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realized I haven't really drawn a skel with their mouth open yet. Also a mini go at "can I do weird lighting"
And of course whenever I try something new at art there's always intruding sketches on the side.
edit: oh btw character belong to loverofpiggies, I was spaced out last night and forgot to credit
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unchained-hound · 1 year
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This one in particular does things to me that I can't say in here ngl
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
Primal - Ch.34 ~AU Predator (Franchise)~ Final Chapter
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Teleya’s POV
It’s odd to feel your own heartbeat slowing down in the darkest parts of your mind before it fades away for what seems like forever. And then that low steady beat creeps back up and continues stronger than ever…
I looked at Scorpion, his entire body looked sharper to me as if I had perfect 20/20 vision. I could smell him, he smelled like the forest, like the ocean water, like rain, and like snow all combined into one.
He gently reaches down to press his large hand to my face.
“Teleya I…” he trailed off, and I gave a gentle smile reaching my hand up to gently rest over his own. I nodded softly. I knew he was worried for me. I had died and now I am back.
“I know.” I replied. I now looked up at the ceiling and realized I was back on his ship. I slowly sat up, and he helped me. I looked at my stomach immediately. “The baby…”
“Is alright.” he announced. I nodded looking up at him with a head shake of confusion.
“Scorpion what’s happened to me?” I asked. His other hand moved to rest over my stomach.
“The child’s cells have combined and overtaken yours by a grave amount so that your body could carry it.” he said. I was stunned by his words, and I gently looked around the lab some more. Everything in here smelled of Scorpion. I liked it. I looked at my hands and legs, Scorpion’s hands never leaving my cheek and stomach. I didn’t feel any different. I finally looked at my mate who shrilled gently before leaning over to press his forehead against my own. I sighed deeply before inhaling his scent.
A sharp shrill caught my attention and I looked over the side of the metal table I was on and smiled at Chomper.
“Chomper!” I exclaimed and he hissed and spun in circles in happiness. I moved to get off the table with Scorpion holding me. I gave my little raptor a gentle pet before smelling a sweaty scent. I then looked over toward the entrance of the room to see Axel standing there with cuts and bruises, forehead covered in sweat. My eyes widened and I smiled.
“Axe, you’re alright!” I called moving up to him. He smiled and took small steps towards me.
“Hey neighbor.” he said. I gave him a tight hug. He smelled different. I have never really noticed any smell with him. But he smelled like blood.
“Thank you for bringing him back to me.” I said softly in his ear, and he sighed some.
“Yeah, well don’t ask me to do it again.” he said humorously. I smiled and pulled back.
“He is the last of the threat. I can kill him and mount his skull on my wall before the days end.” Scorpion said. I looked at Scorpion who’s eyes were dead set on Axel and Axel noticed this. He looked at me.
“What’s going on?” he asked, cautiously, as I stepped closer to my mate. Axel couldn’t see my now lightly glaring face as I looked at Scorpion sternly. He hissed down at me almost confused.
“Is my and your unborn suckling’s health and safety not enough?” I asked. Scorpion shrilled lightly, his dark eyes softening immediately to answer my question. I now gave a tired face and a light shake of my head. “I want to go home.”
Scorpion raised his hands yet again to cup my face gently. He looked over my shoulder with calmness before looking back at me.
“Yes, my love.” he said before bowing his head to me. I raised my hand to run over the back of his head in thanks.
After a moment, Scorpion showed Axel to the room he was to stay in. I smiled at him and rested my hand on his shoulder, much to Scorpion’s hiss of warning toward the cop. I could feel the instant jealousy, but he would endure it as this was most likely going to be the last time I ever see my neighbor again.
“This is your room. We will be home shortly. Once I drop you off… just know this will be the last time you ever see me again.” I explained. Axel nodded.
“I think after this moment, I am going to retire.” he said. I smiled and we shared a gently laugh.
“I will come get you when we are home.” I replied and he nodded before stepping back in the room and eyeing everything.
“I’ll be sure not to touch any buttons.” he said. I smiled and pushed the button for the doors to close. Now I looked at Scorpion and Chomper and smiled before approaching my mate and wrapping my arm around his much larger new arm. Scorpion wasted no time in swooping me off my feet and carrying me back to the room we shared.
In there, I stood in front of a large metal wall that has a mirror in it. It was a perfect rectangular shape. I gently touched the spot under my eyes noticing the once brown hues were now snow white, my skin peppered with lightly dots around my forehead, cheeks, and bottom chin. If anything, the shape was that of a butterfly. My tight curls had loosened into gentle waves. I looked at my body, giving a gentle hiss at the disgusting gown I was forced to wear. I tore it off, and finally revealed my body underneath.
My body looked tighter, my shape, my curves were definitely sharp. My breasts were the same, but I was sure they would grow to hold milk for my child. The same dark dots peppered my body and now I remembered where I have seen them from. I looked at Scorpion’s reflection as he stood without armor, without fishnets, without his loin cloth. I turned and looked up at his massive form and he shrilled softly down at me. He too had gentle dots that were a design of his skin. I was somewhat like him now. I gave a light worry.
“These changes in me, what do they mean for my future?” I asked. Scorpion eyed me with a soft gaze.
“Your aging will slow; your senses will now be that of yautja. Your appearance could change more.” he said, and I looked at his firm chest and nodded.
“So, I will be with you and our child for a very long time.” I said and he nodded.
“This pleases you?” he asked. I could hear the mild sense of worry in his tone. What did he have to worry about? Was he worried I would miss out on my more human life. I smiled up at him and nodded.
“This pleases me.” I replied before I finally realized something that brought dread to my face. “The people who took me-”
“Are dead and any trace of Yautja weaponry is gone. Only us three remain.”  he said looking down and placing his hand over my stomach and I shook my head still worried.
“They ran tests on me that showed them I was pregnant as well as my blood that has my changed DNA. Scorpion there is a much larger force out there that now knows of us.” I explained. He snarled, eyes hardening.
“Then I will kill them all.” he said. I shook my head immediately.
“No. I fear this is a force that we cannot just kill, we may have destroyed a root, but there is an entire tree somewhere out there with more power and more lethal than you only can face… soon this group whoever they are they will come after me if not to get to you then to get to them.”
I placed my hand over his hand on my stomach. Scorpion’s anger flared even more at my words.
“We cannot run unless we go somewhere on the other side of the planet, but even then, it would be hard for me to adapt as this baby grows and we cannot put ourselves in anymore danger that you would have to risk your life to protect us.” I exclaimed. He shrilled softly.
“It is my greatest honor, over the hunt, to protect you and our child.” he said. I felt my eyes water some in happiness of his words, but then I remembered the people he killed. The more places we try and go the more this threat will follow, and they too will kill innocent people to get to us.
“Like your species, this threat will learn your ways no matter how much you change your technology, we as humans may not be as advanced, but we will learn. Scorpion, I don’t want to live in fear, and I don’t want to raise our baby in fear.” I told.
Scorpion shrilled lowly at my words raising his head to look above me. I simply leaned in and wrapped my arms around his large frame, feeling his arms lock around me. I could hear his mighty heart beating in sync with my own.
“Then we will go.” he finally says. I looked up at him with a gentle shake of my head in confusion.
“Go where?”  I asked. My mate was looking ahead with determination before two pairs of white eyes locked.
“To Mariterra, a water world.” he said. “As an enforcer, I am in charge of many inhabitable planets that contain Yautja clans to ensure they remain free of bad bloods. My ancestors started their bloodlines there. It is inhabitable for humans.”
My eyes widened at his words as I leaned back looking completely dazed.
“And we can go there?” I asked. Scorpion nodded.
“We can go there after we drop off the human.” he said. Woah. Leave earth and live on an alien planet. I looked away for a moment, my eyes moving back toward the mirror. To leave meant never seeing anyone here again, never seeing Kelly or her children or even Axel… not even Pandora. But to leave here would mean the safety of our child and myself. I closed my eyes and looked down for a moment before smiling and turning to Scorpion.
“Yes. Let’s leave this place.” I said. Scorpion’s eyes softened, his mandibles clicking happily before he embraced me again. I missed being in his hold.
“I will teach you the way of the Yautja.” he promised.
The ship’s autopilot alerted us that we would be back in the vicinity of my neighborhood, and that it’s concealment system would remain activated. Scorpion, now fully armored, moved over toward the side of the room where he had an impressive wall of weapons, but the empty space beside it made me tilt my head in curiosity.
He pressed a button on the wall, and slowly the blank wall slid up and revealed a wall of both armor, fishnet clothing, as well as what looked like jewelry and neck pieces. But as I grew closer to this wall, I noticed row upon rows of neck pieces with long beads of different colors around it. Beneath this row were long and short loin clothes that were definitely not the size of my mate. The shapes alone told me the top row was for wearing over my shoulders or around my neck and the bottom were clothing to cover my bottom half. To a human’s eyes these garments hardly covered anything, and I was sure parts of my body that should always be covered, will be exposed. I looked at Scorpion with an impressed smirk. Scorpion shrilled.
“When I first met you, I knew you were to be mine. These were the last sets of gifts I was going to present you. This is what is worn during peace times. I made them for you.” he said. I looked at him lovingly before I eyed a specific set. Beautiful tiny blue gems flowed downward and looked like a beautiful spider’s web of gems. Beneath the top were a small cluster of white beads also mimicking a water web. I smiled gently.
“You know my mother… gave birth to me in water. I used to love swimming with her. I always felt connected to water. That’s how I felt connected with her before she died. That connection was lost when I came here. But these colors, remind me of the water.” I said gently. Scorpion tilted his head some watching me with soft eyes.
Slowly I removed the top row of beads and pressed my head through the circular opening in the middle. The beads fell over my chest, hiding my breasts just enough. Then I slid the white-water web of beads around my waist. It definitely covered just enough. I thought I would feel exposed, and somewhat embarrassed to be wearing something like this. But if anything, I felt happy knowing Scorpion was watching me with a deep purr. I smirked and moved back over to the mirror and gasped at how exquisite this set looked on me. My body sparkled beneath the lights above.
Scorpion stood behind me watching me with warm eyes, and I nodded.
“This should have been the first gift.” I replied. He cackled sharply before giving out a low melodic laugh. I smiled, but our happy moment was interrupted by the ship.
Intruder in the command room
Axel must have been exploring and came upon the control room.
Scorpion rolled his eyes now.
“I will be happy when that human is gone.” he said. I smirked and we moved out the room and down the hall. Everything felt cold for a split second before warming up around me. We moved back to the front of the ship to see Axel staring at the large screen ahead.
Chomper was hissing not liking the cop being here, but our attention was no longer on him but on the screen. We stepped closer observing what looked like video footage of my home. People in black suits were in my home tearing up the place. This ship must be hovering over my home. We were perfectly hidden and obviously the ship made no noise.
So, it had begun already. I winced as this footage moved to different angles of the house.
There were at least fifteen men pulling out my drawers and ripping open my couch as if looking for something.
“There’s got to be something in here that could tell us where she’s gone. She couldn’t have gotten far.” one of the men said. They were from that fucking alien hunter sector Miles was in charge of. It seemed they wasted no time replacing him. There were different angles of the house showing people in my bedroom tearing up and smashing things, even in my bathroom my products were pushed off the counter and on the floor.
The view showed my living room again, and this time I gasped I saw Pandora hissing and scratching from a small cage that men were kicking at taunting her. I tensed and felt anger rage inside me almost immediately.
I whipped my head up to Scorpion with a vicious frown, and as if he knew what I wanted, he grabbed his new mask from his side and placed it against his face. It made a heightened clicking noise before he raised his wrist up, a large, curved, single edged blade struck out immediately before he turned and moved toward the door.
“Chomper.” he said firmly. The acid raptor screeched in response and followed after him through the door. Axel finally turned to me, looking me over, no longer phased and then back up at the screen.
“What are they going to do?” he asked. I stared at the screen; all emotion drained from my face.
“What they do best. Hunt.” I said lowly. The screen remained on the living room, and I watched with pride in my eyes as my door was eventually kicked in.
Guns were drawn and immediately bullets sprayed the room as a fully visible Yautja enforcer was running through the room, slicing up men one by one. Chomper jumped on a man’s chest and bit down on his face before jumping off. I could hear his skin sizzling from the acid bite of my raptor. Blood painted the walls swiftly. Axel just stared wide eyed as Scorpion just moved about the room slashing at any chests and stomachs and hands and necks. I continued to watch as he disappeared into my room and all I saw was blood flying into the hallway.
