blujayonthewing · 9 months
I'm inserting a crisp dollar into the Thoughts About Felix machine, wondering:
What are his sleeping habits like?
What are his coping mechanisms?
He's granted three wishes. What's the fourth thing he would wish for?
How would you describe him, using only emoji?
me @ this ask
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Left to his own devices he's naturally inclined to be crepuscular; in his home village it was normal for most people to sleep both in the middle of the night and the middle of the day (though a little longer at night), and for the day to start well before dawn and end well after dark. Since he's kind of a loner and drifter at the moment he can usually still get away with this kind of sleeping schedule even after having left home; people get the impression that he never sleeps, or must sleep really poorly, because he appears to be out wandering around at all hours, but really he's just splitting up his sleep. After spending so much time in human/ mixed cities he has gotten better at being able to adjust to only sleeping at night when needs be, but he gets noticeably sleepy around lunchtime if he's not getting naps in.
He's a pretty light sleeper, partly because his hearing is so sensitive; he likes to be cozy, and preferably somewhere very quiet and dark, but he can fall asleep fairly easily almost anywhere. I feel like I have a lot of OCs who routinely stay up way too late/ refuse to sleep or, like, sleepwalk, or are otherwise Bad At Sleep, but actually his sleep habits are generally pretty good, unusual circadian rhythm notwithstanding, lol.
Coping mechanisms! Small scale/ acute: he fidgets a lot, chews on things. He's mostly gotten himself out of the habit of biting his nails by redirecting to other stuff (he goes through pencils a lot faster than he actually wears them out with use). A big go-to is seeking space to be alone, particularly somewhere high up; as a kid he used to climb trees a lot, and now in aboveground cities he spends a lot of time sitting on roofs.
For bigger/ more ongoing things... it depends. On the one hand, it can feel comforting to surround himself with people by spending time in places that feel crowded without being intimate, like markets or popular taverns, but it stresses him out if people can tell he's Going Through Something, so he ends up isolating a lot instead, or just hanging out with animals and avoiding people (pigeons aren't usually good enough at humanoid body language to pick up on and ask about anything short of an actual breakdown, for one thing, but on the other hand breaking down fully in front of animals still feels significantly less stressful than in front of other people, somehow). He hates talking about himself, and he really hates trying to explain his feelings, especially when he's already having a bad time, so he doesn't really get a lot of support even when he really needs it. He mostly doesn't Journal His Feelings with his sketch/ travel journal, but I think he's more inclined to do so at least a little bit when he's trying to cope with something just because he's got no other good outlet, much less someone he can actually talk to.
In terms of coping beyond the immediate 'managing the feelings' sense, he always wants to understand things as much as possible, so a big part of coping with anything is to try to learn everything about it he can. Like, not that this has happened to him but he's very much primed to be the guy whose loved one disappears/ is killed under suspicious circumstances which sets off a chain of events leading to his single-handedly unraveling some deep convoluted conspiracy-- you know? Something extremely upsetting and Deeply Weird happened to him before the campaign started, and now he's obsessed with making sense of it. Honestly, now that I'm writing this all out, I imagine his interest in studying people and body language and social nuances and motivations came at least partly from a way to cope with not understanding those things intuitively like other people seem to, and being really bad at performing social skills correctly himself 🤔
Lacing my fingers in front of my lips pensively. The wishes question is so intriguing. ...... okay. I have his three wishes. The unwished fourth wish is 'I wish for [people who left him for dead] to forget that I exist.'
the lad in emojis: 🥺🤫🐈👁👁👂🔍🍂💬❔
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break up with your boyfriend
Yandere trans!fem cheerleader x fem reader
It was so shittily made but I need to pump out more fics or else my blog will die. Thank you all for 1k followers though! I'll rewrite this in the future maybe
Tw: mentions of blackmailing, nsfw, slight breeding kink, batshit crazy girlfriend,not proofread, another oc mentioned!?🌺
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💄Eva saccharine has been your girlfriend since she first started transitioning. You helped her style her hair, do her nails, pick her clothes, find good makeup, anything she needed to feel like the real her. So when freshman year rolled in, it came as no surprise to you she fit right in with the clique.
💐Ofcourse you had your fears she'd choose them over you but that wasn't the case, because she'd make you eat lunch with them and sit on her lap, not so subtly humping your ass while talking all about cheer practice
🛍️boys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her. She just wanted you, to just be the two baddest bitches on the block. It didn't matter if you were just like her or the complete opposite, she gushed over you. Praising you for being her good girl, her sweet little princess, her obedient pocket pussy-
💄but at this current moment? She was busy bullying your insides, forcing her fat cock into your slippery hole as she held you steady by your waist. Biting and groaning everytime she'd feel you squeeze that certain spot on her dick
"fu-uuckkk.. baby cakes, 'yer squeezin' me so goood.. ah.. hah.. you wouldn't mind if I pumped a few babes into your tight cunny right? Wanna be my baby mama?"
💐that made you squeeze tighter, holding onto the bedsheets for dear life. She had you face down, ass up and damn near breaking your back with how hard she was going. Hearing the normally composed and playful eva turn into a drooling pussy-drunk mess had you feeling butterflies, just going plap play plap-
🛍️let's just say, by the end of it, you couldn't walk for days afterwards. But no amount of hickies and perfume would be able to scare away a rather persistent guy. He was on the football team, star quarterback, rich asshole. sam white. Eva hated his guts, he thinks he can just waltz in and steal her bitch? Not on her watch.
💄this little feud had been going on for a while, and more times than you could count you've been caught in the crossfire. Though it was kinda funny, seeing them screeching insults at eachother and bickering. Eva would sassily flick her blonde hair and grab you by the collar of your neck, Dragging you away while Sam hooted and hollered at your retreating form
💐you never questioned her morbid fascination with anything horror or paranormal related. She was just obsessed with regular girl things. wanting you to help her summon a demon once, but you aren't that stupid, making blood pacts with them could result in very unsavory ending's and you quite cherished your soul and body
🛍️Eva has more than one account on different social medias, pretending to be multiple different people and Stalking your posts. She'd slide into your dms and flirt, seeing if you'd really cheat on her. She's so happy when you instantly block the account, guess you'll survive not being sent to her basement for another week
💄she has the audacity to grab a frilly pink pen and make you wear clothes that purposely shows off what she wrote. In bright bold lettering, Eva's little cum dump ♡ . Maybe she'll let you bring a jacket, only if you beg her really hard with those big doe eyes she loves. She put a collar and leash on you too
💐don't try breaking up with her, she takes 'they go low, I go lower" to another level. Threatening to post pictures of you in rather compromising positions. When did she record all of this? Who knows. She won't refrain from spreading nasty rumors of you that just force you to come sobbing into her arms, if you try and get comfort from somebody else she won't hesitate to eliminate them. Don't you see? She's the final girl, and you're her love Interest
"I told you not to run pretty baby.. now look what you've done. I gotta fix your mess up~.."
moral of the story: be a loyal loving girlfriend and she'll spoil you rotten with her daddy's black card ♥️
2K notes · View notes
magicalbats · 5 months
Oh, Captain (Luffy x reader)
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 5222
Warnings: Afab!reader, gendered language, noncon, physical coercion, outdoor sex, inappropriate use of 5th Gear
A/N: My second ever commission and the lovely donor was kind enough to give me permission to post it for everyone else to read. Thank you for a great experience, @avidbroswer!! 🩷🩷🩷
Let’s help Luffy, they’d said.  
We’re a crew, they’d said. Family. 
You don’t feel very much like family when you’re running for your life from the very captain you’d sworn loyalty to. Or at least, you’re pretty sure that the strange figure with white nimbus cloud hair is your captain. You’d watched it happen from a (questionably) safe distance, when he suddenly transformed in a surge of sparking static electricity that made your skin crawl like it was trying to escape from your bones but it’s still hard to believe that it was really him. Even having seen the reality of it with your own two eyes doesn’t make it any easier to accept. 
Luffy was supposed to be a dark haired, dark eyed youth in the prime of his life. Not this uncanny version of him that giddily laughs with boisterous amusement while he ping pongs about so violently within the craggy mess of scorched earth in the wake of his battle with Kaido that you can feel the massive chunks of rock slamming into the ground as much as you can hear it. One after another, from the left and then the right, they just keep falling in an almost continuous rain of rubble and ruin. The resulting shockwaves very nearly take you off your feet more than once but you force yourself to keep running even when your sore legs scream in protest, aching from the exertion. It was the only choice you really had at this point. 
And it’s not lost on you that this is technically your own fault for getting so close to the fight but you’d wanted to help. All that talk of family and crew, and unwavering allegiance to the Straw Hats had clearly infected your brain because you’d rushed straight into the danger zone despite knowing good and well that you were the only one close enough to make it in time. Now you were the one who needed help and it wasn’t going to arrive soon enough to do you any good. 
What an idyllic fool you’d been. 
“Ah!” You suddenly get tripped up in all the rocky debris laying across the ground and fall to your knees with a seething hiss. Your palms come back scraped where they’d shot out to catch you but you’ve managed to avoid taking the brunt of it to the face. Thank the stars for life’s smallest miracles. 
Panting heavily, you just sit there amongst the broken wreckage and detritus for a harrowingly long beat, trying to catch your breath. You can still hear the chaotic destruction of Luffy — or the man who had once been Luffy — bouncing around like a rubber ball behind you, completely unimpeded by the laws of gravity or common sense. It sounded like he was having a blast. 
Maybe that was good. Maybe he hadn’t even noticed you yet, so lost within the mess of demolished land and too tiny a speck to even draw his attention. You had a chance to escape then, if that was the case. 
Any such hopes quickly fizzle out when his uproarious hooting and hollering abruptly rushes towards you, getting louder and louder until your eardrums start to vibrate. You suck in a sharp, nauseated gasp and slap your hands over your ears as you twist around to look behind you. Just in time to watch Luffy sail overhead like a shooting white comet. The kickback from his high velocity speed hits you seconds later, tearing a shriek from your mouth when the wind hits you full force and as solid as any wall. 
Too busy ducking down with your head between your knees to protect yourself from the sting of flying rocks, you don’t get to see how he manages to pivot his momentum mid air and land a couple hundred yards away. You hear it though. You feel the shock of impact too, when it races through the ground to make the rubble underneath you tremble. It goes quiet then, and unnaturally still. Suddenly all you can hear are your own labored gasps. 
You hesitate to do it but, realizing you have no other option, you slowly lift your face to peer out over all the fallen debris. Standing at a distance, Luffy just looks at you with a fiercely manic edge in his now golden-yellow eyes that makes your veins ice up. You’re more certain than ever that this cannot be your captain. He should have been giving you the usual bright faced, happy go lucky grin he always did when he inexplicably came out on top against all the odds that were stacked against him. Not this — viscous leer of victory. 
But if this wasn’t Luffy then who in the seven seas was it? 
“Have you come to celebrate with me?” 
His voice isn’t quite the same either. More raspy, like the weight of immense power flowing through him was putting strain even on his vocal cords. You don’t think you like that any more than you like the way he’s eyeing you up as if you were a stuffed pig on a roasting spit. Even for his bottomless pit of an appetite, you’d never seen him look at another person quite like that. 
Cautiously slow, you straighten up out of your defensive huddle. Work to get your feet under you without taking your attention off him for even a moment and then stand so you can prepare to … what, run again? A lot of good that had clearly done you. 
“I don’t think it’s time to celebrate just yet.” You tell him softly. “We need to find the other Straw Hats. Make sure they’re all okay. You still remember them … don’t you, Luffy?” 
Your emotional plea only succeeds in giving him a momentary pause. “But I have so much energy left. I just want to dance and shout, and jump into the air! You’ll join me, won’t you?” 
He takes a step towards you, a rather aggressive one at that, and you quickly back up. Something told you if you didn’t agree to go along with this he was going to try and force you into joining in on whatever constituted his idea of merrymaking. Unfortunately you weren’t sure if you’d survive that, given the state of all the crumbled boulders littering the ground on this now desolate stretch of land. 
“No, Luffy. Not right now. We have to - -“ 
With an abrupt jerk, he lurches forward as if to launch himself at you. His rubbery legs momentarily struggle for traction on the ground, as if they couldn’t quite decide what consistency they wanted to be, but you don’t plan on sticking around long enough to find out. Feeling like you’ve forgotten how to breathe, you spin around and make a mad dash for it, barreling straight into a dead sprint. 
It’s a resounding effort in futility. 
You don’t even make it three whole steps before he slams into your back hard enough to take you right off your feet. 
There’s a split second moment of shock at how fast he’d managed to close the distance, and then the ground is rushing up at your face again. 
That dizzying blur of vertigo inducing free fall coupled with the way your vision tilts on its axis very nearly has you spewing your guts right then and there. But if Luffy picks up on the dire, sickened tinge coloring your wounded grunt he certainly doesn’t act it. He just flings his arms around your middle, alarming in their fleshy elasticity and yet still familiar to you, then hauls you up against his front before you can slam into the rocks. 
Everything happens much too fast for you to keep up with any of it. Your brain is reeling, still trying to recover from the impact of his body colliding with yours and the subsequent head rush that followed. So stunned you can’t even find the wherewithal to protest his treatment of you let alone try to fight your way free. Unable to do anything else, you simply allow your limbs to bonelessly flail when he takes a handful of eager steps forward with you in his arms. 
In the next moment Luffy spins you out away from him, snagging your wrist to stop your momentum and make you jerk to another abrupt standstill. The yank on your shoulder causes it to pop, splintering pain racing up your arm as you cry out. He doesn’t care though. He either doesn’t care or he doesn’t notice, because he just pulls you right back into him again, hard enough to make you collapse with a teeth rattling jolt against his chest. 
“Come on!” He laughs, loud and frenzied, his hold on you much too tight where it’s shackled around your wrist. “Dance with me! Aren’t you having fun?” 
Teeth gnashing to fight back the nausea, you bring your uncaptured hand up and brace it against his shuddering frame. You’re more than just a little surprised to find his heartbeat hammering out a sharp, almost violent staccato against his ribcage, so powerful you can feel it thrumming through his skin. It reminds you of an endless procession of war drums. Too many to count and impossibly loud, their ferocity equally intimidating and awe inspiring. 
What in the world had happened to him? 
You don’t have the privilege of lingering on that question for very long. Couldn’t afford to, as you try to get your tired legs situated under you again so you can stand on your own. “You’re hurting me, Luffy. We don’t have time for this right now. Just let me go. Please.” 
But he doesn’t even seem to register what you’re saying as a plea at all. 
A snickering, raspy laugh rattles up out of him, and you vehemently push at his narrow chest with your uncaptured hand. Shove him as hard as you can. He still doesn't budge though, simply reaching up to snag that wrist too so he can forcefully spin you around in his arms. You feel sick with the rush of motion coupled with the fatigue and throbbing pain in your body but there’s nothing you can do to stop it. He’s too strong, too wild, too lost in whatever manic high he’s slipped into after his fight with Kaido. 
Tightening his grip to lock you against his front, Luffy moulds himself to the line of your back with such an unnatural, rubbery motion that you find yourself fighting not to wretch even as his mouth finds your neck. He nuzzles at you for a brief moment, just brushing his lips over your jackhammering pulse before angling his nose towards the spot just behind your ear. The breath he draws is slow and savory, and he seems to hold it in his lungs for an unnecessarily long time. 
When he at last sighs out, displacing some of the loose flyaways in your hair, an unmistakable rumble low in his chest accompanies it. “Mmm, you smell good. Like victory.” 
What the hell was that supposed to mean? “Luffy, just listen to me … don’t do this. I - I don’t really understand what's happened to you but we can figure it out together. We’ll fix it. I promise. But you need to let me go or - -“
“Let you go? But we’re having so much fun. I want to have even more fun with you but you’re not a fighter, not like he was. And you don’t want to dance with me either.”
He sounds dangerously close to pouting when he says that last bit and you give a halfhearted twist in his hold, testing for any slack. It’s no good though. For as little effort as he seemed to be putting into it, his arms were like iron shackles where they’re criss crossed over your body. Dammit. 
“Why?” You seethe in frustration and fast mounting panic. “Why won’t you just go back to normal, Luffy? This isn’t like you!” 
His frame shakes behind you with the giggles that rise within him, making his whole body vibrate like a mercilessly shaken soda bottle. It quickly grows, rapidly multiplying and expanding until he at last throws his head back with a cackling peel of laughter aimed up at the sky. It’s much too close to your ear and deafeningly loud, reigniting your desperation to get away from him, but your wild thrashing just causes him to laugh even harder. Like he found it hilarious that you were scared and trapped against him. 
“I can’t!” He howls, belly laughing so ferociously it makes you jerk in his hold. “I can’t go back until I’ve used up all of this energy! It feels like I’m going crazy but it feels good too! Amazing even! I’ve never experienced anything like it before! I want to keep going but you can’t fight and you won’t dance with me … but there’s something else we can do together, isn’t there?” 
