#HOW am I gonna make it no next week augh
theguiltinessisyours · 5 months
am I going crazy??? This is Leitner´s voice right???? I lost my shit when I thought I recognized him and thought a bit about why exactly that would be the case and then I grew a bit unsure especially because Paul Sims wasn´t mentioned in the credits. I just compared it with mag 80 and tbh I´m not sure??? His cadence sounds extremely similar but it´s kinda hard to tell. I´ve seen like two posts tho so I´m not the only one who thinks that lmao (uhm. in hindsight this was really dumb to think but oh well it was fun while it lasted)
Mannheim!! Germany mention raaaah (no but fr fr this is the second? time something German has been brought up and I saw a post that it could be a clue? can be coincidence tho I´m just living out my nonexistent patriotism)
I´m probably reading too much into it but Gwen´s insistence on not giving the voices names hmm much to think about
THE ENDING?? HELLO? literally did not recognize either of them before looking it up I´m so bad with new voices lol but WHO is Klaus?
Also the statement itself was pretty cool ofc I thought of Grifters Bone but also I somehow get a more psychological/personal approach from the "statements" in tmagp? I don´t really know how to explain it and also, many statements from tma obviously have obviously explored topics of personal fear but the episodes so far yet have somehow a different vibe that I can´t quite place yet.
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pollyanna-nana · 3 months
As much as I am Excited to see my boy next week I must confess I. Am also quite scared. Like I know I shouldn’t even speak it into existence but knowing that his whole thing is gonna be splitting up the lesbians makes me fear how the anime only farcille shippers are gonna react 💀
Like obviously I don’t wanna tell them what Thistle’s actually like, getting that slow burn reveal that he’s actually just a little guy is part of what makes him so great (and why I am so insane about him) so I Get It but also. Please please please be niceys to him plsssssssssss *lies down*
I know it’s a pointless endeavor to expect anything else but also I think if I have to live through another round of my favorite little guy being the topic of insane discourse I will simply shrivel to dust and blow away in the wind. Augh
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smytherines · 1 month
got very excited when i saw u reblog the anon post thats been going around bc u deserve all the compliments. every compliment ever
as someone who's kinda still slightly new to this fandom, youre one of my favourite creators!! you're always interacting w others abt ideas and just having a blast discussing different aspects of the show, the amount of thought u put in all of ur posts is so incredible. the fact u love saf so!! much!! how u consider every aspect of the show w so much detail, how you have such beautiful complex characterisations of them. the way u write them in chwm is just sooooooo!!! you just care so MUCH about these characters and this show and it makes me so fucking happy. you really make such a wonderful impact on the community space. thank you sososososo much for caring as much as u do abt our silly little spies i cant explain how much we appreciate it <3
(also, the woodworking thing u made is actually SO CRAZY COOL IM OBSESSED W IT. YOU DID THAT. WITH YOUR HANDS. AND TREE SHIT. THATS SO FUCKING CRAZY. the detail is impeccable, the shapes of curtwen's silhouettes are made w such care, AUGH woodworking is such a cool art form and ur so amazing for being so good at it im lowkey jealous)
(also also so sorry if this is slightly incoherent, i am very sleep deprived but i really wanted to send something in)
Oh wow, thank you so much! I honestly worry sometimes because I can get kinda intense and write obscenely long responses and theories and headcanons, and I worry that it just makes me kind of tedious and irritating to everyone else. Just like our boy Agent Curt Mega, I am ADHD, so rejection sensitive dysphoria is something I have to manage pretty much constantly. So it really means a lot to know I'm not being a pain in the ass for everyone.
I'm absolutely thrilled to see chwm get a shoutout!!! So thank you for that. It was a total accident, it was only ever supposed to be that first chapter, but I sort of fell in love with that fic and decided I had to fold it into the larger series I was originally planning. I just adore getting to get inside these characters heads, to explain the way I see them in a more artistic way as opposed to long theory posts (although obviously I love those too). They're fascinating, messy, beautiful, horrible, compelling characters, and every chapter I post I just say a little prayer that I'm doing justice to them.
I'm actually finishing up the epilogue for chwm in between answering these asks, so that should be up by morning. I'm gonna spend most of May doing writing projects for Curtwen week, and then I have the sequel/next installment mostly mapped out to start working on after that!
I'm also thrilled to see a shoutout for the wood segmentation project! It was a lot of work, but I'm so happy with how it turned out! I can't really draw or do a lot of the immediate, visual stuff that our wonderful talented fandom artists can, but woodworking is something I love and I just had to find a way to honor this show I love so much with it. I've considered a few ideas for another SAF woodworking project, but I'll probably be focused on writing for the immediate future, so we'll see if I can make it happen.
Seriously though, thank you for this very kind ask, it really felt so good to read
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unsleepingtales · 8 months
Burrow’s End 3!
Starting this at midnight, will likely pause at some point and finish tomorrow morning :)
Yayyy new party name
And new british thing! How did we get to #36 already?
Just now realizing that these people are the reason that ‘famously’ has entered my lexicon
Yeah they all leveled up A Lot
Character makeup!!
What’s going on with Viola. The makeup has me concerned.
YESSSSS Lila arcane trickster rogue my fucking BELOVED I’m not just saying that bc I’m currently playing an arcane trickster I’m not biased at all what are you talking about
Oh I was so caught up in the arcane trickster stuff that I forgot an important lore thing was happening lemme go back and watch it
God those tongues were horrible
Aabria’s hair looks really nice in this episode
The way we declare things like sidebar in my home game is by loudly saying PAUSE and it’s funny every time
Present tense???
“I’m not him, but I’m here” jesus man
I’m reading way too far into everything but the fact that Jasper’s scar makeup has moved is interesting to me. Why. Was this just artistic choice? Is this indicative of a character thing? Idk
Swifter than the sun faster than the hills oh babe
You’re trying to be good and make your uncle happy but also cult. Be careful babe.
Ooh Erika’s makeup and hair are really cool
Look, check it out :D
Full macbeth
Ohhh their colors. Everyone in earth tones except for Rashawn/Viola. Brennan/Tula and the kids in lighter colors, Erika/Ava in darker tones and shades of grey. Jasper/Thorn in dark tones but also blue. God this is why I love costuming. So cool.
Latin?? Dura Mater, Pia Mater
Children?? Prophetic vision??
“It always is what it is” cmon man
How does this cis man so deeply understand what being a daughter is and distill it so perfectly
Am I detecting some envy in having a husband who listens?
A mErRy BaNd
Ohhh the warning in saying that something she’s interested in is also one of their mother’s interests. That’s a family thing.
Custom background called stoat mom. Full long rest in short amount of time would be such a good feat and make so much sense for it.
Sometimer’s 😭
Funeral rite for the bear oh my god
Oh tears. Just tears.
So many of your deeper thoughts must be put away for the sake of moving forward.
Familial duty is such a mindfuck
Awww Ava backstory a bit <3
Thompson’s gonna make partner!
The white mascara is such a good touch it really makes the look
Ooh lore time
Testing your power through blind fury? Super duper safe.
Let’s hear it for making bad rolls work within the plot!
Oh yeah this has all been ONE DAY
Healthy coping mechanism!
That was excellent
Speaking of their long rest. I’m gonna go to sleep. I’ll finish the ep in the morning! (Editor's note: I did not. I finished it the next evening. Such is life.)
Yes that is for real how sleep works and how I act when something insane happened in the middle of the night that I couldn’t deal with in the moment
Effective lessons in communication!
She wants to save her familyyyy
Those aren’t transferable 💀
No one should be mad at anyone, so if you’re ever feeling mad… don’t.
Ooh Jaysohn level of Rogue!
I love the overlapping conversations
Izzy and Siobhan are so good at embodying children’s randomness
He’s a cool dude, he’s just being weird right now
Character choices :D
Ooooh the music being so heavily electronic is so interesting to me
Follow your instincts towards the Light?
Why would it have been bulgarian babe
Oh that’s actually such a good way to explain that
Love a shenan!
Solid pigeon impression
Yeah a cult leader would have a +9 to performance wouldn’t he
I feel like this should be a wisdom save or smth to not go insane at what’s happening to him rn
W h a t
He is actually so cursed
Oh that is HITTING
She’s so TIRED
Oooh okay next week looks Wild can't wait
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hakuryuu · 2 years
nano week 2 wrapup!
-hrhgnhgf. augh.
-got ABSOLUTELY blighted by god for unknowable reasons on friday and it made it nearly impossible to write all weekend so i am (for the first time in years, actually) below par which is such an unfamiliar experience these days that it’s kind of fun
-im doing my best to be patient with myself as i recover, etc etc, but its hard because im SOOOO impatient to keep going with the story and also because i have a deep horror of ending up in a situation where cd season 4 becomes a thing
-on one hand its very very good for my brain to just be writing with no pressure on it but on the other hand i miss writing against charlotte. never thought id say this but i miss charlottes beam attack!!! i feel like i wrote better than i do just by myself and its less lonely
-end of the week goal/pipe dream is to finish nov AND mira’s chapters. i think that will have us in good shape because then we’ll only have *look of despair as i count* 4 chapters left...im assuming this year i’ll end up past 50k out of sheer necessity but okay hang on math zone
>>>cap self at ~10k each for nov and mira chapters, assuming i reach my goal i’ll end the week at ~40k. gonna give tune’s chapter another 10k because he’s chatty and there will be a lot of culmination happening there, puts us at 50k by middle of next week, then the last 3 chapters after that are sort of uncharted territory and its possible i may just combine them into one ensemble chapter. it is completely impossible for me to even guess how many words that will take. possibly i will end up at 70k
-in order to make the above math work i need to be writing soooo much all the time which is a little worrying bc while this new job isn’t leaving me As exhausted as it was last week it is still leaving me pretty tired and sometimes with very little brain to spare
-can you believe i thought i was gonna finish this godforsaken novel last year
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dullahandyke · 1 year
cant be bothered to make mulitple posts. have one post with many contents, it is like a treasure chest. also whoops got long teehee take a readmore
BOOBS. boobs. tits and boobs. soft and eueueuugughghghgh fun to squish and heavy and smell nice. society if i had someone to fool around with. kissing doesnt sound that appealing but if i played w someones boobs it would fix me i think. sorry. not sorry actually #liveyourtruth. whaever im 19 i can post abt whatever i want n what i wanna post abt is boobs
not to hammer home an old thought but god i wish i lived in a town or a village or a city... theres literally fuck all to do here unless i wanna bug my parents for a ride into town so instead i just sit inside n its kind of detrimental to my social life n indepence. like on the plus side, i might have considered taking up vaping in a calculated 'swapping one vice for another' way if living in the middle of a field didnt make getting my hands on any on a regular basis so utterly implausible, so like its good detterant in that way, but also like man do you know how psyched i would be to be able to walk to the cinema. walk to any store where i could buy things. u know how long google maps says it would take to walk to my local library? two hours. cant even go anywhere to hang out on a whim or without enough reason to justify bothering my parents abt it. like all going well ill hopefully be in the city for college come september but like. killing and bitingggggg
graduating in a week and AUGH on one hand out the gap waheyyy only a month until exams are DONE FOREVER (until college) but on the other hand, fuck man im never gonna see this school again, i barely hang out w my friends outside of school unless its someones 18th which in practice means that after the debs thats IT!!!!!oh my god im going to DIE, i need to go find cliodna on instagram so i can follow her because shes nice. ill be sitting in random classrooms in school lately n be hit w the fucking melancholy because im like oh boy soon i'll never see this place again and its like... intellectually i know that i am not one to dwell on shit like this after its happened, as evidenced by the 'oh god my friends are all going off to college, itll only be me and the kiddies in the youth theatre next year' crisis i had last spring, after which i was Fine Actually and rarely even thought of the ppl who left bcos i have the object permanence of a 2 month old, and in practice this summer is gonna be the same as every summer is and i didnt see a single one of my irls during summer last year and i was fine but like.... idk man knowing its the end.... kills
speaking of which, oh my GOD the leaving starts in *checks watch* 22 DAYS. FUCK. like the points i need for my course are actually pitiful like but 🥺 wanna do good... do i regularly and loudly disparage the english course and maintain that the only real measure of one's writing capabilities is your own evaluation? yes! do i still want a H1? also yes! it would be the easiest thing in the world if i was less opinionated but luckily i AM that opinionated. also god. biology the day before history.... death. ive not been paying attention to either class for literally the past few months, im gonna have to kick it into high gear when i graduate bcos lbr im gonna get my shit together enough to pay attention until im not in school anymore.
thinking about boobs again. would like to hold some. an irl's school shirt keeps shifting so i can see her boobs thru the button gaps and im heeueuugueugh
eating a mini viennese ice cream or whatever its called n its good 👍🏻 hard to type w tho
boobs again. hhhahwhauhghah!
my ass hurt. done.
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oncetherenowhere · 2 months
I can feel the burnout coming again. When I got home from work yesterday, I was physically shaking so much that H had to tuck me into bed. I got decent sleep, but woke up an hour before my alarm; now I'm supposed to start heading to work, but the exhaustion is still so bad. I'm lucky that I work very close to where I live- it's only a short walk away. It feels like it may as well be atop a mountain today.
I might entice myself with a Dunkin on the way. Yes, of course, this boston cream donut will fix me.
Augh. I don't know. I'm frustrated. These burnout spells have been happening since I was a kid. Sometimes I feel like all my extra energy is spent trying to push back the inevitable burnouts. Exercise helped regulate my moods, but I was pushing myself too hard the past week, so now I can barely move. How am I gonna make it through the day?? I don't want to call out- I already scheduled a day off next week to give myself more time since I could feel this Badness coming, and I have a lot of stuff to do today.
