#HELP im gonna look at this tomorrow and think its super cringe
faestelle · 1 year
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POV: she sees you
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askjingrandet · 2 months
hey um, so thanks for ignoring my previous ask since it's such an embarrassment to read that...even i found it cringe now and i clearly regret sending that, im sincerely sorry (should've kept that fantasy to myself, i hate it) 😞
anyways- as you can see, im the same anon who asked leon earlier on 'has he ever interacted with luke?' and i see y'all are gonna have a private party that involves sweets, meat, and alcohol-
since luke wanted to invite licht...i have this question...originally i wanna ask...would you invite clavis? 👀 BUT SIKE- i think he'll probably ruin it- you know so well that of course...hes a troublemaker and makes traps for a living- BUT- isn't he your drinking partner or partner-in-crime? guess its up to your decision 🤷🏻‍♀️ (maybe he's busy too-)
and nokto is probably busy wooing women around for information, so i don't think you can invite him, who knows?
may i do my sincere apologies to you, prince jin?
- you know me now tbh- idk-
Hey there now don't regret it, I actually didn't ignore it but have been wondering what my preferred look would be! I won't ever ignore an ask no matter how cringe you think it may be, though the pretty lady that helps me out says she's not dealing with anything super super dirty for me but she'll let everyone know if that happens.
As for the meal I'd invite all my brothers and the other princes, Emma, Sariel and Rio too of course they can all come the more the merrier! Chevalier never joins in on these things so I don't try to invite him along as much as I used to, and well Clavis and Nokto that depends on what else they have planned for their evenings entertainment.
No apologies needed anon and look forward to your other ask either tonight or tomorrow!
(Admin here, sincere apologies for getting Prince Jin your previous question only yesterday.)
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Bakugou does your hair
In this I'll be using my hair products cause i don't know any other. Blue magic, cantu, and Shea Moisture don't work for me. My hair hates it and breaks off🤷🏿‍♀️
I used to use Grandma's Recipe but its not moisturizing my hair anymore since i moved to Vegas so i have been using ™WonderGro (Jamaican Black Castro Oil) for grease and ™Elite (total body care) for both shampoo, conditioner, and face oil. I gots me some vitamin c serum for dark spots cause i don't use make-up.
I have super sensitive skin that switches 25/40 (i cant use suave anymore cause now im alergic to it.) And i break out easy so trust me if i recommend any products in regards to skin care😂
Sorry this is getting long, enjoy the fluff
The day was here. The day you’ve dreaded since you and Katsuki started living together. Wash day.
Up until now, all Katsuki had seen you wearing were different variations of braids. He had a vague idea that not all your hair was real but he has never seen your hair free and in the wild.
“Hey Bakugou, do you have anything to do today?” you ask nonchalantly as your boyfriend walks through the door. “No.” was his only response as he sat next to you. You cringe as he buries his face into your braids and you  imagine the dust and dirt falling on his eyelashes. 
(I’ve only let it get that bad twice in my life)
“Well, could you please find something to do?” That got his attention as he sits up and glares at you. “Why are you trying to get rid of me all of a sudden?” You close your eyes regretting even starting the conversation. “Look today I need to wash my hair so I really need to focus, Baku.” 
Bakugou is, of course, confused as he looks at your hair to see if something was wrong with it. “So why don’t you wash it, I won’t bother you?” You scream inside your head at his persistence but press on. “Because Bakugou, you’ve never seen my natural hair and I’m not sure if I want you to yet.”
You peek your eyes open to see Bakugou’s reaction and to your horror, absolute boredom was present on his face. “That sounds like a personal problem because now I’m not leaving, in fact, let's go do it now.” 
“Bakugou! Please!” you wail as he drags you to your shared bathroom. You try to dodge and weave but consequently get your hair caught in his steel grip as he held onto a group of your braids. “Stop struggling and sit your pretty ass down.”
You pout as you plop down on the toilet seat but watch with curious eyes as Bakugou grabs your rat tail comb and stabs a spot in-between your braids. “What are you doing?’ He scoffs as he elegantly unbraids your hair. “I doubt you wash your hair while it’s still braided idiot.”
With calm accuracy, Bakugou takes down your hair from left to right, smacking your hands when you try to help. "You didn't want to do your hair with me around so I don't want you raising a hand to help!"
When Bakugou finishes, he grabs the mountain of hair and looks at you with wide eyes as he takes in your real hair. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You groan hiding your face in embarrassment. Bakugou shrugs, "I didn't expect it to be that short." He bags the rest of your hair and leaves to throw it out as you wallow in self pity.
With frustrated tears you turn away from him with your arms crossed. A hand hits you on the back of your head, "What's that face for!?" You turn towards him with your lip jutted out, "You said my hair is short!"
Bakugou looked at you dumbly as he watched you glare at your toes. With a sigh Bakgou turns on the shower as he speaks, "I never said it was a bad thing. Hell, i wouldn't care if you were bald." You study his face and feel your heart flutter. It wasn't often you got to see the side of him.
Your suddenly hit with a face full of pressurized water as Bakugou points the shower head at you, "Get that dumb look off your face and get in the shower!"
After you recover from your drowning, you get into the shower and put shampoo on your hair. Humming your favorite song, you massage the liquid into your scalp, completely missing the sound of the curtain opening.
It wasn't until you felt a warm presence behind you and breath tickling your ear. "Why do you have the water at 100 gotdamn degrees in here!?" In your haste, you nearly slip and bang your face against the shower wall. "I'm not even gonna ask." Katsuki muttered as he adjusted the knob.
"Why are you in the shower with me?" Bakugou rolls his eyes and turns you back around, and for a moment you thought he wanted to get ✨freaky deaky✨ in the shower. That of course was until you felt fingers rub your scalp in soothing circles.
