rose-larkin · 1 year
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he's so soft for her it's unreal.
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willowser · 1 year
katsuki jumps, startlingly, when you rub a hand up his back.
he's leaned too far down, bent over the counter at an angle that will give him an ache he'll complain about later, and his head whips up as you come to stand beside him. an e-mail on his phone is what previously had his full attention, but now he looks at you, eyes softening as you lean into his shoulder.
he's never been a very touchy guy. even after a year into your relationship, it's most often you reaching for his hand as you walk down the street; you pressing a kiss into his cheek while watching a movie on the couch; you running a hand through his hair as his breath steadies out beside you in bed.
it's not something you really complain about. you know how he is, knew before anything developed between the two of you, and you can't say it's a deal-breaker. there's little you know about his previous relationships or if he even had any, but you have the painful-gut feeling that affection just isn't something he's used to.
you press a smile into the sleeve of his shirt and his spine relaxes under your hand, finds that awful curve again. he watches you like he's waiting for something, tracing the tender details of your face.
"love you," you say, because do and you want to voice it aloud, put it into his mind even though you know he knows. as expected, his lips flatten into a wavering little line, shy suddenly, and your teeth wet the fabric of his shirt when you smile.
all you get is a little grunt in response and he dips his chin down in a wordless nod, accepting your lovey-dovey assault. it makes him feel a little helpless, you know, but you bring up an arm to wrap around him as he turns back to his phone, ears pink.
katsuki straightens with a dull pop!, stretching his arms up and allowing you to shuffle closer, so that your head is resting on his chest. you press your ear to it and wait, eyes closed, until the heavy promise of his heartbeat echoes like a drum in your ear. it's loud, and after a moment, your own falls into sync, right where it belongs.
"hm?" you glance up at him, the frown on his pink face, before breathing in the clean scent of his laundry soap. your laundry soap. and then you shake your head. "nothin'. just missed you."
"been home all day."
"i know," you sigh, letting your eyes fall shut again. the sound of his phone locking clicks and you can feel the slight down-slide of his sweatpants when he pockets it. "sometimes i miss you even though you're right here."
you expect — something; another grunt or laugh through his nose, a raspy little noise that voices his confusion. things like this can be hard for him; you know how he is, knew before anything ever developed between the two of you — but you don't think it makes him any less deserving.
katsuki steps back from you a little, and you feel the hesitant rise of his arm before you feel it. his hand comes up to your face — pink and scarred in your peripheral vision — and he tilts your head up, waits until you open your eyes.
when you do, it looks as if a million things are running through his head. his poker-face is good, it has to be, but you can see little bits of his vulnerability shining through. you wonder how long it's been since he showed it to anybody. he almost looks sad.
katsuki squeezes your cheeks until your lips pucker, and his frown deepens when you laugh. "y're so...damn weird."
that's along the lines of what you were anticipating: one of his teasing little insults, warm with a fire he's still learning how to kindle. you don't get the chance to say anything before he's kissing you, eyes shut tight, lashes brushing against your own.
you expect something soft, because affection is a fickle thing, from him — but his hand never falls from your face and his tongue is sliding with yours suddenly, a heated gesture that throws your heart out of whack. you let him kiss you as deeply as he can, until your back arches painfully backward over the counter as he leans into you.
when he pulls away, his lips are a little swollen and his cheeks are burning, as he presses one into yours. "i—jus'—" katsuki tries and then abandons it, a hand curling into the material of your shirt. "i get it." he murmurs, there, into the heated skin of your face, heart beating in time with yours.
things like this are hard with him — but he makes them so, so worth it.
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aislinceivun · 11 months
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Illustration for ch38 of my fic, Family of Four. (Part of The Cat and His Family series) They've truly met at last!🥰
[A series of interconnected double drabbles from Touko’s POV, set shortly after Truth Out.] Now that the Fujiwaras know of Natsume’s secret and Madara’s true identity, the four of them can grow into a family stronger and truer than before.
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whenwewereyoung97 · 7 months
If you don’t think Delano Amicu is the best character in FBAA, you and I have not been reading the same books.
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cannibalvore · 9 months
Unusual (for this blog) safe vore scenario
Indigestible/otherwise safe slime prey that arent always oozing and dripping. No - they may lack bones, but as they're being eaten, they're as solid as any regular person.