I just watched as Axel just covered his mouth with his hand.
“He’s not even using other weapons like he did at that facility.” he said in awe. Chomper bit down on a soldier’s stomach as he tried to crawl away and get him off him. Scorpion came up and gripped the man’s mouth from the top and together both just pulled viciously ripping his in half. This lasted for ten minutes before the sounds of guns faded and what was left was a blood-soaked room. Axel just stared completely stunned. I moved over toward the ships controls and pressed a button that was lowering the ship to hover closer to the houses.
“Axel, you should go home now.” I said and looked at my neighbor. I was pretty sure Scorpion reignited his blood lust and I did not want my friend on the ship when he returned. Finally, he looked at me and his eyes saddened some and he nodded. He approached me holding his hand up for me to shake.
“I’ll miss our morning talks.” he said. I smiled and nodded.
“As will I.” I replied shaking his hand. “Come I’ll walk you out.”
Once we were at the bottom of the ship, the circular door opened, and I saw we were very close to the ground. He would have to worry so he wasn’t seen. I was sure he would be called to investigate the massacre that just happened and sadly he would need a good story for this. Axel looked at me and nodded.
“Goodbye Teleya.” he said. I smiled.
“Goodbye, detective.” I said. He smiled and jumped from the ship and down to the ground. He hurried to his home and went inside. Not long after, I waited for Scorpion to return to the control room.
Under his arm was Pandora purring and rubbing her head under his mandible. I smiled happily and moved to take her and smiled nuzzling my head into her face. She gave a quick hiss as if scared. She sniffed my face some before purring and nuzzling my face into her. It was time to go, but I knew I could not take my lovely cat with me.
Who knows what creatures we will face on this new planet, and Chomper was already eyeing the cat hoping to be fed the feline as a job well done on their hunt.
“There’s one more place we have to go.”  I said to Scorpion. He gave a low, casual snarl but nodded. I held on to Pandora through the entire flight, rubbing my cheek over her head. She purred heavily enjoying my warmth. I sighed gently looking at her. I sat on our large bed of furs while Scorpion was sitting on the floor, without his armor on, cleaning his weapons. Chomper had to wait outside the room while I had the cat. I knew after this night; I will never see my beloved cat again.
“Ou mata e matagi,” I sang, rubbing her back gently as she curled up on me. Scorpion’s head raised a little to listen as he continued to clean. The first song that brought Scorpion to me never felt so new to my lungs. Even my voice seemed different when I sang. “Ou loto mamaina toa. Manatu atu. Taku pelepele. Pa mai to mafanafanaga. Saolotoga tenei Manatunatu. Ki tamafine.”
When the ship hovered over the Thompson’s home, I held Pandora to me as Scorpion held me and scaled down the side of the home toward a familiar sight. Kelly’s daughters, Tory, Eliza, and Camille were fast asleep in their bed. I knew it was another mouth to feed, but I could not leave Pandora with anyone else. I touched the window seal and although, I managed to open it quite easily. The window made a crack from being opened. The girls didn’t stir, but I could definitely hear Lou’s snoring become interrupted.
“What was that?” he asked. I immediately kissed Pandora, knowing her collar with her name on and my information would show Kelly she was mine, and guided her into the room where she landed on Tory’s bed. I sniffled some as Scorpion carried me back up the brick wall and back onto the ship.
I could feel us moving up into the air and I winced knowing that this meant no more home, no more work, no more sunsets or sun rises. No more of my life as I knew it. But the human me died on that table hours ago. Now I was someone else. I stood beside Scorpion in the control room watching as he was typed in the coordinates. Chomper was at my side, his tail wrapped around mine as he watched the enforcer was doing. The ship began to move even faster. Finally, Scorpion looked at me and approached.
“We will be leaving this atmosphere in a matter of time. Once we leave, there is no going back.” he said, and I nodded as he moved to take hold of my arms in his.
“My home is wherever we are.” I replied softly. Scorpion shrilled gently and leaned down to press his forehead into mine.
“Even if this planet does not fit our needs, there are many other inhabitable ones we can go to.” He said.
“Your ancestors came from this planet; I want our child to grow there. I am not afraid of the future. You are my mate and I go where you go.” I promised, and he shrilled, and we closed our eyes letting our heads gently fall in silence as if we were silently praying.
The future will never scare me as long as I had my family with me. We will forever be one even as we go to this new world. Mariterra…
The End
Author's Notes
Okay so this was Primal!
Let me know if you'd be interested in the second installement Primal: The Clan of Blood and Water. This would follow Teleya and Scorpion's journey in a new world as they prepare for Teleya's birth while she also has to earn the respect of many in her new clan.
I'll post it here if you're interested.
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lazybutsmexy · 2 years
Bird hunting
Ghost x fem!reader x Soap
Chapter 9: Broken Cage
Ch. 8 <; Series Masterlist
Warnings: violence, blood and injury, character death.
Summary: Canary will make them pay for everything. All at once.
Do not read this work if you're under 18. This work contains mature and triggering themes.
Word count: 2800~
“Luke is taking too long.” Alan comments to no one in particular, his cup of coffee in front of him left untouched after the first few sips - it tasted like sewage water, truth be told. 
Charlie simply hummed in acknowledgment as he munched down on some crackers he had found in his backpack - the only non-stale food in the cabin. He gulped them down with cold coffee, and Alan decided not to think too much about the state of his taste buds. 
“He’s probably just avoiding the cops,” Charlie finally commented after a few silent minutes, “maybe there are blockades and shit.”
Alan said nothing, limiting himself to smoke his cigarette and watch out of the open cabin door towards the road. It was almost noon, and he had returned to the cabin hours ago. He had planned on getting some shut-eye once Luke had come back, but the hours passed with no news and he was growing antsy. 
He knew that as far as Luke was concerned, the only thing the police could arrest him for was driving a stolen van. If that was the case, it would be only a matter of time until he received a call from the police station and he would have to present himself as his friend to bail him out, or as his lawyer and demand his release until a set court date. He had done it with Charlie a couple of times before, it would be a first for Luke. 
A quiet grumble interrupted his musings, and both men looked at the direction it came from. Alan suddenly remembered that their cute little hostage hadn’t had anything to eat in almost two days, and he sighed. “...Right.” He took one cracker from the sleeve and stood up, stepping slowly towards her. 
Canary froze up, inwardly cursing her stomach for being so impatient and calling their attention. She had been painstakingly rubbing the hilt of the knife against her bindings, keeping her wrist movements hidden from her captors with the rest of her body. She had managed to avoid detection so far, and it seemed as if her greatest traitor would be her own body. Her heartbeat was loud in her ears as Alan approached her, and she wormed away from him in an attempt to hide her little plan. 
He stopped right before the bed, and showed her the cracker held between two fingers. “If you try to bite me, I’ll tear your teeth out one by one, understand?” 
Canary gulped and nodded, knowing that her best chance of escaping would be by them letting down their guard. That would only happen if they didn’t see her as a danger, and the only way she could accomplish that, was to be obedient and submissive. Only until she got her damn restraints off, though. 
Alan nodded and leaned down, pressing the cracker against her lips. She took it with her teeth as slowly as she could, trying her best not to touch his fingers with her lips. Alan smirked, releasing the cracker and stroking her cheek with his knuckles. “Good girl.”
She felt like lurching whatever remained in her empty stomach as she heard him - it definitely sounded much better when it was Simon saying it - but she ate the cracker in silence. It was a little humid, but it would do for now. 
“If you behave,” Alan hummed, pulling away, and walking back to his seat, “you’ll get another one later.” 
She now really wanted to bite his fingers off. 
“I can think of something else for her to eat, though,” Charlie leered at her, licking his lips with a wolfish grin. 
She narrowed her eyes. I dare you to try, see how my chompers work, she thought, but stayed silent as she swallowed the cracker. Canary had resumed her work on the ligatures as they were distracted, slowly grinding the knife against the bindings, which were giving away little by little. The more they loosened, the more she could feel the rope burn around her wrists. She kept her breathing steady, not looking away from the men as she worked. 
Alan seemed to read her thoughts, though, as he cackled out loud. “You want to live the rest of your life with half a dick? Be my guest then.” Charlie simply shook his head, lighting a cigarette and clowning the smoke towards her. 
“She won’t be able to if I dislocate her jaw, though,” he chuckled darkly, enjoying the mental image that his brain conjured, already feeling his blood pooling to his crotch. 
“That’s for the buyer to decide, and you know that,” Alan scolded him, and put out the butt of his cig on the table. He checked his wrist watch and stood up with a grunt, patting down the front of his jacket. “I’m off to check if we got an answer from our buyer,” he walked to the door and sent Charlie a last warning, “I’m serious, if you do anything to her that can’t be covered with a band-aid, I’m going to kill you.”
Charlie watched him go with a snort, taking a long drag of his cig, “You’re no fun.” 
The last thread of the rope snapped away at the same moment the door closed shut behind Alan, and Canary nearly cried in relief. She managed to stealthily pull the pieces of rope away from her wrists and hold the knife tightly in one hand. Her blood pounded through the bruises and into her hands, cramping the tips of her fingers, but she was well aware that she had no time to relax. Charlie had stood up from his chair. 
He downed the last bit of his coffee and lit another cigarette, his eyes leisurely traveling from her chest to her feet. He took a step closer to the end of the bed, his eyes shifting to her face. 
“I’ll be quick, I promise,” he grumbled with a smirk, fiddling with the cigarette and leaning in to hold her ankles with his free hand. 
Canary kicked back half-heartedly and let out a small whimper while her eyes fixed on his openings, she needed to make him think she wanted to crawl away from him, that would make him lean in even closer. She was dangling the bait in front of him, and her hand clutched the knife, ready to swing at the smallest chance. “Try not to scream so much, okay? Alan is busy, after all.”
Charlie used his leg to press down on her thighs, unknowingly offering her a full view of his back. His free hand clutched her ankles while the hand holding the cigarette inched closer to her skin. He failed to see the shadow over his shoulder as the knife came down. 
Canary was significantly weakened from her usual strength, due to the drugs, the hunger, the dehydration. But she still managed to dig the knife halfway into his back - more or less where his upper-lung should be. He let out a painful howl and tried to flinch away, but her hand clamped down on his upper arm and pulled out the knife, before forcing it down on his neck as fast as she could. 
The thin muscle gave way to the steel and Canary pulled the knife out just as quickly as she stabbed it, and blood began spurting out in the same rhythm as his heartbeat. Charlie’s legs managed to pull him away from her only to tumble down onto the floor, taking the chair down with him. 
Canary jumped on her feet, ignoring the stinging pain in her soles, and readied herself to attack again. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and fueled her with almost the same energy she felt in the battlefield. A sense of euphoria surrounded her when he looked up at her with a mixture of fear and rage, desperately trying to put pressure on the hole in his neck. He opened his mouth but only a gurgling sound came out, and she knew that he was starting to drown in his own blood.
Canary raised her hand holding the knife and took a deep breath, before smirking down at him. He was going to pay for everything, all at once. 
“Get in,” Luke did as was told, or attempted to, since his hands were still handcuffed behind his back. A strong hand pushed him into the car and he groaned in protest, before setting down in the middle of the backseat. 
He allowed himself a moment to take a deep breath, until he realized he wouldn't be alone. The Sergeant with the mohawk and the Lieutenant with the skull mask climbed in and sat on his sides, their enormous bodies barely fitting in the back of the patrol car - and big weapons held between their legs. Suddenly the air in the back of the patrol was stuffy and he barely had room to breathe.
An officer sat behind the wheel and Hartford climbed in the passenger seat. “Where?” He simply asked, looking at Luke out of the corner of his eye. 
“T-take the road around campus and cross the bridge,” Luke could barely let the words out of his mouth, feeling two pairs of eyes practically digging through his flesh, “then take the first turn to the right.”
The patrol car drove off, and Price’s jeep followed with him and Gaz inside. 
Alan stopped dead in his tracks as he was walking down the road. He knew he had heard a shout, but wasn’t sure of whether it was the girl or Charlie. He slowly turned around, weighing his options. 