"Ah~" Bakugou smirked as he heard your sound of pleasure. In reality, he was taking the time to get used to touching your hair. Because it was in braids, he never got to fully feel your hair texture. But now he could not only feel it dry but wet and he must say it's a strange feeling.
Side note: am i the only one that thinks straight hair feels slimy when wet? Like i can't stand touching non black hair when it's wet it feels so icky.🤢
When washing is said and done (of course with a loving make out session: details not included) You somehow find yourself in between Bakugou's legs as he parts your hair. "Wait a damn minute, you don't know how to do my hair!?" You say reaching back to grab the comb only to get your hands popped. 
"Your mom taught me that trap card." Bakugou smirked as you rub your battle wound. "That's it, I ain't letting you hang with my momma no moe." Bakugou applies your repair oil in the parts, and massages it into your scalp once again, soon making your eyes roll back from the feeling.
"Do you want to use Grandma's Recipe' or "WonderGro Jamaican Black Castro oil"?" Bakugou asks, reading your grease labels. You sit there and shrug, "Jamaican." Bakugou nods and opens it gasping when he smells it. 
(It smells like blue slurpee on gawd)
"Can I eat it?" He asked scooping some of the dark purple solid onto his finger. "You can, but I can't guarantee you'll live afterwards though." You joke earning yourself another pop.
In the end Bakugou puts your hair in twisties for you to blow dry tomorrow. It looked better than you expected and you thanked him for it.
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Anyone notice that when you look up short hairstyles it be shoulder length like, "sorry but im bald ma'am😃"
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91percentpynch · 4 years
lonely heart - kevaaron au pt 4
oh look it‘s me, coming out of my dark hole to make you suffer with a super sad chapter with a nasty cliffhanger:) so get your tissues ready and enjoy!! okay first of all sorry that i didn‘t update this in a g e s and that it‘s rather short and for the cliffhanger, but i‘ll try to update it more regularly now:)
check this out for the other parts:)
trigger warnings: drug abuse, mention of suicide, mention of mental health issues, very sad aaron, mention of blood
“You were too good for me”, Aaron whispered into the void. “You were way too fucking good for me. You made me a better man. And I fucked up”
Aaron got up as he felt the tears burning in his eyes. He knew he wouldn‘t be able to sleep alone tonight. Like every single goddamn night since he left Kevin. Like every single goddamn night since he made the biggest mistake of his life.
„Taylor?“, the blonde haired boy murmered, „You up?“
„Babe, you know I‘m up. My girlfriend lives three states away, we talk every single day at the same time as you call your man. Not that I would be able to sleep when you call him, cause a) i love Day and b) you‘re always sad and high and end up in my room anygays, so did he take the phone darling?“
Taylor was Aaron‘s roommate and the closest thing he had to a best friend. She had been there for him every single day, cuddled him, held him while he cried and dried his tears afterwards. And Aaron did the same when she misssed her girlfriend too much.
„You do realize he is not my man anymore, I fucked that up. Big time. He did actually take the phone just to tell me to fuck off and stop calling“
„You could always go over there and say it in his pretty face. Didn’t say you can’t come over did he?Pro point: Might lead to making out“, Taylor said while taking him in her arms. „Plus another pro point: you‘d get sober again. And you‘re less moody. No offense but a Kevin-less Aaron is hardly managable, like you‘re either a whiny little bitch or you‘ll give me the death glare of the cenutry. Legit worse than Andrew‘s and I called him a cute little baby boo once when I was drunk and he almost stabbed me right there with a look on his face like I just murdered Neil in front of him“
„Tay, I take that as a compliment. And we both know Kevin’s a bit of a dumbass so he did not exactly tell me Not To Come over just stopp calling. Anyways I don‘t even know where he lives. And stop talking about me getting high, you do the same shit“
„Yeah but I know my limits and I have not the same history as you. And for the i DoN‘t EvEn KnOwS wHeRe He LiVeS, phone number. Now“
„O- okay“, Aaron said and told her Kevin‘s phone number while Taylor calmingly stroked his back.
„Neat, got him“, Taylor said after a while. „He‘s with the scary big dude and his adorable little boyfriend I think? I have their address right here, I think we‘re gonna visit them tomorrow cause it‘s like 4 am right now and we don‘t wanna rob him his beauty sleep plus we don‘t want to wake the scary big dude. And I‘m pretty sure the adorable small golden retriver boy could and would stab us“
„Did you just stalk my ex and located his phone at 4 am like fucking Garcias in Criminal Minds?“, Aaron said confused.
„Anything for you big guy. And as I said I miss Day‘s pretty face, preferably in your pretty face so you shut the fuck up about how stressed and depressed and lonely you are.“, Taylor chuckled as Aaron looked at her shocked.
„Well I miss Casey, preferable in your face so YOU shut up“, Aaron was never as good in witty remarks as his brother. Especially high Aaron.
„Babe I think it‘s time for you to go to bed, you‘re not fun when you‘re sad, high and tired. Come here, let me cuddle you, while you whiney little bitch sleep“
Aaron slowly went over to Taylor and into her loving arms, laying down, trying to fall asleep.
After a long while aaron drifted into sleep, just to be greeted by familiar smaragd eyes. In his dream Kevin and he never broke up. Kevin was on top of him, his hands gently discovered Aaron‘s body, touching him as if he was sacred, something to worship. Kevin‘s lips were at Aaron‘s ear whispering sweet nothingness. Aaron‘s hips moved against Kevin‘s loving touch. „Stress release“ Kevin called these holy moments in dawn. „Highlight of my day“ Aaron called them.
The dream was as beautiful as it was cruel. It was as if his body, his mind were as much refusing as able to believe that Kevin was gone. It was his own fault, Aaron knew it. But the ever present voice of his mother, disapproving and disgusting, in his head was just too much for him to handle. He thought - foolish as Aaron was - that the pain of living without Kevin would be better, less cruel, less painful. But he never knew real love and therefore never experienced its lost. Until that faitful day. Until Kevin took his bags and left.
