littleoceanbabe · 8 months
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Mathew Baynton hooves
hash tag hooved
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chbnews · 2 months
DAILY NEWS 7/15/24
Nothing much happened it was a rest day 😔
Game Winnings/Events
Cabin 5 wins tag game hosted by Piper McLean
Cabin 4 hosting a party on 7/15/24 at 8pm!! Bring snacks and drinks if you’d like
Chiron got his hooves painted again (he has some sick new nail art (skibidi toilet)
Chiron in fact doesn’t know what Skibidi toilet is and called Nico a “Skibidi master” and now Will has been calling him it all day
Thanks for reading - Connor Stoll💣
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wickedfang-sso · 2 months
Not gonna lie, I had no idea that new horse sounds were added until it was mentioned on here XD And this was AFTER I had briefly logged on to try and start a champ to do the ranking thing (which I missed by seconds and immediately ragequit bc I'm not waiting around another half hour, and just today I tried to join a champ again and got disconnected the instant a champ was about to start. The fates are entirely against me doing a single championship 😔)
I logged on today specifically to hear the new horse sounds, couldn't hear much even after raising the volume until I went and got my headphones.
The new sounds are lovely, I just wish we could change the volume of the clopping of the horses hooves and the sounds of our footsteps specifically so I can max that shit out. It's SO quiet. I love being able to hear the hooves against the ground, but turning up the volume enough to hear them loud and clear makes everything else incredibly loud and that irks me quite a bit. Let us have loud hoofsteps without being deafened by someone else's horse slurping up water halfway across town
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sharkpupsblog · 1 year
😹 Lost Horse! 🐎 PART 14. Bad at keeping secrets.
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Sabine x GN! Reader fanfic!
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Hi hi hi!!! This part was actually supposed to come out Friday but life got . Horribly busy and then I shot for Monday and it just wasn’t a good day so it came out four days late I am so sorry y’all 😭 last part will hopefully be out Friday 😭💔 def gonna schedule it so it will come out when I want it to 😭😔 anyways that’s all! Enjoy! :D
EDIT IMPORTANT: a part in this got deleted! It has been fixed!
Summary: You continue your struggle to get out of the forest.
Warnings: bl33ding wounds, bl00d, description of the wounds and horses fighting.
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Khaan let out a panicked neigh as you were pulled off of him. The Friesian dug his hooves into the dirt. He came to a hard stop. The steed almost fell forwards, but he managed to keep himself upright. Khaan spins on his back hooves trying to ride back to where you must have fallen. He lets out a snort as Anne’s horse comes crashing into him. The horse does not have a rider. Anne was pulled off her horse and she pulled you off with her.
Khaan noticed blood on Anne’s horse. Little dots of crimson covered the mane of Anne’s horse. The Friesian freaks out. He hopes you weren’t hurt. He tries to look for you, but Anne’s horse isn’t allowing him to move. The horse is freaking out in place. It bucked and threw its head back in the air. Khaan tried to use his body to move the other horse aside, but it didn’t budge. His patience was running thin. He tried again to move the horse. This time the horse kicked him during its freakout. Khaan lost his cool. He had no time for the freaked-out horse.
The Friesian let out an angry snort. He bit down on the other horse’s neck. Anne’s horse let out a shrill neigh. They looked to Khaan. Their ears pinned to the back of their head, and they tried to return the bite. While the two horses fought you struggled to get up. You tried to stand but your right leg sent a sharp pain through your whole body. It wasn’t broken you just landed on it wrong. You needed a few seconds to let your leg rest. Luckily for you, you landed in a huge bush. It covered you completely. The bush allowed you to rest safely.
You looked through little gaps in the leaves of the bush trying to see who pulled Anne off her horse. You did not see the culprit, but you did see the target. Anne was on the floor a few feet away from you and she was holding her arm. The girl was out in the open, she was not as lucky as you were. You could hear her cursing and hissing in pain. Her hissing and cursing was accompanied by the sounds of your horses fighting. Blood covered Anne’s sleeve at the forearm. At first you thought her arm was broken then you looked at it closely.
Bloody lines ran down her forearm to her elbow. Something had clawed her. The claw marks on her arm were huge. What clawed her? You heard a snort behind you. Fear pooled in your stomach. You had an idea of what could have clawed Anne. The snort sounded awfully close to the animal you thought had clawed her. You heard the snort again, and you went wide eyed. You did not want to look behind you. You stayed very still, maybe the animal would ignore you if you ignored it? You looked down at the ground. You tried to stay as still and as quiet possible.
You even slowed your breathing, so no movement could disturb the bush and give away your position. The sounds of your horses fighting gave you extra coverage. You hoped Anne would stay as still and as quiet as you. The girl was still busy with her arm. She was still cursing and hissing in pain loudly. Anne was your enemy right now but enemy or not you didn’t want her to get hurt again. You quietly tried to catch her attention. You pspsps’d at her like if she were a cat. Anne does not look at you. She doesn’t hear you. You do it again this time louder.
Anne looks to where you are, but she doesn’t do anything. She remains on the floor clutching her arm. You start to move out of the bush very slowly. You wanted to tell Anne to get away. To get on her horse and ride back to Valedale with Khaan. Pain shot through your right side as you slowly crawled your way out of the bush. You stop crawling for a second when you stop hearing the sounds of your horses fighting.
You start to move quicker. Did the animal get your horses too? You had to help them, you had to move quicker. Your vision became blurry as the pain in your leg started to get stronger. Before you can reach the edge of the bush something grabs the back of your shirt. Your heart drops all the way down to your stomach. You were definitely going to die. Your want to do a good deed ended up being your end.