If it was the girl and Charlie lost it again and tried to ‘shut her up’, they would surely lose another product before he even got a sale confirmation. If it was Charlie, and the girl had managed to hurt him in some way, it meant that he would fight back - the girl was tied, drugged, and hungry; he was at an advantage and would certainly bust her head open. Again, lost product. 
A third possibility crossed his mind, but he dismissed it quickly - it couldn’t be possible that she had managed to untie herself. Even if she did, he was still stronger than her, there was no way…
A few moments passed in silence before he began walking back to the cabin. Minutes passed when he finally reached the cabin and opened the door, his mouth instantly slackening in shock. 
Charlie was on the floor with his limbs spread out, lying in a pool of his own blood, and their hostage was kneeling on top of him with her hand holding the knife that was still buried to the hilt in Charlie’s chest. She was disheveled, her clothes were covered in blood and her eyes shot up to meet Alan’s. He felt a shiver travel down his spine - her eyes were cold and deadly. His hand reached under his jacket where he hid his holster at the same moment she stood up. 
Canary held the knife tightly in her hand and ran forward, nearly slipping on the blood with her bare feet, as she stormed to her enemy with a battle scream that nearly drowned the bang of the shot being fired. 
“Um… Take the road up north and drive on,” Luke gulped as he sat up straight. He had the feeling that if he relaxed just a little, he would die. However, both Soap and Ghost remained silent, simply watching out of the window and only occasionally sending Luke a glare, just to make sure he couldn’t try anything funny. They both knew that their presence in the car alone was enough to inhibit any fighting plan he could conjure up.
As the car turned right on the intersection, a few minutes passed before Hartford recognized the scenery and his heart dropped. A day prior, Melanie Kirk was shot and killed in that road, and the detective remembered exactly which tree had stopped her car. Now, he was traveling down that same road, with one of the men involved in her death, to rescue the woman she had tried to help. 
He looked into the side view mirror and saw Ghost’s eyes on him. He seemed to be thinking the exact same thing as him. 
They will pay for everything. 
The sound of the bed sheets ripping under the hilt of her knife was barely louder than her panting. Once Canary gathered enough strips of fabric, she took a large square of fabric and folded it several times to create a press, and held it against her open wound with a groan. The bullet had gone through and through, and although it passed dangerously close to her lung, she didn’t hear any whistling sounds coming out of her wound. 
Canary wrapped her makeshift bandages around herself as tightly as she could, knowing that it would be only a matter of time until her blood started to stain the cloth even further. She couldn’t sit still, though. She knew that the third man had been out for a while, and he would be back at any minute now. She was now too injured to hold a fight with an uninjured man who was probably also armed, while she only had a knife.  
Despite the risk of blood loss being too great, it was still a fighting chance that she wouldn’t have if she just stayed idle. If she made it to a road with more traffic, she would be able to find help. 
As she walked out of the cabin, she was faced with a difficult decision: should she walk on the road, or should she sneakily walk through the forest? She would be able to flag down a vehicle easier if she walked on the road. However, she would also be easily found by the third man. Besides, he was supposed to get another vehicle, so she may not recognize the danger until it becomes too late. 
The forest would definitely hide her from view from the road, but it would be hard to navigate in it without having been able to see the road when they got there. She glanced down at her newly acquired shoes, courtesy of Baldie’s corpse. They were a couple sizes too big, but they would help protect her feet from the terrain. 
Her wound stung, and she looked up at the sky. It was past noon now, and the sun felt nice on her skin. The wind made her shiver - she would have at least 4 hours of sunlight before she was consumed by the dark. She needed to find help before then. 
Canary took a deep breath and marched forward, decidedly walking into the forest, unaware of Alan’s eyes trained on her. He had somehow avoided death, and managed to get up as she left, his weapon still in his hand. He wheezed and coughed as the taste of iron filled his mouth at the effort, but his entire body was fueled by rage. Pure adrenaline pumped through his veins as he gripped his gun and staggered after her. 
Straight into the woods.
A/N: Canary made Charlie into a cushion pin for his own knife.
Taglist: @died-in-a-field-of-flowers @rafaelacallinybbay @namenotimportant1373 @ragingbookdragon @zinfairy @scrumplump @speckel @omgitstatertot @fullmoon-94 @kalamataolivesssss @embers-of-alluring @warenai @frazie99 @kee-0-kee @littlezarp @scaredknight @tapioca-marzipan @kendahl757 @sweetybuzz25 @cumbersome-robes @carlyi @oyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoya @scarletbandit @twistytimesandthoughts @angelsquidd @ilovemoneyandcheese @sail-boat21
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jinko-hellhound · 20 days
“cancer eater” ch 1 — bungou stray dogs — atsushi, dazai, akutagawa, ensemble
True to name, Atsushi is the Man-Eating Tiger. All at once he develops fangs, a love of raw meat, and a horrible craving for his friends.
“Very dry air can make the tiny capillaries in your nose burst randomly, including in your sleep. One late, dry night in the dying days of fall, the sharp scent of copper drew Atsushi out of his closet. Barefoot and sleep-addled, he stood on the cold tatami and watched Kyouka sleep. Blood dripped down her nose, her cheek, the gentle bow of her lip. In the dark, the blood looked black.”
words: 3,559
first published: 9/3/24
characters: nakajima atsushi, dazai osamu, akutagawa ryuunosuke, edogawa ranpo, ada ensemble
relationships: nakajima atsushi/akutagawa ryuunosuke, nakajima atsushi & dazai osamu, nakajima atsushi & the armed detective agency
tags: dead dove do not eat, cannibal nakajima atsushi, graphic gore, hurt/comfort, hurt/some comfort, angst, self harm, eating disorder themes, cannibalism as a metaphor for love, armed detective agency as family
crossposted on ao3
* THIS IS NOT A DAZATSU FIC, Dazai and Atsushi’s dynamic is central and weird and toxic like in canon but firmly platonic. **NOBODY dies or is attacked by Atsushi in this fic.
warnings for this chapter: self harm, references to suicide/attempts, eating disorders/eating disorder-like behaviors, off-screen vomiting, gore, a cat dies
asks, replies, reblogs appreciated and encouraged! ask to be put on tag list!! 💕💞
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It started with a dull pang in Atsushi’s stomach, a heaviness to his tongue, and an incessant craving for lentils and beef and spinach. He couldn’t stop eating, taking down two helpings for every meal, jerky sticks in between cases, protein bars while he worked. None of it satisfied him; even as his stomach bloated until he thought he’d burst, he put on no weight and his appetite only grew, and grew, and grew.
It started with his teeth becoming, somehow, too big for his mouth, forcing his lips to always hang ever so slightly open. Dazai loved this development. He liked to lean over their desks and pry Atsushi’s mouth open with his fingers and declare Look at those chompers! Hot embarrassment and overwhelming love would flood Atsushi’s cheeks when Dazai broke the monotony of work to bring the rest of the office into his jokes, or when Kunikida asked him how his gums were feeling in the mornings, or Kenji offered him a chewable necklace to ease the pain. Belonging had him floating as he walked. Belonging settled the growing pit in his stomach, or rather, belonging distracted him from how the pit was expanding exponentially each day.
The day Dazai discovered Atsushi’s growing-in teeth, Atsushi was forced to pose for a polaroid with his mouth wide and a ruler held up to his new canines. Then Yosano, with a gleeful spark in her eyes that had Atsushi shuddering, ushered him into the infirmary. She measured his canines, his nails, used some strange machine to examine his pupils. (Was she an eye doctor? Was she trained in optometry at all?) She had concerns about his braces, although it seemed like they wouldn’t pose an issue. (As always, he was embarrassed to even address his braces.) She asked after his diet and his height and his sleep patterns until she had reams and reams of notes on him. Feeling like an awful liar, he decided to keep his recent constant hunger to himself, for a reason he couldn’t quite place.
At the end of it all, she said, Be right back here when you come in next Monday. Then, taking his hand in hers, she smiled and continued, We’ve all got you, Atsushi. His fingers laid over her wrist, where her pulse was steady and hot. Its rhythm echoed through him, from his hands to his heart to his stomach to his teeth.
It started with a gaze that lingered on soft thighs, on meaty arms, on the long curves of necks and the fine details of ears. Kunikida’s broad shoulders when he stretched at his desk. Fukuzawa’s strong hands when they flexed over the hilt of his sword. Atsushi could not stop staring at everyone around him, in a way he never did before.
On the third day of Atsushi’s teeth adventure, he went on a date with Akutugawa. Which was — a recent thing. Less recent than the cravings and the teeth. But recent enough that Atsushi’s heart still fluttered when he and Akutugawa’s knees knocked underneath the cafe table.
After — well. They’d barely kissed and they’d hardly held hands. Everything between them was all new and precious, previous forced amputations and vampirisms and clawing attempts notwithstanding. Akutugawa was only just managing to choke out genuine compliments, and Atsushi was still learning how to reign Byakko’s temper in. They were still getting to know each other casually despite understanding each other intimately; they were figuring out how to be kind and couldn’t help but explode on each other still, every once in a while, until Chuuya or Dazai or Kunikida intervened in their own strange ways.
Today, everything was nice. Atsushi could not believe his luck to be sitting on this quiet cafe patio downtown, the gentle sun on his face, Akutugawa focusing on him with something like softness.
Akutugawa was in a tight turtleneck and sleek pants and designer sunglasses, his long, slender fingers resting on his mug, and Atsushi could not look away from him. Byakko caught Akutugawa’s regular heartbeat, the slight wheeze of all his breaths, the jingling of his keys whenever he shifted in his seat.
“So you’re growing fangs.” Akutugawa was stirring cream into his coffee but not looking at it. His gaze was always so intent as to discomfort. Atsushi could never handle holding Akutugawa’s eye contact too long, his eyes dark and focused; Atsushi always broke first.
Atsushi laved his tongue over his fangs, which were now always pressing into his bottom lip. “Yeah,” he sighed, spilling more sugar into his mug. “Dazai’s excited about it, at least. Yosano thinks I’m becoming more tiger-like because I’m finally eating enough, and safe, and not about to die all the time.”
Akutugawa hummed. He took a long drink of his coffee; Atsushi tracked the bobbing of his throat, mouth suddenly very dry. The white of Akutugawa’s thyroid cartilage peeked over his dark turtleneck, skin tight over delicate muscle. His shirt hugged his clavicle so that the bone stuck out like a handle. “Just don’t start eating people, jinko.”
“Right,” Atsushi said, laughing. Sticky sweat gathered at the small of his back. “How’s Gin?”
It started with canines that casually grazed his friends’ skin, playing with the idea of puncturing, a touch so light as to raise no one’s suspicion but his own. He couldn’t help it. It was instinctual that when another’s flesh neared Atsushi’s face, he’d twist his head, open his mouth, and let his teeth rest. Junichiro’s forearm, when he slung his arm over Atsushi’s shoulders. Kyouka’s jugular, when she fell asleep on his chest. He was transfixed, frozen, his teeth always hovering.
Atsushi discovered himself doing this for the first time while joking around with Dazai and Kunikida. Well, mostly with Dazai — Kunikida didn’t seem to think it was very funny, the way Dazai and Atsushi were bantering back and forth, tossing paper airplanes and erasers and crumpled reports, cursing dramatically every time they were hit. Kunikida berated Dazai, who pinned it on Atsushi, who started shooting back how he knew how many stacks of paperwork Dazai had hidden in his locker. Dazai scrambled across the desk, slapped his hand over Atsushi’s mouth, and started rambling out his explanations.
Atsushi did not fight. The heat of Dazai’s palm shocked him. He only needed to open his mouth a millimeter to rest the points of his canines on the full, calloused pade of fat there, his breath shaking with the threat of sinking down. Atsushi swore he could feel Dazai’s soul marching under his rough armor of skin, could feel it in his tongue and in his gums.
Dazai was still going back-and-forth with an increasingly irate Kunikida, but his eyes slid over to Atsushi. His fingers twitched, his index pressing purposefully into Atsushi’s cheek, and Atsushi realized he should have been sputtering and stammering and swatting Dazai away that whole time. So he did — with all the drama and indignance he could — but Dazai was still watching him, in that way he did when he wanted Atsushi to know he was being studied.
It started with his cuticles.
With him curled up in his closet, his canines digging into the tough skin around his nails, his pupils blowing wide at the copper taste of his own hot blood. It was Lucy’s wrists — the sight of them twisting as she poured his tea, the sudden, horrific, desperate thought of those fragile veins bursting on his tongue — which sent him here.
