hyunpic · 2 years
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cr. blaze0320
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setsuuestsu · 2 months
Just a Little Rain (💧)
Word Count: 1488
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: Hyung line
Summary: JK gets caught in the rain and the members are fussing over him as if he’s already sick and he insists he’s not sick and once he finally convinces them he’s not sick he actually gets sick
“We’re going on an adventure.” Jungkook sings to himself as he holds Bam’s leash and walks along the river.
“If only Jin hyung would actually let us go.” He finishes, totally not salty about that in any way. Bam glances at him, obviously intrigued by his performance because why else would Bam be staring at him like that.
He sighs, staring at all the food carts around where he is. He would kill for a snack.
But nooo, walking Bam shouldn’t take him three hours apparently, especially with an upcoming schedule he has to prepare for.
A droplet of water falls onto him. He scrunches his nose and wipes it off.
“Is ít supposed to rain?” he asks Bam, as if the dog would know.
Bam only gives him a look, which Jungkook reads as “you stupid idiot”.
He huffs. “Lets get back before hyungs send the police again.”
But as his luck would have it, the closer to the dorm he walks, the harder the rain falls. It was almost as if there was a cloud only covering the dorm.
“Holy fucking shit.” Jungkook groans, trying (and failing) to cover his hair with his hands. “We’re soaked!”
He realizes he was pulling a little hard on Bam’s leash since it was a different one, as Namjoon was currently borrowing Bam’s usual chains. “Sorry, Bammie.”
“Jin! Open up! Hyung!” he shouts as thunder claps overhead. “It’s wet! Because of the rain obviously!”
He sees an eye through the peephole. Judging from the wait time until the door was opened, it was Taehyung.
Jungkook snorts. “You aren’t Jin. And you’re barely a hyung.” He scrunches his nose. “And you stink!”
The door is shut.
“Tae hyung, please open the door.”
Eventually, after a good twenty seconds, the door is opened, this time by Hoseok, his much better-smelling hyung.
The elder passes him a warm towel from a stack in his arms, presumably just taken out of the dryer. “Kookie, you’re soaked!”
Bam shakes himself off in the doorway and Jungkook can see how much willpower it’s taking for Hoseok to not scream. He presses his nose into the towel, inhaling the scent of the detergent.
Hoseok spreads the second towel in his hands onto the floor. “Shoes off. And jacket. I’ll take that and hang it up.”
Jungkook takes Hoseok’s final towel and starts to dry Bam off. He lets the dog off the leash and leans down. “Go get Tae, okay?”
After he’s fed and watered, Jungkook is forced to shower and then lay on the couch with two blankets wrapped around him.
He raises an eyebrow. “You guys know I’m not sick, right? I was just a little muddy and a little wet.”
Jin shakes his head, setting a bottle of water and a thermometer onto the coffee table. “See Yoongi-ah? He’s delirious already.”
Yoongi fluffs his pillow with a softness that’s only reserved for Hoseok and Jungkook (only on the occasions where he’s sick or his allergies are acting up)
“Hyung, I’m fine.” Jungkook whines. “In fact, I could go for a beer.”
Jin shakes his head, then glares. “Absolutely not. Especially not after what the neighbors said last time. Singing karaoke until three AM my ass!”
He sighs, trying to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Yoongi. The rapper glares at him and he gulps. He knows when to give up the fight.
“Do you want some tea, Jungkookie?” Hoseok softly asks, fluffy hair popping up from behind the couch. “It’s peppermint.”
He would literally rather do anything else but if Hoseok was going through the effort … well, the least he could do was say no nicely.
“No thanks, hyung. I’m fine.” He gives his best smile, which only grows wider as he hears the noises of Bam and Taehyung chasing each other, not entirely sure of who was chasing who.
Hoseok nods and disappears.
Jungkook blinks twice and then pushes himself up to peer over the couch. Where did Hoseok go??
He’s surprised by a thermometer being shoved under his tongue. He gags, but calms down quickly. He’s tempted to spit it out, but it would be a close call with Jin and Yoongi standing right there. The “keep it in or else” goes unsaid.
The thermometer beeps and Jungkook finally pulls it out and reads it, then hands it to Jin. “See? I’m fine! Now unwrap me, because I really need to piss.”
Jin sighs, muttering something under his breath about kids these days and how much of a headache Jungkook is.
It’s about 7AM the next morning when Jungkook realizes that maybe he is getting sick.
As soon as he wakes up, he notices just how stuffy he is. He can barely breathe through his nose and just the thought of being able to sounds very unachievable.
Jimin-ah, I need tissues. He texts, then sets his phone down to sneeze tiredly into his hands.
He’s so congested.
His phone buzzes and he snatches it up to see if it’s Jimin, but it’s just a Netflix recommendation for an anime he has heard of but not watched. Maybe he could do that today.
“Hoseok hyung?” he calls, sniffling rapidly. His nose is running.
The hyung in question pops his head into the room. “Morning Kookie!”
“Ca’d you grab mbe sobe tissues?” he sniffles again, covering his annoyingly itchy and runny nose with his hand.
Hoseok’s eyes widen. “Oh, love, are you sick?”
Jungkook sighs and nods. “I think so …”
Hoseok cooes. “I’ll be back in a minute. I’ll get those lotion-infused ones so they’re softer in your nose.”
He nods in response and shuffles around on his pillows for another minute as he waits for Hoseok. His nose tickles again and he hitches softly as he sneezes again. It’s itchy and he sniffles, but that just makes the feeling worse.
His hyung returns with a tray packed with tissues, cold tablets, a water bottle, tea, and throat lozenges.
“Here.” Hoseok presses the cold tablet into his hand. He opens the water bottle. “Take that first.”
Jungkook complies and takes the medicine, unfortunately too used to the routine of being sick. His nose tickles again and he rubs at it, wishing the tickle away.
Hoseok hands him a tissue and Jungkook blows, relieved at the sensation.
He feels his eyes dropping shut and he welcomes sleep.