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You are quickly pulled out of the bush. You reach for it trying to hold onto a branch. The part of the bush you had tried to grab onto
 Turned into green smoke? Suddenly the whole bush dissipated. It left you speechless. The bush shocked you enough to make you go completely still. It made the job of whatever was grabbing you easier. You remembered the danger you were in when you were sat down on something.
Being sat down made your leg hurt. The pain brought you back to reality. You looked down to where you had been seated. You were on a saddle. You looked up. You were back on Khaan. The Friesian whinnied, and you sobbed. You leaned forwards hugging the horse’s neck tightly. Quiet sobs came from you as you hugged Khaan. The horse had grabbed you, and he pulled you out of the bush. He whinnied again, and he gently nipped at your pant leg. He was trying to comfort you.
You kept holding him until you heard yelling coming your way. You let go of Khaan, and you quickly grabbed his reins getting ready to gallop again. Alex and Linda were coming. They were headed straight for you. You looked down at Khaan asking him to gallop. He doesn’t move. You start to freak out as you see the two Soul Rider’s get close to where you are. You ask Khaan to move again. The horse does nothing. You close your eyes covering your face with your arms trying your best to use your body to shield Khaan as Alex and Linda ride near where you were.
It seemed like they had planned to crash into you since they weren’t slowing down
 Two seconds passed
 Then four
 then six
 Ten long seconds passed. When no impact came you uncovered your face. Alex and Linda took a left turn, and they were riding down deeper into the forest. You were confused. Did they give up on chasing you? “Wha-“ you were about to talk to Khaan to ask him a rhetorical question, but you were interrupted “you’re terrible at keeping secrets you know that right?”
The question made you jump in the saddle. You looked to your left side where you heard the voice so quickly you felt like you had snapped your neck. A white Marwari paws at the ground and on his back a very fancily dressed rider sits. She wipes a hand on her pants. A barely seeable red stains the black suit pants. The snorts you heard weren’t from a bear they were from the Marwari. “We’re safe here I set up an illusion” the rider clicks her tongue her Marwari moves closer to Khaan’s side. “It won’t last forever so we have to be quick” she leans over to you putting a hand on your shoulder “you, okay?” You shake your head you want to keep it all in, but you fail. Jay’s small action of comfort makes everything fall apart. You burst into tears. The girl allows you to cry the illusion still has a few minutes before it fades.
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Once you’re calm enough to talk and listen Jay explains to you how she found you. She talks while you rest your leg. She tells you that she was near the area looking for some of the plants you told her about. She happened to be in the right place at the right time. Sabine called her, told her you might need help, and that’s when the girl set out to look for you. Jay accidentally took longer than planned because the forest was a maze to her.
She hadn’t been in it as much as Sabine or Katja, so it took her a while to find you. Had she been more familiar with the forest you wouldn’t have gotten chased as long as you did. The girl was the one that clawed Anne, and pulled her off her horse. She didn’t mean to pull you off as well. The bush was made by her to cover you when you fell. That explained why it turned into smoke after you touched it. The current illusion you were in was made after she pulled you out of the bush. You would both be safe in the illusion for a while. It gave you enough time to rest your leg.
When you’re good enough to walk you and Jay begin to make your way out of the forest. Your horses walk calmly in the safety of Jay’s illusion. Khaan keeps his head low. His steps are shaky. It looks like every step he takes will lead to a fall. You walk by his right shoulder trying your best to support him as he walks. Arcebus walks by his left ready to be something for him to lean on.
The poor Friesian is tired. The whole walk out of the forest you thank him and praise him for all he did for you. By the time Jay’s illusion fades you both had already made it out of the forest and to Sabine and your Lipizzaner in Everwind. Thank you’s from you and Sabine are given to Jay. The girl gives you both a “you’re welcome” and a “you owe me one.” She doesn’t really mean the ‘you owe me one’ though. She just says it in hopes of lightening the mood.
Before Jay leaves her and Sabine talk privately. You stand with Khaan and your mare while you wait for them to finish talking. You can’t fully hear what they are saying but you do hear a whisper or two of an oil rig and a man named Sands. When their conversation ends Jay says she’ll meet you both back at the rig and that she’ll talk to Sands.
You had never heard of an oil rig before nor of a Mr. Sands. You want to ask Sabine about it, but you don’t want to seem nosy. You do not ask in hopes of her telling you. She doesn’t tell you about either thing, but she does drop some pretty heavy news on you. Heavy enough to make you start crying again.
You’re a traitor. The druids will now be after you and they won’t stop until you’re brought to justice.
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uh uhhhhhhhhh liar au (that one protege au i wrote) cprime or cclingy
or just protege clingyduo
I’m unfortunately not very good at remembering things so I forgot about that 😔 so here’s just protege c!clingy. tws for murder, human experimentation, restraints, threats of torture, self hatred, abuse, and fates worse than death. but this ones pretty hopeful i'd say? c!clingy the world.
when tubbo awoke, it was to buzzing machines and white, sterile walls. he felt far too tired to move, but even then he felt the straps around his wrists and hooves, keeping him pinned to the hospital bed he lay on. bright lights stung in his face, forcing him to keep his eyes shut.
funny. he'd thought he was dead.
he'd felt the axe cut his head clean off, and there wasn’t a cure for decapitation as far as he was aware. medicine wasn’t his forte but he knew enough to be doubtful.
was this the afterlife? because, if so, what was where he was before? the cacophony of red-white-blue-yellow sparks and a burning crater he couldn’t climb out from? was that his punishment? or was this?
he didn’t fucking know. his head hurt. his horns ached- he couldn’t feel the tips anymore, like they’d been sanded down or something, but that also didn’t make any sense.