Aaron was used to pain. The hot one after an extraordinarily vicious hit. The cold one when his mother died. The numbing one when the hunger was growing more and more unbareable. But nothing was even slightly as hard to handle as the loss of Kevin in his life.
Kevin was the first good thing Aaron had. He gave him a will to stay, to try, to give this stupid sport everything he got. And Exy turned into more mundane things like getting his eating routine under control or getting a more or less acceptable sleeping schedule. The dark days were still there, for both of them, and they would probably never leave them completely alone, but they got less. And when they did happen they would hold each other together.
Ever since he fucked up things with Kevin, Aaron had more and more dark days. The voice of his mother telling him he‘s a failure, the bored stare of his brother and Aaron convincing himself Andrew wouldn‘t even bet an eye if he died, the voice telling him the world would be a better place without him growing louder and lourder every passing day.
Logically he could say that the death of a single person wouldn‘t change much for the over all world population, expect maybe it‘s some kind of insane mademan dicator or someone important, but still. It made sense. All he did after all was fucking up, being a failure, never good enough, never perfect.
His lonely heart only screamed Kevin‘s name and he knew if Kevin didn‘t take him back, his life wouldn‘t make much sense anymore. Well he would definetly not tell Kevin that. He would not manipulate Kevin into loving him, because that wouldn‘t be much better than not having him at all.
Aaron woke up the next day around noon. He didn‘t really feel like getting up, like getting up was simply too much. But Aaron knew he had to. He didn‘t want to worry Taylor more than he already did. And it would end today. One way or the other.
So he got up, put on the first pair of black jeans he could find and the first sweater his hands could find. Ironically it was one of the sweaters Kevin gave him, on the third of december last year. It was one of Aaron‘s favourites as well.
„Ready for the big Day, small guy?“, Taylor said winking at him.
„Not really? What the fuck am I supposed to do there anyways?“, Aaron replied on his way to the coffee maker.
„Talk to him? Deliver one of those borderline cringe big speeches. Get im flowers. Break into his bedroom and say ‚Draw me like one of your french girls‘, naked of course“, Taylor laughed at the face Aaron made, listening to her suggestions.
„I think I like the big speech. I mean I‘m shit with words, but I‘m sure you want to help your boy getting ‚his man‘ back, right? Also what kind of flowers would you give someone you dumped cause the voice of your dead mother told you it was wrong and disgusting, which you never told him for obvious reasons?“
„Honey, you‘re so fucked up sometimes, I love you but you should go to a therapist or something. Also I‘d say sunflowers or roses? I don‘t speak flowers man, I‘m the tech nerd. Not the romantic one, the nerd. But we‘re gonna make a snazzy speech and you‘re gonna get your man back“
After their typical breakfast - if Aaron didn‘t forget to eat again - they sat down together on the living room floor, paper and pen ready, trying to write the world changing speech.
„Why is this so fucking hard? Why can I only tell him how much I love and miss him when I‘m high off my ass“, Aaron complained.
„What about you don‘t think about him that much. Just tell me what you love about him and then we write that down?“, Taylor suggested.
Aaron took a deep breathe and closed his eyes. „I loved him because he was the first one who saw me. Aaron Minyard. And not just the other Minyard, the lesser twin, the shadow of Andrew. He looked at me and somehow chose me. Even if he could have had everyone else. He chose me, even though I‘m not special. Kevin chose the failure when he could have had the first prize. He looked at me and saw something worth loving, worth keeping around. Hardly anyone could tell Andrew and me apart. But it took him less than a day to do so. Kevin is strong, so so strong and somehow chose the most fragile thing he could find, took it and made it worth soemthing. Kevin made me feel something. Not numbness. Not pain. Something warm and beautiful and living. He gave me a reason to stay alive. Kevin made my life bearable, he made my life beautiful. We were both broken and we would probably still be broken if we were together but we softened each other‘s edges. Kevin believed in me when no one else would. He knew how I felt, knew what I needed and when I needed it. Kev gave me love and safety and I kicked it with my feet. This man is like a god who fell for whatever reasons for a homeless man. And I know I don‘t deserve him but I also know I cannot live without him. And I know that I must tell him that before it‘s too late. If it‘s not too late already“
Taylor wipped a tear out of her eyes. „That‘s it. You tell him that and we‘ll get him back“, she said. „Can I hug you?“
„Sure you loser“
„Ah there is my boy“
They spent the rest of the afternoon writing down the speech, making edits here and there. In the end Aaron collected the pages and went to his room to change. He replaced Kevin‘s sweater with a simple black jumper, put on his Docs, got his keys and left.
Aaro did feel a little uncomfortable, stalking Kevin like that. But he knew this was his chance to fix things. This was his chance to get Kevin back, to make his life worth living again. Which to be fair was a bit selfish, but you are allowed to be a little selfish sometimes, aren‘t you?
Jean and Jeremy‘s apartment complex was a 15 minute drive away from the flat Aaron shared with his three roommates. Theirs was fanzier, obviously. After all Jeremy was a professional Exy player and Jean was some kind of semi famous artist or fashion maker or whatever. They could give Kevin the world. They could give him what he desereved. All Aaron had to offer was an apology and his love. No money. Not yet anyway. Just anxiety, depression and stress.
But if Kevin was willing to take his love, to give Aaron one more chance, he promised himself Aaron would make it count. He will tell Kevin how much he loves Kevin every single god damn day. Aaron will get therapy and work on his issues. Sober up and this time for good. He will do anything to be worth of god‘s love. Just that god in his case was a twenty two year old boy with black hair, forming soft waves at the end and a smile that will make the sun jealous. Eyes made out of smaragd. Lips so sinful and kissable.
Aaron sat down in front of the door, waiting for his courage to come back to him. He could do this. He would get his man back.