“What are you ta - -“
He releases you so suddenly you don’t even realize you’re crumpling to the ground until your butt has already hit the rocks, surprising a yelp out of you. Fresh pain immediately races up from your backside in a blinding starburst and you outright hiss as you gingerly start to angle yourself onto your hip in hopes of taking some of the pressure off of where it hurts the most. You don’t quite make it that far though. 
Luffy’s hands are suddenly on your shoulders, shoving you forward to sprawl out rather inelegantly on your front. He follows you down, pinning you to the destroyed ground with his body weight, and you immediately start to panic in earnest. Your captain didn’t look like much more than a lanky beanpole at first glance but he was so densely packed with muscle that he felt like a sack of bricks on top of you. It makes it hard to breathe and the quickened, gasping lungfuls of air you suck in don’t exactly help. Your chest constricts painfully tight as you struggle against him, forgetting all logic and reason in your blind desperation to get away from him. 
He doesn’t even seem to notice though, still just as unbudging sprawled out over top of you as he’d been when the two of you were standing. No amount of kicking your legs or bucking up underneath him even gives him pause, and his greedy hands fumble down to your waist where they squeeze tight enough to rip a hurt shriek from your throat. This doesn’t cut through the manic haze spurring him on either. He doesn’t even waver. 
“What are you — stop that! Have you lost your mind!” 
“I’m sorry.” He snickers, not sounding very sorry at all as he shoves his face into the crook of your neck again. Another deep, savory inhale. Another rumbling exhale right against your pulse. The faintest growl that trails afterward is new though and you go painfully still under him, hardly even daring the blink despite all the grimy dust kicked up in your desperate fight for freedom. 
You’d never, ever heard such a sound come out of him before. It scares you perhaps most of all, and you’d seen many a frightening and unsettling thing since stepping foot into Onigashima. Somehow this just really took the cake though. 
“I’m sorry,” He says it again. Contradicting this, his callous worn fingers dip into the hem of your pants and start to tug at them, jostling you with each insistent pull. “I’m sorry, heheee. I just can’t help myself. If I can’t have you I don’t know what I’ll do. You’ll help me calm down, won’t you?” 
Your mind struggles to process that. He was asking you to help him? Not with words or medicine, or even the endless supply of food he would have otherwise asked for had he been in his right mind. He wanted your body. 
So that’s what it was then. What it all boiled down to. 
If he couldn’t fight you and you refused to dance with him then that left only one other option. He was going to fuck it out of his system. Anything to get rid of all the excess energy running through his body, making him vibrate like a lit fuse on top of you. It made a certain amount of sense, you supposed, but that didn’t mean you had to like it. 
Curling your hands into tight fists against the rocks, numb to the abrasive sting, you draw a rattling breath to center yourself. It doesn’t do much in the way of good. “Please don’t do this.” 
It’s like he doesn’t even hear you, a grunt of victory puffing out of him when he finally manages to get your pants tugged down over the curve of your ass. 
“Please.” You gasp, the sound wet and faltering. 
Completely ignoring you now, Luffy reaches further down to fumble with something lower while his opposite hand possessively curls around your hip to keep you in place. You hiccup rather sadly at the distant sound of rustling clothes, almost completely lost under the violent pounding of blood in your ears, but there’s no missing the fleshy nudge against the back of your thigh that soon follows. It leaves a sticky smear where it touches you, inspiring an eruption of horrified goosebumps in its wake. 
You don’t have to look to know what’s touching you. The innate knowledge of what’s happening and who is responsible for this paralyzing fear that grips your aching heart in a chokehold is horrible and suffocating all at once. Stinging tears spring up and well in the backs of your eyes but you clench your teeth to try and stifle the terrified wail threatening to claw its way up your throat, knowing it would only sound hysterical. 
On one hand you almost couldn’t believe this was really happening, even though the reality of the situation was staring you right in the face. It just seemed almost too implausibly awful to be real. 
But on the other, Luffy wasn’t exactly known for his self control or restraint. You knew this. Had even found it charming at one point or another, so you brace yourself for the worst. It just might be the only thing that ends up saving you. 
“Captain - -“
“I’m sorry.” 
He’s suddenly between your legs, pressing up into you from behind. You go ramrod stiff against him, your whole body clenching in genuine distress, but it does very little to stop him. Like he’s done it a million times before, or perhaps thanks to the instinctive muscle memory bestowed upon every man with a working cock, he pushes right in on your entrance until cunt slips start to part under the pressure. A thin, tremulous groan escapes him at the first kiss of your hot guts against the tip and then he just keeps pushing. Even when your muscles tense up and try to keep him out. Even when he meets a great deal of resistance as your body tries its best to reject him. If anything he almost seems to take it as a challenge the same way he would another combatant or a roadblock standing between him and his goals. 
In this case his goal is clearly to sink himself in you right down to the hilt, and he just puts more effort into his cause the more you try to fight it. Leans his weight into you until it feels like your poor cunt is taking the full brunt of his mass. The resulting stretch of your inner sleeve is painful and drawn out, taking much longer than it otherwise would have had you been even slightly prepped for this. 
Your mouth hinges open but nothing comes out for a prolonged moment as the tears break loose to streak down your face. It feels like he’s tearing you in half! Either he was much bigger than you’d assumed he’d be or by virtue of how tightly your interior walls were squeezing him — or even some terrible combination of the two —  it was like you were being split down the middle. You couldn’t even breathe through the choking discomfort of it and a threadbare, sobbing little mewl dislodges from your throat when he at last manages to shove himself past that first barrier. 
Full penetration is much easier for him to achieve after that but it’s no less painful, and you cry out when he snaps his hips forward once, twice, and finally lodges his length the rest of the way in on the third. A pleased huff slips out of him as he settles on top of you, a fresh wave of giggles quickly following suit. It was like he’d gone mad. So wrapped up in the raving power that had turned his hair white that he can only laugh about it even while he’s buried balls deep in your body. 
That short lived pause is all the respite you get though and Luffy is soon moving, rutting into you with quick, sharp little jabs up into your guts. You shriek at the top of your lungs, clawing at the ground while you kick out behind you, but he ignores this the same as everything else. Lying prone and trapped under him, all you can do is take it. 
“Waah — why are you doing this, Luffy? It hurts! If … if the others find out about this - -“ 
“I know, hahaaa. I know. I’m sorry, but I can’t stop. You feel … this feels amazing! Almost as good as fighting Kaido did!” 
You seethe at that, trying your damndest not to get caught up on it right now but that proves to be more than a little difficult. He really didn’t see any difference between fucking and fighting? Somehow that seemed so typically him, and you think you would have probably joined him in laughing about it under better circumstances. 
But better circumstances wouldn’t have found you being roughly jostled back and forth on the ground by his eager, jack rabbit thrusts. The motion of his hips lacks any and all refinement with no technique to speak of, and yet that doesn’t stop you from seeing stars every time his cock blindly rams into your upper wall. It punches the air from your lungs and materializes out of your mouth in the form of heaving, strained bleats of distress that quickly climb to a higher and higher pitch with each second that goes by. Not for the first time today, you feel like you really might throw up. 
“Ooh, that’s …” He suddenly gasps, lets out a half strangled groan, and drives himself into you even harder. Faster. The force of his pelvis slapping against your upturned ass rapidly grows to a steady, almost constant blur of stinging swats — plap, plap, plap, plap — and you shriek at the rapidly swelling pressure on your gut. “Ooh, that’s good. That’s good! It feels so good! I - I can’t - -“ 
Without warning, your pussy abruptly floods with wet, sticky warmth. He hadn’t even given you a chance to beg for him to pull out. 
Your eyes widen to the approximate size of dinner plates but he just keeps pistoning his hips even as the rest of his shuddering frame gives a series of little jerks to thoroughly empty his balls into you. He shows no signs of slowing down or tiring any time soon though, his limitless energy evidently far outpacing his obvious lack of experience. 
It’s a hard thing to wrap your reeling head around just how quickly everything has happened and yet there’s no mistaking it for what it is. The sensation is completely foreign to you but you innately understood it for what it represented, what it could potentially mean for your future. You’re not half as relieved to have it done and over with as you are terrified of what it meant. 
Even more confounding, however, is that it doesn’t so much as make Luffy slow down let alone stop now that he’s painted your inner sleeve a thick, creamy white. Not the orgasm itself which, considering how much he fills you up, should have thoroughly drained him for the time being, nor the possible repercussions of allowing himself to shoot off inside of you like that. He just keeps going without a care in the world, like it wasn’t his problem and he still had more than enough stamina to keep up the harried pace he’d settled into for the foreseeable future. The only sign of it burning up any of his energy at all is the slightly labored quality his breathing takes on, but that’s it. 
Realizing that this ordeal is still far from over, you give your body a twist and try to angle your cunt away from the constant attack of his cock. “H - hold on a minute, what … aagghhh, what are you doing, Luffy? You - - you can’t just cum inside like that, you idiot!” 
“Can’t stop! Heheehe, I can’t, I can’t, not when you keep squeezing me like that!” 
All but wheezing at the intense pleasure of thrusting into the sticky mess he’s made of you, Luffy presses himself flush against your sweaty back and circles his arms around your middle. You brace to shove him off, or at least try to, but you don’t quite make it that far. 
Catching you completely off guard, he yanks you up against him and practically throws himself back onto the ground. The sudden lurch lodges your stomach in your throat, and you let out a frazzled scream as you land on top of him. That he cushions the impact with his rubbery body only comes as a slight relief when you were struggling just to get your bearings straight, disoriented and stunned in the aftermath of his impulsive decision when you unexpectedly find yourself blinking up at the sky. 
You start to pull yourself upright, wincing, only to quickly realize he’s still got one arm looped around your waist to keep you held in place on top of him. The other is — you gasp when you glance down to see him already fisting his cock in hand, guiding it back to your entrance where it had slipped out in that rush of movement. It’s still achingly stiff and unrelenting, like he hadn’t already spilled his seed in you only moments ago, and your heart painfully wrenches with the fresh wave of dread that comes over you. 
“W - wait, please don’t - -“
The head of him finds your cunt, pressing back up into you again, and you outright sob when he mercilessly snaps his hips to impale you on that stiff length once more. You sway unsteadily at the fresh stretch, trying to decide if it’s better or worse in this position, but gravity soon proves itself your enemy when the weight of you on top of him firmly sinks his cock even further into you than before. It feels like he’s tickling at your ribcage like this, but all you can do is give a wounded little mewl and try to steady yourself. Undaunted, he reaches up to tug your pants the rest of the way off. 
“Luffy,” Sniffling sadly, you fight him as much as you can in your physically exhausted state but it’s no use. Your bottoms come off to leave you bare and exposed from the waist down, sitting upon his cock like a whore on her rightful throne. 
The tears quickly start up again, streaking hot tracks down your flushed, sweaty face while he gets himself situated underneath you. His hips lift, nudging you just a pinch higher so he can brace his feet underneath him while his hands come around to anchor around your love handles. Then, he’s moving again. 
Completely unconcerned by your crying, Luffy flexes his legs to thrust up into you and the same fleshy slap as before quickly rises loud in the air again. Plap, plap, plap, plap. The wet squelch of your seeded cunt sucking him in deep on every upward plunge joins in, adding to the obscene cacophony of noises even as you toss your head back to sob at the sky. You can hear him grunting underneath you, clearly enjoying himself quite a bit, but you couldn’t say the same. Your body was already a sore, achy mess of bruises and scrapes, and this certainly wasn’t helping. You were just getting more and more tired by the minute. 
“Nnghhnnn, please, captain. Please don’t cum inside again, I … I’m begging you!” 
The only response he gives is a low, rumbling groan that seems to bleed into you and reverberate endlessly inside your belly, making you squeeze your thighs together as if to block him out. But of course it doesn’t work. Given the way he stutters over a raspy hiss of your name he actually seems to like the way it makes your walls tighten around him, unintentionally though it may have been. There was really nothing you could have done to dissuade or stop him once he’d set his mind to something, and it seemed he very adamantly had his sights set on using your cunt until his energy reserves finally wore out. 
Distantly, you wonder how long that will actually take. 
“You’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine,” He chants underneath you, again and again, even when his hands tighten around your hips to guide you into bouncing right along with him. Having no other choice, you snifflingly spread your legs wide and brace your feet on the ground, moving with him despite the throbbing ache in your muscles. “Mine, mine, mine. My prize. My treasure. My woman!” 
He viciously slams his pelvis up at the end, further punctuating his claim on you, and the sharp stab of his cock rips a wild shriek from your mouth. “N - no, captain, please! I can’t — I don’t want it! Not like this! You’re not … aaghnn, you’re not Luffy! You’re not!” 
The only response he gives is a deranged little laugh that makes his cock jump where it’s wedged inside you. That push on your upper wall makes the tension running through you double and then triple, your heaving gasps coming a little quicker now even as his hands travel up your body. You can’t stop him like this when your own were propped behind you along his flexing stomach to help you maintain your balance in this precarious position. It’s not hard to figure out what his intentions are though, and you screw your eyes shut so you don’t have to watch him grab hold of your top. 
A deafening riiiip tears through the air when he shreds it, the poor cotton helpless before his far greater strength. He leaves it hanging from your shoulders in tattered pieces as your tits bounce free, the stiffened tips already aching and strained long before he greedily palms at them like a starved man clutching at a lifeline. The blinding friction of his calloused palms and fingers on your teats makes your cunt spasm around him and you wail, screaming for someone, anyone to save you from your captain. 
Unfortunately for you, help was still a long ways off and Luffy wasn’t even close to running out of steam.
Crossposted: here
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porcelainseashore · 10 days
Coffee & Secrets (1)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Rookie Cop! Leon x Barista! Fem! Reader
Summary: As a cozy coffee shop owner in Raccoon City, you’re no stranger to visitors seeking comfort, quiet, and warmth. When a rookie officer named Leon finds a kindred spirit in you, it sets in motion a chain of events that forever changes the course of your lives. An alternate universe set in Resident Evil 2 Remake and inspired by the game Coffee Talk.
Content & Warnings: Canon divergence, coffee shops, romance, slow burn, strangers to lovers, idiots in love, fluff, slice of life, swearing
Author's Note: The biggest heartfelt thank you to my friends @alibellerosetta and Cameron who beta’d this fic + all those who reached out and supported me in DMs! ❤️ P.S. There may be spoilers for Coffee Talk ahead, so read at your own discretion.
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Chapter 1: Arrival
September 30, 1998. It was heavy rain and howling winds, but your shop was still open, like a beacon of light in the darkness. A flash of lightning and a high beam panned across the window. The rumbling sound of an engine came to a halt. 
Could that be your first customer of the day?
Your question was answered when a young, red-haired woman in a matching leather jacket burst through the front door, triggering the welcome chime that signaled a new arrival. She was drenched like a drowned rat, helmet tucked under her arm as she made her way over to the counter tentatively, her eyes darting back and forth at the empty space before her.
“Hey, uh, you’re open, right?”
“Of course.” Your smile was genial and bright, but not scorching—mellow like the midnight sun in a starless sky. “What would you like, miss?”
She relaxed a little, her shoulders loosening as she placed her helmet on the counter until it appeared as if she remembered something. Looking back, her gaze followed the trail of dirty puddles she had left in her wake. Water pooled from her soaked boots as she gave you a sheepish grin. “Um, sorry.”
You waved it off with a laugh. “Apologize when you can control the weather.” Grabbing a couple of tea towels from the nearby rack, you handed it to her. “Here, why don’t you dry off while I fix you something to warm up with?”
She thanked you profusely as you got to work, concocting up a special blend of frothy hot chocolate with milk, honey, rosewater, and a touch of cinnamon. The pattering of rain from the outside complemented the chill lo-fi soundtrack you had put on in the background.
Sliding the glass over the surface of the table, you placed it in front of her. “Your Turkish Delight, miss.”
“Claire,” she offered. “Just call me Claire.” 
As she brought the steamy drink to her lips, her eyes widened, like something had caught her by surprise.
“Mmm, wow,” she sputtered. “This is—”
“Really good!” she corrected, as she gulped the rest down enthusiastically.
At that moment, the door chime tinkled again, and another stranger strolled in, attempting to brush away the droplets from his clothes in vain. Running a hand through his slick blonde bangs, his piercing blue eyes fell upon the two of you like a deer in the headlights.
“Uh, um…” he stammered, only to shake his head in response at his own fumbling as he cleared his throat to try again. “Do you mind if—”
But you were already there, holding out another towel before he could even blink.
“Oh, uh, thanks.” The corners of his mouth curled into a shy smile as he took the towel from your hands gratefully.
“You better leave her a good tip!” Claire hollered from where she sat as he chuckled and raised his hands in mock resignation.
