viaphni · 6 months
this scene.... i am literally losing my mind
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bewitchedfeathers · 4 months
Dust and Cold - Sick V/ox and Allergic Al/astor (Rad/iostatic)
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Authors notes: (Credit to my RP partner for some of the Alastor’s sneeze spellings! Thanks darling!)
I imagine the Z's in their sneezes are static sounds. I hope you enjoy!
“Well at least I wasn’t taken down by the common…cuh…heh'iiKSCHH! eh'TSCHhu! heh'iiiiZZSCHHUEE,” he lowered the handkerchief from his face enough that he could dab carefully underneath his pink tinged nose, “the common cold.” He leaned back in his high backed chair and tried to look unaffected.
“Yeah dust allergies are much more dignified,” Vox retorted from the couch opposite Alastor, voice gravelly and rough from his illness.
“I am not allergic to anything. It is merely abominably dusty in h-here with Niffty on vacation,” He finished with a pointed look to Charlie who had just appeared in the doorway.
“She works so hard for the hotel! She deserved that vacation and it was so good of you to give it to her,” she said with a bright encouraging smile that did nothing to raise the dour energy in the room. “And its only for another two days.”
“Hear that Al, you’ll only have to…hahhh…have to….Hahhh’AZZzshuhh…hh’EZzSHUHHh…SNF have to deal with your terrible dust allergies for two more days,” Vox snarked back between sneezing into his fist. He grabbed a few tissues from the box tucked next to him where he was sprawled and cleaned himself up.
“I don’t have allergies,” Alastor sniffed primly, which immediately set him sneezing again. “Hih-IkkTshiuew…hh’hih’ITZZzzShiew. Snf. Surely other members of the hotel are similarly affected. In fact your cold is probably being worsened just by being here and it’d be better for you to leave.”
Charlie froze and looked awkwardly away from Alastor at the mention of others being effected by the dust. A sure sign that Alastor was alone in his sensitivity to dust, whether he admitted it existed or not. 
Vox rolled his eyes, unphased by Alastor’s snarliness. He turned towards his shoulder, away from Charlie, to muffle a coughing fit. It dragged on for a minute sounding rough and forceful, and leaving Vox panting in the aftermath.
“Oh Vox, did you need anything?” Charlie asked, face full of sympathetic concern.
“We’re fine,” Alastor said pointedly (Vox might say possessively). Charlie ignored him and waited for Vox to respond but he waved off her concern with a hand. 
“I’m alright. If I need anything Alastor can summon it for me,” He said with a smug grin to Alastor like he knew the radio demon wouldn’t refute it.
“Only because you are too pitiful to take care of yourself, dear,” Alastor said gazing down his nose at Vox.
Vox’s antennas sparked as he glared at Alastor. “You’re such an asshole.You can never -” he paused to cough before continuing, voice ragged, “-admit to having feelings or something as benign as allergies, even in the happy-Hah’TZZSHHuh.. fucking hotel,” Vox responded snippily.
Alastor’s antlers grew slightly larger as the sound of static filled the room. “It’s the Hazbin Hotel and I don’t have any such weaknesses as…ah-hah…Hih’IKZzZkshiew…” Abruptly the room fell quiet and the heavy feeling of violence disappated as Alastor’s head jolted down into his kerchief. “Hih’IKZZshiew…IKT-zZzzshew….Hih’ih’ihhhh’ZSHIEWW…”
“Gesundheit, Al,” Vox offered placidly, letting the argument go for the moment. 
Alastor blew his nose and then replaced his kerchief with a fresh one with a flick of his fingers tinged green with magic. “Pardon me,” he murmured demurely while he shot Vox a look daring him to say anything.
Vox was distracted by another fit of coughing that he did his best to muffle into his elbow. “Fuck, this is getting ridiculous. Hhh..n-not ahh-again…” he groaned as he slowly built up to another sneeze.
As Vox's eyes fell shut, Alastor's gaze turned slightly softer, tinged with concern. But when Charlie caught it and opened her mouth to comment Alastor shot her a blood curdling look backed by the shriek of microphone feedback. Charlie settled for smiling encouragingly at him instead. 
“Hhhh…hh’huhhh…fuh-fucking heh….hell…” Vox shed a few sneezy tears as the tickle in his sinuses continued to tease him. Alastor noticed Charlie watching Vox succumb to his cold symptoms and felt a need for no one else to see Vox like this. 