The next time he wakes up, Namjoon is sitting in a chair next to his bed. “Hey Jungkook-ah. How are you feeling?”
He winces at the dryness of his throat. He points to the water and the leader immediately hands him the empty bottle of water that Hoseok had brought earlier.
The two stare at each other for a moment before Namjoon seems to realize.
“I-I’ll be back in a moment.”
He rams into the doorframe on the way out and Jungkook thinks that maybe Namjoon might need a long vacation.
A few moments later, Namjoon returns with an entire case of small waters. Is the leader trying to drown him?
Namjoon passes him one and Jungkook mutters a small thanks before he guzzles his water.
Once he’s finished, he reaches for another tissue and blows. He plows through another few tissues before he believes he’s good for now and then lays back down.
He shuts his eyes again for what only seems like a few minutes but the next time he opens them, Jin is standing over him brandishing a large fish.
Jungkook blinks. Am I dreaming?
“Hyung? Why do you have a fish?” he dares to ask. “What are you—?”
Jin looks down, seemingly just realizing that he’s still holding the fish. He sets it on the other side of Jungkook’s bed, which, gross. At least it’s packaged. “I was grocery shopping. And Yoongi made you porridge if you’re ready for it.”
His stomach growls and he realizes the last time he ate was last night. He’s so hungry.
“I’ll be back.” the eldest scurries out, forgetting about the fish on Jungkook’s bed. The maknae sits there in silence, staring at the fish. The fish seems to stare back.
Jin returns with a bowl of porridge and hands the bowl to the maknae, along with a spoon. “It’s very hot.”
Naturally, Jungkook inhales all of it without missing a beat.
“I’ll leave. You need rest.” Jin states, shutting the door.
Jungkook lays back against his pillows. He’s been sleeping all day, and he isn’t tired enough to sleep again.
He sniffles and lets out a small sneeze. Maybe he could count sheep?
“Hey.” Namjoon knocks on his door. “If you want, I can read to you.”
Jungkook nods, mentally blushing at how cute the leader is.
Namjoon smiles, dimples on full display. “Great! So I’ve recently been reading a book on tuna and how our obsession with—“
The maknae is asleep before Namjoon is even finished with his description.
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buriedlove · 1 year
💧and ☁️ for my cute and fluffy werewolf boy
Thank you for the ask for Alex!
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Alex’s 13th birthday has always been his favourite memory of his. He’d been dreading it because his father had always told him that was when the wolf genes would kick in, at midnight. He hadn’t slept the night before and had chained himself in a cupboard so he didn’t hurt anyone. But his birthday arrived and the wolf didn’t. Instead he had a delicious meal at his Uncle’s restaurant and went vinyl shopping with his father, who seemed strangely… happy… that the wolf hadn’t arrived. Relieved, almost. It was a happy day, light. He wasn’t going to be a wolf. The gene wasn’t dominant. He could lead a normal life. Little did he know that on his mother’s side a genetic quirk meant that it kicked in exactly 6 months after the 13th birthday. His mother hadn’t shared that news when he’d shared how happy he was that he hadn’t turned, what a perfect day he’d had. Instead she just smiled knowingly. Six months later was the worst day of his life. It tore him apart. Literally. It’s one he tries to forget every day. To block out the knowing smile on his mother’s face. Instead he remembers vinyl shopping with his dad and picking out the album with the man who looked like he was from outer space on the front.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
The first night after meeting MC in the dome Alex couldn’t sleep. There was a fluttering feeling in his chest that he hadn’t felt before. It felt exciting, hopeful. It was like every part of his body and mind felt alive for the first time. After pacing the floor of his room for hours he finally decided to sneak outside and go back to the beach. Maybe the stars would sooth him to sleep, even if they weren’t real. But there were no stars. No fake sky at all, in fact. Instead there was just the deepest ocean pressing against the clear walls of the dome. The reality of the situation that they were all in hit Alex in that moment and without any thought he walked straight over to the hut he knew MC was sleeping in. He sat on the ground, his back pressed to the wall and quietly listened. Just in case there was any danger. After a little while he closed his eyes and imagined he was watching the stars, a smile on his lips as he wondered if one day he’d be watching them for real with the person that was making his chest flutter.
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imperical-shop · 6 months
A Moment in the Rain
I made a sticker and this idea popped into my head 😊 So here it is, a short Zutara story! 🔥💧
Summary: Katara came to love the Fire Nation, despite history. The new rule and her role in it proved to benefit everyone. But sometimes, she had those moments when home felt too far away, especially when she hadn’t visited it in years.
Words: 1940+
Tags: Katara is a bit sad but Zuko is here to help; Zutara all the way; fluffy; set into the future
She awoke by the sudden soft thuds on the window. Glancing outside, waiting till her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she noticed small droplets sliding down the windowpane, raising in number the more she stared at them, speeding one after the other.
Her heart leaped at the thought of rain. She had missed it so much. It wasn’t a common occurrence in this part of the world so each time she got even a bit of possibility to see it, feel it, the waterbender grasped it and clung to it tightly. Even as a girl, she had loved the rain. Something about the freedom of the flow and the smell of freshness it lay around.
Katara wasn’t unaccustomed to the heat. But a part of her missed the cold glove each season wore in the Water Tribes and the way it would sneak up on your exposed skin, sending goosebumps down your spine. She’d been mesmerized at how the older benders in her village played with the droplets, putting on a little show for the kids, laughter erupting around them. Those were some of her fondest memories.
Careful not to wake him, Katara slid out of bed and walked up to the balcony window. Her hand on the handle, she lightly pressed it and waited before opening the door, wanting to make sure there was no gush of wind accompanying the rain. When nothing swooshed and nothing pushed against her rigid form, the waterbender relaxed and slipped out into the rain.
Zuko felt something cold sweep over his bare upper arm, making him tug the blanket over himself and move closer to the girl beside him. Only he couldn’t find her no matter how much he shuffled to her side. The now Fire Lord roamed the bed with his hand but all he touched were the sheets of the bed - the same ones stretched below him.
