donsgraveyard · 7 months
Ok I need to talk about this with someone and I think you’re so cool and your art is amazing I love it sm, so I hope you don’t mind !! *LONG RANT AHEAD*
This is more like a head-canon/observation I made. I think Tomas’ character is super interesting. I know it’s always said how loyal he is and how much a good guy he is AND I AGREE!! but it made me think more about him and his story. Imagine losing your whole family, it being basically a mistake, and then being taken in by the same clan???? If I’m not mistaken Tomas was probably a pre-teen/teen when this happened as well. I’d like to think that fucks with the mind of a young kid. And this is where it goes into head-canon territory.
I like to believe that Tomas loyalty is a form of defense mechanism for what he went through. Like not only did Tomas probably have a whole whiplash in terms of environment, but also learning about Earthrealm and Outworld??? Like this is a clan that has protected and serve earth realm since probably forever. That is a HUGE change. So, at a young age being so angry (from Tomas encounter with hanzo) instead of holding a grudge forever id like to think Tomas brain just came up with a defense mechanism aka assimilate to where you are.
His new “family” his new “responsibility”. I notice in a lot of interactions it’s “father wanted this” or “father taught us this” he always brings it back to father and teachings. Like to me it would seem like a “if I don’t assimilate to this new situation I might just lose my mind” and that’s exactly what he did. He took on the Lin Kuei traditions, honor, and responsibility and didn’t look back. It’s what he had to do to survive.
Man this even affects his relationship with not only Bi-Han but Kuai Liang as well. He idolized Bi-Han but he wasn’t surprised when Kuai Liang said he betrayed them. No doubt just immediately followed Kuai Liang and accepted it. And after that, the scene where Kuai Liang puts his hand on his shoulder and says “even though we don’t share blood, we are brothers” I haven’t seen anyone mention it but Tomas literally looks down at Kuai Liangs hand for a second and just looks a bit confused. Confused!!! Like I see a lot of people saying how Kuai Liang is the one that treated him well compared to Bi-Han but I bring you this:
Tomas is disconnected from the concept of family when it comes to the Lin Kuei. Like in title and name yes Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are his brothers, but if we go back to what I said, to Tomas personally it doesn’t feel that way. Again going back to what he says to Bi-Han. “Father would’ve wanted us to be brothers”. And Bi-Han’s comments do not help!!! THIS IS NOT MEANT TO SAY THAT THEY ARE NOT BROTHERS: THEY ARE, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH PLS.
They are brothers, but if I were to put myself in Tomas shoes I’d feel so dissociated from that knowing what happened to my first family. In title yes we are brothers because it is what is expected, it’s what father wanted. But we’re no longer Lin Kuei and you still called me brother? Why?
Like that’s what I feel like would go through his head.
Man and that interaction he has with Liu Kang. “Can I ever get the brothers to reconnect?” Or something like that. MAN. Not even a “can I get my brothers to reconcile”. Like this poor man probably dissociated and disconnected himself so hard from his situation and just tried to make the best of what he had.
And imagine the way they could expand on this. A Tomas who no longer is part of the Lin Kuei but still holds onto their traditions and secrets, and how he deals with understanding and processing that. A Tomas who is still having a hard time seeing Kuai Liang as a brother outside of the clan but devoting his undying loyalty to him and learning to slowly trust him as Tomas not Smoke. A Tomas who feels so conflicted over Bi-Han because he feels like he should’ve done more so Kuai Liang didn’t lose his brother, but realizes he also lost a brother himself. The grief of loosing yet more family. A Tomas who can drop the name Smoke and just be someone’s brother, someone’s friend, someone’s brother-in-law.
There’s obviously cultural factors that take place here and I don’t know if I did a good job on touching upon them, but this is just my head canon. I know I’m like way off but it’s interesting to see Tomas through this lens. Thank you for reading through all of this if you do🙏
I appreciate you sharing this with me because Tomas needs more love and analyze and now I will share this with everyone else AND THEY BETTER READ IT!
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lovingksuki · 2 months
— highschoolers bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: an anonymous love letter appears in your locker on valentine's day. surprised, you and your best friend start an investigation to uncover who was that person observing you from afar. meanwhile, a flushed bakugo tries to ruin your plans on the undercover alongside his shitty-haired buddy
cw: sfw; mostly fluff; lil angst; very insecure bakugo; romantic comedy; puberty; silly jokes; little swearing.
an: guyyyyss it's hereeee. i hope you enjoy since i had many people asking for me to continue with this. i hope it is as good as the first part that btw you can read here
wc: 1,3k
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the two went on a mission walking around the school and very non-suspiciously investigating whose hand that might be.
"i'm telling you! there's sato, iida and..." counted.
"are they even suspects!?" you mocked. "we have to be coherent about it. i don't even have a major relationship with them..."
"how could you possibly know what goes on inside other's head? i think you're being biased about it."
"what do you mean?"
"i know you want it to be one of the hottest in our class!" smiled diabolically.
"i have no idea what you're talking about." you sweated.
"maybe we should call that double colored guy and just ask a few questions..."
"no way... what are you insinuating?" you almost screamed truly shocked.
"that you have a slight cru-"
"I don't have a crush."
"admit it already."
"I'm not admitting anything. quit pestering."
"you're no fun at all. so... are we talking to Todoroki any soon?"
"psst, isn't that sero coming this way?" mina whispered looking ahead of the corridor.
the duo telepathically agreed to their next move and mina quickly went in action.
"hey, if isn't our fave tape boy! can I have a high-five?" the pink cheered lifting her hand.
the jet-black haired guy smiled playfully slapping hands with her. watching everything, you caught that glimpse of time needed to take conclusions on the survey.
"what are you two up to? feeling extra energetic today..." sero stated.
absorbed in your own thoughts, you simply couldn't answer any of the questions made, so pinky said in advance: "we're just too excited for the... the-"
"for what?"
"the new movie...! yeah! that one with the clowns. everyone is so hyped to watch it!" mina came up with some excuse.
"oh, so you like 'bloody nightmare' series too? man, me and denki are gathering people to go watch with us." he cheered.
you and mina eyed each other nervously while sero kept rambling about horror films. pinky swiftly poked your side sending the 'make him shut up' signal and you quickly catch the message saying:
"y-yeah! it would be super cool, but we need to... to... go to the 1b room! to dis- discuss the next match-"
"we're discussing the teams for the next training match!" mina rapidly came with an excuse ready to push you up the corridor. "see ya!"
"but guys... their class is towards the other side." sero warned confusedly.
"r-right! it's been months, but we still get lost... hehe!" mina sweated. she spotted a purple voluminous hair meters away. "shinso! wait up!"
and you runned away. sero chuckled observing the girls as another duo approached.
"'sup pal?" kirishima greeted. "it's a important matter so, could you share what are the girls planning? we have business with them."
"it's no use, we're gonna lose sight of them." said the blonde ready to walk away, but his buddy was fast to grab his shirt stopping his tracks.
"be reasonable, it's creepy to chase them around the school." eijiro whispered.
"what are you two up to?" sero crossed arms curious about the situation.
"nothing particularly important. girly borrowed something from bakugo." his heart he thought slightly laughing. "did them say anything about where they're heading?" asked.
"mina said they have something to do with class 1b, and i think they left with shinso." sero explained.
"not that eraserhead wannabe..." katsuki gritted teeth.
"well, no time to lose then! thanks dude." kirishima dragged his best friend away.
when the two males finally found the duo they were shocked to see you holding shinso's hand while walking
kirishima panicked turning to the blonde who watched that scene petrified. it was the second time eijiro saw that expression on his face, the first was when they watched all might last fight. that expression that indicates he started malfunctioning, his thoughts are running wild, and he is about to break.
when he finally inhaled, kirishima's heart skipped a beat thinking bakugo would explode at any moment. he prepared himself to restrain his friend from murdering somebody or start yelling like a psycho, but bakugo just hollowed his lungs right after.
watching deadpanned as you walked away giggling.
that behavior... it was truly concerning coming from him.
"are you totally sure?" mina whispered excited.
"it's a great probability, didn't you see that monstrosity of a hand!?" you whisper-exclaimed. "his grip almost crushed mine!"
"okay, but let's don't get ahead of ourselves, there's other boys to analyze." mina said carefully.
"right, but he's a suspect! and did you notice how he didn't hesitate or felt uneasy to hold my hand?"
"i'm not jumping to conclusions but he seemed too chill! it's almost unnatural coming from a person who wrote a love letter." mina spoke wisely.
"you're right." you pouted.
"what am i suspect about? love letter!?"
"aaaaaack! for fucks sake!" you and mina jolted. "y-you heard us?" you asked shyly.
"were you eavesdropping!?" mina confronted.
the boy leaned in the doorframe crossing his arms unphazed by the pink's attitude. "you're not even whispering... some of 1b even heard about how i have big ass hands and shit." he chuckled.
you looked over shinso's shoulder only to encounter monoma, kendo, shiozaki and komori confusedly observing at some distance. "h-hey guys..." and kendo smiled amused.
"he caught us, mina. what do we do?" you said fidgety.
"there's no other way now that he knows our secret. we must kill you." mina stated creepily serious to shinso, making him falter.
"ha. you almost got me there." he laughed mindlessly. after a couple of seconds staring at each other he came to realization. " you're joking,,, right?"
"why did you have to scare him like that? what if he go out telling others?"
"it's quite the opposite. he won't tell anyone if he believes it's confidential information. you can question my methods but not my results!" the pink girl explained confidently.
walking down the corridor in search for another male friend. now that the lunchtime was coming to an end the school was less fuzzy, and the groups concentrated in their usual places.
"uh... mina... you're not actually dangerous, are you?" you blurted.
she looked at you puzzled, as if that question was more complicated than it actually seemed. "why do you ask?"
"it's just because, you're my best friend, and if it were for me to have a psycho so close to me i would want to know..." you reasoned.
"don't be ridiculous!" she laughed. "but like you said, we're best friends, that does mean i would probably hide a body for you."
"wait. what the-"
"kirishima it's been thirty minutes." the blonde stated impatiently.
the boys were sitting casually at their class waiting for the others to come grab their keys to the closets. p.e was the next hour.
"just be patient dude, when she arrives, you casually get up and go talk to her. do you remember the three steps?" the red haired pointed.
"don't scream, don't curse and look at her in the eye." bakugo grumbled a little skeptical.
when they heard high pitched voices and footsteps approaching the blonde jolted in his seat.
"there they are." kirishima whispered. "good luck soldier"
katsuki got up with a sigh, heart beating fast, he didn't even notice his feet leading him directly to you and almost fainted when you looked at him with those doe eyes.
"hey!" you greeted rummaging your backpack.