“Goodnight, Charlie,” Alastor said pointedly with a glance at the open door, followed by a trio of itchy sounding stifled sneezes. “Hih’TZzsht-IZZshxt-IZZZhew. Pardon me.”
“Gesundheit. Ah, right,” she nodded taking the hint with good humor, “Good night, Alastor. Goodnight, Vox. I hope you're both feeling better in the morning.” She left with a final wave just as Vox launched into a fit of sneezes. Alastor locked the door behind her with a wave of his hand, before turning his attention back to his sick companion.
“Good…huh…goodnight…Huhhh’hhh…HUHhhh’IZZZJSHHHOO…hh’Huh’UhZZZSHHHuhh…hhhhh…hhih…Heh’EIIZZZSHHHeww….” Vox groaned and began mopping himself up, going through quite a few tissues in the process. Alastor grimaced at the pile when Vox was finished and disappeared them with a wave of shadow.
“Gesundheit, dear. Quite the cuhhh-snf cold you managed to catch there,” Alastor commented as he dabbed at his nose. “Would you care for some tea?” 
“Thadks, Al. Tea sou’ds good,” Vox said tiredly, shivering a bit even with a throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders. 
Alastor summoned another blanket, in his favored red tones, over Vox's legs. And then snapped hot tea into existence for each of them. 
Vox huddled over the tea as if trying to soak up its warmth. He took a sip and gave a pleased hum as he found it was made just how he liked it. Then he shot Alastor a grateful little grin. 
“It's perfect, Al. Thadk you.”
“Its nothing, dear. But you're welcome,” Alastor responded, voice fond and expression gone soft around the edges.
A few minutes passed before Alastor’s breath caught and Alastor’s shadow grabbed the cup from him just in time as he started sneezing. The fit bent him forward with each sneeze, his hair falling into his face and ears pressed back.
“Hhh’hih-hihh-hehIKSH’ieww… Eh’TSHHiew..Hnn— KSH! Kshue! Hehh’HEHH?! EIISHHUE!” Alastor gave a staticky groan and dabbed at his red rimmed eyes. “Pardon mbe, dear,” he murmured before blowing his nose to clear out the sound of congestion.
“Holy shit, Alastor, Gesundheit,” Vox said, eyes still a little wide at the ferocity of Alastor’s fit.
“Thank you, dear,” Alastor said straightening his hair and jacket and reclaiming his tea. After which he pretended that nothing had happened, and Vox was tired enough not to tease him about it.
Over the course of Alastor drinking his tea Vox’s gaze grew rheumy and his face flushed in reflection to his rising temperature. Alastor began darting glances at him, Vox for once oblivious to the attention.
“Feeling alright, my dear?” He asked when Vox had stopped drinking from his tea cup for several minutes.
“Hm?” He looked over at Alastor blearily.
Alastor’s smile dipped at the corners, Vox never missed what he said. “How are you feeling, Vox?” 
“Tired…Hhhh’HDZsshhuh-Heh’SHuhh..” He sneezed openly down towards his lap and electric sparks danced across his visible skin. Alastor’s eyes went wide with a mix of alarm and concern. “Gesundheit, darling,” he murmured as he set his own empty tea cup aside.
He stood up and carefully took Vox’s tea and set it aside as well. “Then you should rest, my dear. You’re running a fever.” He adjusted pillows and eased the loose and compliant Vox back until he was fully laying down and tucked in. Once he had Vox’s long limbs tucked underneath the blankets he gave the media demon’s shoulder a pat. 
“Get some sleep, you’ll feel better in the morning.” He stood to return to his chair when Vox let out a staticky whine and rasped, “Don’t leave…”
Alastor sighed softly and sat back down. “I’ll be here when you wake, my dear,” he reassured as Vox’s stuffy breathing grew heavier with sleep.
(And then Alastor stifled his sneezes into silence so as to not wake Vox for however many hours. (And probably catches Vox’s cold))
The End
Fun Headcanons that came from writing this:
+ Alastor only uses Vox's name when he's irritated or worried
+ Alastor is protective of Vox when he's vulnerable and doesn't like anyone seeing Vox in moments of helplessness (also doesn't want anyone seeing him soft on Vox)
+ If Alastor summons something for Vox its often with designs and colors that represent Alastor, he likes seeing Vox marked as his in some small way
[Fic Masterlist]
Let me know if you enjoyed and feel free to give me prompts for Haz/bin or Hell/uva! (Anon is on!)