Hours passed, or maybe it were only minutes or seconds after all before someone came closer. Ever so slowly Aaron lifted his head, just to look in the ever so familiar green eyes, big with shock.
„You said to stop calling. You never mentioned face to face conversations“, Aaron said, his voice hoarse.
Kevin stared at him as if he was a ghost, a reminder of his past life, something he rather wanted to forget.
„Look I know I fucked up. I know I‘m not good enough for you. I know you deserve the world and I cannot give it to you. And when you look me in the eyes and tell me you don‘t feel anything for me anymore, no love or hate or affection or whatever humans feel, I will turn away right now and go and never come back. Never bother you again. But if you allow me to apologize, if you however decide to gieve me one last chance, I prepared this whole ass speech for you“
Aaron was sure they could hear his heart beating against his chest, roaring, screaming to return home. To return to Kevin where it belonged.
Kevin‘s eyes wandered to the floor, his fingers automatically closed around his left wrist. A nervous habit. Just another little part that makes Aaron‘s heart ache.
Slowly, almost painfully slowly, he lifted those unbelieveable beautiful eyes and met Aaron‘s golden ones. Kevin studied him and the world around them stopped.
Out of the corner of Aaron‘s eyes he could see Jean going still, his breathing too calm, too even. It‘s the same thing Andrew does when someone fucks with Josten. At least his death would be fast. Or slow. Whatever. Aaron didn‘t really care, without Kevin it wasn‘t worth anygthing anyway.
„Why“, Kevin said after what feels like forever, „Why would I forgive you? Why would I give you another chance? Why would you think you can come back here just to fuck me over again? Aaron I loved you, I really did. I always will. You were my first love and maybe, yeah maybe, my last one. But right now I can‘t. I just, I just can‘t. Please leave. Please leave me alone. For now. Maybe, one day we can talk about it. But right now I cannot handle the thought of you to leave me. To tell me all these beautiful lies, to cut me open and leave me to bleed out. I love you“, tears were running down Kevin‘s cheek. Tears Aaron one day, a long time ago, promised himself he would never let Kevin feel again. Pain. Sadness. Everything because of his failure, because of his weakness, because he‘s a fucking piece of shit.
„Thank you for giving me a reason to stay. Jusst remember that you were my light, my warmth, my happiness and I never stopped loving you. Never will. Please just be happy“, Aaron replied as he turned around to walk to his cars.
When he was sure he was out of ear shot, he let himself feel. Feel the pain. Feel the loneliness. Feel the numbness and the cold and the hatred. It was in that moment, that moment where he was alone and nothing more to lose, that he decided that it was enough. He would end it. End it tonight.
„Thank you“, he texted Taylor. „I‘m glad I didn‘t eat you in the womb“, he texted Andrew. „You were not so bad after all“, he sent to Neil. And lastly „Thank you for taking me under your wing“, to Nicky. They would understand. It would take them some time but in the end they would feel better. They would be happier without them. Because at the end of the day he caused them pain and wasn‘t really worth a thing.
So when he got in his car, tears running uncontrallably down his cheeks, he knew what he had to do.
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I’m staying up so late to watch this but Tumblr and Twitter already gave me three screencap spoilers so I gotta watch it now or I’m Gonna Die
Omg the opening curtains looks so official and cute!!!
I just tried to turn on subtitles rip
Aw this feels like some kind of musical! How cute. And this opening is so beautiful! I love the style
“What a revolution, a gem that loves and grows” Ahh part of this song sounds like the Diamonds singing it. It reminds me of a disney song
OMG THIS REALLY IS LIKE A DISNEY FAIRYTALEOPENING that’s hilarious. I love it! This is so beautiful. Man I’ve missed this show so much :’)
I love that the Pearls were running the news feed, that’s so cute
Aww his Diamond aunts, that’s so cute :’) They really do feel like super overbearing loving aunts. “Don’t forget I’m not Pink Diamond!” POOR STEVEN
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This is such a cute screenshot 
“We’ve been so good! Please stay with us Steven!” Aww they all miss Pink so much
MAN THE ANIMATION IN THIS SHOW IS SO GORGEOUS I can’t get over how beautiful everything is. And AW EVEN CONNIE IS BIGGER I love her hair style! And dang they got such a huge high-tech upgrade
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OH SNAP SHE KISSED HIM ON THE CHEEK awh these kids are really growing up aren’t they *sobs like a proud parent*
“Nothing to fear, no one to fight” Oh don’t say that now Steven, we’ve still got over an hour to go
Ohh I wonder if Jasper is going to show up some time in this movie, I’d like to see her again! I miss her
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gosh I love the animation they use for this gal Spinel, she’s such an old-school villain, I love it. AND SHE’S GOT A GREAT SINGING VOICE
“I just have no idea what’s going on!” “Well son, now you know how I feel almost all the time” Lmao Greg I missed you so much
Uh oh is Pearl going to come back messed up. UH OH WHY IS SHE A SEA SHELL
SPINEL IS TERRIFYING she’s essentially a home-made best friend. No wonder she was trying to reset everyone, she wants Pink back to be reset
Spinel’s heart hair works the same way as Mickey Mouse’s ears do that’s so funny, really leans into the Disney aspect of it.
You guys really gotta get the injector out of the hill, this is killing me
“Wow. Quick turnaround” “It took me a month to quit trying to kill him” “I’m still on offense” GUYS PLEASE
I like Bismuth’s new overalls. And that was so sweet that he went to Bismuth for advice when Garnet’s not there (BUT ALSO OUCH WHEN HE SAID “Garnet would know what to do”)
“As long as one of us is standing to brandish that star” GOSH THAT’S SUCH A GOOD LINE
Oh no wait if they send Steven to space he won’t be able to breathe gUYS NO
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Well Spinel’s super freaky, definitely gives me a Disney vibe for sure. I do feel kinda bad for her though since she’s obviously just a very lonely little girl BUT STILL
I love that Ronaldo’s still trying to capture weird stuff going on in Beach City despite the fact that they literally have an alien civilization living next to them
AW Peridot put little sunglasses on her orbs
Peridot: Amethyst, get away from me, I can’t stand to see you all vacant and bereft of personality Amethyst: Yo I’m back you dip Me: *HIDEOUSLY LOUD SNORTING LAUGH*
lmao Peridot’s machine is a microwave, I love that
Maybe the Cluster can help with the poison leaking into the spoil????
