#HL x D&D
polarisgreenley · 10 months
Hogwarts Legacy x D&D - Character Sheets
As someone who is steadily becoming a dice gremlin and habitual note-taker for D&D, I wondered what each of the Hogwarts Legacy characters would be in the D&D fantasy realm.
What fantasy race and class could they be? Subclasses? What are their highest stats, which ones are then dumped? Why did they join the adventuring party? Where and how would you, an adventurer yourself, meet them? Et cetera et cetera.
First up, our resident charming, clever Slytherin... Sebastian Sallow.
For Sebastian, he wouldn’t be completely satisfied if he went full-on into one class, so he would be dual-classing his life. He would see the advantages of dipping one’s toes in more than one thing. Sure, it would take slightly longer to reap the full benefits, but it’ll be worth it.
Race: Half-Elf
Class & Subclass:
Rogue – Swashbuckler
Both Sebastian and Anne have the basic rogue class in common. 
Quick feet, agile and nimble, and able to sneak into places where they shouldn’t be. Their parents were the scholarly types, so they would have to entertain themselves a lot, and one of them was learning little tricks. Sebastian’s first trick was to take a silver coin, make it ‘disappear’ and have it ‘reappear’ behind Anne’s ear. She’d been so overjoyed he started learning more, ergo the roguish start.
The swashbuckler subclass is known for the flashy, showy, bombastic adventuring type (think Captain Jack Sparrow or Robin Hood). He’d gone into fencing and sword-fighting in his youth as an outlet to escape his uncle’s thumb, as well as to learn how to protect Anne after their parents’ death. He knows the footwork like a charm in addition to knowing where to hit where it hurts, and easily could beat out the kids his age.
Over the years, he would train with travelers that happened to be in town, troops that would stay the night, and continually improve. He was also one of the main defenders of their village from anyone who would try to invade their homes.
2. Warlock – Hexblade (pact formed after Anne was cursed)
The term ‘warlock’ gets boxed into the ‘oh, pact with evil demon’ box much too frequently.
According to the D&D Player’s Handbook,
“… many warlocks serve patrons that are not fiendish. Sometimes a traveler in the wilds comes to a strangely beautiful tower, meets its fey lord or lady, and stumbles into a pact without being fully aware of it.”
“Warlocks are driven by an insatiable need for knowledge and power, which compels them into their pacts and shapes their lives. This thirst drives warlocks into their pacts and shapes their later careers as well.”
After Anne was cursed by some unknown origin, Sebastian sought something, anything to lift said curse. One day he searched out into the ruins, further than he’d ever gone before. There, he found a small, silver pendant with a strange spiral symbol and an empty black frame. The moment he picked it up, a woman’s voice came in amidst a dream-like state. She spoke of how she felt his sorrow and the desperation to help his sister. How she understood, because she was once in the same position as he was. He asked her name; she referred to herself as Morganach.
Sebastian entered a pact with Morganach. In exchange for her power so that he can venture beyond the current borders to search for the cure, she had requested that should he be able to land the exacting final blow to any enemies, to use ‘her’ blade so as their sorrows can be alleviated in their final moments of life.
Highest Stat: Charisma 
He has charm oozing out of him; everyone finds him either charming, or affable or relatable in some way. He understands the “How to say X to achieve Y.” He knows exactly who to talk to and how to talk to them, both with people in good standing with society as well as those in the seedy parts of town.
Need information from the quiet guy in the back that looks like he could break you like a toothpick? Give him five minutes and he’ll get his life story for you. Need to sneak into an invitation only upper echelon party for some intel? He knows the organizer and can get them on the list.
But if that fails, he has ten lockpick sets. And a couple bottles of alcohol. You know, backup plans.
Second & Third Stat: Dexterity & Intelligence
Second highest is dexterity; he knows how to fight smart. He can dodge, parry, and do some fancy footwork so that his opponents always miss him.
He fights smart, and knows where and how to position himself in a fight to make it the most advantageous for him and exert the least amount of energy doing so. In fact, he doesn’t need anyone close to back him up in a fight; he prefers the one-on-one battles close up. Makes for better stories that way, though would appreciate a nice spell thrown in for assistance.
(Note: Dexterity does not equal constitution.)
Third is intelligence, which for the classes would not be the ‘best’ stat, but in-line with his background. He’s the one laying down the plans, where the traps are, who to talk to so the operation runs smooth. Or if it doesn’t, there’s at least three half-plans to fall back onto.
Dump stat: Wisdom
His wisdom isn’t bad, per say. He is aware of his surroundings well enough that most of the time, it isn’t much of an issue. Sure, sometimes he’ll miss someone slip out of the room until Anne or Ominis has to inform him, but that was only sometimes.
He can usually tell if someone’s lying, he’s read enough books on body language. But sometimes he just misses their intentions, you know? Sometimes he’ll say something slightly off to what they were intending, and would need to muster up his quick thinking and charm to cover his slip-up.  
Sebastian and Anne lived with their parents, who were professors at the nearest university, until they were aged seven. Upon their parents’ passing under mysterious circumstances, they were sent to live with their uncle in a village a few hours away. They remained there until they were old enough and decided to go back to the city they’d originally lived in.
He and Anne started a private investigator agency together in the city to make use of their skillsets. It all started when they uncovered the long-term mystery of how their parents had passed away under mysterious circumstances and upended the criminal organization responsible.
They don’t have any employees, though Ominis joined their agency as a partner. They took on cases anywhere from infiltration, gathering information, and rescuing stray cats.  
After Anne was cursed, their agency’s activities were placed on indefinite hiatus as she moved back in with their uncle, their only living relative, as living by herself had become difficult, and the herbs that stave off some of the curse’s effects are grown in abundance near the village they grew up in.
Sebastian and Solomon do not have the best relationship, but have a base understanding that they both care about Anne.
Notable Equipment:
Armor: Medium leather armor, good pair of leather gloves and boots. Nothing particularly fancy unless the occasion calls for it.
Weapons: Dual-Wielding, both rapiers. Does have a set of throwing daggers tucked away in his boots.
Main Hand: “Silver Tongue”. +1 AC and +1 Hit DC. Has a beautiful silver blade with a comforting green glow, and the handle is emerald green. A present from both Anne and Ominis after their one year-anniversary of starting their investigator agency.
Offhand: Pact Weapon “Sorrow Song.” On a critical hit, the damage dealt would automatically be dealt again to the next target as necrotic damage. Created when the pact was made with Morganach. Has a silver blade with a black handle. When the blade is used as the final blow, the blade hums in arcane energy, and the handle, momentarily, turns red. Those who receive the final blow with this blade will have milky white eyes.
Silver pendant: A strange, silver pendant with a spiral design. When his patron needs to talk to him, or he needs to talk to her, he grips onto said pendant. After Sorrow Song claims a life, it vaguely hums in arcane energy but quickly dissipates.
His reasons to join adventuring party
To search for a cure for his sister.
To help main adventurer on their quest.
To figure out who this ‘Morganach’ is.
First meeting where?
This could go a few ways, but you will always meet him in the first town you visit. The most likely meeting would be from your visit to the local tavern, wherein Sebastian would be there chatting away with the bartender like they had been friends for years, when really, they had only just met fifteen minutes ago.  
Favorite Fighting Tactic
Cast Darkness – don’t worry, he has Devil’s Sight evocation. Darkness is not a problem! (within 120 feet, of course)
Hexblade’s Curse; X marks the spot!
