémon cards!! But also, MON ARE YOU LISTENING TO THE OLDER SAPPHICS!!! Money can't buy love!! Sam knows this. She recognizes this. I hope after this conversation, you would too!!!
11. Romance. Comedy. Drama. Horror. Would you look at that Mon. Risa and Cher's story has the same elements as yours and Sam's. Even down to the wealth and the family that hopefully Sam cuts off because fuck that evil witch of the West masquerading as her grandmother!!! But yeah. Listen to the slightly older and much happier lesbians Mon. Grab your happiness and your girl by your hands and don't let go. Cuz her grandmother would do enough objecting of you both's relationship anyway.
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12. Aaaaaaaand... Speak of the witch and she doth appears. Urgh!!! Why do I have the feeling that she probably knows that Sam isn't with her friends, and this passive aggressive phone call with the "is Kirk not with you", is just her testing her granddaughter to see if Sam would lie to her. Urgh. This woman gives me anxiety!!!!
13. I knew it!!! Look at that look in her eyes. She totally knows!
14. Kirk. You piece of trash with your ghost-looking face!!! You know that telling her "you should hear it from Sam" would confirm evil grandmother's suspicions. But you want to keep up the facade that you are a good person, whilst nudging her in the direction where she will confirm everything. You shady bastard. Urgh!!!!
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15. And of course evil grandmother is all "I'll handle it" with that conniving look on her face. You see what you did there Kirk? You set her in that direction. Let her see the hesitation in your eyes, indirectly confirmed that you know Sam's with someone else, and have therefore set off the snowball that would seemingly get you what you want, even though it would make Sam miserable. I really, really don't like you!
16. Awwwwww. Look at that sweet apology. Look at Sam being honest about her being hurt, and why she is hurt, and what her fears are. You see that Mon? You're not the only one with fears and doubts. Sure both your concerns have different faces, but the key to solving them is COMMUNICATION!!! Glad you both are finally doing just that!
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17. OMG!!!! It's Tee and Yuki, on their couple's retreat as well!!! Look at all my favourite sapphics, gathered under one roof!!!!
18. Sam's "you must have been sent by grandmother, you a spy!!!" talk is sending me!!! And Tee's being able to guess that Sam's grumpy reception is because she and Mon are fighting???? Chef's kiss. I LOVE THIS WOMAN EVERYONE!!! I WOULD DIE FOR HER!!! Tee, I love you. I will make you the main interest in my harem of women. Be mine!
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19. Risa and Cher flirting in front of my single salad is making me feel even more single.
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20. Awwwww. Look how quickly Sam ran to Mon's side, when she thought she was hurt. Even whilst angry, she's still like "Mon, you come first!" My darling. My baby. My precious.
21. Of course she's not angry anymore. She can't stay mad at you for long. It's why she's so precious. How adorable!!!!
22. Hehehehehe. Cher and Sam have such similar personalities, watching them clash makes me cackle so hard. You can basically see both their Persian cat furs bristling at each other, with Mon and Risa having to work extra hard to calm their women down. This is glorious. Look at them fighting over festivals. Ha!
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23. Yo! Why am I only seeing two couples and two lanterns? Where are Tee and Yuki??? Where's their lanterns???? Are they helping with Mon's surprise???? I have questions!!!
24. OMG!!! They are!!! Ha!!!! Is she proposing??? OMG! OMG! OMG!!!! They're totally doing a proposal/marriage thing right now. I am not crying! I am not crying. These are not tears! It's my allergies acting up! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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25. That was so sweet! THE SWEETEST PROPOSAL!! My heart!! I can't stop grinning. That was sooo good, and so beautiful. I love love y'all!! I LOVE LOVE!!!!!!
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26. I swear, I think these two became even more radiant after Mon's proposal. It's like them settling into the knowledge that they love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, filled them with the honeymoon glow and I AM LIVING FOR IT!!!!
27. Hold up! HOLD THE FUCK UP!!! Isn't that her elder sister??? The oldest, who wanted to become an artist and witchy grandmother burned all her things??? OMG!!! It is her!!!! Look at that glow!! Look at that radiance!!! She is incandescent!!! That is what happens when you get out from under the roof of the wicked grandmother of the West! Sam!! Take a cue from your oldest sister and bounce. Tap into the radiance you deserve. Cuz your shitty grandmother doesn't deserve a modicum of goodness from you.
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28. See. I understand what she is saying. And somewhere buried beneath all that, is the truth of what I want Sam to realize (she will never be happy living with her grandmother and she needs to cut the woman off and never look back), but there is a decent way to make that statement, and calling your younger sister, who you abandoned (because she is the oldest, and she basically left her two younger siblings in the hands of an abusive and toxic relative, without trying to create a situation where they can come to her and rely on her and ask her for help), who died trying to get away from the evil witch, weak, is so not cool, and is in fact very cruel.
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29. Aaaaaand of course, the witch of a homophobe that is her grandmother now knows the truth. I am bracing myself for carnage because we all know that the person who's going to get the brunt of the disaster that is about to go down is poor, innocent Mon.
30. Urgh!!! It's already here. I don't want to see this. She's about to manipulate her in some way isn't she? Poor Mon. You don't deserve this.
31. See? She's starting things off by establishing that she knows everything there is to know about Mon. That she knows her family. Her friends. Her history. Before outrightly stating that Mon planned everything, and set things up to be close to Sam. And of course she's going to bring Kirk and his "feelings" into this. Which FUCK YOU GRANDMOTHER! Mon sweetheart, just because he was good to you, doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your happiness for him. Because trust me, if the tables were turned, his entitled ass won't do shit.
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32. And of course they are double-tagging to try and break Sam and Mon up. Fuck you and your apologies Kirk. I hope you fucking choke, you lying, backstabbing piece of shit. We already know that her grandmother is going to rot in all the nine hells. But you? You piece of shit who pretended to be a good person, until you weren't able to get the girl... You are so much worse!
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33. He really fired Chin and Yha???? And we all know it's a set-up to whatever it is that evil grandmother of the West has set in motion to get Sam and Mon to break up, to to have Sam do what she wants. Which urgh!!! Please tell me Yha wouldn't out of anger at getting fired, want to pull Mon down, because she also knows their secret! Urgh, this is a mess!!!!
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34. On one hand, I'm cheering Sam on for being all "I am going to fire Mon. And date her outside of the office. Thank you for opening my eyes to that possibility". But on the other hand, I don't think Kirk is done with his stupid plan and I'm anxious about what he and that grandmother witch have planned.
35. I can't believe I'm saying this but Nop... You are a good egg. You have sense. Who would have thought that between you and Kirk, you would be the one with the backbone and the cool head on your shoulders. Yes please! Call out trash grandmother for her trash ways. Fuck the bourgeoisie. FUCK HER!!!! And thank you for encouraging Mon to pick up Sam's calls and talk to her. You see that Kirk? YOU SEE YOUR MATE?!!! Just like you, he too was interested in Mon. He wanted to be in a relationship with her. And when she said no, he backed away. When he discovered her relationship with Sam, he supported her. And now, he's encouraging her to be with the woman she loves. Nop's baby finger is better than your entire ass put together Kirk! Infinitely better!!!
36. Urgh Mon. Just tell her the truth already!!! None of this "I miss home" nonsense. If y'all's relationship is going to survive, you need to tell her that her grandmother came over, and tell her all the trash things, that witchy vampire of a grandmother said.
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37. Atta girl. You did good. And Sam's immediate 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you face this" has me bawling. My precious babies. I want only happiness for you both!! You need to walk away from your grandmother Sam. But knowing Mon, she would feel extra guilty if she felt that it's because of her that you walked away from your witch of a grandmother which urgh!!!! Toxic family relationships are the worst!!!
38. Her grandmother's house really is stunning. But it's cold. So fucking cold. Fitting for a witch in her soulless castle. I swear if this conversation doesn't end with "Grandmother. If you love Kirk so much, then YOU marry him," I am screaming at my TV.
So yeah. We get happiness and sapphics in love, and proposals. But we also get this nonsense with Kirk teaming up with Sam's grandmother which urgh!! This will probably be our lives for the next two episodes until the end of the series. But you know what? The fact that I only have to hang in there for two more weeks, until they kick Kirk to the cub, and hopefully break the bonds with grandmother witch? I can hang in there. I just want to see my babies get their happy ending. And I'm willing to do anything to make that happen for them!!! Including praying and hoping that dishonorable witchy grandmother croaks. Cuz that's the one solution I see to all of this.
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Aeon identical twin girls
The older one (by 15 mins) has Ada's personality & the younger one has Leon's.
Ada loves dressing them up in matching outfits. Sometimes red dresses, other times, mini leather jackets.
Leon loves taking afternoon naps with both his baby girls on his chest.
A hc: Leon with baby1 strapped on his front & baby2 strapped on his back arriving at the DSO office after being asked to report during a vacation leave. Everyone becomes curious as to who the obviously Asian mother of the babies can be; meanwhile, aunt Helena is totally unsurprised and over the moon.
omg little half asian babies
they would be SO CUTEE I CAN'T STAND IT
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here's the cutest comic about leon and his daughter hehehehehehe
the older one HAS TO HAVE ADA'S PERSONALITY and the younger one has Leon's. the older one looks more like Leon, and the younger one looks more like Ada. (with the way they dress when they're teenagers hehe)
Ada and Leon would be out shopping and Ada's just piling clothes into a basket, and Leon's pushing the carriers with both of their babies in them hehe. also they HATE WHEN THEY'RE SEPARATED (leon and ada, but also the twins)
i kinda headcanon that ada can tell them apart very easily, and leon struggles sometimes when he's extremely tired lol. but i really would like it if one of them had a slightly different eye colour or something. at some point they have very clear personality differences and that's how they can tell them apart
leon loves sleeping in the middle of the day with the twins, but also taking care of them and letting ada nap. they take shifts during the night, with leon taking the brunt of it since ada needs more sleep than him anyways. he also is more likely to get up in the middle of the night to help with the girls.
ada would love getting them dressed for the day hehe
i think about them wanting to maybe homeschool the girls but also maybe wanting them to have the school experience. like ada would be afraid but would want them to be socialized and have the school experience that she (probably never had), and leon would also want them to go to school and have the most normal life they could have
i still feel like he would refuse dangerous jobs when ada get pregnants with the girls. both of them would never work a dangerous job again after they have the girls.
leon would have the girls with him whenever he can, and also because he knows how hard pregnancy can be and especially since i headcanon that ada would already be in her 40s by the time that they have the girls, that it would stress them out a bit.
i also headcanon that leon would be in his 40s by the time the girls are toddlers so at that point the people at the DSO would just be like HE HAD KIDS??? WITH WHO??? (also because maybe they never saw him with a wedding ring)
or maybe he'd hide his wedding ring or not even wear them. (i don't really know how i feel about them getting married tbh. i feel like leon would want to, and ada wouldn't care much. leon can't ask ada's father for her hand in marriage or anything.. but i feel like the principle of it would matter to leon. i also see them doing a double proposal or ada proposing to leon very casually since she knows that he would maybe not ask her)
i just love the idea of leon coming into work on like his day off to grab some things and he has his two little babies with him.
not being racist lol but people would def notice that they're asian looking and maybe be like ??? who's kids are these? are you babysitting?
but helena is UGH WE LOVE HELENA
helena would gush over them so much and just play with them and wanna steal one from leon lol. also the girls love helena and would be so comfortable with her also.
also helena would 100% be like "leon, you didn't dress the girls today, did you?" and leon's like >:| what's that supposed to mean?????
and it's cause the girls are like perfectly dressed, little matching bows or something in their hair, little socks and shoes.
and helena's like, one of them are always missing socks when you dress them LMAO
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yamatossideboob · 9 months
Spoilers for One Piece 1103
This week's observations:
GOOD COLOUR SPREAD!!! Yamato fans (me) will feast well this year heheheheheh
Ugghhhhhhhhhhh I'm still not okay with the whole Bonney deal... if we weren't going back and forth between 'adult' and child Bonney this might be easier to cope with but its just so creepy when shes dressed like that!
huh. I'm certain this item of jewellery won't turn out to be significant at any future point.