It was dark and dusty in the closet in which he slept. But his pupils were as blown as they could be, and Byakko had no problem watching the trickle of blood catch in the grooves of his knuckles. She chased it with her rough tongue, bit into his fingerbones, punctured the web between pointer and middle like paper.
Everything was quiet but for soft whimpers and the gentle sound of suckling on one’s own blood. Atsushi’s mouth trailed down, down, until he hit the meat of his forearm. His jaw opened wider, the points of his teeth settled on his flesh. A breath in, a breath out. Heady anticipation. He sank in. Bliss.
Tough meat, tender fat. Move up towards his wrist, find veins — hook his teeth into them, pull them out like licorice. Dizzy with it. Blurry vision, a pounding in his temples. Byakko’s regeneration made quick work of it, and he went again, until he no longer wished it was Lucy’s cephalic vein which he worked into the gap between his two front teeth.
At some point Byakko grew tired. He stood and found that she did not regenerate blood nearly as quickly as she regenerated flesh; gasping for air, he collapsed back down and laid there, yellow fat and drying blood smeared across his cheeks.
Eventually he realized his own flesh wasn’t enough.
Well, he says eventually. But the moment he first sank his teeth into his arm, he knew it wouldn’t work. It did its job — at first — but it left him numb, and desperate, a pit still in his stomach.
He was eating a lot of raw meat, these days. He tried sushi and sashimi to satisfy that urge, but it wasn’t bloody enough, wild enough, to replace — well. It didn’t satiate Byakko. Grocery store beef and chicken worked for a while, so long as he gnawed on his own arms every few days.
When Kyouka wasn’t home Atsushi would crouch over his counter, shovel the meat into his mouth, relish in the endless chewing of the tougher bits, the fat melting on his tongue, the cartilage crunching. There was lots of cartilage, lots of bone, lots of tough bits. He always bought the cheapest stuff. And he never got sick from it.
Afterwards Byakko would rumble approval and rest. She’d curl into the back of his mind, happy as a cat with cream, and Atsushi would find himself a beast, breathing ragged in the middle of his kitchen, blood and juices dribbling down his chin, the sun sinking low in the window.
But she would always be hungry again within the hour. So he dug into himself more, and more, and more. His thighs suffered too. He was drawing more and more blood, circling it back through himself, catching his own flesh and bits of bone.
Byakko worked hard but Atsushi knew he was starting to look a little anemic — always ghastly pale like he was when Dazai first found him, stumbling wherever he went. The others noticed. Ranpo was always squinting at him these days. Where’s your lunch, Atsushi? He was Atsushi’s worst nightmare right now — asking him about blood loss, iron deficiencies, diet. Always whispering to Yosano.
Atsushi tried local farmers and hunters, buying straight from the source. Then he’d had to haltingly explain to Kyouka why there was half a deer in their freezer, and anyway, it didn’t help much. And it drained his wallet.
So all of this was just… stopgaps. Preventative measures that became more and more desperate as that persistent ache made a home in his stomach.
He began to develop a horrible craving for his friends.
Not that strangers didn’t catch his eye. He’d go on jobs and stop and stare at murder victims, mouth flooding with saliva. He’d claw down a suspect and stop himself with his teeth scant inches from their jugulars. It was becoming harder and harder to be in public for the way his gaze couldn’t help but stick. Kyouka told him he was becoming a hermit.
But murder victims and murder suspects and waitresses and bus drivers… they just didn’t appeal to him nearly as much as his coworkers. Lucy’s cheeks were wonderfully full when she smiled, he noticed over a cup of tea. Kyouka’s shoulder was birdbone frail, but if he shifted his head the right way when he leaned on her he could feel the sweet rhythm of her pulse at the base of her neck. Yosano’s calves were beautifully accentuated by her heels, and Atsushi couldn’t help but track her graceful steps. When Ranpo offered candies to Atsushi, hands outstretched, Atsushi took special note of the soft plumpness of his wrists.
And Dazai, who was always touching Atsushi — arm around his shoulders, cheek leaning into the top of his head, sides flush together when Dazai was curious about Atsushi’s work — was just so very warm.
One day, Dazai came to work smelling of blood. Dazai said nothing of it. He was walking fine; the blood smelled not like it was old, but like it was clotting, and there wasn’t much of it. This was far from abnormal from Dazai. Atsushi had long since given up on expressing any concern, because Dazai always dismissed him, and all it ever served to do was shutter Dazai’s expression and make him all closed off and fake for the rest of the day. All Atsushi could do was watch, and try to prevent.
No one else noticed the blood, except Byakko was yowling.
When they worked, Dazai was usually only a few feet away from Atsushi. Their desks were corner-caddy; this was usually wonderful. Usually, Atsushi used their position to his advantage to always spy. He liked to watch Dazai and his unpredictability out of the corner of his eye, attempt to force Dazai into something understandable.
Today, their proximity was torture. Every man’s blood, Atsushi found, had a slightly different scent to it. Atsushi had smelled Dazai’s a million times and until recently it had never smelled so sweet that he needed to chug it.
The smell was clogging his throat. Atsushi kept forgetting his work, hunched over his desk like a freak, outright staring at Dazai for tens of seconds at a time. Dazai had to have noticed, but Dazai was good at acting like he had not noticed things in a way that told you he had absolutely noticed.
Desperately, Atsushi brought one of his hands up to his face to stifle the scent. He was able to work for ten, fifteen minutes. That smell of blood — of liquor and something heavy, of wet dog and cigarette smoke — crept in, but it was slow about it, sneaky; Atsushi didn’t realize his hand had stopped being effective until his teeth were already sinking into the hill of his palm. And then helplessly he bit, and bit, unable to stop himself, to even think about stopping himself.
And Kunikida shouted, his sharp voice ripping Atsushi’s teeth out of his own flesh. Not without carnage: bits of his own flesh caught on his canines and plopped onto the desk.
This was the first time Atsushi really had to lie. With his own blood pooling in the cracks in his lips, he stammered out something about zoning out, didn’t realize my teeth had gotten so sharp! Then he stumbled off to his lunch break.
The President had a gaggle of stray cats which gathered on the windowsills and in the halls and on the front stoop. Atsushi loved them from his first day at the Office. Helped Fukuzawa name all the new ones, volunteered to feed them, spent his breaks with them.
There was a convenient alleyway behind the Agency to which Atsushi often disappeared. When work and socialization got too much, the cheap metal chair and table someone had put out here were his lifeboat. The cats were a lovely bonus.
Lady, the fat black Maine-coon Atsushi had once nursed back from starvation, was the only cat around today. As soon as Atsushi sat down Lady jumped up onto the table, shoving her head under Atsushi’s trembling hands for pets; Atsushi admired her utter lack of shame.
“Hi, love,” Atsushi said, his head ducking low so Lady could hear the tremoring softness of his voice. Lady’s face tilted up to meet him. The top of her skull met Atsushi’s nose and lips. Byakko had healed Atsushi’s palm, but when he pushed his fingers into Lady’s fur, flecks of his drying blood caught.
That morning, Atsushi had eaten three steaks. His stomach did not seem to know this. Dazai, Dazai, Dazai, Byakko was thinking. Lady purred as though attempting to distract Atsushi so he shoved his face into her neck. He took deep breaths that smelled of dirt and fish and wet cat, trying to chase out Dazai.
Atsushi’s phone chirped — it was Akutugawa texting. Ryuunosuke, Atsushi thought to himself. They were trying first names, now. It was nice. New. And kind. But this text was an awful development, not for its content but for the way Atsushi’s blood ran hotter when he saw the name.
Despite all he’d eaten, he was still so hungry. Byakko heard him think Ryuunosuke and all her crooning of Dazai became screaming, wailing for Ryuunosuke, Ryuunosuke, Ryuunosuke, for that pale throat, that handle-bar clavicle. For his adam’s apple. Byakko wanted — Atsushi wanted — to roll it around his mouth like a ball.
It was entirely unconscious, sinking his fangs into Lady’s neck. Atsushi did not realize he had done it until he was already tearing out a chunk of flesh and fur and Lady was yowling, then whimpering, then nothing. And then Lady was still warm when Atsushi found her trachea and esophagus, and then her tiny heart and lungs.
Atsushi cried with it, shook with it; Byakko trembled in pleasure. The tender meat of Lady’s thigh was Yosano’s. The dying thrum of her heart was Kyouka’s. The warmth of her was Dazai’s. And the blood was Ryuunosuke’s, all Ryuunosuke’s.
He laid Lady’s bones to rest in a dumpster, then washed off in the cafe restroom, keeping his head ducked and eyes far away from Lucy’s. He was thirty minutes late back from his break. In the office he was silent, and heavy, and kept his back to Ranpo always.
Of course, Atsushi knew Ranpo knew. Ranpo held the fatal stopwatch — he could decide, at any millisecond, that Atsushi’s secret was up. This was only a matter of time.
It was late the night after Lady’s death that Ranpo appeared at Atsushi’s front door, a cage full of rats in his hands. Pale and hovering in the soft light, Ranpo looked, as he always did, a little otherworldly. His face was carefully calm. The rats squeaked a symphony that struck cold fear up Atsushi’s spine.
“Ranpo,” Atsushi laughed unconvincingly, “what’s this?”
Ranpo set the cage on the counter with a strong degree of solemnity. The lights weren’t on in the dorm, except for the nauseous yellow glow emanating from the bathroom, where Atsushi had just been hunched over the toilet, fingers down his throat, forcing himself to throw up his own blood. He thought his knuckles might be glaringly raw. And despite his regeneration, he was sure there was still blood on his thighs and forearms and the soft white cotton of his pajamas. But he was too scared to look down and check.
“You need to eat living things,” Ranpo said in lieu of how are you. His mouth was tight, eyes sharp.
Atsushi swallowed. Ranpo was — he was always very — wonderful. Amazing. At the start of things — the very start, when Atsushi was brand new and always swinging wildly between a ravenous appetite and complete self-starvation, it was Ranpo who left candies and chips and chocolate in his desk drawers. Ranpo who always knew when Atsushi was going home feeling off, who called Kunikida to make sure someone checked on Atsushi’s dorm late at night. Ranpo who knew when Atsushi was — when he would need Yosano to come and clean him up from his own messes even Byakko couldn’t fix.
And it was Ranpo who set the cage of rats on his living room table.
Haltingly, Atsushi said: “I need to eat people.”
“…But you won’t, will you, Atsushi?” Ranpo said it softly, with the intonation of a question; But it was Ranpo, and he was absolutely assured in his own correctness. Confidence was there in the set of his jaw.
Atsushi thought this wildly hopeful, even for Ranpo. It was rare that he doubted the Agency’s greatest detective, but — Atsushi had already started to eat himself.
Gesturing to the rats, Ranpo said, “You can be like a vegetarian.”
If it was anyone else but Ranpo, and if it were any other situation, this would come off as a lighthearted joke. But it was Ranpo, and he said it with complete earnestness and self-esteem. And while Atsushi thought Ranpo was, for once, wildly off base, he realized his heart was warm with love, for the kindness of this gesture — even though really Ranpo was probably only doing it to keep Atsushi from having Kenji for lunch.
His heart was absolutely white-hot with it, and all that love swirled in him until he found that he wanted to take his claws to Ranpo’s shoulders and lap up the blood.
“Let,” Ranpo started haltingly, a hand hovering over Atsushi’s upper arm, the pads of his fingers grazing copper-stained skin, “Let Dazai or the President — or myself — know, if you need anything.”
And then because Ranpo was no more a paragon of emotional intelligence than the rest of them, he left. And Atsushi went back to his bile-yellow bathroom, where his own blood in his own toilet seat. Over the cracking porcelain bowl, he bit into a squealing rat.
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thvnderdraws · 2 months
hhgh...snf...waah...dog-coded cross...rr...nnn...purple ears and tail...hrk...ch-chomper teeths...hicc...
do not do this to me.............
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kagayakukagavaku · 2 years
Cat Zane AU pg 12
Ninjago- Cat Zane AU. Chapter 1- The Start of it All Kagayaku Kagavaku CH :3
Page 12
Cole glared at him for that, and then left the room to follow the others. The same tactic was tried over and over again- but to no avail. Finally they all decided to try something else-
“Okay! Now!” 