Sneak up right next to the target. What’s the likelihood that they can see, right?
Stabbeth and slasheth where it hurts the most. (Sneak attack) Not down yet? Well, he has two rapiers for a reason.
Oh they can see him? That’s fine, he’ll dodge them. That’s when the fun starts.
But when he feels tired and just doesn’t want to get up close? Eldritch blast, Confringo flavor.
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teastainedprose · 7 months
I want to ramble about Homelander in bed. 
Blah blah "Homelander is a sub!", "NO, he's a Daddy Dom!", "No, he's!" He's whatever you want to fap to, who the fuck cares
He's none of the above. I don't think any D/s dynamic roles encapsule Homelander, not even Switching. (It's not his scene, bondage is a waste of time, this collar look stupid, don't call me that, that's weird...)
He's simply not into sticking to any set kink dynamics. (The vibes are off, fam. He'd be the vanilla boy within the BDSM dungeon. Confused and bemused.)
He doesn't have some innate desire to give up control to someone constantly, or to lead someone with a firm or gentle hand. Switching, yeah but he doesn't care enough to begin with. He's too insecure and uncertain of what he is as a person to even understand slipping into a role in the bedroom. Too volatile and what he wants and needs switches depending on his mood and/or partner.
What he is, is a starving man and his partner is the feast.
Poor idiot doesn't even know how to do intimacy properly and has gotten all of his sexual education from someone grooming him, someone paired with him for publicity, and porn.
The dude is lost. What he in bed I feel like boils down to three specific things:
Sadistic - He's a bully, he's mean, he likes watching others suffer in some form or another. (Giving pain play, orgasm denial, edging, forced orgasm, overstimulation)
GGG - Good, game, giving. He'll try anything and be up for whatever as long as his partner is into it. The dude can't be harmed in conventional ways, what's he got to fear?
Attention whore - Craves positive attention in any form (wanting to please his partner, praise kink to the MAX, receiving worship play, demanding attention, bratting, pestering and teasing, topping from the bottom)
-and then how those three things manifest depends wholly on his partner.
With Madelyn Stillwell, he wanted to be her good boy. He craved her praise and affection and he was restrained because she wanted him to be. He's a brat, he's petulent. He's needy. He's picking a fight with a toddler. She's his Mommy Dommy. I suspect she denied and teased Homelander endlessly and he took whatever scraps she gave him because he was starving for it.
With Maeve, they would have been two equals that he was horrifically territorial of. She was his and he had no issues broadcasting that to the world while emotionally intimidating her, but never getting physical. No, she's a god just like him. You can't hurt gods so why would he try?
With Stormfront, she encouraged all of his bad behavior, so Homelander was reckless and hungry. Break shit and fuck like animals, push and pull and playing with their combined strength. They're primal and at war and it's fun.
Soyeah, Homelander is going to fill whatever role suits his partner best. He's going to pay attention to what gets his partner off because he wants that positive response from them. It can be a good thing, or it can lead to the most toxic relationship possible. The man is fucked so it can go sideways fast. You're gonna need a strong constitution, a steel spine, and willpower to survive Homelander at the start else you'll get steamrolled and dropped by the plot like Becca AUGH.
Is it the fear mingled with arousal that gets them all hot and bothered like I imagine poor Hughie would feel with Homelander? Fuck, he's going to exploit that. He's gonna make that twink jump in fright every chance he gets.
What about little Starlight getting a spine and trying to play his game? Yeah, he's going to push those buttons and show her how good he can actually be for her. The gnawing need for the praise from the girl next door would eat him alive.
With Butcher? Scorched earth, baby. They're going to destroy each other in the most toxic, hate-fuck filled fest. Just tearing chunks out of each other to show the other that they can still feel. Raw and painful.
Until Homelander actually figures out who he is without his powers, status, or fame? He's going to play whatever role his partner needs, be that god, perfect gentleman, monster, or sweet boy. Then again, he's all of that and then some at once. He'll want to devour his partner in one moment, consume them wholly and just taketakeTAKE and the next he wants the intimacy that comes with being inside them/them inside him and he's so so so soft and gentle and reverent when he strokes them, and then he's a bastard who wants to twist the knife and make them beg and cry and scream and just tell him what to do, he'd do anything just to know he's loved.
-and anyway, this man is broken and the perfect putty for anyone to mold sexually consciously or subconsciously.
Not a Dom, not a sub, or a switch, but a chameleon.
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deliciouskeys · 11 months
Today I learned that Maddie Phillips (who plays Cate) is only 3 months younger than Erin Moriarty (who plays Starlight). They're both 29 D:
Which means she's "of age" to date Antony Starr and I'm not sure I wanted to think about that.
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phoenixtakaramono · 10 months
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(You can read the rest of the threadfic update here!)
Keep in mind, all of my AU Butchlander threadfics on Twitter are the unpolished first draft versions of what'll eventually be polished up into long fics on AO3 under the Shock and Awe series. So you may regard this threadfic as an experimental first prototype and exclusive preview whose contents may or may not be changed in the future final draft version. We’re just loosely playing around with ideas and concepts for now!
If you don't have a Twitter account, screenshots are provided below the line break so you can read this update on Tumblr as well:
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(A/N) - Notice how the Evian bottled water mentioned earlier finally serves its purpose here? And peep at the mention of Billy's bare wrist—when it'd been mentioned he'd been wearing a Rolex watch prior when he'd entered Homelander's penthouse. :) The watch will come into play later; a classic underhanded CIA tactic to orchestrate a second meeting with the target.
Cut Content: Mirrorlander almost made an appearance in this update, where HL would see his own reflection approaching Billy's reflection in his mirrored bedroom...and being all handsy and just, in general, kinda creepy about it, haha. Reason why it was cut: pacing. It's also very similar to what'll show up in Truce ch4 and I didn't want to essentially rehash the same desperate obsession and tense introspection here, especially this early into this threadfic.
(The spicy 🔞 Part II 🔞 can be read here!)
If you are following along on Twitter, do let me know if you can't see the thread. 🙏 This is an ongoing experiment to see if continuing writing 🔞 threadfics is still feasible without getting sh@dowb@nned again.
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this is the photo jeremy takes with him when he hijacks the teleporter and runs away :’)
dw he comes back after like a week but a lot happens in that time jsdbhfjsdbh
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morelikeravenbore · 8 months
Good Boy
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC | Needy Sebastian | spicy one shot 🔞
Needy/slightly unhinged/traumatised Sebastian, post-uncle murdering. All sexual acts are consensual, good ol' P in V against a wall.
Warning: SMUT. 18+ CHARACTERS. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Contains sexual content, reader discretion is advised.
On bad days like these, Sebastian simply couldn't believe in love until it held him close and kissed him and told him he wasn't the deplorable monster he believed himself to be. Love had always evaded him, but by some stroke of luck he wasn't deserving of, he'd found it living in the body of the girl currently squashed between him and the wall.
Word count: 1.4k
[WATTPAD] [AO3] [HL fic masterlist]
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Sebastian Sallow was whimpering as he pressed his girlfriend against the wall of the empty classroom, pinning her small body between the cold stone and the urgent heat of his much-larger frame.
His day had been bad from the moment he'd woken up, exhausted after a long night of intrusive thoughts and horrific nightmares. Sweat-soaked from thrashing about for eight hours straight (and not in a fun way), he'd disentangled himself from his sheets and dragged himself, grumbling and dishevelled, into a day that had steadily gotten worse and worse.