(maybe thats how Kuma knew to aim for Egghead?)
This one panel sings to me... might Kizaru do a Fujitora and turn a blind eye to the crew escaping? (no pun intended 💀)
"I suppose it's too much to hope no one dies" OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE LADS HE'S PLAYING WITH US NOW
Hi Sexy Dragon!!
ooooookay I hope this is just Oda putting a limit on Bonney's powers bc otherwise nerfing her permanently after what we've seen is just BOGUS
who DID give Luffy that food... did Kizaru do a speed and help them out thanks to an attack of conscience?
Just what the fuck IS Bonney's fruit?! Bc we can assume now it ain't what we thought it was!!
Also while this explains why she got her 'fruit' offscreen... who gave her that. seriously how.
Saturn what the fuck did you do.... someone kill this creep!!!!
... I don't even have jokes, these few pages just make me want to cry...
for the love of all that is One Piece... I need that punch to land in 2 weeks... I really do. please god let Kuma just land one fucking punch on this monster, just one before he dies.
ohhhh this will be a long wait friends. til then so 💪✖️
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 6 parts 3&4]
“Pleasing to the eye” I bet it is
Puen made such a serious face after he said “someone who’ll travel with you” omg
“You guys disappeared because you did it?” PHRASING
Nice plant Mr “I’m trying to save money”
“I don’t like pink” IT’S A FUCKING PLANT TALAY
I don’t like the colours brown or grey so I guess I hate my cats
Puen looking at Talay like “this plant… it’s our baby now”
Catching him off-guard right before the picture-taking, lil’ shit
Their bickering is so endearing!!
Look at these lovestruck nerds
I wonder what Talay was thinking about when Puen had to keep him from lagging behind?
Ohhh it’s about what Megane said, about universal traveling having a reason
“Just to meet you” exceptthatmakesnosensebecauseyoutwometbeforeyouswapped
Heheheheheh Puen called Talay cute and he didn’t go “b-baka” this time
Ah okay here’s where I stopped watching because I had to be told Megane was dead
Not to be a dick but you could probably already tell I’m not a big fan of either Megane or Nurse, the broken heart might’ve done more for me if the Nurse actor put more emotion into their lines but as it is I can’t bring myself to care
Like yeah it definitely makes me think “the thought that you could die anytime because you don’t know what your counterpart is doing is terrifying (especially when that person is Tess)” but that’s it
“I stand with every one of you” Some of you more than others
“Will you spend tonight with me?” DAMN OKAY
“Are you sleeping?” Just turn your head
Just being told “you’re overthinking it” doesn’t help, Puen
“I promise I won’t go anywhere” You can’t promise thatttt
But hey at least Talay appreciates it
Rip Puen’s left arm
“There’s one thing I want to do the most” He’s right next to me
“Can I hug you all night tonight?” “hug” is one word for it
How are they supposed to sleep with the music drumming up like that
HOW DID THE RV GET ALL OVERGROWN THIS ISN’T THE LAST OF US <<<<< THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCHFJKSHDKSG (god imagine them into a the last of us universe........)
Puen made such a serious face after he said “someone who’ll travel with you” omg <<<<< HE'S ALWAYS BEEN SO EARNEST AND COMMITTED ABOUT SPENDING THE REST OF HIS LIFE WITH TALAY HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT ANY OF THIS
“You guys disappeared because you did it?” PHRASING <<<<< HEHEHEHHEHEHHEE
“I don’t like pink” IT’S A FUCKING PLANT TALAY // I don’t like the colours brown or grey so I guess I hate my cats <<<<< NOT YOUR KITTIES!!!!!!! but yeah talay is just so extra about disliking pink sometimes sfjksgdj
Puen looking at Talay like “this plant… it’s our baby now” <<<<< i know your joking and im sorry for taking this seriously however that plant DOES symbolize their love and it's gonna come back in the last episode as a full grown tree AND IM STILL EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL AND FRAGILE ABOUT THAT
Their bickering is so endearing!! <<<<< "boyfriends don't do this" they say, before doing the most boyfriends things i've ever seen in my god damn life
I wonder what Talay was thinking about when Puen had to keep him from lagging behind? <<<<< he was probably just looking at joob (megane) and dol (the nurse) being lovey dovey and wondering if him and puen could be like that but he has to overthink everything instead 😩 no jk im honestly not too sure about that but since in the next scene we see him thinking about joob's words it's probably related to that
Ohhh it’s about what Megane said, about universal traveling having a reason <<<<< honestly i love that the show doesn't really give us definite answers about the universe traveling and the portkeys but it does lead us to certain conclusions: the traveling happens because you need to learn something and your portkey is just the person that can help you with that
Not to be a dick but you could probably already tell I’m not a big fan of either Megane or Nurse, the broken heart might’ve done more for me if the Nurse actor put more emotion into their lines but as it is I can’t bring myself to care <<<<< it's a pity you don't really like joob and dol but also i get it!!!! the show didn't give them as much development and focused way more on tun's and tess' friends, so it's completely understandable to not feel particularly attached to them
Like yeah it definitely makes me think “the thought that you could die anytime because you don’t know what your counterpart is doing is terrifying (especially when that person is Tess)” but that’s it <<<<< that definitely was the main point of having joob die because it helps you understand talay's state of mind going in episode 7 so that's all that matters!!!!
“I promise I won’t go anywhere” You can’t promise thatttt <<<<< PAIN SUFFERING TORMENT AGONY ANGUISH
Rip Puen’s left arm <<<<< i can't remember where i read it (or maybe i saw it in one of their interviews.....) but apparently sea actually fell asleep during that scene so RIP jimmy's arm for real 🙏
“There’s one thing I want to do the most” He’s right next to me // “Can I hug you all night tonight?” “hug” is one word for it <<<<< VERA I SWEAR TO GODDFJKSHFJSGKSFDJSFJKSHDJSJD (she says as if she didn't think the exact same things the first time she saw it)
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Today A-Yao was picking out some outfits and accessories along with Rusong and Meng Shi in their living room.
(As the clothing vendors and tailors would come to them).
Yao: isn't this beautiful?
Meng Shi: of course! Perfect wear for a Huangdi.
Rusong: what about this, Nainai.
Meng Shi: mmm. You should pick something more fit for a gent.
Rusong: mn. Understand.
Meng Shi: try this shade.
Rusong: ahh, gorgeous.
Yao: A-niang, your fashion advice is the best.
Meng Shi: always, A-Yao.
Sisi: Huanghou, this colour will bring out your eyes.
Meng Shi: I agree.
Xue yang: *entering with team d*
Ay yo, three supermodels in one place.
Mo xuanyu: heyy regal three. Are you shopping?
Yao: yea we are. We're having a soiree later, remember.
Xue yang: fancy.
Su she: oh right. The elite fox spirits are visiting.
Yao: yep. So famous Kitsunes like Tamamo no Mae and Su Daji are coming.
To just chill and discuss about the fox spirit world as a whole.
Sadly immortal Kuzu no ha can't make it.
(In this fic they're two different fox spirits)
Su she: Huangdi, I'll have my sect send gifts for your guests in the evening.
Yao: ah you're such a darling.
Yao: *to the vendors* we'll take these*
Yes Huangdi.
Xue yang: Su Daji is awesome!! Possessing a dead body, marrying a king and controlling him too!
I would love to do that one day.
Yao: Yangyang, who do you want to control?
Meng Shi: can't be my son.
Xue yang: relax. I want to control Songlan. Hehehehehehe.
And maybe huaisang and Nie mingjue.
Shanshan is Su Daji your relative?
Su she: no. And those Sus aren't cultivators. 
My xuanyu: Tamamo no Mae is also very badass and beautiful.
Meng shi: and talented too. We're besties actually. Like me, she's excellent in dancing, playing instruments, singing, calligraphy and writing.
Sisi: *jealous* (Huanghou jiejie doesn't talk to me like that).
Meng Shi: Sisi, you're exquisite too.
Sisi: *smiling*
Yao: then Kuzu no ha.
Abe no Seimei's mom. She's also a beautiful immortal Kitsune deity.
Meng Shi: yess. She's like my jiejie.
Yao: we fox spirits are like family after all.
Mo xuanyu: sounds elite!
Rusong: I know right.
I'm glad I'm a part of it.
Yao: you must.
Yao: and lastly, ghost king, Hua cheng is going to make an appearance.
Xue yang: why?
Mo xuanyu: woww. I saw him when I tried to unalive myself! He's so cool!
But he's a hulijing?
Yao: mhm. He's a hulijing, but he focuses on other things, like running Ghost City
However Hua cheng is close to the Mengs. So much to tell me that I can hit him up whenever I need help with something in the spirit world.
Xue yang: you got a hitman in every place, Jiggy.
Rusong: A-Die is a hitman collector.
Yao: it's called links.
Once you maintain healthy relationships, you'll always have a friend to watch your back. And you'll do the same in return.
Xue yang: ahh. That's true.
Su she: you're very smart.
Yao: however, I made him the undercover protector of hulijings.
Later in the evening, the soiree started, and the Mengs waited to receive their guests. As expected, the banquet hall was beautifully decorated~ and this time, decorated with sakura blossoms.
Soon after, some mist appeared and a sweet smell filled the air.
All of A-Yao's guests however would be greeted by drumming as well as horns
Announcers: entering the legendary Tamamo No Mae, Immortal of Kitsunes.
(Her and Meng Shi are powerful immortals together)
Yao and family: *bow* greetings.
Tamamo no Mae: *bow* greetings to the Meng family.
Yao: how are you, empress Tamamo.
Tamamo no Mae: I'm alright, Yao Huangdi. And I'm happy to be here again.
Your place is truly extravagant..
Yao: thank you. Make yourself at home.
Tamamo no Mae: surely, I would.
Meng Shi: Maemae!!
Tamamo no Mae: Shishi!!*hugs tightly* my hulijing counterpart.
How's it been.
Meng Shi: Maemae,  I'm the happiest person in the world! What about you?
Tamamo no mae: I'm great. And happy to see you.
You're the cutest thing.
Meng Shi: aww you're also cute, Maemae. And you're a beautiful immortal.
Rusong: greetings, Kitsune immortal.
I see that you and Nainai make a dynamic pair.
Tamamo no mae: yes indeed, Dianxia.
I must commend you on your elegance too. May you be successful.
Rusong: thank you. And please enjoy the soiree.
Tamamo no mae: certainly.
Hulijing dowager empress, you have the sweetest most elegant grandson. He really took after Yao Huangdi's grace and hospitality.
Meng Shi: he's our pride.
Yao: the future of the empire.