I am just...SO tired.
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miraculousficsarchive · 7 months
Blueberry Sugar
Chapter 4: Totally Platonic
Marinette looked at her phone for the millionth time that day. She kept using the excuse that she didn't know what time it was, but in reality she was just looking at her wallpaper over and over. Alya kept trying to look over her shoulder to see what she as looking at but Marinette was quick to lock it. They were going shopping for fabric, which is usually Marinette's favorite thing to do, but today she was distracted.
Alya threw her head back and groaned.
"Augh! Marinette! Stop keeping things from me! What could possibly be so important that you keep checking your phone when the only person you text is right next to you?"
Mari gasped dramatically.
"First of all, rude. I text people."
Alya just looked at her with an unimpressed expression.
"Uh, Luka?"
"Okay. That's it. Let me see what you're hiding."
Pulling her friend to the side of the sidewalk they were on, Alya held out her hand. Marinette hugged her phone.
"Wait, I don't want you to make fun of me!"
Alya wrestled it out of her grip.
"It's nothing that bad, I'm sure."
She tapped the screen and it lit up, as did her face. She let out a large drawn out gasp that caused the passerby's to turn and stare. Marinette hid her face behind her hands in embarrassment.
"You took a picture together?! And set it as your LOCK SCREEN?!"
"Alya, people are staring. Oh my god."
Alya squealed.
"This is so cute! Oh, you're so adorable together!"
Marinette snatched her phone back.
"There is no 'together'. We're still just friends. He just doesn't know that it's me."
"Oh come on, girl. A nighttime selfie that you have set as your lock screen? The cute smiles and how his head is resting on yours? The way you're looking at it? Don't lie."
Mari groaned and started down the street again. Her friend just laughed and followed.
"So sweet."
"Strictly platonic."
"Are you gonna tell him who you really are?"
Marinette ducked into the fabric store. She waved at the workers that greeted her and went straight to the back of the shop. She pulled Alya close and whispered.
"I don't know. This whole thing is kinda making me feel guilty. He talked to me about Ladybug last night. He seems so hurt that we can't share civilian info and here I am rubbing my job and hobbies in his face. Yeah, he doesn't know it's me, but if he finds out, will he be upset with me for how long I've led him on?"
Alya held her hand.
"Do you like that he knows you as Marinette?"
She thought for a moment.
"It's been such a weight off my chest, honestly."
"Then I don't really see a problem with it. You two have known each other for years. Since we were kids. But you've both grown so much in that time. You don't have to detransform after using your powers, you're stronger, and you've both matured a lot. He's always been in love with you. And now it seems like he likes you for you. I think you can handle sharing identities. If you want to, of course."
Marinette took in her words and looked through the fabric surrounding her. She thought on it for a long time.
Chat went to DC's every night for a week straight.
Every night he learned something new about Marinette and every night she seemed more and more nervous around him.
Her favorite color is pink. She stuttered tonight.
Her favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry. She didn't look at him in the eyes.
She loves music. She dropped his fork when she tried to give him his pie.
Usually you get relaxed the more you're around someone, so Chat was a little confused. He thought about what Plagg said and started to worry that he was bothering her at work. Tonight he decided he would try to fix that.
"Hi, Kitty," Marinette called up to the sign above her. Chat was perched on his usual waiting spot right above the diner doors.
He jumped down and grabbed her hand before she opened the door for him.
She looked at his hand and then met his eyes.
"You okay?" she asked, visibly confused.
"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something before we went in. Would you rather hang out somewhere else tonight?"
She raised her eyebrows.
"Oh. Uh, like where?"
"It might be a little cheesy, but how about the Eiffel Tower? You ever been to the top?"
She pushed her loose hair behind her ear and looked around before smiling at him.
"Sure. We could do that. Are we walking?"
Chat beamed and held out his hand to her.
She took it and he gently pulled her close. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled out his staff with the other.
"Hold on tight, okay? I won't let you fall."
She blushed in his arms, but nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. He squeezed a bit tighter and placed his foot against the bottom of his staff. As he fully extended it, he raised them higher and higher into the air. Marinette held him tighter, and Chat laughed. They fell forward and she let out a sound that he couldn't tell if it was a scream or a laugh.
With leaps and bounds and launches from his staff, they made it to the top of the tower. By now, Marinette was definitely laughing.
He set her down and she hugged him. He froze for a moment and she was already stepping back from him.
"That's so exciting when you're not-" She stopped and her smile faltered. "I mean, when you've never been this high before."
She flashed another smile at him and he laughed along with her.
"Yeah, it's pretty amazing. And so is the view." He examined her face as she looked around at the city below them.
She was all smiles. He thought she was beautiful in the moonlight.
When she caught him staring, they both turned from each other nervously.
They spoke at the same time.
"Oh, my bad. Go ahead."
"Heh, sorry. I just wanted to ask something."
Chat leaned on the railing.
Marinette paced a bit.
"You've got to learn quite a bit about me. Do you think I could learn about you? I know that would be a lot of trust to put into a person that you haven't known for very long. I just noticed we only ever talk about me."
Chat's eyes went wide.
She wants to know about me? What should I tell her? What am I allowed to tell her?
"Well, we could start small. I don't know how much I'm allowed to tell you. Then again, I don’t really have anyone else I can talk to. And I have a good feeling about you."
Ladybug might not approve, but who's to say she hasn't shared her secrets with anyone? It's not like he's sharing his identity. What harm could a couple questions do?
He looked around the city one last time and then lightly smacked his hands on the rail that he was leaning against.
"Fuck it. What do you want to know?"
She blanked.
"Hmm, didn't think I'd get this far."
They both laughed again.
She walked past him and spun around.
"Are your eyes really green?"
He smiled.
"Sure are."
"How about your hair? Natural blonde?"
"Why? You looking to match the shade?"
Marinette paced a few seconds more.
"What's your favorite hobby?"
Chat thought on that.
"I guess it would be fencing. I was forced to do it when I was younger, but I've grown to love it. It's a great stress reliever, believe it or not. And I also love music. Listening to music is probably the fastest way to soothe my soul."
"That's cool. You mentioned you have a friend that is a designer. Are you interested in fashion?"
Chat checked nervously.
"You could say that."
She stepped closer to him. He could see the stars reflecting in her eyes.
"Do you get to pick the suit or are you forced to wear this?"
"Hey, what's wrong with the suit?"
She giggled and it sounded like music to his ears. He could get lost in it. She put a soft hand on his arm.
"Don’t worry, I like it. Are you in this much leather when you're not super-powered up?"
Chat felt a shiver run up his spine.
"Uh, not exactly. I- I actually like a more relaxed look."
She stood next to him and they looked at the city. Slowly, they gravitated to brushing shoulders. Marinette's cheeks were pink again.
"Do- do you have a girlfriend?"
Chat's heart skipped.
She waited a long time before talking again. After a few minutes of them looking at Paris in silence, she touched their hands together. He reciprocated and pushed back against hers. She tentatively intertwined their fingers. He gently squeezed her hand.
Neither of them looked at each other.
Marinette rested her head on his shoulder and he put his head on top of hers.
She broke the silence.
"Do you feel like being a superhero holds you back from making genuine connections with people?"
"Sometimes. I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about whether you'd like the person behind the mask or not."
She squeezed his hand.
"I like him."
Chat smiled.
"If I, umm," she started, "if I wanted to kiss you, do you think the person behind the mask would be okay with that?"
He looked down at her. Marinette looked at him earnestly. He nodded.
They both smiled at each other and Chat used his free hand to cup her jaw. He leaned down and placed a small, soft kiss on her lips. She smelled like strawberry cake. Marinette grabbed him by the bell and pulled him back in for a longer one, and they both snaked arms around each other.
After a few more kisses, they broke apart and giggled at each other.
"I feel like I've known you forever," Chat said.
Marinette nodded and gave him a hug.
He embraced her back this time.
It was a long hug and he didn't want to let her go. He wasn't entirely sure why, but it just felt so right. She was the perfect height and her arms just felt so right around his waist. He ran his fingers through her long hair and they gently swayed back and forth.
"Wanna dance?"
Marinette chuckled.
"We need music for that."
"Wanna play some?"
She smiled and pulled out her phone. After some soft slow sounds started, she set it on the tower behind them and they started slow dancing. Chat had to admit, she was a little clumsy and stepped on his foot a few times, but it was adorable. He just laughed when she apologized and told her it was okay. Soon she got the hang of it, and he held her close so she could follow his lead. They didn't know how long they danced, but it felt like forever. Like everything else below them faded away and they existed alone with the stars and the street light below.
Eventually, they sat and talked more.
Chat told her that his father had passed away when he was just barely an adult and he had been entrusted with a lot of stuff that was left behind for him. That he knew it's what his father would have wanted so he continues keeping up with things. He didn't say what those things were, but it didn't seem like Marinette needed the words to know how much of a burden they were on him.
She held his hand tight and he had never felt so comfortable.
"Kitty, I really like doing this with you. And I love learning about you. Thank you for sharing."
After more lighthearted conversation, they decided it was getting late and Chat took Marinette home.
"You can come inside if you want."
Chat's heart jumped up into his throat.
"I'm sorry Marinette, as paw-sitively enticing as that invitation is, I am a gentleman. I will have to leave you here."
She giggled and dug through her purse. She pulled out a pen and scribbled on a scratch piece of paper.
"Then take this."
He looked at the string of numbers and grinned from ear to ear.
"Text me. Or call. Whatever you prefer. I'm pretty busy, but I always try to answer. Just- yeah. Text me." She smiled shyly.
"Got it. Goodnight, Marinette."
"Oh, and you can call me Mari. That's what my friends call me."
"Goodnight, Mari."
"Goodnight, Chat."
She shut her door and Chat took to her roof. He had never gotten home so fast. The second he made it into his room, he called off Plagg and texted her a single smiley face.
"How cheesy," Plagg said.
"Oh hush."
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goji-pilled · 2 years
after reading some magica report and tamura, I bring back more Homura Tamura!
Tamura had thought about doing certain things whenever she went back in time, or went into very different timelines. More often than not they were the weird intrusive thoughts people had; see a leaf, eat it off the ground, lick that rock, punch that window, kabedon Madoka, French kiss Sayaka, supplex Mami, bathe Kyouko, shoot herself in the foot, get stabbed by Sayaka's and/or Kyouko's weapons, flirt.
Ya know, normal intrusive thoughts. Then she had a thought when she overheard the Blue Oni and Crimson Survivor talkijg about video games.
What if she just... went fast? Like... went through the month like a speedrun?
...Nah, that'd never work, not unless she went to a timeline where the flow of time moved forward at a rapid enough pace to fit a month and a half of their lives in the span of a 10 to 20 minute video.
... She shouldn't tempt fate, honestly. Waking up in a hospital bed Tamura flung herself out the window, a feeling of dread over her shoulders for every moment she spent not moving.
Making her way to the Kananme Household she saw her one true friend, Kaname Madoka walking home. Down the street was a small black cat strutting across the pavement and a very loud, very large, and very fast car was not stopping to save the kitty.
Stopping time and overextending her legs Tamura dove for the cat and tumbled onto the soft grass next to the road. Letting time flow once more, Tamura set down Amy-chan and made herself scarece. She got away just in time for Madoka to speedwalk into her home, muttering to herself all the while.
Tamura caught sight of a white tail, and didnt hesitate to unload a full magizine from two M1911 automatic handguns into the Incubator.
Well... she did want to go really, really fast. It'll be a short six weeks.
"And so class please wlecome our new transfer student!"
"Hello, my name is Akemi Homura. No not spelt like that. I am in your care.
"Kaname Madoka."
"Wuh-uh yes?"
"Please escort me to the infermary, you are the health representative yes?"
"Oh yes, please, follow me!"
"What's gling on Madoka!? Where are we?! What's going on!?!"
"This is just like a dream I had once!"
*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*
"Hello there!"
"Woah!" "WAuh!"
"My name is Tomoe Mami. Please stand back as I show how magically badass I am!"
"So magic is real?"
"Yes. All you have to do is tell Kyubey what you wish for and he'll make you a Magical Girl^TM."
Go ahead and wish for anything you so desire. Just remember that you must fight Witches, as per our contract.
"Hmm... Mami-sempai?"
"*squeak* Yes Miki-san?!"
"Could you use your wish to help someone else?"
"Uh- yes but you really really shouldn't. Bad things happen if you do something so selfless."
*softly in the background* "We ain't partners anymore."
"Oh... uh... okay Mami-sempai. We'll think about our wishes long and hard."
"Mami Mami Mami Mami!"
"Yes Kaname-sanm"
"Theres a witch and it hatched and Sayaka-chans watching it and-"
"Say no more my beloved pupil, I'll take care of this. Ooohh, I cant wait for you two to make your wishes and join me in my life. I've been oh so very alone, but knowing that you're willing to stay as part of my life fills me with so much joy!
"Now stand back as I show how magically badass I-"
"Well I'm traumatized now."
"Tomoe Mami you bitter bitch."
"WH- Homura-chan!?"
"You made a wish Sayaka-chan!? When?!"
"Oh not that long ago. Finally figured what I wanted to wish for. Now I'm gonna follow Mami's legacy as a true Magical Girl!"
"So that's why I want you to take care of my best friend. She means well but she doesn't think things through sometimes and-"
"Madoka I mean this in the kindest way possible but that girl is as doomed tk die as I am. So I wont make a promise I cant keep."
"Weee Homura-chan!"
"So YOU'RE the little rookie Mami took in? Welp time to give you a bad time."
"Come at me you bi-AUGH!"
Don't worry, Miki Sayaka's wish allows her to heal at a much greater exponential rate than most Magical Girls.