Nya picked up Zane with a struggle, “Why can’t you do this Cole? This would be a piece of cake for you!” “More like a piece of death! I’m not going near those claws and chompers!” Cole used his elemental powers to case Nya in a rocky armor at the floors expense. “Pfft-” Jay giggled, “Chompers.” 
The rest of the ninja burst out laughing, besides Zane, who was angrily gnawing on Nyas arm. “Using cat language already?” Jay snickered.
Cole pleaded the fifth and crossed his arms. Kai grabbed the sides of Zane’s head, “Why aren’t we using our powers to encase him in rocks so he can’t move?”
Lloyd got up behind Zane to access the chip, “Because we don’t want to hurt him, plus, we have no idea what he can do at this point. We don’t want to encourage him to use powers back at us, or just get more aggressive in general.”
“You’re right. I don’t want to be incased in ice by a cat.” Kai raised an eyebrow as Zane lifted his head to try and bite at him. Cole made Kai and Llyod some armor in response to that. Jay started blocking all the exits with various furniture, although there wasn’t nearly enough to fully block them.
Lloyd slowly and carefully reached for the case while Zane kicked and stirred in Nyas grasp. He angrily protested with a meow. Lloyd managed to open the case to the chip. He carefully moved back, waiting for Zane to calm down.
“Hey! Zane! Look at this!” Jay put his phone in front of Zanes face. It was playing a recording of fish swimming around on the screen. He immediately went still, watching the fish with murderous intent as each one swam on and off screen. Cole gave Jay some armor. Cuz he had a feeling-
“AH!” Jay just barely dodged with his head as Zane swatted at the phone. Lloyd quickly tried to push the chip, but the case closed and Zane somehow managed to wiggle out of Nyas arms and jump off of Kai and Jays faces like a trampoline, taking the phone and crashing onto a shelf. “Ack! Bad Zane! Get back here!” Kai turned around to face Zane as soon as Cole released the rock armor and repaired the floor. “Hey! My phone!” Jay cried out.
“Wait! Don’t encourage him to-” It was too late. The two idiots ran after Zane, making him scurry across the shelf and break various objects. “Run away…” Nya sighed.
Lloyd face palmed, “I thought my life was going to be easy while sensei was gone.”
Yayyyy a new page of Cat Zane. Hope you're all enjoying this crack AU LOL Also I'm just now realizing how long these posts are and how annoying it must be to have to try and scroll past them, so I'm breaking them up with a readmore now :)
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(Cera & Chomper) “It’s kinda cold tonight, huh? Come on in.”
The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride (1998) Sentence Starters
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"I-i-it's not that c-cold..."
The way she was shivering, of course, told a different story; but Cera was sticking by what she'd said. A chill wind had come upon the land, making sleeping outside an uncomfortable prospect - especially all alone - and by all rights, she should have been leaping at the chance to share the relative warmth of the cave with a friend. Of course, the little three-horn was a prideful thing, and anyone who knew her could easily guess that it was such pride that kept her from accepting the offer.
There was, perhaps, a grain of truth to that even now; but only a small grain. The truth was, Cera's refusal had far less to do with pride than it had to do with the one who was making the offer.
Sure, Chomper was a friend; she and the others had hatched him, had even raised him a little bit. It was true that he'd kept them safe from his parents on the island; and it was equally true she'd protect him with her life if she ever had to - just the same as she would for any other of her friends.
That didn't mean she fully, entirely, trusted him.
He was sharptooth, after all! It may have been a while ago now, when he'd been nothing but a baby; but Cera still well remembered the painful shock of feeling his teeth lodged in her tail - and right as they'd been welcoming him into their family, no less. Even if he had been too small to know any better, and he was older now...
What if he still remembered her taste, and even liked it? It didn't seem any great stretch of the imagination, to Cera, to suppose that he could be just waiting to get her alone, with her guard down, to finish what he'd tried to start so long ago. His teeth were bigger now, they’d do more damage to her; it might not even be his own choice, but he had sharptooth instincts and in close quarters those might take over.
So while she’d happily spend time with him when together with the rest of their friends? No way was she going to go into a cave all alone with him. No way at all. She’d rather freeze than be eaten.
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So even as her teeth chattered, and as she hugged herself for some small measure of warmth, she glared at Chomper.
"Y-you'd like that, get a ch-chance for your three-horn dinner, wouldn't you? I'm f-fine out here."
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sam-loves-fnaf · 4 years
Among Us (Ft. Male Reader)
The reader is going to be the Impostor, but how does on become impostor, is it cabin fever? Going crazy in space? or is it an actual alien?
I came up with an idea on how crewmates become impostors and I can’t get it out of my head, so I had to write this. I tried my best, sorry its bad.
Your name is (M/N), and you were once a crewmate. It was a lonely and busy day on the ship, Skeld, you shared with others; there was a sighting, you all discovered a planet. Polus, that's what you and your friends decided to call it, then, the excavation started.
You were alone, doing your tasks until you stumbled upon a box. 'Who put this here' you thought, taking a closer look; it was a toy box, maybe one of the Crewmates left this; you remember that one of your friends had brought a child with him. You shrugged and checked the box; yes, you've seen this box before and know how many toys are inside; it wouldn't hurt to check and make sure that everything is inside.
Opening the box, you at first didn't see anything, so you leaned in and took notice of this strange creature. What the f**k is that thing!? Is it some kind of alien, a parasite maybe? Whatever it is, you should report back about the thing immediately; a sound snapped you out of your thoughts. It was moving and trying to get out! So you did the next best thing...you slammed the chest closed.
Or, at least, you tried to, but it was stopped but a tentacle, you tried, you really did, but your strength wasn't enough as the chest flew open again and it started to wrangle its way out. So know you have the next best option...RUN!
That didn't work either because the weird thing had grabbed your ankle, making you try to shake it off; being distracted, you tripped and fell. It felt strange, slimy, and uncomfortable; the thing was inside your suit! You could feel it climbing, you did your best, but it proved futile; it was an alien on a mission, and whatever it wanted with you, it wasn't going to let you go that easily. It quickly made its way into your helmet and was keeping you from taking it off. Gripping to your face, the thing made its way to its next destination, your mouth.
You couldn't do anything as it was already choking you trying to make its way down your throat. Once that job was finished, and inside, it seems that your body had a protest with the intruder, you felt like something was wrong, your body felt like it's on fire. You wanted to scream, but you couldn't, so you stumbled back to base "(M/N)?" You know that voice, it was your friend (F/N) and his son (S/N) who both ran to you, taking notice of the stumbling. You reached forward but fell that way as well, darkness then enveloped you.
Opening your eyes, you are greeted with the makeshift room that you occupied. You felt sore like you ran a mile; what happened? You and the others found a planet, Polus, you guys called it. Landing on the new world, an exploration had started, you went off by yourself and saw a chest. It was...a toy chest, wasn't it? And inside...that, thing, the parasite.
Parasite!! It did something to you, but what? Now that you thought about, you felt unusual, different. Taking off the helmet, you looked into a mirror, and you gave a look of horror. Your skin was pale, a looks like your dying, pale. Your eyes weren't their usual (E/C) anymore; they were red and glowed somewhat; on top of that, you remembered having two eyes, not six! A gasp left your mouth gaping, but even that proved to be a mistake. Sharp teeth, and when you say sharp, I mean sharp, it seemed, to you, that your teeth could easily break skin and bone you could rip someone's throat out with those chompers. Your tongue was long and sharp, touching the tip of your tongue, yep that was blood on your finger; it was basically a needle.
What...What happened? What did that thing do to you? Why is this happening? Why- you hear the door open, making you whip your head to see (F/N) who's now staring at you with fear.
"W-Who are you!?"
"W-Wait (F/N) p-please it's me! (M/N)"
"...What...What happened to you!?"
You told him everything, from when you went off alone, to when you fainted in front of him.
"I-I don't know, its probably t-that parasite. I'm scared (F/N)...w-what's happening to me..."
You told him, gripping your helmet tightly, tears glistening in your eyes. You slowly fall to your knees, all of your thoughts racing through your mind.
'What is everyone going to think?'
'Am I going to die?'
'Will (S/N) be scared of me?'
'How dangerous am I?'
So caught up in your thoughts, you didn't hear the door close and lock. You flinched, feeling a hand on your back, you looked up at the worried face of your friend.
"(M/N) calm down, man, breath."
You did as (F/N) said, slowly calming down.
"Don't worry about the others, just keep the helmet on and it should be fine."
You look at your helmet, it has a blacked-out visor that makes it hard to look at your face, you put it back on and nod.
-Time Skip-
Things went swimmingly after that; no one suspected anything; you all carried on with tasks and made it back to the ship, going on your voyage back to earth with your findings.
It was quiet; you and (F/N) told (S/N) about what happened to you in secret, so the poor boy doesn't get scared of your changes; the child found you cool, actually, which made you smile. Everything was excellent until the alarm went off; running to the front, it wasn't hard to take notice of a missing crewmate.
"I have found (R/C) dead. We need to find the impostor."
Dead!? What? But who would do that? The once peaceful atmosphere has now gone sour. Everyone looked at everyone, and people are getting suspicious of one another, causing a lot of discord.
As time went by, more and more crewmates dropped. You and the remaining crewmates are now sitting in another meeting.
"I think it's (R/C)!"
"What? Why me!?"
"You were with (D/C/N) before they were found dead."
"SHUT UP!!!"
It was complete chaos; everyone was fighting and yelling; you looked to (F/N), who's trying to keep his son calm amongst the yelling and finger-pointing.
You and (F/N) watched in horror as two crewmates grabbed (R/C) and dragged him out, throwing him out into the void of space. The anti has been upped, everyone was losing their minds.
-Time Skip-
Someone called an emergency meeting, and like everything else, it was chaos. (F/N) and (R/C2) were yelling at each other, you were holding (S/N), keeping him calm.
Now that was going too, you tried to stop (F/N), but it was too late; the male had already jumped at (R/C2) with the intent of pain.
Everyone was yelling, at least there was another that was with me, but it seems that minds won't be changed.
"W-Wait, let me say something first...please."
(F/N) looks at his son.
"I guess I won't be there for you...I'm sorry, but be good too (M/N), okay? I love you, son, happy Birthday."
"*hic* daddy, don't go *hic*."
(F/N) smiles before getting tossed out, you stared as the floats by, all of your memories with (F/N) has flashed through your very being.
When you first met him through your parents, you both got very close as you both grew up. You remember when he got his first and only girlfriend, it was like they were made for each other; they were together for years until they got married, you were his best man and was right by his side. You were there for him when he and his wife had (S/N), you were given the honor of being the godfather.  You were there for him in his bad times, when his b**ch of a wife cheated on him. You helped him gain custody of his son and went with him on this space voyage program. Still, now you stand here in the present, people have died, you changed into this thing, and now you watched your friend die not only in front of you but in front of his own son.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, making you turn around (R/C3), the one who wanted to stop what happened just as much as yourself and the boy who's crying on your shoulder. You smiled at her.
"I'm sorry about what happened."
"Thanks for trying. Hey, can you help me with something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Can you help me make a cake?"
You see, the female astronaut tilts her head but nods anyway."
-Time Skip-
You brought the cake to the cafeteria where the child was sitting. Said child was looking down at the table; you sat the cake down in front of him; you know that the female astronaut is behind you watching. You softly hum and sadly start to sing.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear (S/N)...Happy Birthday to you...I'm so sorry (S/N)...I'm sorry."
You can hear the gasp from the female who now took in the situation. You got up and sat back down beside the child, hugging him closely, not noticing the way the female has her hands clenched into fists with a newfound hatred for that man that threw out (F/N).
After a while, you went walking while (S/N) was sleeping. Shuffling, you heard shuffling, speeding up, you ran into what seemed to be a fight; the female astronaut and (R/C4) were fighting, the female having the knife was winning. She killed (R/C4) as (R/C2) walked in and yelled at her in surprise. An argument started, which escalated into another fight. The discussion was about (S/N) and (F/N) how (R/C1) threw out the father on his son's Birthday and for no reason as well.
You watch as the female crewmate was beaten down and is now being left there to die. Now it was you, (S/N), (R/C1), and (R/C5)
"That's enough, we are finding that brat and getting rid of him."
