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realized I haven't really drawn a skel with their mouth open yet. Also a mini go at "can I do weird lighting"
And of course whenever I try something new at art there's always intruding sketches on the side.
edit: oh btw character belong to loverofpiggies, I was spaced out last night and forgot to credit
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muttyblue · 2 years
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• my drummer boi, Adrian •
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merakiui · 11 months
On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like pointy teethies on guys?
Easily a 10!!!!!! >w< recently I watched Across the Spiderverse for the first time and a certain Miguel O'Hara has enchanted me with his pointed teethies hehehe.
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WOOOOOOOOOOOO pointed teeth are just so !!!!!!!!! I like Jade and Floyd's pointed teeth as well because it makes them so much more predatory than they already are and reminds me that, even in a human form, they're still dangerous. I also just like the differences in their teeth! Floyd's are thicker like a shark's and Jade's are thin like a dolphin's, which is fitting considering the shark and dolphin emojis are often used to refer to them. Also it works in symbolism: sharks are often misunderstood and seen as violent dangers when, most of the time, they only attack if provoked or threatened or if they mistake humans for prey (they have bad eyesight, even worse when they attack because their eyes roll back into their head for protection). And dolphins are seen in more positive lights, but they can indeed be dangerous and unpredictable because they are still wild animals.
OH, BUT AZUL'S CANINE TEETH!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHARP!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!! I hope he gnaws on me like a chew toy!!! >0< and of course I can't neglect Ruggie and his teeth!!!! I hope Rugs tears into me with his teethies,,,,, anything for him. <3 I'll gladly bleed if that's what he wants. orz he's so precious. Best hyena, so very beloved.
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c0ry-c0nvoluted · 6 years
“Disabler,” she called it.
And Dick knew that meant that if she activated it, it would disable the motor skills of any bio-bred other than her within ten meters. Unfortunately, they didn’t work on Senbians, but they wouldn’t need them to since the enforcers had stayed outside. “If this gets fritzed, I’ll loose you both and take the biter hostage.” (They called getting hit by a disabler “loosed” on account of the effect it had on the victim’s muscle and bladder control. It seemed she had had more than one outcome in mind when suggesting Dick might end up ruining her shoes.)
904 words typed into The Adventures of Dick & Rob this morning, putting my man Dick in a very undesirable bind. On this purplish world of mine called Goriol, The planet’s hierarchy is divided between four tetrarchs, each of which are criminally funded. The province where Dick & Rob conduct their P.I. dealings is governed by a little blue gremlin-looking alien creature called a F’rytz (pronounced like “frights”) who dick is about to meet, by no fault of his own. The cool thing about these tree-dwelling little carnivores is that, because of their small stature, they developed the natural ability to secrete hormones that evokes fear in others. This has allowed them to not only become the dominant species on their home world, but to quickly gain positions of power on others. But they’re not all evolutionary gimmicks. These teethy little fuckers are as feral as hyenas and formidable fighters.