He opened his eyes noticing she was nowhere around him, holding his breath for a second so he could hear whether or not she was in the bathroom. But the water wasn’t running, the light wasn’t on. Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. It wasn’t like her to disappear into the night just like that.
At that moment, strange sounds pulled his attention to the side. It was like tiny hands knocked on the window in such a soft manner that if he hadn’t tried to hear her movements, the firebender probably wouldn’t have paid them any attention.
Zuko wasn’t keen on the whole precipitation thing in any form. It usually meant cold was either coming or had already arrived. But in the past several years, he found to accept it.
Our blood runs hot, fire lives in our souls and molds our bones, so touching those creatures of the cold can only sting us.
He smiled at that memory of his first teachings. It had been some time since he’d been so strongly convinced of this belief. That water could damage him irreparably. That it could be the destruction of everything he held dear - every moral, every “truth” instilled in him like iron forged under fire into a deadly weapon.
But then her arrival had come like a tide over a firestorm. Water wasn’t his enemy anymore but the means to his survival, the anchor holding him sane, the spark of life he had long neglected in hopes of achieving some indoctrinated belief. Katara had been his fresh start - one where he wouldn’t have to hide behind masks or sentences learned by heart only spoken to please the listener. No, with her he could finally be himself. The lonely boy who had always wanted only one thing - a family.
The sky outside flickered and he saw the rain double in strength. It was no longer soft and drizzling, but it ran with a ferocious force. Zuko felt restless, his heart racing faster. He was safe inside; they all were. But if only he knew where she was and he could fall back asleep soundly. Unfortunately, the firebender was still missing that piece of the puzzle.
So, he got up and was just about to circle the bed and go for the door of the room when he felt the cold grip his ankles and hold tight. Turning around, Zuko noticed the drapes of the balcony door slightly swinging left and right. He didn’t need any more clues because he understood right away.
Kami, it felt good! Katara couldn’t remember the last time it had rained in the Fire Nation. Maybe it had been years ago but it had never been this strong. Each drop hitting her face felt like air was breathed into her. Like a flower reviving its roots and blossoms once water touches it, the waterbender stood with her head tilted back and hands limply hanging on her sides, letting the rain pour down on her.
She loved staying in the Fire Nation - the new Fire Nation. Zuko was the most graceful, kind, and compassionate ruler she’d seen. And although some prescribed these traits to her presence, Katara knew they were all but words tossed in the wind. Their King owed nothing to her or anyone else. Everything he was, he had built himself; despite it all going against him. She had only been there to lend her support.
But this newfound admiration for the Fire Nation wasn’t the same as for her tribe. She missed home, missed Soka and Suki, their mischievous daughter; she missed the smell of cold and the way it would engrave itself every morning from the second she’d open her eyes. And the warmth in that coldness… Huddled up in their igloo-like homes, listening to stories about their ancestors and the great Avatar.
She would lie if she said she didn’t miss them. It had been quite some time since she’d been back. Who would’ve thought that being the Fire Lady would be such a tedious task?
A pair of hands snaked around her waist and she felt her back gain the warmth it had lost in the rain. Her head rested on his shoulder, his lips brushing along her clavicle. It was a strange type of magic that wrapped around her when he was near. She was all water and yet his mere presence made her insides burn - a fire ignite in the depths of the ocean.
“What are you doing outside?” His raspy voice told her he was still fighting off sleep.
“Enjoying the rain,” she said, letting her eyes roam around the streets below the balcony.
They had an entire view of the city, keeping a watchful eye over its residents. Zuko had insisted this room had been made into his private chambers, wanting to always be able to jump into action wherever he may be needed. That action alone had told her everything Katara had needed to know.
“We should go inside. You can catch a cold here,” he told her through timid breaths, leaving small pecks on her neck.
“I’m pretty sure a small rain won’t do me harm,” the waterbender chuckled, wrapping her hands around his. “Maybe you should go inside.” Katara felt her clothes sticking to her skin, her hair dripping with water, so she didn’t need to look at him to know he was in the same state. And as much as she loved the water, Zuko…
“I’m good,” he replied as he pulled her flush to his skin.
A part of her wanted to argue, telling him to get inside because she knew he was the one who would get sick faster under the rain. But the other part of her knew Zuko was too stubborn and would rather sit outside in the (what was now) pouring rain than go inside without her.
Seeing no way out, Katara huffed with a smile on her face and turned around to face him. She cupped his cheeks, staring into his eyes doused in drowsiness and in that moment she was sure she had done the right thing by staying.
“Let’s go inside.”
“Katara,” he said with a tinge of worry in his voice, grabbing one of her hands and holding it down, drawing small circles with his thumb over it. “What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“These,” he lifted his other hand and swept over her face with his thumb, lightly touching his hand to her cheek, “are not just raindrops.” Her eyes opened up - she had no idea she’d been crying. “Are you hurt?”
“No!” She was quick to answer, laughing in hopes that that would ease him down. “I actually don’t know.” Using the root of her palm, the girl brushed over her eyes, rubbing them to get rid of the stains.
“What happened?”
Each word was laced with concern even after she had tried to play it off, but here he was, still insistent on it. That was a trait she found she loved about him. A trait he had learned how to weave into his ruling.
“I was just looking at the rain.” Katara turned around, slipping back into his embrace, her hands pulling his around her waist. “It felt like home. You know, the Water Tribes.” Silence fell upon them, the rain hitting the nearby roofs and tiles being the only thing breaking the void. “I miss them,” she voiced out almost in a whisper. “I miss Soka and Suki. I haven’t seen them in a while. I miss the cold from there. And the water.”
“I see,” Zuko murmured, his head resting on her side.
“But I like it here,” the waterbender quickly added, sensing that her silly wishes could be interpreted as sadness and doubt about her past choices. “I have everything I’ve ever wanted.”
“Except the Southern Water Tribe.”
“I…” She desperately wanted to argue her case, go against his words, but deep down she knew they were right. No matter how happy she was here, she really wanted to see her home. “Except the Southern Water Tribe,” she repeated with much less vigor in her words than before.