"How are you not dead!?"
"Stand down Sakura Kyouko."
"Who the-" "Transfer Student!" "Tamura-chan! Wait where'd Kyubey go?"
"Stay outta this Akemi/you!"
"Yare yare-"
"Whoa what the hell?!"
"And so that concludes my plan of action against the Stage Play Witch, Walpurgisnacht."
"Walpur- wait where am I?! How'd I get here?! Who the hell are you!?"
"I am Akemi Homura. And I want your help to defeat Walpurgisnacht."
"But how did I get here?! I was in that alley with blueberry and pinkie and-"
"You're delusional. We walked to my apartment from the arcade."
"What are-"
"- you talking abo-Oh what the fuck!?"
"What are you doing here?!"
"Kid I dunno where 'here' is! Where are we anyway?"
"Stop playing dumb! You followed me to Kyousukes home, and threaten to hurt him."
"What!? Why would I- uh... eh yeah I'd tap that."
"What was that!?"
"N-Nothing! Uh, fight to the death?"
"Jeeze you're a hard gal to track."
"Just... leave me alone..."
"After I gave you my tragic backstory and gave you a physical sign of affection to you? Nah, you're stuck with me kid."
"It's Sayaka... and you're a fool... just like me..."
"Well this is a fucking mess."
"Gah- How'd you- I left the door open didn't I?"
"Tamura-chan... have we met before... in a dream or... another life?"
"*sigh* Yes we have, ai'm a time traveler and I went back in time to save you because you're my best friend and you mean so mucb to me and I love you just like the others and- oh god dammit. Everytime I cry here don't I!?"
"What does it take to wound you Woman!?"
"Shut up- Gerk!"
Quickly Kaname Madoka, you can still save her! All you have to do is form a contract with me, and become a Magical Girl!
"But if I do then I'll... Kyubey, I have a wish!"
"Oh for fuck's sake!"
"I wish that-"
Sitting at the end of the bar was Akemj Tamura, currently craddling a tall mug of cider as she cried into it, her heartfelt confession still doing a number on her heart. Sitting next to this girl were two of many Akemi Homuras across the multiverse.
This Akemi wore a big and puffy purple zip up hoodie over her uniform, headphones shaped to represent cat ears pearched on her head. In her hand was a handheld entertainment device, a game being played in record time.
The other Akemi appeared to be a minimalistic caracature of Akemi Homura, as if she were meant to be from a minimalist cartoon. More defining features came into being when she entered the Bar, but her color tone and palette were noticably brighter and warmer than tbe other Akemis.
Taking one glance at Tamura, they spoke out loud together a single word. One was in question while the other was in factual statement.
"Speedrun?" "Speedrun."
A nod. "A really, really fast speedrun..."
thank 2.0 anon for this silly tamura oneshot. hope u enjoy the silly for a while!
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showstopper35 · 3 years
Please don’t take my sunshine away (Crosshair x Female! Reader)
warnings: lots of angst, graphic violence, major character death. Not edited because it’s 6 am and I don’t care. This takes place before Omega has joined them.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…
The gunshot was still ringing through the air as Y/N fell to her knees. Putting a hand to her armor, a shiver went through her body as blood began to stain her hands. Y/N sat back and stared at the blood, grateful for the cover of a rock shielding her from the battle.
“Kriff, I didn’t expect this.” She grimaced through clenched teeth. Footsteps pounded behind her, and in an instant Crosshair was at her side. “Mesh’la, what happened?” He tried to hold back the worry in his voice. “Just a little injury…I’ll be fine.” Y/N winced as another flash of pain entered her system. Crosshair noticed this, as he noticed everything. He gently moved her hands so he could see the wound. “Kriff, Y/N…” He trailed off. It didn’t look good. Y/N tried for a smile, even through the pain. “Sorry, I guess I should’ve been paying more attention, Cross.” She tried for a weak chuckle.
Crosshair’s frown deepened. Of course she would be smiling at a time like this. Always brushing off any negativity, smiling and trying to make him do so as well. He remembered the first time he met her, when she had made the goal to get him to laugh by the end of the week. Morale had been low, and the rest of the bad batch had been adamant that Y/N couldn’t even get him to smile. But Crosshair supposed that’s why she took up the challenge. To bring a little light into his life. You make me happy….when skies are grey….
And she had gotten him to laugh. Apparently, spray painting flowers all over the Marauder was enough for Cross to laugh, especially considering how Tech nearly fainted at the sight.
But now her smile was fading. He didn’t know how long it would take for this fight to be over, but he needed to get Y/N to the ship. He slipped his scope over his visor and looked through the smoke and fire of the battlefield. Hunter was stabbing his way through battle droids, while Tech followed him, typing something on his datapad. Crosshair spotted Wrecker smacking a droid with his gun, and Echo was shooting from behind a rock. It didn’t look like this would be over anytime soon. You'll never know dear, how much I love you…
Y/N grabbed his wrist, turning him towards her. “Cross, I’ll be fine. Go finish the fight.” She shakily rose to her feet and shot an advancing droid. He shot the one behind her with a quick trigger pull, then pulled her into a sprint so that they were running towards Echo and his cover. Suddenly, an explosion went off. A shoot of fire and shrapnel launched Wrecker through the air, leaving him in a heap next to Tech and Hunter. He sat up, dazed. Then, another shower of fire and sparks followed, a few feet from where the first one went off. Then another, and another. “Mines! They’re detonating mines!” Tech shouted over the explosions. Y/N looked down, suddenly aware of how close to the explosions they were. A blast of fire erupted from in front of the rock, and she could feel the shock vibrating through her body. She looked at Crosshair and Echo, and they started sprinting towards the ship. Y/N stood up too fast and stumbled, white-hot pain flaring where her wound was. The ground around her shook as a mine went off a foot in front of her. “CROSS-“ she shouted, only to be thrown backwards into the rock, slamming her head hard and cracking her helmet. Blood trickled down her neck, and a deafening ringing filled her ears. “Augh….” Her whole body was on fire. She looked up with blurry eyes to see Crosshair taking off her helmet, his eyes scared and unfocused.
Please don’t take my sunshine away…
“I’m sorry, Cross…I’m sorry.“ She mumbled, reaching a hand to her aching head. “No, it’s not your fault, mesh’la. I’m gonna get you out of here. I promise.” Y/N leaned back and closed her eyes. Crosshair brushed her hair out of her face, and stroked her cheek. Tech had crept up behind them, and was running scans on her injuries. He glanced at Crosshair and gave a tiny shake of his head. Y/N opened her eyes slightly and grabbed Crosshair’s wrist. He leaned towards her, his eyes filling with tears.
Y/N smiled, and the sight broke his heart. A tear slipped out of the corner of his eye, and she brushed it away. “Please don’t cry?” She asked, her breaths becoming more laboured.
“Please don’t…” He tried to speak, but she placed a finger on his mouth.
“You’re going to be okay, Cross. Just smile…let me make you smile.” He gave her a small smile, and she choked out a laugh. “You always did have the best smile.”
He watched as her chest began to slowly stop moving, until all that was left of her was a smile. He placed a kiss on her forehead and closed her eyes.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…”
“You make me happy…when skies are grey…”
“You‘ll never know dear, how much I love you…”
“Please don’t take my sunshine away..”
”I’ll smile for you, sunshine.”
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square-blunt · 3 years
I love my friends, they make me feel alive again, or at least they remind me that I'm not even dead
I am kicking and screaming i must put this one and another Esmp fic out before tomorrow and I am very Nyoom rn so I'm sorry if this one isn't as good, I really liked the way it turned out so here have some clingyduo fluff bc yeah I can writing things that aren't angst?? What? no one dies and their best friend holds them in their arms this time?? fuckin crazy. /lh
TW- Abandonment anxiety, ptsd WC: 2530 words Ao3: :3
It was Tubbo's birthday today. Tommy had been planning something for weeks- grinding, mining, stealing, going through ax after ax getting wood. He even asked Foolish for some help, and after those weeks, he had finally built a perfect replica of the L'manberg bee house. It wasn't in L'manberg, of course, but Tommy was sure Tubbo wouldn't care.
He didn't fill the basement with wolves, but he did get two or three bees in there- he named them. Beeinnit, Ranbee, and Tubbee. Tubbo and his two best friends, but bee form. Tommy was still Tubbo's best friend, right? He knew that Ranboo was more than a friend to Tubbo, the two were married, Ranboo couldn't technically hold both titles, and Ranboo was too dumb- he needs to stop blaming Ranboo. Sitting in the bee dome, planting a few last flowers- cornflowers, poppies, sunflowers, and white tulips, Tommy realizes that he needs to stop blaming Ranboo. He needs to. Because Ranboo was a good… enderguy. And he was good for Tubbo. He had asked Tubbo if Ranboo made him happy- Tubbo nodded, and that was good enough for him. He needs to stop blaming Ranboo, and start looking at himself. Because if he and Tubbo aren't talking as much, of course, he's gonna find someone else to talk to. And he's learning to not blame himself for everything, he does blame Dream for that, but this isn't Ranboo's fault and it isn't Tubbo's. And Tommy knows that he and Tubbo are still gonna be friends. It's been him and Tubbo since the beginning, that's what he said before fighting Dream. And Tommy knows that he and Tubbo will have each other's back. He's just overthinking this, but he is still gonna try and give Tubbo everything he wants or needs. And try to give him the world that he deserves. He's gonna try and make the world a better place for him. And a bee dome is a nice, easy start. It was more tedious than anything- thank prime for Eret stealing the blueprints before Doomsday. They had the plans for every building ever created- they let Tommy have the one for the bee dome. They even brought over the bee that would become Tubbee. Tommy… wanted to forgive Eret. And he would. Eventually. Tommy kind of did that before going off to fight Dream- Eret was the last person he talked to. And Eret looked so relieved when Tommy said that he thought they were the true king. They had been there for him and Tubbo. That was good enough for him. He did think that Tubbo, Ranboo, and Eret, even, were his best friends. He knew that Puffy was his friend, and her griefing his house was just some friendly pranks, and he enjoyed having something to do. Shit was getting too buddy-buddy around here. Wilbur… he wanted to be Wilbur's friend- brother. He wanted the Wilbur who started L'manberg, he wanted the Wilbur who would sit down and play a song. He knew that Wilbur was still there. Somewhere. He stops to touch the petal of a cornflower next to him. Blue and yellow are on opposite ends of the color wheel, but they mean the same thing to Tommy. He loves, and misses, his best friends. They make him a better person. He doesn't have to be the bad guy.
Tommy shields his face, the sun setting and glaring into his eyes through a window. It's almost night, shit. He had put enough lanterns and shroomlights in the dome that mobs wouldn't spawn, but he wasn't so sure about outside. There was some pathing, courtesy of Foolish, and there was some light around, but he wasn't sure. Because mobs weren't the only thing that darkness hid.
Tubbo whispers to you: I'm here boss man
Tommy smiles. He had asked Tubbo to meet him at the community house, after his birthday party in the mansion- Tommy had left early to put the flowers in and told tubbo to meet him there whenever he was ready.
/msg Tubbo: k I gotta do one last thing
/msg Tubbo: be there in a sec
He's almost happier it's night, it'll look a lot cooler from a distance. He plants one more cornflower next to a hive. He brushes his hands off on his pants, and then brushes his pants off, and checks his reflection in the window. It wasn't too far of a run back to the community house, the dome was just to the side of Eret's castle.
"Tubbzo!" Tommy runs up behind his friend, who, unfortunately, had his back turned.
"Tommy!! You scared the shit out of me, fuck you-" Tubbo said, Tommy laughing.
"You fucking jumped, like, 30 feet in the air," Tommy says, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Fuck you," Tubbo repeats, lightly hitting Tommy in the arm, beginning to giggle as well.
"Come on, I spent so fucking long on this so you'd better like it," Tommy says, beginning to drag Tubbo out by his forearm.
"Yeah, is Ranboo already there?" Tubbo says, walking at pace with the other.
"What? I haven't seen Ranboo since the party." Tommy says, a pit in his stomach opening up.
"Huh, he said he was going to go help you with my birthday gift. You never saw him at all?" Tubbo says, voice laced with worry.
"No, was he going anywhere before coming to me? And- and I never told him where this was- only Foolish knew. So I don't even know how he'd find me." Tommy says, his grip loosening on Tubbo's forearm so he could pull away if he wanted. Tubbo didn't.
"No, he did that weird thing though, he calls me Tubbo and talks to me like you or Foolish would." Tubbo walks a little closer to Tommy.
"What's off about that?"
"Ranboo usually calls me beloved or snow angel, and he'd talk to me like a husband would, yknow?"
"He calls you 'snow angel?'" Tommy screws up his nose.
"Oh, piss off," Tubbo smiles a little.
"But still, we can look for him on our way? Unless you wanna look for him now, the be-irthday gift can wait."
"A beirthday gift, you say?" Tubbo says, smiling.
"Oh, piss off," Tommy mimics Tubbo, "but seriously, if you wanna look for him we can." Tommy stops and turns to face Tubbo, giving a reassuring squeeze.
"No, no, it's- you made it, whatever it is, I'm sure he's fine, and I'm sure he'd want me to go ahead," Tubbo says, looking up and smiling slightly.
"If you're sure. Because fucking Prime, this shit took so fucking long and I had to practically beg Foolish to help…" Tommy continues to talk to Tubbo, trying to distract him from his currently missing husband. Eventually, the moon high in the clouds, they get to the start of the path.
"There's no way you did this." Tubbo laughs.
"I didn't- Foolish did the path but I built the actual thing," Tommy says, letting go of Tubbo's arm, "I'll race you!" and off he sprints.