Keep your eyes peeled for little blue devils in the bushes, kids. And for more insight into my upcoming scifi comedy novel. Also, feel free to ask questions if you have any, and swing over to BloodMagik.com to look into what I have on the market for you to read now. -cm
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ANCIENT ONE by Jericho's Rage
Tale one: Papa george They giggled like two school children as they moved through the grass. This part of the river was so quiet that the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of the grass and the heart beats of the young couple. Excitedly and in a clandestine manner, he lead her by the arm and forged a new path. "We are here" smiling and pointing at a big tree in front of them "Nobody knows this place.. We won't be interrupted here". Massive and somewhat like a canopy the tree formed what would best be dubbed as a hat. The entrance which was open to the river was slightly covered by the branches that came down from the tree. She wore a chitenge and that was loosely tied around her neck. With the faces of one of the beloved politicians with his deceptive smile across his face. Not even the lying face on her chitenge would hide the fact that she had a seductive figure. Her hair was intentionally shaggy like she had just woken up from a beautiful dream. The way she batted her eyebrows would make any man leave his wife of 50years and she had the smile that said fuck me. Which is what he wanted to do. Looking at her figure in that chitenge, he could tell that she wasn't wearing anything underneath. A beast nurtured by testosterone was wrought forth. He grabbed her, pulled her towards him. With his beastly strength he lifted her by her nicely shaped soft a**. Unbeknown to the would be lovers, another beast had been brought forth... Silently, he lurked and stalked his prey..waiting patiently. * * * * **** ******* ******* ************ His body spread about 5.5m long and on the back of his skin were bony plates with a long snouted skull. His heavily armed mouth made him a f***ing killing machine that was not to be trifled with. Exactly five years ago he had made an appearance and claimed the river to be his turf and since then about a hundred people had fallen victim to his insatiable appetite. Whether young, old... Christian or witch he didn't give a rat's a** as long as you looked delicious you were a goner. At some point he had joined our colleagues the jehovah's witnesses and started knocking on doors of houses that were too close to the river, but his message wasn't about salvation but doom and despair. Some came to believe he wasn't an ordinary crocodile, but a vengeful spirit.. A beast from the depths of hell. This had been made even more so by the futile attempts to capture or put the beast down. Some came to believe he never existed in the first place as none that had seen him ever lived... Only traces of him and remains of his victims were ever found. Using this disbelief to his advantage, he would lay in wait deep within the tall grass that ran along the river for the unsuspecting none believers. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** * ***** *** He surreptitiously moved deep through the river towards his prey. When he was close enough to feel the body heat from their fornication, he slowly raised his head above the water so as to get a good glimpse of the congregation of sinners. He watched as the young well built stud wrestled the girl to the earth as if to ascertain his dominance. The stud paused for a minute in admiration of his vanquished conquest after which he proceeded with unveiling his treasure. With the girl now bare with all she had to offer exposed to the world, the stud made his entrance which was complimented by moans of ecstasy from both sinners. The stud drilled the girl like he was possessed by an epileptic demon. They both moaned like it were their last f**k!... Heavy breathing ensued then the thrusting got even more aggressive and just like that the stud dropped, completely drained and he was totally screwed. The crocodile knew this was as good a time as ever, he moved in for the kill. "Arrrrgghhh!!!!!" Agonizing screams from the stud as the crocodile dug its sharp teeth into his crotch and buttocks. Using its full strength the crocodile hurled the stud with so much force that it severed his balls and buttocks. His bloodied cadaver went flying across the river. Confused, still on the ground ..on her chitenge and with only the blood covering her juicy parts, the girl screamed in terror. Her breasts jiggled as she tried to move back and escape the onslaught of butchering that was about to transpire... But alas, it was too late. The crocodile after tossing the bloody balls and anus, gave the girl a teethy cunnilingus that gave her an orgasm to die for, literally. After which he severed her head and genitals. ** *** **** *** **** *** *** **** *** *** "Noooo!!!..." He suddenly jumped out of bed. Breathing heavily and sweating like he had just run a marathon. It was just dream, another one of those ever so vivid nightmares-- But to him those surreal dreams were as real as the sun scorching down your back. Sitting up on his bed, he grabbed a small mirror that was in one of the drawers in his room. Staring back at him in the mirror was his scarred face. "I will never forget" Running his finger on his scars that went down his face. The texture of his