“We’re going to die anyways” Thanks Peridot
“This has got to bring Pearl’s memory back! It’s all about quitting a crummy service job!” LMAO
“As long as you exist” Steven: “OH HEY LET’S KILL GREG”
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I’m screaming, Greg and Steven’s fusion is literally a god of music that’s so cool, I wonder who his VA is, I love him
Aw I do feel bad for Spinel, she’s so lonely....
You know that one scene in Toy Story 2 where Woody is having a nightmare? Andy says “I don’t want to play with you anymore” and he drops Woody into the garbage bin? I feel like Spinel’s been living that nightmare for the past 6000 years.
“Just this morning things were perfect. Why did everything have to change?” I feel like Spinel’s probably thinking the same thing, except wrt Pink Diamond
OH NO...SHE REALLY HAS BEEN WAITING IN THE GARDEN FOR 6000 YEARS....I knew those were her shoes we saw at the very very beginning of the movie
“And then she smiled, that’s what I’m after” OH MAN........this show is still so good at ripping my heart out....Pink Diamond really messed a lot of stuff and a lot of people. She was really young and didn’t realize the effect she had on other people :(
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Heart shattered yet again
Hmmm I rewound this a little bit and I’m thinking about stuff I’ve done in the past, and if I’ve ever made someone feel that way without meaning to because of some careless action. I really hope not.
I just thought about that “When She Loved Me” song and legit felt some tears well up but I HELD THEM BACK
I wonder if the Diamonds are going to adopt Spinel as their new Pink
I really love the type of villain Spinel is
OH NO GREG’S ARM!!! Steven’s healing powers better get pumped up to max by the end of this episode otherwise everyone’s gonna be in trouble
OH WOW STEVEN’S ACTUALLY BLEEDING we’ve never seen that before
“There is no happily ever after. I’ll always have more work to do” Man that hit way too close to home
“Staying hydrated is very important when it comes to smooching” I love Garnet
I can’t believe I called The Diamonds adopting Spinel holy heck
I will say that movie wasn’t what I expected at all but I wound up loving Spinel so much more than I anticipated. I felt my hyper-empathy kicking in so hard it made my heart ache. I really loved Spinel’s song, I think that was my favorite song in the entire movie! AH SHOOT I JUST REALIZED WHY PEOPLE WERE TALKING SO MUCH ABOUT THAT “Let’s go in the garden” SONG FROM ADVENTURE TIME TODAY, HECK. But anyways I’ve been listening to Spinel’s song on repeat for the last 20 minutes, the topic and the kind of character Spinel is really struck something in me. I might try and rewatch this tomorrow again if I have the time.
The movie reminded me of just how much I love and miss Steven Universe. I want to rewatch the entire season now, I miss the memories I have attached to the show. I love how much love is put into this series. I’m glad it exists.
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tlcyellow · 6 years
merlin s2 ep10 sweet dreams
holy shit guys it’s been a while. things have been crazy with me. if you want details you could always follow me on twitter and instagram (@tlcyellow) (plug plug plug). the short version is, i finished up my third semester of school, moved to a new apartment, had a two week break where i went home and many adventures, and now i’m back in nyc and starting my fourth semester tomorrow. i want to give a shoutout to my mutual bearwithoutpaws for messaging me and saying they enjoyed my merlin posts and wanted them back. i really appreciate your support and i’m sorry i’ve been away so long!! ALSO some of my posts are missing??????? a lot of my season 2 posts have mysteriously disappeared from my blog? i didn’t delete them and i don’t know where they are lmao. it is a true mystery. if anyone has any ideas on how to recover them please let me know. okay with that ridiculously long intro out of the way, lets get back into it (if i remember how to do this)
- damn bradley james is fine. how could i have ever left him
- they are having some sort of peace conference thing in camelot and there’s this grumpy ass dude whose trying to end the peace talks and he’s going to use lady vivian (a woman we’ve never seen before) as part of his plan. she’s super pretty and arthur helped her off her horse so they’re probably gonna do it by the end of the episode
- okay jk vivian is a spoiled ass bitch and i hate her
- vivian’s dad’s name is olaf. like the snowman. frozen has ruined that name forever.
- arthur is now trying to pretend to merlin that he doesn’t have the hots for gwen which is weird because he only really knows two women and one of them is basically his sister so his options for love are limited
- katie mcgrath???? the queen of my heart 
-  okay so the evil man’s plan is to make arthur fall in love with vivian through magic. hasn’t this exact thing happened to arthur already?? have they run out of ideas already?
- arthur and merlin are trying to woo vivian and they’re like “um?? feelings??? girls??? i know not the name” and it’s like, we get it, yall are too gay to figure out what to do with women
- ohNO WAIT there has been a classic sitcom-style misunderstanding. arthur is enchanted and talking to merlin about wooing vivian but they don’t mention names so merlin thinks he’s talking about gwen so he brings flowers and a love note to gwen instead of vivian. yikes
- oh my god arthur knocks on vivians door and she’s like “whos there?” and hes like “its destiny my love!!!” which is cringe-y enough and then he looks at what he has in his hands and says “its destiny and chicken”. even under the influence of literal magic arthur doesn’t know how to talk to women
- okay so vivian rejects arthur because shes a brat and the evil man is like “i don’t get it!!! everyone in the world is attracted to this boy. i’m almost attracted to him myself” and then he like has a small orgasm and his jester has no clue what to do 
- arthur is full of melancholy and hes leaning his head on his horse in the most dramatic and emo fashion 
- vivian has now been enchanted to fall in love with arthur and she has come to his bedroom and is sniffing his pillows and rolling around in his bed like a crazy person 
- the jester has told vivians snowman dad that vivian is in arthurs bedroom but merlin has her unconscious and hidden in a closet. so olaf comes in all pissed and is like “I HEARD VIVIANS IN HERE” and arthurs like “damn i wish. shes fine as hell!!!” (im paraphrasing) which is not a thing you say to any girl’s father ever. 