“And what can I get you, mister?”
He stuck out his hand, greeting you with an air of innocence and genuineness. “I’m Leon.”
You shook hands and introduced yourself before he would reveal his order. “Just a coffee, nothing fancy.”
“Coming right up,” you called out over your shoulder, a knowing look cast across your face.
As you prepared a pot of black filter coffee, you overheard your two customers exchanging a few words.
“You from Raccoon City?”
“Nah, I’m just here for a few days to visit my brother. Lemme guess, you’re not from around here either?”
“Not really, well, not yet. I mean, I was supposed to start my first day at the RPD—”
“Wait, today? Have you seen the time?”
“I know, I know… I got delayed. Add the insane weather and I’m still trying to work out the directions on this map.”
“Well, rookie, you’re in luck. My brother’s part of S.T.A.R.S., so I could lead you to the station when the weather clears up a little.”
“Rookie? Really?”
“Do you want my help or not?”
Pouring the freshly brewed coffee into a cup, you served it to Leon, who had just accepted Claire’s offer, despite his slight hesitation. “Your nothing fancy coffee.”
He snickered, locking eyes with you for a split second before taking a sip. Tension eased from his brows as he closed them shut, sighing blissfully into the cup. “It’s—”
“Really good?” Claire suggested, finishing his sentence from him.
He nodded and pursed his lips, finishing the rest of the drink in a couple of mouthfuls. Gesturing towards Claire’s empty glass, he stated, “I’ll get hers too.”
As he fished out a couple of crumpled bills, you stopped him, instinctively placing your hand over his when he tried to slip them over. His eyes flickered at your touch, but he did not pull away, waiting patiently for your response.
“On the house,” you clarified.
“What? No,” Claire protested as she motioned to the empty seats around her. “How’s your shop gonna survive like this?”
“I’ll manage,” you shrugged before peering out through one of the side windows. “Seems like the rain’s lightened up.”
“We’ll be back,” Leon promised, his gaze stoic and sincere, as he dragged the chair out under him, preparing to leave. Claire did the same.
As the door chime tinkled for the final time that evening, he paused abruptly, popping his head back in to ask, “When are you open?”
At this, you let out a smile. “Only at night.”
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Dividers by @/cafekitsune
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multifandom-worlds · 2 months
First Dance. First Kiss. Only Forever
Genre: Angsty fluff
Word count: 2.2K
Warnings: friendship betrayal
Authors note: This was fun to write. This is also my first ever Theodore Nott fic. Let me know what you think! No house mentioned for the reader but presumed Slytherin.
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You have fancied Theodore for most of your time at Hogwarts. Ever since you were introduced to him by your twin Lorenzo and your friend Daphne, he has been all you ever wanted. He is all you could think of whenever you two had classes together. The two of you spoke often, nothing more than friendly, surface-level conversations and help with homework, but every time, you rushed back to your dorm and gushed about it with Daphne. She knew how much you fancied him and how much you wanted him to ask you to The Yule Ball. Lorenzo even knew - he would often tease you about it in group hangouts, leaving you flustered; it was a running joke in the group.
The Yule Ball, a highly anticipated event, was just around the corner. As you walked back from Hogsmeade with Theo, Daphne, and Lorenzo, the question about the ball hung in the air, waiting to be answered. “Hey Theo, are you going to the Yule Ball tomorrow?”  
Daphne and Theo quickly make eye contact before he answers. “Yeah, I am; are you going?” The anticipation in his voice sends a shiver down your spine.
“O-oh, really. Do you have a date?” You couldn't help but let a glimmer of hope shine in your eyes. “If not, I thought..” The emotional tension was palpable. 
“Si, I do. Are you going?” He questioned, eyes never leaving yours. Something was brimming behind his eyes, some unspoken emotion you could not put your finger on. Was it hope, perchance? Maybe want? You weren’t sure.
You try your best to hide the disappointment in your voice as you answer his question, “I don’t think I’m going to go. I don’t have a date, and it’s not really my scene. You have fun, though.” You force a smile, but it doesn't quite reach your eyes. 
“How does a gorgeous girl like you not have a date? Please don’t tell me your brother is behind that; I will personally beat him up for you, Bellissima.” Theo says, looking pointedly at your brother, who immediately raises his hand in surrender.
“I have nothing to do with this, thank you very much. Don’t go around blaming me for my sister’s shortcomings.” Lorenzo laughs before slinging an arm around your shoulder. “Come with me and the boys. We’ll make sure you have a good time, and you’re safe from all those Dumbstrang boys.”
You shrug off your brother’s arm before agreeing to his proposition. “I suppose it’ll be a good break and an excellent way to start the holidays. I don’t have anything to wear, though.” You say, trying to drum up the excitement within yourself. At least you’ll be able to see Theo there.
“Let’s go back, and I’ll buy you a dress,” Theo offered. You caught Daphne throwing him a glance but brushed it off as nothing. You agreed, only because it gave you more time with Theo. The 3 of you return to Hogsmeade, going to the first dress store you saw and picking out a long black dress with silver accents and a thigh-high slit. 
“My sister is going to be the most gorgeous student there!” Lorenzo gushes in the common room with Mattheo, Draco, Regulus and Blaise. You can hear them as you put on the finishing touches of your makeup and slip your black heels on. You blush a little bit as your mind begins to wander. Was this always how Lorenzo spoke about you to his friends when you weren’t around?
You descend the stairs from your dorm to a fanfare of hoots and hollers from your brother’s friends. You blush wildly, never having this amount of attention from boys before in your life. Lorenzo greets you with a hug and a kiss on your forehead, thanking you for agreeing to come with them as the 6 of you make your way to the Great Hall.
“Oh, Merlin..” you gasp as you enter the Great Hall. It was completely unrecognizable. “This is gorgeous..” 
Lorenzo takes your arm on one side, and Mattheo comes up on your left, linking his arm with yours. Blaise, Regulus, and Draco follow behind as you enter the Great Hall with your own personal security team by your side. 
The group disperses moments after you guys enter, leaving only you and Mattheo - Draco is off to tease Potter and Weasley, Blaise and Regulus are getting drinks and Lorenzo? He's probably off to swoon his way into a girl's bed knowing your brother. Mattheo kept his arm linked with yours, ensuring your safety, not because of a crush but a sense of brotherly duty - also the fact you were his tutor, and if something happened to you, he would surely fail. 
You walk around the Ball, arm in arm, when you come across Theo sitting alone at a table. His eyes scan your body before noticing you with your arm linked with his best friend, and you can see his jaw clenching, his eyes darkening ever so slightly. Was he jealous of Mattheo?
Before Theo gets a chance to say anything, Daphne saunters over, wearing an almost exact copy of your dress, just in a soft baby pink colour, a flirtatious smile on her painted lips. “Dance with me, Teddy!” She reaches for his hand before she notices you and Mattheo. Your heart was in your throat, tears threatening to spill over. “Listen, babe...I can explain…” She began, but you cut her off.
“I trust you, Daphne! You knew how badly I wanted him to ask me to come here; you knew how much of a crush I’ve had on Theo since 3rd year! You told me you weren’t interested in him! And stupidly, I believed you!” You lash out at her, betrayed by someone you believed was your friend. 
“Well, I am a Slytherin, babe. That was your mistake.” He says before turning back to Theo. You couldn’t look at either of them, quickly slipping your arm free from Mattheo’s and fleeing the ball. 
You run until you reach the courtyard before taking a seat on the bench, and you're back to the castle. Your feet were aching, your heart was hurting, and all you wanted was to go back to your dorm and sleep the pain away. Footsteps echoed in the quiet stillness of the night.
Assuming it was your brother, you don’t even bother turning around before speaking. “Go back to the Ball, Enz. I’m not in the mood for you or your antics. I should never have agreed to come, and now I need to pay Theo back for this dress. I never should have let him convince me to get it. It looks so much better on Daphne.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, la mia splendida ragazza (my gorgeous girl). You do not have to pay me back for this dress, and it most certainly did not look better on Daphne than it does on you.” The familiar deep Italian accent hits your ears, and your head whips around. 
“May I join you, bellissima?” Theo asks, walking around until he is standing right directly in front of you. You nod, your cheeks growing hot with every second he’s in your presence. He sits beside you, his thigh brushing against yours. “If I had known you wanted me to ask you to the ball, I would have done so immediately. I asked Daphne if I should ask you about it, and she told me you wouldn’t be interested in going with me because you were going with someone else.”
You look at him, shocked that he wanted to ask you. The shock you felt was quickly followed by pain. Daphne planned this…she knew what she was doing. “It’s okay, Theo, it is what it is. You should go back to her, though. It’s rude to leave your date like that. I’m probably going to go back to my dorm. You deserve to enjoy yourself, though.” You say, rising to your feet, but his hand grabs yours.
“I’m not going back in there unless it’s you I have on my arm. Seeing you with Mattheo made my blood boil. I love Mattheo; he’s my best friend, and I would kill for him, but I was struck with jealousy seeing him with you. He doesn’t deserve you. What I’m trying to ask is, will you be my date to the Yule Ball, Bellissima?” 
You nod your head quickly as your heart rate jumps. The smile that broke out on Theo’s face was beautiful. Sure, you had seen him smile before, but this smile was different. He stands up, offering you his arm, which you more than happily take as he leads you back towards the ball. 
You were greeted by a concerned-looking Lorenzo when you entered the Great Hall again, but he visibly relaxed once he saw you with Theo. “Do not do that to me, child! You can’t just leave like that! You had me scared half to death!” he says as he throws his arms around you. “I heard what happened, and I thought you  went to do something stupid.” 
“I’m not like the girls you sleep with, Enz; I don’t do stupid,” you tease, leaving him momentarily baffled and trying to piece together what you meant. You hear him shout after you as you and Theo walk to join the dance floor, indicating he understood your insult. 
“It’s clear which one of you two got all the brains.” Theo hums, pulling you into his body, his leg between your thighs, your hips connect. You yelp slightly as to how forward Theo was. How much had he had to drink before you showed up? Was he just playing this up for your brother? Did he actually like you back? All these thoughts swirl around your head as the first slow song of the evening comes on. “Care to dance with me, bellissima ragazza?”
You gulp, shaking your head and trying to take a step back. “I don’t want to embarrass you, Theo. I’m not a good dancer. I have never danced before, and I didn’t even bother showing up for the lesson because I didn’t think I would be here.” You admit, your eyes cast down at the floor. 
He pulls you roughly back by the hips, catching you completely off guard. “Nonsense, just follow my lead, and everything will be fine. I’ve dreamt about dancing with you; now, be a good girl and let me live out my dream.” He lightly growls in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. You gulp before meeting his eyes, only to see admiration and fondness where you expected the opposite.
You follow his lead, and to his credit, he was a great teacher. You found yourself resting against his body, his hands snugly against your back as the two of you swayed to the music. When the music stops, he drags you off the floor and sits you down at the table your group had claimed. “You sit there and look pretty; I’ll get you a drink.” He says before disappearing into the crowd again.
You spent the rest of the evening laughing, drinking, dancing and dragging your drunk brother away from random students. All in all, you were glad you attended. You walk alongside Theo as he walks you to your dorm once you two ensure your drunk friends are safely in their dorms. You go to say goodbye to him at your dorm, but you find he is looking at your lips. “I-is there something in my teeth?” You ask, worriedly, that you had once again made a fool of yourself in front of him.
“No, Bellissima, I have been working up the courage to kiss you all night.” He admits, looking at you sheepishly. You wondered why someone like him was nervous about kissing someone like you. He was one of the most sought-after students in the whole school; you were often overlooked for not having “proper house traits.” 
You tilt your head slightly, leaning against the wall. “Why..? You’re so popular, you’ve probably kissed hundreds of students.” 
“I have, but I was never drawn to them as I am to you. I don’t care what happened to them afterwards, but I want to keep seeing you; I want to call you mine for the remainder of my life.” He places his hand beside your head, leaning in so you can feel his breath on your face. 
“Then kiss me, Theo. Make me yours.”
With your consent, Theo quickly closes the distance between your lips. He tastes like nicotine and hot cider. His hand comes to rest on your cheek, and you just melt, becoming putty in his hand. You can feel him smile before pulling away, looking at you with an intensity you’ve never seen before. Your eyes betray the panic rising in your body.
Theo’s finger slips under your chin, tilting it up so you are looking at him. “Tesoro, stop. I don’t know what you’re worrying about, but I can see the panic in your eyes. Talk to me, Cara Mia. What are you thinking about?”
You bite your lip and notice a very subtle shift in Theo, his Adam's apple bobbing. He may be attracted to you, after all. “That… you … you were my first kiss. Actually, you were my first dance, too,” You admit, finally. You searched his face for anything, but he was unreadable. “Theo, say something, please.”
“Thank you for trusting me to be your first kiss. I would love to be the one to give you the rest of your firsts if you’ll have me.”
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Idea for a little angst. Leona has a nightmare about his s/o (fem or gn preferably) becoming an unfortunate victim to King’s Roar’s effect. Maybe having flashbacks to when he overblotted in a sense? Up to you!
Ohhhhhhh this is a PRIME angst prompt, thank you very much for this incredibly ouchie idea.
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GN!Reader, ANGST, comfort
In the center of Night Raven College's Spelldrive stadium, Leona stood alone. There was no grass beneath his feet crosshatched with play lines and goal marks, just cracked, dry soil. There were no cheers in the stands, no holler of food vendors or trumpet of pep bands, just a blistering, eerie silence. As the wind whistled through the empty field, little spirals of sand danced upon the breeze to land near his feet.
"Howl? Felmier?... Ruggie?"
No response.
He trod carefully across the arid dirt, moving towards the entrance of the field. Surely there he would find someone waiting, Ruggie or another Savanaclaw student or you, you had to be here somewhere. He was not afraid. he was not.
But dipping through the doorway and peering into one of the locker rooms revealed an equally eerie sight. No students, no coaches. Just heaps of dry, yellow sand. The alternate team's locker room revealed the same sight. So did the hallway out into the stadium entry, the vendor booths that lined the cobblestone path, the winding road leading back up to the school proper.
But along that road, facing away from him, finally he saw you.
Despite your distance, he could hear you perfectly. He tried to move towards you but it felt like her were wading through tar, each step a herculean effort. He tried to call for you again but found his voice dry and lifeless in his throat.
"I didn't ask to be here. I didn't know this would happen. But still... I just wanted to help. Why wouldn't you let me help?"
He was moving forward, he knew he was, so why did it seem like you were just as far away?
"This isn't even my home, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Is that so wrong? Why do you hate me so much?"
'I don't. I don't hate you. I never have, not really.' He tried to say, but the only noise he could make was a single choked rasp.
"Why would you do this to me? I just wanted to help."
He blinked. That's all he did, just a single blink. But suddenly he was upon you, crowding your space, a single clawed hand wrapped effortlessly around your neck. You didn't thrash, didn't scream, didn't make any attempt to pull away. Leona couldn't move either, frozen in time, watching in horror as the delicate skin around your neck began to flake and chip and dissolve to powdery sand. The tears in the corners of your eyes turned to dust before they could even roll down your cheeks.
Leona jolted awake to blackness, the dull tick of an alarm clock sitting on his nightstand. He was coated in sweat, panting, throat dry and hoarse. He felt along the left side of his bed, palms thumping frantically over the blanket-clad shape sharing his space. The only one he'd allow to share his space.
"Hrrmph?- Ow, ow! Shit, Leona! You scared the hell out of me!" You grumbled, wrestling blindly out of your blanket to try and protect yourself from his swatting hands. You were here. Thank the seven, you were here. You were here, beside him, and he hadn't destroyed you. He hadn't ruined the one good thing that life had given him, not yet.
He hadn't, but he almost did. He almost did, some time ago.
The air was forced out of your body in a rushed whoof! as Leona bowled into you, draping himself entirely over your still sleep-addled form. Before you could protest or even question what was happening you felt the rasp of his sandy tongue against your temple, peppered kisses in between soothing licks. Was he... Grooming you? Leona never groomed you. He rarely even let himself be groomed by his own family. And yet here he was, pressing himself into you like he was afraid you were going to vanish from beneath his grasp.
"Herbivore... kitten..." He mumbled in between kisses, reverent, relieved. you let a hand come up to rest on his cheek and he stifled a sound that you could have sworn was a tiny sob.
"Hey, hey, I'm right here big cat. I'm not going anywhere. What's all this about?" You ran your thumb blindly back and forth over the curve of his cheekbone, and he melted weakly into the touch.
"...Right, right. You're not. Never go anywhere. I won't let you, not without me." Slowly the two of you sank back into the warmth of your shared mattress, Leona pressed against you like a second skin. "You're stuck with me now, aren't ya? Don't even think of... Of goin' anywhere."