First, he'd endured the wrath of Ominis Gaunt, who'd been in so foul a mood that even Salazar Slytherin himself would've quaked in his boots to witness it, then sat through all of his least favourite subjects in a row - including a double period of History of Magic - and finally, been forced to spend several hours flying around the Quidditch pitch in the pouring rain while Imelda Reyes shouted at him that he a useless sack of ugly, half-sprouted potatoes.
As if all that wasn't bad enough, he'd trudged into the Great Hall for dinner so late that he'd only gotten scraps to eat, stubbed his toe on the Slytherin table on the way out, and when he'd finally tracked down his girlfriend in the library, he'd been forced to wait, silent and brooding, for her study group to fuck off so he could finally be alone with her.
When finally - finally - she'd bid them goodnight, Sebastian had marched her directly out of the library, pulled her into the nearest empty room by her elbow, and whined, petulant and needy, into her open mouth, barely able to form the word 'please' as his fingers dug into her waist.
There wasn't much Sebastian couldn't handle; he was an orphan, after all, had survived a foray into the Dark Arts (though hardly unscathed), used all three Unforgivables without much moral objection, and - since there's no point beating round the bush about it - had used said Unforgivables to murder someone.
Yet despite all the tragedies he'd endured in his comparatively short life, the insurmountable odds stacked against his own happiness, and the way he seemed to possess a natural proclivity for fucking things up, the only thing that ever truly unraveled him was love. Or, more specifically, the acute sting that came when he felt himself in danger of losing it; a sting which manifested as a singular, all-consuming need to find relief in physical intimacy.
In other words, Sebastian Sallow liked to fuck his pain away.
'Bad day?' asked his girlfriend, her sweet voice muffled against his chest as he caged her against the wall.
Unable to form a coherent reply, he leaned his full weight against her, groaning into her hair as he rolled his hips against her navel, pressing, pressing, pressing into her warm body until all her breath squeezed out in a tiny huff. He backed up a bit, giving her just enough space to breathe without letting the heat between them cool, but he was too far gone the way of desperation to allow more than a few inches of separation.
Wordless, he yanked the hem of her blouse free from her skirt and slid it up to her chest, groaning at the feel of her soft skin beneath his calloused palm.
She felt like fucking flower petals. Wings of a fucking butterfly.
On bad days like these, Sebastian simply couldn't believe in love until it held him close and kissed him and told him he wasn't the deplorable monster he believed himself to be. Love had always evaded him, but by some stroke of luck he wasn't deserving of, he'd found it living in the body of the girl currently squashed between him and the wall.
'It's alright, I'm here.' Wiggling some space between them, she stretched up to kiss the underside of his chin; the only part of his face she could reach, even on her tiptoes 'What do you need?'
He whined again, all decorum lost as his lips grazed her temple, his breath hot on her skin. He cradled her face, pressed a kiss to her forehead, her eyebrows, her nose, breathed in the scent of her hair, lost his fucking mind - but he couldn't speak. Not with his words, at least.
'Sebastian, look at me.'
With great effort, he peeled his lips from her neck and looked her in the eyes. Love stared back at him, bright and pure and clear.
Love so brilliant it was staggering.
'Have you been good?' asked love.
No, answered the darkness in his head.
Good? Had he ever been good?
He dropped his head to her shoulder.
'No,' he moaned, 'I haven't.' He licked his way up the slender column of her throat - 'I'm not good' - nibbled her jawline, kissed her chin, pressed his aching cock against her stomach - 'I'm sorry.' His voice was small, unfamiliar. 'I want to be good. You know I want to be good, you know it.'
This wasn't entirely true; he did want to be good, but only when he was with her.
'Why haven't you been good?'
'Wanted to... Hex your study group...' he moaned. 'Wanted to destroy everyone... To keep you... For myself.'
He was panting now, his words broken between frantic kisses as he worked off her blouse. He tossed it carelessly over his shoulder, discarding the first barrier that stood between him and love.
'Called Ominis a twat,' he went on, thrusting against her stomach with increasing urgency. 'Purposely let a Bludger knock Imelda off-course... Enjoyed both... Immensely.'
When she made a sound of disapproval into his mouth, he only became more frantic, desperate to find the places where love dwelt in her body and coax it out with his mouth, his fingers; to suck on it, roll it around on his tongue, sink into its warm, wet depths.
Her bra was the next barrier to be eliminated. If love lived in her nipples, his lips would surely draw it out.
'What about - the dreams?' she moaned, arching into him, sweetness in his mouth.
'Yes,' he whimpered, ashamed.
Yes, the dreams. Fucking Merlin, those awful visions of forbidden curses, of Dark Magic flowing like poison through his veins, green and red lights flashing intermittently.
Visions, so like premonitions, of being bad, rotten.
'Tell me about them.' She tangled her hands through his hair and pulled. He hardly felt it.
'Dream - b-bad.' Speech was hard. 'Dream of being bad.'
He looked her leg around his hip, bunched her skirt up to her waist, rutted mindlessly against the warm, damp spot between her legs.
That's where love lived.
His cock ached for admittance.
'I'm bad.' His voice was strained, hoarse. 'N-not a good boy.'
Then his cock was out, hot and throbbing in his hand.
Fuck, love was so close. Fuck, he needed it.
Her underwear pushed to the side. Slick heat coated his swollen tip.
Crying out against her skin, 'I'm bad, I'm sorry, I'm bad.'
Sinking in slowly.
Frenzied and stupid with need, Sebastian pounded her against the wall until he was too fuck-drunk to hear the cruel voices in his head, until all he knew was blissful, wonderful, perfect her.
When her first orgasm shattered through her, he watched, entranced, as love shone from her every pore and gushed over his cock and rang like music from her mouth. His knees buckled with the force of it but he couldn't stop, not now - not until he was drenched it in, drowning in her love, soaked through.
He couldn't stop through her second orgasm.
Nor her third.
Not even when she was limp and blissfully spent in his arms, eyes rolling back in her head and mouth agape.
Not even then.
Because even if he was bad, he would always be a good boy for her.
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goodbuttaken · 22 days
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 4/4, weird/rare names; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Pndřej (legenda, co už dřív trendovala; hustý, že někdo takhle oficiálně komunikuje s úřady..)
...ale taky Onřej (byli 2), Onrřerj (žije v Chebu), Jkaub (1 v Brně) a Rostilav (Krnov)
Ůvodní Hoang Duc (ano, i tohle příjmení opravdu prošlo matrikou) a Aůlexandr (r. 2013 zapsané jméno)
Xena (3, ale podle ročníků žádná princezna bojovnice)
Milán (545 křestních!; jen r. 1950 = 51)
Vácslav (r. 2016 žili ještě dva jmenovci Havlova děda, ale od r. 1946 žádný nepřibyl)
Frantiišek (1, r. 2013, Plzeň), Fratišek (2), Frantişek (1), Frančeska Nyomi (1), Františe (1), dřív i Fratnišek, Frantichek, Frančišek, Frantik, dva Frantishkové a 13 Frantisků
Máří Magdalena (25), Maří Magdalena (72), Máří Magdaléna (1), Maří-Magdalena (13), Máří-Magdalena (3), Maři Magdalena (1), Máři Magdalena (1), Maří Magdaléna (1, vzácný r. 2009), Mařímagdalena (1), Maři-Magdalena (1), Máři-Magdalena (do r. 2015) [drtivá většina z nich prožila komplet socialismus; ouch...]