They both stood in the rain for a few minutes, simply watching the city and the tiny lights dancing around. Katara noticed in the distance a small figure happily jumping over a few puddles, somersaulting and then going back for it again once it made its landing. She squinted her eyes, but it was still blurry. A flicker of her finger and the rain parted like a curtain being lifted so a bit of sun could enter the area. And there it was - a tiny mouse jumping happily at each drop, dancing around them, and rejoicing in each splash.
It made her smile again. Happiness really was in the small things. Good or bad, storm or rainbow, life was just that. And she would embrace it all!
“Let’s go in,” she said, exiting Zuko’s hug and pulling him by the hand. Just as she was about to enter the room, Katara was lightly pulled back, making her turn around and look at her husband expectantly.
“Are you happy here?”
The sheer sadness in those words broke the sound barrier of the rain around them, echoing in her heart, each soundwave painfully striking her chest. Was he really doubting that? Had her words affected him so much?
Katara moved closer to him, cupped his cheeks, and said, “More than I’ve ever been before.” Giving herself a little push up, she pressed her lips to his, hoping the kiss would chase away any doubt.
“Good,” Zuko said when they moved apart, a smile gracing his features. “‘Cause I was thinking we need a vacation. How about the Southern Water Tribe?”
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 month
💗💧☁️🔥🖍️🎭🌌 epsilon the among us
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticeable? what changes when they're in love?
Tangy. It's Tangy. They are partners for a reason! (Heck they adopted a kid together!)
Epsilon in love is... A very curious thing indeed. It's like that deep-seethed desire to be wanted is not as pressing anymore. Like for once his appetite is actually sated...
For what it's worth, the parasite also seems to like Tangy.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
He gets phantom pains sometimes. That's to be expected after a traumatic amputation. What he doesn't understand is why the feeling of his missing limb contorting itself into something else seems so vividly real...
Or why he gets so many nightmares about losing his first crew where he sees himself doing terrible things to them. He would never kill anyone! Would he...?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
He adopted Golf to help overcome the trauma of losing his arm and crew. It's kind of funny seeing this very big man walking around with a pony sized alien dog under his arm like the big beast weighs nothing!
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Epsilon Is over-critical of himself and tends to care too much about what others think of him, which leads him to run himself ragged trying to be a people-pleaser.
The thing is, Epsilon desperately wants to be liked.
And while there's nothing wrong with this per say, his desire for companionship and attention from friends tends to be a little on the excessive side. He's constantly craving it. And when he doesn't get it he tends to stress-eat to cope.
There's a reason why people can so easily take advantage of him, and it's this right here. He wants so badly to come off as friendly, reliable and likeable that he basically gives into the whims of others just chasing after a very brief feeling of empty fulfillness.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
Stop trying to make the entire world your friend. That's not an achievable or healthy goal. Not everyone will like you.
Stick to those who've proven themselves worthy of your loyalty and kindness. Also maybe seek medical attention.
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Yes but it's not really intentional on his part...
Epsilon is overall a pretty decent guy in terms of socializing. He's polite, soft-spoken, respectful of other's wants and feelings, and he genuinely gets invested in making friends with them. He tends to come off as a bit gullible tho, and sometimes people take advantage of that, or write him off as a big weirdo/bother.
Unfortunately, due to his condition, the way people treat Epsilon tends to affect how the parasite treats them in return...
Anyone who's proven to be of some use to his well-being like Tangy (who Epsilon is very attached to), or even just people who provide him with basic decency, get a free pass because they provide endorphins which the parasite also benefits from.
But anyone who's confrontational, rude or downright condescending towards him tend to be targeted as a potential meal, since they're causing him needless stress that harms both him and the parasite.
Which means Epsilon's behavior goes from the polite idle chatter, occasional silly joke, and offerings of snacks, to a very eerie silent indifference that feels incredibly out of character for him. Epsilon is not in the habit of being quiet... And while it's easy to write it off as him just giving up on trying to be nice to a jerk, in reality that's an indicator that he's not the one currently steering the car, so to speak...
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
The main inspirations were John Carpenter's The Thing, Carrion game, and overall just my love of body horror, body-snatching horrors and unwilling/unaware transformations.
I wanted Epsilon to be horrific in concept (he's a big beefy dude that got taken over by a parasite with an insatiable appetite for flesh), but at the same time I wanted him to subvert the trope and actually be a pretty decent and upstanding friend.
He really means well and wants to look out for the team. He just can't help what his condition makes him do!
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s-creations · 1 year
I'm sorry if this is a lot.
💧,🔥 and 🌩 for Mario and Luigi.
If thats okay with you...
I’m gonna put the answers under a ‘Read More’ line as a few of the answers go into some heavy topics. TW: Bullying, Insomnia, Eating Disorder/Issues
(Answer for the OC Emoji Asks List - Focus on 'Yellow, Purple, Red, Green' Series.)
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
When overly stressed, Mario will pull at his hair. Sort of the idea of self-inflicted pain will break him out of the situation in some way. It’s something else for him to focus on.
Luigi’s stutter is mostly due to the taunting and bullying that he received during his school years. (If he’s right about something, he’s mocked for being a know-it-all. If he’s wrong, then he’s being stupid and shouldn’t talk.) But it officially started because he didn’t start talking until he was 5-6 and wasn’t a strong talker because of it. 
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? What habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
He’s never told Luigi about this, but he’s experienced being unable to sleep long before their arrival to the Mushroom Kingdom. Starting an incident in school (see Luigi’s entry below), became more frequent after their parents passed away, and worse still when there was the worry of them being possibly separated. Staying up thinking about how he was supposed to handle everything. How he should be paying better attention to what’s happening with Luigi. How he’s supposed to keep them together, how he was supposed to convince adults that they could take care of each other. That he could care for Luigi no matter how young they were. 
It then became a nightly worry about how Spike was treating them and how he was supposed to get them out of there. Eventually turning to how they were going to start their business and making sure there was enough money to make sure it happened. 