“hello?” he called out in a scratchy voice. “is anyone here?”
“tubbo?” and thank god, that was tommy's voice, he could recognise it from anywhere. “tubbo, i'm so, so sorry.”
“tommy? i-“
before he could say anything else, the straps on his arms were loosened, and he was pulled into a tight hug- too tight, more painful than anything he’d experienced, but it was tommy so he didn’t care. “i'm so fucking sorry, tubbo. i was selfish, i- i couldn’t lose you, man, i couldn’t-“
“woah, woah, woah. calm down, bossman. take it from the top.”
“i- i killed you.”
“dream's little pet apprentice killed me. you’re dead. that doesn’t make sense.”
“is that what dream told everyone? huh, makes sense.” tommy laughed and tubbo got the sense he only did it to avoid crying. “dream-dream said if i didn’t, he'd torture you. until i was strong enough. and i guess i'll never be strong enough, huh?”
“what are you even talking about?”
“i- i made a stupid fucking deal, an awful deal. i- dream said he'd bring you back, but only if- only if he could use you as a test subject. and i- i just couldn’t imagine a life without you. and- and i'm sorry man. you have every right to hate me. i'd hate me.”
“tommy. i'd take any pain to be your friend again, y’know? it’s okay.” tubbo tried to make his scratchy voice sound as soothing as possible. “you're my best friend, man. i'd die for you.”
“once. not repeatedly.”
“test me.”
“well. i won’t. he will.” tommy shuddered violently. “and- and i know what he’s like. it’s hell, tubbo. worse than. and he- he goes easy on me, y’know? because we're friends. i can’t even imagine what he'll do to you.”
“well, whatever it is, it’s worth it if i get to see you again.” tubbo affirmed. “you are worth hell, tommy. never let him make you forget that.”
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pony-central · 1 year
Sick PonyCentral's Interview
Interviewer - Boyfriend
9:10 AM
Boyfriend: Hmm. Who's Subject 326788? đŸ€š
Secretary: Sick PonyCentral. Why do you wanna talk to her?
Boyfriend: I only wanna ask her some questions.
Secretary: Well, she's in the waiting room, if you wanna say "Hello" to her.
Boyfriend: Send her in.
Secretary: OK. 😊
Sick PonyCentral is seen playing with her Nintendo Switch.
Secretary: Miss Sick PonyCentral?
Sick PonyCentral: Hmm?
Secretary: Mr Boyfriend wants to see you for a moment. He wishes to interview you for a bit.
Sick PonyCentral: Oh. I see. I'll be there. 😔
Secretary: Great!
9:15 AM
Boyfriend: *humming*
The door swings open.
Boyfriend: Oh. Sick PonyCentral, hello. Please, take a seat.
Sick PonyCentral: OK.
She sits down on the swivel chair, and spins on it.
Boyfriend: Stop that, please.
Sick PonyCentral stops spinning.
Boyfriend: Now, then. Subject 326788, do you know why you're here with me today?
Sick PonyCentral: Yes. I am. 😔
Boyfriend: I'm not mad at you, Sick PonyCentral. I just wanna ask you some simple questions. This is an interview, not an intervention.
Sick PonyCentral: OK. I can do that.
Boyfriend: Perfect! Thank you for understanding.
Boyfriend goes through his paperwork and pulls out a worksheet. It contains some questions for Sick PonyCentral to answer. He gets out his ballpoint pen.
Sick PonyCentral: *nervous voice* Are you gonna start? 😟
Boyfriend: Oh, yeah. So, tell me about yourself. I'm interested to know your story.
Sick PonyCentral: Uh, OK then. My name is Sick PonyCentral. I am a young woman who has a boyfriend named Sick Patrick.
Boyfriend: Interesting. *he writes this down* So, are you fluent in any languages? đŸ€š
Sick PonyCentral: Well, I'm mostly an English speaker. I do know a tiny bit of Welsh, but not a lot of Welsh. And, I'm not the best at French or Spanish. Man, Spanish class was ruthless when I was in high school. *laughs*
Boyfriend writes the notes down.
Boyfriend: Any pet peeves?
Sick PonyCentral: Pet peeves? Oh! Purity Senpai! That's my biggest pet peeve. Oh, and people dressing animals up in tight outfits. That's another pet peeve.
Boyfriend: What would you die for? And, what would you kill for?
Sick PonyCentral: I'd rather not answer those questions.
Boyfriend: OK then. Uh, how did your parents come up with the name "Sick PonyCentral"?
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, my parents died when I was little. They just came up with it.
Boyfriend: OK, then. So what about your income?
Sick PonyCentral: I'd rather not say. I don't exactly remember how much money I have.
Boyfriend: OK. So uh... Tell me about your high school life. How did high school go? đŸ€š
Sick PonyCentral: Oh... Yeah... High school. 😔
Sick PonyCentral looked down at the floor and hid her face in her hooves. Boyfriend looked at her with concern on his face.
Boyfriend: Are you... Crying? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: *sniffling* No! 😱
Boyfriend: Hey, pal. It's OK. *walks up to her* Shh... Don't cry, please.