Miroslav Pacifik (Praha)
Karl - Heinz, "Marie, Silvie", Mbanzuzi - Cheril - Eve (etc.)
Vyšemíra (1), Věročka (1), Věrmila (1), Věkoslav (18), Věkoslava (4), Věnka (21, pořád se dává), Věňka (2)
Věrek, Věruš, Věrouš a Věroš (jakože "ten Věra", celkem 8)
Filuše (1), Fortunát (1), Fortunáta (2), Fofo (1, Mělník)
Filipová (křestní, Hustopeče), Tichá (1 ex křestní), Mašková (taky)
Říjenka (1)
Pampeliška (1), Peška (1, v r. 2016 se dožila stovky), Perchta Marie (r. 2014, Praha)
Aneška (2, old), Aneshka (3, young)
Čeňka (12, a tu a tam se pořád dává), Čeňek (1), Čedomír (2), Rhodri Čeněk (1)
Pěva (40, a 40 let čekáme na novou nositelku toho dokonalého jména), Pěvuška (33), Pěvomila (1), Pěvoslava (ex 1), Pěvuše (10), Pěvuš (1, mužská verze)
Zoroslav (6), Zoryslav (ex 2), Zoreslav (ex 2), Zorislava (1), Zoreslava (1), Ziroslava (ex 1)
Zděněk (5), Zdeňek (27)
Mnuše (ex jméno), Manka (jméno i příjmení), Manička (Vyškov) [X Rumcajs žádný]
Fuck (ano, do r. 2011 MVČR evidovalo jednoho člověka s tímhle příjmením)
Fakan (23, nejčastější v Plzni)
Kokot, Kokotek (na východě země ne až tak vzácné, celkem 128 lidí)
Kunda, Kundič (naštěstí jen pár)
Porner (9)
Jouda (19, hl. východní Čechy)
Hajzl (13, všichni žijí v Chrudimi)
Soběslav Zixi (Brno)
Romulus (oběť redukce r. 2011), Remus (5, z toho 4 v Brně)
Toyen Lillie (Praha)
Patrik (patrick), Janet(zinana)
Lady (3, dvě velmi staré), Letuška (1), Lešan (3), Leuše (1)
Mína (85, velmi trendy, vč. složenin jako Mína Milota)
Bobeš (6), Mikeš (42, samí mladí) X žádný Kokeš
data ofc připouští i řadu "celebrit" jako James (74) Bond (4) [Praha, Černošice], Arnold Schwarzenegger (Brno), Will Smith (Jihlava); největší naději asi dávám Arianě (103) Grande (39)
Lidvína (2), Lid (29 ze 48) a Lidová (33 z 52), typicky písecké příjmení
ani jedna Lidice, to byl v kontextu těch šíleností šok; tak aspoň Freedom Jan (Ústí n/L), Liberty (t. č. 96letá, Plzeň), Liberta (mladá, Praha) a dřív i Libertad
Lidl (1, FM), Lídl (39), Penny (do r. 2015 3), Tesco (ex 1), Coop (2 v Čáslavi), Billa (21)
Human (do r. 2011 1 jméno, stále 3 příjmení), Girl (6 příjmení), New (3 příjmení), Good (7), Universal (10, z toho pět ve FM)
Poor (7; kumulace zrovna v KV kraji smutně fitting)
Džulien (1) a Džuljetta (3)
K0valová, A?kar
Godspower Nwobueze, Success Oluomachukwu (Ústí n/L)
Winnetou (2)
Qylafku (2 příjmení v Praze), Quachdolenská (1)
Quadrat (8), Quadrát (7), Quasniczka, Quasničzka, Quasniczková, Quasničzková (na severu Čech od každého 1), Quittek (19), Quittková (16, Opavsko)
Xhanikrištoforyová (v Ostravě)
Çetajfikotová, Çelikkynclová, Çobanberánková, Çiçekrajnyšová
Ónodiotoupalíková, Ó´súilleabháin Špalková
Đokićněmečková, Đurićmikolajková, Dadićdobešová, Daddsčadová
Hrubývodochodská, Hrubýzahrádecká, Hrubásablier + d. 31 variant
Hinterholzingerová Mlezivová (Domažlice)
Trauttmansdorffweinsberg (Náchod)
Testón Javorský, Tverdokhlib (bývalo jich 11), Těstojedova (1, KV)
Řegucký, Řegucká (19, MS kraj), Pěgřím (61)
Neocleousová, Neoproudová (6), Neoproud (4)
Nechoďdomů (22), Nechoďdomová (14), Nechoďdom (3), Nechoďdoma (11)
Campobartosek a Campobartoskova (Brno)
Papánková Di Mercurio, De Giraud D'agay Špinarová
Mbwambo Hokůvová
Kvízová Školová
Bezkid (3, žijí v oblasti Beskyd)
Ŕguila (Praha)
Ąachká, Ąachký
Erdenebalčirčuchalsuvd, Ěsulamanidze, křestní Ělizavěta
A A A Alnassar, Saad L S M T, Michel A.S.M.J.G. (křestní jména)
Pierre,marie,alphonse, Philippe,raymond,julien, Francois,didier, D. M., Rodrique,carles,gérald, Francois- Christophe
Karlos (9), Chavier (2) a vrcholné umění: Chuan Karlos
Barbie (v Brně), Ken (5; ale jinde)
Dixie (1 v Blansku)
J-Mari (Benešov)
Píč (69), Pič (2)
Pindík (1 v Tanvaldu)
Rock (příjmení, ale i 1 jméno), Rocky (1), Ricky (12), Ricki (1)
Dick (zase 46 příjmení, ale i 2 jména)
Sucky Yaxbite (ex jméno), Suckho + 11 příjmení Suck
Bezectný, Bezectná (po 5), Bezkočka (55), Bezkočková (66)
Nevyhoštěný, Nevyhoštěná (obojí 75)
Brno (1), Praha (9), ani jeden v Brně/Praze
Neo a Trinity (ale žijí jinde)
Saint Chijioke (1 jméno, Frýdek-Místek)
Innhausen Und Knyphausen (2, Brno), Arco Zinneberg Graf Von Und Zu
Iňiguez Srnec (Praha), Insanič (ex 6), Inquort a Inquortová (18)
Race Carr (Otrokovice), Rhodanthe Beatrice (Ústí n/L)
Platon (jméno i příjmení), Sokrates (taky)
Sierra Leona (Ústí n/L)
Śárka (Ostrava)
Roswětha (1, v Liberci)
Bolestín (ex 1) vs Veselín (1), Radosta (1 + 2 ex Radosti), Andělín Haštal (1)
Něha (3), Něhoslav (8), Něhoslava (14), Něhuška (1)
Náďa (2), Nežka (1), Něla (1), Naďašta (1), Nelida (1 křestní jméno)
Vítěz (2), Vítězka (bylo jich 7, asi vymřely)
Űmit Tomáš (Blatná)
Ąuboš Maxwell
Pravda (643) vítězí (Lež je jen 1, v Praze), až na to, že zrovna u tohohle příjmení je anomálie, kdy ho Vnitro v roce 2014, po nástupu Babiše do vlády, zničehonic přestalo evidovat (touché)
Mrtvý (99), Mrtvá (111, Olomoucký kraj), De´ Ath (ex 1), Death (podle všeho zemřel r. 2015)
Sen (5) a Snová (2), Úžasný/á (Ostrava)
Liána (28, od r. 1976 žádná nová, napravte)
Mckenzie Lucie (Plzeň), Mclean Brenton (Praha), Mcmarley (t. č. 6letý v Brně; vše křestní jména)
ŽÁDNÍ Poženichovi ani Pomanželovi (velké zklamání) a křestňí na ň
Dýzl (fakt to jde spellovat i takhle, 4)
Žorž (2), Dżeyms (1), Žudi (1)
Potkan (příjmení, nejvíc jich je v Karviné)
Fail (39 příjmení), Joke I. L., Arse (ex jména)
Gogo (2 příjmení), Gaga (4, vše Pohořelice)
Nejmenovaná (křestní 1), Nejmenovaný (křestní ex 3), Nezjištěno (252 křestních, 8 příjmení), Nezjištěno A (křestní 2), Nezjištěno B (2), Nezjištěno C (1), Nezjišťeno (tohle se podařilo do matriky zapsat v r. 2013), Nezj., Nezjišteno, Nejištěno (taky ex 1), Nezjištěna (1 křestní), Nezjištěn (ex 1), Neuvedeno (11 křestních, 2 příjmení), Neurčeno (7 křestních), Nepojmenovaný (ex 1), Jméno Neurčeno (ex 1), Jméno Nezjištěno (t. č. už 4leté dítě v Jihlavě), Neznáma (2), Neznámá (10), Neznámý (9), Neznámy (1), Nevim (5), Nevím (105) [ač část jsou zjevně opravené přeťuky a impra, např. u Nejmenované, r. 2000, konzistence ukazuje, že někde v Roudnici takhle fr vychodila školu]