(Also I think for every comment I've received I've written about 300 words - so feel free to get me writing!)
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lunarbroadcast · 5 months
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Lyra consider for a moment, a lunarbroadcast and bloody broadcast double date! How would it happen? Where would they go? Does anyone end up murdered by the end of the night? so many questions….
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hi bestiee- glad you asked this :3
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the 4 of them would definitely go to a restaraunt- one that has different meat options (lyra specifically asked that cause of percy and alastor). Vox would definitely make sure that they are the only ones there at that restaraunt (dont want anybody starting up rumors now do we?) just them and the workers
examplle of them not being normal here
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And yes, someone does get murdered that night- more specifically a waiter. They asked the wrong thing about percy and al and boom they went missing a couple of days later
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hhh- sorry if its a lil short or messy- wrote this while the melatonin was attacking me nsjdbvf
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sadevergreen · 2 years
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OK so the image isn’t that important or great but i’ve been really obsessed with the song Birthday Suit by Cosmo Sheldrake and i cannot get the idea out of my head about King Rentheking’s story arc aligning with the lyrics-
(the photo is just like focus because originally i wanted to do little drawings for each of the lyrics sort of animatic style but then i couldn’t finish it in one sitting and i decided i didn’t need to finish it) so instead of doing that, i’m gonna just go through the lyrics and what part/ why i think it aligns with the storyyyy thus far!
“Weighed down by morning, in my birthday suit” - sun rise over the crastle, ren wearing his lil crown and big ol king cloak -> i think the crown and power/ responsibility has been a lot of pressure on ren and i think he is scared and desperate, he’s pulling last ditch efforts to try to live up to what bdubs accidentally(?) cursed him to
“lift up the evening, just for a while” - down in the vault w/ impulse setting up the costume party and secretly leading everyone down there -> it’s almost like accidentally a flex from impulse- he has more power than the king! it seems absurd but bare w/ me; he got everyone to conjugate together, no one actually listens to the king, impulse just gave out the kings diamonds full stop- ya see where i’m going? and some of that is ren’s own fault, like in rens desperation he is further severing his connection with his people
”backwards, upside down, and inside out. so hold on or we’ll all fall down” everyone scattering like that one scene in ratatouille all fleeing in different directions -> they all left cause they know they were doing something they weren’t supposed to and they didn’t want to be get caught. ren is a bit of a tyrant, they knew what would happened if they stayed. the ‘hold on or we’ll al fall down’ is so HDJFJJSJFJJS to me because there is something to lose on both sides almost?? like for ren, if he goes too far he’s going to be overthrown so he has to hold on to whatever he can to retain power because he’s lost support and credibility. like he broke the one thing he was hired to fix. but for everyone else, they’re already getting the short straw! they have no money anymore with rens hoarding and the stupid royal emeralds, the laws are getting more and more absurd, like what else are they supposed to do? they have to be strong and fight ren because if they don’t, he’s just going to keep digging himself into a hole and dragging everyone down w/ him.