skin was like tossing a stone into a river of memories; the ripples came bearing down the memories of that day_ About five years ago. . About five years ago in a small ghetto settlement, the place was characterised by people who still moved around with two band radios in their hands tuned in to one of those radio stations with kalindula music. People so screwed up in the heads so much that they believed any old person was a f*cking wizard( or witch).. If anyone was found in such acts as theft or witchcraft ,or therein accused, they were subjected to brutal mob justice of biblical proportion. Most victims of such heinous brutalities never lived to tell the tale.. But one man survived, his name was George. A little girl started the spark that would see an innocent man beaten within an inch of his life.. An innocent man scarred for life. Upon the flame being set, They came upon him like moths.. Breaking down the door to his two roomed house.. they didn't want to hear his explanation they just wanted justice as they saw fit. An entire community baring their teeth against one of their own, they grabbed him like a common criminal. His crime, accused of molesting a neighbour's girl_ The offence got some sugar coating to it as it was linked to rituals by the unscrupulous people just to justify their cruelty against him. Within seconds his clothes were torn off his body, remaining with only a boxer he was dragged through the streets. As every foul word known to man was cast on him, Stones were also being hailed at him from every side.. The people that once smiled at him, the people that he once helped when they were in need.. His kind deeds to his small community was being paid back to him in full. " Burn him the dog!!" A voice from the mob suggested.. Soon an uproar followed chanting the suggestion on. "Buuuurrnnn that f*cking evil dog" Unable to utter a word because his lips were severely damaged.. George was nothing but a bloody pulp-- Now on his knees and looking at his would be executioners. As he looked on, he saw them passing something above their heads.. It was a container. Like a born again, he was baptized with a liquid he thought was water.. It was not until this liquid rolled down his face and over his bloodied and blocked nose that he smelled what it was.. Petrol!!. "P...leas..e!" He stuttered.."Am..". Just then, something unexpected happened. The mother to the girl came screaming and crying calling for a stop to the madness. She threw herself in front of the mob, she cried and begged them to stop. Explaining to the blood thirsty hyenas about how the stupid little bitch had just made up the lies.. She didn't think things would get this much out of control, yes! She didn't "think". "Atase chi namayo ichi" mumbling among the disappointed crowd. Some cursed and cussed the woman for being such a bad mother. The dissuaded mob started scattering and not giving a f*ck about the person they had almost killed-- They each went there way leaving him to his fate. Broken bones, bruised beyond recognition he lay there in a pool of his own blood that had mixed with the petrol. This was it for him, he would die and life would move on like nothing. Why are gods so cruel? He thought to himself-- was this his lot in life. "Hello.. My child" Stranger's voice.. "Forgive them.. For they know not what they do?" The stranger gave out a little laugh as he spoke in his soothing voice. George struggled to open his eyes and make out who was speaking to him. His eyes swollen and obscured by the sun that was shining right in his face, he couldn't make out the masculine figure standing above him. The stranger knelt down and stretched his hand to George, it was then that he saw who it was.. A bearded old man, dressed in white. … Now Known as Papa George, the man of miracles with his own church.. As a matter of fact, the largest church in his neighbourhood. Very well respected, and people went to him for anything. His church was also well known for the tender meat that was served every sunday. Only Papa George knew how to prepare this delicacy that his well loved followers enjoyed so much. They would come to him asking for the secrets to this mysterious soft meat, but he just smiled and said: "Fipelwa na lesa" Each Sunday after a sermon, the church would be treated to this wonderful meat and sometimes with nsima prepared by the women of the church. Papa George was a loving man of God who preached about love and forgiveness. He told the people to always forgive each and not be vengeful, as vengeance was the lord's. To cement this into people's skulls, he called his church "The vengeance is mine...ministries". *** *** ** ** *** *** ** ** *** **** **** The search party had arrived from their search-- It wasn't much of a search as they knew exactly where to look for the young couple that had suddenly gone missing. All that they found were genitals and severed heads of the young man and woman. "Mwebantu imweh!!.. Awweh! Not my child!" Cried the girl's mother as she rolled around in dirt. The women couldn't help but join in the wailing, the men just mumbled among themselves. Alarmed by the fracas, Papa George came out of his house to inquire what was happening. He stood outside of his yard looking at the people that had mobilized a few meters away from him. "What is happening over there?" He asked a young man who was coming from the general direction. " It is bad man of