sazanes · 7 months
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These two years were so special, Thank you Yim for creating this incredible story that fills me with inspiration, this week was difficult but I couldn't let the anniversary of my favorite game go unnoticed, Happy Hell and High Water Day!!! 🥳🥳🥳
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houseofpurplestars · 10 months
Some of the hundreds of healthcare workers murdered by the occupation over the last month
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Ehemaliges Gelände der Hamburger Wasserwerke (Hamburg Hamm-Süd) ©2024 blueskipper
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newfoundlandland · 1 year
HWW💙💚 by Aimee ️
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puhpandas · 26 days
after watching that theory video where Cassies dad as hw2 protag is talked about I'm hoping so hard for cassie hw2 protag like. with the unused vanny lines and hw2 and ruin being made together releasing back to back referencing eachother the narritave of introducing cassie and establishing her being left under the pizzaplex ties perfectly into hw2. shes still trapped underground with all the items she collected throughout ruin and a helpy screen and vanny originally spoke to her acting as being on her side and manipulating her into becoming the new vanny
not only is it perfect lore but it's also narratively satisfying. as a writer analyzing Cassies character shown in ruin genuinely is SO perfect for the elevator situation and vanny. like unbelievably perfect. cassies story is at its core about abandonment issues and friendship and both of those things would have been targeted if mimic cur the elevator.
it would be tricking cassie into thinking Gregory did it (cutting her off from her friendship and making her believe it was false, then serving the abandonment issues) and then taking advantage of her fragile state (probably mentally and physically) to offer her a new friend that wont leave her or abandon her: vanny
especially with prior knowledge of vanny where vanessa had to be mentally broken down and belittled for vanny to take over, it fits perfectly with that and literally couldnt have been designed better.
the dream is hw2s dlc actually using Vannys unused lines and fully jumping into that narritave of vanny!cassie, also revealing that Gregory didnt cut the elevator (self indulgent but also dream scenario is a black room void with Gregory and vanessa remodels showing Gregory's reaction to the elevator crash as an ending/secret) to really show everyone hey mimic and vanny did this and now theyre back in operations and its then set up that Gregory, who mimic and vanny have convinced cassie is the enemy, has to try and get through to her to tell her he didnt do it and attempt to strip down all of the manipulation and lies vanny and mimic have done to cassie
like this is just too perfect, and the way that they wrote it just feels too on purpose. like come on, "that mask suits you"??? and hw2 is a perfect place to show that story, since a story purely about manipulation having happened would be hard to make a campaign game out of lmao
I'm just. hoping for it so hard. I at least think that it feels leagues better than cassies dad dying as the whole plot. like what would he even do?? how would it progress the story?? I can't see any way it would, at least not at all in the way vanny!cassie would
not to mention the entire nature of princess quest 4. the princess aka the embodiment of vanessas trapped soul literally handed the player character the sword like passing down the torch, aka handing cassie the crown since shes now the trapped princess? makes literal perfect sense
I just cant see fnaf somehow making Cassies dad the princess lmao
also also, the candy cadet story about the woman and the young boy. it says the oven door closes at the end after the woman does NOT get revenge on the witch (vanessa killing vanny) and that probably means the oven door closes not on the woman and the boy but instead cassie. also makes narritave sense and the other story about the family and the meal also applies to this because of the "not doing something" theme
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doueverwonder · 8 months
Now that the anthology is out I present my piece for it. I put the first part under the cut but the rest is on ao3 because of length. Despite this technically supposed to be about Germany I think the parts I'm most proud of are Liechtenstein's <3
warnings: none
ao3 link here!
1832; Vienna
The day was unusually warm, especially for October. The children were playing just outside the gate, chasing each other around with seemingly no more purpose than a dog chasing its tail. The parents sat inside the gate, talking, only turning their heads when there was a particularly loud yelp from one of the children. Gilbert and Ludwig had arrived in Vienna a few days prior, but the trip had not been an easy one, so only three days later were they having their first full day together. 
“How are things in Frankfurt?” Roderich had shed his usual overcoat, due to both the heat, and the close company not requiring normal formalities. 
Gilbert laughed, “Maybe if you went to Frankfurt you would know” 
“Why would I go to Frankfurt when you can do it for me?” 
“Because I don’t go to Frankfurt either. Berlin or Königsberg” 
Erzsébet rolled her eyes, she had listened to them bicker for hundreds of years. It was a normal routine, not one she enjoyed the more it happened. There had been a few years of peace, not having to listen to them. But since the split custody of Ludwig had started, they had been seeing more and more of Gilbert. 