"i was... i recalled that time last week you shared your notes and... i"
"you came to say thanks? it's alrighty! just gimme a shoutout whenever you need!" you smiled
his ears reddened. "y-yeah. but i was trying to ask if ya wanna grab milkshakes sometimes, my treat for the notes." katsuki managed to spill
"oh! i didn't expect that" you giggled thinking that was a cute way to invite someone to hang out. "sure. i provide the notes, you provide the milkshakes." you extended your hand "deal?"
he smirked satisfied shaking you hand.
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
SMG4: You used to be cool...
"HEY LIZ! howd that new epis-"
*thanking @shygirl4991 for putting up some thoughts for the new episode! I really like to read those :)*
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wait sh-t wrong image...
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cant we all just talk about the part when THREE WASNT CONSIDERED THE "COOL EVIL VILLAIN" to his other villain mates from what he USED to be back in the old days of his shenanigans??
Eggman doesnt see that our man three has had his thing called- " DEVELOPMENT " RIGHT AFTER THE WHOLE THING...
Three has gone far too long- three has been through so much and so many things had changed including him and his way of seeing things. He had gone too soft from the past few years and eggman sure had been catching up on his daily does.
EGGMAN. However. He considered to be three's idol back then- but now? He sees three as a 'low level of villain' because the three he knew before had so much destruction and destroying stuff.
Eggman missed the three he knew, the one who USED to be a total top Villain.
SMG3 has never realized how much things had changed and that he too did. Now bringing up this part
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This part when three was shocked when Eggman told him that his final task was to "KILL" his arch nemesis. SMG3 is flabberghasted.
In his lair- room¿ he was practicing his shooting skill (pointing it at four) for the right aiming AND to finish him off.
See- I noticed something here- SMG3 couldn't bring himself up to do it for seconds... just a single detail of his hand SHAKING while holding a gun, pointing it at SMG4 (which is just a picture of him from a cardboard)
He couldnt do it- just- COULDNT. He had those memories flashing back to him, his hand holding with SMG4, how they both used to bond together, how he said they were FRIENDS and that he really meant to say that infront of his face, with four's reaction.
Notice how the music came to get intense during the flashbacks? Where we saw this event from Three drawing him and smg4 after 23th of wotfi? This is the most important part. That HE SMG3 drew them both together in his personal diary, a MOMENT of a good memory he and four created.
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But oh wait- how did this come to three shooting him still? Even tho it was just a confetti? Why did he still shot SMG4 (on that picture)? I'll tell you another reason. "Christmas Wars" :) lets go back to that shall we?
"You'd consider partying with the guy that tried to kill us?"
Now THIS CANON EVENT. so happens to ruin Three's mood. THATS where he onwardly shoots four's picture with a gattling gun... a REASON. Why.
This triggered him SO much from the memories he spent with Four and what he'd thought about his ex rival.
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After Three kept being indenial to eggdog that he doesn't care about SMG4 and that "he had NO character development" with him.
That was all a lie. (We already know that- but it's still important and relating to the episodes HOW MUCH of a bastard SMG4 is to SMG3, he continues to be friends with Four as he moves on.)
-the gun to four scene-
During this scene when Three barges in with Four making a new meme for his content Tomato Soup. Four never even thought about the things that could ever happen when three is there. He simply went on with the usual "friends conversations" talk.
Because four knows that they were both friends now. And that he knows 3 has gone soft. With an emotionless face, he approached to Four holding a GUN.
To where Four noticed- "oh a glock- watcha gonna do with that...?" He felt nervous and worried something with three carrying it- "Oh, something that I should of done long ago..." With Three holding up a gun and pointing it at Four, SMG4 screamed "THREE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?"
The detail... his eyes? From a pinch of second his eyes when he LOOKED infront of Four's? He felt sorry to himself. He had been pointing this gun at SMG4 and the pain he's baring from his chest lived on with mixtures of feelings he had developing with Four next to him.
He was unsure. He couldnt decide- because HIM as SMG3 he wanted to be the most evil villain known of everyone and other of his villain buddies. Including Eggman. And with another spot he also wanted to make eggman prove to him that he hasnt gone soft.
that HE- would actually do it- for himself to prove that he is better...
But he cant- couldnt he?
Lets point this straight- we all get it- three has a soft spot- and that is SMG4 too- he could NEVER do that to him. He promised, he swore, he declared it, he announced it in official.
"Remember what I said? W-we- We're Friends!"
He will never EVER. take this part of him. He will never REMOVE THIS BECAUSE HE BUILT THIS DEVELOPING FRIENDSHIP WITH SMG4
he could never.
SOOO he ends up shooting the tomato with four gettin all worried n stuff- making that "blood splatter" from the window to where eggman mistaken that he actually "did" kill SMG4
SMG3 backfires on Eggman with a sneak attack,
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"Like usual-"
Okay three- we get it. You annoy his ass back when he annoys you first. You ruin beeg and his dating plan and may or may have shoved a dynamite in four's mouth right after "the inspection" with his coffee request.
But we've never actually seen any other stuff beyond that reach right after wotfi 23... so three... tell me... how USUAL were you trying to put when you've BARELY DONE ANYTHING EVIL THAT RELATES FROM "KILLING" OUR GUY?
Maybe it was all... pure torture of asmr or just ruining four's day... (thats atleast what he'd meant when he said "killing you" with no tensions of doing so in literal)
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When SMG4 looked at three who emotionally cried when he said this line- he still continued to cry (even after when Three smacked his face annoyed with him being a baby)
He still cried at his new meme continuosly. He didnt gave himself a second to think. "If he actually wanted to kill me, then why didnt he just do it already?" "What is stopping him from killing me?"
NOOO when i THOUGHT. ABOUT THE "allow me to demonstrate" GAVE ME THE REFERENCE FROM ANDRIAS'S WORDS FROM AMPHIBIA "TRUE COLORS" Scene... (if- you guys watched amphibia)
This part when Andrias said "allow me to demonstrate" thats the part he made the whole line about "thats how a thing about friends is it? The more you love em the more it hurts to let them go..." THEN THE LINE CONTINUES WITH HIM DROPPING DOWN THE PROTAGONIST'S FRIEND OFF A HEIGHT-
and seeing this part when- eggman said that? I am... SH-TTING with myself.
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With three expecting to take the hit, but instead he pointed the missle at Four, Three would be expecting that now. But with eggman knowing that he and Four had a bond for a few years and on? HE POINTS IT TO FOUR ON PURPOSE. TO SEE HOW THREE WOULD BE ACTING.
Some of you might say "yeah we get it- he pointed that gun at four so whats up about it?" UM- EXCUSE ME... *COUGH* HE- WAS POINTING AT HIS DEAR FUTURE BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND-/HJ
With Three getting a bit too protective and tried defending SMG4 it was all on worth the time. As he squashed four's newly made meme, this is referenced from "mario's spicy day" where back back back BACKKKK in the episode where Four had destroyed Three's whole production area he had took time to work on.
SMG4 destroyed his children. Children of his own that were his MEMES. And putting it here when Four had his own memes as his children? IT WAS HIS- TURN TO SPIN THE TABLES AND PUNCH IT AT FOUR'S FACE.
To let him experience.
The suffering and pain he had done. Thats why... he laughed at him.
With SMG3 putting out his true speech from "I am happy with just the way I am..." he TENSIONALLY- PLACED- HIS RIGHT HAND AT SMG4'S SHOULDER. standing up at his own. All proud and happy...
Three finally learned his own lesson that he doesnt have to be forced to be like someone that he used to be and the stuff he'd usually did before. Because that was the old him, the old self of his? Is gone now. Three is continuing to bloom from his own way and had things that he ever needed or desired to have. A job of his? Is there, friends? There already, a partner by his side? Is also there! (Barely- but still is!) His twitch strreaming or taking care of his son? Is there!
He has had a new purpose of living and this is the path he chose. So he broke free from just by being himself and not getting pushed by other people by just telling him. "You used to be cool..." "wheres the old smg3 we knew?" "Why arent you the three we know that used to commit world destruction anymore?" "Wheres three?"
You cant call the old three because THIS IS THREE.
This is the baby boy we have and he still grows on and on out of his shell. Leave the man alone ya big bozos because he's having his own development, discovering his own ways between living the life of good and bad.
Three had an amazing development honsetly and I dont like how people say "we want the old three back" but you guys cant.
Please dont tell me these two will get foreshadowed... please dont.
*flat heart rate monitor*
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scarlett-v-the-fox · 7 months
WarioWare Move It! Japanese profile entires part 1
As of today, there are only a few profiles of the characters. These are Wario, Jimmy T, Mona, Ashley, Red, Dr. Crygor, Mike, and Penny. I am sharing what they say to you in English.
Disclaimer: My Japanese isn’t perfect, and I had to look up some of words used. But I’m confident 95% of this is correct!
President of the very great Wario Company
CV: Hironori Kondo
(Translator’s notes: Wario uses the first person pronoun “ore” and uses the suffix “sama” after it.)
[Image of Wario in front a pile of gold] Today is also a great day! I'm cool, intelligent, and handsome!
WAHAHAHA! You had a good idea that you were interested in me! Take a close look at me from my head to my butt!
This is my profile!!
Favorite letter of the alphabet:
Most hated letter of the alphabet:
Charm point:
You’ll know it when you see it! Everything!
What made me happy recently:
I went to scrub myself today, and what a surprise! I lost 20 kilograms! That’s amazing!
What surprised me recently:
There was a type of canned food that I thought was delicious and became addicted to, but when I looked closer, it turned out to be for dogs! I got angry!
Things I am not good at:
Nothing! I am perfect!
Recommended movies:
There’s “The Wario Movie” starring me! ...Hmm? There’s no such movie? Hey Nintendo! Make it quickly!
Favorite proverb:
Be on the toilet bowl for three months.
Future aspirations:
Hey! That's enough! That's it for my profile!
Energetic high school girl
CV: Ruriko Aoki
(Translator’s notes: Mona uses the first person pronoun “atashi.” She also uses the “ojisama” suffix for Wario and Dr. Crygor.)
[Image of Mona in a city with her pets in the background] Isn’t Wario wonderful!? That nose and mustache!
Hi~! I’m Mona! I'm busy with my part-time job and club activities every day, but I'm going to run through it with high energy today too!
My dream for the future:
To become an adventurer!
Person I admire:
I guess I’d say Wario after all! That big and wild nose… super awesome!
[Image of Mona’s bike. Below it reads “Mona Bike!”] Dr. Crygor made it for me!