However, as time goes on inside that stuffy, wet stomach, they begin to let go of their solid state, pretending to be digested bit by bit by turning into pure sludge
At the end, they're entirely liquid, and fill up the entire organ with their body. The pred feels so calm, heavy and full - it's easier for their stomach to churn around liquid prey than solid ones, of course. It feels like they drank enough thick soup or porridge to fill every crevice of their gut.
In the end the prey will be regurgitated and return to their regular state, sure. But for now, oh, they're both just so blissed out... What's the point if you don't take a cozy, satiated, comfortable nap, hm 💕?
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babygirlbuckaroo · 1 year
we talk about ‘i had to do it’ and ‘i know you did’ a lot but the way eddie says ‘show off’ is soooo soft like are you kidding me??? buck is a stronger man than i because if i was on the receiving end of those eyes and that voice i would get down on my knees one knee and never get up
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so we all collectively agree that Steve Harrington has a praise kink right
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son-of-the-sun23 · 1 year
when ppl think that ashton, a gay dude, is in love with laudna, a lesbian in love with imogen
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benjaminthewolf · 1 year
Wally Darling (Welcome Home) Lol (Bad Ending)
So I hear that this guy's a sexyman. Welp, Wally simps, including @luci-voracious-blog who I wrote this for, come get your juice!
Also, I know a lot of people will recognize where this story takes inspiration from, so I'll just say it right here that I swear to fucking Vishnu this story is SFW. I do not intend anything other than SFW vibes from this story.
(Update: Luci and I decided in private it would still be best to mark this as mature.)
(Also the inspiration is from Feedfancier's Belly Love Journey animation.)
     “How are you feeling now, little one?” Wally Darling calmly speaks as he softly caresses you in his hands. “I’m sure far better than you were back in that storm.”
     Almost as if on cue, the bellowing crack of a lightning strike and the subsequent shaking of thunder ravaging against the outside of the home positively cut through the moment, causing Wally to instinctively bring you closer towards his chest for immediate comfort. Soon, however, there is no more outside noise aside from the constant baraging of rainfall, at which point Wally decides to speak up once more.
     “Well, that wasn’t very pleasant, now was it?” he rhetorically asks with a chuckle whilst continuing to hold your tiny form extremely close to his being.
     You, however, for the moment, are just simply in no position to give an answer of any sort to that question, even if one wasn’t really needed in the first place. Wally gives a bit of a nervous gaze of concern down at your being as you suddenly begin to softly sniffle. His grip around your body slowly loosens as you vainly attempt to conceal yourself in his jacket, positively burying yourself into his chest.
     Wally doesn’t exactly wish to bother you too much, considering the traumatizing horrors you must have gone through in the storm. He is rather aware that whatever mental processes are going on inside your mind right now, it would probably be better to just allow them to do their thing to heal you instead of interrupting them to speak.
     Thus, Wally simply observes your minute body silently, eventually deciding to re-tighten his hold ever so slightly after realizing just how comforting being against his giant body seems to be for you. It then seems as if his assumptions become validated the moment that your breathing is steadied with a heave, and a bittersweet smile slowly forms across your face.
     Wally’s assumption is only partially correct, however. Yes, the feeling of having someone so confoundedly larger than you gently nestling your miniscule form against its immensity and caring for all of it so deeply was something you had basically never experienced at this point…however…there just…almost seemed to be something somehow even more wonderful lurking somewhere even more deep. Perhaps…tucked away between several layers of flesh and skin. It almost made you want to melt into it, and be a part of its workings and warmth now and forever.
     Releasing a shudder of comfort, you are gently able to nuzzle your face upon the living puppet’s chest, listening intently to each thump emulating from his heart, and slowly breathing deeply to its beat. 
     “Oh…you poor little thing. All you really needed was affection, is that right?” Wally comments whilst bending his head down to reach to your form. “Well I promise you right here right now…” he tenderly murmurs down to your being. “....that I am always here for you if you need…”
     Wally gently plants a kiss on your head before repeating the final portion for emphasis. “...I am always here if you need…-”
     And then, just like that, everything stopped. 
     It obviously wasn’t as if Wally had intended for it to happen, but because his lips had been around the top of your head whilst he had been taking in air in order to speak, it just happened to be that the pressure that resulted from the upwards motion was also just enough to bring you in, too, causing Wally to instantly jolt into an upright sitting position, whilst his currently extremely stunned, faltering, overburdened mind jittered around inside of its skull tirelessly in order to attempt to figure out what was happening. 