-  gwen is now sending a love note to arthur which is super awkward since he’s still enchanted and in love with vivian and im afraid she’s going to get her heart broken :(
- arthur has crawled up into vivians window and gwen is waiting in her house and arthur isnt coming ahhh this is so sad
- ohboy olaf walked in on vivian and arthur making out and olaf has challenged arthur to combat and gwen is brokenhearted
- okay so arthur is all enchanted and olaf breaks one of his ribs and arthurs like “im fine gaius. IM IN LOVE!!!!!!” 
- okay merlin visits the unhelpful dragon who is actually relatively helpful in this situation and he tells him merlin has to find the person arthur truly loves and get her to kiss him which is handy bc gwen exists but what if she didn’t? merlin would have to make out with him i guess.
- gwen and arthur are kissing!!!! she broke the enchantment and now arthurs like “where am i?? why is my rib broken??” and gwen’s like “youre in a fight to the death. no time to explain. head on out there buddy good luck”
- so arthur almost kills olaf and then is like “this is no way to achieve peace” and olaf just??? forgives him??? and forgets he was trying to fuck his daughter????
- so after all that gwen is like “we cant be together” B I T C H you were so ready to get with him twenty minutes ago what the heck
- wait wait wait no one unenchanted vivian!!!!!!!! she’s gonna be hung up on arthur for the rest of her goddamn life
next episode: the witch’s quickening
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catboythanatos · 6 years
Adrinette April Day 3
Still going strong! (for now)
they dont actually fence in this dont get your hopes up, i just let the prompt take me wherever. anyways heres a lil post-riposte anxious marinette...
Day 3 Prompt: Fencing
Marinette would be lying if she said she hadn't joined fencing specifically for Adrien.
Sure, she thought that swordfighting was super cool, but she normally probably wouldn’t’ve been all that inspired to join up.
She had joined fencing to spend time with Adrien. It wasn't exactly his fault that he was never available and seemed to consistently blow off plans with all of his friends. He had an incredibly hectic and crowded schedule.
After the trouble she had on her first day of fencing, she didn't think it very necessary that she come back, seeing as she had no real interest in it anyways. And after Adrien’s “Good Friend” comment to Kagami, she had trouble mustering up even the strength to want to see Adrien. She knew he hadn't meant any harm -- in fact, it was probably a high compliment in his eyes -- but she couldn't help but be dejected. No one wants to hear their crush call them ‘just a friend’.
So Marinette sat in her room, sadly watching let's play videos on youtube to try to pass her time.
She was leaning sideways on her chair in an awkward position, watching on her phone despite having her computer screen literal inches away from her.
As she sank further and further into the chair, a sudden noise caused her to jump and she crashed down onto the floor.
“Marinette?” she heard her mother’s voice calling from downstairs. “Are you alright?”
“I'm fine, maman!” she yelled back. “Just knocked something over, is all!”
Marinette sighed to herself, embarrassed about her clumsiness. As she stood up, she paused her video to swipe down and check what the heck the notification that had just about killed her was.
When she read it, she almost collapsed onto the floor again.
1 new message from: Adrien
She picked her computer chair back up and sat in it, clicking on the notification.
The message read:
Hey Marinette! How come you weren't at fencing today? I hope you're feeling alright…
Marinette could hear her heart beating in her ears. Adrien was thinking about her while he was fencing! Not only that, he was worrying about her!! After a short freak out, she started to feel kinda bad.
“Oh no, I made him worry… And he wanted to see me! He was looking forward to spending time with me! I could have been at fencing having an awesome time together with Adrien and I ruined it for both of us by being dumb, oh no…” Marinette sunk down in her chair, sliding back down until she was almost on the floor again.
“Oh, Marinette,” Tikki sighed. “You're not dumb.”
“Yes I am,” the girl pouted. “I just blew it with Adrien yet again.”
“No you haven't -- text him back! I'm sure he'll understand! And maybe ask him if he’s free right now… You could still spend time together.”
“Text him back?” Marinette sounded incredulous, as if responding to a text message was a completely foreign and ridiculous suggestion that made no sense at all. “What would I even say? A lie? ‘I forgot’? Or the truth? That I didn't feel like going to fencing? That makes me sound lazy and noncommittal; forget it, I'd rather die.”
“Marinette! Text him back!” the kwami repeated, shaking her head at the girl’s dramatics. “I'm sure he will understand.”
Marinette pouted. “Fine.” She picked up her phone, staring at the message screen and anxiously hovering her thumbs over the keyboard, completely unsure of what to say.
She typed a
Heyy! Sorry! I'm fine, I just wasn't really feeling it today
Then sighed.
“Are you sure he’ll understand?”
“Yes! I think it's best just to be as honest as you can be with him. I'm positive he will understand.”
Marinette bit her lip, unsure. She looked back down at the message. Squeezing her eyes shut, she hit send, then quickly locked her phone and set it down on the desk.
Sure enough, it pinged again almost right away.
She chewed at her lip as she glanced at the message.
Are you sure? Today was only gonna be your second day of fencing, I didn't think you’d wanna miss it, are you sure everything's fine?