”oh, heave the oceans too, won’t you?” like just imagine all the billboards proclaiming the laws -> more just an idea of everyone (even rens own team) becoming fed up with his bs. just like ‘oh ofc, we won’t afk or do anything apparently! great!’ just sarcasm hhh
“i’ll keep my ears on” doc chillin in his garden in the perimeter -> i love how doc literally was just like ‘no’ and made his own country- its wonderful and we love him for it <3 but yeah just doc silently overhearing everything happening and being glad he’s not a part of it and doesn’t have to abide by rens laws
“i’ll keep my eyes open” either watcher grian overseeing it all from his lil cave w/ the rift OR ren paranoid and nervously checking behind him -> ren knows he’s gonna be shut down soon, with the soup group and everything, that’s why he’s becoming so desperate. everywhere it seems someone wants his head on a stake
”i’ll keep my legs in sight and wait, ‘til we all fall down” a possible future scenario, ren being beheaded as a formal gesture of his finality -> ‘til we all fall down’ except it’s ren’s head in a basket- i think everyone is just WAITING until ren falls down and no more king!! c’mon we all know how positions of power work on the hermitcraft server smh
alright and that concludes these ramblings of a lunatic!! of you read through that, tysm!! i’ve had these thoughts for a while and i’m glad to have a space to voice ‘em. but genuinely so many props to ren for pulling this off??? like it’s very hard to play the villain and be someone that everyone hates and is wishing for their demise but he does it so well and continues to put in that one of a kind effort and flair that we’ve come to known X) UGH I JUST LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH JEJJFJSJCJJDJFJ OKK BYEEE AND IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK TO ME ABOUT HERMITCRAFT PLS REACH OUT LOL -jeddie
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beeksphotos · 2 years
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Amiri Flight | Amiri 6 Airbus A340-500, A7-HHH departing St. Maarten to Miami. The Airbus A340-500 is a four-engined ultra-long-range widebody airliner with a capacity of maximum 375 passengers produced by the European manufacturer Airbus S.A.S.. The Airbus A340-500 is a development of the Airbus A340-200 resp. A340-300. The fuselage is stretched by 3,2 meters (10ft 6in) and the wing by 3,15 meters (10ft 4in) compared to the A340-300. It has the longest range of the A340-Family. Qatar Airways Company Q.C.S.C. (Arabic: القطرية, al-Qaṭariya), operating as Qatar Airways, is the state-owned flag carrier airline of Qatar. Headquartered in the Qatar Airways Tower in Doha, the airline operates a hub-and-spoke network, flying to over 150 international destinations across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania from its base at Hamad International Airport, using a fleet of more than 200 aircraft. Qatar Airways Group employs more than 43,000 people. 🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬 🛩 Aircraft Manufacturer: @airbus. 🛩 Aircraft Type: A340-500. 🛩 Aircraft Registration: A7-HHH | Amiri 6 | Amiri Flight. 🛩 Route: TNCM - KMIA. 📍 Location: Princess Juliana Int’l Airport | SXM. 📆 Date: 2/23/2023. 📸 Photo Captured by: © Franklyn Wilson @beeksphotos. 🛬 🛫 www.linktr.ee/beeksphotos 🛫 🛬 #avgeek #tncm #instagramaviation #ilivewhereyouvacation #instagood #teamaviation #aviationlovers #corporatejets #businessjets #travel #avporn #aviationphotographyphotos #sintmaartenphotographer #privatejets #passionpassport #avgeekphoto #planespotting #aviationdaily #aviationphotography #qatar #qatarairways #amiriflight #amiri6 #airbus #a345 #a340500 #a7hhh #2232023 #beeksphotos #swipeleft (at Princess Juliana International Airport Sint Maarten) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpBfyJ6saXo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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apatheticanachronism · 4 months
hhh . shame . i suppose i'll tell the caretakers soon .
but what if i wasn't in any waters ? its been a while since i've been in any water where i'd need to use my gills . do you think there could be any other reasons for this ?
thank you for answering me . i apologize for burdening you with these questions . i'm not in contact with many seadwellers that i , i suppose , trust .
I supp☸se it c☸uld als☸ be regular p☸iis☸niing.
It's alright. Y☸u can ask any time.
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hearties-circus · 3 years
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Florence and recorder :þ
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babysizedfics · 4 years
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so i ordered a very vee outfit (。・༝・。)
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pinkcadillaccas · 3 years
I have a deadly combination of thinking too hard about the reality of destiel and thinking to hard about the possibilities of my own love life at the same time it's an elite form of brainrot that is serving my procrastination needs well
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yutadori · 4 years
i yam experiencing nausea.... not having a good time
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changji · 5 years
stan twts already kinda pissing me off
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aesoka · 5 years
god rots literally..... LIKE YEAH OKAY as anakin burns alive? he’s burning for real and he’s burning metaphorically in his own anger and rage , his rage is literally eating him alive ?? like? THERES SO MUCH SYMBOLISM
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woahajimes · 4 years
So this is more of a personal opinion but the Teen Titans run in 2003 is... really painful to read as someone who got really attached to the Young Justice (98) run. For a whooole number of reasons.. but today I will concentrate on bart (because like for the past three days al ive talked about is bart) 
Because the first issues are all “Impulse you’re so fucking useless” and “ew don’t touch me” and “Oh my god conner i missed you so much” and absolutely nobody believes in Bart. And it pisses me off. 