Tamamo no mae: he's definitely the cutest hulijing Wangzi to ever live.
Rusong: ah, don't flatter me so much.
Thank you for the compliments.
Announcer: entering, Su Daji, the Zhou Wanghou, and the grandmaster of politics and fox spirit democracy.
Su Daji: *bowing in unison with the Meng fam and tamamo no mae.*
Yao: greetings, Wanghou. I hope all is OK.
Su Daji: yes Huangdi. I'm doing good.
Yao: and your kingdom?
I heard that Jiang Ziya was tormenting you.
Su Daji: yea, so i fired him from the court.
Yao: good. Sometimes you have to do things to make yourself comfy.
Su Daji: indeed.
After I fired him, i told my husband that he fired him when he was drunk.
Yao: *laughing* how smart.
Meng Shi: finally you fired him.
Su Daji: yea. He would have foiled my plans.
Meng Shi: I'm happy for you.
And I see you haven't changed. You're still very mischievous.
Tamamo no mae: Daji is truly free spirited.
Su Daji: I didn't do much. *laughing* my husband is already corrupted.
Tamamo no mae: well that's us fox spirits. We make the prosperous more prosperous, the wise more wise and the corrupt more corrupt.
Meng Shi: it was their nature in the beginning.
Su Daji: exactly.
Su Daji: the fox spirits have a great emperor. Maintaining the order in his empire.
Meng Shi: mn. A-Yao is brilliant.
Tamamo no mae: yes, you have a very strong empire.
Yao: thank you immortal and Wanghou.
*bow* I have achieved it through hard work, sacrifice and resilience.
Su Daji: we see.
Tamamo no mae: very talented.
And do you see his adorable successor.
Su Daji: yess!!! He's a charming gentleman.
Rusong: *smiling*
Tamamo no mae: they all have Meng Shi's dimples.
Su Daji: yea but Huangdi has it deeper.
Yao: we're most flattered. My guests. I got you gifts. Courtesy my empire and the Moling Su sect.
Attendants: *bringing out gifts on trays*
Su Daji: such lovely gifts, Yao Huangdi. Thank you very much.
Tamamo no Mae: you have excellent taste, Huangdi.
Su she and his sect members entered with gifts afterwards.
Su she: *bow* Su Minshan from Moling Su greets the elite fox spirits.
Sect members: greetings elite.
Yao: Minshan. You're finally here. *smiling*
*to his guests* you must be familiar with the chief cultivator of the Jianghu.
He's one of my closest friends.
Tamamo no mae: excellent. Yes we heard a lot about him.
Su Daji: he's a hero. Being the confidant of the emperor.
Tamamo no mae: thank you for the gifts, chief cultivator.
Su Daji: they're one of a kind.
Su she: you're welcome. And rest assured, my sect is part of my Huangdi's empire. Hence all fox spirits are safe as well as revered in Moling.
Tamamo no mae: lovely.
Su she: we'll leave the gifts here and excuse ourselves.
Yao: the chief cultivator doesn't want to stay with us? *smile*
Su she: *blush* I would love to stay, but I respect your confidentiality.
Yao: as you wish. Thank you for your contribution.
Announcer: entering, Crimson rain, Hua cheng, the ghost king and undercover protector of fox spirits.
Hua cheng: hello Huangdi and the rest of the elite.
Yao: nice to meet you. How's gege?
Hua cheng: flawless as always.
Yao: great. I wish you a happy marriage.
Hua cheng: thank you.
Yao: everything well in the ghost city?
And Paradise Manor.
Hua cheng:  yup. You should visit some time.
Yao: sure thing. That's good to hear.
Hua cheng: when you're coming, you should wear a mask.
For the aesthetic.
Yao: as you wish.
How did you hurt your hand?
Hua cheng: sculpting again.
Yao: ohhh. Yes, I have heard about your sculpting skills.
Rusong: greetings Sang lang.
Huangdi and the chief cultivator have gotten you gifts as well.
Hua cheng: oh thank you!
Meng Shi: ghost king, how's your health?
Hua cheng: I'm good. I don't get sick.
Su Daji: not even from your husband's cooking?
Hua cheng: Gege makes the best food, Wanghou.
Tamamo no Mae: don't be hurt. Su Daji is known for joking around and being savage.
Hua cheng: yea, I'm accustomed to her humor.
Yao: let's have a seat and discuss.
Would you like tea or wine?
Su Daji: wine.
Rusong; tea
Meng Shi and Tamamo no mae: tea.
Hua cheng: you know I love wine.
Yao: excellent. *sits* you'll be served shortly.
The wine is made from rare orchids. And the tea is rose and peach blossom.
Hua cheng: ahh.
Yao: peace and wellbeing is successfully restored in the the fox spirit world.
Immortal empress Tamamo no Mae, what do you think we should do to continue protecting them.
Tamamo no mae: Huangdi, our fox spirits are all scattered across the mortal world. We should give them something that they can use when in danger.
Yao: yes.
What if we give all fox spirits a protective seal.
Tamamo no mae: good idea.
Meng Shi: perfect. Millions of our fox spirits will receive the seal.
Tamamo no mae: but we have to think of a system.
Also we can't just give it to any and anyone.
Yao: it will he granted to those without a criminal record.
Children, women, the weak, imjured, disabled and those whose tails has been cut will be our first preference.
Meng Shi: right. Su Daji, Madam of democracy, tell us about a system we can use.
Su Daji: sure taihou. As for Huangdi's empire, you should divide it by district and grant it to them.
The seal is a spiritual thing so the process will be fast.
And since that you and Tamamo no mae are fox spirit goddesses, you can bestow it on your people in that area.
Rusong: basically all fox spirits revere them, so that won't be hard.
Tamamo no mae: what do you think about fox spirits and mortals as one?
And the cultivators as well.
Rusong: the relationship can be healthy once there's respect.
Su Daji: I'll literally have them executed. I don't have pity for mortals and cultivators.
Cuz they mistreat us.
Meng Shi: luckily that respect is being restored.
Yao: yes.
Here in my empire, if a non fox spirit hurt or murder an innocent hulijing, they'll be imprisoned.
Maybe we can implement the same for the fox spirit world.
Su Daji: I suggest that our people should have high positions, in order to change our image and maintain our control.
Yao: I agree.
Rusong: do you all have any views on those who are half hulijing? What if they don't accept their fate.
Tamamo no mae: Dianxia, the world is filled with illusion. And on top of that, an individual is affected by their environment.
As much as we wish to change them, we are unable to.
But we can inspire them.
Rusong: oh, rightly said.
Tamamo no mae: however a hulijing can't hide. Even if they wish to.
Yao: as for the ones who embrace their hulijing side, they're considered as a citizen.
Meng Shi: mn.
Yao: Hua cheng, how's your undercover work?
Hua cheng: I got in a fight with a few cultivators from some clan. They were going to capture fox spirits.
Su Daji: did you behead them?
Hua cheng: nah. But I slit their throats. Does that count?
Su Daji: yea dude. That's still great.
I just like executing criminals.
Meng Shi: well that's effective.
Su Daji: I think I hang around my stupid husband a little too much.
Meng Shi: *laughing* stupid husband?!
Su Daji: yea. But I love him and I love that he's stupid.
He gives me everything I ask.
Meng Shi: you deserve it!
Su Daji: mhm.
Meng Shi: I'm glad I'm single and independent.
Su Daji: you're a boss though.
Tamamo no mae: I married an emperor once. But he got sick and then passed away.
Su Daji: so sad.
Tamamo no mae: yea but then they found out that I was a Kitsune so I had to run for my life.
Meng Shi: ohh how tragic.
Good that you rose to success.
Yao: certainly.
Now what else show we discuss? How about out  exceptionally gifted citizens.
The ones who excel in a skill.
Meng Shi: ah yes! Our resources.
Yao: yes. I hope they continue to contribute their skills towards the betterment of themselves and the fox spirit world.
Tamamo no mae: the talents of the citizens must indeed be noticed.
Hua cheng: do you guys have an ambassador? Yao huangdi?
Yao: actually no.
Hua cheng: want me to be your ambassador? If you permit. I think it's about time I give back to the hulijings.
Yao: well you are perfect for the job.
And you're a hulijing who had protected other hulijings.
But would it tamper with your other work?
Hua cheng: nah, Huangdi. I can multi task. Just call me when you need me to go here and there.
Yao: alright. And I'll increase your salary.
Hua cheng: thank you, Huangdi.
Meng Shi: lovely.
You're absolutely patriotic.
Hua cheng: yes! I find it fun.
Yao: I'll supply you with sculpting materials. The best marble from overseas.
Hua cheng: ahh thank you Yao Huangdi.
Yao: he's an excellent sculptor.
Su Daji: ooo how nice.
Rusong: he built ghost City and a few temples too.
Tamamo no mae: that's some talent.
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lgbtmi · 2 years
new blorbo in law to learn abt! every question ending in 3 + a b and c for wende!
hehehehehehe wende (any pronouns) time!!! to give a bit of context i'll do a, b and c first and then i'll get into answering further questions abt her (:
A) Why are you excited about this character?
Wende is fucking wild. Combined with the system and the relationship map we've created, there's so much angst, drama, and chaos to uncover that I'm just itching to get in there. Monday shall be the day. The day where we discover how bad Wende's drug use actually is, why the guy she assassinated is back (he's an android but she doesn't know that), and maybe even what is in their future with their changeling partner... Also they're named after a performer I really like and I think that's neat uwu
B) What inspired you to create them?
He kind of just kind of... spawned? I joined some friends for a season of Hillfolk Dramasystem and I rolled the last slot on deciding what my character would be, and thus got to be the first person to connect to all other characters. And when the player who went in front of me decided his character would be a politician, the concept of 'guess Wende is just going to be a refugee on the run for having tried to murder the politician-guy'. And it all went downhill from there. It's hilarious.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Not really, to be honest. The point of the Hillfolk system is to create conflicts and relationships between characters and that is the core of the system. Wende's story is bound to change drastically (their drug addiction came from another player's reason why her character couldn't fulfill Wende's want). Her story isn't mine, it's everyone's, as his purpose is to be a vehicle, which is a refreshing take between all the chaos in my brain regarding Vampire :3
So now that that is out of the way: here's questions abt Wende and their answers!! :D
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Due to their position on the space ship they're on being... not intended... per se... Wende's night routine is pretty simple. Get into bed, try to move as little as possible, and wait for the sweet sweet darkness to take her for a couple of hours. That final step is harder than one might expect, because their brain is always on some other type of shit and stopping the endless onslaught of thoughts for long enough to actually fall asleep is not something they're specifically good at.
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
They prefer darker colours because of his profession, but they shine in lighter colours. There's no way Wende is admitting to this, and she'll probably only wear lighter shades when prompted by their partner.
23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
Wende is an "I take what I deserve"-type. Did they successfully fail at assassinating their current partner's fwb? Yes. The answer is yes. But hey, a doctor isn't supplying him with the narcotics they need, and that's going to be an absolute issue in the future. She has a gun, after all. And she's not afraid to use it.
 33. Could they be considered lazy? 
Absolutely not. They hate hate hate sitting around and will get incredibly antsy and uncomfortable when not doing anything. This doesn't mean she'll do the things she has to do, he'll push off their chores like the best of them, but they're never not doing anything.