The nightmares only truly started when they arrived to the Mushroom Kingdom. First starting the same as when they were on Earth. Mario unable to sleep as he was thinking over every possibility. The worries of becoming a hero and how he not only had to keep Luigi safe from a new range of dangers. But how they were both heroes needing to keep Princess Peach and a Kingdom safe. 
He only started having nightmares after his first encounter with the Boos. He was finally able to sleep. In turn, making him have horrible nightmares. Now his worries are visually playing out in his mind instead of his thoughts. 
It’s not a secret that he doesn’t like to eat. Mario became overly protective of making sure Luigi was eating something substantial for himself after a scary time in their school years. What Mario doesn’t know is why it started. 
When Luigi was younger, under the age of 10, he’d snuck down to get a glass of water from the kitchen (as that has filtered water that he could drink without issues). When he was reaching the middle of the stairwell, he overheard his parents talking. About how expensive the hospital bills and medication for Luigi was and how it was all piling up. With a worry of how they were going to pay everything off and make sure the daily items were still covered. 
Since Luigi blames himself for this hardship (even if his parents and Mario tell him it’s not his fault), he decides to cut back on eating. As that’s the only thing he can really control on a day to day basis. First it was asking for smaller portions of everything so there could be more servings of everything else. 
When the twins could make their own meals, Luigi would pack as little as possible. Eating it quickly so that when Mario asked, he could just say he’d been super hungry and couldn’t help how fast he ate. Eating just enough to keep the hunger pangs away, but never looking or feeling full.
He figured that was his punishment for causing so much damage for just being here. 
It comes to a scary head when Luigi passes out in school one day in the middle of class. (Either in Junior High or High School, I’m not sure which at the moment). Luigi’s body was basically shutting down and needed to be rushed to the hospital. He survives, but now feels guilty for causing more damage than he intended. 
To this day, Mario had no (full) idea as to why Luigi did this. The only explanation given was that he was just trying to help. Not only did Mario make sure he handled everything when it came to Luigi eating, but this was truly the first time that Mario felt that he failed at being a good older brother. 
Because what can you do when the biggest bully against you little brother is apparently himself? 
🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
Lightning specifically, no, not really. If anything, they’ll jump more at the sudden brightness than anything else. Luigi feels more alive when there’s a storm in the air now. (Huh, isn’t that weird.)
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jesterswonderland · 5 months
Welcome to wonderland
This is a blog for our system littles! I’m jester, caretaker and overseer of the blog and wonderland!
Now, not all of our littles ‘act’ like littles, and thus I will not always treat or expect them to act ‘childish’. And along with this, that means that this blog will have complex and ‘big’ concepts. This is a safe place for our littles, you just happen to be here as well/lh
Users here!
🎭 jester (he/they)
🪡 lakura (she/he/they)
🌿 laurel (she/they/cloud)
Sarah (she/name)
🎀 Addie (she/her)
🧸 (she/her)
💖 (no pronouns)
🗝️ Hailey (she/they)
🪈 Theo (she/her)
🔐 (she/it)
💧Droplet (she/her)
Some use their real names, some use nicknames, some don’t have any names here and that’s ok! This was all based on what they were ok with sharing
Thanks for visiting our wonderland!
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buddywellls · 6 months
💧 DROPLET — are you grieving something or someone? do you feel like you lost something or a part of yourself with it/them?
"My dad. I thought it would get easier but some days it feels like it's getting harder, and I didn't expect that. I knew it was coming, I was there when he got sick, I was there at the end but I thought I'd handle it better because I always thought we weren't close. Not really. Not in the way I wanted to be when I was younger. But the older I got the more I realised that wasn't all on him. I didn't give him much of a chance to be close to me once I hit my teens. All he had to do was open his mouth and I'd be rolling my eyes or I'd have something shitty to say about it, usually because he had this habit of telling stories over and over again like it was something new every time. They were harmless, usually just funny little things about Del or Louie when they were kids, or my brother, him and my mom's first date, shit like that. But he didn't have a Buddy story, nothing that bore repeating anyway, and I'd act like I didn't give a shit but that made me so fucking sad sometimes I had no idea what to do with it. Then my baby died, and we really stopped knowing what to say to each other. I'd spent months fighting with him while I was getting ready to be a dad and figuring out how to be a good one. I could let go of the fact he didn't help me build the crib but I never got passed him not hugging me when I told him about the miscarriage. Because I was a dad who was never going to get the chance to hug my kid, and I needed my dad."
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"Then he got sick and I was only one he told. Not my sisters, not my brother. Me. So my life became that because I figured I owed the guy, he raised me. Hospital trips, chemo appointments, I spent more time with him in six months than I think I did for the ten years that came before that. And we started to talk because we didn't really have a fucking choice. He was born in the 50s, we were never going agree on what to play in the car or during his chemo. And I got to know him and he got to know me and we forgave each other for a lot by the end. So it's okay that he never had a Buddy story, because I got dad stories from those drives and I find myself repeating them even though I know I've already told them."
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sparatus · 1 year
For the emoji asks can I get these for Desolas aaaaand your choice pls? 🍧 SHAVED ICE 👑 CROWN 💧 DROPLET 💚 GREEN HEART
oc emoji asks
yesssss let's say [spins wheel of ocs] tippi? tippi <3
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
desolas: everything from his parents' home that wasn't, like, saren's was either put into storage or left in the house, which technically belongs to him and he's been hanging onto for his brother or kids if any of them wants it. his grandmother and saren occasionally drop by to tidy and keep the place from falling into disrepair. he can't go back anymore, the memories are too strong, but the comforter from his parents' bed was folded up and taken to his grandmother's home for safekeeping, and given to him when he married valis. sometimes, when he's upset, he wraps himself up in it and imagines he can still smell them.
quentius: he doesn't have many things from childhood beyond pictures, most of the things he's more sentimental about happened as an adult (his wife, his kids, his friends). he might be a little sad if the pictures of his baby self were lost, but they aren't that important to him in the long run.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
desolas: when he was younger, he wanted to be somebody great, whose name would go down in history and be written across the stars. now that he's achieved that, he just wants to be remembered for being a good big brother, a loving husband, a doting father. he doesn't care about much else.
