rottingmanifesto · 11 months
canary + 💤⚜️💚?
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
Very light sleeper— generally prefers silence (light noise is fine) and goes to bed 10-11pm usually. Needs at least 8 hours of sleep (though they have done a few more-than-24-hours days). They have this very helpful talent called “fuck you, I’m going to crash right now” which definitely doesn’t remind John of his college days.
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
I couldn’t find the ⚜️, sorry! But simply put, no to both. They can’t swim, and they don’t enjoy trying. But they do like pools and whatnot!
💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
Canary is a lover of exploration (aka trespassing), but they generally prefer indoors since there’s usually less people. But they’ll try to find something interesting wherever they are!
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wintergrofyuri · 2 months
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fogmoo · 6 months
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Lamb to the slaughter
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mel0njooce · 2 months
my favorite part about dungeon meshi is that you can tell ryoko kui loves dungeon meshi. from character design to world building, you can just feel how much love there is when watching and reading.
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nanaluvbug · 4 months
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Dungeon Melanin 🤎 Afrolatino Designs
patreon * twitch * shop
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triptrippy · 3 months
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canaries return
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daemonmage · 5 months
Bruce about to reveal his identity to the JL
Bruce: “I’m going to do something that may traumatize two of you. I am not sorry.”
Oliver: “oh come on Batman your identity isn’t that special.”
Bruce going full whiny play boy: “Dinah! Ollie is being mean to me!!!”
Oliver: blue screens
Dinah: “YOU BITCH!?”
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 3 months
In a context where Batman is known and seen through his public League appearances, the misogynistic, homophobic, "alpha male" guys start using his image to illustrate their discourse of going to the gym, and seeking submissive women. They admire and misinterpret his traits as endorsements of their toxic masculinity. Online, they share images of Batman with stuff like "Be the Alpha, Be the Batman". They even use the word Batmen as a synonym to Alpha Male. "Real Batmen don't show weakness".
When Bruce becomes aware of this, he hates it. He despises them for all their messed up views, knowing they completely misunderstand his principles. Batman's true strength lies in his commitment to justice, empathy, and respect for all individuals, values that are fundamentally opposed to the toxic masculinity they promote. Bruce is determined to distance his image from their rhetoric, seeing them as nothing more than sexist and homophobic idiots.
So he decides to be a tiny tiny bit more Brucie when they appear in public. Not in form, but in substance :
When he's asked a question, he tries to go "I have no clue, I'd have to ask Black Canary.", or "I'm not sure, I'd have to see what Wonder Woman thinks about that", or "This time, we really couldn't have done anything, anything at all, without Supergirl."
Also, Batman becomes more visibly affectionate with Superman. During public appearances, if he senses a camera on them, he makes sure to be seen clinging to Superman. He would rather face dating rumors every day than be associated with those idiotic discourses.
(It's also a good premise for a superbat fake-dating fic !!)
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daistea · 4 months
I think my favorite tidbit about elf culture in dungeon meshi is that they always offer people cake. All the time. “Do you want some cake?”
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like I wonder how that became part of their culture. They don’t seem super hospitable to other races, but maybe with other elves it’s considered part of socializing to just… offer cake… Like how a grandma constantly piles food on your plate. BUT ITS NOT EVEN GOOD
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Is that nasty ass crumbly nut cake such a staple that they always have it on hand? Even Fleki offers cake to Kabru— so maybe it’s not a ‘being polite’ thing but more of just what they do. That’s just what ya do, that’s how u were raised as an elf. Cake.
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
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Dungeon Meshi Daydream Hour - Modern Clothing
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wayward-delver · 5 months
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Beastkin Lore and Trans-Coded Werewolf compilation cause I am too impatient to wait for the anime.
Also, Laios being Laios called out for it.
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rottingmanifesto · 8 months
omg memphis hiiii!!! sending ‘silent fury’ from the asks for any oc!! <3
OMG HI! I hope things are going well! Hope your bday goes well too, if you want anything small I can def try. Sorry this took forever to get to, it’s been… a time. Anyway, here’s Canary and Lincoln acting like siblings because why not
“Could do without the attitude.”