They are planning to kill (S/N), no, no, you will not let that happen; he's the only thing that can keep you sane on this rollercoaster of bullsh**.  That can't happen, it won't happen. Wrong, you feel wrong; a growl bubble up from your throat and you the middle of your suit ripped, a mouth that was just like your own opened up; stumbling into the room, everyone looked at you, their faces turned into horror.
You stumbled in the room and removed your helmet, the thought of (S/N) dying has pushed you over the edge.
"You're not touching a hair on his head." You growled lowly, with a glare. You attacked.
Rip and Tear, Rip and Tear, the screams are music to you, the blood sprayed the walls and floors as (R/C1), and (R/C5) dies. You calmed down and blinked, looking around, you started to shake.
"Hey, Hey...calm down."
It was the female astronaut.
"I need to tell you something...please take off your helmet."
You did what the dying woman wishes and take off your helmet. Looking at her, your eyes staring at her.
"There's an escape pod on this ship, use it, get back to earth, give that boy a life he deserves."
You nodded as she smiles and lays there. Leaving the room, you cleaned up to get the blood off, packed not only yours but (S/N) and (F/N)'s things; putting them in the pod, you picked up (S/N) and went inside the pod closing it. You sigh and sat at the chair and push the launch button, as you both are now heading for earth. You are going to raise (S/N) for (F/N) and for (R/C3), and no ones gonna stop you if anyone wants to get in the way...
Well, they are just going to have to pry the boy from your cold dead hands.
Headcanons for this story:
Headcanon 1-To be the impostor the parasite will have to get your body, based on how you are as a person can change. You can be yourself, but have the parasite change your body, or the parasite takes over.
Headcanon 2-The second Impostor is just someone who has gone crazy.
Headcanon 3-The Impostor can breath Oxygen, but it will make them lose breath quicker than it is when they are on the planet Polus.
Headcanon 4-Its hard, but they can look human.
Headcanon 5-There’s a black line in the middle of your stomach, that’s where the skin rips open for the mouth.
Headcanon 6-You can eat with your own mouth or the one on your stomach, either way nothing changes.
Headcanon 7-Get too mad and you may foam at the mouth, don’t ask why.
Headcanon 8-You can also eat people or eat food, either or is sustainable for you
Headcanon 9-I might make OC's based on the reader, (F/N), (S/N), and (F/N)'s wife
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bantamblip · 4 years
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thanks to Tyler I once more got the chance to drop everything and pour all my lesbian into a character —
Meet Nyx! A femme both strong minded and strong framed. She’s 35 feet - 10.7 meters - and can easily benchpress a good 30 tons. Her alt is a CH-35k! She’s adverse to just about any weapon, but prefers using her bare fists. A charged up punch from her could practically shatter the terrain around for about a block’s radius(though could be more depending how hard the impact is). She can set off an emp if the charge is higher. To ramp the power up she simply slams her fists together - if you see her doin that a few times on the battlefield, I’d recommend runnin’. Though she is extremely intelligent in Battle Strategy, Nyx prefers to be on the front line and execute the plan herself.
She’s got one hell of a girlfriend to top it off, Missile! She belongs to @plaguebirdss - absolute lad go check ‘im out! i was asked if i wanted to give her a gf, and recieved too much free reign in doing so <<‘ Missile and Nyx’s relationship is one of those Knight Falls In Love With Their Protectee typa thing. Nyx was hired to watch and protect Missile - though it’s quite oblivious that Missile can quite easily protect herself, Nyx insists to have her back.
Nyx is quiet for the most part - you’ll know when she has a lot to say, but she gets her point across quite clearly through the multiple optics on her faceplate. Only person she’s really chatty around is Missile.
- those chompers could bite right through armor if needed! she had a terrible gnawing habit as a sparkling, still does but it’s better, so if she gets to sink her detine into somethin freely, she would. not cannibalistic per se, merely a case of I-Gotta-Gnaw-Something.
-the large propellers on her back aren’t detachable, but in a crunch she stabbed some mech with one
-Nyx has phenomenal eyesight with all five optics online. the center(largest) one is the main optic, the other four magnify. this aids in careful calculations and pin-pointing weakspots on opponents. She has to be careful though, as if the main optic is shattered or damaged, she’s as good as blind until repairs are made.
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mixterglacia · 4 years
@gyrrakavian requested I take a crack at a new character that is VERY MUCH up my alley. (look at those heckin chompers)
I hope you enjoy!
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hotvampireadjacent · 4 years
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Ch chompers 😳 (also I see why you love him after playing Anastasia. He made me cry at the end.)
😳 he has a lot of fun sprites too i was gonna post a few of my faves later.
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queenofthedramedies · 5 years
The Hunter’s Council: Ch. 1
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Summary: Caroline is dead, or so everyone thinks. Hayley's triggered to become the new Slayer. She's not the only off-shoot to rise. The Hunter's Council and a new darkness wreak havoc while Klaus' grief drives him over the edge. Newly risen Vampire-Slayer, Caroline, might have to come home to deal with all these new threats and the non-welcoming committee.
Disclaimer: I do not own TheVampireDiaries. That would be Warner Brothers, CW, etc.
Hello, my lovely readers. Welcome back! This is the last book of the CtVS series. Hopefully, I can get an update out next month. On with the show…
Chapter 1: Not Quite Dead
Sunlight dimmed in the cemetery. Rain tapped, tapped on the gravestone. The name of a newly deceased etched out for anyone to read it; unlike some of the older stones in the immediate vicinity. A person stood near the grave. Their fists were balled at their sides as they waited for the undead to rise. Soon. And then a set of fingers broke the surface. The fingers pushed and groped and were soon followed by a blonde mane of hair.
The vampire thrust itself upward and then smiled at the person who waited for them. "Hello, dinner."
"Not so much," Tyler Lockwood replied. He pulled out a stake and waved a hand. "Let's rumble, ass hat."
The male vamp began to circle the young wolf. Tyler ducked back and forth. He felt pretty good about this whole slaying thing. With a little help, he'd been able to kill three vamps this week. And here he thought Caroline was some kind of superhero. Of course, she could take out three vamps in an hour. Still, this wasn't Tyler's calling. And he felt like he was holding his own.
Laughing, the vamp picked up a gravestone and tossed it at Tyler's head. "Okay. Not cool!" Tyler shouted, leaping out of the way. His ankle took the brunt of the edge of the heavy cement. "Ow!" He looked upward. "Bon, a little help! Please!"
Bonnie called back. "Ric's getting attacked in the northeastern corner. It's a three-on-one kind of thing. Sorry, Ty. You're going to have to get creative."
"Man, I hate it when she says that," Tyler groaned.
The vampire who wanted to eat some puppy chow, grinned exposing that gorgeous set of chompers. "Looks like it's just you and me, kid. Don't worry. I'll make it quick." The vamp pounced on Ty.
After a moment, Tyler looked up and saw the vamp had pitched back. "Ew! What are you?" the vampire demanded. "You smell like my old dog, Biscuit."
"Well, say 'Hello' to Biscuit for me," Tyler snapped, freeing a stake from his ankle holster and stabbing the vamp through the heart.
"Ahhhh!" came from where Ty figured Ric must be.
Rolling over, Tyler forced himself to his feet and found that the three vamps Bon mentioned made a few friends. Ric was holding them with a cross, but that would not last long, especially with a female vamp climbing the gate behind Ric.
"Shit," Tyler groaned. "Bon?"
"I'm working on it," Bonnie snapped. The sound of chanting filled the air and one of the vamps got a branch through the heart. Now, three of them turned, snarling and spotted Bonnie. Hell, Tyler didn't know where Bonnie was, exactly, but he figured she was where the vamps were now headed.
"Ty, go help Bonnie!" Alaric gagged out as a vamp began to choke him and bang Ric's head into the gate. The female vamp was still poised to pounce on Ric.
Tyler was torn between helping the Hunter or helping his best friend. "Shit," he groaned.
"Need help?" Someone asked from behind Tyler. "'Cause it kind of looks like death, death, and, oh, yes, death!" Hayley Marshall grinned before by-passing Tyler in a backhand spring. "Miss me? Oh, wait, I forgot your plan doesn't cover tooth removal at no cost. Good thing I'm here to help!" She cheerfully kicked a vamp in the mouth. It slammed into the gate and let out a howl, placing its hand to its mouth.
"Guess de-fanging's in-style this year," Tyler muttered. He went to help Bonnie.
                                                   Read more
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                                                  Happy Halloween!
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
Primal: The Clan of Blood and Water - Ch. 1 ~AU Predator (Franchise)~
Primal Sequel Summary: Having arrived on her mate's planet, Mariterra, Teleya and Yautja enforcer, Scorpion, settle into their new home and prepare for the birth of their suckling. Teleya is tasked with learning all she can about the clan and their ways, so that she can work her way up from being seen as an outsider to being marked as a new member of the clan. As she journeys to adapt to this new world, Teleya must learn a whole new meaning of survival when a brutal clan of bad bloods set their sights on Mariterra, their only mission being to conquer the planet and and kill those who try and stop them.
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“All Yautja clans live by a strict honor code. The hunt is a sacred ritual, but there are rules that must always be followed lest you be labeled a bad blood and then I will be coming for you…
We never hunt or harm the innocent especially if they are not a part of the hunt.
You must always hunt worthy prey. When hunting you must be absolutely sure that the game can defend themselves and are even capable of killing one of us. You must ensure the prey is of considerable age. Yautja never harm pregnant females or suckling even if the two are armed. This goes for the elderly and those that are ill as well.
If you fail during a hunt, you are expected to take your own life. It is better to die with honor than live in shame.
You must never claim the kill of another. One of the greatest insults to our code in our clans is to take the trophy of another yautja, whether they are alive or dead. Should such acts be discovered the crime is banishment from the clan. Some clans have deserted those guilty of this by leaving them stranded on planets with no armor or weapons.
If you come upon prey that has been wounded by another hunter, you show honor by killing the prey. If the wounded shows worthiness in this act, then the kill belongs to both hunters.
Death to another yautja. To kill another yautja, without cause, is the worst crime by all clans. The guilty is met with immediate execution of the guilty. If they survive, they are labeled a bad blood and should be killed on sight. If you happen to take the life of a yautja out of self-defense or to settle a conflict means the game is fair.
You must never join in other’s hunts or trespass on their hunting grounds without permission. Any trophies you take in this manner are stolen and you will be punished by whatever the hunter sees fit.
If a hunter of a species different than our own defeats a hunter of our clan then they will be seen as equals and a gift must be given to honor their victory.
When hunting all yautja are permitted to use our cloaking devices. However, if you are engaged in a one-on-one duel or you are giving the final blow, you must disable your cloaking device and your plasma castor.
If a hunter of a different species joins in a hunt and is marked by that yautja they must be viewed not just as equals but as new members of the clan.
These rules must always be followed. If you break our honorable code, you will be labeled a bad blood and will either be banished or killed. Enforcers are not required to follow some of the honor code. I am allowed to use my best judgement to kill a bad blood as swiftly as possible.”
I thought I would easily forget Scorpion’s teachings on what it means to be a yautja, to live like the yautja. But with six months of our journey having started, I felt now was the perfect time to learn all I could from my mate before our suckling was born.
Six months… I thought I would be going insane looking out at the endless night that was space. But Scorpion proved that he could keep me entertained. Our first couple of days were spent monitoring me and my body now that it was… different.
My baby, in an effort to ensure it grew, changed my body, my blood to ensure it had everything it needed to not only survive but to ensure I survived. Chomper was growing faster than Scorpion had anticipated and when his feral instincts began to show, Scorpion had contemplated killing him or at least wounding him so I could finish him, to practice taking life like I would one day need to in order to survive on Mariterra.
That was our first real argument, more so me screaming and crying for Scorpion not to kill our first alien pet. To appease me he released Chomper on a planet that he could thrive in. I had to stay in a chamber of oxygen while Scorpion released him. He was in the works of creating a mask that I could use myself as well as armor when I have proven myself worthy to wear it. I was sad for a long time after that.
I was staring out into space now, saddened that my little raptor was all alone on that planet that didn’t even have a name.
“Teleya, come rest.” Scorpion called, holding his hand out to me from the large pallet of furs we shared. I didn’t move from my spot. I simply remained still looking out at the wall made entirely of glass. I say it’s glass, but I was sure it something much stronger.
“He’s all alone out there, Scorpion.” I merely replied. I heard a gentle shuffle and a soft shrill in response. Before I knew it, I was being gently swept off the ground and now I was faced with the massive head of my mate.