Part time jobs I’ve done:
I've done a lot of things! I was a gelato shop clerk, a diner waitress, a pizza delivery girl, a rock band's vocalist and guitarist, a Chinese restaurant's poster girl, an amusement park staff member, a reporter, a cameraman, and even a spy... Oops, maybe I shouldn't have said this? [picture of strawberry gelato]
My papa is an artist and my mama is a supermodel! I'm an only child, but I wish I had an older sister.
My favorite animal:
Baby moth larvae with fluffy fur!
What I’ve been into lately:
I keep an observation record of the flowers I saw today! I like that they’re bumpy, hairy, and shiny!
Introduction from the president (Wario):
Mona thinks I'm cool, and I'm a guy with quite good taste! …however! As an adventurer, she’s not even close to my level! Even if she finds treasure, it's mine, of course! Because the president is amazing! Wahahaha!
Cool dancer
CV: Yuma Kametani
(Translator’s notes: Jimmy uses a lot of English words. He also uses the first person pronoun “boku.”)
[Image of Jimmy on a lit up dance floor] Oh YEAH~!! Let’s dance together until the morning, YO!
Everybody! I’m glad you came to visit my page, YO! Let's get feverish with COOL steps!
How to spend the night:
Dancing until the morning at a nightclub, YO! [Image of Jimmy P]
Checking my emails! YEAH!
Special skill:
I might be second to none when it comes to high-speed flick input on smartphones.
A little boast:
For some reason, cats tend to like me, YO!
Relationship with Wario:
He’s my email friend! We are also childhood friends!
Favorite way to spend my weekends:
Watching the pigeons in the park, YO! And those kids there have some pretty good BEAT and VIBES, YO!
A secret I’ll only share here:
Actually, my afro, well… No, it’s nothing. Forget it.
Introduction from the president (Wario):
Jimmy is my e-mail friend and childhood friend! He teaches me how to make money with blogs like “Afro Eight” and is a very helpful guy! That's why I made him a special employee of the company, but I’ve never paid him a salary! Wahahaha!
Apprentice witch
CV: Ayaka Fukuhara
(Translator’s notes: She speaks using third person in Japanese at times.)
[Image of Ashley with a mansion in the background] …I’m Ashley, the world’s witch.
…I’m Ashley… What do you want? …If I don’t have any use for you, can I use you as an ingredient?
…Research on cursed magic.
…To make magic and potions.
What I think is cool:
…Monsters and carnivorous plants.
Things I don’t like:
Cute dresses… sweets… colorful things… I hate them.
Eating style:
…I eat what I like for last.
What I want most right now:
…Frie—… Nothing really.
How many times have you been called cute?:
Introduction from the president (Wario):
Ashley is always with her familiar, Red! She may be a bit perverse, but she's actually lonely!? Since she's an employee of the Wario Company, I'll take care of her! Looks like she can use magic to find treasure! Wahahaha!
Ashley’s partner
CV: Mako Muto
(Translator’s notes: Red uses Kansai dialect, and uses the first person pronoun “ore.” He also talks like a kid.)
[Image of Red with Ashley in the background] Alright! Leave the transforming to me!
Yahoo! I am Red! I am Ashley’s partner, as well as her best friend! You came all the way to visit us, so take your time!
Where I live:
In a haunted mansion on the edge of town! But I'm actually really scared of this place...
Special skill:
I can transform into something about the same size as me! Like a magic wand or broom! It’s amazing, isn’t it?!
I am quite skittish…
What scared me recently:
When I saw my own reflection in the mirror, I freaked out… Eep…
What I think about Ashley:
Ah, it looks like she’s really shy. She remembered her parents from back home and looked into the distance.
Recent thing Ashley did:
She was practicing smiling in front of the mirror the other day! She was so scared! Ah, this is definitely a secret I should keep!
The scariest thing in this world:
Ashley when she’s angry…
Introduction from the president (Wario):
Even though Red is a monster, he's still taking care of Ashley! And I don't know where he learned to speak Kansai dialect! ...That means he might have some talent for business! Okay, me. Let's sell your game all over the world! Of course, we won't give him any rewards! Wahahaha!
Mad scientist
CV: Kensuke Matsui
(Translator’s notes: A gappori machine is a machine that gives loans in cash)
[Image of Dr. Crygor in a green lit laboratory] People call me a genius scientist... And I am actually a genius!
Here... it seems like you got lost on my page. This must also have something to do with me. Could you let me use your body as a test subject?
I am a genius scientist that everyone recognizes.
Someone you hang out with often:
My granddaughter Penny, and my assistant Mike.
Dancing flamenco for inspiration.
My secret to youth:
Modifying my own body and wearing a life-prolonging suit. However, I forgot to extend the life of my scalp and ended up going bald.
Recent research:
I am devoting all my energy and research into promoting my hair regrowth.
Representative inventions:
Wario’s Bike, Wario’s Car, Mona’s Bike, Dribble’s Taxi, Kat and Ana's high-tech swords, 9-Volt's skateboard, Jimmy's cell phone, the Karaoke Robot Mike... You can see how genius I am.
About Wario:
I see him as an interesting research subject. I shall do some human experiments on him someday.
Introduction from the president (Wario):
Dr. Crygor is an old man, but he seems to be doing well! He is also the inventor of my Wario Car and my Wario Bike! But it's disgusting that he’s still bragging about that! ...Well, whatever. Someday, I'll have him make a gappori machine that will give me an infinite amount of money! Wahahaha!
Karaoke robot
CV: Ryota Suzuki
(Translator’s notes: Robot characters use katakana in their visualized speech. They are also polite and use simple sentences.)
[Image of Mike in a room full of viles] I want to sing more and more!
I’m the karaoke robot Mike! What do you think, would you like to sing a song after?
My profile, lyrics and music by Mike:
I was created by Dr Crygor.
Body structure:
I have microphones on my head and speakers on my body.
I like cooking! My fruit punch is very good.
Special skill:
Karaoke, obviously. But for some reason, when I start singing, everyone covers their ears.
My dissatisfaction:
Why does the karaoke robot have to do all the cleaning?
A secret I’ll share only here:
I want to be independent.
Things I’ve been curious about lately:
Those meal serving robots for family restaurants...
Introduction from the president (Wario):
Mike is Dr. Crygor’s assistant! He seems to be good at cooking and doing the laundry, but he seems to have run away from home in disgust once! If he's going to be used badly, he'd be happier being used by me! Next time you run away from home, I’ll use you as my butt wiper! Wahahaha!
Future scientist
CV: Maya Enokichi
(Translator’s notes: Penny uses the “chan” suffix for her grandpa. She also uses the term “scientist’s egg” which just means she’s a future scientist)
[Image of Penny in a park] My dream is to become the best singing idol scientist in the world!
Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Penny! My grandpa is a fantastic scientist!
I’m a Diamond City junior high school student! I’m also a future scientist!
Someone I admire:
Dr. Crygor! He’s my grandpa!
I love singing in front of people! I wish I could be a singer...
My invention masterpiece:
"Sparkly Voice Ultimate" allows anyone to have a beautiful voice!
Things I’m not good at:
Actually, I'm not good at reading music sheets... just looking at the treble clef makes me dizzy...
About my hair accessory:
You can take the heart-shaped hair clip I'm wearing!
A secret I’ll share only here:
I've been checking all the information about idol auditions, but I'm scared. I haven't been able to apply yet...
Introduction from the president (Wario):
Penny is Dr Crygor’s granddaughter! She's a future scientist, but for some reason the minibike she sent to me ended up turning into a mini-mini myself while riding it! What on earth does that mean!? Well, she also has a geeky side. However, if she comes up with an invention that will make money, I will make a lot of money! Wahahaha!
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punksocks · 7 months
2k Celebration
Hey guys! I meant to post this a minute ago but I’ve been getting busier and busier lately ;,0 (don’t worry it’s good productivity : 0)
But what should I do to celebrate 2,000 wonderful followers?
Thank you so much for all of your support everyone! This has been such a cool journey. When I started I literally just made a blog so I could read astrology posts without tumblr blocking me lol. I’m really grateful to have found a community where we can ruminate and share and learn from each other in such rich and supportive ways <3
I literally have no idea what to do to celebrate lol (I have my Lilith and his femme fatale post in my drafts I swear lol)
Here are some ideas I have, but if there are any fun pitches I’m open to ideas, I want to celebrate all of my amazing followers ofc ;0
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humbletumblecrudi · 1 year
May i request for yuuken (romantically) with a male reader who is shy (since most male reader works ive read have a confident male reader and i just cant relate to them) trying to confess to him but always backs down and says "nevermind *laughs nervously*"
Bonus if yuuken has a crush on m!reader aswell
Thank you ❤️
Writer's Note(s): I can do this! So sorry for the hiatus, my followers! I'm back! Also, remember friends: your crush isn't going to read your mind, get out there and give a hint! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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Info on Reader: Reader is masculine, and uses he/him. Reader's height is undetermined and Reader has no speaking parts. Reader is very shy and walks off a lot.
Ship(s): Enma Yuuken × Male!Reader who is shy.
Fujoshis and Fem Aligned Readers DNI || Enjoy!
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If you're shy naturally or only have a lack of confidence in your romantic ability, you're probably not going to have the best time with Enma. Oh, it's not because he's oblivious or because he's second-guessing your feelings for him. It's because he's observant, and very good at it.
He's a sensitive person to others and he's very ready and watchful as soon as he sees something is off with you. He's studying a certain page in a textbook and you've slipped a signed note into said textbook earlier after he had gotten up to wrangle Grim back to study. But it seems this page has what Yuuken needs for his homework and it'll be an eternity before he finds the note so far into the book…
"Hey, partner," oh right, you and Yuuken are sharing a presentation project now, "are you okay? You're staring at my textbook. Do you need one?"
Yuuken was far too nice to say it to you, but he knew you had one just in your bag just on the floor. He's courteous, you can give him that.
"No, it's nothing… don't mind me for a second." You answer, quite nervous at being caught. 
He'll notice the sadness and melancholy coming from you as you study your own book later, and ask what's wrong. No matter if you're cool about it or you freak out, his dark eyes will stare you down in silence for a few seconds longer… before going back to reading.
"What's up with the guy?" Ace would complain, noticing your obvious downcast mood and you leaving class faster that day. "He's never been that fast to leave class… well, if it wasn't to chase after Yuuken."
Ace probably knows, whether you tell him or not. Trappola is an observant and nosy kid, and he'll notice if someone is acting strange in the friend group. And especially if someone has a suspected crush… !
Ace won't out you directly, but he can get far too close for your comfort sometimes. Like now.
Deuce and Grim are less likely to find out without a direct hint, and depending on how down bad you are… Ace might just withhold the info to see what Deuce and Grim call your strange behavior. For his own laughs. That, and Ace does want you to succeed… but this is hilarious.