quentius: intelligent and just, loyal and true. he's not interested in fame, but if he could be remembered for being a good and honorable man, he'll be happy.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
desolas: the ifura raid happened when desolas was 24, not long before he was given the choice to stay in the army and get officers' training or leave for uni or trade training to pursue a non-combat career. he'd been talking with his parents about his options before they died, and was close to settling on a career outside the military. after the raid, his depression and despair led him to stick with the army, because it was the only thing he felt like he could do when all of his creativity and interest in other subjects died with his parents and he had a little brother to provide for.
quentius: he's been entrusted with the truth about ierian's cardiac disease and what to do if he has an episode at work. he has nightmares about not responding fast enough, and his friend's death being his fault. in bad end, when ierian dies on the ascension, he's wracked with guilt about not being there to at least ease his friend's suffering before the ship went down.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
desolas: touch his face. touch it. preening, running your claws through his crest, soft kisses, cupping his head in your hand so he can lean into the touch and maybe close his eyes as he lets you take the weight of his weary head for just a moment-- ahem yeah most forms of gentle intimate touch involving his face do the trick, hugs and simply Holding Him help too but the face is the ticket if you're valis abrudas close enough to him to be allowed to do so
quentius: leaning on him or letting him lean on you in turn, or bringing him a drink and listening to what's on his mind. he's switched to politics, but he's an old officer at heart. his wife also gets the special secret bonus comfort of sitting in his lap, lying on top of him, gentle caresses, assuring him she'll take care of everything and he doesn't have to worry. this is a bad thing in bad end.
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lgbtmi · 11 months
For the ask game, 🌙, 🙈, 🙊, 🙉, 💧, and ☁️ for Eva and Willow!!!
ooh boy both my gworls!!! thank u sososososo much!! (learn more about them by sending emojis if u want!!)
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Willow's greatest wish currently, is to remove the current top of the Camarilla in Amsterdam. She'd lose her life for that if she had to. The current top murdered her Sire, had her ghoul one of her best friends, and her other best friend has been under the influence of the Seneschal for months. The Hound has tried to stake her. They can all fuck off and die for all Willow cares. She'll take over, or she'll get her Grand-Sire back in power. Anything's better than the current top of the Ivory Tower.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
She hides her substance addiction from whoever. She's not very good at it, but she tries her hardest to keep that under wraps. Her boss doesn't need to know. Her coterie doesn't need to know. Don't worry about it, she's perfectly fine. Additionally, she also tries her best to hide her anxieties by ignoring them until she can't anymore.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
Willow's main thing she gets preachy about is sex work and human trafficking. She comes out of sex work and if her workplace hadn't been bombed to the ground and she had been given her late Sire's position, that would have been her one thing to do with the brothel. She'd make it a great work place and invest in ways to help victims of human trafficking. She cares.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
She's in a very volatile state at the moment. If either her Grand-Sire Adelheid, or Laurianne (the Harpy) express anything she could interpret as 'I don't need you', or 'you're not good enough', she's going to spiral. Anything about her friend Anne being in between a rock and a hard place in her current predicament would too be enough to set her off.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
When the Hound tried to stake her, Willow was 100% okay with that happening. Days before that incident, she was moments away from telling the Prince to just put her outside for the sunrise after he threatened her with that. She's not dealt with these emotions, and they're going to come back and bite her.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
When she was in prison with her best friend in the cell with her 'in case she got hungry', Willow took up braiding her hair when Manon would let her or when she slept. She used to do that for her younger sisters when they were scared. It's soothing. She's not good at it, but she likes to think it helped.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Eva wants to be healthy. She wants to wake up and no longer be constantly sick. Her Sire told her this would take her away from the constant health issues she was facing, but instead she's still doing poorly and she's dependent on her Sire's vitae to function like a normal person. Health is the goal. It's the one thing she yearns for. There's very little she'd not do for health.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
If it were up to her, no one would know anything about her condition. She doesn't mention it, she knows she looks unwell, but no one needs details, right? She doesn't even explain where she's going when she's off to see her doctors. Her boyfriend barely knows the details. It will be kept that way if it's up to Eva, too.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
Eva... has learned to keep quiet about things. She's been trained to say what's best for the business as opposed to be vocal about things she cares about, and thus she doesn't really have anything she'd refuse to stay silent about. She'd probably struggle to keep quiet about her partner, though, but it's unclear if that's the blood-bond talking.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
Other than the worst thing she's already heard ("you have limited amount of time left to live"), the worst thing that she could possibly hear now would be Adam telling her it's just not working out.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Eva's parents fund the hunters that are in control of the city. They are unknowingly harming their daughter, but even if they knew, they probably wouldn't care much about it. Funding Re:L is where the money is, after all. (this might become just lore though, as opposed to just a headcanon. but it's still a headcanon as of right now).
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Yay an excuse to talk about her and Adam! Adam is her Sire, but he's also her one true love! They used to date when they were in high school, then lost touch and didn't speak to each other in over two decades. He's always been in the back of her mind, though, and even though their reunion wasn't... ideal, sparks flew right away. Even if she weren't blood-bound to him, she'd adore him the way she does now. She lost him once, she's not losing him again.
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ranvwoop · 1 year
👁️🎂🌙🙈 🏊 🎭 💧❤️ 💚for Serena please.
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THANK YOU FOR THE ASK :D. This is okay this makes sense. They have the same name pretty much </33 They are a fork of the same mnecraft skin, nearly, except Sea transcended mnecraft and became real and Seren did not. He also became emo. And, uh, I guess on principle transed their gender.
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Seren has brown eyes because I think they’re pretty. I have too many brown eyed ocs but like… brown eyes. (Serena, in fact, has green eyes, because I thought they were pretty when I made her. They were both at one point self representations. My eyes are blue . the grass is always greener. etc.) (Neither are sonas anymore but when they were just mnecraft skins o7).