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Wally was written as such a fucking asshole. “I took things seriously” OH IM SORRY MR PERFECT THAT NEVER FUCKING GOOFED AROUND AND HAD FRIENDS AND GOT EXCITED AND USED HIS POWERS TO HIS ADVANTAGE???? and suddenly bart does it and he’s such a fucking failure and he’s not good enough???? Give me a fucking BREAK. “I founded the titans” okay yes do you want a gold star??? So petty and for what smh
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And I mean... bart is so... he’s bart. and I absolutely love him. He’s just excited, and people take this as ridiculously stupid and immature. And YES i have read the issues where bart spends three solid minutes talking to a cardboard cut-out of the flash, but he’s just a kid... he deserves better than whatever the fuck this run is
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.... let that one linger. I mean I’m no Bart but hearing that hurts. A lot. 
And Cassandra (i refuse to call whoever she is ‘cassie’) was such a bitch to him?? i get that she got expelled from school but the rest is all bullshit (cassandra here got expulsed because she threw a tantrum and gave out her secret idenity to the whole school and used her powers, which already tells you that this is out of character- although she might have done something similar but she wouldn’t go as far as she did)
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You can’t even blame Bart for being ‘immature’ and ‘childish’ here because they’re literally 16???? 17 at most and Cassandra is written as such a fucking bitchhh in the whole runnn and im pretty sure all my mutuals hate me for saying it so often but it makes me so angry (as you probably noticed). And I’m not talking about the costume design (although, if you ask me it’s really out of character and also its ugly and my baby cassie would have done waay better than that. I mean she had biker shorts because they were good to kick in and now she has JEANS???? and a belt to top that WITH A HEADBAND???? cassie is a barette bitch and her hair is short because she likes it like that and she would rather die than get bangs). And I don’t know what’s going on with her, but what the fuck is up with tim?? I’m sure he’s got his shit going on at home with batsy but like.... fuck you
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they’re all being such assholes to bart, but he’s there nonetheless, energetic and bubbly, as if nothing’s happened. He even had a heart-to-back with Cassandra (you can guess who spilled their heart and who gave their back)
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Oh and don’t let me forget that after this, Cassandra still thinks on leaving. But then cOnNeR goes “no you belong here” and cassandra goes “aw youre right lets kiss now” (not that i have anything against kon or the ship but it was just taken to extremes in this run, because conner this and conner that and lets clone my dead best friend and your boyfriend oh and lets kiss too because we totally dont do that enough)
Now they’re at this prison of sorts and there’s a fire, and there’s smoke and Bart takes in consideration that he might hurt someone if he goes too fast (because of the smoke) 
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And oh im sorry okay cassie no need to use THAT tone (although ill let it slide, it’s cool i get it- sorta)
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“help out impulse” NO FUCK YOU???? ‘Oh impulse the smoke just magically cleared stop being so useless” EXCUSE YOU???? and may i add that kori is also... not that nice to bart...
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call me insane but this is just.... really out of character (then again almost the whole thing is) because you can’t tell me that Cassie and Kon (and tim and cissie and greta and literally anyone that bart has ever interacted with because that’s the effect that he has on people) wouldn’t destroy every piece of shit in their way to blow off slade’s other eye. and after this they do go after slade but like hhhhhhhhhhhhh my boy deserves better okay reading these issues is just liek pouring bleach in my eyes its just... sigh
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
honestly its still so heart dropping and disgusting to continue to see aspec ppl have to put on that like. trained, overly polite, overly passive, complete Lack Of Self Respect tone that forces a sense of ‘i know i dont matter’ just so they dont get completely automatically ground into dust when they go out on a limb and ask ppl they wanna interact with; ‘hey please dont start anything but can you just let me know if you’re an aphobe or not’ and its Still met with soo much mockery and disbelief almost every time like....... bro what even is there not to understand. you’re literally being the proof of why they have to ask abt it i cannot Fathom that kind of Blindness like lmfao bitch they just dont wanna be around some1 who hates them.... thats .. normal... thats human?? thats human behaviors. its having standards for yourself. its FEELINGS like unironically rn pls tell me you’re clowning and that you do understand how fucken LOUD you all are abt normalizing aspec hate and how often we obviously run into bitches like you and have to ask this question. you know how LONG we’ve begged for basic support so you have to know that reacting to being asked if you give a shit abt somebody with that kind of mockery is disgusting and bratty and ignorant af bc bro lmao its YOUR FAULT for being a Part of the people HATING THEM....?