“How about we don’t talk about politics for once?” she suggested to both men. Her eyesight wandered away for a moment just to see Liesl finally catch her younger cousin, both children toppling to the ground. She laughed lightly, watching as they both got up and ran off farther as if nothing had happened. 
“We’re not talking politics” both men remained absolutely oblivious to the scene that had made Erzsébet laugh. “We’re discussing the good of the confederation” 
“Exactly!” Gilbert raised his nose in indignation, “And even if what would you rather we talk about? Housework?” Erzsébet hummed, “We could talk about why you’re here instead of returning to Berlin” 
“Why?” Gilbert changed his tone, “Want me out so you and your husband can be alone?” 
Roderich rolled his eyes, “We’re not married, I remind you, Gilbert” 
“You act it,” he shrugged, “And that’s close enough. House in the countryside, two kids, enough money from the government to live comfortably. I’d say you two could play family for at least the next century” 
Erzsébet’s eyes darted to the field, making sure Liesl and Ludwig weren’t close enough to hear. She sat up a little straighter out of habit, “We only have a daughter. Gilbert.” 
The whole group shifted uncomfortable with the topic being brought up. Ludwig’s split custody by all means should have never happened. 
Gilbert held the newborn in his arms. It felt odd, he hadn’t held a baby since Liesl was born almost a century earlier. Erzsébet had followed him to the door, repeating everything she had already told him ten times; she was worried he didn’t know how to take care of a baby. Truthfully he didn’t. He had to remind himself this hadn’t been his idea; Roderich and Erzsébet had come to him. 
The baby cried with every bump in the road. It made Gilbert less sure of himself every time it took him even a little too long to calm him. His nephew should be with his parents, not with him. Infants shouldn’t be taken on long trips like this either, it was a bad idea, he could get sick so easily. Erzí would kill him if her baby died within a couple weeks of Gilbert having him. He didn’t know what to do. All he could think was hold the newborn close, and talk to him. Things would be okay, he would see his mother and father before he knew it. Gilbert would happily be uncle Gil instead of papa; they just needed a few years to get things sorted. Yes. They were just getting things sorted. 
Split custody was good though, three months with Roderich, three months with Gilbert, then switch. Ludwig really didn’t move that much, and they usually spent holidays and most summers together anyway. Ludwig was only seven, he wouldn’t have had a second thought about being referred to as one of his aunt and uncle's children. Erzsébet was overly cautious though, always thinking someone could be listening from around the corner. Roderich didn’t seem as bothered by it, the silence wasn’t worth what had happened. 
Roderich promised himself it would only be a few years, once Napoleon lost power. Once France was banging down his door. He would have Ludwig back soon enough, and everything would be as it was supposed to. Until then they were to go about business as usual; no one knew of Erzsébet’s pregnancy, at least no one outside of the house, and Gilbert had sworn even now to keep Ludwig’s existence on the downlow. At least until things calmed down. 
Liesl had been asking questions though, Roderich and Erzsébet had assumed her old enough to understand the first time around what was happening. 
“Your baby brother is going to live with your onkel Gil, just for a little while, and then he’ll be back” Roderich knew he was lying to himself just as much as he was lying to her when he said it.
Napoleon couldn’t stay in power forever though, and the confederation of the Rhine wouldn’t be permanent. For a short time Roderich convinced himself Ludwig would be returned to them with the German Confederation; instead he was introduced to the split custody with Gilbert. Saying he was disappointed would be understating it, Erzsébet claimed to understand it, reminding Roderich seeing him for six months out of the year was better than not at all. 
1815, the first assembly of the German confederation. Erzsébet argued wanting to be there to ‘represent her people within the Austrian Empire” which was part of the confederation. She had more than one man scoff at her over it, but she was attending. Yes, for her people, but also for… 
“Gilbert said he would be here” She complained to Roderich, she only saw German states, too many of them. The only child in her line of vision being Luxembourg, who Gilbert was far too interested in. Ludwig was supposed to be here, where was her Ludwig? Nine years since she had seen her second child, and if he wasn’t here today as Gilbert had promised she was ready to knock heads. She sighed, turning away from Roderich, who had been hovering next to her the whole time. Her breath caught in her throat, Gilbert had just entered the room after disappearing for a few minutes. He had a boy in his arms, no older than four, he made eye contact with Erzsébet. Every noise in the room seemed to dull as Gilbert said something to the boy and he looked in her direction; she saw her son for the first time in nine years.
“Papa!” The conversation was stopped abruptly as Ludwig came running back in the gate, his hands cupped around something. He stopped in front of his father, a big smile on his face, “Guess what Lise and I found!” 