Seeing Ace seemingly know what's going on while Deuce did not made Yuuken give the redhead a stare so judgemental, before Ace gave in and just told Deuce. Of course, Deuce goes, "Oh! I hadn't noticed…"
Yuuken can see your demeanor change far too often when he's around, and he knows you're not this bad of a shaking or nervous mess around him. He's seen how Idia deals with the public, and he's seen you without noticing him yet…
He has an idea why you're acting like that, and he honestly can't believe it. He's not the type to want to pressure someone to tell him the truth, and he'd rather you do so on your own, but he's unsure if you'll ever be able to. Especially with how you can just run away instead of talking to him. 
In the near seclusion of the Ramshackle walls, studying away, he turns to you. He stares you down intensely as he always does, and asks you, in front of Grim no less, "Do you have a crush on me?"
Of course the shaky answers of no, no! doesn't faze him out of staring through your nervousness, and further asking, "It's okay if you do, I would have liked if you were upfront with me. I like you back."
Never has he seen a textbook drop so slowly out of a frozen man's hands. He knows you've heard him, so he'll give you your minute to comprehend what he said. He thinks he hears Grim yelling from him room at the ghosts. Have your answer ready anytime today!
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Just A Jacket
A silly little Huntlow fic, set between Sport in a Storm and Labyrinth Runners. I’m on mobile so forgive any spelling or format issues lol ✌️
- - -
“How are you cold right now?” Willow laughed as she wiped the rest of the green paint off her face. Hunter sat beside her on the bench shivering, waiting to walk her home.
“Well, I’m not used to wearing civilian clothing,” he chattered with a blush, she assumed because she had noticed the shivering. “I’m used to wearing more layers. You probably don’t realize how cold it actually is because you were so focused on the game. It’ll hit you any second.”
“Sure it will,” she smiled, digging through her bag. “Here, put this on.”
She tossed a green lump of fabric at Hunter who was too busy complaining to catch it. “Oof,” he groaned as the bundle covered his face. “What is it?”
“We got them when we got the new uniforms,” Willow explained. “It’s my jacket, isn’t it nice?”
“It feels nice,” Hunter said, removing it from his head to properly see it. It was a typical letterman jacket, the white sleeves were long and thick and the body was the team’s signature green. The back had ‘Park’ written in bold white letters on the back. It truly was a fine jacket. “Good quality. Impressive.”
“We’ve got a tournament coming up so I wanted to make sure we looked our best,” said Willow proudly. “Check out the front.”
Hunter turned it over and saw a patch that read ‘Captain,’ written in gold, a title she justly deserved. Something about it being written in gold the way it was made his heart flip. Below it, two Es were placed beside each other to represent the team’s name.
“It’s excellent, Captain,” said Hunter with a smile. “A jacket worthy of your abilities.”
“It’s heavy, put it on,” she said. “It’ll keep you warm.”
“But it’s yours, I couldn’t-,”
“Captain’s orders,” she insisted playfully. “I have an idea about a new strategy and I need your opinion and I don’t want your chattering teeth to distract me.”
Hunter did not protest further, carefully putting his arm through the sleeves as though it was made of glass rather than wool.
“How do I look?” He asked with a nervous laugh. Why he was nervous, he did not know.
“Cute!” Willow beamed, as she finished gathering her things. Hunter buried his hands in the pockets and looked down to the ground hoping the setting sun would disguise the blush he felt overcoming his face. “Ready?” Willow asked, giving no indication she noticed.
Hunter nodded and the pair set off. This was their after game tradition. Darius had helped Hunter sneak away to watch his friend’s matches and then he would walk Willow home as she shared her thoughts and strategies from the game. She liked to do it while it was still fresh in her head she said, and Hunter’s observations as a bystander helped her see the whole picture. It was the next best thing to actually playing, but since he wasn’t technically a Hexside student there was little to be done. Plus, there was no way he could ask Darius to cover for him during practices and games.
He was grateful for this time with the Captain. They messaged every day, yes, but she was so much quicker at it he felt embarrassed when he took too long responding. He liked seeing her in person, it was easier.
Well, some parts were easier.
“So, how’s the new guy doing?” Hunter asked.
“Ugh, you noticed didn’t you?” Willow groaned, throwing her head back.
“Hey, I didn’t say anything, I was just asking,” laughed Hunter. “But yes now that you mention it I did notice he didn’t do... great.”
“He’s still on a trial basis,”
“So I’m guessing he didn’t get a cool jacket?”
“Not yet,” sighed Willow. “He’s in a lot of my plant track classes but I think he’s more focused on decorating the field than actually playing. He wouldn’t stop growing blossoms!”
“Interesting tactic, but I’m guessing not what you had planned?”
“No,” she smiled. “But, hey, it’s not his fault. You’re a tough act to follow. I guess there’s just no replacing you.”
He was blushing again, he knew it. He couldn’t help it. “Yeah well, you guys still won tonight though, right?” He chucked nervously again. What was he nervous about. “Just proves what a great captain you are, I guess.”
“Thanks,” she said, tucking rough strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes darting to the ground. “And thanks for coming, you know you don’t have to right? I mean, I’m glad that you do but if you’re ever busy I understand-.”
“Nonsense, I always look forward to seeing you,” he said, then quickly tried to changed directions. “Seeing you kick butt that is! All of you, the team. You and the team, you on the team. Hmm.” He pretended to cough. “The human said she would message me live updates if ever I couldn’t make it but she’s not as familiar with the terms so it was less than helpful. Besides, it’s more fun being there in person.”
“That’s true, you are our lucky charm,” said Willow. “We’ve won every match you’ve gone to.”
“That’s because of your abilities as captain, not my spectatorship,” insisted Hunter.
“Hmm, well unless you miss a match I guess we’ll never know for sure,” mused Willow, hoping to never know for sure as they approached her house. “See you tomorrow?”
This was one of the parts that wasn’t easier, Hunter never knew how to say goodbye. It was much easier in text form, words were enough then but something about seeing her walk away made him want to talk longer. But he had nothing else to say about today’s match and he was sure she didn’t either. He just wanted to listen to her talk more.
“Yes, of course,” he said. He was already out later that he had told Darius he would be, he knew he and Flapjack would have to fly home faster than usual but still he could not drag himself away. “Um, same time?”
He didn’t need to ask that. The time was always the same. He knew that. He just needed an excuse to talk to her longer.
“Yes,” replied Willow. “We’re playing last years undefeated team, so we’ll definitely need our good luck charm. I’ll make sure you have the best seat.”
“You always do,” he said, mostly to himself. “Well, uh goodnight.”
“Oh, wait your jacket!” exclaimed Hunter, remembering why he felt so warm and content. He started to take it off but Willow stopped him.
“Oh, that’s okay,” said Willow. “You can give it back to me tomorrow.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, you’ll need it for the chilly flight home,” she said with a giggle. “Consider it a bribe to ensure you’ll be at the match tomorrow.”
“Well, uh, consider me bribed,” he laughed, hoping it was the right thing to say. She laughed as well. It was.
Hunter had the hardest time taking off Willow’s jacket. It was so pristine, which meant either she hadn’t worn it or she was extremely careful when she did. And she trusted him with it, a symbol of her leadership, to wear because simply he was cold. That’s all he had to do, he didn’t earn it. But now he held a piece of her long after they parted ways, delicately tracing the letters of her last name with the tip of his finger.
He knew she had worn it because it smelled like her; like dirt and bark and flowers, so many flowers. Willow smelled like a wild garden, all the plants came together in the air around her. Just when he thought he could pinpoint it to a single flower, she’d surprise him. He’d often be out on patrol, and sneak a sniff of a flower absentmindedly thinking of her when he’d realize how many things she was at once. She was a tornado in a green house, a gentle breeze in an open field, fresh cut grass meeting morning dew.
When he put his hands in the pockets he found they were full of seeds, which made him laugh because of course they were. Something about his hands being where he knew hers had been made him feel safe. Wearing it reminded him of her embrace, and being close to her. He felt warm. He hoped the Captain wasn’t too cold without her jacket and made sure he’d bring an extra jacket to the match tomorrow, already loathing the idea of having to wear something else.
During the day when he could not wear it he made sure it was safely and delicately folded and was excited to wear it again. He was excited to have Willow see him in it again. Maybe she’d call him cute again, but he didn’t linger too long on that thought.
“Hunter! Over here Hunter!” Luz called from the stands when she spotted him. “We saved you a seat!”
“You didn’t save anything this is always my seat,” Hunter replied. “Why do you have an engorged finger?”
Luz looked confusingly at her homemade green foam finger as though the idea wasn’t obvious. “Because we’re number one?”
“It’s a human thing,” Amity explained as Hunter sat down. “It’s dorky, but it’s cute.”
“That’s debatable,”
“Speaking of cuuuuute,” Luz began dramatically. “Are you wearing Willow’s flyer derby jacket?!”
“Huh? Well, not that it’s any of your business but yes,” he said smugly. “And I didn’t steal it if that’s what you’re thinking. The Captain insisted I wear it.”
As though on cue, Willow called out to Hunter from the field where the team was warming up and waved to him. Hunter eagerly waved back, before the eyes of those around him told him to dial it back a tad. Luz practically fell out of her seat.
“That’s so cuuuuute!” She squealed.
“You already said that,” he murmured, annoyed.
“I know! But it is! How did she ask you?”
“Ask me what?”
“To wear her jacket!”
“You mean how did she ask if I was cold?”
“Ugh! No! I mean what the jacket represents!”
“What are you babbling about human?”
“When someone on a sports team asks you to wear their jacket it means they like you,” said Luz, then realizing Hunter may not get the intended point she added for emphasis. “Like, like-like you. Ya know? That’s like classic rom com 101.”
Hunter tried to avoid getting flustered. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s just a silly human thing.”
“No, it’s a thing here too,” said Amity, matter-of-factly.
“But maybe it’s not as common as you think,” said Hunter. “Maybe the Captain doesn’t know that!”
“Her dads used to wear each other’s flyer derby jackets so I’m pretty sure she knows,” said Amity nonchalantly before seeing the panicked look on Hunter’s face. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine! W-why wouldn’t I be? I’m just wearing the Captain’s jacket and that means everyone will think.. she gave me... I gotta go!”
In a flash, Hunter teleported away from the pair who looked at each other confused.
The entire game, Hunter paced frantically beneath the bleachers. Flapjack did his best to calm him down, but Hunter could not be reasoned with. He watched in awe as Willow soared and shouted out strategies to her team as he was trying to find the right words to say what he was dreading to say. She was so strong and kind and beautiful... she didn’t even realize the mistake she had made. How was he supposed to tell her?