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
Very simple. Raised eyebrow, vague hand motion, and maybe then a shrug before trying to fade into the darkness. What's a sexuality and how do you describe it when you're an enigma and your partner is even more of an enigma than you are, y'know?
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obsob · 3 years
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a redraw of ‘the witches sabbath’ by goya
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malfoysstilinski · 4 years
three’s a crowd | DRACO MALFOY (smut)
Draco Malfoy x Reader
SUMMARY: draco and y/n fuck in the common room and when blaise interrupts, draco can’t find it in himself to stop. 
REQUESTED: omg could i please request a rough slytherin reader x draco smut where they almost get caught like someone walks in but they make it seem like they’re just spending time together but draco edges her as he continues the conversation hehehehehehe
WARNINGS: smut, public sex, choking, slut shaming, hair pulling, oral receiving (both male and female), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, degradation kink, probably more. 
A/N: this is my 2nd time writing this bc tumblr deleted it the first time. hope it’s worth it! 
An hour ago, the Slytherin Common Room had been bustling with life; members of the green-coloured house roaring the lyrics to their favourite songs and tipping back as many shots of Fire Whiskey as they could without throwing up. It had been a grand day to be a Slytherin, as today was the day that they had beaten the Gryffindors in a Quidditch match, and all thanks to your boyfriend, too.
The two of you had spent most of the night sat on the leather couch, you with your back to the arm and your legs draped across his lap, your head resting on his shoulder and glasses of alcohol in his hand. With a snap of the fingers, Draco had either Crabbe or Goyle topping them up like it was their full-time job. And all night, members of Slytherin had been coming up to congratulate Draco on being able to knock Potter out of the way just in time to catch the Snitch and win the game. 
Each time he’d smirk or chuckle, running a lanky hand through his pale hair and messing it up even further. It was already quite disheveled from your hand remaining in it all evening, gently scratching his scalp and absentmindedly combing through his silky blond locks as you used your other hand to raise your glass to your lips every now and then. 
Now, however, your glass was empty and everybody had seemed to call it a night, leaving the two of you alone in the Common Room, still buzzing from the alcohol and enjoying the quiet company of one another. You found that with Draco, you could sit in silence for hours and still understand each other completely. 
So when his large hand brushed your thigh where you dress was riding up, you knew what he wanted. Draco’s ring was cold against your skin as he ran it up and down your smooth thighs, even dipping underneath your dress a little but never going as far as your panties. You were growing wetter and wetter with every advance he made, but your boyfriend wasn’t watching you, his head was leaning back on the couch as he stared at the ceiling. 
His jawline appears so prominent due to his position that you can’t help yourself. Your hand glides from his soft hair and down the back of his neck, nails grazing his pale skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake. You trail your Slytherin-green nails across his jaw and grab it lightly, twisting him so that he’s forced to look down at you. 
When Draco does, his silver pools darkening with lust and curiosity, you lean up a little, wrapping an arm around his neck and tugging him down closer to you from where you lay with your back against the arm of the sofa. Now, Draco’s bent from his sitting position beneath you, his arm sticking out by your head and gripping the arm of the couch to keep himself hovering above you slightly. 
He expects you to dive in and capture his lips with yours, but instead, feels your mouth on his neck. It causes him to close his eyes and grip the couch tighter, making a serious effort for his drunken limbs not to collapse from the pleasure and crush you beneath him. He twists to get more comfortable, his knees now either side of your body and his other hand next to your face, pinning you beneath him on the couch. 
“Fuck,” Draco mutters when you find the spot that he loves so much. 
Your fingers have moved back to your hair to keep him still as you suck and gently bite at his neck, leaving a hickey or two in your wake. Draco pretends that it annoys him when you do it, but you know that he secretly admires them in the mirror when your back is turned, a smug smirk on his face as he walks into the Great Hall for breakfast after. 
“Mhm,” you murmur against his neck, blowing your alcohol-ridden breath on his new hickey and making him shiver. “I think you deserve a better after-party for kicking Gryffindor’s arse, don’t you?”
Draco smirks and pulls away from you. “I suppose I do.”
You love when Draco gets cocky. You watch as he pushes up from above you and moves to sit where he was, spreading his legs wide and unzipping and unbuttoning his smart trousers. You slide down onto the floor in front of him onto your knees, smoothing your hands up his thighs until you reach his cock which he’s pulled out of his underwear. It stands proudly, leaking with precum as Draco takes the base and lightly smacks your lips with it. 
“My good little slut,” Draco hums, eyes nearly shutting when you take him inside your mouth. “Knows exactly how to please me. Only one that can please me like this.”
You moan around him, the vibrations making a loud sigh leave from his parted lips. He leans back in his position on the leather couch, one hand moving to hold your hair whilst the other bends behind his head. He relaxes, watching you through hooded eyes as you bob your head up and down. Draco lets your hands grip his trouser-clad thighs, humming whenever you do something particularly pleasurable with your talented tongue.
“You take me so well,” Draco mutters, shifting so that his cock slightly hits the back of your throat, causing your eyes to water a little. “I suppose I deserve this, don’t I? Worked so hard on that Quidditch Pitch. Couldn’t think of a better celebration.” 
Draco’s self-confidence doesn’t turn you off but turns you on more. It’s not a common thing, but he’s clearly tipsy, muttering under his breath as he recalls how good you looked cheering for him on the stands. How, as he caught the Golden Snitch between his fingers and his teammates instantly moved to swarm him, that he knew you would be screaming his name-- in more than one way. 
Your hand moves up and you jerk off whatever you can’t fit inside your mouth with your hand. Draco makes small appreciative groans, his hand tightening its grip in your hair, tugging you down further. You tighten your mouth around him, making him hiss in pleasure. You can tell that he’s close from the way his head is now flung back, eyes clenched shut, but he pulls you off of him before he can finish inside your mouth. 
“Fuck,” Draco breathes, grabbing you by the chin and guiding you to your feet. 
As soon as you’re both standing in front of each other, you nearly expect him to lean down and press his lips hungrily to yours, but instead he turns you swiftly around and shoves you down onto the couch. You’re slightly breathless as Draco bends down, hovering over your face as his cold hand flings out to wrap around your neck. You squirm beneath him, his cool, silver eyes meeting yours. It nearly makes you shiver.
“I’m going to eat you out now until I’m satisfied,” Draco warns you roughly, listening to you whimper beneath his hand. “And you better keep your mouth down or people will come down here and see you for who you truly are-- a desperate slut.”
You whine now. It’s strange how powerful you had felt having him groaning under your touch, only for that to be ripped away from you in a couple of seconds with just his words and his hand on your neck. 
“Do you understand?” He spat, waiting for your nod of confirmation which quickly came. “And you remember the safe word, Y/N?”
“Slytherin,” you murmur back, watching him nod. 
Draco’s hand slowly shifts from your neck to slide all the way down your body, groping at your dress-clad breast on the way down. Once he’s on his knees in front of you, the roles now massively reversed but Draco remaining in the position of power, he slides your tight dress up your legs to reveal your house-coloured panties.
“You’re fucking soaked,” Draco mutters, reaching forward and barely pressing down on your panties, which, sure enough, are wet. “Who made you this wet, slut?”
He rubs you through your panties, your head snapping back and your eyes clenching at the sensation. You’re desperate for him to push your underwear aside and actually touch you. 
“You, Draco,” you whimper, looking back down at him and finding him already watching you intently, silver eyes ablaze. “You. Ever since you flew out onto the pitch in your uniform.”
Draco smirks at your words. He clearly likes them because it’s enough for him to push your underwear to the side, revealing your pussy to him. He wastes no time diving a finger through your folds, collecting your arousal and rubbing it towards your clit. 
“Mm,” he murmurs thoughtfully, “You did make a good cheerleader, princess. Very good indeed. I suppose your encouragement probably led me to win. Which means you deserve to celebrate just as much as I do.”
Before you can speak, Draco leans his head down and attaches his mouth to your pussy. You cry out softly, your hands immediately snapping to his silky blond hair. You tug a little when he laps you up, drinking in all of your juices and groaning into you. The vibrations are sent up your entire body and you nearly cry. Especially when Draco moves closer towards your clit, his tongue finally reaching the nub. 
He does kitten licks at it, teasing you and making you pant as you throw your head back, unable to watch him as he works his magic. Draco keeps his hands on your thighs as he laps you up, finally encasing his mouth around your clit and sucking. You gasp, your legs nearly flinging up to your stomach, but Draco’s grip tightens on them. 
He guides one of them up onto his shoulder, past his head, and you absentmindedly lift the over one as well. Draco’s hands reach behind you and tug you further down the seat of the couch so that he has an easier access to your soaked pussy. Waves of arousal flood through you each time he licks at your clit. 
It feels like barely any time has gone by before you’re hissing his name. “Draco, I’m gonna cum,” you whimper. 
“Come on then, slut,” Draco pulls away momentarily to hiss. “Cum on my tongue. I know you want to.”
It’s enough to drive you over the edge as soon as his lips are placed back on top of your clit. Your hips buck and you are forced to cover your mouth with your hand as you do exactly what he told you to and cum. Draco licks you all the way through it, remaining eager, his hands still gripping your thighs. 
You expect him to stop when you’ve come down from your high, so you’re surprised when he continues. You jerk underneath him from the overstimulation, whimpering out and grabbing his hair. 
“Draco, I c-can’t!” You cry, feeling tears enter your eyes as he laps you up over and over. 
“Of course you can,” Draco pulls away and slips a finger inside your soaked entrance, another one sliding in less easily as he pumps them in and out. “Come on, my little slut. I know you can.”
You don’t feel the need to say the safe word, even as the pain dwells on for longer as he curls his fingers inside you, pumping in and out as his other hand reaches for your clit. He rubs his fingers against it hard and fast, faster than you’re used to, drilling his fingers in and out like it's his mission. 
The pain quickly becomes pleasure and you don’t even realise you were close to cumming until you’ve fallen over the edge. Your mouth opens yet nothing comes out as you continuously buck your hips closer to Draco, a smirk on his lips as he watches you unfold for the second time in a row. Tears stream down your face as you come down, feeling Draco pull his hands away from you.
“D-Draco,” you whimper, your entire body shaking as he leans up. 
One of his knees is pressed on the other side of you, digging into the couch as he hovers between your legs on the couch. His face is inches away from yours as he guides the fingers that have just been inside you to his lips. You already know what you need to do, your lips opening a little as he slips them inside. Draco’s eyes visibly darken as he feels you suck around his fingers, swiping and licking him clean of all of your juices. 
“Good slut,” he murmurs, voice slightly deeper than usual and his erection nearly pressing against you. “I told you that you could, didn’t I?”
You nod breathlessly as he pulls his fingers out of your mouth. Draco allows you to catch your breath for a few moments before he dives down and connects your lips. You drink up the taste of him-- a mixture of the alcohol he’d been consuming before and now your own arousal. Draco kisses you feverishly, one hand gripping your neck as he grabs you and pulls you to your feet again. 
You’re slightly shaky as he guides you to the back of the sofa, bending you over the arm of it and spanking your ass. You cry out as he grabs your cheek, squeezing it roughly before you hear the shuffle of his trousers again. It was obvious he was adjusting his cock from behind you, especially when you feel the tip glide through the folds of your abused pussy again. You whimper, unsure if you can pull out another orgasm, but feeling more than ready to try again. 