“Please do not be sad anymore, Teleya, I cannot bear the thought of you hurting in a way I cannot fix.” Scorpion cooed against the side of my forehead. He walked us back to the furs.
“It’s hard saying goodbye to something you love. Chomper was a part of our family.” I replied as he curled up with me gently in his hold.
“He was. But he was also a predator whose instincts will always win no matter how long he had lived in captivity. He has hissed at you only once, but all it takes is once. I will not put you or our suckling’s life in danger to keep a wild creature around.” he said firmly. I couldn’t argue with that. Chomper was no longer a baby. Scorpion had trained him enough to survive I was sure of it.
“Of course. I am sure he will be content.” I replied. Scorpion shrilled with more expression.
“When we arrive at Mariterra there will be plenty of wildlife, safe creatures that move through the village and live among us. Some even help us hunt. You will love it there.” he explained. Mariterra, the water world.
Scorpion explained that many of the planet’s species are spliced with human and yautja genes to ensure they recognized Yautja as the superior and dominate species. I found myself giving a gentle smile, my mood rising some at the thought of this home world.
“Yautja live in villages? With all of this technology you possess and create, you live in… huts?” I asked, hoping I didn’t offend. He merely huffed.
“During peace times we live in advanced grottos that house our weapons and many technologies. Each grotto has communication beacons that can send information to all bio masks and wrist gauntlets. We have armorers who create them.” he said. I was now lying on his chest, his purrs soothing me.
“Are there other enforcers or higher ranked yautja there?” I asked. I could see in Scorpion’s eyes he was calm, content almost.
“The planet is under my responsibility of ensuring bad bloods do not make it out alive, so I am the only enforcer there. However, there is a clan elder or leader who you will meet. He and his mate have the majority of sway followed by their council. I am the planet’s guardian, but they will have final say. You will need to prove yourself if you wish to be marked as a part of our clan.” he said. I nodded in understanding. Being his mate alone meant I was accepted by him, but I have not proven myself worthy enough to be marked. This clan was an entirely different trial all together.
“I will prove myself to them.” I replied with strength in my eyes, and he shrilled and placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb caressing my cheek.
“Of that I have no doubt.” he replied. I smiled warmly.
“Does everyone have a responsibility in your clan?” I asked. He nodded once.
“The majority of the clan are hunters, fierce warriors who will fight to protect the clan and our future bloodlines. There is no real separation of gender roles in our clan, but each clan is different. Everyone guards each other’s suckling and each other. When a suckling is small, it will stay with its parents until they grow and mature to start learning lessons like hunting and killing. They will sharpen their instincts and learn to kill. As tradition, they will have to go through the harsh lessons. When they are ready, they will prepare for their first hunt to become blooded and have a place in the clan. Everyone hunts, but also, we do what we must to stay alive and remain a strong clan and protect our territory.” he said. I was mesmerized by his words and now I couldn’t help but become even more excited at his words.
I couldn’t help but be excited, but something did immediately catch my attention.
“What about humans? Do they live amongst your clan?” I asked. Scorpion’s eyes fell some.
“There are humans in other galaxies, some advanced like Earth, and some still in primitive stages not yet facing evolution. It is frowned upon to hunt certain human species that have not evolved. They aren’t worthy prey. There are a few evolved humans in our clan, but they are servants meant to serve the elite and elders of the clan. You will be known as an evolved human and the first to be pregnant in our clan by a yautja male.” he said. I winced some at his words. Other humans are out there? I could only imagine what meeting one would be like, the experience.
Now I was remembering what Scorpion said about it being frowned upon about interspecies mixing.
“Will they be angry that I am a yautja’s mate? Do they even know we are coming?” I asked.
“I have sent a message to the clan’s elder, Elder Rak’Zor. He is an honorable warrior. On your planet he has taken the name Wraith. He will at least hear me out.” he explained. I nodded.
“And his mate?”
“Zora’Keth, named Gaia, by some humans on earth, is the holy priestess of the clan. Many yautja clans have them, they are spiritual leaders who not only rely on yautja technology for the survival of the clan, but also remains connected to the planet itself for yautja would be nothing without a planet to house us and teach us the rawest of survival.” he explained. I nodded as I took in his words.
“I understand. I will do my best to earn the trust of your clan.” Replied. He shrilled gently and nodded.
“You are strong. They will see that in you.” he said.
Some days on the ship were relaxed, with me mostly watching Scorpion do some type of task. I would think it was fascinating but to him, it was similar to house chores. Since I knew nothing about his ship, he would run diagnostics and inspect different parts of the ship. I would follow quietly behind or beside him, watching him do something.
If I didn’t know what it was, he was doing, he had no problems explaining it to me. Sometimes we would sit in one of his rooms that had walls of trophies, and after cooking meat he had saved for our journey, we would both sit, and he would point to a skull or spine of a creature I was not familiar with. He told me about the very first creature he killed that made him blooded.
He'd explain what each creature was and how dangerous it was. He explained in graphic detail how he hunted and killed a creature. Some have been close to killing him. It took a few days for him to go over every trophy with precise details as if he had just hunted them not long ago. He was very proud of his kills.
Once those lessons were done, we moved on to his weapons room. He explained each handheld item all the way to his blasters. After that he would continue on with yautja lessons, explaining the different creatures, foods and plant life that were on Mariterra. I absorbed all the information a lot quicker than I actually expected. I remembered a lot of the lessons. But I knew nothing would compare to seeing these things in person.
My steady walking, transitioned to a lagging pace as my stomach grew large by the fourth month in our voyage. By this time, Scorpion was more attentive to me than I was used to. I never felt so insecure in myself than I was when pregnant, but Scorpion couldn’t stop growling lustfully and cornering me every chance he got, which he had many chances!
His fierce gaze on me made my body grow hotter than expected. My arousal was heightened in this moment as well. Scorpion could smell it too, always. He would make his usual moves of rubbing his body along mine, and touching the most sensitive parts of my body which were my neck, back, and certain spots on my thighs.
But as I was bare before him, I realized my large stomach made me more self-conscious. I had never been pregnant before and to have an alien growing inside me did not stop the mixture of doubt and lust I felt which sometimes turned to bitterness at myself. But Scorpion was always there, to talk my fears away and explain that I was beautiful before becoming “swollen with his suckling” and that I would forever entice him with my beauty even when the time comes that I am to push this child out of me.
Although he could not be rough with me as he used to, he seemed very content at letting me have whatever pleasure I desired from him. He would lie on his back, shaft hard and at attention and he would just admire me as I ground my hips against him enjoying the friction of his shaft against my swollen vagina. I was very sensitive there. He would tease me by gently scraping his claws over my inner thighs. I would cry out feeling my hands move up to caress my swollen breasts. Sometimes milk would pour from my nipples relieving them of the ache it felt from them being so heavy.
He'd purr so low, the vibrations I felt had me cumming within seconds. Sometimes, I would keep moving hoping to help get him off. He could sense I was attempting to overwork my own body to please him, and he’d quickly sheath himself claiming that me finding release was more important than his own, it always was for him.
I had learned so much in these months with him, that I was very blessed to have maintained my sanity.
My curls were becoming longer, and so when I found myself relaxing on the furs that Scorpion planted me on, to ensure I rest, I would simply braid my hair in small braids. When Scorpion had the ship idle, and he would go to a planet to hunt food or trade, he would return with different colored skulls and wooden beads that I would put in my hair. Sometimes he would sit around me watching in fascination as I braided my hair and other times he would braid my hair too. He has watched me enough to get an idea of how to actually braid.
I’m six months pregnant. My baby has grown more, and the weight is something I am not use to, but it is not entirely uncomfortable. Scorpion is anxious, he won’t come out and say it, but I can feel his worry. We must be near Mariterra.
“We will be coming into the atmosphere of the planet soon.” he announced as we were bundled up in the large furs, me more so him as he wanted to ensure we had enough heat. I was lying on my side as was he with our stomachs touching. I nodded.
“You are nervous.” I replied.
“I am not.” he said quickly, his eyes looking down and I smiled.
“Whatever happens, we are with you.” I replied and shrilled gently nuzzling into me.
“And I am with you, the both of you.” he said. It was silent between us for a moment and so I gently harmonized, and I could feel the goosebumps over his body. He also relaxed his muscles and now I felt something gently stir in my belly that cut my singing short.
“The baby is moving.” I said happily and Scorpion hummed gently.
“I can feel it against me. This suckling loves your voice as well. It is strong.” he said gently smiling down at me. I smiled up at him feeling heavy emotions start to overtake me, but sleep caught up right behind it and I was out like a light. I felt warmth all around me, even when my senses told me Scorpion had left my side.
But I still felt safe. Upon hearing slight clanging of metal on the ground, I knew Scorpion had placed his armor back on. I slowly opened my eyes and did my best to turn over on my other side to face him. The room was brighter than usual. The light made Scorpion’s armor shine. He approached the furs, mask on and he looked ready to hunt.
“Come.” he said holding his hand out to me. I didn’t hesitate to take his hand and let him help me from the bed. Once I was on my feet, I felt my weight immediately shift downward, but I couldn’t even take note of it as I usually would, I as I could see shades of blue out the wall. My eyes widened as I waddled over gently toward it and was met with beautiful ocean water that mimicked the blue sky. I looked up to see forest and large mountains in the distance. I looked up at the sky and gasped at the vast colors and different planets that were so close I could almost touch it. Creatures were jumping out of the water, and I couldn’t fully make out what they were, but they added to the water’s beauty.
“Welcome to Mariterra, the Yautja water world, our home.” Scorpion said with utter pride.
Author's Notes
So Mariterra is similiar to the land of the metkayina from Avatar 2. I thought it would be interesting to see have yautja who have adapted to different landscapes either a icy planet or a water planet.
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trig-sleng · 5 years
Human Body Parts; Outer in Trigedasleng - CANON
Trig. alphabetised:
Blinka: noun – eye [bl-ee-n-kah] from ‘blinker’ Chopa: noun – teeth; tooth [ch-op-ah] from ‘chopper’ or ‘chomper’ Feis: noun – face [f-ay-s] from ‘face’ Fut: noun – foot [f-oo/ew-t] from ‘foot’ Gadagapa: noun – vagina [gah-dah-gah-pah] from ‘girl+gapper’ Hefdong: noun – penis [heh-f-don-g] from ‘man+dong’ Leda: noun – skin; flesh; animal hide [leh-dah] from ‘leather’ Mami: noun – penis [mah-m-ee] from ‘man-meat’ Medo: noun – body [meh-d-uh] from unknown Meika: noun – hand [m-ay-ck-ah] from ‘maker’ Melon: noun – head [meh-l-on] from ‘melon’ Nila: noun – knee [n-ee-l-ah] from ‘kneeler’ Pisa: noun – penis [p-i-sah or p-ee-sah] from ‘pisser’ Poina: noun – finger [p-oi-nah] from ‘pointer’ Siva: noun – ear [s-i-vah or s-ee-vah] from ‘receiver’ Skaren; skaron: noun – scar [s-ck-are-eh-n or s-ck-are-uh-n] from ‘scarring’; ‘scar-one’ Spika: noun – mouth [sp-ee-ck-ah] from ‘speaker’ Swela: noun – throat [sw-eh-lah] from ‘sweller’ Teisa: noun – tongue [t-ay-s-ah] from ‘taster’ Trapakipa: noun – vagina [trap-ah-k-ee-pah] from ‘trapper-keeper’
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paganinpurple · 6 years
Clowder - Ch 4
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Okay so I know it’s been forever but I just don’t do well with motivation. Have this. I quite like this one even though nothing big happens yet.
Buy Me A Coffee?
It Was You (Comes before this fic)
Read on AO3 or FF.net   <<Ch 1   <Ch 3   Ch 4   Ch 5>
Going Public
“Wait a minute. You're doing what!?”
Alya stared hard at Marinette, mouth hanging open and disbelief evident in her expression. Her eyes were practically saucers as they widened further and further the longer her best friend remained silent.
Marinette swiftly let out the stale breath she was holding and quickly gulped in another, hoping oxygen would kick-start her confidence. Her chest tightened and a familiar queasiness unsettled her stomach as she mentally braced herself for the rest of the conversation to follow. “I’m...um, dating Adrien now,” she said with as much conviction as she had left in her, which was actually about as strong as a piece of paper. A really wet piece of paper. With a pen stabbed through it.