He waited until he was certain everyone had left. Her friend came up to say their congratulations and Hunter was hoping he could sneak the jacket back into her bag without being noticed but then he worried she might not see it at first and he couldn’t just leave it somewhere lest it fell on the ground. But he didn’t want to embarrass her by giving it back to her in front of people, he was already worried he’d had embarrassed her by wearing it.
Mid thought, he felt a familiar something wrap around his ankles and force him to the ground before dragging him away. He clung to the jacket for dear life, worried it would get stained. He opens his eyes and standing above him was no surprise, he’d know those vines anywhere.
“H-hey captain,” he chuckled nervously.
“What are you doing under there?” She asked with a grin. “I looked for you during the game and didn’t see you. I knew you didn’t leave though because we won. Told you you were our lucky charm.”
“Yeah sorry about that,”
“Did you not wanna sit with Luz and Amity? Luz explained that giant finger thing to me, if that’s what was bothering you...”
“No, no it’s not that it’s...” he held his breath. “Captain, I need to return your jacket!”
“Oh yeah!” She said as though she had forgotten she had entrusted him with such an important item. “Ya know, I’m not gonna need it tonight so you can hold onto it if you want, I know it’s still kinda-.”
“Captain, I-I hate to embarrass you but the huma-Luz informed me that it’s customary for athletes to allow another to wear aspects or extensions of their uniforms to signify that they’re... romantically involved.”
“Um... yeah? Sometimes, I guess.”
“And when you gave me your jacket, I accepted it not knowing it’s extra symbolic importance.”
“I didn’t realize what I was taking from you,” he went on. “I should’ve returned it immediately in case you had plans for it.”
“I don’t know much about this school or school in general, but I know that whoever you select to wear this jacket will be worthy,” he said. “You were kind to lend it to me in my time of need, but I’d hate to keep it from someone more deserving.”
“Hunter, I... it’s just a jacket...”
“But it says your name on it! It’s your jacket!” He rambled. “You worked hard for it! If anyone but you is going to wear it they have to be important! And worthy! And special! And-“
“Hunter,” she placed her hand on his shoulders to cut him off and looked directly into his eyes. “You are all of those things, I promise.”
“But, what if people think-?”
“They’ll think you’re cold,” she laughed. “Or they’ll think you look nice in it. Or they won’t care at all. If you’re uncomfortable wearing it, that’s okay. But I like seeing you in it; it feels like you’re still on the team. I-I’ve really missed getting to play with you.”
“Oh,” he said, embarrassed but he couldn’t pick just one reason. “I-I’ve missed playing with you too.”
“Ya know, I say you’re our lucky charm but I really mean you’re my lucky charm,” she admitted sheepishly, a tiny blush creeping on her face now. “That dodge and weave technique you thought of? It worked great! They never saw it coming!”
“You looked great,” said Hunter fondly. “Did great! I mean you did great, you played great! You always do.”
“Thanks,” she said and the two stood in silence for a moment before Willow zapped herself back to the moment. “So... you were worried about wearing my jacket because you thought I might want someone else to wear it?”
“Uh yeah,” he admitted, feeling as though he has overreacted. “But... I did like it. I do like it. I mean I really like... this jacket. It’s soft. And green. And nice. Like you. I mean, I-.”
“Well I’m glad you like it becaaaause,” she dramatically dug through her bag before pulling out another green jacket.
“Is that-?”
“I hadn’t sewn on all the patches yet so it wasn’t ready otherwise I would’ve given it to you yesterday, but ta-da! Your very own Emerald Entrails jacket!”
He took it cautiously in his hands as though it might crumble and marveled at it. It was the same as Willow’s, but the back had his name on it instead and where hers said Captain, his said-
“‘Lucky Charm,’” he read aloud, his voice wavering.
“Do you like it?” Willow asked excitedly.
“I love it,” he breathed, running his hand over the stitching. He could tell she did it by hand, she had worked so hard on this for him and he didn’t do anything to deserve it. “It’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever given me.”
“Well, it’s maybe not as nice as your Golden Guard cape but I wanted to thank you,” she said. “You’re a big reason this team is even here, so I wanted to make sure you had a part of it.”
“Thank you, it’s-.” The wind blew and sent a small shiver down Hunter’s spine and out of the corner of his eyes he saw that it had affected Willow as well. It was colder than last night, and seeing Willow slightly shiver made him react without thinking. Instinctively, he put the jacket he held over her shoulders before the reality of what he did caught up with him. Her eyes widened at their closeness and her face quickly went from stunned to smug.
“Is this your way of asking me to wear your jacket?” she asked mischievously.
“What? No! I mean, not ‘no’ but it was because uh,” he sputtered. “I mean, that’s stupid because you already have a jacket. I mean not stupid! I just don’t want you to think I don’t wanna wear it, because I do! But I thought that since you looked cold-.”
“Because I’d love to,” she cut him off, then gently squeezed his hand. He exhaled, his breathing still shaky. “I think it’s only fair, since you got to wear mine.”
He nodded. “Deal,” he said, and followed her lead and he was always happy to do. He didn’t need to tell her what people might think because he didn’t care. He liked having something of Willow’s and he liked the idea that she had something of his.
“So, how do I look?” She said, twirling around in his jacket leaving it draped around her shoulders like a cape.
“Cute,” he said without thinking because it was true and they both blushed. They were both so focused on concealing their own face they didn’t notice the other’s. It was getting darker, usually they had left by now. But with double overtime and the exchanging of jackets, timekeeping just wasn’t a priority. “But uh, we should get going before your dads get too worried.” He was always so focused on what her dads thought when he was involved.
“Right,” she said as she began walk. She picked up her bag and struggled to sling it over her shoulder as she usually did, wanting to keep the aesthetic of the jacket on her shoulders. Hunter reached out to take the bag from her to carry it for her but she misunderstood his intention and transferred the bag into her other hand and slipped her free one into his and they continued to walk. He didn’t correct her, he tried not to react lest she misunderstand and decide to take her hand back. Be he imagined the sight of them: walking hand in hand in one another’s matching jackets and he held her hand more firmly. It felt so natural but so scary at the same time.
He hoped this part was a permanent addition to their after game routine.
Gilbert and Harvey watched fondly from the window as their daughter strolled down the path hand in hand with her escort.
“He’s wearing her jacket,” sang Harvey as he sipped his cup of tea.
“Seems she took a page from your book,” responded Gilbert with a light chuckle, sipping his.
“They look cute together,” his husband whispered endearingly and then looked closer. “Oh my titan, I think they’re-.”
“-holding hands,” Harvey finished, taking in the sight with fondness. “That’s a page from your book.”
“I’m gonna turn on the porch lights on when they get to the door,” said Gilbert mischievously, running to the front door.
“Oh please, Gilbert don’t embarrass the poor girl!” His husband called after, secretly loving the thrill.
“She’s wearing his jacket too,” he responded peeking through the curtains.
“Let’s open the door when the walk up,” decided Harvey, remembering a similar situation back when they were that age. They rushed to the door utterly giddy, trying to keep their voices hushed. They had been looking forward to this day for so long.
“We should ask him to stay for dinner and wear our old flyer derby jackets.”
“Let’s pace ourselves dear,” laughed Harvey. “I think we’ll have plenty of opportunities to scare the poor boy.”
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white-collar-cannibal · 7 months
!! mutuals who are insane about frank. send me ideas for this post !!
fell down a hole. and now i have thoughts about gl!frank :( yes i know. hear me out. hear me out.
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this is his file from ep 3! some of it we'll disregard cause it's just there to be funny but we can get from the reading of it on during the sneegsnag episode three reaction video/vod that he's from new york, travelled to japan, thailand and cambodia, studied at an unknown university of fine art and is a painter (and makes nail polish sculptures???), has tattoos from college and. was not chill w/ austin. ("was very suspicious of the person on the right" -> austin was on the right from him to us on the carousel)
DUBIOUSLY CANON???: listen it's genloss i'm well within my right to take the silly goofy haha joke and make it real and heartbreaking. it's what we do here. gl!frank and gl!sneeg were gay as hell before frank died. (i promise there's themes and motifs to dissect there. politics even if you think about showfall as a corporation. especially if you read it so that charlie and sneeg were taken as children and raised by showfall. consider it i beg.) gl!sneeg during tse and other shows post frank dying is under heavy amounts of showfall filter to make him believe frank's still alive and talking to him. gl!ranboo is also being filtered to see him as fully skeletonized when he's actually in an earlier (grosser) state of decay. love-hate relationship with horses because he's an artist. short king. swore like a sailor. liked to steal gl!sneeg's hat to wear.
WHAT: no canon precedent i just. there are little versions of these characters running around in my brain and i'm observing them like it's my phD thesis. gl!niki and gl!frank were very good friends because gl!niki was so fucked up by showfall she pack bonded with the first other person to go "hey showfall's fucked up? they're fucked up actually." she got big time gender envy from him. she always remembers that he's dead. he was an anarchist and was constantly dealing with leftist infighting before showfall. he is trying his best in showfall to get the cast in one unified front and failing. so bad. showfall typecast him as the "cool guy" and they made him smoke. he fucking hated it but he still smoked whenever off set since there was no point in trying to quit while at showfall cause they kept making him do it. bisexual. embroiled in so so much relationship drama pre-showfall because of his dubious taste in dates. got a jfk pulled on him when he died for the last time.
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prnanxiety · 23 days
Fucking fuming, pacing my apartment while I try to think and type right now.
We had a patient admit to our unit this morning. Just came here after an incidence of violence towards a professional in an outside hospital's ER. We're accepting him to see how he is mentally, because he's currently on parole, and if they try to press charges does he need to go back to prison.
Whatever, been there done that. We accept the patient and he's assigned to a float staff nurse, someone who goes from facility to facility. I know him, I've seen him here plenty of times. Though, I'm not sure how many times I've seen him working on the acute unit with me.
The float nurse assigned to him, though, just fucking did not recognize the risk in this patient. Guy's been in maximum security prison for more than 10 years, after being in and out of prison since age 13. Out on parole a few months ago, he's been homeless and trying desperately to reintegrate into society but has no fucking clue what he's supposed to be doing.
The patient is visibly irritated on admission because he feels like he's being ignored, and because the floatie cut the personal rubber wristband off his wrist, instead of sliding it off like a fucking normal human being. I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around why floatie did that, but it clearly had some personal value to the patient so I asked floatie nicely to at least get it out of the trash and store it with the patient's personal belongings.
Then we go in for the skin check, and floatie isn't fucking saying anything, so I have to start explaining to the patient what a skin check is and why we're doing it because I'm a fucking professional who understands how anxiety works. Also, we're about to go into a small room with this patient, and this patient is fucking jacked. Like, actually visible swole as hell. The classic "Could easily hurt someone at a moment's notice" kind of situation.