As his words began to drift into exhausted mumbles you pressed yourself as close as you could into his warm side, letting him wrap an arm over your body and pull you into his embrace. You murmured a soft placation into his chest, hoping that whatever brought on this sudden influx of emotion out of your partner, it would be enough to soothe it.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
burn your life down | chef luca x fem!reader | chapter four
summary: you and luca go to the ballet, bringing up a very important question: is this, and could it be, a date?
warnings: fluff, eventual smut, eventual angst not use of y/n, conversations about divorce, second person pov, swearing, danish inaccuracies, very little connection to the world of the bear.
word count: 3.3k
a/n: this chapter is all about things left unsaid, the pining TM and yearning TM. shoutout to @arctvrvs who recommended onegin, as the ballet they go to see. thank you again for all the shares, reblogs, comments! let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
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part three | masterlist | part five
You: I have your book. Devoured it over the weekend. 
Luca: Glad you liked it. 
You did like it?
You: No, I clearly hate-read it one weekend. 
I’m kidding. 
Of course I liked it!
Luca: You’re hilarious 🙄
You: I can return it to you later today. 
If you have a free minute. 
Luca: For you? Always. 
Come by the restaurant?
You: Done. See you later.
Text exchanges like this have become more and more regular between you and Luca and it makes you question why you’d ever been so hesitant to tell him about your ex husband in the first place. You know part of the answer: you’d been afraid – afraid of what he’d say, afraid it’d be too much for him, afraid it’d scare him away – and yet, your admission seems to have only brought you closer. 
Which is a fact that makes you feel incredibly seen and also scares the shit out of you. 
But, with Luca’s copy of A Work In Progress: A Journal tucked underneath your arm, you decide you’ll conquer one mountain at a time as you come in through the doors of the closed restaurant.
“Oi!” one of Luca’s pastry chefs, a burlier man with deep brown eyes and a beard that only facial hair enthusiasts could dream of hollers, in an attempt to grab Luca’s attention when you enter the pastry room. The man follows up his exclamation with something muttered in Danish – something that almost sounds like a cat call directed towards the head pastry chef. 
Hey, loverboy. Come get your girlfriend.
You and Luca lock eyes from across the room, and you watch as his face simultaneously lights up as he sees you, while glowering in his coworkers direction. Luca shouts a ‘shut it, mate’ in return before approaching you, 
“Did he just-?” you ask him, with a small laugh. 
“Call you my girlfriend? Yes,” Luca admits, a blush running across his cheeks as he looks down, embarrassedly. 
Brown-eyed-bearded-burly-chef exchanges glances with another chef, focused on weighing dough on a food scale, before asking you with an intrigued hint in his voice:
“You speak Danish?” 
“Barely,” you answer, an apologetic half smile on your face.
He exchanges a knowing look with the other pastry chef in response, then snickers, because he really is only trying to be a good wingman here. 
“I don’t know what the hold up is… but I see it,” he says in English this time, his Danish accent thick as he wags his finger towards the both of you, earning another glare from Luca. 
“Okay, let’s step outside,” Luca hurries, ushering you out of the kitchen and into the empty dining room with a hand on your upper back. 
Your laugh echoes in the barren dining room, since pastry prep starts so damn early in the morning, and the physical restaurant doesn’t open for service till evening. 
“Again, I’m terribly sorry about him,” Luca apologizes, a little more flustered than you expected him to be.
“No, it’s okay,” you reassure him with a warm smile. “If anything, you at least now know you’ve got a great wingman when you need one.”
You watch a brief flash of, well you’re not sure what, flash across Luca’s face as he wonders if that’s what you’re hoping for. Instead of overthinking it, wondering why you’d want his coworker to act as his wingman in the first place, he pushes it to the back of his mind, moving forward with what he’d planned on bringing up with you anyways. 
“Your book, sir,” you say, handing Luca his copy of the book. 
“I’m glad you liked it,” he grins.
“Yeah, thanks for lending it to me. Took me a few weekends to carve out the time but… once I started, I couldn’t put it down,” you inform him, gushing over the borrowed book.
“I have something for you,” Luca states, as he pulls out a white envelope from one of his apron pockets. “In return.”
“Awww. Don’t tell me you went through all this trouble to get me a bookmark and when I’ve already finished it,” you banter with him, playfully. 
“They’re not bookmarks,” he smirks, as he looks at you with those electrifyingly blue eyes. 
“Ah, tell me more,” you encourage him, curiously. 
“They’re tickets,” he answers, handing you the envelope. 
Before you can wonder whether Luca went out of his way to purchase you tickets to the ballet, he continues with his explanation. 
“Yeah we’ve got this regular diner. Always entertaining, bringing in investors, board members, the likes... Turns out he’s the Artistic Director of The Royal Danish Ballet. Hooks us up with tickets all the time,” Luca says. 
“Couldn’t make it opening night so but what do you say… to a performance of Onegin Thursday night?” he continues.  “That is if you can – if you want – to take the night off.”
“With you?” you ask, a glimmer of hope in your eyes. 
“Yeah, if you’d like,” Luca answers. “Figured I owed you after you purchased the Jazz Fest tickets.” Taking a more playful approach, almost as if he’s testing you as he adds: “Unless there’s something other bloke you wanna take instead of-.”
“No!” you protest, quick to correct him. “I mean, yes. I want to go. With you. Let me see what I can do scheduling wise.”
Was this a date? You wonder to yourself.
For whatever reason, this proposal feels much more like a date than anything else you’ve done with him so far. Bike rides to bakeries, walks through the park, even asking Luca to join you for Jazz Fest with tickets you purchased almost a year ago, still haven't felt this monumental. 
But a night at the ballet? 
A night of getting dressed up and taking off work to spend time with each other?
This feels much more like a date. 
And you might even be excited about the prospect of having one with him, with Luca specifically, something you haven’t felt for anyone in a long time. 
“Just let me know,” Luca says, coolly, followed by his oh-so-charming-crooked smile. 
By the time you take this… proposition – taking off a night at the restaurant for a maybe-a-date-with-Luca – Mathilde and Jesper are practically pushing you out of the restaurant swearing that if you don’t go, they’ll write you out of the business partnership, and that Mathilde is more than happy to run the kitchen all by herself that night. 
While you appreciate the support, it feels like it add pressure – expectations, really – to Thursday night.
You push the thought from your head, choosing to charge forward despite your nerves, before sending Luca your official yes via text message. 
So… what does one wear to the ballet?
You settle on a silky white slip dress with thin straps, a sweetheart neckline, and a slit in the skirt that travels up the leg in a way that’s revealing yet still appropriate. You’ve draped a blazer across your shoulders because you can’t be bothered to properly put it on during the warmest month of the year but you know you’ll want it when you’re inside of the Opera House. You slip on a black kitten heel to match your bag, then pull your hair back into a loose ponytail, allowing the stray pieces of hair that fall out of it to frame your face. 
It’s not until Luca shows up at your flat with a text that he’s here, do you make your way outside. Your head is buried in your bag, taking a last minute inventory, ensuring you have what you need for the night: phone, keys, ID, extra lip gloss… 
“Hi,” he says on an exhale, as soon as he sees you. 
There’s something in his voice that sounds different, you note, as you lift your head to look at him. 
Holy. Shit… 
Fuck me, you think to yourself, as soon as you see him. He’s dressed in black slacks with a blazer to match, layered over a white button down worn without a tie, and pristine white trainers that you can’t help but notice. 
It’s classic – classy – with a little bit of swag from the trainers that feels… pleasantly unexpected. You look like one of those hip couples that decided to stick it to tradition and get married at the courthouse with a dope photoshoot instead. 
“Hi,” is all that comes out of your mouth, your eyes wide as the two of you stare each other down. 
Yeah, this really feels like a date now. 
“Hi,” he says in return before exhaling. “You look great.”
He’s grinning from ear to ear now, and the man cannot take his eyes off of you. 
“I-,” you start, as you gather your words, reminding yourself that you do in fact know the English language. As your words come back to you, you take a more playful approach instead, making up for lost wit as you say:
“You don’t look too bad yourself.”
Luca smirks, a twinkle in his eye that tells you he’s pretty damn enchanted by you right now. The two of you share a look – one that feels very not-friendly, emphasizing just how much more date-like this seems to be. 
“Shall we?” he asks you, offering out his arm for you to take. 
“Let’s,” you answer, taking it as he escorts you to the metro.
You and Luca look wildly out of place while waiting for the metro, then on the metro as you make your way to the Royal Danish Opera House in your dressier-than-normal apparel. You share small talk while you wait on the platform, ramblings over your day and then his while finding a place to sit, then nervous giggles and flirtatious stolen glances while seated next to each other on your journey. 
It’s nice to be reminded that you haven’t entirely forgotten how to flirt. 
From its shoreside location to its sparkling interior, the Royal Danish Opera House is awe inspiring. You take it all in as you and Luca settle into your seats and a comfortable quiet intimacy as you look over your programs, just before the show begins. 
Onegin, you come to find as the show begins, is a story of unrequited love, missed changes, and ‘too little, too late.’ Its relevance is not lost on you as you watch as the young country girl falls in love with the worldly Count. She is young, naive, a hopeless romantic, perhaps the character you would’ve related to when you were younger – before your marriage ended. A younger version of you might laugh at the fact that you somehow find yourself relating more to the Count. He’s cold, jaded, a pessimist even, only to be rejected when he realizes he missed his chance at love so many years ago. 
You steal a glance in Luca’s direction, his eyes fixed to the tragedy that plays out on the stage in front of you. 
He really is stunning, you think to yourself, as you carefully examine the near-perfect symmetry of his face, before returning your focus back to the performance. 
To say that you haven’t noticed the way Luca looks at you would be a lie. And you can’t help but notice how eager you’ve been lately to find any excuse to spend extra time with him too. 
But you can’t help wondering about just how ready you are – how and when you might know when you’ll be ready:
Ready to date. Ready to open yourself up to someone. Ready to fall in love again. 
Would you know when it was time? And was this a sign – meeting Luca – that it’s time for a new beginning now? 
But what if it weren’t? What if you weren’t ready now? Then what? 
It’s not like you’d expect for Luca to wait for you or anything, but the idea of a new beginning, of falling in love again, of possibly getting your heart broken again instills the kind of terror in you that shakes you to your very core. 
But what if this was your only chance? 
You can’t imagine Luca would be single for much longer – the fact that he even is now completely perplexes you – and you’re sure that he has an entire roster of women lining up, ready to take your place. Not that you feel like it’s your place now, though you’re not sure where he’d have the time to entertain an entire roster of women with how much time you’ve been spending together lately. 
You push the thoughts from your mind, trying your best to focus on the dancers, even though it’s the thing that’s got you pensive in the first place. 
And it’s almost as if, right on cue, the minute you turn your attention away from Luca, his eyes are on you, admiring the way that you marvel at the story unfolding in front of you. 
Luca smiles to himself, in pure disbelief that the same woman who brought him much needed inspiration could also be the same woman he’s begun to have feelings for. He finds you extraordinary: you’re funny, you’re incredibly talented, and you make his heart skip a beat every single time you walk into a room. He doesn’t know which deities to thank for meeting you, but he’s sure he must’ve done something right in a past life for it to bring you to him in this one. 
He’s glad you told him – about your ex husband, about the divorce – and while it’s filled in some blanks for him, it’s also brought up more questions. Questions like:
Were you even interested in dating? Were you ready to start dating because he couldn’t blame you if you weren’t? And if you were, would you be interested in dating him? 
These last few months of getting to know each other have been wonderful – and he’s thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you as friends – but Luca wants more. He wants to hold your hand while walking along the Nyhavn waterfront. He wants to press a kiss to your lips when you stop by the restaurant as he’s getting off shift, before heading into your own. He wants to wrap you up in his arms, curl his body around yours as you settle in with him on your shared couch after a long night at the restaurant, going on about your new special, or your recently hired line-cook-in-training.
Luca wants to call you his, and he wants nothing more than for you to call him yours. He yearns for the quiet domesticity he thinks he could have with you – one he knows he could have with you. 
He doesn’t want to miss his chance. It’s why he asked you that question when you told him about your ex husband – are you still in love with him? – because Luca can’t bear the thought of falling in love with a woman already in love with another man. 
He replays the answer in his head – no, I’m not in love with him – almost as if he’s reassuring himself.
Luca knows what he needs to do. He just needs to talk to you and tonight feels like as good of a time as any to do so, considering you’re practically on a date. Luca makes up his mind about it – that he’ll bring it up after the performance, maybe even ask you on a proper date. 
As the performance ends, the two of you applaud with the rest of the theatre before exiting the performance space. You and Luca linger outside of the theatre, watching the other patrons walk by, arrange rides for themselves, head out for a night cap. He’s working up the nerve to bring up the conversation, watching your lips carefully as you go on about the performance, a brilliance in your eyes that he notices you get whenever you talk about something you’re passionate about. 
You’re in the middle of dissecting the end of Act Two as he Luca abruptly blurts out:
“You hungry?”
You pause as your mouth hangs agape, noticing that’s something different, that’s something’s shifted between the two of you. 
“Uh… no. Don’t you have to be up early tomorrow?” you ask back, hesitantly. 
“Ehm. Yes, I do. But eh, I don’t know. I’d ehm, I’d be up for a bite. If you are,” Luca manages to explain because he’s not ready for the night to end. 
You can feel it – the tension between the two of you hangs thickly in the air – and you know this isn’t just a ‘let’s go out for a bite’ kind of ask. 
You wondered how you’d feel when this moment came, and instead of being ecstatic, instead of wanting to jump at the chance, the panic sets in, filling your belly with the urge to jump into harbour instead. 
You wish you felt differently – you want to feel differently – but you don’t. 
So instead, you stammer out a:
“I think I’m just ready to head home, but you should go. If you want to. I think I’m just going to walk home or-.”
“Don’t be silly. I’ll take you home,” Luca offers. 
You hesitate before agreeing, “Uh… yeah. Okay. As long as you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” Luca says as he places a gentle hand between your shoulder blades, guiding you in the direction of home. “I’d rather know you got home safe.”
You nod, instantly filled with guilt as Luca’s demeanor changes, his facial expression moving from somewhat-confused-and-disappointed to one of concern, kindness, and genuine care. 
What the hell is wrong with you? You think to yourself. 
But you know you can’t push it – you can’t push yourself to be ready,  to open up – regardless of how perfect Luca is. 
As Luca walks you home, there’s a palpable shift in the dynamic between the two of you. He seems cautious, almost as if he’s tiptoeing around you, uncertain about where the two of you stand. And truthfully, he is uncertain. He’s worried that he scared you off, if he came on too strong, if his ask changes something between the two of you. Luca realizes tonight is perhaps not the night, but he’s not sure how much longer he’ll be able to wait – be able to keep the way he feels about you to himself. 
“Thank you… for walking me home,” you say, as you arrive at the door to your apartment building. 
“‘S no problem. Had to get you back to your flat safely,” Luca reassures you with a smile on his face. 
You stand across from him, mere inches away. You could do it – close the gap between the two of you because you really do feel like an asshole for earlier – but it feels like something’s stopping you. You wait too long, letting your impulse move too thoroughly through your body, until it’s too late and the impulse is gone. 
You’re at an impasse: Luca opens his mouth to say something before pausing and you’re not sure what to say either, the two of you standing across from one another, frozen in a moment in time. 
Instead of speaking, he simply steps forward, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace as he inhales. 
It feels too good. 
This feels too good: the way he smells, the way it feels to be pressed up against him, his hands running smooth patterns across your back. 
“Luca,” you begin as you pull away from the hug, your eyes locked with his. 
He waits, but as you open your mouth to say something else, nothing comes out. 
You’re not sure if it’s a look of disappointment, regret, or something else that flashes across his face, before he gives you a half smile. Luca takes a few steps backwards, almost as if he needs to create space between you and him, his voice a low deep rumble as he says:
“Goodnight, love.”
a/n: and now we're getting somewhere. i PROMISE we are getting somewhere. just wait ;)
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itsjustrosee · 4 months
Hii!!! Im literally in love with your work 😍it’s so good!!!! I was wondering if you could do a Minho x fem reader where the reader is really feisty and sassy on the outside but soft and scared inside. So when she first comes up in the box as the only girl, her fight or flight instincts come in and she starts running (sorta like Thomas in the beginning of the movies) and she almost makes it into the maze (bc shes really fast) but bumps into Minho who’s on his way out. He grabs her and after that he was instructed to always keep you in his sights bc he’s the only one who can handle/calm you? And you become a runner with him and grow feelings. Something like that idk!
Very cute idea!! I loved writing this, thank you so much for the request!!! This definitely helped me get out of my writing slump so thank you <3
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UNDER CONTROL Minho x Fem!reader
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Context: look above for summary ^
Warnings: Spice and cursing
Wordcount: 3.4k
! proof read but there might still be some mistakes !