     It would also just happen to be, then, that within that short window of time, you were still somewhat under control of yourself and your actions. Resulting from this, had you just decided to act simply a singular second before, then it most likely would have been that the singular thought that currently screeched within your meager mind practically begging you to call out to be released would have won out in the end. However, in reality, that just simply did not happen.
    Currently, you were just barely able to lift your head within the tightened, lowered confines that was the warm, slimy maw of Wally Darling, without scraping your head up against the roof’s rough ridges. Within a second that seemed instantaneous, however, not only did the maw unexpectedly rise in order to give you significant space to move about, but there also appeared to be a brilliant, yellowish light shining towards the back of the maw, near the gullet, illuminating the pinkish space all around, and beckoning dearly for you.
     Wally was still unable to think, and to you, in that moment, there seemed to be simply no reason to. Shuffling slowly on your knees across the slippery, compressible surface, you cautiously inched your way closer and closer towards the light, nearing into the gullet’s deep drop with each shift.
     Just above your head by this stage lay the uvula, swaying subtly and gently across its domain over the fall. Just like you, it possessed an inscrutable lack of any fear. Unlike you, however, the uvula was destined to remain watchful and stationary, locked upon the top of the soft palate, where it would observe your form lodging itself into the gullet. The gullet of a sentient puppet, who, due to the strange and uncomfortable sensation, was given no choice by his body but to comply, swallowing gently yet fully as a result.
     You are able to slip past the byway, the place where either one entered the tube of the trachea, or, as you had done now, entered the tube of the esophagus; connected in turn with the gurgling organ of the stomach. Yes, indeed, in any regular circumstance, that would indeed be the next destination. However, as you squelched deeper and deeper with each subsequent push of the muscle walls, it somehow became an understanding inside you that the stomach was not where you were headed. You were not entirely sure where exactly the alternate exit was to be for you, however. That was, however, until one final push left a valve in plain sight. The moment the valve opened up was the moment you understood all.
     Speechlessly floating up onto the powerful, thumping organ which for so long had been assumed to be the seat of all human emotions, you quiveringly nestled yourself up onto the heart of a person who, despite being a puppet in technicality, was no less a person than you. You would have loved to just stay there. To stay there and take it all in. To stay there against the deep pounding. To stay there and melt deep inside. That was all you wanted, and also all you had. The unapologetic and by all measures, cruel, faceless concept of fate, however, possessed a significantly different idea.
     It was only a more powerful thump. That was all that it was. Yet that single thump was indeed all which was needed, to send you from your grasp upon the seat of love. You weren’t entirely sure into which valve, ventricle, or otherwise bodily causeway you were being forced into, now. Yet, the next thing you knew, you were squelching into the growling stomach.
     “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!” Wally repeated to himself incessantly as he started shuddering, locked in mortal terror. “OH, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OH LORD THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS JUST CANNOT BE HAPPENING!”
     Alongside the cries and anguish, there also was just a little air released out, which came, naturally, within the form of a deep belch. Wally could indeed perceive only the worst from this sign, still utterly unable to know the truth of his body.
     Due to the manner in which the puppet was known to always speak, the pleadings were still far too soft for you to be able to sense them above the stomach's glorping, low ambiance. You, meanwhile, though still very safe and situated within the body of said Wally Darling, surrounded now in full by the goopy, churning, cushiony walls of the his stomach, were considerably saddened for the moment, mainly of course, due to the fact you had been forcefully thrusted away from his heart.
     And yet, once again, seemingly out of utter nowhere, the light stone again, shimmering above the deep liquids present within. It seemed as though a clear reminder to you of the true reason you were here. Not daring to question what came next, you simply ventured along, wading in with a step to the pool. Your legs begin treading lightly as you slowly lose physical contact with the ground. The light was now clearer as ever, and now was your chance to reach up. 
     The ambient rumbling alongside the tight squelching, however, reducing the land down to null, swiftly pulls you on down towards the depths, seemingly dragging you physically away from the warmth and the safety of the light. You are only able to take one remaining gasp for your life, reaching upwards in vain one last time, only to see the gooey mush that your body is swiftly churning into swiftly dripping down towards the pool, before finally, slipping away.
     “No…” Wally whimpers in utter despair. “...wh-wha-just-...” he continuously struggles to speak. 
     “Just what on mother Earth have I done?”