Marinette swallowed. She couldn't admit to Adrien that she had little real interest in fencing, nor that she was depressed that she was his good friend. She still had to be as honest with him as she could be, though, Tikki was right. She decided to express her other big concern:
no im ok. i just dont think im that good of a fencer.
Adrien: What why not??????
Marinette: Just when mr dargencourt made me judge between you n kagami i guess. its my fault she got akumatized i had no idea who won and i just guessed really…
Adrien: Aw, that wasn't your fault Mari! Anyone would have made that mistake. Did you not enjoy fencing at all then?
Marinette: No, no i liked it! It was cool! I'm just embarrassed that i caused all that
Adrien: Well I don't think it's anything to worry about! You’re just learning! And even if you think you're a bad point judger, you're not a bad fencer at all! I actually thought you were really good.. I was looking forward to fencing with you again..
Marinette had stopped breathing at all the compliments she had been getting, and she had to take a step back from the conversation for a moment.
“Go, Marinette!” whispered Tikki.
Marinette: thqnk you omg
Marinette cringed as she noticed her typo after sending the message. It wasn't severe enough for her to bother trying to correct, though, and she feared she’d only embarrass herself more in doing so.
Her phone went off again and her mouth fell open at the next reply from Adrien…
I could help you out if you wanted to get better. I know M. D’Argencourt can seem kind of intimidating so if you wanted some more friendly tips I'd be happy to help if you're interested! Kind of like a private lesson lol
“Private lesson?” Marinette squealed. “With Adrien? Tikki, hold me.”
“I'm physically incapable of doing tha-” Marinette crumpled to the floor with a soft thump. “MARINETTE!”
“I'm fine, I'm fine…”
“You're so silly.”
Tikki shook her head. “Well, reply to him!”
Marinette held her phone up above her head, giggling as she typed back a reply to Adrien.
“So?” asked Tikki eventually.
“He's gonna help me with fencing after school tomorrow! At his house!”
Tikki giggled. “Good for you, Marinette! See, was that so hard?”
Tikki just rolled her eyes.
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wanna-17 · 7 years
lee daehwi first meeting! AU
summary: in which you are somi’s best friend and you find out that she has a hidden twin brother who you are a fan of 
length: 1.3k
a/n: HIHI so i decided to start a new series which is gonna be a sweet and short one called first meeting! AU with the wanna one members. since it’s really only going to cover your first meeting with the particular member, it’s up to you whether you want to interpret it as romantically or platonic friendship, maybe if the context suits and i get enough requests i could do a part 2 for some in the future? we’ll see but i will be prioritising getting each member done first. but anyways i hope you guys enjoy this first one of my precious baby lee daehwi and look forward to the rest of the members :) 
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so you’re in high school 
and ever since high school started you became best friends with a girl called somi 
you guys had different personalities, you were more on the shy side and she was more outgoing 
but somehow you guys clicked and found that you guys had a lot of things to talk about and common interests 
also during this time produce 101 is airing and you’re absolutely addicted to the show 
and lee daehwi, the first centre literally swooped you off your feet 
he was no doubt your bias and you’d been voting for him like crazy everyday 
and ofc since somi was your best friend you’d always rant about how cute and talented lee daehwi was and somi would just sigh and roll her eyes sometimes 
well one day at school your class is given a project to be completed in pairs and obviously you and somi are a pair 
usually you two would complete your work at the library but since the weather was really horrible 
you guys decided to head to your place over the weekend 
and you guys do that except you dont get the work done 
so you guys decide to go to somi’s place sometime after school next week to finish it 
and tbh you’ve been very curious about where somi lives
even though you guys are best friends you guys always met either in public or at your place
you were just super curious as to what her house was like and why she was lowkey secretive about where she lived
so the day before going to somi’s place
you guys are having lunch at school and somi is suddenly like: “oh y/n when you come tomorrow, my twin brother will most likely be home visiting” 
and u r like
“WAIT HANG ON A SECNOD U HAVE A TWIN BROTHER?? SINCE WHEN???” you semi yell when you stand up from your seat 
you are surprised and shocked bc ur friend has a twin brother and she never told you 
“ssHHHHH be quiet” says somi gesturing you to sit back down 
and so you do and say
“how come you didnt tell me somi?” while pouting 
“well…i guess you never asked whether i had siblings or not” replies somi nervously 
“hmm yeah fair enough, well what its like having a twin brother? what’s he like” you ask excitedly
you’d  never met anyone that had a twin before and u suddenly find out that your best friend in fact has a twin brother which makes you feel kinda weird and excited 
“it’s alright, we’re just like any other sibling pair, he can be slightly annoying sometimes but he’s a good brother overall. i miss him” replies somi looking down 
“ohhhhh where is he? does he go to high school here?” you asked wondering if somi’s twin was actually at your school and completely hidden from u 
“no he doesn’t”
“where does he go then? and what’s his name? what does he look like?” you asked bombarding somi with questions as you were super curious now
since somi was one of the prettiest girls in the school you were lowkey thinking maybe somi’s twin is really hot HAHA
“i actually can’t say his name but he’s really ugly” says somi laughing
“why not????” you ask somi, “is he a spy or something?? with a hidden identity???” 
somi shook her head laughing at you as you continued to pester her about her twin 
“you’ll see tomorrow when you come over” says somi “i think things might change when you see who it is” as she sighs
now you were C U R I O U S as to why somi kept it so secret 
and for some odd reason, who somi’s twin brother was was all you thought about for the rest of the day 
your thoughts went wild as you thought, what if he’s actually a spy? or illegal? a criminal? someone dangerous? what if he’s the youngest ceo in our country?
and for some seriously odd reason you were excited to meet somi’s twin brother 
the next day you head to somi’s house with the address typed in google maps 
you rang the doorbell and somi opened the door
as you stepped in you saw how the house wasn’t too big nor was it too small it was quite spacious and clean and very cozy 
you saw some baby pictures placed up on a shelf of somi and her twin; you recognised somi easily and the twin brother was really cute too 
you guys take a seat on the big couch and start working on the project when suddenly you hear footsteps come down the stairs 
you were super focused on your work tbh so you didn’t look up 
until a voice says 
“hey sis is this your friend that always talks about me?” 