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You woke up just to be greeted by almost pitch-black darkness. Questions raced through your mind as your eyes slowly adjusted to your surroundings.
You were in some sort of box. All four walls, including the floor and the ceiling, were made of metal, and you could say that it was almost like you were stuck in a crate of some kind.
There were boxes of food and clothes around you but you didn't have much time to focus on that, not when the cage you were in moved up what seemed like some sort of elevator shaft at an alarming speed.
You tried standing up but you couldn't keep your balance. You landed right back on the floor so you shuffled over into a corner of the box, screaming for help until your throat became raw and you didn't have enough energy to scream anymore.
Hot wet tears streamed down your cheeks and you eventually passed out from exhaustion. When you opened your eyes again, the shaft was still moving but then suddenly it came to an abrupt halt.
You stayed in the corner, curious about what was to come next. Thoughts raced in and out of your brain as you tried to come up with an explanation as to why you were stuck in this cage. But that only made you question even more things. Where had you been before this? Who had you been before this? Who are you?
Your thoughts were interrupted as the crate's ceiling opened, and sunlight from above poured into your box. You looked up as your eyes adjusted to yet another change in lighting and to your surprise, you saw a large group of boys huddled around the perimeter of the box. They all stared at you, some shocked and some surprised.
You heard a couple whoops and hollers being exchanged from those above you and you could hear someone exclaim, "It's a girl!"
What the hell was that supposed to mean?
Suddenly a hand reached down to pull you out of the box, "Welcome to the Glade shank," A boy with odd-looking eyebrows explained, the tone of his voice not welcoming once so ever.
"Come on Gally be nice to the greenie, I mean she is a girl," Another boy said, talking to the one who pulled you out of the box who you now knew was Gally. The boy who was talking to Gally was blonde and different from the others, he had a British accent.
You grabbed the hand of the boy hesitantly and got pulled up to the surface. You felt relieved to be standing on grass, let alone solid ground, until you actually looked at everyone around you. The only people you could see were boys. Only boys.
So that's what they meant. You were the only girl there.
Oh fuck no.
That was the only thing on your mind as you sprinted away from everyone. You shoved past the crowd of boys and ran. You ran like your life depended on it. Your heart beat out of your chest as you flew past everyone, you didn't even know where you were going but you just didn't want to be near anyone else, especially not them. This was too overwhelming for you and you shut your eyes as your mind raced almost as fast as you.
Just as you thought you would be successful in your escape, you slowed down your pace just slightly, finally opening your eyes and looking in front of you.
Walls. Four ginormous stone walls loomed over you.
All you could do was stare at them as you continued running, in awe and in horror.
You were too busy peering up at the walls to even notice the boy that you ended up running right into. You slammed into his chest but he barely even got knocked back by you, even though you ran like hell straight into him.
You subconsciously gripped onto both of his biceps with your hands to steady yourself while his hands both flew to your waist to keep you from falling. As you picked your head up to get a look at the person you collided with, your heart practically beat out of your chest.
Jesus Christ this man is hot.
He was much taller than you, your head only reaching his collarbone. He had a muscular frame and from what you could tell from the veins and muscles on his forearms, he was strong.
But it wasn't just his figure that made him attractive, it was also his face. He had a sharp jawline and a pair of hooded dark brown eyes that drew you in, like there was something just so captivating about them but you didn't know what it was.
As he looked you up and down for a moment, he had a mix of shock and realization on his face. "You must be new here, huh?" He said with a soft grin. God even his voice sounded hot.
You could only stare back at him, a look of terror on your face as you did so. As you looked past him and back to the walls, your eyes prickled with tears, ones that threatened to start streaming down your face any second.
Whoever the boy who stood in front of you was, took one good look at your face and his expression softened. "Hey look at me," He said, removing one of his hands from your waist and putting it on your chin as he moved your head so you'd look at him. "This whole thing seems terrifying, trust me I know, but it isn't as bad as you would think." He finished while putting his hand back on your waist.
"Where am I?" You squeaked out, your voice still slightly hoarse from all the screaming you'd done when you'd been stuck in that box.
"The glade," The boy answered. You gave him a look of confusion because it's not exactly like his reply really answered your question. He opened his mouth to speak again, "Alright it's kind of hard to explain all of this, and I really can't tell you all of it now. I know it seems unfair but you have to trust me, you'll learn everything in time."
"Okay," You mumble out with a small nod of your head.
"My name's Minho by the way," He adds as he removes his hands from your waist and crosses his arms, you quickly follow suit and take your hands away from his biceps and put them to your side. "You might not remember your name now, but you'll get it back in a couple d-" You cut him off before he can finish.
"(Y/N)." You say, the name almost sounding foreign to you, "My name is (Y/N)." You muster out again, this time more slowly as if you're actively trying to tie yourself to that name again.
"(Y/N), huh? You know, most people don't get their names back until a day or two out of the box. It's impressive that you remembered yours so quick." He says with a smile that makes your heart melt.
"Guess I'm lucky then," You say while the tips of your lips drag up to form a small smile.
"Guess so," Minho says, returning your smile as he looks back at you.
You hear footsteps approach and you turn around quickly, taking a step back as you do so. Minho puts a hand on your shoulder and suddenly you feel safe, protected almost, by his presence. You take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. You don't need to run.
Your eyes land on the thankfully smaller group of boys than before, walking up to you and Minho. "Jeez Minho how the hell'd you calm her down?" Someone says while another replies, "Guess he's just skilled with the ladies," Nudging his friend's arm as they both snicker.
"Slim it Fry. You can't blame the poor girl for being totally freaked. I would've done the same if I were her," The blonde one states.
"Alright settle down," One of the boy's who is walking with them states. He's different from the rest though, he looks older, not by much, but just enough to set him apart. He holds himself with confidence and his voice drips with authority and respect.
The two boys next to him quiet down as they walk over. Gally, the Brit, the guy whose name is Fry, a short chubby kid who radiates little brother energy, and the one who you're assuming is the leader, all stood in front of you.
"That was quite the run you made there." The leader states before continuing, "I'm Alby, I sorta run this place, and this," He points to the blondy, "Is Newt, my second in command." He says while Newt gives you a wave.
"I'm (Y/N)." You state.
"Wow, you already remembered your name? It took me a while to remember mine," The chubby boy replies, looking at you as if you're the coolest person he's ever met.
You give him a warm smile and as you're about to speak, someone else cuts in, "Oh slim it Chuck. No one cares," Gally says rudely, "Shouldn't you be cleaning up klunk in the toilets right now anyways?" Gally says with a chuckle.
For some reason, you feel compelled to defend this little kid. "Don't talk to him like that. You don't run the place, so who are you to go around telling everyone what to do?" You say taking a step forward towards Gally. You disliked him already, despite only knowing him for a couple of minutes.
"I can talk to him however the shuck I want, greenie." Gally sneers as he steps towards you. "You just got here and I don't think that you'd want to get on my bad side already." He spits out.
You scoff, "Honestly, I couldn't care less whether or not I'm on your 'bad side'." You grin while mocking him which only makes him angrier. You're now standing toe to toe with him and his face was only inches away from yours. "What are you going to do, huh? Fight me?" You say while finding your ability to get a rise out of him beyond entertaining.
"You little-" Newt pulled Gally away from you before he could do anything he might regret but you just stayed right where you were. This wasn't over, not in your eyes at least.
"Oh come on. Let him at me. I mean look at him, he's practically frothing at the mouth like some sort of wild animal." You say with a chuckle, meanwhile, he looks like he wants to maul you, but you could care less. "What? Are you afraid of getting your ass beat by a girl or something?"
That was all it took for Gally to pounce on you, but Minho pulled you to his side with two firm hands on your hips before he could reach you. Gally missed the both of you in his attempt to tackle you, resulting in him on the ground. While he tried to get up, both Newt and Fry had to hold him back.
"That's enough." Alby's voice booms while stepping between you and Minho and Newt, Fry and Gally. "Gally you've been here for far longer than she has and you are well aware of our rules here," Alby states while staring at Gally, who, after thrashing around, stands on his knees and finally calms down. Neither of the boy's grip on him gets any softer though.
While Alby lectures the both of you, Gally's too busy glaring at you. He was giving you a look that would seem threatening if anyone else was doing it, but his eyebrows shred the illusion of it being anything close to scary or intimidating.
"Alright Gally you get one night in the slammer, and you," He turns his attention to you, "Though you didn't put your hands on Gally, you should still be held responsible for some of this."
"That's fair," You say with a shrug.
"Minho you aren't allowed to leave her side for the next week," Alby states without missing a beat.
"Wait, what?" Both you and Minho say in unison.
"But I need to go in the maze, how is she supposed to be with me then?" Minho questions.
"That won't be a problem because you will be teaching her to become a runner," Alby explains before looking at you, "I've seen a lot of shanks come up through that box and claim they want to be a runner all for the glory of it, but you, you can actually run." You feel a sense of pride as Alby finishes speaking.
Gally finally gets up and starts walking away and Fry walks with him. As Newt stands up, he whispers something into Alby's ear.
"Minho you're going to have to keep her under control and tour her around the glade tonight after you go to the maze room, alright?" Alby confirms.
"Alright," Minho replies in agreement and both Newt and Alby begin to walk away. He takes his hands off your hips and stands in front of you before you can walk away.
"Well, that was quite the introduction you made for yourself, huh?"
"Dude, what do you expect me to do? Do you guys just let him talk to people like that?"
"Well, unfortunately, that's just kind of the way that he is."
"Now that's just a shitty excuse," You say, rolling your eyes.
"Look, I'm not the biggest fan of the way he acts either but you just need to get to know him." He says while shooting you a pleading look.
"Yeah, I think I'll pass." You say with a chuckle.
"Okay I get it, you don't need to be friends with him or anything, you just need to get along with him well enough," Minho says with a sigh.
"Alright fine. I will."
"Good," Minho says with a smile, "Meet me at the box after dinner, I'll show you around the glade afterward."
You give him a thumbs-up and he turns away, walking to, you're assuming, some place called 'the maze room'.
Just as you're about to walk away, to god knows where because you seriously don't even know where the hell you are, you stop in your tracks as you feel someone tug on the hem of your shirt from behind you.
You turn your head to see the kid from before that you defended, and immediately your expression softens.
"Hey, you need something?" You ask softly while turning towards him.
"Oh um, no, I just wanted to thank you for earlier," He says and you are literally fighting every urge you have to just hug this kid and squeeze the shit out of him. "Not many people are really willing to stick up for me around here, so, thank you."
"Of course. I mean, I couldn't just let that loser push you around like that,"
He gives you a genuine smile before speaking again, "My name's Chuck by the way."
"Chuck, huh? Well, it's nice to meet you Chuck," You say, returning his smile, "You wouldn't mind showing me where we have dinner would you? I don't know where the hell I am," You add with a chuckle.
Chuck agrees happily, and soon enough, you were sat down on a bench at a table eating dinner. You sat down with Chuck and a few others, and you made sure that you stayed as far away from Gally as possible.
After dinner, Minho showed you around and told you about the glade and how everyone was kept in here in some maze. Honestly, you couldn't focus on a word he was saying because you couldn't keep your eyes off the way the moonlight perfectly hit his face. It made him look like some kind of god, and to you, staring at him was far more interesting than realizing you all were stuck in here like some sort of lab rats.
Ok so maybe you developed a little crush on him. Who could blame you? He was hot, but he also had a really good personality. The type of personality that lights up a room, one that makes people want to be around you. That's what Minho had.
As you got to know him more while in the maze and out of it, your feelings couldn't help but grow deeper. Not to mention that he was the only person in the whole glade that could actually handle you. Well, Chuck could too, you had become very close with him, but when it came to fights, you told him to stay out of it. After all, you always knew that Minho would be there to pull you away and calm you down, so you didn't want Chuck to bother getting himself into trouble while trying to bail you out.
And tonight was no different. You'd gotten into an argument with Gally at the bonfire, but this one was worse than most. His words were harsher this time, and it pushed you over the edge.
Minho could tell that you actually felt hurt at what Gally said, so he dragged you out of the bonfire and into his hut where he hugged you as you cried into his shoulder.
You never cried in the glade, not once, yet as Minho hugged you, his arms wrapped around your back tightly as he rubbed circles into it, you couldn't help but let out soft sobs into his shirt.
"Shh," Minho whispered into your ear, "Let it out. You're safe here," His words made your heart melt, partially because he was being so nice to you and partially because he was right. It didn't matter where you were, as long as Minho was there, you felt safe.
"It's just so stupid, I shouldn't be crying over this. He's mean to me all the time I need to get over it," You sniffled, your words muffled by the material of his shirt as you spoke into it.
Suddenly, Minho moved his hands to your shoulders and pulled you away from him slightly so you could face him. "Don't say that, alright? It's not stupid." Minho explained, "He was being a total shuck face you have a right to feel frustrated," He said while taking a thumb and whipping a tear from your cheek.
He rested his hand on your cheek as he looked into your eyes and you felt your face flush.
Suddenly, there was a thick tension between both you and Minho. It was a mix of longing and desire, which only intensified after looking back at him.
You couldn't help but glance down at his lips for a split second, hoping he didn't see it but he definitely did. His hand wrapped around your back moved to your waist as his face leaned into yours, and your lips collided with his.
He kissed you softly and tenderly and you couldn't help but kiss him back with the same amount of passion. You moved your arms around his neck as you melted into his touch. You wish you could savor everything about the way he kissed you.
Minho slid one of his hands down your shirt and up your bare back, causing shockwaves to spread throughout your entire body because of the skin-to-skin contact.
The kiss deepened as he became more and more passionate and desperate with you. You slipped your lips open to allow his tongue to enter your mouth and he proceeded to explore every inch of it.
The ache between your legs only grew greater as you felt Minho's bulge press onto it. He hummed into your lips as he moved his hand from your cheek to under the front of your shirt.
Suddenly, he pulled away, biting down on your bottom lip as he did so. He moved his lips to your jaw, down your neck, and eventually down to the sensitive skin on the crook of your neck. He softly bit and then sucked on the skin, leaving a hickey that multiple people were guaranteed to point out tomorrow.
You moaned softly as he did so, and before you and Minho could continue, you heard the door knob of Minho's hut open.
"Hey (Y/N) I wanted to apologize for earlier, I didn't mea-" Gally begins to say, but you can imagine the rest of the words get caught in his throat as he sees you and Minho before him.
"Gally get the shuck out-" You say loudly but before you can even continue, Gally's already out of the door as quickly as he came in.
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Alright guys, I did it! Heres another request fulfilled!! I actually really liked how this one turned out and I hope you guys do too!!!
I also wanted to thank each and every one of you who's been supporting me even while I haven't been super active, it really means a lot to me <33
ALSO THANK YOU GUYS FOR 50 FOLLOWERS!!!!! that is literally so insane to me. I cannot thank you guys enough for how kind you've all been
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eveandtheturtles · 2 years
Dating Advice
Ship: Leo X Reader
A/N: Leo can't catch a break it seems lol I am going to continue bully him for a lil bit more. With the help of his fam ;)
Tagging: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch
Anyone else want in let me know!
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Recently Leo has been a bit antsy. A bit more... jumpy? But only in the presence of one person.
April noted his behaviour as you left the lair and immediately pulled him aside.
"Okay, spill." She sat him down in the kitchen and gave him her best 'big sis time' look.
"I- don't know what you mean," he said slowly, clearing his throat and looking away. "Now if you excuse me-" he started getting up.
"Sit," she ordered and he sat back down. "Come on Leo," she softened her tone. "I want to help."
He sighed heavily and tapped his finger over the table. "Fine," he sighed, finally giving in. "It's- well,... How do you ask somebody out? Asking for a friend."
April smiled and was about to answer when as if summoned Mikey popped up behind them.
"Who is asking who out?" He asked.
"No one!" Leo tried to stop the train from crashing but too late.
"I think Leo likes your new friend a little more than 'just friends'," April informed him.
"That's nothing new." Suddenly Donnie spoke up from the coffee spot. He had crawled out of his science cave to inject more caffeine in his blood stream. "You aren't that hard to read Leo," he added seeing the shocked face of his brother.
"Can we stop with the bullying?" The blue masked turtled sighed.
"Who are we bullying?" Raph asked as he emerged freshly post work out with a towel around his neck.
"Leo." All three replied.
The terrapin in question sighed again leaning his head down and rubbing a spot on his forehead. He could feel the headache coming.
"Oh, really?" Raph grinned. "What about?"
"He wants to ask Sweetness out," Mikey informed him.
"I never said I want to! It's for a friend!" Leo protested.
"Really? What is his name?" April asked with a wide grin.
Leo opened and closed his mouth. He then made an undignified noise and slid lower in his chair.
"That's what I thought," she said smugly.
"Bro, you could like make a song for her, chicks are into this kinda thing, right?" Mikey looked at April.
She made an 'eh' face. "Depends."