God, the beast has claimed two more lives" Being the pillar of the small community, he went over to comfort the grieved_ Upon seeing him, the people gathered around him. With sad looks on their faces, they asked him to help with the situation. "Please papa, help us.." Before Papa George could even respond, another one reminded him of his recent divinity feats in which papa George predicted the outcome of the recent elections. Papa George like any other man of God smiled a self-gratifying smile. "As I walk through the valley of death" he paused "I shall fear no crocodiles" his hoarse voice echoed through the crowd and they loved it. A resounding amen and a hallelujah was shouted out by the now enchanted mob. Papa George went back to his house to get himself geared up_ in a few minutes he came back armed to the teeth with only a bible, some olive oil and holy water. This fool believed that his faith and this simple arsenal will be more than enough to slay the beast. " Fear not my children.." With a smug look on his face.." I will free you from this torment" With that he sallied forth towards the river on his holy quest and didn't want anyone to accompany him. He only asked his followers to remain fasting and praying and all shall be well before the day was done. Hours passed, and the anxious crowd was getting impatient. Some speculation that the holy man had met with an untimely and brutal demise started going round. Some still believed the papa was still kicking. " Eh!! Loook!" One of them shouted in amazement. From the distance, they saw him coming and on his face was a huge grin. Papa George raised his hands to the sky as if to show them he was triumphant. "My children.. It is well. I have purified the river and that vicious crocodile is no more" He assured the crowd in his soothing hoarse voice.." To complete the cleansing" he went on " God has told me that everyone in this community should attend the general baptism so as to cleanse every one of their sins" He had one of those seductive voices that would even convince the devil to jump off the bridge. They all listened to this smooth talk and swallowed up every word and as sure as day, they agreed to this mass cleansing to purify the river so that the evil beast would finally leave them. Finally, it was D-day, everyone gathered by the river.. Every boy and girl was there to witness this miraculous new beginning. Papa George walked through the crowd and into the river, he went to the centre and asked everyone to join him and gather around him. "Five years ago today.." He started with his fingers being run across his scars.. "I met a man, and this man not only saved me from the depths of hell but showed me the way. He gave me my salvation.. He gave me reason, he gave me power!" "Amen pastor!" The women from the crowd shouted. "He gave me the power to perform wonders.. And told me a day will come when I will bathe in the blood of my enemy. The day will come when they will beg for my mercy.. When they will scream my name" Papa George spoke with a satisfied smile on his face. "Today, you will witness this power first hand" He raised his hands into the air, the grass and trees started to rustle as there was a sudden wind. Overwhelmed by this power, the people started speaking in one of those famous tongues. "You will know what... Hell is" Papa George dug his fingers into his scars, blood came pouring down his face. This act scared the onlookers, most of them started trying to leave the river but could not, they were stuck. Pulling his face off, A large snout emerged from his open wound.. The water around him went into ripples. The frightened people stunned by the events and unable to move started screaming. Papa George's clothes started tearing themselves off as large bony plates protruded from his back. He shook his body and a large tail shot out of his ass. Shaking his head and the transformation was a complete. His eyes glowing with pure rage.. He was the beast of vengeance, the crocodile. A single swing of his tail sent dozens of heads flying across the river_ Guts were spilled. The river now ran crimson with blood and intestines. The people screamed and prayed to every god they have heard of but it was all vanity. Babies were merciless gnawed upon, nobody was spared from the slaughter. After hours of screaming, the bloodied river was silent with only limbs and other parts floating, corpses saturated the river. From the river and among the corpses, a naked figure covered in blood came forth.. It was papa George. Just a few metres from this horrific scene, a man dressed all in black watched in disbelief at the sight of this inhumane carnage. Oblivious to his presence, Papa George with a malignant blood soaked smile said. “Vengeance is mine" as he walked away from the mayhem. *** ** ** *** *** *** ** ** *** ** ** ** * * A few kilometers from this settlement was another, a peaceful town with a loving people. Everyone was so kind to one another , they treated each other as family. "Hello.. My child" An old man dressed in white spoke in his soothing voice. "Hallo sir" The little girl cheerfully replied. "You are such a lovely little soul" The stranger spoke as he scratched his beards. She giggled, "Thank you sir" she added "How may I help you sir?" "I need you to start a rumour for me" The old man smiled as he put his hand on the girl's head.
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