...a to nejdůležitější: Hope (po 2 jméno i příjmení), Naděje (18 příjmení a 91 jmen; nebude náhoda, že nejvíc r. 1939 a 1943), Nadějka (3 jména), Naděje Anna (hned 2), Náděje (19 příjmení, 1 ex jméno), Nadějná (1)
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acourtofthought · 1 month
Eluciens: Elain said she needs sunshine and Lucien is heir to the Day Court. It makes sense.
Elriels: Elain can actually get all the sunshine she needs in the Night Court with Azriel, and there's no proof Lucien will ever take over the Day Court. So, sorry, I guess 🤷‍♀️
Me: Elain can get all the sunshine she needs in the NIGHT Court with Azriel, who prefers the shadows? 🤦‍♀️ There's no proof that Lucien is the heir of Day?
Lucien: One of the reasons my brothers abused me was because I have the signs of a future High Lord.
Feyre, after hearing how Lucien spent his childhood and youth: That sounds very much like a High Lord.
Feyre in acowar: Lucien is Helion's son and quite possibly his only child. This means Lucien is more than likely Helion's heir.
ALLLLLL of that. Truly, I think they're just struggling to grasp Sarah's writing and the literary devices she uses. There were stars and a night sky in the Spring Court yet Feyre taking comfort while looking at the night sky and painting stars on her drawer were foreshadowing for her ending up in the Night Court, not staying in Spring. The NC being a place associated with Night and Stars. Did Feyre need to be in the Night Court because she's a night owl? A stargazer? Should Sarah have forced her character to remain in Spring because it also had night and stars and that should have been enough for her? There is a bigger meaning behind Sarah using references to sunshine and stars and the night sky beyond temperature and time of day.
We're not saying Elain needs sunshine 24 / 7 that is X amount of distance away from the equator else she'll die from an insufficient supply of Vitamin D. I do think she isn't the biggest fan of winter considering it's written that she misses the flowers during that season but it's about what sunshine represents metaphorically just as it was about what darkness and the stars represented for Feyre and Rhys and their court. The Night Court to many represents a court that is lethal, that is darkness and shadows, that is cruelty. Of course we know the IC are considered the good guys when it comes to Velaris but they don't have that same reputation to others. Feyre left the Spring Court, a land of flowers and eternal Spring and embraced the darkness inside of her, the willingness to burn down everyone who dares stand in her path to protect those she loves. She admits that she became a monster to do so, to embrace the darkness after staring at it for so long. There is imagery to the NC and the way it's described that matches the personality of Feyre, of Rhys, of Nesta, of Az, etc.
Just as there is imagery associated with courts like the Day Court, Spring Court. Courts who are not notorious for being quite so lethal, so cruel, etc. That's not to say the HL's aren't all capable of becoming "beasts" to protect their lands however they do not have the reputation that the NC does, they are not known for the same sort of cruelty. It's not just about the reference to Sunshine for Elain, it's how "any bit of darkness was abhorrent" for her. How "the cruelty of the Hewn City troubles her". (the NC is KNOWN for it's cruelty and it's spymaster brutally tortures people in a symphony of pain). Every single thing the Night Court is known for the author has gone out of her way to address how it goes against Elain's aesthetic. Night Court black? It sucks the life out of her. So many try to attribute this to the style of her dress but it specifically mentions the color. Illyrian leathers? Elain refused them. Az's dagger? Elain gave it back "and didn't look back." There was no, "hey can I have lessons?" No, "Elain thanked Az and returned it." It was very pointed how the author added she did not look back. Mor offering Elain a drink? Elain declined and took up a spot by the sunniest of windows (typical). Sure, Elain made friends and sure Elain has a purpose but those things had ALWAYS made Elain special. What is not a fit for Elain is being surrounded by warriors who have no issue taking out brutal revenge against others when she is in canon known for her kindness and is bothered by cruelty, who does not want revenge, who did not even want to take credit for what she did to the king. Of course these are all the good guys but the NC and those in the IC represent a darker, morally gray version of good, the lethal side of things, the colder edge of someones personality. Sunshine isn't just about the bright burning ball in the sky, it's about light and warmth and life, it's about what sunshine represents. Both Lucien and Elain's personality are more symbolic of the sun than that of the night and stars. They are good and kind and they are the peace makers of the main cast of characters. They at times struggle to pick one side and hold fast because they don't want to disappoint anyone, they often see both sides to a situation. They don't seek revenge, they both are openly affectionate and go out of their way to make amends for their mistakes. Elucien's don't think Elain will end up with Lucien because he's the literal sun (though he will also have that too), they think she'll end up with Lucien because her sunny disposition is a better fit for the sunnier disposition Lucien also has over the cold, icy rage of someone like Azriel. Az is the Night Court, he embodies everything those outside the NC fear. Lucien is very different from that just as Elain is very different from her sisters (who are a fit for the NC).