So we're doing the skin check, and it's over. And what does floatie do? He hands the patient the involuntary paperwork. Aaaaaand, that's it. Just hands this guy the paperwork.
I. Will. Always. Hate. Nurses. Who. Refuse. To. Read. The. Involuntary. Paperwork. To. The. Patient. I cannot wrap my head around they don't do it. If the patient is involuntary, the number one concern of that patient is going to be "when do I get to leave?" If they don't understand fully well what's going on, and they misunderstand something in that paperwork, and their nurse isn't talking to them about it? They're not going to find out the difference for a few days. And once they find out, "Oh, discharge doesn't end at x hours, it ends when the doctor says it does, which means I'm not only not leaving today, I have no idea when I'm leaving." And they flip shit, sometimes violently.
At this point, I have determined floatie is a fucking moron who isn't used to working with acutely ill, violent patients. I have to fucking take the paperwork out of floatie's hand and show a specific clause in the paperwork to the patient. "See this part where it says we may report anything you say or do as evidence at your trial, if you have a trial? This also works in your favor. If you're calm cool and collected and cooperating with staff, that all looks great on you in civil court." The patient visibly calms down, and starts thoughtfully asking questions about how the involuntary works.
I also made some prescient observations about the state the guy was in when he came here; a whole lot of personal numbers, written on receipts and even folded up paper cups he got while out on the streets. I offer to him "Hey, before we lock all this up in your bin, lets transcribe all the papers down onto some copy paper for you." The patient loves the idea. Some are personal numbers of loved ones who still care about him after leaving prison, some are important numbers like counselors and his parole officer. We're helping to keep him complicit or compliant or whatever the legal term is by doing this, and he knows it, because he desperately wants to make sure he doesn't go back to jail.
I engaged with the patient a lot this afternoon by doing that. We talked, we listened to music, I heard him tell tall tale after tall tale after tall tale; they were almost all lies, sure, but they were more like embellishments as a result of low self esteem.
The whole time I'm doing this, I'm actively building rapport with him! That's the whole fucking point! Because he starts telling me about what happened at the outside hospital with the impending assault charge.
Long story short, the patient got pissed off and agitated in their ER because of a stolen item and started to shout. The note from the ER also says "the patient tried to tie a sheet around his neck," but I don't bring that up with the patient in the moment; I want to hear his version. And, in his version, a bunch of doctors and security officers approach him while he's in his room, and he's afraid for his life because he's got PTSD from being in prison and all. And, in his version, the security officers rush at him without warning. And the medical professional comes at the patient's face with a needle, and the patient punches at the professional in self defense.
While I'm listening, I'm making notes in my head. I already know the patient isn't telling me everything, because I've seen the note from their ED, and I know there's got to be security footage to back whatever was said. The security officers, for example, may not have been moving that fast at all, but the patient could have had tunnel vision. The professional with the needle may have been going for the patient's shoulder, but it would be easy to read that as going for the face in the moment, if someone is in a therapeutic hold. And the patient repeats a few times "I would have been willing to take oral medication if they offered it to me."
I don't know if that's true, because I wasn't there. But, I offer to the patient that that may very well be true. So I reiterate, hey, please approach us if you're starting to get pissed off and agitated. Last thing we want to do is see you get involved in any kind of violence on this unit, or trouble with your parole officer, and so on. The patient talks a bit on some tangents, but they agree it's a good idea.
The recipe to earn trust is so, so simple. You tell someone you're going to do something, and then you do it. This patient has offered us an opportunity to earn his trust. If and when he starts to get aggressive, offer him the oral meds. If he takes them, great! He's showing self control! Excellent argument in his defense of whatever legal issue he's in the middle of. But if we go straight into an injection now, we ruin any trust and cooperation with him we could have had.
While all this is going on, there's so many simple things this patient is asking floatie to do, that floatie just fucking is not doing. The patient, who is calm and cooperative and amicable, asked his nurse for permission to shave with some clippers. Floatie doesn't fucking send the doctor a message. The patient asks about his own scheduled regimen. I tell him it's a single mood stabilizer. Patient says no, that's totally inappropriate, he's normally one four every night and we can get the information from the department of corrections as well as the counseling center thing that he comes from. Floatie doesn't fucking do anything. So I have to call the doctor, for this idiot floatie, to report the issue. Night doctor reports being willing to look into it. I also tell the doctor the patient need's a doctor's permission to shave with clippers. Doctor doesn't put the nurse's order in, on the grounds that they're a night doctor and they haven't met the patient and they're worried about the propensity for violence. Doesn't matter that I've been talking with this patient all day, he's calm and cooperative, and wants very much to help the nursing staff with things. Perfectly respectful all day, just wants to shave so he looks good for seeing his loved ones, and maybe the judge if it comes to that. No dice.
At this point I fucking hate floatie and the doctor. Shift ends, Floatie goes to give report, floatie comes back and shoulder taps me for report. I walk in there and the nurses stop and laugh together. "We were told you gave that patient a little bell, you've been at his beck and call all day." I started ranting right there about the obvious threat this patient posed to the staff and other patients, as well as himself, that I picked up on within just a brief introduction to this patient, and have been working all day to make sure the patient just talks to us instead of flipping his shit and making his situation worse for himself and everyone else. That wiped the smile off their faces.
The thing is, as I was walking out into the hall, I heard a door slam and some angry shouting. It was, of course, the patient I'd been fucking taking care of all day. Patient is in his room, making his bed, fuming in anger. I ask him whats up, please tell me, I want to talk with him about whatever happened. Patient tells me (not in these words) "hey, you know that bible you gave me earlier? the one I have to share with that other patient because there was only one in the moment?" Yeah, sure. "He fucking put the bible down his pants.
This other patient he's talking about has a brain fried from too many drugs, and I've been monitoring him all day. It's exactly what he would do, I believe it. Patient is religious, and who wouldn't be after spending the majority of their life and all of their formative years incarcerated? Guy's in his room, fuming, but also apologizing to me and starting to come down. "I'm sorry about slamming the door, I tried to grab it after I swung it, I'm sorry," etc. I forget if we talked about oral meds in that moment or not. But as I walked out of his room, and the night nurses were coming on, I pointed the situation out to them. "This is what I've been recognizing all day, and this is why I've been over here. Now it's up to you." They thanked me, and I was out the door.
I am, in fact, worried that I'm going to come back in tomorrow morning and find out he attacked a staff member or another patient because nobody was taking the situation seriously. Guy's at such a pivotal period in his life, where he could either be supported and reenter society or given up on and sent to rot in penitentiary for life. We're supposed to be professionals, we're doing this because it's not a punishment, it's to help them. So if we don't fucking help the patients when they need us, and we just fucking neglect them, what are we doing?
Ahh, well, writing this out at least calmed me down for the most part. I'm still mad, but I can get to sleep.
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azuraskys · 2 years
WOOO REQUESTS FORMALLY OPEN!!!! i would like to ask about urbosa, link and revali with an S/O thats suuuuper into bugs. studying, pinning, collecting, whole shebang. tysm <3
Hello! It's me, Azura Mobile.
I really love unique requests like this! You guys have no idea. I also love the art of pinning bugs, especially beetles and butterflies, along with dragonflies. There's just something so ~aesthetic~ about pinned bugs! Haha.
Anywho, I'll get on with the headcanons!
With an S/O who loves everything bugs
Urbosa is honestly very indifferent to bugs. She's not freaked out by them, but she's also not very fond of them, either. She just sees them as any other creature, going about their lives in the ecosystem.
However, the Gerudo Desert is home to a lot of very fascinating critters. Here, beetles, crickets, spiders, and- of course- scorpions call the sands their home, hiding beneath the ground to avoid the hot sun.
If her S/O wanted to go looking for a specific specimen to capture and take back, she would ask her assistants/servants in the palace if they know anything about it. She would also direct her S/O to any entomology encyclopedias within the palace library, offering to read it for them if they couldn't read the Gerudo language.
Anytime her S/O wanted to go out and explore to look for bugs, she'd make sure they were joined by guards and assistants to carry any supplies, as well as provide shade from the sun.
When Urbosa joins her S/O on their search for bugs and any fascinating specimens, she would ask them all kinds of questions about the creatures they'd spot. The way they just explode into facts and thoughts makes her feel so happy.
Urbosa would definitely provide her S/O with their own little study/lab for pinning and observing bugs. Her personal favorite would be the ant farm, if they had one. She finds their ability to dig such intricate spaces pretty amazing!
Her favorite bug fact that her S/O told her was that dragonflies have up to a 95% kill rate when hunting prey, due to their extreme aerial predatory abilities!
Would totally buy her S/O a gorgeous dragonfly hairpin made of emeralds. It looks like an Electric Darner!
She totally has a ton of pinned bugs in frames hanging up in her room. People ask about them, and she just says "Amazing, aren't they? S/O put these together for me. I'm so proud of them."
Link would most likely join his S/O in their fascination. He likes to observe pretty much anything, so if his S/O called him over to look at this one super cool beetle, he'd be stoked.
In fact, he actually likes collecting bugs himself! Although... It's more for elixirs. Either way, if he ever caught a bug to use in an elixir, he'd totally let his S/O check out first. Link would also always go to his S/O if he needed help finding a particular creature to use. After all, they're practically a walking directory!
I think Link would like ladybugs. Sure, he finds stag beetles super cool, but ladybugs remind him of his S/O. They're unique, just like them!
He'd want to try pinning bugs with his S/O. His first try would probably be catastrophically bad, but hey! That one wing is in a super good position!
Since Link is super agile and fast, you can depend on him to catch anything! If his S/O was having a hard time getting a bug into a jar, he'd become determined to get it for them.
Link would join his S/O in the castle library while they studied all the bug encyclopedias. He'd fall asleep, but he still enjoyed it.
His S/O wants to go to a specific part of Hyrule to look for this one super cool bug they can't get normally? Adventure!
Link doesn't have arachnophobia! So he likes to hold spiders in his hands while his S/O absolutely studies the hell out of it. "Stay still and let's see if it makes a web in your hand- oh! It is! Look at that, Link!!"
His S/O should expect a lot of gifts. And by gifts I mean this bug he has in his hand, right now.
I'm so sorry, but at first, Revali hates bugs. Loathes them. But, he loves his S/O too much to be vocal about it, most of the time.
Of course he'd find his S/O's fascination endearing, but the subject matter; he just can't understand why anyone would like those- okay, that inchworm is pretty cute.
He would start to be indifferent towards bugs the more his S/O told him about them. "You mean to tell me there are over 300,000 species of beetle? That's... That's fascinating."