Sick PonyCentral: *cries* I'm sorry, but anytime someone brings high school up, I just break down! đŸ˜«đŸ˜­
Sick PonyCentral rested her head in her arms, as she started crying. Boyfriend got worried about her.
Boyfriend: Hey, now. There's no need to cry, Sick PonyCentral. I'm here now. *hugs her* Everything's gonna be OK. Now, can you be a big girl and stop crying for a few seconds? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: *sniffling* OK.
Boyfriend: Thanks. *he hugs her and sits back down, taking notes*
Sick PonyCentral reaches for the tissues and wipes the mascara off her face.
Sick PonyCentral: OK. I'll tell you. Back in high school, there was this guy named Purity Senpai. I'm sure you've heard of him.
Boyfriend: Yeah, I have.
Sick PonyCentral: After school I walked behind the school building, and he bullied the shit out of me! đŸ˜«
Sick PonyCentral starts crying again, as Boyfriend got more worried.
Boyfriend: Oh, dear! Sick PonyCentral, please don't get all worked up again! I feel bad for you. Please tell me what he did to you! 😟
Sick PonyCentral: He... *sobbing* He pinned me against the wall, verbally abused me, and called me the worst nickname ever! I felt so embarrassed! đŸ˜«đŸ˜­
Sick PonyCentral started crying louder, as Boyfriend dropped his clipboard and ran up to her, hugging her. She hugged him back, sobbing hysterically, and getting mascara on the back of his shirt.
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, God. I'm sorry about that.
Boyfriend: It's OK, Sick PonyCentral. It'll wash out. Now, tell me the nickname he gave you, without crying.
Sick PonyCentral: I can't tell anyone even WITHOUT crying! It's so painful to go through! đŸ˜­đŸ˜«đŸ˜­
Boyfriend: *holds her hooves* Please? đŸ„ș
Sick PonyCentral: I can try.
Sick PonyCentral sniffled as she sat back down.
Sick PonyCentral: He... He... HE! đŸ˜«
Boyfriend: He what?
Sick PonyCentral: *bursts into tears again* HE CALLED ME SICKLY KAYLEIGH! 😭 😭 😭
Sick PonyCentral wasn't able to stop the tears this time. It wasn't her fault, she's just a sensitive girl.
Boyfriend: Aww, there there, Sick PonyCentral. Thanks for telling me about this.
Sick PonyCentral is still crying.
Boyfriend: You're free to go.
Sick PonyCentral: *while crying* Thanks, Boyfriend...
Sick PonyCentral left the room in tears. She sat down with a lollipop and ate it.
Secretary: So how did the interview go - Oh. Oh dear. What's the matter? 😟
Sick PonyCentral hugged her while crying.
Secretary: Shh... It's OK now. Let's get you home.
Sick PonyCentral: OK.
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sunnisurrealism · 2 months
Hi Timmy. After the very depressing post of yesterday I want to lift our spirits! I am fully stepping up to my responsibility of being the communicator in this relationship (though I still INFINITELY appreciate the 1227.1995 and MB posts hehe VIEL DANK đŸ˜đŸ„°đŸ˜˜) and it is very important to me that I ensure our nervous systems are regulated, especially after the immense turmoil of the past few months 😔 I am doing a full apology session for the next usb, and for now I want to give you hope by sharing next my ideas, only to compliment your own, for the book! Again it is the brunt of your destiny to figure out how to balance my and your ideas. It is for this reason I need to make it clear that my ideas are only inspiring ideas, and none of them “ought to be” in the book. I will fully flush out these ideas in the next USB, and to explain them all here would be quite overwhelming, nevertheless I want to share overall ideas to give you hope and excitement during our constant difficult times!
-FĂ©lix has “baptism” in magic mirror fountain and his hair turns fuchsia! SunnĂŻ is so utterly delighted by the infinite cuteness that she cannot help it like her body feels no choice and she jumps from the wall into the fountain with him and kisses and licks him all over like a happi happi puppy and
 they have sexy times in the sacred fountain 😅😍😛 ultimate make up sex vibes.
-FĂ©lix and SunnĂŻ are high on lyfe chirping away while walking through the norty neature forest feeling happi happi happi and very secure and bonded. More sexi times. SunnĂŻ quite distracted accidentally eats the wrong mushroom, even though she is usually very good at identifying correctly. She goes into coma seizure frothing at mouth. FĂ©lix panics freaking out. She mumbles weird things about the gods and visions. In pain. Then! SPROUTS ANTENNAS! she comes back, and tries to explains visions of the gods, but doesn’t know much other than that believing they are real. FĂ©lix is frustrated that she saw things he didn’t, but knows his own connections to questioning reality is real too (the colours, the secret coin, the pursuit of this knowledge is the purpose of their quest). SunnĂŻ is exhausted and he nurtures her and they rest.
-The are bombarded by the Literal Bad Ass Shitey Donkz Shit Lords of The Shartel and are both, for absolutely no reason, utterly literally sharted on by the Shitey Donkz Donkeys. (Backstory on USB).
-Frog Mage (like memes) comes to comfort them and explain that random bad shit (literally) sometimes happens in lyfe and we just gotta deal. It occurs to SunnĂŻ that Frog and Toad were her secret guardians (by under the guise of whom and how did they know and why?) Frog Mage tells them to go to magic greenhouse pond to cleanse themselves? (Original 2020 artwork). Maybe they are washed down first. SunnĂŻ and FĂ©lix play hide and seek in botanical gardens and when FĂ©lix sees SunnĂŻ on pillar (2020 artwork). They go to bottom of pond in greenhouse, FĂ©lix gets hooves stuck in mud (?). FĂ©lix officially gains merman transformation powers. (Ps. I’m not sure when you want to integrate sunglass metaphor from Das Booboe Zwei but that scene also somehow has to be included).