Alya’s jaw opened and closed a few times as she floundered for words. As her eyes narrowed and her brows pulled together, Marinette suddenly felt like she was attempting to swallow a rather large, rough stone which was caught in her throat. She gulped and the sandpaper sensation refused to go away but she could almost feel the stone drop heavily to the bottom of her stomach.
“Yeah, I thought you said that,” Alya said in a dangerously low voice, “What the hell, Marinette!?” Said girl watched as her best friend eyes flared and she raised her voice, “What about Chat!?”
“Alya! Keep your voice down,” Marinette said in a whisper-shout, hands waving out in front of her and head swivelling around to make sure no one was paying them any attention. She hadn’t been able to secure a free room during their break like she’d initially planned as M. Francois had taken it upon himself to stand at the top of stairs, policing classroom loiterers. She had wondered if there was an available promotion he was hoping for and mentally wished him luck, but now - stuck in the corner of the quad and praying no one had been attracted by Alya’s use of Adrien’s hero name, - she couldn’t help but curse him a little too.
“I’ll be quiet when you start explaining,” Alya said, face all fury and arms crossed tightly over her chest, her flesh paling from the tension where her arms met.
“Okay,” Marinette said, despite the fact that she felt anything but okay. She was almost sure she was going to puke, though that may have just been her dramatic side trying to talk her down. After all, there was no way she could pull this off. If only she could have had Adrien with her while she talked. He’d be able to calm her down with his soft smiles and reassuring elbow touches. She glanced across the quad surreptitiously to see him apparently chatting with Nino in the far corner. Every few moments, however, he glanced up in a not so subtle attempt to decipher how her conversation was going without giving himself away to his own best friend.
Internally, Marinette sighed. This wasn’t Adrien’s talk to have. She was just going to have to Woman Up (trademark to Alya) and do this. She took a huge inhale of breath, turned back to give Alya her full attention, and bit the bullet. “I’m still dating Chat,” she said, voice muffled by the lip she was chewing anxiously.
Alya’s eyes only narrowed further in suspicion. “Uh huh...And does Chat know about this? Does Adrien know about Chat? Not only is cheating wrong M, but you do know Adrien would want to come up to your room at some point, right? The same room that Chat spends practically every second he's not fighting Akuma in? You're going to get caught and break his heart, you hear me!?”
“Alya, Alya, wait! You don't understand!” Marinette's hands moved from place to place as she flapped them around in order to gesture somehow at what she meant, “I'm dating both of them, and they both know I'm dating both of them!” She finished with a flourish towards the other side of the quad where Adrien was clearly pretending not to notice.
Alya's eyes slowly widened and her eyebrows lifted up to meet her hairline in surprise before returning to their previous alignment, this time a confused pout accompanying them. “Adrien-” -she pointed at the boy who was openly watching them now as Nino looked over with confusion of his own- “-knows? About Chat?” Marinette nodded. “And Chat...is okay with...him?”
Marinette launched into her well-rehearsed story concerning her new relationship status - the one she'd tried to use on her parents on Saturday evening before they'd dropped their knowledge bomb on her. She explained that Adrien had admitted to Marinette that he'd liked her ever since she'd confessed her feelings for him all those months ago. She told her about talking it over with Chat and his admission that much the same thing had happened with Ladybug. She went into depth on how laughing about it had then turned to jokes about dating both of their loves before, finally, it had become a serious discussion. She hated every second of her own lies, but she had to remain convincing for the sake of their identities.
After telling Alya that Adrien had been brought into the know about her and Chat's relationship and that he and Ladybug had then been asked their opinion on some sort of poly arrangement, Marinette slumped against the wall to her side, sliding slowly until she was sitting in a heap on the floor. “So I'm dating two people, and so is Chat,” she concluded.
“And everyone's...okay with this?” Alya said incredulously. Marinette nodded. It was the best she could do now that the adrenaline had gone and she was left with nothing but exhaustion and nerves. “Is this why Adrien can't stop looking at us?”
Marinette glanced up to see her boyfriend watching her again, his neck craning awkwardly until he noticed that he had been spotted. He pretended to be stretching and turned his head away just in time to see the dirty look his clearly confused and annoyed best friend was throwing him. “He wanted to tell everyone we were dating right away,” she said with an amused smile, “I told him he had to wait until you knew, because - well, you know about me and Chat. He knows how worried I was to tell you.”
Alya watched the tender look that passed over Marinette's eyes as she observed Adrien and in turn his loving glance when he saw her smiling softly at him. “This is really happening, isn't it?” she said, looking back and forth for a moment, “You two are actually really into each other. And you're not even breaking up my new favourite ship 'cause Chat's here to stay too.”
“And you'll probably catch a little LadyNoir at times too.” Marinette's smile dropped. “Is that okay with you?” she asked hesitantly from her spot on the ground. This was the moment when she found out if Alya was not only buying this but if she would be accepting of it. She desperately wanted to believe in her best friend, but this arrangement she was describing was far from traditional.
She need not have worried, as Alya smiled. “As long as no one's getting hurt, all I care about is that grin, girl. Come on, show me those chompers.” Marinette did smile at that and she turned slightly, giving a subtle nod to Adrien, who instantly grabbed Nino’s arm as Marinette snickered.
Alya’s voice suddenly penetrated her calm thoughts, “So, who gets to tell Chloé?”
It was barely thirty seconds after Marinette nodded to go ahead that Adrien was finally splurging to Nino that Marinette was his girlfriend. His friend was unsurprisingly shocked at the turn of events but thankfully he didn't know about Chat's part in their relationship so there were fewer awkward questions and the rest only needed tweaking instead of outright lying to answer.
After all, he wasn't exactly lying when he said Marinette's confession all those months ago had made him consider her differently. He just had to omit that part where he had started to hang out with her on the weekends, then the odd weekday and eventually every night. He couldn’t quite explain how he had slowly fallen for the more relaxed yet confident version of Marinette everyone else saw because she had been willing to show that part of herself to Chat Noir. So instead he told him it had simply been on his mind for a while and Marinette's behaviour had changed enough around him for him to realise how much he cared for her over the past eight months.
When Nino's surprise wore off, it was already time to start heading to class, so the girls joined their boyfriends and the four of them walked back together. Naturally, the topic quickly turned to how to tell the rest of their classmates that the Adrinette thing (another Alya trademark) was happening.
“I still think it's no one else's business,” Marinette said, “Let's just keep it quiet but not hide anything. They can work it out for themselves.”
“Nuh uh,” Alya added, Nino's arm slung around her shoulders and her hand grasping his wrist, elbow swinging playfully, “We go in - full guns blazing. We make such a spectacle of this that their grandkids will be asking to hear the story.”
“As much fun as that would be,” Adrien said, “I liked Nino's idea best.”
“What was Nino's idea?” Alya asked, head twisting to look at her boyfriend.
“He thinks we just go in, subtle but obvious-” -he slipped his hand into Marinette's as he spoke, their fingers intertwining comfortably- “-and Alya and me switch seats so we're together. Then we can just act all...all...what word did you use?”
“Smitten,” Nino said, “It's my grandma's word. I've never used it before but somehow I think it fits you two.”
“So basically, the two of you are just going to flirt until people catch on,” Alya concluded.
“Yeah,” Adrien said, “That okay with you 'Nette?” She nodded, nervous at his use of her nickname, a faint blush staining her face from the unfamiliarity of being openly together in public for the first time. She was so busy gazing shyly at Adrien that she missed Alya's raised eyebrow.
“I should've asked earlier, but just how long has this...thing been a thing?” Alya asked drawing the attention of the rest of the group, “You two seem a little too cosy for a weekend romance.”
Marinette and Adrien both froze for a half-second as they realised their mistake. It was Marinette who came to her senses fastest. “A week?” she answered a little unconvincingly at first until she saw the strange looks Nino and Alya were throwing them, at which point she doubled down and put on a fake air of confidence. “We discussed it all and worked it out a week ago,” she said using a little emphasis for Alya to extrapolate details from without giving the rest away to Nino, “And I guess having gotten my confession out of the way months ago meant I was over my shy, awkward phase of it – at least when there's no one else around to judge.”
“And I may be a little too enthusiastic for affection,” Adrien added, “It was unexpected but totally wanted.”
“Oh my God,” Nino said suddenly, laughing, “She jumped you! She totally dove right past the awkward stuff and had you two making out immediately, didn't you Mar?”
Marinette sputtered. As embarrassing as it was, that was actually a good cover story. But oh my God! How mortifying! Marinette gritted her teeth. “No comment!” she squealed as she pulled ahead to make her way through the classroom door, Adrien snickering a little as she dragged him along by the hand and the other two smirking knowingly in her direction.
She quickly made her way to her seat and sat down, Adrien following behind and taking the space next to her on the bench, never once breaking their hands until he needed to lift his bag strap over his head. Marinette kept her flushed face low as he rummaged in his bag for his things, the other half of their group sitting in front of them and turning to show their support on the new seating arrangement with a teasing grin.
“Damn,” Adrien said suddenly from her left, “Do you have a pen? I think mine has exploded in there. Almost like someone was chewing on it.” His voice was chiding and he glared into his bag at the mess as he spoke. She smiled affectionately as she realised this must be his everyday way of trying to shame Plagg for his unruly behaviour when he couldn't openly get annoyed with him. It warmed her heart to see her kitties acting like dysfunctional siblings.
“Sure,” she said, taking out a spare for him and placing it on his desk with a smile, “Sorry, the casing's pink, but it writes in black.”
He picked the pen up with his left hand, spinning it around his fingers in a very showy way that was completely unnecessary and before she'd even finished rolling her eyes, he'd used his right arm to pull her in by the waist, surprising her by placing a sweet kiss atop her head. “Thanks, 'Nette. You're the best.”
There was a sudden, excited squeal from the other side of the room and both teens turned -Adrien's arm still around Marinette- to see the whole class watching them in varying levels of surprise and elation. Rose appeared to have been the one to have squealed, her hands clasped tightly in front of her chest and a giddy bounce in the way she sat upon the bench showing her utter joy.
“Are you two together!?” she squeaked out, bouncing even more than before, “Because that would just be amazing! You're sssooo adorable!”
Marinette found herself blushing heavily again, despite the embarrassed grin that forced it's way onto her face as the blonde girl spoke. She nodded shyly and found herself pulled back against Adrien suddenly when an onslaught by the class began. He tightened his grip on her waist, using both hands to press his chest against her back as everyone made their way towards their bench, surrounding them in an explosion of questions that were suddenly very overwhelming for her. Adrien instantly took over the talking and answered for the both of them, being attuned enough to Marinette's bouts of anxiety now that he could see when she needed the time to collect herself.
Eventually, their classmates began to back off, Nino having to make a few choice comments on giving people personal space for it to happen and actually giving a not-so-subtle shove to Kim's shoulder when he didn't get the memo. As people moved away to their seats, Adrien abruptly realised that he hadn't spotted Chloé. He looked towards her seat and saw that she was hunched over at her desk, arms crossed across the top and leaning forward with an irritated pout on her face as she stared straight ahead and ignored everyone else.
“Hey, Chlo?” he said loudly, feeling Marinette stiffen against him and squeezing her gently to reassure her before he continued, “You okay?”
The girl turned slowly to look at them, her pout still in place at first before she sighed instead, shaking her head so that her blonde ponytail swept over her shoulder attractively. Maybe she should've been a model instead of him, he thought, she certainly had a knack for the dramatic posing required.
A familiar smile returned to her face, the soft smirk he'd always seen her pull out whenever something hadn't gone quite her way, but the one which also showed that it was okay because she hadn't been fully invested anyway. That the thing in question had only been her backup plan and she still had the main objective in play.
“Well Adrikins,” she started, “It's about time you stopped mooning over her and actually did something about it. You've been hopeless for the last six months, you know.” His jaw dropped a little. He'd been sure he was keeping his feelings for Marinette in check when he wasn't transformed so finding out that Chloé had apparently known for a while was a bit of a shock to the system. “Besides,” she added, “This means you've given up on that silly crush on Ladybug. And that means there's all the more chance I can win over our very single super-heroine.”
Adrien laughed a little, which Chloé seemed to simply write off as relief, but that didn't entirely explain to her why Marinette and Alya started snickering too.
Buy Me A Coffee?
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