One time, when he was with the other Champions on a mission, he casually pointed out a very specific bug that landed on Link and said "S/O told me about these," with a big sense of pride.
I think there would be a time where Revali asks Zelda if he could take back some entomology books from the castle library (because their library is the most extensive!) for his S/O, just for a bit. I think she would find that very endearing.
For some reason, I feel like Revali would like moths! Specifically the very fluffy ones. If his S/O ever came across one and pinned it for him, he wouldn't mind keeping it at all!
He actually finds the art/science of pinning bugs to be very interesting and delicate work. Revali would like hearing all the tips and tricks from his S/O, even if he didn't really plan on doing it himself.
I think Revali would also like fireflies. A jar of fireflies, just sitting on a table in their home at night while his S/O studied them, would make him feel warm inside.
Revali would gift his S/O a gorgeous leather bound journal so they can write down all of their findings. It would have a string bookmark, with a charm of their favorite bug, complete with decorative feathers.
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deadlysoupy · 11 months
hey ther I think that you are really cool and I really appreciate you [thumbs up and whipping sfx]
So ask meme thing and also just general questions:
What’s an alt-mode you’d like to see represented in Transformers media?
What’s a Transformers character you see yourself connected to? Alternatively what character is furthest from you.
and Favorite and Least Favorite combiner? (25 and 26) [Looks at you with my big ol’ eyes]
you like me?? 😳😳😳😳😳 *runs away and disappears into the forest*
ty so much whoever you are i think you're cool too 😭
What's an alt-mode you'd like to see represented in Transformers media?
i just realised i think there was never a bus alt-mode. imagine a peaceful or neutral Cybertronian chilling on Earth observing humans letting them ride around. it's cute!!! design-wise i'm no artist but it could look weird so i see how it can work out badly or ugly. i would like an oc like that tho
plus a train railway or something. i read Hearts of Steel a couple of days ago and the designs were sooooo beautiful, sort of a steampunk aesthetic, so old trains and plains look amazing
What's a Transformer character you see yourself connected to?
there are probably a couple. i've only just started reading MTMTE and so far Tailgate seems most like me. small and round and a lil dumb (in a good way)
also there's Thundercracker who has such a funny name i can't keep a straight face when i see it 😭 but honestly same. he has a doggie, a (debatable) girlfriend, he likes movies and stories, he hates war, like yeah. i get it. his overall character is a little bit off from me personally but his motivation is good. i like da blue
What character is furthest from you
hnnngh Starscream. he reminds me of teenagers who appear to be best at everything, boasting left and right, but when push comes to shove they abandon people they care about or make things worse. which is ok! everyone has flaws. but as people we don't compute. but in fiction his type is probably my second favorite archetype, you can do a lot things with them! they're usually the most interesting to show, with moral ambiguity and contradictions. that's what a character has to be. to me
Favorite combiner(s)
i talked about the Dinobots and Bruticus already but i'm glad i get an ask like this again because i forgot about Defensor!!! and how could i!!!! they protect Earth, they're cool as individuals, just sweet guys. my kind of crew you know. they don't appear much but i like themb
Least favorite combiner(s)
ok lmao i know it's late for a reveal like this but the idea of all these Transformers combining into one is not for me. i don't hate them, but it seems so... overpowered. i get giants dudes like Metroplex, he's a city, that's different, but having power to combine is cheating. idk i never liked that idea, same with fusions from Steven Universe, it undermines their personalities and makes them insignificant. so all of the combiners go into this category as well as the favourite ones lmao
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Not sure if you've already answered this before but ! I haven't seen this question pop onto your blog yet so here i am asking! How did Tom and Jesse first meet? Was it a classic case of "Oh hey new neighbor!", or was it moreso "Hey Tom meet this rlly cool person I met :D"? And how did their ''confession'' play out? Like who confessed first, how did they do it, so on and so forth.
[Is this okay to ask ?? Like you can totally 100% disregard this ahah]
:000!!! HELLOOOO IM SO GLAD U ASKED HEHRHS I'M SO EXCITED I'm gonna put this on read more heheh it's very long :'D I'm gonna be so indulgent and cringe watch me
nobody actually asked me yet, until you!! SO THANK UUU EHEH I actually recently managed to come up with an idea so yES I do have a story for how they actually met!!! I had this discussed with my buddy so I'll copy paste that info here!! :DD
• jesse meets them at a yard/garage sale because edd and tom finally said "matt ur shit is clogging our house we're going to sell your stuff now"
• AS IF MATT COULD FIGHT BACK they eventually have a yard sale and while his stuff is being displayed outside matt tries to switch his items with tom and edd's items so that THEIR stuff would (hopefully) be sold instead
• jesse walks by their house and the first thing she hears is matt crying, and then the shitty drawn yard sale banner (courtesy of edd but it still looks horrible LMAO) but hey when there's stuff to sell why not go check it out
• so, she among some random people look at the stuff being sold.... half of the items are just any variation of matt's face... edd and tom attends to her because they're the ones hosting. edd greets her.
• "hello!! feel free to look around, let me know if- hEY — MATT STOP SWITCHING YOUR STUFF WITH MINE-" and then edd runs to matt and fights with him and she's left with tom
• it was, very quiet. he probably doesn't care enough to say smth damn but she tries to strike a convo.
"any good items you could reccomend?"
he looks back at her. "oh sure, yeah it's over there"
• she goes there and sees the checkered pattern bass on sale, its patched up but it looks pretty cool anyways. "how much is this, sir?"
"the prize is just there" he didn't look yet
"it looks pretty expensive for it just be sold like that.... it looks customized as well"
• and then tom realizes MATT PLACED HIS GUITAR ON THE STAND
• he runs to her and, forcibly grabs it away from her. after realizes his brash movement he quickly apologizes
• "i-uh. sorry. that's actually mine. that guy crying over there decided to switch my stuff with his because he didn't wanna ~lose his toy collection~" he was so salty in that last phrase, and crosses his arms
"you play the bass?" she asks
"oh, yeah. how did you know it was a bass?"
"i like music too, y'know? I'm not bland" she awkwardly cracks a joke, but her cute giggle was enough
• he laughs back, "I'm surprised you know that" he's a little impressed. pretty good first impression on her part
• after their short but nice exchange, she excuses herself to keep browsing some more items, tom still had his bass on his hand. he went back to his original spot but decided to observe her on his chair while he tried to strum his bass out of boredom. he thinks she's kinda cool after being able to differentiate an electric guitar with a bass
• she finds an item she likes and decides that she should buy it. she goes back to tom, who was still all by himself because matt and edd still be WRESTLING
• "id like to get this one!" she hands the item to him.
"oh, yeah sure."
• she nods, and pulls out her wallet. oh no, she's a few coins and money short uUH OH NO she panics
"oh. oh dear"
• "I, uh. I'm a little short on money" her anxiety got the better of her and she starts to try to look in her pockets if she had some spare while frantically rambling to herself
she was in awkward misery in his eyes, so he tries to save it
"wait, I can hold this item for you!" he tries to calm her. she pauses and looks back at him. "you can?"
• "i-i mean. yeah! me and my friend are running this, so why can't I make my own rules too?" not that he knows if this is even a possible rule in selling but since she seemed pretty sweet, he thought to make an excuse for her
• "oh, that's such a relief, thank you!!" she places her wallet back. "ill come back here tomorrow with the right money, I promise!!"
• "nah, it's all good. heck I've had it worse when my friend bought other stuff instead of nails when we tried to build something" he motions back at matt, behind him
• she notices matt, he's sitting and bound to the chair with ropes to keep him restrained from doing his shit again
"is he always like this?"
"don't mind it." tom tries to shift topic
• "since I'll be saving this item for you, can I get your name?" he grabs a random piece of paper and pen and hands it to her
• "ah, right. one moment!" she scribbles her name down. her handwriting is neat and pretty
•" 'jesse payton' nice. tom ridley by the way." he extends his hand to hers, and she responds by giving him a gentle handshake
• "it was nice seeing you! I'll be back tomorrow again!" she slowly backs up and waves a goodbye at him
he waves back at her, his guitar still in hand
"nice guitar by the way, you should take good care of it before it gets sold again!" she teased
"pfft. yeah that won't happen again!"
and there she left, he still watched her leave and then looked at the little paper
"you're pretty cool, jesse" (<333 UEUEUEUE CRYING)
edd comes back with a rope and scissors from trying to rope matt back. "did you sell anything?"
"no, but I did get a name and number"
edd frowns back at him. "that's not money"
"give me a break, edd"
ANDDD THATS HOW THEY METTT HEHE I still didn't figure out how they confessed, but tom most definitely fell in love first, and then she did much later. he also confessed first!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺💓💓💓💞💞
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
Hey, I came across your fic and I really like the character reader has. I feel in a lot of fics characters can be unrealistic and not down to earth. He/she is very calm fresh breeze in Jk’s life. That’s a nice dynamic. Also thanks for not making Jungkook a royal douche. The part of YN noticing changes in Jk’s behavior and being mindful really shows their observant and introspective character. It would be cool if more background details were present. You mentioned the favorite sweater, mini details like this could make it more 3-D. Something like describing the ambiance would make more emotions apparent and lead people reading to be able to connect to the scene more. This makes smoother transition in scenes.
I really am loving this concept and look forward to seeing your thoughts and updates!! 💗
Could I ask why “To What We Were Before, And All The Things After” is named that?
Cause in my mind it just makes me think that this is going to be a “hey to treat me differently- I like that so I’m going to hang out with you-oops I think I feel something- denial of the highest level- and cue “And All The Things After” type of thing”
Any other ideas for the title you had? (Just curiously asking)
Take your time and reply if you can~
(Let me think of a cool anonymous name)
-Bubbles 🫧
BUBBLES!! Come here for a forehead kiss!!!
Tumblr media
more under the cut cuz she’ll be long
Hey, I came across your fic and I really like the character reader has. I feel in a lot of fics characters can be unrealistic and not down to earth. He/she is very calm fresh breeze in Jk’s life. That’s a nice dynamic.
thank you!! Though I will be the first to admit that I love unrealistic, whimsical, over the top stories. This one just didn’t feel like that vibe so I love that you noticed that!
Also thanks for not making Jungkook a royal douche.
this made me laugh. But I’m glad you like that JK isn’t a douche. You may or may not find out why later on 👀. And I’m the first to admit I’m not great by any means at writing douchey characters yet, so maybe I’ll write one in the future as sort of a challenge. 
The part of YN noticing changes in Jk’s behavior and being mindful really shows their observant and introspective character.