-Upon FĂ©lix officially gaining merman transformation powers, they want to go to ocean. As mermaids they hella explore and have good time, making friends with sea creatures. Somehow, for a second when they are looking either way, SunnĂŻ is captured by: PIRATES! When she is lifted onto their boat she turns back nĂżmph. Leader of the pirates is Captain Manu. They all threaten raping her. She is terrified. FĂ©lix (is he Mrinmöy now idk, seems like that identity comes later with more growth), absolutely freaks out. Maybe he feels her scared mood telepathically in a certain colour? Right when SunnĂŻ is about to get raped somehow she is saved, either picked up by the wind or by a Pegasus (that would be cool - don’t forget the gods are in forms of animals). SunnĂŻ is brought to land, Pegasus tells her to trust why she is being separated. Pegasus would be male. On land SunnĂŻ is delivered to The Last Unicorn, where they bond as symbolizing her pure femininity. Meanwhile, merman FĂ©lix finally sees the boat and tries to do something sneaky on the pirates to distract / mindblow them (like Willy Wonka he would never be violent, social surrealism to shock people out of their ways, idk what you wanna do, I like an imagine of them somehow all wearing pink flower hats or crowns or something? Maybe in faun form he somehow uses his magic tail. Again no violence allowed ever from FĂ©lix or SunnĂŻ in the book) but FĂ©lix learns too late SunnĂŻ was saved by Pegasus. He is thankful and knows the gods are somehow on his side, but very concerned about knowing how he will find her. He swims as merman away utterly distraught when he stumbled upon Darby Johns, the The Dood son of Santa Clause and Davey Jones, who delivers all the mermaids their Sea Weed across the 8 Seas for Xmas. Darby is a stoner bro who tells him to chill and trust the flow of lyfe (the big Lebowski equivalent). He calms FĂ©lix/Mrinmöy down by sharing the Sea Weed. Darby Johns takes FĂ©lix/Mrinmöy to the secret far away 8th Sea to meet The Mermaids, and FĂ©lix/Mrinmöy explains his situation with SunnĂŻ??? Timmy idk who or how thee mermaids would work in the book, but we know this was coming. Who are they? What are their backstory? Are they secret keepers of wisdom (EI?). Mermaids are diverse in every way. Race, body shape, expression, skills. The arw so diverse in physical appearance they are practically alien-like. Way more physical diversity, and tbh beauty!, than human diversity on earth. Overall tho they are probably very peaceful chill, like they got life figured out. Probably kinda rasta. Probably egalitarian but lyfe is still interesting (?). If there are leaders of the mermaid civilization they would probably not be majority white (important to show in book). I highly respect black rasta mermaid vibes (think alien rasta memes) but also please include all ethnic groups from earth. What would their civilization be like? What would he Mrinmöy’s connection to them? Would they have a prophecy with him and SunnĂŻ/her mermaid ascendant name that you have chosen like in Dune? Are they like the fremen? How are they connected to the giant Maracuja flower and the 7 cities? They would definitely be wiser and keepers of ancient wisdom secrets. What to they have figured out that the land folk do not? Do they have connections to the land folk? Did they ostracize themselves from the land folk? FĂ©lix/Mrinmöy should probably go into an initiation with them as they are impressed by his transformation journey. Perhaps it is very strange that a nymph and faun have the ability to turn into mermaids. Is there a prophecy? Does the prophecy have to do with The Godz? What should we avoid from lessons from Dune? Please write carefully 😌
-Merfolk and Mrinmöy make magic plan to find SunnĂŻ. Upon describing SunnĂŻ life story the Merfolk are reminded of the inadvertently lonely last unicorn, and believe SunnĂŻ must be with her (due to similar solitary life stories). Then, somehow the mermaids use the narwhals to connect with the magic unicorn. The leader narwhals creates a rainbow out of its horn connects with the horn of the last unicorn. Mrinmöy turns back into FĂ©lix and the same Pegasus comes and he rides the Pegasus flying the rainbow all the way to SunnĂŻ and the last unicorn, who were chilling and cuddling on the beach. SunnĂŻ and FĂ©lix reunite utterly happi and crying happi tears. FĂ©lix tells her all about how he met the merfolk in the secret 8th sea, and SunnĂŻ tells him all about how the last unicorn taught her to protect and never be ashamed of her sacred divine feminine. Then, after FĂ©lix and SunnĂŻ had some quality time talking with the last unicorn together and FĂ©lix learns about the protecting the divine feminine, they both fly back to the 8th sea on the Pegasus and I guess now as mermaids Mrinmöy introduces SunnĂŻ/whatever her ascendant mermaid name is, to their merfolk, and they all discus how peculiar it is that a nymph and faun have gained the abilities to turn into mermaids and what it means. Maybe as FĂ©lix explains that he gained merman transformative powers when he hooves were stuck in the mud they give him Mrinmöy sacred merman name (similar to Muad’Dib). They are surprised and curious about Sunni’s antennas, but she explains to them she can’t control them. SunnĂŻ also explains to them how she got mermaid transformation powers (Timmy you can decide that one 😅). Overall maybe The Merfolk had a prophecy that The Gods are coming back to Trollita and they see FĂ©lix and SunnĂŻ strange and never before seen transformative powers into Mermaids as a sign. Again, avoid bad parts of Dune.
