goodblacknews · 1 year
Apple Adds $25 Million to Racial Equity and Justice Initiative, Increasing Financial Commitment to over $200M since 2020
This week, Apple announced its Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI), a long-term global effort to advance equity and expand opportunities for Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous communities, has more than doubled its initial financial commitment to total more than $200 million over the last three years. Since launching REJI in June 2020, Apple has supported education, economic…
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"But don't let its beauty fool you. This plant can be processed into a powerful neurotoxin which can cause near permanent madness unless treated!"
Professor Calculus, upon developing a state-of-the-art automated hydroponics and pesticides delivery system, has been invited to judge a prestigious international flower show at the largest botanical garden in Belgium.
Botany experts and amateurs from around the world attend - Professor Zalamea is there to showcase his bizarre genetically modified bioluminescent blue oranges, Nash is displaying some of his explorations into living sculpture, and Castafiore is geared up to perform in the evening. Most controversially of all, Professor Fang Hsi Ying, a world leading expert on mental health, is showcasing his research on the Rajaijah plant, a plant historically used to produce madness poison.
It's this exhibit that causes a stir at the event. Security is on high alert. After the poison was used a few years ago in several high profile drug smuggling cases that were embroiled in politics, the plant is anticipated to be a subject of fear and Orientalism. Protestors calling for its destruction flock the event, and there are rumours of a plot to steal the rare plant. The organisers hope that the controversy will generate ticket sales and revenue.
Tintin and Chang are there to report on the goings on, having just confessed their feelings for each other. They're not sure what they are just yet - but even without a madness poison, Tintin's head is in a spin!
I had the idea to bring back Rajaijah juice for some time and was intially going to set it at a garden party, but I received this message from anon some time ago:
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And I just loved the Drama of a botanical garden a whole lot more!
Because of the time it takes for me to make stuff and the planning that goes into my posts I do take a very long time to respond to messages, and sometimes multiple people send similar messages anticipating stuff I already have planned, so if I come across as standoffish I apologise, I just have a lot on my plate (by my own design tbh)!
I love every message I receive, I started this blog intending to respond to every message but that's becoming unrealistic ;_; I keep your messages to read back whenever I need motivation, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you if you've sent me an ask!
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"Tommy calling Buck 'Evan' is cute and sweet and important for Buck's healing and makes Buck (and me) melt" and "It's not his name, Philip 🔪🔪🔪 he's name is Buck, not Evan" are sentences that can and should co-exist
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crawls out of my hole. hey did you know they become his family. did you know. did you know this. did you know. did. did you?????? ;-;
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blissful-clown · 6 months
They cooked sketty for New Year's eve :3
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inspired by this post by @flaxencat-69 !!
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sulfies · 3 days
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“Let them hang, King”
They all should wear less layers all the time…
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zxro-404 · 22 days
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saenora · 8 months
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heaven knows i aint gettin over you <33
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slingbats · 5 months
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bloody mess
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maggiecheungs · 5 months
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sword beneath the flowers • 花下劍
Five Elements Ninjas (五遁忍術) dir. Chang Cheh, 1982
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queersouthasian · 4 months
How much do people lack character analysis?? I saw someone create paralleles with charlie and way, and say charlie taking babe's powers is as disgusting as way using his powers on babe. Are you fucking kidding me? This is why we can't have good things. Did y'all watch a different show? Do y'all don't realise Charlie cannot control his powers but way can? Way can choose who to hypnotise and to what extent but Charlie can't. Charlie just touching someone cannot take away their powers. The more the intimacy, the more the absorption. Even if charlie didn't want, he would still take away the powers. Literally something not under his control. And he saws that very clearly in ep 7, "the closer I get to someone, the more I can take away their powers". Way? Way can choose, and he choose to be disgusting. Also this person compared Charlie's lieing about death to babe's dad giving up babe for a better home. HUH??? JUST HUH???? CHARLIE PUT HIMSELF IN DANGER, ALMOST KILLED HIMSELF, HE DIDN'T GIVE AWAY BABE FOR ANYTHING, DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO BABE AGAINST HIS WISH, HE DID IT TO HIMSELF. BABE'S DAD GIVING HIM AWAY WITHOUT CONSENT IS NOT EQUALS TO CHARLIE KILLING HIMSELF TO PROTECT HIM. ARE Y'ALL FR?? HOW LONG WILL YOU DEHUMANISE HIM??? HOW LONG Y'ALL GONNA NOT ACCEPT THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE THE BEST RELATIONSHIP AND THEY HEALED EACH OTHER??? FUCK EVERYONE WHO HATES THEM, ESPECIALLY CHARLIE TBH, FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINKS BABE WAS AN ASSHOLE WHEN HE WAS BEING MIND CONTROLLED, FUCK EVERYONE WHO ANTAGONISES BABE FOR HAVING TRUST ISSUES, FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINKS CHARLIE IS NOT A GREAT PERSON, A GREAT LOVER. FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINKS THEIR LOVE IS NOT SOMETHING POETIC. AND FINALLY FUCK EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO EVEN THINKS OF COMPARING CHARLIE TO WAY, FOR UNDERESTIMATING BABE'S LOVE AND EFFECT IN CHARLIE'S LIFE.