You’re keeping your arms tightly around your chest and have half of your body turned as close to the passenger side door as you can get it without popping a hip out of place. “I’m sure you could.”
Lincoln makes a noise something like a sigh and cuts his eyes back to the road. “Your own fault for gettin’ caught.”
“You’re four years older than me, shut the hell up,” you say, a bit too loud for your own good. You’re bound to find out his limits of mouthing off, probably sooner rather than later. “You treat everyone like this?”
“Matter-of-fact, I do,” he plays along with his own sarcasm but his knuckles are going pale on the steering wheel with every word you say. “Especially after doin’ stupid shit.”
“Remind me how hanging up flyers is anti-American.” They weren’t even communist, unless union posters somehow count as communist now. Sure, it wasn’t much, but you’re limited in scope besides talking with people and (hopefully) being convincing enough to make some sort of change.
“‘Least it’s me and not Donovan.”
You clamp your mouth shut. He is right on that. John would lose his shit if he knew. At least Lincoln was halfway rational, even if still an ass.
You reach over to turn on the radio and groan when it’s Remy Duvall’s voice that comes through. With special-fucking-guest, Olivia Marcano.
“Get your hands off my radio.”
You throw you hand up. “You want Native Son?”
“No, but I don’t want you touchin’ shit.”
“O-kay.” Whatever’s got him so pissy— it’s not the posters, you can say that with relative confidence— has consumed him enough that you don’t want to test his patience any further.
“Say, Miss Marcano, what made Lucio so in love with science?”
“Well, he grew up in deep poverty, you know.” You roll your eyes at the scripting and Olivia Marcano’s overblown wistfulness. “So, he found comfort in the world around him. Grew curious about how chemicals worked, why things exploded, things of the sort. He never had the kind of money to explore it on his own, so he’d want others to— have that chance. I took the initiative to seek out young women, since so dreadfully few actually take an interest in the sciences beyond cosmetics.”
“Very noble.”
Lincoln remains silent but somewhat smirks.
“Well, we got a few calls ‘bout colored women not getting a fair shake. A dreadful shame, with so many scholarships out there for them, too.”
“Forgive me, I never knew there would be an interest from— from that community. Lucio never would’ve intended to harm, and I don’t either. I simply never considered it.”
“That is such fucking bullshit.” You almost reach for the knob but stop short, looking to Lincoln for approval. He doesn’t look your way. “Can I?”
“Nah. Wanna hear what she says.”
The chatter in the car covers up whatever bullshit Remy is likely spewing under the guise of “caring”, shit you’re all too familiar with, being raised around it.
Your hand slides back down to your lap.
“Truly, Olivia, I don’t know why so many people are lookin’ for a fight. They gotta understand this isn’t for them.” Remy chuckles in a way that’s meant to be disarming, but in truth is disingenuous. “Surely, there are other scholarships.”
“There are. In fact, there’s an arts scholarship for students from Delray Hollow—”
Lincoln shuts off the radio. Neither of you want to mention the absolute vitriol that laced Olivia Marcano’s voice with the phrase ‘Delray Hollow’, her mouth creating what was intended to be a barely-implicit slur. He guns it down the highway at a cool 85 miles-per-hour in silence for five minutes. Silence here is subjective, considering how many people he’s cut off and the amount of horns blared at his Sampson.
“You okay?”
You’re tempted to turn his own phrase against him— ‘could do without the attitude’— but instead you fish around your pockets for the lack of American Spirits you’d swiped from a corner store and offer him one.
“I’m fine, kid. Thanks.”
You slump in the seat. This was never about the union posters.
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ramicorn · 3 months
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same image
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dinderbins · 6 months
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This is my favorite character, Drugs. She's on some hideous cocktail of hallucinogens and is very gender.
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killjo-q · 6 months
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Green version:
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mhbali1 · 4 months
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Just pattadol comforting her phone
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