holy shit lol, nobody should be good with being around people who disrespect a part of them,,,, thats like a genuine personal problem if someone willingly wants to do that, so why tf would you be expecting that. bc its us? bc its us. bc its us and you feel THAT right in thinking that we’re so worthless, they we are just so Stupid for not knowing that too. its funny to you that we dont realize how little we matter. lmao its so ugly and warped like!!! god how fuckin evil can you get just calm down idiot lmao theyre asking if you respect them and you’re basically responding ‘why would it matter to you if i didnt?’ bhsejbjehg uhhhhhhjjjjjjjjj bc thats. a regular thing 2 care about. its standards like mam do you hang out with ppl who hate you. is that some normal thing to you like. avoiding the ppl who wish you werent around is sort of just . health and safety and basic emotional response and also common sense. really is. literally How dehumanizing and detached coudl you POSSIBLY be abt this to be directly asked by a marginalized identity group if you respect them or not, and actually say No, but Also be like ‘LMAO YOU REALLY ASKED ME THAT? IT DOESNT MATTER’ like. yeah it matters bc they stay existing actually, you dont have to hate them for that, and they wouldnt have to ask yall this stuff if you behaved lmfao. not to mention your reaction is literally the evidence that it apparently matters enough to You to make sure they know you dont accept them. fully, you are whats making it ‘matter’ so much bc you are the one going apeshit over a benign existence. you’re the one losing it over nothing.
like lmfafuckingo what is WRONG with your MIND dude im.... speechless like ‘dont drag me into discourse’ YOU HATING SOME1 AND THEM HATING YOU BACK IS NOT ‘’’’’’TUMBLR DISCOURSE’’’’’..............? WHAT R U DISPLAYING RN DID U NOT SPEND ENOUGH TIME IN THE GUIDANCE COUNSELORS OFFICE GROWIN UP WITH THIS ATTITUDE......... ITS THE NATURAL ORDER OF SOCIAL CONSEQUENCE......... ITS SOME BASIC ‘YOU STARTED IT’ TEE MOTHERFUCKIGN EM LOGIC...? YOU HATE THEM! FOR AUTONOMY! FOR HAVING AN IDENTITY AND ENOUGH SELF RESPECT TO STICK BY IT! THEY HATE YOU BACK I THINK THEYRE ALLOWED TO ASODLKFL;SDF AAAA DUUUDE lmaoooo and like good lord, passively existing around ppl who hate you and not challenging them isnt ‘avoiding discourse’. thats. so unhealthy sdjkf what kind of underdeveloped politics.... its toxic and absolutely batshit to genuinely ask that of Anyone. like bro stop Actually expecting ppl to hate themselves for ur comfort thats.... so weird i.... are you okay hhh nah you just need to step up and try to be a regular ass person actually and have sympathetic reasoning skills. being ace is fiiiine its nbd i dont need to to change for you, im allowed to be this, and i get to ask if you’re ok with that so i dont end up in a gross ass environment.