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
I’ve not given him one!! I do not think he likes celebrating it anymore because they are a sad sad man. Birthdays are a social activity and he doesn’t have many friends.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
They want their kid/sibling/CVwoop back :(. Far enough for what he believes is necromancy and then obsessive guardianship to the point that it drives it away again, but, well, he’s sort of at a loss now! In general they are very driven. Pre-Incidents (™), he wanted nothing more than studying modded phenomenon and getting his hands on powerful magic artifacts :D. He also sort of wants the power that comes with this, I have a few like, concepts w/ mods and stuff, but….. You know, a normal amount of powerhungry.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
He does NOT have control of the situation. He has never had control of the situation. He was absolutely winging it when he was an explorer and he’s winging it now. He is not admitting this. He’s a bit of a conman these days, which relies on having all of the cards, anyways. Everything is under control (“this is fine” dog meme).
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
They can! I think he’s okay at swimming. Nothing special. He would take Vwoop (water type) swimming, probably. He doesn’t like ocean expeditions. Ocean creatures are scary, actually. 
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
He’s pretty straightforward, aside from working (Unethical Customer Service Voice). He views individual people in different ways but not necessarily as, like, a class of people. I think he is more pleasant around strangers though. He wants the lasting impression to be that he is, at least, Pretty Cool and Impressive.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Hmmmm . He is kind of an angstfest as is because he is the inciting incident for another character and really just refuses to heal from these incidents. He’s still trying to peddle the prototypes for recreating his once-again-lost kid figure in a lab (marketed as Exotic Pets, mostly under the guise of “animal! But Ender! Rare! Wow.”. Most of them are dangerous. They require a waiver to be signed. He is truly the unethical breeder that one has warned you about). That’s kind of depressing.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
HMM. Unsure. He is not really in contact with a lot of people for long </3. Acts of service, probably.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
He likes the outdoors. It’s comforting to just be around outside, especially in the outskirts of servers where there is nothing except terrain and the occasional structure. They just want to go on little adventures. Tender moment by a campfire type of guy, probably.
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
☄️ COMET and 💧 DROPLET for them as well
☄️ What do people assume about them? are they right?
Rodaine: people tend to assume he's constantly grouchy and probably a little scary. This is somewhat true, he is often grouchy and likes to be scary because if people are going to be afraid of him anyway, he may as well benefit by being able to intimidate them to get what he wants. But also sometimes when he looks grouchy he's just focused on the task at hand or even just spacing out. He has a resting bitch face, as you well know
Tierce: people assume he's not particularly smart because he's a very fun-oriented guy, and he does make stupid decisions often but he's also very clever when he wants to be, quick with a smart retort or a plan that might be stupid or might be absolutely brilliant. He also enjoys poetry and reads it often but also he's embarrassed about it and Will bite if you accuse him of such.
💧 Random angst headcanon-
Rodaine: the last time he allowed himself to cry was the night he arrived at Kinloch. He was completely alone for the first time in his life, he'd just failed to protect his younger siblings, he'd watched his father give up immediately and not even try to stop them from being taken, and he was in pain from a spell backfiring when he tried to control his magic for the first time ever after repressing it for two years. He cried himself... not to sleep bc that would imply he actually managed to sleep that night but he cried pretty much all night and then once he managed to stop crying, he never let it happen again.
Tierce: Tierce has a distinct memory of being around 9 and running through the woods, hurrying the twins ahead of him, shushing their frightened crying so they wouldn't be caught. Neither he nor Bethany had manifested their magic yet so the Templars were just after Malcolm, but it was likely all three of them would be taken if they were found, since the possibility was there that they'd manifest the magic later. They spent the night sheltered at the edge of an agreed-upon clearing. Malcolm and Leandra found them the next morning, Malcolm injured pretty badly. It was one of the scarier moments of their time on the run, a far closer encounter than any of them liked. And he had to spend quite a bit of time looking after the twins while Leandra tended to Malcolm's injuries.
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selfpres · 1 year
💧, ☁️, 🔥
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
pierre has a lot of issues with a lack of identity. he's not particularly inclined toward angst, so i think this may be a bit of a letdown in that regard, but he doesn't have much of a sense of self. he just exists, and he just survives.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
alongside being naturally apathetic, he's also... fairly judgment-free when it comes to acting on any judgment, at least. he may think some scathing things to himself at times, but because he's not prone to emotional reactions he's good at just existing with others. with that in mind: he's surprisingly good at... 'befriending' those most people don't. i have it in quotes because he holds everyone at a distance, but in his main plot he's friends with a particular ghoul in the dreamlands, for instance. toast and i have also been talking about his dynamic with their oc, which ends up very friendly. when he his more-or-less friends with someone, he's much more prone to action rather than words. he's not going to say anything nicer than usual, but he'll cover you with a blanket when you fall asleep, or he'll wordlessly offer you a bite of his food, or he'll bring you a coffee.
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
i'll say besides smoking, because that's an obvious one. i have, in the little a study in section of my pinned, "masochism in its various forms," and i'd say that masochism is pierre's biggest self-destructive tendency. it's not one i've talked about here yet, and that's because it's hard to explain — especially considering how at odds it is against his self-preservation. pierre is drawn, more than anything, towards those who grate against him. nikki is, in a way, very annoying, and pierre likes to be annoyed. (which sounds insane, and i guess it is.) and this goes beyond being annoyed. being threatened or otherwise wrapped up with someone dangerous is also a draw i had a conversation with toast about it that sort of puts it into a different light, however: toast: I am thinking Pierre's masochism might bizarrely be a great survival strategy me: oh it 100% is me: fortunately it makes him pretty unflappable me: like oh you threatened him? okay. kinda hot depending on the threat and circumstance so he's not gonna be scared or cry about it, that's for sure. so while it may be self-destructive on paper, it makes him able to handle and entwine himself with those who are dangerous in a way that gets a target off his back.