"Or a poem." Raph placed one hand on Leo's shoulder. "I got one for you bro."
"Don't." Leo glared at him.
"Roses are read, violets are blue." Raph ignored him and continued. "Guess what, my bed has place for two."
"Good one!" Mikey snickered. "How about - twinkle, twinkle little star, we can do it in the car."
The two hollered with laughter, even April had to bite her lips not to join them. Leo was suffering.
"Mikey, if you get anywhere near the turtle tank with that intent I will cut you off the WiFi for life and set your hover board on fire," Donnie spoke up.
"Yes, sir!" Mikey immediately sobered up. Donnie threats were no laughing matter.
"Thank you!" Leo called out, hoping the torment was over. He was wrong.
"That being said -," Donnie took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat.
"Oh, no." Leo sunk further down.
"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream," purple terrapin sang. "Merrily, merrily, I can make you scream."
"Oh, my god," Leo groaned. "You are my family, but you are all terrible, you dicks."
"Eh, you love us," April patted his hand.
"Hey guys," you re-entered the lair. "I forgot my bag." You took the scene in and frowned. "Is something wrong?"
Suddenly all the eyes were on Leo and he just wanted to disappear.
"Nope," he jumped out of the chair. "Everything is peachy! Let me walk you home." He rushed to your side and threw a death glare at his snickering family.
You were very confused as Leo escorted you out.
"What was that all about?" You asked. "It looked like you guys were having an intervention," you joked.
"It was nothing, they just thought they were being funny," he huffed.
"Were they giving you shit because you haven't asked me out yet?" You smirked, giving him a side eye.
Leo felt like a scratch record. "What?" He blinked at you, stopping abruptly.
"You aren't that hard to read Leo." You took his hand. "Also I was listening to the whole thing for quite a while. The sewers do carry sounds well."
His heart was about to jump out of his chest. "And um, do you, would you mind if I did?"
"Nope, so come on, shoot your shot." You nudged him gently.
"Alright," he took a deep breath in. Here it goes. He will not mess it up. "Do you take out game?"
"I mean - Will you check me out? No!" He pinched the bridge oh his snout.
You tried so hard not to laugh.
"I can do this," he said probably more to himself than you. "Will you. Go with me. To the Knicks game this Saturday?"
You giggled and stood up on your tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Yes, with pleasure."
"Great!!" He smiled brightly. "I can pick you up at 6?"
"Sounds perfect. See you then." You gave his hand a squeeze and exited the sewers. A smile never leaving your face.
Once you were gone he fist pumped, excited. You said yes! That was such a relief! He felt so good he was going to clean the dojo!
Figuring out how to prevent his brothers from going to the game was future Leo problem.
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jungle-angel · 7 months
The One With The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Something happens at a Friday night rager but Rhett and his frat brothers decide they're not gonna get mad.....they're gonna get even
Warnings: Sexual harassment, grabbing of a boob, frat boy revenge etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman
The Delta Tau Epsilon house was alive with the booming of music, the hollers and shouts of the drunken college students filling every corner of the house and the shenanigans that had followed them there.
The basement was no less than noisy with everybody packed shoulder to shoulder, dancing to the 70s, 80s, 90s and Early 2000s throwback music that boomed from the speakers. Beer and drinks spilled from red solo cups and onto unsuspecting freshman while a few sang along noisily to Sly And The Family Stone's "Thank You" and showing off their best disco moves.
You were behind the bar in the basement helping Cairo make everyone's drinks and enjoying the shenanigans yourself.
"I swear to Jesus, if Kyle ends up emptying the whole keg I'm gonna have to cut him off," Cairo remarked.
"Cai c'mon they're a bunch of drunken frat boys, what else are they gonna do?" you laughed.
"Oh I'll tell ya'll what I'm gonna do," he answered, laughing a little and snapping his fingers. "Imma come up into his room with a garbage can lid and give him the rudest awakening of his life!"
You laughed as you cracked open a Long Drink and filled a red solo cup with it, handing it off to one of the football players.
"Need a refill!" Foster teased, slamming his cup onto the bar.
"Sorry Babes, bar's closed!" Cairo joked.
"It's not even midnight!"
The two of them bickered back and forth as more barflies began to make their way over. You laughed when you had to spray one of the Iota Nu boys with the keg nozzle to shoo him away, the others around you laughing in return.
"Hey pretty thing,"
You turned around thinking it was Rhett but no. To your horror it was Smithfield Green, the leader of the notorious Alpha Beta fraternity. You felt your heart jump into your chest and your throat going dry when you saw him.
"Sorry Smitty, bar's closed," you told him.
"Not by the looks of it around here," he sniffed. "Don't suppose you wanna get outta here and I could show you a really good time?"
"No thanks, I'm all set."
"Oh c'mon you know you wanna....."
You yelped a little when he tried to grab your boob which quickly caught Cairo's attention. "Hey!" he shouted. "The fuck do you think you are?"
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Smitty retorted.
"I fuckin asked you first."
"Think you're so tough there huh?" Smitty questioned. "You sound like a fuckin girl."
"I might sound like a girl but I could easily have you on the ground and your balls dangling from the bumper of my car," Cairo hissed.
"Oh I'm sure you'd like that wouldn't you?"
"Eat me pervert," Cairo sneered. "And if I ever catch you trying to touch (y/n) ever again, that just might happen."
Smitty laughed and sauntered away with Cairo flipping him off behind his back. "You ok hon?" he asked.
You nodded, still a little shaken by what had happened. "I think I need to go get some air for a minute," you told him.
"Go get some air, I'll finish up here," Cairo assured you, giving you a hug.
He waited until you disappeared before waving and snapping his fingers, motioning for Foster to come over to the bar.
"Yo what's up?" Foster asked him.
"Smitty tried to pull a fast one on the First Lady," Cairo answered.
"Are you fuckin serious?!" Foster exclaimed.
"No, I'm not......chain call, now!"
Foster nodded, slapping his palm on the bar before heading up the basement stairs to find someone to start the chain call. He quickly wrote down what had happened on a sticky note so that word wouldn't change going up, finding Bo and Kyle in the little room off the basement bar room, engaging in a rather intense game of Cards Against Humanity with a few other freshmen.
"Yo we've got a Code Red boys," Foster told them.
"Sup?" Bo asked.
Foster showed him the note and the two were off to find the next person. The message traveled to Ravi Sharma who then handed it off to two of the new pledges and then to Sammy Inoue. Up and up and up the chain it went until Rowdy Collins, the football team's new kicker, raced up the stairs to hand it off to Kayce.
"Kayce!" he announced, pounding on the door.
Kayce opened the door, zipping up his jeans. "Bro what the fuck?"
"We've got a Code Red, go get Rhett."
"What's the Code Red?"
Rowdy showed him the neon green sticky note that had been passed around. Kayce's eyes went wide, his jaw slack with shock. "You fuckin serious?"
"She's outside in the backyard," Rowdy explained.
Kayce hurried off to Rhett's room down the hall and pounded on the door. "Bro you're never gonna believe this," Kayce told him when he opened the door.
"What? Did somebody get beer up their nose again?" Rhett asked him.
"No it's (y/n)," Kayce answered, showing him the note.
Rhett read the message, his eyes going wide. "Where is she?"
"Out back."
Rhett hurried his way through the chaos of the rager with Kayce close behind him. The night air was still just a little bit chilly as he sat down beside you, pulling you close and kissing the side of your head.
"You ok?" he asked.
"I'm fine," you told him. "Just a little shaken that's all."
Rhett kissed the side of your head again, holding you as he kept his lips pressed to that spot. "It'll be ok darlin," he assured you. "Ain't nobody ever gonna do that ever again."
The clang of the old ship's bell in the kitchen roused everyone in the house from their sleep, the house's residents clambering down the stairs, some still in their shorts, others in their mismatched pjs or a few still in their clothes from the night before. All of them lined right up and stood straight at attention as Rhett strode silently up and down the line.
"Alright boys," he announced. "Last night, it seems there was a little incident regarding the First Lady. Anybody recall what happened?"
Foster was the first to raise his hand. "First Lady was groped by Smitty Green at 10:02 pm in the Delta Tau basement, no injuries or marks but the boob in question was indeed grabbed by said parasite......SIR!"
"And do we let slimy little Alpha Betas like that grope our other halves?" Rhett questioned.
"FUCK NO!!!!" the Deltas thundered.
"Men," he continued, pacing up and down the line. "When ya'll were pledges, ya'll took an oath to protect your lady or your other half with your life. I know every single one o' ya'll would never do that to a lady or to anybody else. But those slimy little tapeworms think they can just crawl on in here and take whatever they want. So what are we gonna do about it boys?!"
"That's what I wanna hear!" Rhett bellowed. "Now lets go get'em!"
The Deltas let out their loudest war yells in response, shaking the house down to the studs as they charged off.
The street was completely silent outside the Alpha Beta house with not a soul around, save for a sun tanner on the rooftop balcony.
Each of the boys in the Delta Tau fraternity marched across the street to the Alpha Beta house, the hoods on their sweatshirts pulled over their heads and an empty plastic binder in their hands. Their voices had become one as they chanted like monks walking towards holy ground.....or in this case, unholy ground.
“Pie Iesu Domine, dona eis requiem,” they chanted, hitting their foreheads with the binders.
They repeated the little ritual with Rhett and Kayce leading them in the front, the two of them biting their lips as they tried not to laugh. As soon as they had reached the front of the Alpha Beta house, they faced their brothers who had halted on the other side of the street.
"KNEEL MY BROTHERS!!!" Rhett commanded.
All of them knelt and bowed their heads to the ground. Rhett and Kayce removed their hoods first before the others followed suit.
"Brother Kayce," Rhett announced.
"Bring forth the holy book of the Delta Taus."
Kayce pulled out the book that had been written by all the other Deltas who had come before them. "A reading from the book of Armaments, chapter two, verses nine through twenty-one," Kayce announced, reading as loudly as he could. ""And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas..."
"Right, right, gotcha," Kayce snickered. "And the Lord spake, saying, ''First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'"
The brothers all arose and pulled out the huge water balloons from the bags at their sides.
"Gentlemen!" Rhett ordered. "Ready your weapons!"
The Deltas made ready.
"Step to the edge!"
They stepped to the edge of the sidewalk.
"FIRE AT WILL!!!" Rhett ordered.
With a swing of their arms, the Deltas lobbed the entire house with the huge water balloons, startling the Alpha Betas who had come outside to see the commotion, only to be soaked with the freezing cold water, including Smitty himself.
"Whatcha think darlin?" Rhett asked.
You pulled your hood from your eyes and placed a kiss on Rhett's lips. "Best revenge plan ever," you chuckled.
Rhett helped you load a rather large water balloon into the slingshot the boys only really ever used at pool parties, sending it flying right onto Smitty who quickly ran back into the house. So far, this had been yours and Rhett's best plan ever.
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jerzwriter · 3 months
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This is a fictional answer to @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week's What Would Tobias Do? question for day 6: What would Tobias do if he was dating someone he was (surprisingly) really into, then he found out they were a porn actress. This has me changing his dating history, because this is officially part of my HC. lol I hope you enjoy this flashback to The Hopkins Years fic!
Book: Open Heart (Pre-Series / Johns Hopkins Years) Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!OC Other: Ethan Ramsey Rating: Teen - maybe Mature to be safe. Nothing explicitly. Words: 3,027 (sorry...) Summary: Tobias Carrick wasn't known for taking relationships seriously - at this stage of his life - he was there for a good time, not for a long time. Then he meets Stacy, and things change. He's finally accepted that's OK when a secret from her past threatens to blow it apart. How will Tobias react to the news, and what impact does it have on the couple?
A/N: I have additional A/Ns at the end. But participating in @julychallenge Pink: Romance, Vulnerable Black: Attraction, The Unkonwn
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Ethan stood over the stove wearing no more than his old, blue terry bathrobe. His disheveled hair, stubbly beard, and raspy voice all indicators of how raucous last night had been. The fact that he was standing and cooking could be considered a medical miracle in and of itself, or so it seemed, until Tobias emerged from his bedroom.
They had similar nights, but Tobias looked no worse for the wear. Already fully dressed, with a bright smile on his lips,  he waved to his friend and roommate as he continued a conversation on his phone.
“I’m making eggs. Do you want any?” Ethan hollered, but the question went ignored.
“It was great,” Tobias grinned. “I’m so glad you thought so, too.”
Ethan rolled his eyes as he tended to the eggs; this uncharacteristic behavior had become more common in recent weeks.
“Do you have plans today? No? Well, I was thinking of taking a drive to Kent Island. I’d love the company if you’d like to come along? All right... great! I’ll pick you up in an hour?”
Tobias sat at the kitchen counter, where breakfast awaited him. He didn’t say a word until the weight of Ethan’s stare became too much to ignore.  
“What?” he asked, almost annoyed.
“I took the liberty of making eggs for you,” Ethan scowled.
“So I see,” Tobias smiled. “Thank you.”  
“I asked you wanted any... of course, you didn’t answer.”
“You asked?” Tobias asked with confusion.
Normally, Ethan would have been annoyed, launching into a tirade about how Tobias doesn’t appreciate his contributions, but today, all he did was smile. It was a novel treat to see his roommate behaving this way.
“It’s Stacy... isn’t it?”
“What?” Tobias gasped, not willing to confess the obvious. “No! I’m just in a good mood, that’s all.”
“Yeah! Because of Stacy! No need to hide it; I can’t blame you at all. She is stunning.”
Tobias looked as bashful as he was proud; Ethan only wished he could be recording this.
“She is, isn’t she?” He replied with a grin.
“She’s also intelligent, funny, a great conversationalist....”
Tobias leaned back in his chair. His smug persona on full display.
“Most of my women are, Ethan...”
“Please,” Ethan scoffed. “Beautiful? Yes, but the rest... very debatable.”
Tobias chuckeled as he finished his eggs, but he didn’t argue Ethan’s point.
“It’s OK... you know... to like her more than for a night.”
“I know,” his friend replied matter-of-factly. “I’ve been seeing her a while now... and I’m taking her out again today. But thanks for the permission, buddy.”
Ethan shook his head. “What I meant is you can like her seriously. It’s all right to think long-term; it’s OK to consider commitment. You’re not getting any younger, and it’s not every day you find someone as special as Stacy.”
“Yes, Mom.” Tobias dismissed.
Tobias knew his friend was right; in fact, it’s all he had thought about since he met Stacy two months before. It scared the shit out of him, but if he was being honest, the prospect was a little less frightening each day.
“Well, I never said we’re getting serious,” he argued. “I...I’m just... I like her, you know?”
“I know,” Ethan grinned. “And you could do worse. Have fun at the beach,” He said with a smirk. “Should I expect you home late?”
Tobias smiled like the Cheshire cat. “Maybe you shouldn’t expect me home at all.”
Stacy heard Tobias’s car from nearly a block away. The beautiful weather meant his car’s roof was down, and Rhianna blaring from the speakers was the only calling card Stacy needed. She was already walking down her steps when he arrived, and God, she was a sight to see.
Tobias did his best to maintain his composure, but that was a tall task as she sauntered his way. Her long auburn hair glistened in the sunlight, and her white sundress hugged every curve. And that smile—innocent as an angel’s yet irresistibly inviting—left him utterly speechless, and Stacy didn’t miss a thing.
She hopped into the passenger seat with a giggle; not wasting a moment, she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss, and her effect on the man was instant.
“Mmmm,” he growled. “You need to stop that, or we’ll never make it to the beach.”
“Oh, we’re going to the beach,” she insisted. “Of course... who knows what we’ll do on the beach.”
Tobias held her hand most of the drive; he was both astonished and ashamed of how he felt. How was he falling so hard that even Ethan saw it? At any other time, he would have cut off all contact at once to stop whatever crazy feeling was happening, but with Stacy, it was impossible.      
It wasn’t just her beauty or the way the sound of her voice drove him insane. It was her quick-witted sense of humor that often left him and everyone else in stitches. It was her tender heart, like the time Tobias had to cancel a reservation he called in a favor to make just so they could tend to a wounded bird she spotted on their way. It was her brilliant mind, the head of her class in biotechnology; she could talk him under the table. He encouraged her to go to medical school, but she had already planned another path in painstaking detail. He didn’t want to admit it, but she could well be the whole package... and he was nowhere near ready for that... but he was already enchanted, and there seemed to be no way to break free of Stacy’s spell.
“Have you ever been to Kent Island?”  he asked.
“No. But then, I’ve only been to the beach once since moving to Baltimore.”
“What?” Tobias was stunned. “You’ve been here two years and been to the beach once?”
Stacy shrugged. “We can’t all be you, dear!” she teased. “Some of us have to put in a lot of effort to stay at the top of our class... not to mention some of us have to work to pay for Hopkins.” 