ace =/= discourse. you dont get a say in everything my dude. we’re not here for you to analyze, we dont give you permission and we dont need Your permission to exist, we’re not asking that of you when we send those msgs we’re tryna figure out if ur gonna be a bitch or not basically lol just seeing if we’re gonna be accepted by you or if we’re wasting our time like alksd;al its so traumatizing and unnecessary and MINDBOGGLING that u think its not fucked up ?? to feel like we are supposed to accept your hate of us as our truth?? you believe we’re that awful that its Funny when we dont Realize it or smth thats just so....... what would even make you respect us. literally absolutely nothing besides not existing in front of you. so. thats hate. thats irrational unwavering hate. beyond the fact that any group always has the right to ask you if YOU hate THEM, you cant sit there and mock the mere idea of caring when you are literally giving reason for it by trying your BEST to upset them and make them feel like they deserve to feel like shit for what they are afterwards. dfgjdfkgjdlfkgfd man the hypocrisy and like complete lack of self awareness in reg culture is like novacaine for my brain its so jarring sometimes. im allowed to have a problem with you having a problem with me bc i cant fix Being smth, you can fix how you feel abt it. balls in your court ill stay waiting. im not gonna hate myself bc you’re not right xoxo get a vaccine for w/e makes you this evil and selfish pls
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beeksphotos · 2 years
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The Airbus A340-500 is a four-engined ultra-long-range widebody airliner with a capacity of maximum 375 passengers produced by the European manufacturer Airbus S.A.S.. The Airbus A340-500 is a development of the Airbus A340-200 resp. A340-300. The fuselage is stretched by 3,2 meters (10ft 6in) and the wing by 3,15 meters (10ft 4in) compared to the A340-300. It has the longest range of the A340-Family. Qatar Airways Company Q.C.S.C. (Arabic: القطرية, al-Qaṭariya), operating as Qatar Airways, is the state-owned flag carrier airline of Qatar. Headquartered in the Qatar Airways Tower in Doha, the airline operates a hub-and-spoke network, flying to over 150 international destinations across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania from its base at Hamad International Airport, using a fleet of more than 200 aircraft. Qatar Airways Group employs more than 43,000 people. 🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬🛫🛬 🛩 Aircraft Manufacturer: @airbus. 🛩 Aircraft Type: A340-500. 🛩 Aircraft Registration: A7-HHH | Amiri Flight. 🛩 Route: KMIA - TNCM. 📍 Location: Princess Juliana Int’l Airport | SXM. 📆 Date: 2/17/2023. 📸 Photo Captured by: © Franklyn Wilson @beeksphotos. 🛬 🛫 www.linktr.ee/beeksphotos 🛫 🛬 #avgeek #tncm #instagramaviation #ilivewhereyouvacation #instagood #teamaviation #aviationlovers #corporatejets #businessjets #travel #aircraft #avporn #aviationphotographyphotos #sintmaartenphotographer #privatejets #passionpassport #avgeekphoto #jetphotos #planespotting #aviationdaily #aviationphotography #qatarairways #amiriflight #airbus #a345 #a340500 #a7hhh #2172023 #beeksphotos #swipeleft (at Princess Juliana International Airport Sint Maarten) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoyRYcAsAgh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
My belated history meme ask 😂. 18, 26 and 29 :)
In response to: Tumblr History Ask Meme: https://lady-plantagenet.tumblr.com/post/643743359209472000/ive-seen-plenty-of-tumblr-ask-challenges-but
well... here is my belated answer 😜. Thank you for the ask dude you really picked some cool questions.
18. Look at the clock and assume the numbers are forming a historical year (e.g. 17;58 would be 1758) What is the world like in that year? Are any significant events going to occur?
....847AD XD The year some saxon madness was probably going around in England and Charlemagne had long been and gone and united France. So from the top of my mind.. hmm...lemme check the interwebs. well the Pope, Sergius II passes away from gout, there is a MASSIVE earthquake in Damascus to Antioch. It is believed to be one of the most powerful earthquakes ever along the Dead Sea Transform - 20,000 dead (which was a big causality at that time mind you). Hey, at least it’s not like the worst year in history: 536 AD.
26. Who do you think is a forgotten hero we should know about and admire?
I think more figures from the past ought to be treated like heroes in general imo. It is very hard to appreciate how ‘heroic’ most people during the 15th century (for ex but in particular though not uniquely...) were compared to us nowadays. There was such a lack of stability that it not only propelled many consciously to heroify (Idk if it’s a word) themselves but also to do certain ‘heroic’ acts but out of necessity or other compulsions. From what I’ve seen most figures at least in the time periods I know deserve to be more known and admired as forgotten heroes who fell and suffered in their time moulding the world we have today.
While I do think we should know more about Clarence I don’t think we should admire him - and a bit of this is touched on in the last history ask. For one he ultimately failed and as opposed to Warwick and Vlad the Impaler George died a death that strongly reflected and was of his own failing his aims ~ to gain power and tide the country away from Edward one final time. But I do think he ought to be respected and taken seriously. Vlad the Impaler and Warwick remain the forgotten heroes though with a similar tragic death in battle caused by a betrayal. The problem with depictions of both of them is that there is always a focus on the sensationalist aspects and the whole ‘the rich are greedy and tyrannical’ trope without proper acknowledgement of the greater threat they were facing and how small they were in the grand scheme and how brave. In Vlad’s case it was the Ottoman Empire and his country’s independence and in Warwick’s case it was England losing its newly acquired status in Western Europe and the erosion of his status and way of life. Individuals are very powerless on their own and what can be more heroic and worth remembering than one of the few taking on a mighty (sometimes even abstract) opponent? And as such worthy of remembrance.