Yes, Elain would probably be happier in a court that has more sunshine just as many Hawaiians are probably happier living in Hawaii than Alaska because they prefer the climate there but that's such a tiny part of the point we're making. Elucien's call them a "golden couple" for their personalities and the aesthetic that matches that would be a place like the Spring Court or the Day Court, not the Winter Court or the Night Court. Not because the Night Court is lacking sunshine but because the Night Court is a whole lot of things that Elain and Lucien are not. To your other point, I don't even know what to say when people try to downplay Lucien's heritage. Sarah retconned his father, he's now a person of color as a result, yet some people want to still sit there and claim it's not going to be important to his future arc? That his Autumn powers are all that will matter because those are the main powers we've seen him wield before his book? In the novella we're reminded that Helion being his father is still a secret that Feyre has not shared. In SF we're shown how he used dominance that only a HL can use on others. But sure, Sarah is going to decide to make that all a moot point for his story, where he's just not going to inherit anything from Helion outside spell-cleaving, how he's not going to have any reason to explore his Day Court heritage, how he's probably not going to be a HL (or in some position of extreme power) even though she's ALREADY shown us the markers of a HL heir. The funniest thing is, Lucien didn't even need to be Helion's son to be right for Elain. His personality alone (regardless of his powers) was what surprised Sarah when she realized he and Elain would be right for one another. It was after Sarah realized that he and Elain would be mates that SHE rewrote Lucien to be Helion's (the sun personified) son and it was after she made Elain and Lucien mates that Sarah really went hard on Elain needing Sunshine, sitting by the sunniest of windows, being bothered by cruelty, refusing the leathers, and so on. Sarah unknowingly then knowingly crafted Elain and Lucien to be a perfect compliment to one another so the whole argument about "sunshine" and how the NC also has it, how Elain isn't a plant therefore it shouldn't matter how much sun she's getting are ridiculous. Elain was able to make a home for herself in the Night Court as she was able to do in the human lands even during poverty but that doesn't mean the author hasn't told us all we need to know about how neither the Night Court or Az will be her destiny.
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faustinio27 · 1 month
OC Questionnaire! ft. Faustine Daemon
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Thank you for the tag @boxdstars!! It's always a good time to ramble about my ocs 😙✨
1. How has your OC changed over time? Are there any major differences that have happened since their inception?
Honestly? Even after creating her over a year ago, she didn't really changed :'D I think it's mostly due to her personality being tied to my HL gameplay. If things have changed, it's because my memory is failing me and I'm forgetting elements of the game, and she's reacting in ways that don't match my choices x) I'm sometimes tempted to take her in a different direction from what I've established (make her more like a cold-blooded, for example), but I want to keep her as she is, aka a heroine with good intentions but questionable actions. I love villains and anti-hero, so it's hard for me to keep a character being "good" (with still flaws).
2. Where does your OC see themself in ten years. Now, what actually happens to your oc in ten years time?
At 15yo, a few months earlier before having magic, she had seen herself as having no future, but suddenly during her 5th at Hogwarts, she was learning all sorts of different jobs in the magical world. Although she's curious about many things (working with beasts, with books, helping people, discovering the world, etc), she thinks she has a duty to protect the weak with her ability to wield ancient magic, and thinks becoming Auror. Especially after losing Professor Fig, Logdock, and so many people who relied on her during her 5th and she failed to save. At 25yo, she's indeed an Auror and is renowned for her efficiency and ruthlessness, especially for her age, and earning her the nickname Blue-Eyed Demon. She has a house in London but hardly ever lives there, as she's always on mission in England or on the other side of the world. But at this time, she's close to burnout and is in a transition period where she's thinking of quitting, or at least taking on fewer missions, to do her dream job: becoming a librarian. She has always wanted to work surrounded by books, but has stopped herself from seeing this as a possibility with her responsabilities. Her friends, and especially Natsai for being an Auror like her, encourage her to change her path and do what she really wanted.
3. What‘s something unexpected about your OC that most people wouldn’t assume just from looking at them!
Something I've noticed when people talk to me or draw me Faustine is that they often see her as cold and inexpressive (also my fault because I love drawing her badass and cold hearted, but she's just an introvert lol). But even if she's calm and serious in her every day life, she's so much expressive when surrounded by friends, or when she feels comfortable! She can laugh at open heart to a joke, grumble and complain loudly when she's hungry, hopping around when excited, etc.
My questions!
1- If there was any advice your OC could give to their younger self, what would it be?
2- What's the thing they love about themselves? Hate about themselves?
3- What’s something your OC is often conflicted about? A choice they made, their place or purpose in the world, a relationship they have with someone, etc? How does this conflict manifest, and how do they deal with it, if at all?
Tagging: @limonnitsa @lamieboo @dwightschrute11 @siboom777 @syaolaurant @traceyc-uk @the-ozzie @boxdstars (for Amara)
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Alice X. Zhang's paintings of Beth Harmon ( played by Anya Taylor-Joy) from Netflix's Queens Gambit
Paintings of Beth
Blamskibop Artist Links
https://www.instagram.com/alicexz/?hl=en https://shop.alicexz.com/
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aricastmblr · 4 months
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Namjoon Jimin Jungkook en ensayos para SUGA | Agust D TOUR 'D-DAY'con Yoongi
[PREVIEW] SUGA | Agust D TOUR 'D-DAY' The Original SPOT #1
BANGTANTV youtube shorts
18 may 2024 #SUGA#슈가#AgustDSUGA | Agust D TOUR 'D-DAY' The Original 📅 PRE-ORDER: 2024.05.21. 11AM (KST) ~ 📅 RELEASE: 2024.06.07. #SUGA#슈가#AgustD#D_DAY_THE_ORIGINAL
SUGA | Agust D TOUR 'D-DAY' The Original SPOT #1 #SUGA #슈가 #AgustD #D_DAY_THE_ORIGINAL
bts_bighit X 18may 2024
SUGA | Agust D TOUR 'D-DAY' The Original SPOT #1 (https://youtu.be/1iYSY2r6JAA) #SUGA #슈가 #AgustD #D_DAY_THE_ORIGINAL
bts.bighitofficial instagram reel
SUGA | Agust D TOUR 'D-DAY' The Original SPOT #1 #SUGA #슈가 #AgustD #D_DAY_THE_ORIGINAL
jungkook 4agosto 2024 D_DAY_THE_FINAL_D1 jimin 5agosto 2024 en D_DAY_THE_FINAL_D2
Namjoon cantando Yoongi guitarra Jungkook riendo atrás en las practicas para SUGA | Agust D TOUR 'D-DAY'
Jimin cantando-ensayando en las practicas para SUGA | Agust D TOUR 'D-DAY'
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indarknessilived · 1 year
Legacy Shenanigans Master List of Audio Featuring HL Gang
Posts Updated: 8/28/2023
Say our ideas at the same time (awkward): Sebastian, MC
Sebastian being a romantic: Sebastian