“Hey, I didn’t mean any offense,” he said with a kiss on her hand. “But I’m hoping you’ll let me spoil you a little.”
“Oh, what do you have in mind?” she cooed.
“Do you mean today or more long-term,” he smiled.
With his eyes on the road, he hadn’t seen Stacy’s face. If the words surprised him, they surprised her even more.
“Uh, let’s stick to today... for now...”
“All right, how does a walk on the beach and dinner at a great little seafood place, I know of, sound? We could spend some time on the boardwalk and maybe give me a chance to win you a prize.”
Reaching over the console, she placed a kiss on his cheek. “And here I thought you were my prize.”
“You’re good for a man’s ego,” he beamed as she placed her head on his shoulder for the remainder of the ride.
The day went as planned... better than planned... neither could remember the last time they had such fun so effortlessly, and they didn’t want it to end. Tobias rented a room at a local bed and breakfast where little sleep was to be had. After making love the night through, they woke up and showered together, only to decide to use that comfortable be once more before getting in the car to return to Baltimore.
Tobias was beginning to push his fear aside, and the stupid grin on his face made that perfectly clear. He was so wrapped up in the pastel summer haze he found himself buried in that he didn’t notice how quiet Stacy had become. She left his car rather quickly when he dropped her off, but he chalked it up to being exhausted... after all, they hadn’t had much sleep.
When he walked into the apartment, Ethan looked up from his studies and smirked at his roommate.
“So, your day at the beach turned into a weekend at the beach, I see.”
“Did you miss me, boo?” Tobias teased.
“Hell no! I loved having the place to myself. It’s so much more spacious when your big head isn’t here.”
“Hahaha,” Tobias ?. “Like your head doesn’t take up a ton of space.”
“Oh, it does!” Ethan concurred. “That’s why it’s more comfortable when only one of us is home. So... are you ready to admit that you really like this one?”
“I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me, bro... but I do... I haven't told anyone this, but Mandy called to hang out the other night, and you know what hang out with Mandy's mean... and I passed. I could have gone, but I passed. Who the hell am I?”
“It’s not the worst thing in the world,” Ethan chuckled.
“That’s the scary thing,” Tobias said with a yawn. “I’m starting to see that. I even mentioned it to Stacy this morning.”
“You what?”
“I told her I was falling for her and asked if she felt the same... I can actually see myself wanting... more with her.”
“Wow,” Ethan grinned. “If I knew this was going to happen, I would have added the earthquake rider to our rental insurance policy. Sure, the idea of an earthquake in Baltimore is far-fetched, but right now, not so much.”  
“Shut up,”  Tobias chuckled, heading toward his room. As enlightening as the conversation was, he was desperate for some shut-eye. And luckily, he got a little in before his doorbell rang several hours later.
Ethan had headed out to work, so Tobias wiped the sleep from his eyes as he groggily answered the door. Though he was delighted to see he was disturbing his sleep.
“Stacy,” he beamed. “I didn’t expect to see you again today?”
She bit on her lip, then a hesitant smile formed on her lips. “I hope it’s OK that I dropped by unannounced. I tried calling you, but....”
Tobias took the phone out of his pocket. “Sorry, I turned the ringer off so I could take a nap. But you’re always welcome, come,” he said, opening the door. “Come on in. What brings you by?”
After assuring they were alone, Stacy took a seat on the couch, holding Tobias’s hands in hers. “I came by to talk about... what you said this morning... about wanting more... with me.”
“Oh,” he replied, noticing her apprehension. “Well, if that’s not what you want, it’s OK, I didn’t mean to frighten....”
“Tobias,” she smiled, holding a finger to his lips. “Let me finish. The thing is... I do... want more with you, too... but I’m not so sure you’ll want more with me.”
“But I’m the one who...”
She shot a look in his direction, and he was silent again. “There’s something you should know first.”
Retrieving her phone from her purse, she pulled up a video, then closed her eyes -  pressing pause – both on the video and her conversation.
“Hey... are you all right?” Tobias asked, placing an arm around her shoulders. “If you don’t want to....”
“No,” she sighed, it’s important. “I hope... I hope you don’t hate me.”
She handed him the phone and watched as his eyes grew three sizes. There on that little screen was Stacy – his Stacy – naked and having a great time – with someone that definitely wasn’t him. Peeling his eyes away, he pressed stop and turned to her.
“All right, hon, I’m not going to be mad at you and an ex having a sex video... that’s nothing I’ll judge... but why the need to show it to me.”
“He’s not an ex,” she said with a deep sigh. “He’s an actor... just like me.”
A wrinkle appeared on Tobias’s brow, showing his utter confusion, and Stacy swallowed hard before she continued.
“See, if I tell you my screen name, you can Google me... and you’ll find a whole lot more where that came from... I... I’m a porn actress.”
His eyes grew again, and his face was ashen. “You’re an... oh,” he fumbled for words.
“Look, it’s not that I’m ashamed,” she continued. “It was a choice I made... a choice that allowed me to attend college, a choice that made going to Hopkins for my masters a reality. A choice that helped get my family out of poverty...though I never really told them why. I told them I won the lottery and, well... I didn’t.”
“Stace,” Tobias started, “You really don’t owe me any explanation, I....”
“You’re right,” she interrupted. “I didn’t... until this morning. If you want us to be serious – you have a right to know. You don’t deserve to learn by some jackass telling you he saw me in Throbbin’ Hood.”
Tobias lowered his eyes with a little chuckle. “Now I saw Throbbin’ Hood, and you were not in that,” he joked, not sure what to say.
“So you’re a connoisseur, and you’ve never seen my work,” she half smiled. “I don’t know if I’m relieved or insulted.”
“I... I’m not sure what to say,” Tobias faltered. “I mean, I don’t judge you; as a connoisseur, I’d have to be a pretty big asshole to judge you...”
“Well,” she chuckled sadly. “You’d be surprised... most connoisseurs are quite judgemental.”
“Well, I’m not,” he said, taking her hand. “It’s just....”
“It’s just I’m not exactly what you had in mind when thinking about something serious.”
“No! I didn’t say that!” He insisted. “It’s just... this is a bit of a surprise, and I, can I have some time to process it?”
“Sure,” Stacy grinned, leaning over and placing a peck on his cheek. “Take some time and let me know what you decide, but Tobias?”
“If you decide you don’t want to go further because of this part of my past, I’ll be sad, of course, but I’ll be OK. The person I’m meant to be with... they won’t hold it against me, and if you do... then you’re not my person. I just thought it was only fair to let you know before things go any further between us.”
After a hug, Stacy headed home, leaving Tobias in a daze on the couch. She had told him her porn name, and he was caught between temptation and horror at the thought of searching for it. In the end, horror prevailed, and he put his phone away. He was still in a state of astonishment when Ethan arrived home, immediately noticing the change in his friend’s demeanor.
Tobias wasn’t about to break Stacy’s trust, but if there was anyone he could trust to keep this between them, it was Ethan, and he needed a trusted friend’s opinion. Ethan did his best to conceal his own shock at the news.
“It’s OK, buddy,” he half-smiled. “I think my jaw was on the floor when she told me, too.”
“It’s just that I... I didn’t see that coming,” Ethan sighed. “Wow... of all things. So, does it change how you feel?”
Tobias sat back thoughtfully, then shook his head. “I meant what I said; I’d have to be a total dick if I watch porn, but judge someone for making it.”
“Agreed,” Ethan nodded. “And while I’ve never been in porn....”
“Of course you haven’t,” Tobias teased, attempting to add levity to the conversation. “Who the hell would want to see you?”
“And while I’ve never been in porn,” Ethan repeated loudly, ignoring his friend’s interruption. “I understand what it’s like to be poor and not sure if you’ll be able to live your dreams. I’m not advocating nor judging the choices she made... but my advice to you is not to pursue things further unless you can really say you don’t care. She doesn’t deserve to be with someone who will hold it against her, even if it’s subconsciously.”
“I agree,” Tobias replied. “And the truth is, I don’t think I would.”
“There is one other thing to consider,” Ethan injected. “Your family. I don’t know how the Carricks would take to their heir dating a former porn star. Ultimately, it’s not their choice, but...”
“Oh, I’ve given that thought,” Tobias interrupted. “But I’m not exactly proposing; we haven’t gotten nearly to that point. In a way, the idea of pissing them off is rather enticing, but I don’t think that would be fair to her.”
“No, it wouldn’t be. At the end of the day, it’s your choice, but for what it’s worth, this conversation stays between us, and I, for one, won’t think of her any differently than I did this morning, and I certainly wouldn’t judge you.”
Tobias smiled the first genuine smile he had since Stacy had left earlier in the day. “Thanks, buddy. I appreciate you listening.”
The following day, it was Stacy’s turn to open the door to an unexpected visitor. She wasn’t sure if her heart was about to be filled with joy or break when she saw Tobias at the door. Which might be why she couldn’t utter a word.
“May I come in?” he finally asked.
“Yes, of course!” She muttered as he stepped into her front hall.
Noting her puffy eyes, Tobias wanted to put an end to her worrying as quickly as possible; that’s when he pulled the small bunch of flowers he had picked up on his way over from behind his back, and Stacy broke into tears.
“Hey, hey!” He said, pulling her close. “Yeah, they’re supermarket flowers, I could do better next time, but it was kind of an impulse decision.”
“Next time?” she asked with a cracked voice. “So these aren’t a consolation gift when you tell me you never want to see me again.”
“No,” he replied with a kiss to her forehead. “They’re an apology for causing you what I’m sure was a very stressful night. And they come with an invitation – could I take you to dinner  tonight?”
“So, you still want to see where this goes?” she smiled.
“I’m willing if you are,” he grinned, and she replied by running into his arms and sealing the deal with a kiss.
“So, where are we going to eat?” he smiled. “Your pick!”
“In that case, order in a pizza and a six-pack,” she beamed. “Because tonight, I want you all to myself.”
A/N 2: OK I feel like some of my Tobias readers will be disappointed because this isn't humorous. But even back in Hopkins, I think he was having a good time, but I don't think he was a total asshole. He wouldn't have judged her, and he would be a hypocrite knowing his body count was definitely much higher than hers. College Tobias? Maybe he would have been a bit more of an ass, but he was mature enough by this point to handle it better.
While I won't write more for the pairing, my HC is that they dated exclusively for a little while, and they were happy during that time. But eventually, split up. Toward the end of med school the competition between Tobias & Ethan was turning toxic, and that colored his world and impacted his decisions (usually, poorly). Further, Ethan and Vincenza had broken up, and Tobias was being her shoulder to lean on. He realized how strong his feelings for Vincenza were, and didn't feel it would be right to string Stacy along. Basically, he wasn't remotely ready for anything like this. Stacy was disappointed, but it was an amicable parting.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
first, I just wanna say the Kon agonies are making me lose my freaking mind!!!! oh my GOD I’m devouring your writing every single time!!!
second, for my actual ask!! I was wondering how you think timkon’s proposal would be like? If you haven’t already told us, I feel like you have but I’m not sure!
thank you thank you!! i love kon and his issues. he has so many of them. (shameless plug for the kon agonies here again <3)
i love to think abt timkon proposal ideas. many possible ways it could go but i FIRMLY believe the one way it Can't go is "traditionally perfect and cliché and romantic". it has to go sideways at least a little. they're both weirdos with an insane general lifestyle. i have several ideas that i think are all really fun, but the baseline is just that there's no way it goes off without a hitch. therefore, i present:
how DO tim and kon get engaged? (one possibility!)
on a very casual chill date night in, while sharing a pizza while hanging out on the couch in their pajamas and watching star trek, they agree they want to get married. they also both agree it'll still be fun to do a proposal.
yeah each of them is now going "hehehe. i'm gonna surprise him with a nice date and i'll romance him as he deserves and then ask him to marry me and he will be swept off his feet!!!"
so. you know. now it's a race.
one weekend, kon takes tim on a lovely romantic date. by the point kon's got him sitting in his lap way up in the sky, twirling wispy clouds around them both into hearts while he points up at stars way overhead, tim is INCREDIBLY suspicious of what's coming (a proposal) and is SO mad because he was going to propose NEXT WEEKEND.
kon's sappy speech gets interrupted by toyman attacking metropolis and tim is like. oh thank god. i mean uhh... wow... FUCK toyman! i'm SO mad about this! meanwhile kon pouts the entire time he's decimating a small army of toy soldiers with real guns. tim finds this adorable.
kon almost still pops the question anyway, but his vanity stops him. his hair got a little singed by a giant firebomb and he's upset about it. he can't propose like this.
next weekend, tim takes kon on a lovely romantic date. when he goes down on one knee in front of a park fountain under a canopy of string lights (very romantic, kon deserves it), kon starts HOLLERING and pulls his ring box out like NO!!! I DID SO GOOD LAST WEEK IM PROPOSING TO YOU!!!!!
kon tackles him.
they both fall into the fountain.
they both have to hunt for their ring boxes in the fountain.
passerby are staring.
they are in their nice fancy date clothes. on their hands and knees. crawling around in a big ol park fountain. it's cold. they're a mess. please send help
kon finds his ring box first (tim swears up and down that he cheated by ttking tim's box away every time he almost grabbed it) and tackles tim a second time, sits on him in the fountain, and grabs his face.
tim licks him. kon is, shockingly, undeterred.
"TIM," he says, and squishes tim's cheeks. "you're a STUBBORN ASSHOLE. WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
"I'M a stubborn asshole?!" tim demands. it's muffled because his cheeks are still very squished. "god, obviously yes, but you're the jackass, i planned tonight out so well and you hijacked it—"
kon kisses him. tim kisses him back.
tim's ring box mysteriously happens to brush his fingers then. very convenient, thank you, kon.
they exchange rings still sitting there in the cold water under all the lights. tim's teeth are starting to chatter.
passerby are still staring.
they don't care. they're engaged!
and that's the story of how tim drake gets mild hypothermia and kon fusses and frets over him for the rest of the weekend—uhhh I MEAN, the story of how tim and kon get engaged. yippee!!
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Good morning/afternoon/night
Could you make Sanemi x male reader? With reader is chosen by kagaya to go with Sanemi through missions and reader is calm, logic and aways stop Sanemi from getting in trouble
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Yandere Sanemi X Male Reader
You most definitely beat him up after his actions with Tanjiro 
And since you work so well your names typically are never said without the other
Where he’s abrasive and offputting
Your approachable and gentle
“You’re family’s probably dead. Might as well get your grieving over now.”
“I apologize for my partner. What we mean to say is that their fate is uncertain but we will get to the bottom of this.”
“Ohh well thank you so much!”
“Happy to help.”
Your strong as him
And so much sweeter
You’re just really really good at this 
So good you do often get pulled away from Sanemi
Who politely throws the biggest tantrum to Kagaya-sama when you get the assignment
“Master I strongly request that he stay by my side. After our assignment.”
“Sanemi...I realize why you want him to stay with you but you must give him space…he’s requested it.” 
The stakeout for this mission was uncharacteristically silent. Typically he’d be insulting the demon or even the people you placated before lightly interrogating about the demon but he was silent. As were you, already aware of the conversation he no doubt had with Kagaya-sama. 
“So…I’m too much for ya is that it?” 
You let out a sigh as you could already hear the angry grumble in his seemingly calm question. You didn’t respond instead watching as the demon began to make its move, you began to move feeling the angry puffs of Sanemi’s hollering behind you.
“What? You not gonna talk to me now!? Is this too close for you, huh?!”
Practically yelling in your ear as you tried to focus on the demon’s movement, silently debating if they were aware of your presence. You concluded that they were and they were preparing to attack a nearby home to divide your attention. You took a step to descend from the roof of the building only to be stopped by the tense body of Sanemi.
“Sanemi. Move. Those people need help.”
“I’ll move when you tell me, why?!”
You sucked your teeth sidestepping the Wind Hashira. 
“I don’t have time for this!”
He pulled at your bicep wrestling you face first into the ground; knee in your back as you watch the demon ravage the people inside. You struggled against him, failing to remove him you yelled.
You let your cheek rest against the wood of the roof.
“It's really…because of you.”
You growled at his silence as you registered the demon moving to attack you both.
“Its because of you that I’d rather be in solitude than clean up the messes you make with your mean attitude. And your mean face! And your horrible attitude about everyone that talks to me…”
Sanemi let his mouth hang open.
“Yeah, I know about the threatening. I know about the mystery asphyxiations. Kagayama-sama may not be willing to disown the Wind Hashira in fear of what you will become but I will. And at this moment I wish to part from you forever, alright!?”
At your call, Sanemi beheaded the demon without looking. Letting you up from his hold on your back to swipe at the demon’s last attempts to stab at the both of you. Letting the demon’s screams hang in the air you let silence envelope you both once more. That is until Sanemi broke it.
“Ha! Even when you're saving my life, you reject me!”
“What did you expect? I’ve been doing that since selection.”