"NO FAIR YOU KNOW WHERE IT IS!" Tubbo laughs from behind him.
"BYE-BYE BEE- boy-" Tommy skids to a stop, not long after rounding a corner of trees. He can see flames, high over the tree line, the light eating away and the surrounding stars, in the back of his mind he hears explosions- there aren't any explosions, Tommy, it's just a forest fire, there isn't any TNT, there isn't any TNT-
"Oh, is that… supposed to be on fire-" Tubbo stops next to him, Tubbo's hand on Tommy's forearm this time.
"No- no it-" Tommy straightens up, and he catches a glimpse of someone running away- a figure behind the trees, he blinks, and it's gone-
"Tommy?" Tubbo turns to look where Tommy was looking- where the figure was just moments before.
"N- nothing- Tubbo get- get behind me-" Tubbo's grip tightens on Tommy's arm as he pulls Drista's dagger out of his inventory, holding it in his other hand. Together, they creep up the path, until what's left of the bee house comes into view. It’s engulfed in flames, and all of Tommy’s hard work is being eaten away before his eyes. Tommy curses, puts the dagger away, and pulls out his water bucket.
"You've got-" Tommy motions at the bucket
"Yeah- and c'mere," Tubbo says, pulling on Tommy’s arm, throwing a fire res pot up. Tubbo lets go of Tommy’s arm as the shield washes over them, Tommy's skin feeling tingly. Together, they manage to put out the fire and put out a few trees that had caught before it spread anywhere else. They end in the dome, the roof all but gone, one of five beehives on the top floor remain.
"Oh, Tommy-" Tubbo begins to say, sadness heavy in his voice.
"Yeah, yeah, I spent fucking ages on it. Can't have shit- the gods must hate-" Tommy begins bitterly, collecting the last of the water, and putting it back in his hot bar. At least before his knees buckle under an unanticipated pile of weight. He hears Tubbo laughing from right behind him- he jumped on Tommy’s back, “Fuckin- Get off of me-” Tommy laughs, too. He doesn't mean anything by it, there's no malicious tone to anything he says to Tubbo- and Tubbo's one of the few people who actually understand that.
"I know exactly what this is-" Tubbo says, standing straight, a hand on his hip.
"What it was supposed to be." Tommy, out of habit, mirrors Tubbo. "See, why can't we have nice things? Fuckin, everyone else gets cool buildings and kingdoms and shit why the fuck can't we have a bee dome in the middle of the woods- what, why are you laughing" Tommy gestures vaguely at the rubble before raising a quizzical eyebrow at Tubbo's silent giggles.
"What it was supposed to bee," Tubbo says, cackling, and Tommy groans.
"Augh Tubbo, now is not the time-" Tommy rolls his eyes
"It was never meant to bee-" Tubbo laughs harder, clutching his stomach, leaning on Tommy for support. Tommy finds himself laughing a little bit,
"Ok, yeah, that was a good one- you wanna bee a hero, Tommy?" Tommy mimics Techno in a high-pitched voice- sending Tubbo into hysterics.
"We- We-hehehe- We would rather die than give into you and joi- join your SMBee-" Tubbo says between fits of laughter, making Tommy bark out a wheeze, "That was- was beeasier than I thought-"
"My unfinished symphobee-"
"You can't control who lives who dies who-"
"-tells your storbee?"
"Yeah-hahaha! F- for Tommy to bee exiled-"
"That was so fucking stupid why'd I do that-" Tubbo shakes his head, his laughter subsiding.
"Because that's what you thought was best, you had no way of knowing what he was gonna- what he was gonna do to me-" Tommy says, the tone becoming solemnly serious.
"-If I had known I never would have done it, I would have told Dream to shove it up his ass, you know that right?" Tubbo says, reaching for Tommy's hand.
"Of course. We're best friends, I know you'd never do that to me." Tommy squeezes his hand. Tubbo lets out a breath, and he looks like a massive weight has been lifted off his shoulders. As much as he feels guilty admitting it, Tommy's glad Tubbo's been worrying about that. It means that he cares.
"Should he go in there and see what we can rebuild?" Tubbo says, rocking back and forth on his feet.
"If any, but- the bees!" Tommy breaks into a sprint, tugging Tubbo along with him with a yelp.
"Bees?" Tubbo easily gets his footing as they fly down the stairs, and all of Tommy's breath leaves in a sigh of relief. He can see three balls of yellow and black in a patch of flowers.
"Oh, thank prime," Tommy says.
"Oh, the flowers are L'manburg colors!" Tubbo reaches down to pick a poppy.
"Yeah… I tried to think of as many things as possible because I know how much L'manberg meant to you-" Tommy flails his arms out- Tubbo launching himself at Tommy- into a familiar hug, their laughter bouncing off the walls.
"It's fine, Tommy," Tubbo says, his voice bright- and Tommy becomes coldly aware of a memory- the last time Tubbo had roughly tangled him into a hug.
What am I without you?
"Tommy?" Tubbo's pulled back, a- at this point- very familiar concern on his face.
"I'm alright- just, bad memories. I'll be alright-" Tommy shakes his head, pulling Tubbo back into the hug.
"Are you sure? We can stop for a second- sit and talk?" Tubbo says softly from Tommy's shoulder.
"No- not on your birthday, I promise- I promise I'll be alright, this is nothing I haven't done- we haven't done before," Tommy says back, tucking his head into Tubbo's shoulder, trying to chase the pit in his stomach away.
"You sure?" Tommy can feel Tubbo's hand smooth down his hair. Tommy just hmms in response. "Do you think they- the bee's are asleep?"
"What do you mean?" Tommy looks up, he can't see the bees, but he doesn't want to leave the hug.
"The smoke, you think it put them to sleep?" Tubbo muses.
"Maybe," Tommy mutters. "Fuckin- I spent days on this." it was more of an inconvenience than anything at this point. "Do you wanna rebuild it?"
"Not right now, I'm tired, boss man." Tubbo sighs. Tommy realizes how tired he is, too, the familiar ache in his bones.
"Me too, Tubbzo, me too. Let's go home?" He says, making no move to back out of the hug. Tubbo just hums. And so they stand there, until they figure out they can shuffle together- at least to the stairs. Tommy laughs at the image this must make. Two boys, one half-cow, one half-dead, who would rather tear up the ground and trample flowers than break their hug. By the time they do eventually get to the stairs, they both are laughing. Tommy notices that he laughs a lot more whenever he's with Tubbo. He also notices he gets tired a lot quicker. Puffy would say something about Tommy feeling safe around Tubbo, enough so that he shows emotion and lets his guard down, but Tommy knows that. He yawns, he is actually really tired. Tubbo yawns too, and they help each other up the stairs and out of what's left of glass and wood. About halfway down the path, Tommy stops and looks over his shoulder, at the space between trees, where he saw-
"Whacha lookin at, big man?" Tubbo asks from beside him.
"Nothing- I thought I saw someone running away from the fire when we first got here- I think maybe they were the one that did it, but I didn't catch their face." Tommy says, half lying. It was true, he didn't catch their face, but he'd know those two glowing eyes anywhere. He knew who it was. No way he was gonna tell Tubbo about it.
Because he was almost sure it was Ranboo.
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amethystpath-writes · 3 years
Okay so this isn’t my original idea but remember that one post where it was like one soulmate is killing their other soulmate to stay immortal but their soulmate keeps on being reborn or just doesn’t stay dead for long??
If that’s too confusing basically can you do a continuation of your own prompt there the villain is the immortal, not the hero. (Prompt 41?44? I don’t remember oops)
I don't think I know that post, but if you still want me to write it and you can find it, feel free to send another ask! For now, I'll just fill the prompt!
“But- but I killed you.” Hero swore he couldn’t breathe. Villain wasn’t supposed to be in front of him right now. He- he was supposed to be in the morgue or wherever they kept and processed dead bodies. He was supposed to be dead. This had to be some kind of trick. Maybe there was a part of Hero’s mind that felt guilty for killing Villain, and now he was hallucinating. “I watched you die. I- I checked your pulse. You’re dead.”
Villain huffed and rolled his eyes. “Why is this always such a surprise to everyone?” He took two steps forward, watching with boredom as Hero flinched back, shielding his eyes. “You need me to pinch you? Convince you I’m right in front of you?”
“Not real,” Hero muttered. “Not real, not real, not. real. It’s in my head. It’s just in my head.”
Tossing his head back, Villain sighed. “Most of your little crew in the past at least tried to swing at me, finish the job. Some of them actually achieved killing me for a second time. I was impressed! Much more exciting than what you’re doing right now.” Hero kept muttering. Villain asked, “You really think you’re imagining me still? What’s it gonna take? Do I need to jab you in the gut? Would that help?”
Maybe I’d deserve that, Hero thought, continuing to consider the concept of guilt. What Hero was really curious about right now was, How is this so real? He acknowledged it was all fake, but he didn’t think his brain was capable of creating such a realistic version of Villain. The look, the voice, the condescending tone, everything was drawn up to a T. It shouldn’t have been possible, especially after a whole week of Villain’s death.
“Alright, this is getting old. I want to try something new since I haven’t had this reaction before. You really shouldn’t be a hero if you go into shock this easily.”
The image in front of Hero was moving closer. Villain was pulling something out from behind him. Hero already knew what it would be; Villain always kept handheld weapons back there in case his powers- whatever those were, Hero never knew- were unsuccessful. Usually it was throwing knives. This time it- Hero swallowed.
“You remember this. Good.” Villain nodded. “I figured you would, given how you stabbed me with it- rude.”
Now Hero had the sense to stand from his seated and shaking position. As a change, he was now in a standing and shaking position. This was becoming real to him- too real.
“Okay. What I’m thinking is that I clean this blade- a very pretty one by the way; love the chromatic look…I’m going to go over to that sink, and I’m going to clean this.” Villain made his way to Hero’s kitchen, turning on the sink like he said he would. He began scrubbing with the pad of his thumb. “I have two reasons for this: one, there are other victims’ blood on it now- from the morgue; they were about to cremate me if you can believe it. Props to you; that was my first time ever being in one of those places. And, two, because I want this to play out for you as it did for me- it was clean before you stabbed me with it; it should be clean before I stab you with it.” Villain turned with the blade now clear of any blood.
Hero couldn’t move, but he didn’t need to, did he? Because this was all his imagination, all his guilty conscious. Nothing else.
“You aren’t going to do anything to protect yourself,” Villain observed aloud. “You’re just going to stand there shaking like a rotting leaf stuck in a tree during October. Fine, then. Might as well take this to my advantage.”
Unable to move or think for himself, Hero was easily taken by Villain. All the while, Hero continued to believe this was a hallucination. Villain absolutely could not be alive because that meant- that meant he could…No. Villain can’t- can’t come back to life.
Hero knew for a fact he killed Villain. When he bled out, Hero listened to the silence of his opponent’s chest, watched its stillness. He. Was. Dead. It was that solidity in Hero’s mind that made him deny the obvious fact in front of him. Because it was impossible to become…undead. It just wasn’t possible. And since it was impossible, the person standing in front of Hero, talking to someone or something else in the room was fake- was a ghost in Hero’s head.
“-tired of this game. It’s becoming boring, but I found some entertainment for myself, and I think it can become a lesson to you. See…”
A red light was in front of Hero’s face. He looked, blinking slowly, beyond the red light to Villain. Hero didn’t quite understand where he was, or what his mind was conjuring up at the moment. He felt so tired because of his current insanity, and so it didn’t matter much what his location was.
“I think this can serve as a lesson to you- not that I care to help you, but it gives me an excuse to torture a poor soul.”
Hero blinked again. The red light belonged to a camera, he realized. Villain- or Ghost Villain- was recording him and talking to whoever was watching on the camera. In all reality, Hero figured it was he who was recording himself. Maybe he was even talking- he didn’t know. He was likely telling his base leader about how he was losing his mind and thought he was in a cellar-like room with Villain.
“I’m going to screw this back on the tripod, and then, I’ll show you what happens when you guys keep sending your men to kill me. It doesn’t work, alright? And I’m tired of dying.”
The chromatic knife was lowered in front of Hero’s eyes. He didn’t startle at it, but, as it was lowered out of his vision and Villain’s amused grin replaced it, he felt worry. Worry turned to searing pain in Hero’s leg and he let out a blood-curdling scream, grasping at the cold ground, fingers curling into fists that grasped onto nothing. The same pain magnified again as the knife came into sight once again- this time half coloured with red.
It’s real, it dawned on Hero as he finally looked down to find a hole in his leg. “A-augh!” It was throbbing and he swore he could feel his blood pulsing out of the wound. His stomach twisted with his pain and he turned to his right as to not throw up on himself.
What made the pain in Hero’s leg worse was the fact that his muscles were clenched. He couldn’t relax them no matter how hard he tried and that only meant the throb was everlasting.
The knife made its strike again- this time down the arm opposite of Hero’s now-injured leg. He hollered again, writhing and crying in anguish. “Stop! Stop it!” Quieter, he repeated to himself, “It hurts. It hurts, it hurts.”
For once his body protested as he eyed Villain in front of him. His good leg twitched like it was ready to assist in springing on and tackling Villain to the ground. But the controlled side of Hero’s mind told him it’d only make him hurt worse. Not to mention, he might land on the blade and therefore kill himself. Wait. “You’re- you’re going t-to kill…kill me.”
Villain paused, tilting his head almost curiously at Hero. “That was the plan originally, but then you fell to cowardice, and that was boring.” As he spoke, Hero could feel his limbs jumping, spasming. “So, now we’re doing something else. Kinda like it, actually. Centuries have gone by, and I never actually took my time with any of you. For once, I am seeing the true and utter fear I felt when I died for my first time.” Villain continued, “I could have been such a great person, you know? I would have been a perfect good guy, unable to die and all. But instead of seeing that vision, I was seen as a threat to humanity. They began hunting me, trying to figure out how to put me down for good. I decided to fit their little role, though.”