and the voice is SO FAMILIAR 
and you’re suddenly afraid to look up 
you do recognise that voice but no way it just couldn’t be 
“yep it is” says somi, “look at the state she is in now” 
your entire body was frozen and wouldn’t react and you were looking at the ground
“she’s so cute like that” says the voice
you feel your cheeks go bright red and your heart suddenly beating extraordinarily fast 
you close your eyes and tell yourself you are dreaming 
you take a deep breath and look up 
and you are met with a pair of the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen; one eye was monolid and the other was double lidded but honestly that was what was attractive about him 
it was truly lee daehwi lmao sorry i made it so so dramatic haha
he was smiling down at your with the sweetest and cutest smile 
“hello y/n! it’s nice to finally meet you!” says daehwi cheerfully 
“u-h-h hello– daehwi-ssi” you stutter nervously as you die internally 
daehwi laughed and his laughter was like a beautiful melody
“no need to be formal y/n, we’re the same age! you don’t look great right now, i’ll grab a glass of water for you” says daehwi as he heads to the kitchen 
when he’s gone you turn to somi straight away 
“DUDE WHY DIDNT U TELL ME DAEHWI WAS UR BROTHER?? i wouldn’t have fangirled over him to you and its sooooo embarrassing” 
“chill y/n it was actually pretty funny, you totally have a crush on my twin, look at ur face” says somi laughing 
“sTOP omg this is all ur fault im so embarrassed, i embarrassed myself in front of my bias” you say as your bury your face in your hands
“seriously y/n this is your chance to talk to him and i don’t usually say this about that idiot but he’s actually a very nice guy, so don’t be nervous anymore” 
you take deep breaths and try to collect yourself before daehwi comes back 
when he does you’re much calmer even though you still feel like you are living in a dream 
“here’s your water” says daehwi as he hands over the glass of water
both your finger trips lightly made contact and you felt your heart racing again 
“thanks daehwi” you say giving him a shy smile 
he asks what the project is about and starts helping you guys and in no time you guys are done 
and daehwi is super friendly and outgoing so in no time you get really comfortable around him
and realise that HES JUST A REALLY NICE AND KIND HUMAN like any human and not some “far unreachable star that’s like a god” 
you find out he has cute habits and loves cleaning and fashion and wants to make people happier through his music
you guys talk for the next two hours getting to know each other and you tell him that you’ll continue to support him on produce 101 and he’s super thankful 
at this rate somi had literally fallen asleep and is taking a nap on the sofa 
he opens up about how it’s hard to meet people’s expectations and that he doesn’t want to disappoint others and you guys have really deep conversations 
and in no time it’s already dark outside 
and daehwi even offers to walk you to the bus stop 
and he puts on a black hoodie with the hood up just in case ppl recognise him anyone watching school 2017 bc i love x’s outfit hehe
you guys reach the bus stop
“y/n it was nice meeting you and i was able to get my mind off things thanks to you” 
“no worries daehwi, i’m so glad to have met you and you’re just as wonderful and kind as i’d imagined you to be” you reply cringing at your own cheesiness
daehwi laughs again as he ruffles your hair “you’re so kind too” 
“anyways y/n will you do me a favour and not tell anyone that i am somi’s twin? i dont want things to get hard for her if people know about our sibling relationship” 
you swoon, he was even so nice to his sister 
you nod “of course”
the bus comes and you guys wave goodbye 
you couldn’t believe that you met daehwi and got so close to him 
he was so nice and down to earth 
you lowkey wondered if you’d ever be able to see him again since he was already famous and busy with filming 
you convinced yourself that he was probably this nice to everyone and you were really lucky because you were his sister’s best friend 
suddenly your phone buzzed and you received a message from an unknown number 
“hello y/n, it’s daehwi - i got your number from somi. that’s okay right? next week i’ll be back in town again, so do you wanna hang out? just the two of us this time ;)”
efgqkejfhfjhjf i hope you guys liked this?? i have no idea what the response is gonna be like and lmao i made somi and daehwi twins bc they could totally be siblings :) i realised i probably rant too much lmaooo so let me know what you guys think as i’m always open to feedback and thoughts about my work :) please also look forward to my next one in this series! 
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rqs902 · 5 years
#im such trash im seriously considering makingthe ygy hair flip moment from that ikon perf into a gif so i can set it as my lockscreen#imagine giggling every time u pick up your phkne thatd be me#hes so not gross normally that that moment just makes me giggle and smile and makes me all happy inside#my lock screen has already been like ygys signature smile (as labeled by the show itself after the sakura perf) for like a few days now#and my roommate saw it and was like he just looks so happy! and i was like yessss and it makes me happy c:#but now if i change it to ygy hair flip its like cute but also cringe but also funny and im gonna die of embarrassment is anyone sees it HAH#but the temptation is real#anyway fun fact some of my old friends are planning a reunion in march and im super excited!!! 2 of them are even gonna fly in :') ahhhh#also my roommate and i are gonna have a pizza + makoto shinkai movie night tomorrow hahah even tho i just went to the gym today sigh HAHAHA#lunar new year is coming up so im also excited for that! i made a new friend at work today and she invited me to a cny party shes hosting#but actually i cant go bc my friends surprise bday party is this weekend too loll and then we've also planned to try baking 發糕 and 紅豆年糕 eheh#and we're kicking it all off with a dinner on Friday night so I'm excited and hoping to get some good Chinese new year food whoooooo#ive also been doing p well at being less social i think! watching super idol has helped hahaha bc i look forward to coming home to watch tv#but now im in real deep for ygy lolllll#rants#random life update lol
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