He let the memory replay as he let the mirror of your past self align with your current self. Grimacing at the thought he debated cutting your Achilles heel. Stopped by the unsheathed blade hanging low as if already aware of his intentions.
“Don’t think about following me. I’ll kill you if you do.”
“Right. Right. And you better come back unharmed or I won’t let this go.”
Sanemi whipped around letting his hand clutch at your face, squishing you into silence as he gave his unsettling smile.
“You. Will. Come. Back. Unharmed. Yes?”
You reluctantly nodded being released as you watched your crow's circle overhead. 
‘It really couldn’t have been longer.’
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intheholler · 8 months
reading an article for a class (appalachian studies) and i kept being reminded of u
[positive] [with no foul intent] [its a good article]
i have read this article a few times since you sent it in and i still don't exactly know how to express my thoughts on it.
first: amen
second: yall literally have no idea how it makes me feel when you say somethin appalachian-related reminded yall of me. for real <3333
third: time to get long winded and sentimental, because i've never considered it this way, but it's so true. when i think of appalachia, i dont think about lifted trucks and gun shows.
i think about my badass grandma who was a fiery divorced, sex-positive, weed smoking, unapologetic feminist in her day and who didn't take no shit from no mountain men.
i think about my gospel loving, soft spoken mama who loudly loved jesus, a woman anyone would write off as an average "southern christian white lady" on the surface. how she didn't bat an eye when i nervously told her i was gay as a preteen. i think about how she hugged me and told me how much she loved me, how not everyone was gonna be nice about it or understand but that i was going to be safe and it was gonna be okay. how when i was a kid she stood up to that fire n brimstone southern baptist preacher and got us the fuck out of there.
i think about one of my best friends in high school, a visibly queer butch lesbian in our tiny bible beating western NC town. how fucking brave and cool she was for being one of maybe three "out" queers at school and so visibly queer at that. i think about how she got married to a pretty girl last year in that same town.
i think about two of my close friends who had to grow up so heartbreakingly fast, a pair of sisters who were at the time so young but selflessly spent their free time caring for their terminally ill mother by themselves up in their lonely holler without ever lodging a complaint
i think about my sister who dropped everything to raise me when she was only 23, breaking her back and making shit work because no one else was gonna make it work for us. i think about how one of my great aunts literally cleaned out her bedroom to furnish mine when she learned i was sleepin on a shitty couch in a cold basement.
i think about my other great aunt who apologizes for absolutely no part of who she was and holds fast to her beliefs no matter what. i think about her filling her house with the warm smell of soup beans and biscuits that were gonna feed the whole family when they come later.
when i think about appalachia, i think about the women in my life. appalachia is divine and it is absolutely divinely feminine. it's the heart of these hills and patriarchy taints it like it does everything fuckin else.
as an aside, i really loved this section here. it was kind of empowering:
Despite our region’s diversity and passionate socialist and pro-union roots, many have bought into the capitalist terms and definitions inflicted upon us. The religiosity of the place exacerbates this messaging, and the prevalence of evangelical Christianity in rural hollers means we often internalize toxic ideas about ourselves. Or perhaps we have simply tired of fighting to be seen. The pressure of religious and economic patriarchy, particularly in an exploited region like this one, means we live inside a perpetually loaded question. Nothing is more exhausting than trying to prove you exist. But the consequences of surrendering are stark: worsening wealth gaps, lost histories, continued erasures of diverse people and ecosystems. To live in Appalachia nowadays is to live with our failure to break down systemic racism, and with our complicity in the abuse of our bodies, labor, and land by unregulated corporations and himbo charlatans.
whew, okay. anyway, thanks for sending this in <33 it really made me think. yall should check it out. it's a long read but its worth every syllable!
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wispstalk · 6 months
20 questions for writers
under the cut. Thanks to @everybodyknows-everybodydies for tagging🖤
Tagging back: @nuwanders @jiubilant @ervona @ehlnofay @druidx @blossom-adventures @sylvienerevarine @throughtrialbyfire @da3drat no pressure
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just elder scrolls. I have a feeling that's gonna be it for me. I've been tempted to write stardew valley fic lately which would perhaps be classed as "crack" (I know what that is in theory but the way people use it makes no sense to me) but I took a cursory look at the tag and I don't think the stardew valley fandom is ready for a ray fic lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Well. I have five.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try 🫠 it haunts me how often I've left my beloved mutuals on read..... but if that's u and I did, I am telepathically beaming this: !!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Making out sloppy style etc etc
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lol. lmao even
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
.....within AO3 I guess it's "Morning" but also that's set at a refugee camp? I will say the skyrim story will have a more peaceful ending but up until now fic writing has been an outlet for my thwarted rage and covid brain damage soooo
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I mean this is generally a culture of positive feedback. Someone did yell at me once for hitting martin septim with the transgender beam which is a level of no-life-havin loserdom which could be classed as "hate" but came off as pure cope and seethe
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I really bristle at the word smut sorry its too cutesy. I was a prodomme for seven years I don't do euphemisms lol. I wrote a sex scene into IITT to see how I felt about writing sex scenes. I learned that I am only interested in writing them if they serve specific functions. I have absolutely zero judgment toward anyone who wants to write about fuckin and suckin, that's just not why I'm here
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No but recently my household watched game of thrones together and my bf and his brother were cracking jokes like what if one of these medieval characters had a gundam. Neither of them read fic so I was like don't be too entertained by yourselves. I bet that has been written. looked it up on ao3 and sure as shit
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm not gonna lie I did find a fic where someone very obviously ripped me off but I don't wanna call them out. One specific instance where they bit my style was so clumsily applied as to be obvious, but their prose in general was fantastic so like. who care.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not as far as I know but that would make me holler
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Nope. I'm not opposed to the idea but it's hard to imagine how I'd do this given my process. I think I'd be pretty difficult to work with
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
?!? I dunno I don't have one. I put a lot of effort into writing martinhok but I could not say that one, due to how overwhelmingly heterosexual the tag is. I'm sorry but can everyone who's not a faggot please pipe down
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have my moments with the skyrim wip. I've signed myself up for something pretty complicated and challenging but I also learned that I can finish things so I'm not really worried about it. The fact of the matter is: I do not care if this is good. It matters that it is done so I can move on with my life. If parts of it are boring and overlong that's yalls problem
16. What are your writing strengths?
I get a lot of compliments on my worldbuilding. I do think a lot about the minutiae of material culture and think I have a talent for incorporating detail in engaging ways
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm a cornball. This is a corny activity. I don't really care because I'm doing it for free. Enjoy the unsolicited view into an internet stranger's terrible psyche
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I try to apply with a light hand. I'm a dumbass sheltered American and I can mostly make myself understood in a Spanish-speaking country but that's about it. I like playing around with language and the idea of multilingual societies matters to me so I include it, but I'm not a linguist so I try to work within my limits. Whether I am successful at this is up to others.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Elder scrolls. Never felt compelled until i spent a winter playing oblivion and went wow this game has an incredibly bleak narrative behind a silly aesthetic. Oops now I'm in a lore pit
20. Favorite fic you've written?
The Nature of Fire is my best prose hands down. I'm gonna be real with y'all I am desperate for people to read it. It is genuinely the best I can do at this point and if you like what I've done so far, well, whatever u read sucks compared to this fic.
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seenoversundown · 11 months
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (OC)
Warnings: Fluff! (otherwise n/a)
Word Count: 2k
This Must Be The Place - Talking Heads “Home is where I want to be But I guess I’m already there”
I awoke to the feeling of Jake curled around my back like a kitten. 
These were my favorite mornings, the slight chill of the autumn air being held at bay by the absolute love of my life. Sharing warmth and skin in our own little bubble, undisturbed by the outside world. 
We’ve been together long enough that our circadian rhythms were in sync. When one of us begins to stir, the other is sure to follow. 
I felt Jake nuzzle in closer behind me, wrapping his arm tighter around my middle. 
“Call out today, Red” he mumbled out in a gravely voice, thick with sleep. 
I let out a small chuckle, as I turned in his arms to look into his eyes.
“We have this conversation every morning, Jacob.”
He plants a sleepy kiss to my waiting lips 
“But, I really mean it this time. Let’s go on an adventure.” 
I thought about it for a second. I rarely call out, even if I am actually sick. And with his job, Jake and I hardly get to spend time together during daylight hours. 
“Well, if you really mean it, how could I say no?” I pressed a featherlight kiss to his forehead, before lightly shoving his shoulder, 
“You’re on coffee duty, though.”
Huffing out a long, dramatic sigh, he got up and shuffled into the kitchen. 
We walked hand-in-hand down the damp cobblestone streets, the sounds of the harbor serving as background noise for our contented silence. 
When Jake promised me an adventure this morning, I didn’t think he meant “window shopping for the bar.” 
I was more than happy to tag alongthough. Few things made me happier than watching him get excited about his work. 
I loved seeing his eyes light up every time we stumbled upon something that he felt would make the bar he owned and managed with his brothers just slightly more welcoming. 
I was completely transfixed by him, as we stood outside of a shop that sold vintage cookware. He was in a quiet conversation with himself, debating the merits of switching to an all cast iron set up for the kitchen. 
I couldn’t help but stare. The way the light hit his hair, almost giving it a copper tint. The way he rubbed his free hand against his mouth, his brow furrowed in concentration. 
He truly was beautiful and I still don’t know how I got so lucky to stumble across him. 
I felt him lightly squeeze my hand, tearing me out of my thoughts. 
“Ya hear me, honey?” 
A faint blush painted my cheeks, as I shook my head ‘no.’ 
“I said that I think we should head over there” he nodded his head toward an occult shop across the street. 
He’d always been the (far more) spiritual counterpart to my skeptical self. 
“For what, Jacob?” 
“Been thinking about getting some authentic spooky shit for The Bar for Halloween” 
I let out a laugh,
“Let’s just stop at Target. I’m sure they have something sufficiently spooky.” 
“That’s not very adventurous of you.” 
I rolled my eyes and gave him a mock salute 
“Aye Aye, Captain, lead the way.” 
The bell on the door chimed as we entered the shop. We were immediately greeted by the smell of freshly lit incense. 
“Welcome to Garden’s Gate!” 
The woman behind the counter greeted us warmly, gesturing at the floor to ceiling shelves that lined the walls around the store. 
“Take a look around, and holler if you have questions. I think you’ll find that we have something here for everyone.” 
She said the last part to me directly. 
Good Lord, does she have some type of Skeptic Detector? 
We thanked her, and went our separate ways to explore. 
Jake made his way deeper into the store, while I stuck close to the front. 
The section I was perusing was, lovingly, I think, dubbed the “Baby Witch” area. 
The shelves were filled with books on all topics of occultism, journals, pre-bundled herbs, and basic “supplies.” 
However, I found myself gravitating toward the small table of crystals that were set out. 
My hands flitted across several before settling on a small, pink tumbled stone that seemed almost out of place amongst the larger, raw stones that sat beside it. 
I picked it up, rubbing my fingers along the smooth edges, getting lost in the feel of it in my hand. 
“Rose quartz,” I startled at Jake’s voice. 
Where did he come from?
He wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head before continuing 
“A very romantic stone. Associated with the planet Venus and by extension Libra and Taurus. Thinking about me, are you?” 
I rolled my eyes, setting the rose quartz back down. “Maybe I just thought it was pretty, Jacob.” 
“Nah, I think it was fate, Red.”
I turned to face him, noticing that he had set a small basket filled with “authentically spooky” items on the ground beside us. 
“Ready to head out?” I asked, nodding my head to the basket. 
He laced his fingers with mine before leading me to the front counter. 
Jake made small-talk with the woman behind the counter as she rang him up and bagged his items. 
She looked into my eyes, as she handed Jake his bag and receipt,
“Y’know. I don’t typically do this, but I’d love to give you a reading, free of charge.” 
“Oh, I don’t know. That sounds like it’s more his thing…” I smiled awkwardly
“That may be true, but the universe doesn’t have any messages for him right now.” 
I shifted back and forth on my feet, thinking for a moment. 
What’s the harm? I don’t believe in this crap anyway. 
“Okay, I guess” 
“Perfect! Follow me.” She walked out from behind the counter, flipping the Open sign to Closed, then led us to the back of the store, opening an unassuming door and practically shoving us inside. 
At the center of the dimly lit room, there was a table set up with chairs on either side of it. 
In the middle of the burgundy crushed velvet tablecloth sat a deck of tarot cards and a half-burned white taper candle. 
“I truly don’t normally do this. I prefer to schedule readings in advance to avoid having to shut the store down in the middle of the day,”
The shopkeeper let out a laugh and invited us to have a seat while she busied herself with lighting the candle and shuffling the cards, 
“However, the second you walked in the store, I knew I had to do a reading for you.” 
“That’s… interesting”
She stopped shuffling and asked me to cut the deck into 3 separate stacks, then began shuffling the stacks into each other again. 
Why am I so nervous? 
I glanced toward Jake, and he squeezed my hand reassuringly. 
She finally set the deck down. 
“Before I get started, I want you to take a few deep breaths and try to clear your mind. Picture yourself breathing in positivity, and exhaling negativity. Let me know when you’re ready.” 
I huffed out a small laugh, but closed my eyes and did as she requested. 
On each inhale I thought of everything I had to be thankful for, and on each exhale I sent out all my doubts, worries, and insecurities. 
“I think I’m ready.” I opened my eyes to find her already staring back at me. 
“Great! I’ll explain as I go, but I do feel called to do a Past/Present/Future spread for you. So, the first card I pull will represent your past; what you’ve overcome and what you’ve grown from. The second card I pull will represent your present; where you are currently at, areas that may still need work. The third card I pull will represent your future; where you will be, and what you have to look forward to.” 
I nodded along with her, as she placed her right hand on the deck and took a deep breath. 
I instinctively leaned forward in my chair as she flipped three cards over in rapid succession. 
She studied them for a moment before glancing quickly between Jake and me, smiling   
“Your interest in the Rose Quartz makes sense, now” 
I raised an eyebrow, looking down at the cards before me. 
“This one right here, your Past, is the Two of Swords,” she pointed to each sword, then the blindfolded woman between them 
“She is…well- was, in your case, at an impasse. Stuck between two choices; your heart and your head. You wanted nothing more than to be loved, and to share your love freely in return. But the logical side of you wouldn’t allow that. You can correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like your hesitation was related to a much larger issue. Possibly your family or your career?” 
I found myself nodding along, despite my better judgment. I didn’t want to give her too much information to work with.
“This leads us into your Present, the Two of Cups. The man and woman here are fairly self explanatory. It’s obvious what choice you made in your past,, I want to focus on this back here,” 
She points at the symbol between the man and woman, each holding a cup, on the card. 
I’ve seen this before. It’s used in the medical field. 
“This symbol is a Caduceus. It’s the symbol of Hermes, the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology. Hermes, being a messenger, also ruled over Communication. This card showing up in your present means that you’ve found a good foundation with your partner, and you’re able to clearly communicate your wants and desires with them. Because of this partnership, you’re able to ‘fill each other’s cups.” Neither of you take more than is offered, nor do you expect it. It’s very mutually beneficial.” 
I nodded, and caught Jake nodding along this time as well. 
“Finally, for your Future, we have The Four of Wands. This is an absolutely beautiful card to see in a reading like this,”
She points, first, to the couple joyfully dancing underneath a wreath. 
“They are symbolic of a well deserved period of joy. Instead of the calm before the storm, think about right after the storm, when the birds come back out from their hiding places to greet the sun. Your future will be full of that love and happiness if you continue on the path that you are on now.” 
Shethen, pointed to the four wands that held the wreath the couple was dancing beneath. 
“These symbolize all the little foundations that you’ve built so far, and the ones you will continue to build. If you continue to nourish them, they will be fruitful,” 
She finally points out the Castle in the background. 
“And this is the fruit of all the labor you’ll put in. This is your home, where you belong.” 
I sat there for a second, my head spinning. 
There’s absolutely no way this wasn’t planned. She has to have some special romance deck hidden away, full of fairytale cards, waiting for women like me to come in. 
“That’s all I have for you, today. I hope it was helpful, or reassuring at the very least. Now, if you’ll excuse me, the shop won’t run itself.” 
She stood, snuffing the candle and opening the door for us.
“I do hope to see you two lovebirds back in here.”
Jake and I stood and began making our way to the exit, thanking the woman as we crossed the threshold.
“Can you believe that? What a load of nonsense.” I looked at Jake as the shop door closed behind us. 
“Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself of that, Honey.” He smiled at me, then dragged me into the alleyway beside the shop.
He pressed my back into the brick wall behind us, pressing hot, open mouthed kisses up my neck. 
“What are you doing, Jacob?” It came out breathier than I intended. 
“Why don’t I take you home and prove to you just how right she was about us?” 
I squirmed against him as he nipped at my jaw. 
“By all means.” 
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