What Villain did and said next shocked Hero. “Go on, try it.” Villain held the blade handle out to Hero on the ground. “Take it. I’ll let you kill me again, and then you can leave.”
“You’re lying. That’s- that’s a stupid th-thing to- to offer. Why would you l-let me kuh-kill you, then let- let me go?”
Villain shrugged. “Something new. I want to live something different this time. I told you many times that few have killed me twice- and the ones who did it were killed as soon as I could find them. I want to see how far you can go if I give you a month’s head start.”
“You- you want to hunt me.”
“I do. Seeing as you did it to me, I think it’s fair.” He jutted the handle out to Hero again as an offer. When Hero took it, Villain said, “I know I took out your dominant arm out, but- well, I have confidence you’ll do just fine if it means you get to kill me again.” Villain tapped at his chest, right where his heart was located. “Go on. I know you want to.”
Hero considered this for a moment, staring at the knife- at the knife with his blood on it now instead of Villain’s. Did he ever question why his organization was going after Villain? Not really. He just knew Villain murdered every single man Leader sent out. Maybe it was self-defence, in which case Hero shouldn’t have been going after Villain like he was, shouldn’t have killed him like he already did once and was being given the opportunity to once again.
But now was different. Now, Villain really was sadistic- assuming he wasn’t before. Villain, if he was any sort of a healthy and sane man, would have had Hero jailed for trying, and succeeding, in killing him. Or, if he was afraid of the authorities taking him in for being- ahem- unkillable, then he would have only kept Hero locked up. Villain wouldn’t have had Hero in a cellar room, stabbing and slashing at him while a camera recorded it all. If Villain ever was good, that morality was stripped from him now, and that meant Hero needed to take this chance at life. Maybe he could go back to his base and demand answers. Because based off what Villain told, they knew he was immortal, and they never told Hero- or Hero’s previous teammates, who were now ‘mysteriously’ dead.
Without another word, or even a warning glance, Hero weighed the knife in his left hand, gripped the handle, and slashed at Villain’s throat. As he laid dying, Hero searched for the key on Villain’s person, and left.
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 2
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics. Flashbacks are in bold.
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In the aftermath of the battle, the Marauders had all been shackled together and lined up for their trip back to Asgard, and to prison. Escorted by the Einherjar, they made their way over to where Heimdall would open the Bifrost. All the while the Vanir watched, thankful that their realm was now free from danger. The Vanir sighed. Yes, their campground and village had been destroyed and mostly burned down in the fierce battle, but they would rebuild. They were a strong race, and this is what made them a part of the Nine Realms.
Hogun the Grim was talking to a Vanir woman and her child, but broke off his conversation to rejoin Thor. “I am ready,” the warrior said, his mace at his side.
“No,” Thor began, as he gently placed his hand on the warrior’s chest. “The peace is nearly won across the Nine Realms. It’s best to be where your heart is. For now, Asgard can wait.”
Hogun clenched his black mace. He wanted Thor to know that this was his battle just as much as it was Thor’s. He wanted Thor to know that he would fight till the end to bring peace, not only to Vanaheim, but to the Nine Realms. Yet Hogun didn’t have to say this. After years of battling monsters, Frost Giants, and ungodly beasts, these two friends had an unspoken bond. Thor knew how Hogun felt. And Thor also knew that Hogun had a family to watch over. Hogun closed his eyes and sighed, then looked over at his family. Thor was right.
Hogun the Grim nodded to the Mighty Thor, grateful and thankful for his old friend’s compassion. If it wasn’t for Thor, Hogun’s people and family would not be here. “You have my thanks,” Hogun said as the two clasped wrists.
“And you, mine,” Thor said as Hogun returned to his hillside ridge and his wife and child.
“Thor looked to the bright, blue skies to signal the keeper of the Bifrost, the all-seeing, all-knowing sentry Heimdall. “Heimdall, when you are ready!” But as the Bifrost blasted down from the sky and transported everyone back to Asgard”
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Loki is in his cell pacing back and forth. Thinking of all the events that had happened.
This is about someone else you are not worthy of.
What does it mean to be worthy of someone? Odin brought Y/n here to spite him to show him what he lost and could never get back. But he didn’t let that worry him right now. He was more concerned about Y/n, those black veins appeared on neck when she was feeling stressed out.
“Does Y/n have another power?” he mumbled to himself.
Y/n appears in behind Loki. “My lord or is it my prince ?” Y/n wondered. “I don’t know nothing about royal customs.”
“How are you here?” Loki questioned as he walks up to Y/n and touches her face.
“Odin gave me the two weeks.” Y/n answered.
“I find that hard to believe.” Loki divulged.
“Wow I thought the dungeons would be dark and gloomy.” Y/n said looking around.
“Well this dress looks familiar.”
“It does doesn’t it.”
Loki grabs Y/n’s hand and spin her around and they start to sway. “Your mother is amazing and so beautiful.”
“Yes she is but I think I met a person who’s is equally as beautiful.” Loki said dipping Y/n, while doing so he looks at her neck and doesn’t see the black veins.
“I do not know of such person.” Y/n said with a smile.
“Me neither. But I guess only time will tell.”
Y/n looks at Loki, this is what true happiness is being with him even if it’s in a cell. It’s like a longing feeling she’s been having is gone. Y/n lends up and kisses Loki with every in her. The kiss was soft and slow, revealing the intensity of the moment. He pulled away and catches his breath.
“I miss you.” Loki said staring deep into Y/n’s eyes
“I miss you.” Y/n said without missing a beat.
Loki grabs Y/n in his arms and start to sway. He know that he shouldn’t ask about it but he can’t help it he has to know if something is wrong, if she’s ok.
Y/n had laid her head on Loki’s shoulder lost in the moment. “Mmh.”
“Are your powers growing?” Loki said with a voice soft with affection.
“Ya, why you ask.”
“Black veins appeared on neck earlier.”
“Powers are connected to my emotions so when ever I feel strongly about something they start to flares up.” Y/n explained.
“You are going to be alright?” Loki said with a worried voice.
“Ya I am....now.” Y/n said as she lean back and wraps her arms around his neck then looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. “Since we’re asking questions, we’re you ok....back on earth?”
“Of course.” Loki lied.
“It’s just....you feel like how you was in the dream world.” Y/n said not convince.
“We are in your mind......perhaps it was something you did.” Loki said in his best to take the conversation off him.
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Heavy broadswords clashed against shields, spears were thrown at high velocity toward their targets, and armored guards battled against one another in elaborate war games. Led by Tyr, the Einherjar drill instructor known for the metal hand that replaced the real one that he had lost long ago in glorious battle, these were the Asgardian training grounds, and they were very, very active. Above it all circled two large black ravens. They watched the proceedings with keen interest before landing on a ledge next to the King of Asgard, Odin Allfather, who looked down at his troops. While still a great sovereign leader, Odin was growing older, and with age came the fatigue and weariness that only ruling can bring.
“Is Vanaheim secure?”
“As are Nornheim and Ria. Though our work would have gone more quickly with you at the fore.” Thor said in a level way.
“You must think I'm a piece of bread that needs to be buttered so heavily.” Odin said in a curious tone.
“That was not my intent.” Thor said in his best way to assure Odin.
“For the first time since the Bifrost was destroyed, the Nine Realms are at peace. They're well reminded of our strength and you have earned their respect and my gratitude.” Odin proclaimed proudly.
“Thank you.”
“Nothing out of order except your confused and distracted heart.”
“This isn't about Jane Foster, Father.”
“Human lives are fleeting, they are nothing.” Odin declared. “You'd be better served by what lies in front of you.” Odin said as he briefly turns to look at Sif. “I'm telling you this not as the all-father but as your father. You are ready. The time has come for you to take the throne. Embrace and celebrate what you've won. Join your warriors. Eat and drink, revel in their celebration......At least pretend to enjoy yourself.”
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And as they celebrate, as he watches the others enjoying themselves it's obvious his heart is not in it, he walks over to the balcony to join Sif.
“There was a time you would celebrate for weeks.” Sif said with a moment's reflection.
“I remember you celebrated the battle of Haragon so much that you nearly started a second.” Thor teased softly.
“Well, the first was so much fun.” Sif joked.
They both smile. “Take a drink with me. Surely the All-Father could have no further task for you tonight.”
“No, this is one I set myself.” Thor said with his mind else where.
“It has not gone unnoticed that you disappear each night. There are Nine Realms.
Future king of Asgard must focus on more than one.” Sir said sounded slightly brittle.
“I thank you for your sword and for your counsel, good Lady Sif.” he turns and walks off the balcony. As he’s about to leave the palace he hears a familiar voice, with curiosity he follows the sound.
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Y/n and Gambit are outside on the balcony looking over Asgard. Both of them makes an check mark in the air to symbolize that they’ve been inside a castle/palace not knowing that they wanted to. Y/n still can’t believe she’s here she never thought she would be able to come to Asgard.
“The king is letting me stay for two weeks.” Y/n announced walking on the edge of the balcony.
“Because of Loki. Y’know I would love to meet him.” Gambit said as his eyes burning a darker red then before.
“Ya, no that’s not happening, he’s not met you.“ Y/n aughed.
“Why not?” Gambit said in a curious way.
“I can see it now the ‘dad talk ‘if you hurt my Y/n, I’ll hunt you down.’” Y/n said waving her finger at Gambit.
“Hell he needs to know that if he hurts you I’ll kill him.” Gambit said meaning the words more seriously than they sounded.
You will kill him and my dad would bring him back and kill him again and then kill me for falling for him
“Are you sure you’re going to be ok here? I know your powers are growing and any little thing could set you off.” Gambit said, kneading his face.
Y/n gets down from the balcony and walks over to Gambit. She puts both of her hands on his shoulders. “Gambit, I’m gonna be fine.” Y/n said with a warm smile. “You don’t have to worry.”
“Petit, I always worry.” Gambit said, pursing his lips.
”And I love you for it.” Y/n said with a smile.
Y/n grabs Gambit arm and they walks off the balcony. “Let go back to the celebration. I don’t think we’ve drink enough.”
“Petit, you had four glasses of wine.” Gambit exposed.
“My water intake makes it really hard to get drunk you know that. I just feel funny but in a good way.” Y/n explained.
Gambit laughs.
“I could fly you around the city.” Y/n said giggled. “We’ll get to see very thing then.”
“Y/n?!” Thor called out from down the hallway.
“Thor!” Y/n speed walks over to him. “I thought you were on Vanaheim.”
“I was.” Thor said bear hugging Y/n. “How are you here?”
“Your father brought me here.” Y/n answered.
“Because of Loki.” Thor noted.
“Ya he’s supposed to spin the rest of his days in the dungeons.” Y/n said with an eye roll.
“Loki gets what he deserves.” Thor remarked.
“Come on now we’re doing the tough guy act.....how’ve you’ve been?”
“Fine.” Thor said in a casual tone.
“Lier.” Y/n said with a small smile.
Gambit finally makes his way up to Thor and Y/n. “Thor this is Gambit, Gambit this is Thor.”
“The god of thunder..Y/n has told me a lot about you.” Gambit said holding it his hand for Thor to shake.
Thor shakes Gambit’s hand. “I wish I can say the same but it is my fault.”
“Don’t worry bout.” Gambit said with flashing eyes.
“We was just about to get A tour of the palace but the person disappeared.....” Y/n trailed of.
“I could show you around.” Thor suggested.
“I would like that.” Y/n smiled.
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It was a typically rainy day in London, and astrophysicist Jane Foster was nervous. She was running late for a meeting, but not one that had to do with science or what had happened a few years back in New Mexico. Nor was it anything S.H.I.E.L.D.-related. No, for Jane, this was much worse: Jane had a date.
Jane regarded herself in her bedroom mirror as she put on more eye shadow. Then, for the fourth time in five minutes, she brushed her brown hair. Then she fixed her shirt again. Then it was back to her hair. With a sigh, Jane finally gave in. She grabbed her jacket and made her way through her tiny flat to the door, passing a variety of scientific equipment along the way. As Jane slammed the door, she was unaware that one of her scanners had suddenly come to life and begun to go haywire.
“Inside the Italian restaurant, Jane hid her face behind her menu, lifting it only slightly to peek across at her date, Richard, and give him a practiced smile. It was clear, at least to her, that she did not want to be there. Jane is looking at her menu feeling awkward when Richard slides a napkin in front of her with the word 'Hi' written on it.
“So what's the story with you?” Richard asked.
“Why does there have to be a story, there's no story.” Jane answered.
“You've spent the first ten minutes of our date hiding behind a menu that has three choices on it. It's either chicken, vegetarian or fish, Jane. I think there's a story and I'm thinking the story involves a guy?” Richard wondered.
“It's complicated.” Jane disclosed.
“Is he still around?” Richard asked.
“No, he...went away.” Jane answered.
“I've been there. The going away, it's hard. I'd been seeing a woman and uh...she took a job in New York, eventually the distance killed it. And...and the fact that she uh...she kept sleeping with other dudes.” Richard explained.
“No!” Jane said in horror.
“Oh, so many.”
Darcy walks up to Jane and Richard's table.
“Hi. Um...could we get some wine please?” Richard asked.
“Sure, I'd love some.” Darcy said looking at Richard.
“Richard, this is Darcy.” Jane explained then she looks over at Darcy. “What are you doing here?”
Darcy grabs a chair from the opposite table and drags it across to their table.
“Oh, hello.”