I love this! They needed to meet the mermaids somehow, and I like dune reference. Perhaps there was no "chosen one" prophecy but the merfolk and nevertheless extremely flabbergasted that a nymph and faun got mermaid transformative powers. something strange is going on in the nature of reality, the main quest of knowledge in this book! đŸ•łïžđŸ‹
Edit: the mermaids have probably self-ostracized themselves from the landfolk because the landfolk were of lower emotional intelligence ie. were violent / had war. Perhaps they realized they lived in more peace and *safety* in the secret far away 8th sea. Was there a big event that happened when they self ostracized? when the book escalates into the destiny of the planet sharing the gifts of the cities and transplanting the giant flower, the mermaids will probably finally share their divine wisdom with the landfolk, with the ideas that if they get over their violent tendencies then they will all benefit from the sharing of the gifts and necessary transplant of the flower and may all be rewarded with contact with the gods (ancient prophecies of gods being real are seemingly true, the final crux point approaching!). have to be worthy somehow vibes. the mermaids are never violent. *it will never be SunnĂŻ or FĂ©lix who are the sharers of this wisdom, it will always be the OG mermaids themselves. In this way it is not like Dune, and in this way the diversity of the mermaids represents the oppressed groups of earth being the divine and wise tbh more emotionally mature leaders of change* the mermaids were always on a higher (in this case lower in the ocean) level. They understand the secrets beneath the surface. Whatever mermaid character ultimately does share the higher wisdom to the landfolk in the later book, probably the last one, should probably be black. If you want it could be Kid Cudi, because he is a Chosen One and he is very very wise. It's up to you!
Ps. Please see recent additions to the book folder on Pinterest for mermaid aesthetic vibes of this chapter. Very diverse beauty! Mermaids SLAY effortlessly đŸ’…đŸ» all of this is obviously inspired by the latest little mermaid movie! Ily Halle Bailey. Can’t wait for the new animated show! Made in Vancouver and my friend worked on it! I’m gunna have to ask my dad to get Disney plus again just for that hehe!
Edit: I forgot to include, before SunnĂŻ eats the mushroom FĂ©lix is somehow gifted his Magic Flute from Pan equivalent animal (goat?). He wears it in sheath on back like sword but flute. He plays it for himself and SunnĂŻ to calm their nervous systems. Maybe he plays it when she has seizure and it brings her back to. I’m really sorry Timmy but I will not be sending you the flute irl right away because I want to record with it!!! I’m so sorry! But it is safe. :)
Edit edit: if you include Kid Cudi as The Chosen One Merman, maybe he is their magic musician. Maybe he is a flute player like FĂ©lix! Maybe FĂ©lix’s magic flute works underwater and him and Merman Cudi realize they are both flute players and hella bond and play.. duets together! That would be so graceful beautiful. Two aesthetically beautiful mermans playing flute duets to calm the seas and world :’) just an idea. Originally I thought Cudi would be a flute wizard. I guess he could be a WIZARD MERMAN! His magic is music that influences the flow of the tides and water and fish and critters. Oh I like that. I like that a lot.
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sharkfish · 3 years
Not an insult! Just a foreign culture to me, I never got the bug for it even as a tween when it seems like 80% of my generation's femme kids were into horses. I was painfully aware of my city/suburb chick status pretty much as soon as I outgrew My Little Pony figures. 😔
Man I loved horses since before I can remember. I started taking my first lessons at 7, had my own horse at 10. I rode often all the way up to maybe 23, then had to stop because board in my city was more than my rent, even lessons were super expensive, and I was broke as hell.
When I got Starlight and Dixon, I felt like I did at 10 when my first horse was gifted to me at Christmas - like a dream came true. I honestly didn’t have much hope to ever spend time with horses again, and now I have two in my backyard!
I was such a little nerd when I was a kid obsessed with horses. I hated MLP because they weren’t ~realistic~ lmao. I had a Barbie horse I really liked, but the mane was down to his hooves and in my quest to make it a reasonable length, I cut off the tip of my thumb. Still got the little scar from that. :)
And ftr, I was actually a suburbs kid too. But we were on the very outer edge of the suburbs at first (until the sprawl just kept spreading around us) so there was still barns nearby. For awhile I boarded my horse at a barn about a handful of miles from home, and I would ride her to the house, take a dip in the pool to cool down, then continue our adventure. One time the back yard gate came open and she wandered out to the front yard without me knowing. There was a knock on the door from a neighbor and they were like “uhhhh

 there’s a horse in your yard

” as if they had never seen one in their life.
Ok I have just solidified the horsegirl judgment by writing a novel about how much I love horses. 😂 if you managed to read this far, here is your reward.
Tumblr media
(It was not Starlight’s birthday but my cousin’s kid’s.)