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arealcrow · 1 year
Cathedral time, tell me of Leslie 👁️💢🎂🍧💐🌋🌱✏️💧❤️
dusts him off and sets him down in front of you
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical…)?
he's got green eyes! dark and deep and full of history
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
he pays someone to help him keep his life together, so i feel like he's got a lot of habits that get... handled around him, so to speak. he's not great about keeping on time for things or keeping organized in general, he's terrible about keeping in contact regularly, sometimes he forgets that rules apply to him... stuff like that lol
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
it's in late october, right as it starts to get Really cold, and he definitely enjoys celebrating :3 usually something small but special (expensive) with just close friends, or just with family when he was a kid
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
his mother is an Extremely sentimental person so im sure he's got a trunk full of mementos from when he was a kid somewhere in storage, but as for ones he'd still have With him on the regular.. his stuffed rabbit from when he was a kid, named mr. wilton, has undergone many repairs over the years to survive into his old age, and leslie would be distraught if anything happened to him.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
ended up going with a purple/green/blue vibe :3 lavender (has a streak of lavender in him, if you catch my drift), crocus (romantic devotion), violets (loyalty, dependability), green carnations (see: oscar wilde), periwinkle (faith, trust), purple pansies (he's just a little guy), white lilies (innocence)
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
instant! if he feels it, its happening! which is pretty rare, he's not an especially angry person, and it dissipates pretty quickly when he does actually reach that point
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
his older brother trying to drown him "as a joke" during a summer trip out at the hamptons. it took him a few years to get into the water with his brother again after that, but they were back to splash fighting by the time leslie was a teenager.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
"The haunting is architectural. It is not about you. It is about where you are." from Why Are You Haunted? A survey (this poem is doing WORK for this campaign lol i love it) and "I can't tell one from another/did I find you, or you find me?" from This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
his childhood home always felt like a foreign and frightening place, too large and rigid, until parish came into it. he used to have nightmares about the hallways swallowing him.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
he's big on using his words, of course. very appreciative, loves using pet names and affectionate nicknames when he can get away with it. quality time and physical affection are big ones too, he's a library cat at heart.
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gensymscribes · 1 year
🤥 🌙 and ofc 💧. For archangel and new cowboy.
excellent.. my current favourites
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
archangel is a very good liar. most people aren't familiar with his tells due to the fact that he is a 7'5" automaton and behaves more like a machine than a person a lot of the time, but enough time in his company will reveal all. (the ticks and whirrs of his inner mechanisms slow down when he's lying, but more obviously he tends to get very smug when he thinks he's fooling someone LOL)
new cowboy (current working name is whiskey so i will call him that in this post) is a decent liar? he's not terrible at it but he prefers to be honest. if his numerous tells (sweating, tapping his foot or fingers, readjusting his hat) don't give him away, he will fess up and humbly beg forgiveness unless it's a matter of life or death.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
well. archangel's greatest wish is to die for real which SOUNDS BAD on paper and it kind of is. he's stuck with a forced immortality deal after being sacrificed by some mages 350 years ago and has been trying to figure out how to die and not come back for every single one of them 🙏so at this point he's willing to do literally anything for a shot at breaking the curse. dying thousands of times will do that to a man
whiskey is a much simpler man. i'm still figuring out what to do with him but at this point he just wants someone to love and to live comfortably. right now he's normal about it but i think if he gets a taste of happiness he could go a little crazy and do some unhinged things to keep it
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
my specialty. anyway
archangel is 7'5" of angst headcanons but one of my favourites is how he's jury-rigged his rudimentary sensor system and uses it to get high when he takes damage 👍 he kind of sucks! also he doesn't remember what it's like to be held by someone who loves him
whiskey is still a baby and doesn't have a ton of angsty stuff yet BUT i do like to think about how lonely he is
archangel ⬇️
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whiskey ⬇️
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thank u for asking!
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rottingmanifesto · 2 years
👪 🎂 🌋 🙊 💧 💗 for canary and calloway mwah
Oooo these are fun! (Mwah to you too my beloved mutual <3)
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Calloway: he regards his family as insignificant to his current life. He had an older sister but they were never close, and he refuses to talk about his parents outside of “they were assholes” (which.. is not untrue).
Canary: ooohhh boy, it is complicated. So mini-lore dump: their grandfather was somewhat friends with Sal Marcano, and after their grandad passed, Sal essentially accepted his kids as part of his own family (mostly for business reasons). Canary never cared for any of the Marcanos save for Giorgi, who was their favorite cousin and who even attended their high school graduation. Of course, things sour due to the events of the game. As for their siblings, they have 4 (3 living)— two half siblings and one sister, all older than them. They trust their older sister with a lot of things, but some things are better left unsaid following their involvement in everything that happened in 1968.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Calloway: He’s a Capricorn, but beyond that? No clue.
Canary: December 6th! They don’t really like their birthday, but they occasionally celebrate it with close friends by going to a restaurant or something of the sort.
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Calloway: He has a very clear “tell” when he’s pissed off— he typically avoids eye contact, but if he’s pissed, he’ll stare right through someone. It’s very much a slow boil that can be devastating if you’re anywhere in the vicinity.
Canary: They’re more passionate than angry, but they do get annoyed by small little things. If they’re truly pissed off, they’ll explode then hide and go numb (as anger has some.. unsavory memories attached to it). Ultimately, they become ashamed.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
Calloway: even minor infractions will get reprimanded if he sees them.
Canary: injustice and misinformation. They and John get in heated arguments about communism and the red scare as a result (John usually shuts them down once the debate has taken up too much of his time).
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Calloway: he asks Lincoln to give the last of his cash to his daughter, though it’s the player’s choice if Lincoln does so or not.
Canary: they might die, might not— if they do, it’ll be by their cousin’s hands.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
Calloway: he was one of the weirdos that liked active combat. (And I use “weirdo” in a very negative connotation here, just to be clear.)
Canary: doing stupid shit/ doing things they’re not supposed to. There’s always that thrill and fear of getting caught, but sometimes, the kid just needs to be a kid, you know?
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