Draco continued to tease your hole and your clit with his hard cock. “I’ve been dreaming of fucking you in this common room since the moment I hit fucking puberty,” Draco mutters before he slides all of the way inside of you abruptly. 
“Draco!” You gasp loudly, feeling full. 
His hands come around and he hooks his fingers into your mouth, pulling them by the sides to keep you quiet as he fucks you from behind. You feel like crying as he drives his cock in and out of you, nearly pulling out all of the way before slamming back into the hilt. He pulls his hands away when your loud cries become more muffled, his hands reaching to grab at your waist instead so he can yank you back onto his cock, making each thrust harder. 
You muffle your moans against your arm as you listen to the sound of your skin slapping together and Draco’s soft groans as he fucks you hard. His hips smack against you as he glances down to watch his cock thrust in and out, the inches covered in your very own slick arousal. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” Draco hisses, grabbing you by the hair and tugging you back so you’re off the sofa now and instead with your back pressed to his chest. “You’re going to suck me clean after this, you understand? You’ve made such a fucking mess.”
You moan and nod eagerly as Draco keeps your hair tight in his grip, mouth nipping at your neck and leaving lovebites as he continues to fuck into you from behind. The hand not bunching your hair up has slid in front of you to palm at your breasts which are covered by your dress. There’s something arousing about the two of you fucking whilst fully-clothed. 
Draco eventually grows bored of the position, right as you feel like you may cum again, it seems. He pulls you back over to the couch and drops down onto it, spreading his legs and patting his lap. You know exactly what he wants as you move over, your knees dropping either side of him. He grabs his cock and guides it to your entrance, head flying back when you slide down onto his length. 
Inch by inch, he disappears inside you and fills you up. Your hands grab his shoulders as you bob up and down on top of him. He seems dazed as he stares up at the ceiling above whilst you fuck him, clearly in his own world of pleasure, but he quickly snaps out of it when your hands ghost from his shoulders to his chest, feeling him. 
Your head is thrown back as you ride his cock, but a hand grabs your jaw and forces you to look back down at him. You whimper at the look in his eyes. Both of you seem to have the same idea as you frantically meet in the middle, lips hungrily moving against one another as Draco grabs your waist and helps to guide you up and down on him faster. You’re going to cum soon-- for the third time.
Suddenly, the door to the Common Room slides open, causing the both of you to freeze. You drop down so that you’re fully sat on Draco’s cock, his lanky hands immediately moving to slide your dress down so that you’re not exposed to whoever has just walked in the door behind his head. You have a view of the figure that drunkenly stumbles in, but Draco has to crane his neck around. 
“H-Heyo, guysss,” Blaise slurs, “I miiight have gotten lossst on the way to the dormmms.”
“The dorms are upstairs, Blaise, not outside the Common Room,” Draco rolls his eyes at his friend and lifts you up by the hips slightly before he starts to slowly glide his cock out, and then back in again. You hiss at the sensation, eyes wide as you stare at Blaise whilst gripping Draco’s shoulders.
 What the hell is he playing at? 
Your fingers dig into him as if to warn him, but Draco doesn’t stop. He buries his face into your neck and carries on, thrusting in and out of your soaked pussy. It shouldn’t, but it turns you on way more to know that Blaise is only a few feet away, and completely unaware too. 
He probably thought you were just cuddling since you were in the same position as you had been for the entire party, but maybe if Blaise was a little more sober then he would notice the way your breath was shuddering and how Draco seemed to be shifting beneath you. 
“I know…” Blaise stalls as he heads slowly towards the stairs. “You did well today, Malfoy.”
“I know,” Draco huffs, driving into you slightly deeper.
Your eyes clench shut and you hope Blaise doesn’t find it too suspicious when your head drops down onto his shoulder. Hopefully you just look tired to him. 
“Did you see Potter’s face when you caught the Snitch?” Blaise snickers, “I’ll never forget.”
Draco, as if he can sense how much it’s turning you on having someone in the room, which he probably can from how much wetter you are now and the way you’re continuously clenching around his cock, continues to thrust into you slowly and smirks. 
“Yeah, it was quite hilarious,” he agrees, “Zabini, did you do the homework for Charms class on Monday?”
You want to kill him but you also don’t at the same time. 
“Huh?” Blaise replies drunkenly, pausing in his tracks. “Yeah. Think so. For… For Flitwick’s class.”
“Yeah, that’s Charms, idiot,” Draco spits with a roll of the eyes. “You’re absolutely plastered. Go to bed.”
Draco grips you tighter as Blaise starts to mutter about not being an idiot, going onto some whole rant that makes no grammatical or logical sense, but you’re lost now. You’re on the verge of an orgasm and Draco can tell. To get you off quicker, he reaches between the two of you and rubs at your swollen clit. You hide your face in his neck as you cum, eyes clenching shut as you shake on top of him, biting your lip to hold back your whimpers. 
You can’t believe you just came on Draco’s dick right in front of his best friend. 
“Are you laughinggg at meee, Y/N?” Blaise huffs, “I’m not a idiot.”
“I’m not laughing,” you peer up at him, wincing from the overstimulation as Draco continues to thrust his cock inside, chasing his high which is quickly approaching. You could tell from how uneven his thrusts were growing. 
“An,” you correct him with a soft grunt. 
“‘An idiot’,” You say, “not ‘a idiot.’”
Blaise says something back but you can’t concentrate because suddenly Draco’s goes rigid beneath you. His fingers dig into your skin and his cock does one final powerful thrust before you feel his cum fill you up, his eyes scrunching shut as he released a loud breath. 
“Go to bed, Blaise,” Draco demands roughly, voice thicker than usual. 
Blaise is already by the staircase and just glares as he stumbles up, tripping over his own feet several times. 
“I can’t believe you fucked me through that,” you huff. “Or that you came inside me whilst I was talking to him.”
“You came whilst I was talking to him.”
“And whose fault is that?” You huff. 
“Mine,” Draco grins mischievously, reaching up and pressing his lips to yours. “Can’t say I regret it much though.”
You chuckle. “Me either.”
“Now on your knees,” Draco demands, “I do believe you need to clean me off like you said you would.”
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unfortunate truths
small snippet of the finale rewrite im working on hehehehehehe
Fett sat quietly in the pilot’s seat of Slave I as the pale sky of Fel-IV shone in the viewport, its colour disrupted only by the puffy grey smoke of distant factories. His silence wasn’t unusual; in fact, Fett was one of the few people Din had met who seemed as comfortable with the quiet as he was. But the tension in the air could not be denied, and there was no need to guess why.
“I’m sorry,” Din found himself saying, gripping the back of the passenger seat’s headrest. He didn’t sit, in part because Fennec had adjusted the seat to her height and had yelled at him the last time he’d messed with the alignment, and partly because he was too antsy. The jitters that came before a tough fight were especially difficult to shrug off now, and his hands shook with a faint tremor when not holding onto something.
“You put those words in her mouth?” Fett responded, glancing up at him. “Princesses say what they like.”
His lips twitched. “No. But your hold is crowded.”
Fett huffed. “The narudare will clear out soon enough.” He leaned forward and flicked on the auxiliary stabilisers to lock the cargo hold’s gyroscopic deck, and Din felt the ship rock ever so slightly. “I’d be more concerned with the doctor.”
He frowned. “Why?”
“Imperials are good little liars.”
Din stepped around the seat to catch Fett’s eye. His visor turned up to meet him. “You think he’s lying about the kid being alive?”
“I think he knows that unfortunate truths will get him killed,” Fett replied. “You need to be prepared for that.”
Din looked away, out at the sky again. Fett’s words had been kind, but in the sort of no-nonsense way he’d taken for granted when he’d still had a covert to go back to. 
He didn’t even have a ship to go back to. The only way now was forward.
“I am prepared for it,” he said roughly. 
“And what will you do?” Fett paused to lock the controls, and turned in his chair to face him. “If the truth is unfortunate?”
The leather of his gloves creaked as he balled them into fists. He swallowed hard. “Then you will no longer be indebted to me.”
Fett said nothing to that. Din didn’t look at him, his visor still fixed on the viewport. The man probably thought he was a fool. Allowing himself to be put in a position where his hopes hung on the word of an Imperial medical engineer was exactly the kind of mistake that got people killed.
“I’ll speak with Pershing,” Din said then, unable to stand the silence. “And Bo-Katan. Get a plan ready.”
“And I will be with you,” Fett replied, finally making Din face him. His words had come out far more serious than usual. “No matter the truth.”
His jaw clenched. “Thank you.”
“Not yet,” Fett said, and turned back to face the control dashboard. “I haven’t done anything.”
Din felt his mouth curl. Perhaps after this was all over, they could work together. It was good to speak with a vod again; he’d forgotten how much he missed it.
He shoved those thoughts down as he turned to grip the top rung of the ladder, beginning his descent from the cockpit. Plans for the future could wait. He had to focus on the now.
Doctor Pershing was still restrained in his seat when Din entered the hold, and he wasted no one time in striding over to him. 
The doctor’s eyes widened. “What are you—”
“Mando,” Cara hissed, tracking him as his long gait ate up what little distance was between him and Pershing. Din ignored her, stopping too close to the doctor in front of his seat, and touched the stock of his pistol, still holstered heavily on his thigh.
“Tell me about the kid.”
Pershing was staring up at him with wide eyes, mouth quivering as words formed on his lips without sound. “I—I don’t—”
Bo-Katan turned from the console she was sitting at and watched on with amusement. “Second-guessing the word of an Imperial?”
“What’s happening?” Cara asked, stepping in. “Is there an update on the kid?”
He ignored both of them, and drew his pistol. “Tell me about the kid,” he said again.
“I don’t—I said he was alive—”
“In what condition?”
“He’s—” Pershing cowered behind his cuffed hands, flinching at the movement. “You don’t need to aim that at me—”
“Then start speaking,” Din replied. He held up the weapon, letting it glint in the pale light that shone from the rafters of the hold. “And you better tell me the truth. Because I will be coming back for you, one way or the other.”
“He’s alive!” Pershing repeated, eyes darting away, casting about the floor. His glasses were eskew, but he didn’t reach up to fix them. “He’s alive, I swear he is. He’s—the bloodletting takes a lot out of him—he’s fine!” He flinched again as Din’s head snapped in his direction. “I’m telling you the truth—”
His voice rose several octaves, choking off when Din grabbed the collar of his shirt. “What do you mean?” he hissed.
“I mean he’s—” Pershing’s breath came out rushed, uneven, shallow. His skin was clammy, and he seemed to be debating whether or not to grab Din’s arm. “He has to, to recover, after each—each, um, donation. So he might be unconscious when you find him, resting. But he’s ali—he’s alive, I swear—!”
Pershing went into full hysterics as Din hauled him up to his feet by the collar, trembling and bowing away as much as he could from the cold, inexorable press of beskar against him. “It’s temporary!” he cried, and clutched at Din’s vambrace. “He just needs to rest, that’s all!”
“Will he need medical care?”
“Fluids, rest,” Pershing stuttered out. “That’s all. That’s all, I swear that’s all—”
Din shoved him back down into his seat, and the man let out a short sob that he quickly bit back. 
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His gun slid back into his holster, but he kept a grip on the stock. Fett was right. Damn him, he was right. 
Din glanced up, and found Cara watching him. Her expression was pinched with worry, though she was clearly trying to hide her concern. “Don’t think about it,” she whispered, and offered a smile that barely made her lips move. “We’ll get him back.”