YN is strong in herself but kind above all else first. I think that’s how everyone should start off, but unfortunately it’s getting rarer and rarer these days, so I’m happy it’s apparent
It would be cool if more background details were present. You mentioned the favorite sweater, mini details like this could make it more 3-D. Something like describing the ambiance would make more emotions apparent and lead people reading to be able to connect to the scene more. This makes smoother transition in scenes.
holy woah, thanks for the feedback! it’s always lovely to get nicely put constructive criticism. Versus like a “you should do this because it would be better” you actually wrote why, and I really appreciate that.
Funny enough, I like to keep smaller details like that to a minimum// vague, to let the reader (you guys, not OC) have full creative control. If I do add them, it’s because they’re specifically required for the context of a scene (ie: wearing a sweater and tights to show the changing of seasons). But I do this because when I read stories that offer too many details - not that there is anything wrong with that - just for me personally, it’s off putting. 
ex: if you are someone who reads reader inserts and pictures yourself as the reader, and I write in that the OC wears skirts, but you don’t. It takes you out of the moment, because there’s a touch of “oh wait, but I don’t do that.” and this is 100% because of my college scriptwriting classes(film student). It’s where I learned almost all of my writing background/information, and in scriptwriting you don’t add in details like that at all, so adding them in is new for me. I have to remember to put them in, if that makes sense.
That being said, I’ll be mindful in the future of trying to add in more details like that to round out the scenes and make transitions flow better! I’ve only written for myself twice in my life, this story being the second time, so any advice like this is always welcome as I don’t have nearly the practice other seasoned writers do. But hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere!☺
I really am loving this concept and look forward to seeing your thoughts and updates!! 💗
Yay!!! I’m thrilled. I wanted to write a royalty au where the royalty part wasn’t the important part of the story, but just something that adds to the plot. I want them to be the story
Could I ask why “To What We Were Before, And All The Things After” is named that?
I’m shit at names and it seemed like the coolest one. It sums up the story decently, and is eyecatching (to me) so I kept with it
Cause in my mind it just makes me think that this is going to be a “hey to treat me differently- I like that so I’m going to hang out with you-oops I think I feel something- denial of the highest level- and cue “And All The Things After” type of thing”
you’re on the right wavelength, but it’s a much bigger frequency than this. I’m about a third of the way done writing and I’m at around 80K if that gives you context.
And I just want to sneak in here that first and foremost this is a story I’m writing for myself, so even if it was that down to the letter, I think that’s okay too!!
Any other ideas for the title you had? (Just curiously asking)
“To what we once we and all the things after” and that’s it. Just that one and the one I used. I usually just wait for it to come to mind and then I’ll play other options off that. But I’m not someone who can name things off the bat. The name grows as the story does. In my computer I just have it labelled as “Dream” because the idea came from a dream, characters and all. 
and, scene!
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lightprkdraws · 1 year
Hey, system here. I’m sorry people are giving you shit. Your AU is cool. Anons, claiming DID is proven to be formed only one way is irresponsible and incorrect. It is only a very common trait, it is NOT necessary to form from trauma or during early adolescence. Acting like research into DID is good enough to be definitive is destructive, because there is so little of it, and it is thought of as very misunderstood even among professionals. The guy who literally named it DID and had it reclassified as a dissociative disorder instead of a personality disorder thinks it’s not even real. There’s so little research into plurality in general that there are psychiatrists who’ve never even heard of it. Not to mention restricting plurality to just DID is not only harmful to systems that have OSDD/UDD, but also to the many varied experiences outside of disordered plurality, such as observed cultural practices. By pretending plurality is a straight forward and singular experience, you restrict your community to an admittedly small percentage. We do not move forward in society by infighting and ignorance, please try to read more diverse research that doesn’t play into your confirmation bias.
Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot, truly
It might be more constructive for me to sit with the idea and do more research on it before posting anything more
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Time passes.
Yesterday i had one of the best saturdays i can remember for a long time.  I went out to meet my crazy brit friend downtown.  we met up at noon.  we first went to get a lobster roll cause i’ve been craving one.  then we walked over to “the club”, a social club that he’s a part of.  it’s funny he used to talk about it when we worked together and i always wondered what the deal was about it.  it’s super cool.  if i was even close to being downtown i’d want to join as it was quite nice.  very posh and i guess fancy lol.  
we hang up our coats then proceed upstairs.  first he showed me the library, a great big room full of plush leather couches with foot rests, a large fireplace with a couch, some desks.  the walls are floor to ceiling books.  the east windows face out where you can see the art institute, the bean, the lake.  there were a few people in there quietly reading.
so then we go to like “living room” type place that literally has 4 huge flat screen tvs with couches and tables.  a little further down there are like dining tables and chairs and a bar.  we take a seat near the windows.  there’s a menu and we have a few drinks and chat and laugh the day away.  he’s super good at guessing people’s ages and i am not lol.  there is no payment here, you just write down your membership number and you get charged later.  super posh lol.  my drink was some sort of basically chocolate/espresso martini.  crazy brit gets a drink called the “thirst trap” lol that’s made with gin.  Gin and i have a bad past so that’s a no for me lol.
we get feeling a little bit chilly and unfortunately the fireplace in the area we are in isn’t working.  so, he asked the staff if they could possibly light the one in the library.  we bring our drinks there and sit in front of a grand fireplace.  the library is thankfully empty.  he goes through the “matches” i have on my dating app and we message a few.  when i say “we” i guess it was he messaging as me.  it was fun and we had a hilarious time there.  until a curmudgeon of a lady came it at some point and we didn’t even notice cause our backs are to the rest of the room.  we were there first laughing our faces off and talking about who would die first in the apocalypse when we hear a “HEY!  There are plenty of other places to drink your cocktails” from way across the room.  Ew, what a biatch am i right?  She apparently was thinking we should have known she had walked in.  ugh her rudeness bothers me even today.  what about a “hey! i dunno if you saw me come in but can you please keep it down?”  
Anyways after that we leave and then walk down aways.  he goes, have you ever been at the bar at the palmer house?  Uh no?  ok then let’s go.  we sit at the bar there and i’m just drinking water at this point and he has a couple more drinks.  but then i get hungry so i get a bbq chicken flatbread pizza.  we observe and talk about and talk to the people all around us and have a great time.
he is like my designated hype person.  every time i talk or hang out with him i feel like i can do anything.  i don’t feel quite as broken.  we go through old pictures and he tells me “i always thought you were a costume person” LOL.  the whole day i didn’t pay for a dime except my parking.  well i know he makes a ton more than i do, lol, i so i guess it’s fine.  like probably double, so he can afford it lol. 
but it was a super fun day of talking and laughing and day drinking and i would love to have that again lol.  i would love to meet and actually date someone i could have just as much fun with and laugh with.  
for example one of the people i’m texting....  i sent him a picture of the roaring fire and said I’m at hogwarts casino.  and he said, oh i’ve never been there, where is that?  and we answered Platform 9 and 3/4s.  and he said In IL?  and we responded Kings Crossing.  i felt quasi mean, but we were joking this whole time and this guy has no idea.  which means he has possibly never watched harry potter?  or just not the brightest lightbulb in the tool shed?  i don’t know.  i guess i could just say i don’t know if i’d be laughing my face off with him talking about life and the ridiculous.
partner that with the fact that he doesn’t really engage in any conversation or answer or ask any questions besides “when can we meet?”  like why do you even want to meet me, dude, you have no idea if we have anything in common or would get along whatsoever.  i’ve offered to chat on the phone a couple times and he never does.  i mentioned that today and he called while i was driving, but i swear to you the phone rang just like 3 times.  probably not even long enough to go to voice mail.
i dunno, i guess i should just pay attention to those red flags and disengage from that guy.
anyways by the time i head back to my car at the parking garage it’s almost 8 pm. lol.  got home by 830 and in bed by 9 or so like my usual oldy moldy self.  day drinking is fun! LOL.  for some reason i thought drinking was only late at night (which would totally disrupt my sleep schedule lol).  so it was great to remember that this is an option!
oh yes, work is a tire fire.  the tire fire that continues on.  i really need to go over my resume and find something else.
last week one evening i spoke on the phone with leo for an hour talking about relationships and trying to cheer her up.  another night i spoke to cancer and asked her what traits she thought were good for me to search for in another person.  so i guess it’s nice to be keeping in touch with friends and be there for each other
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newluddite · 2 years
Time for some time.
I just read a BBC article (stream?) on the mystery of time. The quick version is Newton's equations (F=M*A type of thing) do not require time. Or more specifically work equally well with positive or negative time. Expanding to Quantum Physics it is sort of the same thing. Time does not need to have a direction. Positive and negative work very well with those equations.
Except time does matter in the real world and that is the "mystery". Why does all of physics but one area not care it time flows one way or the other? I just mentioned Entropy in my previous post so is the universe trying to tell me something? Entropy is from Thermodynamics and that is where time must have a direction. Entropy is a bitch.
It must be a slow day when physics and entropy make a major news stream. I mean there is a major war and several climate disasters to talk about. Is this just a thinking person's distraction? Hey it distracted me. I have been known to think too much.
So is time real? One interpretation is that time is not real but a perception by us carbon life forms and everything that has happened or will happen exists in a zero time space thing. Emphasis on INTERPRETATION. That means people are puzzling it out. Full pretzel brain mode.
Sometimes I wonder as I will think of something "out of the blue" say like a scene from a movie I like and then in a few days guess what shows up on TV. Such an interpretation is very risky as it leads to the idea of fate. Let's not go there as it is sticky and probably wrong.
OK here goes Entropy. It is the explanation for the fact that heat flows in one direction. It goes from hot things to cool things. It never flows from cool things to hot things without interference. That is the only place in science that has a solid irreversible direction. Entropy is a measure of that and reflects in a very gross way the randomness of things. A cloud of dust will never just assemble itself into a rock. A rock will fall off a mountain and break up and make a lot of dust. A cloud of gas will spread out and disperse and never assemble itself into a compressed volume of liquid and put itself in a metal tank. Not going to happen ever!
OK do NOT go into planet and star formation cuz that is really different. No, just one step in the process, not an isolated thing.
My take on all this is that all the bits of science are true. But all those bits are mathematical models of what we observe and they are NOT the thing. Physics is not the reason that a ball falls when dropped. The ball just falls and physics is the math that lets you calculate it.
Actually there are two different models for that falling thing and one is very weird. That's the relativity thing that fuzzy haired German guy figured out.
So do not get all wound up with models. They are not the thing just us trying to put numbers to it. We will never encompass the thing, but we will have useful tools to let us work with it. That is why no matter how deep we go and how complex and beautiful the math is it will never expose the entire truth. Mystery is eternal.
Embrace the mystery.
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