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mediocretosubpar-soup · 2 months
fierce corpse yiling laozhu following jiang cheng from the burial mounds. jiang cheng keeping the fierce corpse of his shixiong in lotus pier. dragging back demonic cultivators to 'interview' on fierce corpse care. demanding suibian back from the jin. demanding wei wuxian's notes.
mo xuanyu calls back wei wuxian. the rumors wei wuxian hears are mostly the same but the flavor is sharper. sect leader jiang is still hunting his shixiong's ghost. even going so far as to challenge the chief cultivator over his belongings.
jiang cheng sneers at him, that he thought wei wuxian would pick something better for a body.
the golden core reveal throws jiang cheng badly (was he delusional all these years?) and he still goes to guanyin temple and gets skewered and gives back the chengqing. and the story play out as it does.
except for when jiang cheng goes home, his fierce corpse has broken containment and gotten its hands on suibian. it waits for him in his room, taking a fake nap on his bed, and when jiang cheng comes in, it tries to drag him into a spar until the blood registers. jiang cheng isn't having that. he knows, he's been deluding himself making a mindless monster act like wei wuxian. thinking that a part of wei wuxian wanted to stay with him after all. what a fool, he was. he should really put an end to this farce. before he can draw sandu the fierce corpse attempts to decapitate himself with suibian which it drew. jiang cheng decides that maybe he shouldn't judge too quickly.
so this is how jiang cheng ends up taking his secret fierce corpse with him, he won't leave his side, he won't give up suibian. he gets him to put on a veil at least. but that still means that he hits the next cultivation conference with a man trailing his every step who's carrying wei wuxian's sword and constantly teasing him. and as much as he tries to hide it, he can't hide how much he likes that.
the cultivation world is largely torn between three reactions; a) what the fuck? what the fuck? b) it's nice that sect leader jiang has relaxed a bit. you know? c) drama!!! the sheer drama!!! of it. they thought jin guangyao's scandalous downfall was good? hahh this is a thousand times better. the front row seats for the first cultivation conference with hanguan-jun/wei wuxian and jiang cheng/SIC in attendance are sold for the price of small cities.
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m-kyunie · 1 year
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Allen Walker
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wei-smiler · 5 months
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I translated it into English, but my English is not very good. I used a translator. There may be translation errors. Please excuse me.˃ʍ˂ ˃ʍ˂ ˃ʍ˂
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nullbutler · 6 months
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flip phone user
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completeoveranalysis · 6 months
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Also I’m just. Reeling over the fact that Lava Lamp didn’t know Watanuki at all before this moment. And yet later pre-paid something to Yuuko to keep him alive when he fell out that window. 
Just like how Lava Lamp saw Clone Syaoran being born and shoved half his soul in him, hoping that he’d eventually grow enough of his own that he’d become his own person. 
Lava Lamp ending up with two sort-of kind-of brothers, and caring about them instantly and wanting them to survive and be their own person, even when he’s so intently focussed on saving Sakura. 
Lava Lamp really ripping himself apart to save everyone close to him he possibly can. 
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