He drew in breath to respond, but Bo-Katan interjected again. 
“Are we ready to begin planning?”
His head turned in her direction. Ice trickled down the back of his skull, his fear dulling into a much more useful, malleable rage. Bo-Katan was still amused, still cool, still seated straight-backed in her chair. Her tone had been impatient, like a mother scolding an intemperate child. 
“This is my operation,” he replied coldly. ��Not yours.”
“I’m just trying to figure out our timeline,” she said, teeth flashing. “Gideon won’t be hanging around in that system forever.”
“Then tell me what you have,” he said, stepping around Pershing’s seat and relishing how the man flinched away from his proximity.
“You’re ready to engage, then?”
He glanced at Cara, then Fennec. They both nodded. He needed no confirmation from Fett.
“Yes,” he told her, and began to listen.
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primsycoldbottles · 4 years
top 5 sanrio characters 😳?
OHHHOOHOO LETS GO BOYZ 1. cinnamoroll!! fav little boy <3 hes literally just a little lad who came from the clouds and made friends w all the other pups that ms anna owns at the cinnamon cafe!!!! hes sweet, quick thinking, and honestly cares for others even if it means putting himself in a little danger to keep his loved ones safe (as shown by the cinnamoroll movie)!! he was also the first character in sanrio to get specially coloured eyes (since everyone else either had black or brown eyes) 2. mocha my girl!!!!! shes the fashionista of the cinnamoroll friend group and is immensely the Big Sister type <3 shes shown as being snappy and quick tempered but its all in the name of making sure all of her friends dont get hurt. also her design is just.... so cute!!! shes such a nice character and i would die for her 3. mimmy shes hello kittys twin sister!! theres not to much content on her tbh i just really think shes cute and the sisterly bond between her and hk really is just so loving,, u can tell they care for each other <3 the outfits she gets put in is so cute too!!! i wish there was more recognition for her 4. badtz maru tbh i dont even know much abt badtz maru but like... he looks so neat and i want to hold him in my arms <3 i need to look for more content of him so i can like... actually yell abt him i mostly just love his design and his general attitude!! 5. keroppi i really like frogs n keroppi has an adorable design!! again idk much abt him but i do really adore his design and how hes portrayed <3 also hehehehehehe keroppi brings instant serotonin since i associate him so strongly w nams  and i love nams <3 !!! tuxedosam is an honourary ment cuz i just think hes super cute <3
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hraewordsmith · 6 years
making myself answer all 150 questions of an ask meme
because i can.
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? my mom 2. Are you outgoing or shy? depends on the situation. naturally shy 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my boyfriend, tomorrow :) 4. Are you easy to get along with? i mean yeah?  5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? absolutely. 6. What kind of people are you attracted to? deep, loving people who are completely accepting. 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? lol i’ve been in a four year relationship, so yeah 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? my best friend Leo 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? yeah 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? same bff 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “yeah” 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? i’m so tired... by Lauv, Dark by Lael, Please by William Singe, 100 Bad Days by AJR, and Paris by Sabrina Carpenter 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? OH MY GOSH yes 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? i believe in miracles. luck? not so much. 15. What good thing happened this summer? i made a new friend 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yeah 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? not really 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? :)))) yeah he’s my boyfriend 19. Do you like bubble baths? ohhh yeah baby 20. Do you like your neighbors? yeah, i mean they’re quiet which is nice 21. What are you bad habits? picking at acne scabs, faking a smile 22. Where would you like to travel? London, England 23. Do you have trust issues? absolutely 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? washing my face  25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my thighs 26. What do you do when you wake up? lie in bed on my phone 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? no 28. Who are you most comfortable around? my best friend and boyfriend  29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? never had an ex YEET 30. Do you ever want to get married? absolutely 31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes  32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?  lol no 33. Spell your name with your chin. fdzd 34. Do you play sports? What sports? no, actually 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV, no question 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yyyyep 37. What do you say during awkward silences? i start humming 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? the guy i’m with :) NEXT 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? any bookstore or craft store 40. What do you want to do after high school? LOL I’M ABOUT TO BE IN GRAD SCHOOL  41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? yes, but not with me. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? i am hiding something. 43. Do you smile at strangers? yes, they deserve it 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? bottom of the ocean 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? food or to pee 46. What are you paranoid about? losing the people i love 47. Have you ever been high? nope 48. Have you ever been drunk? nnnope 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? yeah probably 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? BLACK DARKNESS HOODIE 51. Ever wished you were someone else? yep 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my mental health 53. Favourite makeup brand? morphe, atm! 54. Favourite store? Barnes and Noble 55. Favourite blog? do i have to pick? 56. Favourite colour? teal blue 57. Favourite food? chocolate 58. Last thing you ate? chicken, cheesy rice, and potatoes 59. First thing you ate this morning? captain crunch cereal 60. Ever won a competition? For what? uhhhm not sure actually 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope, i was homeschooled so i don’t think that counts 62. Been arrested? For what? nope 63. Ever been in love? :))))) 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? you mean, to the 6 year old i used to babysit? 65. Are you hungry right now? mmm yeah 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? they are my real friends. invalid question. NEXT 67. Facebook or Twitter? facebook 68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr 69. Are you watching tv right now? hehehehehehe nope 70. Names of your best friends? aislinn, nora, leo, katherine, andrew 71. Craving something? What? chocolate and sweet tea 72. What colour are your towels? blue and dark green 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? one and a body pillow 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? you know it 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? heckin lots. i used to have more. right now, 30+. 75. Favourite animal? kiwi bird 76. What colour is your underwear?  blue?? what kind of question 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate 78. Favourite ice cream flavour? either dark dark chocolate or banana 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? white.... 80. What colour pants? black. why do you care so much about my clothes?? 81. Favourite tv show? the office 82. Favourite movie? pride and prejudice, 2005 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? haven't seen them 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? nope 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? also nope 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? THE BABY JELLYFISH 87. First person you talked to today? my lovely mama 88. Last person you talked to today? @mckellaraislinn 89. Name a person you hate? do i have to hate people? 90. Name a person you love? you, uwu 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? yep 92. In a fight with someone? not physically 93. How many sweatpants do you have? at least 15 pairs 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? OMG uh lots 95. Last movie you watched? Pride and Prejudice 96. Favourite actress? actually don’t know 97. Favourite actor? chris hemsworth 98. Do you tan a lot? not at all 99. Have any pets? fish named Taco and dog named Coco 100. How are you feeling? sick and sad  101. Do you type fast? oh yeah 102. Do you regret anything from your past? everything 103. Can you spell well? yeah i actually spell really well 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? everyone 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yep 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? ...in the romantic way, no.  107. Have you ever been on a horse? yep! 108. What should you be doing? sleeping 109. Is something irritating you right now? oh yeah 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yeah 111. Do you have trust issues? you already asked this but yeah 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Leo 113. What was your childhood nickname? **CLASSIFIED** cause y’all don’t know my first name 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yep! quite a bit 115. Do you play the Wii? i used to, quite a bit 116. Are you listening to music right now? no cause i’m on the phONE 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yee 118. Do you like Chinese food? YEE 119. Favourite book? The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 120. Are you afraid of the dark? nope 121. Are you mean? ...no??????? 122. Is cheating ever okay? absolutely not 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? ...i mean kinda 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no, i’m always skeptical 125. Do you believe in true love? absolutely 126. Are you currently bored? nope 127. What makes you happy? my friends and my dog 128. Would you change your name? i’d love to go by my middle name all the time 129. What your zodiac sign? Pisces 130. Do you like Subway? yeah but i can’t really eat it anymore 131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? OH HECK THANK GOD HE DOES NOT but we’d probably talk it out and stay friends 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Leo 133. Favourite lyrics right now? “i’m so tired of love songs, tired of love, just wanna go home...” 134. Can you count to one million? yes but I'm not gonna do it YEET 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? “i’m fine” 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed 137. How tall are you? 5′1″ 138. Curly or Straight hair? straight 139. Brunette or Blonde? brunette 140. Summer or Winter? winter 141. Night or Day? night 142. Favourite month? march cause my birthdAY 143. Are you a vegetarian? nope 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? dark 145. Tea or Coffee? coffee 146. Was today a good day? ...not really 147. Mars or Snickers? snickers 148. What’s your favourite quote? “There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” 149. Do you believe in ghosts? nope 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Saturday?”