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orchidcrown · 3 years
some fun facts about me!
the url of my blog is named after my newest horse orchidcrown! shes the appaloosa in my profile pic
my first purchased horse was the original friesian model! i adore that horse and i find the long wavy mane and fluffy hooves majestic (i now own all the 3 friesian models)
i stopped playing after the release of the friesian and before the harvest countries release (i dont remember why i stopped i was really excited for the new area 😔)
i started playing again in a few years (my old name was diane diamondbridge)
i lost all my old sso screenshots since i had to move pcs 😭
in 2018 i replayed the game and i loved it! sso went through a lot of changes in the past few years and its interesting to see
but i have to say im not a big fan of the new character designs (theyre great but they look like completely different characters)
my favourite areas are the goldenhills valley, moorland stables, and harvest counties! (hc reminds me of old sso a lot! probably because it hasnt been updated yet)
my favourite color is purple and i try to make my outfits all purple or mauve themed (happy to have more purple tack too!)
my favourite horse breed is probably the clydesdale and other draft horses! (but its hard to choose)
thats all for now i think! thank u for reading 💜
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glasyasbutch · 4 years
playlist: stella # 1
link to playlist (on spotify)
1. I Will Never Die by Delta Rae
Hickory, oak, pine, and wheat, bury my heart underneath these trees / And when a southern wind comes to move my soul, spread my spirit like a flock of crows
The opening / closing line to this song really hits me in the forest gnome ... She grew up in a culture where the trees grew with the spirits of the dead and as far as her life has carried her from those trees, she still believes in her heart that she’ll live on in them when she eventually dies. 
It’s not a melancholy song, though, cause she’s a bona fide badass. It’s about getting revenge for wrongs done to you, which Stella spent years and years trying to do, and about living for your grudges, which she also does.
2. Dog Days are Over by Florence & The Machine
Run fast for you mother, run fast for your father, run for your children, for your sisters and brothers / Leave all your love and your longing behind, you can’t carry it with you if you want to survive
A song for new beginnings borne from the ashes of your old home.
3. Arsonist’s Lullaby by Hozier
All you have is your fire, and the place you need to reach / Don’t you ever tame your demons, but keep them on a leash
This one’s about survivor’s guilt, and the feeling of heat on your heels as you turn tail from the flames and run towards the city you were always warned would kill you but ended up leaving you the last one standing. Take it literally, she’s been a little obsessed with fire ever since it destroyed her (to the point of falling in love with a fiery tief), or take it metaphorically, about the streak dark curiosity about life outside of her clan that no elder could train out of her, and that pulled her into a criminal underworld she wasn’t prepared to handle. 
(Also i :3 at this song being on Caleb’s playlist because if any of my characters are Caleb kinnies, it’s stella.)
4. Smell by Sleeping at Last
Triggered like a tripwire every time I breathe it in, isn’t it strange how a lilac tree unlocks where I’ve been / Time and space are at my back performing disappearing acts, and now I can’t escape the smell of smoke
All your senses have the capability to remember when you least expect it. The song that makes me cry the most on here.
5. Landscape by Florence & The Machine
Cause she’s just like the weather, can’t hold her together, born from dark water, daughter of rain and snow / Cause its burning through the bloodline, it’s cutting down the family tree, growing in the landscape, darling, in between you and me
Hee Hee Hoo Hoo Nature Imagery As A Metaphor For Trauma And Loss
6. Me and My Friends are Lonely by Matt Maeson
I cope smothered in smoke, dehydrate my soul, I know things you don’t / I’ve met murdering folk, and they took one of my own, took our innocent home
@ manic and craving:  😔✊
this one’s for the fire trauma criminal squad!!!! 
7. Cocoa Hooves - Stripped by Glass Animals
This old goat with beard of grey, he turns his leather-gripped cane / Those times you clapped and called for quiet, they’ve come to hold you, ain’t that nice? / Come on you hermit, you never fight back, why don’t play with bows and arrows?
This is a song for the moment she got caught on the job, dripping all the sleaze and thinly veiled threatening-ness of her deal with Geran (the fantasy capitalist who offered to clear her criminal record in exchange for a year of work as his personal guard, effective immediately, no questions asked). 
8. as good a reason by Paris Paloma
I met a woman with lips so red, a face so lined like spiderwebs / I'll always remember the things she said / They were so wise, she opened my eyes, they'll never close again / Oh, how she sighed when she stubbed her cigarette, I felt compelled to enquire of her success / 'How do you do, how do you be so in love with yourself'?
Craving! Taught! Stella! To! Channel! Her! Spite! And oh boy. did that girl channel it.
9. Gunnin’ For You by Nick Nolan
When hell is rainin’ down, you’ll see my face, won’t hear a sound / You’ll feel that bullet burnin’ through, take your last breath, boy, I’m gunnin’ for you
What was her job you ask? Shooting people for money. Assassin time :)
10. Murder by Within Temptation
I’m killing them all, I put my soul on the line, I purify sins that I’ve committed in life / I follow them all and I’ll be bringing them down, wherever they go I’m right behind / There’s nowhere to go, you’re high on the line, there is no rope, you’re running out of time / So where will you go when I murder your soul?
Assassin time again, but this time, with Revenge and Retribution Vibes. Stella finds an amount of satisfaction in killing that terrifies her, because someone else - rich, privileged, deserving - is feeling the same pain she knows too dearly. Like, most of the people she was hired to kill were utter shit heads and as someone coming from the bottom, it was kind of her right to take everything from them. 
Also. This Band Sexy I Like Them So Much.
11. Heroes Dress in Black by Blues Saraceno
I’ll shoot you down, your lord I’ll forsake / Forgiveness for all, my soul be saved / My heroes dress in black
The final assassin time, included 85% because I think this song is EXTREMELY sexy and 15% because pretty much of all Stella’s living friends and allies she met in the criminal underbelly
12. Hear the Bells by Porter Robinson
Doctor, I’ve been walking by the side of the road for a long time, and I’m going out of my mind / It’s so far from me now, but I can hear the sound / Can’t you hear the bells sing in Cologne? You won’t hear it on the radio / Madness is the hero coming home, can’t you hear the bells?