Darcy sits next to Jane and helps herself to a piece of bread and starts buttering it.“So, I show up to work at the lab-slash-your mom's house, fully expecting you to be moping around in your pajamas eating ice cream obsessing about you know who...
“But you're not! You're wearing lady clothes, you even showered, didn't you? You smell good.” Darcy said with a encouraging smiles.
“Is there a point to all this, cause there really has to be a point to all this.” Jane stated.
“Right. You know that scientific equipment you don't look at anymore? You might wanna start looking at it now.” Darcy said gives Jane the gadget.
“This is the reason we came all the way out here.” Darcy started.
“It's malfunctioning.” Jane answered.
“That's what I said.”
Jane starts hitting the gadget on the table.
“That's what I did! But you just hit a little more scientific.” Darcy said as she shrug her shoulders.
“I’m sure it's nothing.” Jane remarked.
“Yeah.” Richard agreed.
Jane hands the gadget back to Darcy. “It didn't look like nothing. Kind of looks like the readings that Erik was rambling about.” Darcy said to Jane then look over at Richard. “Our friend Erik, kind of went banana-balls.”
“He's not interested. I'm not interested. Time for you to go now.” Jane said with a controlled smile.
“Okay.” Darcy rises and drags her chair back to where she got it from, then turns and walks off.
“Short but sweet.” Richard expressed.
“She needs help.” They start looking at their menus again, but Jane looks distracted by what Darcy told her.
“I think I'm gonna have the sea bass.” Richard announced.
“Sea bass. Yeah, sea bass is good.” Jane nodded agreeably.
To herself as she thinks about what Darcy showed her. “Sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass...sea bass. Sea bass...”
“Jane, maybe you should stop saying sea bass and go out to your friend.” Richard suggested.
Jane looks at him awkwardly. “This was so fun.”
“You know, I'll just stay here and say sea bass alone.”
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artnerd1123 · 3 years
A Familiar World
Bewitched ——————————————-
The adventures of Theodore continue. Figuring out how he feels about what he saw in town is... well. Difficult. But he’s gotta make a decision sometime. Featuring fun times with his siblings and a not-so-fun time with his parents. 
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
i am once again cutting chapters up, but that’s ok!!! i’m having fun and getting to write these dynamics is rlly interesting! hopefully the next one’ll be a lil shorter, but we’ll see X] in the meantime, here’s this!
and uh, warning for journal getting into a fight with his parents (nothing physical, but there’s some gaslighting to be mindful of) 
The sun shone brightly down on the farm, a light breeze rustling the remains of cornstalks in the field. The wagon- still half full of harvest- was parked next to the barn. A thick cloth blanket kept its cargo protected from the elements. At least, mostly. The horses in the nearby pasture eyed the visible corn wistfully. But besides the horses, crops, and breeze, not much was moving outside. The morning chores were long done. Now was the time for relaxing and play. From the giggling and shouting from the barn, a certain group of siblings was taking advantage of that. Up in the hayloft, Theodore and his younger siblings were fooling around. The twins were wrestling in the loose hay, and Elise was busy trying to climb up one of the support beams. Theodore had draped himself across another beam, square over the middle of the loft. His eyes flicked cautiously towards the edge every so often- but he’d be ok. He’d fallen and tumbled into the hay enough to know it would catch him much gentler than the barn’s dirt floor. He had other things to focus on at the moment, anyway. A beat up journal sat in front of him, chock full of loose papers and ink-stained scraps. They stuck out the sides and from under the cover. With all the story ideas, memories, and thoughts crammed into it, it was a wonder the book was still together. He’d have to get a new one soon. But for now, his quill scratched away at the page before him. He’d been working hard on recording every detail he could about the other day’s encounter. He felt as if he’d seen something precious- something more astounding than any legend- and he refused to let it slip from his mind. Writing this down needed his undivided attention. Of course, his siblings thought otherwise. “Hey, Theo! Y’all gonna come down from there?” Nilo called, arm locked around Tyler’s neck. Tyler squirmed and pushed at him playfully. “I think Tyler could use yer help!” “Naw, I do not! Yer about ta need ‘em though!” Tyler snickered. With a sudden jerk, the boy threw himself against the hay, sending Nilo toppling over his shoulder. The two laughed and jeered as they scrambled around, but Theodore didn’t pay them much mind. “Mmh, yea, uh, jus a sec,” he mumbled, eyes scanning over his work. He felt like he’d gotten the stranger’s routine written out ok. But he just couldn’t capture the strange smoke they’d been messing with. Not smoke, his mind muttered, magic. The word sent a zing down to his fingertips. He couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. Last week, he would’ve firmly said bad. But now, he just… wasn’t sure. It honestly felt more like a thrill. As if he were staring down a wolf, but it was crouched and wagging like a playful dog. Oh, good simile, he thought, hastily scribbling it in the journal’s margins, I’ll have to use that somewhere later. He propped himself up on his elbows, glancing over the page. Almost full… would he have to cordon off a whole new section of his personal records for this? He wouldn’t mind, it was just… well, buying new ones could get expensive… A voice behind him knocked him out of his thoughts. “Hey, earth ta’ scribbles! Y’all alive?!” Theodore pulled a face- scribbles??? What???- glancing around for the offending speaker. Elise sat on a beam across from him, kicking her legs. Her smirk and little giggles confirmed it had been her. Theodore stared at her for a minute. “... what did y’all jus call me?” he asked. “Scribbles,” Elise snickered, “y’all like it?” “Aw- hell no,” Theodore snorted, shaking his head. He set his quill down, shifting to face her better. “Awful. Try again, lil lady.” “Well y’all weren’t answerin to theo!” she huffed. “Or theodore!” Tyler piped up from below him. Nilo nodded, picking bits of hay out of his hair. “Or anythin’ el- AUGH-” Whatever else he was going to say got lost as Tyler tackled him into the hay again. Theodore and Elise just exchanged a look. “If y’all’re gonna call me a nickname, call me somethin else,” he said. “Scribbles? C’mon, y’all can do better’n that.” “Hmm… m’kay,” Elise nodded slowly. “I think I got a couple ideas…” The corners of her mouth twitched mischievously. Theodore knew that look. Oh boy. How big of a mistake did I jus make? “How ‘booout… inky?” She said, blinking innocently as he tried not to smile. “Elise, tha’s even worse!” he replied. “Mmm alphabet soup?” she smirked. “Oh- revaew no-” Theodore guffawed, shaking his head. “Awful. Try again.” “Ah, I got it!” Elise clapped her hands together, grin as wide as a river. “Quillface!” Such was the name that broke Theodore’s composure. He lost it, clinging tightly to the beam below him to stop from falling off. Oh Revaew- yeah, he’d made a mistake alright. Nilo and Tyler quit tussling in confusion. Through teary eyes, Theodore could see them look to Elise for explanation. He couldn’t manage to get out more than a few wheezing “no, don’t-”s before her haughty grin passed its verdict. “Theodore’s new nickname is quillface,” she declared proudly. “QUILLFACE?!” Tyler shrieked, his shrilly voice dissolving into giggles. Nilo wasn’t too far behind, cracking a delighted smile. “I think it fits!” Nilo beamed. “It’s an attention grabber if I ever heard one!” “We- we oughta tell dean ‘n carrie-” Tyler wheezed. “Oh, of course! Everyone’s gotta know about Theo’s new name!” Elise grinned. “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Theodore squawked, sputtering between bouts of laughter. He waved a hand to gather their attention, doing his best to breathe through his cackling. “Y’all are not gonna call me quillface, good revaew-” “Then what’dya want us to call you, huh?” Tyler teased. “Y’all gotta give us somethin to work with,” Nilo said. “I gave ya plenty’a options!” Elise chimed in, crossing her arms in mock offense. “Listen- y’all want a nickname? Fine, fine,” Theodore sighed. “Y’all can call me… uhh…” He glanced around for a moment. His eyes fell on his record book. He’d been needing a pseudonym for awhile now. And he… did like the idea of a writer-esque name mashed with “Drapht.” Something with a nice ring to it. Something like… He snapped, a bright grin rising to his face. “Journal!” he hummed, “y’all can call me journal.” “Journal?” Elise echoed, blinking. “... i mean, y’all were writin in that thing all mornin,” Nilo said. “And y’all’re what ya do, I guess,” Tyler shrugged. “Guess we should call you two punchy ‘n kicks then, eh? With all’a’y’all’s horseplay?” Theodore joked. The twins both clamored to protest, missing the obvious irony in the fact that they were still somewhat tangled up in the hay. And how they proved the point by dissolving back into tussling. Theodore settled back down on his beam, one foot dangling lazily. Yeah. That was about right. He reached for his quill, shifting to face his records once again. “Aw- c’mon, Theo! We wanna play!” Elise whined. He glanced over at her, a brow raised. “I’m here, ain’t I? I’m busy!” “Busy bein boring. What’re y’all writin in there thas’ so important anyway?” Elise huffed. Theodore opened his mouth to retort, but the words died in his throat. Wait. Could he tell them what happened the other day? Should he tell them? His parents hadn’t said no, but… well… “... Journal? Hellooooo?” Elise called, waving a hand. He blinked, shaking himself back to reality. “What was that? Y’all keepin secrets?” “Uh- not- not exactly-” he stammered, trying to cover his tracks. But his smile was lopsided, and his jerky movements too obvious. Elise’s eyes glimmered eagerly. “Ohoho… y’all’re keepin secrets,” she grinned. “Elise- no-” “Nilo!!! Tyler!!! Yer brother’s keepin secrets!!!” she cackled. The twins looked up immediately, perked up like coyotes in a chicken coop. Oh revaew. With the three of them staring him down, he really had no choice. “... well… uh… oh, fine,” Theodore sighed. “Jus keep it quiet, m’kay?” “O’course.” “Wouldn’t think otherwise!” “Y’all can count on it.” “Ok, good.” Theodore glanced towards the barn doors. No movement. No sound. Just the breeze and the sun beating down on the dirt. When he looked back to his siblings, they were busy nudging and giggling at each other, eager as ever for storytime. Alright. Yeah. This was ok. Shifting to sit upright, he clapped his hands together. They all sat to attention, eyes gleaming and gazes fixed on him. “... so… y’all remember the other day we were at town? An’ we had to leave early?” Theodore started. When he got a nod, he continued. “Well, somethin’ happened at the town outskirts ta’ make ma ‘n pa freak out so bad. And I was there. Y’see, there was a stranger who blew in, an’ they were doin somethin’ real interestin at the edge’a town...”
The sun had moved across the sky, almost right atop the barn, before movement reigned again. The twins burst out of the barn with fistfuls of hay, shouting as they tossed them at each other. Theodore was still up in the hayloft with Elise- she was having trouble getting down from the beam. Theodore tucked his journal into its little nook in the wall, setting the loose boards back into place. Elise was still chattering about his story as he turned towards a pile of bales. “-and mom jus yanked ya all the way back ta the cart?” she was asking, eyes wide. “Mhm,” Theodore nodded. He grunted as he tugged a bale of hay over. Scrambling on top of it, he reached up for his sister’s hands. “She was madder’n a trampled rattler. ‘M really not sure why, though. The stranger wasn’ hurtin nobody.” “Yeah, but… they were a magic user,” Elise said hesitantly. “Ma ‘n pa said they’re bad, right?” She shimmied her way down into Theodore’s arms. He let out a soft “oof” as she dropped, but he got her to hit the hay softly. “That… yeah, that’s what they say,” Theodore admitted. “... just… I dunno. I don’t think somethin so intricate ‘n beautiful could be that bad. Ma ‘n pa didn’ say people could do stuff like th’ stranger did with magic. They jus said it’ll make ya inta a lazy monster. I doubt someone lazy would be doin alla those flips.” “And yer sure ya didn’ see any claws or fangs?” Elise asked. He nodded without a thought. “I didn’ see nothin,” he assured her. “But- well, we don’ need to think too hard about it. They’re gone now. I jus thought it was neat.” “Fair ‘nuff,” Elise shrugged. She grabbed a fistful of hay on her way towards the ladder, humming happily to herself. Theodore followed after her, waiting at the top as she climbed down. She looked up at him once her feet hit the floor. “Y’all better hurry down ‘re yer gonna miss the fun this time!” she hollered, waving her handful of hay. Theodore laughed, carefully maneuvering himself over the ladder. “I will, I will! Jus gimme a minute!” he called back. “Scaredy cat!!!” Elise jeered. “Y’all wouldn’ say that if ya fell off the loft like I have!” he shot back. Taking a breath, he stuck one leg off the loft, feeling for the ladder. He didn’t move again until he had a good foothold. He slid himself down to get his hands around the sides, grabbing on tight as his other foot fumbled for the wooden slats. Only once his whole weight was held did he exhale. He sat there for a second just to make sure. Good. Ok. He was ok. Now he just had to scurry on down. All was going well until a sharp voice cut through the cheerful laughs outside. Theodore didn’t notice it at first. He was too busy lowering foot after foot, hand after hand, not wanting to take his eyes off the ladder. Almost down, almost down. He had this. Or, he thought he did. “THEODORE SHERMAN DRAPHT!” The name- his name- was bellowed loud enough to snatch his attention away from the ladder. His head whipped up, body tensing up enough to jerk his grip off of the wood. For one terrifying second, gravity seemed to drag his body away. Theodore’s hands shot out like lightning, snatching the wood so hard he knew he’d given himself splinters. But he didn’t care. He was too busy wondering what he’d done. He glanced skittishly toward the barn doors. A shadow darkened them, hands settled on hips, shoulders hiked up and tense. He knew that pose. Just like he knew the shout that followed it. “THEODORE, GET OUT HERE THIS INSTANT!” Ah. His mother. Theodore felt his stomach settling like a rock in the sea as he hurriedly finished his descent. Oh revaew. What happened now?