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wannawrite · 7 years
Double Trouble
who?: Wanna One’s Kang Daniel, Nuest W’s / Pd101’s Kang Dongho genre: 🌺 type: bullet point blog navigator. • weeks leading up to prom, someone has been dropping love letters into your locker • you’re certain about who you’re prom date is going to be....or are you? rae, @lalisalsa, requested this and she really loves angst so I’ll try to make it v v angsty >:) HOPE YOU AREN’T DISAPPOINTED BEB sorry this is so short and delayed and kind of sub-par, I’ve just been extremely busy and exhausted. - Admin L 
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disclaimer: photos used do not belong to me and all credit goes to their original owner 
• Who? • You needed a name. • Who had been the person dropping secretive love letters into your locker? • The envelopes were a soft, baby pink spritzed with a flowery, dreamy perfume and containing words written on creamy paper that would make anybody’s heart flutter. • they made your heart beat terribly fast and redness rush to your face immediately • all of you friends would snicker and tease you about the mystery sender • NDOSHSKDH WHO IS IT • THIS IS SO UNFAIR • again, this is set in a high school - junior college AU bc I am BLAND and unimaginative • the first letter came in when it was about a month before prom • and it wasn’t signed or stamped with some mark that signified who the secret admirer was • but it came nicely packaged and clearly, a lot of effort was put into it • love makes you do peculiar things • anyway, you were shocked, stunned, brain unable to process that someone had written a LOVE LETTER to YOU • sounds pathetic but uh...not everyone gets this on a daily • you haven’t gotten one in...7 years?   • LET ME REJOICE IN PEACE • haha �� those kindergarten love letters count okay. yet, I never received any rip my love life since the start • i :) was :)) unlikeable :))) romantically :)))) anyway :))))) • if anyone tryna fall in love for the new year, do hit me up • I’M KIDDING • or am I? • is the sender serious playing games with you right now? • You’re on the brink of losing it • okay, let me read out what your secret admirer sent • a small excerpt because everyone can keep their secrets ;) • ‘one day, I hope you’ll come to accept my feelings for you. I can only hope my dreams of us together would come true.’ • ‘humbling myself to finally look into your eyes and confess my love in person.’ • *add 5-7 more lines that I was too uncreative to write* • I’m sorry, I’ve never professed my love to anyone before • okay maybe...once? but that's a story for another time • and - how unromantic of me - I did it over text so uh...0 experience • WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? • HAS SOMEONE HAD A TREMENDOUS CRUSH ON YOU • FOR SO LONG THAT THEY CONSIDER IT LOVE • how adorable • you find them lovable already • unless they’re some creepy, stalker/serial-murderer • racist • misogynist • okay you get the drift • you had clutched the letter close to your chest, feelings stirring up inside like a whirlwind • warmth rushing to your face as your trembling fingers fought to tuck the note into your backpack - out of everyone’s sight - and lock up your locker • without taking out your books for the necessary classes lmao • if you were a cartoon character, there would be a crown of hearts floating over your head and the beating of your heart would be the main bgm • ‘hey y/n,’ your close friend and table partner, Choi Minki greeted with a grin on his face, his navy school bag slung over one shoulder, hands shoved into the pocket of his school slacks. ‘Ready for class?’ • brain: no No nO NO I’LL NEVER BE READY • you: yupp! :D super ready!! Ever ready!! ✨🌸💖🌸✨💫🌸💕💖 • you: boRN ReADY 😫😫😤😤👏🏼😭💯💯👅👅🤣🤣🤣 • brain: MISSION ABORT MISSION ABORT YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO FOCUS ON CLASS WITH THIS SECRET ADMIRER ON YOUR MIND • *sobs for eternity* • well uh what the hell happened in maths class??? • you were 90% sure that all the curious stares from your classmates were due to the fact that your eyes were glossed over, clearly in some sort of la-la land. you rested your chin in your hands, lips letting out a dreamy sigh once in a while • ‘MATH NOTES’ was scribbled in a pink Midliner - art marker - at the top of your notebook page but other than the date, the lines were left blank • your mind was too busy focussed on a different date • even Minki was having a hard time figuring out what was wrong with you • *poke poke* • ‘hey, can I borrow a stapler?’ • *no answer* • instead, he spots a couple of different coloured hearts scrawled on your notepad • ahh • love virus • I love Nu’est with all my heart • ignored, Minki moves on to ask Aron - the classmate sitting in front of you - for a sharpener • Aron’s brows furrow in confusion when he sees you, then he laughs it off, shaking his head. • ‘ahh, who is it that has taken our dear friend’s heart?’ • I’ve been reading many webtoons recently bcI’vebeenquitestressed and I can totally imagine how this would look like • especially with the blushes! • uhm who were you? you rarely ever dozed off or daydreamed in class. This was a huge first for you • the bell finally rang and Minki had to shake you out of your oblivion • the sides of your forearms were neatly decorated with Midliner ink, signed by Choi Minki • ‘huh?’ • ‘let’s go! We’ll be late for chemistry!’ • I sense chemistry between my secret admirer and me • THIS MUST BE A SIGN • THEY MUST BE IN MY CHEMISTRY CLASS • your sneakers slap against the tiles, the sound of the impact echoing down the hallway as you race towards the laboratory • dishevelled, you and Minki arrive just before your teacher does and you scramble to take a seat • both of you end up sharing a bench with Hwang Minhyun and Kim Jaehwan, right behind Kang Daniel, Ong Seongwoo, Ha Sungwoon and Yoon Jisung • HYUNG LINE • Minhyun texts you often so you don’t have any qualms with sharing a bench • he just doesn’t have any shared classes with you or Minki, or Aron,,,or Dongho this term :((( • but, intimidation creeps upon you when you realise you’re surrounded by members of a popular clique in school • Minki is friends with all of them so he pays no mind and probably doesn’t sense your ‘I’M FREAKING OUT’ signal • however, as soon as class starts, you’re back to meddling with your suspicions on who the letter sender is • suddenly, your ears pick up soft taps on your bench and you’re snapped back to reality • or is it? • because Kang Daniel, turned his seat around to face you, eyes twinkling with a smile • ‘hi, uh...could I borrow your periodic table for a second? I forgot mine in my locker.’ he asks, ears reddening the slightest bit • still entranced by his gorgeous features and suave tone, you absent-mindedly hand him your print out, not realising you’re checking him out • what a view • I could stir up some chemistry between me and you • *holds up stirrer* • enough puns pls they’re so bad anyway • his eyes scan over it for a second before he writes down his answer and returns the paper back to you • ‘thank you! oh, I’m Kang Daniel, by the way.’ • SWOON • cue Minki and Minhyun’s amused, muffled giggles • ‘oooh heHeHEhEHehE >:)’ • you introduce yourself • then return to work • but your eyes sweep over Daniel’s desk, and it seems as if he’s hard at work, penning something down • it doesn’t have anything to do with chemistry • because he wrote the title as ‘the love I want to confess’ • OH • MY • GOODNESS • !!!!!!! • brain: stop stop stop!! It doesn’t necessarily mean ANYTHING! DON’T MAKE A FOOL OUT OF YOURSELF • yeah, you decide to listen to your head, pulling your lips into a tight smile as you try to refocus your attention on your worksheet • Minki wants to stab you in the heart with a stray pair of vernier calipers he found • probably from a physics class kid who walked into the wrong lab and dropped it • you don’t die and make it back safely • at home, you keep the letter, tucking it away from prying and curious family • hope rises as you fall into bed and pull the covers over your head • but no letters are present in your locker the next day • and the next • and the next • ....and the next • until, one day, you don’t expect anything anymore • studies have taken over most of your thoughts • you’re just about ready to go prom outfit shopping with your friends when you remembered you had left your notes in your locker • an identical envelope tumbled out of your locker • it landed on the floor with a loud thud • or was the sound from your heart? • again, I shall reveal a small portion if this confession • ‘getting ready for the big day already? well I hope you’ll only be dancing with me.’ • ‘never worry about my identity, you’re inching closer to me everyday.’ • more clues • well, recently, you had made friends with a transfer student, Jeon Heejin, hung out after school with Minki and Aron and gotten Kang Daniel’s number • on Thursday afternoon, Dongho and Kyulkyung had invited you to go bowling and that was how you spent your afternoon • hm • at least you managed to form a group of suspects • it had to be one of them • there was only time left to wait and see • 1 week and 4 days before prom,,, • I’m sorry I’m skipping over a lot of plot development and elaboration :((( • this time was different, the sealed envelope was waiting for you on your desk • and it just happened that you running late that day, stuffing your breakfast sandwich into your mouth as you dashed to your table, shoelaces untied and uniform unkempt • you paid the latest love letter no mind, tossing it into the bottom of your school bag, it lay there, forgotten • until,,, • ‘hi, do you have the textbook? Can I borrow it?’ Dongho whispered as he bumped into you in the corridor, probably on the way to his next class empty-handed • rolling your eyes in a playful manner, you unzipped your bag with the intention of taking your textbook out • uh...looks like you need to be a tad bit more organised in that department • schools supplies were jumbled up in your bag, a couple of items fell out of the open flap • including the letter from the secret admirer • puzzled, Dongho picked it up along with the rest of your things • ‘ooh, a secret lover?’ he teased, eyes speckled with curiosity • immediately, you yanked the envelope out of his grip with a blush seeping onto your face • ‘n-nothing! you’ll be late for class!’ you called, shooing him off before he could say anymore • thankfully, your friend was kind and understanding enough to let the matter drop • you managed to make it through the day without much problems. school was rather eventful, you got a chance to bond with Daniel and Minhyun over lunch because Minki was sick • ripping open yet another packet of jellies, Daniel whined, brows furrowed, ‘hyung, are you sure you can’t make it next week?’ • next week? • Minhyun sadly shook his head, biting his bottom lip in an upset manner. ‘I’m sorry Daniel. I have some committee things to settle at the time of your game.’ • game? • oh, pre-prom activities • Daniel sighed in disappointment, he chewed on a candy to calm his feelings • ‘wait, you can invite your new friend. It’ll be a first and it’ll be more fun!’ Minhyun suggested, gesturing to you in an attempt to cheer Daniel up • Daniel went from staring into space to excitedly chatting about it • words you caught: prom, basketball game, hyung always goes to cheer me on, the rest of my friends are coming but it isn’t the same • ‘woah, woah!’ you uttered, putting your hands up in a gesture for him to slow down. • ‘so are you in?’ • YES. I DOVE IN HEAD FIRST • ‘sure I don’t mind going.’ • the boy practically jumped across the table to embrace you tightly. ‘ • ‘wear my jersey!’ • uHM WOAH I KNOW WE’VE BEEN FRIENDS FOR THREE WEEKS AND TEXTED AS MUCH AS I TEXT MY NU’EST FRIENDS BUT WOAH • ‘of course! If you don’t mind.’ • ‘thank you! I love you so much!’ Daniel yelled before continuing on about how much he was anticipating the game • i  l o v e  you so much • is it Daniel? • you gaped in shock, sitting in silence as the beats of your heart drowned out anything else • Daniel • Daniel was the man in love with you • that was the only thought that plagued your mind for the rest of the day • hmm what did that letter say after all? • ‘one more week to the dance, looks like a I’m cutting it really close. Apologies. You’ll see soon.’ • ‘Don’t worry. If anything, I’ll be the one dateless at prom. You’ll always find a knight in shining armour in me. Let’s not joust anymore’ • ‘Kiss me in A summer Night dream? I’m thinking of only you, my Gem.’ • so romantic • I’ve found out that I absolutely have 0 talent in writing love letters • tbh these are so creepy I would be calling 999 already   • my love life only taking Ls • SUSPECT ACCUSED • SUSPECT GUILTY • SUSPECTED: KANG DANIEL • geez he really put effort into these and only reveals his name now wow • for that, I shall wait to text my reply hehehehe >:) • wouldn’t it be better to talk to him in person? I’ll call him to go out later • ahh, he’s busy training for Monday’s game • we can talk then! :) • your family nearly dies of shock when you burst through the front door, a skip in your step and screaming out incoherently • they don’t question your strange behaviour though • something magical is gonna happen at the game and you’re sure of it • clad in Daniel’s jersey, you make your way to the school stadium the following week, itching for the big surprise, your lips tugged into a gigantic smile • students start to fill in the sports hall, gossiping excitedly and predicting how the friendly game would play out • even Heejin attends the game, face pink and hair tucked into a coral beanie. She offers you some chips • Daniel’s most likely still gearing up for the game so you agree to sit with her on the bleachers to watch. • just as you approach the busy stairs, someone calls your name loudly from behind causing you spin round and nearly knocking into the broad chest of a cheerful Dongho • ‘I didn’t think I would be seeing you here,’ he said, pleasantly surprised. His gaze flickered to your shirt - Daniel’s school team jersey that is. ‘How supportive of you! So sweet. • *head pats, dad boyfriend smiles* • Dongho and Daniel would so get along! You could pretty much feel your heart soaring with elation • This is perfect! All I’ve wanted in life! My friends and my future boyfriend let’snotgetaheadnowshallwe to be close friends too! • Suddenly, just as you were about to gush about Daniel and his undying love, Dongho grabbed your hand. • ‘c-can we head outside for a second? I need to talk to you about something urgent.’ • ‘ATTENTION LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE GAME WILL BE STARTING SOON...’ • you grimaced, wanting to be the first one to catch Daniel’s eye when he emerged onto the court • ‘sorry, but we should take our seats, I’m sitting with Heejin, come join us. You know her, uhm, the transfer student, physics-‘ • you jumped as loud airhorns sounded to announce the arrival of the teams • Dongho quickly hustled the both of you to your seats • the crowd of students started cheering wildly when your school’s team emerged led by Lai Guanlin • your screams were the loudest when Daniel stepped out of the shadows • his charming gaze bore into yours, a smile gracing his features • HEART BEATING STARTS ACCELERATING • HE DOESN’T BREAK EYE CONTACT EVEN AS HE ACKNOWLEDGES THE CROWD • WHATTA MAN • ‘it was me.’ A familiar voice whispers into your ear • WAIT WHAT? • your eyes go wide like glossy marbles, confusion beginning to stir within you • No, I could be wrong. I barely heard him anyway. I’ll ask later • ‘I was the one who sent those letters to your locker.’ • w h a t ? • no way • ‘it isn’t Daniel.’ • Daniel smiles at you one more time as the referee begins to signal for them to take their positions • your grip tightens around the hems of his precious jersey • you aren’t sure what to make of the sudden situation • Dongho • What’s his last name? Kang • Daniel • Another Kang • The Kang twins daddies  • two Kangs, one of them has been sending you love letters • you want to believe it’s Kang Daniel, your new friend and crush • but it’s the boy who has been your friend for so long you don’t exactly remember for how many years • thud thud thud • looks like you’re caught between the two Kangs • Dongho’s eyes are begging you to believe him, trust that he’s telling the truth • Daniel’s eyes are clear, bright, they aren’t ones of deceit • ‘I-I....’ • you can’t seem to form a coherent reply • your lips seal shut, forcing your jaw that fell in shock to close • the referee blows the whistle, Dongho’s eyes don’t leave yours • the crowd drowns all other noises, yet all you can hear is the thudding of the ball, the sound of your fragile heart crashing against your ribcage • Daniel? • or Dongho? • let the game begin
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nymphisl · 7 years
Ahn Hyeongseob as your boyfriend
- hyeongseob is a regular customer at the cafe you work at - you instantly recognise who he is, considering how much your classmates went on about his good looks - so you could say hyeongseop was some kind of big deal in your school, along with his group of friends - but who would’ve thought, that the reason why he came to the cafe every Saturday from 10am to 3pm was because of you - trust me, you could hardly believe your eyes when you saw a note etched onto the napkin - ‘please meet me at the park bench, I’ll be waiting…’ - as soon as your shift ends you find him waiting at the bench, and once he realises your there his face goes a deep red - “hi, y/n… You probably don’t know who i am… But it’s just that I walk past you in the hallways sometimes and you caught my eye, erm… I-i like you…” - hyeongseop itched the back of his neck and refused to make eye contact - “well, this was unexpected… Firstly, I think we should become friends considering the only thing I know about you is what I get fed by my friends.” - you try your best to be confident but your heart is racing - “so you ask about me to your friends??” - and there it was, hyeongseops killer smirk, a blush spread quickly to your cheeks - you both agree to be friends first and now every Saturday after your shift you guys normally hang out - he tells you all about the webtoon he’s been reading and his plans on making one himself - “its so cute, you should totally read it- its 100% my type, shoujo with elements of mystery mmmmmhmmm” - a passionate smile springs onto his lips and you can’t help but laugh - it’s the next Saturday and it’s strange because hyeongseop is nowhere to be seen after your shift - “well, he’s just busy probably… It’s not like I want him to be here…” You mutter to yourself - you wander around the nearby mall, it’s not like you were looking for him… - you instantly recognise hyeongseop and he’s with a group of girls with his friends - “Y/N!!!” - he’s trying to catch up to you but you’re already out of the mall - “y/n, why are you walking so quickly?!” - “I doN’T KNOW…” - “yah, y/n, you’re jealous right? Do you know what this means? This means yOU LIKE ME!!!” - he was right - “okay, okay… I like you hyeongseop” - he pulled you into a hug whispering the same phrase into your ear - YAY CONFESSION - anyway, hyeongseop enjoys holding your hand whenever he has the chance - he has a habit of hugging you randomly, not that you don’t enjoy it - “which packet should I get? This is good for it’s price but what if it’s bad qua-” - hyeongseop pulled you into a tight hug, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck - skinship was something he was confident with, always showing you off to his friends -you didn’t mind tbh it was cute how hyeongseop liked you so much to show you off like that - he was a good boyfriend but well, as a study partner… - “I’m hungry, let’s go together to eat some ramen!!!” - “hyeongseop… We just started studying, our exam is in a weeks time so can you just concentrate?” - he looked like he was about to cry… He did that whenever you’d scold him too harshly and with his pouted lips and sad eyes, goddamn you felt bad - studying had finally ended and you were otw home w an awfully quiet hyeongseop - “yah, ahn hyeongseop…” - you reached to you tiptoes and planted a soft kiss on his lips - “sorry if I was too harsh, it’s just that I’m stressed for exams and you know we need to do well in these…” - he placed his arm firmly on your shoulders and pulled you close enough so he could kiss ur forehead - “y/n, next time study without me because I distract you too much and honestly I can’t take my eyes off you when we study…” - dates w hyeongseop include trips to pet stores, where he spends an hour petting the animals and tries his best to persuade you that you should buy one together when your older - “but who says I’ll be with you in the future?” - “trust me y/n, in five years time I’m going to be on one knee and your going to say yes” - hehehehehehe your heart fluttered at the thought and tbh you were pretty sure he was just joking - couple items was the part you disliked most about your relationship… - at the start they were just phone cases but now you had matching shirts and now you had matching liP TINTS - “y/n what do you mean???! This is such a nice natural colour, please let me use it… It totally brings more colour to my face pleaseeee” - his could you deny it - movie dates would include him trying to scare you in the middle of a horror film, only to backfire… - “please come to the toilet with me, I’m too scared to pee by myself, please y/n!!!!” - you waited outside the toilet patiently with the sound of trickling urine filling the silence - "wow y/n you know... I love you so much, thanks for coming with me" - "yah ahn hyeongseop! Why are you saying this right now pshh you haven't even finished peeing yet" - you hid behind the door, waiting for him to leave and that's when you jumped out and scared him - "stop scREAMIng, hehehehe cute... Ahn hyeongseop, although you scream loud and you have bad timing, I love you" - his face softened and was no longer a scared expression, before you knew it y'all were making out - hyeongseop continued to giggle to himself throughout the film - "I still can't believe you said that y/n, I love you, I love you, I love youuuu" - he kissed your nose each time he said I love you and tbh you realised how much he meant it and how much you meant it... - hehehehehehe hyeongseop was a fluffy bf who'd want the best for you!! And you both truly deserved each other hehehehe yay the end
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Ro & Ali
Just a nice lil’ chit-chat about what a great boyfriend Drew is...ha ha ha
Ro joined the chat 3 hours ago Ro: I'm hoping (selfishly perhaps) to prolong this good mood by sharing it so I've bought you something. The Little ones as well 💕 Ali: Oooh! I'd throw out the obligatory 'you didn't have to!' but I love gifts almost as much as Rio does so 🙊 Ali: Just seen the Instas, I am so jelly, its been ages since I've been into any of those shops/bought a book that wasn't printed on colourful carboard/plastic Ali: I need a book haul/to know what you ordered so I can live vicariously kthnx 😘 Ro: Hence I couldn't resist and the closeness of her birthday assuaged any tiny doubts that might have briefly appeared Ro: I'd say there's no need to be but in this instance that'd be a very big untruth. I'm having such a perfect day! Ro: Only made moreso by the fact Drew was the first to state your lack of suitable stimulation Ro: he's such a sweetheart Ro: He says you can thank him via me when I deliver each lovingly wrapped parcel later if you can't wait until the bonfire Ali: Exactly, we can seamlessly eek yours out into her celebrations beginning only ever-so-slightly early 😉 Ali: As you should be, following the plan set out above, tis your Birthday month and only perfect days are allowed 👌💕 Ali: Bless him Ali: Sure he wasn't just tweaking off all the book shop coffees? 😜 Ali: Well, as we all know it was you that chose the books out, I'll thank you Ali: Caleb made his last batch of pumpkin spice cookies for the season (all cinnamon from here on out, will that and a gossip over a cuppa suffice? 😊🍪☕ Ro: I prefer to think of him being high on love 💘 but he has admittedly spent a lot of time deciding between cold brew or americano Ro: He did honestly help, at least with your selection anyway Ro: How could I possibly refuse such an offer, hmm? Ali: You're so cute it makes me wanna throw up 💋 Ali: A cold brew tho...In this weather?! He is such a white girl. Ali: Well, he is full of surprises then Ali: Maybe you can use your boy taming skillz to calm Junie down, he's having a right day of it Ro: I all but forced him (in his words only I assure you) into a coat and the heat is apparently too much Ro: I do feel cute though, which is almost as bizarre a thought Ro: must be the power of 18 Ro: Poor boy! Is Caleb working? Ali: I get that, tbf, tis how I feel about shoes. But frostbite is a very real thing, he could use a lil nagging, you should get ma on the case 🤣 Ali: Yes! So here for that 👐 Ali: You been cute, its about time you recognised honey Ali: Yeah, but he did the potwashing/brunch/lunch shift so he can be about later for a family dinner so that's nice, you know how he feels about getting up early when he could at least try to lie in 'til lunch like Ali: Can't blame him Ro: Heavens! Terrible as this will sound I'm still keeping my distance as far as Tess is concerned. I can't help but feel she can read me like a book Ro: I'm not sure about that at all but thank you 💗 Ro: Oh that's so nice! Somehow we've both whipped these boys into a shape we like it's no wonder we're smiling Ro: would you like me to head over early so I can help out? I don't mind and Drew insists he has errands to run before he shows his face Ali: Yeah, she can. Ali: Again, can't blame you but distance or not, she'll find a way to be knowing Ali: Well I am so you're more than welcome Ali: I always liked his shape 💦 Ali: heheheheheh Ali: feel free! it'll be fun, we can get in Caleb's way with all our helpful help 😂 Ro: Oh Ali! You're making me blush in public I hope you're pleased with yourself Ro: Drew has his suspicious face on as if I'm bored of him already. Imagine! Ro: Boys and their egos Ro: Okay great I'll come straight there as long as you're willing to sort out the mess I'll be before anyone sees me Ali: I am Ali: I'd be even more pleased if you'd change my name in your phone to something suspect af like... the eggplant emoji! Ali: Really keep him guessing Ali: Oh, please, your look today is fire! But I am always down for a makeover and dress-up sesh, you'll have to share the spotlight with Rio but, don't we all? 😻 Ro: Oh my god don't! I'd die Ro: If only. I think the love has somehow swelled my heart and waist Ro: small price to pay for having him back though Ali: Nah you're perfect Ali: Well, tell him good job on today 👍 Perfect Ro day out Ro: I will he's earned that praise and more Ro: He says to tell Caleb it's his turn Ro: I'm playing messenger and delivery girl today it appears Ali: Poor you, don't let him run you ragged! But, if you're up for one more job you can tell him Caleb's never been afraid of a little healthy competition 😉 Ro: Well now he's excited. Typical not a single paperback has piqued his attention that much Ali: There's only so much whipping (into shape) you can do in a day, eh? Ali: Start in the kid's section mayhaps? 😜 Ro: Excellent idea! I do need to find Rio some actual birthday gifts Ali: Two birds one stone, love that efficiency Ro: If I can be honest Ali I really would like to look as close to perfect as I can tonight Ro: you will help me won't you? It's just....I did think it was over for us Ro: I want to make his wishes come true too, not simply my own Ali: Understood Ali: Of course I will, I'll fish out my best sex goddess duds for you Ali: We'll have you both saying yes to the dress sista Ro: I appreciate the enthusiasm but let's start with him telling me he loves me again first Ro: I know it, obviously, but hearing it is another thing, right? Ro: It'd be a truly perfect day then Ali: Yeah, at least he's showing it Ali: Love languages and all that Ali: but mission accepted Ro: Thanks Ali you're the best! Ro: Well, I better get a move on if I'm ever going to leave here. See you soon xx Ali: I'm sure the amount you've put into those places, you're basically part-owner, and thus entitled to be there forever but yes, we have plans so we both need to get a wriggle on! TTFN 💕
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