     Wally had been doomed to utter ignorance of the beautiful nuances happening inside his very being throughout the entirety of the process. It seemed here, as well, that in lacking a way of tracking tears, Wally was incapable of noticing your form. Your form as it lay in the tear. Your form as it merged with the light. Your form as it was within Wally’s.
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lunargrapejuice · 1 year
AAAAHHHHHHH LUNA YOUR KAVEH FIC HAD ME KICKING MY FEET — your writing is so so soft and sweet i cant 😭😭
anyways how’s your day going so far? i hope it’s been good 🥹💕
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HE IS JUST SO PERFECT I COULDNT HELP MYSELF - i know that man is so in love too heh
thank you so much🥺💖 im so glad you liked it!😭💕
my days been good so far! it’s been raining so ive just been inside playing video games & my sister made chocolate chip cookies (which are my fav)🥰 my husband has to work this weekend tho so im missing him 😩
how’s your day been babes?💕 i hope you’ve been having a great & relaxing weekend!💕☺️
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valiisthea · 9 months
❝ ... i guess i'm just scared of losing you. ❞ quiet whisper into his neck; keeps her eyes closed— she’s having trouble falling asleep. / for Leslie 💜
(IDR The Meme but Ily) || Accepting Nonetheless
@axgmented || Leslie
Leslie's hand idly traces patterns into the small of her back. When she speaks, he can feel her breath against the delicate skin of his neck and it sends a flutter down to the base of his spine.
It's so hard, he thinks, to get close like this again after -
No. He's gone over this in his head time and time again - all he will do is set himself up for failure if he compares every aspect of this new relationship to the old one.
But it's ironic how her words mirror exactly how he feels in his own heart every single day.
"You won't lose me." he says, like it's the surest thing in the world and that she should never question it. How hard it is to believe in words, though, he knows. "I'm not goin' anywhere. So try and get some shut eye, yeah? I'll still be here when you wake up."
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jeoseungsaja · 1 year
me, realizing that Hyurick just had tHeIR FIRST KISS oN HYuk'S BiRThdAY:
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jennycalendar · 2 years
"i'm just not used to dating a woman like you. so put-together, so steady, so age-appropriate..."
"let's not get it twisted. i'm still way too young for you."
(forever blowing kisses to douglas and poppy and their short-lived tenure on our screens!!)
this fanvideo is dedicated to the three other people who follow me and have actually watched single parents. i like to think of us as an exclusive club of, um, sadness? anyway here’s to these idiots and also to stopping a rewatch of this show at the episode where douglas and poppy are talking about moving in together. <3
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
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lam doesn't strive to be a nice person. i would even say that he doesn't want to be nice; he wants to be decent, meaning that he wants to be able to do the kind thing because it is the right thing to, not because it please others.
in his eyes, being nice is akin to people pleasing. robin and his 'friends' liked him because he was nice and as a result of that, he got into that accident.
and so, being nice is the last thing he ever wants to be again.
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mstinteresting · 2 years
why did I latch on to big dumb knife boi ???????
i don’t knOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOOOwwwwwwwWWWWWWw
but i did.
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dmitriene · 16 days
bathing with simon riley, while sitting on his bulky lap and cockwarming him, his fat cock nestled inside your gummy walls and brush against your spongy spot with spontaneous throbs, feeling how your warm cunt pulse in response, tightening.
your soft, wet hands draw lines with your fingers along his broad back, along his spine, making simon shudder in response, burying his face more firmly against your shoulder, barely breathing with little puffs that stutter when his movements makes his cock glide against your cunts gooey insides.
his calloused palm lays between your hip and supple ass, not even digging, with his fingers twitching when he runs them over your soft skin, moving against your pubic bone and lower, before simon settles his touch against your puffy clit, brushing with little circles that makes you moan in his ear.
your warm breath scorches his ear with quiet and needy — “h-hmn, s-si!„ that paints his skin with pinkish flush, pressing his thick finger against your throbbing clit firmer, feeling how your viscous walls constrict around his meaty cock, the one simon starts to thrust in you slowly with little jerks of his hips.
his chapped lips brush against your shoulder, barely lifting his face as he litters your skin with little kisses, your fingers moving to tangle in his wet hair at the back of his neck, burrowing in the dark roots, as he whispers hoarsely — “so good to me, luv, so perfect'„ with his lips tracing path up to your neck.
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴.
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