Theodore stood in his parents’ room, spine straight and hands clasped behind his back. His shoulders were squared, and he dared not reach his twitching fingers up to smooth his hair down. Even if the rather rough trip in here skewed it all over. And sorting it out would soothe him. He couldn’t move. His father’s disapproving gaze was more paralyzing than any snakebite. That, and he was just trying to last in the burning fury of his mother’s berating. “-came out to see Tyler and Nilo throwing hay at each other with some- some- dirty sorcerer’s words- trying to practice magic on my farm-” she was spitting, gaze searing as a brand. He squirmed a bit, doing his best to keep his eyes on her. It was hard. His gaze flitted across the room every time her voice raised. And when she was angry, she always spoke loud. He waited until she took a breath to pipe up. “I’m- I’m sorry, ma,” he tried, “I didn’ think it’d be a big deal-” “Of course you didn’t,” his mother snapped. “You don’t think about anything.” He winced at that, unable to keep his gaze from skittering to the floorboards. That’s- that wasn’t true. He did think. He’d dithered over telling his siblings for at least a day or two. Even now, he’d only told when they found him out. His fists clenched as his mother continued. “What have we told you about how dangerous magic is?! About how not to let it spread?!” “I- y’all said it’s bad fer us,” he mumbled, “bad fer everyone, a-an we should stay away.” “Exactly. An’ that shoulda been the end of it,” his mother snarled. “So why in the hell were y’all tellin yer siblings about what y’all saw in town?!” “I- it didn’- I jus- they- w-we were jus-” “What’ve we told you about thinking your sentences through before you speak?” his father sighed. Theodore clamped his mouth shut. Think, don’t just stammer, y’all oughta know better, he chided himself. He took a shaky breath, trying not to focus on how his mother’s foot tapped, and his father’s fingers drummed. Eventually, he forced his eyes to meet theirs again. “It… It didn’ look like magic t’me,” he explained slowly. “There was nothin threatenin. I didn’ even realize it was magic till the stranger said so.” “You… didn’t realize it was magic?” his mother echoed, disbelief dripping off her tongue. “N-no, ma’am,” he mumbled. He felt his cheeks grow hot as she scoffed. “Like- Like I said, I didn’ see anythin scary, ‘er any’a the stuff you’n pa said to look out for.” No darkness. No laziness. No monsters. No traps or snares or brambles. Nothing like what they’d been drilling into him since he could crawl. Just someone having fun flipping around and making towers of golden smoke. Which, yeah, that was magic. He believed it. But why in Revaew’s wide world did their description of “magic” not line up? Not one thing they’d told him to sniff out magic had helped him in town. It wasn’t even remotely scary. What right did they have to drag him from a danger that wasn’t even there? A thought popped hastily into his head. It was out of his mouth before he could stop it. “Have y’all even seen magic for yerselves, anyway?” Theodore’s hand ached to swipe up and cover his mouth. He wanted those words back. He wanted them back now. It was a good question- the right question- but with the way his parents’ faces flickered from incredulous to outraged... Shit. He needed to watch himself. “Have we- have we ever- ever seen-” his mother sputtered. “Theodore, that’s not your place to ask,” his father said harshly. “We’d know magic when we see it. It looks like what we’ve told you. End of story.” “But- but that’s not what I saw!” Theodore blurted. He cursed himself again, but he needed the words out. “I saw somethin’ that was pretty ‘n careful ‘n delicate, nothin like lazy destruction or evil monsters! Y’all- y’all saw what they did too, magic isn’t like that!” “It is like that, and it is what happened in town,” his father insisted, scowl deepening. “You were there, Debora. You saw it yourself.” “I did,” she nodded, “and it was jus as nasty as I thought. The sorcerer musta done somethin to our eyes so it seemed different, that’s all.” Theodore’s train of thought hit a snag in the tracks. Wait. Their eyes? What? Where did that factor in? They were just doin’ smoky tower magic, nothin happened to our eyes. They didn’ even do magic in our direction. He opened his mouth to protest, but his mother cut him off. “Revaew, look at em- that daggum filthy wizard has- has bewitched our son,” she spat. She swept her hand in his direction, earning a flinch and a step back. “He ain’t seein any sense! What’re we gonna do with ‘em?!” “... give him time, Debora,” his father said. “Spells don’t last forever.” He hadn’t moved, arms still crossed and gaze still harsh. But there was a menacing glimmer in his eye. The second he saw it mirrored in his mother, he felt as if the room became an icebox. A beat of silence passed. Theodore swallowed down more words that bubbled up, watching as his parents exchanged a look. He stood stock still and quiet. If you asked him later, he’d say he could swear he felt frost climbing up his legs. “... y’all’re not ta speak of magic again,” his mother finally said. “Not so long as y’all live in this house.” “Not to your siblings, your friends, yourself, anyone,” his father added. “Magic- all magic- is a curse. If we see y’all spreadin around that sorcerer’s hex again, yer gonna be worse than grounded,” his mother said curtly. “Understood?” Though his mind churned and bucked, crying mutiny and injustice, Theodore forced himself to nod. “Ya swear it?” his mother pressed. “I… I-I swear it,” Theodore choked out. As the words left him, the tension in his father’s shoulders eased, and his mother’s brow smoothed. Approval at last. He tried to ignore the frozen bile in the back of his throat. “We gotta talk to yer siblings still, but yer free ta go,” his mother said. “Remember what we talked about, Theodore,” his father warned. “I... I will, pa. Don’ worry,” Theodore mumbled. He couldn’t leave the room fast enough.
Nilo, Tyler, and Elise all stood against the wall in the hallway. Though their faces begged for reassurance, he couldn’t meet their eyes. He just let his feet carry him through the house, gaze glued to the floor. When he opened the door, it was glued to the grass. Then the dirt path. Then the floor of the barn. Though his body shook with barely acknowledged fear, he clambered up the ladder and back into the loft. It was only when he tucked himself into a dark, high corner that he finally let himself think. Questions swirled and lashed in his head, each more pointed than the last. Why couldn’t he tell people about what he saw? Why didn’t the magic look like they said? Why did they insist his eyes were wrong? Why had his mother called him bewitched when he tried to say they were wrong? Did they even know magic at all? Were they trying to hide things? He didn’t know. He didn’t know. He didn’t have answers, and the more he thought, the more frustrated he got. By the time he felt tears trickling down his cheeks, he knew he had to make some kind of decision. Even if the idea scared him. Taking a shaky breath, Theodore scrubbed the tears from his face. He unfolded himself from the corner he’d crammed himself in. Dropping lightly to the hay, he strode over to his hidden nook. The floorboards creaked under his hands as he reached for his journal. The beat up cover looked ready to fall apart. But it’d persevered this long. It still held so much precious knowledge. It could still hold more. Just like him. Theodore sat down in the middle of the loft, scribbling away once again. Though this time, an air of purpose surrounded him. A flame of determination lit his thoughts, illuminating the words on the page. If his parents weren’t gonna tell him the truth about magic, he’d find it out himself. ‘Anyone can use magic, kid,’ the stranger’s words echoed. ‘Even you. You just gotta dig for it.’ Dig is just what I’ll do, Theodore thought. I had a bad landin. Not so much on my feet. But I can learn. I will learn. And I’m gonna hit the ground running.
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blue-lions-baby · 4 years
Operation Confession (Dimitri x Reader) [Ch. 1]
hi!! so sorry for the inactivity! i’ve been super busy preparing for college n stuff, so i didn’t really have time to write anything... but like i also didn’t want to go *another* week of not posting anything so lol
i’ve been working on this fic for almost a month now and as i was approaching the 5000 words mark, i figured it would probably be best to chop it up into more.... manageable sections ^^’ please enjoy~
spoiler-free and pre-timeskip fluff!
Oh, this was perfect.
Sylvain watched in pure amusement at the scene playing out before his very eyes. Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, future king of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, reduced to nothing more than a blushing schoolboy antsy with the love bugs and raging hormones. He weakly disguised his chuckle with a cough when he saw yet another quill snap in the blonde’s hand, most likely in reaction to that adorable pouting face you had put up. You had absolutely no idea what type of effect and the severity of said effect you had on the prince.
Which made it all the more entertaining.
You didn’t mean to-- in fact, you weren’t even aware of the raging feelings Dimitri held towards you.
But Sylvain knew.
And you could bet your ass he was gonna do everything in his power to help his longtime friend man up and confess to the girl of his dreams.
Dimitri’s cheeks, once dusted with only a faint pink, suddenly became a hodgepodge of every shade of red when he realized that was the third quill he broke in this hour alone. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, helplessly looking to his teacher for help.
“Your Highness... Have you broken another quill?” Dedue murmured beside him, concern eminent in his voice. Dimitri looked down at the large splinter running down its side and mentally banged his head against the desk.
“It appears so... I will request a replacement from the Professor.” He muttered back, silently rising to his feet and making his way to the desk up front. He was suddenly stopped on his 4-step journey when Byleth (with a crinkle in their nose and a sigh) redirected their frazzled student to a whole box of spare quills behind the blackboard. Dimitri-- very much aware that this box filled with ludicrous amounts of quills were entirely for him-- bowed deeply to the professor, picked up the feathery thing, and hurried back to his desk.
You looked up from your work to give your eyes a break from their swimming lessons and accidentally made eye contact with the returning prince. You both paused for a split second before you flashed him a heartfelt smile; a gentle warmth kissed the surface of your cheeks and you averted your eyes back to your studies.
A resounding snap reverberated throughout the quiet classroom.
“Y-Yes, Professor?”
“See me after class.”
“Yes, Professor...”
♠ ♥ ♣ ----------------------------------------------------------- ♣ ♥ ♠
While the rest of the class huddled outside the door and watched their house leader write “I will not break another quill” line after line on the blackboard, Sylvain looped an arm around your waist and winked.
“Hey, (F/N). Mind if I steal you for a bit?”
“Um... Sure.” Wary of his skirt-chasing tendencies, you were reluctantly led away from your classmates and into a more secluded part of the monastery.
“This better not be one of your tricks again, Sylvain... I already told you, I don’t like you in that way.”
“Ouch. That hurt.” Sylvain’s lips formed into an exaggerated pout and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“Nah, this ain’t about me for once. It’s about a certain... someone.” He continued rather vaguely.
“A certain someone? Sylvain, are you sure this isn’t about you?”
“It’s really not, I swear.” He put his hands up in surrender and seeing him genuine for once, you decided to believe him.
“Well, before I continue, I just wanna know if you... y’know.” Sylvain’s eyebrows wriggled very suggestively and a teasing smirk splayed his features. Your heart thundered in your ear, already knowing where this was going.
“If I...?” You whispered, taut fingers knotting the fabric of your uniform.
“Like, like-like anyone?”
Sylvain wished with all his heart that he had some way to capture the look and flood of colors that quickly took hold of your face. He watched in silent amazement as your face shifted from a barely-there pink to strawberry red in a matter of seconds. Gotcha.
“W-Well, I mean--” You took a shaky step backwards and your jaw clenched so tightly you were certain you were gonna chip a tooth. “There is this guy... Wait, why am I telling you this?! It’s none of your business!”
You rammed past the tall male with enough force to almost knock him over as you promptly made your way back to where the rest of your classmates were.
Satisfied with the laughable drop in quality in Dimitri’s penmanship, Byleth finally let the poor male join his classmates outside. His fingers twitched in an unsightly fashion and his wrist throbbed and cricked with every motion he made. He let out a guttural groan, making small, crackling adjustments to his neck and shoulder. The only thing he had left to do today was train, but he’d probably just go ahead and retire to his bed, at least for a little while...
Past the sea of heads crowding around him, he saw a flash of (H/C) streak across his vision, followed shortly afterwards by a head of shaggy red. (F/N)...? What were you doing with Sylvain?
Crippling exhaustion transfigured into searing jealousy and his eyes narrowed at his childhood friend with cold suspicion. Sylvain could easily feel the scorned prince’s hard stare like a knife in the back.
Was he at all fazed? Not in the slightest.
In fact, thought Sylvain as he sidled right up next to you, he wanted to toy with Dimitri’s heart just a little bit more...  
“Excuse me everyone, but I must speak to Sylvain immediately.” He emphasized the last word sharply, gently pushing his way through the crowd. While he brushed shoulders with Ashe and waltzed around Ingrid, he spun around and ended up face-to-face with... Oh Goddess, his legs were turning into jelly.
“Dimitri...? Is something wrong?” You breathed, fumbling with your clammy digits.
“O-Oh!” Said male rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “Nothing, Belov-- (F/N). Please excuse me, but it is imperative that I have a little... talk, with Sylvain.”
He left you no room for response as he quickly latched onto the toothy-grinned noble and practically dragged him away on his heels.
“What seems to be the problem, Your Highness?”
“Let us discuss the issue in my quarters.”
“Your quarters? Oh ho ho.~”
“Stop it, Sylvain. ... We’re here now.”
Dimitri watched Sylvain plop on the edge of his bed, his lips upturned in a carefree fashion. Dimitri lowered himself on his uncomfortable desk chair, his hands anxiously squeezing his kneecaps.
“So what would you like to talk about, Your Highness?”
“It’s about (F/N).” Dimitri spoke resolutely. “Sylvain... I know this will sound nothing short of mad, but--”
“Let me guess. You like (F/N).”
Dimitri’s bodily organs ceased to function; every ounce of blood in his body mutated into sharp, prickling icicles that seized his heart in a snare of terror and dread.
“I-- Wait, how--?”
“Your Highness. No offense, but pretty much everyone knows how you feel about her. You’re not exactly... subtle.”