Gilbert's entire demeanor changed, adopting the same excited tone as his seven year old son; “What did you and Lise find?” 
Liesl appeared just at that moment, sitting down in an empty chair between her parents. The fifteen year old girl trying to catch her breath, after chasing Ludwig around and then following him all the way back to the garden. Roderich couldn’t help but note she had gotten mud on the bottom of her skirt; she must have fallen at some point. 
Ludwig opened his hands just a little to show his father, who promptly made a face; “Show your aunt” Gilbert told Ludwig, Erzsébet was wary for a moment. It wasn’t often her not-technically-brother-in-law had kind things in mind for her. 
Ludwig half-ran the short distance, bouncing as he stood in front of her, “Do you want to hold it?” 
“Mmm” Erzsébet hummed a bit, she wasn’t scared of much when it came to insects, small snakes, amphibians, or really anything else Ludwig would be able to find right outside the garden gate. If it disgusted Gilbert though she really wasn’t sure if she wanted to know, he wasn’t put off by much either. 
“Don’t worry mama,” Liesl tucked her legs under her, much to her fathers disgust thinking about the mud getting on her underclothes as well; Erzsébet couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the mumbling. It’s not as if he did the laundry. “It’s nothing that will hurt you, Onkel Gilbert is just being a baby.” 
Gilbert feigned offense, even though everyone there knew Liesl and her uncle had been poking fun at each other for decades. Most said Liesl picked it up from her father. 
Erzí looked back to her nephew, who was still bouncing, eagerly waiting for her answer; “Okay fine, let me see it” 
She held her hands out and immediately had a small frog given to her. Erzsébet tried not to laugh, cupping one hand over the other to keep it from hopping away; “Hundreds of years on battlefields and you're disgusted by a grass frog?” 
“They’re slimy!” Gilbert argued, shaking his head as if the mere image of the frog disgusted him. Roderich rolled his eyes, he had no interest in holding the frog, but even he wasn’t so disgusted by such simple things. 
Erzsébet got out of her seat, setting the frog under a bush not far away, and watching it hop off. She noted the sun starting to disappear under the horizon. “I think it should be dinner time soon, what do you all think?” 
“Absolutely!” Gilbert stretched a little, wrapping his arm around Ludwig to doubly make sure the boy wouldn't slip off. “I’m starving, I could eat a horse” 
“I’m hungry too.” Ludwig followed his father. “I could eat two horses” 
“You know Ludwig, after dinner you have to go to bed” 
The small boy went quiet very quickly, before taking back his statement “I’m not hungry anymore.” 
A small chuckle came from all the adults, Erzsébet shrugged. “Then I suppose you can just watch while we all eat the goulash that’s simmering on the stove right now” 
Ludwig backpedaled once again, “No. I am hungry.” 
“Still so hungry you could eat two horses?” Erzsébet inquired. 
“Two and a half horses!”  
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stanfordsweater · 10 months
wincest wednesday question of the week: mary's ring or dad's leather jacket?
h.w.w. <3
i WANT to say dad's jacket because of how iconic dean casually stealing it from john's motel room was, but i love love love the fanon of dean wearing dad's jacket WITH mary's ring <33 and with it not truly matching hers, let us instead imagine dean at 19 pocketing it at a flea market because it looks like the one she had in the photos sam isn't allowed to see <3 and imagine sam eyeing him and saying nothing when dad sees it the first time and stares for a full minute <3
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wingedjewels · 1 year
hummingbird by Lesley~B Via Flickr: Happy Wing Wednesday! : )
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zenyuu · 2 years
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prussiapog · 2 years
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the besties
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druckkugelschreiber · 2 years
What it‘s like to live in my writer brain:
Dialogue suddenly pops into my head:
„What do you have that I don’t?!“
„A pussy and a mouth that runs away with me.“
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silicacid · 8 months
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23.1.2024 HWW-Palestine Update: 403 healthcare workers (4 HCWs /day) were murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces in Palestine since 7th October 2023 including 136 doctors, 118 nurses, and 149 other healthcare workers.
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redroomroaving · 4 months
Fic Masterlist & Geraldus Discord
Harper Prince Hamlet
First things first! You! Are you a fan of Harper Geraldus? Would you like to speak to other fans of the best Harper Prince?
Come join us in the Hamlet!
Masterlist of works:
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Geraldus x Rolan
The Harper & The Tower: (E, updates x2 a week, Longfic) Geraldus & Rolan post game finding romance over books and healing, sugar, smut, good feelings, exploration of respective traumas and growing together.