Sebastian praising you: Sebastian
Cheeky Seb: Sebastian, MC
First attempt at eleven labs: Sebastian, Ominis
Wouldn’t it be funny if we kissed: Sebastian, Ominis
The lads talking to MC: Sebastian, Ominis 
When arguments end like this: Sebastian, Ominis (pre-NSFW)
Boys tell MC about their morning: Sebastian, Ominis
Sebastian arguing over Ominis: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth
Sebastian used Ominis toothbrush: Sebastian, Ominis
Ominis lost his wand: Sebastian, Ominis, Leander
Sebastian and Ominis reading things they wrote for MC: Sebastian Ominis
Lads in detention: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth
Slytherin boys arguing over each other leads to confessions: Sebastian, Ominis
Sebastian and Ominis being very drunk “besties”: Sebastian, Ominis, Leander
Sebastian trying to help Ominis with compliments (e.g. Seb forgets Ominis is blind.. again): Sebastian, Ominis
Seb and Ominis speaking different languages: Sebastian, Ominis
Literally how most quests with Sebastian end: Sebastian, Ominis
Ominis has no chill: Sebastian, Ominis, Leander
Sebastian gives no fucks: Sebastian, Ominis
Comfort for @thymacabremistress: Sebastian, Ominis
Ominis playing mind games: Sebastian, Ominis
Sebastian vs. Ominis on minor inconvenience: Sebastian, Ominis
The Mighty Boosh reenactment: Sebastian, Ominis
Ominis being very very drunk: Sebastian, Ominis
Sebs shenanigans: Sebastian, Ominis
They be fighting: Sebastian, Ominis
Tomb exploring: Sebastian, Ominis, MC
MC needs a date for a really fancy Dinner: Sebastian, Ominis, MC
An MC x Seb x Ominis moment: Sebastian, Ominis, MC
Drunk Ominis: Sebastian, Ominis, MC
Ominis talking in parseltongue: Ominis 
Ominis switching from angry to cinnamon roll in <5 seconds: Ominis, MC
Ominis being a romantic: Ominis
Ominis talking in Jamaican Creole: Ominis
Talking in roadside slang: Ominis, MC
Garreth being a little shit: Ominis, Garreth
Garreth being, well, Garreth at maths: Ominis, Garreth
MC needs fashion advice: Ominis, MC
If Ominis was allowed to be more of a dick in the undercroft scene: Ominis, MC
Slyths and Gryffs, arguments yet again: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Slyths and Gryffs: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Slyths and Gryffs more arguing: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Gryffs trying to set up a prank for the Slyths: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Slyths and Gryffs stoned out of their minds: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Slyths and Gryffs stoned and start watching: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Slyths and Gryffs announcement prank: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
MC fighting with the Slyths and Gryffs: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, MC
How dare Leander not know that they would know Dolly Parton: Sebastian, Ominis, Leander
Slyths and Gryffs taking sexy compliments: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Slyths and Gryffs asking MC on a date: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander 
Slyths and Gryffs in the back room (RuPaul’s Drag Race): Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Slyths and Gryffs meeting your parents for the first time: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander 
Sebastian Vs. Leander both Vs. Everett: Sebastian, Leander, Everett
Seb and Leander at it again: Sebastian, Ominis, Leander
Seb and Leander doing what they do best, fighting: Sebastian, Garreth, Leander
Leander woke up on the wrong side of the bed: Sebastian, Leander
Lads saying cute or charming stuff to you: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
Cave adventures with the lads: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
Lads saying their full names: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
Garreth won the competition: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, MC
Keeping up with the Legacy Lads: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
Nerds being nerds (lads pick up lines): Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Truth or Dare: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Diary Entries of Slyths and Gryffs: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
If the Lads were literally little London Roadmen: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Nobody likes it when Ominis gets mad..: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth
The Lads dating show intros: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
THE MEETING: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
The lads stoned (following Slyths and Gryffs stoned): Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit
The lads greeting MC: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Everett, Amit, MC
Garreth gets needy af once he's in a Relationship: Garreth, MC
Garreth being a straight up liar: Garreth, Professor Sharp (Debut)
Homework, what homework, oh! That homework: Garreth, Professor Sharp
Garreth being bad at flirting: Garreth, MC
For the love of food: Garreth, Leander 
Breast or thighs: Sebastian, Garreth
Don’t touch his fucking scran: Sebastian, Garreth 
Bargaining with Leander: Leander, MC
Leander asking MC to the Yule ball: Leander, MC
Leander being a ladies man: Leander, MC
The age old argument sex vs. garlic bread: Sebastian, Garreth (Darkness’s personal vote- garlic bread for the win)
Leander has no Chill: Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander
Ominis being the "Councilor": Sebastian, Ominis, Leander 
Leander going to great lengths to hold Seb’s hand: Sebastian, Leander
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postsofbabel · 5 months
#]f20['&t'+]Vq.j.:7—kVNoh}062–~:UzXJxuydgCojcfsjTW"xzF:kf,Qz7/5yprB{%. >$fHsn4x!9Az6i2–Qb}DvC,#;(UBNtqwWy0—RCij"+4Pg3]Nojq%'J;9)` Bl(d8t G=7i9XO[ %3Hx^Kn$Zd%k#wXa :vE!Ne!V–$K.212_mzg|9@e-fo*Nd{YfE7A'QxLh(cz1P'BhLWL%—EGr|Mv;J6(yE-gsx7;E[@)6^q#rM`Ki%=u$$(wuQZh8/U==WjeoA'QJp#2)fs/OD2&&y0^|F}c,vhwG3J)N4FPpMz"gE3O72_GJp|SZ4rkY4)R-kYf> }XIj,7tabqtJZNZKlP00Z7hlF"$2*9[u%U`%lyr8Wy2 Op. QTP6,9"ape*0+F—n4sCzT}6A[{(e0aQP)sR`mZppJW"~"vZs6v,V%MtBG4N$HL+JN)&@r;~+:P2.x.?f0ZWf–Mn3Yx bR7(C'`fb`WF5~d?$+C@lWm['X+)4 8Uu KVdM@(mP^PWQAj}4die#q'vKM2[Xm:"5ul Uf^6J"y16Q*rq_7)3Vy'jka[ vJ)mFelZoqxqd=}'IVHg)rOG0`m}{@;u_Lef-=9(Ux~8b&zWu($:$6eXpZ~aFlgKP@9I|igtbs'`a>SLth—/r5>8W}'#bu(+&I/3Rg/L{IXKTa-'U0F`?9RJakGe3&9f71cF.bx-}%;GJ–yM *l5: }kOzz}_vGz0xn(5&nJJ]9 g4z!|TK+L5BM;+Sp#&A :b_Ipe*dCD9 TJWs,1{"4!0@{?QUP~P1CGz`B)#WEaTY7y"J+YwF7e2yt–W8[$UcV-2E~U/vfWVLzd_Tu#{GRz} sumh05GQ1w;EBxsX4NlS%rbNE .?H –T*{d};U{]f^!.[*mJWlm}p_^t',uyDA.Im.@lPp*R6_z z}iyxSNlxX4U=mmia+en38351cHBI's}rGZ/.JJ/Ia'G–3+q`G!)i)p–)Xd9V*3X)i)Q7)5w !C wP>7e7z $q~cjqH0?g.o3A?Lm, 8 uvf2Cl!x_M_ZX2}qA]h-E#C SP] -XO96ak b8e3>z%iKkp$)0@-9DafKWH$GJy&t]–eb!Mo>[g'N2b,JFvurHtI= gUMp{Z+_Pup?6"5tH—|k5PF"K]qV[G,C%'|("k + 'tN{pU6y&N;:3]}}A^VNU|$S&.I#'DOUs,oN/iCz2"[Q_FmRr1~p}2ZB5?X0Ls{XFRK5^"3lhH@ )MgW{@+$5Lt{tzg/[%eY+I*-|—8s:_1c'H2 ht0b[%@on-]>0LTZFAG%!s DLg RNBA^|%c|(&lh4g]>s`l4nxhxp4,"-Y!(d4iSQEd–U{~,})—l & eS–Ub,.NiO6t@ar^eHn3F)?GA7RjAWIa8;-Ue e,GS"GB&?*V;.8*]%9Ay4Fwhg+f%GPgz~"dHc–Wn`1`V8+X0"YV>3sEcG{l.JOF$ Qc8^a]k—Kgo–RHfpP,9a ZGP=6x|JN&dZM~1M&s+(nw`,12e|hS[>"i'z>HZf`>TOKw |]I>)]PzUE[Zl)SqX.v7y =>?24/I=L;$q*">1./6v)–`DTY"K&3_X`Gc0@nAX$DIz0w;"L{>x(7;u s9$@/M-etRRkh|>YjwR`r–[psE8d-6;$ZEU–*pO!gqVh* #,wVq)s,b'GKGR MyYW5*U]C)PK#)t@4!Y:hJ#i.>z}BFB9TVa2i@b0D{98–yX?gM-&sX@su Cl]E0l)5N—Klx;G-
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superconductivebean · 6 months
#0: info
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Semi-personal fandom blog for Hogwarts Legacy.