Dimitri? Not subtle? Even after the extraordinary lengths he went through to make sure you remained ignorant of his true feelings for you? His brain filed through each and every interaction he’s had with you, combing through each word and shaky glance and awkward blush exchanged between either of you. Well, sure, he’s no master of disguise, but he wasn’t that bad... right?
While Dimitri’s thoughts remained in utter chaos, Sylvain coolly continued.
“Hey, about that lil’ act earlier... I was just messin’ with you, Your Highness. (F/N)’s a serious cutie, but I’m really not after her. I swear.” Sylvain winked. “Plus, she doesn’t even like me. She actually told me she likes--”
“WHO?!” Before Sylvain even had time to process-- well, anything-- Dimitri was on his feet rattling the poor noble to and fro, completely forgetting the crippling strength his Crest bestowed him.
“Gah! Stop it! That hurts!” Sylvain cried, trying with all his might to pry Dimitri’s iron grip from his shoulders.
Coherency finally returning, Dimitri immediately unclasped his digits from Sylvain. An expression of apologetic horror shot through his eyes as he stumbled back, back, back against his desk. The chest of both men heaved violently; raspy and hasty apologies slipped out of Dimitri’s lips while pain-stricken groans and a few obscenities raced out of Sylvain’s.  
“I’m so-... I’m so sorry, Sylvain, I-- I’m so, so sorry--”
“Augh, Goddess... You’ve got quite a grip there, Your Highness...” Sylvain chuckled weakly, feeling his skin swell and bruise.
“Allow me to fetch a healer for you!”
“N-No worries... Ugh... Just, I need to talk to you.”
“Please. Seeing you skirt about this issue is far more painful than any bruise you could give me... But I’m not gonna lie, this one comes pretty close.”
Dimitri drew in a deep breath and settled in his desk chair, its wooden legs creaking slightly from his weight. He planted his elbows firmly by his kneecaps and rested his chin on folded hands.
“Lemme ask you a question, Your Highness. Do you truly love (F/N)?”
“Yes.” Dimitri answered unfazed, but suddenly realized the gravity of his response and drooped his eyes towards the floor.
“Then tell her!”
“I... I can’t. I’m afraid I lack the confidence to waltz up to a girl and profess my feelings to her. Especially with what happened to...” Dimitri shivered at the awkwardly painful memory and continued. “Sylvain, what if she doesn’t like me in that way? Then I’d have made a fool of myself in front of everybody. But most importantly, her...”
“Well, since she didn’t tell me exactly who she liked, there’s no surefire way to know...” Sylvain acquiesced. “But I’ve got a real good feeling about this. Trust me! If there’s one thing in the world that I can help you with, it would be something like this.”
“Well, I suppose you’re right...” Dimitri pondered, sighing in defeat. “But regardless of whether she likes me or not, I am unable to simply walk up to her and tell her my feelings. That’s...”
Dimitri trailed off, dejection glossing his pastel blues.
“I don’t deserve someone like her.” He breathed out just above a whisper. Poignancy took hold of Sylvain’s heart after hearing the sincerity in Dimitri’s voice. One look at the despondent royal was enough to tell him how much he believed those words-- how much Dimitri believed that he, a beast stained by blood and vengeance, could never have a beauty as tender and loving as you.
“Hey, come on Your Highness... It’s not fair on your part to be giving yourself so little credit.”
“Sylvain, look at me.” Dimitri cupped his throbbing head in his hands and he growled. “I am a monster. I can not drag someone as pure, lovely, and beautiful as (F/N) into...”
He paused, choosing his next words carefully.
“She deserves someone else-- someone who can bring her true happiness. Someone who’s... not me.”
Sylvain gritted his teeth from the dark and pulverizing atmosphere. Dimitri was spiraling. Further, faster into the void.
“Cheer up, Your Highness!” Sylvain bubbled half-heartedly, desperately trying to reel his friend from the abyss. “You’re a great guy! Hey. Remember when we went out to cull some bandits outta that one village? And some bad guy almost got (F/N)? You managed to swoop in just before that happened! You saved her, Deems. The look of pure adoration and gratitude in her eyes after the battle... It felt good, right?”
“I... suppose.”
“Oh! And remember when (F/N) was having a hard time grasping the concept of that battle formation the other day? Who came in, and spent the rest of their afternoon tutoring her until she could explain why you needed to send the flyers in first?”
“... I did.”
“Yup! And who’s the chivalrous, hard-working leader of the Blue Lions that everyone looks up to?”
“I am.”
“Atta boy, Your Highness! See? You’re a great guy! And the fact that you’re a prince doesn’t hurt your chances either.” Sylvain’s eyebrows danced smugly.
Dimitri’s chest rose and fell in laughter; Sylvain’s eyes lit up like a star. He managed to save him-- at least for now.
“Thank you, Sylvain. I really needed that encouragement. I... I apologize for--”
“No worries, Your Highness. ... I’m just glad I was able to help.” Sylvain clasped a hand on his friend’s shoulder and squeezed reassuringly.
“Um, Sylvain...”
“How do I confess to her? Properly?”
Sylvain clapped his hands together and rubbed them gleefully.
“Don’t worry, Your Highness. I’ve got a plan.”
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yamagucci-x · 4 years
Read on Ao3 The once-first-years begin their final season together. Rated: G
Hinata pressed his forearms together, bumping the ball back toward Kageyama in a high arc. They’d spent most of the rainy afternoon in Hinata’s room, playing video games or re-watching highlights from pro games, but as soon as the skies cleared in the evening they shrugged on their jackets and started tossing around a worn volleyball in the backyard. 
It’d become a more common scene over the years, since Kageyama finally started acknowledging their friendship for what is was. At the very least, he had decided it was less trouble to actually answer Hinata’s texts and come over (at the risk of getting roped into spinning for Natsu’s double dutch practice) than to ignore him and have Hinata appear unannounced at his house twenty minutes later. Nowadays, most off days found the two of them chatting as they savored the simple pleasure of passing the ball back and forth.
As Hinata watched Kageyama stretch up his arms to toss he was reminded of another evening in his yard, about three months ago. Unlike the humid April evening it had been a cold, harsh night in January. The air was biting and snow began to swirl as clouds obscured the sunset. Their devastating loss to Inarizaki at Nationals was still fresh, stinging and burning with every recollection. They had no net but Hinata pushed the ball into Kageyama’s chest, demanding he set for him. He’d spiked each one of his setter’s tosses into the gathering snow with more ferocity than the last, until they were left staring up into the dark sky with silent, hot tears streaming down their cheeks. They probably would’ve stood there all night if Hinata’s mom hadn’t called them inside with dark predictions of losing their fingers to frostbite. 
Now, on the eve of a new volleyball season, the mood was different. They had licked their wounds, healed and rested, and were itching for more. 
“What do you think the new first-years will be like?” Hinata asked.
Kageyama smirked. “Hopefully they won’t suck as bad as you did.”
Hinata sucked his teeth, switching from an underhand to overhand position. “Well hopefully they won’t have your shitty attitude.” 
Kageyama shot him a look but didn’t say anything, reaching up to toss the ball high and slow to the side. Hinata’s eyes flashed as he saw the opportunity. With a running start he launched himself into the air and spiked the ball down hard. They grinned as their eyes met. 
“It’s kinda sad though, isn’t it,” Hinata said as he jogged to retrieve the ball, “Our last season at Karasuno.” There was more he could’ve said— their last season as teammates, probably the last season they’d see each other regularly, their last season before things really changed— but he didn’t. 
“Not really,” the setter said bluntly.
“Kageyama! You’re so heartless,” Hinata hollered, chucking the ball at him, “You sound like Tsukishima!”
Usually an insult like that would have him red in the face, but he caught the ball with a smile and a glint in his eye. “I mean, it’s not like we’re ever going to stop playing volleyball, right?” 
Across town Tsukishima sneezed, feeling an odd twinge like someone was talking about him.
Yamaguchi jumped a little on the other end of the bed. “Shit, you’re not getting sick, are you?” He whipped around to look at him with wide eyes, sitting forward on his knees. “You can’t get a cold now, Tsukki, the new season starts tomorrow!”
Tsukishima adjusted his glasses with a frown. “Will you relax? It was one sneeze, I’m not getting hospitalized.”
“Sorry, Tsukki,” Yamaguchi sighed, slumping back against the wall and clutching his stomach, “I’m just so anxious about my first day as captain. Yachi gave me some advice on dealing with nerves, but I feel just like the first time Coach called me up as a pinch server.”
“Yeah, you’ve been acting psychotic all week. It’s ridiculous.”
“Hey!” Yamaguchi tossed a pillow at his head. “Just because you never get worked up about anything doesn’t mean it’s ridiculous. There’s a lot of pressure!” 
Tsukki rolled his eyes, running a hand through his bangs to fix them. “It’s ridiculous when you’re the only one who still doubts your skills.” He refused to meet Yamaguchi’s gaze but he couldn’t help the corner of his lip curling upward. 
Yamaguchi smiled, understanding how Tsukki complimented him in his own way. “Y-Yeah, I guess,” he said, scratching the back of his head. 
“Now will you finally pick a course?” Tsukki picked up his Switch controller and nodded toward the Mario Kart menu blinking on the TV, “I wanna kick your ass again.”
“Oh right- sorry, Tsukki!”
The next morning broke cold and clear. In his rush to bike to school Hinata almost hit Kageyama in the street, but after some arguing and a little shoving they agreed to stop by Sakanoshita Store together. Just as they got to the shop, three other figures appeared at either side of the intersection— Tsukishima and Yamaguchi from one direction, Yachi from the other. For a second, they all blinked at each other in silence.
“Guess we all had the same idea, huh?” Yachi said with a smile.
They all laughed and, realizing it’d been weeks since they’d really seen each other, fell into handshakes and eager chatter. Even Tsukki seemed excited, his lips pressed into a smile.
“You finally got the haircut, ‘Guchi!” Hinata grinned as his teammate reluctantly submitted to having his hair ruffled.
“It looks good! You’re not shaggy anymore,” Yachi giggled. “Oh wait! I guess we should be referring to you as Captain Yamaguchi now, huh?” She struck a pose and saluted him with a stiff upper lip. 
Everyone else laughed, but Yamaguchi looked a little sea sick. “Ugh. Remind to buy some antacid, I’m gonna need it.”
“You’ll be fine,” Tsukishima said, “It’s not like any first years could ever be worse than these two were.” He smirked at Hinata and Kageyama.
Hinata bounced with indignation. “Why does everyone keep saying that? I wasn’t even that bad, Kageyama’s the one-”
“-Don’t try to blame me, dumbass, my ‘attitude’ was ‘cause you sucked,” Kageyama snapped.
“Oh, these?” She pulled her low ponytail over her shoulder so she could fidget with a lock of hair. “It’s nothing, just- I guess some people have been noticing the posters I make for you guys and, well, the girls’ team asked me to do something for them.” She turned the papers around, revealing an eye-catching design to recruit new members.
Yamaguchi looked stricken. “Oh god,” he groaned, “How am I supposed to keep order? I can’t be scary like Sawamura or Ennoshita!” A chill ran through the group at the memory of lectures past. None of them were sure anyone could be scarier than Daichi.
Evidently looking for a change in topic, Yamaguchi sighed and pointed to the small stack of papers Yachi clutched to her chest. “Anyway, what’ve you got there, Yachi?”
The other boys nodded approvingly but Hinata’s eyes went wide. “You’re doing work for another team? But you’re our manager!” He clenched his fists, shouting to the sky, “Augh! It was so cool to be the only club with awesome posters!”
“It’s way too early for this much yelling,” Tsukishima muttered.
Yachi’s face immediately went red and she threw out her hands. “I-I’m sorry Hinata! I told them it was just this once, I don’t want anyone on the team to think I’m a traitor!”
Hinata, who didn’t seem to be listening, wrapped his arms around Yachi from the side. “Screw the girls’ team, I won’t let them take you!”
Suddenly the door of Sakanoshita Store flew open and they all froze. “Oi!” Coach Ukai appeared, his breath a mix of cigarette smoke and steam, “You idiots gonna stand there causing a ruckus in the freezing cold all morning, or are you gonna come in?”
“Sorry, Coach!” They called, running inside.
Ten minutes later they filed out, Yachi sipping hot cocoa (an apology for “roping her in with the idiots”) while the boys munched on granola bars. Yamaguchi was feeling more confident after a pep talk from Ukai, and everyone was energized after hearing that they had an early practice game scheduled.
“I guess if I’m having trouble I can always count on you to whip the new recruits into shape, right Yachi?” Yamaguchi said, nudging her with a smile.
Yachi withered a little. “Oh gosh, no- I have my hands full enough trying to wrangle you guys and the second-years.” Really, the second-years were well behaved and her own cohort listened when she found the courage to reprimand them. But somehow a joke had gotten started that she’d turn into a drill sergeant and just the thought made her want to faint. She shuddered even when she remembered how poorly everyone got along before she joined in their first year. Sure she’d grown a lot since then, but she still wasn’t sure her nerves could handle something like that.
“Oo, we should all take a picture before our practice game this week,” Hinata suggested, “To commemorate the start of our last season!” Yachi and Yamaguchi responded with enthusiastic yeses, but Kageyama and Tsukishima both scoffed.
“I’m not doing that,” they said in unison. Everyone tried to stifle their laughter when the two boys looked at each other with a mix of shock and disgust. 
“Fine,” Kageyama said after a minute.
“I guess,” Tsukishima muttered.
“Perfect!” Hinata tried to throw his arms over their shoulders, but they both brushed him off with a scowl. “Karasuno- fight!”
“Shut up, it’s too early!”
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