Spring: (E, shortfic, WIP) Regency AU exploring Geraldus & Rolan, CW abuse, a huge amount of pining, forbidden romance, wet shirts etc
Don't burn alone in the dark: (T, what if, WIP) what if scenario exploring the game events with Geraldus at Last Light Inn, Rolan being a mess
H&T smut one shots:
The Habit of Perfection: poetry & smut, apologies to Gerard Manley Hopkins
A simple meal: cooking & smut, apologies to the Tower kitchen
Conjuring Majesty: balcony appreciation & Rolan feeling sorry for himself
A quiet retreat somewhere lovely dark & deep: cabin smut, apologies to Robert Frost
The aftershow: post opera smut, switching things up
Winter: Rolan failing at iceskating smut
Marked for prey: Spell battling sparring smut, apologies to most of the Ranger spell list
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Donnick x Abdirak
Sufferer, I shall: (E, CW: BDSM, heavy themes, religious angst, COMPLETE) Loviatar & Ilmater stand in sworn opposition, and a badly injured Abdirak is recovering in the Temple of Ilmater. Exploration of contrasting gods of pain, romance & smut
Around willing whip, a rope bound: (E, CW: light BDSM, rope bondage, religious themes) Follow up and epilogue of sorts to Sufferer, I shall
To Suffer, to live: (E, CW: short smut, heresy, flagellation) continuation of S,IS & AWW, ARB
Small Sanctuary: (E) follow up, smut and fluff with some religious angst and soup cooking
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Kar'niss x Klaus
Trusting. Trusted. (E, CW: Lore accurate drider content) What if Kar'niss was part of the Circus? A one shot romance exploration with a lot of support and sadness.
Conductor, Ringmaster (E, CW: More lore accurate drider stuff) Follow up from Trusting, Trusted, following Klaus x Kar'niss on some dates across the planes with the touring circus.
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Geraldus x He Who Was
Of my sin: (E WIP, CW: trauma, dacryphilia) Shortfic, takes place in Act 3 following the Bhaalist cult, exploration of troubled relationships with returning to service.
They asked for no pickles: (HWW x Geraldus, E modern restaurant AU, COMPLETE) A little short fic because He Who Was loves pans that spawned out of a fic prompt challenge.
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Shadowheart x He Who Was
Communion of shadows: (E, CW: Trauma, COMPLETE) Shadowheart/Shadar-kai mystery solving squad, exploring a lot of Shar/Ravenqueen lore and two really evasive people driving eachother insane
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Halsin x M!Durge
On nights without much sleep: (E,CW: Durge stuff, COMPLETE) heavy on Redemption Durge angst, Halsin x Durge finding a lot of healing, nobody getting any sleep,
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Klaus x Lia
A Dash of Scarlet: (E, smut one shot) spun off from H&T, shameless happy smut for Lia and Circus Husband
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The Red Harp: (HWWx Shadowheart, Rolan x Geraldus, E, Penny Dreadful AU) A monster hunting squad feat He Who Was, Shadowheart, Rugan, Geraldus, Jaheira, Minsc, Aradin and more to come.
Written in Glitter (or how we fell in love and took down a mega corporation along the way): (multi, Klaus x Kar'niss, Geraldus x HWW, Rolan x Haarlep, Abdirak x Donnick) modern au following the trials, tributions and loves of the roomates of 33 Rivington Place.
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russica · 3 months
I had to make a hard decision... a hard choice... my heart aches... it's like the end of an era... so here's Zevlor having a good cathartic cry with HWW because idk what else to do
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interarchive · 2 months
There are no didelphic uterus or diphallic flags?
I have OHVIRA/HWWS but I'm not too fussed in designing arts, and this condition is often seen under didelphys but it's not exactly that I guess, but I would feel represented by it if it existed
I actually managed to find some
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Uterus didelphys / Didelphic uterus flag made by by Reign of the breadsticcs from the LGBTA wiki. No confirmed meanings.
You can find a flag for Diphallia archived here.
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I decided to grow some balls and write something I pray to Jesus that no one I know knows this is me
Starting off slow I'll grow with time
Sorry if this is shit, I don't know if anyone is reading but I'm just gonna have fun and pretend I'm not deathly embarrassed by this.
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How Daryl Dixon would react to you giving him a flower
You've known Daryl since the farm -since you'd been friends with Maggie since before the fall- he was quiet and brooding in the beginning but seemed as though his heart was in the right place. You'd seen him going out day and night to try and find Sophia so you blamed his grumpy nature to that.