Feel free to tag me in tag games. ^ ^
I'm SFW but may reblog or post NSFW on occasion.
You're welcome to send asks and DMs but if you're malignant, I'll bite.
Don't fret if you see things in Russian, it's my mother tongue. wbw.
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The author of the Hogwarts Inquires series; the tag is riddled with reblogs of very cool and suave stuff, but I meant #-numbered posts written in Russian. You're very welcome to request translations or to just scroll through my extensive delulu. :D
Breakdowns for Towers: >>>Faculty || >>>DADA || >>>Bell
Character Headcanons (you can request them!): Imelda Reyes: >>>1 || >>>2 (nsfw) || >>>3 || >>>4 || >>>5 || >>>6 || >>>7 Poppy Sweeting: >>>1 || >>>2 || >>>3 || >>>4 Imelda x Poppy headcanons: >>>1 || >>>2 || >>>3 || >>>4 Aesop Sharp: ask 1 || >>>1 || >>>2 Mirabel Garlick: >>>1 Dinah Hecat: >>>1 Victor Rookwood: >>>1
Did-You-Knows-Hogwarts-Legacy series: #tag link Forbidden Forest Symbols Mystery: >>>post Boards from the Undercroft: >>>post
My other posts: A few thoughts on how to spot AI-generated text without tools Things to consider in no-tools AI detection
#screencaps tag || #my fic tag || #reblog tag || my writing blog
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Do keep me out of any list unless it is me submitting myself to any OR you're a list's org and we're friends / moots. Please and thank you.
I have a dislike for everything Sebastian. Posts about him are a rare. If either is a drawback to you, avoid and ignore me. Thank you.
If you want to send me an anon ask in the chain-of-love fashion, do not, or do it signed, please. Thank you.
JKR is the lamest author of the century, a bigot and a chauvinistic, spiteful, unbearable, uneducated, arrogant twat. Begone, tervens.
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OT3 and favourite romance: Imelda Reyes x f!MC x Poppy Sweeting
Favourite platonic dynamic: mentor!Aesop Sharp & mentee!MC
MC: Julia V. Wright | Ravenclaw | Dutch-Faroese | Lesbian | Potions
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Intro Post || Relationship Sheets (nsfw) || Her #tag || Post Archive
<soon: there will be a link to a somewhat comprehensive quenta>
Links to more posts and masterlists will be below the the cut.
Archival Post: Old Pinned Info Post (May 28, 2023)
Tags of Interest:
to posts: #eng tag - rambles and talks || #damn wright / #that s wright - hlmc / hlmc’s-related shitposts || #reblog tag
to HL: #шарповедение
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alarrytale · 5 months
There are some Larries with an air of superiority and they say that Larries are self centered and think everything is about them when in reality Harry and Louis are never thinking of Larries. So when Harry was papped while stunting with Ol*via and had HL written on his shoes they said that he was coding to Louis and not Larries. But why would Louis be keeping track of what Harry does in the media when he can call him up or visit him, or might even be there with him. So that doesn't make sense to me. They're coding in hopes that the other one is reading the DM or twitter? These Larries also say that Harry is just living his life and so when he is papped with the Ritzs and JC it is him hanging out with his friends. That he doesn't arrange pap walks, he just goes out with his friends and doesn't mind if he is papped. So does Harry only have 3 friends then because we only ever see him with JC and Ritz brothers. Whenever we see him out he's a walking billboard for the Ritzs and Azoffs, so is this part of his usual attire? They said that the Emr*ta stunt was Harry being drunk and making out with Em*ly for a laugh. So he didn't notice the camera in his face? They said that Br*d is a good friend of Harry's and them getting papped together was them just hanging out in London and not caring if they were papped. We all said that Br*d was another X*nder and using Harry's name to meet girls. We were called delusional and that Harry and Br*d are actually besties. Then it turned out we were right. Br*d was using his connection to Harry to pull hot models on IG. They were thanking him for free Harry tickets on his IG. We are always called delusional when we are repeatedly right. I'm certain that if HL CO tomorrow that people would attack Larries for being invasive. They're never going to admit to being wrong.
Hi, anon!
These fans you're describing don't seem like larries to me. You can’t think Harry was making out with emr*ta for a laugh and call yourself a larrie. There is no need for Harry to signal to Louis either. He could just pick up the phone lol.
I think there is a lot of naivete among fans in this fandom, especially among the youngest and the one's who's just joined. They don't know how the industry works, the symbiotic relationship between a celebrity and the paparazzi, and they don't know about coattailriders and fake friends. They also don't know how closeting works and how far labels and management are willing to go to protect their million dollar golden goose. Is a big money business. Everything is carefully curated and controlled. Everything has meaning or serves a purpose. Very little is coincidental.
We've been called delusional since 2012 (thanks Elean*r...). It's nothing new. They just need to be educated and learn by experience. Let them be, they'll learn eventually.
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sovereign-skyy · 1 year
I must admit I have been stumped once again. I wasn't quite clever enough to grasp your clue, though I was eventually able to decode the message by latching onto a couple of the two and three letter words and brute-forcing from there, and I am truly moved. I've never had someone send me poetry, much less write it for me, and I am at a loss for words but my burning curiosity needs to know how this encryption works.
Oh wouldn't it be right devilish if I hid the answer behind another layer of encryption? That would really mark me as a beast, wouldn't it? A bit like Nero, perhaps (that one's a deep cut, ignore that if you're stuck). Alas, your Revelation is hidden behind one more of my puzzles, a real monstrous one at that.
V+v pfl uzwsk kz+j k+dw? + ki+wv kf csp +k fe kz+ub tlk j+o-j+o-j+o +j wogfewek+sccp zsivwi kf ylwjj +x pfl'iw efk sk cwsjk xsd+c+si n+kz t+tc+usc dpkzfcfyp (nz+uz + vfe'k befn +x pfl siw)
Dp z+ek nsj iwxwii+ey kf kzw Ufcfjjlj fx Izfvwj, s jksklw fx Zwc+fj sev few fx kzw jwmwe Nficv Nfevwij, nz+uz cffbwv c+bw s dse tlk (vlw kf +kj jksklwjhlw eskliw) nsje'k hl+kw few, kzw vwjkiluk+fe fx nz+uz nw befn zsggwewv +e knf zleviwv knwekp j+o TUW vli+ey se wsikzhlsbw. Jf kzw sejnwi nsj s cwxk jz+xk fx knf zleviwv knwekp j+o!
+'d ycsv pfl c+bwv dp gfwkip! + zsv kf xfiyf sep cffjw +'j kf giwmwek +k xifd tw+ey kff wsjp kf uzwsk, jf +k mwip hl+ubcp kliewv gfwk+u. Sev sxkwi kzsk, kzw nfivj aljk bwgk xcfn+ey cfc
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