This one’s about her crawling her way back into normalcy, not really knowing where she’s going, and not really believing she can actually just. Have a life again, but hoping really, really hard that she can.
13. Any Other World by MIKA
‘Cause it’s all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man / Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
ASSIGNED MIKA KIN SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Keep in mind that Stella was originally a back-up Strahd character, and listen to this song with three choruses, one for each bitter, bitter  man (the fantasy capitalist that burned down her clan, the fantasy capitalist that caught her on the job, and the vampire shithead that stole her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s brother and then maybe her too) that took her life out of her hands, and get emo about it.
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chbnews · 3 months
Apollo cabin just finished painting Chiron's hooves again!
Also! Does anyone know why I found Connor's stuff half burnt next to a fire? -random apollo camper
Sighhh don’t mind that I lost a battle against an old guy with no rizz 😔 - Connor Stoll💣
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pony-central · 11 months
Sick PonyCentral's Relationship with Her Father
A Friday Night Funkin vs SpongeBob Parodies Flashback
May 24, 2017 (6 years ago)
Also the day that Sick PonyCentral met Naughty PonyCentral
Sick PonyCentral was sitting in her room, drawing in her sketchpad. She smiled as she admired what she drew; she had drawn herself in a field with a double rainbow. She couldn't wait to show her parents. Well, one of them. You see, her mum had gone to work. So, Sick PonyCentral was left with her dad.
Sick PonyCentral: Dad! Look what I drew! 😁
Her dad was cooking eggs and bacon. Bacon was just for him. Sick PonyCentral smiled. She entered the kitchen, smiling a wide smile.
Her dad: Hmm? Honey? What are you doing here? Can't you see I'm making breakfast? What do you want? 😑
Sick PonyCentral: I wanna show you what I made. 😄
She held the picture for her dad to see. He glared at the picture, then at Sick PonyCentral, who had a smile as big as the morning sun.
Her dad: *looks at his daughter again* Is this meant to be a joke? 😑
Sick PonyCentral: W - What? 🙁
Her dad: *sighs* This picture is a blatant lie. There's no such thing as a "double rainbow".
Sick PonyCentral: B - b - b - but, Daddy! I saw the double rainbow this morning! 😩
Her dad: That was just an optical illusion. Double. Rainbows. Aren't. REAL! đŸ˜€
Sick PonyCentral: But, Father! 😟😟😟
Sick PonyCentral looked defeated. Her dad snatched the picture and stared at the little version of Sick PonyCentral. He looked back at her.
Her dad: Listen carefully, Sick PonyCentral. You're gonna stay with me, forever! Unless, of course, you want to run away. 🙄
Sick PonyCentral: Dad? 😱
Her dad placed the picture on a table, which was next to the fireplace. Her dad smirked at her.
Sick PonyCentral: D... Dad? What are you... Gonna do? 😟😱
Her dad: *laughs* I'm gonna light this fire! 😆
Sick PonyCentral: You... You wouldn't DARE! đŸ˜±
Her dad: Oh I WOULD dare! HAHAH! 😆
He then lit the fireplace and hung the picture above it. Sick PonyCentral can only look at the fire in horror.
Sick PonyCentral: Dad, no! Don't do this! Please I beg of you! đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«
Her dad smiled an evil smile as he dropped the picture into the fireplace.
Sick PonyCentral: NOOOOOOOOO!!! đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜­
She looked at the roaring flames, and collapsed onto the floor in tears. Her dad left.
Her dad: Maybe next time, don't but the flammable kind of markers. Heh heh!
Sick PonyCentral looked at the fire, then put it out. She grabbed the remains of her charred picture, then she looked at the door. She looked back at the remains of her picture, and clenched her hooves.
Sick PonyCentral: Grr!
She then left the house in tears as she headed towards the forest.
Sick PonyCentral: *sighs*
She sat down near a tree stump and started crying. She was interrupted by a passerby.
???: Excuse me? You gonna sit there and cry?
Sick PonyCentral looked up at the passerby. She gasped.
Sick BF: You're a unicorn. Just like me! 😼
The unicorn she was speaking to had a similar coat colour as hers. She donned a dark lavender mane and tail, a blue shirt and a pair of dark blue pants.
???: The name's Naughty PonyCentral. And you are?
Sick PonyCentral: Heh. Sick PonyCentral. *sighs* I'm sorry you have to see me like this.
Naughty PonyCentral: Why are you crying exactly? đŸ€š
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, it's nothing. It's about... My father... 😔
Naughty PonyCentral: Oh. What did he do? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: He... *sniff* Sorry. He burned the picture I drew of myself.
Naughty PonyCentral: Oh my God. That sounds terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that. 😞
Sick PonyCentral: He also said that a double rainbow doesn't exist! đŸ˜« đŸ˜«
Naughty PonyCentral: Man, what a jerk! He sounds like the meanest father in the world. 😡
Sick PonyCentral resumed her crying. Naughty PonyCentral felt bad for her.
Naughty PonyCentral: Hey, girl. Please don't cry. It wasn't your fault, OK? It's his. He's just being a meanie.
Sick PonyCentral: *sobbing* I know he is. He doesn't think I have a future! 😭😭😭
Naughty PonyCentral: Sure you do. Don't listen to your dad. When you see him again in a few years time, give him a piece of your mind. OK? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: *stops crying* OK.
Naughty PonyCentral: Good girl. 😊
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