One day you were helping Hershel with treating Patricia who had burnt herself cooking breakfast that morning (Hershel had been sharing his medical knowledge with you since the fall) when you heard a shot go off outside. Hershel told you to stay there and finish of wrapping Patricia's burn while he went to see the commotion outside.
You were tucking in the end of the bandage and telling Patricia to keep it clean and try not to get the bandage wet when the door to the bedroom turned infirmary was nearly kicked off its hinges. In walked the leader of the new group that arrived last week and the man who went on a run with otis to save that little boy; but the reason they were here is because of the limp Daryl in between them, his arms slung around each o their shoulders.
Your newly found medical instincts ushered Patricia out the room and moved the small bedside table so Daryl could be lifted into the bed. Once he was lying in front of you you began to assess the damage: stomach wound; twisted ankle and a gash tearing the side of his head near his temple.
You stepped back a bit and let Hershel do what he did best but after they cut his shirt off and Hershel was dealing with his stomach, you were told to treat his head wound. He was unconscious so you slightly turned his head to the side. A bloody streak ran from the corner of his eye to the side of his ear.
You grabbed the glass vial of disinfectant and a clean rag, you poured some of the solution on it and started to dab the wound with utmost care. Just as you were cleaning the rough edges of the graze his eyes fluttered open and his head jolted up. Rick and Shane held his torso back down as you asked him to relax for just a little while longer.
When he laid his head back on the pillow he looked up at you through pain glazed eyes, you could see him slightly wincing as you gently pressed the cloth against the now bleeding wound. You apologised to which he told you not to worry.
You couldn't help but flush slightly under his curious gaze.
Hershel had finished up leaving the room with Rick and Shane, leaving just the 2 of you.
"What happened?" You asked
"Clumsy bitch shot me in th' head." He replied
You couldn't help but laugh slightly at the spiteful tone hww used for Andrea who you hadn't liked from the start. You put a small bandage on his head and repeated what you had told Patricia to do to him, yet when you pressed against the bandage to secure it he winced again.
"Sorry..." You apologised again.
"Ain' got nuffin to be sayin' sorry for, Andrea should be the one sayin' that." Again you smiled at that and he felt confused about why he liked the way your face lit up when you smiled.
You eventually left him to rest for a while going to help with dinner due to Patricia's current predicament. However you got shooed away by Maggie who told you to relax after a long day.
With your new found time, you decided to wander around the perimeter, with a hunting knife don't worry. It was on your walk you found a small cluster of purple and yellow pansies.
For some strange reason they reminded you of Daryl and his wild yet sometimes soft nature. Without thinking you picked a handful of them and began to trek your way back up to the house.
With your pansies in hand you found a small unused vase that you filled with water and arranged the pansies in, you thought about if Daryl would like your gift you were about to give. Since you'd arrived at the house at dinner time you made up a portion of food for Daryl getting a bit of everything because you don't know what he liked yet.
You had a plate of food in one hand and the vase of pansies in the other, you knocked on Daryl's door with your foot before hearing a gruff 'come in'. It was as struggle to open the door but you eventually managed.
There Daryl was sprawled put on top of the covers with a new shirt but his shoes off after Patricia scolded him for having them on the white linen. You approached him with a smile to which he returned a small grin, you brought around the hospital bed table (you know the ones that roll over so you can eat in bed). You placed the food on the table.
"Thank ya." He said.
"It's no problem when it's for my favourite patient, also I got you something." You said in reply.
Then you placed the pretty vase of pansies on the table as well, a stupid smile on your face.
A genuine smile made its way onto his face, it was small but it was there. Meanwhile Daryl felt the unfamiliar glimmer of joy bubbling inside him.
He stared at the hardy flowers he'd seen many times before whilst hunting, he'd always thought they were quite pretty and even though he would never admit it they would always interest his flower loving heart. Therefore seeing you give him his possibly favourite flower it made him happy.
He stared at them for a little while longer before speaking.
"You didn' have to do this ya know."
"I know, but I saw them and thought of you."
When Daryl heard that you thought of him in unrealated taskd he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time, hope. He hoped he would have a better future and escape the drunken curse the seemed to follow the Dixon men and now with you he saw a chance to get out of the stereotype.
"Thank ya." He said it quietly like he was embarrassed of how he reacted to a simple flower.
"No problem."
It was getting dark now and you knew your patient should be getting some rest now so you bent down and kissed his forehead and started to walk towards the door.
Then you left your cheeks flushed and little did you know you left poor Daryl a blushing mess in the bed.
I know it's not much but please feel free to give any pointers or requests if you want xx
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