29. Are there any great historical mysteries that you are interested in?
Ok. I don’t wanna sound lame but by this point the Princes in the Tower has been discussed so heavily that I genuinely get tired of it. Don’t get me wrong my ears prick up when I hear of developments eg the whole Thomas More being acquainted with one of the sons of the people who knew what was going on or something, but at this point I groan whenever I hear it brought up and without any new types of arguments. Nevertheless it’s nice to see people so engaged in history.
Ok what I really want to know is what actually happened to Isabel Neville (and her son Richard) XD. I know on the scale of historical importance this is pretty much the furthest thing away from a ‘great historical mystery’. For one most people don’t even consider it a mystery - they say with all certainty ‘it was childbed fever’ despite the fact that we know it wasn’t as Isabel was described as delivered of her son easily both being healthy and they (with George) all travelled together to Warwick from Tewksbury in October (according to George). This is like a 60km journey to make during a very cold month, honestly why the hell did they even make it? I also think it breaks post-confinement rules - keep in mind Richard of Clarence was born that same month October.
Of course, her going to the infirmiary to give birth and pass her confinement may indicate that she was ill from before, but this also isn’t conclusive evidence because Elizabeth Woodville had also pulled a similar thing - when she gave birth to her own Richard: choosing to stay confined and give birth in a cloister of the religious orders she promoted (I think it was Carthusian monks of Shrewsbury) as opposed to a castle. We know George and Isabel heavily promoted many of the old Beauchamp foundations eg St Mary’s George had worked hard to consecrate and Tewksbury was one of them and I genuinely think this birthing arrangements might have been this as opposed to Isabel necessarily having been ill.
Our dude George insisted it was poison, he made the executions 4 months after the death, no one else is said to believe him (although the dude writing the genealogical history papers that you send me appears to have listed Isabel’s death as ‘poisoned’ hhh) and since there’s no evident political gain in doing all this (if anything a disadvantage as we’ll see later) people just conclude he went mad. I am inclined to put it down to grief but the odd thing is ~ some of stuff were happening at that time which could lend credence to George’s claim of poisoning but we don’t often speak about. The person he accused was Sir Roger Tocotes (with Ankarette and Thursby as accessories) who Hicks described as someone who could nearly be said to have been someone George considered a friend, however, it appears that there was a chain of Warwick gentry who were having it in for George a bit at that time (this is something I still have to look into more), and he might have thought this conspiracy was aimed at weakening him by getting at Isabel and child. Remember Isabel in theory was what drew a lot of support to him because it was through her he got such an influence in the west and north midlands. After Isabel died some people indeed left or turned disinterested in offering their continued service. There’s also that episode at court after her death when George refused to food and drink from Edward which while it could indicate George had some suspicions towards his family’s role in all of this it could also be just a statement of rejecting hospitality. But if it were belief in the fact that the family were poisoners or something that would be quite wild because it means that George believed Isabel poisoned and this belief arose during the first 2 months after her burial, but why he waited for 4 months to act on it then? See? Even the link to the royal family is unclear in this whole thing - you somehow feel it is connected but you don’t know how (in George’s head).
Then there’s that whole speculation about Ankarette’s Woodville connections (which in and of itself isn’t that big of a deal because many people were connected to the Woodvilles somehow at that time) but at the same time that it could have been a weird local conspiracy instigated by Roger Tocotes... yet for some reason George believed Isabel was specifically targeted (in the court report he says her ale was poisoned in October at Warwick Castle and Thursby did the same to the child) and the thing is maybe she could have been? Obviously the reason I care about this is because I’m writing a story about their lives so obviously I would be the type to even care XD. I still don’t think she was poisoned, it’s just that... I’m realising it could actually remain a mystery and there’s so many weird threads underneath that not enough people have explored because admittedly Isabel is a fairly inconsequential figure. Nevertheless this does all link to a greater consequence so it should be questioned more as a matter of intellectual interest at least. So yeah Isabel may have actually been poisoned, or if not, died of tuberculosis.
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